HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-05-03, Page 3Arcnl sAy.. B $ ling, is s live news. a large attestation is 'nding country, making rtiaing medium. Sub arty part of Canada or r only One Dollar per s i MAO will be r R arced en 442.12) HOW TO ,.;ARE MONEYT A good way to make money is by calling on us and ordering your Hardware—heavy or light. We also carry a full line in Tin, Copper and apan wares. Y 1111 lands taken 'ars. DOW OWD. what Dow nedt. dren. vet a been -v. Opirwr ggs! tr. Ppdpiler, suotaier. L my card? re G'ommer• ion. I will acrd cry r tfor ,)Futter you 1. But to he price of was just a here's nicer fowl, so we t have the Oc cash. Mitcham. mise o p for sale for r Puritan, nw Yorker, io Junior, vent there meat the t, oLP, Blyth. • In• that for •--";:,«yad by lu '` ng, frith, aut.ml her small packaps. sing Ito' hitt qnletly employed watchers • the result that he now has acro ' . evidence to convict five boys ages vary from eight to 17 The neat offender, no matt,'''`"` , lie may be, will be handed • . ,10 the officers of the law to be a• rity dealt with. This is a depl, state of affairs but If parent: so little regard for the mol. re of their chil- dren that ttr ;.. ;w them cornu the streets and around the village until nine n o'clock nt night they need at all surprised if those chili find their way to the reforms ! ' central prison. Beautiful litre and well selected colors of House Paints, Our Bicycles are the best—in new- and second hand. Morris. —F. G, Wbittingbam, of N IV -Tv ;lot hit ,}vit'e on ay, April 18th. She wee Mr. Whlttinghem sae or teacher in Browntown uublie school, gid b'lll bo ramom bored by the odor people In the section who gill sythpathitie with him in his movement, ..MIs. Aggie Sini111e tur ed to Har. ileum high school,, +, °will complete her court . • . •e pleased to RA the sparked itupr.. '- nrent In Mrs. G. Peacock's he ' h • ..,Robert McMurray has sed the pasture land of A. Haslet farm for the sumtner....T. C , 5th line, has over 40 lames... . Stone. house has the contract . build. Inc the stonework for John Clegg'e barn, 5th line ....A natubor or faruiers are gqing into flax grow• ,Ina this ae&tion..,.Wut. Wlteon, btit line, who went to Chicagoan: take a Bourse et the Barbar aehooI; tyl.gonie to Niche, Dakota, where he will follow the cailing of a tonsorial, artist. His old friends here wish him success From letters re• calved froom the Morrie contingent west located at 41*tgede, jji.W,T•, .;' n'': lute the work bard and that in' will make the diet fiy fhb Elio' otter.. , . Mr. ,and Mrs. it, McMurray received Invitations to the marriage of a daughter of Thome. Kelly, in Hastings county, but the diatanoe was too great at this tlme of year ....A letter received hero from a friend in Michigan says they are 4►—e�e We sell cheap, and for the cash, • hese MYTH MARKETS, 64 66 Barley Peas Oats Eggs per doe Butter Potatoee per bush 20 26 Hides per tb 0 7 Hay per ton 000 7 0o' Lard8 Pork Per b 60 6 e0 Flour 1 86 200 Wood per cord ,.„ 160 1 76 Wool 18 18 40 42 6062 10 0 12 12 Colonel Otter, near Clinton, Ontario, on December 8rd, 1848, of English parentage; Right Icon. George Joachen was born in London on Aug- ust 10th, 1881, his tither being of German extraction; Admiral Lord Charles Beresford was born at Phillip. town, County Dublin, Ireland, on February 10th, 1846, of Irish par. dotage, Notal Limnos. WEST HURON. Blyth—John Mason, Henry James and Charles Shoemeher. Clinton—J, C. Miller, J, Ratten• bury, J. J. McCaughey, Reuben Graham, C. Milne, Godertch—Jonathan Miller, Thom.. as Tilt, George Buxton, Wm. Craig, Ben. Bonita, Edward Swart. and Wm. Babb. Wingham—Alfred Roe, John H. Dulmnge, John E, Swart., 9eary Dingley and Patrick Coming.. • Ashfield—D. McCormick and Mr.. Isabel Mallough, Dungannon ; Alex. Young and James McDonald, Kin. tail ; Richard DeLong, Port Albert, Colborne—Wm. Waster, Dunlop. Hallett— Thtlinas Hill, Londe. b to; A. Rubinson, Auburn. East Wawaeosh—Thomas Arm - ea( Air, rm.etrr:rg, Whnteohurch• The shop licenses granted were L. Kennedy, Clinton, and Waiter Saints, Goderirh. EAST HURON, Belmore—John Lam •rnby, Lakelet—Joseph J Emei. Fordwich—Ale;, Orr. Gorrle—George Brown and Robert White. Wroxeter—John Gofton and A. Walker. Nueva le—Omitted to house If.alt- able tenant le secured, Belgritve—John Seandrett. Jamestown — Thomas McEwen, beer and seine. Molesworth—Charles Seelrever, Ethel—M. Henry. Cranbrook—Jacob Long. IJrueeels—C. Zilliex, Stratton Brne. and John Anent. Walton—Mrs. r. Sage. Lead bury—Thomas Jones, Dublin—Joseph Webber, The J.eat'4aJntwi hi the only new applicant. SOUTH HURON. Stephen - George Grafton and Wm. Moffat, Centrella; Anguet Hill and Robert McInnis, Crediton; R. Cunningham, filly ; , drill, Vogel Cannel; Ames Hannon, Stdpka; James Shadduck, Corbett; Joseph Bronner, Grand Bend; C. L Ruler, Dashwaid, Hay—Charles Gretb a nd L. Foster, Zurich ;George Merner, Blake ; Cyril Vila, St. Joseph, when the require- ments of the Whites are complied with. Stanley—Henry SahaSer, $ippon ; John McKay, Bruoefleld; P. H. Murray, Varna. Tuekersm!th—T. R, Snell, Bruce• dekl; George Strong, Kipper Road. Usborne—Joseph Stephen., Wuvd- ham, Exeter—T. W. Hawkshawj W. T. eeho.ne. Wm. Anderson, i[orley A N. B. CERRY HARDWARE AND BICYCLES B L YTH Immuniimmoleummalnio dress in bad taste -owing it. Abram. 22101125 having beautiful weather in that state now but the fall wheat there will be a complete failuro,,.•T sheds which ere being built In ni ,oeetion with the Township hall a about ebnipleted,,..The health of 0 James Craig, 7th line, is not improv. Ing very fast but we hope to soon see hint convalceper1t. PAPER. Walton. HjOHLY CtJMPLIMENLED,—Tice St, Jae, Missouri, Record makes the fol- lowing complimentary reference to a young lady from this village: t' Mise E. Berry, of Toronto, formerly -of Warton, came to our city about nine months ago, to complete a post graduate course in nursing at the Ennswurth Deaconess hospital. Be- . sides completing the course she has held the position of senior name, and during the last for months she hue been surgical nurse, in which rapa- city her talent is exceltet.t, assisting in over 120 operaytotts .ince linear.; .tot. through her kindly nursing and 08(44014 of a wealthy cW gentleman patient, lie donated an elevator to the hospit nl, costing quite, a large sum of money. Those of as wboare Interested in the progrots.ot the hospital work cannot but notice' the amiable disposition, the excellent management end the eatinnable char- acter of the young lady as well as the value we place upon her in regard to her profession, one of tbu grandest and noblest on earth. We trot that her health, which has been slightly Impaired of late, owing to lung ner- vous strain in the operating room, may be made perfect. MIs. Sorry, in return for all these services, re- ceives just the usual Deaconess' al- lowance, while she is worth gold to the hoepttat, the surgeons, the city and the, Community." The young lady' Feterred to Is a daughter of Hobert'Berry, at Walton, and highly esteemed by all who know her. WALL PAPER FRANK METCALF future ptospecte of the place, moping about ttuagluary evils alt eh are likely W befell the town, he uatnr• ally feels that is no place for him and at once shakes the dust from his feet, while he moves with all poss- ible speed for some other town. Consequently try and make a live, enterprising, progressive town in which you live. When you are working for or shying a good word for your town, you are accomplish• Ing all the more for yourself. 11C$E8 COME. OM Oaths. hung geek,, weak heck.. attar/ Hs*a M' 1091. *e . . n,y+.r 'eros There is a Hot Time Coming And we are beginning to feel it now in the warmth of the sun, com- pelling us to throw off heavy clothing and substitute lighter weight more comfortable to wear. We have anticipated this change and now have for your inspection SHIRT WAIST GOODS In abundance, Blue and White, Red and White, Pink and White, Pals Blue and White Wash Goode, worth relic, our price 100. FinwFancy Zephyrs, regular 180, our prioe 14o, Blank and White F,ntbossed Peke, worth 20o, our price 18c. The New White 'striped and Check,d Muslin, regular price 12}c, onr price 80. Licht and Dark Prints, regular 1211a, for l00. Pink snd Blue Prints, imooiai for 6o. PULL RANGE SHIRT WAISTS In Black, Black and White, Fancy Colored Muslin with white tucked yoke, back and front, All the New Up-to-date Styles, e•Neoo.Nola Na•N0•••••••• ,•Neoo$NNN• LACE CURTAINS The largest range, the latest patterns and the cheapest now in the market. All the new curtain goods now in stock. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION Net,Nooeeoe0•4140,. *Weft MialifNie Nee** Anderson & Eldor WORTH LOOK Do Yoe Dare to Dave Motley ? Mint people do, and are glad to trade here, where the saving& are peat and the values are best. You are in- vited to Ipeptc,,t and compare. We keen full linen in Glassware. Crockery and 4,11 4iinde'of Grocerie+Mel uding Canoed Goods of all varieties, At Tenet and Herring, Salt, Flour and Feed, Butter and Eggs taken as cash for goods. A. TAYLOR, DINSLEY STREET, Blyth RfP*NS TABOLn 41N44 42. 11t 1'1' 43 find