HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-05-03, Page 2ARE
nettt:P •*"N
root er.
cwt. ilyereun's Position,
niuemlomtela, April 25.—Cu1,..,.R7er
sou, the Canadian Rs4 Crrw1 COMMIS'whu served at Orange itiver,
r River, Kimberley, and Biome
, has been appointed British
d Crow Commissioner with Oen.
',oberts' headquarters,
raa�AR.IIRR-CHhW 1
• n IKthall of Fir b' b the attack, with t11e lkle moot sena that the Boers hove The Work of eptretiohlpg Pretorl4 lota
em of
We -
failed to
of en-
te. it
say that the
eeoDpted In their
at Oso. Roberts'
'e hell -
sane d lu
Cha 1,4411
ry and cu
t the)
tAtetr Mara
' mornlug,
flg as (roper
de fault est n
nine o'clock
nuanced brl
made trenel
'chaises. At
caution and
and tits
eh'11l Int
stepp:d t
th Moth
right 1
1 101tUtr
011 ort
they hes
inn fu
ayes oc•
.il, which the
rifle ilrio
British Iund
had thrown up enti
h ao eebut
k the Free 21ate extenelvel
gums fawned fire,
Gently droplied la bl
Menton. Barkinse product!
l until 11, 01 .41 Flrormons
t on the extreme barn corn
Minh In 112,1r Ire to Rinke
MI Quiet In Notal.
-`+-eagle. April '26,—Affairs in Natal
eontinne at a atamLElll, Nothlug her
happened to Juatlfy the recent rumor
ut on Impending door attack. The
Boers aro lasted 111 ail•
a strong p
Mon almuet overlooking Pomeroy,
but theyremnfn inactive,
Actually Shnvf.
Ladyemtth, April '.5,—It lo learn•
ed on reliable authority that a num-
ber of the enemy are uuw dressing
lot khaki, wearing patties, and clerk.Ing their horses' tally. and Rome have
gone .o far na to have themselves.
WIII Refresh% to Mountain..
London, April 2i1: --The Tinges Lux.
alto Marquee rnrrerilundent guys
that creditable wltneewei vouch for
the Stategqi1ent tint the Boar (lovern-
trent IL'tMlleoting enormous quaint.ties of peovlelene In the Lydenburg
district. This lentil color to the re -
to Ott the burghers contemplate
let% A jinni stand In that mount -
reoruteiehrr the Baer flee was divert• thrown up .ha ap;trge la this elation precetl1f 1L
et (even canna to the batteries of .the country. 11 the force presses
beyond. For some ter, the duel woo un au Lhwoorunt1, 'he whoa coaster
carried on with energy on both ►'des,. r;,e,b of ,her poli t, ens i, uns•wito
After this the Boers folio. ehe-I ng Ixcon:en.e.a wt.l to compls.ely hi
a different camp. aut two mites ,a,. h.,ar,s. Ucw d.firu.•)' Is ,lust
away, but 110 damage wag done, Cllr. Many 0: she I1.001'. form -net commau-
different regiments retiring a short ,,,;,,, m
.meJtateiy un .Liming Jim,
distance and out of ruigu• un.ves oaten, re teat t, the.: farms,
Our nrtval long dlreoted their fire nod mawme the r'r:'es o: penman, ot,l-
on a hill on the nartbeaat of their s raletp, bwWg their 11. ."
position, on which the Boom wereob• Teo relueuuwlleul eorrrrlsanl"ut o1
S erved gathering, and behind which tote 8lventrd, telegraphing Thursday,
It was known that largo numbers of feuyu;
the enemy were trekking grtthward. -Ocu, lues limaittuu, with mounted
and westward. Iufuntry, novel gun and n howitzer
The Brew on a hill to the left of battery, udvnnuat from the water-
tatr linea 0pelut1 at lntUT flI0 with works In the direction o1 Thabo Melte.
their Mousers, bat tbo range was tiro A largo force of Iufnutry supported
Tong to be effective, mud our in:entry' him, lie mut with no uppua)tiwt, and
eafely entrenchnrl, scarcely took the the mouutrlf infantry ,weuplal n post
tronble to notM the tire. Eton dominating the Lndyurand dln-
The Archbishop's View,
Loudon, April 26•—The Times has With the Canadians.
the following special today: 11Lltttrenf, , ,rll 27.—Tao following
Cape Town April 30.—The Arolt• has been recelret from W. Riehwund
bishop '01 Cape Town hue written to Solite, the spertal correspondent of
Bir Mired Milner. saying Wmt ns the alto Star with the Bret ('nIuldlltn eon.
Anglican Church cannot officially ex. thlgont In B.alba
press an opinion 00 the war, he hwemfulttelu, April Lt.—Tile nine -
wishes to state 121. firm conviction teenth l rllt+r,lr 0n Sxturduy Mat wait
that nu enduring peace can be ee• to Springfield, els miles ennt 411 Bloem•
cured to this etwntry se lung as the Torment, to relieve Line eighteenth ln•1•
northern republics are allowed tore• gado, which on Hassey engaged the
math outside the limit of the Qneon's enemy ut Leunw Kop, togethzr with
sovereignty, His Oruro believer that the (Swords brlgadt, under Gen. Cole -
the cattle of freedom, righteousness ('ares. 0modem' R of the' flees+lion
and progress, nn well no Met ce to Mounted 1 e octant p.
the native race, depends upon the ie• nom, contrary, ervernl of our off.oars and ego urn not fully 111 offret.ve Ile
the dfetrlets round .lo• tabllghmeut of British rule through- -The eighteenth brigade, wlWn two. Ccs. rto:ai up ua,1 were Instantly anti
Chu 0 Pmpinot fu•th1y, l Osty V0Ile
lhrotorla ore being out (esti A(rlea, In title he believer thirds of the l'thuadhw muuntad in. tote•l by a storm of tinnier" irollet . department in 114 udvlra 1, grip our -
00022041. he exprelwor the silos of an user (unlet, a4valedr.i from tl/i„rtugflejll to 'were
officer mei tw.i or three private' her:r' ewpltnr;tat We ne:essity' for
ndry In dnhnnntesburq whelming mnlurity of rl1urchttten. nurse the waterworks. .ltd Cornwall were hila hut it 13'.g fclluw Rt the call lig bt. ;: plrY lrtau elle( depre nt1A
700 shells weekly. The conviction of the Snnnyslde Regiment left Wider a pretext of not, (renal forward, I11O p W
ntntltlea 111 "11k have rebels in messing notch resentment -est•urt're/ 11 0022(07 (m 8udunuu'14 K4l.2 :00 yaedl or ea that
red Bt Johannesburg among 11)11t011rywltatinterS est Cane Tau rsranln,}er of the brigade, incited- from the neem)'. and
Town, There lea dleditst Sur d eiti try Ins the (bdl na 1M ()onions ons ant [throw l w sun whu had held up the
TUU MUCH bh1'BR1TY. IVs Urlp, But Any Other home Will
_ Da as Well.
Ueunett ilurletgh ea Harsh Sentence Befure'lmet^r:ulogy h+eoame fa,hioa•
on r Uaoadlru, nble In medical circle' wet moo I t•1 10%I(
ton lull, April 18,-abd�r, Benue" Influenza "a hard cul I," Mur di.
Burleigh, welting 'u the Uui:y fele- fort wuv ueAi grwtor . nor
graph, rect.nle the i11'.nfl''ee dieeatla-
faetion causal among eer,elo sec- then that It is now wltrul We kne
Moue a: officers by Lord Robur.o' ewe. that the trouble In 11 II duo to an 111•
✓ tdarate reatmeat of their lake foam fmltedlmnl inlg with n Until unurl
LA the Fres e#at< Men'tioninr Cha titre.: feet lung 01111114f hl ^cuecul" 01',
IC tie: ,tir,<•ip:fan !kap*»rd up.ur the "sprat," He snrize 1 and we sh•ruresl
Br?uish f•Avee, Mr, 111411:elgb segs: 011,1 We blew 0110 1100•+ W.WI 110 10010
"A Canadian apprnprlo.cvl a ehlek- vigor then than now. Whit Is oto
en from a farm y.rd. 1 kr1_'w 'bon- to the purpu 2,, wet get
settle of LQficere and u:here who have qu:ekly lila:, a,
done ,he sante *h'li ,, ant (tithing 121111 whu Iau.y 11,0:
P t
been said o:' it, The Jur Canadian into h yo vpes 11111111 ul1•
came Were M court mnr.lat, owl wan cover,. It' baettlu+, but tlu'y
seluelreed an fifty -etre dare hard lauds hoc kcovorti
rl t w,ty to kill
for hie offence. II. make. .hoo,m
etoehe him. is very tall h cunoolntlun t,
many otdtnary reputab:e ao.dtera tilt !.t'etchot, eneczdhg (0411001 to 1
holding H'ar Mtjua:y'e cdmmissio,l'.a that Its w..•'s any nil 110 at
turn to tb:nk they hove escaped con- 16gto.1 to it hnctrrluw wl,l•'I1 tuk *
suer, 0111 bone eaten of 1 , tucb o Its ltenrl,lulrt.tr+ In the ulu'uu.:
p'lucke,P chiekena i, am to.d the Can- membrane of the thrust wad nun', II 11,1
radian Colutiti'1 In oddreaeing his men (40000eds to mak.' trunldl' w,tld •t vigor
folio] ,r cosr.pla;ti. oi.h the. rent- entirely out of proportion with Its
tenet', which a,melyd.by errunee0M4 else. Not tial cuui•, but tib.sure, to
mid might have been hanging• what intcrc"t. 111sufferer, ruts the
cure Is nu more rapid to day than 1t
I(iyunetted a ('cored. w'.4 a century ow', whim hug buntlug
"Whoa the Isles, Bn1(1 and Welsh wn4 In Inc early infancy and "all Iui-
wera peering the Beere, Inrluding ntereluli • knees wire unknown.
the .10hnnrtrsburg pudica contingent, A0,1 de 111' nual tit' pripnrallu;l1
est Crelfo.:t^tn. tin, usual white fill earl :,titer nlle;(at1 ndvnnoal le 1110terl'u
trick Was }sieved by Cha enemy, Des, me 1'en, It may very wit bu 'united
stilts repented lnJuncth,ns to the whether th_+ remote. of n century
the atter is to cope with the disease
111M with extemporized remedied. The ad-
tbo Alec Is well to follow, because the
1oua yl«>blts Boer";
prese1130 ul a phyrlclan nitturully In-
op.11ed lire. Their at Durban of a Dutch attempt to - sires, advanced and Ue npled Om driving the steal through the Boer; optrc1 the Indent 0(1(11 hope n n 1 can-
ed out Into the Doer (1 res Heavy Loom blow up 0. MUMtratuport with an waterworks ml TI1Pidny morning, thrust awl killing biles on 0('us. ftdrn e. But In lin event of iuuhldty
raattared n wound. Loudon, Apifl :6.—tt,le routed from Infernal machine, , The enemy 'was fortifle4 on the
1'11 8nrround the IlpieeS.
who— -
cruses n physician pruluptly, or
nrltlehwho 'Icelandflu Slee cam at Thalia Nchn that London, April 'S0.—Mklnlght—The-kagpJ(t1 011 the north Gk of the 11L0-(• p;nling his arrItal, there I. uo Item
hrlr way' while eoarrh ;,0 per cent, dt1,110 Free State- artll• War Oiflce publishes the following• der River. The three rrglnlents crone- To put n gir.11o urouud the '26.000 In taking measures which are Imme-
Atduybreuk 13 wore lerlets have been killed, wounded, or despatch from Lord Roberts, dated el the drifts at lir' wntorworks old Duero estimated to Ile In the south- Ilut:-ly Billable. At the risk of ex-
yed Into comp. captured shoe Ills ,Q0tbreak of the Dluemiouteln ell L'OWi: the Uuninne advnite'll to n komle ou enstera pin of Wi Orange Free eitang too' official wrath of the State
,ening the British ;tort^d war, .1 '(lettere 'ifneollton yesterday 1 the left wh'c'h was It') I by the rn,111y. Hunte Loud Roberta"' has evldeatly Daar:l of Health, therefore, let us offer
+sting movement, mending u Tata Targe proeor'tIfl*I 111 041101l]ated 'drroru 11 epamy off A 00rul1g is' 1• The Canadians onippartrd th • (her- taken large chalice. The Brltieb, cel• nm1Wur nte.11ca1 advice:
'v o1 burse tithe hills south t, the extreme bravery of the leen 1101 at, poor., by a well limo, and the 1,14)7 was t'1k'n with. the differ reg,trllgg the reales Dante Fleet, Irl the patient go to bed a d
t.durp. tirnerel Um Wet 1114 ,,f this arm. conceived toweln�, movement, which out casual Bet t: either roghuent• The claiming it alto ICV' imp:aetble fur cover np warmly. Next, let there,.,
d. ',patched Netternl!Weasels. --- war admirably carried ant by Won.-(fordo'4 then 1drm7.91 upon n ko J. the Boers to wrap,. There 11 +o gen• prepare:) for hum e. hot foot
o e;um..n to head off the A 9gnndnru heft.
'Rldley. oommaader of the Seoohd ; on the right, whl_'n wag 1111) herd erns Inglrlwr•1 '1 t'r,t the msln nd• es hot as hes cell otana—two•OI th
d the Miter, liming no can
Mounted infantry brigade. and Orn. by the enemy. Tlta Doerr fled Drool' Yalu r ep 111 th'"'v„ria will he taken up ounaee of u,ustard being added to the
furra¢„lp note beatenKimberl y', April 'J3. --(Clued M.1- BmIWrporrien, lvtmmandlhg the tdth . iltately es4o
t tlo n(4100n 01 the ('o11- wlthimt n"y re,`011C altrntbu est water. Roving aouk44)424 feet therein
•Ulaacxlnetant cent bun, the hake ,.f Turk, and n aqu.nl' brigade, Inrluding l'a,nadians, dlvl monntel Infantry. Thv surround' Bhremfoattcdu. With m.,r; tib 111 half the until they haus a hntP.l the Ise of e
tad, but there was r0u of Klmh011,1 'rfouutef ('arise "Tow. troop/ ere tu•day udvnnu- , leg Istnitl'ne wee: clsteal out in enc. BMWoh nest stmt .I1rd In eelucl'e' }swNnd I&.tsr,tet a euffuror lm glrch
. limier bia)te RodgOn return«I here Itlg toward 'fhulul glut. c9e31on• nortW the Urut p'ree NNttP such
hge n I'ovtltS ptwMdet nhd necked closely
a "Corp,
dej tui to
i Boots will
, however, is
tl.h tow hold
at the watcrw•urk
dµy to Thabo Nunn
to be practlonli.'
hese nim fol
6th: "1 r
here skirting el•; nud
bait's ' guard
th of We • '" They,
eyeful f' Sante
and Tufo ` ', whit :.11
was rnlacd,' nd 5,000
retired along .Lady
w1th1)a our , t, nAetl
d. Dalgetty's
and 1132 two
�NOlr 7'llklnoon, In
Ape; " The army
k *tate tutu not
attack on
Beware are Inc
neml'ers there,
'ohms may W.
retreat. Clow
Hart are m
1t (( (' In 111
n(41(11e 1
little rills• i l
l: ,union, '4p
the Bully It'd
(Intel il'cohiee
attempt wits m'
dcotr)y 'tli brld_
the t'nnl of (1i Baingo�
rdikvny evatarn part .,f
ntto It
•a . 'Cit m
1�e t t {
n 'ns�71fr1
0,1 by the merest nevi.d3ut, 1;7
girhtg the 42110441•
...The Doers hair, 0.101/121.11.1
clelr9d their fors' o,t th'
and the 111110 ere lined wit
today trot- iloshof, •'our loses were ell lit only one The brocade Is t' In )Loss",' 1" of a elle in dlr-•etivne would hullo• hinter the bedclothes to nwnit the al,
the burgher's eustrotln;r ill
lob ere advancing lip m.1
vnul by cane m,1'dt'rluns route. (v•
ell approach to th" bridge la guard•
ed lav barbed wire.
Tito correspondent due@ not Mill.
C421a, Who It wits who attempted to de.
•troy the bridge.
Hrltlsh lienee ut Reshot.
-metas, Orange Free State, Apr11
u Leretteo Marquez, April 25.-
1111111ng on Saturday resulted
British toroo ear noshed re -
The British left 1!1 .Mad
wOuuded on the diets, end
the Brit,
Tre nr-
aro 1111 bnri«i upon' the
het the decisive advance
n, and that tin army
d out until It was
Col. Dalgetty was nc•
by. Hen. Brahaut.
L�ndo.,• `kpr11 26.—A omit! de -
yet rellortrd. Maur 'Marshall, (Iruh• the waterworks and the Imp,Ies and112to.y delay the necumlllshment of rh'nl of the medhtlae tarn. If the eye
80nteaccd for '('slashes', endow' Masted Rltles, uevere . one 111 eolnm,111 of tits 1101(Uh bunk. Gard Roberts nulla 0(44,tly , Thme
Tile be one of genuine grip the treatment
611> nelr+d, 0. h. tit., April 21, vitt wound In the shoulder, — newts received to -day Itis little Haar- outlies^1f will alleviate it. 1f the little*
1/11 upon the gacg410n, ba n simple "c0)4" the perspiration
,1 (impel ten from Durban, doted excite 1 Is not unlikely to "break 1t top"
Tuesday, 1)4011 9(th, reports ttwt nitogw:her. In either case 110 hetet
Oe:y r.11 Lune Meyer 0 4021), Ile Is will ho done, Foch wag the treetenelit
known t:, have boon well on the pre. of our gennifathrr1, and there has
vlu4ts day, boon mighty little Improvement upon
remit Beer ror.luh of the emit attack 1t. ,
at Fourteen Ntrennts ares allot two Trap "grip," Inflnentn, catarrhal
(suer, were ki111d "lei four wunnded• fever or whatever It MAY he milled la
LONaro Marquez, +pall 25,—Threw .---
pr ewers helonglug t:u the nr;tlrh Dominate the 1)1.1rice.
Yoomultry were brought here today, London, April 27,—The widely ex
('unutnnh.lant frill o,,, of the (Jr' tP1i&ed oIerutlnne In tiro eastern ' tint Llent. !'*soil, To:oato n nt'm-
ango Free State, who will nrrteted pert of the (rune River State con- , her of tin fl o. (hnndlhn cording ut.
1)1l,v on the ehkrg. ut legit teen- tluue, but they have not yon tench• who Wile woumiel at Panrdt"b rg, has
son, leo, hien fo4)ud guilty and en' ed1 u point that enabler on Indication .ern tllrch1rggad from the hu;li tat.
le is, l to 01111 nwa;ing imps( unw'nt, and w•lil 12J 1ln the regiment,
rho leniency of the 'totem* is due to ui their result<. Indeed, there is ___
oho convicted roan's advanced age.
again little that can be added to Ilarsp Treatment of Prisoners.
_ 4«t, Roberta' brief de inch. In'
C. P, It, Patriotic Muud• east's pourt, which 11e mention.;, does London. Apr;l 2T,—The Time has
nut appear, uu the malls, but It br th,c letowlua s ecl.il today :
that 1t 111 between Sauonb Lttreueo A4trgttes, April 2
Pacific Rtcllwav Compnny-'r employ- post anti Theta Nchu, and its ubau• Care have reIcaeted (onrush wounded
0;0' lsltrlottu fund will 01039' un Wu, dotlmenl seems to show flat the British soldiers. Tit, mea were placed
:IOW. of Apr% nuts while @104111 of the Some do an IntoesI W defend Thula uu ho.erd n train hound fur ',Mogen
ooutrllsutlau, have yet to rime to fiche. although 1t Io a strung nntu- 011 11 few m11101.19 ndtlee. and, with-
hatul, an nppr/xhnate fatim(t 01 rel forttest. Thera is ova) 14741+ np• ant 0:41 I/ro4INIUi fur the journey
the total amount sub@cefbzd has been Isen.rntuce now Wlan formerly of W1u with the exception of a 'mutt brook.
formed, and It Is ounlldcntly believed l{rltlsh ►uooeading In cutting uhf the feat. The leen were eULlroly With ut
that It will nub the suh,tanttil Co retreating enemy, -nod it 1. likely -last during the fleet 1140,111 ;lurnry,
Wal of 011,000• that (,eu, 11,0uerce will be compelled and 1004,1(1 have been la n terrlt4le
Leaved a Wife and Family.to no satisfied with having cleared plight 011 the re.(Ind day but fur th
his right .funk and secured his cow kludne 1 of fellaly-countr)'mol who
Hnlefux, N. ft., April 21,—Private
Purcell, who died at Dlocmfomtetn un
"nnclay, 1n the fourth Ualllai•petEW of
Company If to rile In AfrkkK He
Ina son of W, A. Purcell, taxidermist,
and wee formerly attached to tete
06th P. L. F, and one of the Stift to
enlist here. He loaves a widow and
Lieut. Mason Ilse Recovered.
Lonn'oa, April 1:6,—fhiontre2 rStl1
('able',)—The War (The now uuc s
Montreal, ..pill ,' .—T11a Canadian as used t n twee 6.—The
Inunlcatlons• Even this may be only dlOr 0vcre*1 their pre;tioatnent• .1 10:
portly effected, an 11 I1* probable of the mon have het their 111,1114. bat The (despatch receival by thee Ar•
that ninny of 1.11,1 1'CPe RtK Botvd of the n+m.nlndor only two ere tem- lactated frees from linfeklng says T11
In the tourer of the retreat will re. pocu0Dy 120apieltaW(1 for o-"tive *el-
er that the natives were unauthorized cell
to their tams, apparently with 'Ate. Nu Intention of 111'10 release raiders, loud that, instead of In In
K plea
Lal Intent, but wilt hide their was vett W> tau.'' British authorities - ruthlessly slaughtered) by the Boers *Cru a
Little tinning" was atter to : the a Imnblesouue ailment, but It Its nut
camp, though It ons vlgnrunaly loom• dengt0mus 1f the pntlet11 wIlli exearlio
twr,lwt. The arrlral of Mulrking de- lttvp4,r prerantlan. PtnIng in 014 le
snatches hese renewed the Interest the eafeguat'd against Mamie Afoul
incl enxlety In reg42rd to Ute fate ref unplen,uunt niter efieclte,'lure pebpie
Its fialendere, Lady Oilcan 11'lleon'i In^-ur serlour ooas0t;uenres Uy going
account of the eliminator of Wulrty' ant too loco Lhan ern In)urol by the
three native., who Kent 'out' fro= 'dlr•ct dim!' of the ."ben.'Bs if Ke p
bfafeklnl last Frl lel to re000erdeosIe the parent and the bowel,' open and
cattle, whish had leen 10oted'b7 Iles "allay 10 bed until the fever has '1Mnl.•
Doer., and who, while they. Were :peered, Nature, olde'l',3 • doctor,
sleeping, were 5hrro0,1041 by the ,will do the rest.—chi
burghers, and shot without Semler, • -----••l
apparently harshly represented 119 lt1'1:31" 1441,02)
actions taken by the burghers.
Another Version. Itxperhurnta
Isere. aisle nslee I they fent leek tbtt '
watch from Pretoria, d'4ted 'Tot's- I' el"rr,1
1p}}tI armee for future eta, All that can be
rhty, gsye that the Boom have ro• 'Toes -
Nall regarding the prospect of Inter -
arms of Troops Is iCxrellent. hulgurel' whu were obliged to mei fur rxpet'1�91011:gr11 ferlilltly�
occupied Bouho(. the British retiring. tenting lir meth' h.dy V Not the The morale of the British tr4tpr wee 02 (001rmrmruts o1 Maxims and \oil• ,lir crorcl, N qts, grains gra.
puisuft Is being pral.kd by Neu0rul 11 t I re aster one bet eufendtl. The cbdpaWhadds: "Thar Meters.
lour children.
Combat et N'ourteea 1(trer14e. . exm res n every V Thls ;teles f cwt r;
I1rI1Lh 1 rleoners Itddly Treated• -French with cavalry and Ruudb''e gn1M campetng with anuthar In the wan no question of surrender, The
Viotti Teel. I''1
ohm's of the t,utaro %gri-
d Experimental l'ue a ;lye
state that for 100 t h,' 1
n marred' to uts(run
1 Illnrh, LIC
or �stKatl
l.a!doa, Apr11 88,—There is nu co;k, hes hes A ll 2*S—NlW'hcll the lettmnnry towards Ludybrnud_ and d:r:'rfulnlsr awl D.utleitce with
lender of the matt a t Ih sp orate work la alf�"
of rallied 1.1,. own to the Wet, .. �n
r n, pr vee n nrP
limitation tete report from Pro.' engineer of the Pretoria wnterworko Infantry -'• "-".•'-" the; forced marches were endured.lieu-
and the fight prtgreerel from 'thesatiatru
twig that the holo have reaecupted who was expelled by the Trnnevuni Mod r muuntel infantry hare oeche evil Brabant's colonial furor's and
Rollers IMapetrk, &se401. General Methuen hector ret �vernntflwt, ban arrived liars. He Piet wltlwat uhru.ltlua n ulonntxhr Imlg till the sinking Sete. Until the Senn
i llenernl Hart's Irlo,1 brigade have that
•" .
War tc is the woe", le btihsrederho d110 bo et„,„03 Sly reporto that the Bel dolt prleenere' which, according t'' ono stet<'nrnt, al,u done brilliant work 111 co erin ammunition nese finished, the natives/
pp ram at Wetltrval la unfit for Itablta• iontlrwtet4 the dyhtnnd 141,111214 if iree,. fought, and the Boers killed all but
fortified and easily 4ttetul!Ile. p a 11 he di.tann and flgl le Colonel en•
Won The ncrnwwudntlun mutants o1
the Boer co;nau4u. which seem to be one, whu, biding In the reeds, us pinit
ilLeauesy stare uuw dire:te(1 f,1' commandant -Bea t>o`wreellts, and the story" of ('ulunel c
d a'nll end lean -t? sof, with wooden 1% (new esow s tires will ba eon. 1'w g;toy's defence of N'rpenrr, f l lent u chu 1 ,d
A report
hal a nal.
The 1010
to he em
`.. tttmteased from yes
1800 there were 19,2380
ch were dtnnte,l un p,4►'-'
a ed. tllrooghm1t Ontario.
m correspondent hi c, 49 'd E11perinxmW for 1110'
"Maieking may be forgiven if it 1. here vnMetlee of ants.
llty;h01 to prefer soma attempt .,t nr 'Ts,ttc0 vnrlltllns of six -11'•1„'i
1 t) til t •nn rntula• 1�
ea sa lmum f0nene art D ,
north14 of that uprights. The nhnjirlty of prisoners el'eclble (Reappointment here, the ill'' loanllR coma In, is one of flu' mo
are compelled to limp In the open. bile hoeing#set lisle h'nrte res n brllltunt exploits of the enema'
No resident doctor nt lamp has Ikea ir"�'1,titian of lire lltarl0berg utrnlr, ,',(lTliQueen has 4 (lon)cl at Hul,vha''' Iry res mer 1att amp y c R ,,v.
pmovtled, though there are 150 casco ere Ie littledoing at Cllr other
after r,nrlcing a final demonetratl s f,ur Ito gallant stand. Though 3. "'rye verletl(, of null''ss Is"1Py•
of lever. Wetter le black and muddy, l d Irlsll loyalty est misses nud King. eLepaL•
s, cents s The tenth dlt1l m, mu11t t H''r visit to 1 111 d Is r that,\ls only I/efficient to keep body 4, see v'cloths; of ^I.rin;l
h tot
1 I ultsl hhugdiom y ww
4 1 arllame0t seromas th T#trrl vorletfs o1 soy tit •Inlsutcra
f./ridua, Ape# 135. A dtalpntoh frost Suspected move It is pNub sitz on with 011*
kl K ttwPtlf
Prettxta eyrttpruthl �wlith p�sarere rep(' Hunter, of wh'oli nothing h:,• un n' r nu lye u[ 61111 p;,ul tultPtlur, !t will never 6 ,r 1nrlet.b'N of Ipnrk„ '
Wile *1104 000 eldfe them tlr n�tal" 0.1.11s tut Iter re411' and ng, ase vnrlctWs d (lel l nen'.
baso beard since !t embarked ragtime- dream ui eurrenderl it It it very, 6. w ,w� hog -prod
yowl. ' um, of her most useful sur r tu. the
lOttle • ban. Is ascan to a Kimberley dolly, ver weary of 1t ash” 7•, rnrh•ti'
mr)esprndetht, stewing there 41421}', lila
MaDert Weds Nwlalsrsis. War Ualce Vend Erd. Aatu\4 TIM LINItNB.
apparettly portAditdg n paw and un.
' — .1 - Headroom 1 Clotho, 9."
' bane I)ealtaa 11 Table CI the
rte, hod
'f$rc,• tnr1.1,11 Or I'usI1Ku11h1.
its bed Nanette' awATowsln, Ifs. *,'.,.,. +,,rl:•tl''-
. ' - ' fires' care shoul,t be tattoo in ss:eel. 14. TerWernrn^Ilea of sugar lrpeie
• .,,e then is 112+'sing atollId.feeding.
.Tholell* varieties 4