HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-05-03, Page 1TERTI81N° IftIN A 1JVENNWSPAPER. eUCH A PAPER IL—s.a.e. e Stddddrdr VOL XIII tan BLYT}L ONTARIO, THURSDAY FIAT 3, 1:)00. I I ,000 CONFLA6RATIO BRITISBO R LL AND OTTAWA ,WO ARE HOMELESS away from the orclgtnal fire area many houses were set &blase by burning embers. It wee thought et first that Main' street, the business portion of the town, might be saved, but the fire came down there, destroying all the stores, ,the Bank of Ottawa building, the English Church,;be court,houee, peal-o:toe, residence and office of'tr. Cbatppsgne, M. P., and every - thin$ dee ow the street. The original area of the fire Persons Known To. ` south aids of I'hlkmen street to llave Perished tendedaver oar lambs from the -) Wright street and between Chaudiere and Bridge streets. A fact that ren- dered the fire more destructive was, that moat of the buildings which In The flames. RLY 4,000 BUILDINGS fESTROYED. of Both Cities Laid in Ruins--Brlpdim out All Neighboring led to tits AW of tit cjttFiW meet Compelled to fevered Days—The Offilisayolunteers Called to the Ald 01 thta Piremeie.-^•'fits Wti gases the Rlver and Sweeps Through the Whole Southw s(bf'Attf a_. --Infinite Distress and SufferingC:rsad, • !It tit* Calamity. 4WABUILDINGS DESTROYED....... U1N08 DESTROYED ABIOS BOTH CITIES, ESTIMATED I$VRANCH BOTH CITIES, ESTIMATED 1ST, SO VAiR KNOWN Rc 2,000 1,800 Oats Sympathy Bud Help, April 27. -Commenting' on at Ottawa, the Times de - that the newer will be reoelved nehmen throughout the world tbet deeptt grief and sympathy. ducks upon the widespread lied m lloted on in. 0, a: peen un come to her pore% bat to bear time when not merely the beet ott' , Bl BS OW. It meet be privilege to' what to us 11a for 's relief ot it(Oleg children. The welt and .all famine are heavy calms generosity of the Beath pub - the 0141m of Canede to not It ie a claim that we meelf'1sMly at a'ty time, but all now 'neet with joy osreelvee sensible Ciuvada hal done S DRitADeitIL 1101, a 'rhe sweat Homeless 000 Property pestle), 0., April 27. - _ are homeless he filings have gq, ' Mt ,000,000 worth ..of pee• bra destroyed. tonight are enlferrng of the went -caiam",, 8e history. A ink Me noon Thurai u UST. and d to. from In to nd this got under cow the damage cannot Ith an^ are',' $20,000,000 $12,000,000 YOUR Twhich farmed the only oom- s watered the cit of Ottawa tie a or in eXt'ent less. Little ooeld.bt Ab1tp' bot the flames lead their ay steadily ail diterloon through th0; rn part of the city. Fen: ,lrlr 1)i ed as It nothing wButd oiler capital of the No• mlulon, dant, offillastely the wind kept the the siva?' from meet of the hne1i tseethost pretentdeatestt eTose burned out ars chiefly the working mated herself to the flames. A -great ,many people were more or lees Will- ed from remaluing too long In Utah Ileums or from returning for things Arad forgotten. E dy's 01ulp mills, noon which most of the newspapers In Quebec end the ItiarttIme Provinces depend for their supply of paper, were among the first to succumb to the flames. Since early In the afternoon the city has been almost out off froni the from theexcltement an dthe destruct. tion of the Canadian Pacific Bail. way Station, and the ruin of the track, the ties being sat on faro and the rails spread by the heat of burn. Ing piles. Moat of the telegraph wires are also down. Every effort le being made to re. 'ileus the distress of the homeless and ruined thousands who are wandering In the etroete. The Dominion Govern• mont authorbtion have taken energetic shied nd ththe e imbed buildingoblem and s have hien thrown open as temporary, Ri 1- hofs. TIM" has net yet permtttt i the mire ton of any turner relict The seeds, sat for a fear minutee, prayers being read by ren. Mr. Allan, m Chaplain Lawder was away et the fire, F+:nn'M Ly almost a gale from the northwest, the flamer Mart ery tiring before than to HU.necMedev large / hone of a wee were Wilted et Grab were of weed. People who lived two or three streets i away, on becoming aware of the fly i ing cinders, started to pour water on their houses in tits hope of saving the buildings. Many more people cone mono ed to move their household et• facts, In spite of all these preeeu•I tions, however, the flames would get at the houses: and In a few minutes they were a mass of flames. A Hopeless Task. •_ Women and children were to be seen erring la all places. Many of the men kilo appeared panic-stricken. At 1.50 (fetlock It was quite apparent to any ono in Hull that the firemen had a hopeless task before them. Even the augmentation of the brigades from ' the mills and some from Ottawa seamed to be ot no avail. There were a dawn streams at work, and the ' pressure was good, but seemingly nothing could withstand the rush of 1, flames and wind. Tis firemen fought hard, but with apparently little eye• tem, and sought to etay the tide of flame by toughly soaking the surr0*jnding property. As building by .i bundle was taken by the flames the fierce heat forced the firelighters' *go a larger chole, Tite,v !ought the ' 'Ramos hard, bat were driven hack foot by foot, Mb finally the fire area was measured by streets and blocks Instead of buildings, At haif•paat 1 the far western end of Main stroat trout Rclmer's corner east to the bend in the street, was In flames on both sides. City of Hull is (Sone. Tonight the flames In Hall are working eastward, the city of Hull to gone, the beautiful Roman Catholicholic cathedral les standing, but ii by no means on>kKnger. In places the tiro suddenly umed such flreceneis that the firemen were oompe;tel •to retreat for their lives, leaving their itn a of hose. Bridge street was the tint attest which bounded the area of the flea Then the area between Bridge and Wrlglit streets, eastward, was swept, and the fire fiercely fob lowed on its course over to Church street and then to Main street. gcaroely anything In the whole sec• Mon was eared Families carded their household effects Into the streets, threw bedding and largo places of fur- niture from upper window,/ Bohm were fortunate enough td have horses to remove their goods 10 a Piave of 'safety, but in the large ma• jority of calms effects were simply saved from the flames In the build• lige to be destroyed In the street'. n, women and even children die• p the uttuoat tenacity In trying to their goate• Trip by trlp was m itu burning bul'dings, even niter f n had been compelled to ' retreat the flames, and it some. times as if they could not get out rgnml lei -cum' s pedated, • women' 1 that t els children were i,ereapa reed, obildren r"'M tier did break into a blase, the heat was wise -thing unbearable, and the burn- ing cinders ignited In dolens of places on the O.Jta'wa side, This camed great armlety for the buildings a,'ong Wel- lington airiest, from Lyon street west, and the Manatee were removed from the Home for Ihcumablea, - Lord !(unto Assisted. The steamer Conqueror, belong`.ng to the Ottawa corporation, was to• tally destroyed by fire on Lloyd street. Engineer Tom Long lost his head and pearly lost his lite. His Excellency the Governor•Oeneral ae• tested to get Long out of his predioa• treat. Bir Charles Tupper heads the Cttt• ten' Relief Fund with a eubsoriptlon of $100. Messrs. Charles Magee, John (xtate' and the Clown Company each contributed a like sem. The E hlbition be the Con- vent Alt, 94 nd other but la Ottawa coed *A- tha aervtes of the By the great tire St John, N. in HITT nearly 20,000 *Mile were rendered homelea, and "property to the value of $22,000,000 Was do. rtroyod. The Council is Active. The City Connell met this forenoon and appointed a special committee to devise relief meaepree. and a public meeting of ethane will be held In the City Hail to -night to consider the whole question. The Cabinet is also meeting today, and It is very likely that some aid will be forthcoming from the Dominion. The local branch of the National Council of Women aro taking etepe to attend to the women and children who are home. less. All the public institutions of the city lutve been thrown open for re- ceiving the distressed. In fact this gado work' ham heel) teem hold of with much promptness and eartteetnese, ro that no one may Buffer from actual want. J. N. Champagne; M. P., $ull, is suffering from a (It of apoplexy to- day, through the excitement of the ere. 'He let a $80,000 hoose which he purchased a few months ago. The Legislature Acta Toronto Apra 27. -The L latuee tit!a morello peeael a eek 6,0('0 to the sufferers from the H -Ottawa Hrs. It also, seed a Special act , er- mitting tomenp talltbss to issue do..., - tarot for the NEM, of sufferers. Dominion Government Wvee $100,000. The Government at a Cabinet meet. Ing to -tiny decided to glee $100,000 to the relief of the sufferers from the Ottawa and Hull fires, Ten thousand dollars will b3 given for Immediate use. The Cite Council has oleo de-, elided to give $10,000. A new electric plant will' be established, apd Parlla• ment and 'We residences of the city supplied with tight. t The Scene in.,Ottewa. In Ottawa to -day It. Is possible to traverse the whets burned district, for thorn Is not an ember left. The die. trfet Is absolutely rsdt:Rd to ashes and the destruction is so complete that In a few places the people are now re -b utldlog without having to clear away any tleurls. A careful ex. amination of the dtatrlet show* that Ui ;Inky beikting, saved In the Chau- dier3 or Victoria I.'a.nd district tiro J. It, Booth.* large saw mlib which IB dire: fly over the Chaudlere Falls; the raiser 'team pleat of the Cda.:- trio Light Cowpapv. Which le amp- p;}1ng peeler nor %a cam8Uatiwao• General blunter to liar lietof-Mafeki WILL SLAT FROM K Two of thetanadian Monnt sported Missing. The Fatal *evident to Private Bradley, of the Second Continge0f Food Deal of Sickness --U. S. Senate Rejects Boer' Motion -4N Ordered Frosu theTranavaal.-Mafeking's Troubles -Boers age-Ambit/4W by Boers. + Loa,u_an, M•y I,-'Ihlene La ao effieiul newts from the Orange 'tree State, and no unofficial tiewe d tater date than Sunday, when (len ch wee repante•1 .to be hoideneibe Naha and nezonno:itriug the hi;.e to the east of that place. The R'lertt, accord., lag oto one report, are to greet strength the ne.ighth-mhcloi, t hi.r•, according t3 another, they ere aloe-, ing sorely uorahw'and, :eav'ittg Linty matt' guard, without tranil..e, in ,he The JJoiuy Newel ccriresp.lnient nt Thalia INchu reports that the Re, kb hawse .unpturel a iter convey, but he girl:a .no detalila4 Lt is noppaurted tbulat CaipCa Town that Geneen li disinter, whose 1 visiati was In.tr:y tneported iii ole ar:rung at Kwell: tdtiy, 'will etanrt Wan that place .n comment of a atrmg column to nek,eve Mateking. The operation, it is sail, will pprobftbliy `rho seecnhed 11 (leneatul Methuen hat General Bunter Wit by itu chief mitre. A tifesfpiAoh from K:Thpr1oy states that the Boers yesterday (Monday) wcupied' to *truing (orae the town tit \VArnaaortctwn, which is aterat Eli attee Giznetu Methuen's. beedf4ttartete abet, scenery in the lt,ehof die- trmi aro grateful. for the apetiSit+ servile') u,: the Anteirivaa Beall hcepite iMr:ng thu merest aperutteua. A igist outpost actions take placo daily Loyieui Kerma ttldhtg, where the hal of the British invasion 1a •eant,ii tl. African hots? vi•knese has brukeu out in General Buller's army. It proves especially fatal atuoug fieehly arrived animals. Th3 Sloane lonteln correapondeti15 point out that the defIclenctes to the veterinary department cause thousands of !ogee. .t despatch from Thalia Nohn gays bond f,glnthtg took placesast of there ynudny. D• Wet tried to taro the British right with the aid tit artll ler,., bat was beaten off. Cronin Was Cheered. Jamestown, St. Helena, ape 00. - (lateral Crone) aid li's alta soma panted by the General's Prtvnts See• eatery, were permitted to (sicced re• *eye reweloe Yesterday ot Dna wood camp, after wOlelt they' lea their Wit Weise the open.y y, antic wtltah premed to arse .,mere' Era,., ... ' 'Flute. have reoevupted tit which they were Hite They have,.'been per women children offet d," a el un, ., ; r T,,,,.da y. entplrig nwing ratioun Uw.. leery. rriiq ctz. April 2%, - The erzog arah id to -day w'itlt Iwo had and lint pnHsenQers (01111(1; nnl v, iurImbnt: forty Red C tend lir. t lune, director of the' Its r napmne. The vessel haw o. it res 1IuxtH.utd tons, Tires uo, litmus an extraordln• et u, imtchittery. og needs watching. Meyer's Reply to Roberts. London, May 1. -General Lucas Meyer, replying to General Roberts' complaint that spur of the British prisoners at Pretoria are lodged in the town Jail, says that only those aro, yu treated wtto "ave *led or who are suspected of ttgr ko psakt,,ipe. Ile re- torts, moreover, that Boer prisoners are conftttedArt the town jail at t b'ter- marltsburg with natives, With the Oecuad Conti Van 'GV VI C r , f 1 par w 4,vbt L A Q1 0pat dath In the second ooutln- gen't averred to -day.. i , : Bradley of Ottawa, had ridden hie horse to tit river In order that the animal might drink. The horse suddenly threw lint, and he sank into a deep hole, Brad- ley' could not swim. Privets Walters, of Ottawa, and a dozen others lumped Into the water to rescue Mut, and one of the number, tin. Firsts, a Nest ,lus- trallan, brought him to the surface, Lisch. Morrison threw, it rope to the pair, who were theft pulled ashore. Bradley was anconsefone, but utter prolonged effort lir. Stewart and Hospital Fergeaatt Whitton succeeded for they fedi Commnident ed of the mat neeburg, end b Rash Yeo cape Town, 1 emery scouts 'Imhof owing t' once to danger Their Renaud oat kind, and' climbed 0 kopje at the foot. Authentic lett Draghoeuder pot Thirty-eight of ('apt. Green, wet into tar leo lnm • whoa tit^y t - the ern opening til the eentre, '. mg z ed a position ou our ^Id by a few of et and wounding one. they found thanaehaa g fire from oat 'Irate hastily retired with During the night they ing nhont with a light err wounded. Next dep..; re found, ono with the a rrle•l miller -upon enwnv wore Trinevaat;. ti ref, State uniforms. posit e01110 were collect two tit ntamO C Some o and Or Ho(f eyy anew: Light came 1 lathe Elan log uately moot tired !h 111 restoring animation. Tho end had, hewers., stn inittrcd hts lungs that pneumonia set In, anti ho deed the same night. The body was burled here with military honors. Fearful rains, nimoat Impaseahl.' routht and a threatened therms. - visions end foresee ^ noltthe m^• beglneie I men ar unit Some Troopers. aril ::U. -,i patrol, eon. 1 nu,1 of the African undrr Lieut. MulrheadS with a largo patrol of even miles to the left of te. were In ambush sand welt - men tb ndvaiaco. fort• w, of too seedy wer a kopje, and our 1 a vluw of .near .re ndvantageowt y, however, Hent ng them, woutelli ( trooper was unhorsed, ore feigned death and The Boers passed by wied through a puce. Val #lY. its movements nal four Beers w prta000r. He sic t••w. longe, and .tl hie pgr;ttera' _ wb t tab enabled n a na Ind li h oto•, )vlte direction and w•atk (.1'1111111.1M Hobe' Crttlnlem to be Dlieasard• London. April 80. -In the Rous' of ('omntone to•drty Mr. John Oordoa swift meeNeta, Irish Natleirdst, t" eumed the interrogation of the I','' Ilatueutary Secret try of the War (if (lee, Mr. Goorga Wyndham, in regal,' to the Struts African war, but 'ittla satt•faettor, The trek William Court Gully, celled Neill to cedar for demand' whether the operatic* temente were exr.•^ ' Uis ce 1- Loans ee (nie