HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-04-05, Page 7ollUem IC • 011.11..111111,1,41,11.,
"Honor," he odd, looking long•
I y into her pure, effect face end
1 holdWg her hand tightly 1n
own, " year., ago, what you were
little one—my favorite theft ea
ay. and even then the very sun•
e of my life—you used to bring
goodnight Ides and lay it
ly on my lips. Do you remora -
1 A»d do you remember how 1
Id never let Phoebe Islas me af-
t No, of course you do not.
were but a child. What obuld
know of 10011 feelings or of the
mu that were my very lite•
th even then, and which you
trying now to k111 for mat"
It you could guess how unhappy
make me by talking 1o, Law-
; the ``Irl returned, etIll very
" I think you would nos do
often. lot ua be lust what we
la than time. you have been
of—cousins, as It were, or
guardian, which you will
aft e� other love be-
t 11 Impossible, You knot
bud 700 have known ft always,
70u would mly own It to yogi,.
tilt. Yoe know, too, that I breve no
haute but your.; and 1? yon were
g anarmet you would not take every
tipportunity of making me uplieppy
with tithe worn -oat subject. Oh,
why,' she pried, her bands clasped
'hely to her breast, "should
you have given Inc title pas.
edea you call love! You know leery
maid love you. You 'have your.e'It told
Ms flow I would not go near you
Whet I first came here, a little childl
Yoe 'hare told me bow your .titer
tried In vain to teseh, me to admire
yna, end Phoebe tried in vain to teach
lo worship you, and you, yourself led—ole .o latab more la vale 1—
tweh me to love you; Knuwieg
th1., why do yea speak to tee so-
as you hove done to -night
right hap I given eau 1"
ono. P hate taken the right;'
aad Lawrence, Ila breath Wok and
"Your pride end indltfersaoe
h tiJi.. t.e rears have onle
my love all the etroggsr—ears
why ; we cannot undoritand
thingh-.but you are a woman
and taunt repay be tor there
of pain and witting, Honor.Thla
and .lighted love of mine stall
I return, You cannot .rush .or
I it, for It 1e stronger than your -
1 end will conquer row"
'I shall go away from here 1f you
ever speak to me .o egeia,".salt the
eel, with a flash d wroth In her
has some.
lttl'ortoo -too trlmust vi 1 forass it Onotice,."
" And I,' returned Lawrence, speak.
nr ae sternly es te ever could to ber,
•hall neer leave off telling you of
lora tatil you own your love,le
se st last."
Oke walked gttletly from the room
hn whlle he spoke; but he fol•
wed ber, eager to do eomethbtg
.for her sera then.
Why, Lawt'ettoe," alio said, tak-
ing ber candle from hle band and by
MI effort spealling In der old tones,
Met a U eWt interview had never
berm, "there's a light In your room I
ip there ?"
Slime," returned Mr.
booking with annoyance
the line of light from the
deem of hi. private room, " He has n
deed to aopy for tae, and Inc late
U r it. Never mend him; he will not
a" moist are � Wd
tug.," acid
Honor empbaticnlly' and lancing
at the door with art inimitable mint•
key of 11r. Sbtmp'. normal exproc-
sive, she ran lightly and ttolselw,ly
Mr. Houghton. stalling at the re•
membranes of her ooruleal grlmaae,
watched her till lobe trued out of
t, eat then entered his own
the 'tern and watchful man
now, the unmoved loan of
ae Imre all your Inetruelione,
Slime, .o yyou cin go to bed when
you like. Pierre will be breakfast for
yea in this room at seven, and you
Will be gone before I come down;
"Very well, sir,' wee Mr. Si1mp'a
" aeetioaing assent. But to looked
as 11 be unlentood an otaltted mar -
in to the words, and if Hose had
there she taught bane looked
or the teed he bad been
the ! .enp1lr thoroughly; study
no stone un -
haw Written oa the bank
efrd a few headings to re-
d on the ether nide 1.
tke eard oerefully—
agh to lit IL'
it from Itr. Bough-
; reed teepee.
ogit oath /Hili
ea turned the
the name en-
bright voice
bet face round
Int Phoebe's bed-
trom the pillow
Lad. her come
In and dint the door
her candle.
drawing -table
•potation on the
getnet tae iron
scrota Into her
remarked when-
' s bank agaln. And
eat wandering
ebamber as if
them, with a
r than their
which now and
-their brigditness at
familiar slime, as 1f,
e which had boon Ler.
1d remimbar had Ito
ole ooruer., which she
little to gage upon In
of Phoebe's, so it was
$ the girl's eyee moon
the tape opposite her
"' Honor said then,
Drying i"
up le bed, whit
sr knees,
see— -
sedf• ,
even know,' alta Il[tldl "luta ne One wnrt4
e lsre yon fora he pM nogg
wad trimming,tor they Ioo�wtt
Preach drowse. But you mut owe
Honor, that ii colla not wear at now."
' If you 11te," wad Honor Mowll,
not queetlnrlrg Phoebe's right ho
have spoiled the drsap, wblle her own
moms eneVispyV —bought and made and worn at the
ally court empathyfor eoetng, un -same time—was fresh and un•o11ed,
neked and with utter absence of pride it you take Phoebe, ws will wear
or even pelt -respect, laid her &meow our Week elks."
Mart at liar guardian's feet? "Yee, 1 !;lack alike at a ploneo I" exclaim•
know, Phoebe, and I only thought of ed Phoebe. "No Indeed. Rut It was
myaelt when I evoke. But I do really a kkad otter of yours Honor; Yue
believe that tome day you will say, added remorsefully, 'Ker your dose
wttb me, that It is a repel when Law- it limpet as good as new and /on
mince doer not epodelook 10 lovely • kit lt, But I'II
''1 never should,' Bald Phoebe, with tell you what you m�ht do"— has
a sigh, ''I'm not so aurprlsed that he kl a tone of smxlouc'coating—"yon
taker no notice of me when- you are mtght get Lawretke to jtvs ua mosey
here; but when you are away It le for a new an. eaab. !bit him
Worse. He does not talk at ail then ; how sea have not rho akL'ltgg. Isft
hit hardly stage In the room with til. of Ulla gaartar's altowaaos. Hb seal
Oh I Hoadr, I wish I didn't care 1 but not refuse you, Honor."
t do; and—do you tWnk he will ever "1 would go to my very olde.ttires
Ott dtlferent t" sooner than pat for a new one from
"I hops eo, In many way'," said him,' returned the younger girl.
Honor, sagely; "but 1 tWnk It It ever "I always keep wtthtn my aliowanna
came W happen that he offered ole for that very reason."
love to you, Phoebe, you would tee all khoebe'e .yea tilled ; they were
at ones that It wasn't worth taking. gentle, rather prominent, light grey
Has It been very dull for you, then, eyes. with it fountain very near them;
poor little Frau ?" one of Honoree pet but stall thew ready team had 111 -
Mimeo for her Dutch-viaged nauln. wuya the oame effect upon Honor,
"Jane wait as moo rut she could be," and when Phoebe said ruefully, "He
spoke Phoebe, emphatically ; " end would not give It qtc or I would
she card Iota of unkind things about ask for myself; but he never re -
your going to Deergrovi till Law. fused yon,robe Wired her quietly
rens stopped her; he *add afterward and sold the would eek her guard -
•ho was never to say anything about lan fur the drsm and did not blame
you before Mr. Blimp." her by ono word for the use .he
"Ohl he was here—I forgot that!" wade of her guardian's favorite.
cried Honor, with a soft little laugh. _ "I shall sleep comfortably now,'
"I saw ham. I caught a delightful observed Phoebe, 'hating up her
gllmpes of him through the halt- - pil'ow, "Good idght, Hoeor, dear ;
eloped door— so
u1tting . thuu`It you have jot told inc much
Phoebe laughed, though In in re;tln about Deergrova, Wasthere nootber
tpiritleee manner, at her t� plait but yourself Y'
quaint Imitation of Mr. HUmp'if Fitt- "Only one," raid Honor, teem the
Mucks. and then Honor turned the - open doorway) "but—go to seep.
Iubjeot d•iMktely franc that Dont phoebe.,
plaint *Witt Phoebe *delighted to "Per," added the gift to herself,
antpout. at ftp olo•rd tbbedroom
"Wop MOrt Phoebe, Olvo mo door behind her. I speak
thus to get do Wit from the bed, and or think again ot • t other
nor* give you a rarepresentational guest, my thoughts l go oft
Th•o'r teener to -tight ; eapectall7 of oboe mare to Gabrttl I][[y�dddton and
her rsoeptlon and her farewell" that ottenetsld ally whibh I heerd
The seremelity of greedy and emit to•aight, How plain It wap that
'Pawling A dcllldsdly PoorIllation—Or. Keith saw no way otykoount1ng
whops park in the Elena wa•,'of eiouree for the murder but by Gabriel's have
Pam yr Imo itiall gravity, a Pe h mitt mg ecenb,itted it 1 How curiously he
evith throp�aldt wasfect evident from the asked If a doubt had ever been enter -
laughter • which chn'ed away all tatted a. to Gabriel's guilt, and no
Phoebe's discontent. Than followed a one mild say
eight exhalation of Capt. H• rvey's Next morning, from a tes
languid deportment, and the elegant dream, tit which olid Myddelton was
rirepinel. which Mre. Trent cutlet al- Gahm vin
ways manage to ma{ntoin, undl+torb merGabrlkl— Mr. Keith and she and
at u he, might have walk-
ed by the keen watch she kept upon ed out o the posture at Abbotamoor
her daughter and the frequent lessons —*t theod looclanng on, lather woo reusedbell
the vouchsafed to Honor. Which
the as wetging at eithght
t o'clock
Then Honor teased her actingand witch was It tho
at eu.pa o'clock to
took up her eandleetlek, L.animal lob tka aerfauta o the
"If you and I were rich," mourned sternly
to break land tarot upon Mthe
Phoebe, plebttively, "and could dress lieusternly npit in elands which o w
and talk grandly, they would behave ewe au ge. ingenuity and economy
had 'uggected.
quite differently to us, Honor. They 'Leta again," remerked that lady
wouldn't Invite Hi to Deergrove just as Honor entered the breakta,t-room
MI tutferanoe, one at a thee, as they half an hour afterward, sweet and
do now when they have a place fresh as a summer rola o0 whloh th,
vacant, to make uv email and patron- dew -drops sparkle, sad with tbat
lee ae, and pretend they are doing a clear light within bar eyes which
very noble and companionate sort of
thin¢ to their poor relation,'
"Teat w;U do, rhoebe. Never mind
that 01.1 grudge," returned Honor
brightly. ' I never let them treat i t.
like a poor relation, mei 1 can often
glean a I'.ttle emnvelMet there."
"I cannot," sighed, Phoebe; "they
quench me entirely. 1 always conte
home Wearable, and wishing I was
rich, and beautiful, and admired, that
I might pay bet Theo tor her morn,
ful way. Honor. do you ever have
clay•dreeme atnwt being rich?"
Often. Bach gorg,ouI dream+ Mel
are; end I'm so heaW'ful In them,
and wear ruck anateel-as drCeire, and
have heves, and care:Agee, turd Nee -
rants, and a mn6nitleent castle of my
own, and I food all the poor, and have
all the mirk curet!, and everybody tach
lees me, and I'm pretested to the
;wren—,0,'" rx!PIA hted Honore rwrap•
hhg her mu -lin eklrt along the .Nubby
,'rueg:t In t'.e p'rforman0r of a won-
,Ierful courtesy; "and all the ladle
,and lards In wgtting wldp.r that
then, never war, pooh a lovely person
cern before, infra a1'court."
" Pcrhapr tkoy're not allowed to
whisper when the Queen Is by," put
in Phoebe, her practical nature stum-
bling here,
Iea qulto-eertele that the Earp of
Euus c often whispated," returned the
Younger g'rl, with confidence; "and
Anne Boleyn war but aha leve to whis-
per n great deal when the war a staid
of honor ; end to they whipper In my
dream., and everything le wonderful
and beautiful there, 1110910; but I
.net's, care about crow;ng over Theo
—sbo Wet !t tke dreamt attn."
l?hotihe tad 110 ly taught
herself to lean u e deeper,
brighter nature,;,, t t gave her
gmtaratlly a curio. air of dspeed.
once and anbm fret fringe
Homan, totally toe with her
superiority in ca years, But
there were timer when she rowed her.
pelt to a fleeting priority, on the boob
of her freedom from those deception'
encouraged by a dl.poritionio dreamy,
credulous, and speculative as her
oouMn'•. At each rare womagt. oho
would believe Implicitly Jane Haugk-
tan'e favorite axiom that "Honor hen
nota grain of sterling common seroee,"
and invert herself abundantly with
that oft-ml.named commodity. Such a
moment followed Honor's soft voice.
painting of her childleh dreamt
"You always go Into lmpoalbilltler,
Honor, I think only of whit may
Impo.slbllitlee! While the white.
clad figure, 1n 'pate of Its dingy back-
ground and the scant light thrown
upon It, was w purely beautiful. Im-
possibilities. While the eyes were
so full of truth, and trust, and cokr-
agtt t� was dome, and that Gem
;to safely hidden
beyond a golden mast made up of pm-
aabilitfes 1
You know Ladd Lawrence may
leave tura atprb d her ',meth," add.
ed Phoebe, apparently aggrieved,
"Slee ought not setlrely to forget
is gni. and leave It all to Lawrulo,
or HOMY, or area both"
Honor's lavish rang out neerslfv,
"I am afraid we are all alike," lobe
said ; "ell betiding our futures maid
Myddelton's matey. Oh, whet tot
tering fabrlolr 1 But your mention.
Ing Lady Lawrence rotated* me of
orneething .lee, Phoebe. The Abbots -
moor picnic le tired tor Thursday, and
,pee photograpb, with AbbOlsmoor!t-
eelt the a badrtronnd, 1. to be lent
to Lady Lawrsnoe,jo India.'
"Ota, how Meer' cried Phoebe metro
Wally. "May we all rllome our own
postaree aed by whom We w11 steed
or alt t What shall I west? Ob, Hun
ea, I tare not any 010/ diem to fro
"Save you not?" naked Honor, al -
,Ouch a gentle§ helpful receiver
lugobrice. end.paimodlo n -
of PhabeI eaketew replete
wardrobes and the defleleacle.
qn. "How in that? I .thou ht
Reed wear :Irep we hod
fee til barer at Park."
hi.. "�Ye�t eels I irons Ilt taint,"
tint' ',now Phoebe; "and of mere. ren
row -'i;l, because et•rybody esld teat 1t
t• = silted roe; but t eanrot, Kine le as
tore jai At . pL.& toad an skink ea
We It eat M, tad. Tri curs I wOW&
net ateime. weer( N patting tt cm"
"you - PkitNtrt Iii raw la ber alchemist
alNntis Sim diem It drawer,
req It oelltelapeemisly
era Ornee.t
could not have shone there if ilia soul
behind bad not heed tree Iron taint
of vanityor selfishness,
Mr. laughton half rose from
his seat a. Honor came up
to tree table, hula with a mad-
den change of purpose he drew
his chair closer and began to eerve
tho cold moat before him,
Hie etcher passed by the girl's bright
"good morning," nynd poured out her,
tea with it rigid dlspboueure stump.
Ing every feature-, Jane Haughton
tvhe certainly not pe of thoeewhose
presence at any gum maker Nun.
ehlne In a house. Hero had, on the
contrary, rather the effect of Feb.
ruary deet or a November fog ; but
In the early mornlug thio wee pe.
cullarly notteeable.
"A real wet blanket," Honor
thought, as she took her cup trout
Janeet hand, "would have a ler
more soothing effect."
Conver atton at the Lat'oh.e was
never very warm and general, ea-
pelcally at breakfast, but certainly
this morning, as on many' another
morales, Honor tried her boot to
make It so. She chatted of ber vie.
It last night, and deecrtbad the dimnes to Jane, undeterred by that
lady's .toninm of aa;ieot, She gave
Phoebe an account of the dreaaeo,
the new book, she had seen, and the
new duet she had beard, mi•
dlbturbee by ilioalee distracted eaten -
Coe, and surreptitious signs to her
not to forget her promise; and no
retailed to Lawrence the ohtet point;
of tho eonve-eaten,
" That other guest," remarked Mr. -
Ilaughtm, "must have- been vastly
edified by Ho much talk of old Myddel-
toa and hie connections, eapeclvbly
after the munch I he.trd 01.1 Mrs.
t'8yte make to him a day or two ego."
" What was that r'
"$:ie raid ofd Myddeltoa'* relation,
wield be nothing but money -loving
and cowerdlya"
011, wheel a ]sehood and a
statute!" cr:iA•"1- , .sways ready
to reply:Ahem, k,sp tae she knew
you hkt*N4H erhoard ttlatt,, Lawrence 7"
"1 btl'ave elm did know," he an-
ewelwd oarele•ty ; "she does not care
who bverlpeare her sour speeches,"
What did Mr. Keith ear's" In -
(mired Jana,
" Do you suppare I cared to listen ?"
"It must be eatletactory to him,'
saki Honor, quietly, "to feel that he
has not been decalved in his estimate
of us. There it plenty of cowardice
and love of money among ua."
"There may be these qualities
among w,': replied Lawrence, looking
into the girl's eyes, " but there le
neither ot, them in you. Hoer,"
"They beknng to the eerie name of
Myddeltoa," returned Honor, with a
itot, -.mei blob, for nothing dletrealod
her more than molt a speech from him
In presence of hie sister and poor little
Phoebe, "ail he sees how we alt hate
each other In our heart., and he knows
we shall hate each other until Ludy
Lawreate's will Ise read, when we shall
immediately concentrate all our hat-
red upon her heir."
''14'. ail Gabriel Myddeltotes fault,"
sighed Phoebe, "that these dreadful
thine are geld to our charge; but,
Honor, you know very well that It it
only the Trento who hate—"
Phoebe broke oft abruptly in her
speech, for Mr. Haughton had lett the'
room, and she had something far more
Important to urge upon Honor than
any want of affection in the Trento
"00 now," elle whispered apron the
table; " remember your promise
Honor put her chair back into Ito
place against the watt, aceorditur No
one a Jane's most strictly edema
lesson., and lett the room. too.
In the hall, as alto pawed in het
extreme unwiltingneae to enter Law-
rence'. study, Phoebe rushed out to
her, almo,t breathless In her eager -
' Make haste, Honor," the cried,
pushing her cousin toward the door
of Mr, Haughton'v study ; "ale maygo
off ha a hurry, Why dienli you dawdle
tr'w, v,,a know' h, w h du it for you?
Thi+ to too unkind of you, Honor."
"Take your handl away; leave me
to open the door inyeelf," meld Honor,
with a quIcit catch of her breath. "
will not bra dragged to do what t have
nHaswr entered the room her
len me locking the drawer* of
lila writ)ag table. Re had tafept *e
ger hoes'.lett Met and pat quit boAttb
las U4 poolt , before Ise maw kyr Of
hexed her gala, tread, Then he stepped
bask to the oh'.mney•plece and looked
at her with a pleased sed 1m11e, quite will.
Ing, evidently, that ,ha should detela
Wm sr long ars she chose.
" I'leaee, Lawreuco," the girl began
.ampply, "will you let Phoebe have a
little money tilt moroting?"
" ho I have told 1 hoeba a hundred
timer that 11 1 go on permitting her
to overdraw her allowance, lobe w.11
grow more and more extravagant,
amt well not be utile to extricate
Rotor could not see that tier Imps.
Meat retort was oldefly evoked by
Me sudden dleappolptment In finding
that It was for someone else's sake
that oho had sought him; ,11e only
saw that he looked firm it his refusal.
"1 bane told her this a hundred
tames" ha repeated, "and I will not
trouble myself to tell iter again. Oho
le absurd apt wasteful In her expends'
titre. Tell her to do as you do. You
have the same allowance and you al-
way8 look
"Jane say•s It there were another
ponson In the house like me she would
be driven wild,"
"A pretty satspeech," sneered Lowe
rows; "the It le a hue one. Jatur's
reason for the feeling, poor old tIrlt
le not toorutable, %ptgh, You low
give those epesdhes, Honor," he added,
la another tone, "when you remember
how ,jealously she guards my affection
You can underetand why ohs U harder
to you than to Phoebe! She 1s pot
afraid ot I'hoete's ever supplantlnire-"
"Phoebe le a great deal smaller
than Jane. Why ,houtd Jane be
afraid 7"
41..aueting,, always ltughtng,' mut.
Heagdhtn. "Is life to be
all a jell, t4roty!ou r'
A soft, quick shadow tell upon the
gIrI. Lace. She was hut 18 and an
orpian. into no mother'. listening
oar and loving heart paled she whin•
per the doubt+, and lopes and long-
ing, whiter tuubiocl_or cheered her.
A tent s atilt had she leaned
thrfatgh her girlhood ; no father'.
and seuedfnst lore had guid.
ed a;irt tenth* her. And beyond! What
awaited th.e girl who gen rote
alme and Impulse were all thrown
tstek upon be.oett In this cramped
home? What awaited her beyond?
Was lite to ba all a jest ? No wonder
that such a swift, .ad shadow tell
upon her face like a foreboding.
Lot Jetts say what she will. Hon-
or,'' spoke Lawrence, extending hie
hand loo her. "You 'hall be denied
uothieg wht:e I ant master hem,"
"1 was not thtthktng of iana's
speech,' site said, rousing herself from
that moment'. lnexp'icable 'tadpole
little beck
rrtatretched a hand. "Will you givve
ehoebe the money, please, Lawrence?" -
"No,'• he answered angrily, but
very .lowly, as he gated into her
face; "but I will give it to you 11
you eke.'
I do not welt It,' began Honor In
haste, but he went on atter her lie
%eruption as it bo had not healtated
"You may de as you like with It,
of oourws; spend It for Phoebe, If you
°hoose, or. glue it to hor to spend. 1
do not care what 1' done with It of
terward. How much la it to be? le'
Ms enough?
He had taken two sovereigns from'
pie puree,' list he held the puree .till
Phoebe only wished for one,'' said -
Honor, In her p'ro'd, quiet, tones. 1
"I did not ask Phoebe," feturned Mr.
Haughton Wooing the puree and once
mora holding has hind toward Honor.;
with the money In it. "Take them,:
Honor. Of course Phoebe bade you •
ask, but comms at whose bidding you' -
will, you know that I never could re. !
fuse a request of yours. Some day„
llrate for ye ours lf, asavors they to ask
anal to
be in old times. Take It. Wiry do you
wait so long?"
Slowly and daintily, with barely a
touch of her soft, white finger.,, she
took the gold colas from h1. palm.
"Thank you, Cowin Lawrence."
" Cousin Lawrence I" he echoed,
angrlly. "Yon are skilled in wound -
Ing, Honor, ami I am it stone, of
pours, 0.nd cannot feel or was. I Mn
not supposed to know tithe you avoid
touching my hand when you do it
with such gentle grace. I am not
supposed to know that you ehrink
form any obligation to me when yon
thank me so prettily. Cousin! Bah I
tint7040 onolIpa'ord is hateful to me from
Is It ?" asked Honor gravely.
"Would yon have me.pay Uncle Law.
reuse ? Would tutee sound better :
" Thank you, Uncle Lawrence r' '
"le that all the payment 700'-
will give? enquired Mr, Haughtq{t-
hie anger lug way to amuesmrrt,
an it g ally did when he tanked
with he
1'ea� 1. all,' die answered,
speak ham ju.t n. she used to
do when she wax a child sad had -
not learned the secret o1 why it_
was she to whom he always littered
and she whose BomPau7 he always
sought. "Phoebe will repay her own
' L want no thanks from Phoebe,"
he interrupted, moodily. ' Let her
have her ribbon., and foolery, and be
content. Do nut .sod tier with her
gushing thanks to me. Whet is It7
What makes you look so hurt and
proud? Tho old story, elt, of my
duty to Phoebe as her guardian--ot
my unkindness—of her wasted at.
Motion. maybe? I do not know, I
am not to blame In the matter; yon
can testify to that, Honor. Do not
turn sway. Listen for one moment,
my little favorite. Yon Ban met every
tiring straight. Phoebe obeli have
what ohs IMett, drawee and !.ethers
to satiety—anything, It you will glve
we what I want.".
"I could not, Cotten Lawrence," eard
Honor, with a demure shake of the
head, "because what you want 10
a contented mind."
Then she gave Wm her bright Ilttle
daring nod, and leaving hon ran up•
gtalrs with the news for which
Phoebe was so anxiously waltMg.
"We'll walk into Klnbury thls
afternoon, and buy the dress," ex-
claimed Phoebe, to a rapture of de-
light; "and we shall be able to
make It ourselves, and so can spend
all the extra money on tramming."
"Yee," said Honor, kindly, knowing
on whom the cutting and the trim-
ming and the chief work would fall;
"Yee, we can do It to -morrow and
have it all ready for Thursday morn -
lug ; and on our way home tide after-
noon we will call at East Cottage
Now; '' am going ito ail If I can help
do, she said, "and I will overtake
Phoebe had no with to walk en
by Imr.ett and, mon0,er, the thought
eti'uek here "the% It they loitered hors
perhaps Lawreace might o,et%ike
them on his way home frum Ile Wilco.
So ale followed Honor up the garden
A small, charp•faced old lady, 1n a
broad-br;mmod hat and loath 'r glover,
Awe on the gravel path before the
cottage windows, leaning on a garden
!hoe, whloh looked heavy and cumber-
some hi the tiny bandit of title small old
lady, Her bright, tirewd eyes 'atone
deadly trot under the brim of nor
ugly hat as rhe watched the girls
coming, hut her thin lips broke into no
smile of welcome nal oats advanced no
step to meet her visitor..
Roland her, at the open window of
the cottage parlor, eat another lady,
totally dlttereat In appearance,
though probably _of the 'same age.
Both were widows; yet while Mrs.
IDisbrowe wore the drone whloh belongs
to lltetoug widowhood, little slur.
Payte had decked herself in an Mnar-
t.tlo combination of oolore. Both
were at least seventy years of age;
yet while Mrs, Disbrow. lay In hor
large egatr, calm mud tranquil, as
sweet old age should be, and with the
soft white hair and patient eyes
Which a sweet old age should wear,
Aire. Payte'u small figure stool firm
and erect, and her keen, quick eyes
.,and mobile (enteral had still the
rcetlewneas and strength of youth.
It needed no second glance to tell
that the government of East Cottage
was on the •houldors of the smaller
lady, and that the Invalid sitting at
the window In the September sunshine
was fully anti humbly aware of tile.
The old ladle had not been particu-
larly reticent about their private or
personal atfalre, NO It was no secret
in the village that, the roome a% Last
Cottnge had been taken not nnly tt,
benefit lairs. Disbrow.'s health, but he
cause Mre. rayte found It convenient
to stayy hese at present to eoonomlSe.
ft araion that very subject that Mrs.
Payte was speaking to her friend
when.the garden gate opened to Ad-
mit the girl..
Wo have been here nearly two
mo item," ; h' wee s'ytng, "end boa t
ee' any Improvement In your he•Ilth.
Salina. Indeed, 1 think you 11e down
more than ever, and I'm euro, on such
ihoohnitnogw 0fotr hhtaer"—qHuoeoywouansgg teea:
to nateh every word—"you might as
well exert yourself a little. I hate to
el people geeing then,t�eeives over to
thorough indolence. litre's Honor
Craven—she'll tell you stow pleasant it
s out•of•doors."
" It 1a quite as plenlant at 'Mie
Alen "endow, Mr:. Disbrow?,' 'skit
Honor, with a gentle smile into the
hat'ent'e worn fan as due weef, op
to the window and took the lnvalhl'e
'thud—"quite as pleasant." This with
1 little emphasis, half In fm, half in
mrnott, aekshe turned again to shake
the leather laced hand which Mr.+,
'ayte extended leisurely,
When hist Owen's ail -important
perchance were tnade, Honor made one
whloh excited Phoebe'' ourboelty am-
astagly. Yet !t wan only a packet of
wools of various shades and colors
ani a roll Of flea canvas.
''Why carry it'c" 1'lhoebe asked, as
Honor took thin parool In her hemi.
"L.et It be hent with the other things."
"No," yvldepered Honor, "It is not
large enough to be laeonvenlent—I
wish It were."
On their way home the Ririe stop-
p"d fetors n low w',Ite rot'Ot;r staud-
ing in a long garden where !lowers,
fruit*, and vegetables grew promis-
Oh 1 do noy go in here," exclalmed
Phoebe, pettbhly. " Mr.. Payta le such
a disagreeable old woman, and Mrs,
Disbrowe so dull and deprerodng. Come
along, Honor; they haven't Nees us."
Honor had unfastened the gate by
this Man,
" If y0a why to w*,4k a , P
'I'm vary poorly myself." a: e l-tr•
the vmall old lady, with n d,fhnuto
pression in her every f+viture whloh
the brown lint eimee1; "only 110 one
aver notices. Is for Pollan, one
Clever thanks any Hae afters but her -
rel, d ,
night;anlake it
she—whytap, 414101 Ioho maysleep. tans aallnd
Alga, and eke hears nothing of it, It
I could sleep as she doom I wouldn't
call myself Iii. Dear me, Honor, you
acted not look at her 111 that sort of
sickeningly companionate wny. 11
she could hear every word it would
not hurt her, but rhe cannot. ilhe
gets deafer every day, and only hears
tiff when I shout at the top of my
voice, Yea needn't be afraid of hart.
Ing her. Do you wonder that my
patience is exhausted, when ,you see
fuse lackadnisleal she be --eh, Phoebe/"
"Indeed, I do," said Phoebe; for of
coureo It was easier and wiser to can•
cur with tlo sharp -tempered old lady
when Phoebe knew tthe'maYtHd oould.
net hear.
"You know very well how worried
[ ata with her and how patlenuels
tried—don't you, Honor?"
"I nun how ism. patience to tried,
Mrs. Phyte," the girl said softly, "To
lighten her suffering, If that were
possible, or mate the tedium of !ler
days, could hardly bo worry for any
one to whom the opportunity is
"Dear me I" exclaimed the old lady
"On would: think you envied
mo t,ae pleasant occupation."
I tihink I do,' said Honor tbonght-
fully, "I so often a.nd• often think of
)+ors -how she is suffering hour efter
titer without hope of 01,54, yet with-
ottt coamp:'int, and 1 do so long to
1115 able to do somebhlttg to'slake't3j!
pain more beirab:e."
"I verily believe yyou mean 11'!'tiis
the slow retort as Mrs. Parts i•olg4,
with keen, !Mutiny intothe
earnest face,; 'you Igek, as lf-
did. Well, fps ska11 50* Matte! -•
low t+hat ides-!.; ler 1g1ve sou leave
from t''aig moment to ,`aka )fat
ernese you will 01 this tedi0ue end
enervating occupation. Deere—now
you won't make tlhst speech again,
I fancy."
"Ma.y I come wlhea I like 1" in-
quired Honor earnestly. "slay I do
whatever I can to cheer her or re-
lieve cher 1147 I reelly, Mrs. Payte 1"
"You may da Whatever you choose,"
returned late ofd lady, with °emplao-
eat contempt. "Wo shall moon see
kow little that will be now
bhe way is Olean for you. 'line are
all anxious enough to walk
up the Wright and thorny
path to iteaven so long a we cannot
find It ; but as soon as ever It Iles
there right before our eyes, like the
sada of a precipice covered with briers,
why, then wo .teak back again and
have on talking about It. Well,"
atter a panne, 'why don't you con -
Mediae me, child, and say how mire
you are that you can tread irately
among the adder, and the tangles,
and the pitfalls?"
I dare not," said tire girl 00!117 ;
" but you will not take back your
promise ?"
Not yet" replied the old Iodating!.
Mg cynically Into Honor'. beautiful,
earnest eyes. "I shall wait till I see
the, napes of all your high-flown roue
Iutions, There, that's enough of
week nonsense. What's the news In
Klnbury, gielet"
Thi. was ane of M. Pe's
varying questbns, anr.d Phoeaytbe was
prepared for It, and took a keen en•
lament in pouring Into tuck willing
ears all that elm could tell of small
news—the only giant among the
Items being the description of her Mw'
Whore taste was it ?" Inquired
Mre, Payte curtly, and Phoebe eageer
ly appropriated the credit, aoafees atg,
though without any malice, that
indeed Honor wanted her not to
have the fashionable mixtnn of pink
and blue.
It le is the fashion, have II,' re-
mitted Mrs. Peyte wlt,h h'rsenees.
"Vl'hnat is iom H1ono'rts taste compared
with taah
"So 1 anti,' exclaimed 1 .raebc, de-
ilghted; "and I do not so, why ono
EI:oul4 dress dowd:ty r sole",
though 'm *d't v:tut e
H'o'ot, Iboeaitaeuta shie'songoi,ng toto hevlpx
1310 to make it."
'Teetotal', don't vex :her—for your
own ►eke` advlssd tar old lady, In
diose LOar fat wo is hitting cant-
ina) epee tele mainspring of
Pihoebe'. ekaturter,
"11 Oar alln+rnnce greater 111.0
�I1ra, j?0oehe 1" inquired Mr', I)fS-
tosWe wile the chlsl polatt rat eM
vItMttylg became apparent. to " �lt'
we Dai. 11e wins."
in r111 tared you wl;i 'aware
e db.waatin
heblp," washlndthnde qul.taad replya:ays ;'7worl don't
you remember what George Harbert
lays, 'Wako'/annot ibv. 011 twertle
pounds a years cannot on fortis'!"
"11bat'e nonaeuse, qt Howse=.," said
Phoebe, "and 1t le .sot many gime
mho have to drew ea forty pound,' a
year al we' have.
Never mind," put la Mrs. Payte en.
aouragIagly ; you.DIV be richen-
ough soon day, to it le worth while
running short now. Have you heard
anything lately front Lady Law.
' 1'ea,'- cried Phoebe eagerlyy; „lobe is
to bo in England before Ohrletmae,
and we are all to meet her In Lon.
dCalcuttaon, Otto:' 1e preparktg now to leave
"That's right," remarked Mrs.
Payee, with nu air of real antlelpa-
tion. "I've a great when to aro tbia
e aster of My -dilettanti, and 1 may
HMV a chance 11 she names 69 gag.
land. I Ilke to cony' aerate a Shore
oughly wicked old woman."-
"le Lady Lnwretaoa a thoroughly
wicked old women?" Iaqulrad Honor,
leu hang.
eters', belug old Myddeltan',
and Gabrtd's aunt. But you
girls ottlsAn'8 thank of that. Yost
murk look; Spon her no godden ar
angel, wittonfreer you like, Remora.
Leer, she has a 'velem to will away,
as well a. landed catttni and prinee-
ly lnco,u .. Ysent' Dilettante
to herou, ah 1"
"1 write every mantle'' mild Phoebe;
"wo all do. I dare soy tit* Tronte
write oftener, and I am sure Law-
rence done but the never writes
back, though she tont us her•pleture.
She'e a very grand and clever -look.
lug person, enormously stout, and
with smooth. dark hair,'
"Mein people am always et -nit and
elver" remarked Mrs. Payte senten-
tiously, "Do you write to her, lion.
or ?''
"1 have not, lately;" the gar) ant•
wered, her eyes tar oft upon a horse.
man coming slowly along the turn-
pike mad toward Millbury. el did
when I was a tddld, just as the nth.
ere do, for Lawronoo ordered lt; but
I don't now:
A Lad moult of being year own
ml.trea,,' grumbled Mrs: Parte.
"Why was 14 1'
Sha never answered our lettere,'
Honor Bald. "She did not Darer for us;
. o how oast we cart for her Y'
"The others do, don't they ?'
Phoebe laughed,
Carr for her? Why, of .aures riot,
Mrs Peyte. We're only trylag to make
,ourselveee agreeable to her.'
"'lb be sure --that's what i mean.
Moet natural it is ; and Honor should
not hold herself Moot. Well, It I,tn't
too late rot, that'g one groo,ilhn/;:-
Take my advice and write 1,-., ,i 1: X11
flattering, fond letter 1 .,,'t think
about whether ,‘o,+ +',lily Inco her or
not—that', n„t U quetition. She
lee m mfr to wave to soma of you,
not x itlwut caring a button about
ler you may ingratiate yourselves.
Young people *aldose care mob In re-
ality about old women, and a ,little
Pretense 1s fair enough in ouch ammo
air title.”
"That's' what I gay, and all of ue,"
assented Phoebe, with a ready burst
of heavy laughter, "a11 but Honor."
"All tlec.aero Honor must own it Is
truo it she ham any honesty at all,"
persisted tato olid lady, taking oft her
lot for aimoment to smooth hor emelt
gray carte, and looking the while in-
to Honor'. taco with Ironical eerut-
pay. `
'Ncl I do not own It, Mr.. Payte,"
the girl evtid, slinking her head, with
Iter pretty, gentle smile. "1 do not
on thuat pretense youth le fair,people anddo I not do
Ouse for old women'
Well, I have seen more than you
have, and I have a right to say it.
Who le this?"
'Ylve abrupt question made the In.
rand start, and Honor looked round
4r tee the cause of it. At the nt-
tngo gate stood the horsemen whop a
few momenta ago she had been watch.
Ing. Ho dismounyielfastened Its horse
to the gate, aqq4� %hilt walked leisurely
down the nettle* lath, three dogs
following closel • at des heels, eel-
dently aware tat to Wi`rte not to
go beyond the Waite a -t1* mix Dor,
You've boon Mints. long -way, Mr.
Keith,' began airs. Pnyte, With her
need abruptness, when Ile offered her
It1. hand,
Forty miles at least sane day-
aybreak," wale the brief reply.
But lire. Payte, without exactly
knowing why, considered It a .tum•
bung block In the way of further
geeettoning. Pane went through ati el•
ebonite ceremony In her Introdno.
Mon of Phoebe, and then turned to
epnat It, for honor's benefit, but,to
ber surprise, elle found lir. Keith and
honor shaking hands.
One minute afterward Iionor had
slipped away. Feeling that her
msen n-0u1d not bo massed just
rhe went to perform one errand on
which'her mind was bent and,whleh
oho always 111d perform on her ale- ,
its to East Cottage. Hurrying round
to too back door she elitet'ed • ei
kitchen, neat, but barely turns • '. 11
which a young woman eat in
near the lattice window, a hew!
of crutches beside her cheer.
" Alone, Marie?" questioned
coming eottiy up to the eh .
leaning overdt,
" Yes al Mi C
Ack g
• erne'
die al
fe013 is
for it
" An
to elt
the '
that y
ing tit
"et h
"ser 1
the w
one, as raven, said the
irl, aur pada fuse I glttcnln
kably ae ole rniee' t to the
fol ate alxtvc hrr. The lady's
its etttng i, the, nt kitchen ;
ways does, Sh • nye title one
Yea well, nod they pity
dam has the ri t to aft there,"
d kava youn ee up the rhgeut
there ton, M
yes, Mise [': nI ; they pn.y for
rooms. But very well here."
•:e, you , ember telling Inc
you than you could get
rnone,9 1 eslgning for wool.
but c only do it by work•
e patt , not by drawing. Well,
par, as brought from Honor's
the two girl+' heads bent
t'+ nteuts—the beautiful face
tering was all to come end
nth. whose bitterest 501100-
0" hast.
n,°m•iy halt an hour Donor
Cr en not in tie Ilttle book kitchen,
nit sir;, by tint hail -ions the girl's
a nlr fair}, nail givtng her pleasant
Ahem:lite and memorles to last her ,6111
tit" nrAt thee the bright voice should
gr, et her from the open doorway.
Th+e to go,
m nshm comrasemas here oftener now,
Merle," she gold, giving her gentle ift-
ti:, haul to the lame girl as ehe would
love done to any lady In the land. "I
seppoee your father will Soon be in.
Ton will not be alone much longer.
Hoer Is he getting on, Marie?"
"About the same, Mise Craven," re-
plied the girl, feeling the reality of
Ronor'e Internet, "He has an order for
the photograph at Abbotemoor on
Thursday, and he took only one HIM -
nen yeeterdny, nmi his rr„n In htu-
bury Is expenclve. l'oor father!"
"Oh, he will moon get better now,
Marie; never fear. I'm no glad it in
he who Is WI take ns s0 Abbotsnoor."
"ft le through 6ttr Vhlllp Pomrer.on.
I do not think Mro. Trent would over
have thought of It. Aad father may"
Mr. Keith has ordered a picture, het
whether that's thrtnigh Sir Philip or
not he dor.n't know."
It was of the old photograph..
er ifsat they were talking in
8 ge$.s- what Iionor 1otu.4
tett 1(0101 I Ipgi l t
at ,.-
'window betide wide a pplibrowe
lay, and tire. Payte mu! thd.be .1,.
til` on the gardeu seat without.
" It le it stupid Ilea altogether, I
thhlk," the Ilttle old Indy 1407ldbs
when Honor came quietly up al�tgj
-•tuo-I among them, !tow plat ypy
luno the picture r.,aoplete with, t
having Gebrlel Myddeltolr in
who would Hare for a picture whir.
Ins f'gtertal? Rubbl b altogether, t call
:t, and L•.dv Lawrence 11 a aseseber
Uld wo0Ulll te want It."
" 1'erha..pi It would he 'pae.tble,"
•aid hoyden, with the flaeb of IItK
amusement which emnellmee I •a
w'ftly In !ds steadfast, ha
oyes, "tor Verrlon to copy Gilli'1•*
Myddelton's picture fleet, and *belt
arrange the head among the °Vploer,
that the photograph might Inoladi
hits too;"
None of the others would Olt le
that care;' ob.erved tire• P11781,
- tersely.
o Why 1' Cowurdlee was 1111 Iallq•
Mance, not en aognlrad fault. What
Is your crest, Mess Craven ?"
"A pair of heck," Bald Honor, mil -
leg a little at her own Inexplicable
blued u she owned to the leherltanoe,
"and the motto below L from the
Ilasarum Dellolae.' Yon know the
Ilea' ;
"'He that fight" and rune away,
May Ile to tight another day.'"
"The Inheritance of cowardice," mid
Boyden, sniping Into her eye.. "Aod
Gabriels mother was a Craven. What
le the legend of the coot 70 '
" Our earliest anogstor," Bald
Honor, "once i nga[b lu single com-
bat, and when to found the flight
going against ham, Navel h1. life In n
paltry tanner by toiling 'Craven'
hellos the sun weal wn. Knlgbte
were allowed Itt thewre to end the
nicht soto their dlNbnor,"
I call it a wile and menial mea-
sure, too," .old Boyden, laughang, as
he turnoi to the Nick lady within the
boom. "There aro worse erhnee In the
world than Drying 'Craven' before the
eon gym (Iown. Don't yon think •loo,
biro. Olibrtowe ?"
"In'ieed I do," .he answered,
gently mull!ng as elm met
nixet " gest,
like to s "
meet," she had raid to
Mrs. Payte only that month* as
they talked of Boyden Keith.) "I
Malt I thought that was poor
young M7ddelton's only dn."
" 1 1 was a It7dd,leon. How could
you expect bum to be other then
whithet-iroved these!? ?•' Interrupt:
ed Mrs. Pnyk+ rant,",n,t„ ,o cy. "1,
he ever runt:l ton oat „ g"ut 111110,
It wnnhl b, rt , uutt he IlM (a•
fell :l iii., muni' and hie riches. The
�f,•ppiug Otto Nucha (orcune
wen:: - n beside. Gabriel
others sin,
U rddelton, and is
and will make oth
p osseesion of • melt
spoil m, and wnmaln."'
It 1s beyonanyda manmy power to Inuaghe
vrhom 1t would not 'moll."
The sheep eyes under the Lamed
!tat went trout Honor', tape , to
Phoebe's, and back again to Hence
Mr, Keith following their
leauhgr idly there agg$pbut t
dew. with tete three dere w
n fret,
It was the little old lady
the pxtuee which followed
"I have n great +'tel to go 6
Abbotemoor. I suppose 1 ,lust pocket
my pride and ask for an invitation,"'
' Will you go In my Igoe.
Payte," cried Honor ImpuIsi
"LOA let me stay- with harp,
Now, Honor, how can you of
etUy ? exclaimed Phoebe. "VIM
know how angry Lamle,* 'wI*1d
dip; yploueaa'- pid Rooyailn, tlraing
g�*etqnabeklydrivroemyouUOthpr'srii veMxesd,Parte? I., tinovibted
e 44*4o f�nndg.°a
There wee a tittle Muni demurring,
but It wail arranged nevertheless,
and the old lady .'solid as well con•
tented as oho ever wgmed about atty.
They chatted a Ilt%Ie longer, and
then Royden prepared to go.
What it beautiful fellow th1*
greyhound Is 1" .a1 H'mor, laying her
Maud lightbyy oa tk. glossy dtln•cwtOr•
toit4h head,7" "WPM Is Iii name, Mr,
'Capias,'' he ans4•eral, ne he 01-
fored her 111. hand; 'Ib o t menus the
gloevyooated; and ibis Ikota terrier
Is Loom, wbInI moan. grey; end
the epode Labeo, which means turf.
cue, Can yon remember after whose
doge mane ars vented?"
"Yes—Acte,n;'s,' she answered,
"Have you fifty?"
Only thesis three now," he said,
ratter grnt riv ; "trusty old friends
whom 1 halo had with me many
And from whom you would not
Tike to part, especially this beautl'
tui greyhound."
"am I do riot knew what would
tempt me voluntarily to part • tit
, Lachne."
Prom Fast Cottage
redo tut
(oto IUnb, den Keith
I unit. dismount -
e torso to the groom. hotel grave
"She a tired enough," he said.
" Take her In, Edward., and bring
me round Robin Hood In halt an
hour's time."
"saddled, sir r" inquired the groom,
betraying a little of his ardonlh-
utent; for had not We master been
Ia the saddle almost .inee dayb'nak?
a lett, of course," returnedROy.
den as he mounted the hotel steps.
" I did not expect you back NO
soon, air," said Pierce, following Mr.
Keith to his private eltting•room ;
you ordered dinner at eight. Wail
you lunch .o late as thls, air?"
"I lunched three hours ago
Boyden, as he took has lettere from
the the stet, whososeemedlstirrpred akltt--
tle from his usual midle•uged gray.
Ity. "I lunched at the Towers. Send
me a glass of wine—that is ell,"
Following the waiter, who, with
the mathematical preelsion of watt.
era, .et the wine and blsaulto .before
Me. Keith, came Pierce once more
Into his master'. presence.
I beg your pardon, dr," he .ala,
making a allow of removing the things
from the table, "but are all wolf at
the Towers?"
All well, thank you, Pierce."
"And everything going on as it
rimula do, elr—as it would it you
wee there?"
"Jot as it would 1f we were there?'
amended hoyden. Netting at tlt'teate
real, though hidden, enrneetn;.ss.
"You named to ba summoned Ito but
reelly, dr, I thought."
"Not summoned at all,' mak(. tar.
Keith, as he poured himself a glee of
"No illness of—the bully's, fir'
Replan put down 11e empty glees
and took up 0041101' letter,
The enema lingered still,
but the solemn dncorum lot Ills
f',"e and manner 1ud tho kern
tad anxious interest be felt in Ills
mesterei answers,
"Leal►. those, Pierce," said' Roy.
den, looking ap from the paper be
his Land. "I am going out aged* he
a few minutes.
"Riding again th`s evening, Mrilk.
elo be oot$IarsdJ
Real work on New York'•
000 tunnel for untie
transit, was begun
Sleeker lid a seen•