HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-04-05, Page 6SPITE OF HIS BIRTH,
lois of grtt9tAido:
BeyOnd that ono (*Obese, " Brave eleseloofe.i.....,,,
M11 4. elio noted MI proaly cl ifle
ipt,00r. ' liooti eifferto to be eacurell Only by;
fat Nod. wipe will on medlar:1,
Idol Y. eterypro Hewed to have a
OM' MP tevolonem anti adneratent.
boy I bravo hoy " mot " l bollern yrs)
hove oared my ilfe," Mr. Lawsott
il 1 1 1 1 hoevellaMotatOomoRP onhi nothing to Wm; wheitavor ho
iestrs No 14 1900.
tew ism* lilm, •ilurlmt the next few laye.
i ) Mom motto of
Too, dwar ; tbe molt bas boon tad lD
ets tote to- Ma lips would tremble., toare would
wretehednom for me, to -moose of hoore,
'rives hound; and G, Iva, la Ids 'Wring to ire eye', thou hotooled
Suppossd questAcombe positron, hal*, somewLth tiOng pat blin softly on tho oltouhlor awl
d boogie* of thi room 4hleh I be- sprang frtrICICilt OW441.41 Mr, 1,441/ 4(:. ilriVeil; to roomette: eirrtretilret:
"back! bark 1" orie) the old Man, boy," the gooey beg„on400 whisper
taut *Away. root ipwa pro, .
ss too bed -a shame but.-beft, hoarsely, awls ens, the brave boy and oolong themseives a rpm day,' laidar,
PO kr, to bo happy now T' Ned realtssof las intention. "clo imek, by, "Wn must not allow moat ea act
to palls reldholtt efelia substantlal
• with teary to las Isfea. or you curtly trill bo bitten."
Al as tort happy now, dear," she
reroluto feee-thotigh tie could _ not will.
di tender -7. havo been whiter it Ire had been tioad, " What Shalt we do? Re Is a yoor
1 will make you mars ao,' boy - a ;Mae 0( roomy would
ofigir,4, „you shoe eon, paid no Mei to leo words.
"Hold him jot one [alpine lower, doubtless be accepted," sugweetel
a'ospy about mo. I promisor that and 111 finish ma I" ho :hooted, And one,
ter du enythiog to Pees You tho ant tnotoot the wallet delrended Mr, Luweou overheard toe regark,
of mo." with a tiforous otroke upon the 'long. and tuned l'ItarplY upon the speaker .
have always been a Irr*I1 Kling ereaturge head, " Yea, Me a peer boy, bat he shall .
t to me, Ned, and 701a snow He gave a hoof% of agony and Itick. never wast tor anything atter this.
and more so," oh* alioWerede ad omouoecere, Out not i or tongotti. 1,1exet Ore Wig gamey., though, for
hint; then the eAwd, 1I ilo! Wan' onto arol powerful blow Mon' mot h 4e4.-glve lam someehluo to
c "Bult I want to talk wit i the terroeuerved arm ot the Mime keep--Itonethher thst he will he
a little about our name. !think boy, tell dixo:tly between heroyee and proud to Room as a vestimouie of
XI be bast for uo to take the the dog rolled over and Agfensal out yaw approciation of whist ho lina
ol Heart." i --dent just no Mr, Lauhrigaid reoP. doue. Olve Wan a watch."
bit" th. nain.1" Nad brake petrol upon the varanda, a cooked, Thlo proposnl was rrtelern) with
COM, Impetuously, applause, and a. paper was at one,
reeolser Ut Rs hand.
• ,oOt Is a xery good 1m000 that Thank the faro!" fervently ekoe• elrealuted for subaertottons for the
lela Mon highly reapected, and yoo
„„„, latah BeroJemln Leorconr who was toue.FL000.
MA ool; condemn It aor heceo-e oflarotly lop imlo and unnerved thee lir. Trans/xi ',Wok! the Ilst wife., a
But Ned, with uplifted mallot and exreeoloo of appoglatIon and good.
Pena° hal dilim" said the heave beg wh° hatt'eendeeed hIle generous amount, and terry gentiles
Mil reasons why It, will he Flo towrope lee upou cane,
euretwu ittirilltylte hotel contributed mon
Inethee. hohl Xeatele. "1 till" tile"; ouch timely tueletance.
b to e be W la known by the ww,ca ',till remained in the n1041 of
, All east Mo, Lawoo, who refood
that rightly belongs to us. too dead dog, sepped his orn Mont" to pat leo mime to tbo paper, Dot re-
el', I outtpose you are rIghteetee Nod's Moulder's, and led taus Woofed
ys are." Ned thoughtfully ee• the hove. marked that he'd "like to 1* one cif tho
woo:Ditto° appointed to purelittoo tho
'bet piglet do not make arty Both were 00 overcome by,the ter- watehe.
while we are here tilt' oot rib:, exottement of tbair Wiestral ad- Tha requeee was may grantett
would Mum eo much talkventure, and the roactam whtell ow and Mr. Traitor', together with Mn,
tIO Walt MOO wo go bock to Nolo fo:lowsol, that they could scarcely
the tall, them if Yew thinte walic from the trembling In thitr Lanmaid, booing Wen oilmen to Ite
oat take the name of sist In making tile *election. it was
0 limbs; but friendly hands wore put
forth to help them upon the veraimlo, RiarreetnEttratthaootretlinarPteureraoolutma, ..1."341111 to
athertoa agreed with lien where they sank exhausted Into the
Id be well to wait and choirs Wowed to reeelve Dame Thle was on Tuesday, Tioltaday
matter WI" 1°3 rOr the "Brave boy I brave bay l'' murm
inur. etnordtorooton4cfi;onooattleictocli ottliirahtttleperotInnt
el Me Lawson weakly, and uoddiag i
soma on mom/ the young people of
---- opprobotion to Ned, ns ho wesad with
CHAPTER XI. the honse, widle tome of the older one/
a slookIng hand the perspiration trout 0.
leo nopearoct to live oomeeking
slag about a week niter Ms own brow, more than Homily Interesting upon
party, Ned was beat But Ned veaa too spout to do moro their onlosio -
a.te.anding upon on than mate faintly In reply, theugh
kind. he wes /somewhat. ref reahed after Brerrborty rim peculiarly groolouo
tad nate the boat had drinking a BAUM of water which tho to blmt The geolslemen chattotil and
ere and cargo, cork brought to Mom heed with 111 In ; the ladleo smiled upon
coo and tion The gueita of the Smite gathored and Pettod, bkn, while the elaldreto
d risme% around the two heroes, with • various lookod systeriom wheuever thwy met
tbe stoNe Ito no. comma/ono of sympathy, adouiratioft bine •
nom_ to sho naraculoua melee, while the father .___,..htill. dld net attach tine 000010' int'
thought It wao 'other stoange.
r amine /Lbw/ and thankful -mem for thee almost
0 ra"0" quea4r. 'and „eiober of l'ittlo Nelle Tratton, ''Ie'reettee 0 It'
f any danger, lie, Who koo whammed the wbole transac. He was kept quite busy In the office
uch attention to blm, Moo, W41.0 too Gwen nverpotnk for all the afternoon. Woo he knew no.
BR he WA% nbout to crutch tho /wench, and ocu:d only look tke geati- thing of tho work of art that was bto
ground, wbleh My itetweor, lode they exporomood tor too ooroe, log nrraoged lit tho grant drawing-
lilt, end, looking up, he saw one ' Crtghtfol death. fochtd-Ity tome of the laeleo, 010 a
o4 -e -
a strange d
ahead of blat wIth
4 (und, and baba's'
ut, unguate,
Dr. Slocum, the [among scientist, whose lectures anal demonstrations
In Nee York and Loudon kali winter have astounded on dim' circles, has
at last perfected his IneVi aysteut of treatment for the absolute cure of
tuberculosis and all pulmonary
This triumplaturt victory over the deadly bacilli is far reaching in Its
- effects, for their Is no longer Town for dortbt. Mosta* gifted specialist hse
given to the world I boon that will save millions of predate lives,
Dr. Sloctn'a Systeui of Treatment Is both scientific arid progressive
going*. it does to the very worm' of the disease end perfortaingthe cum
step by step.
Fkast Stop,-Killingthe lifeelestroylog rano which invest the lungs.
Second Step,-Totung the entire system and strengtheolog the
nerves -Oiling the veins with tingling new lifo,
Third Step.--Ilulldiug healthy :loth sod fortifying whet future
The Slocum Treatment le revolutionary because it provides a new
oppliestion for every otage of the discos. The failures of inoculation by
Paris scientists are overcome by Olocuut through progressive drug force,
The &eases leading_ to consumptiou are also Diskette oo, that onoe the
bacilli are removed1min the lungs there ounaluo no other gertnebreeding
- TM {totem System eerie lapsed Its painful after-effeots,danieroui coughs,
bronchitis, and every known born ol pulmonary illsease.
It makes weak loop sound, strengthens them against any ordeal,
and gives endurance to those who have inherited hollow chests, with
their long trails of attending dangers.
To enable despoirittg suffezers everywbere to obtain speedy help
before too late, Dr, t(locunt offers,
to every reader of this parr.
empty write to Tut T. 91-001)1 Cossocat Ca., Limlied, try Riad M. Weld,
Toronto gIvIng post oat* awl cameo Lthee addreen, aud the free mulleins (oho
_ Moment ure) will bw promptly seat,
Sten should tatelnwant advantage of thin generous proposiilan, boa when
writing foe them etwegihneullon this paper,
remora lo Gins seeing telocum'e free offer Amerielli papers mill pIessii
seadfor simplest* the route, laboratories.
lAt no prevloua dlicourugetnetag prevent your takteg davectege °tilde splendid
free offer before tco trite.
ittudv, It
too ley un oliii`hfinprpiottireg In
pal re. The time W11P11 regalarlto of
it r r• mama ono voneldeTed the
mom, of olognace Ivor \ 11011111A, and
11441 OLI ILO 1.10410 wild idiot
g. after the lionxnemee hy three
Olonso onr idea of nrtlotle effect to
to rotvo m o Mug motel' nnythiel
cke. 'rite weird result their affor0
vrodoco 1.1 dor to their flgIlLtre to
,1 cereol;\ the fact that hit relony,
1.1 loost. 1111141 rale, tillbougla
01;formIt,v lam Win disearded.
Thoro 1,11-1 S1'110111. *0 Whitt
De, general tone of the leeturno
,1111 feral, .1 dark carbOti moat
tod hang elow to 01l etching \ trawl(
,teiloato linos and bordered by it .
brood white mat, If wntor colons
with 11 elr nor t tinte elbow till paInt.
log* with their holder Wince, the
lortoer will be faded, the latter
1,,nt It be graved, la the first
eleee, that UN,/ may go
together, while othora met be Mo-
roi front the telsoclatIon. Irobings,
ohutogro oho, dra wino HMO em
outlaw]; Ten ter-eolnro, treetop+,
way 1J1, oteconhied on friendly
tame. Even them Swayer, there moot
be Judgment exereimod In tiro way tikes
are pincel. Controry to the natural
Incline Mon, Mirk, Iron vity shaded
turns slould not alwnyo hong in the
otrongemt light, but 0liould in 00110!
(owe welt n sheltered pooltlon, minty
front the glnro of the winausse. Near
the light may hang the Mame la
fointcr tints, the niihaued water-
color*, the engritvl whoge beat
Mate need Thio order
pry oomothitea he fet ereetl when tho
corner farthest fronts the window
shone; a decided toted of brIghteulng
by light plotters, Vot alwaye the
gradation of Onto ohould be borne In
moot .Inot as in •in well rianneol room
the liiriteet odor Ix found In the car -
;of, :Awl melt% from that through the
eliadeo of the -embalms. tool ?molter@
to the 11004 ntlanue 111 the wail.
to the lowest picture* should ho tnore
sombre In hue than the upper, and
O•nel the me nneonooloudly •from
too 1144110St 10110 10 MP hliffiest
Mat -Twee* Doom
To core, a ColO in Otte Day
norgora catuud money lining to cora
Take Loerifire ammo no Tealete. All
me. W, Grove signature is on each box.
(Mooed Dodge.
The guests lu tit," Frankfort Hotel,
were quietly rending thOlr letters
aol papers when the volon of the
clerk rote ont
"Dodge t"
Instantly every head tabbed clown
ami every man slid from his elude to
the floor.
How sad it Is to see weak
children -boys and girls who
are pale and thin. They can.
not enjoy the sports of child-
hood, neither are they able
to prat by school life. They
are Indeed to be pitied. But
there Is hope for them.
has helped -filch children for
over a. quarter of a century.
Your doctor trill tell you it Is both
food and medicine te them. They
begin to pick up id once under Ito
M. Nit color improves, the flesh
becomes more Arm, the weight
Increases and all the MI life and
vigor of childhood returns again. •
At all drurrebtr 1c, f
5 IT & DOWNY., chonmg T. r.nt
II eart•Shorred Revers.
Chinchilla la often used on dark
groea, gray or dark !don gowns, but
roldwlater V.'s it emphve,1 on gowns
of Burguntly red for January elsit•
fug. The contrast 1* rn Dor Melting
for the red Will a deeper wIne color
toe the blending with (dandy grtsy
chinebilla. A eollaretto and nalff
nnd heartolutped revere of the dainty
nre all the emplomments requIrel.
Well people do not worry. 'fake
Compound Iron Pills ,,n -b be
well. 50 doe -au fur o etta net'.
Mrs. Harduppe-What time la 3?
Mr, Harduppe-I dont know. "lose
your watch going ?" "No; Woggle."
and the „made, ho booed o wild Otto had saved their aarang tram a rooms -the dome of which were kept • -- meowed the clerk a moment later.
It o all right not( gent mime, an You can t tell aft out try ns
fhb little iris who hoarded ot Tho 001)0 of the terrible encounter !lomat engaged for the OCedalon, all the glrlo std boys In gala AO ! being mach In the operi As they reformed their mentos Oho ire brew Chemical Compound, wander
hod f own Vika did h b When ho went u the eche the doe rued the t k e lal ed , No
. _ "Yoe can gat up. Ile'e
1 ' ' ;
EBY'S DR1SY 011, • •
Wed. beliti Leg townrd the *114, o -f ro t song out , o a re of Oita, Heathorton o cheeko f lod ou . , er xp a
following close. up!, her hwie, the bole-, tidally reachltig the vacs rd ei,otlinee MOM At tenXlme - tir ; orahositra, otationor nt tho farther round and p:ump, and, with the bur- - "It was runnel Borent," he saki,
hie tongue i Mrs. ilmtloorton, who, with, glakbict Ally,flr" haft their Meal* teirot,ier end of the rooni, . [rebind a dee et the bait tetztt,n yearn re. • "looking for a man. 1 wouldn't Oavo
at %No mouth,
. isle eyes glowing/ otte . heort tod trembling Ateps, aped down -I no woreerod what ma% ' el /screen of flowers. otrarn op a gaY . moved from her heart, her eyes be- . given the general warning notion If
to the veranda, to :•earn the world) re- wit *° dlIdilliii and hilepY, Nit wr4 alr, and Om mystery rtt their came bright with on,Pytnent lu the' It hadn't been for the fact that the
saran, bor idoelod boo.. she loop: flaoh nU eliall WWI. 40114thi' Klee bit the liCaltm wao expialmoTTet"...
criol Ned, growlmi presort an ore or ( ofuture, ier
t d h f h 1 cunni 11 so blamed cross-eyed that
collar, while hlo hear "Ned I Ned!" elm.erled, in a 'oleo eilattlationetoeicors.ttoohinlitiat Ned, ster ao light and elastic as that of a 0041 'savor mill tell which way heel
Potation, KW tbe Hack and 81 44, Lee',
Fore Throat, Diptithere, FrcotItes,
°coo. Bottom, Kidney god Illaddor Dia
Bold by all druggists 51 01090(0, or from
M, F. Ent chemist, Port Elgin, OM
, e
In accr...0 lona No dust donna c tryeta wa
the floor. \\, rite for po le Spoololl
alanufecturing Co, 17 end ie quen e,,ireet eat
'roma), Ont.
le throat with terror
the ehlide clangor. pale and spent In the mIdit of that eparereatuillynewdrembemed kthirtanop,uowuattill infoint What mold It nll mean? this ato
oleo ; arta , once toel biro Lawson, .
of agonr, as she saw UM altUng so c more But the boy was amazed. gLr ' of eighteen.
tentiou to Ms tnother ,a.od hl II o
I mom expected to Ite so well lieder.
• going to alloot !"-Cleveland Pin
ttle Nellie Trattoo." oo oweestrloken group.
,1 en, met net be bit. that you are not bittost7abo'd toellsOmne- dv:r14,10,,41c wrbeuef floeher afiti rheIrrithneennr rnugaeedd these finely &raged people look. w en he remarked, upon tbe ciente in
hlogl toward them with smilm ot web.
I do?" der, wktte-olod figure glided through
tome, and tho burst of musk+ that had her appearance; "and," ahe a ded, •
e a thought 'regard. the crowd to Ifs aide, and a pair of with groat IllootY. • gratefiCly, "I feel (bat I owe it all • a
- trorablin Om mere threoell roltrid Ile thought he undootood It all, gooeton tote. proaenoo
• to lion."
vlidng deliverance for non,while Miriam Heathertott 'leash-
- 7 -be wax only in- g
110 alma° Crum tho table; Mr. Langraold led his, Mother to a 'Much La 4- P to etl tIPII I Cu ed
howevert when mho romarked, lore 'Rut he was not long lett In doubt , h „oo , -
U lo girl, whom every one ' ed hia faco with wed, eager oyes, HI- 411.,
TOT:y Obli.TIOON 01 the f act that the Ned, I want you tro put on cleae Voce mar &ono trill flowering plane, oleo. oe room., • -
tsmo zit yoaus r‘er.ou noitetto: er no u y an 11 eat y r
In a Few Days.
tarried onward. rioal 'osmotically, mid
linen, bough your hair nleelO, and re. Langmaid following with rinoidni po,,,Anati look et lee not
tbet moment he boom gam oe a hundred oeople wore riveted
portal), your Moms Hors la a new I Then lie maw little Nellie Trafton of hio keen gorY AO/
of Ma1
o one In an eleelsrt eler•
ootoother.40 uot look so fagot. nerk•tle, too, that I'd like you to coming toward them, all areeoeij sy Putnam's, l'ainless Coro and Wart
111 to flottertag with every movement. , words° °tIntoPPAIter ouhrnmirod wto Extractor removeN all sorts come.
artl:e one--facter fait.. ened• I olle all eight," Ned obserily re.
w w aro rg r
slap not hart you." sponded, hla nekhor's- terrified tones Why, mother, what Is going
laW Mt Lawson spring doing more to testora him te himself . harsPenr 11* asked. • hotting a pretty white box In her nu 'nt not 611 r r w P1111 In n
with a ate i I Ili t th it I worts and bunion t
than anything elm, "1 lusvezet even, a "Mr. and Afro. Lonpunid are go- handl.
•• Miriam found Ott•s, fangtoalA n very
Mite to them. Ardh (Gera :ihirtoo
OW day,. It hue been the 'gond-
averts, Bewaro of acld
verilroist. alebigeTtlie low
at a id re es ix be scratch," he added, as be sae oho did Ing to entertain Rome Wends here , Oho stopped direetly her
anti laidotniro'n
, e4 on To 0,140 d tTiiinee Fite I kind rind oormenini frlend, and the
aX this overacts, ent. Imo nt t y
f flOurtshIng his co vigor. "Are you stire I -oh 1 dont deceive anA I to Join thrill," Niro. Heather -I -tetra. litoletrung'aledil amilPie:ar; Lug' ,10.1 ethieLtib,j0. tad; together on one of the upper. term• -
A Illitorie 011econeeptiou.
V 1119 *1) 10111 itt'
' out twisty woad of not hall credit what ge Bald, ,two n -omen were often 001111 alttIng p neg. inm. alp,
coyly, as be advanced etraWbt to-. ma, dear, f..r Lf you are wounded, you ton explained. fla ohatting 00olably,' when )fro.
to be heard by overy unn
ward the rabid animal. must haw treatment mere," was The Langmaido private parlor satataertone Marro were ovar for tho
eNere has been badly maligned by
of coorso turned tho dok's ot. the anxious ePPeit. opened by folding doors into tin. j no room, mode o pretty Ottlo
the Move:one. Cnreful research, has
moo touial.d giving weft* "1 em very sure, for tbe dog dldn't great drawing -room, and It had bsteri; aleoch, the drwh
ift of lbardIredi Ned, him gad. and Gertrude wore alio the bee provei. him lo been a most ex"
for thie child to spring ng eho touch am," Nod positively afflrmed. arreesed to hare Ned aud hia I etabadrratellIsmueillt,1 could under, of eomrrideo, in spite of the fact that
"The Library of South
(four Moto in °not; and "L)M/Ibt 1. Moot,-
Tha Mon roe Iris Melon"; the book* are well
written and up -iodate, and oro not a. shish ot
old ',rotten the prime am low, and AU tem
extra liberal; agents ego wake wooer Me7
tske hold id once and our booko Prog
ocelot, Imo. 11yon Meal] es reel', other or
range:name forthargurnsiOre'bonollt. WUIiatn
ilvtggv, eltaxlbet Houk Boom, Toronto
oat of harm's war. W bele 41151, " Mr. Lawlor( was lu the ou•ost don- mother oome there, atter which the °,1!'n _ cling" Rome of the little lady's friendo, veto whlin Rom.
reeoloed In tes atom of lier ger. 1 Ors 7ou are not hurt, sir, ho doors should he thrown open, find PraT" boy- ,C4Ing he're 110 (0 were perhaeps jealous of the attentlous °I1 r '
• man " and other similar phrase: ; thou - was barmng
'"'l 1" 0 the "erraod boy."
1 t 1 ., lined .1110f03Co oast opart in Ids Nimbi, D t I iv 1 1 -------------- d Noy No. 1, and alter they• 101
father, who foldsd her coacle tartans to bio frIand. the young hero preaeoted to too else recce. orruetlima tossei theirIIo
tell how, he found. twoutifol velvet, heads wow:dully and spoke contempt- "A pro linia"Pik'n' "-al -
active member of LAT p:un Rose COM -
hid breast with a cry of "Net a 'bit, youngster; 1 ahouel gueota it ihonld assemble to honor In loam way, he oevor could exactlY
for her safety, hove Wen, though, but for you. 1 Ms,
woo soarcely lees distrust.
now on mooeut 01 the don.
of die kind friend, who was otill
roaohlag the dog, his cane ce•
directly before him.
mat, having tam balked of
P a prey, was now furious,
r Ing and barking In the moot
maaner, prepored to pounce
the obild's heroic deliverer.
man, watching every movement
Ise dog, Waltol until the creature
toward lam, when he
duet hls cane into Ws
11 down Ills throat
superhuman stromoth,
g him to the groond,
held him pinned, but wrIalt.
orrIble contortions and ago -
blood and froth poured co.
his mouth.
cern fearful - lam
littY1P-"tiaTII tkilqA ASI) DOER.
Brit1,11 War,' by wookins" (And
In "t).; vonallem, tt 0, untoro
moots liaowing *way all oth91
prof. when they NO largo honk, els.
ornately 1114m,raled, eevuoh 11 1.141 11
gentiles EasSoM leaf " ; 09,0,0 tn.10P
lug inuouseltiobers With our prprousto
worii," MP CANSO, big 001111111,41 "4/Utife,..
frto,' !retain pq10; /Argo incorr trusgere;
writs quick, J. L. N whole ColgoanY, 111011
wood wen, Toronto.
eouldn 4 hove held him u nu a ong• Hum I that o ratberqueer, t? %Mille, ben/Morel and notocislied, , at] le Ott IteNt
er ; he had tho strangth of a lion. I liee romarkol, with surmise too los against hIns without .plritoity roaent. the fire under control he RIbetite or
02010 tin* on the - nzo
ond perhaps that of otbers nOso.' • habit of being pr000ntod tho• tp4a Ilandsama ild log II, and onetittitod home( his
rn ant champ on lipou eTel 0
okeil down
hc%eee that you haTn eared MI' life, and hi.; mother WPM 110t In the
watch and eh n, and knew that t ey , en0ion. Record.
4 44
ti hem Moan to him by t
'That li mi. Yrti, lodoed I Hee a friends of tiro guests', ,11' elre. Ilentherton waled BROM when. 011nardo Liniment relloveo Heuer,. ,
orate of tho 110010 fop lila braverY dl
noble little fellow! There are not, "Queer ?" repeatod l'ara. Ileatlint• g -1 . oronethnos, she overboard her speak In gin,
mono boysof Ida age who would have too, flushIng IMlitly, for anything , dug I a" high orator, of NNI, nod wonder If isbo ,
orpIng 04) kill the ota t
oar+ prlevoite, Didn't Follow Instructions.
gone to tho recite Ds ho diciO' were, Ilke tastes or doeptione Wall who% A great, ;Owl, exultuut leart.throb would be air...Dui- and freeload when
140D10 of the ',morons comments In tovelgto Oo her native 'No, 1 thin another domfole of yoar's o0(1111111hate Indignant Patron -You advertise t,
most tbe rloli blood eirgiug to Intl
reply to Mr. Lawarm's tuatertlout not, for you know the Langto, ( aido ,,row. pogo], (-ere consumption, don't, you '?
'I'm sum I dole* thin* I did any-. have boon very Mud to WA over I (To (to t'ontIntiodit Ike, Cleark-Yjra, orr. I never 10 111011011
I A wateh 1 a.gold wotch I pied all bin
thing to maks' it luso over.- I only ga.110 knod they Canso" my Inotruettoom are followed,
, own to keep and use. He siki,not be. ,„
Ida a tomtit) of Now» with Ex mallet, Bo Nee, took great prate with lilt How's 'TWA 7 Indlguant Patron -oily eon took
a.- 1 Id pla
very unequal ono, and,
help loon came to bilin. Mo. Law-
hod ally little to hope for.
"Ram no ono a ri...stol or revolver ?"
, Ltmgmabi demanded, with pole
ut no one had euelt a weapott itt
hoed, and with a cry of Impntlonoe
be bounded Into tho holm and up to
bi own room to bring ono.
at kelp for Mr. Lawson was nearer
tbhn that.
strio bright oyes had copied, lying
beer. Me of the heavy croquet mab.
life Lawton o the onst wIto faced the personal appeornuce ; lib mot ter
mole with a bold front," Ned mod.' arranged las neektlo le tho most nle
ottly oteerved. Then, reline to emotole proved style pool- tookol a fine honk
from the nbarrionment of tartan:. 'ditched ,thindkerehle1 into 1119 veot.
ectronmoda oh Ma neded : • . • opooket, then tole Itim to room for upon lain, but witb team In her love. . ,
'Como mothon, eve burst a haer.on. her at Italf-goot seven, ttntl they 1
' IT eTto, for he felt that he ought tn itoecne6Yaorr Int°141.tibell,..divinnill'cintoll•104111r)"4411.&5117): ; WORD' I,Inl Well t carve burne. 010,
Ir tho ; ut if they Mfr. out ed, A , % / ntl
Then 110 glancod appealingly 1lt Mr, p.m.., .41414 einnivuip token internallr, act
in' prere not mit of mIrd, Ito poontiool, and Oen renetiowil to r,,oefamod.
comment ark curiorty Miring the to tho vestibule; they had eyldently whi 7001•
walk e ooribuids Wa' direenV neou Gip mood and lioneetineur.
for nie 7" ho faltered., and the gentle. tauyvvtt.iolfIntl;Creni.., 1,11,-.0,7,,a,,,, nor, butt le. Mal
t wore the suleoeta of mock Qtt ids way he notined mow men op eaeo,
Neri wart a veritable hero In. the two -others siolin toxee 4114 the foorth n,(11's Emmy Nilo 01.0111e Itt.
remainder of the day. Just arrived, and ono had 11. hatle men, In a tow well -chorea ',Fordo, e0.
eattuuttlon or peryolo. for nli rosette) aconetliing that looked Ilko a cornet rromed Nod's appreciation ot and cle•
103 in law new possesolon, and tloo Not Worth Ofentionlag
surly other*, as la had eald. wok! be thore, but there were parkas tres tilenenntrlea end witieleme re. OullIn" Itt Middle life. nnvr 1 on
man'a coorage 10 (1 eolfonorifiee in clown from the elty ; so Ned thought their owin"invickrh1146w. erowtr'l onllegauscral.ugnot " Nen c'kerre''1:1111' ft°cP Yien'l ?'-to (11
No one eitnnecItlted the old gentle- the vicinity to MON orchesstratioame tain
coing to tile reteue of little Solite there was probably oonaethlug of for others!" then, before the matt bride " Well, yr., I torte." replied
111:011,thipo WWI a boy in United
States no happy as he ot that aro,
„, • soy es.0 et Catarrh that enamor be cured by died,
Wo ankle -Ono Ilundrod Dolittnr Reward tor your medicine for a year, and then
lie turned a- q motioning look mum 1,1111,4errattl.N4Tri'll'to 10., Propp„ Toledo, O. Dr. Quack -My lootrurtlom; were not
wo ptrieratoed, known E, f011owntl, 'I told him to talc. It for
mother, 'who alnillog fondle * d t II 41 two veletea .-Ohle State Journal,
hole lit ow? odtlar, n, 1, soloh Tou (1 wouki go down together, • I Fay eomet Wog In return for the boort, o !anthem made by 'heir nt.
inPrd 11 for nt0," tiro office, to do what might he re.
Mothor fled lit 1Y' Withdrew 'Mired of hint until tho hour appoint' 311tnut know what to du, tlful gift ; bui he was teetguetled wAose• rroszwillnuKo
trim but for III brave attack upon caw ndnees which hod prompted lt,; A clergyman was called upon to
perform q marologe (error trity for, to
tho rabid clsro Mr. 1.nwoor, filld On' Ho wondeued how they 118.0Poscd IP From Olio Ito drifted 430 HOMO
lame beau bIttmi, quently at the prIvato Teirldellees in gerding tho "modesty til'. :re been marriefil tItlieforri
rattntl'-110 Wal Seen hie hare the 'kind golng on. that Miler, and the dreamed of hls Intention, he turned the twide, laconically; "hot It Won
of prnive. while Mr. am) ydrn!pratautt. woo had mijo to the betel InerelY to li., LbTOANTI, who stood near him, Yearn ago, and he was (11
when they foord on, wore proem' to get tbe4r togagler. t enjoying 1.4,,,pa surprise and boylah de_ an occident 11400n we'd been married
• '
..... The clerk omilee as he entered, the. light, find preaented blot wIth a bean- 011I ) 0 ,Week it , 09 enaII Y 0111 wortf
- office, looking so bright awl townie, Mil mold -headed cane to take the Inentiondig."-d-ill ronnetwo Wine.
-.-.- ...
. i then he gave him a note which lie placo of the eery ordinary one that
• told him to tato to a cottage nt some had teen broken la the straggle with
. I distance from the hotel, mot wait for the rabid dog. • Dear Stre-Thle le to certify lot
au (mower, Then tile bawl etrurk op again, and
. , , Ned ran away iv hi. „vraii„, no preaeutly nl the children and youog I have been -troubled wit 11, a
. e 7 • while liretllee,rth- IIIIN
• ifieril tiTteileeenestztayitIttnesti Itoxtrettheeerreien!weenr(i (go:, rItireerrret. ,Teliel.erelltig n it it elITYS LINAMENT 1 n3 a nt c(111'
nIMONt dark Wheli he returnod to ille erton dropped Ned's watch into blot Pliif'4 ciir8d•
lie, •
happy as a -lark, but lie got out, of people, an ne Horne nt the older Ileeit for fifteen 3(0 0.
leve used three bottles of your
hotel, t giveti tt17 great pleasure to 1c-
' oat waelfet, foul faatenotl the chain
h Ooneumption, Bronchitis, Asthma He handed his mloolve to the oterk, _whIeli had two Mr. Lawson'll commend k and YOU are et lineae
tO U4.1 this in any way to full
I who
told laltn thst would be all be vIvItial glft -In Ill* buttonhole. .
and Kindred Ailments, would want of Mon, that night; Own It Vrtitt a merry, happy oventip, and the use Or your value ii.e medicine,
ROBERT 1104.S,
he boundol opstairs to his mother, Neil never forgot it, no? new kind nod 'Iwo "',,,
whom.he found looking like 11 _pictore genial all those wealthy mid distlii-"r",
to the tufo ant wonderfully healino with ei Minch of Catherine Mermet quelled people wary toward him., , .
nod soothing ht its effects. lto Ream `pinned to bee Nene, and 0. pair lie maid not dame, int lie niarelied
Clinee'e flyrup of Limeed and Turpen- .4 pearl.colored ithi gloves on herabout the room with Gertrude Lang.
Elm alda oxpectoratiou, loosen thy hands.
tough and tightness, In the cheat, al- "Ration I mother! how well 00(1wnultut,Il eriontiltoonnym1 °el tie
1(1' • ' . A Kitchen flint. •
Imo intiamotatlue mot pimiento con-. ore!" he axcialmod, regardIng her ltd. nod do honor to the yoting horn rd the It lo well to rentomber in enoking
lotruPtioll, ppeintonla and wog trod. meal:1y, "what is up tomight, one* occasion ; even pert little Mies NIon- vegetables that nearly all are ht -
Woe tiny 4.,
tague now leotard only too eager to , Jared by being belled with !rob 40111.In citron of nasal catarrh or ordin- Come with nie, and yott will soon
occur° t
ary- colds, general or coustitutionnl find out," he 1.1%or td that " common The disagreeable
she answered, with a Re? odor of boiling rah -
treatment 11 freqnontly unnecessary, little lotto that was like music in his errand boy." • •bago or °Mom' may he leolenr.1 1y
At Mos o'clock there was a sumptu- putting a very 'mail numput of eny.
But whole:the holy 1o:weakened and
rhey descouded the otalro together 0113 supper in tbe great dining MOM emu, pepper to the hoilln_g Mater,
otoutorh, moor, tome orAii, pt. pima and wont deoctly to Mrs. Langmaltro
deletitoted by the Whore of cisme
Mr. Langmaid was waiting outside otter which there wm more dancing
oreeros-moltellg DI lb', drawing' Every mother should two that ho,
rooms until luta-pest tea, whoo ev- • daughter from 12 to 18 years of .11 ge ;
long troubles or other exhausting di- room • „
MPS. n arneral treatmeet, truce 118 erybody shook- hands with Sod, with takes nn occasional °ours* of MIder'*
Dr, Chase'. Nerva "OM, 111 IMMO to the door for theum.
reetore the strengtb of the bodynd fir. gnro fele arm to Jiro. Heather. as much eager:mos and courtcsy, "WI VoIntratIlIt Iron Pil:A. ,
rebuild the waisted tissue. lif,,H,echln,d, bee, if „I] „thha P,rj,i,a,ld,o,riLi: of,, In:
.rman'e own udvd Pree.dlng I. tho
toit and het „her within the parlor.
dieease. It forme new, red corp000res and biasing with alamondo, . area, bat bappy as a prince In Ilia eememem orh0oeroe000
loot ecourity agninnt ()Dino 1*.,,p',''.;
11-1,,. it., , 1,....,- r- ;:drI to otercoine buouDildlY ilAveell.,la ,,Ifivender silk
f treating dinner
or constitto
relying on
el the air pax'
throat and brow
o amount of geomul
heal the ulcer/ on tits
ago or Alla; the in-
psimonary 0,1919
absolutely nee's-
bie cold In the head,
hay fever, Dr. (‚bus's Ca-
to tile mot effeottve local
available. .
ei Catarrh Cure 15 not in
any other purpose than
eatorrhal affections of
,and throat. It to
ailments. nod eures
ad.n.ity oy healing
Meg 1441 breath,
to the throat and
a catarrhal bend -
1 treatuieet tot
hitio astbran,
. Cheese Ira
atlus ho to
eerative a*$tt
OtTPIO bof
.J59 1,001,004 hool. 5eid 111011
11. 110BH/tell LAUMOW 00.,
Kline', tlrent 41,i0W. 311
Ata or Ilfrl0114,104,4 liner Ili'! drip,
Sella 10 111 .1s•eli erreet, 11d1e1.
1 , t ; tn.; n I fr,, " trin1 111*
For ealo by .1, A.-liert 0, ren Sohn On ti w root
Ifer, WInglow're Soothing Syrup \ 0014 Ia.
mayor be used for Children Toctid tor. 11.
1101* 0114-04 Ind 0
and 1. the bast remedy 1.0011)94
10C Olgrelace.,
ii,e eunIA 4 U01110.
" OX V DO N 0 R"
tTronc MAO: Itvgieterol Nov. 1!1,
Ate t Ou 11A, cure twt? O1.V901
lit C1lte. 410114 for our Het of I ea innalloN, (rIPI IPA/ know
,oftw of he cured. NO Fd.:11 I 1,l k AN A TU 91*
NV ITHOl7T AN OXYDON01:. t nature,. cure, no mach,
electricity, rbrea deep: !or wAvTen,
erratic Mark No04! erc,1 No \ otos .1,001 41111, Tooth 0
- - -
DR. Cliriee'm Nerve Foo. -1 Wee to the where thee Naiad ?tr. . '00'
n lit op stain -to be -I, flushed nod
Ilt tho 41044 loot teem/trete thr. fThe rooted Ned and Ills mothor very 48W P°16ea16111` 4114 in 1'46 LI"uglit
h t h "4),:ly good trine been
wasted sierra erns. The 10eal lend cordla ly, then the doors of the room .
general treattmato combine to torte suddenly rollea back, resealing mode a:1 for Ira In that grael 11, r-
an Meal cora for oil stleeame a tc,,, to Nede totoorlehed eyea the 1e1."
ole passages of the head, throat nod; grand drawing rooms, nit obtain CHAPTER XII,
lunge. Dr. Mateo Catarrh (we, ofi with light' and gorgeom with The remainder of the 19=101' 1.1301-
a ,box, blower freeor, ewes pot9.4 planto and cot rimer', which e4 very pfetsaatey, but roothIng tobre,
gem, ao Linseed and Tuevamaine, 178 been morosely vattered every. . ut SIOTIOISSiMpOriAlbre eteUTINd 150011' Matt A battle. lir. Chatter Nerve . , faction with &Aber Nei or his knottier.
nod, BO Watt 8 WS 1/4 an 4111Ilieri, • -lbw? tog tie -tie house was Both grew wall sad strong ; Ned 1
• or Xdoranam, Wee ,k DO, Tefeekt, meloist, aimed In t111011 bolt, and became es Mows As a b•or from
• leo", oo
Chock that Cough
Z`474.0 -tem 44c.
A Dollar
You can obtain Ohio friend hy using
St. Lawrence Sugar
- • .0