HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-04-05, Page 3eeeteeleeeeieeele""eoteeteetee:!eli";.i. ereelieweeeeteeee "- etetieereeneeteeeee,:e.eete • eeee AL. the bacon n very Import- tapie for dbecuseton at the moment and ale Many are giving their on the subtre, 1 take thla upper - of geeing mine, The problem greet" the Wet* hog at a profit is Vs paella that have been paid duff* the past year. During the put months we have had letters ming, presumably from men ted La pork.packlag telling os the kine beg re. to productbaeoa for the Eng. rket. •It fen/ light are being wet to MPhil, eMid ot Intormetekei Eloy title line, Meng propted as to how the yore* so the bacon hoo iit A ivraok! 111 the fleet place V the* the pack- ers aro to Memo for Ho many light ime being nuirkeeed. lf they would tO hence° then the drover e would molt buy them, and contequentle tiler remain lit the hawk of the f r until a proper weight Is reach, sd, which would make It more Meltable for ell eoncerne4. At the plant there are thousands of hogs d to packer& teat bring a prolit o one. Whether this clam uf hop tbe tame of the low mica offered ally I know tort, bat 1 do know t bayou generally get choice lemon for the game prtee they pay for light.vrolghts. It le quite well usioutood by tenure what le re. golfed tor first -clam bacon, and it 2:4.A lighter prioe for the !toe . s for raker) to look after the le the ouly 1 moment 'that will mime the farmer to continue in the bacou *Nide, Tee put year had been a eiterther, And:the farmer is er ttOig g011ie tired of carrY114 thel Invininn Jolt for his health, u there Are other wile of exercise that are just tie healthful. I WM give you my experience dur. the pest Pusan In miming the 1m. hog. M I ate operating a term of Jerue cows and make a ty of butter the year round, la a good poidtlen to rah* the bog as °Maple as any man n t a profit. On the first of flay. T got nothing but the milk from 111.71, piteed ten plge ae $1 each. the Separator and tbe buttermilk and from the house until the 8th tt d$7 ot September, witea 1 began to them grain. Oats and spring rye grown together and ground Into .were fed them until DecomOr when they were gold at $3.00 ow . The total weight was 1.. , making the total receipts rem Stli of Sept. to Dee. ed 5,100 poands of grain cwt., meth* $51, It 10 for MP, made a tv. of ei for pip and grain. me 18,10 te pay for the grinding psi% marketing, repair' on pep (for the re' a nett 101 Wulff they be tie enough to fInd glee pen). Pao the very meachlar exercise 1141Ing the swill.pati for levee •0 half moo**. Now, I oan gpt profit In this atml, and If farmers wslgb their grain and count the PIM of raising the beton hug they Ind it the other fellow who profit. Bruce E. Johnson, In .'• VO. REEVING QUALITY. Ibeeter-Peaking comPetltione seem to beam popular as ever, Judging by the rem offered at the majority of the elploultural ehowe throughout the ommtro, *aye fn. A. W. in the Fleetest MST. Good butter judges are, there. a premlum, not so much on ne of lack In number', but be - op the beet judges are often at a lose as to the marks to be awarded to the several dletInet operatIou and remit, ; And tberefore they do. Pot; oaro lo weepy Obs position they cite, their own Judgment, only Made- taly fill. It has undoubtedly oa- t* many judger that the dint- * Monies the marlin nee the taste end the of tbe simple. Wily eep probably inknown the 'tied such A difficulty exist is well known almost y batter judge 1p the kingdom. To ells matter clearly, Outdo end Dg quality are the two but pro- of batter, and they aro to ail eate mir'posee rival qualittee. ersellent qualities all corn. re, and all loverlably fail !moiety., or their Oulgen, 03 Judges, either by chance ave Wen the reitelmum rke obtainable, and time went may be termed "the ratl000l Judgment." et tha matter earefully, once sem that taste and quality are at earl. roe eo what Is the twee 01 due? Not to the fat, that in certedel, lia pure butter fat very toelpid rebstatee ; there - era nivel leak to Nome other tuant ot to tarnish unsettle 17 motors! to develop e accustomed to and- eepecially to in its alialYels. it le t the "nutty" tee* by Judge, (Midair for" Ise oompetitors) not from tile fat, but "Medi not tat" of Milk. II peeve thle by evaporat. to dr7oeas a little milk ter extracting the fat weeds by ether, taste Th. "nutty" flavor thot the goal of to have • beeti t he nil of the fat now, with reference to the qmiAily, To PI batterenak. 11.41,alsolin abo puree tat the better the keep. ty of the sample, and also, Mita pure tat ea much na DHOW le 0004ble Must of. lint Whet Our Ws 4 Is t. away 1 mce& of the nut. t two 'plein was tether reelable de. both pal. all the poem& to ellen attest Ay destroy the It not be better to la one kind of OS I the , , nul .. et: In. goof Off w tit eouore, chink tire taste Is hal Im 15, • b the itsiditioa ui ...sweet* ot pee n et; betteresakeee POUI,TflY HOW, ponitrymaa map tiled he it. n AO if a OUT BOB NI I. CATARRH. Mrs. Hammond Says She is Fat and Uninteresting, 1•=•••••••••• A STUDY IN MONOCHROME. Sirs, Joh* Ilayi Hammond talks eti. ceiling about the maitre of the house tertainIngly of ronditlotte and people Lt not only waram bite house, bu III Betith Arrive. Pho hos title to Nay drier' the air. Da not have the flume ee the Boom: toe thigh, Theo; it no need to he al ., Beth mon a no *omit igo tif it 10W *MUM Ghoul ettrbenie sole gas en mem of efo. Tice town Boere who cumulating al then will be enough (rut ale get In from the outside in live In Pretoria have n veneer of mate ner-a Nave of commerelel orate but 1110.4 Poultry townie, often more than they are in many ways lees admirable ,o'ne lantern 0136 keel), wattle' Ptlerl,,,IY than the country liteere. They line "88 00 4 10'44'1 nide th `"e Ilttle more ambition to decorate (noun 16 another good plan to secure their IleMen Mutate their ehil• a dry house. The ;tailli(ht qp the wall" dren, but their attempte are crude. and (lure dries tfie leoate, A damp There bi abooletall, moon, Crouse meson (teeth le poultry.- Boer woman -alto le n blatik. Thee LAME 011) ()TOED. SIIELI,s, are fat and prolific, anti beyond that Voultmosen Are tremtently told to there la nothIng." feed broken tooter Ifilella to iheir "Are thee never attractive te bail! poultry ie will was naked, Provo tke quality of the egg alielln. " Ruely. They are ell we eolor. Wo doubt very nettle if this hpa been All of South Africa le monochrome Proved. Vie lime feen4 in, ' oyster -the dusty IMMO of Ite teem, the ohells insoluable, end is treleab:o skin of It. people -it all is of the same only in tiolde. The protests" of diges- color whew. And elle women no, tion may liberate auto of the lime, eunhumed and dial III ador. They oro but we rather think the rilef us of lacy arid slovenly. Thee been none of elle broken cotter shells is to p meet the thrift of their Dutch enceinte* in griedlati tree food. All the foods They, with one or two slattarnlY fed mental* a certain amount of lime Kotflr omen* keep their homes, but and How being brobso up by the tenet Moe wear petit Meuse blood are available for forming egg and aunbonnets or go bareheaded, 4115111 Heed water cantatas lime in 'Choy have eeme vanity, artil will dirk Repletion and the hens by drinking It themselves out In Pinchbeck Jewell eati Retire tie lime they want. 11 when they eome to town to take the mote la politela ifttln can is added atteruMent, bat have taste no edu• to gee water. This ated of lime is ad- cation and no rtfloomeat. I have gone vocated upon the supposition that across tho country a number of times Jaen hone Jay eoft shelled egg' limo with my hubeitd * a Cape cart, cat la needed. The fare is expertenee has hare often a*mod at the bowie of n ikon that when hens lay eggs With Boer for rerrateat. t would always soft shells they aro too tat end aucb usk first fpr water. and KU the we' 81114 aro field product uf *ranged men woe* dew trooping In with me &Totem, Tao oto• le not la etas, but to snitch me take my bath. They la release of feed, or issa Nee and hors a sort of animal love for mato OPP* *gantlet and offspring, and ae tar ea 1 have been able to find alit ere virtuous." MUTTON ANI) 'WOOL FORSI. ,„ Is there any trogh'ht the report In bPte" an 1314° that the Boers will put their women Fatal"' IllititUte' Sit 8' R. It"' lat.e the trenchel ?" none--t•hey are en), "From my experience I have mane thing but amazon'. Tbey are Oleg - to the ballot that the formation f aratie end timed Get arise to any ern - the animal has very much to do with orgeney and are absolutely witboutt its, value as a food consumer, and alao nerves. Years ago when they trekked In the profit we get in the sale of , &arose country the (women were part the product when rbdebed• Renee of the rain% houlehold effects, and ot Huron Comity, that State, said heohere4 will 'ketch brk4I,v what 1 would they bad to take ibeir place and help term a valuable ghee' for makIng muttony! toed the :WWI; and defend them. The forniatiou that would Is fa. laaeglvresgofrnol,m67t,hannadatirhese , xbouLtahail beans . vorable for the production of mut. t irety oat of ton would not be the desired forma- Bow, eze "natio in, their reo, tlon for producing wool, which 1 ligion, and, like all fanatics, are telt' ir111 allow you further on. For mat. _elfre,,,iernerte; ....Iterls always. 'tho. eh_frreh ton we should have au animal with are extrenver7 sines a Met, broad taco, and wide ou top "'"" and sanriimonious and disapprove of of the poll. The width on top of the poll dee nate' the brain of the ant: mat An animal without a good brain le unprofitable to tonsume either grain or hay. We want a eheep talth a brain not only large, bat active. How am we going to tell a 'beep whiteu pommeled au active brain? We can tell it by the expreeston of the eye, ftp well aa by tho motions of the Jaw when it is (mourning food. The active brained sheep will make three motiou of the Jaw, while the !smeare and eluggisiebrained elleeP will only make two. While Ude may be deetrable, and la very desirable In • sheep for teettOtot perporee, it has 60 obJectIona. This nerroue eheep anti Is always trying to get out of Your way. That Is a characteristic brain. Flence,11 metes It ifoineut'itnliesP of tba poosessing an ignorant end dared not cope with the superior intelligence of the English, disagreeeble (when you are under. so talthei to handle the sheep In the use; imported meddles:len teem 10111). by running over the Iambi. But Isonand, with whIch country they had I am hero to ea,' thle eheep le alwaye most affiBation, .and these were fat and In good condition. The pro. unscrupulous pohtitaleae, end. as soon ae they felt the grooed wader their geol. of that sheep Is always up and doing work at the udder, no matter feet. and trollied that the Breleh condi. would down their corrupt power they what may be the ourrounding Vora. began to narrow the boundariee and ?BE MUTTON FORA!. pall in the Rua. Dr. Leyds, et droop imported unlIddlemen, wrote We should hare shems broad on the batik to Holland shortly niter hie ap- back, the body of fairly good length, pouttme,nt is attorney general, dem- and we should hive the loin broad and crIbeing Preotdent Kruger an Ignr- Imeno Or bred and Sbiskt the ant, nerrow-sainded, pigsheadeti and top of the`h p lone, the ham 'well let ireeible 011 Boer, whom he cold play down, and-tbe breech full, 00 al to with end twist nroued his linger all be halve whet the Englishman would call oboe& You hear of the diamond nynd:e "a out leg of mutton"; 61411 ire sate, but that is no:then to the should have the flank short and thleit trustee which them intetch afkilenum and ist down. ate thAt the raider Own and control, There is the ree- t4 the Opp will be parallel with the Way, tho Ilqeor troll's, the drainage, upper Ilne. We 6140014 Poo the fore syatem, the water supply -they are or: (leek full, end the kere standing wide monopolies, and the anliddIemen Is he. apart anti short. Tne length of the bind every One of them. Well, these leg w 11 very mob ,srminif OP time middlemen hare made trouble be - of the maturity et the animal. You tween the Beare and the English, and will find that to be true -just lls you now this Americana where with the lengthen out tho leg of the alteep, end arith In the general hatred felt by oo much will you lengthen out the the Boer for the Attglo,Ibeeti." time of Its coming to maturity, We ere, yon know Corte Rhode'', find ohottid havmthe erop come,,well out, what le yonr estimate of him'?" ehe bo that a Ito let down from the eye was questioned, 'al the sheep stands la Re 'stare pen- ..0h, yo., Mr: Tieuenionti and kuow tion would strike the extremity 11102 intimately, and often stay at his the Crate !F1i'i% Wi 1110141 11030 bne 110U110" One reP11011, "Air. Ithodee le a brisket of the sheep broad and level ; .men oe. yeete, eful use boo not the breeet-h. hanging .401r11. dealt, anti Miele/et things where they Such a eheep ate 1 have described nu spree -hs purpose, but tile ambition le will find 11 to he of the most profitable goo pommel. Immo colt 16 more „. conformation for the production of clOarinant Instinct, which he intuit el: - mutton. Not only that, bet it wet preen rind which he meet fulfil. 115 bring a larger price when It gets to has 110 60011 vanities. There Is go hum the market. When sve ere eeleetIng more generous. immenne wealtlt sheep we ought to pay more attention nt the command of private need end to conformation, in order to get the public charity. Money has Its bower, Len machine to work up thograbt and end he known it, but he came nothIng the tiny that we are going to put for It except (1.9 0 means -It le never through that machine Ourliig the an end. It 11 the horse that carrier wintery TUI WOOL P01171., him to hie goal. "31r. Rhoden lives In the style of an English country gentlemen, and hie 11 1011 select o. wheels for wool -pro- ducing, It ;Mould be almon entirolY personal *des are eimplietty lteelf Let 1 think he apprepiaten what is different from that Jest deocribed. goo'I in life. Ifis table is ef the situ - The neck should be longer, the head pleat, and although he entertalne a merger, the neck emanated with the great deal, hei aneate aro uoielly men, bodY oe to kava the IIPPearenue m I have sat down at hls table with a limb stuck into a tree, and, 1 almost twenty-four somata owl 1 the only always select a nook which lets down woman. Be does not like women -gen - o 41111e where it unites Reel: on the erally-is afraid of Munn and distrust/I top with the backbone. The shoulders m verbal), na'turnl, as he le 111101.tl be narrow; the sheep wedgo- beset by adventuremes and nneerupw- forn1 all the way through ; the liana Mee women, eager to moll body and thia and cet op into the body of the soul to secure some advantage for sheep. The same thing le true with themselves or for someone elee. Ile the sheep Intended to produce wool as has, hotvever, the utmost reverenee with the cow' Intended to .prodoce for motherhood in a woman and for toile Almost exactly the saute confer- womanly purity. Mation should be 'ought. One M pro- "Kis favorite book for private read. diteing teed that fee& upon protein 1ng, and the one which is always by food, and needs Protein ln order to bed at night, is a copy! of Mame produee It. The other needs a inlittnre Aurelius. It is worn and marked of toodseneeds more of the carbo-hy- through and throligh, and I think the dratee--the mutton than the wool. greater, temptation which has ever The necessity for this you can readily tome to my problty nine steal that We. 41the co Ps deprived of pienty of hook: Think of what it would 10.4 -to produce tile milk slite would room to have the key to a great otherwise produce, she ferde upon her man% life. Be has it mod unique own fleth prodleintilielk. The sheep rind Interesting library, Mit he IS not that le producing wool, when It le a great reader. lie ktiowei what Is In deprived of food lteceesaizioi the the book.. however. He likes pictures, growing of the wool MI as It but he Is aot a critic, and franitlY would grow, teach upon No Alt,- says he le not a judge of art. Ile cares ease; hence that earwig meet be sup- nothing for mimic and tkiee not im- plied with food -that has this property, derstand He Is intensely Impersti. We have now two foram of sheep- Mons, and really think he believer; one for wool and one for mutton. 1 ray- In Witte III. greaten hem le Na. we need not confine ourselves to rine' poleon, and lm also ndtp.red very of the thoroughbred mutton thee!) In much Dotterel Cordon rind Charter; order to gel the best Auto theep Stewart Parnell. for the market. We lines been, 1 think. 'Me. Ttlevloa cum" 1" trier!' misted in 1,10 ;inel iteuee imve he wits a lad p111); told by hls 0711. done ourselves n groat deal of inlnry. elan that he could not live a year. Tine tesult has beers, on amount of our tie wee the eon of an Engliehninn, lie learn of cetemsbreeding, that aloe* hal flee brothers and two sister/I, bet fusee been driven largely out r)f the; none et them live with him, and emmtro, and to -day when we weld, though les 11 fond of them 1 do not sbeep tbey are not here to be bad. thlak his family affections are very strong. Me 45, but look. much older. Re used to be ot a Holed type, but Sion. stem the Jammu raid has become 4Wiletre ni gale, &IP it Pia refined hie appear. salt, Mow itato siod him meth haademeer, , , „ bee et Vaunt MVP 110914, Me Jobs Quinlan, ot Luiseabtirg, met, OA almost lost fito voles from the ittheeeit of Catarrh, A ages that bat fled the doctors and whieh menthe or horpiteil treatment tailed to benefit CATARRHOZONE CURED. kir. Quintet, Rom "For yeare 1 have been a victim to inie of the neva dreaded forme of catarrh. My vocal °woe became gradually Affected, and last entimin 1 voted not *beak above whisper, I ievet many remedlea, bet they Mil, not help. At last the doctor said 1 aliontd have to go to the hospital, where 1 ooind elven '°- 200 hothead. 7'wo mottle la Luttenatirg lielinItal felled to litmellt, sie 1 went to 1011158 Heepltel, but In three week* the doctors mild nothing could be done, end I returned home. leteelly a Mend advised me to two a sample of Catawba:one, end the result was so ent'ouraglint that coo - Waled the treatment, In ti few weeks toy rolee became strengthened mut in a mate sea e hen' my power of speech woo completely teetered fselehhors gad friends eooenr w1th me that retturboraire to the ono. mos for catarrh and ;moat arfeetlent nundrees of doilare expended in otter wage WM nut benefit an lomat Ite am ex, penned ea Caterramone," CATARRHOZONE 1,‘ a barer -Oiling euro fur ',ATARI'', swoons, THROAT IRRITATION. it te new, refratlfle method of treet• ment, that we eitorentee i,ore thew MA ease* or money refuetlea, The atednated, ilr, %heti Inhaled, spreads to n11 perilous r.4 eisel passages and bronchial (Mica, where it kith the germs, and at the elms /Me soothes and heals the sore mentbramet, Complete twat, eft ocelot' trentnient, price 1; ettre buttes of ;amino Gee. At tratestate, lw mall. 're enty'ave cent Ohl she for Me In stamps, trout N. C. Velum * Co., otneAton one • splendid, stroug, square Jaw, a cold gray eye-tho coldest, hardeat and most cell:Mating have ever Pen- n floe, at'elltaltaped nose, and Ms mouth, although large, 1. as Nett:slave am a 'refugee'. Ills face is an enroll. ronisin. Kipling noticed and spoke of mouth. 1 have teen it twitch when he talked of things la which he etas interested -things which moved tbe big springs of his 'There le nothing little about the man, and he Is eseentially out of place under graefilni find gentle conditIons, goo* are said once, 'Rhodes is as much out of plat* In a drawing room al a steam roller would be under a Male Mee.' He is esesntially a road - maker, and he oannot handle llttle Lignite. Ho mot do everything oft a giant melee! Good for Allielonariee. The Oxydonor, patented by Dr. gauche, formerly of Montreal, araware le be knnIn terviceoble Instrument, woman, for sew living in outlying diorites. By reusing the Mood to ;moon oxygen from Moran burns disease out of the yetem en- tirely and cures without medicine or Nall. Seeing trait it make.; use of itinttro'g groat ',awe ut 01=6 tx„.6 of Lb, goer. reetomelveitie net remarkable thet it *meld have such mut bueceee in an 01114 disease Phyeelans , ere beitneinit reit more on mattes of life or belief, There are two churches, the Dotoh Reformed and the Deeper, and there is always trou- ble between them Kruger le a Dopper, and at the time of the Jameson veld the countey Was on the verge of re- volution because of this quarrel be- tween the chorches. The belief is nar- row and selfish -ix of Calvinism'. "The ,Beers are almost tolerantly Ignorant, and It is only within a few yeers tbat Knitter has learned. to sign his name, ami it is rtev belle( that out of this ignorance hoe sprung the n the Boers rave the rs were beepXabie to t first, and wheel the there they were gen- trouble lithe Ent ish 'eh o the, English oitlanders ea notes with ih bat the Boers were 11 11*. chile is maw at itIght, has tooted to sel dem, el wbal le and, he so generally mod in tam Ma ratnapt.nt,riv,11,..r:rc:re. t is to d wage what TASTED BUFFALO JOSTICE- , London Lad of 17 Sent to Penitentiary BECAUSE HE WAS ROBBED, A Buffalo, N.Y., deepatelt says: David Johns, 17 years old, hailing from Lott. don, Canada, the lama victim of the gang of sharrotre land Buffalo Jure Mee 11 which Intone the railroad stations. ;TOMS tem) Bliffaio yesterday 01. ternoon, and while waiting In the New York Centrnl Rtetion, on Ex change etreet, wag approached by two men, who entered' into conversa- tion with him, They learned ho war; from out of town, suggeetoil that all take a walk, and started see the town. After they showed Johns the big bulidinge they made their way to a Baleen on ellehlgall street, near Swan. Woe he was prostrated with whiskey end relieved of about 020 sane met Serge Ryan, of the fleet : precinct, and told him his ettery. Johns' . wee unable to point out tho mete wire roped tem to buy Menke. Ile von ea drunk that the efitgennt decided to lock him np on the charge ot intoxt.. eAttou, Vas erralgned before trudge Graf, in the enrolee Court, war; ronvteted and fined *0. Not, 'Inv-, Ing the money ho wag thee• penitentiary, There, are roany 1;41:13i: Who use et 1 ' W 11 11455 In cages of biliousnews, and nuke bet- ter results than from tiny other medl- rIO; one doe. Is usualey sufficient le Correct the. trouble. • The Watchful ProprtetOr. Tho proprietor of n Illasgew ship- yard, haling hoard that Me men 111(1 not start work at the appointed time, recently istild an unexpected vislt hie eatablishment at half•past six 111 the morning. He caught eight of a Joiner Idling In the yard, wit!! his kit unopened, and inked Me name. Be- teg informed that it wne Malcolm Campbell, the ohipbulider called' tls mnii Into the 'office, handed four days' pny and told Mtn to leave at onee. When the Joiner had deported the head of the establishment went to the foreman and told him that ho had made on example of Malcolm Campbell by paying off for wit starting Mu work at the proper time. "Groat loott I" exclaimed the fore. num; "that man With Only looking for Minard's Liniment for stile every. Where. Color in Medical. Practice. The use of colorer at a part of meth. cat treatment in not, 11 nosy ono. Red • light, for example, hut been recently • advocated lu the treatment of measles • and smallpox. Jean Daddeaden cured the eon of Henry I., King of England, of smallpox by surrounding thee:ince with scarlet, clothing blur in scarlet, as well as all hie attendante, and having ted carpets and hangings tit the room. The record shovnt this succeeded so well that We feet'. wits not even scarred. NSW life for a quarler, :Vetere; Compound Iron NEM , A Few Family Nimes. Brandt eeneng reports of family names give In England and Wales 213,000 Smitem, 242,100 jotters, with Williams, Taylor, Davier; and Drown following In order. For $e. 1(611(1 Smith lead., followed by McDon- ald, ilmirn, Thomson, Robertfion, Stewart aol Campbell. Murphy to .1 (1 Iti lielond, there being aid,(100 of them ; then tome Kelly, 55,900: eu111000, 48,000; Walah, 41,700; Mettle 87,000; O'Brien, 88,400; Byrne, 811,000: Ryan, 22,000; Connor, 81,..!on O'Neil, 20,100; mill liellevo29,000, Miller's Worm Powders are a won- derful medicine for nEnients nf cite, d re n, A brave man le sometime* a deeper. ado; but a bully is always a -coward. IMOrton, t : 111 1 Ei ERC I�TIEI • • The Canatliane Great Fight With Cronje and His Men. GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF FIGHT. A Belmont, Routh Africa, Pablo neje: leer the find time Once the Royal tneadlan Regiment tended in Sotith Africa we have hod a death ilst to make up, Se I have auntie' cabled, tho 'attire:in wont into action. With the remainder of the With Brigade ot Priardeberg, nitwit nine miler; nrwth. eau Jacob:Mai and 40 miles !rein +hero, on einelny brat, the lfith mid 19 even killed and et ivOunded, • The Canaillana were revletylel nt Orimpaii tentalae, Feb. 11, bet Brigadier -I ;orient Cel. entitIoDorrien, who atatol that Ito was well pleased telth their grand phyeltme, theer etrial- litem In the rtinke, their mrivemerits on ee hate/1110u, and *141 61(0 Ivey the wertle of emit inand Were oilseed along tho firing line, awl lastly the belga. dier Senbi that he Was gild to, be In renown:I id the Canadians, Next day the ordere to leave foe the front were recelled, and the Cituattlarue with the rehropshiree, Ourdoile, and Cornwalbe, started from firasran. Raindam wow the :Met obJeetlyte point, anti when the brigade halted there at nfght there was many a sol- dier more traml for ble mlles' trudge than he lwel over been before. Al along tho line old nailer( were stepping front the mike and falling out, some with sore feet, °there weak from exhaustion, and ;tome, with symptom* of fever. 1u the brigade of 4,000 men 110 had to drop out and give up the march, 06111 Of the 150 who quit there were but five Canadian*: Lord Roberto nntl Lord Kitchener had succeeefully pituined the men. oetwreit *Mee relieved Kimberley, and after Oen. French had brought hie cavalry through the Diamond City nil the Ilodeler columns were moved to entrap the Boers, who were fleeing from nagerefontein to the east. Hate work nod pereistent steady effort allowed Oen. Kelly•Kennyte mounted Infantry to catch en to the rear guard of Croide's men, told at KIM drift the tall end of the Boer** proceselon woe forted upon their main holy. ' Then the whole movement w*) 168 gun which meant that the BMW leader was to be eurrounded and test up, with no !menhir; ;Mance to get out of the cage whine in a way, Is made for blenselt, The action began nt ilaybronb or, Sunday, with more mounted 11 fantry on the right fink or tire en. emy, while the mate hotly of the British fiCeOuiplishad movements! rtoultml In the outflanking of the Boers. With poneselon of both drifts on the river (the ?dodder) the enemy were enclosed (aid a general attack was ordered. Then Oen. Mae- donald's eiighined Brigade started I Li 1 ft I t ri on e anr he some Reetelt regiments that luol experienced a mighty slaughter at itegoolootein 00 Dec. 110 Met went at their &Atli-deal/rag work, Clef. Knox's Went at the right, and Our °Wit men, as part uf 131111th-DOrrien's brigade, advanced 01 the °mitre, The Beer longer was on the north elde of and beyond the Over, and it was that point which farmed the objective et the nineteenth shwmehlene hop. before.elle le0telo Attar- , dun ifighlanders and Canadian/ were fully fifteen milee koutlionet of the merle of the fight. A wholoeltight'e forced march lay before Omen night witerela the grit mei internee; of the Alen were Mown to dogren 811 through the (laetrile:e, ensiling nod plodtlIng along, etiontilleig mid s6014• giblet now and agnet on the hard, etotte-streWn. veldt, bit O'er carrying out the eommand to Mutton forwnril to what IV (114 to prOVP 0118 Of tho f e'reesa einnha te id the te anti African war. Reach the goal 11181 retell It OM (RA It% you Pali, was the order. And the nineteenth brigade worked their way to Paardeberg hy the trate that the Sabbath rimming hroke, Only the experlenee of the marell eau giro a . proper insight into the wove ing wept of a (wool journey t. Indeed of a rot 1111,1 sleep,* - break, on vowel of mite Other details of the Canagleinef&o. , Men wereo reshot into the and 11) -7 teekiek, before Calm nt home had thought of etIrring out of bed, the Catoollans in Africa were eending Aral retaleino the leaden Wis- .110. Inge In South Afritia, Ore been pleagetheoefit me,. then agate I: Wilt W003, erable escapade/A to White About, but tiMm.ever. Final, 'after all hope tt Avben It (Mee to lteeennte of the aopertrietly gone and a large eine el woundinge of men with money had been 'theme away fie whom ono has been very closely eon- Medicines that' did 113d- flo reacted for the last four menthe, the friend strongly advised rue te ere Or. etleke, and nothing Is left to tell Willeams' Pink P1111, etto et' but tho gruesome and eold facts. Which We00 brought me it E hp to- nere le (10 cloak for sentencee; there ginning of the monniet et lege. noel le almost us little balm for tlm now them and to my jje so, eyeful teenage of the rest of the real- movement. I cow:timed • 1.e use el mont. The Canadlan boys met their the Mile faithfully unite 1 hot taken death like men. The battalion has re» fight bono. I am 31'' 3140 1I1 to rotted Its worst trials of the wnr, tend to nil housee. Ile feeling en- nui! now the graves of the Canndiens but add a few battle monuments to tiro humireds In this desolate mem try. The brigade in width the Canadians were marched on the drIft went at the etager nt the north glee of the river, which even mounted in. For diatanole1 on *Moll side 01 tho fantry failed to charge sueceasfully, elver the land„was level, and an exoot repetition of the Hodder River bat. tle had to be experienced, mon advanc. Ing under a murderous fire without the sliohtest ;Metter or cover. To melte an attempt to Marge the !eager the Canadlene had to cross tho river, and here they plungeden tend waded across artillery prayed nettle Into the soaked to the ek111, Advanced, white '11 3. elle Willett:lin will know "too Gamut,/ w von" thq Mooed, prlutee and themietele of miles from tho it41010ekvis,lithetri ro11(1 Pillengehs Wth:tlyg 'Awe Mager. riot Hee of lee Mill 10 until at ;tune - '1'110 11003', 805150 and mon there wag Not tegritil htlikoluni: ""1:1"';';',:t.1:0,,,1;74'1 1"re.1(:1:::111,11''1;iirricaelklf7Illelli."0e:klelliaitl°1VecdTece7Ifl0ritin:titelt1ffi: rank*, and when the men got up front 1 the ground to advance some Caro Men alwayn wmit down before I et, o Howell Danto, sa : rifle shot of Um enemy, All through a terrine heat e oi 1 1,!;';:i,liner''' Wr."4 P"di" c() moet.dralent thundentorm the tot 11' r • brave °Water to go for water Peen Liked flag Tine. waged. '8,0111e ' Were abet In ':tr.kle node burning throats. Foot ere' morn till eunlight all teee. tee! entradoolavambileoloinetwrhutntieptitsetror,,,A1t:iyiT tIll Wednef4 la\ , tl. 1.,,• and mothe, mkt he Oki the elle-trosiol t 11 good dent about the chrywilltleg and cocoons. • After ite had got the 1,», well instructed he showed one of, the smallest of them 0114) Di the coroner • co0(1 "ckorali 'tTlite"n* Wien lien e loehol up and mei, noel V WA 1.011" ei. I : "My IN1101. snya thou :in pp t'0011A 100k to him:" kfinerele; lebilineiit curve ilendruff. woonooirwro,... etabled nibs); tittWtNue le IiiktiNt le Mn ars doing well. It ' thak i t Ose, tleye te bring them 111"011 ishek trig to Modder. sever, but they *True them yesterday at! Attacked by a Pima tot zrot to the trate Waring them in the a tereoon. tome*of theta were even /latent Foo But No a ter that trying entrne,y able tto be querui it emit down to beepitel in the regtear train, and the mu followed through . . late •lust ntght is the ambulance train. 1 talked to the wearedsdedeour own regiment, and tboregh they had ked o hard time le, they were in good merits and looking for extra* 10 1(1, 1 was oil the Olin wit& Lieut. J. .C. Meson eine al the. two officers who Wee wolf/Med), nod the. getting along excellently, es also • Pei:eller,who hail, Mid a toted; of the Mtn, ,A detail of 130 men ender Sergi. Davies, li Company, tone 1143 be- hind at Iteirriont, when the Canadionte left for the frene, 1 ;Ire fir :he stores. In t('Nat Colonel Otter anA all hie officers and men need W41e-imver marintitr-and to Colonfil 430then ennui the honor of hoeing the Caned:Rae into 1 he Pottle One, 1 Inly one ehoplaie hag been pt.rinite tett to go with the t'anadiame, 0*01 since there ore other PrOteeteint elitip- Mins with the divieeen, Rev. lir, holm (Presbyterian) ie to comma tt Orange River t111 DM "troupe unlit met* the rellWay. Rev. Mr, Almon 1 fAnglierin) is at Wonburg, awl Fa- ther 01..e4ry Is with the regiment. Stanley 3feKeown 11ro80n DEA.T11 OF 'W. WRITE. 1 6.. Emmet Vulnine, writing to hi mother at Windier, Ont., rays: "On Sunday welle at breakfast were ordered to ene up, nal beget; i march to the Bowe We swam tin MOrider and then met the (tunny m11 bayonet charge. We were repnleed, And a 10120114 attark wee attended iv 11.11 the /male result is the firm, It 01'10 the laid Attack that poor Walter Witte (Windsor,. was killed. 04,,brains ware blown mit. Near Min fel 0 DMA! soldier, whole load en Shouldn't, were 140161 111 by u 130' shell. The Rome went through Wel ter'e clothing met took what posse Mons be bad. The (hit Wm itorribi lidglirt.i O olinatott, M. P., roceived a lot ter to -day 1101111 1110.11011, Unit Ken math Johneton, of the 270 Bate. who wee in Oa thick of the fight n Paardeberg, where 18 Canadian were killed end (12 *emit)ed, Limn Johneton Is 0 Company, London Lumbago Tortured Capt. Masi Years 0111 Doctor Hue femora kidney Pills -Three Effected a Complete Cure, letint et. Charlet le it, learelt 203 -We owe n great ,deal to our 1011* lent firemen. Their work obligee tImni to rietaeld often to eitteifleo their liven 111' Sher most upeeifish way, A nil tho implehipa to which 1•W are contrauttily entbjented loon leg on thom. The frequent tireiteltirep they Mi. derv, at big tires, bring on R111s. tdetn, Luidbasto mei other Kkiner , I troubles, lailubago le a cowmen enemy of tho firemell. That lo telly so wank guAlonn 1116' infidlen are ,PotoftalltsfAM rather while Atilt young me11. lotelbrigo eripplee theM, weekono themand nitrite them ter hard Work, Dodder Kidney Pills area specifies tar the poeltIvo and abeolatell mire of Lune bago. Iodine !Olney Pills drive Lumbago tut of the aystent entirely, by etrengthening aed atiallaating the kitinee'e. Then the kidneys provide mire, rich idood her the nogriehment of the body. nualolernak put ot theierehtoodKid: Heys filter LdrkYu Pil ' devotee so eompl . Phut IN hOW an(ft,tt they care the ('119*, T. Haagen.; ti Fir. etta. ' Hun, thie town, aye: ."I suffered ItcrrIblo torture from Lumbago and Kidney, troublem, till my ;looter tot 'tee, ;bef me to uee loadd's Kidney "I have beep a member of the «40 brIgrele for 214 yeure, anal never Let relief from these dieeeees Dodd'* Kidney Ville gave me it Threat hates Mimi ate totallY." • l • NERD -5 - ' Maryland Mob Made Short Work of Him, ,le ,, , ant eielfted ar a. prli'ate. Be ',aye that AssA tit T F I) GI ii ,,• NT. one man els shot through thP Lev! ts, a on on side of him and another 6," , i; lain', ..th.1:,*fialiWit'l'..' lir.. l'evt,,, 1 rro rdan the, oiler side. tip we,to th • ,ee root ,...a elter 1111 father on a stem. ,.11 tin battlefiele, tip "pretty 110t,'11'' 1; 11 t spIrlta is , , ., It negro wi 716 lio„ • ki."11"dulirienigivatihn'o eenlgh pad ter a brief elrtiggle sherlft and the Intile of iv Alen were nightly wounded. 11 had been expected that on attempt trould Ito made to hang Harris, yesterdaY, yO when he was to have been brought up for a hearing, but OM PoetPollad until toelay, and everything seemed quiet !net 1114116. *Mort time before midnight it wea. announced that.'4. was on itie FROM PAIN TO EMIR. Chippewa Lady 'rens a Story Suffering and blew, 811110reil Froin Heart Trouble for Years -11pr Misery Furl her Aggr a. vated by Kidney and Menotti' Trouble. From the Rear, St. Catharines, One .Ia the village of Chippewa, an, ...ay from AberdiZto a nelgnieweeor-gf* Iage, and It general movement towas4 tea Jall Usk pinee. Presently 011046* twenty men appeared. Some of were masked. Al attack upon., the :Jail was begun. A (n)ade of wore exchanged between the 8 f • and 1)0 *Milan on tlin one hand. Mid the mob ou the other, remitting 10 .the wounding of litthutt L. Balt of alotra the Niagara frontier, there probably no better known or reapectea, ed residents than Mr. and lire. David Siltabol Both ere of German descent and display much of the I old holtione rd hos'pliality ao often found in the fatherland, Te a cerrespottent the Si. cartharinee Atar, who re rently et at Mr. tichabel's home ldre. Oe I 'mitten:, the followiag Story : " Yee re ageing ,nllYelelate 1o1" Dr, „ had" futark.afeettlie, /19 ve beet troubled at intervene weth jealpitatiel and severe palms, end sallleielleti heart would allnotit tram lo heat. I would !bemire dim, Tefft:OP1 ant frIghtetneil. At otter times I Slept badly AIIII had Itrotth:oliallIfi dreamt; I lingered in this elate until teal win ter when expoeure. iti told Orme,' my kiwis and completely penstrat ed me. The riming teone, whin me' complaints were 'furt her aggeavat ed by nomad 'trouble. loathed food and Meld tealise that Wag daily growing weaker. 'My physician's treatment would aomel Immo slightly es place, Ana 8 MI II trout Aberdeen, hoeo name mold not ' be keened, .v Jall doore were evettlerally forced ' Harris was taken. attt. While In lo Ilan& of tea mob he exclaimed: "If 1 did It, men, 1 Wall drunk and dl I not know what I Wee about. 1 i have no recollection 01 Ite" i, Tim mob Mottled Jtira, te a nelglibor• , Ing yard. where OW a. large poplar tree. And, 9101124 4 bootie around his ir .fleck, flue the other end of the rope over a Dm , He eves holetool teem the 1 gran Ind and moral ehets fired tato hl body. The ravinee Wail left hanging 1 . untll tele morning, when le was 1 taken doom. • It is nonrated that 5IIAN Malleable - was with .tho web when the Jell wail attookral last bight. Is---- ----- ' .The Hest spring Medicine. . Dr, AreOld'a 1:egaHlt Toxin Pills dear the • tigl tightly! '.,' 1, t'' :17,7; arrHotrbgTerVe Ior. crupttoli' a, -Lilt i'llAVaSta, no dyspepsia, won 1%lat: 4,:li.:,.1:.,`:','"';',.','"'''.'1'.1'saell .i, „,, „ ,. ,! when-- Ai.k..,,. 1. „.1„.„ ,i„,„ 0,11 ere timed, The a 11,. ,,, e t i i, a Net "1e tee medicine iili(re, ' Amattde-lamebox75,ornaboxf Se .r-i'1'nr'C17dil111Are, ,..1'l.riti.4tlt‘1d' teir61)Ye ;flat hreclittla veee. e'Ur; 011'1'1 h itew' 41 t n4 since dIseentlime the 114 leiv heti no symptom, 1 he old cone \:11,ni'!iiti3:11'.. uttill::'(11!'51"• !1,1 h• o deriyed fro' 1), 6. Pille, and will e,,t.1010 In pt 10' them when opportut y nitres" Photogrelev071ilieRattletield. One of tit . Omni the enethOdi , 0 w r eorreepo Me le Is well et el a in Om 61)011 ecribrieree whew; 11 1. Whighata'a artlele (et the bet tie of elagerefonteht appeare Meld, il18e6314601 wite photographe elle Boston Transcript tells a story id it man who heti a class of hove in natural hietory. One of the mile Jets which he took Ip was butterfliei had received their ;than .1 tee tee lte l'undrir night. To.00 1 in•r•• hushed and reverent,' e ', r,1111! '4°' meta, a quiet 0000,..., ,..i.. mratot I, ..' ,....,tt 0,81.10. , ril° Reimmtliv • ' i • ter colonial 101`efei in Africa .1, , :eau, Wit 111 8111. rtlit,r to OM. 11, 3 ... i ,, 1' 111,1 ti1,313a 14 flot a canaille 1, ,, • i It the toren-, here 11I0 tlOtel nof ,, I OW ,•3 leg 01 tIW i:InW WP hni.. r,,iiel, (Altar ritIll• un"TO have 1. ,, ,. el 41:1 61118, The report pittleheil hi the loll 1 hare re t,. . e , OW IV 111-1* n Nears ....„, ,..„,„ ,., , 1,114l0 like :1 ti•• Sabbath then to. ,,,,r epee 1., irl Stood:ere ILIA 4 ear doe, 1 , :1, lIoyaI l.1114dIrta Il"retold/it ll141 III 31011111 Afrlea. le tai Went , "I 1 d; ,'Vt IINDED.. e4 1' :Iv ?raif...1,:1, people et bolus Miller's Urig 131AV,14,1 iuj • . BRITISH CO1'I3I1 SHOOT. -- - Floe Work of the Gunners at Mag - erten No nnha. ,t eat for ti, • tho g immeee throughout dav without a vestige id rum.6. (nvnt with a range of a mile, the three field Mitteritat, the Eighteenth, ferxtyorceond anti Seventy-fifth hats bored up early in the morning, about 7 weloek, and moved in to 1,200 ards, where they were well under rill,' fire, and even their Melton were expose!. Tee howiteer, erbleh had ;darted' itt eomething under 4000 in's, came up at 8 o'clock to 2,750 ynrds in Miler to get a more esmot range oit tee trendes, while the liOree artillery on the right, 011 11, ellgitte sep- Menet, which gave shelter to our cave ;dry, kept up a rattle fire night Mid left awl In front at a range Wei averoged•Ke00 yards. It la traisesi e to give the exact outliber 01yard* ench cam, because our guns had whitely no target, but were now at tho !copies tool now about' itendretl 3 rade ehorter at the line 1 the, veldt where our Muer/ 'tho trerrthes to be. But oneness nail I been Bald to show that they kept np a fleet (lOiI000tratell lIre front of tha enemy's stronghold Mire dot the greater part of the day.-- PrOM VogerilfOntein," by ICI. Whig. intm, In tho April . Rvlbnere. IdiVeres Componad Iron Plite, only 25 cents for 50 donee. A liebblarlfle Meat, enable tourists to erase .tho etoglfell Channel without the Bream veidenee of ireasicknees, a Freud. tun 1a lenignotl 10 subtile* boat to be propelled by cable 061011. It will accommodate Miran 1150 pos. ;mann, and will maks !the JolleneY in about au hour, -nod Meted ally neCident 1134111311 tO the hwtire pow. er the bent may =be ?pohed. end it will at eneeoee I, 0,0 surface 111 3 ut thp i.e11e3.1' In t er It Odell dee 3 ' . p, roboug, re . otly, ,(0t101 61,3 921111 tt‘aern, who was staying 4 - 11 (0 at tho hose of Mr tela w, Mr. Thomas Thinly to bed npearentie in Ms I t, hot was lean' dead the ang. lift'. Masters 01,48 JI, 141'Frames Ilaetere, 1 1•• had 11'011 melding In ite, ter some year* ,,,• tte when ha Ito leaVea 11 lelle ie I ,*earl ot n't ee'