The Blyth Standard, 1900-04-05, Page 2e hoilpi ON LORII BOB!11T84 They Make an Attack on the British? FORCE 'AT LADYBRAND. vier Telegraphs That He and His Troops Are Safe. thele Commando of 6,0o0 Eludes the British—Ru0114n Scouts With Boers—too of Them Reconnoitre Between British Patrols and Cap. tune a Wagon and Ten Mules ---Trooper Ramsay, of the Mounted Canadians, Doad—Funeral of Joubert ---The Cape Ministers Dl i clued in the House of Commons --French's Great March to the Re• lief of Kimberley—British Troops SHB Pouring into South Africa -- Now One Canadian Was Wounded. Imitdon, Marsh '0.—There le no he 11y from the British warship Doris, at Mon of the probable duration of 1`lmony Town, gratefully acknowle Ig - delay In the British advents ing the excellent treatment he ao.l his m^n have resolved at the !rands of t the Boers. A telegram from their captors. ingtonteln annoutu'es that the it; raAlway from the coast to fattens was reopened to teat Wedhesdey, a track having fid arrow the Bethulte wagon Tho low-'evel brtdge at iior• et -pont war completed on Tues. elaabling ears to crow the Or• Ritter.Mgt Direct rail communion.. Mott being this opened with Caper Town, it is assumed in some near. tree that the nernwnry muppllee will Iseeumulatel at Bloemfontein, and early advance may be ex - ommaportdents with General eleanwhdle report n. south- movement by Um Doors. though shier statements are not -,berg deffn. I Ile. The Morning Pottle eart'espondens says 1t b l rs tent the Boers are ;-.'•lt, rd 1n recd cownv,t.„.„ . kkcd eortb i, way of Conon �,.,.. „ brand. '> 4y will probably f Brandtord, tUlrty utllevt no i of I Bloemfontein.' The corrrfxxdent odds the the r leaders are dtsseminatire wild rte regarding omega has' thousand Rusatans be odvs.netng on Woo 1 place l'reeidint Iiruger B ,recapture to u week. lielteee of the eorresponden Inion le pet stated, cad though of the despatches nppenr to bi- t(tat $bee force moving mouth - tidal by Commandant Ision made of li ne and reference to him s parlous telegram sent sate ay, which NrlitelUH*S WHAT *AIWU. Graphic Description of the Versions Cavalry Ride. S1, Petersburg Waimea iubecrlbe. St. Petarsbur March 20.—Tho Irish reeldeats of tilts city hem subscribed 1,000 realties to the Conlon Lord May- or's furca for the benefit et the widows ant °rebatte of .British soldiers klaed it Routh Africa. Another Cuaadleu pend. Cape Town, March 20.—"he first death has occurred la the ranks of the Canadian Mounted hales Yesterday Trooper Ramsay, of the tint troop, Winnipeg Compntny, died at the hos, 'Mal Mere from inflammation. He was well known and eked, and hie death is greatly regretted. We are still la doubt a$ to( our ulti- mate destination, but hope to !care for the (rant shortly. The general hearth or the coftingent Is excellent' and the spirit of the men all that could lxs moire t. taco. meld a1n, Pill le satiate Ivier,,byn 6 t i i l a eh All h y rd i ich akYs Con lit OItrier is now ori cNtutiy mortog southward and that he being closely w :fella by, lir ; soy �,g � the Resident In Ba* ttolhnd, woo+ 1e unboatlon with Oen. Fretioh. the word teeth In the fore• to be north, or whether Olivier has a force h to continuo operations part of the Free to, said. bat It is perhaps rig t# t Oen. Brabant has {e. Boal North from H, Vit ngaged `setttiitr Rut Mel Free detachments to wheels have Carnarvon do• being quiet In dintrlot'. The their arms ee Tranevaal Ktttltener rebellion v that from n tl • , in* in• 'n an. 'oma ids that ;gelation. Pretotla, dated that-Commnnd• eluted tit* !Mittel' lines al, and has arrived at n. The despatch dots not hero he arrived from. la no never from !Mittel' mete* coneerntng Mnfektog, but Preba l r report* that the place was boors$ ded for *oven hours Tuesday, ilte garrison repaying. The Boers Mahn to have suffered no ca*ualtici. e'Mr. Michael Devitt, the well-known Irish Nationalist, who la acting as a newspaper oorrespondent, has gone to !Croon*tad. The Boors are concentrating In tote about fifteen mere north of Dii*mfontcln, in the rear of Glens, ad Lord Roberti is *ending torward t0 attguge theta. The 7th try ditidon and rt of Gen. French's cavalry eYe been sent b iota the 14411 ads and the twtooavalry regiments that are!foid- Glen and Its emitting. that ,fila dare bot preen probable Las w131 give serious battle 4n the lainiy Imes country north of (Etc. theft evvtdsct streng.b indicates come et observation. lures Me to Sure: March 29..• -'Phu re' Nowa, to the fa:awing: ,,Field Coract I at swine tele. lit a place to ; been. London, Murch 21.—Never have the mailed amounts from the roeneof the war brut so interesting. Within the last few days Owe' 50 columns of these Imre appe need in the London papers, and for the flret time Great Britain hag learned the dramatic de. tulle that 'narked the ride od (letterat French into t ueberley, the advance of Lund Roberts tato the Orange Free `•tette, the corralling of General Croak too ndvnnee to relieve Ladysmith, and the terrors of tho elegise of Kimberley end Mateking. From tide interesting accumulation the meet vivid is perhaps tee detail!• ed account of'Oeneral French's ride to Kimberley. It le staid that since 600 cavalry charged 1rultlesaty at Batnklava no emelt spectacular eight has been re- corded. In the annals d war. tetras caro titers were 10,000, and with them were dote 42 guns, The oortespondertt' of tha London TUnxedeecribae thews thinge as follows: "Fran Molder River, from .Rene. burg, and from DeAar to cavalry, mounted infantry, anti horse artillery came 19 long hues; silently concen- trating at Graspan and li nsynest Kloof. Cu Monday the march began. Ramdam, eight Mlles to the south, watt soon passed, and a sharp skirmish teetered LeKlers Drift, oe the Riot. Atter a halt of a day the column moved on. At Kilp Drift tee cavalry dlvblon baited at night. The breathiest haste of a dash threagh the enemy's coun- try, carried out with a rapldite pro- hably without a panel*, lett Its marls on the iv4111M1, and tha transport was hopelesel • Lit the rear. Five days rations and forage were oarrted by mach man. Day after day the cavalry move:l et high posture over the ehadelaee veldt during the hottest hours of the day. O;i Thursday. the 16th, at 10 t,'clo':k, the eritieil advance was wide nevi the shelling and o:eptura of two leag+ers a few mites out of Kite drift, on the et:ettorfe side of, the river, cleared the way for the Junction of the torte encamped on the Molder, some nee tulles east of the border fence, This body watt composed of Kitel ener's and Roberta' Horse, and two snore regimental of mounted in- fantry, Before they entered the great plait of Aiexandenlontelu the con• unseat from Moidhr River—the S.ote utrye, Household Cavalry, amt two Lancer reglnnenta—also ;deed the force, which mw numbered 10,000 mee, seven batteries of horse artil- lery and their field batteries. Their eetry Into the plain was the signal for the great event of the day. The h anttt��five is lIn length, convree ergingilee h !gilt- 10 gilt ly 10 the north, and iringed with kop cs. Private Wannaueakcr Missing. len, March 29 —Private Herbert 1Cnsmaarn„ker, formerly of the Ilon, Sussex, N. 11., bat who frit -a with the Royal t, has been missing, t^h from Menem - tele nays, since J” web 7th. ral JOabevt; her eynt yet he loos of her husband dht to tel her that the British peppe aeways rr gar'ded l4} deed general se a eseemet soldier and honor/OG.4 format, (tttawa Huts' liable. Copt Town, Mirth 29.— Hollund'a, Ottawa, Bloemfontein. Tire above cipher eutle watt receited boat night lay Mr. Andrew HolInud from Iia sou Fuld e, who cited °a the Milwaukee on Feb. elst w th the meant contingent 74t, i went l-nmullan Itegur. n. War Mee deet Funeral of boubert. Pretoria, Marchi 5,—Gem• Joubert was taken 111 Hand morning. lie was nt Its office the orevlous day. He suffered great pain. {tnd became unroneeious before bis Matte The it•A'hmplatnt watt acute inflammation Or t ' boweba. The body wilt Ile in °-morrow, and will then be *peelat train to the farm, near Wnkkerstroom, will be bunted quietly, es often requested, without onors. etat taken Buskin 1:7-440 i oubert 'ninth to ry Ma 'strafe Captured.' London, arch 29.—Replying to a question pn by Mr. Eugene Wason, Liberal tat bee for Clackmannan and Kinross who asked whether Her Majesty's vennment b:0s_essed In formation 91e to the wberenboute °1 the Britiete magistrate, Mr. Oastln of eon J1; Africa, who wan raptured rgent Dutch relights, and neatened with trial Pur metier, and on what grounds the trial was to be held. The Secretary of ,dtate for Mae tetgttlie, Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, stud the British High Gbimnledoner, 91r Alfred Milner, hue tweeted tint Mr, Gelatin sent to Bioeinioutelo Karol 19th. Ur, Cltamberlale ;tddati that Sir Allred Milner bad been ask- ed to inquire inter" the particular. or the cage, and to make the neons- eary repreeentatbus through the rotted States Cogent at Pretoria, Mr. Adelbert Hay. of Mir, K of meat hBl tis are pounds for nutpiet.ng that t real Motive of the threat le to i541R* tom'pgtnt inventors to bring pressors oe Ooveruusnta to Intervene" Mexloan Tribute to Canadians. Melee° City, March 28,—Dlarlo del Hoven), the oldest Radical Liberal paper hem, Drafees the valor of the Catmdla i to the Tooth African war, or the Canternn Mounted liner. lee saving that there wail nothing but ciphered by a private code arranged before his departure from Ottawa, it means'. We are Defense to Jo it Rob- erti' forte nt llloemfonte';n imtnedi- ately,. Ottawa Wee well;' Prisoners Honor Joubert. Attltede of Cape Ministers, I.midtnt, Marcia 29. -la the House of Lords tory the Karl u! Vemperdowa aakee u seems Of questloaa bearhtg upon the vet Oaf allegut.onn roucerii fig I remise S.htlehwr'a attltuse to- wr}pds the war, The Earl of tiiborne, Ceder- a- tary of State for the Color a Led i that a self-governu ouy was bound to do ev atg imamate to i,, d it ory against !evasion. ittea meek ng, the Mal defens=e v w.th the colony, while the tiefettoe the coal ng etttlon from attack by ten devolve,' upon the muther land. No pr art of Hes M;ijasty'a teen Monti een1.1 slam to le at peace with a in>wer .sr,th whites Her atujeety was at war. 40. It w \)hist to say the Cape Got- erttmeat, ,tat deal ne 1 to rah out In forces !tali culled out the vobun- teers t a extent the Government considered wee. While the ,Cape Mln- Ietry lead eat til every point hell vtewa kientimnl Ih those of the offlctalere- spone'ble 1 the eondurt of the war, it watt quite east to tangs the colo- nial Minetry 'e lining to call out troupe, Clea t' ,t was much better that some hr burgher forces clout not bee' not, for :t win a matter of notoriety that part of these to ' apa,els not be rel ed Regarding the qr i el the liabil- ity for damages, the ntet-°scute levy gall the Guvernmset aieaed'',rjt eii- deavor to exact eompenoatlort- feta,, those who caused the damage. Tie question, he added, concerned both the Colonial and the Imperial f o- ernmente, but principally the Col- onial Government, which wag respon- sible to parties inlured, and ought to co-operate with the imperial Gw.- ernment to see that those whocaueed tho damage paid for it, Private Corley's Wound, Mount Forest, March 29.—A letter wile received keit night by Mr. John Corley from tie son, Private James B. Corley, of D Company, Royal t'on- adian Regiment, who wag wounded in tho battle of Peardeberg on Feb- ruary 1Sth last. The letter was dated from Nanuwpoort Cape ('mons, Feb. 26th: "We got into action," he asyjt, ''about 8 o'clock in the morning, hen" (*nada did her duty t:oMy. t along all right till about is d'elork, an them I got a little too A poor fellow in A Company fag fora stretcher-bearer. I about the bullets, go called ankm, and 011 we went to y , toe Thing line. 'We had )tat end opened the etretcher I ay came whtating, and over heeta. 1 thought td dealt wd flhtab, but I only got t. It cense oat nit the hone. till dark," ap- slimy York, March 30.—A despatch' to ties Herald from Pretoria says that (kn. Joubert's funeral took place theiie yeeteeday. Rye will be buried to -day et Rustfon'Leia to his privaea mausoleum with mettarryy honors. The raptured Brittle earner* at ['re - torte nett a flora: tabu*. Oovernmeot Won't 'fell. ,London, March 30.—In the Home of OoAtuiona today the Parliamentary Semettar!ev the . 'Wer One*, Mr. George +Wl nehttfte twee asked, wheth- er en expedition wan on its way rto the relief of Malikiag. Ha repeal that the Government wee prettified, on military grounds, from giving any In- dications of Lord Rebate' plans, ,loubert's Funeral. Pretor'a, March 29.—Thai funeral of Gen. Joubert took place tills alternmee and wan attended by all eigiees. The foreign military 'Macho In uniform were amen tho-e preeent, and the Br Mall ot,laers who are ialtonershere ent a wreath. There were evet'y- wltere signs al morning. "The kopjee on either site were held by Boers, who poured bullets anti steel:s into the teivarn-ing mass, al- most bidden by the curtain of dust that rosy front umear the harms' hoots, 'there were quickly c:eared of their ocoupaetp by time impetuous rush of the mounted infantry. Lie':t. Sweet Resod, of the 16th Lancers, was ' he first entree to fall, shot dead, at ttt.y yards, by a (Boer, who K.:mired a tend* through his throat almost, before he could produce the/ inieurialate cry Inc mercy. Kcpjs after ttopje watt clear- ed lear- n t eine the +Beers. were driven. from them right and left, as the cuumn, creole forward,, "At D Vitaare' !afro, at the north esti o the plain, the co)umn halted cad re crotid, after watering the horoa, Thar bed corse fear miles, and broken the ring otround the betleged town. The puce at which the advanes had :bon lanae hid both minimised the eausunl'tlea arca ppteveneed Croats from 'towering "with 40000 aro to line the kopjes on the plain. The late ter realized that ba was defeated, and soto-i with hie usual sagacity. By the evening of thin creme doe not a man o; •a.: the (thousands of the. investing force beyond a few straggling bodies of men out patrol:ing or foraging when Cronin gave •:uta order to retreat was lot' on the bills and the ridges thee head been chair camping ground co long. 'M.unwhl:.e, the cavalry ,ppenaled co, mei the poet, began. bo tell. Horse after horem that hal struggled oat so far (e:i dead from soma wound unnoticed is eke heat of eine tight. . 'There was no tine' to pure, and tit last, some three m les oa, the first tight of Khnbeeley Moot mon theme Men, through bite fringe of trete. The 'fanngg, weary -weeks of euucety and Iiafd'h p, the daeappeettinsttt of Mag. oretonieln, ;`, • be ee:trtslekneve of e ° were al he forgotten, iberley was relieved, end the re- n'nde: of the torch tn'gltt as well leave trent a'°rev'ew. ' The Boers (et the north of the town, at the Intorno ;1 ate station, null Kam. pher.iam, were t ring their bast theta from tier greet guns in Ignorance of the ta'luro oa the south, but those soon ',topped, and Gen, French entered the town w:titiu a moment, awl had l'rought out Ito flags and decorations, The pan'c that had leen caused by the eont'nuoni tenting of huge shells over every part of the besieged town vanished, and from the 1,201 -Toot level of the danced mines thousands of woven anti children emerged Into tb'e light of dnv." Boers Advancing. London, March 29.—The Bloemfon- tein correspontent of the Morning Post, telegraphing Wedneaday, says: "President Kruger tante his in- tention to retake Bloemfontein within a week, and It appears prob- able that the Boers are advancing in force sontltward." disaetew find tears an the rltlah nide until the yanthtul people of (Maeda appeared on the scene and ehiumed the aspect of affalre, A Bracer for Beer Spirits. iretor:a, Murch 21n-4 es pat h item Fourteen Streams, north of Wnr- .enton, Cape Colony, nays the Baur oft March 28th opense a Wreatrthed stent on the Bettels camp there, and that the Br.tish refits.t feebly and evtellAsa the place during the night. London, March 20.—The latest des- patches from Bloemfontein confirm tine reporte of the oatccewful retreat of Commandant Olivier's force, though telegrams from some other British 'sources conflict, The fact, however, seems unquestionable. Oen. French's failure to Intercept him le ascribed to the laetdtletent strength of his col- umn at Thou, NeboHe left a detach - went there under Col. Broadwaal. Gen. eataere'a troops are beginning to arrive at Bloemfontein. They will protsably be followed In a few days by item. Clemente' form;. The report of the letter's occupation of Faurewaita without opposition is confirmed. The burghers seemed to be resigned, and the Prltlah cm huslastt:al►y welcomed the troops. The correspondents are satellite that the southern part of the Orange Flee State will Iteucefortlh be peace( ul. Today the Fourteen'h Brigade, halt of the Guards &Wade, ant the Gordon Highlanders (with whom the ('ana- tllaus were brigaded) were sent north. ward to the glen. The railway bridge there was badly wrecked with deka- mite three bouts before the troops ar- lived. The repairs will compel a con- elderable delay. 'rhe Boen are constantly etrenette 1 mug their preparations to oppose the British avant*, nod advisor from Bloemfontein show, that they have In nu way loaf heart. A despatch front borenso Marquez asserts that Col. Marnull Villebote, a Preach officer, now commands the Foreign Legion operating la the Free State, where the bulk of the burgher army 1s now believed to be entrenched, only a rear guard strong enough to delay General Buller'e advance bring lett W the Drakenepnrg and Biggers. berg ranges. Krimustad still mama to be the oeatre of the defensive opera. Clone. A dematch to the Daily News from Pretoria declares that opinion is dl. vi e9 rospeottag the ultimate defence of the Transvaal capital. Prominent reehleete are °p;stseng President Kra. gore wish 'to stand a tinge. In were quarters the dentre 1s exp`ro:arid to retire to Lydenburg if the capital cannot the held. A despatch to the Times from Be Aar- Saye that Qeaeral Kitchener's Whiten returned from Preaka on 'Vuasday, having received the stibnite elan of 200 rebels. 'Loyalists around Kimberley com- plete that dieoharged rebels are marauding and preventing the neon - potion of forms, Relta'e Speech. Pretoria, March 24, eta Lorento Marquee, March 28. --There has been nothing of importance from the var. loos Boer commanders at the front In the last three days. Adelbert S. Hay, the American Con• set here, is Melting the &tet'laager at Kroonetad, The Governor has exchanged I500,- 000 of bar gold for colas from the beaks. State Secretary Belts, of the Trans- vaal, in lamenting a flag to the artil- lery today, made it speech, In which hs sal:1 the situation was holrefui. ire declared that the two Republics were not fighting tor any other final ob- Jeet than the maintenance of the na- tional lndspendenee of a free people. Cronje's (lune Found to s Well. London, Mnreh 80.—The reports that Lord Roberts will remain at Bloemfon• ten another month aro probably for Bc'r cementation, and the recent movements of troops and other Jodi, ratio's point to preparations being well advnnoed for a forward move- ment. 'Pito entire diene.: td the ct- lrile tate horning is regarded ar sig- iflcant. Th' fact that rho Bonn tetagrams ntuw»neirg the bombardment of Male. king Weeny and Tuesday do not claim any sudders, Is accepted its proof that thaw met with none, ami bopar ate entertained that It may prove to tuna been the (Inas effort to reduce tit^ Piot•;. before raising the elege, 1s ) his a Relict Force? It le nun• suggested that the ap- ppaarent bnactatlty of the BTtttah at 1larrenton ix merely designee to hu- lloes tee 110,�re with the Hotton that they are checking the Mareking re- lief column, which In reality is ad - esteems by a weatward detour. Color to lent to thla vie„- h: ta, uonute:ce- u1.. n0 thel.t a cuinlm, u! ;1,090 mounted troops, woman led 1 colonel Drum - mon I, and accompanied by three batteries, a pontoon trtdn and several wagons of amnuuhltion, p deed Barkley West, March 281h, n extensive march, the objective which i a t of the tslfetela lett An*toaMyy awsttiiR its arrttel in der to - learn iethe ,,, spot mete of airs in the ItepubUaer 1 Ml f• tkwadtans at Nutley Hospital, London, Mirrh 28,—In Netlay hos- pital at Southampton, the fo:lowleg Oanadlene, wbo were wounded or tek while in South Afrlon are taw quartered, having arrive reeenely from Cape Town: ,Pte. F. E. 'Weir, Queen's Own Attlee Taranto, ;Pte. H, S. Bingham, 85th Bimees Fomenters, Batr(e, Pte. M. Burrow, 93rd Cumberland Battalion, Nova Scotia, rte. Macdonald, Royal Canadian Regiment o1' Infantry, Oetawe, and Kingston Dom,pioy. Pte. F. A. K. Taylor, 83rd Ilehfex Raise. Corp. W. R. Ferguson, 93rd Cum- berland Battalion. Devitt and Kruger. Pentorta, March 27, vet Lorenzo Marques. March 28, 2 p. m.—Mtchael Devitt, the Irish Nationalise arrived here halt tight. He had an Interview with President Kruger today. Jan Pelneluo's Arrest. Kroonstadt, March 25, vin Pretoria and Lorenzo Marques, March 27.— Jan Benitoo, the former command. ant -in -oh et of the Free State troupe. has lean arrested on the charge of high treason. Load -Dal March £8:—A despatch from Faureamitb says that the BO tab found a Maxim gun and a mtnit-pound- er 1111 la et well at Koffyfontstn. They also found three aaleged raves containing ammunition, which re- quired three wagons to remove. Ko(fyfonte(n le twenty [alias south- east of Jaeobadil, 'Which wags a Boer base of suppllea 11pd+ which was occupied by the British when Lord Roberts made bin flank movemem: which relieved Kimbereay , and en- trapped Cronies army, It la moot pro- bable the suet referred to belonged to Cronjs's farce, •s5 no other Boer army hal been ta, dila region. They must here been buried prior to the British advance into the Free Stn e. The Queen's Sympathy. London. math ss,_Queen Victoria hes cabled to Lord Roberts asides Destroyed the Lot Pontoon. Pretoria, Martel tleapeteb from nestifteen Stiatame, dated Marsh :A fame "The tut pontoon across the Fast River at this point was de. stroyed yesterday.' BrItala's Casualties. London, March 28.—The weekly cas- ualty list shows that the Britlah the war would he carried through at a cote of get more teen three ,hou- stand lives is bound to be Very Medi forret, had lost 1,130 Leen keled, while 9,80? were•wountied need 3,515 soloing or prisoner*, °liking total of 16,163. To these must be added 1,- 200 deaths from disease, or a grand total of KM. Them twee however, do not make ovelent tho equal weakening of the The six theneand men teat remained ot the garreue at Letlysmith are re- covering very 'slowly front the effects of the siege. It nuty he wants before they are able to participate in any nelltery movement. Lettere are new arriving from Lady- smith whet,' thew the desperate cote teem to whleh the garden' had tome thew:and wee Were pitysically fit to offer 1111.V ileterallei resistance, Treatment of Rebels. - London, March 28. --The Earl ot Felborne, Under Secretary of State ;or the Colonies, who was the prin. Meal guest this evening at the an- nual dinner o1 the Conservative League. said that, as a result of the war, the first prbtelple was that the nOer republMe Mould not be independent and that 10Yaliats shoulet not suffer more than Maim - elide le ties decision, he continued, there should be nu idea of vengeance or enaotional yeutiment. Indeed, the re. in a faebion that would command the support and sympathy of a major- lty of the Weenie subjecta Steyn's Counter Appetit. Lotion., March 29.—The correspond- ent of the Telma at Lorenzo Marques, telegraphing Monday, says: "Mr, ,teareg with the prociamatton of Lord Roberts, and dealer ng It to te ob- thous that the eneniye policy le as it always have been in Mouth Afri .a, to divide anti doiniatte Mt opponent." Ile repudiatea rharge that the burghers have Leest needed by their leaders, and then says: " The enemy itew, by fair eremites, seeks to divide tut to of fain a reward for disloyalty and cowardice. Could grower insult be offerei than to Moe male us from a emceed duty ? Lot es not be Meted by Ulla conning ruse. The man nem would eseence another to deloynIty rennet Metall be faithful. " Although the enpital in In the enemy's hands," he says, "the battle 'a not lost ; on Cie contrary there is a great reason for fighting more fiercely. The- lower of the reentry le not eependent upon any town." 'Mere entuletakable internal ev1- 411ei- that th's letter In the work of State Secretary fie tr. ?OW that Mr. Fisch& le gone, 11 le apparent that integer for women and eh laree Is beleg firma the report tint the Boers letelati to bloW up the works and eherts of the prettily& mince on the Rene awl on Crown Reef, together with the Rolteeeon and Lenginagte estate mituse huge chews exeeptIonally powerful tiaseing gelatin having al- ready lieen placed In mention with thle romwulI'e Cevatey*Metrel a the Army of the King. Mr. Morley alters the fourth of his Cromwell paper, is the February Century, with an amount of the battle of Naseby : Though soem. says the modern titer, may may hold Marston to offer it greater variety of striking pletur * and womesite of more Intensity filo. meg, i. 201), there Is scarcely a bat+ tie in history where cavalry war bet- ter handled than at Nnsobv. 01 the taotia of Naseby this second charge of the Cramweitluu botn.t stone out consptottous for skill and vigor. There was still, however, one. more move to make before vletory Was remure.. Though aware of the dtaheter than was overwhelming him, the king strove bravely to rally the broken horse of hie left wing. He was Joined by Rupert. at lest returning from the baggage wagons, aitd Naseby 1411. Bombardment et Mateking. Kroonetad. March 25, via Lorene() Menem, March 28, 2 p. ne—A tre- inendoes bombardment way opened on Mafelting from all Wee at day, Meek to -day. It Is tneeting with a spirited reepOnee. Belittle lies Plenty of Nem • London, March 2/1.—Lord Wolseley, oommander-in-ohlef of the forces, meaking al the annual meeting of the Militia 111110 Assonlathen, dated that EnglIshmen migbt congratulate thane wives in the moat hearty manner in the way everythisom was going They had supie~ the limiest arum that England had ever placed In the field and the largest that had ever been want over the eau in the hi,tory a the world. Judging by what he had witneend it was comport) of the vere finest men he heed Seer Seel, at* army in the world. 'rimy owed this to a large ext,ent. he site, to the won. dertut system Maugurat,ed by Via. count Cardvrell (the Secretary of 9tate for War, who inaugurated the Present (*.latent in 1868). Had It not Wit for the army reeerve whleh Vie, count ebrfilVell created, it would, tn herd Wo'dieloyh opinion, have been nenensible to carry' on the war. He would ire Itilitialtr, and say it would have been rtnemenble to send an tonne tierces the setts had they not had the militia. witliout which they would have been in a bad way Indeed. Lord iVottetley said ha thought this the country how ourdially they ehould the militia. This wes the first time that militia had 13031111PM to war, and ho hoped one of the ha11009 Of the war would be the value of this force. Ltirti Wolseley remarked that there seemed to be a general Wet abroad that England had no army at Owe But, he eine, on ne previous orneelon had the barracks been leo full. In face, the men wale 'looping on tile Mors of the barracks 111 England and Ireland. The conamandeolmehlef told be was antontshed te am how the of- f kers of the militia mannged to turn men with so shert a training into such good merera. He veould go to far as to say that the tew regiments might learn a good deal by studying the methods of the militia. Advance Ikea, Next 'Monday. Loudon, Marcie '.../1—A telated de- nim telt front Malan) y states that one, has return& to Van Wykevla from the advanod foree, and ordered ii1/4 oilmen to mom on March 27th. The Saler at liplagem bee arrived at Klmterley. Ile repot; that 800 rebels are entrenched there under Cenintandient Steenkamp. They are &mat with If trienitlenry rifles, and Count Beauregard Killed. Lonion, March ele—Count Emile Beauregard, one of the foreigners fighting. with the Boer army, haft been slain in art engagement. Count Beau- regard watt for two yenre an officer of the Loewe. He Joined in 1894, and resign& MI eummisation in 1896, Mule eminently he went uut to Klroberley, 441 Maori the emir forme last July. lie was born in 1872, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. News of les death was received the other day from tee Peer headquarters, liretorta, ey Count Beeturegard, of Bourne. month, The Pooregarde are French Royalede, and were exiled from Fromm at the time of the Franco - Premien war. tape w th his mat and h vacs et• tweeted and out of breath. Hero the Royaltsta made thele list stand. It was it vain. The Parliamentary- generals, arliamentarygenerals, wIUt e*traordinarylae- rlty, prepared for a thitl eltargerottd their preparation wee It.'trdly m' before all was over noel the day" Ireton, though severe", Wont the beginning of `.lie battle, lir. his meat together again, and he took nn active part to the new attack. The Parliamentary foot, who had Wu thrown Into dtsordar by the first charge, and bed then rallied " In a shorter time than Imaginable," now advanced at the beet of their speed to joint/es horse. For Oliver had got Its fordo of cavalry once more in head, and merle ready to bear down on the ene- my for a third and Gnat charge. The horsemen wore again drawn up kr two wings within carbine -stet of the enemy, "leaving a wide epees between' the wings for the battled the foot to tall in. Thereby," oars the eye -witness, "there was (ranted, cis It were to a trios, a second good battalion at the latter end of the day, which the enemy ix.reetttng, tend that it they stood they moot expect a t+ecoand`charge from our horse, tout, an.1 artillery (th'ay iattng.hrot all their foot and guns before), and our dragoon's ltnving already begun to flee anon thole horse, they, tat A New Destroyer. Lateran, Pearce 28.—It Is claimed that experiments at the Armstrong Whitworth refute at Silloth, Cumber- laul, hare demonstrated that Mem- !escort:do tan 1m fired with safety chargeti with 92 per eent. of nitro- glycerine were [trot 1,500 yards. Ex - mete regard the expertmenta as ime Doers Short of Ammunition. . London, March 29.—The TiTabb bor. respondent at Lorenzo Marques res 'touter the report that there etre numerous deeertIone among the burgh- crs. Hu onyx that hundreds ot the younger men, IndudIng some °lettere, teentinually aerated for deaer. Ile oleo assarte that the Boone to- tal stock of Maurer ammunition, amounted to four million rounds, was issued to tite Free kteters. The tridges, of widen they :lave onlY half a million, anti Martini cartridges, of which they had originally four mil- Ilone. Their Creueot ammunition is nlmoet exhausted, They are using hteme-rande smokeless powder 01 bad quality. Experiments in reloadlog Kaffir Kidders !driven Beek. Pretoria, elerch 26, the Loretto Marques, March 27, 2 p. ne—A des. paten front Itestenborg, dated March 28, statem that the baffles who havo been raiding on the northwestern bor- der of thereeranevaal, have been driv- e° back. They lima now retiree' aerate the border. Me. Hignett, the British megistrate at Nguta, Zululand, who was cap, Mired some thee ago, hal been re- leased and sent to Delagoa Bay. Mr. Crewes, an Engles!' resident of tho Mario° %inlay, who was It prls• oner here, died in the hospital to - Loyd* Anacleto; About Ills Job. Brugge's, March 28.—Dr. Leyda, the diplomatic agent of the Transverse that city be Ives unable to see M. Del - 'Ha will probably ee.turn ta Paris to- morrow to nand the diplomi,to banquet that is to be given ,here. When gee's:Ione! concerniag the Transvaal :Masten, wheel is now en route to Europe, Dr. Leyds mate he regrettei that he was no. treferated as 1.0 the existence or, Melees of the miesien. Ile was of tbe opinion the' the British censorship had pre - London, March 20.—Immense mina titim of stereo Mere now been am cumulated at Bloemfontein, and Lord Roberts' Infantry is wernIngly about tO MOW, An impression, which min be traced to the War Offire, Is abroad that the advance will begin next Maw day, Doer observation parties are hovering near Bloemfontein, but Lord Roberts has 180 /line& to cover before reaching the great position witIch the nova are preparing at lirothistadt. Meting ten miles a day is probably the best he enn do with field tramp porta. Therefore Wean hardly ong,oge the Boers In force for two weeks. rile reconstruction of the railway behind him may even delay au 111411a1,6ti of the Transvaal until May, Meanwhile, all the impart.. .e towns in the Free fetate within Lord Roberts' reach are being Faurtatualth, and Jagerafonteln are thee held.. f IvEn?, ELUDED THE BRITISH. will - Ing great disadvantage AS there was like to be, immediately ran away, both 'meta and reaervem, without stand. Mg one etroke more." To the king, gallantly heading hie line, a curlew, ant cherneteristio thing happened. Lori Canes -ate riding by his nide, itud. (leanly Mid 116 hand amen the kismet beetle, and wearing minery ecotele mak cried eitte"Will you go upon your, aottli 10 nn instant ?" "Then," meat Clarention, ' before the king under -aloud %hut he would have, he turned het horse round, and upon that they all turned their horror and rode upon the ell4Pealfrt: feeer Ithimeetheffew' ere ever" 'Pan to The fight, which was destraratery the day, with itie lame often doubt- ful, last& three hours. The killed end The Melt tomp-folletwers wereslatatit, tered in teal blood. All the King's' guns, all WY ward* and earritairme colora and Mender& were taken, and, word of all, lea private catinet, emulating his mutt recret correaponti- oliee tine pepera. This did him an in- jury almost at deep nee the J0911 of a leattla for the lettere &Mosel lee laerf My, hie trutteettinere and the lin- postibility of trusties hint Tower,' the end of May, IPgby veto, In one of bit letters. " Ere one month to ever, we shall hive a tattle of all for all." The prediction came true. If the battle had gone the other way, Goring anti tbe King would leave nierehee up to London. heartem- eg thee. men with the promiaa of the smil of the rIcheit city tha realm, gni the preeenet of the King anti hie ermy in the metropollet might here rotecv2, As it wam. King had not Naselw was for all tax one of the " eotreyel the lest ergeresed torus mem Cherie, was /tele to rano; it drilitew duce:el an Invincible army : It tramp fennel the stature of the struggle Mid the rotations of the ewe; It Meant' 414W Interset 1 and new ovulates; it ehanget the balance of parties, and etnixamme in all men's minis. Col, De Ville Bois Marelul is about to face Roberts. He has been appoint- ed Commander ot the Boer foreign le- gion In the Free treats,. Boer account's affirming tIm safety of the troopt treakIng from the south towardsKroon. stad received confirmation from the correspondent of the Telegraph in Bloemfontein, who states that Com- mandant Grottier's form of about 0.- 000 men has succeeded in eluding the British cavalry. War Notes. There is no interruption in the out. Ward movement of reinf °moments from Englaiad to Cape Town. A Mtge force ta now at sett and hattalione of regulare, yeametnry and volunteers aro preparing to embark, ethipments of horses for remount's and of tutte tary storm are continued on a large peaks 11 le reported In Loudon, In et well. Informed quarter, that Lord KOMI. aner will be offered the post of Com- malderbeChief In Indite sueceeding the late Sir William Loakhart, mo tem an deehliVe fniVeneefta have been obtained in the Transvaal, end that fiett. Str Archibald Ranter will me. need hint as Lord Roberts' chief of steel. 'rile Indian newspapers ease been urging Kitchener's appointment, Wood Paving In London. The decision of the City Council of London, upon recommendation of the City Engineer, to pave two new streets with wooden pavements, lutti caused new interest to be taken In wooden pavemente among builders and contractors on both ehiet4 Of tha Atlantic. 'rine new system of wood paving in said to be the most Moue bte anti Cm most easily repaired. It he sail tket it Is the only kind pt woodae pavement that can be re- lied, to Mend the trrttfte of cities 11 and New York. Instead the woolen bluchi into moms, polygons or dire tali - Mathew In any kits, hy the esee barked tree. eit any starer quality are attend into tillindri. cal piece; about thIrtri.en inches in thicknem The largest rieee0 Tire pat down fleet into a good emulation, an: tiaai Ow mealier elm*, 0141,41 the remaining Interstices may be Mei up with what may be called pigs. Ram- ming renders. the whole one mild mots of timber, and not a chip le wasted. Tbe turtle:to preterits end grain only, ani with the different meets and ghee afford much better foothold than either granite blocks or sepholt, Mr. J. Quinlan, travelittg paessager agent, has been a 'fetid reurosen- tativo 01 the Trunk, with full '-a-ula la to te none nt the Indigo. fented the ranevim charge of tbe aosepany's exhibit, et &di hia Joubetti widest tton of Ur, sots, with the I oan istornann Ma 01 tha appoint. th, Pi* OPoition• concurreater tete Question of the Complexion. The complexion of the datrymaii is Oa, Niue by ber exerci e Met mow. mous tystent or little spiral glanss, pierce with Hs ir comae& luouthalmr fro nod that of Ina. lady's al ke, are kapt wide open by her ht tier claly to.1, while my latty's are :malty In a state of quiescent*, Moke 1 by the necountiated layers of exerees. and her ignorance of the proper methole of bath'tig have pert inItted to aecemulate. MY lade Pee to epeeialists ror her liver, her dips - non, her neuralgia, and her rheuma- tism, not realising th it the 13 being mewled from her negleete-that the inpurittee whiali the akin 'Amite end orr are kept In the holy, poisoning hy Marotta her whole system. Wee would ..epudiate with scorn, and deny `with tremeneouttly offended d'geity that Om Mabel herself imperfectly ; never- thelese Itm skin is somewhat in the ovidition of the 'varnished frog. The lifferenee la only one of degree. The varnedied , frog expired bemire he vele not tot rld of the impurities et his aystem by means of these giends; my lady Wes by invites booty* her Mende ean only do a Flball part of the clut'es assignoi to them. She be. wafts her ret no e, her connelesion revered with blnekivends tend templet, end teepees hex lotto& and unguents, end whit, looking with envy on the fair ekiii of Bridget, falls to read tier The etereitie In the open air brought al'ont the bieyele and the gamed Toe line been a great boon, bet AVM View nre not enough to keep the went glands nt their best. It le emit -every to take Turkish bathe Or ' !IRV, lit home one of the which ran be wee Maimed amount of sweat that an Orly can pour forth lit onr 'mum 10 eteteniehl Hee from four winds to f rooting to the terace ,Pecklistn• Morey, If. le, In Harigaffe Deem A smitten death et:Turret! In Halide inand Township, neer Cobourg, re. mealy. On the evening of the 22nd Mr. Ira Mestere, wbo ems staying. brother-in-law, Mr. Thomas Winos, retired to bed apparently in MR usual health, but wax found dead Oa next morning. Mr. Masters was th- ADO Of the late Franc!' Mestere Centretem, He had been melding 11. the United States fOr 1101be ;roars drio, when he yenta to n• leaves wife and lire children. WAS 4(1 yeers ()Lege. Lord Curzon of Kedleston, Vicerov of India. mot LedY, MOO lett Cal. cutta Wednesday- Inv a tear, which In with 1 Week's 'hooting la - lit