HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-29, Page 7raE m�sEe�s neie�ss ) eseessease ti._ . _-, �RRrZf�Rf�:Yi 1Y� ' Tlutt was very unkind of herr, be.enu-o I told her of It two weeks ago:" " No, I went alone,' maid Boyden, In he cunt, grave tone'. "One evening, ml I ]''resp.' the lo.ig3, I war tempted in to see the gloomy of 1 place." " You w 11 not thbdt it a gloomy old plat' on Thursday," observed Theo. dors, w th her molt charming smile. " But I trust get on w.th my story, or yon and Hervey and mamma w.11 be tore:l to dea till' F'or an instant hoyden glunced aorotl at Ilotwr, A5 if wondering why she thonl.i not be boreal too. The girl's look of eager yet +sorrowful interest was answer eneugha " I told ,von, d!dn't I, that old Myd• delton'd brother 'tad one only von- G:thr''el ? He watt oduoatxd fur oto pro• fess:un, hecatiee, of course, 11e was known to be h'. uncle'a hely, After his parents d'ed-Whey died when lie was R child -he. hued entirely at A,b- boteeoor, Hie emote did not send him to colege, and. he wasn't very well ecatcated, was he, mamma 1"" "As I remesnlber hitt," remarked Mrs. Trent IneUferently, "he wail n quiet, gentleman) young man, ami• able and easily reel, bot with' a pernic- ious habit of arguing certain matter( with hie uncle. At that time Inever imaginexd what awful psaaioms lay be- neath this quiet d n1eater; .ti:l Iel- ways, even then, consi'ehrei bit in- exeumb:r ungrateful for what was +bone for hlm, of a mealy nature, and sadly defiotent to refinement-of'taste, He ooald not bear the restraint of a regular Me at Atbotemoor; indeed, he mado no seer'et of the tact that the ot'Ser and punctuality of his uncle's house were irksome to him." "lint order and punctuality were of I t "' a m I Mara, Tren ut in p Hbnor, speaking with qquiet earnestness. I have often Ceard, that life at Athbots- moor wan utterly sor ted and utterly (cutesy." "And Gabtlet }11ddelton," remark- ed Boyden, refilling` Theodora's glass with great leisureliness, without one glnnee into Honore' face, "was per- haps by nature neither utterly sur• �6d e.ur utterly solitary:' " Ido proved himself both to no mean extent," returned Capt. Trent. e Ho proveut h'moelf."' added Theo- dora, w.tl a elow elevation of her eyebrows, 'a buudrntl thousand tact worse then th tt; and it lv 110 warder -'e it, Mr. Keith? -that we are all aahante.l of even belonging to the faro• fly of Oabrlel Myddettu:t." 'Mea Craven, I telleve," sell Roy• den, "Int the only one at all allied to tem. Hcw Mee the terir tiee heavy yoke of much a connection ?" As he gazed into Iiouor's f-te, hzenw her (hooks burn, Urtl kuoweig tit( color must be born either of a great {milt or n great ehume, to turned the queet'on aside. ' Now, wog Trent, w11at n long t'me we hover on the verge of that murder.f " Honor, do not interrupt me again," said Theodora, once more taking up the thread which it Beamed her to fancy that Gabriel hail broken. "Well Mr. !s eth, onee Gabriel tui oat Mr. eleddeltu l had n quarrel, and It ended 111 Gabriel'i either teing turnel 'out of the house or voluntar'ly leaving it. A message waa rent at once to summon Mr. Myddleton's lawyers—the firm In Klnbury was Carter & Haughton In those days; now Mr. Haughton (1 til 1 you he was one of old Myddelton's relatIone and Honor's guardian) has tics wlude Intense. Well, Mr. Car- ter cam.', nod Air• 3fyd(leltou made his will, leaving hit property, ae I told you, to hiv sister, Irl i,y Lawrence, to be by her bequeathed among lila con. nectlone. The lawyer was at Abbots. m:x,r nearly all day, and when he left the hcm<y nt last he met Gabriel re• turning te. It. They Atopen{t a little time talking, And Mr. Carter, being a Lilly, chatty old gentleman, told Gabriel o( the will he had just left In els client's aucretaire, and which wou)1 leave lien penniless instead of u millionelre ; ltddi gng a word of ad - sloe to him to try to regain Iris old Iition before It was too late. "Then they separated. That nl ht -oli, thew le a dreadful story to tell" creel Theodora, Interrupt) herself with n clomp et her white hands. "1 wish yet lad nut asked me, Mr. Keith " "Perhaps acme one else will finish tin story for you," he suggested. But Theodora bad no real desire for another to take her place aR long se she could win even by this story. from which she pretended to shrink. u claim tat hU undivided at- tention. " No. I will go on, as you wloh ft," she Bald, acceding grateefaily.' "Next morning old Mr, MMyddleton was found murddered in tits wood be and the shrubbery; the window of hb room bad been forced open, the lock of the secretary wrenched, and the will was gone; end, more than that, upon the carpet lay Mr. Myddteton's. candlestick and tate velvet rap 0. always wore In the house, and on tooth were atatns of blood. "Judging by those premisee," re- marked Mr. Boyden, " Mr. Myddleton had bean etruek within the room by the thief who had stolen the will ; he Thad followed the thlef across the lawn and through the shrubbery to the wood. Here there must have beers• another struggle, which puled It the old tuna's death. Was that the general eapilssttlou ?" " It wan exactly so." returned Her. req, "end proved, of coarse, to have bear Gabriel Myddleton'a net." " It woe e•ney to pro ve that" put In Mrs. Trout, wltbolanguid hat• tempt. "Gabriel was call ht in an attempt to leave England, and in the bag he (anted were found +'rag• mente of the miming will. Of course there conk' not be a doubt atter that, but even If there Imd been it waad'a• pollee mast the trial." ''WHeise evidence 'n court could go beyond the forcible fact of the de. .troyed will being found In hie poseer. tion and Ito. being caught endeavoring to serape?" 'But, Mr; Keith, tlsete was even further evident+, and that doomed the man at once" replied Titeolora, "Tie, Oounsel for the prosecution brought forwand a girl named Mar• garet Territ, who lived with her father In n oottage on the outer bor- der oe the wood, and die had terrible evidence to give, though ehe had with much trouble been prevaUed upon to give it. On that evening of the muse der, s11e said, Gabriel liyddelton had gone to t sir cottage and told them of hie quarrel with uncle. He ipad tu11 them of old Mr. Myddetton's hay. lag made a wilt to disinherit him, and even where It was pat. Her lather could prove tib, the girl added, for he had been prevent and had waited to cheer young Mr. Myddelton A bit h::^tor^ he went to thle mint*, where he was on night work. At night, when she was mit. ting alone In the cottage, Gabriel carte Again, very quietly and oau• Cloudy, she raid, his face white and seated, as Rho could eee by the fire. light, for he would not let her light a candle. He asked for water to wash his hands. mid whet Ile bad waited +ben ke opooed oke back door of t1'. Douai and threw Ile "'Noott 11 You try to learn,' wow the Millie patienntt with $y oo to the end, teed Captain Hervey le really anxioni. Il we you stndy appeatrnnces. Ilia of Cour.(, 10 offended by awk- Atte* but otherwise he is, len pleased to see you always." vey," the girl said, turning iter folly upon her oouaim as ire took UIet at the foot of the table, shalt I oenee to offend your .pe that that delightful time soli whets iyoti w ll1 be pleated iM tote always ," ala p�e�saod to see you now," re - i dHervey, with laly patronage. Mils raying to Theo only this morn• Mutt your manners were very improved, , "y *moved Miss Trent Ila nt centred to Phoebe's," 'Only this morning,"ecbor llionor,wtth tel mhsoneeptton ; lean glad yo0 ' said It once, 1'nfortunately fee live not taken so much trouble With Phoebe as you have with rue," olds added, stooping to Inhale theirs• getkntr of the flowers beside . her eta reel must make allowance for u t`h, ti1I1e especially for her." ' P OW*, 'lir, healer at11 Mt'. c , T�'�e��stt turning to Boyden, tvho eat bes'de bee, "14 the only ono of Mr. i(jkkielton's relatoa wtwm you (to '* 4 know now." 15 was Honor who leg/ tlta sett• t les, and .topped, blueMiig vividly, "•KKooroott?" Mr. Keith echoed inter- te%atively4 what pleoattre can you rind agging tip unfortunate subject+?" Wna Mee. Trent ; and Honer un• a lw,d u u ria he rile 110 t w8- ellooth, rott tones, Hervey 1005101 duwn upon ham coup - plate, and Theodora attempted to gitlnoh her ooueln with n gl:lnre and a Carl of her lap, but Mr. Keith waited for, his aluwee, eel wee going to any," Idonor re marked, leaking fel y lit) hi; (-n1+- 5'0ahig eyes, white th> bright pink f slowly Into It. own (hellcats hue "except my own cousin, Ilnbn i 1 'ton, I forgot Hutt h e wine w ae ee (mentioned here. And I -I don't kuoir why I should have spoken of him to -night. At home he let tltitatl of only with horror and contempt. When I taunteen him, even myself, Ie H rlugde in otter bewilderment;" For a moment ohs read hie face with a frank. genntle gage and then site dropped her gym again and answered tire' gatetty : "I man see Wnt you know• why." "ties.. don't bring up that hog ile and detestable story agahh" ex o imed Theodora. with a well -feign- ed Shudder. "We are not hardened t0 9t by Learing it perpetually, ea Honor says she dont at home," "Nor lir. Myddelton'o murder Is not quit► a perpetual topic of coneveas• tints even at the Larches, 'Theodora," Bald Honor, speaking fearlessly, t her' beautiful eyes hard a groat wl newts ht them. P th " k ,d M' s ren KN setas s fi t, to Qb*8(0 effectually the Rained+ of oti nyrressation, "what a splendie hoose yvN , were ridingg� to -day, and how Dleed he was! A'rom where 'tad you nidal r' ('rota Home." 7Mleodorea glanced up with 0 start Ono ward or look of encouragement from him and ohs oould ask the quer. tl to which he lot 0 o i ear the os1 s B d t 1 antler, "Where le your h;:me?" Hut there same no word or Halite of en- oourMgement. however eligh;. nn I e was fain t0 oontrnt herself W_ .th having achlevet t,r plenary ob- and turn.' her guest's attant 00 a name wh'ch ehe woui 1 lrtve ion much to bo able to expunge rqm the !amily tree. Vet had Theodora ghat'' aueceeiked all? ease hod ehowa 11.r hntrxf t be subject; Mr:, `Trent had til• fully w'Widrawa frons it; Renee lt'd laitginidly Ignored It ; Heron Craven blttebed with a keen sense of lo, ori' shame at mentioning 1t ; yet Sooner had the eervnnts lett the Mena than tai s dreaded topic wee uppormnst once more, std even bong !died by each sae of the little group WkUI an apppparent indifference. Was 1t beca.use Gabriel Mydd^itoe Rate now apogeu of only as ol1 Mydtleiton's w, and not as a relent or reln- $ of any one present? or was it tlleauee there was one strong w 11 pre - is^ Which, Without evlden00 of 11'. pgfeete could lead where It chose, and tt filial Y' ' I am re.bly to go with you to 4b ellnaoor," Hoyden raid, " I meet rlro4 hear trite entire story of old th+Wes murder, or what haterest there be for me in the place ? Mies Vitt, w:It yon telt it?" .ettpp.ee I OU 1f you ask me,' snotrynd, smiling; "Mut it is a horrible story to tell, nod I nm re that 1 shall be able to get 15. Honor. you look as 11 eel prepared to interrupt me fn Nntlnoe• Eat your grape(, Must I realty te11 it ail. Din r' and again she looked up ly Into tia handsome dark yew will—un'eoe your eoiietn hayou." did not menatnn which (begin, Honor versy suddenly Ingrid to • � 1CCHAPT R 111 know,' Mr. Keith, that you Have !been in Wilt part of the euuntry loeig." MLI Trent began ; "but you m%aec� have heard of old Mr. Myddelton. Yon must IseJ a heard how ha saves and aeemm• ltd hilt wealth until the very men - i et old My$delton's money be- e pproverb, conveying an idea 1imHtod riche°." uncle's existence was one long of armoring and boarding," re- ed Honor, speaking almost ab - T, wbiis ber clear, listening gale feed upon Theodora's lace, "and fink the le about Abbotrn*oor omit( r ht when they whipper wealth Requuired and used so t bring tee very reverse of a to iia possessor." placable possessors db not be think so," post in Captain lightly. know, of oowrse," added Roy- etth as be raised bis wine -glass to his tips, "that It depends ehemnivea and upon their use wealth." really west to hear t0s story 1!N'. )ITdcilton's murder, do belt! t"' inquired Maw sbe deliberately peeled the teh the could' not stop to Hiattag forever/ a ltttla, so she turned to hoyden she the exprwion of his !I.ten- "I wls'h y0'a had' 5•en ah - before 1 told you. We shell oe Thirsdky, and 1 will yes Eire Window through which aartiseer farted bis way." hitt seen Abbot:moor; I know window," remarked hoyden, �� t looked round surprised. 04144 oat know, t hse r*M vexed twnld ellen. "Ties ady inter• 'split setleipte/ our plate / ; Water ea the twill thea iie drew ort his white wrtetbstnde, crushed them in his band, and burned them to eller a la the Ctrs ; and then he bore rowed from tier au old uoat of her father's. The poor girl seems to have unquestka 1Wy. done all the worked telow asked her, and rite had even proutlaed to hide or de• titruy the coat ht left behind ham, But 1 suppose tier father's setts° of issue( cum° t> her aid and pre• vatted her fulfilling her pr'otnise. The °oat wee elulwn al the trial, and there, on one shoulder, and on the halo wrist, were stains of blood." "Stronger evidence was never brought againat a prisonner. W �couree they hauged bun 1" " lie wee convicted, certainly," re• piked leh,eodora, " but he (*taped." A little silence toil u}am, tato group, and then ng(eln Itoyden•a voice co+t ty anti oaab7 broke the stillness, "flow about tdre will, Mho T ent?" "rortunntety," explained Theodora, with as much emphuvts as her bon ettuttunao langguor would iwrmlt, "Mr. tarter hada duplicate ei the wee so that it did not signify about that 0op7 having boon dretroyod by les client's nephew." 'If 1fr. cat'ter haul but told Gab riot that," exclaimed honor loeo,ute tarily, ''nothing need have het) boned,'. Ur rather,' added Ilervey, " the old lawyer might have been our• doted, tae.'• "Exactly,' asxmted Boyden, wit( n oat of prompt a/iqu.esoenee. "How did 3fyddleton manage the esu lea from lelI V* "Oh, pray do not begin anotlterlong story about that wiokod young roan, Theodora,'' Dried Mrs. Trent, mauling graciously %pen her guewt, " You aro ,wearying Mr. Keltit, What Interest sari Ile take ht much an account of ertme and craft?" , It dues intere*i me, Mrs. Trent," ner gutet answered, with grave cour losy'; "1 hate batt a barrister, and such thtugs still interest me keeenly.' "Have been a barrbttor!" echoed Theodora, wonderingly, and nut too politely. "Mow strange that ecems 1 1 only mean; ' she added, In graceful con, fusion, "that yoxl'�seem ao young to talk of what year have been -In a pro- fession, too, where a man roust lu•!ng the experience of year@ to follow It aumessfull r ; beside(--" But Theodore stopped there; she owed not add aloud the wonder how he hail traveled so much end tvoo se rdolt of idle now if 111,. proferelon had only been that of a barrtslent. "1f you have been a barrister, Mr, Keith," sale Hervey, gating curiously at him, "I wonder yet are not au fait in thle story o! young Myddelton'a trial 80.1 escapee" "I have heard of It, but no one even gave me the partieulari exactly as you have donne I did not read a word of it In the paper( at the time." '•That was odd." "Very std," wweuted Roydon, lastly; "bzskdes which, another thing et•rikee me as cid, Yat ae d that (tabrlel Myd• delton was weak and cowardly ; if so, how did he manage hie escape utter conviction? Such a thing would, 1 should imagine, require skill and cour• age," '1 think,"said Thcoeora,haatiy put- ting Ina reply, ''that whhen you heat the particulars of Ode ermine ,)-ou wllI sea that 11 war chiefly managed for hhn. He had but little need of skill and eleerage lemeell," "But wino would care to run sucb rleka for a texteeetned crl ii nal't" "I think you will ben when 1 tell tan the etury,' tepea l M1e; Trent ; ' but yon luust wast for that 11 111 oro are at Abbotsmoor on Thur.• Jay. Alumina will not abject then; w111 you, Manuel, dear?" '•Ete,t I have never heard the whole story (1 Gab.fel s te3ap se1,1 Hoa. >r, breaking her attentive silence; " but of ouuree it was Maragrlt Tor rot or her father, who planned it and he'pati him:' "you were but a little oiled when the murder was committed,' ohmerved Royden: "you do not, I amperes(, re- member Gabriel Myddleton?' "No, It was ten years ago, and 1 wag only eight ; but I've seen the picture at Abbotemoor." "A weak face, had he?" "1 can hardly stv. It is vory boy 1(11, I think and u'e:leate." "It dose not remind you of the Chamber of Horrors at 1111d0mo 771,5• baud's ?" "Oh, not" she answered. Then her t,retty laugh broke oft suddenly and her eyes darkened with an anxious wietfulneas. "Mr, Keitlt, do you feel Burn that my oouetn Gabriel was guilty of that theft n11d murder?" Sete could not help her eye), betrny- Ing her longing that he should contra- dict tide fact -which no One yet had ever doubted ; nor could ho help that 0113 bound which hie heart gave when he saw how bhp waited for ids answer, "There seems no room for doubt," he said. "The flight ani escape are both terrible atanbling-blook. to any baler In Gabriel Myddelton's inn°• ,ren°a" Ulf, no," she Interrupted eagerly, though her tone was very low. "You forget, Mr. I etth, that the escape was atter the conviction. 1t was tap date for ellen 111/1000000 to 98110 h1m then, even 1f--" "Even If he had been inn ocent- yes,' returned Mr. Keith ; ''but 1 see no loophole of etscape from such n ver- tllet as the Jury brouglht," "Ana yet think he was guilty?" There gathered a strange, warm light 1n Hoyden's eyes nS he answered her with quiet earneetne.a: "You must let mo anawo.r this ques- tion on some future day. I have not even heard the whole history yet;' "You shell hear tit at Albbotemoor on Thurs•Jay," put tw Theodora grac- ioue:y, "and them' yyou will see, a9 I told you, all ole Myddeiton'a connec- tions together—o! coarse excepting Gabriel," arrested' Hoyden, And about the property! le, I suppose, went 05 Was wiled; and Lady .Law• retire hdds the power of dividing it among you or bequeathing it' to one alone f" "Yee, it real■ with. 'her emtirely • and a1 Christmas she ie coating over to make the acquaintance of all the family, preparatory to making he,r wi:l. We receive these messages through her solicitors to Loneen, for she herself never Iwrites to any one of n'tabs, is a Widow, D preaulaa 1" "Yes, and she has been a widow for many yeale, with no tamtly of her own." A ood thing for us," put in Cap- tain Hervey placidly, "tor you must own there are plenty of us to choose tram.` r "Aril both her possible heirs;' added Theodora, with a little quiet malice, "are named after her husband or her - !elf. Obt Ole Hervey Lawrenoe be- lornged to this neighborhood, you see, ant so we have Hervey Myddelton Trent here and Lawrence Myddelt u Haughton at The Larches." "Aril all we girls lave Myddelten for a /scowl name." put in Honor, laughing •'Strange of 1.1.17 l.awrenre to watt le long before eho cameo to visit her family or her' native place." "She never 11ked Abhotamoin," Mrs. Trent replied, "I believe she never liked England; and Pm sure ehe did not care for her brother " ''Suppose elm never comes. but leaves her money to Indian charities," meld Honor. "She dare not," retorted Theodora qukkl1yy "She'. bound to leave it as Mr. Myddeltoa arranged, tether 50 oke of tis, or to soma of te, ori to a1 of are" "Wile le the most likely to inherit it?" quoationed Hoyden coolly. "I should certainly never dream of tiro other aide of the Meuse--" "Do not hesitate to ray it, Hervey; obeervut Honor, in life pause. "You 10(411 that elle w111 timer aekuowlodge the Cravens, I t;or't think she wl:1, Mr, Kerith. Mr. Myedeelon was very angry with hie brother for marrying my aunt. Tie Cravens were poor and always ee (seen poor; and-i:t is to ba uurwised-t'hey always will be poor." 'You are ovleantly gl•ieving for tela L" Yea," tine answartdy .with no shade .ot griel in her eyes. ' L should love to i+s ric'a-I Hank," "Strange thing," mused' Boyden, "teat the old slumre Should at last rbuftlo oft the res8pponsibility of h'. wealth %pen his sister. Has aha been using the money since hie death!" "No; it 'ea. been. eooumulating, luckily for pa,' raplled Hpervey; "in- deed, it was aceumu:atin for years before eels death, 01d Myddelton's money is Jure duan a mielon In har, ohdh now, independent of the landed property," Lady Lawrence May very well di- vide short wealth es that." "Yea, of course she may, Mr. Reitih" assented hit hostess leng Meier ; : "but still '1 fancy Oho will choosy., an heir, nnae that will natur- ally be Harvey." `But Mr. Haughton !x a5 nearly ro- lated to her, 1s lee not ?" Uh, mile will not think of Ida" In- lelrposed Captain Trent nupor(illotuely; '•hs IA a regular snub, settled down into 0 pettifogging country lawyer, an.l almost ns noun as was old ylyd- deltoa ldtuself " ''Suppose yore were to recollect the fact Etat he'd nmy guardian, Hervey," observed Honer quietly, "That would make no difference," returned Cuptain Trout, laughing. "You know leery well 'tow little you think of heal."" A vivid Ifl , pa n u bl 1aI rtes to the girl's cheeks, lne oven 'Roydea could sec that she hue not the power of contradicting that twat etatementt "l'ct•hapl," ho sa11, '•Ludy Law- rence may (hoose an heiress In prefer- ence to an heir. She might ver,v nat- urally wish for a young relative to live with leer, as she 0115 no daughters o1 Iter own." "8o I often ray,"'poke Mrs. Trent blandly, "and it pleausue we to thluk crow adndrably my daughter b fitted for the poet." "More than the othree1" Theodora turned to Mr. Kcitlt in blank netonlelhwont when Ito uttered tlhat enol q-aestion, but the tight of his hsn:teome, cnrelo* fee0 disarmed her quick respielol. .ire for the others,' she sale, witti a deprecatory gesture of her hands, "Jane Haughton o-oull grind and Nave like nu exaggerate-] female oopy of obi My-ddelten 111111 11, and l'hoeho wolf t (pend all ado 11)011('7 oa her per boa," "11 Is a sma11 perawl to spend 11 million on," oll.orved Honor, with a giuck flaeO In tsar eyes, half of an- ger. hall of amusement, '".tnd--" questlonai Jtoyden, lits own pyre full of lauughter. "Tho oily other niece ie Honor,'' said Theocdora, hurrying over the words, '" and I'm sure elle would not lave au Ideal what t, do with the money ; aluslld you, honor?" "Ya@. 1 wont] live all allone On ❑ ocien.itd b,u'o, with no one to order m3 about;' 'What a childish idea," Bald Thea dors, with a curl of her lip. "Ant} I would do good to otlpera,for I could afford to pay for a master I n department, and w relieve Hervey frons lata most onerous duty." " You aro r'ght. Such wallet should hove some such noble end hi view,' wed Heydea, w:th a laugh of quiet 10117. " fluid ire ue we all kuuu' 'heaven's physic, Bfe'e rtltorative,' but Ivo also know there are other ertue t can pew�e;e." " There Ia hue evil (t enamot cure; observed Iionur, pueseng a little over h e tone, but nn wering It merrily. "anti that la oar funcly falling—aver e:e. I often thank 111>w readily L tdy Lawrence w -it recognize 111 all a Myddettone when the see( us crowd .ug eagerly about her ani paying coact to the re:hes which she hold- In ho,i'l for some of u'." '' all tiro woman of Bhoiea aro Ireekletd lend sh-temperoti,' " quoted Royden, ening n 1 e t's., Trent rote, )loner panee3 wheroeilie iatno:1 and forgot every praet'p.tl anwarer toCappt, Harvey's eatnchiren:.'oh the oedgeueloe of so' ety, " How do yo0 mean, Mr. aCe'th?" Ho euelel into -the fnneoent, pee- t'onh,g eyes azul�qrrw(aad-_htere while Mrs. Trent Send TheodcoaF*rept urn inoluely test. "A limy traveller in Blots, who found his landlady freckled and 111 -tampered, wrote itis experience go: 'A11 tie women Of Blots are freckled and 11l• tempered.' " "1 hope, Honor," remarked Mee Trent, as too girl entered the draw- ing -room, "tlat you may tome day grow to understand what fs required of yon when 3'ou are the least lulpnlrt- ant person 1n oompan3'. 1 dc0p,d* of ever teaching you." 'Otupppo;oa I kitrn tlat thoroughly, and then find that I am not atwuys the Wast important perbou in emu, pa0y," oold Honor, with a ml+eldecalla glance from under her lashes, "1 Nheli have all to unlearn and a fresh lateon to begin. Oh, dear me! how pleasant it would bo it one need only act on lttrrtlnct t" ' If I Pere, n girl Iiko you, Hoior," Putin 17eudorn, with an exaggerated exprovion of despair and perhaps not vera3' strict adherence to truth, " I thuuid feel very grateful to biose who tried to train me." "finder these etreunsstancee, It might nlmrest be u good tiling If yon were ate;' was Honor's dry and un- grummatical rejoinder ns slue took as comfortable a seat an Mrs, Trent ttud Theodora anew• ed her, and settled herself to gait ate me1e11 enjoyment all !po..6lltl., bent the inevitable ,ihomertatlu:t ell dro3<. "11 would be rude to take u hook and ontertahu myself with other pseople', thoughts," rhe muted, when at last D1re, Trent oucemnbed to her niter- dlnlner somnolerlea and Thcodora posed herself Ill au attltuio of graceful in- dole:tee, "but I am upper -nit; nt 1 b- erty to Indulge in my owe—much ns they are." There was a circular mirror on the wall oppoelto her, end betweet' the candle, burning on 0:lei tide of It t0: could gee the 1 rc5lde group; the elder lady sleepeig bt her cbiir, comfort• able Cool handsome, and t 1 younger ale almost an motene a, with one r:uge l hand supporting the telt, regu- lar face, round we ch the mirror ahowel 01100 gorgeous eott'ng of e'lk anti gold, Ill each of um lurks some vela of true geuium. -Though L0met101 ( 140 .1 gilt that he the glopm of urappre- etntion or the glory of n gr'nt>l' light it iH not Loan, the golden thread it pretty /lure to lie there, Theodora Trent pus.essed•no be:l- eant talent or vereatlle p�o war Km had Ao depth of force or ettength of character, but ante +tad that elan• der filament In heer mature, and knew Its power. 18�he understood ex- actly how far the oopplendor et dress was needed to glee elfeot to her (hal• low, toneless beauty ; anti to this mat- ter, whish was Iter oats deep etude, eho was thoroughly rids fadeed, le a settaie extent ti'angeroaldy ekllit-.- At every ball rhe atteneei ( and lar T t ffi ren levered alt she could, both in town and' country) she orae looked upon ar a formluabl.) rival by many a prettier and brighter and' better girl; and vet a few of 4118 young men who stool' up with bar t deuce felt proudly conaclous of bav Ing won the mast admired partner in the room, What woneter f The face ta, atter ell, but a trifling part• of the whole; and +who could mise var- iety mad brightness there when they found it in the mantle:d adornments which Theodora carried so well] honor's eyes llagteree on these two figures, hardly gtaacing for a mom- ent at her own, so still and white. "Suppose," rhe mmoyped' idly to her- self, "that were tKa mirror of Lao and reflected tee mini ae well as the person. Whet should I see! Not much," she adeeed, rw'itb a half sm•:le, still unconecieuely ignoring t;-,er own image' ''there la mot mlueh In either Mrs, '1'rent or Thcoeora which it would need Lao's glass to retioot." Ar rho ttlolght this, still with her eyae upon tbo mirror, the door behind her was opened anti another figure was added to the group on wblah she gneed, Then an tntoluntary and rattler puzzle,' foaling ro=e in l:or mind, that flit, figure hail given a new character to the picture ht the glass. "Now," site raid, letting her moon lilt thoughts run on, "if et were but tau' glass of Lao now 1"" 31out probably hoyden Keith wouli hate objected to enter the room at n11 If that cirouier mirror had bran the magic Instrument she thought of, but, being the linrmtese reflector It was, 110 sat down opposite 1t with the greaten ensu, nal wt1H, to all appear- anoe, totally nneon11o85 of (to very presence on the wall, Mre. Trent, wide awake now, gra- elously called Honer over to sit beetle iter will( rhe sipped hog ten, ani then e ntrente 1 her tfaughter to sing a duet with Hervey nn 1 to persuade Mr Kelth to clog with her, too, Theo'ora ('td ring with her cousin. once or tweet, ane thin este or twice 31,ao; thea ome or twt'3 what) Mr. Keith, but Honor had not boon rtmme, when, feeling the neglect acutely, nee rose nn 1 sail that alio must go home. "Jeno told ma to be early;' she explained, stealing before Mrs, Trent, with a fading flush upon her chute. And just then the mirror gave back a lovely picture, while Boyden Keith stool. waiting for hie hand' -shake. There was n0 intent- ness In bin gore, yet for all Ma 11!'. this picture 11"vee unblandahei in lis memory. , I "Theis is a new idea, Honor," oh- oerved Captain Trent, comlppg for. ward with n shade of annoyinoe on his farm, "Why should June I. wiisher bo paramount f Ara th'ay not alone at the+ Laches to -night!' "I drupe so," "'Whom are you afraid of finding .at home!' inquired Theodore, won- d'oring why lir. K-ith &1111!(1, when of cearse •hh could not understand anything about H'onor's home. " I know," drawlct if: rvey, wet0 hie lazy smile; "id's little S14tnp," "Yee;' echoeul honor demurely; "it's irlele Slime:' "]Mime -Slim t L have surely heard that name before,' put In Hoyden, with a great amusemlent in iia ayes, "I almost th4nk I have had the honor of seeing the gentleman to whom She name belongs; a man of 'bogs propor- tion) anal frank expre5ellm of coaulten- Anne ; a men wlthoet fear, or guile, or -why are yon laughing Mlss Craven^" 'l1 you hal tried to describe the exeet opposite of the Mr. Seem I know," Bail flonor, '•,van could not 00.1(1 succeeded better." ' In feed ! Then plea -e describe to me the lir. 14140 yon know." "'Not I, Dir. Beit)';' laughed the girl, "except to tell yon that, like senor, 'he hath but a little wee fare", with a lit'!' yellow beard --a t'alecol- ored beard.'" ''e n 1 you 1'o sot like him " "Like 1111111" The thy, prowl color ins rte'nx ngrltn en ler Ooyden'a atcodtnst gaze. '•Not one ortomj' she Fuld, ae elle gave her haul '5e Mrs Trent. Anel In tett tone of prompt centempt she droppe'tthe subject. "Jt you are walking home, y00t will, I hope, allow me to walk with you, Miss Craven " eeta1 err ht c uiek' 1'ghl 1 ►pat; h edSte atlooi a tax• tdart�a ?o$** ng t) 551* thot'onglt' lured whish he knew, -A ecrvant-m en '11 a livery of white and green -a Ilv- sryy we have earn letore at tbo roil• o skis tavern near Ab.ot moor -touched h1e l tt from the driver's teat as Roy' doer pias ed Into the voatfb le of the hotel, wh le another eervaat, br the main livery, 001113 forw e l to meet hm. te`lue-t (5 int" asked R0yd0n, nz h3 rlenetntly returned the tunnel reepect- ltd greeting, A letter, air," " Any ordere to yourselves?" !n• gutted Hoyden, av he took the letter. "No orders, sir, except what you should give 00", "Then go back at once. Amy I nm coming tomorrow. ke sateething at tho bar and seed orris to do the same ; then drive beet at twee, Good -night." Seated ort leis ((1�g�1,, room, tr'tth the Ianp, Ilg'lted and late shutter. cloe• 84, Royllen read the letter. Rtie writinugg war clear and the lines un' itrvxseel, but yet it took hint a long time to read ; for the sheet' of paper wore large and transpar• ant, 1v@ !t the lettsv had cota0 from or waq-d(e(tned foe» 1atue dement °cantly, When ho had i iarhea add ',Men0511 the two thin sheets within their cover he role amt rang hila bell. " 1 wwut," ile sake, vi lien the dour way (mated bey a grave, mlddie.ugg�ed{1 man lit blchk, " to speak to Eel• wa'ds. Send him up here, will you' 1" " Yea, sin" Aro the other +non gone?" "Pomo t'm3 ago sly," 11 The groom, whom his master had 'elle.! kdwartis, doAged hie livery hastily when isle master o valet sura• monad 1(1111. "1 know what it is," lie muttered, "a gallop all the way to the Towers anal back, That's just like 1Jm." 1 "I! you mann ted take the gallop hr r In tf n. A i WI lilt mot it 4 tg o! !t, ou'ri abut righht," returned Wee valet zau•tl3' ; but unbeee that is what 7011 inen11, y'o'n ata a good way off being right, for he isn't ono to rend hisler- 1•ants galloping about when they ought to be In bed,"" "Ito, he isn't generally," t oqules:el tivo groom, a lits to kem silkily ; "but it dens make o e cross to ]rate to deems again, Ila 11c0k ani right now, 3fr: Pierce"" Thn "gentleman's gentleman" amiloet wIt1agreer uocondeseenslon."You ares a vain, churlish relent' " It sail, 118 1114111 an tight caatl speak ; " bu t what. else ea1) ono expect to n groem -•and 011 young a one?0 life tm11e,1 stili more when the gr =�w reEnrl+i IO Ida In leu ( 1 t•ti'11111 , brllc, alert, 11111 g.•,.th: lin"' •d, as tie had boon In ni 1 In.��ter's presence. "1f it'm ' Put like 11m' for tit tune• for to .111,:' his men about Inconel• erne 1,e nit Inemetatently;' the ,ail •t lcmnrke" aloue, "1 wonder why they ;Mous 1 boob As It they felt nil the pleasanter for their Interviews with Illus. He dox»n't quite treat you its tf dolt were cattle -eh, Edwards?" "Hes going orf at dawn," explained the groom, t poring, that quotation. "I'm ty have Princess saddled by the first glimpse of daylight, He's writ - tug (1011• and tell nits to tell lou clot to stay up. Hell tar back to-In;,rrow afterdoon, h^ Kaye. Where do lou think he's going, Mr. Pierce "I know,'rdid Pierce quietly ae ho turned away; "11^'e going hour.'." Herne"1 cchoet the younger elan when lio wax left to himself. "1 don't know 111)111, p'ra1xy, but 1 :lo know what that mean(," C'11AZ'TRR It'. ]t way no very new thing for Cnp- Tilt:ora lookel np in eurprta0, (one o: the mon-servants he'd always been 'rat to attend Honor hack to the Larches after an evening at Deer- gmro ttnrely that was snfflclete, without Mr. Keith offering his escort. Titet:,kt,, U:1ne a aury, ' intei etso i 00(1)1, iiat"eey, etoppeng As he loitere1 e,ety ere tee .dour ; " I am genie with 1(e; Creven;' " Amt eon, Ids, Ke'th,'" Bahl '?ora, ndvanchtg w:11, herr se zm'le, "rue t 0517 amt play thee+ at tumor,thee'I neve *testy erect. Se hire' early 15 10 and I ron'!v. ]]'girt eg0NU Heldoi;s„ Mamma 'etei Theoliteartin hour !'iter, when the moth* htvt daughter were left aisle together. "you must qsk Mr, Ko`th to stay with to for n week or two, He la only at the hotel, yon know, 1ut1 you might quite pro- perly do It while Hervey 11 h rte.'" Digs. Tro•11't breath c lute for a mite ,te 41 harried gasps: ' Tno' the rnil, 1 have been eur- nr't01 let you n11 eveala; ; I nm doubly im'pel,el nota. 1'rny do not Int Her- vey sea this su'lden and ridtcuioue Kr: tolatom;' Hervey wad never Aee anything in me w1e'clt is wl 0tdoti+" wa; Theo'e '0,1111 resat re'o'a(',er ; " tut, mamma. you mutt ow:1 'tow immeasurably euperbr Mr, Keith io to the mal tae 1t'uer1111y meets: ' And, niter till, what do you know of lila?" Inquiroi tis eldrer Indy, 10(tt'rllly, "'Title," replied the younge4 One, nt 1f the !abject was a pleasant one to her and she were quite willing to linger ovor It. " We know that he L a thorough mud perfect gen• tloman, to wihom society hart evl• dent!y tarowa opatl her door!. We know that Ile has travelled a great deal, and seen a great dont, 1(01 i. very clever, We know how different hs looked trent alt the gentlemen a't the castle the other night, tend how jealous tho girls wore about him, and we see how womanlsll he makes Hervey look. Annd we know," con• eluded Theodora, movhlg her head slowly before the glass to catch the light upon the Jeweled butterfly in hes' hair, "that ho 14 very rich." "Theo, umy dear," urged Mrs, Trent, cautiously -for Ilk( all weak and indulgent mothers, she dreaded her claugliter's dllple,tsure being turned directly' against herself—" o, course you ran enjoy Mr. Zielth'a so' °lety while lie stays bt tits eoigh- borhood, but you will be most ml• wlee 11 you excite ilervev's Jealousy• Mr, Keith may be a rich Irma—1 do not doubt—but 'what would 11114 wealth becomfnlTedwith that whish Hervey is likely to inherit? Re- member. Theo, that mo heart le tel upon your tnnk'igg u gtooi »nitch. It '8 ro �rio ll Its.. Trbtt tiatit t (ally, tr, ,I,. „u.• :;' 1 fv: 11,:. h I :.,rr to 1 t(- "All r'ght, neonate,'' Tele net T1P.o- dora, brusgely ; "lee 11 take curs that your a'm 13attafnel. Iwill ttot quar- rel w th Hervey, but I will do as 1 1 ke loaf at pro eat.' BoyJee Keil 111d, 1'k' 1114 Ll'uw- gIlalto, wnikel to D'ergrove tllnteveu- ing, tou.1 now wan walkatg bark to r1 K11bu It a d alt omtum u orae I lea, u tight, and hs went I'Isur='ly' till thoughtfully along the highway, until Int entered the town close to the hotel t l e Treitt to be walking with honor Craver along the road which ley he- tw0=•n Lovegrove and the Larch°+, but 11,nietliiu;g teemed to strike him 3 10 d mr u:nv ill th pxrfurmnncs, r ght. ''You aro not talking at all, Iionur," Ito' 0011 at last wh_+n tht' 1.0x(0011 of the nOulty dawned upon 111(11. ""8'Ihat t •t cr7 nnucuni 'thing 1 It ddoes not dl:oty nicely' trgutntet mothers to talk e good deal tit one tl . and may web- iuf; at ni1'nt another, Ii avey," trod flea. suddenly 10 10h' wall+ -a1 eyc1, upon 11181 so tit h le (rb It t 1 r In t � !vn ue g i(�tnr3 m3 wlielt `nobxii hien etre, fiteetil an by It affor10 DDtenni1.t pleasure to hear yo1, so I don't tn!nd; but wlhen oro hay° no aucaenca we *111 have no portorunnco, please. On thoso occe- lcns- belong, 0a Stu 3' are, very few :tad very far between -we will hm- agine oureelvee on an (+quality, Now we w'111 talk me ntueh as you 'Ike, fol/ t 011011 semi be at home. Hervey, h, Ie Mr. Keith ?" "Why do yon want to know?" .In- quire.) Cuptain Trent, speaking shaip ly, but whether in oonesquem'e o1 Hcnor'o tutroluotory speech or of that last queetlon was 'tot clea``. "It dost( not signify. I oan Bud oat lr0m Lawretwe," ' H'e ia as likely to be an adventurer ata not" suggested Hervey epttefully; "looking' alter Theodora 'for ler for. tune and for her expectation of a *hare otbll blydtlolton'. ninney' "I ettoull lutve thought yon olden• *ugh to know. n true gentleman when you duet him," oneerye•1 honor, with provoking gravity, "An 1 if he really 11 eom'3 to Woo'1't),"o,'orvt, wihat 3111111 yon do?" WYJlyt" ha aakei, I1'0 toter t1 trifle arab, ,•'tier In 1' ,g'r or self-eo;t• "Resell(( 300 nr; to marry' leer, you kn0w1" " Do not any '„n1 know,' 1foo, o. t 0 urure(+eteary uul in^ I g hit, 11111 1 ;o Iuot know, 11rmlrh you do, It waadd warn." "Of course 1 ,'0; everyloly ku0w, t,' "Of eom'..3 1 could telt her 11 1 ahs," n, ; e 1 I I rvey complacently, "1f that it whit you mean by every oly' km.,ly 11 1 I ate to deo e0," Hone; s lungh rang he h and clear cit tin n'glitt ut', an:d naturally 11 ['owe l Capt. Horvey'e langu'd wrath, Te ie 1uo t cull .1 h to isugit at nottl'ng, tis you c'o, Honor." 01111' yesterday you tuft n1'' It WAS Irl l 11 to In ugh at everythlag. You Ire int met lent, Hervey, 1f yea gel le me ,;t ot1re in opp0sil.' 1'irectioa ." ' 1f ylr. Kath wine Theoxdora lied her f ltuu0," remarked }lene), prlsv- 'ntiv, a'th nit 114(1 of stere rettlln- t un, ' what will Llw,eeee, Haughton 7 I'ec•:utse everytoly know., na you 43 y, that L'Iwrtnc•a Iy to Harry a rich o h' I( he nutrrbxt at all." ,, answer, r.e he put th'r el(1emt'on d�rrr•t. " Il,' 700 think 1':faughton w'll m trry n Nch w1)O?" " 1 hope be- w:II." "Because," alae answered, with a tiedening of her lips, "he won't be at all 'happy if hit dots -men never are who marry for money -nor wed a!ua. 11 Is you who are laughing at net'hing now. Ityrvey" "100,r 100110111 of toe world stem to be gleaned' from novels. 1WTay do you not wire he would marry n pen• ailoea wits, Just to spite ,Leine 1' "Roeauee Jane would break Pat 'heart of the penniless wife." "Honor 1" "Yes, I'm 'here." "teeny, you have tears in yo{I velvet Are you so un'aappy at tke Larchee 1•' I was not thinking of myself," re. turned Husor hastily. " Don't grieve for I aosbp" said iii gusher t - Iles a J see n ou t tq, Y 1Ar� el t. ]'sort i extort' are Hervey, in tone of relief ; "gee doesn't feel teas things, 1 u far sr r for k der H o e 3a !ul refit. rt lin lovA of the mea yn'�J xcoru than it 's to 'her to bear the 530ra of the man s'ae loves -poor gall" " Hervey 1 How glare yyou 10 7" ereI Honor, pn s:on.itely, "You know nothing about dell-ehuut lhoebe or about m0. I w 11 pot allow you to talk se to me of my Coatht or of 1113- solf, Do no. ares again pretend you ran teach me ltow to 1xe a geatlewo• Inert, for you 010 mot yourself kno w stow to be a gent!.plan, t)o buck 1 Ito qu to Bate; I Soele rather hot hate 7001' 513• clear Honor," he began to late moat plau«Itia tottoe, "yyou ahoul:9 try not to Le 110 la.ty, Wiiy (hemi Ilnot tn0ut'on- What, to tem your own 1001)1(, everybody khowe? !hunts teak 'n0 teasel of iter itlfatuoto0 for r011e0, and Lmemo.) makes. no. ` of,h'is indiff*renee to her,ao why le 1? You make n0 eccrut of you; it• fereuee to Lawrence, lint lie corta'ld:i makoa no teeret of lea Infatuattion for yon, 00 why [haul! I?" " It !e rdoat ungenerous," raid honor hotly ; ani troll .Ie maintain.;] per - feet silenc1 for the rest of their walk, Tito Lnr.t'el ora, n 1metre rxl•br o1 Mitre, ttaireng a 1:ttle way frohl the road wet separated from 't by' lutlf a t'ozen yitell of br'ek wall tetwee,t two w11te gutee n1 either 911&1 of the eurve! drive• widen iae:3d the front door. At the door hash's stool In darkno a, wondering rather anxioua:y who weal/ let her in. Her- vey 'had left her at' the gate ; bat though she, did not know It he was lingering there, waiting to see her safely into t'ae house. Hie had not long to welt, Toe door was opened ppromptly to ler suananons and.11e sew her enter the ilghtee hall• "It wee fleu'g'atogr himself who let her in," mattered (captain Trent. n5 he walked away. 'elite will be vexed it no 0113 else ?tan lvaitol tp for bsr' and certainly 11 cannot ba by P'oO$)io• own cloaca that aha bas lett *tgb- ton to do it elude." 11;> eaatened on now, "whietlteg as he wert, for went of thought," and by tela time Honor sad Dir. Naughton had entered the warm and lighted drawing room. "Every one gone to bed 1" she enc- elaimeel, a nets. of keen vexation in her tone. "Why did not Phoebe t up for mei Sees pronueod slio would, all I am as early as Jana buds oro be." `' I told 11 o. Ir to go io bed," rr- turr,o) bar. 11'1n,itllun g:u1:S r+k-n,; off I,u ooh e it 1 nitt ,c: ,cit.. 11 11010r is i l ,torn eitt r her ,i, rk c10ak, '11' ,+.lit !or yea', and L did 100 i ;��;,, 0ne to keep alma e10111p0ny" utnor glanced at him for one mu- ne nt na he etocxl to the full light, ami then sale quietly pushed away the ched' he nail drawn up to the tire toe her. Honor's guardian was a man of forty, n 11tt1e atove the middle height, but so broally built tlutt he tookol b'tow It I111 1:air was MI kiy atieakad wttn gray ant hit mou5tache—gray, too—woos heavy' 1101 coarse; labs 1aee habitually eln•ewd u111 callous and jtlo eyes helb{tuuuly keen and re.tiesso any other esprosaltm which nil he upon h1' fare to -night, or at other time: when 113 w•as alone with moos, 1111(1 not Its ells:entry enc. He leets a powerful ttlnn, both physical ' 11121 ort ntnily ; t1 man who ceerno t he have 1,11 passion« an hie wordy 0ppletely n ler lids cont o1 and h It n r ry o, lid Uud n,t, might 03 perletpl n dangerols non to thwart oe anger, Ills ellente mien,• of hhn us t1 sale antl'011•ceneen- trat'd lawyer, tis hard to understand ns to bent: a clever fellow•, whose tuft white fingers (chid mire vet, in drat consttant iiafbefof 111,4, the, 110105 lntrlcnte kuot 10 fav* Bet t I ore war °"'•' `''' one Inmate of his hone wen , knoll horn_ , hh two char fer/I and who put nu ,p trust In (hies( ' 1 have coffee 1-82:27 to you, Hewer," snit„Mt. Naughton, tiling tho toffee, pot fro>b the I re an 1 rurrving ft_tot tato ppb ,whore eeei I en« solitary cup: "I ka v it will rrfr .'� ewe after your sal ',I ''Thank yon,” : r i I honor ; but her voice, for all it r attenets, wee utter• ly Indllferent n 1 Lawrence HaugO- t,n noticed to •Have 3111 1 11 plangent ovenlugi" duo 1,511, r: r I r nervously purSnhlg het unwout i 111)1 wolnanlsh task, "A 11tt1 ter than tumol," she .111 1 quietly but 1 11m very eleep,v, Lnwren dpi! I go to bed t" re 1 welt ent11 you have drunk this c '; ', dear,. I made it myself 0n puree for you, noel I have kept it hot : n I tanoted you would enjoy It." 12, 1 (1 come np to tier then, with the c q. in h11 hand, an 1 elle could not torn away. 1ho took It with a little 'I t rah, fresh. anal sweet. Yo11 look olid at that task, Law- n nee Why did you attempt it "1" "R£cataee It ins for yea," he mall, w-itih n'ublued eagerness In lie tone. "There Is no task I would not attempt for yea, Honor," " 1 hope th're i0," elle answered, very gently ; " and please let Phoebe keep Iter proal're next time awl 015 up fur 1ne, Lawrence' " Any one but rue," he eael, a dark flnh teeing la his face; "yet my 0.1Ir plea.tiro through tb'* dry lies teen the ant'clpltl:xt nt th''.1 minutia,: (when I 11101101 111101' yon 11 r0 to t'tlk to nae and hook at m,0, n, you rarely de when 700 111111: others t° 8e8 or spank to! Thera wit a'1:nee letween them thea, wit I e he tree t to school hit tones to cosy' indifference €welt as (hors, and wh lee h e wo',de3•ol cliell h'y whether her guarder'( military aclttvcmint way known to 11'11 sister, whom° 011., 'trcr.>g idea was that it Iv11a 10 wllo ought to L•e w•uar',l 0n i,y all the 11 ,u sill I+1. ' lvho was nt De'.rgrove to•n'ght, hosier ?" Liwronco 10113 rtnudhlg against the ltl00tel-l(eee, WAteltillg rho face of the g rl Lc kto hhn ; and it t eeumed as 1, w,le:1 Ili, answerc1 the quest!oa, h!.v game gr.=w more intent and oven 1.001.11, "Only cn0 gentl nlan—M'. Ke'ti, He M otlOtis at the Royal Hotel Int K'nbur,v now; Ile h1« ''ru vl.'I lag Sir 191110 111omer.0a eft ill^ east''', I du not know whether In ;tnya for the 'J11ot'ti or 1moue, he I kr5 the ncl3'It borhot. Ido yolt know 0' m, Lnw+":n, reutel" 1 ` " as ❑111011," return 1 Mr. HaughtMa.. app'lrent!y makllg 1111 effort toeirah e:1:•ly, "as I clllo any other idle ljgeog 1011ow who comet to stay in Giotowa for a t'mcs, profe'eedly for the A,b hot -moor fishing or shootldg, orWhat. r.ot—that la nth' „1 w'II ray gexrt-nrgbt now, L'tw• retied' Ile ant (11 11 tlre'rmpty cup, and then took h^t• offered hatul. (loaf-nfgllt," he EehMse ; "hot, you hasten to ntt:r it1 Neth'*] I cell do or ray eve>r tentptt yet t1 l'nger w;th nlc. My 1mottgl ch111, my (avorit',, U you wuuili lily consent to hail 0111' I:',son frofft Phoebe 1" " I au too old to born," said honor, c'efyhlg ties fail w•hi • 11.1; pt , ,' alw.ly3 gave 'ter, ill spite of th-lr trequeney, "Oh, L'wroite', I wh0yer wort! 1(8 'leepv n+ t au ! 1'o;1 wool' harry mo oft, and I 0101111 br 0" grateful t0 7001 ntt'rvuri." (1b be Continued.) Aa toffleet' will be ut the Rovddn Rous., Toronto, on the 37th, "11th and 20th of March, and at the 001�(5g 19ouse, London, on the erd, 4th and 6th of April, for thne purpose of on, aging recruits for the Northwest punted Police.