HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-29, Page 4."T-• . ?' i j 1,1411! U li r•Ttdi rrlilt n \ II I in 11 I
h seganbarh, the court was crowded all day examined al florae length regarding meet a deplttatios from lbs (toenail
HYADWIN, Postwar*. 11'wtnesdny evidence given by N, B. Holme In matter propeeed•—CarrlM• Moved
The taking of evidence (n the Lee the Interim examination oonoluded by Mr. Cardiff, seoonded by Mr.
van 13rANDAeD publUbsd ev.y vs. Mhehell encu lasted tilt noon. plaintiff's ease. For the defence Shaw, that the elerk be instructed
ey morning, U a live')oal news. (molted in the ease addressed the Engineer Kelly, Chairman Canteiuh, to advertise for tenders for compla-
in& her a targe oircutatlen to court, after which ills Lordship de- Town Clerk Mitchell, Collector Reid, tion of °Arnim drain, tenders to he
nd surrounding country, making livered judgment 111 fever of Assignee 11. Stowe, Wm. McCaughan and opened at council meeting on May
wide adnag medium. Bub28th,—Carried.ce on every claun, equal to A ver- Captain Wylie gave evidence. At 29tCarried. Pethmasters were
Ion pprice 19 any part of Canada or
Itod States only One Dollar per dict of 8320U. Derhig the delivery the conclusion of the evidence the appointed es follows; North bound -
In advance ; et.6o will be charged the Jedgn said he had never hoard counsel addressed the wort at some cry—C. Henderson, W. J. Henderson,
.- paid, Advertising rates on
.Sion. Job Printing neatly and
y executed. Correepoodena of s
away nature respectfully solicited.
`THURSDAY, )IAI{CH 29, 1900
Spring Arsine&
Court opened at cine win- on the aonlraoi, sad the ceding of the of (trey le order W arrange the
a14F nitric' Emma Paa•
more degrant perjury. tVm, Proud- length, end 1t was finally settled P. Fowler, Thos. Jewett, George Ma
hoot fwd L. E. Dancer for the plain- that they should each send a record Donald, Wm. Robertson, R. Messer,
tiff • (farrow & (farrow fur the of the deold
uns bearing on the cue J, D. Miller ; lst line—D. W. Camp -
defendants. to His Lordship In Toronto, where a bell, R. Maguire, Wm. Fraser, C.
At the conclusion of the lee- decision will be given at some future Maguire, W. II. Fraser, W. J. Johns -
Mitchell case John, Jamas and Alex, date, E. L. Dickinson (Wingham) tun, W. J. Johnston, jr,, R. Miller;
Mitchell wore arrested and taken for plaintiff; °arrow & °arrow for 2nd line—R Warwick, John C100 -
before Pollee Magleyrate Seeger on the town. more, T. Scott, Wm. Upraise, I. Far.
chargee of defrauding the creditorsThe oourt closed at five p.m. on rend, Wm.'1'arvey, B. Caldwell, Jas.
of Alex. Mitchell. They were re• Thursday. Robertson, Wm. Maes; 8rd llne—
TUe spring meaelon of the I„ ,. mended until the .'9th Inst, and were • --- • Wm. Wray, George Hanna, Tbomss
Cb Th lag re for Huron Quant" admitted to ball on sureties of 82000. fie• Proctor, John Garnets, 1•'. Brewer,
o ed of the Court Ranee, °iidoatoh, Reid ve, druid et al.— Action to PAastr) TO Htgxxa Luz—There John Budd, H. Bone, W. Farrow,
pen recover from a mother and the pissed away at her late resldenoe, James Ireland; 4th line—W. 0,
en Monday of last week before Chief executors of a will, a 'steno, or the lot 4, eon. 8, Morris, on Tuesday Nicholson, Wm. Bryane, lieu. Proctor,
JasUee Armour. value •thereof, commenced on the morning, March 20th, Jane, beloved John Wheeler, R. McMurray, Wm.
As the opuning of'the court 8ho1•iff reassembling of the court afar lunch wife of Mr. James Pollock, at the Shedden, R. Cardiff, John Sherrie, K
Ssynolds preseutea the Chlrf Justleo recess and lasted until some 18 age of 70 years. Deceased was born McKensle, Wm. Bryens; 5th line—
wlih a pair of white gloves, as a
torten of rite county's freedom from
The gond jurors were I J. T. a future date. E. Campion, QC., for county, hear Milton, where she wee Manning; Gth line—J. °Posh", J.
l oldtbotps (foremen), Raeford; Ed. plaintiff ; Proudfuot & Hays for de- united in marriage to her now be- Young, E. Luundy, J, Cook, Wm.
ward Aobeson, Goderich town�htp ; fondants, reared husband. Bome months after- Smith, J. Thoell, F. McCutcheon, T.
witnesses had beer examined. The In County Tyrone, Ireland, and came John Bell, A. Cloakey, A. Erwin, M.
case closed shortly before Rlx, but to Canada with the other members Watson, B. Wilkinson, T. Clark, D.
Ilio Lordship reserved judgment till of her family, settling in Halton aommerville, J. Davis, F. Keyes, J.
W. Bleshlll, Druaels; Win. Brian., Court opened at nine am. on
Mettle; Thomas Campbell, Stanley ; Thursday
ldaubew Farris, Aehllrld; Wm. Fretwell vs. Atorningetar,—Action
Jackson, nation; Laurence A. Mason, of Recount and to compel a specific
Howiok i Duncan MoGon an, Stan- performance of ountrect. Judgment
ley; Robert G. McLaaghlitt, Turn- reserved. Philip bolt, Q.C., fur
berry ; .fobs.. Padfield, rornberry ; p1RInllR; Darrow & Carrow for de -
James Turnbull, Grey; INngh feudent
Wright, Grey. Harvey vs. Case.—Anders to stop
After the jury had been sworn In tin alleged nuisance, Adjourned till
$V Lordshipaddressed them briefly' next court lt. B. Hays for plaintiff ;
referring to the feet that there were F. Helmeted for defendant.
s o criminal cases to be tried and
stating that It would be their duty Luck now Cafodonlun cooler" vs.
10 visit the jail, see If the inmates 11o)•d, '1'hI. case occupied file court
were legally ounlned, examte° no to leas than two (lours. Action was en.
he sanitary eondlllons and ascert.�l„ terel to farce defendant W deed oyer
*milker it is safe enough to keep the lots un which the society hulds the
bemire those confined w It. annual gapes, and the silver trophy
Tho mat 0tee on the Bet was that should be presented annually to
Asquith vs. Grand Trunk railway. the winners of the tug-of-war at the
Tido was an action for alleged lelury Rnituol games. The p: operfy was
to plaintiff' front a telegraph wire held by Boyd se trustee, and when
altsahed to ptalutltra barn. Case the society became defunct some
postponed. Garrow & Uarrow tor years ego he continued In possession.
plaintiff; John Bell and E. U. GrahamJudgment
for defendants,
l3Atderson vs. McNaughton.—Ac
tion for slander and assault. Settled
Out of court Garrow A ()arrow for
p'i ntlff; E. Campion, QC., for de
Small vs. Bradlold.—Action to
over for lejery to plaintiff wit11e
a bicycle. Dismissed without
°arrow & Uarrow fur plain-
.. F Dancey for defendant.
d b ed h late h Wacker 7th llne R Nesbit M
Wheat BLYTH YARNS?". ta 64
PPeas 69 eo
Oats .... 9B 27
r dos 10 10
16 to
Potatoes per bush 90 25
Hides per lb 6 7
Hay per ton 600 700
Lard par Ib ... • 9 11
Pork 560 5 60
Flour ..,........, 1 B5 900
Wood per oord 1 60 1 75
Wool 18 19
of Goderlch Collegiate Institute, was
home attending the sliver wedding
of his parents ....Miss Carrie Hum-
phrey to flatting her stater, Aire T.
H. Taylor, Jr Tl;e Epworth
League met Sunday evening and the
subject was ably conducted by
Alfred Cook and Mise Hannah Stack-
house, ...The many friends of A, 8.
McDowell, of Detroit College of
Medicine, will be pleased to hear he
is recovering from smallpox. One
of his fellow students hu died from
the dlsease...,Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Bird contemplate taking a trip to
England soon and may take up their
residence there. We will be sorry
to lose them from our midst tor they
have been highly respected citizens
for the put 26 years. ...We are
glad that the sickness that has been
in the home of John 11. McClinton le
wards they resided
to her cmc, — racttcall over•, HU artner In Ilfe
where she resided until claimed by Kelly, J. Wallace, Wm. Thoell, 11, oak ill with pineropneumunir be•
death. Her home was one of the Pratt, 11. MaArter, Wtn. McCall, D, took 1 Cwtth pale and New Year's,
earliest la the township. She (eaves McLean, IN. Beam ; 8th line—J. Laid. and her Ilfe ;long In a balance for
A husband, one son and three daagh- law, H. Richmond, Wm, Laidlaw, P.
tem W mourn her earthlypreaence. Kelly, Wm. Phelan, John Cololou h weeks. As soon as alta wan out es.
She a the first link to bemoved Wm. Skelton, G. McCallum, J. Moore, immediate danger then' the ocher
from the Molly circle and one who John Lawson ; 9th Ihle—C. A. Rime, members of the family took measles,
Y and fur 10 successive weeks the firs
leaves the first vacant chair, She R. Cookerllne, R. Brown, Jas. Jack- was never allowed to go out. Ills
longed to go, and calmly and peace- eon, D. Laidlaw, John Bhortreed, R many bloody rejoice with Mr. Afar
fully breathed her last, not express- Stubbs,,D. Farquhsrson, Geo, Grigg, Clinton that his family Is still spared
mg one regret, but submitting to John Lomb; Nest boundary—Jae. to him, ...'We tiro also glad to know
God's will, whatever is, be beet Gulley, Wm, McCrea, C. McClelland, that Thomas Kernick le recovering
The frneral, which was largely T. Oxman, N. Cuming I East bound from his second attuck of pluero
attended, took place on Friday after- ary—A. Bryane, A. Forsyth, Thum. pilenmonla.... Nee rly every home
noon last to the Union cemetery, Maunders, C. Ritchie, Thos. Wagllorn'
in this locality has had some member
Rev, B. F. Austin, D D., of Toronto, Accounts were ordered to be paid as of the family sick with the measles,
conducting the funeral service, follows ; J. Wynn, repairing scraper, and in some cases all the children of
Thong} gone from earthly sight, 82.75; P. Kelly, gravel, 81o, BY the lloiue have suffered from this
8 ill *skim./ that she 1. mar, laws Na. 2 and 5, 1900, were duly dierase.
Her work and days of nee were o'er, read and passed. On motion of llttaANTiO WRDDINO.— uIte a roe
She longed to go to meet with those Messrs. Code and Jackson, the court. Q
Who had gone before mantle wedding took place at the
To rigs above thin world of can, all then adJ,nrned to 10001 again on Methodist parsonage, Auburn, before
A desire she oft expressed, May 28th next for court of' revision
Rev. J. Kennedy, H,D., the contract
That God would moon see fit and other baelnesa—W,CLABK Clerk.
1115 Lordalilp gave ud meat for To call her, to the manpionsofthe blest. ____ tag parties bring James Anderson,
plrh'tlff, with rate against defend. COUNCIL MaiTtxa.—The oeuncll of Phunne, Manitoba, and Mrs. John
Leet 1Mewenosh.
Philip lHolt, Q.Cugh 1,rfurndefendantforntlff' Atarch 19th met pursuant
t6l10 adjournment
all prueent J.IRNRTON—LI•CKRART.—A very Stackhouse,
wenty five years ago he fell In hove
pretty and happy event took place with Afro Stackhouse, hut far soma
Ifuyter et al vs. Peck.—A mit to the reeve in the chair. Minutes of fit the home of Reeve and Iii.„, reason went away use,to hut
theermine a local master of was
Chaneero last communication on ing wseand
r received peeled.
fron Lockhart on Wednesday evening, engagement was broken up and elle
alert Garrow b Darrow for plain the reeve of Grey respecttttg the tel
March May,th, when their eldest dough• accepted the hand and heart of the
tiff ; James Scott for defendant likability of em to Ing a turd grader fur, was naiad In mrrru. to lata John Madhouse, who is dead
Y P Y John Juhnstuu, of tVingliaut, By
Holmes vs. Town of Guderlch,— on the boundary between Grey and 0.30, the hour appointed fur the &luta nine us. ten yeure, Alr. Ander
Aaiun for an account edging out of Morris, to be es 4 In connection with marriage, about 60 friends had ate 9•vl, who lace hcen bl Maulsoblt fur
a co.ttruct to supply the town with a the performance of statute labor, ss,,,,bled h, tine co,n,uatiou. I "- ••• the hies 22 us. 23 yenta, has by care
#darns vs. Clark.—Action for ma- gasntlty of coal. Architect Fowler Moved by Mr. Code, seconded by Mr. 'the brWe'r {wrsutsthe wedding
fel mduetry succuctied In goring a
Mies prosecution and false arrest. presented plans of the wherf and coal Jackson, that Mererm. Cardiff nod march ars a leudldly rendered b good ail aunt of thla wuritre goods,
The plaintiff, Mix Burns, of ilaiylluid, shed, Dr, W. J. R. Holmes was Shaw be appointed a deputation 10 Mrs. Joseph Stalker, uf Whiteobureil alio has l logght it wise to offer his
__ _ '17ie bfkle nuked chartuhig 1u bur hand and hetet this second time to
cream colored gown, .rirowed with the only elle he ever loved, We
Iran, Mhlx•n and chiffon. Miss Mucic hope that the contracting parties
Lockhart, a elates• of the bride, acted jwill have t very pif life, ant and happy
,u bridesmaid tad woe attired hn a dournen tdays yand tett ith
fawn g' wit, trimmed with Ince, declining days may be strewn with
wavy Wueiihtga
Thome Brudnock, of the 1st cos., _ ,w. ______
ns.( Na1
acted best win And Rev. J. Kun
tla5 arterial last November at the
loatan0e of the defendant in this
we, W. J• Clark, furmerly a leer
taut of Womb, and was lifter.
• beide tried, on the charge of selling
lettein property with intent to du.
?mad her creditors, parileularly
nark. The action molest her failed,
end she brought this suit to recover
dataages for wrongful arrest, ex•
pones thereby Incurred, lose of
health, etc, Pbitlp Bolt, Q C, for
Plaintiff; J. if. Beat (Sentirth) fur
defendant. Afterhearing evidence
His Lordship withdrew rho env: frim
the Jury and dlemUwd the plaintiff's
antlersWWI costs.
CoMeron ve. Cameron,—Action fur
dander tak011 by Miss lobelia Cam-
eronagainst 3111. Ruderisk Cameron.
Plaintiff and defendant were both
residents of Ashfield townshlp, tit
Lochalsh, and the plaintiff wits
forced, as she states, by the circa.
dation of tho slender concerning her
to leave locality and move to Luck-
• • now. Idugh Morrleon (Luck now) Sir
plaintiff; Garrow & °arrow for de
fondant. The Jury returned a ver-
dict for plaintiff for 500 dsmegee,
end life Lordship directed that the
costa be paid by defendant
Cameron vs. licLennan.—This
was another action fur slender, ti ken
by the same pleiutiff 05 to the above
ease against Finley Mu,Lenean, of
N.00heleh. Counsel same or in the
above ease. The jcry awarded
pplaintiff '200 damages and ills
1.ordsbip allowed plaintiff the cats
of the action.
This was the last case on the jury
Anderson vs.Bahh,—Action for
ejectment Postponed. I.. E. Dan.coy for defendant.
Donaldson vs, Contin.—Action ut
ntooaat. Bottled In aceordantce with
terse uf settlement made I,y tl e
to the stilt Proadfo d &
fur plaintiff; Philip 11ult, Q.C.,
dt•p ;
opened at nine a.m. on
Los vs. )Mitchell et til.—Aotlon to
eel aide an alleged fraudnient 0011.
ve)yp of land and Also a bill M
aide of farm stoek. The plaintiff
wail Omits Lee, of Oiderich, as.
signee kr the mune of Alex. Mitch
en, et istanley, apple dealer, and
Notion was taken by him In set aside
the eonreyniwe by said Michell to
,Ind. brother Janne, of senora hand
III4 chattels es n fraud upon his
se editors The firer wRnest, Mhtch•
eil,,.w�s In the In,x ex fuer boars,
ie direct exutoinnttuu taking three
g4fl11s of that time. Daring the
1aa,ltlatloa the witness feinted, mud
)Its the court for s short time,
few witnesses that followed
thrnneb ito 1,u ri.,, I •a ,ari
About six p,tn. All•. Gar.
ed Ills Lordship to ;ui j,.urc,
with a 1•otunl. Shortly
vett a brother of line firstwhile being nxaquned he
hitt, fainted, end the judge
weed the court till I I .e
Wsdaadey.. TBI► case wits
+lifeluieI"tel, Iullagauutly
eap Reading for
the Growing Time
Money Saved by Grouping Your
Newspaper Order.
nasi" B.D., of Auburn, performed MATRwoNtAL.•••OuuofOwe happy
the ceremony, After recelvtug the events, which always cause u ripple
congrntul,tloue of frlende, the party of exclteweut, tuck place on Wed -
proceeded to the dining room wilero nesday of last week at the residenceully, When her eldest
the wedding supper was spread. A of Mrs, McC
very enjoyable evening was Pont daughter, Mary, was united fu mar•
trod too genets departed early. Thu ,•ulge w John MuGregur. Rev. '1'. B.
present' were costly and useful. Cuuplund otlluiated in the prueeucu
The beet wbhee of obi cotnlnunhly of It number of invited guests. The
follow them to their new home in bride looked very pretty and esus
Winghrm. The bride was well itcanuingly „ttlred. '1'bai cal{{rntu
known and highly esteemed through- latbne ba lug over, the eulnpnug• Rat
out Haat Wewenosb and will be down to an excellent dinner prepared
much mused among our young by the hoetesr, The presents were
folks. Tee STANDARD Juba with cutely and numerous. A ver)• pleus-
their many friends In extending
good wishes for the future. "-- —
1Nwte—VANCawr.—On Wednee
day eveutng, Alareb 14th, a very
Many subscribers of THE BLVTH STANDARD also read Pretty hunts wadding occurred at
other papers, which we are in a position to secure for them 6th con., when her youngest dough•
the residence of Mrs U. VanCunp,
more cheaply than they can otherwise secure them. Read ter, Eliza, was united In marriage to
the following list carefully, select your papers and let us have G. R. Irwin, of the 10th con. The
your order:— guests, euneleting of only the Imine
(Bete relatives and most intimate
The Blyth Standard, the brightest end best newspaper In Huron county, friends of the contracting porde.,
onefo Coo.
year for 11.20. delimit, to the drains of the wedding
,rhe Blyth Standard and Northern Messenger (now published weekly) one aeaen,bled In the parlor, DO at six
The Blyth Standard and Toronto Ladies' Journal one year for *1.25. numb, played by Miss Clara C ultee,
The Blyth Standard end Toronto Weekly Sun one year for Il 80. the bridal couple entered, and soon
The Blyth Standard and London Weekly Advertiser one year for SIAS vJ
The Blyth Standard and Toronto Weekly Globe (18 pages) one year for 11,60. Re.. 8' F. J. grnve, had
Oaten, the Interesting of of BBeli ceremony.
The Blyth Standard and Montreal Weekly Witness ore year for $1,60. performed
The Blyth Standard and Torouto Weekly Mail and Empire (24 pages) one 'rhe bride was very becomingly
year for 91.70. attired in Bream cashmere, trimmed
The Blyth Standard and London Weekly Free Press one year for 1175with silk, fringe and pearls. After
Ipur volumes B of Common at P j
The BI th Standard and New York Thrice -a -Week World one year for *1.75
The B ytb Standard end Toronto Weekly Globo (t6 pa�ge.) one year sad congratulations had been extended
♦ I es. of Algiers Hnrland'e work,. "Bits o mon Sense for *1.76. and ample justice done to the tempt -
• The Blyth Standard and Toronto Stiturday Mail and Empire one year for ing army of delicacies spread In the
11,70. dining room, the remainder of the
The Myth Standard and Hamilton Serol -Weekly Times one year for 12.75,
The Blyth Ctaudard and Hamilton Twire•a- eek Spectator one your for evening woe pleasantly spent In
11.75, music, games and soclal converse.
The Blyth Standard and Montreal l Family Herald and Weekly Star (94 tion. Mr. end Mrs. Irwin have
PAPA) one year for 11.75. This panel also includes the two premium pictures. .eked up their residence on the 10th,
Rattle of Alma and "Pussy Witlowa,^" offered by the Family Herald an and hays the beet althea of nattier -
Weekly Star.
The Blyth Standard and London Daily Advertiser one 7010 for *2 00, Qua frlende fur a lung and happy
The Blpth S•anderl and Weekly Mai{ & Empire one year and Atlas of tnurried Iffe.
Canada Re the World for 1200.
T Saturday i ted Globe
The Blyth Standard andoronto atur ay Ilustra o one year for WestfIeld.
The Myth Standard and Toronto Daily Star one year for *2.50. No: and Mn. W. J.
The Blyth Standard and Toronto Daily World one year for a.75. W Igbtmsn entertained a number of
The Blyth Swatted and London Evening Flee Press one year for 12,76, friendswe celebrat•
The Blyth Standard and Toronto Evening Globs one year for 18,00, i, thefor 25111the nilrit•pnrperaaofry o[ thea(;
Phe Blyth Standard and Toronto Evening Mali and Empire one year for g
1PA0. ntnrrutge.,•,Afls Robert Ramsay
The Blyth Seinderd and Hamilton Daily Spectator one year for 19.00. left Inst Thursday to Juin her hue
The Blyth Standard and Hamilton Deily Times one year for 18.00, band. 7'l eq intend to make their
The Blyth Standard and Montreal Dally Whiles. one year for 18.00. future h•,me In Alieiilgan.... All•,
The BI, th Standard and London Daily Free Press on9 year for 16.00.
The Blyth &andard and Termite Daily Globe one_year for 94.00. and Mre. J. Il. Hoover also left 0n
Th. Blyth Standard and Toronto Daily Mall and )umpire one year for *4.00. Baturduy for Sobewnlilg, Michigan,
where Mr, Munger will work the
If there as any papers which ere not In the above List farm belonging to Ills brother lu law,
that oar , u , ,111 , ,r, , , , womsN t1}te is have we ears eeetrre tM Dr. Shese res Our beet wlehes go
Rewe for these. with these respected residents of this
ueigl torho.d..,,'I'I mos II '1';1).r,
The above rates are for old and new subscribers. All ,r., has been 1100 oel)' rick f, r conic
time, but st time of writing we are
subscriptions must be paid strictly in advance, pleased to soy he hoe slightly re.
Burry in your orders. Write address plainly. Papers covered Duvld Ale days. 11
greatly delighted rheas A
may be sent to separate addresses if deaf little boy arrived the other morning
which mea,mnts for all this.... Al.a
Always nddrees— Edmeston, Aln, James Boyle and
The. Standard, .B1 th, Ont CecMil are all on the sick Ile,
• att pressat,...Horman Wl Minors,
Look at your tongue.
Is It coated?
Then you have a bed
trete In your mouth every
morning. Your appetite
poor, and food dis-
tresses you. You have
frequent headaches end
are often dizzy. Your
stomach Is weak and
your bowels are always
There's an old and re-
liable cure:
Anderson do Elder
•••ON••••••••, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Have you ever considered the
difference between good wearing
goods and trashy stuff which gives
no satisfaction. This store keeps the
best goods at the lowest possible
prides, this is particularly the ease
as regards
Bola and Sias
Ladles' Fine Dongola Kid Button Shoes, wortb 19.60 for 99.
Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Lace Shoes, worth 12.25 for 11.70.
Ladies' K14 Button Shoes, spealal for 91,85.
Ladies' Pebble Bale, regular 11.45 for *1.90.
Ladies' lace Boons strongly mads, for 61.
Ladies' Dongola Kid Oxfords, regular 91.75 for *1.60.
Miens' Pebble Bale, usual price 11.25, our pries 11.
Misses' Strong Bale, regular price 11, our pries 85e.
Children's Kid Button shoes, with heels, tor 50o.
Have you seen our specials in
Great varieties of bright, beautiful effects in
Millinery are now in stock for spring selling. Our
attractive prices suggest the advisability of your
buying the forward fashions in head dress at this
APRIL 6th and 7th.
A Cordial invitation is rrNndd fo all to visit our display.
•••••••••••••••••••• •••••4••••••••••• **we
Anderson & Elder
Do You Care to Save Money ? Moat people do, and era glad to
trade here, where the savings are great and the values are best. Ydu are in-
vited to inspect and compare. We keen full lines in Glassware, Crockery and
all kinds of Cirocerlea including Canned (loads of all ttu•ietied. Also Trout awl
Herring, Salt, Flour and Feed.
Butter and Eggs taken as cash for goods.
Don't take a cathartic
dose and then stop. Bet -
. ' take a laxative dose
each night, Just enough to
cause one good fleemove-
ment the day following.
You feel better the
very next day. Your
appetite returns, your
▪ dyspepsia is cured, your
.1 headaches pass away,
your tongue clears up,
your liver acts well, and
your bowels no longer
give you trouble.
PM, 21 nab. A8 snexbta.
▪ '• 1 lave taken Arer'e Pub for me
l�eeaa»» and t wnrid•r them the beet
Inde. One pill dale me die Man halts tax duty other ktad I
We ever tr lad."
s} YnN.R.Tanear,
March" 100. Arrington, xam.
Came and get uour Seeds while 1 have home-
grown and clean Seeds to give gou.
Later on I will have to import them, will likely cost more
and run chances of foul weeds. e
Small Sade is papers only three cants sash—t5rre ants par paper.
ant time was spent in social chat and
other auiusomonte. Mr, and Mrs.
McOrcgor aro going to reside near
Woodstock, where Mr. McGregor •
takes charge of a butter factory.
We unite in wishing the happy
young cuuplo prosperity wherever
their future lot may be mist. May
their Joys he many and their sorrows
DSATA,—An old resident of tine
village, in the person of Robert A.
McCorkindale, died at the Clinton
peal about one o'clock on Friday
morning. He bad been 111 for the
past three years from an abcees un
the kfdn9)s and wee an inmate of
the haplta' for the past four weeks.
His age was 73 years. The funeral
took place Sunday afternoon from
the residence of his step•Ron, Albert
T. Cole, lot 7, eon, 7, Morris, to
Brandon's cemetery.
SAD BRazAvxltltNT.—The • many
friends In and about Belgrave of Dr.
J. H, McCully will regret to learn
of the death of his wife, which
occurred at their home in Dayton,
Ohlo, on Thursday, 8th 1051. De.
ceased had been 111 for some time,
and had been confined to her bed
for nine weeks, with diabetes, Som-
• ) bined with Bright's disease. De-
ceased was just 30 years of age, and
had been married 10 years. She
leaves a sorrowing husband and one
son, The sympathy of the friends
In this neighborhood will be extend-
ed to the afflicted In their hour of
ACA.' .Alj
Rnslneffl Change.
The ottneegoad have dbipceed of th.Ir hard-
ware and tinware boOwa In Blyth to 11r. N
B. Gerry, ,f B,u., eh, a grattem•a well as
qualeted old) all brunches of the herdwue
and 'lowers buelm e.,
tet Au2 ham ba,loru to alga, we era,.
M Ihaok our meuy blends and ov.loinen for
th.liberal patnm.g, given oe,•aria` the pass
eight years that we h.'e , ere In botloter, are
we trust the esm. libel! pattwaap w.h be
adv u our ahcmaw .
I here ere large nomLet of a0aoa to dao a+,
nod an we have dhpuaed of see b.stheu we
ma,I theist neap ,,. poke lodebtnl hnu NW
log In and paying up %tibio the neat 0 dais.
P:lym, Orae 22nd, 000. Ott
g43i 1t cal
Reasonable Terms of Re -payment.
Costs of Loan Moderate,
Blyth and brussels.
Our man-of-war has bom-
barded the citidal of high
prices in Clothing and it has
Ready -to -Wear
See our Men's OVERCOATS, worth 99
for 17.
See our Men's SUITS, worth 110 for 19
See our Men'. UNDERWEAR, worth
91.50 fur *t.
Made -to -Order
OVERCOATS, worth 114 for 112,
SU•1La, twin 942 to ‘22,
Barrister, Solicitor, Eta, Mee
Division Court Clerk's office,
every Monday from 10 amt. p
Parmausut •Ace at PoNNO