The Blyth Standard, 1900-03-29, Page 3„NOTED SIEGES
eig .1% eak eat
, seseeseevmAA smessitessesiesamisied
relief of Ladysmith ou April eagle reinforcements nod a re-
am. thn drae of ma of 111,, newal of the itruggle, wbiter wax but
of the century. Flee /melt , done. Day after dim sallies were
preceded lt, three fought made against the town'a oatlayleg
odern couditicem flora the sigma/1watt end !early the be-
er with mere trenches rm eil±ffera' trenches crept clear and
,_."11 Were marked 137 fere° ra..heer toward the town, On Sept. 8,
lie, taring tartlet and ligavy moo J000, neerly a year after the lauding,
* miwooctiew and imam the final atruggie came, Uslakhoff
Ith watt beleaguered hem towel', the greateet of Gm tortilla -
to emote lea ooze mr tam, lying to the mouth of the town,
Stewart. White had a garrison was taken by the Frenebe That 481330
some 19,000 men, Toe foe has day the great Roden Wee csptured
eaknated at troitr 25,000 to 1)7 the Reg:I±sh, Anti the lesser Itedan
,000 Boma TWO. aulier'e relieving by the erotic)). !flee enemy ratIrea,
, wee Omit 15,MG.' The piped et !lathlike to tbe north forts" lase-
' tlie two nixie pepteml equal. :ac tbe south forte in fiemes. During
7. But t lotligers had the silvan. thee clang day of a year's siege nem
of np yiter to Buller the game etrugg.ed le:Um-1y hand to heed, pil-
t en was applying to thene They "
of de ences the White in. his isorg tthemitou' brioedt,I.ra one upon euotiaelrloo
hatl a region of practloally inaccessible Tile French lemee included ,
. Sad unanailable Mlle, well trenched Ithled, 4,500 wounded and 1,400 Miele
o the relieving form and the mg. Tee Bridal reached 885 kill&
Modern methode 'were ter 1,188 wattled and 470 Miming. In
throughout the campaign, but Apra el 1850 the entire work* were
el Xopjoi at greeter mare rased to the greeted. Sebeetopol was
than et city end the rellevieg reamed to tbe Ibutieleas In Jul,.
(*PM placed a hear) balance in tbe Ramon DEfence of LucKNow,
?made of the Troninaelers.
, it was a alive of constant bow. Lucknow et tke thms a the Sepoy
A berdatiot, at firet without accuracy mutiny vete one of gen and
. er"
08 111'., then with inch accuracy Omit mom .atodern etas - s *ad at
,±- the Britt:* were torpid to keep under the memo time the fitted fey
cent Donstantly. The garrison was defence La oats of war. It had moth
Real to desperate 'straits and cony so fortification...It wee made
7 to capitulate when the flank- LIP of ,telUundings (Pen (1) the on -
41( tontle by Buller enc. , 00271'11 IIW 4Ild had many bridges
leading areas the river Into the open
country beyond. Directly in front of
FIVE NOTED S1ie0E8. .._ . . ...
1.-- rim largat lialies of the town
• "Vim other great sieges of the ehhheil• an easy target on dm top of a %Ill,
7 wenn Prominent Mao in en' stood the Ilritieh residency, which
y of motion war. fiebasto..1, In etaa tiha ;gaiter of Mae bra VII men and
e , waa the keynote of the « e. min Wonted tritough apt suffering. Like
pro; Lucknow, in 1837. waa thegreat every other toven lit India, Lucknow
, pagio incident ot the limey mutiny ; at tbe outbreak ot the mutiny was
, Instersburg marked In 2835 the tee' alfsre elth sedition. Tim native In-
mate! of the American war of the pulauion and garde= were soon pit.
Ilion ; the 'lege of Parte was the led against dm tow Brilleb, outdate
x of the Franco -Premien. war. and the one regiment a &Web me -
nevem in 1870, added a (ammo dere, the Thirty -Nand foot, which
et to the Jiteminne against Tar. was statIoned Mere. For the better
With the exception of Paris and protection of the Bridal]. residual,
'1 We oesuketed accord to modern
1, the. nonturf inet eiciee hare Rooms
wivea and oblides% the garrison '
whom were Litany Wizen'
- ' WPM and from tbe a elter of no
1 ' moved (TOM it* quarter& ti mne from
e- formidable fortificat,lons than Lawn Eat, the „eieeneh, the/90 es.
' mud trenthet. A brief 'tate. tab:fables a poor sort of. fort- On
: t Wee "0050%11111 thole meow' hey lee 1837, atter a British Mate
bis oonfilete tt even: LOC at Chinat, the rebels °coupled
iltitabfailf:ne were oonadered Improve The residency wee a three story
I-4 harbor Smith wham offensive pee:Lions about this house.
pelt; siege lasted from Siete Mt.
stone heeding, wite many large win-
gggi, to Sept. 5th, 1855; combined eolVe *3221 1211 exposed roof., Moreover,
lige, Frenoh and Turklth forme le was surrounded by high butidings,
1112/1011112 gardeon, 180,000; fawn wbieb the rebel* pared an in-
•buttopol capitulated, cement fire.
Lacknove-A stone residenoe entirely Ou July eth elir Henry Lawreuoo,
• lasted from July the resident, died of a wound inflated
maa,157e12,10ghlhil8rtiltl. 1857; Etuigiliset two days before by It droll whieb had
been thrown into hie room. Brigadier
1-44 l•u. 'FiesTek'ob wIbil 1±400 Inglis sumeeded ill command. The
1801/ 1 allaosta 041101± Nov. 140± by Blr three month:: of determined defence
in Campbell, with 5,000; gardeon which followed is not paralleled hi the
. .pv:thdrawn. bleary of war. rood felled, the stores
Petentbarg-Fertifled by trenches 01 ammunition were nearly exhaust.
rOosine Mtge laated from Juno
80 Awn 8, 1888; unice ed, the garrison was weakened daily
by death, and still those who remalned
100,0001 confederate forca
0001 omara Lee mbaped two; fought on. They were in meant fear
of death from the enemy's elmlie ; they
tY to !surrender thme 4978 later
7 _Oneral Grant were wounded, and without medicine;
. Farte-lerille of done forte coin- they were starving, and yet they had
teig serhoushie8 hihy ; mop mit. the fortitude to hold out and hope for
from Sept. 17, 1870, to Jan. 2 rescue. The Indian Government made
I; ?VIDOR jarrlsom, 888,000; so.._± every effort to relieve them, but the
.„ relief partial were not equal to the
eel 2.8,3-4.2'ai task. It was Gement Havelock who
rUsIin .0ress, 400, 000 wiener*1 natty undertook the rescue with
eurrendered the city to Mite. ' 1,400 men agalnet an enemy number -
508 Mottle.
na-Well fortified with trenches Inge hate the hundreds of thousands.
!eating the enemy on JAI), 121.1
btv Mega Stood tram iblY at Futtehpore, he advanced Ineh by
, to . 10, 1877; Turkleh Inch, pushing a rebel army of vastly
; Bowden forces, superior foroe ahead of him. At Fut-
Russian lomm, 18,200; Ore teMpore he had Iola 100 of his tiny.
surrendered to General
1. band. Outatisoeutred, outflanked,
beaten at ever,' point, the rebate re-
hih'i V SIEGE OF fiEBAS'TOPOL. treated slowly, leaving a crimson trait
?With the beginning_ of the Crimean behind them. English eromen and cha-
p.! in March, UO4, 8ebitatopol, dent Mire hacked to pieces. The pub-
eleh bad been called the I:librettists lie tieolkett Cawnpore Vega filled with
Bathe WAN the object'', eclat the Of these victims., ond it was
,of the allied Brit* and rewritten:We tide terrible .people which spurred
'Althottiti rear was declared io 89117 31) Gerteral Hatelockat foroe onward. TheY
70hr it wits not until lepteraber palled throtillt to Lueltnow anetveng-
that the allied fleets. carrying Mg band, 'hotting neither fear nor
we'll:wove:Weed armies, met sad mercy. Two wenke before General
Being met by the Turkel/ Havelock reached Luoknow, he was
dron oft Cape Tarkhan on Sept. eupereeded In command of Oude by Sir
110 oonibiDed :orate sailed to a J'. Outram, who had just returned
fifteen north ot Eu to- from Perste. Oenerottair Sir Outran]
where a iambi Wal to be e feet. wrote:
Man Etipatorla Bay on the "To you, Haeelook, obeli be left the
of Sept. -12, the eters an. glory ot relieving Imoknow. I shill ao-
After a delay of several nompany you only In my old' capa•
• which the eurreader of city as loner, placing my
was e4fected, Ore troop, military at pear deposal,
rod asbora On Monday, should 7023 Mum, and serving under
the two nuke wet* ready you " T Otter."
The BrItleh former In. So It happened that General Have -
40,000 Infantry and tlifrty.six lode after plans twelve battle'
'The F$Iscoli form, while not with les raeaire force, reached Lok-
i t'L11011, were better POW on Aug. 251.13 one imvedjhe garrl-
Attimbed to the French son from Impending_ eittataolw. The
7,000 Turks. At day- Highlanders were the Reit tey reach
Sept. 10, the meal for the fort. Hardly had Haveleere baud
*Neu. Ae the allied fOrebe gained the residency %ben the enemy
the River Alum troop* reeievered rind renewed the siege. Sir
seen adventing from the townie Colin Campbell, then commander of the
loiters were sent forward and Indian army, started from Dimmer°
my retitat acme the rife:, Nov. eth with 5,000 men to the second
the Ramilsejerrny wee to make relief of Luckeenv. Delayed for rein-
etend.._ -if 'day of desperate forcemente on the way, it was five
foftweda and then the Bus
ti to blur/tepee and the
heideating in their pur-
e; upon themselves the
gm Of suffmag .wbich fol.
Ressian MINN engemid
I amounted to 40mi
CM was 0,000, The alike
ond 2,840 wounded.
'the allied armies re.
the molt to Sebastopol,
aeand not the Ruadane al
n of Sebentopol, peopled and
id to the number of 50,000,
the parole whiob formed
10 in tbe harbor, where Rue
Bea fleet was 91. 11.30094,
had first been garreoned
Cathie:km otter her con•
'ham, in 1788. It wae 411
0 who at that time direct-
ing of the fortifications,
lorilfloation wheel the
City et U155 found hapreg-
to st atm' the town Ursa -
petrels need, the
ech a flask Movement
meshed tke heights railways centred, Montle wore
• It wee on Sept. nth :pant in laying mina test when
A femme totem. from Bel- NOY enPleded were unsuccessful
itleklave wee aceempliabed 112 acooniplialang the prima for
thmlys everlooktag the town which they were laid. That terrine
d. asbai4ol was poorly tatilosicm whice occurred, wreckleg
fay etuaamag a Mega, the southern ettranehmenta etbe
to the posteklatlee of tie atty. bee been named the "Rattle
'Admire! Zetailett and of the Crater." Powder weighing it.
debts, commendere of 000 pouada, caused this upheave],
'that their ecaditles soon which took patio late in the am.
re* titat of beeieged to bs- mor, sad wite taker/ad by a 'shay
Petliten did Cossack 1.10098 14080.9581 matit by the federal
free' all elder on the allied army. ronfrelerate fencer. end he
end aillicee.e in le- Mere numbering SOO were laded ult.
he easel f vein:oat and der the debris. Their attack not
t Inside of two having been sustalised, the PM
garrista of. Sehatopol foreee Withdrew, leaving 1,000 ot
frees MAO potty ills- thole paimerere within the eley,
to 181,000 of Rassia's The total anion loom resulting from
this five hours' action was 4,000;
.Wiater fol. the Mitedertitati lea Ms estimated
arvatiete Itd ith 1.000. Months of eopiemente
. tolloweld. Gen. Ime, Who Mat 011ided
his ray Of TO.O00 UMW:0 Weis.
• POtosisiferg, wall able it
days before the beeldhee cried "The
enumbelle Are Coming' to the garri-
eon. The garrison was withdrewn 10
the night and retreated to Ighaalta.
There Havelock, the skilled general
and Indomitable soldier, died from no
hanatIon canoed by months of care and
Petetaburg, the "eockade of the
south," tte it was called after the
war of 1812, and the "eitadel of
the contedetace." durieg the civil
war, lay opein to rage when Gen.
U. 14. Grant UM the army of the
Potomac to ite paw oat Atm 141.13,
1618.1. For fonr ditys , the city held
agaleat the fire, ita garrition ender.
ins stubbornly Geo. Green, ?Igor.
ow attacks. Rash day the army of
the north fought from aurae to
neat, with little 100001111 BY the
Itith the fighting, with its terrIble
Ica of lite, hed wined nothing,
sae that night the step enee were
get From thea until the following
April tee besieging army lay around
the city. The elep Mancha worked
Wormlike to the left; where the
aufteeing less,
the Delos forces In MIMS
Ihe Jame, River,
On ?Aron 24th Grant how or.
'dm for a renewal of hostilitia,
Oen. Stiorldan with 10,000 cavalry
joined a detail of 40,000 Infantry
and began the atteok upon the c(n.
federate right. Pushing In thls dt.
reeler/a, he was met at Flee Forks
on atareh 80th by a eanfederate
throe re 20,000. Oen. Lee threW ail
las forces Into the outlyiug cou12.
try, seeking a mane of escape from
Potereburg. Tea reeepr foroe with. Rio
In the city forte was attacked by eau Be Lives a Long Way Beyond
the tnalo arm of Om fteleral army
tend tee, reocernising the impoesibil. tho Income.
My of holding the town loopy, witb.
drew on the night of April 801. Be.
treating etia. the ocersderem Liff1119 to Till JOBINILIL
tome or the Appomattox,
burning bridges and deeiroying their )Leadon Truth. I
magneto on the road to Richmond. TI
I anti the raehloutible
To unite he forces waa the month.
0.1212 leader'e only hope, :hid bad ha world were greatly 'tided last week
OLD - 01811111H I grzigt:7 tintl"Pts:'.4=1" TO 10110 1110110011.ES, BRONCHIAL Aff(CIMIS
1 the Sousse, to sate* tge Primes of
?donsco...a Heine by birth -in eon -
Row Boni Beta Rid of His
Ilifo's Nom,
action with the Dreyfus affair. A Mnstersanghtsriadysuft14Telistrvollowlosoilar Iduittie
Hamilton Canadian Centre
BT. TITUS CURED. a Great Firm, for The &eters tailed to beta& -
,11..ouE,11±iiltry:44±±1 tostiallekon yMoilets Wol
e great sufferer from Lambe*. ead engin
changes la the weather moan a weeds
VALUAN.E ACCESSION TO CITY. miarka. One doctor was cin*njed Ott
prescribed different Imola et dee,
, comptete outfit wOs at once pre it 1 I tme0r088-
luau temporary roller. We there Wed a
el out wortittess. Atter ea a ell eee1t111
exPen40 With doctors end ft et .69'
paraeous et 11.0111 at ma Otto' sea to
ham, what to de A neighbor WU hid
es* and gave swill immedtitte re,
.e.filiatairteltwosortos 10' sest 4 bee
nut about In dame vane eve minew81'
mans It but u short time t ei
ironbto eleaDoenred, and the e
thlog unthought of refers using tine*.
zone. We reoorowood catarrboxone ts a
Nierleta remedy for 1;11410111118 mid colds.”
Story of a Bright Young
eirl's Recovery,
She Was First Attacked Wick lot
Grippe, the After Effects Resetting
in St. Vitus' Hance -Friends Den
pleader Her Heeovery.
(From tee Acadien, Welvele, N. Si
The matte from Wolftalle to Gas-
pereau are carried every day by en
official who is noted" for Me willing.
been enemattil MIA the histoey by the affalm of Comte Boal de Coo noes to accomiptedebe and CM pm
of the civil war might have had an. Mem. The 11.1r slaws that Mae tualite with whloh he discherges his
other chapter. Gen, Grant followed hood ean, for a shore time nt any dude*. Ws naafis le Mr. Iferriner
Cleveland, and lit home le in Gasper -
eau, Where he rakes with his wife
sad grandeclaughter, Lexie May
Cleveland, a Weld eel of fifteen
6 7, rate, go faster and farther thou
abreut *1 11. anti seeking 20 Inter' tenth. We must uow believe, mince
oept the march. The failure 019r0.
velem to meet hen at Amelia the
thee Comte's father hae written to
Court BOOM a point halt way papers to a • that the Comte
be- never gambird in evoke The tatter.
tween Bleilmad and Petersburg. being with the Comt.ete on the At.
toreed Lee to halt hie exhausted lantte crossing to New York, wail years. A few months ago tbe
army awe divide it into foraging out of the way of remote and re -
squads. The delay war fetal, met parte, and could deny nothing. So
the final suratteer of the coa both city and the Boma unite and
01(8.07 on Aprli Oth at Appomat. Pat, their !Meehan. The Marqule de
STARVED INTO SUBMISSION. Cantelleme, in denying that his son
waa a defaulter for three nalilione
01 (1900*, wrote a letter to the Mat.
Oa t3ept, 100870, Pare was in im which Mined him, nal put dots
venal, and a*, 213, 1871, It Nur. oil all the Fe But he wrote an in.
rendered. The wee the eitond greet aoltert one to the Fiero, which ;Melte
Frage endured by that faired Of of the alleged default, glaang it over
tit*l asid it wee well Prepared With momewhat, and width° ding the name
formidable fortifications tnrown out of to alleged defaulter. The Uatln,
lor n111011 beton(' the cite proper. Me being, you see, In a peculiar and pal-
ter the siege el 3815 Louie Philippe Ocular way connected with
strengthened the old fortlflaelons M. Waldeck Rousseeu, le a dog
by a now ilne of casemate.' and by to which ono should throw a bone,
• now fore built well out on the The Gaeta* friendly to the Comte,
mean aide. The lannedlate rapture declares that he neva "ant foot" In
ot the city wee an impossibility. Plain. the Boatel. He was not "executed"
17 the only way to force its menu. for default. Hat perhaps Ile can be
!Pion wee by @terve-tam The BUD. Need
of their grand -daughter waa a source
of very great anriety to Mr, and
Mrs, Cleveland, and the neighbors
who earned of tbe physital condhlon
of tante'. girl gravely shook their
heads and sale to themselves thar
the fears of the fond grand -parents
ere by no meant groundless. When
the news reached the ears of an Ace-
- den man, a Short time ago, that the
'health of Miss Cleveland had been re-
stored, 'he hastened to interview Mr.
Cleveland as to tee fads of the case.
:When he explained hie errand both
Mr. Rad Mrs. Ceeveland appearee only
too eager to give elm tee informed=
souget, and It le in accordance with
ger of the residents of Pare during Comte Bonl de Castellano has beett their wishes that we give to the pub -
dila siege hell been told In volumed. for wene time 1p pecuniary difficulties, lic tale facts o1112. renearkebte are.
Tbe people ate their household pots. wife's fortune mono to three mil- Early in December, 1808, Mfee Clore -
Rats MICR worth one tratte 80,014 011 110/1* sterling; but 11 3, the trustees end was taken ill wah a nvere at -
Doe. 51.13. Fat from the dram, a rat of Jay Goulde will who Invert it.
brought 1 Irene 80 centimes. A They paid her on her marriage ele tack of la grippe, and team of :tier
wale before Christmea a rich' man's 400,000, back interest and the Melte recovery were entertained. Derek'
chef PromBY diePlaYed a. cat saYlne, of fortunate inveatmente This sum ebe nuraing, lowever, brortabt her
"I am fettmeng ber up for Cheat. corad do with ea the pleased. fibs gave through title malady, bet in aft ber
ma. We meert to serve her up Nur. on her marriage 5400,00e to her hue eyetem in a completely reuedown eon -
rounded with mice, nits eausagee." band amt bound herself to contribute , 1. hs eh
With 1.120 13.1091 at Soudan and t10000 a Year to the common ex- lt &bow se pr y
pthrrsonellurrer ondef wrar°tthNearmpersernktfItitinastetryll pen'eee. ghe aloe =de tuagnincent in a weakness of tee nerves. In Jan -
was at an end. France tree proclaim. presents to him, to his relatives, to uary symptoms of ea. Vitus' dance
ed a republic with a provisional gov. the matoh-makers to whom ehe owed
began to elbow themselves. At raw
ernment nailed the "Government of her /meetings, for she was deeply In
th N tl I Def " J love with the Comte, ancl I believe tame were not very protaineet, but
was named IA Mthider of Foreign At. 4111 it Ile la a most attentive hue- it was not long before edte was rand -
band in a French way. Without being ered altogether Iowan by title ter-
rain, and General Trochu, President.
When the siege began there were too demeelteetitl• he In nn tee alert One malady. In a Alwort Erna *be
to pay email attentions and to devote
with full military eeovrem.
within the fortlfloatiowi of Pare 80.• himself cheerfully, The devoted lost alt control over t-ae movement* of
000 regular -soldiers, 20,000 en. French husband never seems to think leer heads and feet. For weeks she
derma, 120,000 newly we he makes eaerlfloes or Is the slave of lad to be, oarrled, from room) to rdom
national guardsmen, 18,000- itrialawun duty ; he plays the part - tor it and was unable to feed easel!. Her
gardes mobiles, 180,000 proviaelai lit part - of ono who taken a graodmarents naturally became very
pride and pleasure In the die much alarmed, and Maine treed ode;
mobiles and 110,000 *pm. Shortie charge of hie conjugal dab* remedies without effect determined
after the dem: pegan 50,000 motile lintiadrum ls somellow avoided. The to stye Dr. While:nee Pink Pill& a
dal moblaseneered the city. Accord- edited, le a good deal that of the trial. Developments &hewed that their
Ire; to the tonne of 1880 the pope- knight of old towards the lady whore confidence was not misplaced. Wean
11 0121 numbereel 1,825,274. Pada colors lee wors. ie attiturie ; three boxes had been used the condi-
containing 00,000 henna, and al- hat what coma 1 tom the heed le per- don of tee patient had imarroved cot -
though many readmits had left the tape more permanent tban what siderably. Then Mr. Cleveland bought
city previous to the siege their nem komea from the heart, Deeides, we alx home mere and continued leek'
tier would no more thao equal the No adapt the inner being to thepart use as before. Tee sufferer rapidly
number added to the population due.
. tee play aid In the long ran it t.18- hege0 to recover. Ween she had con-
ing the seven years intervening 1110011
the taking of the census. Therefore, OOMee par,21:10tIn mimed the fifth box ittre. Cleveland
M.- le Comte de Castellano advises teduced the dove to one pill a day,
including the garriten of 488.000, hie wife as to the mnnner In which and hy the time die teeth box Wee
Pare durIng the siege ean be esti. aboule dress and act the part eons a complete, core was elicited,
mated al having *bettered 2,814,274 of a lady of wealth. and high gent- Mao eleyeiand -b row as vigorous
ROOM. In the besieging army were
Sty. She bee excellent sense, is quite and 7.1ealthy es coaiti ba desired. Her
1.00,000 Germane under blarehal Van anaffeeted, and I think needs no ad- grand -parents are persuaded teat Dr.
Moltke, who had planned to enter
pares on Sept. 14us, Tee rev wIth vice. But elm fa grateful to him for williams' Pith are aloe reopen -
Its fortifications, covering twenty. the interest he shovestn her belene- able for ,her cure awe itte devoutly
elght square miles, was compete:tele tags, and, her whole income la at hie treankf ul for the remelts which, under
deposal. Re la apt to eine away providence, tbay have produced.,
eUrrounftd by German and Prussian
soldien. After the tall . Meta the money. Nobody could ever suspect
, Sold by all -dealowe or sent peat
Germans expected little rest/tame him to be the great -grow- paid at 500 a box or ex boxes for
son of the cent, per cat. money- pm, by addreesing tfhe Dr. Wil-
lem Pare. In the their greatest
mertaire waa made, aiteough the 00n. leader Greffulhe, whose daughter llama' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont.
timid James 01 the Frew% troope Rachel married Marshal Castellano. eto not be persuaded to try Fleale-
rack little impression on the enemy. lie bought a splendid yacht a few
It was Moll by inch that the French years ago, and went with the fillt) ifaing else sale to be "east as good."
drew in toward the heart of the eltgi flower of Cosmoporm on a Bente tour.
leaving the outer fortification' to As he had political ambition, he forced
itehabited by the Prussians. As the hie way feet the Chamber of Depu-
end drew near the Rohe/ire within the tie. by diet MC gold. The Comtesee
paid her tenting 112 society by vote
fortifications tocame mutinous and
540,1/00 to rase the
it wag with a sigh of relief that $1°1122113
Charity Bear from lea Mime Their
Paris finally heard the tramp of
unfinialted Grand Trionott Pat
Prnesian /midterm In her Orate. On .1.111
ean, 28th negotiations which had 43381 the Avenue da 0°0 de 2011 -
bean developing for some time rat torte was the most coney of the
between Zee. Fevre and the Mg Cannel andereahltfle. It was 011
a peewee were signed and perm the site of .13e130011 ltrwhich the first
enemas° Embassy that ever came to
wan ogee more ttt peace. On March
Pare stayed, The Duo do liontpen•
1 the German troops entered Parte.
eler also lived there some time. The
TURK AND RUSS AT PLENA. De Carotenes bought it soon atter
then* marriage. and decided to bald
In Lb* spring 1V7, after a con- in fte place a grand, or grander Tri.
tinued upbeaval, Ramie de- anon. tor their reeldence luta a high
term:nod to admit Turkey. Wier was basement etor,v on a level with the
declared_ Apr11.2411, and it wit. the
law otlia Avenue du Bole. The Grand Trianon
n Is built on vaulty only; the grander
- 201100 *LT Lb. Trianon ls really two store, bile
Pit. The cease:al a the Balkan, P851.
wiech was to carry them, Into Terkey enableel the archteeet to build
'mealier dee ambles/Memo,' ae
end to Constantinople, WO to 810 015318 In the Palace of Versailles In Louie
ty the pasa which leads by Etropal XIV.'s time. The Ambaseador's nein
and Orkbeine feta Plena Ur Sophia.
Wlaile they were numbing thecae are the preface to state rooms of
Shipka ease, and halawff hite°21albh " mer"P°These " soon ex -
man Pardue with 50,000 Turkith
ad t PI b haunted the back interen, and obliged
d/n) it"' Oa jillY 401.13' ""- tom dld her beet to find ample funds,
ek„ the Comte to run up bele. The Coni-
attacked Piddle, but but the trustees would not let her
was driven baok with onsidemble make breachei In the capital or draw
lose. General Krudner made a similar her income by anticipation. I am told
&too* next day and lost heavilL that Pee and the Comte have gone to
Then began the siege Plevna, with New York to try and make, some er-
ten' tie last four months. The Russian rangement that would enable them at
-WW1, wbieh had been scattered in- mem to satady T„noe creditor,.
Mr three wings, were .on assembled 8he cannot be deprived of the Intermit
about Plana end dm Turkish. com- at the three millions sterling. Iler pod
mender rata up the formidable re- sense would, under their pressure, lead
doubts which hate made military her to live more economically. This
fame for Perna. Eve.ry text -book on being so, there can be no danger of
fortification describes there and a Boum, eencatto.,,
every book on militery tactic* (Mete; Comte do Castellano le rather hand-
Skobefe, who commanded die Rns- some. Ile has the fair, florid complex -
elan.. Between Sept. 61.1)Rad 151.11 ion of the Greffulhem, but I21% leas rude
there were daily assaults on thews re- typo. The red In their cheeks teemed
doubts.. In this Math the Russian. to have been baked In, as In the eer-
iest 18,200 Men. So cleverly were tbe eelatn head, of German dolls. It had
earthworks arranged that the Rua- also a that teat was almost brick-
. Can teepee, laving gained one le" color. Re has good features and please
doubt, found themselves belplesa be- ant manners, that have it tomb of off-
beat the UtexPecild Prewsliee 01 en" handed Frankness. Me younger bro.
otker, ther Itas Married Me cousin, a daugh-
Tee Gear atm to the (mane to End ter of the late Due de Valenetty, hali-
te, army ln moral as well as military alster of the Prince de Sagan aad en&
centurion. Altbough the Russian cav- ow of Prime Egon of Furatenberg. She
Apt gnerded the road 1.a ng to So- lost a very conelderable dowry by her
phi*, Cleaket. Pasha WAS AN. WI sand mayytafa, eat reaming wealfh.e. The
up 12,000 MAR and deity days' ration. =Trigg. woo on both, sides 'one of
to relieve" the besieged. tie Rus- love, though the bride was a good
Oen Geftil ehdleben, wbo had bee0 deal the senior. I hear that the bon -
ate Sebantopol, was ant for, ammoon ia likely to 1)11 perpetual.
end uadertook the oomplete Tele Comteese de Catalina, being
investment of Plana Sue- greedelaughter of the Marshal and
aesefel in this within a math after hie wife, Rachel, interest a large
his arrival, he had Osman Pasha cut, Ohne of the Greffelhe wealth,.
off horn guppies and reinforcements. The Marquis de Castellans who
Then he lay beck to await the aurae- eat the denial to tbe papers was
4er or eterveMon of the garrlion. In a member of the Versailles anew
the meentlaut hie own men were dee- bly. He belonged, to Vile Royalist
perate from Tack cf auffieleneeupplie‘ knoen as Lae "Chewing
I. end, fie has been the Legere," or Light Horse. It oannot
0111111 11101 neerly every great' siege,. ha said that he shone as a bead' of
the altering both whirls end with- wit, but he was ever forward to at,.
cut Its eity was supreme. The dogged tack There and Gembetta. M. Cis -
hate rt tlie Ignorant Theresa mold- mill* Palette OW In hie !Penh corn..
tere their tsar alone suatelned pletion and arty hair a resemblance
MOM Tite Turks were pahmat, think- to the Gentian arid nicknamed
tag of the relight, which wee atiatake. him Bebe Cestailams, lib was kept
St any fora could etre got oat. of in leading strings by the Bishop of
Plevne,,Canian Peetta's troops would Orleans, The Welton Coitatitaion
have -done it. 'Thel feat was imps- left him without etald•Y•
eitde. The Thalia general wm tight dry letters to the papers. Di was ha -
like a rat la a hole gad oil Dec. 10t12 p*Ive Light Rorie intrepidity as
tiqrsfiOnd± , ' shell* his may affairs stela -
Tommy Atkins Welt Fed.
George Love, plasterer, of West.
mineter Road, II. has received a
letter from he brother, who le a
member of C 00109007, 01 Twonto, of
Ole First Canadian anti t, 1212
Mouth Afrlen. The letter 111
Belmont, Jan, 18th. The w
among other Otago: The one
that etande put moot prom!
the effiltieney of the itiatt
itemization. Juet thi 01 task
of feeding 100,000 Inett scattered
over hundreds of miles of territory,
and feeding them well, perhaps bet.
ter and more certainly more regular.
ly than over troope on an active mum
pain were ever fed before. England
Is 6,000 miles away, Yet her commis-
sariat department ha a reached such
perfection that no blunders are made
in the feeding of her huge army. !Meek
of the Cuban war where American
alines* rattiest Marred practically in
eiht of their own country, and you
will ranee tho enormousness of the
task. We are fed well for soldiere,
far better than I anticipated. For
breakfast we get bread and coffee;
dinner, fret meat soup; supper, bread
and tea. We also receive three re.
tIone of jam per week. The food imp1
good quality.
Permanently Cured.
There le no Mane caused by pram
that Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills
for Weak People will not tore perma-
nennorvtouly inasend apoheoorlutbelloyod. ittihtinenemay Moment.,
plainte, dyepepele, temite troubles,
No., all yield poeltively to these
wonderful pills. The greatest blood
and nerve remedy ever known. Only
75 ante a larme bar; 25 ciente a email
box. at all druggists, or from the A.
trold Chemical Company, Limited,
Carved* Life Building, 'Porento,
A Letnou Bath,
In the West Index and' otber warm
southern countries they luxuriate in
a 19132011 both. The juice of three or
four lemons la squealed into the
bath, or ahem of the fait lie In on
water for halt an hour before teeing.
The le said to impart a pleasing
sense of freahnew and eleanlinom to
the skin.
A. Toronto man nye "Hare used
Miller's Compound Iron Pills with
great satisfaction as a tonie,"
Clever Rird Ste--xi-eo.
hiexico luut a clever bird railed tile
ImutetelanuasirlfOr wthhteelltehergura;ittir°pOefer.ed Aat.
the foot ot the poet this bird make., 21
large hole, in which it rears Ito fam•
Fennewittit .4. t!, feet
make: an observatory, from wideli
bored holes permit It to °Nerve the
horizon la every direetien. Still higher
thin meraciont bird makea its store -
hhotupeome., aronodtrtsusatilitde pewalereachoruystes. 1114
leinarda Liniment enrea dandruff.
fientle Ativier.
Toni -The trouble with 1130 111 time
Pm a bit /lady In my eperh ; I amid
Weigh my words.
MIso Poppity...les, do And don't
aye each geserom memore.
Chu. F. Walter, of tee Lehigh Valley
anti Cortland, N. V., wade for tho
coMeany, an outfit to 'tart the Le.
uldisiesh VattaldieytouenrdvAletterlanitttles :Beery (viatica.' *11.
Automobile Company. have Ma, re
turned from a trip to thoulitott, Ont.,
They arranged for several to be built
largo and email bate with the Cort
lianagdeoema rpralsngye, oarnNd owe
cube or Victories, and 10 I:Wage
Purpom of obtaining automobiles,
in Canada, and contracted for 08
entl" illill hi" made ta 5st them et Nutired.11111toaltoparsenrayge.toltge 001,111.1!;;611411.40,11
0ntock%ebilep :tell bufaseyt4ariellyellra.010t
vehicle', welch will give the elec-
trical Development Co., the parent CAT
AMIaleyntolliwtaltbyll tthlia.t itlitt:tittp. Thhiasvest frocni: .0.11tepecratilio.,4•tiotteeibeeeleunngrnbireocin,ehernriellieusheise,
because the Cortland Carriage a Cab
E. 13. Byington, II. U. Poston and
'rimy have else contracted for 50
02.01rfriemor:ese .1,,,manent 011,..
..1:110.1 OM (Iiiousos by the action of meat -
quickly restores the raw, Irritated mem
1,,toleiveleimer, Otouatml Alr Care,' 41i a
lirenes to their natural riaalitIon, ogee:ins
tv, reletuate tuuthoil of treatment eat
iA, a R.,,,„R.„,,Hen±000±e±ZtoOr NE
largest concerns In the United States, ±ils weeke treatment, Pries dil Mdie be,t.
Manufaturing Company, one
ties of Inhalant Sac. At draSSteta, er eit
lit Interested In the parent company,
that an arrangement could be made eta a.e_Tweceype. rent Mel elm tee lee
ei C. Poloet n res, 808g'
1.0 ain these autit a o, In omit short i
All the velticia are to be propelled Putnanes Cora extractor cures was see
by the only reliable battery yet warts without bine in 24 hours. At drug.
manufactured, which le controlled by ill"", 93100 260- . . . .
Ole Electrical Developntent Co., to be .
.uTettednnelyn meonotolurraction with the Peott- . .—...._ __.............____ . —....
•Other towns will reaeive the num- IN ExEmpup sENTRE
her of autos warranted by the Wei -
nese tall ten be done there. Later
r depot 882,108, and the ordinary
faro Wel be asked for a ride from the
railroad elation to all parts of the
ill be used at first principally
. Wm, Price, London, Gets 15
on automobile liveries will he Wale
'Mod In the various cides. The vehi-
kinds of amnia, being capable of
auto) are guaranteed far
rolluatareeingbaorneeitel! town and eountry The nret of the eneek on tne 0101--
reads, and will travel 75 miles with'. trtai calendar wasac
rehed yesterday
Atter the autos become more pia- afternoon, when Wm. Plaborer,
rice, a
tiful It le expected they will become belenging to Port Burwell, watt placed ...±.
is Mimed they are much ewe desir- death The prisoner, who is over forty
ot acerenne into the country, as it winch, like murder, is punishable by
very popular for part* and all kinds 4,12 trial on 111e village of rape -a Mate
ftgbreal'etthdaentnatnlaly,-„Irs.,,,„aondu t woilil bo zeia Lla
, years ot ge, at one time wetted on
a fo.rm Oar the village of Apple, Ek-
nopvheel t yhid townebip, and went, there be
io. ell
fenele are still making a mato the acquaintance of Wm. Ear -
strong effort to have the batted' hardt and family, who lead aose by.
manufacturers locate their factory at , Price timely moved from the looseity,
the lock works. Thor are eel uncle- and ttte Eezhardte heard notbina
Med, Wring a Desnbtsr of Mere. more of him until, the 22n13. of Aalinee
lion. Fred. E. Lewhit bas charge of laet, when he ealled at the house and
the Meal attain ot the enterprise, found Um Badmen and two Oil -
bang a Mutter both In the Electra dren-Idn, aged 11 years, and Hatay,
cal Development Co., and Lehigh Val- aged 7 years, at home. Price said he
imeeyotAningtoormoablitletliC4epTarhteireen 120,1(8108(1by woods, and upon offering to shoe
had found a partridges' 31801. in a near
In New York on Monday. It to them, the youngster's watt wie.
A new Industry for Doyleetown 11102. After they had gone Into *-
will be the manufacture of anthem wool, a short mow., price told
biles. F. M. Conley. of Philadelphia, jimmy to stay back fme 0000 roam
the representative of the Winslow ant It la said that, amen going a few
Automobile Company. has omielated rode further he erintittlidir eannulted
arrangements wherebY the company tho girl, deatte the latter's termite
acquIree the Doylestown Agricultural for help. ,
and Leone bicycle work.. Priao was captdred the followiug
All soon as the -treader 1112s been day. but mewed frotn the county
will give where he remainedrellimundre Ith•lielisIrmdctee:
Provo the work., which
made it proposes to enlarge and lm. ronstable and
employment to about 200 hen& returning teen to Poe' Burwell to
The Company hall unlimited eapitel, that Ma femby. The crown has
-Allentown, Pae Leed?r, half a dozen acitneeoe. ida was ex- •
If your child le pale, peevish nal 84100dit'l YetheiteiViltnnYe.:ii,TBS°11°Pliallowanudd'
deft wet thrIve, a doso of mineee !Ariel( to be a rewarkliblv bright.
Worm Powder* oecaelonally will curs.
Woes of the Kentuckian. intell*tet C11110, letring the (Toss.
man born in the wade ct Kentucky 'euitayinlatatialtions
iao ah;,.,:hrtlecillitfil,titerly. Jhu.
He fiebesh, !Menai*, fueeeth mid meted. Mr. ±i.d'hIllIps, for the pre
Tee medical thlonce showed con.
that a rape had ben cone
Io( a fettd,days and many 18021121.0.-abodvelY
tiptoe an ehe days of ms lee, , 0011812. Called iiitt ea a witness, wlarra
tented , ..anitting the °fleece and
say,mad dog, he t
Parted 11 .1 the prosecution mita
ruder Mr, Washington's
When ha desireth to. hie Cain lio IhIt'uli .j"''
Ile death even from ids cradle to it woo ,laevii that there was no
tigorete . eeeoValldnet1011, however,
planteth a esighbbre ho 2 he reap-
eth twenty.fohi. e
eek the soalp of hie grandelre's enemy, 1,1,aleviT 101. 1,111ting up it
and bringetel 110510 *1 We ammo the 11'1,b141,\,,., hat. anti that Ms story Weil
ammo:Mimi- of his nelghbore wife's ham, i all1i unreasonable. lie wee
al,reed to admit that he had
mustn't; nueless father-in-law, who I"' " "N" c(mvi"ted f'''' letteeent 18e.
e, ;,
avengeth the deed. Yea, verily, Ms life g i'''''' ,0111;' rot' ekltolilk 121, 8101(802)
He goeth forth on 11 J01111107 "hair 1,...,,,,ner. and the Jury, after it ehort
ilH 1 I WIN) thl. illdeCellt exposure. The
fu, Igo charged strongly against the
le uncertain, and he knowa not the
bour when he may lie jerked thence. '
liellohott:" 11,211 cometh back on a shutter ,Hiberation, found him guilty. After
He tenth In the night to let the elf ': \ I"; him it severe lecture, tha
holgo menteneed tlic prisoner to) 15
out, and Idare to pick the backshot from , e, t l'a 114 in Kingston Penitentin ry.
t 1.01121.13 nine doctors hri e ;
lie petit forth in joy and Onetime, AN AMERICAN VIEW.
and cometh back in 40011114
0,3,1 ItOW the Boers Stood ta the Wny of
Ho calledh hie fellow -man li
getteth himself filled with eeriitl 11.112
even to the fourth generation. tempted to exclude all foreign Witt -
Unlike the Americans til) Boers et.
ennalleameaye,mm. ip000ttlitnihnlealtn:doe:1111J:ehIllipr idusleal41 (einteheies. rToreiheygnedvids, nioutd:ptobetetduptot
4,1111 (11/ election wore to work the gold MIMS, they
daY, and, lot the coroner ploweth up were willing, and Indeed att±floes, for
a forty-aere field to bury the rellleini 'the foreigner', to row 10, develop
of that !usu.-Richmond. Va., 'flutes, ihe resources of the country, and pay,
alma, But their attitaile toward for.
eIgn Inflitences upon the political. O.
,41 and religious fabric was mutat
money whet lt was to only a very
email extent amen Americans at Lb*
tteginnIng of thls century. They put
almost !temperable obsteeles in the
way of acquiring eitttenehlp, an
'they were not even prudent enough
'to keep the foreigners quiet by gly
)4)14ll teu(or, fiC11001kh roads, Poke A
other convenlenees that thr tn
In their eloquent and even pathetic
appeal tor a cessation of emetelties
Presidents Kruger and Steyn "sol-
emnly declare that this war was un-
dertaken solely am a defensive meas.
are to maintain the threatened Inca -
['endow of the Mouth At
rican Republic." This Independ-
ewe Wee three tenet] lit no
other way than that wo have
described the 417113" IdaesacliturAta and
New York and pennsyNthie hare
lost their Independence. Where le tate
Puritan, where lo the Quaker? Retied
Ier :resflood
he tt wIgrou1
iloorf81031 13e
conceded political rights; to the for-
eigner. But the Puritan and %be
Quaker did not take anal te..prlitalt"fis
their Independence! and the Doer
The Transvaal foreiffnere Were
liaeked up by England, wMiwo gabled'
most of them were The United 8tatee
intervened between Speen and her
seleate in Cuba. If Cuba had been
indepeutient and a stilton or two of
Americans had gone into Cuba eta
complained of their treatment by the
ruban CovernMent the United 'Suttee
covernmeat would undoubtedly have
hacked thine up. Sat the Poers could
have maIntaltied their national ultiat-
i'ainill'it"rig tiiiheerfpr71°0111(44 iht idn Iti(i!
nee and (omen medomi. They went
to Pete reset that wheel it never
weettrred to ah,v considerable uumber
of American.; ought to be re/dated.
This is the pale sta tement of the
independent* 1t± behalf' et whlen the
Boers beget' Wyllie Knipp artilleer
rin I Delmer rifles elv yenta ago, and
In behalf of which they declared war
on Englewl ()lt.113'r---X Y ..±.±±thei
of Commerce.
When a ;711-0; gem— t))*4)'"reis
Nighty In n Her -room," and slips
out between the nets it is pretty hard
to maintain that the *tap is an ede.
Doctor" and Druggist...I pronounce
Millerhl Comeound Eton Pine the best
00 '010 market; 50 fi,,H(q1 25 coots.
The Age of Organization.
New Boarder-We:4, well! The
ihe taut pace I've struck where they
have rueevved strawberries end
peach am :aette of stowed prunes.
01drder-All ()Walk( to 009121131211'
11.032, my boy. Ifs boarders have
11 11112-
tunI proteverc assoriation, with iron
dad rules and heavy penalties.
"Oh, he! eau it:ekeil against prunes,
did you V'
'Not much we tEeln't. We passed a
law that whenever prunes came on
the tabie every member shbuld oat a
nuart or pay $10 fine. That settled it.
,The landlady found prunes trio espen-
slve."-New York Woelc:iy.
A 11114 llaftk.
In Jersey City tlie clothing ef a
spinster was ignited and $800 :,he had
{tanked ita her bosom 1212021 incinerated.
So long as the New Woman will fore-
go time honored customs such eat -
amities are to le expected. Had sae
deposited the roll in her cocking
after tile gond, old fashioned man-
ner she might not now be bewailing
her loss.
Curious Lace No Longer Made.
Of all the curious kinds or Ince,
especially old Mee, the moat curl -
oils Is that which lo called point
tease. It tis very rare 12 11)1 was
made of Minion Mile Frenell rolleet-
or; gay It eviete in the present day
only in their cablnety. It 121.315 1.01 -
tined to the early part tfin eix-
teentli rentitry.
— -
• Rough on the Baby.
Sonietimes it 11 not alioget:ler un-
pleasant to bit made a. sulojiet
scientific investigation. Po demon--
atrate rae theory (ha nlechol la
toedtile doctors al 11.1101101' MM.
pital are rearing n haby on en ere
elusive tete of wiliskey. elineld diet
child slitik to ite M.1111' 3 minim; the
future holds for him 12031. peat pea.
II the ehildret; requiter plus1» tote
*01.8 .0 nice as Miller's wane pow,
dere; rem Moment 10 lehiga- •