HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-29, Page 2OEijII e Lodge Delivered in THY FOR THE WEAK ItIth-loierloan Idea of Frown). OU 00110NATION. , r Twines' the Citadel of Oppression and Repression. A GOVERNMENTAL MONSTROSITY nit. George Journal. Phlicleielilei Neptune:1. 81 di„ 1,01). 1A, 110 1.—R3- rel‘e I, Tad t Luttl it 0 1 I: Lodge eetine a Polley vete of, the ek itet. Orme 1-roeemit Gee 're. k r, of r Montle- rey Davey Lair, No, 24 4, for the ireholerly, the ea..et e0.10 I1 ug loe- Sure rel wee 1 under tile auneceJ Eugl mh Oak Leer e Nie ee0, 111 thy (ity' of xegnunet, ti :_0.11, 01 .1 ott " Tao L un 100.111, liwr," fur 1,110 Weer t of the newt ater lion c fund 84011 WR3 11 l'11-01111 11,18911 1 by Engl tea Oak Ly 'g3 aud kremectted to Brother Tacker uy nia I threwril the worthy reyretary of th The lo9ture (ti wa: even eefore crew:fel Ileum, oti the date in quer ton, 8111 (of the purpose 4p:0:fix!. SL lb floorgwe Hall trovel molt tee netll to akeyommolate nil who dosirotil to attend, Arroigemynte that Ind leen Oa Ile I, leek ng to the uttaulain... front Idiom(' tie. of 1 (11 : rat limntinal 80(04111 184,1 mothar 1101111 - try, hat to le reliant" el, 11 11 1 111111Y it hunio, eager to uttewl, eau' not Ito grantol edin-e..lon. The nrwtIng wna 4wes:del over by Uru. It.) 011-1 YAM made a teat !ntrothietory 11.1- :,;"C,'X. Muse rind inv.,: efectliele ro-11- ,, finned' by tin M;thol'at Chitral choir. Tito *tura wasiAlst:eiel to w,th ROMA. OR, !It 111110 111. s'a,m esignekore1 ramie I over- who'117. At thy eloe • a rut s0riptio-i w 14 take% the ult of which, wall ether vitiate now progres, make it 011111 41411111 ty $1.030 for the tin neliester v. I , f tin I 111 Marquette County dune. Arra ogmou.1,4 vr been matte fa? th 111 cry or *11 hp - tura at every import int vAitr,) the ;wpm pen'tenila of Welkin. Vol oifing is the full text THE LION Vt.:het:el Title lanit. - 011 the quo:di:xi of the 'Cyan:elan' It W assumed that the prolispeeltion of , the Teuton la with the Boer, and that the omelette le true In cave of the Rritan. ir then tilscumlng the .1'hion Versus the }kir" we summed tii iticleatiuse the lugleal trend of on - Nth" .1 American thought and feel- . our meet S1111711113 expectatiene realleal. It WOUI 1 b111111 100 h expea 1111 en- nt Irmo any one In this au - for every propoxithia Ilea 1113y 11.1 fiseured, liowever, of le to ninon from 118,v etate• J aciairtioy of whieli I heve an homed effort to demo11. rther, that 1,o moron/111e of opinion en the altuatini Arline. will be wale 11 per. istter IP; wont inseelf and it ruloe it neuinalous, that ir will the Peace tontereine nelikied at the liegue, Hol- e two itsidiag natione of side , the taillaq e.tateer anti Great , Ellett' I bP engngeti In the gran of war, and in eaeli ease with catifoseedly itiferior, ite well inters no in point of ',teepees'11+. have at times itrivii )11 each Clef:ling the national erieameitt 40 question of ;submitting al dIfferenael to the urbitenewitt rword. to the United netts the ppluae, two distinct sehuole of et Nita art not ng of cowman:deg .,n(I n the council,' of the Imam, Urge that fur the *tate, Ma the reepuneibilLy fur the Ion of tight million of mo " Wiliam' 11 101 Inverse 'M. elect scattered over emer- sion& forming nn archlpel (go thoumand m leg removed (rum rest re question of btfeil expodloney If not a task lesely eelf-inased. l'ertain so - and roonunde P3rils are thought detected In any propaoltIon luuk- to the wholoisala admission of In. all -fl races, and the conemment latIon or the standard of Am, n An 1 notviLliatazul. hhttory of our territou lid dr.. veiopment elate the latter sevenetee ;MI early iightle.r of the fen. %Ilan Adam. 11 Poi I uuJ ( 1 ilk." ltt the swaruee %kaiak au I Ken. tilek,y, nal la the valley of the Misel1. swung the IsentLaries uur MUM Young empire westwar I from the Olio to the great Fatliar of %Vetere, farrow nro occasioned by the glunaly nettling, GHO-iT OF IMPFIIIALIS81 1, Militarism, inetitutions compel e with the monarchies of Eurupo --(t , read felt to he nil offence sdaltit uf the fathere, it depar- our honored precedents, and ,..1..i, ,, the Constitution of the toe. ;all, ' the other baud, It Is urged Wall atrenuousnese ilia t if .1 wall, Perth Rieo, Tutuela IA the Samosel -., .-, rup, Guam of the todrottem, and . . '• -I he filil(PPIllea are needed by Amer- . Ina, not may na points of strnteglo WIPortance, but ea has NI 11, : 11). ' he for our rapidly inereaming With Mina, Japan nod other ' V10111 HPPreachable through (an. . sise. 1st ports bordering on the 1,n• IRO °Malt. 011 X 111a4r3. Rent; 11 1111 Ray. gable rib -err, The fart 1st niso not. ell limit 4u obtaining liberty for struggling Cuba, It became nem- , elite to deliver a, erunhing blow ligallist the oppreseor by destroy- ' her authority In ehe Plitinetinee ba only semb'eams of authority ling there — and Moans' that teak, the United at once responsible fur utIon of a hatter author, e one removed. Within 'Of MOn119, and under the the lighesi; Interii. a tt ieein difficult from tido conclusion. awes" through Internal tho final dismember. riming other also dlealvaatege of tatereeta, WPT0 1111 '11 red 1., 1/ • l'atrtotirm. more. We to demand that ardnteed advantages, see In the Iniereet Mon in Manila Buy Armula by Am al. e quipped with American Ned by Ain -whine bore in d commended by the hero of the lea, then now .kdotiral George by way of .14 1111(11•4? 11 11111114W II 1 11111111••••1111.1 mipm ,141 Ifference, sad to show that there and la a palsullie unalitY ttro'm Illatiand bee:tonne illottri6alaciarmUle, oftruramounQnnTront tCelore lu"ader4wEiti Fit 1311141 gruardirei irtIkute°7111. Repumillb1;elanelatetrirY. Weacherende, g°unTd:Pirmafethmetruel. Meal in tits higher realm of American aifiermem of opinion carped at re iu'ght fee toe eileauic su s o quireinstite of liberty, does duty times, through the Witte prom, and rim° ri,j'aironintel.111Tfh01retib,amlootilrellrec of 1? on republicanism 01 America far. on the floor of the Home of Com. mons, while the question of tile Mates end BIM IPOl Calm Town 511d tothe4ruregimultrhe: oid,epomortnisiutrRaito: a Cork and Dubliu, as of Alan- Tratiev.ial was adjudged etteeept.Ir • 01 IllJrty, cheater or LIverP3014 Mbor1101 or le the interim of self muppor . Here, leo to illpioniatie treatment* too, the response from Grunt intent. Fltriningliem, Leah or London. It oympittlty for the Boer, though ;it - Inas bo added with propriety that the empire In theory, le ;1,11)0101e tarty Imiefenalble, on the Ocoee' 0, a tho EnglIali House of Commons 11 the complete. It has) built up a territory, cot rest exponent of the American idea of repreenitative government of yieldiug everything needed 111 including more than 12,f/i10,00') 1,1111/010 'Imre elmdeal In the Mat amievele, R11.1 erten tripped of 811 teelinIc lit the world; pencil 1111.1.1 war, in 80101141* and art, In dtlon 44(41(1nwni 1 tlitat.lnaknoligeet)(unlier*ev under them. oonatnerce um! maniihieture. It retest sAlliatvert- "lldons indurtrtal end noalmnreini free- inore than 400,00,),1100 subjects, MO - dm equally obtain repletion of rem fourth of the globe; has I 2,00(J,0,;() extraction us in lande controlled by nen capable of going to the Iron the Britieh Empire, battle, swings an annual furelgu 00110 From London to Preturn, mid we tierce of six nal a quarter Minkel of have the very netitimals of nil thio, (Mare, ant hue encircled the earth ns well as of every governmental with Itgirdle of calling %Afton, Melt Weal, dlettnetively Ante:Henn. While point les 'wising mace uf strategic England has been thi value, In addition to the importrinee CONECOVATO:1 OF LIBERTY AND it common le for the routei rind trade reintione of the Britioll flag. Not Nu with the Boer, Betweeu 1834, the date of the "great trek," au] the year 18711, lite practice of rapine nut Most - /shed 11 WS the oat -lest had twice re- duced him to the very verge of bank- ruptcy, ant at each time the desire of till, unoffendIng Wiwi to avenge their atm:loss wrongs, threatened the Boer with complete annihilation; Hal, atrango to relate, the Impend no doom was only averted by the timely assietnuce of the British tovernment, extenle,1 on the urgent rolieltntlon of "the Boer illuirelf. 1 refer now to the event( of CR, when through Eng- InnTs interceeron nji ngreement roes effected with the Zulus for territory, out of which the "Orange River eov- ereignte" was formed, owl those of 1875, when ae n hint remort, after 80 dreary years of Menial failure, the Tenn -anal W104 noneied to Cape Cul- ony by Boar coneent, both Joubert And ,K ruger lutv lug taken malty of office un- der the government of (treat Britain. The bald averment Hint the Doers have been forted into the wildereem, tinder the encroaohntenta of England, lo without support In Met But fur the benefactions of England the Boer of the Trauevanl woul 1 never have reecho.' the fovea of organised exist - rove. An an evidence of the poverty of the Boer, vulmemeatly, let me call attention to a pert of nn 'address de- livered to the members of the Voile - matt by the predeeessor of Ureeldent Kruger. !fere are hie word'I would rnther he a policeman under a strong government than the President of much ii Melte. It la you—you members of the Rand—and the Boers, who have sold your country for drink, You have 111 -treated the natives, ilea have mhot mime, then tee prove Is toe 'niter; nt right of a nation to 0110011. Its own form uf govermuent, ob. nen u own social usage' and follow it-, owif cotuntercial pursulto," yet,. the peopo Item carries with it a certain degree of surface plauelbillte.. Hamm mympathy for the weaker 10 au un- equal contest le us natural no the pule eatIone of the physical heart, en -I though at times woefully abused, the very perpetuity of the epeelea depenla igrgely upon the exertion of (hie ehafite ani holy sentiment. The magnruilmity of Com Paul Kruger In treating the Jameson raiders! In 1895, In marked contraet to the brusque I ROGRE111, the Trauma' hoe been the eitadel of oppreesion and repramon. Pe WA - once as a govern:11g (-ratty WW1 1.011- re]ve 1 in Um arominatioi of slavery, and the pract'ee of thy bleekest of diplomacy of _ nuclei plegue Mute lins leen thy In OECRETARY UHAMBFALAIN, im-retion of the several movements of top, ht, powerfully infium.0,1 popular Baer Wetory F111110 (111 I11441 111 11,11 4111. CROW 14 the tenettemth century. The a nttment In favor of the Boer, and no marman haa arkee from 0, mis. f rat Boer trek In 183 a from wideli the 111(1' ultra -Boer eympiteiter hal extraetyd Interpretation and meapplication of peculiar kintl of virtue, the Serino 'tone, Republic, monarchy" ,r, milrli of el wee tut a ri prelim -A I( exit Lille.' of lint the like, '1 1113 wrongs of Ireland 1340.1 114111* II WI 11041111 I depreeity. 'The unler Cromwell, the war of 1812, tate Boers hail levity opine under the nu Revolutionary struggle, and the pro- thoety of the Britilli Government, verbini charge of England's acquire through the latter's ecipereatent of itivrtmeo, have been all eagerly (seised a fro, title V) Cape Colony from the by. the ultra pm -Boer al men tie 411 erym- Dutch by payment of a mon equal to tallsIng an adverse) sentiment in Ano $80,000,000. The :Mere were ;lave erten for the BMW' Emigre in the led kis, I ut °rent Brit:titt would not preeent oriels. tolerate the beim treffle III 1111111/01 determining factors now. Erma the But none of them can be treatcd us rihm1/4 tell 1 'bit II 3101 ifiltrini!aollar1.1 b"Arettr'rlillitigHlyil,Y view point 01 1(11 Atnerleatt either' the iraetens of the Boni hod to b. anon( vital pant of the Transvaal eituation („oned, but, air an Indemnity for the hes not ben one of weakness nattiest freedom of all XI 31-P1 Ill their Poi' trngth, or poverty against wealth. s on at the time of the purehaae of From the flrea excininge of diplomatic Cape Colony, the British Government wife between Englanl and the VW levet the Beare a emu tent I have wen called "Trnn event Repubile," the atetel il Herently at from 11010,000,000 itearchIng Inquiry of the liberal Amer - to 11100,000,0(10. The amount was leanlem lino been "which of theme con - paid 111 tote' mu the Bulk of Eng t sionte lo right, under the American Ind , Tho Boers aitoeptari tin consid- eoneeptIon of national anri personal erat'oa, awl thee b*111 a 11+111400 out - liberty 7" Munn as I em Inclined to ilrl. you upon the ninguanbnity of Eng- preelate the higher ethina the (envie- Tea thaweind of than, with es tem le still upon 1113 1111l1 they have la ir1( many of their dive! no W.11%-1 overt Ix 141 01 erworke 1 In title commotion. ,. , spoliation of the indivilual, for dizari- Wnelme•I Ill' terror, trekked north of the Orange River, to mg opt In whale- bative reason1, 111 danwirouely user anle murder end 'Winkler among the elate(' with this line of defence, rind wit it policy eon only be j„mtlim natives, and to stool outright front tho Vallee enough territory to gime- when the retool:ens for its olmiervance _. _ , the eont nivel practice of (het them down, yott Italie gold them Intn are ten -evident. Nothing mem clearer a:1ra' 1 theism, lie titutien whit the ei I t than Mint the emu of Great Britnin m , . Y . ;slavery, and now ;11)3 newt pay the to he liallepetimele to their Ilvee of penelty. To -day a note for 55,000 It tomtit Africa enn well afford to rod lodulenee mid vlea. At the very Incept was laid before me for vigneture But upon the demands of freerlom ReC0111- 1119t to the forward American idea. t 011, then, of Boer intend -a not? le, I would rather cut off my right lain I "Lae Pee question erlees, whieh In voluntary withdrawal from the roue then sign It, for I have not the mlight- tele real Republic, t be theoretaral monarcey of Great Britain, or the inienianct di moccaey of Vim Trento vital 1 For Oa lalizite.fil of a pomtible ropreseniative of the prod3oer ern- timent mereent el eels .inte le al( recall two pertinent awl imams:et eble feels. Firat, that the tit dander ap- peared in the Transvaal not on hie own notion 'Iona, but unit I eperifle inviletIon of the Boat. Government. Sorotal, lliat hustiatixe were pre- eipitated, not by tr.u.!, Government of Great Britsln, but by a 48-hour u:- Ilmaluse, Issued by Oen Peui Kruger. and that, so far from Groat Ert.ain being the Invading foe, Ibe Traneviiii GC/.1F1 uro rupees:also for an alone 1 invavien Into the terrttOry' of Greet Britein, where they have met the Brilleh, the. latter, to dee nohav- ing traintel a 1:..11NNON OR DIRIHARGED A GUN oeyoad territories to which :be Bri- te) Government cloys not possess un- „eputcd Clic But, returning 0 he queniion of Government oi1Y, 1 question of paramount Importance in this connection, there ere cerlele condiliona that musti be fully tree More limy seams claiming tee title of 8 IteputRe or Liberal Democrerje eatn be accorded that honor, and among others are the- fodowieg:. First, it must be safeemetabloree met selfmustainIng. &cowl, the edu- estWn of Re (Aimee muse be liber- ally and enthugeatioally encouraged anl eoppisted, Third, pubile svecli oni the public tires must be aceord- ed reasonable freedom. Fourth, ite Yicetive franchise, in portionler, must 11 1r' of all erteete sod needlesm (Ba- al/1110es. Fifth, both leg:slat.ve anti executive ode must refieei 14 enlig'utenod popular will, and the ethe. Noel public conscienoe, Sixth, the ;sanctity el the, coves must be rOdi) kept end strenuously upheld. S:tvenlit, it must prove cnpob:r ,of protecting Its people., (Jischarg.ng Al- ternations' obligatione, 00 11 of deal• ipe in equity with ell within beriere. Swit not included, only two nations of t he earth can anewer or ellen approach to their re - the United Butes of quirenienis ; kiwi -we, and the Empire, of Greit Bei lain nfll Irolani. Thougb in theory 13 monarchy, the practice of the Bri- tish Government hag so effectively conform:4 to the Infinite and varied imitetteme loolteiled in the evolution- ary process of liberty that monaroby bat disappeared, except mine, an embelliehmeat to the unbetance, if you pietism, which the subJeets 41 (1144 Empire have not yet arisen to regard as opptessfirely eapenelve. Tie his- tory of Engiana's splendid con- tribution to freedom 16 trai big with unequalled event', to tomb at thim time, even In the briefest out. 'lee, much nit the theme trundpArte will, therefore,re' 11 but one 111 metingft is a beautiful 41111111 *00414 - Mg In the year 1897, Mete years have golit skive tint slembani of irlie• torla were abruptly brok tat rit early deem hy nil 011 rill at her chamber doer, at tho Inetance of the Arch. bishop of Canterbury-, who, with the Lord-Chamberlalit hid coine rota. Mode from Vindoor to announce( the death of William IV., noel 1.1.1 commun. Mate the mementoes; Wing; of her accession to the throne. Nu longer u manic' of 18 yeatv—fur the 1100110 triourforms through the IriVidoicopa of Onto e ems warmly moved —bat an agol lady, with whitened helr end fulling health, proceed” lit stati. to 8t. Paull Cathedral, there t thenk Almachtv God for the mercies of her reign. Following In triumphal unmet behold the pew; of stete In every relying family of all chanted 1111 - 1.111.10. 'Fen thousand troop mark time, each sword and rifle Bathing NM -torte" umemgrein, her crown (ID: brataa:lAg every Wad biome that vies IA paerms -af praise. Peoples 01 8'! lands, in counties iallikma. throng the emblezoned rtmeta, and coMr, nnd poinp, and paesimutte demonitrat'one koalty SIT everywhere 0:pr05ed In trans of gorgeous pageantry, a spy--tiele truly nelqu3., of a loving 11ltd united 1100110. dedicated on the jubi- lee morn to the crowning autism§ of Victoria's Hare But whence the lesion 7 Why d Mellow. of nook. meet. Matelot to the ;opiate, meet of "HOD SAVE THE QUEEN," cry etellized thi National Anthem :f England, Inspire Ilimitt-left) int 101110 front heated na tide. eietrehed with tropical nuns, to Bar - halloo, eweet glades of cho'orot green, 41111! from lands beneath the Southern cruse to barrel wades freaked br the nednight sen I' Mark the anawer. For the mum that England's anis end her distinctive talvlitistion has lent and etill ressaine the guarantee 01 enlightmento oprOrtillity, Modem of freedom, due to fuii4llurieutil d or• est grounds to expect Out, when It mama between the "Boed owl the I, intmuse ilea, 'there will be n penny to on the meet ;at of slavery, and ne no pay it with." Thi. Boor iolltleal arla- Ifichietit 1 the 111'1 11'1'11 Of feralum, tocriwy, 1, nolting, lin 1 has nothing I 1 1111 II II II II 1 Matehes, can , seep and othei are ike timings followed le peal, tide& esseential to tat sxlmaance of the Oiltdender. Then owns monopoly In traneportatien, under Widen rates were raimal as iagh as 21 Dents per ton for 0999 mlie, as against one - lira II cent In England, or America. One elerneut of taelft on the pert of the peasant Bargacr has come to outface here, the latter having ex- torted from, the Outlander each ex- urbit ant prima for common neemeeitlee, es the folletving bairn 162.150 eneh ; Kea 1111-00 Per down ; butter, 141.75 per pound, and other articlen in ilkproportion. Property rights of the Outlander were ignored with impanity. Lands neared the mouth of the pita were 'sired by the ihmor unetopoly, and utilized for debauelling the Karam 117 otrong drink, WI they utraroach- eil or left the name. 0041 Paul per: ionally directed the reitilseation Iambi valued at $5.000,0,10, In crow of 09 Arnerleen name Bruwn. Tine 11119 the eelebrated cam that led to the removal of Chief Jaetlee Raze fur refusing to take nath to abide by all resolutions of the Volkernail of which Oom Paul was the lending spirit. At one of the Wale In imw nectIon with which John Hays Ham mune, 8 native Amerionn, nppeared 44* n defendant, after the !nut mhameleme breach 1 of foltil between the ettorneye for the promeutIon and the defence, a radium of 411,e00,. 01)0 as blood moneys, wee exasetod, and It ham been charged that the anemia Is !till within the personal evelimmer of the thrifty Omit l'aul. M11C11 are the reports; from (mums absolutely reliable coneerning the methods of MrKruger to obtain Itl Volumes would be required to rum- piete the list of real grievances to , 4111111 the Outlander wan further ' eutleeted. Education above the third grade we; denied his children, except in the Dutch taal, though he contributed to the government for the purpose of education more than ono million dollar' annually. Court proceedings( had Otigenerated into JUDICIAL MOCKERIES. ideettege for diems of grim-. num were %Pattered by the Pollee, and freedom of the press WO/ 111110,1. LI 13111011i artielee 111'- 6170011 tu prejudice 1118 interests would be Recorded the widest drew 'Mimi. The ellen expulsion law pro. %hied that tin. Provident might or. der, regal -Mese of cause, that 914 Oen be conducted (terms' the bor: der ivithuut right of appeal. The omit:aloe, public Improvements and p011(11 protection ;if eltlem initabital l'y the Outander excluelvely were eriminally neglected —the Oatlander paying the teem notwillieteading. Nu weapons mild be carried by the Outlander as a memo of self ilefenme, elide 111)1111011 frowned ou Johartiles. from Pretoria. R1111 every trieglior at largo wile IR feet 1111 atilturited arsenal. Taxation itirreas„ LOYAL. ZITI*4 OFVEHIN0 THEIR ER VIVEA IN THE WAR TO THE el te1 17TR4TE AT PIETERM itiThielaw, A corraapondent at Pletermarits burg writer: " A Alert time ,ince thief owl lilt C11,1110 111 to (1)1 11011,1' 40 1110 ItIngletratc and to offer their oersICPN In mole they !night he IV/Intel In the wain The Chief ni• phone.] that he knew he wee unwortite. to fight with the Englishman, but when the maater went hunting 0111 1111 not end the dogs to help W11, 3 He lineal( nol hie men 1411.114 0011 (9111 10 be dog+ If they mi ht At the wort "Inkoz," whet Jimmie Muter, these men ealuted by railing their right iinime high ebove M14 hem's, Thew Zulus are horn fighters. They had fastened their rimegalm to their melte. to ;Mow that they meant what they sold, They were fine, Mg fellowe, and were mounted on iniu 11 liords."—Froin the Graphic, the sorry sifyetnela of th . worthy of continuo Intion by liberty Beer, 'trussing with all the ferocity rin 1 progreem, that she It not Indebteel of teepreerate instinctu, for slavery, to the Pripet' Government for. the Llon gives noble lmttie for Ina the Meilen I or • freedom. Whleh is the Americau hil l'IlE GLADRONE TRRATIEC the fight 1 in the retire 1881 and, 1684, Oat of such environment the pro, dierover the Transvaal olig- duet of a clove oligarohy hu been /lacy etia crueheed beneath the bur - evolved, a veritable I den of debt, whie GOVERNMENTAL MONSTR0,91T), h Mee now reached ha appalling total of *1,075,000, 1101 that musepierntlee before the national 1,1 1041301*03't 2 hi 111 1111.1 stolen refitment", of reputed. , been elected President end teed 5,1 eanlem. Let not Its eporloue label ' himself (he tas le of waving the. pro- deeeive, for here's the deadly pore]. ; blem of tis( country's debt. Pe was lel ; American Republicanism makes his plan to etimelate the Industry of the executive department of govern mining in tim Transvaal, so that re- ment reeponeinie to the legislative, vermin, mitre' b.: raised; for the /foe - and provides for Impeachment for eminent, by meanie of taxing proper- ramie1140(1 hu ease of the Provident, ties se wrouight. Cita the 1)010 foto not. Boer Republicanism hm am placed °u.ouigrown tae pastoral siege in in - Paul Kruger and all heat& of tie( ;lustre': development, helve President partmeate ;dame the logislatnre, Kruger went to Canton eni Matted n they being reemmeible for their la, prochunalinala In which attention ivaa ficial acts to no reenwmed Retinr. sailed to the mInoral reeources of his Ity. American Republierinhim fur country, and ImIngretion invited, RC- nlehes 11 rederal leglelatore, truly companimi with a guarantee of equal representative hit eharneter. Boer proteetiou, and equal rights. Ile- Repotilleanlem points tn 44 Voikernati. eponsen 111e, aa weel Cron Germany in which .the very luteravt that and America, RN from Knglaud, and semporte It la denied representation, wilt the nrrlvat of the Outlander in The watchword of _American Repub. the Transvaal n new ineustrial era hearikon ti "no rellglon In pontos." began to dawn, Enlarged opportuni- Pot.r ItepublIca.nlem Intones member. Hee for the Bueghere risevelopea, but eldp with the Dutch Reformed etas, too few were wise enough to Chute' m the enabling Precedent use them. It le aignificent In this of politieal Helton. American Reptile connection that since idle arrival of licaniam brands Sd official Lorre!). the Outlander, Onnl Paul Kruger 'has (lin attenireied tuturpatIons of lees) amassed a fortuat) mural to 016,000,- lat13e functions by the executive 000. Ani Mr. greeter, while in London, head. Boer Ilepubllennism make" it woe no poor that il became necessary :iiurveirt:bree flopritialur0oninr tirel'ateKreger to for the English Governnee.nt to pay act except biddlean Republiennient retains n con. hie hotel bill. It le slid to be linentar, to li‘ig'u.lhArmlle8ed. seriative oheck posible moreover, that ut i to- has hie Bye Impulse, by means of a written eonetitution, changeable 01113 by popular vote, after the 11714:8111 Of 41111/111111111011. The emetitutIon of Boer Republicanism may he Miaowed by n majority vote of tile 10711116 - ((Ire under order, from President leruster. Amoebae Republicanism hem established her courta 1144 the true oonmertatore ;if equity and effective soutineh of all ration! liberty, lloer Republicanism breaks down the staff/guars of ell liberty, by melting the rulings of th,, courts reversible by an net of the legialature, or un- der mandate of the Boer President. Sympathy, then, for the Hoer 111 his, 041.1011 0011f11,1 11 1111 *14' L(11, 11,- 381)06 an usiqualified endowment of a governmental system of exemitive irresponsibility. legislative black. IANAMITE AND EXPLOalVES mall, religioun &satiate', offielal dietatorehip, violene meuttitutional changes, together with the prat'. chase I low grade and dangerous ar- tutIon of the acuate of the nation to telt, for Which Mr. Lippert charges (ho reprice of the President, or a fals"...lons prices, Paul Kruger beta ewordinate branch of the esaysrn. the beneficiary to the extent of Meet, and the complete ubandon- ease for all dynamite sold, legitimate eatery been, in excess el 85,000 per annuli,. True, it ap- proximates the salary of the, Presi- dent of Ur United Salim., though the latter 'Beetle tile deeitaniem of 75,- 1100,000 preppie, the latter ia to enveless ken is million to rare for; but the disparity between the Income and the remits' is the occaslon of comment. In 1 he light of these de- velopments the meduese of Kroger has not been without its mfthed. Bui. turn on the light. After 81000.1117 elle Outlander to his eoundry thy a. - of Kruger and 'Ain government soon hardened into one 01 despotism, official rufflannim end, legalized des- poliation. Under pressure from Kru- ger the 'Iranevaal governmeni gran( - (1 a 1aill 11.F. Lippert 1,10 13100 monopoly of the menufecture end snip dt for an indefinite time. The effect has been to compel all the mese to par - front el(r) 003 In 1.880 to $25,- 000,000 to Mee the latter being vital tu le2,1100 for mot fondle' lu the Teammate The franchise from term of twu years lu 1844lind 740811 to be prohibitive. During the n year' last atm, it ham been re- quire! of a candidate for the (ram Wee not a burgher that he ehall be 41/ years; kir age, and that hie lettuitions be dtlearea at least 14 yewsduring whiell time lie to a , eltIten of no country. Even then him mpplioetion falai einem it commends two-thirdm of the then exteting Volkemad, the content of the mile tary governor of the provinve in which the applicant nettles mid tho approval of the Pretedent. a mare .51V,! A111)e.6:111 1 1111 'temente a lio.t le (met tu any ?yet an responsi- ble far unell 11 setu It'o.1 114 111 (811- 7007, mei the fact that the ramon• villa 11311E1 14 8911111 .111 1.1 1 1111 1114111 regardedi ni la ti ir I y wee k will (tot 1*41 1 1111411.101-011 a re tom for clemency. " Rel glen 1 rigotry I Ain trim n 1 term for the Tr:ahoy:1 I toil )tv of ex• eluding Catholic l'ant Jew; trout hold- ing office. No country ran be approx. Inentely demweit make.: d1141C11101 bit' heel, of pep tical tight% Th.) 11-iiple who nee demand ng mores -mai tem In 8 mth Afeen roe Hume whew fret keep thine to the 'muted elude 31 trogrem. They were thought to he goo 1 rnongli to le halted thare, 11 11 1 f110111,1 111 tre teed ex 710.1 enough to tk part hti 19 government. The Amer:can principle "NO REPR6 13::ATATION, NO 1'%X A• TION," ax well ns the triertt, hospired the euloWet to revolt, and direeted our htepa to Cuba, rimy depended upon to euvliel the long oppreewel Out - Ignitor. win now d myopia through the Influenee of Engleuri, 11t exteneto ' of rights and n larger exproesioa of freedom for tinem who nestone the bunions 40111 l,u 1 up the iint'un. In 111(3 event, rolliaa act will wae. Nether politleal nor tordal servitude le the destiny of Intalligence, them- , ter or linlii-try. awl :is nt eminent ' nuthority 11(441(10 whatever pretenee, barb/Ire in Mutate upon refuel* to per- rn t elvIllantlen to tome in, and will not adjii-t Itrelf to the exploding feree of civilisation, It it enre to ho 1`11. nIltOlt 1 r, 1 ntef. Bach iipponzri to 1:a the self- ' Impozed doom of the Boor. To 11 peti- 1 Von for adjwtment of wrongx, 411(11(11 forty thou owl newer and ei to the Volka-aad, tio reply of the Beer, Omelet Fredi-nt Krug r " I have tin gone, so Nett mettlet, ' Atetere wao titio forced upon Englen.1, to when the nggrawei turned lie the remet of B1'1'01 mikeets, and the Empire was at once on trial before all her ch'Ilren throughout the world. I recall that the right of England to a teelOcal "loam Nandi" In the war OOW 014 1)844 1)0011 , 11 tetng urged thnt nu right remitted to Eng - Irma to 011 1(3 111 the. 'eternal 0110101 of the Transvaal under tiny exiting treaty, The Met, liuwever, that nil exi;ting trontlas were annulled by the eerier Woe of wee, owl the twilling' of Ito Clitlea by tli-t Fetal lent of the TrIl 11111 1111 1 IN 11. titiffielent nionvtir to a er 191 ro faction.. But ((''ht rea oos ita alwaym at the me- in/Ind of Englenti for interfering In Smith Africa heti she desired to le capt'ons, bung before the controveroy that culminnted In war President Kruger had been polity of breaking both the treattee el 1091 and 1 8/44, by per. matting niaurading expeditions into lands beyond his own established bounlarlea by conniving at mlevery nt home, awl lit his Inhuman treat. molt of the ontivel. It cannot he U014101 strongly thiot 0rt114,11310 hos never evinced tis elightert de. sire to own the gold Weal, of which to much maudlin talk lino been heard, Confiscation doer, not fuliow onnqureit In filly civilized nation, and the !argot portion of all the entree in the goll Interest. le owned 17 subjects other than tilos of tho British Empire. Neither ham there been involve,' the question of interfering In the internal -anoint of the Trannvnal from London. Tim entitle of England would have re. -tweed support for much n pulley, It item ut flriit the smoothen of a great mitten repenting inlignElee prnetieed by nil Inst lent eemblyarbtirli 1010 pie upon her initiects. 11 line winee de- veloped the further queation of resist- ing the arnr9-1 invaalon of an external foe. The Trnnevani enteral Into dip. hannti9 eurrespondems), and became 'parties to conference* with England on the question nt Mom, and them when differeneei lind become sharply 401111341 not DIl tho lorni 01 h, as has been Imprudently stated, but ou the Woes of representation, ule1 after Fulani had protmeed a remain merelon of all pointe In the contro. verey to n farther conference Oum Pool precipitated war on moths of 48 Imre, mei with burghers and guns appeared across the border. Confessedly much to be deplored line appeared in the subsequent Itletory cf eventThe lack of preparation on the part of the War Department, the Incomplete gaup of the magn1. ludo of tho task by the OYU wahine Gee, and the reprehensible 'widener of the ;afire •• High Cuminimmioii. ere for email Africa at Calm Town, have been liunt.hlattng even to the point of exasperation. With Englund peoperly chastened the lesion will not be without Ha redeeming lea. turee. 1 o'er Military ;strategy New- enetle, Ituniee, Glencoe and Fiends L ento may have been almemioned (Or (11 ly,ioLtli. Methuen luny have been elieekee 1 Maggernfonteln, Datum* at tetormberg, and Buller ut the Tte. gat Mier, but theme are diminutite 01:111 1 01 misa red with Owe out of w111011 the British Empire 11:40 71.341 vol etl. Two tliousand of Parklia nes teterana, withal there were 12„001.1 Ili 111, fell before the 0,- t0.1 frontieramen eorountieled by Jack. am at New Orleans, In 1 811 1 0,- 7,(0, including camp followers, fell In the l%1% (0'r Preis, and only OM, es impel with 1114 life. WELLINOTON 1.0.1T 32,001) at Wntertio and Alerlburough, nue hil til 1 Etigeee, mnerificed 20,00d f the flower of their artuler ti th9 fight nt Malpluitu.at I deny the 1 the 411,1,11, h 44 ieuan th. equ 11 olih.! Prito 1 le tha j) ('44(4 (1110.111 0.1 ilet ibl. gamut:4 are titiree. 111 l ea u ear, (111 tli sidle tdi I exit • hitloos of valor In tho 11 04, 11 en) giatemonts to 1141111 11%11e g11111.1foUlily euetelneil the mi Itetry pamtla.! (1 the selole..e. 1 Eng.irli LI 111111 11. 111-11,-01 ter, 1114 1 11 1 great expedition 116 failed wider Veleta 1. Lump elm liiteCyont ion is but it aliadowY 11. Itieloa. Europe, In part, not, jubilate eve:. temporary reiereve hum Mitred ta lirpubacan Eng' led, envy I,1 coinnicretal England, nod Jtalottey ,.1 o oitl Eng' 114111pith': In to tr the surface. Eng! and hie been tlx:: fire; id Earopean monarclulm to Mendota t11 theory of the " Divine ✓ ight of Kluge," awl her foreign coin. 1Ler1') illotie more extenelvo than that of Germany , France, Holland, Pelgium and Ruoda eouthined. Amer- fl.t.1 11 111 me estosv for Inter• • it1.,9 In the Transvaal than there leas hem to prevent Finland, Greece and Armenia from being ravhdied b4. the nations of Europe, or two pro- viume of Francs, with all their people, from being iihonrbed by the (termini Empire. Furthermore, cur vomiters with the BrItleh Isiee I; greater than with nny other power, and the mejor 901114,4 of all oer 'mural -so held abroad are owned In London, The !l10110,111 and Alione of the Senate may be granted a free hind hii their po. litienl Illetrioalco and tnewideh gyre - Com for the AMUNEMENT OF TUE GALLERIES at the expliwit their own ',enamel leap at, Resolutions of mympethy for ea unholy cause selfatoomed to fail. ore and oblitlen may b3 permitted to pemeel without molentation or pro- tege Ihne blat the offerer/rent ebelatioasof the irrepressibly nod m1. seritpulonalY garradla, awl will fall no harmless di 1,1113 11110WrIfIk11M ('111 upon the sod. In the meantime, the uneonquereble inetInets and mi 'Eery proems of the British army, 'seem by the v'gerous determination of her peeele, will peeve multerew tu the linekeemberg hills, will rash her mem. tale mem, though lined with twil- ling Beers, and will Went in triumph the flag of freedom's Name upon the ramparts of Pretoria. The Brit1•11 Empire Im united twiny atm never be. fore. From Cope Town to Cairo In her manifest destiny 111 the Berk Coutieent. Her prestige 111 India will ,'.IMI!' u,ilnipoIrCtIr 111111 11111111fSit.P In the east will be ;stimulated to mitre definite exertion, foul bit the natural evoeitIon of notional epherms, while Rusin- for n time must be para- mount In Eastern Alia, America will tioniliinto the western hemisphere Great BrItoln. Europe mid Attlee, and In tho lest grand finale the An- glo-Ha/con, the Britou, Amerken and Germ,' will dominate the emit In _the interest of the "open door bi commeree, and uniform equaltY for that Important ante of trade rele. tires. Mummified Fox 101) Years Old. A wonderful old oak fell the other day hi the royal forest of 1, aegoereke. 11 had flutirldied 104 1(1(01 than four hundred yeitre, and there was not In the entire forest an- other tree quite tee mately ,rr rie bust. The head (tweeter, hearing at Ite fall, ordered Melt It he mit into convenient aeetlooa nod removed, When tlayi was being dime, the wor1. men noticed that the bare of the trunk sue hollow, iind a clover In: epectIon (showed that there was melee Wild of 011 fall 111111 1111 111111 Its brand entity. It proved to be a fox, whIell had been severely wounded, 911,1 had sought planter in this re- treat. In the hotly ham Wen ront- ti11 inniuntaied, it, la supposed that at !emit a hundred yetare hate primed ;duce the poor animal went Into the tree to die. The imly, whon found was curled up, and WO whale. ably wee It preserved that one one would have sold Reynard wee Bleeping. The fuessemy Is a trainee to whieli we sou give feuds If tee woubi draw the ussIs1911100 WO 110fidee•RWWe. • . • , •••••••••••••=m Late Gossip - —4 do— Round World. - 011111111g A ntrikIng 80 (4 the N-rneN 13 10 he made In the mum of two slitters Ishii are Joined together 111 tile MR 1110 11(11' ner RN the celebrated 044laine,o1 These girls were recently disiooveral In Brasil, and have reached the ago of ten yeare. The examination with tho X-rnye Is to be made with a view ef determining whether the bond Mlina the two bodice enn be emceed by 14 liturgical operation. lf the bodice are Independent, eurgical treatment would be Jim' itieble lull possibly eummsful, but if there is RR actual connection be. tween tho two organisms ouch n etep is, of emirate, out of the quevtIon, Pomo year, before the Crimean war, in a Derbyshire village a young girl 'night Wive been aeon kneeling on the brick floor of n !shepherd's( cottage. nhe 81114 bending over a great rough sheep dog, while n gentleman at her ekI was looking at the ilnlmni'm paws, which had been badly hurt. The mhep- herd was going to drown poor. t'np. the dog, thinking that he would never be of any more me, but the Blend who examined his leg mid that it W411 Ilot broken, and only needed Untitled In hot writer. The girl then lighted a (Ire, boiled some water, tore up some flan. net Into strips and bathol the poor dim'e leg. The next day 5143 came and did the 18 1110 thing eosin, anti Weer long Cap wan an well as ever, Tliat girl was kW Florence Nightingelit, and when she grmv up she went to the Crimea and mimed the sick and emended rekRers who lend no friend.. to care for the in that eold and dreary ells:bate. The operation of treelike' eighree the African war by the Britieh arm wiii wateltel with Interest bY mili- tary officials! the wort 1 over. Mention of them angina has already been made In these colunine, though 11,1 deeeriptlon of them was obtainable et the time. They have cylimiere 7 rind 11 inches In diameter and have hauled In actual testi( a load uf 55 tone ills an ineline of Ihui 12. The/ have largo fireboxes, enabling them to burn a luw grade of fuel, nail also large water 0111 that eon lrag a full 'owl for 11 1111111110..! of twelve 111110111 without stopping to replenleh tlw supply. Some of the engine' are loupe plied with a seven -ton crane, whkh tan Iv attache! readily to the front of the inaelano, and VAS carry a load whi'e the engine 18 telig moved from 'dare to pinwf The wheels have extra wi 'Oh, to Hint they can travel over eoft ground, while th.+ aterrlog effected by a worni (4 1111 rack arrange. ulont wheit lots proved most suoceoe tut It them englitee are uniceeetiful they will greatly (Retaliate the lisern• Cone of lite army trantsporting ;ow elk; from mantis or the ration& tuf the vurkette monis mils; uwiy. According to the etotimties given In l3irop3, the herr brewe-t In the world Cr eul7 ,ru 1.14;t: 117'1'111130 43.°19)17 tl Bi816:11 brewed 4e7,1s1 1,001 willows, or 250 quart,' per Palette. Belgium brewed 1,78 queries per capita ; (trout Bel. tale, 104 quarts; Germany, 122 quartet; Denmark, 90 (411,41(0 Neviteer. land, Me quarts; the United nate*, 50 qu a rcitue"; r 11,1 I a nit!, 4 eiri ie. !1st ; "F' 47 essnee 24 quarto; Norway, 1.7 quarts; awe( dm, Pe ;meet% awl Russia, 5 quartet, These tattletale* do not Include the Argentine Republic, Alexia°, Chile, OP Bruen, where there are large and growing brewing Industrie.. All of thew people are bet:ruing great 001111111110141 of beer, In Mexico elnem there being fifteen large breweries, one with a capital invested of over 112,000,000, and five with over 111,- 1100,000 Inv:ported. In the Argentine Republic there le a brewery with a plant, worth over three million Mk fare and one In Chill at leadoue-half as Important. It le not safe to conolule that the Britlek 8111 wet with nu reastance to epenk of till they reach Johntmese burg or Pretoria. The Bowe have meet of tittle artillery yet ; they wet, plcnty of men and email army, and the Transvaal le well gullet to their style of warfare. There muy to fight. Ina yet, plenty of it. itmeikeig of Rev. Mr, Sheklimee ex• peemont with her paper, which hie wen menteged according to the poefrieher'e idea of whit n paper ehould ee for In ha*( week, the busies:so manager gay*: "Tire sicheme wee all eght fur a week and proved 414101111*" maker, but as n regular thing it Waul I fen the paper." Ugly storlet or.: told Of tI01I.'ulItll between Lord Methuen rota lilm ofti- term Pending sane ietateni(ni, whieb will &minims+ b. m idt, if they are true, It might he well to tate them ell ts ltit a grain of silt. Lord Methuen lois not ben the molt /Aar tesiful of the Britkili leader,' le the campaign. and may 114V0 erred in ithr pose utlon of ilia western advent(', luut the atorleis tele by irrespentible and anonymous newapeper LOrr..• smondente can well le:all-twee 10 ,1 14,1 till the 4,101>7(10 til erente ere tom. pleted. Thu 'struggle in ?Muth Africa hitx for none more important pomiblIlliev than for the waiver. linter the Boers they. hie'o' been greedy abused; In the Brit,- lili colonies; they are treated 1111 human te•Inge entitled to the proteetion of the law mil to friendly eourtiesy. *10 Nfof - fiat, in an urtiele In the Philadelphia chrietlen eltroultird, eaya use of the native(' rail to him: "if the English win, then we Mack men can breathe RD 1 IIVS; if the Boer. win, then we Shull be nu more looked alien as wee, but as cattl • II nail pray to Clod to wake 1 of the Fn h 'trues." F by doling JMtSlle te111. beak*. . ,