HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-29, Page 1es" ee'r,tel,t; e, - • - • s-,
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fee -ter-
aKrektitTlatee IN
-Tli6 Stakdr
e re -era=
Mafeking Was "All Well" on
Thirteenth of March,
Pretoria Getting Ready for a Long
zct Intervention In the Meantime -Muck Sickness Among the PrleOnere
at Pretoria -Gen. Clements Talks to the Beers at PhIllppolls--Many
lierreader-Th. Operations In Natal-LPedlgree ol the Trapped
ellards Oftloere--Loyallsts Not Pleased With Roberts Proclamation
-OrIguatown itosoccapied by Beers -Total British Losses -Duke
01 Norfolk Going to the Front.
Witco, March 28 -The War Office
bas lifted the followtng from General
110 Frederick Foreetler Walker at
to the Secretary of War
n, March 23. -The follow -
boa arrived from Stahel-
uwayo, Mareh 10.:
"1bs following le from reamer,
Lobable, March 14: Boers advanced
IMO tbe south In considerable force
ffls morning. They first advanced
Jtoo Goode% siding.
'"*110? a Asap little engagement
Lint -Col. Bodin'. ativauced pert wan
bommilled to retreae.
"'The retirement wait excellently
tarried out to our main position. The
enflualthe Inoluded Lieut. Chapman
Ma 4 corporal priaanerr, and two
adeelng, probably prisoners Flee
Irooper. were wounded. Chapman'e
home MI with him close to the enemy,
who Immediately surrounded him.
"The exact Boer casualties are un -
Weal, but several were shoe at short
"'In the afternoon the Boers ad -
further north, and shelled our
from a ridge on the left. Our
livoander replied, the artillery duel
emilnulng until sunset. Lieut. A. J.
Taylor hu since died of wound" One
Melva wee killed.'"
- •
An Artillery Duel.
'Warrenton, March 22,-A reconnais-
nom of the Boer position was made
terday by the With Battery ef
IcaI Artillery, under command of
Kelor Blewitt. The artillery was 'me-
ted by the Kimberley Light Horse,
Thsr. wee a smart artillery duel,
lok belted ell morning. The Beene
4 fear gust" two of which fired
dtte. The Boer fire was ineffective,
emotes, and the guns were eveutu- j
alllemed. There were no (humilities
cog the &ICA.
Twp eitiseas of Vryburg, who have
gre4 finprieoned by the Boers, arrived
• Under a flag of truce, ebey slate
t the Mit gun with width ;he i
bombarded Kimberley wee lent
Cbtougb Chrietiana to Pretoria.
al ere now running to within
eight mile. of Warrenton. The Boors I
left berried'', and had no ttme to
dopers the station.
Tb. Boeri have vacated Klipthica I.
and Windsotton, which are almost de -1
sereed. Their wives and families have
fled with them. Tbsy unit the ponii
or terr, bade at Riverton and Wind- '
ere The Vaal river can only the I
eraseed by invimming. The country
Ude Mde Of the river le well patrolled
by the British. ,
A Flanking Movement.
4o0, march 23. -Gen. . Ifethuen's
from the ninth, If Indeed
Um 11 really .istafekIng, pro.
Seed' "lowly. A despatch from
Warrenton report' a stubborn
r opposition to his paeans° of
VI River. The Free State Doers
10 ths northwest who bad returnee
lo their farms, have been again cone
Illateideeretl, and ordered into the
rteersaL presumably to meet ;no
illtitlib advisee.
Regardtng the deliberation of the
filleratioos an the Vaal River, the
Daily News oorreepcndent at War-
renton, telegraphing under date of
Ileroli 22sul, say. that Gen. Meth•
nan'a &drum has not been hurtle('
to the relief of Mafeking, where the
Winer. tine apparently lip relax.
MI, is She result of operMong grieve, bet Om Methuen II conle-
Blest of his ability to pull aside tile
oppoeltIon at the river when the
pro %line comes.
The same correspondent reports
Se 111111111% of an important crooning
WI of Fourteen Stream, nod says
Olt a flanking movement Is In pro-
gram ,
11111 information, they are holding the
Bergareberg range from Cuudycleugh
to Perth. Their strougeet position,
are across tho Newcastle road, where
there are two lines of entrenchment'
and 12,000 men with sixteen guns.
They arealeo holding the Draken'
berg range from Oliver" hook to
There are Indications of Important
changes In their tempositions. Native
devertere tiny tho Boers have dent
their women and children northward,
and that they intend to withdraw
their gums and stores to Laing'. Nek,
They have already want wagons to
remove the Ileipmakaar detaciunent.
Gen. Clery ham recovered and has
taken over the command of Oen.
Lyttelton'e disielon, Gen. Lyttelton
has been appointed to the command
of the Ladysmith Weirton, which is
still recuperating.
Still Arresting Rebels.
Cape Town, March 28, -liar Cum•
ming occupled Rouxville, Orange Free
State, on Tueerlay. The landdrost took
the oath of allegiance, and was ap-
pointed magletrnte.
Attorney &mute and six others have
been arrester'.
r Alfrel Milner, Governor of Cape
Culony, arrlioil at Creed:erg yesterday
and nfteriverd left for Stormberg.
M Additional Dead,
Loudon, Merch 23. -The War Orrice
Publiehei the 11001.ea of fiftyelVe 1501.
&Lore who have died in thirteen•lioe-
, p:tale Two of the ileethe were from
tho effeett of wounds, and the re-
mainder from tuvere,
Wreath Hee Engaged the Enemy.
March O. -According to a
1 d05patch from Cape Town,
0 -day, Oen. French's cavalry
1. fightlitg eastward of Bloern-
te more bad newt!, as
lieleres commando, with
01, Is reported on the
tier tolling northward
rd Kroonetad vie Ladybrand.
QUI wagon train le eup•
to be moving twenty-five miles
y. Oan. French's cavalry poets
'oh from Bloemfontein eastward
A Huge Field Force.
March 24.-A telegram an.*
that the eighth army dbl•
ted to land at Port Elisa
London Is Interpreted
this division will Join
travelling hy way of
mailed that general Roberta
hen practically two army
liable for Held operatione,
aof the trove guerillee hie
Woo In addition, he
Freetihei cavalry, thus
baring the Boer" titres tootle.
Mew IltettrIreg to LaIng's Wek.
*web 24.-'TheMorning
eiweelpondent at Ladysmith,
telegraPhe Particu'
regaedIng the Boer Rion. In
''30 March PO. A to Silt
81r Alfred's Mission.
CA po Town, March 21 -It is under.
stool thnt 51r Alfred Mlluer's Welton
northward is connected with the en-
forcement of martial Isere Ide nae
hie pereonal Influence toward the paci-
fication of dieaffected °entree. The
Cape &Guidry is loyally eupporting
Martial law la response to re-
quests from loyaests line been pro-
claimed in the °entente diatrlets.
.lotibert In Command.
London, March 24, -Froin the Boer
camp at groans; ad cow renewed as-
sertions of the burghers' determina-
tion an confidence, Commandour are
mobilising to great numbers.
Free Staters who were awry on leave
of absence are returning In crowds,
the Presidenteo proclamation having
shown that the" Govecament was
rending firm
Mra. Poulteney, wife of the inter-
preter of the Free State COUTIA, Ate
who is now et Kroonatad, has receiv-
ed at Bloemfontein a letter from her
hueband, in which he say. thsre le a
confident feeling *MOW the burghers
that they will be abb 10 orpulse lhe
British. He adds that the Boers are
in great force et Kroonstad, where
they have amassed s buge.quantity
of foodstuffs.
Tbey intend to make a deter -mined
etand there. Commandept-General
Joubert 31 insommanti with the pint
forces of the Tenn/veal mei dm
Orange Free Mate and all avaleable
gene. Entrenchments ere bet g made,
and the town In being turned into a
f or t rem.
All the ateuechest men of both
States declare their intention of pre-
venting the border being crowed.
Nothing more is heard from either
aide as to the rumored disaster to
General Gatacre, who b seeposee to
be pursued Commandant Olrvier. The
latter on Thursday was reported to
be still trekking toward Ladybrand,
pressing the burghers to Join him
where be can. The English correspon-
dents represent hie efforts ne being
eutoeseful only where he is strong
enough to overawe realetance.
The Trauma' oreumancio which
was recant ly reported m moving
north along the Basutoland border, le
commended by fiummandent Lumen
A long Ilet of leek troupe nt Bloem-
fontein bas been receive]. The melt
fought and made long marches on
half a biscuit, denette high fever Rut'
extreme exhaustion.
It le stated unofflelnily 113 Bloemfon.
tern that the revolt In the Prieeka
dietrIct him hem remelted and that
General Kitchener hair returned from
Hoer. in Strong Position,
Pretoria, March 23. -Capt. Makin -
off, the Runtan military attache
with the Boer forces, has -lust returned
from a trip to the front In Natal and
at Krommead. Tee reporle time he
11 almply greased at the reorganisa-
tion of the Federal forces and the
eplereild fighting spirits! of the burgh-
ers. He 0011Slittell the BIggareberg line
impregnable, and the Boer position
t lerometad ito Mantra le equal to
that nt eingerefonteln.
Shot Dead by • Sentry.
Cape Town. March 23.-A Boer prle.
our, while trying to escape from the
enclorrure at the GreenpoInt track to-
day, was shot deed by a "entry.
U. S. Citizens.
We/thin/ton, March 21.--Preelnue to
proceeding with the regular order to.
day. the Rouen adopted a revolution
eallIng upon the Seeretary of State
for melee of lettere cie file In the de-
portment from redeems of the United
States, complaining of III -treatment
while In the South Afrlean Republics.
A Escape.
London, March 2/I. -Among the
most Interestiug cases in the Cana-
dian hoepital I. that of Lance -Corporal
Octampart, of Montreal. Daring the
operatIoue at Pnitoleburg he became
leek while mnrevang with a brigade,
and fell out and lost coneclonanees.
When he recovered 1111 some he
found himself alone, and was 'eon
taken prisoner by three Boers. They
took his (Moe' and coat from hlm, and
he was guarded by one or other of
thorn all day. But he managed to
escape early next morning.
He eluded their search and wandered
for three day.. At last he saw the
lighte of Kimberley awl literally
crawled Into the town, hiving hurt
lily back by falling into n hole. He
had been three days and a half with-
out fond or wnter, and bad travelled
forty-flve ranee without shore. lie
bound his pettier round MI feet.
When he naked the Boer. for water
they replied they had not enough
themeelves, lie is retoverIng, and
with rest and the attention he le re-
ceiving in the Canadian Red Cross hos-
pital, he will eaon be fit for serviette
The Queen VDUs leek Canadians.
Thn Toronto Es -ening Telegram
hail the followtng special yeriterday:
London, March B/L -Your mere*,
pendent visited the Herbert Hose'.
tal at Woolwich today, and (taw
Pte. J. A. Mitchell, of the 48th High.
lenders Toronto, and Pte. J. W.
Hartnett, of 93rd Cumberland Bat.
tallon, Nova Scotia, both of whom
had been on service with the Royal
Canadian Regiment in Louth Africa.
They have been mirroring from en•
terio fever, and were brought from
South Africa to BoolwIch. Both
youeig men expect to 'be discharged .
from (ho hospital In a few day,,
Her Majesty Queen Vletoria paid
, the c''Ief =deal offleer,
'felt to the hoer/Bad YeetreelaY.
had Kee, Mitchell and Hartnett
nem received a slight flush weieel le
; the th irit ; Trotter war very lei -Moly
' wouutled In the right forearm, willeli
etas broken. Tlo trouper wits el:glide
One of the wounded ofilleerr held up
a white handkerchief. The Deere Ina-
mediatale came to their nesistanee
and did all they ermid to alleviate.
thele mufferinge They conveyed the
wounded to the nearest farm, where
they were eared for during the night,
i The Bieber) to the Genera officers
1. generally put deem to their own
! reales/men In rutting Into an old
Boer trap. The Guard. camp Iles
fourteen mike north of Bloemfontein,
awl the Meader occurred Ile mike
north of tho camp.
j One despatch mentione that the
Boer, are troublesome, and are ra'd.
. Mg twenty mike to the north. The
Ourtela' °filmed were probably 1,1.
. veatigatIng when they wore attneked
by the enemy.
of the Skirmish.
Eloelnfontoln, March 6.-Whtle Lieu.
tenant -Colonel A. 1i, Cosirligton, et
the First Battalion of the Coldstream
(Mardi; LieutaCel, E. 11 4. Crabbo,
of the Third Battalion of the (arena.
dier Gnarde; Capt. Lygon, regimen-
tal adjutant of the Grenadier.; Lieut.
O. F. Trotter, of the (ireniidlerer, an or.
&fly, and a guide from Grahamstown '
Were riding north ale mile. beyond the
Guerdee 'Mee in the eireetion of n
farm In Wimp'', glen, they saw four
j Doors near a kprele They rode toward,
the hill, and when they were 800
yarde from they encountered a
pliarp fire from the kopJe. Captnln
Lygon wax hit in the heart and killed,
Lieut..Col. Codrington was hit below
the thigh, and Lieut. -Col. Crabbe in
the wrist. ',brut. Trotter wan wound.
ed In the arm. The orderly and guide
wore also hlt. The Doers, as it was
enbaeguently learned, we from Jo.
hannesburg. They took the wounded
Britiell to a farm -bongo, where they
dressed their wounds and otherwise
attended to them, after which they
left them. Captain Lygon WWI burled
111 the afternoon.
Heavy raffia aro falling More,
Tim Hon. Edward Hugh Lygon, who
A Shell Buret Under a Mounted Trooper of tho Ughteenth Humeri at
Ladyinultli, but Neither Was Hurt.
Illuetratel London News.
placed Ln the most prominent place,
on account of them 'ohm Col -Indians,
In Mile way the Queen would be cm,
tale to notice. When Her Mteleety
reseed slang the ward eke noticed
them. She stopped and caked the
Canndians how long they had been
In the hoepltal, and after they had-
giten her the information the Queen
expressed her sympathy and hoped
that they would soon be entirely
Her Majesty also Inquired for their
Canndlan comrade& And trusted that
they had been In good health and
e niriti, when the two slok mow left
South Africa.
Both the young men wore Regent.
• With a hutch of flowers by Queer!
✓ ictoria.
liene Woodseate 1a Dead.
141141111, March 24.-Adelem recely•
Id here announce the death In the
Moot Hoopitei yesterday of Opera'
Ste Edward Woodgate, who was
wounded In the engagement at Splon
Kop on January 24th.
The late Oen. Woudgate was born
Nov. let, leite, at Belbroughton, Wor•
eeetershire. He Nerved with the Abys-
alritait expedition In 1868, receiving n
medal; niel carved In the Ashanti
war of 1873*74, receiving a medal
with clop and being mentioned In
de(patchei. Ile servel in the Zulu war
In 1870 as tariff (Meer (medal with
clasp, meet:0ne1 In despatehee, brevet
of major). He was made a etaff offl.
eer In the Weet Iiefles, serving there
from 1880 to 1883, proceeding to
India as regimental officer in the
autumn of the latter year, and return-
ing In Decernler, 1880. Ile orne pro-
moted to Ileutenaut-colonel in 1808
and *3colonel in 1807, and was placed
Iii commend of tho regintental dI
Meet of the King's Own, at Lancas-
ter. In Apra, 1808, be was .ont to
command the troop* in Berra Leo'ne',
where the Batten, were in rebellion.
Boers Giving Up Arme.
London, March 24. -Lord Roberte
telegraphs to tlie War Office from
Bleternfoutein, under date of March
23rd, evening, ae [(Blows:
" There le no special news to re-
port The country south of Ole
place le generally settling down,
numbers of arme have been delivered
up and the people are beginning to
recognIr.e the advantage of bringlug
in supplies for sale. The movement
of the troops In the western district
le being attended with good resulte."
What le Milner Atter?
Cape Town, March 24. -Sir Alfred
Milnerwho le on a Weston north,
ward, has arrived at Dordrecht.
London, Merch 85. -Lord Roberts
reports an unfortunate occurrence 037
Mersa teard. 11,eoe, in a dee:meth
to the War Office, tint LleutaCol.
Crabbe, Capt. Trotter, Lieut the Hon.
E. Lygon and LIeutaCul. Codrington,
rode out eight or nine miler beyond
the camp on the Madder Bever without
any escort except a trooper. A party
of Boers opened fire 00 the English-
man. Lygon na k Crabbo way
esrlouly woundel In the right fore-
arm, Which was epllutered, and he
17115 'mit hie lee he a ride with (ether.
officers without an emeort, was a
brother of Earl Beauchamp, tho prow.
ent Oovernoe of New email Wales. Ile
was heirowesomptIve to the earl-
dom. At the battle of Belmont he
was wounded, but recovered foradidem
police again. the youuger brother
Is a lieutenant In the Grenadier
Lieutenant-Colonel A. E. Corfrington,
commanding the Met. Coldetreain
Unveil, who has left' wounded earl -
°wily, took out lils battalion to
South Africa, and led it through the
battles In which the Guards Bri-
gade wax cnguged In Lord kiethueue
advance toward Kimberley.
LieuteCol. Eyre•Crabbe was 'neon.
mond of the Third Grenadier Guartle,
and has served with iii, regiment
throughout the campnign. Ho Is the
eon of the late Col. Crabbe, whereon.
mended the leeventeefourth High.
'Boers WIII Hold Out.
London, March «6.-A Durban cur -
respondent, telegriephing under data
of Merch 24th, 'tee* that ',utile -We
information has reaclied that city
that Pretoria be aware that the he.
publican forces must finally be Melted,'"
but the Boe,rn 1p the Tranevaal eapi,
tal think they dem hold put for !ruin
four to 511 months, wheel they firmly
believe that intervention will force
Great Britain to greet favorable
torme, Including independence. They
Ice* to Germany nail the United
States for Intervention.
Pretoria Is being prepared for n
siege. The gulls ora °coshes:1 11,v fired
order to take the ranger', wines
have been laid and other preparations
nITII re. prisoners there are now accord.
ed better treatment. They have an
ample ripply of bread, and each man
la allowed nr00U% of meat weekly.
At Waterfall, where there are over
8,000 primers, the sitamtloa of the
camp Is unhealthy. Tho shelter for
the men le lneufflclent, end there le,
therefore, coniderable Mimeo. The
opiate of rho pti (mere have Woe
raked by the news of the British inc.
come brought by the remit recent
captive'. They do not fear Intent.
tont in view of the numerous Boers
who are held prleoners by the British.
The hoer Orin* Melnik* a Abel at
Kroonstal, tho Vaal Bever, and other
points, culminating et the defence of
Pretoria, which has been preparing for
n Mega. The rangee of the guns have
brew Weer, minim have b eu laid, and
the [(were' jn the fiehl have not al-
lowed themselves to be cut off with
their heavy gene which are needed in
the forte nt Pretoria.
The majority of the Trenevaalers
are Ignorant of the gravity of the sit-
uation, and though tired of remaining
ce, long from their Janne will fight
hard, believing that their liberty
1110[1, rty arc at stoke au,' eulecilent
Ult1Mat11 mow
Situation In Rotel.
LarlyemIth, March 24. --The route
frequently engage the Boer, beyond
Miran, tinier the Blegamberg, hilt no
important fighting has taken plaoe.
The Free etatere continue to enter
our lin-s, vurrenierino under the Pres
!elamatIon limed by Lord Went
-------.--. •
London Regards the Transvaal War
as Practically Over,
Talk of the Queen'. Visit to Ireland -Some Apprehenelon
Premier Pur Says the Dublin Rabble Dees Nil Re r resent Irish Feel.
lag, Still There Is Some Risk -The Stae-atellomee --- Theatrics'
Season Opened--Oetteral News Notes.
London, March 24. -The war, ac-
cording to the averege opinion, le
practically over. To be sure, It may
bo motile before Lord Roberta Mete
men Pretoria, but him going there
le regarded ae mum aud It le ustierted
that he I. not going to love many
neen in getting there. A daunt defeats
could scarcely upon this supreme eelf-
satiefactiou and nesurance of WO -
mate victory. It le not nitoPther
shared by the prams ani officiate, but
It le what the greet, majority of the
English people feel. In vociety the cry
now 1. "Ho, for the Caper and the
drememakers are up to their eyes In
work, making toilettes mulled for the
climate of the groat war balm
For those who canuot participate In
the prevailing roll to Cape Town
there hs any amount of goner regard -
Ing the probable reception of the
Quceu to Ireland, and what kind of
a greeting Mr. Cecil Rhodes will get
lu England after his scathing stile
turea upon Ceneral Buller and Colonel
Kekewicia to say nothing tef the cur-
lew @torte. which collie frein Noll
Afric4 about women who tsetse been
out there. However, the ettietY which
reigns In London 14 1.0110 t110 ICES gen-
tune becalm° mane 01 the pewee nt
dinner partici are sombre-hue:I for the
Fake of some relative lot on the bat-
tlefiela. The period of a reverse seems
to have vase/Med from the memory of
Great Britaln`ns meekly as any
The hand of the nett field inarahal
has taken the nation from nervous,
apprehenelve mourning Leto the op.
pewit(' extreme, and it le time Met
to attempt to atom for the moment
the strearu of jubilation. In thew
celebrations the Ainerleans resideut
In London are not beldrel hand, one of
the meet fiteltiontehle dinners being
at the rare -ton Hotel March 28rdi
by Mr. Reginald 1Vard, of Now York,
wheat. party included the Belgian
Meister, Boron Whettnall, Ladies
Ilbwe, Hondlin and Dorelteetor, Lord
and Lady DeGrey, Immo Ward, tire,
Marten Ereweu, Lord Gloms,* and
other distinguished English and Aue
The opera season promises 10 be bet,
ter than ever. Tiegre Is an (myosin
I 'let of petrono, and the Indwell:alone
ore larger than In fernier yeure. 'The
box owners, as ittnial, are headed by
the Prince and Prtiwese of 11'nlee,
told the bit Include,' Lady
Itereefterd; the. linelvess of Marl
borough, hlr. Win. Waldorf Miter, W.
te. M. Berne, lir. J. l'lerpont Morgan,'
and hletelenee Arthur niggle Adair,
Boilable and Bradley Martha
While Lendon 17UellAS telobratev it
ntoo epeculatee and not without We
git Inge relenting the Quooh*' i Lit to
Helmut. alle eovereignle great age
inakat the trip itself one of eeriuus
rlsk, while tho poeeibility of hotaile
demonetratIone or even personal it
tack create' u nervouenees that will
only be stilled when liar alajoty bean
be safely back in England. Oa till,
queirtion nn inters lew lets bee, 1171
with Irclandiet premier ewer, tea Mike
of .1% bercurn, who e .11 ,leitor 113
(Meth, eel ae11 tenet tielt,
and will ri eels° lee hlajeety ice first
by right .1 blood Iui ell Ireland. The
mike mid:
1 do not giink there will be hostile
demourtratIone. There may be u few
' black flag* and other LtlrLt signs of
disapproval. Still, there li no rabble
of Dublin whieh eaunot be answered
fur, and which is entio le tepreeente
We of Iridi reeling. I inetsrely trust
that the voice pf national chivalry,
1 apnrt from any poetical uousitlera-
Cone, will not be overeleteluwed by
Immo ready demonstrattoa. I must
admit there Ls tio little rick, though If
the prepunderatIng lri.h °Onion from
genuine sons 01 the stole irrespective
of religion ani laiiltloa, eati have Its
way, tier Majeety will moot with the
warms t reeepten that ever greeted
the ruler of any country."
The tremendotie Influx at Cape
Town of Engesii oclete woman and
wirer of the more wealthy soldiers,'
lameelally those of the volunteers, has
created many heartburninge among
the majority of oflieera' families, who
through lack of pecuniary re.sources
are obliged to stay at home. It is
pointed out thnt Iludyard Kipling will
have ample chalice to write up an,
other feriae of satires much no he
wrote upon the Indian army society,
been reappointed tattler UM Queen.
The burghers began taking the oath
of allegiance, and surrendered their
' arms.
Surrendering Old Weapons.
London, *latch 26. -The Daily Malla
corre3pondent at Philippolle says that
the village La full of ituera who ere
bringing In their arms. Only a few
Manners have been "given up. The
surrendered weapons are mostly old
and broken gime. It Is reported that
malt of the Mowers aro burled at
A prisoner who wee Interviewed
mild their Was satlefaction In know.
tug that for every Boer who had met
death In the war ton Englishmen had
been killel. The British poeseseloa of
the, Free State, he added, im a (larger.
oal thing. There will Always be res
Many Colesberg ?obeli.; wire eirreet•
ed in and around the piney. A tele.
graph operator entered the office
here and called up Fanriemith. The
operator at that plate, replying to
the Engliehman'ir atgn 1 mb: "I am
a Free State burglirr, and can CIO
nothing for an Engli Munn."
The Boer eornmniele left here Set.
nrday, and It le reported that It le
melting away. wiiiic remittal of it is
reported to be near Flaurasmith.
They declare that the Transvaalers
aro determined to fight to the hitter
majority of Deem who have
hitherto taken part In the fighting
have bon 1, ree etatere. atm 'crane -
ranters have been heel in reserve. The
Were aro preparine for another mere
polgn, and will creepy a strougly
entitled posltlun in the Tranevard,
neceseltating Navy lighting before
they can be driven out. The Bowe are
not expected to make a Mondet 4o-
tharentoneriebtzrg, but to concentrttle -*at
Vice State Record..
Bleemleateln, MICA 84..-A, Rest ex-
amination ce the Mauled records of
the Wangle Free State shows that the
hooks dealing with inyeetments, sav-
ings hanks, deposit., State loans to
:arguers, etc., Are in perfect order.
Both the financed and jtelletal epi-
tome appear to be perfectly adapted
to the canary. '
'A high Beitlah official, in talking
with the correspondent, expressed sur-
prise at ending such evidences of good
management iu the little Ssite were
it has trona said „there was A° mach
political and executive mismanage-
TIie geaerel situation is quiet.
In response to Gen. Lord Roberta'
proclamation, the Frei State Boers
are Atilt coming in and surrendering
their arms. Several group' came to
Midland Kipling arrived here yes-
terday morning.
' Kipling lined at Work.
Bloemfontein, Merrell 0.-Thrdiyard
li:pKng Is hard at work In the office
cl the newspaper, Tbe Friend, which
is edited by the war correspondents
with General Roberts. He bas con-
tributed to It the, following four linen
oliiinitih:e death of Mr. 3. W. Steeveas
the. famous representative of the Daily
Through war and peetllence, red
siege and fire,
811eut and eelfeentalned he drew
his breath.
Bravnenel0rte,.fot. show of courage. his
Truth RA he maw ht, even to the
Brunel& March 25. - It let 110.
&mood that President Kruger, 01
the Tranevaal Republic, lots anima
led the Belgian Railway concesedone
141 that conntry. Much Belgiane
ital h invested in these coneeeelone,
and grave commercial complleations
are likely to follow.
Clemente Talks to Durgners.
Loses. on Both Sides.
Revised reporte are:
Boer losses -
Wounded 1,281
W011nded 0
Dead of 12
Negotiations Gotng on,
So far as tee military situation is
concern -1, there is practically no
c.he nge, Lord Roberts is quietly mak-
ing preparations for the next move.
Ao neeesiory to 11 be,ginning, Gener-
als (1137110 and Brabant are swiftly
moving from pont to point In the
southern districts of the Free Setts
diepersing or accepting tee eurren-
dee of any remaining Itoers, leen en -
0711 leg the Solely el Lord Roberts'
communications before etarting to -
3 [ (19 Pretoria, A correspondent of
the Daily News Pt Springfonicin, des-
cribing these movements, earl:
Gatocre is sweeping through
the country like a cyclone, with fly-
ing columns in all directiona GM
swiftnees and, strategy have proved '
of inestimable value to Lord Rob-
Lord Methuen's lflOVeullhltO north ef
K. m barley are believet to lei n prelude '
1.1/ the gathering of o column of 20,- ,
000 men with.Klatberiay ae 0 base to
strike eastward from Fourteen
Stream into the Transvaal.
Effect on Ilasutes.
Philip:lolls, March 22, slit NorvniS
Punt, eatunlay, Mama 24. -
Clemente entered Phimeeolie et noon
toeluy, He nessenabled the hargliere,
addressed them, nail roil Lord Ruli.
erre' peel:LULL 1.1 11 141 1.4.1101
English. The future of the Free elide,
he declared, Would have to be de-
cided by Her MaJeety'n advleere, but
tho burghers might be certain that
the late Government at Bloemfontein
would never be restored,
He &detect that all the iiihnbitnnts
accept the Inevitable, mai obey all the
ordera of the rn iltary 1111 otter
(*11111 itil, latimating
shas the ipa.ltIrest add ehorIffs heti
1 • ^ - • -
Confeeing elinements.
London, March 27, 4.15 n. 111.-
11 'Mary (Meowed here, and even
'those in cher offillittion with the
War Office, are tonsidetrably
011 1114 to beteg done
0111.13' 0 itialieskieg. eome 5,
(1,000 men aro eugnged with'
netimen at Warrenton nri erour.
teen etreanue and now another MI'
1(11111 le abnut leaving Kimberley. if
It 1110 nireasly 'started. /or art -
(pretence. 108 tubIoi, Welt. 11 Is tea
dently their In telithen to drive out
the home. The forret le described n,
etroug one," and tit° expedigiou
4tison...,likely to attract much atten-
, coeval French IN repartee from
Bloemfontein Sunday no returning
'non Thalia Nchn without appar-
ently heeding off Commandnut 0,1.
eer with lax le gone and 'nem of
lu,7e11111f.,gegri'll;titiolailiNewiwiaiurorenileiitipeespanreta, la tentact with
Marching lipeaCiepluircIrelnCeStliftgli:ro
le,Jeliei, apiece 20, -Lily dire!'
cite,* monoge to the oally
eel I Irani 7it heleng, sent Meech lith,
Tiuul !Mere have leen isxtremely
tut ve for the het few Wye. eaters
!ay we IVITI!. hp 13771)' rhelid mid sof-
rered elgItt caenaltlea. Tia best shot
;eleier ug to the ileeiruanelend Rillee
teirp. Iroteede, had lee thigh ensludied,
11,1 the clay before ete. Witt, of the
Onpe palette had his head ',Iowa off.
Ill the Meek fields' trenches mer
,entrole are niece exceedhigly been
eentnraet iug the Boer neelsIty. 'liij
'epturial 000 of the cenemy'a entrenele
[stelae and Bred volleys tato the gorge
if mealier, kiting Beers.
"Aitialire 1111*3(1 *II,',iu3 al reit
uig twents-,k Ii 1 1 111,s, hat,
17N r .1 ,!1.1111, '11 0110111
st ei di we ,1 cue, killed and
ere 1, the omen hav,uir
1 it to contemned Mutt all of
.he mere eivIlinti portion of the ger-
: eel feel elsappointmeet nt no In:nh
I ate inexpert for the relief of this
WI. They have boil night mil day
ui tretteli shay for mlx uiontler, 1(1111
110 WUt weather 11t1/11 centributo I much
escomfoct. Therefore, It le hardly
urprieleg tee Linen aro worn uut."
Indemnity to Loyal Dutch.
Cele Town, March b* -The eV.
yeatment isf ratemantla *Mato lineage'
(r the payment et Inderunieliti Se tie.
oyal Dutch wha have loitered Pre
arty I recee through Os War le 1
1.11111 111,r 111117 more urgent.
Many of the Duke] wit) 114,0 Illain
Mae,' thcir allegliettee to Oreat 1171
oiiii tiiroagnoat to, tremble linve I st
everything theyoweda
, nd
toeafferieg p .0100a. The cis,*
.1 tias,,.) who ha sited orele
(700 P1 to %avow 3 their 1.d. 11 MI
In Poems are eeptelally Imre
A elan from tile„aapeet al tle. mat
0e, liewever, the dalav- in making;
01111' tele 01 arraug enee it Lee it .s ep.
iortimitlett for the pis ea :tent ei
ego claim*. The evict • 1 • , t i Alpert
les retinal of th pire ts II , lee., setae
eret property can mks a ' c eventem•
y talsoiti'wherans, it el , dale' tee.
Moe, It may les lee edict, ta obtain
asuipeteut teitliii,..,.
It le pmellao te ea et , ter, forth -
yard of (enaml' hIllicer wee taken
vith the &let enteetrlug Into thls
natter, anti cee , t ., armor be the
little of tho 1,.: 1 velottlai 11-11 /
!CCIllell of lo •,,r, rgbala 'rile diteel,
den to be et I, of their, latter teem
O (-melee .,, slet) hero test In Netter
t Is tho-ti tit it the Impale! Me-
srament s ,ill oak the eelonlel Me'.
Tinnier( Jag sergattlere In the met-
er, nnd telt if thews should prows
litmetteetetery the Imperiel Parila•
310 el elteild apment a date:ail Cone
ease el to heir mot tletermlee the
Boer !mows 15,000.
I leo a 0, Meech 27.-1 dee/latch to
i I Tines from Cape Teen keys (het
I e.ent v lea ors to e he Transvaal as -
es t 1 t ha 1, though ti 'reel:lona Kruger
ileternebed to fight te, the end,
in ne of th, Inerghers a re beginning
:0 i(Mb t the bee Of doing en. Presee•
iene, except graceriee, ere sill: Jamul -
el. Ili , Government ni, the legmneog
of Ms, trh Ives feeling 1,58n women 1111d
'h:1 1 l'1'11 :11 irahann'eleurg eel 5,0411.1
in Peeletet.
k'ritni 1 ruet woe 1 in interline 11011 i a
rote Homed that ibe Boers had abest
2,n00 men kale,' le action. Their teal
:1/98PH from all ceases must, at a moat
gin feet estimate, exceed 15,000, net M-
elt/ding severed thousand Free Stat-
ers Wet, have ref erne] to their farms.
Duped by ',eyrie.
Lei: len, eferrii e7. -The Morning
Posee ye r re eponelvat at leloorrefenitein
sies ilnit trivestgattans have reveal
et1 that extreorainary expeotaeome
prenok et the beg:innling of the war,
r:verYhei9 in the, eifeeel waled was
report by Dr. Ludes' Leeriest ems. A
Ed, (Trail conlitten against arrat
Britain was routed, ant wee eounted
on as certain. P1'0911'11: 1ie3:110 words
tea metallic befiee.ilie iseeem of the
Boer ultimatnin were: "We hold Eng-
land In the hallow of our hett"
Geu.11'nuehopeee Will.
London, Margit tele -The deed of
teattilepoltiaii eini iettlement
Lees date 0,.1..r1r7r 10, 1800, ef Ma.
ore eeserel Aleirese ellitert Wauchope,
f !settee). emaciate! , alltiothien, and
if tlie .1 20,1 V., 11, i III:irk Watch), w liu
iliel In melon at hlegerelisnteln ola
re.% lite last, iiitJ.1 fie 3(011, and
Micron ;enamel ChltalC 111 Vgigiond aad
ateetlinel has Item valued at 0:12.eee
es iiil. The nether trustees ars Col,
William Erekine, the younger,of
eambo, Fee; Mr. Alexander Davit
Martin Black, of Edinburgh, writer
te the Sigitet, and Capteln Thome.
le Butler, of Brighteu.
Army Commiselone.
London, March 26.-DurIng the
4,11 111,! of at reply to a queetion of
*Ise reheat In this 110111+C of Commons
to -lay, Ore l'ar latuteitery Seeretar,v
1 the Weir Offlee, Me. (forge Wynd-
inni, announced that It wag proposed
t' glee II, tete.' of eV{ columbielone
a the army to the reamers tend 50
t , laird Roberts for sbotrieutled to
tee forces in the field.
The War Offices Irce offered 42 eC111-
11111141:11.1 to (.01111,11.1)1 offleer,, Twels '
.irS for gratititt.:ss of the Royal Mili-
tary College for tieing In the artillery,
rind eight in the infnntre, while 30
other officer/1 at present holding coin•
nemileete with the Canton in ',entire
gent may receive cammisel me ; ten le
the Rapti Artillery lied 20 in the In-
1./17 lunb l 14144101P 1111 1 1,„0 Cei 10
the reiteration of telegraph eommu.
nleatiou with Allwal Nertli. The pre.
clernation of Lord Roberto Is ripper.
male' effective, as tic Free Statere
err surrendgritig to the Beentolnnd of
The occupation or Tint, 1 sena and
Poneville by the Preleil has pro
Wired all eves:Pet liner s don, am
fleeing the Meant that th3 an.
Murk Of the (T11.'l is paramecia
Tae Government have appolated
Mr. J. R. Roy one of tne engineers ea
the Toronto barber hapeeteMeets,