The Blyth Standard, 1900-03-22, Page 8ll
Gigantic injustke to dive Her Less Compensation Than Man
For Equal Work --Encouragement For
Martyrs of the Needle.
Waehta$SOM report saga: In fhb die Mott will preach the goapel, let her
mane of Dr. Talmage In an appeal I thrill with her womanly eloquence the
Quaker meeting house.
for mercy la behalf of oppressed It ie said If woman is given such op-
wtm1nhood, and offers encourage- portunhtlee she will occupy places that
utast_ to those struggling for a live- might be taken by men. I gay It she
Mood; teat, teeeIem.astes Iv.. 1, "He" have more skill and edaptedness ter
hold the teal's of such se were op- any position than a man has, let her
AM they had no comforter." have It! Phe has a much right to het
my brag ago the needle was buoy. bread, to her apparel and to her home
(t was considered honorable for son- u men have. But it is raid that her
Glee to toll in olden times, Atexan• nature to so delicate that she Is un-
der the Great stood In hie place fitted for exhausting toil. • I ask in the
pharilpg gaymente made by hie own name of au past history what toil on
mother. The finest tapestries at earth Is more severe, exhausting and
llaywest Ware made by the quern of tremendous than that toll of the needle
Wattant the Conqueror. Augustus the to which for ages she hag been sub-
*Aipemr would not wear any garments lewd? The battering yam, the sword,
etteept these that were fashioned by the carbine, the battle-axe have made
e4ttme t.emtter ot his royal tamely. So no such havoc as the needle. I would
let the toils' everywhere be rent:wel'' that theme living sepulchers In which
^The needle has slain more titan tee women have for ages been burled might
pwurdd. When the sewing machine waw be aped and that mime resurrection
Invented, Nome thought that Invention trumpet might bring up there living
would alleviate woman's toll and put corpses to the fresh air and sunlight.
Mn end to the despotism of the treadle. Go with me and I will show you e
Bat no; while the aewhlg machine ben woman who by hardest toil supports
bten a great blessing to weU•to-dn her children, her drunken husband, her
families In many caeee, It has added to old father and mother, pays her house
the slab of the needle the crush of the rent, Lamhu wholemome food on
wheel, and multitudes of women, not- her table, and when she me, get some
witlstandtnw the re -enforcement of the neighbor on the Sabbath to come in
seeing m&Chine, ran enlY make, worksnd take care of her family appears in
Nut as they will, between It and 10 church with hat and cloak that are far
o Wendt.
frsatemt bre"Ing that have from indicating the toll to which she Is
Tsubjected.' Suba
ch a woman as that s
neo to
turned our Met at could wag
out of laden atter they body and 4001 enough to fit her for
Mete wrong. Adam and Eve In aShe could stand beside
ny pomltton.
the majority of your "Seamen and dls-
thelr perfect state might have got pose of more goods. She could go Into
aroAagg without work, or only such alight your wheelwright shops and beat one -
employment a0 a perfect garden with half of your workmen at making car•
no Weed* In it demanded, but as soon rlagep. We talk about women as
*1 they had *tinned the beet thong for though we had resigned to her all the
them was to be turned out where they light work and ourselves had should -
would have to work We know what the heavier. But the day of judg-
e • nothtraftto pot le for a man Of the l M10 pros meat, which will reveal the muttering',
ptro s and honorable men that you of the stake and mquteliton, will mar.
ltpOw 801 bad to work vigorously at the •shall before the throne of God and the
beginning. Rut 1 am now to tell you hierarch'. of heaven the maryttp of
that Industry ie just a important for wash rub and needles
a woman's .ntety' and happiness. The ) go still further and say that son•
MOM unhappy women in our continued. man 0hould have equal compensation
principle of Juli-
a.* n n D what t
with t a r P j
Y p
who hove nn ori-
o• are h
t ala
ytire I' It that women to many of our
glints to rail them up In the
Mims get only two-thirds as much pay
who once having risen and ?
rated lounge through the dull am men and In many cases only halt
t In slippers down at the heel Here is a gigantic injustice -that for
h dmheveled hety, reading the work equally well, if not better done,
ayst, and who, having dragged woman receives far less compensation
through a wretched forenoon and taken than man. Start with the national got,
their afternoon steep, and baying eminent. Women clerk' in Washing -
passed an hour and a half at their ton get 0800 for doing that for which
toilet, pick up their cardcame and go sten receive 11.800. Th' wheel of op -
out to make mile, and who mum their areeslon Ie rolling over the necks of
es/mange waiting for somebody to come tbotumoment d n 01 women who are at this
in and break up the monotony. Ara• pair about what they are
begs Stuart never war tmprt0oned in to do. Many of the largest mercan-
so dark a dungeon as that, tile estabil,htnents of our cities are
There le no happinee. In an Idle accessory to these abomination, and
Weaum. It may' be with hand. It from their large establishments there
ntbe with foot, are worm. nt Houle pitched off into
1t may
hitt be with brain work she must nes be wretched foe. death, and their employrn know It. L
ever. The little glrle of our families there a tlod't Will there be a judg-
•:tnugt be started with that Idea. The ment? 1 tell you if God rises up to
mime ot American noclely Is that our redress woman's wrongs many of our
o Young women are taught that the first, large eetabllehmente will be swallowed
;Second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, aev- earthquake than took downSouth
ha American
th, tenth, fiftieth, thou.andth thing e
them. instead of that ythe first thto take e two cmlOstones h ttteee of his wraith and
n should be how under God they (rind them to powder.
take care of themselves. The Why Is it that a female principal
e tact In that a majority of them in a school gets only 0825 for doing,
ve to take care of themselves, work for which a male principal Beta
t, too, atter having, through 01,150? 1 hear from all this land the
e notions of their parents, wall of womanhood. Man ha. nothtng
Mated the yt010 In which they ought to answer to that wail but flatteries.
40 km learned how sueceeefulty 10 He says eke le an angel. She le not.
s0gdntal8 thenaeelees. We now and here She knows she ip not. She Is a human
declare the Inhumanity, cruelty and being who gets hungry when she has
ettersgs et that father and mother no food and cold when she hap no flre.
who OM Owe daughters Into woman- Give her no more flatteries. Give her
hood hay({ given them no facility for justice. Oh, the thousands of sewing
osrntng-their livellhood. girls! Across the sunlight comes their
elms. de Stael Beed: "It is not these death groan. It 110 not such a cry as
writhege that I am proud of, but the comes from those who are suddenly
that 1 have facility In ten occu- hurled out of lite, but a plow, grinding,
a In any one o1 which I could horrible wasting away. Gather them
a livelihood." You say you heves before you look Into their faces, pinch-
; it ,Helene to leave them. 0 man nod td, ghastly, hunger struck. Look at
wc!m*n! Have you not learned that, their fingers, needle pricked and blood
ilOtlr vultures, like hawks, like eagles, tipped. Dee that premature Stoop in
a have wino and fly away? the shoulders. Hear that Irv, heck-
'I'bgtt you should be succesetul In Ing, merciless cough. At a large
leie pg a competency behind you, the meeting of these women held In
trteks of executors may swamp it Philadelphia grand apeeches were de-
et * ht, or some ofliciels In our fevered, but a atledleiveman took the
eke s may get up . mining cam- stand, threw mede her faded glum!
path end Induce your orphans to put and with her*riveted arm hurled a
their money into a hole in Colorado, vary (hlenderbelt of eloquence, "Peak -
end U by the most eklliful machinery ing out et,the horrors ot her own ex -
the aank.n money cannot b( brought perience.
up *gala prove to them that It was Yeats ago, one 8tbbath eight In the
eternally decreed that that was the vestibule of ear c,hurob after service,
way they were to toe It and that It a woman tell in convu1ebone. The Inc.
Wet In the moat orthodox anti heaven- tor said she needed medicine not so
les Y s, much as something to eat. As she be -
There are women toiling In our cities ran to revive in her delirium she said
for Dft or it a week who were the gaspingly: "Eight cents! I wish I
daughters et merchant prineee. These ;Mild get It done. I am so tired. I
Puttering ones now would batad to edit I could get some sleep, but I
have the crumbs that once fell leen must get It done. Eight cents! Eight
their tatbar's table. That wnrnout, cents!" We round afterwards that she
broke oboe that she wears le the ran- was making garments for 8 cents
oat deacsndant of the 012 getter In which apiece and that she could make but
another walked, and that torn and three of them a day. Hear Ito Three
Calico had aaceetry of mag- timse eight are 24. Hear It, men and
$ 0.nt brocade that swept Pennsyl• women who have comfortable .homes!
Mane' and Broadway clean 3MMe of the worst villains of our cities
t any expense to the ptreet eon- are the empioyete of these women.
otters. They beat them down to the l}et penny
eth you live in an elegant reel- and try to cheat them out otakltat, The
and fare sumptuously every day woman must deposit a dollar or two
let 'your daughters feel It 1s a diem before ehe Beta the garments to week
denouncefor them
not to he know how t" on. When the works done, it Is sharp-
work.prevel. ty htapeeted, the most Insignificant
ent In society that, though our Haws picked out and the wagee refused
young woolen may embroider ettppere wind sometimes the dollar deposited not
ago crochet and make mats for lamps given back. The Women's Protective
to stand on without disgrace, the anion reports a case where one of the
Mee of doing anything tor a livell- poor eou;s, flnd:ng a place where she
hood hl dishonorable. It is a shams. eould get more wages, resolved to
lot a young woman belonging to a change employers and went to get her
large tomer to be inefficient when nav Inc work done. The employer sed,
rest tether tolls hie life away for her 'I hear you are going to leave me?"
u8ld1ort. It is a Wham. for a daueh• 'Yee." she sae), "and I have come to
te4 td be Idle white her mother tolls get what .you owe me." He made no
washtub. It la as honorable to answer. She said, "Are you not view'
house, make beds or trim hats to pay me?" "Yes," he meld, "I will
pis le to twist a watch chain. pay you," and he kicked her down
M as I c*ti anderetand, the line ,e.a:re,
bitty lies between that Oh. that Women's Protective union)
le useful and that which ie Mt- The bksedngp of heat en be at it for
lege It women do that which is of the merciful and divine work i.t fa do-
n° vatue, their work le honorable. It ng in the defense of tolling woman -
they d* prmCOcai work, It Is dishonor- •rood. iVhat tragedies of suffering are
able. That our young women may es- oreeented to them every day! A paca-
oape the eeseure of doing dlehonorable ,graph from their report: "Can you
waft, i 110.1( particulartse. You may snake Mr. Jones pay me? He owes Inc
knit s eddy for tete back of an arm three weelie at 82.50 a week, and 1
ebalr, but by no meats make the money ran't get anything, and my child is
Whev.*4tk to buy the chair. You may very sick." The 'meeker, a young wo.
with *delicate brush beautify a man. ,nan lately widowed, buret Into a flood
tel ornament, but die rather than earn of tears as she spoke. She wad bidden
unonall to buy•* marble mantel. You to come again the next afternoon and
may l$$rn trestle male until you can repeat her story to the attorney at his
squall ItalMin, but never sing "Orton- usual weekly hearing of frauds and
villa;' or 'Oe4 Hundred." 5)o noth- Impralti,.ta, Meana were found by
tag practical if you would, in the eyes which Mr. Jones. wax induced to pay
of refined aoalety, preserve your re- the 87.50.
s bully. t suet these finical no- Another paragraph: Her mortidea-
tlons. I tell non a woman, no more tion may be imagined whoa told that
thea a man, has a right to occupy a one of the two 05 bills which she had
Mao' to thin world vales ehe Paye a fust received Mr her work was coun-
8Mnt fe It. tertelt. But her mortification wile
If we want a mase 4n this world, we swallowed up with Indignation when
NOW earn It. Tht partridge makes Its her employer dented having paid her
cent fleet before it oc pies it, The the money and insultingly asked her
by Its morning songs eartle itN to prove 1t. When the Protective un-
lit before it eat, it. and the BI- ion had placed the matter b the courts
elves as intimation that the Mat the judge said, "You w•111 pay Eleanor
r al an Idler H to starve when it the amount of her clarm, 05.80, and also
tt; ' t be WHl not work, neither a
. ne ball
thr, caste of the court."
Menne turns the health, and How are these evils to be eradicatep?
Et. nature sort: "This man has Some say, "Give woman the ballot."
ect W pay his teat. Out with him!' What effect such ballot might have on
y b to be reconstructed •m the other cameleer. I am not here to den
woman's toll. A vast ma- cum. but what would be the effeet of
who Would have woman female outrage on women's wasn't? 1
shut her up to a few kinds do not believe that woman will ever
My judgment In this mat- Qat Mei!, by n ,mar': too ':ot. indeed
le that a women bee e right e„ do women oppress women as much as men
Ming she can til well. There should to Do not women, as much as men,
fps department of merehandlse that down to the lowest figure the wo-
lfs*, art or science barred) man who sews for them? Are not wo-
her. 1t Misr Romer hes gen- men as sharp 9a men an washerwomen
twulpture give her a ahissi. It and milliners and mantas makers.
Bonhevr has a fondness for de- Poets ere fond of talking about men
a.imals, let her make "The as an oak and woman the vine that
4r" If M111 Mitchell will climbs It, but I have seep many a tree
eattbaomy, let her mount ted fall that hot only went down ttaelt,
(tlldpt, If Lydia will be a met- but took all the vines with It. I can
tet her pal purple,' 50 Lacnt$ tall roe of something stronger than all
oak for an ley to climb on, and that Is
the throne of the great Jehovah, $t1-
gle or sedasuced, that woman 10 strong
who leans on God and does her butt.
Many of ,yon CH go edafle-handed
through itfe, and you wilt have to
chorea between two eharaatere. Young
woman, I am atrre you will turn your
bark upon the useler , giggling, Jere-
spanatble nd'nentity which society ;gno-
ndnlously acknowledges to be a woman
and teak tried to make you a humble,
active, earnest Christian. What will
become of the womanly dic.?ple of the
world? She 1a more thoughtful at the
attitude she strikes upon the carpet
than how ehe will look In the judg-
ment; more wote'led about her trophies
than her ore; more Interested td her
appare) than In her redemption. The
dying Retreat. whose lite had been vi-
cious weld; "The scene otraee. Draw
the curtain." Generally the tragedy
comes that end the farce afterwards,
but In her life It war first the farce of
a useless 11fe and then the tragedy at a
wretched eternity.
compare the life and death of such
1 one with that,of some Chri.tlan aunt
that was mace a blessing to your house-
hold. I do not know that she tvaa ever
asked to give her hand 1n marriage.
She lived eingte, that, untrammeled,
Oa might be everybody's bleev'nr
Wheneverthe tick were to be veined
or the poor to be provided with bread
she went with a bleating. She could
pray or ming Hoek of Agee for any
sick pauper wtho'asked her. An she
got older there were days when ehe
wart a little .harp, but for the 100r1
part auntie was a sunbeam, just the
one for Cbr'etmaa eve. She knew bet-
ter then any one alma how to fix Deno.
Nor evory prayer, an God heard It, was
full of everybody who bad trouble. The
brightest tillage. in all the horse drop-
ped from bee Angels. She had pecu-
liar notenm, but the grandest notion
ehe ever had was to make you happy.
She dressed watt -auntie atwa)a dreea-
ed well -but her highest adornment
000 that of a meek and quiet etterlt,
which, In the sight of God, le of great
nr.ioe. When she died, you all gathered
lovingly about her, and the you carried
her nut to rest the Sunday eehool claw
a'mast covered het' coffin with japonl-
cap, end the pour people stood at the
end of the alley, with their epr,ene. to
their eyes, aobbing bitterly, and the
man of the world mild, with Solomon,
"Her price wadi above rubles," and Je-
stre, 014 unto the maiden la Judaea,
commanded, "I say unto thee, ar'nele
An Enterprising Firm.
There are tee men mine wide awake end
cove, 0110g thee J. 4. Hammon who ,para no
l.rye, to tarara the beet of rteytblug In bre
in , for ha tawny automata. Re now bee the
nosey for t. u . Dl.e es ee *bleb
rEm 'ae New r
ctrl, aur... ontnn piton. Cough' end Outer.
Thta le the woadertot p enudy twat la now pro.
,b •t g,o iamb ,aolkm•ua ell over assess,
ey fa atartlle` euro. It absolutely Ones
tenon t, amnelttl,, N msec, and ell ctestioni
, m, rb•n,t, meta and Image. Yon sin tat
,t mane Nivea , by oe linqq at the .bow Drug
(tore nd get a t. 1.1 11 We 7,n. or ueule flea
for 60o 11101.01, Miss tte.d to ours, er prteo
r, furled.
Toronto Man Charged With Breach
of Promise at Detroit.
Windsor, Ont., March 1N. -John C.
Ward, n well known sporting man,
wliate home ie In Toronto, wee art
rested 00 a eoplae from the t'rettit
Court, i:etrolt, by Judge Waite, yew
terday, and taken to fall by deputy
Sheriff Schneider, on it charge of
breach of pteotnlea, made by a Detroit
woman named Ethel Arnold. She tteke
for *10,000 damages. Hail wee fixed
at $500, and Ward is retained in a
witness room at the jail until tide
amount b flirnlsllel.
A close friend of Ward stated to -day
that the Toronto man has a wife liv-
ing. 1Vard le perhaps thirty years of
age, and give! ono 111e imireseion of
being it good fellow. He hoe plenty
of flashy Jewelery and ready each,
and treated the jail staff to a box of
cigars when he was brought in
It Is just a came of a woman try
ing to get me," geld lie, "and thatle all theta Is to 1t. I have been be-
tween here and Chicago for the beet
part of three months, and admit I
have been having a gotxl time."
Ward's rather 1' Duvh1 Ward, a well.
Owe Toronto citlsen. The woman in
tate calm he a resident of Detroit. 0he
Is young and rather good looking. Ac-
cording to her store, young Ward Iota
been paying her )narked attention for
some tittle past, finally obtaining her
cott..nt to become Ills wlfc, Later
Ward to eald to have repudiated the
engagement. lite. Arnold says her
feelings have been damaged to the
extent of $10,000, but If Ward will
marry her ehe will pact a stop to the
legal prooaedinge.
lrlfteen Hundred People Had Just
Lett the Heeding.
Quebec, March 18. --The Academy of
Mute,•Qao's looting thattrt,waswgob
his morning ro:lueed t.1 nsho;.
The fire 'was dt,o wand ou the lenge
tifteien minutes nfter midnight, turd
ltl throe hones tits wilds bnildpng,
wit), all lte oo:iteete. had been tot'1-
ly ul814royed, 13 apiti of tilt, energetic
efforts of the fire hrlgtd'.
The nudl,tnce, rumba -11g nearly 1,-
t0i, which attended th t nano tl s Tree
cf Ht. Petricks &rtity bast bight,
had ott1S left bit bell nag le; mhtut.p
before the line was di;o t'erel.
Tie lees to Mr. ('harielxi'e, the
owner of the Academy, le placed et
1)80,000, and ho has only *13,000 Ip
¢pain's Greatest Need.
10,.1.. P. Q,lvie, of Bera.looe, Spain, spends
bre Mame at Aiken., 8.0. Weak Leese bad
einem g0eear*p dna to the heck of bio head. Oa
u.1pa1 ltlrekte 111tten, Atne, hoe's 1reatw1 Bloom
aka Nerve homely, a0 pelu soon 1.11 biro,
be mys title mead 01.4,1108 13 what his 000ntry
.sad.. All Amerlaa oaowe 1808 1r Lures lint
and itidper trouble, parities the blood, tows up
000 itowarh, etreup+hra, the eetvw. pots dm
rigor and new the w,q every mgeele, Uee00 erarl
sodas0. of ta*verryyb;ttleInsraut,e1,o idling
Sold be S. N. 1tanitaou, UruasaW
Result of 'frying to Light a Fire
With (lanoline.
Cnlumlalx, Ohio, March 17. - Five
dead, one fatally and one seriously int
luretl remelted from an attempt to
•tart n fire with gasoline here Met,
night. George White toted the than at
J nmee Weaver's residence, and auex-
poelon followed, the building was set
on fire nnd'the Inmates were cover-
ed with the burning MO.
The ?lead nee: Philip Weaver, Roy
Weyaver, Loray Weaver. Tully Weaver
and George White.
Fatally burned: Ailee Weaver, Per.
Suety burned: Jana* WenTer.
That Throbbing Headache
Weald q'i4 kiy kale eon, it y?ou turd Dr.
Erag's 1011 Lae Mee, Thessenda M toffees
ken proved these sestehla a mentor for sick std
Nvgtus Neadseba.. Thy meea s para aloud
adto s +tie. to ly 16 eon% klitiblpih.
If epi eared. wad by J. yL Amason
Mr. Belton at London.
London, Eng., Mares 18.-(1l ohs
apmeial),-'Hon. Clifford Sifton and
Mrs. Sitton arrival here yesterday,
and will leave on Wlednesday or
Thursday next for Vienna, where Mr.
Sinton widh undergo treatment for him
hearing hr a ism„nos loot:on one /-
Mr. Jetta Charlton, M.'P., who ha
was gate unanlmouNorth atyu)k since nominated by
the Ltberale of that riding forthe
Mr. John A. Bingham, formerly
Felted nate" Mihieter to Japan, is
dead. lir. 0lsaegnham waw an nttornoy
i Preho sidia
Liention in Oita trip) of
t *eoin' twaaphb.
81AHON 88, 1No0.;
Review. -Luke is 1.11 Mark 1:19.9(.
Supt. -What b the (Iol.lem Text?
Fkduwl.-Tyle Bon of Mon casae nut to
be minfeteretl unto, but to minister.
]dark x, 45.
What he the Central Truth? God
sant His only begotten) son Into the
world, that we might live through
Hata, 1. Jules iv. 9.
Wlmt W the Wile?
Jenna and $1'
m bay tvorba
when was u111 TIm1? t t gtchs.' 6th,
B. C. 5, to May, A. U. 28.
Who were the Persona? Caesar Au-
gustus:, CyreWw, Joseph, Mary
Jews, The iliepherds, Angels, Tiber -
les Pilate, Herod, Philip the Tet•
*arch, Lysanfes, Annals, Calaphae,
Jona, Zaaharies Andrew, St. John,
l'etet•, P1iUtp, Nathaniel, Nloodemua,
WAmen of &?markt, Matthew.
Bmmmaree-Lesson 1. The Birth of
Jams. At Bethlehem. Micah v. "
God so ordered events that through
natural auras Joseph and Mary were
1s1, at Just the rigid limo, (row Nita
areth, to Bethlehem. The aural of elle
Lora e 11he-de.
Loll? Japes bw lvtetyeeorse alto olde; at the
feast of the Passover, When they
start on the return trip the chile is
lett behind ; found In the temple with
the *totem of the law, asking and an.
swering questions ; got wero astonish.
ed; hie patients gently reprove him ;
Ilio tells them He meet be about "Hie
Father's business;' returne with them
to Nagareth.
Ill. The preaching of John the Bap
test. TIberjuo Caesar Roman etopor-
or ; Pilate governor of Judea ; Herod
tetraoh of (Melee ; Anna and Caia-
pltaa high priedta. John preached In
the wlderneas; baptised In Jordan;
Decoction repeutauoe; insisted that
they bring forth fruity unto repent -
once ; different Chianti Dame to him;
a thorough r'eformatton required of
all ; pointed to the Mendalt,
IV. Jeans Gave from leasareth, 1p
Galilee, to the Jordan, to be baptised
of John. John shrinks from sell a step;
atom urges It ; Is bnptlted ; the IOW
eerie are opened; the Kpdr►E doeoen*
liku o. dove upon flim ; volt* from Hea-
ven ; led Into the wilderness; tatela
forty days and nights; afterwards
hungers • tempted, 1,Command stones
be madbread. 2. Cast Thyself down.
tt Woreblp me.
V. John the Rapti/et was near the
(singe of hie lite work. He wag anxious
Ebel hie disciples should 0000pt the
leader/slap el Jesus. Voluted Apdrow
nod John to Jena; they follow film
Jesus turned and asked totem what
tbey sought; Invitee them with Him;
they abide with Him that day ; bring
their brothers, 81mop and Jgases, to
Ji'hlosueltp ; and Jeans line'Nathanieintol. Galilee ; Elude
VL Nleotlemtte, it rich ruler of the
Jew a
and member 80.nhort
d n
came to Jame by glglut; Intralmtexl
the subject of miracles; 41131P10 sold,
'Ye meet bo borp again"; Nlctadentus
failed to understand; Illustration of
the wind. Java points Nieolomus to
the Son of man; illustration of the
eorpept to the wilderness; (lod'e great
love forluta maw; he that. bejieveth ehnll
VII. Jesus goes through 8amarla;
stops at Jaogb'e well ; nlet U. the
woman; (take a drink ; she expreesee
surprise; Jesus speaks of the gift of
(rod -living water, and tells her that
those who drink shall never thlrat ;
ehe desire@ It; Jesus stake her to call
leer husband; she says she lute none;
has had five; calls Jesus a prophet ;
oaks about plane of Worship ; true wor-
uhtp must be Ip spirit nu I In truth.
VIII. Jesus is at Nazareth; W the
synagogue; an the Sabbath tlay,
Reads from Iea. ext. 1, 2; applies the
Scripture to himself ; he can save the
poor, the broken-hearted, the crap.
teem!, the blind, the bruised; the gum.
Mon regarding hie lowly birth ; he
curet heal there because not ac-
cepted;ustifies his enure° by refer•
endo to Elijah and Elisba; they think
he puts them lower than the heathen;
try to kill him; hIX. Jesus Ine eeeaoape s,,.
In the
synagogue; on the`uSabbath day.
Teaches the people; they are paten.
'heed at his dootrhte; ate unclean
spirit erten out; Jeaua oaks ]tom out;
fame spread abroad; at Peter's
house; mother-in-law healed; when
the cult went down the diameter] and
them poueased with devils were
brought to him, and ho healed them
all and octet out tate devils. He "suf•
fared not the devils to 'peak." Jesus
le not dependent epee the testimony
of devils to °eery on His work or to
prove his divinity. There Is no Don•
cord between Chrlet and BcIlal. 1I.
Cor, v1. 14.1Q,
X. Jesus In Capernaum at I'nter's
hone.. (boat crowd at the door ; a
paralytic brought and carried to the
roof ; tate root torn up; the bed let
down ; Jesus stow their faith; Thy
sine be forgiven thee; the scribes sea -
11011 ; iso epeaketh blasphemies; Jesuit
lnawere them, which b meter to ear,
• Arise, or thy stns be forgiven? the
num; the people amazed. They glort•
fled God, /tying "We never saw 14
on thle fashion.' They saw that
none but God could perform quoit a
wfionderfulshed. cure and they were filled
with reverence and fear. The dlvin
itv of our Lord le here tulle stale
Xl. Josue teaching et the seaside;
vett Levi at the reed:et of custom ;
follow Me; a Sonet at Levl'e house;
Ant with publicans and 'inner.; the
scrlbee and Pharisee' question the
oropretty of Ude ; the 'dek oten a pity-
s'ciate Why do not Thy di tiptoe fast?
this a marriage feat and It le not
nn occae'on for fasting; tiro figures_
'old garments, old bottle,. By these
figures Jeans shows that the Jewish
evetoka of rol'glon was oft and effete,
randy to vanish nway Men. v111. 18),
and that He proposed to replete It
With something entirely new.
Larson I. The great events In the
worl bbtory hire froquentle Posted
comparatively unnotleod. Christ wag
-n eh'ld of promise. " Hit absolute and
perfect divinity is as clearly and fully
n -erted and proved as Hie humanity,"
-Heb Chrlat, Jehovah. " Hoa visit to
the earths forma the most aegnal event
at Its mutate" The time of His birth
netis comm
homornted by the Chrt+tten era.
In Him heaven and earth flame to-
n. The youth of Jesus lit one of the
most tnteronti;tg portoie of Hts life. It
'a here we can observe and study Hts
character while He le in that transi-
tion state through which all human
hetuge must pass. That development
cn.n only be reached by growth lea.
law thot apples equally to all created
as divine, and HD human nature wee
lntelligenoe. Christ wag human as well
capable it deVetopmen the
e an
other Monne beings.
ill. The forerunner of Christ was
a bob), defiant, radical preacher, vet
tender and meek, as well. To the
Pharisee@ he appeared nevem and
,poke with authority. bet In Ulf
presence of the " greater than he"
he waa humble and reserved. The
nation was corrupt. Both rte eltil
and religious authorities were mete
Denary and greenly immoral. With
Hie own hand He will take the tap
and purge Hie floor. destroying the
chart. but gathering the what into
IV.garner• ,
Although John'. baptism was
sato repentance, yet pbariet 11 bep0.
Mod, I. As an endorsement to fib
toernnueer• 2. To show outwardly
MOP i I l, t L l
that lila wadMM s tram the
oortuet denouncing.. The Moly Spiritname
upon Him like a dove, and the Pa-
the spoke, endorsing Him in the
highest words of praise.
V. The greataese of John the
Baptist end the majesty of Christ
appear In John's pointing his disci -
plea to Christ, and Christ's rat -
Moiling them to Hlmeelf, In these
disciples of John the spiritual per.
teotlan of the work of the Baptist
followed ('lrrlet folloWed BM upon
is seen. These fleet dieclples who
Jolene repeated testimony,
VI. Regeneration. "Tetele one of
the richest and most important sec-
tion" of the whole Bible. The central
idea of the lesson is the new birth,
which Implies the depravity of man
and hie unfitness for heaven. The
great doctrine of regeneration stands
la iia proper place at the very begin-
ning ot Chriat'. ministry. Hie first
miracle wee a miraole of traaetormn-
tion; His first paella act fen Jerusa-
lem an sot of reformation; His first
discourse a discourse on regeneration.
VII. "In this lesson our Saviour,
sitting on Jacob's well, in weariness
of body, yet with every fresh sym-
pathy for man, discoutrsea on the
water of eternal lite with en ignor-
ant, dtegraded,'semi-heathen woman,
a sort of Samaritan Magdalene, and
teaches her the sutblime truths of the
true worship of Go,l, whish broils
down. the partition wall bateau ibe
Jews and Gentiles.
VIII. Jeans goes to His own home
wad opens the .tarehotehe of heaven
In their nary midst. as reveals Li:m-
self to them as the one regard/Mg
whom Isaiah wrote -the one who was
able to heal, deliver, end sat at lib-
erty. The divine anointing was upon
Heim and His words were gracious
words. Theyquestioned, reasoned, and
rejected. he good they might have
bad they rothleu!y cast trope them.
IX, From Naeareth to Capernaum;
the sortie le changed; instead of re.
bating Him they receive Him, and a
Whole city full le Memel. The truth
Ile taught In the /synagogue aroused
an "unclean devil," who cried out, de-
siring to be lot alone. Josue rebuked
him, commanded him 40 "be musxleti,"
and to come out of the man. The devil,
in one tat effort to destroy hL t'letim,
threw the man upon the floor and min-
t -Meet h m, but the power of Chrlat
conquered, amt the man waw set tree,
without bodily harm.
X. A a.n
he Is l Ca
n rn
g mum.
e u o
Him ' pe
i star's home, n nd
the rourt around the door, are pack•
al with people. The audience con-
tains prominent persona -Pharisees
and doctor@ of the law, from "every
town of Gal lee, and Ju lett, and .1000
,+alem," Whose lie le erexchhtg a Juan
wall the palsy II carried by tour inen
to the root, the roof Is torn up, and
the than M let down before Jaeno. The
matt Is trouble,! hermit,* of elm and
In the preeenoo of the Italy Jesus
he so loathe; hie sing that he
longe to as eat free. Jesus sere
this, and at oncepp renolmees them for-
nlven. The writes neon in their
hearts that this man blasphemes, for
It is the prerogative of Goh only to
forgive, eine, Jesus reveals their
thoughts end Immediately heals the
man, thus proving that He 1a God, and
therefore eta power and authority
to forgive sine,
I%. Jesus calls Hie disciples from
among the common people. Be pays
no attention to caste or /motel de.
Unctions, stet wherever fie finds en
honest, humble heart He is ever ready
to say, Follow me, He is preaching
by the stencils, near Oapernatmt.
Matthew is sitting at Hie p aos of boa-
tman, near by, ante in Elie heart Is
longing to join Himself t0 the one
whom he already believes to be the
Messiah ; but lie is a deapisse publi-
can, and has been socially ostracised,
therefore he oannot etCpeet to be no-
ticed. Tmeglne hie surprise when
Jews stops and slays, "Fe:low met'
Ho heettetes not a moment. Soon af-
ter this he made, a great feast and►n,-
vlted Jesus and His dlsclp:ea, together
with many publicans and sinners, and
many of theme people became tollow-
ere of Jesus. The "cribs and Phari-
sees orlon se Him, bat He plainly tells
them that He cannot bold: to tbelr
old views, hat expects to act en, -
Craig separate from them.
Market Reports
The Week.
Loadtug Wheat farketa.
Fol:owing aro the closing prices at
important centres to -day :
Chicago ... ...... $o 00 $0 07 see
New York ... ... 01X1 0 78 78
A.iiwauktee .,. ,., q 67 Ise 000
St. Lours ,., ... 0721-2 0 711-4
Toe sato ... ... ... 0791.1 0J
I t2tml t, red .,. .,, 012 1.2 0 71 1.2
itetrott, white 07Ilee 000
Duluth, No 1 N... 0 6d 3-8 0 618.8
Duluth, No 1 It,r1 go778 000
ILll eeenolls. No. 1
Norther'+.,, ......... 0 66 0 85 1.4
Mlnnenpolle No. I.
Capital, all paid up, $I,500,000. Reserve, $1,000,000.
Total Assets, $13,163,037.
ONO and Produce.
Toronto, Hach 17. -Floor -Ditto•
rio pentane, tri 11181, *11? to 14.65;
straight roller', $3,2; to $4.55; t%un•
flatten p.rten:q, 111,1.8.1; M.tnitoba bel
ere', ea.t15, all 0:1 track at Toronto•
Wheat-Ontaiio tpi and elite, 6,e
north and 11041; qgiu,00ta f0: itu,tn nqqd
%al:; Nq 1 11atd.obt )lane, 791-Y,;
to 80e Parental anti Nq. 1 No:thore
at O ee-Whits oats quoted at 27 1-20
Ilariey-Quoted at 48c for No. 2
west, and feed barley, 3(: to 37c.
RJ'e-'Quoted at 603 north and west
and 51c' e.tet,
Beales ---City nate roll bran nt $16
and shorts at 817, in ear lute, LOA.Toronto.
Buckwf.heat-Firm ; 48e !myth and
Corn -Canadian, 42e t'u 48.0 on
track In Toronto, American 4312e
to 44c on track.
In Lawrence Market
Toronto, March I7. -Receipts of
grain and hay were light, an well as
those o1 dressed hog', butter, eggs and
Wheat steady; 4110 hellhole molal RS
follows : Vette an.i red, fail, 150 bu'h-
els sold at 881 '9 to 69e; goose, 300
bushels, nt 70 to 7012c.
Barley stetuly; C00 btshelo acid at
45 to 47c.
Oatsto82steady ; 700 beehele sold at
8ny.. -Deliveries light, with prlreo
firm at $11 to $18 per ton for five
v rt light,
e titan 75,Hogs-Deliveries
witllDeil a eag
prime firm at
88.75 to 87 per cwt. Farmere are
bringing In young Loge that are under
weight, which would pay them for
feeding 11 ntontie IonQer. On inc"i. or,'
not likely to gu lower for at least six
arum or two month' to come. Farm-
er', keep your hogs until they are
the right weight an 1 quality, las 11
will pay you to do e0.,
Poultry-Pcllverleo tight, with pt1"ct;
firm at quotations given In table he-'
Butter -Butter was not plentiful,
net wan quickly bought up et prices
ranging from 25 to BOc, the latter
Pelee being paid for choice dairy to
'pterin) en'tomers may. The bulk sold
et about 2$ tO 28o per ib.
A 1 Banking business transacted. Advances made on all suitable
siouMUeg. Farmers' notes discounted and money advanced to feed cattle,
mad pending the harvesting of the crops. Debentures bought. Collette:
aside Oa the mat favorable terms, Drafts issued pat able at all principal point.
ho %sada and the United States. Drafts on Great Itritain and the Coniirtest el
Europe bought and sold,
Deposits of II and upwards received and interest allowed from data of
deposit to date of withdrawal. Interest added to principal in May and Novem-
ber egoh year. Special deposits also teeeived at ourren'l rates. Deposits may
be withdrawn without formality or delay.
C. H. BENNETC, a664G*NT.
Newspaper Advertising
104/41 104 "1 WaeHya
i{ TMR
of a
ar„N,rt, The shrewd merchant knows
it and acts accordingly.
To bringtrade yourw
growing times use
Eggs-Delh•ertes large, with prima
ranging from 14 to 18c per doeen, the
bulk going nt 15 to 18e per dozen.
Farm Prodero Wholesale,
Toronto, May 78, -Harr holed, inr
Iota, nor ton, $9 t0 $9,50; straw,
Iniad, car lots, pot' ton, $4.75 to $5 ;
totattaut, cur Iota, pet' bag, 87 1.2c
to 40e ; butter, chotee, tub'', 21 4m
22c ; butter, medium, tuts, 15 to 19c;
Matter, dairy, lb. rolls, 9? to C6r
Mutter, erentnery, lb. rolle, 27 to 28e;
butter, large rolls, per ib., 24 to 25e ;
butter, creamery, boxes, 27 to "0e;
eggs, held, 11 to 12c ; eggs, new lald,
18 to 14c ; honey, per lb., 9 to 10o;
geese, per 1b, 7 to 7 1-2c ; turkeys,
per lb., 11 to 120; ducks, per pair,
40 to 60e; chickens, per pair, 50 to
Iltdee ,n4 Wool.
Htdes, Na, 8 1.2 to 9 ,1.20
hides, No. 1 green stew's, 9 to 100
hides, No. 2 green steer*, 8 to 9c
hiring, No. 2 green, 7 1-2 to 8 1-2c
hides, No. 8 green, 6 1-2 to 7 1•2c
hides, cured, 8 1.2 to Pc ; ealfaklns, No
n, 9 to 11c; cnlfeklne, Na 2, 8;'o 0c;
eheepckhte, fresh, $L to *Lee; tallow,
rendered, 4 to 5'1.2e; wool, fleecot 17
to 1.03; wool enwaaheel, fleece, 10 to
11c ; wool, pulled, super, 17 to 20C ;
wool, pulled, extra, 10 to 220; tallow,
rough, 1 1.2 to 8 1.4o.
A Frightful plunder
Will Mira MOM a bowie!, prom, daald, Gat se
awes, Arnim salve tae Wet In the
owed, will kilt the min end }fromytry heal t1.
ewes 001 Bore, 1,441.01 Boren, likes, .11 Boils,
Coleus, Corns, 1 (b it Rtgp*lona Beet P,1
eon on moth. trialy"g0 mats a boa. cure per.
ad. Sold by J. y, Hamilton. Orwd,t
it doesn't taken double-jointed man
to pat himself on the back,
Having assumed control of the above
Darned mills I am prepared to supply
inti deliver Flour and Feed to any part
of the tow. at reasonable prices. Ask
your grocer tar PINNEHIORE'S
FAMILY PtQUI itis the best on the
f}1;IM'FING and CHOPPING done on
short notice, being a practical mil-
ler am are to please you.
Highest market price paid for elf elan.
sea of wheat.
** MSA
Barber and Tobaccogisl
Cholas Stock of
trbteoa, Cigars and Pipes on hand.
Tann Manes
Oo,v,attra AS.
Antuna "maw a "Web and dateriptloe 1100
aomaiar4m000,toIDeadbeat"t" Paimu
througf(h loon 0 (o. raesaw
twat aetk4 0111, et seaeps, lathe
Scientific American.
A he ndrom.b mootrated weekly. great Aa
UN NNCO ma :0148111011Ne
{e tetereslsaf.
MM r i. falaYslta►
1113n1URClIE do RRNCE,
Sale Notes a specialty. names*
notes tNof additional Ieourity iri
iNTEGEET ON MORS it Curet Mt '
We offer every a000mmodatfon con-
sistent with safe and conservative
banking principles,
To loan on Real Estate at lowaa
rates of huffiest.
Persons wishing to sell will do well
to place their property on oar
for tale. Monts collected.
01 all kinds promptly attended to.
We represent the leading Floe anti.
Life Assurance commis, and no-
epeotfully solicit your account,
OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.Y. To 8 r,o.
WIIRT1III & 1111111111.
his Hume eon Gees*
Wet la tbeee1gaa)
00.. ? geese street South, Myth
Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator:.
Land, Loan and Inauranoe Agent.
Office, on Queen street, Blyth. Orders:
left at Tan STANDASOoldie Will tssstre,
prompt attention.
0. A. 000RE, L.D.O., D.0.0.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Uni-
versity of Toronto, and graduate of the'
Royal College of Peua1 Sui'geoae,
Special attention paid to the ppreserve •
tion of the natural teeth. OBloe over •
J. W. Bell's harness store, Queen street,
Blyth. Visits Auburn 1st and Ird.i
Mondays of each month.
W. J. MILNE, M.0.0.U.
Physician, Surgeon and Acoouohe t.
M.D.C.M., University of Trinity Col-
lege; DI. D., Queen's tlniversity ; Fel-
low of Trinity Madical College, and
meuombelr p oof College of Poanciafour anis
County of Huron. Office, elm .11r
north of the Commercial hotel, Quests
street, Blyth,
6am 68 I.
'Vin.ham 1l 10 AM 8 One
6 &; 3 t9 Winr;ham Jo 11 07 7 5a
Beigrave 10 68 7 87
7 til 8 45 Blyth 10 41 7 23.
7 24 8 5.5 Londesboro 10 88 7 la,
7 47 4 25 Clinton 10 15 6 66•
9 50 0 25 London 8 15 4 Se
1101100: num nat. TO I1nnt? Pate
Mails Arrive. -}'rum llt.rth-7.1011tth
and 3.50 p m.; South -045 MM. ►M
7.30 p.m.
Mails Ulose.-Oo'ag
and 1 p.m.; JWR► North -KM AIM
It et,