HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-22, Page 6N SPITE OF NIS BIRTH.
' "HtaVeen forbid!" cr[cd the toted
Mather 711ar9 7, cv altuolder of repel -
114011 shaking httu !rout head to rota.
"Suppose," Mtreon went on, no 11
Ike had not noticed the exc:ematlon,
"that some mon aliened ,vitt her love
-her pure heart as Richard Heath-
Ottoa woe mine -foe f was as pure
Mid as went beloved by my parents
41 Gertrude le to -day. Suppose this
ataa should have a trend who should
t.him 1n deceiving her, as I was
ed, and her future happiness
alould be wrecked as mine Wad
Wreaked, and elle sleeted be obliged
to go through the word a heart -
a end deserted woman, burden-
ed it name:ens babe to face a fu-
ture of poetess aline--"
"For the ;eve of Heaven cease! 1
alumna beer another word," Mr. Lang.
weld cried with lips that were Mu -
utter colorless, an expression of
1 rias aaony la hie eyes at the
ahoaght of lea darling ever sutfer-
lag such n posslb:a fate as his com-
ypggaian had portrayed. "You have
®Ma deeply wronged I admit," be
itaatlaued, recovering himself atter n
inteneat; "1 know that Heatherton
Seed to do a dastardly thing -
know that I did wrong In allowing
Ming -
to draw me Into It, and I have
wLlhed-many, many times -that 1
Mould meet you again, to ask you
We pardon nut for even appearing to
senutlon h1a'aot, and to ex 'ate how
I happened to be a party to it But
I wag young, wed and heedleea, I
thought only of fun and fretio at
that time -never dreaming of hla
real intention' I. too, Mrs. Walling -
feed was deceived by him."
"You deceived 1" repeated Mir-
iam In surprise, "In what way►"
"Sit down and let me tell you the
Mholo story of that nightie doings,"
tfr, Lalgmaid said, as he roiled tor -
Wald an easy chair for Ate cone
Litton, and naked her to be vented;
fiver taking another opposite) her,
' On that night, when Tot became
OA victim of a great wrong, and
about tern minutes before we
a tea' on whfat I supposed to be
-7o lfanuur thosit known that wee
Were la the same clads at Collets --
and aatd that he and Mathews Were
Vs out into the c'oun•
a couple of miles to
house of a fanner, where we
lid find two pretty girls all by
Heelers nn 1 ready ,or a frolic. The
Her and his a 1fe had gone to New
k to attend some anniversary
tinge consteeteel with the deuoni
Mon to which they betouged. He
Its tray -he, Matthews and the
bad planned to have a mock
tags, to be followed by a wed -
supper and a juely good time
rally, Everything was to be
led out 1n tlrsteclass style; Mem
Wifatggford-the farmer a daughter
-has to act as bride; her friend,
Mho Arnold, as the brldesnmid ; Matte
owe air the beet man ; and, he added,
' w0 waat yot4 to go along as coop
pang tot the parson, Who is a friend
of Mathews and has premised to do
the thug tap 111 ahape."
"I rta-[ly asa:ntod, iselteving that
It was enderetood by alt to
1N an out-and-out frolic, and that
everything was just as Ileatherton
represented; and when he added
$ he had provide) a large hamper of
things, champagne lucludee, the
Boa was one not to be resisted.
know what followed -how, n
a'tnutes after our arrival at your
you appeared In your simple,
utlful bridal robes, leaning on
settees arm, and accompanied by
Ws and Mise Arnold. You know,
how impressive Harris made the
Sm0my. I shall never forget how I
Wes suddenly shocked into my man -
lllaand better 'melon by the solemn•
With which he conducted that
vice; he awed me, for of course I
t at 1t was all mockery. 1
raailsed, for the time, how we were
aha WrpyJl-oleeseovldence, by
light of such sacred things,
aDlved that I would never lend
t to anything of the kind again.
t these impression wore off
• a0ttewhat, when, later, ive gathered
#Lound the temptingly spread table
app gave ourselves up to feasting Rad
181111t7. Everything was carried out
perfection; you made a charming
144-Beatherton was, apparently,
happiest of grooms -Harris a
pde1 of a parson ; and no one, save
Mme directly concerned in the affair,
Would have dreamed of such a thing
10 a mock marriage-"
"A nacok marriage!" ropeated'ifir•
'Oralnnglord In an agonised tone;
Wag the neat sacred of aremocles
*1. I had not a auspicious. for
the alterwaipi, but that every
tee ily been oonduoted in good
till -al the holiest feelings of any
'pare lettered wlhhie ate, ea I
abed those tows which made me.
%Hind, Rtobard Baathsrtlmt'e
, Ohl how Honed you hays lent
rad! tee gush a'marllegps 1 -and you
ed that it was nothing more
theta a lent to ata ?"
a et --and Tet--'
"I1 does not seam possible that roe
7g d have looked into my fare ai
Ina sr fat to a venae of all that
1It It and holy," Miriam Interrupt-
Mt qutterlrgl lips, "Ohl 1t was n
:aisle desalt:teen i Do apt &hemp,
Meta Ik' she went on wildly, 71.
opened Uta lips to speak again, "Lyn,
1110 while I tell you howl I was lot
SO thee wretched trap. I first net
14114.45 Heatlertoa at a fashionable
party, glvell by an Hunt who lived ht
New Haven, at d tree tltougitt 11 might
plea* Iter brother's unw phiatIeated
daughter tea Fee something of the ways
of high life la the elite I ,vas a eltuple
country girl, WO I Mal been tenolsrlys
reared, welt educated, altenegh I had
never brew marl, .8t 't'elety. air; Flea-
tliertou alp•orcd to' he ttttn•aelted
toward me freta the moment of our
lntrcdurtton. Jttoweeit nee coueiderable
attontfou at that time, and upon var-
I toes oceaalou., afterward, while I
gave him ley whole heart at the very
We met frequent'!', during the next
few week's, and It was not long before
Ate conferred his love for me and asked
me if I Would he lila wife, I believed
j lam to be sincere, and readily gave him
my promise to marry lnlm, He wanted
`to be married at trace and sweetly ;
for he could not c•latm me openly, he
said, until atter his twenty-fifth birth -
der, when he expected to casae into
poseswhich some relative andkon of a largo 111e money,
had promised to fettle upon him, If he
' did eimtletf honor In college,
' " At fleet 1 would not listen to rush
a proposition; 1 said watt until you
1 are free to claim me publicly, then 1
' will gladly he your wile. But he was
very perslatont : he would give me no
pence ; and every time we met he
pleaded with me to go away with lam ,
'and be manned
tent. I told item firmly theft I would
never (torment to an elopement -that
if I was ever married le must bn in
my father's house, and everything
; conducted In a respectable and legal
manner. Tile made him angry at
' fleet, at what he termed my lack of
faith In him, but thistly, upon
being told of my parents' proposed
' visit to New York, he planned
the wedding you have described,
i and I consented that the mar-
' nage should be kept secret, until af-
ter ids graduation and acoeaeion to the
fortune he expected, when, he mune I
1 ewe, he would own ole'before he fain-
tly are the world. w
{ He played has game ell -so well
1 that It is trot stemma that I never
suspected but that that ceremony
wag legal -or that I lune not his law-
ful vette. I bad always despised any -
thin like dcoeptlon, or double-dealing. sa
and It wore upon e, mentally and
penlinalty, to think how:I had de -
celled mi Lather gad mother, whose
Dees were bound up In me, But I Idea.
I " At last I yielded to it certain ex -i
t iii at tn_bandl-no I believed Rich- I
fully eucrificed myself to tom. 1 flea
myself that hla college mutes would
woe be completed bo would soon ate
talo his twenty-fifth birthday, then
all would be well. and my parents
would forgive me. when they realised
vow lta&py 1 ehou!d Aro In my new re-
Richard Ileatherton entitled Ills
college courts -lie named hie twemty-
fit tlt birthday, and I canfldently ex-
pected that be would at once acknowi-
cdge me and give me my rightful posi-
text. I spoke of 1t several times, but
Inc put me off with various exclave(
Rut I dead pride and spirit, and 11st•'
rt Whirabated upon Whir as his wife:
He tried to Intimidate me with angry
words and repteac'J1eg, bat I was
firm ; I told him Inc meet voluntarily
do right by me or I would summon
the wittes0es to our marriage at el
carpel 1117' eo It.
"Then he 'told Inc that I was
no wife -that I had simply been
Ids toy -hie faythlng, to help lass
• some me of the tedious house of has
college career.
"Can you eOneed is What etch a
etatement meant to me? No; no man
can eve* understand !tow the sensitive
soul of a woman is rent and bruised
and crushed when rhe learns how she
has been duped and tricked into pour -
Ing out all the tenderest and most
exceed affection's of her nature, only
to have them trampled upon and
mocked at, while trite Is spurned as a
thing too silo to be tolerated by the
man who has ruined her.
"It all 'came like a thunderbolt to
Inc. At first 1 could not -I would not
believe It ; bat when he mocked, at
my misery, tbea I knew It moat be
true. I raved and he only laughed at
me. Then I fell upon my knees and
pleaded with him -pleaded for my
Itfe, m ha lnore, my honor. I told
Min of the little cute wtto would ere
long corns to claim hie love and the
heritage of his name, lett hie nature u Mone-
t&Wag adamantine -his heart Mone-
t&Qat, himself. When I was assured
of title and the weletanes§ of my
entreaties I rose up, without another
word of entreaty, and left him, vowing
that I would never look on he face
I left m home, my parents, all
that was dear and pleasant to me,
and went away and hid mytelt until
my baby came to me and my strength
returned; then I took up the burden
of my lite. with what courage I could,
and tried to face the world angles
handed and alone, but with a broken
heart and every particle of hope nt-
torly crushed out of my nature."
:llePTER LeC.
Pen cannot protray the nngulali
that was written upon the tack of
that beautiful woman ; the despair
that shone from her eyes, that walled
through the tense tones of her nater.
ally /tweet voice; and William Lang -
maid felt both humiliated and con.
damned, ne he looked upon her and
Ilatened to her, and realised that he
MA helped to doom her to the tato
that she had descrif;ed.
Ho had Joined that "frolic" -or
e hecton
to be and so I cheers
Ilona Common Origin in Liver Complaint—Dr.
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Carlyle Justly attributed the Ill -tem.
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dmereasedain Mpulte „744 bad gloomy
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liow often the kind father benome's n
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how many yuarrele ore
htotnght m, awl how many bettor:
WOW are twee, up ht tIl , e
1st jneaco ?
rrltootti(ling make* "art furl inner mi•er-
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al a tieltaity Is'' 000 inseth'e in spar
with n ahtgglsh 71,-
1071(0 the
beentne lrrugnitr "nil vaned -
t1140 WW1 one blow at tlhenn
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ef.oMt'nr end lasting cure, yen must
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Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Filo
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to MONOWhat Iroed ise-IIn o ONO t tall .
chief and simply for the sake of hat
Ing a "Food -time,'
As he maid, he had never once Im-
aginal or respected, until it Was too
late to meet the evil revsIt
t t
affair hal been anytillag but a mock
marriage in the eight et everyone, ar-
ranged Just for a joke, and to give
an °tendon for inerry-making.
"And have you never seed Richard
Ileatkorton been?" he asked, when
Miriam paused In her recital.
"Never. Why amide 'wish to we a
mat who had willfully' crushed me -
who lied deliberately reeled my
"Have you never honed from Adm??
--di(1 lie never write to you, or offer
to provide for you In your trouble?"
"Never ; I aquen'd have returnee hie
letter unopened, If he had written to
me; I Would hate wonted any aid he
might lame allercd me," was the spir-
ited response, "But I took good ears
tint he atd all who had ever known
me should never find rumor learn any-
thing about me, I Iblotteet myself out of
existent, es far as no, connection
with my old lite Hud !Mende wits con-
"Your father and mother--" leges
Latwmald, sorrowfully.
"Aro both dead," slue Interposed,
with a sharp ring of pain la her tones
and with white lips. "My father find a
Mock of parley& the week followteg
my flight and lived but n. few day='.
My ;nattier smelted lam and the
shame of her only daughter leas than
three Mentlig.rr.
"Ard Mies Arnold?"
"Is married; but I have never seen
her since I lett home. Mr'. Mathews
I met by chance Ott the street In New
York one day about a year later. He
recognised me aid looked appalled,
evidently at my charged appeitrunce,
He acted as 1f desirous to spank to
me, but 1 waved him off and passed
on. Your mock clergymen--"
"You need not try to offer anything
in extenuatfem of his share in that
affair," the injured women Interrupt-
ed, passionately; "yens reckless teen
ruined my lite between you -you were
Instrumental in blIgeting the future
of as noble a boy as ever lived, aid
there can be no (menet for any of
you. I have done the Wet 1 could
for my darling -for be bat been my
one gleam of comfort amid all my
misery, and la spite of my shame and
sorrow time I have doomed Adm to a
nameless existence. Oh, why will glrle
be set foolish aa to tallow men to per-
sttelde them to deceive their parents,
who are their heat Mendel Trouble
le always sutra to follow, and a man
who wall try to make a girl marry
him secretly a not worthy of her love
or confldonoe. and will certainly bring
her to grief ; 11 he Is not !mewleble
enouglt aid does not love her enough
to seek the consent et her relaUeves,
and wed her publicly, he 1s not deaerv-
lnt.-he will never make her a faIthful
While Ned was a baby, I hired a
nurse to take care of Wm while I
taught In cora of the Public rohoolo of
Hely York city, us lent as I was able,
whtcli Was some six yearn, and we
lilted very comfortably untie any health
suddenly gn,ve out. Then, ot'eonrse,
I was ob,,ged to resign my position,
and poverty began to ptuch us with
lis gaunt and cruet Mogen. I bad
saved something, for I had deceived
a fair savary, butt this was soon swat -
!owed up by doctors' bulls and medl.-
cines; then I tried to do dressmak-
ing, but, never having learned to fit
atter any approved method, I coned
not get worst enough to support us,
so I had to come down to abop-work,'
that device of greedy capitalists which
nape the tete awl courage of so many
thousands of he:pteas and untortun-
1 ata worsen every year -and anally
drtdted to Beaton, where I had beard
that the pittance paid for snob work.
was not quite so meagre. But poor
living and hard work, together with
an ever present anxiety regarding
my boy's future, ,fere fast weorin
me out, when Heaven sent me a kind
friend, who brought tie both here to
the seashore, where I Have been rap-
idly regaining my health and
But,aside from m elite/• I
nothinfor lite" Mlrlam WaLlingtord
conteeme, with exceeding bitterness,
"all my own hopes were consumed
to ashes more then thirteen peers
ago; and yet I want to FLve until
Ned's primclpiee ArA well grounded,
until he can get a fair odueatiat
and n good start In Idle; then I ehali
be glad to lay my burden down It
the all -wise Father Is willing,
" Now let me go," she satd, nettlg
•' I do not know why I have told
you all Wtla, anises the sight of one
who participated hl the ruin of my
lua ptnere hes served to unlock tlw
secret chambers of my heart to lot
rise read the sequel to your night
of ' frolic.' Ah 1" she stied In a
voice thee stung her listener to the
soul, " why is the world so cruel
and unjust? Why aro sten allowed
to go scot tree when they stn so
boldly and are so indifferent to
consequences? Why does the world
tolerate the wrecking of the Item
of pure, innocent girls, end then
receive their betrayer., with smiles
and favor, upon the topmost wave
of ao0lety, while their victims aro
spurned as too vile to cumber the
earth? They should he branded
with the mark of Cain," she oontin-
utas, pnsstemately, " for they aro
wore° than murderers. You four col-
lege chums were no better ; and yet
today l ayou all nd ocbtless ahigh ve poi
andfl influence occupy
Cons In society, while I -your vie.
tint "--
" Hush, oh pray cease these re.
preaches," Mr. Lwngmald interposed,
with vtslble emotion, for he was
oaflsctenee•emitten at the woman's
wild despair, while her sad story
bad aroused the keenest remorseover
his share In the ruin of her lifeand
hopes "Dat not fudge me too harshly,
but listen while I tell you some.
As I have already said," tontine
teed Mr. Latgmatd, " I was shocked
by the reckless trilling with melt
mitered things on that memorable
eysntng, But I wine 0000 more
shocked a.nd df'smayed when a
few Weeks later Mathews colt -
tided to me the bold thing
which he had dared to do at that
time. If you remember he was the
gayest o1 us all -the 1120 of the party
that night; but his gayety was a:I
assumed to cover up a nervousness
which he found It almost Impossible
to contra, He was a wee, barum-
ecarum fe:tow, but be had the kindest
heart in the world and never willfully
caused any one a pang. Heathetton
deceived us a:1, regarding his real In-
tentions, for ho represented to us
that be was eitut:y going out to your
home for a fro:In and that it was so
understood by you and your friend.
Mathews n;one suspected that he was
'purling the wool over our eyes; that
he also Intended to deceive you and
make yea beeeve that he was going
to make you hla regal wile -that you
were giving yourse:f to ham ht good
faith, when In realty he was pine-
rilttf' to to .-u!
your life,'
"Just hqw Mathews became assured
of this I did not know for some time
after, ns I wi l explain later, but
be knew that you :oved the man, that
you had be:levee yourself lits pro-
mised wife for n long tem; ho knew
also that Heatherton would never
marry' anyy girl who did not occupy n
g oat! smitten equal to his own. fie
dad not dare to charge him' with be
aueeloloes, for be frit that
For a Number of Years Mrs. W hetham,
a[olet Forest Ont., puffered From
Asthma. Doctors Said NothingOould
Help, but Gatarrhoeone ()orad Her
After All Bless Had Failed.
"Pot a number of years," writes Mrs.
\Vhethnul -I was a great sufferer from
rifler'. I tried withountalt a great num-
ber of remedlea and spent a g reatdenl of
money on doctors and speclallsta, but no•
tblug seemed to hely me. At times 1 was
so bad that I found It necessary to hare
kit doors an ',Wows ons open to get my
hrratn, and despaired of seer nunm; re
lief, 17nalty oar druggist asked me to try
Catarrhoaone; ail his customere, be said
tome well of lt. 1 did try It, although I
1114 not expect to rec'elra nay benefit from
It. In a few days I began to feet a latae
better end kept on using Cateureoxoue, and
tinkle a month 1 was perfectly 10.04.
That was *bout four months ago, and dues
then no symptoms of my old trouble have
returned. I take pleasure In recommending
Chterrhosone 08 a perfect cure tor asthma.
It 1s pleaannt and convenient to use."
The success of Catarrboeoue Treatment
tor Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and Throat
Trouble' has been ontgae. it never fait)
te cure the most chronic rases, and the
teethed of treatment that M Inhalation
Lon of
medicated els, Is a very
pleasant and etre,
the ono,
You simply breathe la the medicatnd air;
it does the curing. it spreads to all par -
Goes of the lungs, bronchial tubes and
natal paatagay, where It mots a dtreet
action on the cense of the disease, killing
the germ lite and healing up the torr. Irri•
rated membranes.
Complete outfit, consisting of hosedtulir
1wllehed hard rubber inhaler and sufficient
liquid for tax weeks' use, 1l; extra Inhalant
ace per bottle. At drngglsta or by mall.
Twenty -Are cent trial sae tor lee In
sOnt., l'tempa. roprtetoN, C•re.Tolson 0.F Co, i(Iugstee
-Putnaues Corn 1:xtrnetor cures corns sod
warts without pate In 24 hours. Try It.
If he was determined to
ruin you he wou:d n°oompllah
eventually 111s purpose, if he did not
that 'night. He weld not bring him-
self to reveal las euapelone to you,
for be could not prove them, and
Inc knew you had the utmost faith
In your lover ; NO he resolved uponn
a bold stroke, and, Instead of canoe
and reproaches, Miriam Wallingford,
you owe Albert Mathews your deep•
est gratitude, tor 1t wag through his
Innate honor and manliness and hie
reverence for womanhood that you
were that night made a legal wife,
instead of being tate dupe of an
unprincipled elan, and the ruined wo•
man you afterward, believed your.
sett to lie,"
Tho nalteaJalted woman seemed end -
deafly turned to stone, by this wore
derful declaration, while she stoat
staring her oomton, dated,
luorodnloaaavt oxpreaobn punon hera rotor•
lar face.
What Can you mean ? 01 1 do
not make a miserable teat of my
Mame and wretchedness,' she at
length cried, in a hollow, almost
unrecognisable voice,
" I am (lot Jesting -heaven knows
that I am too much appalled by
what you have tole me, to speak
lightly or 1rIvolottsly now, I de.
clam only the simple truth when I
say that you were legally married
to Richard Heatherton on that
uotor-teebe-forgotten night; that
you have every right in the world to clear water.
to bear hie name, and to call his
8917 by
aftlrmed,11," Mr. Langmald solemnly
Joy never kale, but it often par.
einem for the time being,
Miriam Wallingford avenged fila• - Dear S1ra,-I have been a great
ally for u moment where Me .sufferer from rheumatism, and lately
stood, their fell back into the chair, have been confined to my bed, peeing
from which she had risen a few mor- your MINARD'S LINIMENT &dyer.
meats previous, where she fainted "tleed, I tried it and got lmniedlate
away for the amend tine that day. relief. I ascribe my restoration to
"You poor, crushed and heart• health to the wonderful power of
broken woman!" cried Wi Liam Lang• your medicine•
hale, au he sprang ugain for a LEW1S 8. BUTLER.
gleam of water and vigorously spree Burin, Nfld,
tiled her face.
IVbat a wretch Hentherton was!
What foots and knaves both *Math-
ews and I were to be drawn into par-
ticlpating In any scheme so wicked.
We both should have utterly re-
fugee! to have anything to do with
1t; and If Mathews had good reason
for suspecting the truth, as 16 seems
Ito had, he should have openly de-
nounced Heatlterton, or at least have
warned Mr. Walliegford of his he
But the fainting woman quickly re-
covered ; the loss of conactouaneas
had only been momentary, and mho
00014 sat up, eager to learn more
regarding tea wonderful revelation
which 'Mr. Langrnald had just deet
closed, a new Magee lighting her wan
face and aninattng ler heavy heart.
"Can it be true?" she murmured,
with tr inbling lips, the light of a
long -loam Joy gleaming In her lovely
Our lioya Seem toffee. Better Health
Than utxpeeied.
We may congratulate ourerlves upon
the cxtraurdtttarll3 low mortality
South African
beam disease in this u
campaign. Even Inebelhig Fleetly;
from typhoid told dysentery at
the besieged towns, ata total, ba far
I+ basely (100, as compared with
1,400 deaths by wound, lamely
tliseneo eanxes two-thirds (4 oil war
111 the elrauhdt•An1OPMan war,
at 070 are toll fids week by, the ex-
pert appointed to htveatlgate the
matter, the ravages of typhoid Lever
were nppulliug. One-fiftlt of all the
touters in the great base and collect-
ing camp.; contracted the (llseaao, and
7 per cent. of these died, In Camp
t'ltickamauga alone there were 9,-
1,000 cases, and nearly 600 (teethe.
Such a camp is worse titan two Spent
Kopa. 1'ivaity, typhoid fever Calved
80 per cent. of the entire death -rate.
In the Trnnevnal to date It has
caused barely i50 deaths, all tcl'J, and
most ,)f these Iuave hires in Ludy•
smith. The Amerlcan expert, of
course, pointe to neglect of s10111,y'
plecnuttone and fouling of the water
(,apply ne the causes of this terrible
tntality; and the aocret of our tor•
cape, says the Outlook, lush In the
Transvaal and the Sedan, hag iscen
the ax.,,rupulotte protection of the
water supply, or, where tete was al-
ready tainted, rigid histetenco upon
the 1100 o1 the filter and the ten-
k('ttt8-Biddeford Weekly tiatotte.
*100 Reward, 1100.
The reader's of this paper will be
pleased W learn that there Is at
Wet one dreaded deeaae that see
rice has been able to cure in all
Ito Magee, and that la Catarrh,
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only p0-
attive care known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a cremate
tuttonal disease, requires a Conte
eutional trentmeut. Hallo Catarrh
Cure 1, taken Internally, acting de
rectly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby de.
ntroying the foundation of the de -
ease, rend giving the patient
strength by building up the conte
tuition and a0ssting nature In do.
Ing Its work. The proprietors have
so much faith, w 1ta curative pow-
ers that they otter One Hundred
Dollars for any case that tt fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials,
Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Hall's Family P11U are the beet.
Care or Ferns.
The best and most satisfactory
method of watering ferns and plants
is to put the pots in a pail of water
not quite cold from the tap, but just
Luke -warm, Do not remove teem
from the pail until they have
ceased bubbling, says the Philadel-
phia Inquirer. The leaves should bo
washed once u week with a sponge
and tepid water. It is a good plan
to wasb the leaves of palms with
milk -warm water In which a very ,
little soft soap 'bag been dissolved ;
they should ba wuabed on both sides;
then wiped over with a sponge dipped j
eat SHORT 4701411111,
How Henry Clay Won Om s Waver.
leg Petitean.
When Haney Clay was senap:ag
Kerr.ucY k for
re•e:eo'.'on pays fie
Argonaut, g asst, ut um'V, uC h:0 mass -meet.
ems an "::I hmurr "f wide political
inCoence ea:d: "Well !leery, I've al-
ways been Fn ycu, but because of
diet vote" (w111 h he named) "I'm
gain' 04:77' y,at." "Let me sea your
rife," end Clay. IS was heeled up to
him. "f1 she a goal rife,?' "Yes.,,
"led the ever miss fire t" "Well, yee,
once f" ' Why don't you threw her
away 1" The old huaaar thought a
moment and thea Feed : "Harry, I'll
try you ag1a." And Harry was elected.
Tho Boa.ba Transcript tells a Mort
er a man .who, hat a 1:004 of boys in
tie aural history, One ce the subjects
which be touts up was butterhtes nail
media, anal he toll the children a good
deal about the chrysalides gad ccs
owns. Atter he bed got the boyo well
iaavrneted, he ebosted one of tee smal-
lest of them one of the cocoons, anal
asked: "What butterfly is this the
cocoon of 1" Tben t'he 1:t.tle boy look-
ed up and seed, slowly and restive, -
Putty : "May pope says ;•fiat all 0711.80
k.,)k alike to him I"
The humors of examination papers
were illustrated by Dr. Haig Brown,
who, speaking nt tho City of London
College upon the romonrtblllty which
rested up011 examiners In weighing
fragments of knowledge, said that the
duestton, "Whet nen the Chiltern
Rundreds?" once received the reply .
"Small animnie which abound in ouch
great numbers In cheese." The in-
quiry, " Whet, is a eherub??" elic-
ited, In Its turn, the answer: "An'
Immoral being of uncertain shape."
Tho bomelleet man In Congress. Is
Eddy, of Minnesota. Ile rather glories
In the dlethtctlon of ugliness, ea,
peotally as all his other char-
acteristic" aro enviable. Dur•
Mg h1, last campaign tate enemies of
Mr. Eddy Merged him with being dem
hie -faced. He met the charge In a
manner that disarmed all critlelam,
" Great heavens," said Mr. Eddy to
Ids audience, "do you think that if
I had two (acres I would wear the
cnh I am showing you now ?"
Buckle attrubutes the great sue'
mese of Scottish men of !ciente to their
preference for a priori or deductive
argument. TIe following story of stmt.
lar trend was attributed to Sir Henry
Campbell -Bannerman : A Scotsman
wax aaaerttng that all the great poets
were of has nation. "Well, but," said
our, "how about Shakespeare? You
can't gay he was a Scotohman," To
which the other repplied: "His tal-
nts would Juetlfy the supposition,"
in sentencing it prisoner to be
hanged for the murder of a soldier,
Lord Eskgrove dilated upon the crime
as follows: "And not only did you
murder him, whereby ha was bereaved
:f his life, but you did thrust, or push,
r pierce, or protect, or propel the
:ethal weapon through the bellyband
N h4 regimental breeches, whloh wero
His Majesty's!"
Presbyterian Century Fund.
leporta from all rection of the Pres-
byterian Church Indicate the eucee-
t t prosecution of the century fund
scheme. Already the subscription lista
are In excess of $500,000. 0f this, wen -
!eters alone ]cavo contributed upwards
of $80,000. Fore'ge Malone have vial
with one another in their contrite.
Cong. Rot. Dr. Warden reports re•'
ceipte from nearly every missionary
ht Holton, China,
'letter Than Muskoka,
Acting on the well-known principle
that the oxygen contained In pure
air 1s tmtutn'e best g}it re for all forme
of dlosaoe, De. H. Nallelie formerly of
eyes Montreal, but 71000 of Now York, leas
Every word of tee solemnly at• ,perfected at invention called "Oxy -
firmed her oompaaIon, "as I will prove donor." It le a wonderful little in-
to you. Perhaps you know that Math• etrument which mune the human
ewe, Heatherton and I were In the body absorb oxygen from the air
sumo class and completed our studies in sufficient quantities to burn out
at the same time. We were ail very dlseaee at any curable stage. Aa 1t
be during the last Mw weeks of the will serve a whole family and last
term, and I, at least, was too molt .for years, It will bo invaluable In
engaged with my work tothe a great caves of sudden 111nete In the country,
deal of thee lit to that 'frolic; utter as it wd!I effect a cure before o. doe.
The Caste H„ Wanted.
"I'm going to get m0rrie4," 'be
mild, as he pieced a band as large as
a Dutch cheese upon the counter,
" and I want a wedding cake,"
"It !a customary, nowadays," Bald
the pretty confectioner's assistant,
" to have the materials of the cake
harmonias with the calling of the
bridegroom. For a nW'e101'a0 DOW We
kava as oat cake; for a manwhohaa
no calling and live, upon his friends
the epong4+ cake ; for a newspaper
peragrapaer, sp[ce cake, and ,t, , ,,
Wthat le your raking, please 'i"
"I'm' a pugelat 1"
"Then eou'll want a pound cake
-Tbd ,Bite.
To Cure a Cold to Oae Day
Take Lazar ve Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
rugglats ret' . d the money it It tale to ours.
rove telgneture is on rack box.
Long the watting-many the tear!
Dull the sigh -alive the fecal
i1'eak the will -the effort faint 1
Deep tho sigh -low tate plaint 1
Yet never a goal -bat entla the way!
Never a dark -but bears a day i
Never a strong -but feel. a pain!
Nnv"r n tall -but twinge n gain!
18SUE NO124-1900.
Youna Biris
Now easy it is for young
girls to go into the "decline,'
Theyeat !wand less, become
paler and paler and can
harid dragthrough the day,
Theyare nthe onteeady down-
ward course, Iron does them
no good; strychnine and bit.
tars all fall. The need a food
that will nourish them better,
and a medicine that will car'
rect their disease.
Scott's Emulsion
is both of these, elegantly and per.
manently combined. The Cod•Uver
al makes the blood richer, and
this gives better color to the face.
The hypophosphites of lime and
soda act as a Aron.; tonic to the
nava. Soon the weight incnaw,
the dilution improves and health
411011 deo`pen ; so , and se o.
SCOTT a WWI; et, Chemists, Tureato,
A Capital Of *7110,000 to he
An authorised capital of more thou
a million dollars is Involved In the
varionr companlee incorporated last
week. The largest is the Dominion
Fence Company, with a capital of
$750,000. The charter is granted
to Hon. John Dryden, BrookIln ; Clfna.
Mills, Hamilton, architect ; David
Henderson, Aeton,nterelsant; Wm. Mc.
Gregor, Windsor, manufacturer ; Fred-
erick Fenton, Toronto, physician ;
John Henry Douglas, Warkwortll,
farmer, and James George Boucher,
London, manufacturer. The head of.
floe wlIt be In 'Toronto. The oomp4ny
will manufacture and trade In Trott
and wire fencer', metallic roofteg and
E. R S1LB OR 1XGii11NOE.
a fgrets Orange, Lemon, Fruit, Vine red
Ou lard ferule or lesw In the tenon go
Klttriok 011 dlatriotl Kern Co. California,
where fortunes are being made dell,.
071 stocks in 4r,i'e1s a reliable companies
for eta.
Address Richardson Lend Co., Tulare, Cal.
The mat wonderful elkcts produced by
n ourteg Slob Readaehe, Biliousness, Coated
se, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Heartburn,
re and Kidney Trouble, Inc. piema them at
the heed of all medicine,
76 PI11e In a box 26 cents atoll Druggists, or
maned by M. F; EBY, Port hlgin, Ont,
Ifloard's Liniment for sale every-
Beauties of Warwick Castle.
Warwick Castle is held by many to
be the most beautiful meat In England,
The largo baronial hall W a magnlft.
cent room. It Is decorated with the
molt perfect specimens of armor, fur-
nished In a luxurious manut'r, and
memo? of !lowers and largo prints
abound on every stele._
M inard'e Liniment relieves Neuralgia
itr111iOOAD 6sa..0r t, "delle, no &t,
s07ak or wet. Good 517(09
ror"Worm 11111W'YA NRro1As II te'trlo,
tKllnert Oreat NNerve Restorer. No
Ms or nar,-o05aeA atter 'greet
use. .toed se ads Arch 'test, Phne•
delphtls Pa. for treatise and tree g0 trial botch
Formals by j. A. Harte, lire Notro tame attest
Montreal, Que.
books, "The library of Month Africa"
(tour books in one); and "Dwight L. Moody
The Man and FM Mission"; tho books are well
written and up-to-date, and are nota rehash of
old matter; the prima are tow, and We terata
extra liberal:agents can make money 11 they
take hold at once and soli our books. Prot•
poctne tree. 11 you menti business, other sr
rangemonts fortheoanrnaserA bonelt, R'!]llam
Briggs, Methodist }look Boom, Toronto.
sl e)iItwaybe uusedtChildrnTeethng, soothe.
' the child, softeoe the gum, egret wild collo
end is the booty -sandy for Dlarncosa. Twenty-
five cents a bottle.
It was over. 1 rallied Heatherton upon for could be rencdted. __ ___ _ _ _ _ _
to oaco or twice, but ltd 0008e s0. have cured casae beyond the sk111 of _
strangely I fancied that he was soma•,; the best physicians. A out of tile in -
what ashamed of It, so I never go- strument will be seen in another
column of this paper.
!erred to 1t again. 1 wondered what
made lam so moody and so unsoclal Alm! That it Should be Bo.
during the remainder of the term, but ' i
thought perhaps he also was study "Yours man," sternly remarked the
Ing bard to make up for lost time; but overworked copy reeler to the new '
later I understood. Commencement reporter, whose rbiet recommenda-'
passed, wo well took our degree, and tion le n collet, training, "1 notice'
lleatlterton Immediately lett New tbat you pertest in referring to mar-'
Haven, which arprlaed me, for ridges as having 'occurred.' Yon
he was a member of a number of so- should know that weddings are not
Ctetles, and I wondered that he did accidents."
not remain to participate In the 'Sometimes they are," softly replied
annual reunions, I had been at home the young 'journoliet,' whn ham Iron
about 6 month when one day, Math- Mee of hie own.
ow0 came to see me -WO both lived
in New York-:ooking nes If he weroLad:os 1 Takn M.11er'e ('entpono l
In deep trouble. Pills, 11 yon wonid 1111(7!"I", "' Langmald; he said, ' I have ft eironlenr complexlone,
confession to make toyou,'
"' Ail right; go ahead,' I said, lwterpretere are Ueeol.
wondering what I could be. There are so many langunotr:+
Sem etfratd i have got myself lne0g okra In the ee' mars of Austria -
a deuce of a scrape," Ate reinarkel do• angary that interpreters nre stn
ptoyed in the varieties Parliaments to
"' Ito you remember Mutt frolic at interpret the speeches§ of the dell•
Farmer Wnilingtord'a Inst Fehru• _gate" and make them Intelligible to
all the members,
• How so?" I Inquired.
"'Yes; I briefly responded, but
1luahlug over the remembrance.
"'I-1 suppose you never dreamed
that it WOO anything but a -a farce?'
be said, hitching unraatly In his chair,
"' No,' but a great shock went
through me at his words.
"'Well, it wasn't a farce -it was
dead earnest in every particular,'
"'What do you mean?' I cried,
aghast, i
• Just this,' Mathews replied;
bogttt at the beginning and tell you
n11 about it. Ileatherton had been
making love to blies Wallingford for
months -Just for the sake of a file,
eaten and to amuse himself while in
New Hnveen-but elan believed Adm to
Ise honorable and sincere, and gave
hint her wholo henrt in return, He
pproposed n runaway nmrringo to
• h"r,• lot' -and here is where your
Fee,." .,„r.,,,,, n i, r rt 1811 t;tit::tr w ith
Mathews," Mir, Lattgnlnl.I Interposed,
"'but site re(aeed, saying that she
mast lo married in her own home,
and Torero wit/lessee, or not at all.
('lo he Continued,)
Mullet's Worm Powders, are the
lest laxative medicine for eltldren;
as nice nes angle.
Mlnard's Liniment cures Dandruff.
1t Was Her Papa,
"What a study the face of that old -
Leh man across the room would make
for Max Nor4au," he said, addreatng
the girl to whom the hostess had Met
introduced him.
"Why ?" she aakel.
"Degeneration Is so plainly marked
upon all hie features. Jove! I should
hate to have a man with hie chnrnr-
terlsttce for my tether:"
"0h, I don't know," elle replied. "It
MI so bad. Come over here, papa, and
let me Introduce you to Mr. Snlvely."
Miller's Worm Powders Niro lever
o children.
Don't tt'et. Furniture.
\„vr put a nil ,!'t1, ,411 1.11 1
vnrnlehed furniture. Itub dry with n
clear, elotlt If oblige 1 10 wipe off any
kind of dirt. If an article needs oiling
use oil on one cloth an 1 rub dry with
another. It will take a bright pollee
Never leave ell Fel 11rtu'les, 40 It
eatehoe the duel.
Minard'r Llnereet cures Barns, eta
Instead of an engagement ring the Two more bodies have been recov'
Japaasse lover gives his sweetheart teed from the New York tenement
s flies of beautiful silk foe a nob, tire, and fix are still inlaying.
talks to you.
Can any one else give you what we give
.rhis is the test of our Granulated according
Are you sick ' Has medicine failed to care pm?
Oxygen will cute. Seed for our list of testimonies, yoe
may know some of the cured. No family can afford to be
without as oxydonor. It is nature's cuts, 00 medialn., so
elec,ricity, curet while you sleep,
6 King street West, Termite
1110 RIUULT1.