HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-22, Page 3111 / I 11 fes',' Jai"""-� Y•�wni Dletrlo$ No. 9 at Aniline. 0 11IN• will be formed of tour eeetldas-ot eo mea aaeL, Patrice officers 000liaad• Ing will apportion the number to be enrolled from their dlrtrlct among the d a Brilliant Part oorpe entitlot to famish men, MOO - Iflitief fly Ing to the strength of such corps. In It, 1'OINT8OF CONCENTRATION. Compute. 13, C and D will be eon• centrated at Ottawa not later than Thursday, the 16th inst., and A Com - HALIFAX GARRISON NOW, E. a' d7FbCommp1aanbeen Thursday, conceni aced revert am W elebmond at Quito City not later than Friday, Stare correspondent 1n the lath Inst.; 0 and 11 et Halifax Africa, cabling of the fight at by Ssturdof, the 17111 Inst. rg, •ay" that the Canadlaoe there the morning of Febru- , after a forced march of uring Saturday night from . The sixth division was In T d and a cavalry brigade was g the main body of General ray. The Cenada111 ad• the bauke, and jumped foto 83141, Anent Report CANADA LIFE "& •r ftI woek, "Pealed with. illy elapse before the numerous details of allotment of the pollereholdelde Bonuses are completed, GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS. In Ootober last an oxhau"ties and critical oxambiatlon of the Coln. pany'r Miele eOltdltlon woe made by 8 Oaf( of 'pedal examiners from the Michigan Insurance Department, The various eecurltlee were examined and the coneition of the Company or stated In its published report's was confirmed. The official report was made public by the Com. pang immediately upon 114 c0mple• tion. In addition W this' the Superle. tendant and the Actuary of the Canadian lneuraneo Department have made their tonal yearly Pena !nation of our securities and ac- eounta, TJfetl, too, the professloeal auditory nppuintorl by the eharedhohl• ere have mode n continuous audit of the books. OBG,INiZATION 01 DEPARTMENTS. Tito Company'. bolos' and Invest• mettte lowing now grown to web large propoi111one ns' w refiner advisable the creation of enb•depnrtn'ents for the more efficient transaction of Relived office business, the Directors during to pant year appointed �(r. F., W. Cox Assistant General llanager,wltli gen• oral, oversight of the insurance depart• mart of the company. Tit'n an tarot - meet department ho" beet, created, With Mr. H. 1. Walker a. Treasurer In charge. On taking over the securities, Mr. Walker made a detailed examina- t!on mad valuation of the Company's hive.tment', end It is a matter of eatiefeetlon that the amount which he recommended al neeeesary to pro. vide agaUrt poatble lose was, con.ld• ering the age and site of the Company, comparatively small. The actuarial department has also been fully eutab• Tithed, with Mr. F. Sanderson, 11. A., A. L F. 8 B., In charge. These, with the Secretary's, Superintendent's and Medical Reteres'e department' previ- ously establialled, now place the Com- paq In a position to meet the ever- Inere.atng demands of modern buslner oondttfpnai Synopsis of Mandel Statement. Premium femme (net) ILAN al latrrwt, Re to one #Ir,1V7 60 tee sense t leq��1e to SiLIBBURY'SRBPLI IS b tat In number* present, keen Interest amnlfested, harmony and• enthuolaum displayed, the annual mooting of the Canada Life Anutant* Co., which wee held on Wednesday Iart, was without exception the hurt "uocosetul In that Company'a Iestory of over halt a cen- tury. The President, Hon. 000. A, Cox, read the Directors' report, as fol. A WOMAN'S ADVICE lean: - In "ubmlttag, their fifty-third An- a Be11'orers From Rerrouenno 0101 Beport the Wantons of the Cele ada Life Assurance Company bate W and Readaohes, remelt re"ulta and events; of more than River, which was four vaunt Intermit and Importance, ✓ onje'e men Mid a strong Mn. Robins, of Port f dlborae,'fr11s THE REMOVALS est the north bank of the How She Found a Cure and Averts A, D and E emerge made - Following out the resolution" pawed hoe,U nod C sot. the Heiler Tait the carne Remedy mdeanoe firing rapports, and F, 0 and H noted WHI Cure Oilier eutTerers. at the tart annual meeting, the )lead ane rues. Office of the Company has been re- eae latter were not brought Into Mn. panted Robin,, of !'ort Cul• moved to the CIL o[ Toronto, the Wt until the atm -noon of Sum borne, Ont., bs 000 or those who be- y dde�rr The Cnnadlane fae+ed the Boer Neve that when n remedy for disease commercial centro of Ontario, whore f11i unflinchingly. They compelled the lone beeu found, It la the duty of the suitable quartos for the transaction of the Bethel officers tee persou benefited' to make It known, whoa eeeervation they were. In order that other sufferers may also of tea erer Increoaing beaner have ndrauuee were made In short f1nd the road to renewed health. Mrs. of thirty pacer and 11 w40 Robin, rage; "In the spring of 1807 been fitted up In the Company's large Relendld .tyle under Major my health gave way anti l became fire -proof building. Copt. Arnold, of Winnipeg, coatpletoly prostrated. Nervournts., setdoudv Injured (and pelplteton of the heart and severe SPECIAL LEGISLATION. dlorll, was gailantl,, Iteadaeheu were the chief eymptoan: Pursuant to the decision of a "pedal c01Opany when Ile fell, The nervous trouble was so revere aft A GALLANT CHARGE, to border almost upon ht. Vitae' general meeting held In March last, 'The entire Canadian regiment re' dance. The least exertion, such us the Directors applied for and teoured under fire all day, and ar going up stair. for example, would from the Dominion Parliament 40 am - e nal le. cave mo alma! Drantnlesr, and my was little cover, the ons t endment to the;Company, charter, by d cad wounded kept mounting heart would palpitate violently. My a B7 upward ret 6 o'clock the appetite was tory fickle and I was which the ropey-(holdere are outland MA refflment WAN reinforced,- moon reamed 10 flesh. The tonal to float .Ix of the Directors Spon the Coetwalls r eapp0et. bAln noder to cmovie harge mto em, adnd eventua ies were lyatbbecame NO weaut did not kp Board. The signal approval of,.,;Ir .ninny was given by the Colonel that I was unable to perform my Banking and Comms ammtnittes, the Ce rneralh. This command did ttounehold duties, and the headaches I as wall as of both Of Parlla- lM apply to the Canadlane, but suffered Irom at times made me feel meat, of the course pursued by the sow the Brltleh eel- rue though my head would buret. I Directors has been still further emphe- 'ward the example war was feeling very dIa enraged when a sited the result u the Nemo CenndlOw as gave n pure 1n a cue mach resembling nolo Med -;cry turn In the firing through the 1110 of lite. Williams' of the year recently closed. o right Jostled In the Pink PIM ammo to my notice, and I RESULTS.decided to glee them a trial. After Ij ming two boxes I found .o much re- The application for assurance der - BEATEN BACK, Company, from Que. In piece with the re• forward also upon tho oinking that the bad orders to this rge WM a magalfl d urea met by a murder• rifle fire from the Boer position, 11h11Mh troops were fall fast, al/lmately were forced o re• atter they had covered twohun• edit to the north of the Mod. Ver, , lids, with bb Maxim gun, t gallant' In getting noross the river, and a et•adlly to a position on of 111. Canadian re• step be took was le vy Boar fire. Prom • Maulm stun did 11 day. (Mr. Smith Us casualty list, published.) Its far Scuta Africa. Office authorities, la role y from Uon,•W. F. Borden, that they favor recruit. I Canadian Regiment, the service In South Africa, full sttre'oenug�th, The total loom regiment la killed, wounded, k end fairing are 109. Tine Mllitla rtment well therefore enlist a uelt 01 125 offlaers and mem. Three lWui•nante will have to bo chosen to fill the vacancies caused by no" -Ju, d Capt. Arnold and to take to pt:'ce; of Dapt. Ropes, who Is 111, though not drag ronel7, and Lieut. g�n,Awho bas Joined the ImpsLight Isry, Recruiting will be ordered to- wer, to be carried on under the vision of district officers cum• alaading. The unit will be mobilised la Ottawa, according` to present ar• raogsments, and tall embark on the Mcaterey, tvltlt Strathoo.a's Horse. The preference will be given to a pll• meta who hare served In the militia and who are unmarried. The term. of t#Wtmaat are to he In all other re - tit Wettest with those announced the Royal Canadian Special vice Battalion wee orgenlred. The Troop Ship. terey le Met the vessel for r Horse. Vivo hundred bosses are to be fixed ret The Monterey line been os' the sertloe for the part two and ldnce July, 1899, has ear - Its. Her gross tonnage IN 5, - her not rogls$ered toupee° her horse-power'nominal, Indicated, 84(1' nor len th, ia Ilei that I was greatly rejoiced to la 1199 were 4,170 for 18,662,124.88, know that I had found a medlelue g that would cure tee. I continued of whlob 401, for p096,298, were either wing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills until I dbolined or not carried out, leaving heti taken eight or nine boxes, when the actual Lou of the year 8,71' 1 moldered my ours complete. The ponds. for 17,867,028.88. Thls is the palpitation of the heart, nervouneas and headaches had dies peered; my largest ameunt of business ever transacted by tbs Company In ito bistory of over belt a asat%ry, and it to silo a matter of satbsfaotlon that the hones* is due oilmen; en- tirely to purely Oaaadlen bustard, Which exceed tbat of any other com- pany doing button la the Dominion. The total buolnsd In force now amcu t. to 160,439,688, under 87,100 policies, bring an Increase of almost 16,000,000 over that of a year ego. TIM is the largest increase aver mode ter the Company in any one year. The total permeate 10 polloy i0lduP dur- ing the year (details of which will 1rr (cued in the Financial Statement), were 11,867,860.86. vibloh is 161,980.40 greater than for the prologs year. A, careful revaluation of the propeetlea owned b5 or mortgaged to the Cane psay ate been medle, not only by our owe valuator., Gut also be l.ndapeo- dlent valuators, and after making all reasonable provision against leer, tee asset. now "tend of 121,801,002.06, be- ing an ioore's° of 11,828,244.78 over The amoutt as repotted a year ago. 'Q,IUINQUENNIAL INVESTIGATION. appetite was again good, and I 11a gained 1n weight nicely. I regard myself as completely restored, sed I would urge other women suffering ae I did to glee Dr. Williams' Plot Pills a trial, aai`I am intro they will have equally good semen to sound their There are thousands of women throughout the country who suffer as Mn. Robin dld, who al's pale, sub - Just to headaches, heart palpltatlon and 'Medusa, who drag along fre- quently feeling that lits le a burden. 110 all such we would say give Dr. Williams' Pink P111e a fair trial. Then pill. make r,ch, rod blood, otrengtben the nerves, bring the glow of health to pale anti sallow cheeks, and make the feeble and deepoadent feel that life U oda more worth liv- ing. The genuine are sold only In bozo, the wrapper bearing the full name "Dr. Williams' fink Pills for Pal. People." Ida be had from nil dealer. or by mall at 50o a box or "Ix boxes for $2.50, by addreraing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Broekvlllr, Ont. Out of the Green Bag. Twu lawyer. wlto were good friends got 011 opposite lidos of a Dere and It wee necessary for one of them to go on the witness stand. The other thought he would have tome tun with hla friend. "Now, "Ir, are you a lawyer?" "I was admitted to the bar in-" "That le stat. the question, Or, I ark you, are you a lawyer 7" "I am a member of the county bar." "That le not an answer to the queatIon. Po you confiderepeead- vice la worth $5?" "I dol' "Wiest advice d11 you erer give that you wondered was worth that rum 7'' naked the other, triumphant- ly. When I told you that uniese you "topped talking you would prove ',unreel( a fool." A Thanreav111e lady aaye t "I wee In very poor health and very nervous. suffered much from dirties' In my stomach, and Molting sensation 10 MY throat. Doctors tailed to inhere mo. Wiper's Compound bon , Pills tiler 446' her breadth "' entail me'' of hold, 27 lel, ud her tetnl or wnter ballast 2,0611 tons. Victoria's Meld.. ei will find platen end er amusement, and A. L. To attend to Her Majesty's wad• A of the firm of Merry. robe" and toilette there aro (Ive er & Co., 1. ptbeeoting to maldr, via, three dreamers and two pound of tobaouo le wardrobe women., senior droner, I1 pouni�tfna, marked "Lord Strath.. Nage Tld•B(ts, who Inas been many Horse; core -half to be given a, year's with Her Majesty, Is eepeelllly embbnrk and the other al they charged with the teak of conveying orders to different tradee•peoplo- ted that the Monterey will jewellers, drapery, dressmakers, etc.; Ilex for the Cape In three one drawer and one wardrobe we, ke. The voyage will oo• man are In constant attendance on ut twenty -me days. the Queen, ' taking alternate days. When the court le at Windsor the For Haiifax Harrison. member. of the homebred 1n attend. qualifications for enrolment are; twee are one lady ln•waltlnngg, two between 18 and 45 years; chest matched -honor, a lord•lo•walting end eurement,_minlmum of 84 Moho; two equerries, one groom-In-walting, 110, melted, b feet 5 Inches. Un• atm the keeper of the privy purse, the men •otliy' will be accepted. Private secretary, nnlstaite In troth Its must at the time of ap- department', and the muter of the eleoll.d In a corps of the liousebold, a Within the limits al- nd 12ave performed A Londoner aaye 1 " Wu sutfecIng a annual teething. To Par from blood poisoning. Wu room. examination required for mended to try Miller's Compound Ir. In -the permanent corps on Pills, I did sib and they eared d% Men sot enrolled 10 the ac• tela. but who bare pts,louely to It and have performed a0• Opportunity Not to be Mused. sal once. Sts ellslfJl•, pro. tai the? ret enroll Ina corp of Bo had called on her several tbmee, ve militia within the limits and finally mustered ap moorage and and are carried OR the aalerance W be somewhat more affee. each corps. Oflboeree tion- Comte than the circumstances war• officers and men while ranted, perhaps. a battalion will be eon. " Yon must not do Hutt," she said, d returned as' "06 0006' somewhat nervously their respective corp.. 01fi• " Do what?" was the Innocent query ed my waist," td>eanµalto Dlir noeyrolh „ Iv brnttbsr7 might Ome hi eaddenly hklbo ha active militia; w and ea yew, draw, la the muse d ctrl' " Woll, what of tt 7 Be couldn't kill e date 00001 whlob they. mel" ty and la the cad of " No, I ruppote not ; but he would Mei onion and men try W borrow roma money from you, of •nlletm ut and I have Iost two chances Meade OF ORGANIZATION. by 111e doing that•" -Pearson'. Weeklie will be organised at the A. -Right halt (rem 180 11 at Victoria, from Military Alatriet J:,-11II1tar7 D1e edam C.-Ihiltary Permanently and reinleasly Cured to. D, -Right in a Few Days. teNoe 6 hall from .-MI1ltary Dive F Right Putnam's Painless Corn nail Wart CORNS. No. 6, at Eztrex Iffrom Mt111• warts and bunion, without pain In a •$ Qaiibeo G,... few day.. It bar born eke stand. solitary Attract ad for tblrtr )earn Beware of aced II.; sae inotkag flesh .1011 ' dangerous alntitatel I et [tart, and WAS sr PSIPS*n'I; Son hiving pelletal the mules • A valuation of the Company's pollees Ilnbllltles bas been made by the Aa teary upon the Aotuarlee' Table of Mortality and Interest at 4 per cent., tele being the bade of value• tion requlred by some of the Staten In which the Company doe" boelnees. Thin valuation, which amounts' to $18,904,890.00, hoe been confirmed by certificate' of the Cemminloner of Ineurence for Michigan. After pro• vlding for there and all other llablll- 11es, them le a surplus of $1,008,712.- 85, but last year It was decided, on the recommendation of the President, to set aside a epeeist reserve of $225.- 000 towards a 81•'2 per cent. "tend. ard. 8ltltt• then the Dominion Govern.. meat, recognising the permanent fall In Interest rates, lute wisely amended the Ineura0ce Act, so that all cow Pantos must mooed to mak e''i provleb feu *C their policy iia- blllties a 81.8 per pent. beds. Until Shp transition le effected It wily, be necessary for the companies to ap- ply a oemelderable percentage of theer anepia" on old policies In this way.. The Bleeders have, therefore, re- commended that an additional sum of $275,000 be let aside for Ole pus• poen making In ell a "pedal reserve of 1500,000 In axon" of the Actuate lee' 4 per cent. bola. Deducting this. amount' from the above•mentoned Inept= then remains a surplus over all liabilities of $L468,712.85, Of amount 10 U proposed io credit, to pollee bolder. $1.881,182.05 as . nrplue to them, and to shareholders 187,680.80, out of which dividends' Math) 78 Payments toPohoyholden 41,e17,160 es' AUether pnymonta 1372.ON29 61,04017 11 Anuli moan to teal. L mdse AYu Other Arts Total Assets 14 Use ANMran o Reserve Faaa- Aeottu�arlee i rs'Mot.. ,.... 111,128,810 ea Ipeolsl Ramer awards $I t1" p*0 n e Allo !Y 4bUlttn........,.,, a fo 111,1e4A/8 0800 surplus over all UMW(*9.28 ,tin n ties. . .... . ..... utensil $217181,019 O6 Pattie' Parrots. Patti lute two wonderful 1 one of whisk talks all day 1' Imltatw Ito mletreas' tries a', sine• oats in an amashtg fashion, and who (believe me, for 3 have beard him), can even compose the moot elaborate melodies. Tbe other parrot-Jomboby name -la an oddlt,y. Patti bought him for £200 1n New York, whore M wee reputed to bo dee 1LMeot talking par- rot alive. Ono In her possession ho became dumb. In vain they tried to coax him to caltvee's. Konya went by, until one niornird the prima don. as awoke witha bad rca Mad for the doctor.' • the h F for 1 have to slog teenlghte' tdoctor duly arrived. As he entered the mom ti1w ai� uttered him flirt and last "Oh. doctor," fhb rrtrong Yankee eeeetaM And dnce that day, now yam; ago, he Jute not u' worst. -M. A. P. 'rote, and genets Tour Honore' teleran laving that they ora not prepense to the Siouth Mremu ltepublie or the COOrange Free State." . Loudon Press Optalou, London, Mere 11. -"As' a dueler TO RRUOER & anon W the Independents either of tion of the Beetle po.loy," says the Have Forfeited Independence Standard, a Ministerial organ, "Lout 1 Salisbury'. reply to tine Praeldente reflects with absolute fidelity the general opinion of Cheat Hratala ant the Empire." This or Re equivalent is tbo verdict of the whole London press, and theca U, besides, consider- able Oda/nation at weat la regard- I ed as the wilful miarepresentatlon of the farts of the war by !'resident, Kruger and Steyr,. 'Jen ,eianderd of Their States. THS APPEAL in AMR South African Republlo and Orange 0.4t' hard to treat wills any err- ' !roe State to Disappear, 10110116114 1ass an areal waiah ignores the BONG PLIIK TILI TO IBO@6B. The Presidents Thought Recent British !Mycoses Should Lead to Peace, But Salisbury Say. 'they Have Done Too Much Harm to be Let OR go Easily London, March 18.-.1 Parliament- ary paper euntatnlug to telegrams ✓ ant to the Brltblh Uovernment be tine President" of the South African Republic and the Orange free State, and Ureat Detente's reply thereto, was lowed this afte,reoon. It fleet g lue" the telegram "sent by the Pre• .IdonW to Uie )inulols of snll.bury, as renews: Bloemfontein, March 5. -Tile blood and the teen of themesds who have suffered by Ohl. war, and the pros- pect of the moral end economic ruin wherewith Routh Africa le now threatened, make It necessary for both belligerents to ask themselves dl"paselonately and rev In the eight of the Triune God for what are they fighting, and whether the x110 of each juetelee all this appalling misery and devnstatlon. With this object, and In view of the assertion. of various British statesmen to the e:teot that this war way begun and Is being carried ou with the .et purpose of undermining Her Maj• torte'. authority In South Africa, and of Netting up en adminlrtratlon over all of South Africa independent of Her Majesty's Government, we o oulder It our duty to solemnly de. Blare that this war was undertaken solely as a defensive measure to maintain the threatened Independ• for the next five years may be paid. Tho Director", keeping 1n view the unusually large amount" of profits Me triboted tie Wive -hoiden in the peat,. and the fact that Interest rater have ' so (alien veto make It Imperative that the Canada LUe should be. placed up- on p on a0 actuarial valuation bash, rola. Mealy comparable wltb that of lead- ing companies In the United Stater, Australia and Great Britain, have unanimously recommended that at quinquennial division the permanent interest, of the policyholder, would be conserved by declaring a Bonne Ad- dition of 5.4 of ono per pont. per an. nom, and a slightly lee amount upon lite policies whloh have boon paid op for portal of ten yeare. Thi, dodo - loo has been arrived at only after the met careful Investigation Into, and dellberatkm neon, the many phases of Ile. extremely impurtaut matter. 1t M believed that within the presets, qulogaepfha1 period this (hellion will be heartily approved by any who may not at present reoosntse Its impot- ence. Indeed, the opinions of two diStlaguhbed actuaries, who were Indspssde•tly consulted, would hero supported an immediate adoption of the new Gorernmeet gnats d 8!G per Deet, goy all beelines, palpable real tics tf the intention. As neither of the Preeidente is op- posed to be deficient In lotelligence, the only explanation possible Is that they ore leer coaoer0ed to persuade_ the British Government than to sup- - ply some sort of specious material for the propaganda conducted In their he-. half In neutral Metes. But the ap- ical, mu far as It le meant for diplo- matic neo 'thread, is a sheer wane of labor. No responsible ■leleemnn ran pretend that (here is in the Pre- sidents' telegram (he atightest Weis for negotiation, or that it could MI re- garded as n preliminary to overture* of peace, But, apart nitogelher from the merit of the L'ritieh position, it ie perfectly understood that the affair 1/ entlrefy between the Brleah and their Merl adversaries. For in- tervention or medietlon by any out- side State there Is nn room. Great Britain declines, and obeli malatela her refusal, to rerognuee the title of any neutral pewee to exordia in- fluence regarding the future settle- ment of lbs South African dispute. Knowing the British vl•owa, rTploma- llsla In both hemispheres *111 reaper" !'hem." THE 1I001NIN0 !'OST. The Morning I'ott declares that the President.' proemial. were manufac- tured for conenmptlou nbrond, and says that as such they deserve every commendation. They ha1.0 pllt the epee In such a manner that, to all not conversant with 111rtory, they would appear all righteous' auppllcaotI rather tnan a• unprincipled oggreseoru. After Lord Salisbury's, outupoken reply, It could hardly by ren tiered leer than en Insult for any power to offer to Inter- vene In behalf of a 0tttlon which Inas endeavored to raise thesympathy of Europe by the euppreuon of the truth and the publication of the hr..' THE DAILY CHRONICLJ' once of the Routh Afrlcan Repub. The Daily Chronicle, a lndlral ra- bic, and 1' only continued 1n order to gen, rays that the I tesid'at0' worst sure and maintain 111. locoanemes tout 1 s Ii VC d bleecIndepeadanee o1 both Republlcenttl• etm fulliextennot of their demand'antlolpateof all "sovereign International States, the audnclt i of Lbe laaguaga In which awl to obtain de asearauee that they ora framed. add' : those of Her Maestro subjects oho Even Mr. Courtftney, we imagine, have taken part with tie in this war moat be staggered by Lord 8allrbury'e "hall suffer no berm whatever lit answer, which could not hate been pence or property. O,1 there condi. better In matter or manner. Wlhea acro, but on thee; conditions alone, President MicKinley rude the corm - are we now, am In the past, desirous' spoode000 between our Government of /eealg peace re•e5tuuhlenea In (butt) sad the Republics, be will feel thank - Africa; while, If Her MuJesty'e Oor tul that he did not rompromlee himself ern one 14 dstermined to destroy the with a cameo that is now resolved independence of the republics, there Is Into the aryotl�ant olxutlaa0y of Prete- nothing left to us' and to our people doe Kruger, but to persevere to the end In the THE DULY NE1T3. course begun, In spite of the- . The THE New., Liberal, says overwhelming pre•emineuee of the "The war 1,10). have eom'loced Pre. British Empire, we are confident that "Idiot Kruger that the British are not that God who l.gllted file uneztin• cowards alter all, but, apparently, If guidable fire of loco of freedom In I;H propane, aro serlour, le bee left the heart' of ourielvee and of our him with the Impression that we are fathom wax not forsake us', and will him Inability to realise the plain acoomplieh His work In 118 and In our fact' of the eltuatlon Is coorptcuous descendants. We bee.tated to make in the wording of the whole argument this! declaration earlier to Your Excel- In the despatch. It war Preetdout 1107, as we feared that as long HA Kruger'n rejection of the Britlah pro. WI sil advantage wee always on our o, remelt, of rept. 8th that catered ' the and no long as our forme held defeo• blood and the tore of thou/endu,' l'u• sive positions far within Her Majesty's happily them le little sign hr the des. colonies, surll a declaration might hurt patch of any real Beare for peace. the feelings and !tenor of the British If It le a bid for foreign Intervention people. But now that the preet!ge of we rto not believe for a moment that the Brltlall Empire may be considered It will be eueoerful." THE DAILY TF.LEC,It.tl'lf. to be amused by the capture of one of our forcer by Her StnJeaty'a troupa, Telegraph ca7s: The DCII and that we have ;hereby been forced 1' .to evacuate other pennons which our "Such a preventative" despatch takes forces had occupied, that difficulty to one" breath away; yeLor,I Felic- ia we can no longer hesitate bury, with that lunette� {e nee and to clearly y forbearaote which aeonrhea oar and people, In the sight of tho whole attitude toward; the Beputte , hue civilised world, why we ere fighting, felt ewhstrnlmed to sante at re on what conditlnia we. are ready Ply it le n hrterh reply, tib doubt, restore peace," M.. ,. ,...,.,._:_ ._..,._..._ theiu Insolent dementia of -the two 10011 ___ Salisbury to Kruger and steep, who led the Republics to their destrur. ath tion. No rime Mittloter could make frf�Ilee t(argitle of P•alisbnry to the ' Prpad111tR, 01 100 SoMate: African R0• lily otng er I ida leasitfon." answer 0I tt et muse pabIo and Orange Free ab: Foreign Office, Marelelt "1 have the hpnor to aotnoteN In' a Your Manors' triegram, dated 6, from Blue over, mtorm our Got-ernment as an lndepeadee Insulted turkey a_„__ iter to 1'bom i go Olbson towar. Bowles, Conger. that thn n. tees 1:09411111 Presidents KrugIaer alnd J3teyn wee even more Insulting thea the one which began the war, Sir Henry Campbell -Bannerman, the Liberal leader, aoked Orr. A. J. Balfour, the Government loader, ehe• they, In view of the uomeroue recent dlrtorbence. connected with peaee• able meetings' called to douse South Afrloan affairs, or dlnoted agQalast the persons or properly of Individuals because of their war opinions, the (1overameat wend moues art enquiry •,e to how fur, and by whomlbs dle- turbenees were organised, and ea to whet steps would ba token to ,rent such ooeurrenoee in the 4� We Balfour retied that he d consult with the ii onto Secretary, Sir Matthew White Ridley, ,nd anewor el Thursday. TUB FLETCHER CASE, A Petrol'Lady Vanquishes a Stubborn and Persistent Enemy, She Was for Months a Martyr to In•am Monastery Hheumstlsm-Dodd'e • Kidney Pills Curd Her. Petrolra, March 12. -No Indy reel - dent l0 thin town 1r more w•Idely rtoe known, and more highly umed for at her my gool qunllt1ei, tutu leo MeeA. Fteteher, of 1110 Fletcher Hours. Throaglout 1.1111nlJaeent country district elan rite has a very wino ac, qualntance. All who know this (estimable lady, know that for mintier past she hoe Men n. ceaselese sufferer from 11(1ane n,atory RbeumulWm, 3''i, Norm, did the diueare become that Iter iltut(geer joint" and fingers were w tarrtbJl swollen teat NW could nut bend them, She was unable to got dw'ne etors wlthout anletance, and every Ink.pendingng change of weather brought her the most indescribable agony. 'Many remedies ware used In efforts to effect a euro. Different t0edl1111 men were called In to attend her, but 1111 failed dismally. At length etre. Fletcher, hating read of LoddJ's Idney J'1111, d,cided wgl,0 them n ('fol -no +, (mut effort. She aid .'u and the mile. possible mutt f•dhowm 1. Tir• first dose soothed bee eve,' pain, Eery sutxe,edlag deuced more and more good, and five box* mune left her a and healthy woman. Not a vestige of Iter old disease memains. Rheumatlrm lou no terrors, when Dodd'. Kidney 9111. are used. Dodd's Kidney P1111 cure Rheumatism (aid ■) Ju nil other Kidney Dbeeneeet 41000• thinly, roily, quickly aced naturally nus n drink of water cute, thtret, (11,:8 F1$HKRIR1, One of Canada'. Sources of Natural Wealth. .tacoordlag is the annual reppoort 011 Mfr fisheries submitted to parilamsat by 811' Loula Dnvlau this afternoon, 110,000 men were engaged daring the eeu1on of 1898 in the Canadian fief, lug Industry, using boats, nets awl other fishing Impiements, aggregate leg a value of $0.S60,000. About 1,• I;,U 'choppers, meanie by 8,837 sale carr, besides the 72,1177 fishermen, u", Ing 88,675 batti and e,e28,000 Fath• oms of nets, found employment In this vast Industry. The melee plant alone 5 valued at eiLee 3,1:0. ThIf ntnount comprise; 811 ,• notate el;lt, " their 1,083,540 trnic, ,civlug om- Moment to 16,5.18 per, i1,. The quan- tity of Belt need amh,nt Ir reckoned at 4345,388; that of !eh oil at $199,• 787, and the produh.p c. ' f8the ft wir hldl ekrealised 85,s: Iasi, year had usurp •d the (let Place hold by the coil, h b this year been uurpeued by for lobster, the rola• the values bele;: Lobster'', $8,887,• step; salmon, a 1,159,306, Another marked fluctilete,0 Ir the ehortageof 8900,000 In tri' valve of cod aeoom• pared with (1,, take of 1897. Dur. Ins the year de ler+ than 222,000,000 fry were het,h0d and dietrlbuted In t'anadlnu n•atere. The fisherlre of elanitoba and the Northwest',Terri- tories have risen In value from 48(1,- 7,00 Ir. 1576 to 4745,500 in 1800. t,uuA 'timely Notice. THE TIMES. br. .lrnold'1 English Tool, PIN will eco' :� ivrl,Y cure, permanop!tly and thoroughly, the An at,sertlon made M' ill teem'. '''','s wont rete of rhoumallem, norvonsnor, reveal Her Mata red A dose of Miller'" Worm 1' (occasionally will keep the GM healthy. Respectfully Declined. Telegram Comlwoy' that ill' w'neitlh,g' 3„illppbrol'thlr uy0,dy!cen boxao cUlarla.1 nttola, ut whltoh b •+ eon Government brei offnr,•,I to Ted'• 'Nall' ,, all lltl'n or metteld on reeeiptof pries ' • • • 6n ¢old Uhomiral tee, Limited, t'na� JedA Opvorament shall tee.. whirr recognized u, IA Mg hu,u ut.tt,, 'r_ _-_ 'leyontp,U8ladrpl"ytlegsr% and the willinguevt of the rate] New Shoes and MIIPDers• out African Rape 0 and States 10 act na tin Iutermallnre en, an sote*Olgn interna• commnnhtat'oit0 batt'e'n the hellioer The new shoes show great changer. ee,' and to offer on those cute t nnderetool. Evan vcalking beets now oro made bring the war to a con- The. Timm, commenting 11100 th.�- with haste high In comparleon with attitude of the United 'Asti*, 0031 those of het year. The "quare ton n the beginning of October Inst that America has perceived clearly the is rnp!dly dlsnppenring, and the med- extorted between Her Mikity British nttlttde, Ile rloelared by I,urd :um toe, known no llbe "Opera,' i. fast Salisbury's Gall:hrill &pewit, which ;eking it,e pines. The pointed too la should suffice to prevent all friendly gradually coming back tato fashion powere from clumluhg a right, which, again. Shoes urn na longer made on according to international kw, they flat leave. The arched last 3, used do not poetess. The eetV,rca of the entirely. The novelty of the moment United States have, of .'nurse, been 'e known an the new Cuban heel, it ie declined, but. It neral ItardIv br «aid, lest, dangerous to walk in uhaa the In the sante cordial and friendly •lrit high Louis XV, heel, and Yet ghee In which they were offered. .he much dealred heSght. it 1. a hNl The Time interpret 3 tbs. Fred lents' whirl, ela!ano torba eeneible, sad )et depmtch as Inteadel is Iny th', fount• is from one and a he'd to 0wo inches det!o0 for applications for Intorvelle high. Instead of be!ng made of wood, tone. It deserlte's the moulage as n like the usual Louis XV. beet, It Is curious mixture of unctuou+neie, (In- 13ui;t entirely of leather. Idem and Impudence. It boys that The newest walking boots for every 4, Lord 8albbury'e reply w•,ie the only day wear ore made welt this Cuban erxhoslvabk pt's. bee:. The too has n decided tendency THE MORNING LEADEIR• toward the pointed, and the sole le pally to demand dist ate is printed here, but It It every• n la 7 ;'2, I.1(0IlufIdit ,Torrent". A few repllel to the Invitations to and the two Republics under convent• be present at the Paris Exhibition are done which then were in exlrtenco. appended: From the Tsar: "Iregret* A discussion had been proceeding for off my abeenoweltoh from your show. /MOO months, between Her Majesty's off, but am oomppselIledoff to decline Government and the South African MInvttationakl you w kindly sent Republic, of which the object waft use my new .pringeteel menet( has to obtain redrew for certain very not Como from the tallorvitoh," From maims grievances under which tho the King of Italy : "Shall nota be British resident; l0 South Africa worn able to be presents. Verra "ores, but buffering. In the course of theme Lona Toma In South Africa has un. negotiation" the South African Ole• mottled my nerves." From the Em• public had, to the knowledge of Her peror of Germany: "Mein mind. Ma ty'e Government, made convict mutter von bad Insult received 1151 arable armament., and the latter laid and I May der helm at, to tlnk it oon.equently taken eters. to provide over, don It. "-Plok•Me-Up. oorrerpoodfn`` relnforoeureute of the British garrisons at Cape Town and Miller'. Grip Powders cure. , In Natale "No Inirlogemept of the rights guar Even. toasted by the conventions had rep to that standpoint. that filled the car had made thins, the South African Republic, utter le - 1 F capt!nn of "W'„nttci, I,ractloal lanll exceedingly uncomfortable for the suing an insulting ultimatum, declared tier," It say"' p e• I They had mimicked the tones of I111 prangs Free State, with whom there elude. the pea lb I y he he'ght of faahbn• One der[ does not commit Great 1 nipper ovi this Tho Morning Leader alone dlacuseco °f medium thcekner. the oorretnlondence from other than a The new suppers are frivolous and The cro wd of football eoebusin"t. tilde tlnddenlyenEltwooday" notice purely Brltleh tandpoint Under the gPan�leRin hoandrgl'.tter wtgth jowUed f tuck,ee, and ore much Ostenn.•d, with Majesty, Lod Sn ishurt s r.p y wJlolly i r ere los ather slipper. with sa brakeman. 1 war u Her Ma. t and the r I It of en envie Opera la and a Louie XV. heel nip o n- pperaace, It eo.c al> in vogue is a s' pre VI 1 d ( J Britain to annexuton• The only at ! I f of ahlnm� pstoot- ma o wo colonies WWI Over- thma of eternal friendship. I two Republica Siege woo IoW W three need deny the Anew are the right t I and that is a dafaty affair er bright ha thrurt hia head inside the door and But ea the train drew IoW Joliet towns within the Brltlsh frontlet, a voles, tripped him up M be paned had not even been any dbrcnnlon, took pe t along thea e, andslapped him era - a similar 1049. Her majesty, domin•d dear too all: cleanly on the back, with protests', I tons were lira Siatelw invaded by the ; t lbneed de of a Boers are that i se run- two w1Y11 great UaVYrYVYIVY of leather teeth the exception o the heel, to arm and conduct foreign attain." , cred kid, generally matching the The paper condemn/ the tone of I shade of the gown with which 11 e bawled out, at the top of hie Yoe*: both dee etches an the utterances of vvoru. Black patent -leather 51'10 o -e tonccrned W rindl• keels pep- I (• men m -Chicago ibtrte claimed to treat the InhabftanG of ore bright rod leather -covered roto lbemecelcw then � a r are as ,upec!al favorite. They are bT+ -g • Lads* and gentlemen who tato Mil• fi Ped ed with alit. cuthen 110800 { s Pllle luso a them. Ins nt U theca dos had Attitude of European Govrrnmruts, web In with rod thThen the patent :rather at! pore 111 provw you; In appearance andim• them. In antlolpafrle of these opera- euro tnweteuPreteldentte Krugernnd inning been, and bnck.ee of run time, the Mouth Atrkan Republic' had �tov n and Lord 8nl:atwry hoe not yet SPL 11,1 studded with rbineitgae>4 a Just Coincidence., beethaceuwulating for many year" I Stet' coed ori upon by the Conti• utll others with silver1� bMhe a#li past military "tore. 00 an e0ormoue I am'e peen, but the gueetlo:1 of reed• ver buck:ee to match. Patentees I To the melee after colncldesce It "ogle, which, by thebr uharaeter, could lotion le dluuseel 111 n11 tit "fr.' sr:Pirere made, mate a coupes V interesting to observes write.;nor• only have been l°tended for are high move and 9 heel cot respondent of the W'ertminater Ga. against Great Britain. tnla. o r r •ca. cavy 0etvert ld�a U to have then In South Atrlca follow on glebe bet• floes of a native character upon the object wltli which t � ,m'urn• Lu "lillnole penitentlary I All set 1" party and life, and the RepublIce angr, I. t rhe at n wire settlement. extensive Itortlone of Her Majesty's fees Compound Iron always been annexed W one or the other of re nod• sane that the three besieged Pewee "Your Honore make some observe. t1 Parliament. tng:y big h ore muck In fever. talon, Marsh 1:1, -The trhgrame `;OPcre ornamented with a it ht- kally. 1s' hes I 1 ;dents Kruger and Ntryu roared velvet bow caught wlt� u j SIMBERLEI', 1 tona neo! Wmade. 1 Mecum the not tllunayok u Ironso lus Presidents of HnlleMln' were' ete:ye 1100 8 a=tF•ew Uckre, Tker atIt 11 , LADYSMITH, have raised. But qhs nreult ret !hero read In both 1-iouans of i'nrllumeut lu 1 i,made of a enter n etty with !fie 11AFEICENG, ' peepnretlnem, carried 051 with greet day, and the concludlnc p'n•nnrnph of nntone butte made in the form I(te the relief of th" •iiet• Iwo Ie' bee:t 'secrecy, has been that the brItelt the British l'emu'r' of yt(e110 wroath. M'hen lbs l�ei:acted In proper order, may we not Empire hne been comeclied to con. Her Mnjtrtye t;overnn".nL all, rent Iexpect to hear of the tided shortly 7) front an Invasion which I1 It, entailed 1arepnreri to nearllt to the hulepenhl the renin hh arueh n wa, It is typaeptot re- Aleo, that threw o[ our most famous upon 1110 limplre a curtly nmr and some either of tb^ truth Afrlunn Pe /lege., in which a wetesatul relief has aM tat of thousand! ut prcolou'' liter. Public or the prongs Free +Lute, isneste lined with kid thelwain color occurred commence with L., cls., Lon I Tina oat calamity Imo been the pun• eltettod prolonged chem. dcnnrel as t'bo velvet bew.-Her r a _ _ _ ... _.._ S-___. Britain ,._.. suffered r,,.. .Mr. Henry La between, ., pe ' Bu."r,, having of recent .%oars acquiesced to Liberal, proteeted ardent Lord Ste n WAN lie said, not wily a Hiller Commend iron Pills, etas the existence of the tee) Repo es. n 25 cents for IM doses. view of the 1/113 %., WWII the tWo The resting place of Daniel r•cioe IN la the heart of doe of Lenclon'e heed* • HePublice have put the position crime, but n blunder. 1 ae teems of Torten, shoat it quarter of a Mk 1 Wake but few' explanations. ' TM whim' Wee 1114 I Om, and tile cal- peso eveich were propnsed wen all Irlaal the Bank el linglau I. °hermetic that cannot defied *OH I. athithe their op evoked attack bee Iniquity and a disgrace to Great Uri,- A man cannot leave a letter Dot worth vindleating. F W Hole Bladed on fl,r May lay's dominlosa, tele. Turley, he declared, la t W libe world 'than a welbe