HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-22, Page 1t UST WILY
A PAPER In --ere
Tne Stall1rtl.
padian Mounted Rifles and
Artillery at Carnarvon.
Boers Commandeering Everybody
They Can Get a Hold Of.
tit, Whib Orin !folie ----ole is a Very Sick flan ---Canadians as Athletes
-Oatatie's Division Resting at Sprlagtonteta•-Butter's Big Army
taping RMdy far Attack -Dr. Leyds Oolsg to Paris -Around Lady.
ts1Mh---51thr York Botch Aristocrats to Try to Free Crone -British
Tielpe et Bee Bound for South Africa.
Theft Naha is east of Bloemfontein, haslBeen of ore rift 6 (oomf thein14r. d
da toll balder of Ment013nd. Warren- yard Kipling contributed to the tnaug•
tea W aborts tovty miles north of Klin* ural edition yesterday the following
boley. M this point the railway to kart:
Masking retires We Vaal River, 0 Terence, dear, and did you bear
Whitt foram the southern boundary of The news that's going round P
OW Transvaal. The Shamrock's Erin's badge by law,
Where e'er her sons are found.
Thousands Surrender. From Bloemfontein to Balybank,
Leaden, March 19. - Despatches 'Thr ordered by the Queen,
(tom Cape Town and Bloemfontein in- We're won our right in open tight-
dieste that the Free State Bore are The wears 4S 01 the green.
Nlnreastngly ready to cease the con- lamean »t Durban.
test, Orgaaiaed military reeletanee in
till southern halt of the Republic le London, March 19, -Br. Jameson,
almost ended. The Bethune and Nor- who hes not yet entirely recovered
mil/ Pont commandoes have partly from the etieot of typhoid fever, which
urrendered. The remainder. reported he contracted during the 'lege of
*i dber 2,000, have trekked to Ile- Lady -entitle arrived at !turban yester-
tsdoup, swrth of Tbaba n'Chu, to day, ea rode to Cape Town. He le
which place Gen. Roberta mentions aecompanled by Fir John Willoughby,
that he has sent a force, � who went with him on the raid Into
The oorngtondent says that 2,500 the Trammed.
rUlss were surrendered on the day he ..
sent the despatch. Gatacre Holds 8prtngtontetu.
Five hundred in<reihers have eurren- $etltulte, March l8.-fenern! Gat
dared at Blthmwhenn, all of them oak- acre's 00 have 000ueled SW/MP
Mg as oath when tbey surrendered the red tvntatn, The tenantry is clear of the
UM to tone up sew against, the Bri- etx'ray The mein column le follow
thdn during 'the present war, nor to t tin stouts.
tarnish uuiItatsoe or hdormetion to ng Ivy member member of the $gMubUean forees.,Night at Feuetres Btreama.
y also swore to remain quietly at
hems until the war le over. Kimberley, Morel 18, 4.45 one -A
They are aware that If they break mounted corps under command of
thie oath la any reopen, they will be Maj, Drummond, of the Scots Guards,
liable Sault penalty u the eue'om of made a reooanainanoe in the vicinity
Ibre l ed r'onrteen Stream* Friday. Pau
TIN rolling etx•k captured by the terprased u Hoer force, w''no ran for
gtitksh at B nemloatela oon*ets of 25 their arms ander the British Moo River will not be reedy anti) about not yet been namounced and Marchh 17th food • The 10th continues to be We infest date
I !
The SToJarI.
loyalty ripostes' In the Canadian eom-
mote, says Englishmen will never for-
get la dealing with South Africa that,
in ono battle, the companv which doe.
tlggulehed itself war ro thoroughly
French-Canadian that one of Its mem-
bere could not speak or understand the
other language. They were ready to
die the pante way for the flag that
our work In South Africa may, be as-
The eaturday Review says: "The
Imperial Senate may be nearer real -
Nation than the molt optlmlrtt. weld
dare suggest."
Kimberley Column.
Cape Town, ,March18-The mount.
ed force from Kimberley prooarding to
the relief of Woking, Ins arrived at
Warrenton (46 mules from Kiteber-
ey). As the force neared Wlndearton,
the Boers evacuated the town, Wow•
Ing up tho bridge.
It is reported that the rebee, who
refuted to accompany the Transvaal•
err whets the latter vacated Taunge
and Vryburg are preparing to trek
into Damaraland on the ap9oacil of
the British, but that the Hotten-
tot chiefs ere getting ready to bar
their escape.
Still Pegging Away.
Lorenso Marque, March 18.-A de.
epateb from Maatfeking, dated Outer.
day, Mamh lOth, says:
The garrleon is bolding its own,
We have heard numerous remote that
theNiege will be raised, but No far
that is not the case. We are pegging
away patiently on quarte rations,
supplemented by the ocoeslonal cap-
ture of cattle. Our homemade gun
erratically bombardar tato hoer
"Horrible Marie' are current that
the Beare are inflicting nameless tor-
ture. upon captured native runners.
These may not be true; but they are
tending to inflame native passions to
such an extent that it may soon be
.ntpoaeible to hold the natives In
Owing to the Boars having deliber-
ately bombarded the native atadt,
which Is full of woolen and children,
Col, Baden -,Powell has armed the me pact M ac4ce rarvhs3. At rho stwrta
lives, but he hem only allowed them to held heretoday tlw C'. At tale enter•
act on the defensive, although tbey ed n tram Itt t!e tug•of•wnr contest,
have clamored to he allowed to go taly aval tr!n rile
out and at tack at the poen: of the et. oveut. Theyteon+htrprireinon-nall aam reaohing
u i
possible from radiating reprisals on agahtrt atroag taany They tcere
loeaatat in the final by a small mar
soldiers In the face of th'.i enemy would
be shared by their brethren In the
Dundonald Active.
Ledyystwitb, March 10. -Lord Dow
donaid'a cavalry patrols reconnoiter-
ed the Free State border of Basuto.
lead to De Beer's Pam, where a alight
ekirmith occurred, in which two Brie
attached to the Bou forces, were
also encountered to strength at Vas
Reenen'd Pasa and Tlntws' Pao.
Kafftrs arriving berg report tbsl
the Boers are manlfeating a veryvin-
dictive spirit under defeat, enthat
many kraals hitherto reported have
bean burned. The German ambles/ices
e.ttedled to the Boer fore's, were
found near Molder Spruit, abandon -
by the Boers. The physicians in
• sego were unable to move and were
br aOt into camp, where the wound-
ed we oared for. Tranaporte were
ewbeequently supplied and tee am-
Milanoos were sent to the Boer litre.
Carnarvon, Cape Colony, March 10.
-The Cnnadfnu Mounted Illfiee, un -
ter col. fleet -Inner, and the Canadian
artillery, commended by Col. Drury,
bets arrived here with a contingent
of yeMsenry. The presence of this
form here lout had an excellent effect
to tee'8istrict. It is r'epor'ted that
a large force of rebels 1s In the vtcln•
lty of Van Week -del.
Cartdtrvun. Cape Colony, Is about 100
miles sleet of Um railway lines run
ning from Cape 'rove through Elm
NO 32.
It it believed thut'25,000 of his 10,- been ta't'upyleg the treltehes under it been clashed by Brite& agents. The
000 men are about to engage Gen. hot fire. Th:' Cornwalls adveneat project of rescue was euspected,anti
Buthn'B torso, and the next nwwN of withiu eight bemired ynrd't of the reported almost ad qulCkly es
fighting will prolwbly lie from Natal. Baa• poali (1, eplretl, and Crouje will ire
1'erleapr rite moat reckless bravery If to goes to St galena, M 1•
"British Mastlns." w -a. itil•IWu by the Welsh, the Corn- tot never was, But `what le that
Berlin, March 19. -In the retiree of
walla and the ['timelines. to the Knight Errant of the waning
a summary In the Taeglieh; ltuntie• - - century! 1f there were no tserllo to
clout ut the everts which hate traits.AlhcgeA lipla. be fttyed and overcome, the nest of
pored In South Africa since Lord ]rob- Durban, Starch 1S, ,- owe writ• oke scheme dmuid 11e larking.
ertt asaume•t the supreme comm•uul, known Dutch Natal tarn -met bra'
Tho United Stotae nuthoridot are
L'eut •Gen. Vont Boguslxvekl pay; the there, were arreitod • at tSp(on kop, snlged to prevent, 11 poemible, tete
fallowing tribute to the Britl-ii me 1t hi athlete! that .they aided the ", depurtinv of sueh an expedition trout
enemy. The sen ut one of them, aged her chores.
On one or two orpodont during th,, ]H. h+ raid k+ .have been kilted hi lawthtawe LiteInuglhs tit international
war we have been le 1 to loulit wile• the fighting at Pletere. It le re- Prospect of fame that
titer the Brltel' troope would aurin- ported that eeveeitl Dutch farmers may endure for centuries beckons the
tn!u their old retut:ttloit for cool on the ('peer Tugela, Including Star: -
bravery. It must, nevertheless, be tines l'otgleter, who is wMl known Tonight beta were made that the
acknowledged that the tenacity tits- in Natal history, have abandoned hhuol prison would never hold the
playe..i by (ion. Buller's troops in ever their firms and dwellings and trek -
needier n prisoner for three
returning to the tray, in spite of kali with the retreuMng Boers, Br, menta alter 1ts'wive! there,
many reveruea, and being almost sou Barter, J. P. of IadymdWt, who , War Nota,
t'nuously Itt taction from Feb, 14th to was arrested tit the beginning of Jim Holloway, ole pugilist nod
Feb.:1Ttlt, is rertahtiy not to bp under- the stege 011 susplelon of disloyalty, lightweight champion of South Af •
rated. bus been released and tent to Piet• rice. Is uadertrtaxf to be adjutant of
"Tho words of filutketPeare arentlll ernmrlttburg on parole. We Bort toms at SpytlontMn.
trite which be put in the mouth of -- -' Tho Dally (fail sweets that Itieh•
Lord Rambures, who warned the beef. She Wes a (food Marksmen. and Harding Davis 1s down with en-
French prInee3 before the 1,..tte Bltxmfontein, March Ip. -An tl(1• terlc fever at Ladysmith, as be has
of Agincourt that 'that Head of sang- per who took part in the Drelfontein ° meat nothing for ten day's.
land breads very val'ant erext:rew, engagement tells it pathetic @tory of Thirtytwo thousand additkrnaI
their maitUfs ore of ttneettcheble the death of a young married Dutch ' troupe for South Africa are now at
(Courage( " woman, aged 19, Before her death see,
--- mite Meted What she wan detained The leaders of the Afrtknnder Bund
Kruger'' Admleston. • when the majority of the other wo are circulating a petition in twtpe Ool.
Lt)n(lm, march `20.-Ut a detpateh mets lett, because her tnark*manthlP ons netting the imperial Government
to the Dally Telegraph from Bloom• wax so accurate. telco Bee)", to oe away iia independence of
tonteln, Bennet Burleigh says t
There are tuukmhted evldeneem elle•
7n a speech which he made here n where that wcnnety went to the , The ree fttatere eeeminaie have
few days before the British entered trenches to toad seemed rifles for the not quite collapsed. They are In con.
ler y toWie north, and 180 mile' the town, President Kruger admitted
southwort of I)e tar Juttotton, The - that hie men wood be unable to
ltetrlet has been a hotbed of rebellion
keep to the trail for another month:'
elite. the war begate There Cannot Believe it.
CANADIANS AS ATHLETRr1, London, Tuesday, March 20. -Tim
That Globe's correspondent tit Lon- Times, commenting editorially upon
dmf, )upland, ambled yesterday the the report that tiermmny will atekthe
summary of a letter reoehved from belligerents to guarantee the safety
Mr. John A, Ewen, the lilobe's we of Johannesburg by declaring It neu•
respondent with the eeootl(1 Cana' tri', shays :
(Ilan oontingeut, end dated Cape "We decline to believe that any re -
Town, Feb, 274h. Mr. Ewan says : eponeIble German atateeman would
'The Pometnn'an arrived here yet make such a proposal. Certainly the
Wesley. Nine home died on the toy Government will not make agree.
age. but the men are all well, 1n eplen• mento at foreign Instigation."
,old spirits and (Weighted at the pros. _-
To Protect the Mines,
gThey will be presented as long ns the nems-thtal, having h td to content
the Boers."___ get. Their victories over the sailors
Beers Restless. int Una gnnwen, llfying tugs vigor
ouaty applauded by the great multi.
Mafeklug. March 17. -From March tut* ppreeemt• WIlliamo, a Canadian.
Ttlt to March 10th there was heavy won tine hnlf•mlle moo. Th -et contests
firing every night. The Boars be. indh•rtted the fine physique of the
merging the town appear to be rent- Canadian, especially In VIM of the
Jew A few shells were fired today fact that they hid Doty just landed
One hundred of the enemy, with .atter a long voyage. bine Paarde•
thr•co gone, trekked northward to. berg the pledge of the Canadians le
J cat every tongue."
The Ladysmith Forces. • Review of the Situation.
Pietermaritzburg, Natal, March 18 LonJon, March 20. -No important
(Friday), 1:.20 p.m. -The revlotuel;ing nerve bar been recelve4 from Mouth
11 LadyBmlth k proceeding dal:yy, but Africa durtag the pert 24 hours. The
sa the rai'way bridge neer the Tugela much desired relief of MntekIng hie
IoeQua !Ives, 1A oarrlagen, 8 loreko
Vasa, and 124 short wagooa.
dt. Patrlek'a day was celebrated
tit fervor 1B' Bloemfontein.
OOpondent adds thtt s:nl-
tla for Oen. Roberts' pro-
cto a 'Hew to surrender
_y be received from Roux -
, LadyIrand, Flcksburg and Roth -
Daily News' military critic sap,
jaboet the time oa1d ted for South A! General
Lard Wolssiey, cotnmandeeln•chi' 1 of
Her Malosteo forces. pro; haelesf that,
woukl eater Pretoria by May 15,
1f ted enemy's resistance was main.
, General Woiseley's exact pro-
se mantles Mhantee, Dooms,.
sir sad Telel•Kebir aro moulted.
A despatch to the Dally Mall from
`amtttosteln. dated Friday, March
"Ws ars getting rifles surrendered
yob a factory could turn
14 1s quite ceresin that It .e
Offialsl acts reach the north.
with Lord Roberts' pre.
1014 the whole Boer popul t.
will dsolant forpuma."
lMlpstoh to the Dally News isom
RNs. dated Friday, March
gift *Yet
gift occurred wh;eh la-
bellers that the war will
ea Iblpg flat it taker to march
educated Boers,
Ili* K'rasevaalere, ars ready to
the liMeitabe,"
$sppsas to Lord Roberts- pro -
4110 Fate Staters tole
at Bioemfoatein yorterday.
I reported that three-
s tie Free State troops
to their farms. The
ap barrgg_here who are hold•
app geld to be poor whites
vs Whimg to lose.
fame Blaemfontsle. dat•
mettle that the Friend
*Mathe ficial news.
Omsk ban been taken
a 0Oalttee of Eng1'eh
1 and V now being
a daily Journal on Impor-
t's CCosattt expressed es-
t at the quiet manner in
toetein was occupied, and
'abseto of looting by the troops
T• Cut Oft 11,000.
, March 10. --The next move
be to ooliset at Bloemfontein
taUvr im yf _ stores for the
d Itobeeta will
when the Dramas River forcer
*bred him.
*Bl probably occupy from two
vee weskit. Therefore the next
op eatbar may be expect•
earl brigade whim 1 Lord
ipe seat to Theles What 85
d Woemtes4eI*, le destined
some 11,000 Bot, who are
1 reported to ve die•
the railway it the neighbor.
Auld betting We i>egin•
t the war will be end.
of May.
Sop at the bond.
Yatob 19. -The Cape Tows
t of the Daily News de•
ladlgnatiom caused by a
Goverment ciwithorcular u1 np�ialttemotion
a MM to the AMkander
oorreapondent add' that
fa Datramisad are *WM
eillieth Vey, Whither f1AWbean der
Dish !MM.
1L -,+Oa the kV
a tlmtnt apeit
which they later returned with their l e roma en mow y.
rifles, and with shrapnel and cordite. medical comforts 'however, are now of neem from that town.
The enemy's %obeli fire was caught sufficient, but the aoeumn:ation of - There len dlmpolition here to suspect
by the rising ground wbloh sheltered aupp:kk with a view to further epee_ intentional mystification In (ton. Rob.
the British troops, and it did no dam- atioaa is proceeding, arts reference to lien. Methuen lav-
age. Two of the British ware wound- The hospitals are being eve:mated ing been at WurreuWn. Nome further
ed, however, by the title fire, ateadi;y, and a large convalescent
details of Gen. Methuen's operotluna
The British prevented the Beers camp is forming at Moot River. The here been received, but they do not
from doing any turt'hee damage to thousands of beds on the American "In1Icaate that any attempt wan made
the br:dga at Fourteen Stream, and bospltal ship Maine and other hos- to eras the Vaal River, or that the
soured the pont or ferry' boat there. petal Ships are filling up with cases for operation was neeetnar►ly anything
General Methuen role li