The Blyth Standard, 1900-03-15, Page 8THE EVIL EFFECT OF BAD COMPANY
Talmage's Warning on the Choice of Companions-Asso.
dation With the Idle and Vicious Will Certainly
Contaminate Any Young Man.
Waea *Met rgdrt says: In this dig- character, he cannot afford In be idle.
ceurell Dr. Talmage speaks on a theme)Sut you say: "A great many people
whloh all men, young and old, will be are suffering troth enforced Idleness.
During the hard times there were a
glad to gee dlecusaed, and the kindly great many people out of employment,"
warning will no doubt to many Casco I knew it, but the time of dulness in
be taken; text, Proverbs x111„ 10, "A Wetness are the tlmee when then ought
companion of toole shall be destroyed." 10 he thoroughly engaged In impfov-
Kay It please the court," maid a Ing their minds and enlarging their
ooavteted oetmtnat when asked by the hearts. The fortunes to he made 10
judge what he had to say why gen- years from now Will be made by the
fence should not be pronounced upon young men who In the times when bus -
Mtn, "may it please the court, bad loess was dull cultivated their minds
rompjweny has been my destruction. 1 and improved their hearts. They will
reeetved the blessing of good parents get the fortunes after awhile, while
and to totem therefor promised to those men who hang' around their
avoid all eviil aseortates. Had I kept store/, never engaging In any useful
my promise I should have avoided this occupation, will be as poor then am they
shame and the berden of guilt which, are now. It la absurd for a Christian
like a' vulture, threaten* to drag me man to say he hag nothing to do.
10 Jath* for my many crimes. Al- I went Into a store in New York,
though I once moved In high dreier where there were five Christian men,
and was entertained by dletingultehed and they said they had nothtng to do.
men, I am lost. Bad company did the The whole world lying 'In eln. Pov-
work tar me," Only one out of a thou- erty to be comforted, sickliest to be
sand Illustration» was that of the tact alleviated, a Bible In the back office,
that "a companion of fools shalt be de- every oppeetunity of mental culture,
etroyed." It le an invariable rule. spiritual et .ore; every inducement to
Here le a hospital with a hundred work, yet a Christian man, 'sworn be-
aten down with the ship fever. Here fore high heaven to coneecrate him
le 1 healthy man who goes Into It. He whole life to usefulness, hos nothing to
does not so certainly catch the disease dot If you have not any business for
as a good •nntn wet catch moral die- this world my Christian friend, then
temper If he consents to he shut up fou ought to be doing business for eter-
with the vicious and the abandoned. In atty.
the prisons of the olden time It was the people go to Florence and to Venice
custom to put the prisoners in a cell and to Rome to see one of the works
together, and I am sorry to say It is or the great masters. I think I can
the custom still in some of our prisons; show you the picture of one of the
go that when the day of itberation great mestere. 1 went by the field of
comes, the men, Instead of being re- the slothful and by the vineyard of the
formed, - are turned out brutes, not man void of understanding, and, lo!
men, each one having learned the voce/ It was all grown over with thorns, and
ut all the rest. nettles had covered the face thereof,
We may in our worldly oreupatlon and the stone wall thereof WAS broken
be obliged to. talk to and commingle down. Then I Saw and considered 1t
with bad people, but he who volun- well. I looked upon It and received in -
tartly chooses that kind of ageocla- etructton. Yet a little sleep, a little
tion is carrying on a courtship with slumber, a little folding of the hands
a Delilah which will shear the locket to sleep. Ko shall thy poverty come
of hos strength, and he will he trip- an one that travelleth and thy want as
ped Into perdition. Look over all the an armed man." There le ns' more ex-
mlillone of the race and you cannot plosive passage In all the Bible than
Maw me a single Instance where it man that. It first begins to hies like the fuse
voluntarily associated with the bad for of a cannon and then burets like a 14 -
ons year and maintained his integrity. pounder. The old proverb was true
eta la catching; it in lnteetious; It 1* The devil tempts meet men, but idlers
epidemic. tempt the devil:" Therefore seek some-
), you*R roan wakes up In one of our thing to do. If no worldly business of -
great Titles knowing only the gentle- teres, then, in the name of the Lord
men of the nem Into whose eervlre he Jesus Christ, go out on Christian toll,
has entered. In the morning he enters and the Lord will bless you, and the
the store and alt the clerks mark ham
Lord will help you.
measures him, discuss him, The bad Again, 1 counsel you, avoid the pleaa-
clerks of that establishment, the good ure seeker, the man whose entire bus -
clerks of that establishment, xtand In Ines* it is to seek for recreation and
some relation to him. The good clerks amueement. I believe in the amuses
will wleh him well, but they will wait menta of the world so tar as they are
for a formal Introduction, end even Innocent. I could not live without
atter they have had the Introduction them. Any man of sanguine tempera -
they are very cautious as' to whether ment must have recreation or die. And
they shall call him Into their anode- yet the amusements and recreatlnne of
e. tion before they know him very well. life must adminteter to hard work.
But the bad young men In that eetah- They ale only preparative for the oc-
Uehtnent all gather around him. They eUpatlon to which God has called us
patronise him,'they offer to shoe him Goal would not have given us the ca -
everything that there le In the cit' on pacify to laugh If he did not sometimes
One condition -that he will pay the es'- Intend us to indulge it, God hath hung
Pewee, for It always happena so when In sky and set In wave and printed on
a good young man and a bad young grass many a roundelay. But all the
man go together to a place of evil en- music and the brlghtneea of the natural
tertaihment-the good young man al- world were merely intended to fit ue
Ways hes to pay the charges. Just at for the earnest work of Ilfe. The then -
the tlbte the ticket Is to be patd for er dereloud has edges exquisitely purpled,
the tdlampagne bill Ix to be settled the but It jars the mountain an it Bays, "1
bad Peng man will affect embarrase- come down to water the fields." The
ment aid feel around In hie pockets, Oowere standing under the fence look
and say, "Well, well, really f have tor- gay and beautiful, but they say, "We
60111*; pocketbook." stand here to refresh the husbandmen
In 4a gm after thin Innocent youngat the mooing. The brook frolics
man Catered the More the banoand sparkles and foams, but it says:
routhIM will gather around him, "I go to baptise the moss; I go to
�1ap the shoulders with tamll- slake the thlret of the bird; I turn
(ashy 01 he 1* stupid In not being the wheel of the mill; In my crystal
able fe meat* allusion», will gay, cradle I rock muekehaw and water Illy;
.t"Ah, my rout, friend, you wilt have I play, but 1 work."
be broken in." And forthwith they These mere plea»Urlsa will come
work t0 "break him Ins' around you while you are engaged in
young man, let no fallen young your work, and they will try to take
ehM you on the thoulder femil• you away. They have lost their places.
tarty! Turn around and give a wither- Why not you lose your place':
Ing glance that will make the wretch Then you will be one of them, Oh,
mopetreeltyer In dur of presence. There
hthat 1s' no can pleasureds, before seekers, hesoue men o th thwhose
stand before the glance of purity and enure life Is tun and amusement and
Wier. God keeps the lightning of recreation, remember while after a
heaven in his own scabbard, and no man has lived A life of Integrity and
*OW hand can reach them, but Gad Christian consecration, kind to the
glom tb every young man a lightning poor and elevating to the world's con -
which ,he may use, and that le the dltlon, when he comes to die, he has a
IhTdltxing of an honest eye. Anybody glorious reminiscence lying on his
4191 Intends the temptations of our death pillow, the Caere pleaeurbd has
great'elt es knows t.le use of one ger- nothing by way of review but a torn
moa like this, in which I try to enforce playbill, a ticket for the race, an empty
tote thought that "a companion of fools tankard or the cast out rinds of a
A an be destroyed." carousal. And as In dellrlum of his
And, first, I charge you, avoid the awful death he clutches the goblet
skeptic --that Is, the young man who and preaeec it to his lips, the dregs
Put* hit thumb In hie vest and swag- falling on his tongue will begin to un-
/vsafe 'pont, tootling at your old -rash- roll and hire with the adders of an
'tfteligion, then taking out the B1- eternal poison,
end turning over 10 some melee- Again, beware of Sabbath breakers
r us paaaage and saying: "Explain Tell me how it young man Ronde his
that, MY friend, explain that. I used Sabbath, and I will tell you what are
0 tkktk just as you do. My father his proepeeta to bustnese, and I will tell
nether used to think just as you you what are hos prospects for the
BO you can't scare me about the eternal world. God has thrust into our
ill. I used to believe In those things busy lite a sacred day tvhen we are to
PVe got over tt." Yee, he ham got look atter our Houle. Is it exorbitant
)vintthe t e In
It, and you will get aver ft If you after giving six days td, e d g
silky in his companlonehlp much long- and the clothing of these perishable
e!, Nor a white he may not bring one bodies that (lad should demand one
&$Oment against our holy Christian- day for the feeding and the elothing of
t He will by scoffs and jeers and the IMmortal soul' Our bodies are
.etaees destroy your talth 10 that seven day clocks. and they need to be
n Which was the comfort of your wound Up, and it they are not wound
r la his declining years and the up they ruh down Into the grave. No
0,1 which your old mother lay man can continuously break the
Int. Sabbath and keep his physical as well
t brilliant young skeptic will as mental health. Ask those aged hien
*1 Awhile have to die, and hie dia- and they will tell you they never knew
Mand will flash no splendor into the men who oontlnuously broke the Sab-
ers of death. His haft will Ile un- bath who did not fall either in mind,
oebibed on the pillow. Death will come body or moral principle.
a;.a••, and this skeptic will say to him: Oh, my friends, keep the Lerd'e day.
Maginot die. I cannot die," Death You may think tt old fogy advice, but
wdtsayt "You must die. You have but i give It to yoU now: "Remember the
tel *monde more to live. Your soul- Sabbath day, to keep It holy. Six Jaye
shill It to me right away. Your soul!" shalt thou labor and do all thy work,
Oh, no says the 'skeptic. "Do not but the seventh Is the Sabbath of the
breathe that cold air into my face, You Lord thy God; In it thou ?halt not do
erowQq�pn1e too hard. It 1s getting dark any work." A man slid that he would
in theloom. Here -take my range and prove that all title wee a fallacy, end
take all the pictures in the room. but so he said: "I shall galas a Sunday
let Its off," No,' says Death. "Your crop, And he plowed the field on elle
ieoi Your soul!' Then the dying ekep- 8ahbath, and then he put In the Need
ten begins to say, "Oh, God!" Death on the Sabbath and cultivated the
uses,,"You declared there was no God." ground on the Sabbath. When the her -
/Imp the dying skeptic says, "Pray for vest wag ripe, he reaped it on the Sab-
bath and he
t a to n .car le
s: "It a oil late carried It intomow
th ea the m on
ana," mad
Deo Y
pm; you have only three eecnnd/ the Sabbath and then he stood out de-
molM t0 live, and I will count them off tient to Ma Christian neighbors end
-east, two, three. Gone!' Where': said, "There, that is my Sunday crop•
Whets? Carry him out and lay him and It le all garnered;' Atter awhile
down beide his old father end mother, a eturm came up and a great darkness,
who died under the deluelone of the and the l 1 tnings of heaven struck the
(Inertial' reliilonsirs 'tinging thesongs of yarn and away Ywen
vlrtory, Beware, young man,
Again, avoid the tdlers-that is, those breaker?.
people who gather around the store Again, I charge you, beware of AN-
nr the shop or the factory and try to sociatlon
wyiothu t10% d4l
txgolphanteeda, o
pGto twhietihraeduce you your regular rthem and
rail hab1U. Who is that man fallen a a s
ins and In your business hours trygin t
to seduce you away. There le nothing the curbstone, covered with bruises and
that would please them so well as to beastiines/? He WAS as bright faced
have you give up your employment and a lad al ever iooked up from your nm•-
'0, Iort with them. I eery. Hie mother rocked him, prayed
loose idlers you will find standing for him, fondled him, would not let the
around the engine house* or stendlnR night air touch hie cheek and held him
al "(Kamer or about neon on the steps up and looked down Into his lotne
Of some hetet or tachionable testae', eyes and wondered Inc what high Dos
MO' gIving the Idea they have dined melon he was being fitted, He entered
there They have not dined there. They llfe-with bright hopes. The world beek-
MYeP dined there. Hefere you invite oned him, friends cheered him, but the
* 1111100 man into youraeeoclatlon esti archers shot at him; vile men set traps.
kin plainly: "What do you do for r for him, bad habits hooked fast to him
Hour It he xaye, '•Nnthingl I am a with their Iron grajwles; his feet
gentleman," look out for him. I care edpPed on the way, and there he Ilex.
net how soft his hand or how elegant Who would think that that uncombed
has es* i or how high xnunding his hair was once toyed with by a father's
f name, his touch le death fingers? Who would think that Ovum
Ones* is the next door h, ,til ,••,. t•L,x;',i chi-.ks tt.t' r-irt iuno�d by e
Wbea the poli... a„ to find criminala, mother's lips? Would you guess that
whine do they go to find them'! They that thick tongue once made a houses
gag them among the idle -those who hold glad with Its Innocent prattle) Ut-
have Within, to do, or, having some- ter no harsh word* In his ear. Help
thing to do, refuse to engage In their him up. Put the hat over that once
daily work. Some one came to good manly brow. Brush the dust from that
ofd Aldtbei Green and *ked him why mat that once covered a generous
be werked at 80 Years of age when It heart. Show him the way to the home
WW1 tine for him to reef. 'Oh,' he that once rejoiced at the sound of hie
replied I work, to keep out of mos- footstep, and with gentle words tell his
'thief." Aad no man can afford to be chttdreu 10 stand back as you help him
111. a care not bow strong MS merit through the tui.
Oh, It I had some art by which 1
could break the charm of the tempter's
bowl and with mailed hand Ilft out the
long serpent of eternal 'despair and
/hake �at tta cotta and cast (t down end
cruel, 1t to death!
Shake off the Sabbath breaker, Oh,
turn your back upon three men. Shnke
off the eceptic. Shake off the Idler.
Shake off the pleasuriet• You ntaY do
thie' work of election In polltenese, but
you may ds It Minty. Yue are not un-
der and circumstances to lose all the
remembrance of the fact that you are
a gentleman and must always act the
gentleman. A young man said to a
t'hrlstian Quaker, "Old chap, how did
you get your money•r"
"Well," said the Quaker, "I got it by
dealing In an article in which thou may -
est deal If thou wilt --civility."
Be courteous, be polite, but be, firm.
Say No as if you mean It. If you
say "No" in a feeble way they will keep
on with their imploration and their
temptation, and after awhile you will
stand in silence and then you will say,
.after they have gone on a little longer,
"Yee," and then you aro 10*1.
Oh, turn your back upon the banquet
of stn! I .rail you to a better feast to-
day. The promises of God are the
fruits. The harps of heaven are the
music. The clusters' of Hcchol are
pressed into the tankards. The eons
and daughters of the Lord Almighty
are the guests, while standing at the
banquet to pour the wine and divide
the clusters and command the music
and welcome the guests is a daughter
of God, on her brow the blossoms of
paradise and In her check the flush of
celestial summer. And her name Is
Religion. "Her ways are ways of pl_ag•
antmees, and alt her paths are peace."
MARCH 18, 1800.
Joie,' at Matthew a House. -Mark 1;1.112.
Supt, -What le the Golden Text ?
School -lie said unto litre. follow me.
-Luke v. 27.
What Is the (:w,bra! Truth ? For
the Marl of man is come to seek and
to save that which was Wet, Luke
Iix, 10,
What ti the Topic ?-Anewerlug the
What le the Out1:110 7-I. Jesus envoi
a publican. 11. lteotves many other
publtoani. TIL Coafouwkt the Pharr•
seas. IV. Comforts John'* dleciplee
Alen was the time ?-May. A. 11
21Wi ser were the places ?- By the
seeside. ,I.t Matthew's house.
Who Were the porcine 1 -Jesus.
Carl (Matthew). The multitude. The
disciples. Scribes. Phar►mes. John's
disciples. Publican,' ared W1111101M.
are the Parallol Amount/?
Matt. I1, 9-17; Intks v, 27.60.
Commentary -18. It is supposed
that the nail of Matthew followed
wen after the healing of the ptrely.
too. See last lesson. By the seaside
-He may hare gone tleere for room,
as he otuld clearly sea that ton house
was of refitment else to accommodate
the great crowds that desired W see
and hear Idm. This must have been
near Capernaum, "whore there was
probably a suhurh of ftelter's Irate and
custom 10111104. 11e taught them-
• Jesus was always busily engaged.
• 14. Levi -The Mame as Matthew.
He was a Jew, and he calla hlmaeif a
publican (Matt. 10: 8). or tax•gath•
to the Jewish people. The son of Al-
pheus--imiry think', IAvt, James the
Lege, It de and 8110011 the Canaanite,
were brothers; but Lange and oth-
ere think differently. The receipt of
ourtom-Tollhouse, or custom hone.
It was a busy centre of merchandlee
-the landing plane ni many ships, and
"a natural place for the oollertton of
tribute and taxes,"
15. tint at meat to his house -This
was coon after the call. The feast
(Luke v. 20) was made to show ION
thenkfulaeee to Cod for his remark-
able dellveranee from the ofd Custom-
house. "Ile also wlehed to introduce
hie Mende and old companions to
ChMI+te-Barn. Many publIcano-
Thoee, probably, who belonged to hie
Ciydom•hoso. 'According to Jewish
traditionalism the publican wag, 1.
An excommunicated person. 2. An
apostate. 8. An tn,trnment of oppose -
'don 4. A- stumbling -block and a by-
18. When the sertbee and Pharlcnee
-Tiny wenii not heliere In l'hrlet
themeelree, and were always trying to
hinder others "The eclf-rlrhteme
Pharteee.ronsdered it equal to legal
rlpltlement to alt in compenv with tax -
gatherers and heathens"It shows the
eptrlt of lndencndenee on 1110 pert of
our I -ore to thea violate their tradi-
tion,. Jesus desired to acro men, and
He knew Re meet mingle wttb them
17. When Jesus heard it -Jesus is
ready for them ; he eon answer their
caviling. They that are whole -Yoe
'mellow and Pharisees consder your-
eelre whole; on are, is your own
estimation, rig Aeolis persons; ym1 do
n , do not need
not of
need n h •delan ,
h .v y
my enuneel and wheat), and the telra-
tlon I bring; bet these pulllenot and
sinners -the'* oetenste-know they are
wick, they know they are the worst of
planers, and I came to call and wive
10 11*01 to fnet-in the law we find
only one faetelay ralolned• almely, tee
tenth of the seventh month, on which
the national, nnnnal atonement was
made But the Jew's, of their own ace
nord, obverved ninny other days of
fatting (see Iea. 1v111, 8), and in our
f.ord'e time the Ilene -ens faste'l twice
a week. They were enrprlee'l to find
HIM overlexikine thin duty. But Tky
eiviples fast not -.ague not only of-
fended them by eating with Antitlean
and elopers', bet by eating at all.
19. Jesus said unto them -He pro-
ceeds now with three timelier llluetrn-
thone, by meAae of which 110 jaxtllles
Hl* dteelplos in the course they were
taking, and at the same time brings
mit some very Important troth■ Wh•I°
the bridegroom ie with them -Tile
wee not a proper time to inst. His dis-
ciples were then In the first flush of
enjoyment to their new -tenni Lord,
and while He was with them there
wee no occasion for tasting.
20. The day' will conte -It le Im•
possible to formulate rules to meet
each hd vldunl case. The days would
come when His dleclplee would fast,
but not now. Away from them. • He
would leave them atter a time. In
those says --Of calamity and dark -
nese that are coming, then it will
be proper to fast. "Fasting le good.
bee to make a merit of it or even
to burden the coneetence with 1t, is
oProsed to 'spiritual freedom.
21. On an old garment -Instead of
ciot/lag the rent the new patch
world only make the rent ,larger.
Oe bad given them one reason why
OL diselpi a did not feet, and now
He proceeds to give another. "They
are not prepared for it, It le not pro•
per to lay sunh rtgorout command,
upon them."
2. New wine into old bottles -Bot.
ties made of leather, See R. V. It
new wine were put into old wine-
ektne, the violent* of the ferments -
turn would buret them and ail
would be uiest.•oyed. "The point of
the flgure le that the Jewish
system was now becoming 014 and
ready to vanish away (Ileb. oil.
1A). and Christ wee about to re-
place it by sometiWtg new, .'Hon
Teachings. -Stn ie a disease of the
most dangerous kind Man le de•
proved. Ira. 1. 5. 81 Roes. Ill. 10-28.
There would seem W lie no ray of
hope, bob ism it a pbyslolaa tot
the soul as well as the body. and
(1) He understands the ease,; (2)
He bas a remedy, (8) He hag 'kilt,
441 He can be trusted, and (6) He
deires to effect a cure, free of
b a ischio* hind•
mom beceuee very many declare
themselves, " elude " olid Inelet that
they need no phyelclan.
Suggestive outlines: "1. A @inner
saved. 2. Seeks other *inners. 8.
Pharisees criticize. 4. Dleolplee queer
elon.-1. A physician onlled, 2. Calle
other publicene. R. Jealous Pitarf-
sem. Questioning disolptee. 1. Prompt
oebdfonce. 2. Fruitful service.. 3. ily.
poorltloetl criticism. 4. Doubtful
questioning." -W. A, S,
1, Josue Navas a Publluan-A publl•
can was Clot an ordinary sinner. He
was regarded as luourrglble-beyond
alertly, beyond hope. He was despised
by the Romans and hated by the
Jews He wag a willing tool of a most
corrupt and opprsa.dve 'yetem of et-
tortlon, under the name of customs
or taxes. le suet, he was regarded
by the Jews as a renegade to hie
religion; was ostracised from soci-
ety, excluded from the temple, and
refused every privilege or rigiht
withlt thole power. Publicans are al-
ways mentioned In the New Testa-
ment aa the lowest in character and
the moat odious In reputation. "Do
not even the publicans so?" " k friend
of publlcanu and sinners," "Let Min
be unto thee as a heathen man and a
publican." "Publicans and harlots be.
!loved him." The salvation of men of
ouch character and reputation was
regprded ns impossible a "but with
God alt tldttge tiro possible." A money
extortioner, whose very business re
quires lien to take advantage of
nsecesitotu enema for hie gala, le the
hardest -hearted of all men, and there-
fore the farthest removed from the gas•
pol, and the mat difficult to be
reached. Yet even such can be eavad.
Matthew MUMS his extortion, makes
t'e,titution and fellows Jesus.
2. Itoeelvcd many other publl-
eatts--Tate conversion of a man of Ruch
ohtarect r and reputation must
have made a great stir In his elle
ale and it great impreeslol on ills
aoquafntanoas. The publicans and
sinners are ettrnoted to him. To en-
courago tele and to bring those of
hie own class in clove contact with
Jesus, Matthew nrakee a "gret-," or rather, ne the Greek word
Intpllee, a great reception, 111 which
eating was .eeondn,ry; and a large
company of publican and °tiheta
ware there. It le emphattcalty *tat•
ed that the reception and eating
were in hos own house, He Tied an in-
tense Mere to gee these men for
whom the Jewteh religion had no
plum, and to whore It offered no
salvation, uL brought Into the same
happy condition to himself. If Christ
could and would save him, He can
anti will save them.
Comforta John's disolplae. John'.
dImelplee like. the Pharisees. fasted.
They did so regularly, publicly, re•
Ilgiouely, They, unlike the Pharl'
SOPA, were honest to rn doing, and
necessarily were tuueh helped by
such religious exercises. Jesus' dl*el.
pies did not appear to feet. If they
did so at all, It was not a p0Wl0,
religious eervlue. Title emitted
etradege to John's disciples, who
auppoetal that thio nester° Nagar•
tete would aertalnly encourage Ole
dleclplea to practise hurting. They
only saw the exterior. They did not
Ree the brightness and beauty of Hie
Inner lite; neither did they under-
etansl tho great joy and blessing
that came into the hearts 11114 lives
of Hie converts.
Market Reports
e W eeK.
Following are the eloeIng prices at
tutportuut wheat centrtw to -day :
Cash. May.
Chloe go ., ,,, ,., ?t-- 006a 1-8
Now York ...... ,...,. -- 072 1-8
Milwaukee ... ... (16.3 1-2 --
.et. Louts .., -„ ,,..,, 0 691-4 0 69 1-8
Toledo ............... 0 71 1172 1-4
Detroit, red ,......., 0 72 0 72
eetro.t, whlee ... . 0 71 1-2 --
Duleth, No 1 north 0 641 2 0 05 8.4
Duluth, No 1 bard-, 0 66 --
tltUneapelie, No. 1
northern ... .. (14'1 54 0 8'1 1-2
Mlnneapolle, No, 1
hard .. -..., ...... 065 3-4 -
Orates and Proem*.
Toronto, March 10. -Flour -Ontario
Patents, In bags, $3,45 to $3.61;
ctrnight rcrltara, $3.25 to $8,45; Ilan•
gartan )stents, $3,80'; Manitoba
bakers', $8.55, all on track at To-
rinto, t
Wheat -Ontario, rod and white, 630
north and wet; goose, YOe north and
wait; Na 1 Manitoba hard, Trac;
Toronto, Northern t d No. 1 N
al ort er n at 76k.
Ont;-Wllite onto quot?d at 27e
Barley -Quoted at 4;.1c for No. 2
west; tell barley, Mite to 870.
Rye -Quoted at 49c north and
we t, and rte east,
Brad -Pity null* eon bran at $14,50
mrd short, at $13.1(0, In ear tote, f.
n. b„ Toronto.
Buckwlierit-Flynn ; 48' north and
60.' erlgt.
Conn-Cnnadian, 41jjc on track in
Toronto, American, 42c to 4230 on
Oatmeal -Quoted at $3.25 by fin
hag ant $8,811 by the barrel, or
track at Toronto, in car lot,.
Peas -At 011ie bid, 62c netted, north
and west, for Immediate eldpment.
St. Lawrence Markets,
Toronto, March 10. -- Receipts of
farm produce wero large, 2,400
bushels of grain, 2 loads of hay,
4 of straw, 101) droned hogs, with
fair deliveries of butter, eggs and
eat steady; 600 bnehetg cold na
f011low: White, 68o Cal 6(Ic; red, 6&,
to 69e ; goose, 70e,
Parley, etetdy, 600 bualtele *riling
at 47 to 480.
Oath unser; 1,200 bushels gold at
Ole to 31%e.
Ilay Mandy; 85 bade sold at $11
0, $181 per tom.
Straw eviler ; 4 load, fold at $7.50
to $9 per ton.
Dressed Hoge -For the right kind,
weighing I ch
g ng 100 W 1 50 ba retch, $7 W
$7.10 per Pwt. was; paid, with
market firm at theme quotations.
But 011 account of the high Ilrlcea
lately paid farther, have commenc-
ed to bring lot Mage weighing 50 to
GO 111*. each, wtlloh are not want
ed ; there sell at about $6 per cwt,
at $
ptp-Seteral Iota of apples cold
N3 tar bbl. Very nhohre
Northern :+Aye would bring more
Rgge-Strictly now laid ogge were
pietltlful. with prloet ranging from
16e to 120e per dozen, with the hulk
going at 17o to 18e,.
Fano Produce 1t huleeale.
Toronto, Marc'), 10. -Hey, holed, ear
Iota, per ton, ail to $9.r0 ; straw,
&Gel, ear lots, per tun, 41 to $4.50 ;
ootatore, ear lot", per bag, 871-2 to
10:.; hutt'r, cho'c u, tube, 21 to 22o;
butter, medium, tube, 15 to 16?.: hut•
ter, eniry, lb, rolls, 28 to 2de.: butter,
'roamer,, ib, rolls, 27 to 2Sce butter,
largo rope, per ib.; 25 to 26e.: putter,
'memory, boxes, 27 to 20c.; eggs, held,
11 to 12e.; eggs, new teed, 14 to 14.:
honey, pet' Ib„ a to 10e.; geese, per 1b.,
7 to 71.2e.; turkeys, per ib„ 11 t.
12e.; ducks, per pa'r, 40 to 60c.;
chleketts, per pair, 50 to 76o,
Hides matt Wool,
Toronto, March l0.-Hidea, No. 1
green, 9 to 9 1-2e.; tillers, No. 1 green
steers, 9 1.2 to 10?.; hkka, No. 2 green
Moors, H 1-2 to Pc.; teems, Nu. 2 green,
H to H 1-2e.; 11:004, No. 8 green, 7 W
T 1-2P.• hblrm, currd, 9 to u 1.2e; calf.
ek'ies, Ns. 1, 0 to 11r,, rulfeklne, No. 2,
H to Oc,: sheep-k'ns, fresh, 1111 to $1,20;
tallow, rendered, 4 to 51'2?.: wool,
fleece, 17 to 20e,; wool, unwnslheet,
fleece., 10 to Ile.
Hrltleh Markets.
Liverpool, March 10, 12,80.-Wlleat,
Not 1 northern (apring, 0) 1 4.2d ; No.
1 California no „tuck ; red winter, no
etock ; cu. n, old, ie 9 8-4d ; 8s 0 1-4d
new ; mite, 6e 7 1-'21; pork, Arhus
western mode, t;6e 8d ; lard, prime
western, ((0* Od; American relined,
12a 0,1 ; tallow, Australlun, 2.9e 80;
American, goal to flue, "9s; bacon,
long clear, light, 07e 60; heavy, 37a;
snort clear, heavy, 85a 9.1; oheeew, col-
ored, 6:Iv 0.1; white, Ola; wheat (ire,
corn tion.
Liverpool -Close -Wheat, epot firm;
Nc$ 1 northern spring, stock exhaled-
; futures dull ; March, 5a ld luny,
as 9d ; ,bolt', 5e 81 211. Maize, spot
firm; maxed Amerlean 3s 10d new, :le
10 8.8d old; future* firm, May, :'a
U1 -N(1; July, 8e 83-41. Flour, Minn.,
17s 61.
London-Clo:n-Wheat, oft coast, no- •
Wing doing; on pilotage, more Inquiry-;
cargoes about No. 1 ('al., Iron, Oct.,
;hue 6.1 paid; Iron, Nov., fills 41-24
Judd ; l 00, loetding, "9s 7 l -2d pati.
English country markets quiet.' Maine,
off carat, notating do;ng; on paeange,
quiet but Moody ; melee, spot Amer.
lean mixed, l8.s lid. Flour, stmt Minn.,
22s 911.
The local market has for the most
part been quite lifeless and very lit-
tle business has been done. The lack
dd demand and the difficulty of fig•
urine( out any pmtlt prevents ship.
vers and exporters coming tato the
market. Bolder,, on the other hand,
aro not dlspeeed to soil at present
values, preferring to hold to hopes of
better prices later, In the forepart
of the week No. 1 lined spot Fort
William gold at 650, but In the hot•
tor part 61 1.2 to 04 8.4e hag been
the untilde value. with buyers very
scarce. May delivery Le worth 2 1.2o
,leer spat. No, 2 hard and No, 1
northern are 2 1-2c under No. 1
hard. Market dull, but nominally
higher in sympathy with the advance
to -day In other markets. No, 1 hard
le quoted at 651.4 to 65 1.2o, but
ecarooly any business le doing, both
buyers and sellers being inclined to
wait. h wore There w ra 3
, t)0 000 bol s
8 ghel of
wheat In atom at Fort William on
Feb. 26th, compared with 2,840,000
bushels a year ago. Stocks of wheat
et Fort William, Port Arthur, Kee.
watln, Winnipeg and interior Nom
try pointe were eetimatod approxi-
mately at 8,700,000 bushels, cone
pared with about 8,600,000 bushels
1. year ago, and 4,000,000 bushels
two years ngo,-W)notpmg Commer-
cial, Mfarch,
ttradstreet's nn Trade,'
Montreal hardness circler havo altown
coneldernble actio Ity thin week. Valdes
nre firm for all etaplo lines and there
have been some further advances In
taut prices of staple goons ttda week.
Country remittances aro good.
At the Cored trade continuo, fairle
good with prmlecte bright. -rho
romtm(nlee dealing In transportation
aoppltns have been making !ergo pur-
eltoee,q lately. There is a wild de -
mend for geode for the aprhig trails,
The prospect( for taw three great
Const Indnstrlee, mtnine, felting and
lumber, are very bright. Vacuo, are
generally firm. Payments are Lair.
Buelne a at Hamilton Is Batlslac-
tory. Largo purchnsee aro heing
made for the £prang and summer trade
and the element rooms ehow nominal
nctltity. Travellers' reports Indicate
that the bumineee for the coming son-
ooIen will be large. Payments aro sat-
Bugeness at Winnipeg ie more act -
eve. There have been many country
buyers In tie city, and they have been
taking liberal Iota of goods for the
comint; season, Tito Implement dealer.
have stet and organized for business,
and the outlook for the coming tea.
noel a trade is bright. Tim lumber
bnetness, is to good shape, Collections
ere fair. Values are generally firm.
There hoe been marked actisity in
some departments of wltoltwnW trade
at Tor0nt0she poet week, The begin.
ting of the annual miring millinery
opening& brought In ninny buyers from
a distance. The demand for &taple
good, continues good. Value* are gen-
erally firm.
Do not think for a single
moment that consumption will
ever strike you a sudden blow.
it does not come that way.
It creeps its way along,
First, you think 11 is a little
cold; nothing but a li8le hack -
in cough; then a little loss in
weight' then a harder cough;
then 111e fever and the night
The suddenness comes when
you have a hemorrhage.
Better stop the disease while
it is yet creeping.
You can do It with
You first notice that yon
cough less. The pressure en
the. chest is lifted. That feeling
of sufrocation is removed. A
cure is hastened byplacingone of
Dr. Ayer's Cherry
• Pectoral Plaster
over the Chest.
- A Rook free.
It is on the Diseases of the
Throat and Lungs.
iMhk. w fiw{y.
It r u tate any romplafat abatever
and d,,;,o 14. t, ! tuedlral advice you
IScan poe,ihtr ill sere write the doctor
frosty, V ,ani rreire aprompt reply,
wrtlanut cne r. A,�mrre.,
Ulf J. C. AYEIt, Lowell, Mar..
Capital, all paid up, $t,soo,000. Reserve, $I,000,000.
Total Assets, $13,163,o57.
Mtge Banking business traptacted. Advances made on all sultatile
Seeneltiea. Farmers' notes discounted and money advanced to feed cattle etc,.
and pending the harvesting of the crepe. Debentures bought, Collections
sada on the most favorable tering. Drafts issued parable ata 1 principal pomp
In Canada and the United States, Drafts on Great Britain and the Continent of
Europe bought and sold.
Deposits of $l and upward* received and interest allowed from date of
deposit to date of withdrawal. Interew added to principal in May and Novem-
ber each year. Special deposits also iceeived at current rates. Deposits may
be withdrawn without formality or delay,
C. 11. BENNETT, Bon•AnKfa',
News er Advertising
1/ TNI
of a
The shrewd merchant knows
it and acts accordingly.
To bring trade your way these
..^utx".- growing times use
Story of a Slave.
To lee bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease is the worst
form of slavery, Gorge D. Williams, of
Manchester,atich. tells how such a slave
was made free. He says: My wife
tee been so hoipleme for live peers that
Aho could tet turn over in bed alone.
Ailey using two bottles of Electric Bit-
ters, elle is wonderfully improved and
able to do her own work, This supreme
remedy for female dteaasee quickly
mares nervousness, sleeplessness, melan-
choly, headache, backache, faluting
and dizzy spells. This miracle work-
ing medicine is a godsend to weak,
sickly, run down people. Every bottle
guaranteed. Sob! by Jell, Hamilton,
Druggist, Only 60 cents.
Londou'e Lord Meyer Will Raise
Erin's Fem.
Laindon, Mlarrdt 12. - The Lord
Mayor, Mfr, A. J. Newton, hoe direct•
of that the Irblh flag be hoistedovnr
the Mansion Hones on St. Patrick's
day, In recognition of the bravery i4
the lrirlt trope In South Arrive.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but akin Eruption. r, b Ile of lo -y.
auekl.u'. Antos sawairs thew; em• ale MM,,
Running .ad Paver Noce., Ulnae, boils, Pel t.,
torus, Weas, Cut.. Nrelaw bums, Reside
Chseped Venni, thilbein.. ate Plu Cha ea
each Drives eat Pains sad Ache.. Only SS
0011. s box. Cure guaranteed, sold by J 11
bimiltoi, Druggist.
The Eagilelt Petroleum Syndionte of
London, the t
foreign branch o; he
Standard 011 Company, nlworbq the
Cudahy C'omienatiin of Chicago amt
the Manhattan Oil Company.
Having Resumed control of the above
named mills I am prepared to supply
and deliver I'Iour and Feed to any part
of the town at reasonable prices. Ask
your grocer for FINNEIIORE'a
FAMILY FLOUR it is the beat on the
short notice, being a practical mil-
ler am euro to please you,
Highest market price paid for all clam.
ses of wheat.
Barber and Tobacconist
Choke Stock of
lbhiocoe, Cigars and Pipes oa head.
Law fan 101
Tnaoa Moana
Aprons sending a ukelele and dmie lotloa mar
Cetseknl a eereeta wet ly po�piinnion ire* whether an
kkap�ne kadlf eonlad/eetbial. Fieartbk■koon tPsaitent.
PAWSta 0155.11 t1teua�iSe°Yoa & Cu realre
erected suttee, IP Met twar.w. la inc
Scientific American.
Aanom.naAReM Mtr. ket�lpr. ep•
Sale Notes a epeeialty. Admen
made to formers on their own
notes. No additional '*amity re.
We offer every accommodation 000-
sietent with safe and ooneervative
banking principles.
To loan on Real Estate at lowest
rates or interest,
Persons wlahing to sell will do well
to place their property on our list
for sale. Rents colleted.
Of all kinds promptly attended ft.
We represent the leading Fire and
Life Assurance companiee, and
I ePestfutl ',elicit your account.
OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M, TO 8 e.g.
Prete Hua.* AND Geese.
mkt Is the esmbfaa)
i Queen Street Bone, HIM
Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator,
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent.
Office, on Queen street, Blyth. Orders
lett at Fit& STANDARD office will reeety0
prompt attention.
C. A. COOKE, L.D.i., D.D.$.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Uni-
versity of Toronto, end graduate of the,
Royal College of Dental Surgeons.
Special attention paid to therelerva--
tion of the natural teeth. Moe over•
J. W. Bell's harness store, Queen a
Blyth. Visits Auburn lst and trd
Mondays of each month.
W. J. MILNE, M.D.O.111.
Physician, Surgeon and A000uohear..
University of Trinity Cols.
lege '
Queen's Un
low of Trinity Medical College, and
member of College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Ontario. Coroner for the,
County of Huron. Mee, one door
north of the Commercial hotel, Queeo
street, Blyth.
am pm
it 68 8 16
66'1 813
1 8
7 16 8 45
7 24 8 r)
747 42.;
9 60 0 25
Wingham Jo
Beal;; SAO
11 10 8P)0
11 07 7 ea
10 BO 787
10 41 7 21
1018 7 14
1016 II6L
816 440
Mails Arrive. -Frim North -7.20 mite
and 8.00 pm-; South -10.46 a.m. a
7.30 p.m.
MLtils (,lose•-Go•nz 2.10111t-4 0.101.111,
and p.m.; 3ottt4"i a.\, .oi