HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-15, Page 6°F. IN SPITE OF HIS BIRTH. yoe'u n a•n J ' W011 mar l .r u w 1 w, I g y y i "L_- Irl° ma we may us well get c ere'( 8 I anter forget nnylady," aev'ebeLl mats while we an. tVltor'e's your I hr pretty mold with a emnfldent tan trunkhoeing old ho just earnest ule,ut bluee ,d. her Irl Int hold. 11 ha,tlrg only pal. then txr',urretl to R 'him that 11;4 nn"whit Inco stew 1roQ- "f twit yell out at that dli't you gage. fountnie on )k'nrnu etre!G-don't y'ou "1 have no h'euk, Mr. 1.nwttm," ale know 7 -cull you lull 111e that Hudgi answered. "Neil attI l have all the ons n fellehlo,del nog" althingweshaIIne'dfor the pr'esent "les; but 1 didn't simmer(' you'd la title eltollileu," end sen pointed to ever think of it again," said Ned, mal- a POW at'd capuelouer one that .to0(1 • it'd yon 1 well, !ledge, and I • Maar them, here a pretty Keel memory -Matin'. t Well, well, warm,111011there'll be we, doggie? re,.\Veiled Kiev Gertrude lona feu woman at the !lull- OM she ttmdly ',vetted the etlky head of hie ---- rouse with. fie Ilt- her pot, "and ver are ore's so much L htggagt+ le that.- he rrsp01ded obi to yon for giving um lark W ada twinkle In 1414 eye 111 114 perk- each they. fin you know," elle added ad aP taw venae and Ind thio wan en confidentially, " I nearly (Tied my 178 boatel elle Inst, (..1:1.3.,,..11:111t11 1 thought he 81114 lust for - Tiro day waa flue oud Ute anal down sen pointing not 1110 wallow' °Meets Ned looked ne if he thought 11 would d s rh lovely • (yet but ho "infill "aid' m t1111 itin kUel`trurkl'.wt and her mother, with two or tierce others, tried to _ mention the order M marching Into the taut for r Ior. There ern ere exrinnmllon of natoulehnmut from glrlx. I thlatk we mhaO l go 111 urn• blue rnufeel her to 1111 her eye's/again plias,• r'luulrknu a part Ilt•tlo ids(, who was a small boodle of fnehluN to lite fate, when eilro meidenty la'• oud fnrleelowe, nod who liked W rano` INNIGrl G, ilyr 'pot tvhereshe tPrN. Nt teal, toty anile fie Ilea' is rd , n6• ren.. m know HIM?" 1 the bettor weir delightful, Mr, Law of laamwt, and relating Ileo hletorl• la' It great pity to eye I u nal aveaW n(lss`luted with aor41e of I' euro yon ern very wPhoale to her the full, but only In eeaaon W item Herr, her fair taco rrlms+udl:g and dei ruse of Rheumatism for which they Ned had never been on the ocean 011 that 1 phis wua 1 um very geed fleet eyes !lambing with b-dignatlon, " what Delve her bend upon Ila arm, thnY ltatc been used. before, tura Ifo experience was an I happened GI run nerve. him." If lie 1', Ile Ie just one Of the Meese Preventing 1t from striking against A epenlmen oaf's Is that of ]Ir. Al. exalt -big one to him, while he exhibit- ed " 1 spa thought you were very he boys I ever knew, 41 Ill you'll wlx,ll the slurp cueing of n door, with n L. I1lunhey, of this town. all It lrny'a euthndaam ovor what dependent, though, not to take any everything, Kate Montague, If you dao fuer that would bora brnika 1 ItLer Mr. Iflnchry .ttyn "1 have for )'cars be naw -tie (lapping t peclall7 In• reward," the rhllel gravely remarked, or say anytllr unkhul to him." and r'Ill7. been tortured b,v encknchn and ns sale Medici Noloefrank, Itandaonte R "1'oor h'1 I" Ile muttered, no he 'OMestfng blue face• tecta euaMtd Into the little mnlek'n'x Q ltleMy eralsnl. Upon their arrival at Nantaakut, eyes as aIle concluded tido merited de- saw that she had ;einem " 1 do "My corm wan crr,11 Revere, and my Mr, Lawson took a carriage for the Ae flushed ngnil. fare of her irterd, not wonder [het silo ons nrcrcnm°; eafferinge very great. betel, where both Ned and his mother ' I couldn't," lin wild, "after he had "Yes." mild Mrs• Laugnmis', gravely, tithe meeting mot have shocked her "1 trlod (leveret kinds of medI.ane, were won installed In their le 1'1 , leen' A kind, fid -and you had glvBu ,"Ned lea remarkably nice boy, and L els much as It has mo." but they did run no son U!. pn'Itlona inn that L•enutlfut lee," should be very 10117 to have ILLY ftaiy He gently lifted her from the floor, "T ops Induced to nee I)uJd'w Kid - been Wnhingtolrl woe nnelgncd a " What roue'(" I;nrernde Inguina, lugs hurt la any way (Imply localise bore her Into a small reception room ney Pella, rine 1 am happy to state ieCmlOOking out upon the cera, while wonderingly, then no etre suddenly re- Ise le not the son of rich parents and near by and Inld hor upon a seta that three Inxee cured um, fully and Ned Dad it manlier one t•mnnertlg membered, elle added, Iudlflerently, bee to work. 1 hope you will all be there. 6hrorvughly." .avltb his mother's -apartment. "0h, that was nothing, But are you 1'erycaroful" Thein returning to the hall he If Dodd'a Kidney Pills Cured thiw ver 'Hee " linen room" erne a1 the manse stopping ilere fit thea house 7" she In. "Mamma, I Mill vhoom Ned for my gathered IIP thio scattered !Melt and were ease of Rheumatism, they will I widenthe1 111va Intl ten lam 1•Na• Moue hall needles 14) the Iinet.I1olf, RHEOM�TIC she saw a Qallteglan nlglrael'llrg jj.0 I her from the oppt tee (Erection. Filo merely gdnmed at him, and --- would have peeled on without a mete oud lu,k, Ind lot a IIalestm,thftI,'d re le rots tape her ei kv l lid - 1 Y I , II1fl lL � Y Lal d .! IQ •11' I 1 r Well," raid htg with nmuoluuuitt, I ael) Ito lac }rollout to that, and you alio II ehUos' your awn partnere, Who will you go with, l.uthnrhlr7" " I'm sure lam not vele with that minium crrrwd•b,,v,'• the chilli re- turned, with (mother 1111x1 of her head and n dlsdalnful (twice toward the group tet the 'law'n, where Ned was doing hie bust to auks) the others have 41 good time, What errand boy 7" uh!m1tl In a aortae of volw14, for several °there h d approached,and were Iletsaing fIler hulls refused 41 mote; every TI I y eco' her o c11' r lied from her f I r ,maf o t, heart bent like 11 sletyirl'•hnnuaer Jn her lessons; the roaring' tor of IL emelt waterfall 11.115 10 her 'slow, The gentlemen him:* If was scorerly leas netonlehl l and 0corntun4, Iter It nroment1 he now rendered epr'cl•It:me, anal appeared to bo Nudlt- tem with a terrilee seam of gnllt 011,1 lvneter 0.tlon. Then throwing out ole, laud, wlth n gesture indicating keetleet pain, Ile queethmal It a beaky, linrdiy 11udlhle tune: I8 ec Prevailing Ilan In Quebec, 1sT Terribly Q e y g and Tortures Young andOld, e 11 Cure ' Ilslb (lady I Duda,* Kidney 1 I d y 9 •'leant ' e'arethrllul •ylydlrlat If -'III ) I „r the IHN- 'ex the \'nun's 1 Hanot Pelee. Leel+, 1'. Q. \larch ,,-''fhe climate of lhiv ProvlIl la smell that Riem ut- tlPnl lee IL eery (111111)111 tlixe'lae. Almost 11101.1 fondly UI the else olure wafers from Its ravages iuutg 0nd ohl fire \airtime. elle matte of 'semi.. are (Tippled for life by It. .t me:ec',Inr that out euro Ithrumn- tlem Is n (inti -rend. Experience hue proved that Iltd. menta and ells are of no lure snlue n " Aro elf Mlrinel \V'tIII ford 1" to arrungrinente whtla they hent n than 0 wild water rubbed on the cheek " hilt now thane 1 nm," ve breutll• aurprleal ginner npwgl Katharine to corn teethes -lie. Montague, soh() ons n smelt In the nl ; Intl [heti. her wrddtxdrnmltten That ltheunlntllul le der to die - hotel, and lulu) had secretly resent• heart, unable to Isar Ihlo cruel ens") kelneye allowing lsdaou to re- el Ned'( being Invited to the party. Print tg of an old wound, oho xnnk' ;train In the blood, 1181end of filtering "That No11 Walliegford," mum the with u moan, in u 1,0x11 np0n the It ort, Ina 10111 ulmmtnntly' prored by e,altamp N la reply ; •' oil ' 84114 the floor, mattering her pile of 1411084' the remarkable ea'se's(( of Do9d'r Kill- - errand lay Ion' Lt Om hotel." Rose all nlrl,u1 her. lie}• \'ills, which net solely on the Kid - neve oil," nuluimcd 4 ertruetes jure Ties mon elprnnQ forwent to save neve, aid which hare sorsa every A rnitrry NU'rlll Flowl•re Were es Hohn for [Evening I►reaa, 1 trey dainty. pretty notion that la Ild1htg wide vogue in the French tainted Just now lhiny strike our women as being' rather 'seiner end Gar euusplrmnla, but no worn by erehel woolen they rem Ily ha VO a dieleed genet. 'riuwo ern fIownr re The prig- gsw•s fee r ulu wear. 1 e I K t Ile, ' little !Melee aro trlG'ntsnt inn& t t 4 r r t of th•taehal petal: of nrLlflcinl Flow era massed together to fora' a Itkonulug primal, Then the nulla nee 1'lulsllell with a cluster of , full. blown flowers. hods 11011 leaven. I'LON'E1t•IDE('OIRAtED MIFFS, Fancy muffs, Dower derorlted, mtly ales len dneeett ns n 1'nrhinn urate, r,cr often ore they Bron un the boulevards These lire must fee. quently worn ao 011 neceasory to u esteem where the muff Is of eel vet to Inn till or to oontruet bnr- Inunlouely' wltle the (fade of the gown and Ito floral deeornthen elos Orly desigitd to produce an firyletir I8i1I1 One hen uty mentioned in our eats lees was of dark•brown vett it. 1111041 with old Ivory main, 'adorned with a beautiful buu&M of 1'reeldenL Carnet t'aw'w. COSTLY ('LASPr. The latest caprlec thn6 the Wo• atm of Le, Belle Frame have taken to their hearse Is a handeoIun eluep for their costly serape. S.' (labor• ate end cutely are throe that they fled n place In the jewel onbinet when not In WO'. They fire very beautiful In design and often toted - dol with precious stones. BELTS FOIL YUUNU ulltlee Prettylittle belts ern worn lay girls tired of the plain little 11111• row belts. They are broad In front with two polats above and below, eloping down on either side and pas• ming around the wast in a narrow band ieetening In the back or at fluor, arae froth spacious and pleas- qulred, with some curiosity. pariner, 0erttuda here eplrlttslly 110 C019181 the ale) room, e(rtalnly curl others apt, with enema and drawers on "Yes, I em mesrnger boy for the trnunrcd: "1 (Oren be proud to have shutting the door after him to Pre- Are you a sufferer from Rheums_ the sada Theer belts aro of eat- eat, •I 'tlmm'( broldery of some 'notarial to in telt three Mee, whllo a table, sewing ma. clerk." , ,him to go with I I me, for he s always x l'e'st any ono from coming M. s chine, pad a comfortable rocker oe- 011 I Do you Dice it 1' se gentlemanly," Ile itnmd the etrtoken woman b0• If you are, use n box or two of the trlmmluge of the.. gown. cup3ed the fourth. " Yes, Indeed ; 1 think It is great TId9 II:dependMlt cbampiooshlp ginseng to revive, and bringing her Dodd'e Kidney rills. They will rrrtnln• Now, there alit any need of your tun, and I do era love the 1611." and quereheld nil further ill-natured re- a glean of water, he made her drhnk ly cure you. Better Then Muskoka. killing yourself," Mr. Lawson re. Ned glanced out of an open window marks, for these little people were oil amen of it, and wise relieved to tree Acthng on the well -knew!! principle TO THE marked, when ho had conducted Me. toter( he could nen the bright, auntie familiar enough with the etiquette of that the was rapidly recovering her Stood by ills Wife• that Ono oxygen contained In pun' }{, } lam thither, "You're to have the waves an they cam° rollag 1n upon polite society to know. that whoever strength and conscientious', air b nature's bee erre for all (arms Canadian Northwest 1 the rocks on the heaoh, wee rhoaen by the hostess as an oa- " You are better?" Ile remarked, In The colorless charooter was N:mpl9 0! disease, Dr. li. ewlrhr, formerly u( whole charge of the (heel, pillow- But don't you get eery Viredl" mnk:mg talk; that was very apparent, nags, towels, and table linen; tbey'ns(ort had the poet of honor, and it a kindly tone. Montreal but new of New York, Ina to be kept In order 410d lauded out Gertrude asked. would not do to give offence ley slight• "e'er, thank you;' Miriam returned, "Ale indeed b" he r ar:icd. "So cook- perfected an lucrnllon called "Oxy. Will leave Toronto, via North the d "Well, wmetimee but I et rest I Il I and railed herself to a defies pa• ery s1 Your wife's particular fad, it (rano- it lea wonderful little fn Eby at p.m. arid 9 p.m. bo looked over anti mend- . es- R" In bllsfnl Ignorance of title 1 tee Ufa ed eyes fixed, with a look of horror, a ober m body to absorb oxygen from thio air and A ell I1T eU °lent OD, can you swim l" regatdlrmg his position and Modal a her companion.ly 0101 12,' shoulder; it b quite usual In uutflclent quantities to burn out ' p til she Coen from the laundry, Y Looe upon Mudthere'll ie moms new articles to , "Of course 1 eats; can't you t" stabeng ops made very happy when Do not regard me era aocueingle, for somebody In do thio in all cook- dlti0nse at any curable stage. Al It boniness offers. Me t of time for mime e you'll iw out "No; but papa sald he lwuld try Gertrude, with IApt slurs[ (00010tlm }[ he ,' its remarked, with vlalDle "ry Jokes• 11111 three a whole family and loot C lonbt Sleeping Cars for pnesongere wt(y, Piety 01 but I to teach the this summer," Gertrude rtes( asked him It "Iso would be her agitation, "i know that I wart "711 be perfectly candid,' lie (or years, It will be Invaluable In ordinary baggage will be attached 10 train of door.yand sep bathing, both of ref's ed, with a little eavleua ti(QDov.1 pprtner, and take her In to supped:' guilty 01 a `'seat wrong toward yon (hen n'h'A•pered, the puddings nod mese of eudde't Meese In the country, ItravlagTorontant1p.m.,ondwlllruntllroWll week [advise you to take, 11 you Ned'( accomplishment, then niter He hep the pr eon ion with her as yea)( ago; but ah! 1 hese repainted feu; rake are Just a bit lilt( concrete, no It '.v111 effect n cure before a dor• W N'1nlpeg, waa0 to filet strong and well." looking Ila gravely over. for a mom- proudly and wit!, as much self-q�Yses of 1L l sackcloth pad milieu, over but EU'De of the other tit tags are peel Lor could be reached.It 1 Id tColonio Cars for "Thank you, Mr. Lawson,' 51re. eat, she remarked, " I think It 1w dm as if Inc had been accustomed ill tend over again?, Woe, 6f [ do say N. myself 1 Yes I' Weak Lungs When your throat and lungs are perfectly healthy you needn't worry about the germs of consumption. They don't attack healthy people. It's the weak, debilitated, In. Ilamed membranes that are first affected. Hard coughs and colds weaken your throat and twigs and make con. umption more easy. 1I your lungs are weak SColl'S Emiision Is the best remedy you can take. It soothes and heals and gives lone - and strength to these delicate man. banes. In this way you can prevent consumption. And you can curt It also If you haven't had It loo long. Keep taking it until your lungs are strong and your weight restored. 1 all Lrnclet1111 fa.. and ei ro BCOTT a 01111 NE, (Acme., T,'soli ', N.� anal a l l 1 1 1 Colonial Excursions dining -room 101041111 and ug n m' n 8117 way. Ids rt, they aro needed I ed after n essem and a g night'(' consequently Ned, who happily 1)1114 sure, but with her great pakedilat• :t 1 In the abstract er the eonoretvI" strumas[ whlrh 1911084 the human *soh Tuesday dul.lrlg March Tti 'h an looked spprehensve- e ea ve111nR on acme Irvin w their IIF( vlocl will by qq to e YIaIllltgtoM gratefully responded, for rather queer that you (lbould happen his life to mach rrallantrtce, well° Ger. "Your repentance cause rather Then he hnchteri the colorless cher- the best phyefclans. A cat of the In. will run through toM leaving the ens that the oft gentleman tvue 'to be herr. \Ye (deeps Tomo hero for Lrudo ronfhWn;tdnlly told her mother Into," yllrkm R'nllluglorl returned, aster up ind:liner, whereup;n the I(1, etre meat will le (ern In allot her Bartel will be some In these erre, and ranl •1 Interested Mr bee welfare, and snot. a month or two every ummmer. I think afterward that "then• wasn't n with exceeding bitterness, while her ur:ess rhe rme;er ll. is d out that he column of title pa1ver, 1.0000.1147'xlesenyers me epic eouon In (ernn� rd to be kind to her; "1 will doevery it he the nicest place 1 know of, 1)o boy fit thio table who was fur hand.face one ghastly MI It. pallor, too teen m, n :r:••h.-Dt1l'0t duurnnl. Trunk ascot+. thing that I can to Improve my You Ilke G) evil on the wateai" Nome, tlewanly', and etteltlye os late to prevent a terrible and last• — _(llntrd'eT•Lllmentcure0Uaodruff. Ticket., rates, and all laform0411 from YeaLtli, for 1)cttow, 1 cannot discharge Don't 11" Ned roturned cabled- N.(I 11 oallingforde Inganent of Unnd'rrnnk railway system. �.- three, r.,, r,r,.ne „ansa r sue well." elticnliy, "I 1/011g11 1 don't have n tray b from resting upon me leu They Celebrate Ladysmith There': I M. C, DICKHON, Dldrkt. Poseurs. Agent, duel a chance veep often, I'm eo busy." CrIAPTElt PILI. and my Ivey." have cu''ed rase(' beyond the .14111 0f attached train lour In Toronro fit a 11,1(1. e POLSON'S VIL! "Theta the talk, but 11, ng Ah • then Ned s raft, the work gets ahead 01 yell, "Papa hes n yacht, and we go este put Miriam Wallingford lad over w," Yeyour von 1 1st me knew, end you eh0ll have very often; i will oak hire to take Ion rd the slanted dlecueelai regard- " Why do you cull him by the mime you with lie some day. Dolt perhaps lug the model (tending and \aeon asst thanked him again for 1110 (wt'• =tient, and thou he loft her to Mgla her work, Already she felt better than for a latg time. The salt air was both re- freshing and Invigorating, and she aimed to be breathing In strengths ,wtth wary inspiration, while hope ,and courage were revived over the impact of a permanent home for Abe Ammer 414111 remunerative employ'. sant to enable her to lay by a litt for the future, when the season shooed fps at an end, Ned woe to be the uflh>e runner, and iia bright face, alert manner, .lat1 d sat11� oourteoue Learing at ono° seen ham he goodwill of every one whom he .((reed He dr'oppe'd easily hilt° hlaJlne ut slaty, and was eo cheerful and gospi- natured In pertot'ning It that ho lb. edtehi messy n "tip" from npprelate afaglee-.., ....,"-, .._ l um If had been Ilia of Oates of his moMils he otther, wtioo ove urofuily Ione millioairellnod he 41lment woe hippe d vested teem In one of the Batton bank. her for her sweet `raelotwaom ie a astegg for ldm In the future; Later It the day Mr, Laugmnld lie began at omen( to grow brown and came Into the office rand shook hands ,yaarty, his eyes wore bright wi111 medially with 111m, while atter that Wraith. Ills etre (Retie, and he wan To lost no opportunity to give Ned an en happy as tiro day was long, while, errand, and ninny, "tipped" lllm Iib• rlrhen he began to dLxvover that Ile wally la return for his services mother'' thee cheeks were filling out Nerd Row Gertrude every day after iniy color to tinge them. Ills that first Interview, and they 14. no 140004,. came the beat of (Heade. Bio never " he Feld to her one day, varied her kind eine gentians els (yet dwelt fondly on her manner, though ,tied snnetlmee fame, "you are getting as pretty na wondered If elle would treat -sae a esus girls; da you know It ?" Irlm the nom/' In the presence • e'V1.. e14 you mustn't begin tourism of her own high-toned eomput y�ea flattery upon your mother," Mrs: Ions. At last she had an opportunity Wallndor'Id ett.poudecl, an amused to prove herself the noble -hearted mile hovering about her Hese. little lady that she was. Her eleventh • "I1 isn't flattery, It's wild truth ; blrthdey name around loon alter her 'ee a hundred times prettier than arrival at the hotel, and her father of tete fine ladles who are here," and mother arranged for a little re - pie itontly affirmed, but she laughed caption and lawn party in honor of ,Oat merrily. and told hien to rule the event, wttb refreshments to be ally( for die wee very busy. nerved In a tent welch wap erected int arprlsd dud pleasures neented to the (indole grounds for the oc- f Ve III ngforel T" you are Ln n hurry nos, ani ISI nee worth of her boy, if Nod had not u "Can you nark Y w6v IaUd 1 turned, on it madders y platen, just where she could over. purred to her that she WON look the (wort. 1,1 thin young people eleven passionate Inquiry. keeping him s gond w•hl:e. me elle gnetly worked at her Mand• ' !hr orImagism, to for one monient, ood he''lorid f li dded; " horn n glial 1+1g °Od had thou been an unlnten. that I woulil w y pure a d noble Q Mona! listener to the delete, boy to bear the name of you again about 11," the chb'd re- tele( had Imola iltting on the u er - e 1 u:-. PP cull him anythbtg else?" twnx the friend to y'tal."Her fair fans had flushed body all the uc"vet wnel who to 1 I Badge reapondnd W title 1ommnid Ity ' the pert Ilttle rules had ;woken[ to -who w ` 'tet wronged nut In the watt cruel manner that a womn11 can n .Mort, friendly lurk, end by trying slightingly of 11111 "common errand THE GREAT PAIN KIN© GIVES T E`,�� ANTA Seraelh-i guess 111)1 new 000,11 ! — .a a Briter all agilegrl'. Agents Wanted Si. Peter -lie Is, earl }Lev did you orcr}• taw11 and 11111091' 1,1 (': 10 1010 eaU ado M mensnrc clothing. find [ bet out 1 Seraph -He has worn eat t'wo horns se'eady in rhe ;tree day( he has btwu !:ere • Sider'( Orli* Powders 'sura. Iler Diplomacy, I ma afraid,•' she maid very shyly, NOTICE GROWN GLO1IIING tile 70110110 Ohl. 'Oust 1 ought nut to penult you t1 TO HORSE OWNERS. all mn by my' that 111141)1' :1h, pardon me," the young man 1t I. a well -known fact that Hor.oe 1roublud replied, " 1 like your float name -1 Ir• with Heaves. tf placudon Prnlrle (adorn, are gin in -It 1ewuw to fit you en well, 1 aoo°o0redotlhnha►cos. land Impel i Sleight ales It In ddrowsing PRAIRIE WEEi)'leave Powder ,,,,,,..:1,a, 10•" Is composed of the 1'ralrtn leer,) " which It. . •' 11'"11," 0111' n111n0 -real, ' perlt 1p+ you Leon found so effectual !n Limo Bg 11r0vel, nu, y, bel do you thitrk y'rnl Int tltt cembinedn'Ithother vnhald,•re,uollulaeeute, :yyrrht t)1 do ,," -..yet 7•' and 14111 prof',` an raw) ad remr�ly it t' 11110 ea , tks'rh rams' 1114, Ile nye, the and will p In lforse, )ad t'n1110, w. 11. look that the yillulu 111 the oaten 16 canna per package at all Pros`\ ¢a, or mal always e her when Ma la about 1 la• I ad by M, F. ack Chat all Port [I n, Ont. rurnnrrd.-I'hlrngn Herald. M wag hew tightly curled Lull. Sed boy" and she (rent eagerly forward be wron1edb" the pate woman cried lifted his rap again as the blue end 1 white fairy wont skipping down the hall, and then wont about Ills Mel 1 11003 111111 a sparkle of by In Ila 1)1a rind a bright FM 110 on his NM. Gertrude Langmnll one, In lila re•, tlmitloq the prettiest end sweetest - girl he had ever titan. He knew that she 81111 the petted dauegettcr of n wealthy gentlemen,' while- lin wee the eon of a boor widow, rani had to work for Is living; but she lens just n( kind and friendly to to 'erten for the reply from tier. ■pringlig to her feet and confront: tile& and her mother. lag Ler onm'panion with Waning eyes, ,t sweet (mile (nrvo.l Ire delicate a )(pot of vivid rod Iwrnlrsg on each lip., when the trite -hearted 11ttbe cheek, wblle she wee se brilliantly maelen ens nobly esponeed the beautiful to her Indignant 0xcute- reuse of her tamable friend, went that her eempenton marveled. std her gleam rested grate, " Hut, pray let me explain," the fully upon Mrs. Langmnlrl, fie elm pian began nppcalingly, when she In - gently but firmly objected to haying t.rru'led him again. baa feeling.+ hurt in any way. "Explain 1" she repeated, with She had stover stet the lady, nether elinging scorn, hut In a tone of had elle yet seen Mr. Largmnee bat agony eli ch emote the !letener I1ke (lertrudn eho kneel very well, for Ned a limb, "Ifow can you explain! What frequently brought Iter to her rooms, can you explain 1 [b you 'impose that and elle and, the attra4'Itive young girl any ezphenation ran uncle the wrong had becomes firm friends. of the pent b" Atlrlana leas tllanklnh tient her duties "No; (t cannot 'Indo It' perbops; did not bring her much In cOntlnrO but It ma serve to mitigate It in 11 with thio guests of the lemon she measure, if you w•la but listen to me," rarely saw any of then[ except AO elle he replied, with gentle gravity. met them Ivy chnnee, In paellig "Oh I you do not know whet you through the 118114 rd;nut her duties% are talking about," the etrtrken we. audit Ivan n embJert fit wonder, among man cried sharply and with n dry many of them, who the beautiful hard sob ; " nothing call ever mill - woman could be with that slight, gate my condlllon and 110 OM knows graceful figure, nod a face of such it better than you who helped to delleato fairness; and refinement bring me where I am. Can anything Her work 809 of 101e11 a nature glve me luck my care -free youth, my that eke could nlweye be dalOLllylnpocenco and La ploess 'f Can dressed, and though her eeetit1mea anything make me the guleless loved sero very eltnplo-usually of (Mite or eud bonored girl 1 was when I fleet wane prety cambric dotted svltll a knew you t -restore my home, my [toy sprig of bleak, elle nppeared Ilk( pa -end, both of whom died of broken some cultured and high -bred lady. hearts i Can anything wipe out the which Indeed silo really was. torture- of the lett thirteen long But a cloned, aside from her poverty, years -the struggle with poverty, owerehkdowed her Ilfe-a cloud pewee tees and disease I Can anythin give end so heavily upon her heart and eplrit to ,,,y boy an Lonorab:e blrtltrlght that she lnstht,tivnly shrank from 011 and nuke him what a fond and to follow thlrkl u n each other. One cite n. emlet7' loving mother would wL.b Dim to y po Air. Ltnvaoa Wee the only one 1111111 he? eh 1 Wllllam CIIttNn,.1,ail, you, *tarp 11 No war hurrying along a New was rather eur'prleed and very whom she held eeything like franall E p>'shape, did not think 4lIen ,You slim\, intent epee some duty, he near- much invitationd to receive a�Tnted intercourse: Ifo wee frog neatly n a1de11 and abetted such n frandyeere 1j na over a bright little v p u Y the IMeI, and ultvnya °ought her to ago tient 'your ala wee • rale up to all 1n blue sod white. with litho M1as Langinek ui friendship and Inquire, lit a most kind and paternal confront yew at title late day of la wealth of golden hair streaming esteem width made Ills cheeks glow wily, '•11011/' ahH are Net were getting your life--" ,(year tier plump shoulders, dainty and his eyes ;wake with pleaenre. along," "hor heavens sake sitop!" •been( hoot, one her little feet, and He showed It to the clerk, and was He always seemed strangely OP! idea :knots of gleaming blue ribbon at the even more delighted when be told ham plenscd, ton a HOn the Improve bioll man ti eu ren d Ilps, Ile vol Its?of her eleev°a that be should hive the whole after- went In her health 01111 aptpearanee, word you waypreeoed Tae1d 'EveryrIn I hell pardon, lies," Ned (mid, with noon of the specified day to htmse:f. while It was plain to be (sen that word you tvttsr s ldko a d r In io yon d. gallant pollteooto as he brought blue (lo at Three o'clock on the tenth a he wax becoming exceedingly fend flee„ Luertshy flan naAnd me of- Cunntlig• *elf upstart, and doffed hie cap; then, merry company of boys and girls, of Ned,laver ham !" MO a sharp bark and the tinkling of about Gertrude's age, assembled on In her gratlteale for tin great ••�•as not that the name b� whlrh blank belle (altup n .Itl* followed lm lookofthe lawn and piazza of the hotel, and kindness he had shown, In providing your friend Introduced you to mei" •0 of ant d del I t r entered most heart,ly Iuto the var- such a congenial home and employ- 'Sure e:iongh ho did l" he ecknow- WI I t provided f 6 el(IM, (knelt. t n terep nus *porta Prov e, or 1 am. went for her pad hor bo;, 1dlrlrm le,l real as 11 but Just then recalling iface am e r•ecrcnized In the bewltolr. Nei enjoyed everything as (hor- ways very amiable and pleasant to the teff. "But ltd he Hover tell ou leg vision and Iver canine attendant oughly enemy one, and Bron made hien- hien-except whfnt he attempted to y !]iEism Gertreul' I.augatald and her dog sea a favorite+ by hos kood'natured question her reseeding her tenet, as that It was not my surname?" and obliging manner, and as b1a he did ([pier ono fir two occasions; No." Iaimed the little melees, n mother had token 'sane to have h:m then she would euddetrly withdraw "My nam° is WDllm Cepningham le at pfeaeare veteething her rod nicely dressed for t�a occasion, every- within her aholl, no to Lnrlgl-"" aperae 0e• kin. Wallingford 'started and bent SI aloe In turn recognised Nett troy,y, sacs Lhoee boarding at the hotel, awning a proud though quiet Ts` upon ."yon y ware Nedho found Buage Walll°gfforrt and the euanal Ielmeed Illhim to ere Iho 1)0 of wine serve, which effectually baffled the a"And 0yar k noon's -I Lrutlleea father"" n a ou le id t 1 it ' TIM" Ned responded, flushing with g Hut n;l the nminxment come o 6vn ldcuroe y she leaked.mkeleaked.But treay ay (1 ae elle sit kion the „Ys„ _ _ _. -. �. platen and realized ehn kinihnertn and ' "The father of that sweet beautiful PATTERED NERVES, nobtllty yy!! Mrs.Langimld, she was yield!" the woman cmtbuted thought. InstlnrtNlly drawn toward her fully, "Suppose she should grow to and wsdoomedhel tent mho might know her womanhood only to be better. to such n tote ae tutor." s e 111, ellen mho KI8tNeul with Gertruu1eThen she ensed withont on (111 be oontlnued,) COULDN'T hs arm, marching proudly Into tiro Stent, where he took hs plate at *loo Reward, 'too. ADAPTED FOR FAMILY USE FOR THE IMMEDIATE RELIEF OF paper The reader P the head of thio table beside hie of this a 'r will Ise staunch little friend, without a pleased to learn that there Is nt thought, nyr(mrently, regarding the tenet one dreaded dleeale that eel - axial dlffrrence In their pxwltloise site has been able to erre In all Weak, Nervous and Run Down, Had Dizzy Spells, oegrw °Ugh Into Ilrhnrt 110 teoarsaebeeiHell'p1C(rrlr cdure Intthe rmlyrlto Would Shake With Nervousness—A Terri le market of thn� part child, Knthorine lithe cure known to the medical TOOTHACHE ,,.RHEUMATISM,.. Case ---A Remarkable Cure. 'Mogi(, and thew could enjoy tidal. fraternity, Catarrh being a 'sonnei• a parrs ahs, hex lint potty ltd 11x• tutIonal demure, requlroa a multi.pmh sate In social life, AND ALL PAIN INTERNAI, OR EXTERNAL. Uera EXII81 1', N'RVILIN0 cures Toothache,Pheumatlsm, Chit Illness Bless of Insects, Colds, Spasms, Neuralgia, Diphtheria, Yore Throat, Frost Bleu, Cramp., Le, UM) I0rr1N0:.v, It curs Colds, Heida.4., Cholera, Clare h4a, Uppish, Dysentery, Influents, Stomach Pl,orda.s, ac. F'veeutlotul treatment. Hall's Catarrh I ' lie's, l hn•. 11..folee, I'IeroeLou, wrltoP: ' or reral genre 1 Myr' rnnntng mere in health and hare been a Brent I -offerer with my nerve:. I would ;11)0 shaking spells en that fey feel *1 .11 1 'and 111 Mill dutvn, Reed u dtram.,Nwnu,uing ieelloB would emeo over nm •. i toned not Bleep. NIght atter eight 1 Wool 11100*' eboue nU' 1470p, 111111 1115 bead felt it. though It i lrouhl bnrht. It „la 1 ns though 1 would go out of me mind, "At last i lad to keep my bad for 110* atld wan so weak I could oily els up for ten or fifteen senate' at a taw lll7 Motor .1111 11 wee my heart etervse, and 3 took hie winkingfleet fell to miring without dofulnn! better, An twee from Neve York came to M lee, and told me *it be had leen with !serenedWaw [)tat one '. du La y Team n beet, elm. . 11 laud oname Oh 1f 1' can tart hate my health Amro le taken Internally, acting AI• faith In Dr. (Ire* than In any other and employ'Dent, w) that I can give redly upon thio Mood and mncow doctor, and mum omre'I by thorn 1°0019 hem the education I w1h, I knuw 0urfaceo of the syetom, thereby de. of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, no hr ail- lie will dee 1n ehn world and comets, - " o a ts, etroying the tonndntlon of the die. Med me to use It, ally become tato equal, 1t eat the .OF same-, end giving the patient " I have now taker leve tweet of Dr. parlor, of any of 1h000. peeked eldldrun 41)01' h by building up the mutt.140111 CMane'1 Nerve rood, nee1 It 1401 111100 of fortune,' elle mused. ae else con'- st ergIon aby builaseiding nature la da more for els than i tier bettered n timed to watch than daring the, Ing ate work. The proprietors here medicine could do. Worde fell to 'x• banquet, 'Ned Is naturally tenet." no muds faith In Ise curative pow prees my gratitude for the wonderful she continued. "7011110 hr Will de' its that they olio's One Hundred •((rr hrowghl nhnni. by else hrntl,q lrnt, vrl,, tette: grolvn (1 1.1, and dollar' for any naso that It fallsto Unci 1 ran Beek cle'er1ullY Il1'(mmend 1 am (fro hr 411!1 1eaomo n 'eau to cure, fiend for Ile1 of te10 1.11ab. Dr. Chane'' Nerve Food to all weak, be proud of In emIte of--" P^EPAetn Ir N. C. POLKON & CO., KINGSTON, ONT. AT ALL DAUCCISTI, PRICE 2k. PUTMAM'I OOIM EXTRACTOR ORES COINS. nevtKr W0111011."Hcr IIIH suddenly eloseel nn,1 thus Address, T. J, CHENEY a CO., Dr, Chase's Nerve Fun 1 is thz world'. shut bark Into her end heart the Toledo, 0, neatest restorative for pile, weak, thought to which alto lad 10 nearly Feld by DrtI Tate, 71e, 1tr11'r ferrous, men, women and ehlWren. GO given rxpreaslon. conte n boy at all dealers, or Edman• A IItLM pater ale: ar(e's, and tlklug bn, Bator a Co., Toronto. In her anus the pile of linen -upon The diose Uol-ernmalt In coulee - Dr. Cluae'e Syrup 01 L:neelsl rad which she had been at pork -she tion with 14 plan for rued improve Turpentine promptly nue thoroughly went within thio bona. to pert It 'Dent Impel to provide for the ate. Pro- cures croup, bronclltle, cough, sol& away. 'Ilion of toll gate. alt arae the Pea As she was pawing along the spa- vlpa, Family Nile ars the bent, and u*J ma, .111 Alnlnnue In Pard,, Did you ever stop to think that an ordlnnry (leek of playing cards le a perfect calendar! There are fifty- two carie, representing the number of weeks In the year: ,105 spots, coo reepondhlg to the 305 daya In the rear: twelve feted cards, represent- ing the twelve- months; four sults, clubs, ep:aks, heart t, 11101110M% to prementing the fuer someone; thirteen cards In oneh cull, representing the thirteen 11100110 In each year, and the Joker iulke, up for the extra any- in the yeelr.--- ----- Many young ladles who were 14111)- posed to be Bolas foto decline have been restored to 11001111 and vigor by the mss of Miller's Comp0On'1 Iron Pills, Meade the Mean Mau Happy. The Meen Man was look:ag happy' "\?baso feel:nee hove yam lour; novo 1" the was naked. "My nephow'P," sa:d he, "I have Just nen[ btm a leiter nskinly him to itcrept lit'' ene,osed hundred du!- Inr cheek, ns n 1`!:ile birthday gift,' "Dot where dbel your epeeitiey come in on such a Imposition am lhotY' "1 didn't pun in any rbeek."-C:eve- land Plain Dealer. -^ billiard's Liniment relieve, Neuralgia Belgium's Electoral Law. The electoral Iuw of Belgium pro' vhkw that every man between the aged of 21 Red 21 emirs who 4114111 pay $1 per year In tacos will are ru• tltle.'i to vote one ballot; married MPH over 25 years of age w111 hese two ballots smelt, old If such mar' fled 111011 ,boll 0811 reed estate lir government bonds; or Ravings hank 4(1''11114 producing un Income of $2l1 q year they will have three ballot4 sere. 1;011 1.K r'INI;1T Col N'l'l1V 110\1R ll 111 a n,mdn ; len MIL'- rvud ,d Hamilton, on Lake Ontario, 10 Nioµoolt Irni( 1101, lilt nate largely fruit, miiimpully prnt•h, '. 1140u1 Trunk wool Klrelrlu IL,liway; pu+; prupcn y, w'III dh•Idc 11110 Ihreo 1„w. 'f•rm: 'about'. Addrow„Iunnlhun ('mien„ r, iion., One, IIIN.ARD'c LI:NIMFNT le the oily l`0I( HALT{ fHO1(OI'UILHnWI, NR1v Liniment asked for at my afore and 1 fuundlnn,l bitch, whiner of four finer the only ,x110 we keep far sale. prises at nonillion }tenor! shun+. Address i 111 Kelly entree nonillion, 4.nt. All the polite ave, It. HAIRI.iX F'ITTU:l, I'Irnennt Bay, C. 1t, A Novel Ad. A recent number of a Loudon Doper contains this advertisement: "Want- ed, a man of light we! hl, who fears ib° Lord and can drive a pair of Measly hereon. ile must, Lord willing, raise at 7 o'eeck in the morning, obey hos neater and ptistrrae in a,! ;awful commands, Al dot psalms nam Jen tee hou1ehoel prayer, look nf- let' the horses and uccroeunat.y ('11 'on the table."-Cth!cago Record. Talism! 1f you w11111 be strong sed healthy 111111 hoe good t•templevinna. dike \tiller's, ('onfeell I iron fill., It Mledun, „Hc: 1 Hee 1" mournfully (eel ed the owl. "Why,” asked elle bald eagle, "ere 71111 forever pull:ng up n holler 1” "ileroure," replied the bird of i'1 New lib' for a quarter. Minitran (•eurlwntnd iron Pill". Slate l'euell Industry. Paucilx from slate Inst molded by hydrnnlle pressure are now nm du In large quantities. They Ore nosh more papilla's than the aolld•rut elate penclle. One factory Inst year made 25,000,000 molded pence(, igltard's Liniment cures Bursa (tee. To Cure u Cold In One Day Take lexetive Brom Quintile Tablet., All drug se refund I he money It It fails to care. :an. E. W. Grove 'asignature Is on en(11 hex. 1Ir William (incdamld lain Pre' minted four pounds of tobacco to each mxymmmlSeloolvl oflher land mean M the Strathconn Horse. Miller's Worm Powders for mallow' akin ; obi or young. • Seaworthy, reliable, no 1,e, W/01/ 1001 he■1, baud clasp O vAAUNCIhi�rAMu. A GENTS WANTED 18111,1'11 tiro NEW 10 book,, "lb. 1.(11 1' of $0,01, Attica" Your hooka In ours: nod "Dwight 1. Moody, The Man and 111. Melon"; lin hooks ore troll sweeten and np'o-date. and etre not n rchaah 1110, old wailer; the pi loci, ore 10w, 1,1111 the leroWM extra liberal; ngunth eon male money If they lake hold at once and hell our books. Pros• peeing free. 1f you mean II11'illew+, ether ar raigementu for lt)rtherenynesery 14 000 -. 1) 1111nm Briggs, Methodist Book lime Toronto, Mrs,Winslow's Boolhing Syrup should al- ways 1. and for Children Teething, 1p soothes the ohIld, *often' the gums, euro, wind collo and fa the beet remedy for Diarrhoea, Twenty Ave Dents a bottle. FITSPERMANENTLY CUBED Be DR. Knee's Onvtt Nerve Restorer, No 11[e or nerl'ou.nehe litter Orin day. 1110. Head 0 101 Arch 1(10111, Pblla• delphla, Po., for treatise end free PJ (11a1 Lotto For sale by J. A. ]torte, eel None Ilene street. Montreal, Quo. THE T. LAWRENCE �SUGAR REFINING COMPANY OCCUPIES TM IS SPACE And will tell you something to your advantage later. Nothing to your detriment. Are you sick' Ilse medicine failed to cure you? Oxygen will cute, Rend for our list of testimonials, yen lnay know some of the cured. No family can afford to be without an nxydenor. It Is 0stnre'1 cud, no medicine, no electricity, cures while you sleep. At;FNTI VI'ANTED. OXYDON COs, 6 Slug street crest,