HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-15, Page 3A VOYAGE THROUGH SUNSHINE
Its A1.E :intik 1[4ak;.
Solleaseerir.estatext.-.- )-
H any man knows of a more pleas-
ant teal of. 'mending it holiday than
Onboard a 'Mabee( to fine weather on
a river, be ham yeti to give ld to the
world. A sweet and rosy morning it
WAS when the three of us sig -sagged
tike way through Mon(real'e bntl:ng
steeete to %lure lay the steamer
which was cl be our home for six jolly
days. An hour or ,two is of no account
Ia the Eine of n rivet freighter, and it
was with na surprise that we learn-
ed that many %hinge had yet to be
ekao before we could ee'i forth upon
our v.y'age. But hurry wee a word
• We had cut,¢ front or vocabulary, tout
Ile ohafe at delay -or at anything else
awl .n 0now•eterm-w0s forsegn t°
our present humor. Fee the time be-
ing we had no part to play in the
world' g eel:r6 y. ('donees and dole
ware Clic gnrbt we were to nerve. Rest
and retiree; len, and things new and
intense were usher we went to seek, n
* ring men, their fares wet with
peeepiretien, were hauling curiously a
shaped barrows laden wf;1t boxes and
halos anti barrels, alt intended for
pats of call :long the route, and with
tdtem they tilted the belly of the ship. p
$t was with the interest of Idlers that h
we watched these men. at thee!' lab- a
, ore; pereap1 w!.'h someth al a a
relish taro, In the thought that we p
Wald s:l. by, arms folded end take k
nopast ig so much bodily exertion.
It was tete one unpleasantness of
our erten; It rankled in my mind, h
thin thought that thou big fellows,
those engineers- and firemen, and ba
dsek hands end engineers and wait- t
ern and (rooks had to work so hard
Mitering to our safety and our I
aootfdr and our needs, while we m
Wafers lounged on deck In luxurloua
4 .notltingneee. The wleh that those t
Men could cease their labors was a n
purely selfish one. I cannot rightly wo
enjoy my Idleness when I see other
hoary -It pricks me like a bad oonsiIt
• •) Iowa there by the docks was n n
Nisid of iron works and factories, of
tall cbintneyt, sending' their smoky a
defilement abroad -a land rleh, may t
be, but unolsan end sorrowful. From b
*Wows looked mei and boys, dirty t
With the dirt of their craft; half- ix"
naked men, who fed furnaces, stood e
111 doorways eager for a moment's 1
respite from their cruel toll. I won. 1'
dor if flesh and blood were ever t
msabt for that haek.breaking, heart. a
brseklag tort of thing. The man who s
tgoke about the dignity of labor n
meet have bean a bishop or mine a
each comfortable person. He cer. free
tetnly never shovelled coal In at a th
itlraaoe door for a living, or slaved 0
In u Dost mine, or dug drains In the e
ppblo streets. I can see dI¢
silty 1 the labor In which m
a man user his bralna, his genius, et
If he has aoy, but in labor fes
%kat stups( les him and makes a ma. an
chine of him the dignity fa not so
apparent. Drudgery cannot be avoid• s
ea, you say. No ; but why should ono al
ilea. of men be asked to do It all ? se
1Wky should a man spend lib life In
doing the world's dirty work and get
no dance to do something better?
Why should Isle Intellect, the poselbil-
ltbs of which no one knows, be stultl•
fled and waisted by Incessant meohan•
sea! labor ? Now and then we hear of
�� ' ....-..•.. A nl.,laaatlaa1 1 11 111 1 1 ,100114'
the elver rood over whleh we
back through the (inlet wa
back through the sunshine and
Moonlight. Away across the blg
I know another land and love
lint the longer 1 sojourn hero
better kirk 1 like title land of spar
a land where, winter or eum
stature wenn it bright clean Me
In the after low of (Welling
brat o little ship Heti' us down where
• THE SOUTH AFRICAN WN ' era'1 p ° in ,he part of Tian -'BRITISH WAR BU06ET shoulders at the I4enats �rh
the a 201-0enernl Warren take; Sp:t,n 14^p.,
sea 24-8p 'on Kot nb,indoned by the Ili le Mr, Timothy Seely, Irtah Natba►1•
It, ti.h. let, followed lelr Henry Campbell�
the h 28-Meijer-DeneraI Kelly -Kenny's div- Herman. Ile proteNt'd optimt !reload
ole. Diary of the Principal Events . ision occupies Roamea I ,lune 10, Passed by the Commons With- (raving to pay unytlting towards the
northern Cape tlnluny• war enema, aesertdtnlg� that not a
Up to Date, 29-Dundonnldeo envulry makes n out Upp0513.1011, Penny had been even ti In jreland,
- h , ___ _ rat all to a share except /our lease, Goodbye, Captain, Good- L Tugela and raouple.4 Vaal Krantz. CHANCELLOR HAS A SCHEME, sorted, wait on attempt to JulblpIre.
I q aur ronnnbrwtme lon,udx llunitrs t,erman{ the United States and
Ppri tt Brasil li had h
it picked ea up, and we moat take 1'eb. 7 -Gen. Biller again crosses the The tax on whiskey, he furl or as -
" etesiseeaseesseAd bye, my brown -flitted %acture; (toai• cot 11 Tl D -\nal Termite. etnemute.l. lend.
Ing of the convent about them. Their bye, my sooty firemen, 801110 other +tar, llxrd by the Duces 1.4-1Jovenlent fur seller of I:Inds•r1,;c Landon rnldc aa3'e: The t[oius o0 "Let the dltthtond atock $kpkers,"
for roe llnare with their ' n1U' rommenrel. 0rmrral Punch's int- ('°mmone vena erutrdrd to -day, fuel all rontdnuerl b(r, Healy, 'thoeo' wAo are
t'OIOOS were a trifle harsh but not dna' tee shall ('01)11' again. amtwn'� 0x 14wd 1't 5 p. 1't.
uumuelenl, and they laughed merrily Free State It3orrs crnnmaudmr n airy captures five MKT (Minns, the polities goIleries wore thnruged, lu n(akittg stoney ent of the war, pay
In n way that tuns lufnotimhx. 10 --General French mime siege of nntieleation of the budgie stntetnont. the cost. Let the colotdee share ib.
Natal cruha -lin, who
and they were puppy In the antic(.
Boers 1't hrallprl, near 34tte' taken by the British. Introduring the budget, allows tont au
niton w ere king, KIR W. V. Vernon iRT'9 POINT.
P leaving great big kitten lel_ 1R--I[eavy (eberg,nn losses 1n battle Pro%lidltlre o[ £l5tilget,1(el bus to he For William Vernon flatsaon Lib
on lila pudgy cheeks. t hops they lleaonuatssnnc1' In form from ut I'nnMellrrq, proUded for the budget of 10(10-1001. Harcourt,
were nut tem rough with the little Frequently Duo to sluggish milli Ladysmith. 10-Bu41er eupturrw Iliwe cutups 11011' 'fie anon atntcmrnt xhutvs that rho era{, Exchequer
the C'hpnef011er et
14 -Boers march on Kimberley nod (blenso a iteite the Exchequer on the brit
ehap, and tltut he nppreclntml the Mafelibt Ira's nroount 0t iH09-1Lf0t' his tlnaneio prfnrfples, bnt Bald
up -
kisser. Perhaps he velli npprrrlate orii<idnap Troubles(' aI 21 -Duller ctvtvsrs Tugrin rtnd ad- veinlet lints Riven n surplus of up•
1G -Tenement flag hoisted at New, vanc0s toward, I,n(d,vsnittah, , %verde of £5,010,0oe, but tint the sap- country would like to know how ft
Thee had n little baby bro• Pd�I�U 111 THE UlCll 12-• Kimberley:, The return °f the Chancellor of the burden -Canada aal Auetrn
tier 1't hums, they said,
\swine( tin cnpturrd by the ,tncubadnl, ((rnngn (scar state, i%xclo' ger, Fir :Michael )like -hooch, are ao ke.'n for tsar."
them morn later tnl.
There was +a ripple of exrltnm„t cantle. )Soterntw`nt 'amulet' to inure 1001
21 --Boer reinforcements trying to Dirweatnry matt' OHthnnte0 of .11;
us we nppp,ached the f'ltentnrd lIr'•Nrank\\'rUtera,ofF.xMrr,Tellafu Kimberley Isolated. I reach Creek 1't 1'nnrdeberlt dr- 000,0(91 nu+k' the expIenditure nsrrrd the Transvaal went( tltitttatWy ply
Tlmoeuucl lalmnda. Nature le nc4'rnnl Boers repulsed 1't Matrklug• feared, the revenue by 117,170,000. ri large part of the coat of the war.
Bufferin ed H 1) •, lettll ' 17 -Railway ° h with Al. 27-Crtnje find 4,0 00 Boars surrender CHANCELLOItt:t 1 0,000N,ITION. I111+11 MEMBERS PROTEST.
IInk Pllts ('aced rite Ater Other tr°I North Interrupted. to Hoherts. .\Ir. John Helmond, the Natlonsllst
with the fruits of her skill, The sun Medicines Vatted. Acton H0i1104• tions on LnrlyOndth rood. Inning the figures the
(o the Iwuwl to
blued gloriously ; every every , g Howe, prelate' int that the tawdry houws t he `leers eine the '►3o.
blade rd grass was brilliantlyleaf, granny; (hrnnt the A'vocnte, 1'.xnter.) tD-'rrngne1SrorstLentounMredaon tlytl :lfntLa1*yh n(ulrshrnrelieved +(srnpioltt by had to face n total estimated 001)011• r !ally their dui' lie um
the,wntsr deiced and a soled. Here trot I1d(tnre, to enneegnrnee of the war, an
fa Mr, Frnuk R'tltors is n young 1''u Jim m ly a atrol free Tall, British. tinned, • became nn y more iso of
and there fell a sombre shadow, but less then ale time as much as had
it only e+nithedelaeei the beauty 01 at
personally known to most of the re Ikre enmutatge croon t the Big• tern estimated In October {eat. He taxation always tell heavily
land delightful. As our gond shl 1 sldettts of Exeter, where he has Ihe'.f gI'Ol)) g rouge nod attacks n next rx latae! siren the poorer classes In Ireland
n t ! 1 hall at Elands Lungte. 9 �WElll MiNE QISASTEfl on t 1 the present financial than In Englund,
tortuous way, 1 thought nearly all dile life. Talking w'itlt the 20 -Boors shell British ram near r 00 the
in, ease ofg each satisfaction t±lr Michael Hlrkrr-Beanie, In timing
t editor of the Advocate recently, 31r, Dundee, Boer position on Talnna ha ed rove the aorto( over the the debate, tlyhuketl the Halts for
Welters said: "In justice to Dr. \\'il- Hlll (Hpture,i by the Ibrltlsh,uu- estimate' revenue, kine to the steady flat reception given to the heopoah00
x dor Symons, ind pointing out
Vint,incream hf bursas, thorelen e recd the Government to the
hp od for
llama' Pink P11As, 1 think !t my duty, *Medan] occupied b, the Boers.
EX losion in the Red Ash Mines and pointing °at tint, am the increase
Explosion in the van,,. .",r volume . an early conclusion of the 0^ar,
• artist, hut in some places, and n g n oµ t nee n wnv co Interru tl t
some ee1 sits is nmro 110-1011 1 The Chancellor of the Exchequer, of-
IR-Nhitee outvote find Dears at 2R --Helier (natures strong Hoer Post- tri•ore lander sold the (siert mem(tere wore
en Gs
he (elands pinyed hide and meek -
ow on right hand, now on left,
now close at hand, now afar off,
nd every turn brought variety, u
new $rano and a new enchantment.
Tia a dainty region this archipela-
go of t,be St. Lawrence, and 1f herb
Ines(' le yet In $Gore for one -either
1 the flesh or lu the spirit -I shall
ek for nothing better than to be
Rowed leaeant tthouglhts among tgall a boat hose a 1'to p
lesstd blew for a ser and 000r.
To witness the arrival of the
teener seems to be the even.
hg's recreation at the little
ports of call along the rte
nks, and young men In flannels and
he pretty girls In their pretty sum-
ner ending atage,esses and therebie wotld t the
uch talk and laughter, and brazenly
voted we stare eau other out of eoun-
enance. Iontettmos aa we put off
gain a few canoes or email boats
old pull into the baok'was', of our
steamer to enjoy the seesaw. of the
rtiflela' wave's. Those skiff's usually
ell two -a young man at the oars
1'd a young woman at the tillor-
uweethearts, no doubt. It le often pati,
1'd accepted as the purest gospel,
hat we are happleet during childhood,
at I am not eo Imre. Somewhere in
he early twentleg, when one begins to
a thinking being, at an age when
1'e can fall In love -and does !t -that,
think, is the golden time of life. Anti
ore, why should one not
le view of what they have done for 91 --Witte move'( out by
er The cow WAS Lea
ase, to add my testimonial to the French to eject Boers from in Virginia, exports 101(1 been quite exceptional, It Midget wee enrriea.
had not been at the expense of home
thousand. of others that have been Elude Llegte Dears routed
on Y industries.
r4 - ole retires trout Dundee on
P rated, For stoma months I suffered - FIFTY DEAD BODIES TAKEN OUT,
�.. Ladysmith 5O.(0vhf• Belth.
motet severely from pales contusing uP 28 -Death of Oen. Symons at Dun,
and down my back. It wok
that these paha were dee '`oF
and kidney trouble, but rebate
the cause they frequently left nth mors shortly n r
not 20 -Junction M Yule with White at
Although the most heroic work of tit
rescantg party has been going on In
cessantiy all day, it is impossible to
night to estimate the full extent o
the foss of Rte and property. More
than 60 dead bedlam have already bee
taKen out, and the number of th
dead may reach 75 or more, It 1
thpugitt to -night that at least 4
miners are yet entombed in th
wrecked mine,
The Bed *els mise is a large drift
and the explosion occurred near th
entrance, wuloh wnv thus closed by th
falling elate, entornhing a large num
her of miners. Tile scene of the Meng
ter le between this place and Thur
mond, on tete south.hraneh of the Chee
apeake & Olio Railway, and every as
stance possible was rendered by th
railway company and by the adJolnin
mining towel. Relief pnrtles trot)
great dletaneew arrived as 00011 all poi
ethics. State Mine 1uspertlr Pinckney,
with n corps of experts and (1151)
workmen. Ilan been on the groans( tim-
ing the tiny rendering all hold trun•r
11001ble and devoting bit 0ttentlun
111014' toward rrl'r•f than to an offielnl
investigation 1i' to the enure of the
disaster, J. Fred Effinger, of Statue
ton, Va., the principal owner of the
miles. spared no efforts in the work
of rescue and relief, and his manager,
Ferdinand Howell, hnd nil the m011
avallable at work in trying to clear
away tate &beet and resew the en-
tombed men,
The managers and lasses of itil the
mines to this dletriet value t1 the
wenn ate emit u0 ix1001111e and ,lotted 111
the work of 000011'. It Is Impossthle
to describe the amount of work done
by th!e concerntrate:I army of men, but
they vera greatly Impeded becamse of
o blockade
tin extent of the. , n uu Nl
at the entrant's• t, th , drift, The forgo
e I •es f tin ehtranre were
heavy side tire, 0
blown out to same dlstanre. together
with a lot u1 ilealy thitherto Even
mules were blown out some distance.
The force of 01e' 05)71001011 caused an
immense falling of the Mate and other
dehr10, as that tlr.• cmtranee \vas filled
up for n great illet nett, and the 'Bill -
milting in digging through it soused
delay In the work of rosette. As many
weft OK could work nt ono time were
digging away with all their [night and
were relieved In short releyn by other
The first suseessful strike of the
reneuerx watt nbout 10 n. u1,, when
ten bodies were recovered, eleven of
them were already dead, and the
other three men were dying. As the
miners were looted •rt different
pltteOMkbt the drift and the eeploeton
coated tisk (14111)) elate to blockade
the room* 'Afferent parts of the
mine, the isterk of rleecttp stet with
ono greet obstruction nfty. ,ate.
Allr'the i1*,astth gf the ad
scene w� iUyodd desert()
wires and children the
those who were known 11t1't1e en•
combed, were there be, fall 'Atree, and
their anxiety and dletressU-ere most
intone. Willie they were all seeking
to help and to -get ,�,j,� ,nine re-
opened, 3'et these 8"e1'+Isnveil people
were for the were part in the way
of the rescuers, and had to be held
back from.the entrance.
The mine is one of the largest In
W s,Virginla, and was vary heav-
ily timbered in the different drifts.
It waft for tide moon it woe fear-
ed *that those who had not peon
killed by falling debrle at the time
of •,the explosion would be pinioned
by Riese connected timbers and cut.
ter death from suffocation. Air
VMS forced Into the mine by engine's
on the surface, which were kept work-
ing after the expiation, but It was
found that air could bo pumped into
the drift for only a short dletance, as
tete mat, stone and earth shut off all
possibility of reaching the Interior.
The pumps and all other machinery
in the nine were demolisher', so that
everything had to be done through
temporary arrangements 01' the .ur-
After the mu got under headway in
the work of rescue they reached the
first party In lege titan aft hour, but
they met greater difficulties after
that time. It wee then that telegrams
were sent to Montgomery, Charleston,
and outer paces for phyalelats,
messes and enskete, but during the
greater pn.rt of tin day there lens ns0
uoly for the eaeketo.
Had the accident recurred an hour
later many more would have been en-
tombed 10 the mine, The estimates of
the nembber in the mine. when the ex-
plosion occurred are lased on the
number who entered rt 7 o'clock.
The population of this mining v11 -
Inge to only 500.:01 are 0110000, rind
the cnlnnity will reach elmavt every
little house in the nutting town,
Black Vrtvet Ribbon.
How much Nark velve-1 r:bb„a is
used as a gnrn:,ute for evening drese!
1m 6s ueed to lie together ILD sepnr-
':ue panels of n lanae of bare u•ot'n
ca0I n sett:0 slip. Half a dozen strip.
r: :no. lata u1.1 tome ugh paste
hucklee, come tihr hare shculdere from
back to front of a dernllete corsage.
hunches of black velvet rih-
bon, t:et w:th many loops andetream-
ers are 0pared up and dawn (thepane:o
of 0 dancing skirt'. Al a shoulder
knot. :t line great popularity, and no
one known how many yards. are used
up in Ithesttip-, 1 cogs a chiffon wain; -
Miller's Worm Powders for restless -
seas and peevishness,
Ex -
ht dee•
Fire Cmtk, VD., despatch : Tha mo,t t nncel or of the Lx -
ver Bombardment of Mafeking, chequer said toleteco had been die
24--Aotiou of Rletfontetn. disastrous mitt') explosion ever known appointing, and that the Increase lin
ver Sharp fighting outside Kimber. r In the New River dbatrict occurred at wines had not been as large 1'i ex- A /t
ilii ley' the Red Ash fir the Pstheabsence ofA C
Reviewing the prim' al items of 00
revenue the
rh I
terrible agony. The patio were
always confined t5 the back, but
would eltltt to other parte of the
body. As a result I got little rest, my'
appetite became Imppaired, and I fell
off greatlyin weight. I tried differ•
ent remedies, suggested by friends,
which, having no effect, alnoot dla•
gusted me with medicine. Then a pea
conal friend urged mo to try Dr. \411•
(lams' PING Pilo. I was not oselly per.
seeded, because I had about emiclud•
ed that medicine would not relieve
,ne, but he tweeted, and finally I de.
Wed to try them. I purchased One
box at first, and to my astonishment
before it wax neighed I war greatly
rellered, Then [ got a couple more
bone and these restored me to (03 -
former good health. I do not heel•
tate recommending this medicine that
others may profit by my experience,
and not coffer tartness all I did.'
one le In 1 I Dr. Wllllame' fink Piga cure by go-
nerry 7 Foolish people there be who Ing to the root of the dtaeaee. Th
re niways waiting for something, 1ett°w and build up the blood a
evertilting, perhaps, for that which may etrengthca the nert•c0, thus drool
ever come -n bolter position In life, d(eeaee from 1iso ayetem. It y1'
little more money sieved, better pros- dealer does not keep them, they
to in the race. What are these be gent postpaid at 50 cents a be
lags compared to one's marriage? or six boxes for $2.60, by addend
se's marriage le more to be could_ the Dr, Wllilane Medlrine Congeal
ed than the cattle on a th0tsand Brockville, Ont.
Ills -or the hills themselves, (or that
atter. "Olt," you say, "we might MODIBH TABU: API'O1N'I11fENT
arse, m wife and L" You might, but
w people starve In this big world, Tilings That shake the Dining Roo
d the c•lianees are that you won't. aThingotBeeuty.
Merry, therefore, young man, and let Th° beauty nod elegance of ruble
ituatbonx and worldly thedeviltx and ,lppolnteautx this gele0n ter fsce0ll4
1 each evening
go to devil.
The enening tons Inc spent (01100 ver The
of Inst Sean Tnblo )Ionia err
ached ICIngston; its Indwellerx hurl °t much hnud linen
design, and till
gone within doom end our footfall,
MIA- works w bt Ilnnn aro exreedblglY
echoed noisily In iia client street'', It 110, For il c1oth far r•ztra occaslotis
WAS no mean city, but it la 1'a great Wmsa of 011k and !Inco aro beautifY.
y and durable find launder 2rfeetly.
splashes of Nladuw, and was n blur Napkins are of like deslga,iand the
to oar eyes. Anyway, I prefer t/ tell
you of rsometbing more beautiful thaw
many small p;erns for use and decors•
atone and Imre. The hour of nldnig1st tion are vary handsome, Tis rich
nand as we took to our voyaging lane that are non• shown for frits.
„eared ria due to omfortable Cash Balance
the ordinary winter festivities.
minem went to work this morning. Against the estimated ndlt
Leggemith. Plumes hon engage•
moat with Boer. near Tull,
28 -Enemy reported closing around
80 -General sortie from Ladysmit11.
Naval guns silence Boer .leg.
Surrender of part of two battal-
ions and mountain battery at
Nh 1olson'a Nek,
31 -Gen. 8.r Jlodvern Bailer lands at
Cape Town.
Nov. 1 -Boers Invade Cape Colony.
1l -Ladysmith leolated and bombard.
ed. Colour" evacttuted by the Brlt-
lab garrison.
3-4-Naauw Poort and Stormberg
evacuated by British garrisons.
0 -Cavalry act on outside Ladysmith,
near Dewdrop.
9 -The Rooth' Castle, the first of the
transports conveying the army
corp., antler at Cape Town and
eV. proceeds to Puritan,
nd Ileneral nttnek on Ladysmltit re.
1'q pulsed with Ilea t y kgs to Boars.
110 10 -Reconnoitring force from Orange
w River engaged with Baran near
Congeal - 11 -Orders Issued for mobilization of
a fifth division for Muth Attlee.
14 -Free State flag holsted at .tllwnl
13 -Armorer( train trreeked by Duero
1'r 1100 CLfacelry. aver 1(10 British
troop. captured,
19 -Lord Met linen 'a solum( for the
relief of Kimberley eimecntrated
at Orange River,
Doers in Netat occuqpy Ilighlando
Station, to south of F,xteourt. 1st- 1
court 1.ulat h.
211 -Methuen attacks loners at Bel-
mont with 1innrdss Brigade 01(d
9th Brigade. Done driven from
this poeltion.
Sortie from IClniteeley.
Hid n
rd engages eve
g (leers near Est -
g esu
s, 1100tlrea COM 11111111e1111011
With' Marl tabu rig.
Boers repulsed 1't Tutgela, (slyer by
Natal troops.
'5 -Methuen attacks Beers Its pare
tion at Emilie line Melrxlgee then.
(,e tern) He Redvers Buller 1'r•
rives hs Natal.
British force moven up to Front.
27-0atacre occupies Btwllmen'0 Hoek,
lOtin body nt Putter's Kraut'.
28 -'.Methuen engngor 11,000 Boors
at Welder River, Battle Iaetlug all
day Boere evacuate political.
Sortie front Kimberley,
20 -1st Canadian contingent arrives
at Cape Totvn.
1i 30 -Sixth 11* Hon for South Africa
re notified.
e Dec. 1 -Austral(µ t!agmdtan eon
tingents le.<, Times Inc the
'0 front.
re 8 -ellen
nen'$ II
'd Each% ,,,tp i1e-
t' Pluntcr Itetfirnit^ j n}T'
10l,Qatauro attempts night to
Stormberg, but le eurpris...,
Y forced to retire, losing 1t1tt��ppy
eucooeeful odrtte of 2nd'411Ae
ode from Ladyoulti,
11- ' thuen attuekm Boer
a man who, by some strange feat, has eta
got Into a poaltlon which Iide attain- fig
140pta do not warrant him In occupy' Ile
inr' but we never think that nearly
all the world b engaged to puraults 8
efall far abort of eta Capabilities, wa
sre weighted down by the sordid
t se commonplace. A morel and
lacteal greetneal awaits us, and
day we may reach 1t -when rho
for Ile becomes leas keen.
At l ngth we were off. The cables
ware flu on board, the eteamergave
a most, her great heart began to
beat, and her nose was turned te-
nnis the west. We took to the
Lteehlne Cangl. We Nailed nentosenwt•
or, among Meer, and farm homes and
4lileen fields. Children shouted to its
,1114 WAnd their hands and awrbon-
ran grown.up people did not
IM to salute us as we passed. I
I01 fioit ort trate Int thea greeted.country harts
Meet' be some romarwe about a
traveller that calls fortb so keen
Olt interest, ant a churlish mortal
Id be he whose heart did not re.
Mier are p:euant to me, those
attention.; they make me feel
t the world le not so boorleh after
Under proper cond.:tions the
a race can become friendly, aye,
brotherly; it is only in cities,
crowded places brat we feel our
UMW and pass each other by in
told reserve.
we were in a land', clean and
one. A land of green field, a
river and' joyous eundhine,
people there be who wander far
rah of denim wonderful, never
leg that they have only to look
Of doors and have their desires
fatitted. Patriotic Canadians will
eel to the old world to gee the
.lei Themes and the German
forgetful at the noble river
that flows In majesty past their very
*ors. A vain and 'haughty dame the
v , )ever a hint: of paste or burry
to Der movement:, but with dignity
- and grace she goes proud( to the sea.
&teat, too, she 11, u le beneath her
' 1'k to hold converse with earthly
only to sun tem& moon does she
4 tate myriad dikmuads does
A* mould their light and smilingly
Weeks her queenly Salt.
It was very pleasant on that great
field of shimmering, waveless sea ;
then wax a vigor In the air ;
permeated our wb'ole bodies,
'ad put us in flue fettle.)
fast the warm blood go racing -
tarbugh one's veins at double speed.
I tell you that is Something. Never•
thins. there la no higher form of
liminess than that which obtains on
shipboard on a river. You choose a
EMI or a shady .pot saeording to
your fancy, catch your feet I`n a
e0nventent upas, tilt back your ohalr
and there yeti are. Ii your sine do not
trouble you, why then you have
toned biles, Books? Papaw 1 You need
as booka at Mich a thee. You see the
11eide and the woods go march- -
paet ; now and they! .,a village
110 ohureh spire eflmbing te-
To watch these things
ktnt employment for brain nal
aln. Never was a fairer night. Aloft n0e add greatly to the dnintineoe and
ng a few white streamers, and a elegance of the table,
seat white moon that quenched the tinny hostesses prefer to light their
stare, \Vhtte, ton, was the watery dining -room with candles only, end
y over nhlcL we µant. All things for the nee of those there are nrtiatin
were stilled, the land, and the river, candelabra of cut lane and ellver.
and the air, and we poor mortals were TLe new prism rut Is the favorite for
mute, 2twlted into silence by the t1',- tlieoo, and le used for arms (0(111
rinatlon of Gale great out-o(•door0. branches, while the base and holders
03 gentle, so placid was it all, I could aro of silver handsomely wrought.
Hearne believe that thorn still throbbed 8mglo candleetleks are also shown in
a world of sorrow -•t world of mon cut glean and silver,
without work, of mon sick of work, fink and red Ream to be the favor -
people nwurnlrtg for their dead -a (te Colon for tit o ehndee, nn the Ilgbt
world wherein ora greed and /genti-
mooing through them is Hulslued and
tress and anger, and hunger and dire nenntlfal,
ease, and crime and despair -it seemed Platters and (belies of Hiher, wit
1'a though those grisly terrors had the beautiful French grey fbnhhle a
passed away, and there had come a very !handsome, and bonbon dishes i
great and universal peace, the old-fnsldoncd open work 11
In the morning His Majesty the at'ettly admired' Small bon1H fo
sun called w early, according to hit mayonnaise dressing,
finished 1't th
Pleasant cutout. Who would snore edge with a heavy lauding of silver
aniongg quilts when outride werosuch nr0 necompanbed by a platter an
aunahlne, (0nd curb ole, nod web 11 Madly of slier, and will fill n longer.'
river ? Reaching the deck we found 'rant.
we were about to make a morning oatl 0 leer - cake baskets aro again h
an• a ayootiee Oiled and three hooses on rogue, and are finished with a heavll
the gamma of the river banks. The emtelesed border, while the centro
shed and lentos were like any other plain and highly polished.
Med and houses of the same 'style of After-dinner toffee sets aro. -a 110
srchtteeture, and did not Interest no lioavlly oro , but those of tt(tj
much. Wo d!ecovered, however, lour Calomel style re still tete prime favor,.
ehlidten stnndtn in shadow, and hes for everyday nae. These.a}be.-
then, because they were emote", oomtaaled by a square tray in pra-
wn fell to studying. The eldest, a rareness to the oval or wooed trays so
girl of ten, commanded the other long In tso.l •e
three. They looked pretty in their For Serving lees there are cups of
spotless white pinafores and hlg coal- cut or engraved glass closely ramie
(scuttle eunebennete, and (% awn bong the k'smnnade glasses of a sea-,
learned that they were there fcr a SOD or two ago. These; served on n
purpose. Our boat was moving off small plate daintily covered with a
auto, when one of the deck bands ran small dolly of linen richly embroidered
towards them, stooped -rite hnd no or finished with lace, add greatly to
dime to lift them -in turn took the the elegance of the table."
little warm bundles of humanity to innumerable Spoons and forks, for
his heart, and pressed (5)1 meet baby ewhich
te eh manifold n tousesway' be found,
brown M aaek to he MD weather- w they season. These aro11ar heavier titan
browsed face. That at all heal knew for the last year or tete, and the kinge
his their
that was all they and the quene pattern seem to take
knew of (beds father -a Lug and a the lead,
kite twice a week When the boat
Table mirrors, with heavy frames of
sliver, are rich and elegant, and are
used with a border of flowers. Pate
dishes of Dresden china come in a
frame of openwork Over that adds
greatly to their durability, 04 well as
to their outlive.
Wine glasses of many kinds' are in
many new cuts this year, and many
of thepl are very handsome. Ihveanters
aro taller this season.
Vases of cut glass In framework of
silver, and jut large etlotglt to hold
a few flowers, aro chosen rather than
the larger vases of last year.
Plates of Minton china me 'shown
in great variety, many of them rnre
and beautiful in dodge.
Miller'o Worm Powders nuke the
children healthy.
iron Preserved From Rust.
The natives, of Natal lately noticed
in gathering a certain kind of rubber
plteb (eurphorbium) used for medicinal
pnrpoees that knives used In rotting
the planta were hnpervlouo to rest.
The knives were poverty' with a thin,
tenacious coating which protected
them ngalltOt oxidation. The authors.
ties took the matter in hand and
found tint iron and NOW vented with
Oils salret:n,cc :inti , uu.rocd at 55.1 1014•
ter for two years showed no 0ign0
of rust, It wee ale diecovered that
this material protein wood agalnet
the ravages of ants, width are one
of the worst enemies of civilization In
tie tropics.
were a goodly eonlany at the
d everyone wee friendly and
e. Here again you see, give
nature a chance and how
and eatieh)0 R luromet. \\e
aznever pee those people again, but
flag will have their piless In our
ee and our beasts, and It we
Id ever meet, either here or In
the fields Elysian, we shall nertalnly
i._ lad them of the beautiful sunny
Mys we upset upon a river. Opppo•
Mie to me were two little glebe eabli
th a Oa*Slkt al around bar
elk. They were ng home from
hlwyRt Mao), be there wee nett.
from Ledyemttb
attegk Moth.
kation 1't
called, But it put new life Into him.
He ran back dills work weal a bet-
ted• sect. Verify, verily, the greatest
thing in the world is love:
At Brig'bton our boat wee pleasant-
ly invaded by five young Amerleans
going home from a week's flsbtngg on
the Chnadfan side. They were of Her-
culean build, stalwart, strong and
lusty. Five such specimens of men -
hood I never beton eaw together in
n bunch. The ease with which they
became acqua!nted-especially with
the girls on board -was a wonder to
behold. Cheeky/ Not a bit 1 hermit as
the day, frank and free, Their laugh-
ter shook the very ship -laughter out
of all proporrion to the humor of the
joke. With such health and such
Trite life was a joyful thing to
them, with never a doubt nor a fear.
Their lively talk, their loud guffaw
their breezy manner, wduld have stir-
red the spirit of the moat languid. 1
erhduld like to /mead many weeks
in • the" r eat,lpen'; I should
JIke to go fishing. or exploring fer-
rate, or climbing hills with them.
These things 1 may never do, lint 1
shall always feel grateful to the
Senator and his frientle for that
pleasant afternoon on the cryetah
wntere of T.nkn Olterlo.
lioeherter 1's a city beautifully
built In a garden. Trees and red
roses grow at every inane/ door. It
all Ame•Iean cities are like title one
I can no longer wonder at Amer!.
rano' love of country. Even I, bigot.
banner had benthused.1 rust into A Delaware man says: "I was in a
head, I certainly Should have way rltn4errn oonditlon, pad took Six bozos
e4 It. of teller's Compound Iron Pitl4. I now
And now our outward vbaaging is feel better and stronger than for
over, *ad we must so blot semi rears."
Mon at
Magerefontelu. British +troc 101 re,
• pulsed with heavy lose. General
Wauchope killed.
18 -Boer attempt on Nuance Poore
frustrated by portion of I'renclt's
forte under Colonel Porter.
15 -Beller advances from Chievelpey'
et 00, British foer rce /repute non the
Tugela with 1,100 casualties and
loss of tea guns.
Mobltitatlon of seventh divlelon ori
18 -Lord Roberta appointed Command-
er -in -Chief. Mouth Afrlen, with
Lord Kitchener as Chief of Staff.
20e -Formation of City of London Vol•
wither Corps for South Africa all.
28 -Departure of Lord Roberta from
24-D:ttduu'nt Ito u ',at:tere'e for; ('
occuptee Dordrecht.
2O --Boers appear at Vletorli West.
27 -Lord Ktt:hener lend Lord hoboes
at Gibraltar.
80 -Skirmish tear Dordrecht. Small
British force out off, hilt rescued
DV, Mot by Captain (1o1ds-
worth, Cape 3tsuntol Police.
Boers defeated with oleo.
Jan, 1 -Enrolment of the Brat draft
of the City \'olnnteer ('oris for
South Arrival.
General Frenoh defeat Barrs near
Poruntn ('ontpahy, ('atmdlnu cover
tingeut runt Queenelanderia cap-
tures Boer larger at Snntayslde. I
Kerman oaptnrerl by Board.
5 -Hoer attempt to break General
'French's lines around ttateehelg'
G-Sufro:it Rea :meet , tti'.h. Frenv h'a
force, nseets with n reverse, 1113
being ruptured.
Boers n; tack Ladynmfths :n rarer, I
but are repu!se,1 tv.th 110;103. 10010x. I
10 -Second general advaneeon ,he up-
pvr '1'uge!.1 R:vrt' by liullrr's
troops under Generol Warren and
Lords R:,hsr:0 and Kitchener
ar11ve 1'r ('n pe Town
iG--Gee,Ia, 1s a os en forcesn passage
al Tr;chnrd's 1)rif�. A part of Gen.
Bullet's tercet also crosses the 'Tu-
ge:a n, Potg:eter's Ihift,
17 -Cel. l'luult'a 00achen G11s000tes en
Isis way to relieve Mafeking:
19-Bundcnald'o revelry defeats the
Hoer., near Artun /Tomes, on the
road from (Nivar's Hoek Pees to
20 -21 -General Warren engages the
Boers both days.
28 -General, Buller reg,orts �'subaten•
expe ere
t1 of £154,082,000 for the comlpg year
the Chancellor of the Exchequer eat'-
, defies of taxation 4t 111 d$1)0,000, or n
deficit of [37,000,000. The public account(' for 1899 will
e THF, WAR ENpL'NDITCRES, l presented to the House today
a Dealing with the war evpendl- or tomorrow. The size of the vol -
tures, he said the (bovern teat had ulna has been considerably reduced,
6 P without, however, leeseniug the do'
r made the brat calculations a0 to tails of expenditure given, On the
the amount ft ought to ak from rontrary, there are even more de -
eParliament, with the slew of n nuc• tails than heretofore regarding the
casein prosecution of the war, but purchase of here% 0* for tar publlo1a
e It was Impossible to be certain when etltullone end the ,•cpenditarr In
the war world be couoluded, roil 01')! rne4'. .% grwlt eucieg In apace
. the expenditure might be larger. on 1u,, (ren r,rrowplisitetl by groaptng
the other Iniad, however, a happy the figurer together, Instead of
- change had recently taken piece to spreading them oat, and settle the
- the military altuation, run) the fart totals in twrk columna Instead if four
that the seaHon env tear appear 11- as formerly. The volume now Pre-
Ing nos, In the opinio(1 at all the smite a more rompers and neater
1 nnthtritlee 11 ('1 rabin to Boer nmp+nrunce.
nls'rntiou+, b.,.l to hr con ,lift -d' The total rel•elpte loot year warn
110 might Is obliged, in July 1'r e4.000,494, and the expenditure 95,•
teeteet, to eek Parllnnlent for Mr 710,420, leaving a balance on iba
titer relief, but he believed be wee (-milt side of 4880,074. At the end
fairly justified In hoping that the of ttie year there woo a emu/0V
Intended expendttua•e would miff ce able (111011 Miners of 8874,795 In lee
to (unetwafidly cculcludn t110 war: tank. The reeelpts show an Worms
Ho re, tnctel the total war simian. of 8449,141, ON compared wjtb
dlture, Inrluding the deficit of L17,-
770,000, at £a0,000,0th). 1998, while the expenditure was
892,061 lea than I the ps'
of $370,000 in .Bank,
n Ie year e•
METHODS NOT t31Pt(.0C'TICAb1,l:. sloes. The prhuelpal Items to tea
The Chancellor of the Exchequer reeelpto are:
elinrnrterized 01e suggested meth. Total. Inc
ole *4 troop taxation 110 hl no way t'rvu n 12(1w, $ 87,28(1 $ 44,
b„�sn„rt o11
Ilea. ,. 111,109 47,223
\Yo .t and
Fore). 1,002,848 111,082
lecensee ,378,803 97,042
Law Seoul 55,281 $ 2,052
I:GMp,�me,11,oi 1). 50,154 0,419
F:n5eree 10,9411
Rev, 13.11 ,... _17,050
snying tin Uucern,
meat felt Metaled its raising n. per.
tlon of the war funds by a loan.
but, he lidded, It 004 also justified
In calling upon the taxpayers for nn
immediate nnki enhstautlo1 sacrifice.
in this r•o(1ner•tlon he thought that
they enid reasonably anticipate
that the more acute nail InO+t costly
pintas of the tour wonbl not hast
ire Asked :the r;axpay'eI's to soh.
seriho uo the cal: of the war by, an
increase of ulvs income Max In one
s•htlling in the pound., Whirls would
products an .ndd`.teennl 1:6,500,000; he
also ,proposed tlha: 44upita dul.es
on vomit exchange contralti( dates he
extended to Ile,aglea en 1111 produ:e
exchange ; teat 'Geer debase s*ed he
increased lb a shilling n lareelee': 80
gallons% end that there wcald he on
Increase in the date' ttt'ipirite u: Hix
pence ,per gallett, ttliewno feurpence
per would, foe'e:gb *fg,rrst 0ue0 net
pound, end tea cwt prar0, per pound.
110• anticipated that .the nb;r0
changes It mid 101000ato the revenue
£12,317,00% and he prejl.:,ed 0 e. ve.
44,040,000 by suspending the sinking
lurid in rent:on tt, rerlado (rnmineble
enmities. ale prop .' 11 .0 burros Ibe
rest of the necessary fund's.
C49,000,00o TO 110 RAKED.
A total of £49,000,000 had to b •
'•%:sod, of a bull 48000,000 was, acts in
Oke treasury, and 495,000,000 would b •
ral.sed by band or s&.ock nepayab,e
in a term tire exceeding 10 years.
During the curse of 1110 remarks,
the Chancellor at the. Exchequer, r:-
ferring :o lits previouv:y expressed
opinion regarding :11e capaei;y of the
Transvaal to boar a responsible Aare
of the expenditure of the war, he stet
adhered to flint opinion, but he wee
bound to say that 101n'events of the
last, five menthe, and the claims
whleh wou:d updouleelly bs made by
tee loyal rolons•1a re Natol for cam-
ppensavion for losses sueleined at the
(hands of the B7ars, and the enormous
increase in expand, grey since he Ins;
µspoke, heti mode ,::[ati feel that, the
capaelty 0! the Transvaal to bear tin I
nos•1 of Idle war was a lea+ important $
factor, .tlhough 1, was 41.1 an impor-
t ant factor, Olen he eethmeted in I
October Ins','.
From the abounding revenue of the
7°ay efeeer,l,ti08 surplus was available (
towards the war expenditure. There
had been n remarkable Increase in tin ,
reroipto Pram the death dntics, tofu( (• t
Ing £17,471,000, of witch £:'.;271,0,)0 s
was from the estate of mllllonelr; s,
including £000,000 from the es14te of
one mart, a forelgner, who Iloclrt 011 r
1,r ehilling+a day In a West End Lon-
don club. That one person, the con- P
time(, however unwillingly, had inn- o
trihuted to the exchequer more than t•
the cast of nn Ironclad. (The forelgner
jteferred to is the late George (mall(,
the pioneer Minkel. of Chicago, who
diel Oct. 7th, 1899, in bis roan hv rat
`l rr
� ea. '
150,111 58,074°+`: '
('assn( Rev, , 257,978 141,410 ce
mkee of lanes
'('1';t, A.o.y'm 9,2en 83,
['oleic Inst.* 97,4:(1 . 8,829
emha heave of lea., •e.l expenditure, lL
l eg:z4410n .. v.
A 001neerraelon of jee4icie X19,885
t'ublle Ina hAttees madntea-
nlnce ...................... 8,140
Ilnenrgraleion ...... ., 484
1te(a(re and maintvneace .., ., 2,838
L Uloni*N.'jnn ns1(b, 16,990
M:eca;lanet,n..,, 78,775
'The fo!lov.utg are among ,'lea im-
alJing rapenditures: .
Moen': nn . .................. •., ...910,0003
.4gril'l u,a ...... ... ... .. .. 18,421
Etx'pi x 'end sista Ira ..
Push;', building, ..
Push' W'.Irka .....................9965
I1 :'ofrt fee; from Nhrmnl, Model
turd Kindergarten trudents end pu-
p.), o'. Toronto nndi (Mina amounted
919,5(10, w1r.:r.lr 'h e1mete(hae Dna
'can la ol year. Frani' coparte en(al
exnlm'natiene $18,8'11 was marlved, or
9(1,892 lees then the previous 'year.
The edee'n: paid under the revenue
hill by var)aa; corpnra;'ions was as
fol lows :
Insmranco centpul:es .../00,488
l'ru',.':S compan:•a... ,...
Loon companies ..
Railway companies ,...
Street ra lwtiy companne 7,
Expret+s companies ., ..., 2,755
Sleeping and parlor car oam- -
(100: sr ...... ... ................ 583
Na.4ral gas rompan:es ,. „ 9,849
Gars and a:encec light Crl''.... , 8,907
Telegraph companies 1,512
Berl Telephone Company ., ., 4,445
Totni ... 117,860
The largest sum contributed Icy ale/
Ifs or fire ineuranco company was k
11,024 paid by the Canada Life Aqq,,
urance Company. T1(e Confederatjoll
.lfo Company ratite next with 95, 1.
le Canadlnn Brink of Commerce paid
he largeet share among the banks,
to ,hare amounthtg' to $4,000. Among
rusts companion the Toronto General
rusts Corporation headed the ilet
A $1,010. The largest, tax paldby
eau eompaniee alts that of 91,690 by
he Canada Permanent Lean and
eyingg' Company. The Grand Trunk
'ontribnted 1013,193 to the Proviuolal
ovenne, and the Canadian Pa01tIr.
Railway 912,098. The Toronto Ran
A Company paid h1 84,748 to the
rovino'nt rxehrquer, which, lit vi'ty
f lte large mileage, was men (0'
ond that of any other elndler cor-
poration. The Toronto Electra: 41Q11t •
:ompany and the Consumers' Oars
Company were nn almost ,•clerk( footing,
the Reform ('hub, London.)
3ITRTAKE TO 1'198170 NEW ('0\:SOL8. t
EI1ttn1n1niug the propose,( loan, Sar
3fmlRf01 (licks -Bench said he Irellevel
it would be a mteteke to try to raise t
It by a new (sane of consols, en It would
rlmte et permanent debt, wi11.11 the
nation 00tdd not pay off at par until
1023. Ile thonght It would he better 0
that part of the £35,000,000 be re
servers, x11311 01110110% 11,1 oar, r lisp; .;
115,0 40,000, for n taattt-0 is,11P of trans- ,h
lie former contributiog el,71,1 and
116 latter 91,7011.
!oilithe:r!:rarltrkill:elln6111:1111;ns;.0"::: :....71121:17)001114ilv!i5.!
1(01,71t5)00 :07
I.727 101
arlon rnimer 007 51;
they L. Parlow.... 000041
acid "(Mottle" portrait of Hon. A.
. Hardy, 9410; l'n rid Exposition, $1,-
5S; prerention or the export of saw-
ed& 111271.