The Blyth Standard, 1900-03-15, Page 2. '1*
British Now Pushing .Ahead on
the Road to Bloemfontein.
Gen. White Goes to Stormberg and
Gen. Hunter for Tenth Division.
krner Addreeses Free State Burghers---tlany Boers Found Killed by the
111911111 of Lyddite—Grent Fear That MafekIng Will Hive to Surrender
..--Two Canadians Seriously III With Fever —Boer Commanders ter
leatal—Pretorle Boer Women to Form Home Guard -Canadians and
Highlanders Capture a Krupp Gun.
Poplar Grove, MH re!) 7, 2.39 pate,
via Klutherley.-The Boone who were
hotoing poeitione extending for Ill
Miles along the kopiet tete ridges
Math of the Mettler river, where they
I 'rem oarefully and skilfully entrench,
in.suited their ground atter u
' hours' desultory shelling, when
maw elgbt thousand British etIV.,
n end forty-two guns moving rap.
south between them and their
reildoreeinents, without whom it Watt
impossible for them to hold their
laitg, irregular position. The force
that was isolatei between General
Preach and the river, probably did
sot eteeed five thousand men.
The British atlases worked exactly
all i1 was plennei, and it him resulted
fel the British tatting over eighteen
miles of Orange Free State territory
• kb small casualties. The spiendit
tber had. Improved the roadie and
helped the alleaeail of the moo-
troops began to move Tuetlay.
. beasstek re -crossed the river in
afternoon and tavoubekett in front
of•feefonteln. At three tecinolt 'Wed-
net`day morning the troops moved
south, and marehel for four miles
where they rented until it was dayl
light. Then tha march was ream:next
the force moving eastward.
The Bosra, from their b01111 110141-
i:1On on a group of kopjoe caliel the
yen Edgers, de:leered an Ineffective
mead fire, the cavalry turning
fiber bouth over a grassy ridge to
ifiBtfontein. From this place they
glared three miles emit, atul then
wheeled north behind the Boors.
MeanWiele, in response to the shell-
ing -from the kopkte, till artillery drop-
liod a few common shells' into the hoer
Imager at a range of 7,800 yards'. The
feaster WaS heate 1 among the Bove
Wattere, apt] the firitlei fire brought
a store of wagtine and how lime
bowmen Iretere,kelter north.
aerueli tile reige.
navy guns at e.50 nom, had geett
OOO- we, thee nal for the !aware to advance.
• n nth v I stet, (weeding the sJLL tinder Oen. Sr H. E. Colville,
along the north banished the
r, Yoh and the seventh division, tinder
Diem Tucker, move I along the south
- Wide loth inareleng itt parellei Mire
,2116 Boers retreated before the ar-
tillery fire.
Tice sixth die I len lout worked witilffl
,Oen. French's( rear flank. The en'
In/ Beer position beam, untenable
tied threatened to ht tome n meek,
Eserileherg. The occupants hard nett
tetett 1» nt 'net under a rear guard
fgbt. At midday the 12th Laneere
egl to etterge, but their 'trireme were
tetelteettl to task.
, French bail gone twenty mem
He swept the arepors nue octet-
ily it gun before him, hitt there
*Mt never a need ilaitatairii,
(nab firitiall are holding leen Pop -
Grove ninon nt for met am
hasn't+ kraal. Tits) Oen nem lirl-
with Gen. Roberte, revelera the
re position, where there Is n greet
of monidei Infantry, ineheling
eieloolee and volunteer tontingeitte
did smart work in drawing th.,
IniBte before the general adenine).
ti the Boer retreat a Cape cart e011-
topinifig the Ruaelan and Dutch
Miry attechem to the Boer Iriti ete
detrge The attaches are now in the
ition camp. The Britian loses were
bly ender 50.
deetninat'on of Por rifle 'Of and
ernbrasuree shovers that it Wile In-
diai to make a great defence with
f toree. The works, however, re-
ified practically newel, daylight
wing the Bois that time') Intim:led
, frontal realstanee were (lentos,' In
W of the position of the British
en, Delarey commanded the Tieera.
aa Botha and De Wet, with their
menthe were unable to join him.
keltheartednese of the resilmtanee
this Orange Free State Poem In un -
'flit' Ninth Division, Intending the
• Ciinresilans. capture,' a Krupp gun (es
hes Of a kopje.
e' 'Cavalry %loved Too Quick.
tdOu. Marsh eigalfleance
.0Ie9eral RobertaMute% move.
11- not yet evident, and It Is not
Whether or where Hie Boers
Morning Standard's correspond-
., Poplar Grove it tya that the
CIL*a of the mounted troops
tepid for the a ile'ortittg In -
and, coneequentev, the Boer
Wee tented before the main
Id *Hike effectively.
re' fleeing extentiei to the
Tbe,y check/id the ea v I lry's
with it heavy rift fire, de,
at a emery (4 ROO yards' Oete
amordingly, moved further
again outflanked the en.
but the Boers repeated their
teethe' and pace pied.
A, FNMA Petaled them, driving
them bat* fifteen mlied
as 'warm ettbsequent everts tioth-
ins le knot' beyond what Iteon.
talatal in fimic Roberts' despatch to
tle War Office.
.198 Boers Killed bY b]ddite"
40,141" March IAeItt.
wh.) (oinmendee a me -ma
Natal Naval Volunteers( at
mith, has arrived here. In the
of an Interview he said that
rds the eke., ot the Pleter's hill
t the navel guns threw
shells on a kopje 2,700 yards
When tin- pints- was evac-
.by the ISeers he k tmlieti the
ere•aaad even to I throilii
o 1111.11 1,-,' Itt,, tile
km of the lytidite. nie °nett(
aratonW0111111 of 110V kind
deviated shat tee
ge the lyddite turned the heir
eels of the deed men to
lib hoe, while the
was a strange 3''I.
.two Boon were captured in
One of the tretwitee. They were un-
able to flee, having been purlieu/it
by their fear of the lyddite shell.,
Kruger Couldn't /Hop It.
London, eterelt 0. -Both Preedente
hate teen very active during the past
few &ye In enonwitging the burghers
President Kruger only returned to
Pretoen, from Natal on *trek 3rd.
He then haetotted ti Blatutfonten,
from wk -it city lie proemied with
Pres.:dent Eiteyn to hearten the tight -
Mg line teeing Gen. Roberti.
A correepondent at ropier Grove
telegraphs that Prelident Kruger was
far It( the fear on Meek 7th. He
Wel to arrest the flight of the burgh-
er/I, but the retro tett refired to stay.
) Tim Riminfoetten pollee almo minty
I We:1 to stop the retreat,
The eurreepotrlents continue to 1411 te
that the Free State Berra are tire' of
the war, and that they are itostio to
1.rwedent Steen(
A Oematell from Bolero* (trove camp
te-tiny Rays that Uwe Emmet lentil'
pitrimIng the Baro. Ile It neve (tear
Alma Oen kraal an I only twenty
Mee from Bloeuthintelti
Three 'fears for it Spy.
March 9. -in Minty thee
glen ./ew named Benjamin Meseta,
wino hi alleged to it' tt naturalized Alm
erica(' either,. line tmen eenteneed
Kimberley to three eeare Imprison.
meet at bard Weir for eignaiiing to
the Boers from n housetop dueller
the 111P1(e. His plea. (g insanity wan
'ehe riltuatloti itt Natal.
Leedom Martel .1 demetteli to the
Da'lly News from 1, trlyenitit, dated
?starch 7th, report.' thet Oen. Benne
form is now reedy to advance Mo"r
ti much-needed ran, but its future
entpleyment • unknown.
readjustment of the com-
mands is Wing arranged, and, Record-
ing to the Standard'e correspondent,
General White is going to Mormberg,
while Gen. Hunter will be given eon -
mend of the tenth division. Gen.
'White and Gen. Hunter, by the way,
were unable to attend the reception
to the Governor of Natal owing to in-
Col. Ward, whom Oen, White the
other day dearibed as the best el -im-
memorial officer shim Moses, will joie
Gon. Roberts.
The naval brigade, with the gout
that sated Ladysmith, his gone
Repairs to the railway am far ati
(Venlig are .nearly completed. It in
expected fflet pansenger traffic will
be resumed 00 Saterday, but it will
take easel lime to complete OM tem-
porary bridge across the Tugela
11 itt annenneed from the Bose nide
that the iliggersheeg mountains are
strong:, entrenched, indleating (1101
tho apex of the elatalian triangle
north of Duneee and Menem, in Mill
in (hair hands.
A (Impale -A from' the. Boar Hewed
Mager at Gleam:se records+ that it gen-
eral council of war, head- on Meech
51h, appointed Loafs Beiba !tauten-
antepenern1 for 'Neal, with Zoarae
Meyer Schalkhurger, David bitten
Daniel bras:nue, and Puerto es ass-
'latent generals. The appointments
are thoroughly endorsed by the
berghere, That mob prominent Lead.
alt will be in Natal Is taken to show
Lint a large part of the army remains
to guard the southern mountain ter-
rier to the Transvaal. A British re-
port %tate* that the Bores are ierong-
ly massed at Nelmon's kop behind the
Drakonsberg mountain,,
De Wet'. Appeal.
Lerma.. Marquez, Morel' 8,- The
Pletorla newepopera state that (Ono
111111111/111t We't's report onnouncing
the surrender of Gen. Crone recent
'needed the burghers not to upbraid
him, but to temela %tient before the
Lord In this the hour of their trial.
He 11111Vil: "Let um trust that God
ell! strengthen our Meters and burgh.
ers and give. them a bettor concert -
Coe of their duty to Him mei the
temente Horne Guard.
Pretoria, S. .1. R., Starch 9, noon,
On Lorene' Starques.-A very bop-.
ful view of the situation Is miter
tallied here. Notwithstanding the re-
ports of Boer reversers, the patriotic
spirit of the people shows no diluent
thee end everyone le willing to give
hie eervicem to aid the Government,
number of Boer women have of-
fered to form a home guard In order
to enable the burghers' who are now
performing that duty to proceed to
the front.
Will Mateking Surrender?
Lowest., March 9. -The attention
itt Mafeking is causing extreme anx-
iety here. There le no detailed news
from the garrison later than Feb.
1911', anti that Is of the must de-
preeping character, while despatches
from Pretoria, though brief, are
written itt language Indleating that
the Home have strong hopes of eale
tering the town. One of these, dat•
ed March 7th, stated that the
burgher,' have eaptured all the out-
side forte except one. There in lit-
tle to encourage the British people,
except the hope that the garrison
will be epeedily relieved. The latest
neeounto Mow that t'ol. Plunier's
force te held to cheek by the enemy
seventy miles north of Mefeking,
and nothing le known of the menet
of the Amex/Ned rellevine volume
roin hauberk*. The despatch from
the correspondent at Pretoria re.
prang that firing had been heard
iron' Bloerahof, pominey indicate;
that the Kimberley column has ad-
rn noel. aid engaged the Boers be'
tweet' Kimberley end the Vaal RI -
There le a suggestion barely
attemilting to to hope that n rot.
unni left Kimberley as gam to that
Wile* WAN relieved, and ie now well
at Its way to Mufeking.Falihtg
this, the dire straits to width the
garrison le known to here been re.
Miceli three weeke ago by leek of
food must apparently grow Welles
until famine /*mien§ the defenders
levueer't Fervid Appeal.
Bloemfontein, Natal, March O. 1
in., via Lorenzo Marquez.-Ainolig the
Boer ertillery ()Mena who were killed
while fighting ender Genera' (Ironic
wee Lieut. von Deane a German, who
was extremely popttlar,.
Pretedent Kreger, of the Transvaal,
,rat Wen t most eittlitisinetle recep-
tion npon hie arrival hero. Ile made
tk rousing smeolt to the burgltera, who
cheered him ttgnlit no 1 ntrillnlin
said :
Although Col le totting our people,
my pereonal opitilon is that tho Ilinit
the test le bearey reached. if the
people are sunteined by faith in the
time of advermity Gol will moon again
ton the tide in our favor. if we have
strong faith in Gol He will Neely de-
liver tee The (bol of deliverance of the
olden time Is the mine (101 now.
The eperalt of the venerable Presi-
dent brought tears to the eyes of men
and women nliko. The Free tatate
tolkelled (National Anthem) was then
slung. The vett of President Kruger
line (whence the demondenta.
President Kreger, 'Dore recently,
line been Visiting the cominandoee
eotite of Bloemfontein.
Much satisfaction Is exprerael in all
circles nt the courtesien extended to
(len. Crone! by the British.
Presidents Went Peitee.
Remo, March 8. -The Alperin Libor'
announter that the Italian V01111111at
Preterit% line teligrapited to hitt (40V.
Prillrellt that President Kruger ;eel
preedent tteyn aro prepared to ne-
cintt pew* oti the bade of the statue
quo sintabellutu, aril that titey re-
quest the Intertentlon of the pow
ere to bring about that end.
Vanadlons its.
Ottawa Nierth 8.-1, cable itt, been
received iwtating that Corporal Grant,
of the. 48th Highlanders, Toronto, is
seriously III at Wynberg of enteric.
fever. Private F. B. Irwin, of the
Stit Batt., Quebec, le aim reporteel
to Ise serlotiele- III of fever.
Celebration at leolyentlils.
Lemke', March 9. -The Time tete
the following menial to -day
Ladysmith, March Governor
of Natal toeiny addressed the Inhale
leant& sine read the Queeieu message,
thanking them for their loyalty and
the eplemild defame of the town.
lien. Miller way present, awl t (salute
was rivet: The Powerful's; teettlitgent
left 1,0-111.3' for Durban. The hardnee
024' titre fighting from the leth to the
• Stit Feb, i11 14110W11 by the flet 01
emunittee, sleeving 110 offieere, itt•
elletleg sir (talon eonintenders,
un 1 1;500 men killed and woundml.
London, March 9. -From verities
quarter, come signs of tie possibid
It', of pestee in )(until Airiest being
'Moiety within the bounds of Knott -
eel polities. Ail the demetteheit front
Lor 1 Roberts(' headquarters', he
eluting Mee of the commanderhe
ewes meeelf, in Mote the leek of it
goliling ispirlt among the Bove and
individual demoraliettion, portending
(Reintegration anis.* altotil
Thi. flight nt the burghers from Pop
lar Grove, according to nil eceounte,
was wilitliy ingloriont A Thum
dogwatch from Poplar Grove, miller
yesterday's (late, goes ao far nm to
nosert that the Boers' rout was see
oomplete that the eubmeedon of the
Free State le being demanded by the
burghers from their eilwilling Prost,
dent, and It is said their aubmitosion
will be made within ti week.
'Probably the Boma' wleme mime
wai flight, but It waif most tuteigni
fled, and it le certain to proehteet von•
eternat tun nt Illuendontelle Therek
a growing outery againat any luie
titer tientificatIon of the Err. etas,
with the Trammel's intereste."
Despatches from the Boer camp
at Glencem, via Lorenzo Marquez,
depict President Kruger as donning
a bandolier. eelzing a rifle and In-
viting volunteers to iteromeany itlue
at4 he whaled tio hale tt abet at
the enemy 'emelt,
l'reel dent Kruger 1/4 wino eel as hot lug
Mg (teetered Iti 11101 Iltitire401 to the
troup• that he "did not know whe-
ther arbitration or intervention
wonlil end the struggle, 1109 that1t.
would etth quiekly, within the next
month. he strongly believed."
• atomn roRwini).
Ku pie meanwhile, the BritIeli are
hot staying their ativanee. t Lord
Roberts las moved tett meet' nearer
Blevanfootein, evidently with the
riew itt seising mid utilizing the rail.
way, BIM tib he could retell the
Free State capital tit three or four
daps and Login repairing the rail-
road muthward to meet the Britieli
advance Neu Com Colony, which to
expected to, be heateeed am men ne
(1,11. White' takes eGatrol.
The *Matt oceuplei J ttntostowit
unopposed itt Titeredity,*111arch Sth,
and (itt Boom are retorted Lea/0 re-
treating beyond Aliwal Nortle'io Cape
Colony is practically clear of armed
are going to Lord Roberts. Gee, War -
WWII MUM' and some ertillery•linve
eiready been ordered to join the cone
niantler-in-einef, who le preparing for
all eventualities, including possible des-
perate oppoaition to hie cruising the
Vaal River and the necessity of the
siege of Pretorlai. Titouaande of set -
tires are reports] to be employed at
the Tratelymal capital In the conetrue-
tIon of defensive works', concerning
which such imereey itt maintained that
bb one 14 allowed to walk or drive on
the outskirts of the town,
Kruger Seeks Delay.
Lott ion, March 9, 5.10 p. nt.-It WWI
learned late thin afternoon that tweet
rumors hod been founded on the fact
that Predient Kruger had uppealed
to Lori Pfllisbory for a mention of
hotelitiee, offering at length by ca-
ble, the terms which he was willing
to accept. Thew, however, were
not taken seriously, as they lin:tutted
practically noting more than what
the Triumviri! Government offerel
prior to the laming of the BrItiall ul-
tintatutn. Official circlet here re -
gar fed the prOpOSIt101111 DR merely a
nee of the Boer( to gain time and
did not consider that President Kru-
ger was yet ready to consider the
sweeping lemande with+ Gretit Bri-
tain wool! make itt reimbursement
for the two of Ole mid great expend,.
tura. It wits un lerstood that Presi-
dent Krugerew advances( had met with
an emplettle rejeetion lit the intuits
of Lori eallebery, who Iva* believed
to have said that no melt attempt
itt retain the inlepentience of tile
Tranevani mil I be eoneldered for a
'Moment by- the laltImit Covernment.
The Prime of Willie thlw morning
inspected Paget's horse anti Dunra-
yen's' eliarpthootere, attmetee to the
Imperial Yeomanry, prior to their
departure for Houth Ahem.
Kruger and Stern Italled,
Landon, Menet 9. -TIM War °Woe
lues reoe'vet the fellowing front Lord
Babette: Poplar Grove, Friday morn.
ing.-Prerldeate. Kruger and Steye
were both meant at (Ito fight of
March Ith, eel did all In their 'sewer
to rally the troop.. The rout, how-
ever, woe eompletm, the mon dee' sr
Mg that the, motif not stand against
the British artillery, awl such n for-
foree of ()rivalry.
A W.% Hell WEI.00 XI le
Given 11.411(1P1111111WIS Novell Defender.,
at Durban.
Durban, Martel 8. -7 he nt v a I bri-
gade from Ladysmith arrived to -day
In command of Captain Lienbton,
They titunher about two hundred and
were enthuniuntically received. The
railway station wan lined with men
from If. M. S. Terrible, and tee tueet-
big of comrades' enteral many touch-
ing Avenel. When the gunners who
played such an Important part in the
defence of hadyernith marched down,
the street headed by the band and
flogs lit the Terrible, and carrying
the tattered Union Jack from lite H.
M. 8, Poweefue, whieh' had flown
throughout the 'liege of Ladysmith,
the cheering was tumultuous. The
crowd which Resembled was of
mem proportions.
Imakh was prepared Roe served in
a shed adjacent to the railway sta-
tion, and the men ate heartily. The
majority of them looked well, but
allowed ohm of the rough work and,
fatigue they hal trndergone. Their
utiforms bore many token* of wear
and tear. After leech, headed It,
Captain Percy ektott, the naval come
mandant at Durban, the men march-
ed to the Owe of embarkation for
Levis Denounces 1. Bogus News,"
Berrie March 9. -Dr. Ise.yde, the
Transvaal diplomatic agent, 1111-4 le
moil a protest from Brussels asettnet
"bogus neWn," purporting to emanate
front lilm. Ile singles mit a prominent
Berlin paper no an offender.
How South Masan Economies WHI
Help to Pay It.
Aside from the abstract principles
meet of a profit equivalent to that
which the Monopoliet nominally re-
velled, Ceder the Boer arrangement
the Government denlvat only 9150e
1)0) it year from the monopoly, while
the coneseelonalree annual profits'
are imt at 98,000,000. Ass the etuf
eellation of the concession has been
rased on stridence that the eon.
coeionnalrem knee frequently vlo.
Intel their contmet, it be ()untended
thut here IN samou,000 addltlietal
revenue wheel the British would tw•
entre an moon ite they asetintol the
Transit all! tiovernment.
Expenditures in the Grange Free
elate have Keen from $1,11511,675 In
189e to 94,860,000 In 381)8. flee)
tootle there Is nothing except met
titre peeper/item to account for the
ineream. Comparing the omit of
Belted( colonial rainenetration with
that of this Republic, it le believed
that wile,000,00U a year could read-
Ily be aortal from the expetelitureeof
the Orange Free State, but allowanee
le male for only 41500,000.
For the reilempt'on of n three per
cent. loan of 13200,000,000 in thirty
yearn there would he an annual
charge of $10,200,400.
Tide le made lln, with nearly half u
million to (mare, by the Items of mate
hp enumerated.
There are eatetervative estimates,
recording 90 them who make them,
01 wlutt mere economy could do. They
take no account of an Increased rev.
enue, such as is to be expected me
der an adminietration more honed
and efficient than that of the Boer
bureaucracy has been.
Mn, Hays Hammond lies mold that
Neel' tut lutprovel Government won
to equivalent to a saving of at lea
*1.30 a tout to the 'Mae owner. Title,
en the lutein of the tonnage of ore
eremite(' In 1848, would mean 924,
1110,000 lit divieettde in addition to
the $21,937,"1:7 pill It divilenwil by
the nenee that year, despite ail the
drawbacks' under which they inbored
As Vie Trammell Government hits
n tee of 5 per rent on these dividends.,
the item aloe,' wou'd mean an addi-
tional revenue of si,:zo.noo.
Thee there are the meets if the
Bnthusiaotio Crowds
Their °rooting
Folio Olive No Trouble 1/1th the
Tut Throng,
PhQN? IND PM Ili 1T,
'Omit through the Iron here
Now the roar wee taken up by Owe
within thrprecinct% of the lettere.
Beek on thee' creaking hitless flew the
event gates, anti tip went the royal
etatelitel. A patrol of pole.° went by,
followed by a flesh of ((teal US tile Life
tiaariistnes nue outreleri trotted
through the gates', and then all hot%
flew lit the air, a mighty cheer army
anti elewly there 'teem! a ea Wage on
the batik mat of wheel set a little
black (*fire, heel Ile tw ROI -
ding right and loft
Seddeitly, for the Bret time in the
tiny the sun came tout from belend the
',Mullis nee Mope over HP shouting
thouweite, ited, piercing the t ill, it
seemed happy lighting up the
itmel monarelea face, It was a repeti-
tion of the simnel of the Jubilee, find
tiwre was tetwelee weather in the
tread sense.
Still nodding vigoremely Her Majeety
peewee out of might into the quad.
ramie. There the peers and cone
moners essembled letter "Go Save
Queen," and Her Majesty enter -
Sisters of the Jubilee Rtealled-M l the palace.
Buckingham Palace 50,000
re"le ""t Their Wcie°111°- VICTORIA TO VISIT MEMO.
Her lifeleety Nods a Welcome to
the leergleg Hass or Subjects,
Louden, Meryl' 8. -The feueene leery Her Majesty to Pay a Visit to
int., ',owl., the cuutmetiventont of Ire the Green Isle,
veet to the metropolis, was ninrked
meenes of entlitneeeni tinietralieled '
slum the Jubilee eelebration. Through- A TRIBUTE TO BRAVERY OF IRISH
let the demonatrationi there 'wedeln -
tel a tote of trientple Mitt the Dublin, March 7. -Earl Cadogan,
cheer,' that Halite the murky streets Lord -Lieutenant it Ireland, hat"
r egwere. almost al trilled Honor
• titled the piens that 0' Is the in en-
ef the BrIteli tietoriel In Stun) Melee tion if the Queen to (exit Ireletel at
as they wore voelferote tributes of tt
loyal people to a !Hirarch whose we,
leanly sympathy has been so str:k•
Misty shown Stule tile War began.
The royal party's' departure from
Weither war mai)] by mom than
usual Interest. For Metre before the
, .
' <e;
'Memo' illustrates the ext. item telt puttee which befell four o
(bee rho Camp, on Januar.% itle V entering tee far they were cut off
tt motile n bolt for it, and, 'titer a ti exciting race, itt which the Boers pr
elude their pursuers end gained safety In Fevre ramie
intolvett iti mthifying the 'temente(
of the Outlithdere for represent. -
tem mei it more effielent, homed
mad (autunite telmintetration in the
T1.11111000, witting aside the totror-
1110101 Ntriltegie table of the 1W0
South Atrium republiea for Nutmeat -
ace twit the Dark Continent. Eng.
lend hopes to fled it material re
comport; for war in the pub -
Ile primurty motets of the bel-
ligerent govern
It has been ttMi that the war
tit preeent itt cosi tercet ..iirlt.
ale lit the rate *1000,000 ti
(My, but her titian figure that
tilt' "II recover ,st cash he
(leeway ot 'at' leant 9200,00,1,000,
*Meth adding a penny of taxation,
touching tangible meets Valued nt
hundiede of melbas or reckoning
the great inereme expected lu re'
venues elder an Improved go5firn.
More the WItwatererand gold
&motley. In 1883-88, the revenue
of the Tranevaal was $1.,0e2,070
and the expenditure only e1r7I1,420:
Mime them however, the British say
that eorruption and extravaganee,
with forge expendituree itt • recent
years on munitions of war abroad
and the construction of fortiiice.
Hods at home, have raised the stand-
uril until the budget eatimate for
1809 showed revenues of 1321,7110,.
000 and expenditures of 1321,835,-
000, or -22 times thou of the old
frugal days.
Of them expenditures $6,081,4370 is
set (Iowa f or Government oularies,
whielt, on the basil of those for eine
liar positents In Cap Colony mei
Natal, Betonts say eau wifely be ant
in two. Title would give nu Remelt
eating of 08,0iftei25, but it it (314tIM•
it tel at 011ly 013,0,10,030 to tillOW
plenty of marg:it,
Whet are officially called epecial and
sundry (bargee uoittpritiltig, it It itt,'
emelt, the mere Perviet) fund with
which tome hive Lett bought and use-
ful newapapers In Europa eubst iixedcas
well It:, lune averaged
tibout Steetre003 0 year shire 1808,
and thee abolition, of Mime, would
effect an equIvident Romany. TIM( le
Put eown, however, at 82,000,000.
Frankly denomlnatel milltarY ex-
pencliturea 1 u an Item on the )leer
budget of 131,825.000 -in 1897 it was
as 111111+ 1111 $3,070,000-Wil'ell, it it
'more may la" Wired off the elate
of annual expellee" but Its eavitig
reekoned nt telly 1111,030,090.
teeter the It of 'mete. works the
expenditure ham grown from 91,765,•
000 Itt 1853 to 08,950,000 for thle
year. Thee says the Bridal) ca leula tor,
ran be tienotinted for mile by the wont
of erecting forte Taking tho Melees
of 1895 els n both of comearisme
though It Is believed that (wen that
part of the expereUture eves duo to
fortilleation, and Ignoring the fart
that tit's Item ht 1e97 retelted (107.271).
WO, t$, 1 :1%e th at y,,,,ar nt inerease 01
131,058,000 to charge to tort building.
For the sake of round Ugure, In tio•
total only 91,000,000 of tit'. it re-
garded tte an annual EteOrlOrilYi
The Trammel dynamite monopoly
forme/ one of the Outlanders' grew.
sewn on the ground that the quality
of the explosive was had and that It
cost them more than would a fled
clam arthee Imported by them
alone atter payment to the Govern -
two 11111bnetl. Thos' of the Trans.
veal contain twentyef it e million
(tem (.1 WM. ou wit alt tiro the Ber-
1 Porto.' gela fields. They Wen& elm
tee -third of (ht' Metre capitol of the
Netherland Ile I Iwo y I),
sides the right to It pm' pont of the
road's net profits after the pay went
et the fixed divideni on It 'stork.
Tlit ueremenge /them itt Gee year's'
budget was set down at 98,875,000,
which, capitalinel on a 8 per cent.
Wien, would represent 9112,500,000.
Among the public) property of the
Orange Free State, whet includes
lands, telegraphs anti other sourced of
bloom, 14 the railway system, cote
(sena t vely valued at $27.100,000,
white' In 1897 produced gross pro-
fits Amounting to $2.520,000.
0 And so, wlele her los% leblooti may
te beyond all oompeneatIon, Britain
hopes to reamp herself for the mere
material cod of her latest Sonth
African war,
Doers and Doers.
Anreabotes :Uwe relive of Boer char-
acter and labits are ma numedms and
to diverse as io force the comemaion
that Boors are much eke other folks
in &freeing one from anuoher and
having individuee peculiarelee. Mrs.
Lewis, a mister a Mr, Sehreiner, the
Cape Premier, write, to R Met hottest
paper in Eng:and, Co my that the
worse crime changed' to Boer ac-
count is the maereattnent if Afri-
can negroes, which has been ging
eri for two hundred yeare, and
e'stemer; the record, of what, say -
ogee in Alm lane have inilleted, even
in war time, white race'," Bri.
'eise soldierte she says, are dying en
African soil to -day to put an end
to a condItion of atrocimes weefug.
But :hough the #ielevances of Out-.
lenders And Brligh subFeifl have
been real, t is the Baer boutality
to negroea that best juetTlee the
.‘fhere are eoteke of treachery
when Rem raise he whi e flag and
eboot seeders epproach:ng to receive
leper surrender, and Merles of n Boer
practece itt k1iing wounded troops
she happen te itt Air:ean coion:nie.
On the other ban& there itt p:enty
teetienorty as to Baer kindness to
Bre he wounded, and a Boer phiet-
stephy and good-natere, and Pomo
cr'es (.1 Boer sympathy with Bri-
tiah gallantry, am at Spien Kee where
a Bale rutted of British troops which
, charged pp 1,o 90 very musces
Boer gee were surrounded and
dragged ewitie t be woks to admir-
ing defenders, who disarmed 'hem and
bent them hack .,ntr their rein ',:nes.
Ev'elan::y there are &ere and Here
and a certain proporiion of them teem
to he "whee men," accerding to the!
Weerern-Amerlean understanding rt ;
;hose. eords.-E. 5. Mnr)!)n, itt Bar -
per's Weekiy.
A great deeb of tanninent hart been
aroused It 11,1 illtddot In- the state..
tient made ,by Premier Macdonald
at Neepitwa, that ehoold Hon. Mr.
Davidson be defeated the Parlia-
ment will he dissolved and a new
elpetion held.
Mr. Patrick Donegan, father of
Private John Donegan, who was
among the Canatilane killed In the
Modeler River fight. on Feb. 18th,
died yesterday morning at the fam-
ily. readdenee, 1550 Colborne *Meek
Woltz, aged fit yeare,
"see. .S1
f Pr. enineereen pleked menet; near
it a party of mountee Boers. The
ie -ed them elogeiy, they managed to
Queen eVell «Utast for London erowile
gathered III the keret; whish had
leen announced as her route through
the metromille and which were decon.
neat with flogs. It W/14 foggy end
e,,11, but no (me teemed te en re.
At Padditigten the therm(' station
Mel leen eleared of tit" 'muerte 'Wee,
lett 'Intel& thotratele of people
When the train from Windsor arrived
at 12.80 thin. a tremendous cheer
went up, Her Majesty came down the
sloping platform loaning un the arm
of a turbaned Indian attendant, end
entered an open landau, In which aim
sat the Princess Henry of Battenberg
and Princess Victoria of Swhieswig-
Holstein They all wore black, and
round her neck the Queen wore a
sable collarette.
From the packed sidewalk/a and front
every avellable whitlow came it con-
tinueus roar of cheers, while hundreds
a little flags were wetted all the way
to Backinghion Palace, The side
streets we're peeked ten, twenty and
sometimes a Mende& deep. But it was
around the palace itself that the chief
thtrong gathered. By nine in the
knornIng, carriage'', cabs and vehicles
of every sere paaie from the city
and the west orad and distant parts
et the country cemgregatei in St.
Jame l'ark, on which the palace
By noon it was estimated that fifty
thousand people were paltered about
the Queen's town residenoe. There
were hundreds of pollee on hand, but
they had little difficulty ln kemeng
the crowd in ceder, and in cleaning
ramps for peens, members if tee
Baum el Contemns and members of
the household who were privileged to
page the gate .rahinga that elute elf
the palace. In the apactous r art yard
of the palace a gat tering of men re-
prenenting Great Britain's beet blood
and brains, walteei up and down. chat-
ting abut the war and It:AD-les,
by tee crowd outsilt the railings.
These who were not fortunate enough
to get near that palace, climbed up
trees or st.ese on top of cabs, bright.
ening (he bare park with flags. The
women's drowses were unusutely gay,
and served to enliven the scene.
Soon after noon the Duke and Duch.
est of York (trove Into the courtyard
and received 1111 OARtIOn, Mr. Joseph
Chamberlain. the SeerPtair.1 of state
for the Colonies, joined unnoticed the
distingulediel throng lit the eosin -
yard Later the Duke nod Inielly111 of
lurk appeared oil it teleony in front
of the Palace. .1ft time peered the
crowds °aside grew more peeked,
and the peen and members; of the
theme 01 Commons trooped out of
night Into (Ito inner quadrangle,
where they waited to moire the
'MILE 19 !"
teen Colistritution lliii came
the dull roar of distant Owen' mid
the cry "She Is coming" woe moped
Ltronmei minietwetli atcotimveo.utahn.dTuite,onpolenli,ce be.n(t
teem admitted Into the courtyard,
edged away as well as they could,
Among those who sat and Mitered
on the atone bum outside the rail-
ings was the Counts", Brownlee, a
daughter of one of Ettgland's blame
blooded peers, slid beside hoe was a
frayed old evotenn, het wizened Ince
ctlmeroiof March 1.4* the beginning
The Omit will have ne, pelitical sig-
nificant* *quibble to tt, ht will he
undertaken entirely on Her Majesty's
Cara tnittattsre. ((bit intends to regde
for a forteight or longer in the, vice-
regal lodge -
London, March 8. -The Queen's deo
weskit to visit Ireland' after an ale
seem el 37 'sears excites much, pleased
surprise. The visit 111 represented os
tu extete taking the place of
Her Majesty's abandened trip t:'
Bordigla(era, ,hat seems tc, have been
largely prompted by a desire tt' res
cognise the brilliant services' id the
Irish Brigade in 'Natal, and to cetn•
plimmit the armee Earl Cate.gan, in
his announcement of the visit, said it
would he private, just ex Her Maj.
eaty's vette to Itt, cubit of Frame
have been, butt, of memo, the nolo
inal inc-,gnito preeereed on theme oc-
maions will not he observed in Dub-
lin, and Nemo ptablicity will be leer --
table, .:11, rerver, thOlnitil the visit in
devil( red net to be politieal, there can
he lite helot thee it will be ,Fp-
knee W.
The era beldam reeked by the val- eweeee
iant Irish troupe in Sesath Africa has
modified antagenisms, and enabled
her kfaj:sty on the eve et her glytps,
year te overcome her repugnance
visiting Ireland; which the Home
11111i. agitation created. •
.99 no other One mince the Dla,
mond •Fitidie» has the Queett leen so
eollapieilutia ail object In the public
mind tta eke itt toatIgitt. Vila prone
lima to lie even more etrikIngly the
yam to -morrow. Her Majesty'm bolt
to London for a drive In eemetatete
from 1rititibigttOil Mention to Beek.
Ingham Velem would be suffielent
in Heel( to create great public man,
irritations of luyulty ; but tie, ate
nottmement Ole miming that, for
the first time tenet' the Jubilee, ante
will to -morrow drive. from Reeking.
ham 111a (.4tilong the embitekinent
to et. Caere Cathedral anti haek.
PItoitthilhy (itt
itt. ettmee, eynebronishig with the
tn1,17,itg,,,lit,i(1:411eirAit Loran:II
Jtob.trti itt
bound to make Menturrow a gala
day In the 111111t11/4 of Lundell.
The 1.011(1011 newspapers greet the
Incident with eta -beldame.
The Dublin lude.pendent declare,
tlia1 the Irish N a theta " will
hate me other deem that we kuoty
'of bet that Her Modesty 'should rt.
mite et the bends of tlte leielt that
ronteeteil wiotaNite wilieli Is dueller
tIghroperee orteimiul
e .
h/trete:T. Thn
e ononticement that
Iltleal eaglillicalle0 they, we haven()
tkiebt, will respect. May we (Agnelli.
Bit hope Out others itt leeland Who
protons a very ;strong feeling of loy•
fifty. to the Crown will 'Mew *steel
anxiety to reimeet the person and
poultice' of the novereept."
The paper recalls that when the
Prim* of Witless I bitted Ireland fifteen
yews' ago, the weltMal feeling(' of a
that majorlki of 1110 peo:,1, were di -
10 tl,‘ and offensively challenged,
with the remelt that people Ili many
Owes were goatleti into deinonetra•
times of dlereepeet t,nd liodliity
wheel they never had intended, and
whiell never weld(' have occurred
but for the tine of the Englieh prim
and the indlacreet speeehm of genie
letionlide, who confounded unionism
with loyalty.
The Independent hopes that the..
remileotiou will . bo taken to heart,
and sap:
'For the ;melee at large we tem
safely say that their demeanor to.
wards Her Majesty will b' titt of re.
meet, even though it may be dewed
of mithushiene and they' will, one and
ell, be anxious' that Her Majoets'a
visit to Ireland Mall leave In her mind:
no unfavorable impression of this
country or Its people."
The ('ork Examiner, a Nationalist
(ogee. 'eye that the Queen's visit
will be viewed with interest by all
tits eountry, witch takes
It as ,gtit augury of new treatment
of Ireland by the English Uoverte
went. It declarer; that Her jenjeety
will be received wItli cordiality anti
Teking the ammuneement In coo-
neetket with the order ellowing the
'Nth troops' to wear the Mantrock ou
se Patrick's thty, the Examiner cute
eiders it teen' eigniflenut time le at
Bret apparent. It says the rulers me
that the polio- of neglea was foolish
and dangerous, and that an Ireland
(-dulling ander moth' We0110 WKS a re-
, flection on the Empire, 11111 detterrOW
from Its ',mice many who miglit
itt A nimble awl efficient whittle.
The Dublin oorrempondent of the
Times says It in expeetel that the
Queen will be arcompanled by at least
two princesses, prdbably PrIneese
Henry of Battenberg and Prtheess.
Christian. It le considered probable
that She Will prolong her %let to n
month. it Is uneeretoeil tilat Her Me -
jetty made extreme quiet tt condition
of her visit. She will confine her,
movements to Dublin and the neigh-,
1 orrneeo(Vs,. nal wIli make no provincial
The Queen's retwolution. It le Under -
/4m I, wits absolutely Nnollttille01R. l't
gr, te:,t MooriNe to her Null,
the fink( of Connaught, who IR coal -
minding the fumes In frelanl, and to
whom it was suddenly annoinited o
few daye awl
The C. S. Senate committee on,
Foreign Relations tatitis agreed to,
report the ility•Pauneelote Meaty,
amending the Clayten-BalWee treaty
to grant authorite tor the donee,'
or the canal by that Mtn* /141110'