HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-15, Page 1matirirer TOE BEST WAY OF ADV CftTISIN0 Is IN A I LIVENEWeeAl'I11. MIC11 A PAPER 18 , The stdlloaro. VOL XIII 1 RLYTil, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MARCH 15, 1JOO, RECII'S CAVALRY A6AIN BRITISII POSITION NOW C IVlL%NDSBLOEIIFONTEIN Roberts Hastening With Rein forcements to the Capital. U. S. FORWARD KRUGER'S APPEAL Londnl, March 11,—Ueu. lord Rob- erto mark' u further Intranet, on Mon - ,lay, and is now at Venterevlel, nls,ut fifteen wine from lllnemfonte(n, Ven terevlel Iles to the smmthweet of the eapltal of the Orange Free State, e and by going there Gen. Roberta seem» to have again tnrne.l the mitten! which the leers herr Oiliest to impure his advent*. The enemy, 1L',O(,U atro:ig, with eighteen gluts, Win reported to h. posted uu a reite of kopjee rune mending the mein road to Blocmfal- tette but the British adopted another route, circumventing the defenders. The eorreq)Oi,dent of the Daily Ni we, slating his deem tell Venterstl' 1, %welt 12th, 845 pan., mays: "Tie Britten Mtn Atievogel kop in the morning and, preeeded by the ear- thy, marched to Venterevlel, a dis- tance of about fifteen miles, following Kaal .pelt, By ndrnnrltgt Meng Kael moult, Oen. Roberts has agnht outwitted the Bore, who had en- trenched themselves slung the Molder River, thinking the Brltleli route wrote be in that direction. "Moat of the ferne nloug the 1Itt, d march were deserted White flies were flying over the houepr, All the belongings worth removing hie lewd taken away. There were evident slgus that the luiutbltnnts had left In n great burry, things beteg Uttered about, The canmun'er-!n-oh of hue given mulrt orient that nothing H t" e touched, 'It le not expected that the Brllbh Will meet great opposition In entering Bloemfontein, A11 the dlvielonn have now Joined the main advance. Geu. Roberta' headquarters le at Liregorow• e el's farm," A despatch to the Stem -lard from VenteravIel Saye that Gen. Tacker re- oelveJ the uubinisliom of several Boers In the course of hie advance, the re- sult, presumably, of Gen. Roberta' re- cant Cent proclamation. A farmer who re - Monied at hls le memtcuel .nye that tee burghers may make one more stand Mealiest the advance on Bloemfontein, bit,11 they are beaten, the ceenpatlon of the capital will not he farther op. di AThe War Office line Issued nothing concerning this movement. There 1s no other news from any of the one troll of operations, except a recmmah• same b,v Oen. Clententm on the bauke of the Orange River, tnree miles below Nerve''u pont, welch t'' ',lofted that the Doers were occupying positions' there of some strength Mr. Spenser WIIklneco, reviewing the military situation In the Morning TMs., says: "It may eonlldently 1* expected that Lord Roberta will retell Bloenn• feak4Un or the railway there by to• Morro" (Wettnesdaz) nr Thuredny. t a timeless to anttcdpnte .len. Bob p* plane; but donbtlems he le very the an as to attract the largest powlble force of Deere away from the scene of Lord Roberts' opera. Moms" Tuned Hoer Po,Itlon. Venters Viel, Orange Free State, Monday evening, elareh 12. — The Mittel' (oras., which sauce the fight. Ing at Drelfonteln, have been march. Ing rapidly hither, have turned the BM position. Our cavalry 'wellhead. The Bowie are reported thle morn• lag about 12,000 strong, with 18 gnat! In position, on a range of koples commanding the dlre't road to Bloemfontein, whirl' Ie distant 15 Wise, Burghers Take Oath. Cape Town, March 12.—The well• known welter Hargrove, author, um ter the pseudonym "T.," of " The World of Polities," his returned to (ape Town, after spending a inonth In Pretoria, He "aye he ham eon. varied with upward of 100 polite elan. and burghers, and believes the Repubtla will re.I.t to the end, kle say' the members of the Pre• torts commando are under oath that the ,urvtvora 'shall adopt the child• ren of the slain members', and that 'False children shale be breaght up the Idea that Oreat Britain killed Muir fathers while they were de' ding their freedom. Kruger at k-ret.orbt, Pretoria, March 11, via Lor•nno has roes, March from lin v sit t to the ting lines In the Orange Free to and Natal. He expresses film• Mailed with the general mit• Kruger and remittent ave untied 111 a protest to the tativea Here of neutral power' the employment of Kaffir by Col, Bader-Puwell, the corn at Mafeking, and Col. Plume, tying W relieve the Mafeking and who has had severe) em with the burghers In the dethrones, on the weetern the Tranevant. tewt order prevails In Jo• and Pretoria. r Tee Captured Attaches. Kimberley, March 1C.—Tia: leeet.ta 1►ad Dat* sanitary attache, wtte the )seer arpy et Poplar elrove, whose oar% broke down near Oadonteln w they were a000mpanylmg the retreat• enemy, and who were thus betel. ea red by the British, have entree here. They soy that the pidfy that It wait Weir cart to keep up s preldblted the nttnelo., from re -uttering the Trans - vital exoept by way of Cape Town and Delegah Bay. Were Helly Hustled. 14 nrborongh, Eng., Meech 12,—Mr. ('rouwight-S9trelner, hutleud of .litre 8•11rehter, and oth'r advocates of the Boer valve, were 1110041 to dine hero tai'+ ot'i ttg nt n re.tnnrtutt Ia•lenging to the flim of Mr. Rowntree, it former member of the llonse of Common's. 11'1yeln the fart Nome known a htutt'le a nfreolttinuully-growing crowd gate sired onta•de, and began to slug 'mitre otlr snug.;: J innlly nm nttnek was inside on the restaurant, the tenni wrezkaug tat t•Ialhnrtte front. Moises. l'rouweelit S •hrehwr and Rowntree were eom- p'11ed to emenpa by a tilde, door, and were madly entitled by the crowd, The Ineldent occurred well on in the evening. ETeihteally, mounted pelta' ehnrgel and dieperied tht disturbers. Sharpshooters' Corps. Landon, Mardi 12,—Lord Deere yea Invite/ snit tm9utt In mlmr,heltuotere' mine for rervhe lu Smith .efriea. Commando el Bloembor, Lorenzo Alamitos, elarclt 12.—Taw Traticvunl Government has forbidden the pump'ng out of several gold mime which and twee Jimmied, especially the S comer and .tock, .t Beer hvmnnnndo ham taken up a laxsit:n't 111 Bloeulhaf with the view of hhterteptl« g any 111 Melt troop; who nt gat be tra veiling by rellwny toward ADnfekiug or mnrehlttg to Kleirkedurp Icor South Africa. Afelbourne, March 111,—The mounted eorpt, roneletng of 1,01x) buhuieu, drown from the variouscoloulen of Ansa mita, emlmrked yesterday for eolith Africa. Titoaennle thronged the pier, nal gave them 0 most enthutdnt- tlo farewell. The war Fith'lt III the colonies rune high, nil I there will be no difficulty experienced In seeing the additional regiments" of Methuen naked for by 111r • 1'humherlaln_ A Tip for the Czar. Limbo, Mach 12.—How great it chungn recent Iinppenhtge in South Af- rica have made In the Continental es - Ohne tr. of Brltlslt military prover IN at- tet'ted by the fact that the Russian wintery nttnchn with Lord Jtobert: line coaled to the Czar that tine nt- tntk nn 1 endurance of the British troop.; ore smelt as nu Rawlnn officer haw any Conception of. --- British Casualties 14,080. Lon:ion, hlareh 12, --The Inteet offs• elni figures of eneaaltIel In Pouth Af- rlen show that the Bettie!' total In killed, wounded and mleeing is 14,636, to which about 70 are addable. Of 503 officer@ and 7,108 men wounded, only 847 died, and of a total of 2,900 deaths only tablet 800 were due to die - Peen. llouors for Naval °Moon. London, Marcor 12.—The Queen ben conferred true Companionship of the Bath upon (apt. the Hon. Hedwnrlh Lambton, of Ibe flretoInea cruiser' Powerful, end upon Capt, Peroy Scott, If tits first clans cruiser Terrible, for their services' in the mlliltary opera- tions at Ladysmith. Patriotic Fund Totals $171,414. • Ottawa, Ont., Mareb 12,—The Tree - surer of the Canadian Patriotic Fund Association today received one thou- sand do;lere from the students and members et McGill University. Inc' fund now toteln X174,414.84, Peace Talk ut Cape Town. rape Town, March 12.—The publi- cation of President Kruger's appeals to the burghers (e received joyfully by the British, as it proves 1p their natiufarlion that the Suers bane been dinorgantted by their recent defeat'. The Cape Times discourage an Ac- tive agitation In support of the aeet- hiletion of the two Boer Republica. It advisee the people to have coati - dente In Great Britain, es that Gov- ernment, it says, will make a settle- ment shat will be entirely satiate°- tury. The Canadian and Aintree/in vol- unteers], who were here recently, were 'unanimously in favor of t'hp eradication of tee two Republica. Arrangements' have been made by the deli and mllitary authorl,tlee to have all future oases of rebellion tried before a Judge and two mill- it tury officers. But the Cape Dutch who were captured at Suyelde, and have ntready been arraignetlIn t the civil courts', will be tried by e Jury at Cape Town during the April Amities. The Government will ask Parliament to own*" n epeeist court. Ceell Rhodes] Intend* to .seed Mr, Baker, a noted erohltect, to Egypt, g Rome, and Athena, to study meuso• Mures, When he returns he will erect 111:theolente nt Klm)s r!e•v ill mean ory of Ogee who were lilted during the siege. All Well At 1A'lifeking• ;lilted Waking, he Welke tilt con mean that the pnpulet:oi have Ief liefek.ng and ;Ansel Gen, 1 inane, Made a New Howitzer, 1 London. March 13.—A dcepntrh to the Tenet from Mafekhlg, dated Feb. 24th, Saye: "The nureeehfnl cnmpletlon of a new howItser by the local arsenal will be celebrated on Maetbn day, which the Boers, we hope, will have good mese to remember," Another despatch, dated Feb. 26th, nye that two of the town meads ;le - meted t the Boers the day before. The garrison anticipated the Mieinha my celebration with keen relish. Crook. ThTheatreHieHieCaatodlans. Cape Tuwn, March 12,—AC the re- quest of Gen, Cron* the Boer cone munder, who le now n prtaoner un the British flagship Berle, Mr. Jne. A. Stowe, tato American Colsul•len- eral here, vleited him and conversed with hies, through an Interpreter. Gen, CrooJr expresseoil himself aa greatly wetland with hie treat ment, Mr. Stowe subsequently rltltetl the prisoners' camp ashore, and wee 'shown where the Boers had made e tunnel, e5 yards long, with tilt i1tellt•e and raps. The earth, whistt they had menthe was hidden 111 lunge. 1f they bad dug 12 y'nrde morn they collie have escaped, but one of the prleouere betrayed them. y Nearing Hloemfonlein. London, March 12. --General Roberts and •the other despatches referring to Saturdny's fighting praolteally cover ev'ery'thing flu t hay been reteivetl eon cerning the movements In the Orange Free .;lute, bat 11 In distinctly appar- ent that the omplete story of the 'armament hat not yet been received Collating the official and other deer patches, 1t can be mild that General Hobert» hail to fight hie way to Drel- fontelu, where he arrival at 7.110 p. m Poturday. ftrelfonteln le 115 tulles from Bloemfontein. According to the Morning Post's nor en reepondent, the tire day was occu- pied with the Boer rear guard, who were acting along n rhulnittg front twelve miles lung. The fight through- out was much involved. The Niers evacuated aryl reoccupied their po+l- tlone, subtly concealing their into, - teas, and only withdrawing their guns a few minutee prior to their im- p tiding capture Their gene outrunged those of the BrttIeh, whoeu cavalry horses were completely tired out by repented withdrawula The Brltielh turning movement com- menced too late. Every despatch proves the Boors inn de n molt heartier resistance than they did et Poplar Grove. General Roberts' report that their dead were left on the ground shows a heavier loss than any yet authentically ut:ri- Meted to the Boers in any action of the war. I4 in learned from other deepatchee that the Doers had seven gene mount- ed on kopjes, while the extent of the tlgh4 eueprieed both slides. The British thought the way was practically clear to Bloemfontein. The Boers were mur- prisei bJ the doable lire of the Bri- lieL advance. They took a position ead ahon the right flank of Gen. Kelly -Kenny's advance, thinking that he represented the general advance, inn. they found that a parallel col- umn threatened theitr rear. Ge.n.'1'uck- er weepiest Petruaiterg without np- poeitlon, though 'strong opposition wee expected at that place. On Sunday morning the, British found that the Boers, is spite of this stubborn resistance, lied retreated, and marched unopposed to Attempt) kop, 25 mins from Bloemfontein, as the crow flies. Al Attempt a prisoner told the Bri- ttle!'that the siege of Mafeking had been rained, which Is strange In view of the reports from both English 'end Boer sources, which pointed out (bat the place was la extreme peril. Oen. Roberts le now exp etetl to make 10 miles a day, which will be the maximum distance covered titles opposition Ie continued. The Morning Stan'erd'e correspond- ent, on the authority of Boer doe. tore, says that Prerlrlent Steyn last week met with a bad reception from the burghers. The correspondent pointe out that Gen. Tucker's taking Petrueberg ruts off the Boer re• trent sleuth. The Dally Telegraph's correspond. ent, harking hack to the Poplar Grove engagement. "aye that If Gen. French's horses had not been done up, thousands of Deer's mght have been captured- He adds that President Kruger tireatetned to resign the headship of the Transvaal unless the burghers stayed to appose the British. Kitchener the Man. London, March. 12.—A despatch to the Daily Telegraph from Vienna n ye that reports from the Austrian military attache accompanying Lord Roberta contain a warm tribute to Gen, Roberts' brilliancy. The at- tache is of the opinion, however, that h aw the recent Brltl.seess have been largely owioa to Gen. Kitchen- er, whom he none ars one of the cle- verest strategists living, and en nb- e ohtte 'muter of the coneittionr, un- der which modern warfare is carried on. - Where Cronle Was Born. Pleats, March 12.—Teplitt, n small watering plaoe In Bohemia, claims to ave been the. birtlhplane 1 Oen. C unIrene& the Boer commander, who aur- rendere.l at l'aardeb.rg. It le stated hat the generale father was a Frenchman, and a cot to Charles X. On lee nrrivnl at Teplitt the ex -cook openei a hotel. He le sntd to have marred a Czech maiden. The family mine nr'ginnlly was Cronler, but was corruIte.i alter the Croutere emi- rate:) to the Trnnevnnl, B ritish Warships to (io to Egypt. efuecuw, Mertes 12—.1. drepattth from Alexandria nonounoah that twelve Brltlah battleships awl four crullers, with 7,800 men, are expected to arrive here soon, London. March 18.—Tho Mayor of Bradford has received a telk+gram from hie brother, the Mayor of Mate - kip', dated Dnluwayo, Merelt 8rd, mG•Ing : s All well," Al all previous telegraa, have been Front Venterevlel. London, March 12.—Lord Roberto has telegraphed from Venterevlel bit congratulations to the Lord Mayor, Mr. A. J. Newton, regarding the tar - (Melee which the Queen will confer upntt te 111 In 1 SCORE! nt is a special mark of favor ity of London for Its servieee r, Queen. London, March 13. --Tin (lures linft been entertaining the wIvet of (11111- ernly Buller and White at Windsor, and alien remembering the servloet of the manor* who sated Ladysmith. ('ale Lein Lambten and remain 1'er'y Pott have received decorntloms for their energy and Ingenuity in carry- ing the navnt gone Into the town In the ukk of time. Kitchener et Kimberley. The presence of Lord Kltehener In Kimberley excltee much comment In military circle., and 4 explained in variotu ways, One reason nselgne.l for It le the necessity for the prompt re etorntion of order In the poor white dietrlct around Prletka, where the City imperial Volunteers have been under fire. -another explanation is the organization of a relief column for Mofeking, and still another Iia the exceptional difficulty' of the trans port eervlee for Lori Roberte' army of 50,000 then. Lord Kitchener 4t re• ported to have made extensive changes In the trnnsyort service, tloltehlng the system M mepornte regimental transport, and enuring 7tenrtburnlag ani i ninnotton In the Army .'eras. Cups by putting new meet In ch.'trqu rut the work. Ii7 IN nista supplementing the ox eel mule teams with a tulle tory railway, which le under repel otstriction armee the veldt. The mticrRM of the trans,ort service Is of vital Importnnee to the future opera- tions of Lord Roberta' army- and tide expinhne the absence of hie ehlet M ',tuff loam hendqunrtert at a critical stage of to campaign. LIKU•f. tSH('RNE'8 DEATH. Fell While Leading a Pnecresful Attack. Toronto, Dhtroh 13.—Mr. J. Kerr Osborne, whoee eon, Lieut. Osborne, of the "nd Mtottish Rltles, wile kill ai bt the ntttck tot Pplon Kort nn Jewelry 2(tit, has received odd', Genial information from the surviv- ing offI etw ut thn regiment regard lug the death of hie eon. Limit. (1, born was shut through the hand when leading his compntiev In th u itccesefttl nttack ,rt the kite, enrt died on tato field, Thu end Scot that Rifles, or (:antoronlone, with the let Batt. Rifle llrigade, Ord King's Boynl lithos and let Durham Light Infantry formed Gen. Lyttleton'e bre guile, which toil cruesetl the Tugela first and was holding u line of kop es In the attack oat the Boer right. When (ameral Warren began hie turn lug . movement General Lyttletteee forty at'irohetl the hill from the: south isle, end It one here tint Lieut. Oehor,to wise killed. Both eubulterna In hl's company were 'severely womb"• ell end 10 officers] nail 120 sten lit the. ('nuteronlnum were klllwl. Letters whtoli were wrltteu by Lieut. 0i. ttoruo hhneelf two days before hie death tell a long story of youtlnuous fighting. Ito sold that bit regiment and been on the top of a 'stun)' kips Je for n wok without tut pioteetlo:t of ev'ee blankets, and with nothing to sat except a few bleculte end some tented meat. The trenches wore se. 'espied by the different eompaulee Iu tut.n, nail men and officers Ity down e(rk, by elle and .laid on the often ground. Di Ids Iasi letter the To. mite, officer mentioned that he bud peewee through a shower of ballet• rind bail luckily etcipssrt unhurt. The retnnhie of Lieut. Orb•)rno were in- terred during the nrmatlae ermined for the burinl of the dead, but the ground in wkbhthe grave war dug woe nfterwards 'sextupled by the Boers The letters Mgrt',ect by Mr. Osborne. while of a peewee nature, are understood to centres' n number of evMsncae of the regard and re - meet held for the young Canadian by her commanding and brother of, /leers. FARMER AND 1118 MONEY. Welland Man Went to Brentford and Had "a Good Time." Brantford, Mnrclt 10.—P, J. Moore, a Welland County farmer, came into the city yester'dey, and, having money, was given what is popularly called "a good time" by some young men of .the city, This morning be awoke to find tbat oat of F28 whicb be had wbeo he started not n rent remained. He was left In a stable, an there his pockets were rifled, At the same time a key, which was attached to a mail bag, used in col- lecting mail from the city drop -let- ter boxes, was missed'. The police were notified, and be- fore 11 o'clock recovereit Che key and the greater part of the money and other trinkets token from Moore. They also arreeteb Melvin Usher, charged with stealing tbe key and money, and James Wilson, charged with stealing the money. They will come before Magistrate Woodeatt. BY ACT0110IILK TO YUKON. Three Frenchmen ['refining toTry• to Make the Trip. New York, Martel 12.—Tia French Inner L'Aiiu(taine, which canoe into hurt yesterday from Havre, brought three Frenchmen, who any they ire term to make the attempt to go to the Klondike by automotnl'. They are E. Jatute lye Lamar., who hue been to the Klondike, and wee Tor it time editor of the Klondike Review: Rip pltael Mervllie, who e' It brotheMu•law of M. De Lamare, and E. Crotn, pri- vate secretary to M. De Lamar°. The three travellere Bent ahead of them to fila country an automobile and a motorcycle. The veleclee have leen forwarded to Vaiiconrer, wbenne thee w.11 to Bent to Sengwey, and on to Lake Bennett by wul7 of the Yukon and the leh'to Parrs Railway. M. De Lamare saki that he Intended to start on Wednesday for Montienl, end 1.11 Wee IVO t.t start by eutumohlle from Lake Bennett for Atlbl. Dobe yesterday refused the Pre i• tlentlal Rumination of the Sochi De- mocratic party, but Wel accept. Joe 1'<arrimat wan 'tamed for the Vice -Presidency, A Chicago murderer mentence.1 to 25 year@ yesterday besought the Jude to give him n new trial that he might 'plead guilty "and get the rope," Hie plea was not entertained, PARIS IN TERROR OF SMALLPDX. Rumor That the Pest is Epidemic There. EIRE HORROR IN NEWLRK Faventeen Perim, Meetly Obildren, Lie Their Lives, YOB I881ULT8 0 ZPIlU1iLI8T, Probably Fatally Injuring a Woman —Chemed's Fool Manager Olree Ills Child a Pletol and the Boy Shoots His Mother—Arrest of n Suspected Incendiary. New York, March 12.—Miss Rus- sell, the attendant of Wilson 11. Den - lay, the patriarch evangelist, who daily preacher to crowds on the streets', wee probably fatally Injured yesterday afternoon wui,e try,u;t to defend tbe presto/tar from a demon• etrative crowd. Mr. Dunlap, with hie two attend- ants and seven women and children, missionary workers, drove to lila Bible house on Madlsoo street, at 8 o'clock in the afternoon. A crowd of men and boys began to jeer him, 'Tae evangelist and his party started for tbe nearest: police station for belp, Put before the wagon had gone a buck the crowd completely aur. rounded it. Stones were thrown et those in the wagon. When the mob pressed too close Miss Ruse. '1 lean- ed over and placed the whip on the nearest heads. While thus defending the party a stone was thtrtwn which struck her in the feet. 8be wee knock - ed from the wagon otil under the wheels, both of which passed over her body. S'be win taken lo Mr. Irmo• lap's residence, where the physicaas said it was doubtful if she would re. cover. Evangelist Dunlap hos been o familiar figure on the lower east ails for four years. 111 endeavors to christianise the Hebrews. Ile goes about in an elaborately fitted up wagon in which there is a melodlan, and in the lanok of which be sits In an Invalid chair when preaching. Kam Reaaell is 10 years old, OAVE CHILI) A I'ISTOi.. Chicago, March 12.—.Ville playing with a revolver Rlchurt Esig, nevem Servs old, not his mother et the nolo• mea. Ales. Emig Is at the Lakemele Hospital, whore It IN Petrel the wound w:Il prove fetal. The rhlld'e father, Cherhvt T. Emig, Is well known In spotting circles, ns' the manager of Jur' ('bryIheki. When the boy exercise.' a Cutire fur n revolter, hot father tools home n 22-enlibre resolver. A box of etu•trldgee nreantpatdnd the gift, nod the son win cautioned to be muerte. SMALLPDX IN PARIS. Mew York, March 12.—Acoordtn to private letters just received from Isere, smallpox le epidemic In the French csip.tnl, aid iia writers] aiv 1 e than, Americans whn ontemplety n' trip there this summer to be first thereon ted. BIIOT IN SALOON ROW. New leek, March 12,—Charles 11. Doluonlierger to -day phut 'and kited Louis Brown, n pinto player in Solo. .nod Home's saloon, In Newark, N. J. Dohitenherger,"!leo la a bartender nt another saloon meld he had been relent by a whmen in Br lvn'e an Il. White got into a dispute over, natter and way allot. AN Al'/ly"CL HOLOCAUST._ - Newark, N. J., March 12.--keventiett persons, most of when. were al$lWten, were burned to death et a 3e4Mment hoose at Morris and F'ourteentltAvon. ass, abort 5 n. m. today. Twelve bailer wore recovered from the ruins within three hours after the flames had been extinguished. Five more were unnecounte" for. Tito building was a throe story etructure, formerly need nen church, but transformed Into a tenement house, with small rooms, scarcely eight by ten feet in dltnenloru, open Ing Into narrow hallways on both the seemel and third floors, and form• Ing a veritable fire trap. The place a right in the 'heart of the Italian district and the `realest excitement prevailed. This feeling was greatly intensified after 7 o'clock, when it was known that the fire was of Incendiary origin, and within fifteen minutes of to time when thin report wax filet circulate', men and women, well ulgh crated by grief, ran tearing nround the streets )coking for the man wmo wee responsible for the frigbtful tragaly. Vtto Credavo is locked up In the Fourth Preclreat Station on .unph'lon of having set fire to the building. Credava with his wife and twochlld• ren °coupled the rear portion of one of the upper "tortes". He was arrested on a statement made by Virginia DI Prula, who was a boarder lathe Noun. DI l'rula told Capt. Edwards that when he was awakened by the smoke, he found Credavo and his family fully dressed and ready to leave the trlrnlmg bullding, Informs• tion reached the police that le Prula had been heard to remark that It a reward ho set fire tosthef building. Thicould, tell him to be taken Into custody as n witness, He then was closely quer. Monad by Capt. Edwards. and made the statement which directs strong suspicion to Credavo. Three Or four minutes after 6 o'clock the' morning smoke wait even pouring out of one of the emend story front rooms. Rome one on the street saw this and hurried to an ilarm box. Long before the fire separate" reached the scene the In• tenor of the burning tenement wan pml,lwl with wh" )taii.u,, nwniug hither and thither, unable to find means of g.cape. Every room emptied Ito oerupants Into those narrow little halls, and there was nu weeps. for the frigght• anal tenants, because of the J'sm. There were at least twelve families In the place, sixty perigee In all, of whoa) perhaps fifty were children unaWe to care for themselves, ts- peclally In time of much great ex. citement. The plane was lite a roaring fur - fb. Dare wbwto the firemen reached It, The ladders were quickly put Ut pr• eltiole and tits work of peatwe be• gune one after nnotber the wumeu and then tho men were taken down while other firemen devoted thelr attootlou to drowning out the flames Thlm they jteooee led In ddhg In lees than an tour. Nearly every room In the house clontaintee nth vletent. Few ware really' burned to death. Most of them were smothered. In different place" In the rules human bodies were pinned down by heavy timbers. The rescuers strove deeperntely clearing away the debris In the hope that aome might be res- cued serve. When erwlavo wa,a token to the Fourth Precinct MMatton (house he be- came much excited. Through an Inter- preter he dented that he had sot fire to the building, or had any knowledge tw W rho origin of the fin. BOIOAI I IESENTS 6RLOAE, Girl Set Up to Stock Depart- ment Store. CAN'T GET STUFF UNPACKED. Phlladelplhla, March 8.—Miss Kale lett. Ashbridge, the fair stepdaughter of Mayor Ashbridge, was married to- night to Schuyler Armstrong, the eon of the city coroner's private under. taker. Tito bride received enough pre. rents to enable her to met up a half dolee housekeeping eetatbllehmeots. ami the streets about the house were Waked for hours with wagons! try• ing to deliver the gifts In time for exhibition after the ceremony. Present' bean pouring in In flood. upon the 'residence of the Mayor telly In the day, am/1 11 ',rats not pottetble to find room for the gl/te Cases of Jewelry, plant dotes, bovie of *Ivor putty been containing oil piloting' that should ahaw o the np preclattve hill, :end her stepfather the tam4, and r'vuemUrnuce of the giver—au were loft on rho pavement, and n epactal detail of policemen and ttetectvw had to be lent up W guard the treasure hoard. The bride may eft in her parlor and perform at the same time, rue - posting she had bands and gift enough, on (our grand and three upright pianos. At the name time, also, she could Listen to the ae°lian strains of nine mean boxes and the ouckooe ohimea of ninety-eight clocks, while easing enraptured ut the nlogtent canvases of 123 oil paiutinge. Upon 'her table tomorrow morning . oho may range 102 salt and pepper bona and 17 pie knives—only tbey don't eat pie In Philadelphia for breakfeet—but else ran have her breakfast served in 17 china break - fent seta, and have her pickles In 68 pickle dishes. Twenty-eight sliver toi- let seta await hen to -morrow morn - In , and It is Loped that political friends of the Mayor send emoigh (lower. to till all of the 216 flower vaso. There wee no lack of jewelry and silver. Thirteen diamond broodiest were reoeivo1, but the count ons not complete, and it is Hoped that nn- olber may oome In to break the opell of the unlucky number: There were also nineteen solid table services, sev- enteen plate gleeslhirror. and 316 ar- ficlee of brio -a -brae. There was such a plethora of pre- sents, heaved, that ntnnppwere left- in tl..:r canoe, so that they could LIP the more readily sent eo Alm fatetre home of the bride. Tho arrangements fur a wedding were on a ecald.:beflt the ocntt- aton. The ceremony wet performed In the rhurrh most nonny approaehing the National Convention Hall In size, the Bitritest Temple, as the !oldest own church was not large enough, though Iter palter, Rev. Dr- John R, Dave*, lately of Now York, performed the ceremony, assisted by Dr. George :A• Peltx, of the Temple. After fife ceremony there wee n r, twtlal at tie Hotel Stratford, who !, was attended by nearly two thole' ,,I guest,. The Lehi and bridegroom turn started fur Palm Beach; It was est'mated late to -night that the value of nes presents U :,hoot 185,000, FOUR RABIES AT A !MIRTIl. Mrs. Michael Meponald, a I,uhorer'e Wife, Hears Quad, et Il'( , Detroit, Mich., Marro 11. — Mee Michael McDonald on 1 Way gave birth to two boys nu l two glnit. The babies weighed an :eerie', rage of 3 1.2 Pounds at birth. lire. McDonald nail her hneb•uel lane here from ,:insole about rix month' ago. The neither Iia about 85 years old, rather 'stout and florid of mrmplexion. Phe ,lure slut recall that any of leer nmeetore were favored with twine, triplets or quatrupMl i. but Mr. Weevils! IN u twit, Mr., MbDonnld le a day laborer. Re worked ell day Friday and again yes- terday, jeNtllying hie !ministry ot1 the ground that lin would hnv'0 to work every Meowed minute to earn a living per Ills family, Mre, Mellon• old le very proud of her unusual achievement. Birth of Italian Prince. Rome, Mtirclt 11,—Toa Duchess o1 Aotte, formerly l'rlmoe.>t Hel'ne of Or- iente:, line been delivered of a eon. Princess Helene was married In 1805 t , Prince Emanuel, elicit tett of Prince Anse lee, Duke of Aceta, only brother of the King of Italy. The newly -bort prince is the eeo'ond son born to Prince Emanuel and I'rint•esa Helene. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, Ill., makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lunge; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of core sumptlon and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr, King's New Discovery for Consinnp- Hon ' she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from first door. She e,:ii,,,,-1 ,r. and after taking ala bottles, found herself sound and well; now does her own housework, and is as well as Mic ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discover at J. M. Hamilton's Ilrug Store. Only 500 and ♦I.W ; every hetia guaranteed. lir, R. 0, field, rellwny r•rnttraet. or, Ione been charm n member of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Montreal. vier Mr. Wni. Ogilvie, de. ceased. Tfl6 STII Tull LAROKOT NiW8PAPLR iN HURON COUNTY. NON. ROYAL, VISIT TO IRELIDD Has Sent Green Isle Society 111 Agog. OLY TIKES LOOMED FOR, 8tephane3' Lore latch III the Talk in Anetrla. *HLTBI LIDI WEDS A P/UPIiB And Takes Hlm From tke Poor House — Creole's Future, and Motheaten or Itis Character—Too Many Ladles Queensberry — is Westminster Abbey Detwile ? Loudon, March ]0.—Queen Victoria's ,tex'isiat to okay In her own duminlone in'tead of going to Italy, and all the jub.laelotte lu Englund In coueequenoe aro 1101 entirely due to the onueem attribute -I by We British press. It Ie kernel that the Italna Uovernment Sud dully been growing more nervotw an the ante of the G.tteen's visit ap- proached, and, filially, notified Her Majesty's Uovernmett that It would not care to accept the rcepoa+Iblllty of the sovereign's satiety, owing to the etratg rerrudeseence of the 1111. nrrhe,tir movement lheeighnut Ki' TIII: a l'hh t; vl Pl' 7x1 IIIEL.tND. .t. 1.,1. , r.rty iu troland, It Is lu u etei ,d hubbub and excitement at baa not Intern seen for many a year. Re- garillees of pl:ttes, the Queen's ,blit to Dublin will 'tontines be fuels tilt) uteawlun of unprecedented festivities, though throughout Great Britain thorn will be eomue tension until the Queen lute re•rroeied the channel In safetty. Tho drawing-roomss prowl .° to be epochally Interesting. Among the dee butautet will I* n daughter of Mrs. Arthur Puget, and the daughter of another woman equally well known to the American publle, Mrs. Langtry. Mrs. Corownlllt West will be Mies Jeanine Laungtry's social godmother. Other debutante] nt'n Lady Vlotorle Ryall Grey, Jnughler of Keel Ore}. and ulece of the Earl of Mint°, Dat — 1.'•n crntmltenernl of Venula ; the lin r guts of C'hultnondeley's daughter, Lady Letter Jain, nal Lady Margaret Peckellie, daughter of Counte'.•v be Ln Vnrr, while among the hri Ir, are ttte Hon, Mrs. Cletrlee C°T ventre, who recently changed her Amerlrau unlit' Whitehouse, to that anele.e. t tigllsh imtroeinee, and the leen tied and rich Countess' of ('roma ri 1^. elle re. cantly married Major ewe ROYAL LOVE t1,e9'l'H. The often postponed e1,rriage cot the Crown Princess Ptcpeeee of Austria' to Count Ltmyny .,e. ., to be on the eve of occurring 01 Trieste, where Count Lomyay ha• : .ken n residence, nal whither Trio., os etephanie de- parted from Slur,:: Thitroduy • Neither the Vienne nor 1', Brtweels rairte aro any more tutees ..Ay dispute.' tow•arle 'the groom t' .:. when the uuarringe was fleet me„ 1 el, lihtg Leopold thlnka It in RCP nl:''•,Ily n littir bi'ss terrible than tine „( hie oldnet daughter, while tar„ " Henrietta bidet her head mh o Princess ttrlws. up her lege regn rd' - of Itall,t o 1 , tlnrat, dni n.ie 11d gold omorllrt I, lea robes, hnvlntier IReOuUt,nre• true, 1 from 804,001 to et) 1,0011 crows+, nn 1 ;:11.+4 to live with a peer country g, I,!•rmnn, A QUEER ROMANCE. t curious romance comm from Chem- ,. r• where there was meetly admit - rd to the workhouse it Captain 'Sao I„hury, .on of the late member of Parliament for Cheater. Tboueh only 14 genre of age he has had h remark- tible career as a moldier, war corres- pondent and author, finally falling upon very bard dept. It seemed es if the: distingluiatbtd pauper was doomed to spend the rest of hie life in the poor house, when there sud- denly appeared upon the '.Rene un op - penally rich woman, deecrihed ne Mica Emily (lunaingha'm, of Ireland. The sequel occurred Thursday last when Captain Snliebury was married lu hint visitor. They d.'parted for (tester in great style and amidst no end of sensation. WHO'S WHO Some confusion le being caused In Nudely by the fact (but ;Isere are no lees than four Lecher Queensberry now living, the reigning, marchioness being formerly known as Lady Boug- Ins, ie Ilawiok. Lt is now said that Idle late Marquis, shortly before him ,heath, was visited by the wife who reverend bim In 1887, a pathetic re- conciliation taking place, not only be- tween hueband nod wile but with ibe mons, who bad also been estranged. UHILDE'S SUCCESSOR. Major (Jhllde, who was killed after lending 1' squadron of the Borth African Light limey, In a vlctori• ous assault, and whose own epitaph woe: " Ie It well with Chlltle : It It well," has been eucceeded 111 the sone mend by Kir Bryan Leighton, who served with the U. S. tr,dte air:dae Spain, and wrote n Leek about It, ABOUT CRO\.I F. There le a glial deal of c displayed over wlei 1 IN termed Roberts' too gener,nat treatment of Gen. Crone au,I the tendency In some seetim is of tar prPe t0 ky.ter' (rally orrrrlte Croak's bravery. Many refen•uct'e are now mltde to CmuJe's 1111eg0d dtaltabeity In the former war 111 nrcepting the eerren ti•r of the' British garrison of Pote• peeeereei 1001 It gmnernl nrroletiee hnel 188 11 10'06t1Ift10111. The thoeernmelt Is contemplating Nruding the Boer leather to the Is - In Inlet of PL. Helena, but no "efhdte derl.h.11 hes leen reached- veinrrling to the newly appuh1t •• • 1rvl'yr'n of Werti.,e,r1. r .loin beat ancient edlflre in hint eritul• Whig to planes. owhgr b. the tie• tion of the fumee of mauufeeturlie on the oftpnmlte stir of (hr rarer con the weetherworu 'donee. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Wan the neon of We eepplenald bealtb. Ie. Nae table will god tremeudoue storey are sot Owed where ta.maeh, Liver, aldumye sad Yowsis ate onl if tiler. If you wast laws gullets and the ew,een they brine, wee Dr.. alarm tbi7dJThey nostsig 1oeuonewbody(17Nriaet . M. 521111110 01 lmg Stet.,