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The Blyth Standard, 1900-03-08, Page 8
SECRET THINGS BELONG TO GOD Ta Dies. Wlabhlgttga Murch 4. -In thle dig. In no many words, "There shell not 11!r. Talmade (Memo a theme Aires, among you a consulter of familiar xpires, or wlaardn, or necromancer, ;leder exploration that at for they that do these things are an 'and Wont people tool," abomination unto the Lord." The It a million of ghosts; Lord God Almighty In a score of pac- 4 x Manuel, xxvllI, "Hehold, eagva which 1 no not now time to la a woman tam hath a fa- quote utters His indignation against 8 0 Ender, AM Saul ells- eel thea great family of delusions. If end pet on other rs1- Atter that be 1 spiritualist 1 you went, and two men dare! they came to the w'o• You lose a friend; you want Joe by Bight." eptrltual world opened, to that you Utile to the rlatitt of him and may have communication with him. Iro*ble to the left of him. Saul knew In a highly wrought, nervous An MK wbat to do. As a lael resort he dleeased state of m;nd you go and COMluded to seek out a queue! put yourrelf In that communfeatlon, *'WYm or a witch nr anything that That Is why I hate 'spiritualism. 1t pen plfaae to cell her -a woman takes advantage of ono In a moment IMO' had communication with the of weakneea, which may come upon *piMle of ,the eternal world. 1t we to at any time. We loge a frleni, a Very difficult thing to dr,, for Saul The trial is keen, share eulTocating, H4 either slain all the witches o:' almost maddening, if we could eompalled them to stop bueinese. A marshal a hart and storm the etei• S emon[ one day said to King Rauh nal world and recapture our loved "I know of a eptntual medium down one, the host would goon be marshaled. et the village of En -dor." "Do you?" The house Is eo lonely. The world said the king. Night fella. Saul, IN an dark. The eeparatlon Is putting on the dress of a plain elft- so lneufferable. But wintertime B en, with two servants, goes out to gays, "We will open the future world, hunt up this medium. and your loved one can come baok Maul and We servant,' after awhile and talk to you." Though we may reached the village, end they Dry, "1 net hear Mfr volre, we may hear the wonder It this Is the house," and rap of his hand. So clear the. tab( 1. they look In and me the hag- Bit down. Put your hands, on the ta- gard, weird and A riveled up spiritual ble, Be very quiet. Five minute* medium elating by the light and gone. Ten minutes. Ni motion cit on the table sculptured Image. and - the table, No response from the fu- dtvining rods god poisonous herbs lure wend. Twenty minuter. Thlr- and bottle* and vaee,. They say, ty minutes, Nervosa excitement all "Yee, thew mot be the place." One the time emeemete Forty minute. age Disbelieves in Ghosts-- Pernicious. Effect of Spiritualism on Both Body and Soul, Inns, of my little child, and tell me their haarti-They h'fl got yet Dome things I don't know about you spoken openly.. Reports and about the unseen world." 7. BIa hemtes-Taklty' tMew( mw ( "Hut," say. someone, "wouldn't It what belong' to (Tod only, Re 11 In - be of advantage to hear from the to truding on the divine Mg its. The -OP- lure world? Don't you think It teoull blasphemer Was to be put to death nlrengthen Christians? There are a i,,, atoning, -i otkle, But OM only - great many materialists who do not hes rightly understood that all behave there ate souls, but 11,10r1te sins aro eine against God, nod there- from the future world should knock and talk over to tee they would be lore only 11 (l4ad collie forgive them. p�r1*unAed." To that i answer In file Pea 8, When Jeans perceiver) -In telling ringing words of the on of thud, "le they believe not Moses I'Mthe pro- them the thoughts of their proof hearts though one ruse froer will m the dee ad." We We divllnity Her, gave oeft"' ur'hetthe fullest nil henrte 1 believe theme are the day' of which and aadetwtendeth all the Imagine. the apostle Attlee when he said. "In tions of the thought." No sin es - the latter lime .nine 'hall depart. rapes file notl•e. Why mason ye - from the faith, giving heed to geduc- MnttlIOW says, "Wherefore think ye lug ailette." .Audiences In this day evil?" Why are you mitten' a rola need to have reiterated In thelr hear- coetructlnn on my words? Ing the paeeasrm 1 quoted some min- O. Whether Ie It easier-tinth are ulee ago, "There shall not be among equally owl(, ate equally dlfflrult• you a coneultur of familiar spires, oe Everything Is equally easy to tint wieard,, or necromancer, for they that newer which le unlimited. A uulverse du three things are an abomination Hart be n' freely produced by a single unto the Lord," and "The soul that act of the divine will us the'malleet turneth after such as have familiar of matter, -Clarks. splrlts a will Det myself against teem, part That ye may know -External and they shall be cul off from their people," miracle. are the proof of Internal omit But I Invite you now to a Chrletlan Christ was ooneolone of divine power• ounce, a noonday Jeanre. Thla congre- If failure had been the result Ills lite gado to only one great family. ]sere titillation would have been over• is the church table. tome around the whelming and final. church table; take your meats for thin 11. Arise -Here la the teat. Chrlet great Christian seance; put your Bible shows Rip ability is forgive sine by on the table, put yuur hands on lop Hle ability to boil. of the Bible, and then listen and hear 12. He nroee-The roan had a part If there are any volree coming from b, perform. Had Ito not acted at the eternal world. I think (here are. the word of commend he could not Listen: Becret thing!! belong unto hem been healed. Ha exercised the thLo the Lord, our God, but things that are revealed belong unto um and to our Powe[' of hie will and put forth the children." Surely that Is the voice wearer" effort to nrlae, believing from the spirit world. But before you that strength and healing lvould be nee from this Christian seance 1 want glron him. Before them all - tide you to premlte me you will be matte- thing was "not done In a corner." fled with the divine revelation until Chrlet'e mlraelem were perforftted In the light of the eternal throne breaks the molt public mauler and wore upon your vision. Do nut go after never questioned by those who wit - the wilds of En -dor. Do not sit down noosed them. Ama'ed - Luke ndde, at table rapping* either In spurt or In „They were filled with roar." earnest. Glorified Oat -The Teach your children there are no y had a high de• ghosts to be seen or heard In Dee gree -01 reverence for 00,1 and were world save those w•hlch walk on two filled with admiration for His pow feet or four -human or beetle!. lir• er nnd goodtwee,-Henson. On title member that spiritualism at the hest huhlon-Chriet'a work' are wtthont Is a ueeleu thing, for If It tette what precedent, He acts independently the Bible 'male it I* a superfluity, land advisee with no one. They hurl and If It tells want the Bible dues lId f seen three (narks of Hie divinity. 1, nsteaogr,• loud rap brings the women to the The table Alen*.len*. Two rape from nut reveal a 1. a ie. I'or Ivla situ. Perceiving door, and ax she stand* there, hole- - the future world. The lettere of thl lag out to get other people to tell your R g R Mg the candle or Iamb above ,her alphabet are colied neer. The de• fortune tell your own fortune by put- . 8, Healing elleease. head and peering nut Into the dark• parted b'lend's name le Jahn. At the ling your trust in Cud and luta' the • Ttlwnght atoljinga.=Che true minister nese, she nay*, "Who In here:" The pronunciation M the letter I tie beet you ran. i wilt tell your fortune: preaches the word - the trutlle M tall king Inform* her that he hue rape. At the pronunclellon of Ihr "All things can work together for gond the gospel. and doer not spend him Dom* to have hie fortune told. When letter 0 two rap*, At the Konen- to them that love Quit" Insult not energies endeavoring to feed the in• she hears that, rhe trembled and al- elation of the letter H two rape. At your departed Mende by asking them telleet to the neglect of the eplri- most drops the light, for she know' - the pronunciation of the letter N two In come down and scramble under an ' teal, We are to preach Chrlet the thee Is no chance for is fortune teller , reps. There you have the whole extension table. Remember that there - true Word of God. There are some ol'spiritual medium 10 all the land. But name spelled out-J•o•h-n, John. Now, le only ono spirit whose dictation you , who will never reach Chrlet notate filohaving *worn that no harts 'hull ( the ephta being element, you ley, have a right to Invoke, and that le the theyare carried to film. The come to her, she says, "Well, who "John, are you happy?" Two rap.• holy, bleeped and omnipotent spirit of Church should he consecrated to the *hall I bring up from the dead?" Sam give an atl%rmative *newer, Got Hark'. He in rapping naw, nut n ava, "Hn;ng up Samuel." That wen Pretty soon the hand of the medium an a table or the Ilene, but rapping on ` work of saving men at home and abroad. yourhet and every rapd r nor of rt a be o the d prophet who e I Ie Ile ' P h had 1 l P Med n t While wbegins to twitch tops and begins to before,t It h and or g I* an Invitation to tm•let and uwarn- I'RACTICA7. SURVEY. write out, after paper and Ink are fllu I Ma her waving s wand or etlr• turnlehed, a meseege from the eternal lag of judgment to came. Oh, RHc , prophet sato coucerning 1),0Owlet. clog M somx pol*onow herlw In a `world. What I* remarkable, 'the de not away, Vuench film nal. He eetn shall not cry, nor Ilft up, nor cauldron, or hear her muttering over parted Atilt although It ha* been amid has been ill around you One morning. cause Hie vole° to b.) heard !n the some of tot incantations!, or stamping with - the lnlummatlon of the heaven, cannot He was all around you Dae[ night. He street „ len. x10. 2, ills charge 4, her tool ea *he cries out to the realm apell e* well a It used tn. It has lost has been around you all your Ilse*. - aha e of the dead: "Samuel, Samuel!" Lo all grammatical accuracy and cannot Hark: There came a vuire with = Bee thoutellIie noem¢n.'rrequently was. Pee Matt. v0f. 44* freesias horror! The floor of the write as dletlactly. I reaelved a letter tender, overmastering Intnnatlen, say- ," tenement opens, and the gray hairs through a medium once, I sent Il back. Ing, "My spirit shall not always strive." = 4 ; lx. 80; Mark v. 43. But the more Seat up and the forehead, the eyes, - loll, „Just please to tell these boats - Ile charged them, the more they feas- tthe lipfeet-the the sroulody the rum*, its,=y had better go to school and get SUNDAY VVL _ heir;. it. Jlrkk t.L 46. lfin multi not the Leel -lbs entlrc body of the dead Improved In their urtheeraphy" Now, be hLl." Mark vll. 24. Ile might avoid Samuel -wrapped In sepulchral ruby, lust think of eplrlte, that the ILIble lalnx:lthul¢Ilsm and, as title time, peek appearing to the astonished group, represents aa enthroned In glory, coni- quit, but It was "uoleorl abroad that who 'tenger back and hold feet and Ing down to crawl under the lahle an,l Ile was In the house, and many were catch their breath and shiver with break crockery and ring tea belle be - terror, fore supper Is ready end rap the win- t nthr alt together." A's. 1, 2. The dead prophet, white and awful dew shutter on a guely night! What Thu dottrel! tvaalltioI illustrated. V. frets the tomb, begins to move hl* consolation In such miserable Muff as pi "ono slek u! the palmy." .A hclploea eahsn Bps, and he glare* upon King compared with the consolation of our pate pow . Complete perniyels dretroys gaol and cries out : "What did you departed friends free from toll and min act power of leo-motion. rnutbn1 The will le e bring me up for? What du you and pain are forever happy and that we active, but the ocn e a and nwxclea r0 mean, King Seal? Saul, trying to :as" to reepgnd. Pin paralyses the will join firm not In mysterious and INTERNATIONAL LESSON NO, X. MARCH 11, 1000. Supt. -What 41 the Coldeu'Text i 8ohml-Tho eon nr Man hath lluwor compose and control hhneelf, .oaken half utterance which makes the hair this stammering and affrighted ut- stand on end and makes cold chills Laramie as he says to Um dead pro- creep the back, but In a reunion molt pht)t: "The Lord Is ag Inst me and blessed and happy and glorlou.t I have come to you for help, What Dealt I dol" The dead pmphet And none shall murmur or misdoubt atretked forth his finger to King e When God'e great Amen. finds um out. OW Mand old: 'Die to -morrow! Come with me Into the sepulcher. I am going . • now. Come, come with me!" And, lo, I learn st111 further from file sub- tle" floor again opens, and the feet of lett that rplrltuallem and necromancy LIN dead prophet disappear and the are affairs of darkness. Why did not bisle and the shoulders and the fore- haul go In the day? He was ashamed ald1 The floor donee. Oh, that was to go. Besides that, he knew that this as wful seance! ,, spiritual medium, like all her eucce- e are aurrhunded Ly myettly-ebe- sore, performed her exploits In the IoM ii, Isshind u', to the right de urn, night. The Davenports, the Fowler*, to the left of us, mystery. Thenal a the Foxes, the spiritual medlume of all vain realm unexplored that science, 1 ages, have chosen the night or a dark - have no doubt, will yet map out. Ile ened room. Why? The majority of who explores that realm will do the their wonders have been swindles, and world more srvlee than did ;ever a deceptions prosper beet In the night. Columbus or an Amlat�igo Vespucci'. You have all seen strange and un - There are so many thine that cannot accountable things In the night. Al- ba accounted for. stemany mounds ane meet every man has at moms time had appearances which defy acoustics and a touch of hallucination. Some time investigation, no many things approx ago, utter I had been over -tempted to (mating to the spectral, so many et- 'at something indigestible before re - feet, which du not aeon to have a defog for the night, after retiring 1 suMalent cause, maw the president of one of the proml- Splrltlallsm In America was borr Iaat colleges aettide the Not of the In Hydesvllle, Wayne county, N.Y., bed. while he demanded of me 'a lean when one nlgbt there was a loud rap of 5 renis! When I awakened I had heard against the door of Michael no idea It wee anything mupe.'nature'. �Vsekn•an: a rap n second time, I-, And I have to advise you, If you hoar eggs a third time, and all three times,and Dao etrenge lhingie at night, to when the door was opened, there war stop eating hot mince pie, and take a nothIng found there, the knocklnr eve of Nene', medicine. It Ix an out - having been made seemingly by In- 'e Red l hyx:cul orgsnnm, enough to visible knuckles. in that same house ieceh'e the very elect after sundown -there was a young woman. who bac Ind does twee), all Its work In the night. The witch a cold hand 'passed over her face, of Endnr held he, and, fere bel seemingly no are, eeanee■ at night; s) do they all, Away attached to lt, ghostly memplelonr were with (11* rrl.g:on of spooks! tad.Still further, i learn from my text After awhile Mr, Fox, with hie ram- that ep:rltual:em le doom e.nd death , moved Into that house, and then In its d.eclplet. King Saul thought heY had banking,' at the door ecce) that he would gr1 temp from the "010- nt>►kt. One night Mr. Fax cried out. Alum," but the nee that he set v =eye AAre you 1 .plrlt?" Two raps-nn,'wet him swoon away, and no manner 1e be tit the affirmative. "Are you an In re.uac.iatinn than hr :e told he moat jelead merit?" Two raps -answer In the affirmative. Then they knew right away that It was the epb•tl of a ped - ler who had been murdered In that heves years before and who had beet. robbed of his 15110, Whether the spire of tl;eyledler came back to collect hie 11i or hp bones 1 do not know. Tbs excitement spreed. There was * universal rumpus. The Hon. Judge !Unwinds declared In a book that he had actually seep a bell start from the • top shelf of a Closet, heard it ring ove, the people that were ,'tending In the clone[; then, e'wung by Invielble handl, It Ming aver the people In the back par- lor and Boated round through the dome to the front parlor, rang over the peo- rod on the floor. ple senator of theand eUnited Stale., atter- ward governor of WUPOMin, had his head quite turned with splrltualletie demonstrations. The tables rocked, and the stool* tilted, and the bedsteads raiser(, and the chain upNet, and It peened as 11 the spirits everywhere, had gone Into the furniture buelnees! Well, the peo- plefaid: "We have got momething new HON eoentry. 11 le a new religion." ek, no, my friend, thnumandm of years .ago we and 1ts our text, a rpiritualleth seance! Nothing In the epirltuall.tic circles of our day hee been more strange, my. Wins and wonderful than things which have been seen In past centuries of the world. In ell ages there have left necromancers, those who consult with the spirits of the departed;cherm- ers, theme who put their subjects In a raesmeNc state; eorcerere, theme who by ttking pelsonous drug' pee every - hear everything and tell ev- dreamers, people who In their momenta can see the future and hold coneultlion with ',ph - Tee, before the time of Christ, the praktteane went through all the table Moving, all the furniture excitement, Which the spirit@ had exploited In out day, precisely the sante thing ever and over again, under the manipulation of MVO RMihmans. Now, do ynU say that elle tuallam in different from these? 1 anewer, all there Illusions 1 have men- men - opened belong to the same family. They ere erhumallone from the a Dace world. What does God think -of all thee, Nludoa? He thinks so reverely of them that He never speaks of them but with livid thunders of Indigna- tion H* says, "1 w10 be a ewtf0 wltgaan egalat the sorcerer." Ha Ma. 'Thou shalt not super a witch to Ilse." And lee you might mak, some hapsrtmet dtstlnetlon betwee;t 1plrkgalhsm and witchcraft God hays on earth to forgive eine. Nark II. 10. What Is the central truth'4 The ferglvenoas of sine must take place he- r re the healing of the body. What U the topic? The perfect cure. What is the ouaerie? "1. The sinner's temdltlon Illustrated. 11. Patti' Illus- trated. 111. Hypocrhy confoended. 1V. The result of true 'nith." When woo the time? flay, A. B. 28. Where was the place? Capernaum Who were the perform? Teem. Tia paralytic. tinny people. What are the parallel accounts? Matt. ix. L-8; Luke v, Commentary -Connecting Mike. Af- ter the events recorded In our last lesson Jenna and ribs dleclplot made n tour of oaten eialllce, preaching the gospel as they went, and ono leper wire healed. 1. And again -At the close of the mlellonary tour In (ialllee. ('aper- naum-Whboh wan II1* home, or hoed- qunrtere. 1t Woe notced-Tito news sprint(' very rapidly. In the house - Probably Peter'* b01e1. 2. Many were gathered together- The ogetherThe audience Included l'liurbxmes and doctors of the late who Imd come from the towne of Online, and Judea, and Jerusalem. They had come to Inspect and criticise thls now teacher. Abort the door -There wne n great con. course of people sothat the home end court were both filled. Preached the ward -the doctrine of the con of 00.1 -Clarke. They had come partly Le criticlae and portly out of curiosity, and now deme Belies the opl)ortu• elty to preach the Oo;pe,. We should be Ireto14 In season Hud out of season to point others to Jesus. Prench'ng and henl'ng w'ott together uq 1 Wade a powerful Imprewlon. 8. They memo unto Him -ACCOST to Jesus seemed Impossible. There were 'lee. Spiritualism Is loam and death ninny obstacles In the way. Should to every one that yleide to It. It ruins they live waited for n convenient the body. Look in upon an audience of eplrltuallat.-csdavernue, weak, ner- ,on on 7 No. They Squat force thole yore, exhausted, hands clammy and way to Christ. Bringing one-=l'llere told. va:ces sepulchral end um'neu9, are realty so wank and discouraged tewlldered with rape 1 never k'iew a that they cannot go to Jeans wltli- 'anllrmed eplritual:el who had a heal eine araletance; we should nlwnye be hy nervous ■yelrm. It is Ineeleenl road!' to help much. Sick of the paioy- peepsy and catalepey. Destroy yaui "Palet -en contraction of the word aertoua eygtem and you might as 0ve1l paralyes-Ie a dbeaae that deprived ie dead. I have noll,wd that people the port affected of sensation, or too ,vho are hearing rape from the future power of motion, or both," Tills pmt vorld have but little eu',0gth left to tient wag utterly ltelplese. The bear the hard raps of lh:a world. A disease Ie considered Incurable. Borne .1100 *an live with only one lung or of four --Each one holdingq n corner of a'Ith no elle and be Kapp)', as mc_t the "pallet," or bed, "'Mere tens co - Mee been under much affllctln,oi, but 0perat!on to tits work. One could ,iia be to the man whose perces are not have done It; It needed four. In til. 0,rrd. mightily, amens chat of the union of hearts and hamlet there ell, and mPRhtlly, agalnet the nen. me system and so make* life m'eeratee. N strength. United they had no d1f- A man In Bellesme hospital dying fleetly." --Coo cont, from wounds& made by hie own hand 4. The press -It seemed gtt'te Impw was asked why he tried to commit Whet far the army 1 to melee nn')p"n suicide, and he said, "The Spirits, told Ing sufficiently largo for them to pits- Tile In tr 11r. 1Vultrr Drnk n( ne to." Parents have etrengled their through. Uneovcred th' root -Lok children, and when asked why they .nye "through the ['ling.'" In the Montreal, Irft 4nrr $00,Ik11) U1 Ind it, replied, "spiritualism demand- eastern hews the ha■ were :1,t- rharehe=, benev,;1ent ❑anal I ltlnn o' oel ed It." It le the pntrontser and far- roofed and joined together eo one o0:del educational Instltntlon*. \fe01!1 'rte ager for the madhouse. Judge Ed- Ivalk on them from one end of the 31.',1)()0' moods, In Broadway Tabernerle, New Ply to the other, Broken it up-Tttoy York, delivering a lecture concerning took up t''e t 1'ng. 'Ph 'v ,'et.=roll o' A Thousa'il Tongue! .plrltuallem, admitted In *n many words, "There Is a fen'Inatlun about that notleng should stand le their '�Getoid art ,mpree) 1)08 r°ptm, of Annlo E. con*ulla0nn with the spirits of the way. Let down the bel -Int', g'na th vhPu :hn itnnd thn'Wbe hi g's \rwel'h ., a, dead that has a tendency to lead pee- arm:Virg cf the i1tcori-e' of ,T, sus, 00.1 in 0 nrumptlnn had a. supine y cored Ler ai pie nR teem their right judgment and the brentlexo snrpr's,e of the e•rov.l he bac lap cough it t emir )nal haI to Instill Into them a fanaticism that am thle crooning through the [flee np• ,wax Ill. a barann. All other rem ellen tml loorrn 000111 plt'o her no help, el, un 11 s of Is revolting to the natural mind." ,,oared, noel slowly n pillet was let thletl,yan Curs-" soon 110 rot Its. pito Ie It not only ruing he disellee, but down be lore them. It talo, the mediums oleo, 0011)' glee mf ehlet n le I oly u0,d A,ep soil id r . 1 It time. The Gadarene swine on the fi' �uw thou La',th-Many of tltrglia feet Itaueeding rcmratma du•tubrtlre.ut pf banks of the Lake of Galilee no soon - down heal ng and restoration q')) ,)b- feel 1,6s weeding its 1'r°SrootirtoAtCua Uk talnel throtgll this (nith and pray^rs 'cl�•rM." an wla Derr er became nplri[uel medlume than gin 's Now tticoyoy 1"r s y bnub0 of the down they went In an avalanche of of the'e'en:Is of 0h' pelf ;Ter t ISw tonal, Obeet or Lunge, Prlaee neo and ml. M. pork, to the coneternatlnn of all the Matt. rill 18, Mork 1.10, Joint Iv. 60 Trial bottles free at 4. H. Hawdtou'e Dreg herdsmen. The nmce of a mediem to '7neu.• taw the'r faltlt. Pool faith n000, teen; every bate, goersoteed, bad for a man, bad for a woman, Brad Tho? Italy bul0001 p!lu9e'1 IF nt. for a beast, "Fail' le the channel theeneit whir;, Mr. 1'. J. Dive' leis been uppulnted 1 bring agalnet this; delusion a more the grace of Ooi flow.+ coda LII 1 sold In 0:11641 AcoIgntr for 1i 1"11 10. ‘1,*'' fearful Indictment -It rulne the nein convert!ag, henlin6 power." l• D. Ikrr+l.od, whoa. e11;OiuWnrnt Immortal, Floe, It make, a man a Ewe ye not'rn, noel ',morn 19 faith, Ii'IS 10011 onalcellerl hy the Nu*donald quarter of an Infidel; then It makes Thy env are torgl.en (It. {'.1 -Our fleet I trvernmrnt. him half an Infidel; then It makes him Feat need le tin P11'01'0110 :1•1 of stn, The whole myetem, Fen rightly t l v o morn! man. The Intelligence grains! truth, conrclertoo responds', but n dead- ly paralyels of the moral man hinders actual. Faith Illustrated. Vo, 3-5. Faith is too erten confounded witty oredu:- lly. It is looked upon as some. me- rles; state of the mind, or exalted stele of the secs:hi:Itles to w•hi.h the individual mutt attain. This 'Ambient ahowa ISM to be: (a) In- te'.!!gent. The paralytic and 1,1) friends end heard that' Jesus had cleansed the lepers, healed d:sere dioenoex, reeled the dead; therefore bei rnu;d "c'ure one s:ok of thelapey." (b) Practical, The paralytlo did not ,le at home and talk of trusting Jeans to ,heal him, nor did hie friends nd- VIae this. 'Phot', probnb:v, at hie re- quest, brought h.m to Jeeus. They did what they col:d. (o) Persist - Canting bypocriey confounded. Va. 6, 11, Certn!n ecribee, reneoning in • heir hearts, said : "This man b:as- phemo:h." Mntt. ix, 3. Jesus, know- ing the.r thought'n, said, "Whether Is it oaeaer to say, 'Illy sins be forgiven 'hee ; or, to sayy,� ares and w'a:k 1" Mutt, ix, 4, 5. tale reading of their thoughts Has a most convincing ev- idence of His divinity, hence et His power to Torg:ve o'ne. Result of trite faith. V. 12. (1) Upon the hnlhldun1 "Immedlatdy he ',rota" The butantjnith brought him UI touch with Chit. no that the word of power we.- spoken, life and health were Import'd The nerves began to tlnlrin with vital fore.o, the onrecle. responded, and ho arose and wnikr-d "Immrdlntely" Ir clinrnctrrletic of +'hrl"t'e work In nnewer to faith, whe- ther It ha for eo'.d or body. "A man gtvro proof of lee convrreton from els to la'al hy tmltnting Ole partily'tic its who thee not rls', and stand up - Tight, tint either continuos groveling on the earth, or falls luck as soon 11 ho I9 up, le not yet cured of hie 3, (diat''pon os1rre."They wrrefmm�l'tl 0, ,1 ,: Y and glorlfle I;od" A genuine work of Co -1 commends, Itself and compels ,rknowledgment Pan. III. 24-20; VI. C7. A prneticnl religion, which le. mal from the pnrnl,vele of 0111 and pmkna t'tem upright In character toil Itfe will cause marc to glorify Plod Tint[ v. 18. J. 8. McCleary, The Week. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. Following are the clueing price,' at Important wltett t eentrus today: Caeli. May. Chicago .,, $-- 30 65 5.8 New York — 0 72 Milwaukee 0 (45 1-2 — 04, Louis ,,. .,, ,,, 0 08 5.8 0 68 8.4 Toledo ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, 0 711.2 0 72 1.4 Detroit, red .., ,•, ,., 071 0 71 7-8 Detroit, white 072 1.4 — Duluth, No. 1 North- ern .,, ,. .. 0 01 1.4 0 65 1.2 Duluth, No, 1 bard 0 05 3.4 -- Mlnneepolle, Nu. 1 Northern .. ,. 0 02 8.4 0 03 1.8 Minneapolis, No. 1 TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET. Wheat easier ; 200 bushels of fall sold ns follows: Whits 70 1.2e, red 70e, g000'c, Holo offered. Barley -One loud stdd nt 46c. Oat/ eteady ; 200 bushels selling at 31c to 811.20. llny-Flro loads sold at $t.1 to$12 per ton. DroIarc,l Hoge -Priers firm, at $6.73 to 37 per owt. T.)ItON'l.'O LIVE BI'OCK, Export cattle, eholee, $4.76 to $5; Holum cuttle, light, 114.40 to $4.65; export belle, cllolee, t'4 to 34.:11 ; ex• port hulls, light, 35.40 10 48.85 ; loads of gond buteiters' and exporters', meed, 31 to $4.121-2 ; buteltere' tat- tle+, picked lot!, $4,'21 to 34.00; but- chers' goo:l, tii1.75 to ;111.00; butelter� medium mixed, $8.45 to $8.65; but - ellen' common, 32.00 to 314.15; but- cher"' Inferior, $t6J to 32.80; feed - .)re, heavy, 35.75 to e4; feeders, light 38,8ll to $;1.60. etookero, $2.25 to peer, ; Mich rowe, $30 to $15 ; Halves, .34 W 81:: ; eiteep, ewes, lo,r ewt., 01:1.75 ter te4 ; awe!), bucks, per cwt., 82.60 to 411 ; Iamho, packed ewes and wethore, 5,40 to $5,71 ; Iambs, per cwt„ *4.tl0 to 35.71; sheep, butchers', each, :72.50 to y8.511; hogs, titmice, over 100 and 1p tr, 200 Iho., 35.37 1-2 ; loge, thick Lata, $4.75; hog*, light, under' 161! Ib,,, $4,75; loge, corn•fed, $4.87 1-2 ; huge, rows, :f8 ; hogs, stage, $2. British swims I.:verprool, March 8, 12 90,-11'heet, \o, 1 northern spring, 5". 1111.; No. 1 ,'.11., nu ots•k; ret winter, 6'.; eerie del, 'ta. e) 1.4d.; now, 3', 8 71.1d,; Pea*, ;e. 8l'. pork, Dente a'r, tern, 1119,8, prime we t,,rn : D'• '.6 1. 8:1.: lard, , .11b. v:9Ul, refine,(, 9,;:o. ;kb.; t:llluw, !tuftal an, 211*. 3.1.: Ameriren, 'n f ne, 211*,; 1100011. long clear, light, 't(ka; heavy, 8S'. 6.1.: 'hart clear, 'wavy, ala, 61.; rhnaoc, colored, (12o. 6'!.. white, CO,. Ode wheat, fUna; ro.11, f `rm, L veri000l.- Chile. - Wheat - Spot, elite ; No. 2 R. R'., 61,; No; 1 northern prig, 5i. 11d,; futures, ote'nly : {I' oft 6e., 86.4d., M ty 5'. 88.84., July es, 14 1•11., mare, Tot, firm; mho! I nter' ra it, 3;, R3•; A, new,; ol'I, 3•. 1-1t1,' futures, dnll: Mny 3e. 71.81. 1,11 "a. 73-01„ fluor, Sinn., 17+.:11. Inur!on•-Clown. -- Wheat, off ,'o')• t ,o'•l'ng doing. On pnesege, buyer', In I ffereut op:'rntore. C.lrXore ,taut No. ('al., Iron, Feb. glee. l'L, -ellera, Eng evil country market: weak. homes, off tenet, nothing doing, On piange, 'teeter and hardly any delisted. BCTCIIE110 HID)?Ii, No. 1 steers, 00 Iba. and tip, 10 1-2c ; Co, 2 Were, 0 l -,re ; No. 1 cows, 10e; No. 2 cols, Pe; No, 1 calf, 11e; No. 2 calf, 9e, Thgt Throbbing Headache Wruld gnl,kiy leave jou, If ))oe used Dr. K bits N,w L to 111 B. Thousands of elf erars neve proved their wawa* 1 utrrlt fur 'los sod Nemo. Heed Mee. They mal. per= 1,10 d ud eroua uenw o' 1 1 alb i !.p your Le J.4 109 yto h01. 1',) tit9 Duly lea a'a Nome suck If 110 cued ...et by J. 01. J#wlltoa ID piglet. a whole infidel, g, I pat th s eta I coneelve II. Is founded nn Ow In- 10.11 Hit u( aha kro-ly. 1Ve eyelet don')t 00f11,''eh' of the word of God as a rev- he at th' elation. God 'aye the Bible Is enough paralytic was n 011,1 til tr:rke for you to know about the fu• n young map, The rr.nditl,rn tore world. You Day It b not 001961007 to forglvenees are reprint - enough, and there 1e where yen and once, eonfee4lou, forenking aha, an'1 the Lord differ, And although the eletth• Scriptures pay, "Add tgou not unto 6. Certain of the sorlbss-The scribes h1, words, lest he reprove thee and wpre the leaden of the nation, the thou be found a Ilar," you risk 1t theologians, Ieglelaton. pollticlene and say: "Come bark. 'spirit of my They had 000' np from Jerusalem end departed father; come back, spirit of other please for the turpon of o - my departed mother, of my compan- paging blot. Luke r. 1.. Reagoale3 1(t. Reeem1 the Grave. A navel's I,eldsnt of *bleb Yr. John 0;he I ell(*d.dputa, wee the sublet, 11 narrated by 31 00400.: ' 1 wet to a most dreadful "iodates. Hy shin w.s senor, ytlbw, tyre .11114,, ttatue coated, vein ooulluually 111 Wok rad side, no appetite -tr, dually pro w lna wear ar 01 by day, Three pb7etalabe 114 *)" a in. up. %urtuaatalr a trued sit twl ' ileo: trio H LNG; nd w my boat toy *',d surptls, til and butt'. a arabibm Impmromsut. I auatlnred ,,'ir uta Doe three week., ted am now a well mot. 1400. they eyed my Ila acid rubbed he pear. (-1aeow rt.'the' Nu was should 111, try ItemUa17 IA mate. $sareutNl, e1 J'..11 Y' BamUIOa41)r 4111tH,' VISIBLE SUPPLY. The rl'lble supply of wbelt in the Felted States and Canada, together wvit1, the amount aflant to Ilurope, is 81,844,000 budgie, nn increase of '2,- 785,000 lauded(' for the week. A year Igo the total was 01,440,000 buehele, or 20,404,000 bu liel9 less than at the preeent time. Predstr*.t's on Tr 10e, Beatrice, condltlolu at Montreal ioavu nothing to be desired In the general trade eltuatbo i. The move. meat In goods for the spring and summer, lino, mince the oplmlug o1 the year, been very satisfactory. There h:tvo been lew failures and light Metes 10 far this year. Labor Is well employed, reteeera ercie abundantly able to swat their ob- ligations, and the prospects for trade In the Immediate future me very encouraging. Trade at london has been Notts. factory the past week. Considerable 15 Tms YOUR STORY? "Every morning I have a bad taste in my mouth; my tongue Is coated; my head aches and 1 often feel dizzy. 1 have no appetite for breaths and what food 1 eat distresses me. I have a heavy feeling In my stomach. 1 am getting to weak that sometimes pt. tremble and my nerves ere all unstrung! i am getting pale and thin. 1 em as tired In the morning as et night." Whet does your doctor say? "You arc suffering from Im• pure blood." Whet le his remedy? BANK OF HAMILTON. Capital, all paid up, $I,5oo,000. Reserve, $i,000,000. Total Assets, $ r 3,163,o57. BLYTH BRANCH. A general Banking business transacted. Advances made on all .*i hl(l seourilll.1, Fanners' notes discounted and money advanced to feed cattle. Mat and pending the harveetieg of the crops. Debe;turee bought, Collections made on the most favorable terms. 1)rnfle issued 'male at all principal polottd� iu Canada and the United States. Drafts on (creat Britain and the Continent of Surope bought and sold, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Deposits of SI' and upwards received and interest allowed from Pito of deposit to date of withdrawal. Interco[ gilded to principal In May and Novem- ber eaoh year. Special deposits also received at carrell: rates. Deposits may be withdrawn without formality or delay. C. 1I. BENNETT, Sir•AoKer, ArNH ~1" ArMN AAA" AMMAn.aowrewt ,nwnsww► ewwMien 1 Newspaper Advertising f IS THIS Life of a Business. .wtmww► The shrewd merchant knows it and acts accordingly. To bring trade your way these growing times use^nn^^ THE BLYTH STAN©ARD •..eetrynry purchases are being made for the spring. Values aro firm and travel. !ere report that the ateadlly ad• reeding markets for staple mono• fnctereo are having n good effect 1 In the way of stimulating too de• mond from retnller@ for the rep• prnnehing Ammon. Payments are - oatitactory, Tight money Is reported at one or two trade °entree In British Colum- bia thou week. Collections have been eomowhat nneetlefact(ry and bust - nine slow. The weather has been rather disappointing and heavy win. ter )mode have not moved oat es rapidly nil woe hoped would le the ease. Tau prospect for the early spring trade are very bright. Val• um are fieel in most linea. Bnelncee firms at Hamilton re• port a fairly active week In whole. 9nlo einem. Awl well known firma there have the poet year or two heen reaching oat for more of the deetrlbnt!ng trade of Ute Dominion and hoe succeeded It getting a fair proportionate share of that basi- noes, end indications promlap n etlll further development of that trod", Velum nee fl'm fol all sorts of manufactured goods, eolIectlone are fnlrly good. A Fri1htful eiunaer ;ameba esus a barefoot gen, Beaty Ort or 6ruee, baoklea's Arnica Naive, 1038 be.r lu eh. Cara 0 J Sot.. a everale uod Fosse IInter', Btly ollly&, relent', Corns, ani Me Er,pypte, !test tide Fora ou meth. uply AS Den W :, Lo;, pare sear- ateed..eold by ,l k1. }leatIltun, truael,t The steamer Wolcott, of the 1'nol. fir t'teant \Vhnling Co, le miming end friar is felt that she plus rxla'rl• cored dienetrlr na Ute \clrtli lettere,. BLYTH ROLLER MILLS ♦.0.01.4! Having assumed control of the above named mills I am prepare( to supply and deliver Flour and Feed to any part of the town et reasonable prices. Ask your grocer for FINNEINORE'S FAMILY FLOUR itis the best on the mnrkbt. flfWi$TINO and CHOPPIN3 done on t net ice, being a practical mil- ler am euro to please you. GIVE NE A TRiAL, Highest msrket price paid for all etas. ses of wheat. 4i1111e1111 W.H. FINNEMORE BLYTH. T. J. U.UUCKSTEP, Barber and Tobacconist Choke Stock of Tebaaooa, Cigars and Pipe' on hard. A0EI(7 101 TBI PLVRIAX R1'Ii,AH LAIINI;Y 60 YEARS' E,CPL-IIIENCE You must not base coned- : gated bowels 1f you expect the Sarsaparilla to do Its best work. - Bot A)or's Pals cure constipa- tion. We have a book on Paleness and Weakness which you may have for the asking. NIFNe 1 air Dealer& Perhaps you would Ilk' to commit online physicist. shout your seed'. tion. Write us fret, + ell the particulars to Tn.:, sm ease. You w71 recelve ■ prompt Pr Addeo.., DR. J. C. ATt 1,011411; '.. , TRACE MARo! Demons CCTV NIGHTS C. Anyone 1endlnp a est' r4 end eelcrlptlne my gal 'lay u.11rin,n ot•r or1nlnn fray wbetbrr as Ipr.uton U ernha►:1' pylentelee. eeetuneee Dont nrlrl1' ronlalgAtal. U1ndb,wk m, 1'e., anti Mit free. , Id,W a*nnt7 t..r oernrillg j,ata,u. L Dahl olta, 1144011 lhrrat teemed Mons loth. recall Scientific American, A handsomely Iilumte�l 4 WMlh• [sono[ oln w laslon of any aotop ]e!'ma arms, N a I• rl:Nf0000rt,, 0,lhb L sa1a 411 Mw antes. fl1. B1URCIIIE & RBHCE BANKERS TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. BLYTII, ONTAIt,IO. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Sale Notes a 8paciaity Advances made to farmers on their owe notes. No additional amenity re- quired. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS it Current halt, We offer every accommodation one teem with safe and ooneervalive handling priun,plem, 0 LIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on (teal Estate at lowest tutee of iut*re4t. CIL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to gall will do well to place their property on Dur list for tido. hunts colleted. CONVEYANCING 00 all kinds pro,nptly attended te., INSURANCE, We represent the leading Fi:woral Life As9ur' lC3 C.0 111)311101, and re- mpeotfully Solicit your account, OFFICE HOUIOSI to 0.14. re 6 J. H. OHELLEW, U66BAT116BB & EIKAUIR Bus Baum AND Ono Met In the combine.) No. ? Queen street South, 1lytb C. HAMILTON. Lioettae l Auctioneer and Valuator,, Land, Leau and Insurance Agent.. Of ace, on Queen street, Blyth. Orders left et THU STANDARD 400 Will TICSIVIS prompt attention. O. A. 000KE, L,D.tfe, D.O.L Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Uni- vereity of Toronto, and graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sergeo* Special attention paid to the preserva- tion of the natural teeth. 011ioe over J. W, Boll's harness store, Queen street. Blyth. Visite Auburn 1st and Sra Mondays of each month, W. J. M I LN E, IM. D.0.0t ptrys;clai, Surgeon and Aownohene. M.!L.C.M.. University of Trinity Col. !ag.•; 11.1)., queen's University; Fel- low of 'l'r,nity Medical College, and member of College e! 1'hy'eicleue and Sorge00i of Ontai M. Coroner for the Couald ,( 811 0n. Office, one door ttOr Ai of the Commer.:ial hotel, Queen Street, ]Myth. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. R'1\anA11 AND LOr000 BRANOn. 800111 NORTe. am p111 am U 68 8 13 Winehatn 11 10 800 6 5'i 3 19 Wingham Jo 11 47 7 Aa 7 01 9 ;11 It 1..;.:IVP 0 ::n 7 as 7 le 8.15 Blyth 10 41 7''4 7 24 n 55 Londeeboro 10 ftp 7 is 7 47 4 43 Clinton 10 15 661 9 50 6 25 Loudon 8 16 4 4., BLYTII POST OFFICE. TI06R8: E101IT A.M. TO 110117 P. Mails Arrive.-1•'rum berth -7,11), Rol 8.30pm.; Sou th-elq$,e4d. 7.80 `1 1, Bails Clusc,-Gene North -10,20 a.m. and ' p.m.; Jantli.l taw tai $.Ma IS