HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-08, Page 7;let . • ge'e HIM RELIEF • NOT A DAY TOO SOON, The Garrison Was Found to be in a Deplorable Condition. THE CANADIANS' ATTACK ON CROWE Full Details of Their Plucky W orkat the Boers' Finish. Thanks Them —Terrible Condition of Crein's Camp—floers Commiltrating 7,000 Strong for Another Fight With Roberts—Crone and Family to be Put on Board a Flag Ship—Leaden Press Opinions _British Troops In Colesberg--Olosim In lirmsaille Monarchs Congratulsts the Queen. London, Meech 1.-(4.15 axl)-Gem Bullsr's distinct emcees In etorming Fialer's 0111 briegs the rescue of Ladysmith near, but the War Off:( helmeted late Ira evening that en IM. aanouncement of relief net hs *Veered. rt going to and from at midnight et officials and newli had received. LI the were thereaseengereEggested I hat important ens, Lemellowne obviously dasired to sleep on it, before taking the piddle lnto bis oonfidence. WHAT THE ARMISTICE MEANT. AO thh Manse reveals, Oen. Bub IN'S nommen', attack came after the Ilara figlellag of Frasy, and it was im- pror'asd sari Ite execution began dure hag the arm(atke of Sundity. In pro - the armistice, the British cam- etkpulated Mat both aide, .outd be free to move, but that ne:- tbsr add do am abootiaut. He was, therefore, within ha privileges In im- Mediately beilnaleg to Irani:or hie troopie BULLER'S AOCIREtIATtl 1,08S 4,000, Oen, Butler's tidings come weighed with his long list of cemeitlee. Hie loam, In the freer attempts to get Gee, White oat, aggregate lour thou- sand. LADYSMITH IN DEEP STRAITS. Ladysmith le In deepest straits. Mr. Charles William", the military experi, iris he learn' ea very high atelier- Lty, preeennebly Met of lord Weise- l'', that Gen. White's force is almost at lts last gasp, OWiND TO POISONED WATER. "This Is not no much," nays' Mr. Williams, "MI account of one Inch of pee/Milan" or ammunition, neither of wink is yet exhausted, es because of the pbonoui, water of the Klip River, and the evil effects of the heat of the UMW In which the garrison must reside. Even those who have escaped fern, dysentery and diarrhoea nre In a /Sabot low vitality. They ran atilt man trenches and would probably hold their own against a litatedeeper- ale ammult, but they inn Initiate nrallined CAUSED BY SEWAGE OF BOERS. "The water of the Kip River le not avellable for drinking, and to boll It is Impossible beware of tile novelty cf fuel. It le thick with putrid animal matter. Tea made of it Ikea saw fibre, enmeshingm like et tea. nrdtt oised by the Fewer, from the Mom exam" WIG? WILL ROBERTS DO? There la no authoritative Indention 714 01 what Lord Roberta will do next. It mem likely that branch rallwey will be built across the veldt, t 1 lemon the difficulties of trnneport. Cui. Ole- °Wird, the Canadian, who built the Saurian Railway, li with Lee' Rob- erta. The strain on the Weatern Rail- way li seen from the fact that the ion of Kimberley, two weeksitt *le rellef, continues ou reduced ratleim. Lord Roberts' troop' them Inc hare been only partially fel. TRANSPORT CONDITIONS. It is quite clear to technical heads tbat those who talk of an imetediete and vsjtd advance far Into the Free $donot manse the transport ron• The Spore, as 3 now appears, his bun a railway from HarrIsmith Bromittadt to fpcilltate the Move - 1111111% their troops between Vital atild Mrs Free Slab.. MAIFIIIIINO HOLDING OUT FEB. 16. MAIskIng was holding out on Feh. Inth. At that tame the Were Were unusual activity and firing ble "hello. aeon NerrIONS WEAKENED/ tie oom who Orange Meer have been weak- • Bbold poultione mouth barentien. welting On be- Imself and other Seninlinay. PrIenniti, affirms that there Mercenaries In the Boer army volunteer* who receive a for their genie -es. • Band Sadler Ileinforcements. Lose, /iamb L - Mr. Sponger W1111111100, commenting on Oen. Bui- lt's operations. sap: °It hardly IS as though Tuesdetre attack Iltalield more than an advertent wearing the Boer maln inrestneslit, or that the abandoned row Part af Otherwise Gen. Buller Game White woold have rite night. The next ane way or the other AMPIMIatly Lord Robert, cannot NMI time Influence the canoe grairrents In Natal and Gen. Buller's IIQW been 'objected to a analilderabla and prolonged 111. The goornant seems °mot - bum *0 polo* the morality of Need- le. See. Boller rehtforcemrnte." y About Auellelinted. L-A despatch to Colman. fame@ Fri- Bret company a sheet of hail, and within was left etand- me that the breve uelliere WOJ Olin/ I. , 1 could see some has rim, and finally • to the rear, taklag ng aeronomy wee quite to mverely. Britiall I re tree ree anulatioe. It is Boers have left Ith for Dendee." Cape Colony. Tire has been le Cape Colon of Om. ham ban dlthttoitt towns, singing and elieeriug. Flags have been everywhere displayed, the wareldpe and merchantmen have been dreamt with bunting and salutes have been fired, At Durbae,Natal,tbe liters ittttl Stripm have been flying alonlifelde the Colon Jack over the Town Hall. --- Plumer eon Seize Supplies, rape Town, Feb. 28. -The llovernor of Cape Colony, Sir Alfred Miner, has further prorogued the Cape Paella- tuent to April 6th. fie low also leveed a proclamation announcing that the military authorities are authorired to Impreen wagone, horses, oxen, provi- stone and other noceesarlee lu south- ern Itlelesin, the article', time token to bif paid for at it fair value. eleto is taken to mean that Cot. Plierner'e column, advancing to the relief of Mnfeking, will be enabled to stelee Croup, Sent to Cape To4n, London, Feb. 28, 8.08 p. w. -The War Office hag received tIm following despatch from Lord Roberts: ?? "Peardeherg, Feb. 28.-Cronje, with hie family, left here yesterday In charge of BajoleCieneral l'rettyman, and under the escort of the City Im- perial Volunteers and Mounted In. fn ntry. "Later In the day the remaining prisoners; went In charge of the Earl of Erroll, and esecort.nd by the Mott. cotters; nn I it hundred Imperial Vol. unteern. "The women and children aro being sent to their home*. 1 understand that great dimatlefaction ware telt by the Boers at Creole, refusal tome opt my offer of info conduct to the women and children and medical Nue of the wounded, 170 of whom are non' in our hospital. Very many of them are In a terrible plight for want of care nt an earlier stage. 'I inspected the Been' hanger yeie terday, and WM much etruok by the Ingenuity end energy with which the mention was made almost impreg- nable to aseault." The Casualties 111,834. London, Feb. 28. - The ropidiv• growing eagualty lista are being l'1114. W101 nu quickly as poseible. They .how that np to the morning the total number (rf easualtiee wee 12, 834, of Merl' 2,010 were added during the holt fortnight. Ten of the eleien :40otch regiments lost about 2,0ee men, and eight of the leek regimente 2,000. Tion come, the Olouceiters and Northumben Janda while of nearly 2,000 colon. tele, the lloyal Canadians lost 121. and the Victoria Mounted Contlo gent 26. The casualtiee are elasel- ned tau: Killed, 1,003; wounded, 6,838; Waging, 8,178; disease, 830. --- Bewailing Croup's Defeat. 8t. Fetereburg, Feb. 28. -The ease/I- mperil here outdo the rest of the con- tlneutal pram In bewailing General CronJe'm defent They suggest that the best help for the Bonn s would be to create a diversion against /trent Brit - ale elsewhere. --- Queen's Message to Roberts. LondosL Feb. 118. -In her despatch to Lord Roberta, following the an. nouneement pf the surrender uf Gen. Cronje, tier .1lajeety iaId "locept tot yourself and for all under your commend my warmest congratulations on this splendid news." Lord Roberta replied as follow,: "All under my command are limply grateful for Your Majeaty's moat gracious tuoseage. Cosigratula• More from their Queen are an honor toe soldier, dearly prim" General Beller has wired hls thanks to the Qneen for her telegram of gracious/ sympathy nad cm:mirage. ment, Gallantry of Canadians. London, March 1.-A despatch to the Morning Pat from Paardeberg .are: "The Canadians were only prevented from carrying Oen. ()rays 'eager at' tee potato( the bayonet by iniper- ative orders to the contrary. gallantry le (bit praversal theme of conversetlion, We captured 5,000 email elms. Our iremendoun //hell Lire had 'carrell MU appreciable efface' co the Bcer trenches, "Their %vended, during the week numbered N. The number of the:r deed we have not ascertained." A deeply/ eh to the Timm f rom Colon - no says ; "Before Ihsedey's armietire, mate cf the British wounded hoe been left out for 110 hours. The Rome gem them water," The military critic) of the Times, dweeting upon the leliffinultine facing Gen. Bailer, Bays: "Although his program bas not been no greet an earlier report" hall led us to expret, the itabritleee hie force bee made already have been great. The country is erectly adapted to Oho tar - ilea of a leemeteue rear stank and the Seers (entente their resistance with the *HI and Mahatmas!' hitherto !hewn Many diffleallise remain to be surmounted." More PieiseWCanedlene. Inedbn, Meech deepatchto the Times from Peordeberg, dated Tues- day, sere: "The performance of the Canadian" tinier nn nboolutely withering fire, wlikk cawed them to retire fiftY yards until the engineers had dug trencher', wan splendid. The Ma moon- light and the cloudy poky Milne yen - tee . wore Point Wank We*" lade Ineffective. The Canadians held the petition until dawn. The great. est admiration Is expreimi,for their valor, and it le felt that a stew era has been opened to the Empire, now Leet the eandhum bars Avenged Ma. Juba Hill." Mottles WW Dictate. Dern, Feb IS. -001. Creel IUP- Peed.p eailli,** to IDIOM MIS Der. man moo Nearly all the papers la -day admit the Istertaelcie of tee event. officlel Nord Beets:the All- gemeine ?sitting, die/cue/Mg the /tittle. Mon, "aye: "Its importance liee lore In the plumber of cepturel than In the re. vivifying of the Initiative among the Brinell generale. The !limpet mill. bury injury which It has done, re far as the Moire nre cenoerned, Is tient hereafter and everywhere in the seats of war the Britieh will dictate the law to the Boer", "It le Impossible to animate be• foreleanil the degree Of (*premien aroong the Were, but undoubtedly the dere erasion 1 letemee, coped/illy among the Capeberge. Thee Inc the reporte do not tel whether the Boer losses previous to the surrender were large. If they were, then the tot Injury le still greater," Must be Unconditional Isurrentle for service In loath Wen, Ke 11 itt married man. Moos hie tionarturs, Mrd. Pepplatt, who le young wo- men, line; boom. a mother. North of Kimberley. Feb. 11411(1111111, with 111011111,Poo ii foran I it Mn \ lin, iweeeteled to leirkle, where lin was wa welcomed, kb e left a 'strong weird, nee then proveNINI 1.4,ug- Innde, Indeorton, ant Klip Oen'('Iter, wero rumor.; of Boer, In the oeulaurelribordDood, but no denwalltratione 1 Theiamond Advertieer driewe 'minted nttentlon to the fact that, although Klmberley was relieved about two weeks ago, there ham been no amelioration In regard to the laid supply. It Is still imposelble, as It was timely the Investment, to procure11 at proper supply of food. ' Jared and memo property damaged. r. --- lion lien. CronJeSurreedered. London, Meech 1.-.1 special els patch from Cape Town, dated eleme day, enye: "The Were of Darkly Ene have offered to surrender on conclitio that the safety of the rebel Mite le eminent The British, however, In shit upon nn unemelitional etweentler. Kitchener Is nt Arundel. London, March 1.-Aecordlng to a epenlal despatch from Cape Town, dated Feb. 27, .Lord Kitchener la nt Arundel. The Boer,' nre retiring to Norsale Pont, and all le quiet at etormberg. Mote Belfast. Partnieberg, Feb. 27, 'via Redder '' River, Feb 27, 4.30 p, m. -it wax a bright Amity worulng. Oeneral Role erts wee In khaki, and wore las sword. ,3 Ilse shook hand, with liftmen' Cronje, 11 1411(1: "You nada it gannet defence, read thee need the genteel on lila right. Mout of the members of Lord Roberts' staff worn prevent. The Ilitcrelew elm bricf, and eon. t'ronJe'a Secretary acted no Interpreter. eon. ('role rota tined nn I bredkfret'd elth the etaff. Afterward one of the of - fluke goer. hint a elgar, which he smoked In a quiet, preoccupied mno, nee, /raying very little. lie woro a %vide. soft grey hat, with a cord of orange leather end a band of dark green. He overcoat wee of duck cloth, find he wore binek trousers; and hark brown bootee, In his hand he carried a think 1.1100, Oen. Crony) look, like an elderly', eubstaetial farmer. He has brocul, round ehoulders, a widebrow, brow, and imather•benten, eve' face, and wears' a short, gristly heard, He iv very quiet In hie manner. About the °nee thing he said waa that there WIN, three thousend men In lila Mager. Sword Inc CronJe. Para, Feb. 28. -The newspapers here Ali comment on the surrender of (len. Cronje and Its probable effete. 'Mee pny tributes lo tennis for him 'drug - Delimit, Feb, 28.-.1 rumor that Ladysmith had been relieved led In a street demonstration In Belfast to - any, which precipitated conflicts be- tween the Orangemen and Nate:mal- l/etc There was considerable 'stone - Meowing, and many person,/ were In - Five Hays' Battle. London, Mutrubi 1, 4 a. m. -The mire tome of Pleter's 11111, which Buller an - flounced yeaterdny, has oat a week's hard fighting of a char/toter similar to that attending hie earlier operations he the terrible Natal fnetneemen. The Britleh attack began on Feb. 20th unit enlininated on Feb. Ultra, nt white; . time the troops' merely held the ground they had gained. The position on the morning o Feb. 24th bore an impromieing aspect, and Gen. Buller found It neemenry to modify his oleic - loll plan of advance. Ills le/patch briefly toile the Feet. The battle ended Tureclay evening, after teethe; me 'to add to the difficulty the tropleal rainy neawn hae.set In. For twelve lionre the uniform of the men elung to them like wet seaweed, Mud (taught them under foot, and the mist closed down and relent out the position of the enemy. Title illgeomfort le borne by all niike (len. Buller and lube staff are virtu- ally living the life of a private. There hag not been even a tent to cover the eon:wending geeernle. They eat from their knees, with their 1411011111er11 n11.11131. n ruck, Meer when they can, nnil field work Ix carried on under a troneport wagerer. Until Sunday's; armintlie, the men wonntlei In the fighting on Friday Iny untended on the leilaide, since the fighting never /stopped. When the doc- tors and bearers' went forwned the mod dlotressIng bight wns 1.1l0 dead InnimkillIngs, who were lying In men - berm be front of the trench which, niter two days' fight, the Natation lied capturel. The reonthreak of the firlug Botany night nrose from the Boers being (flannel hy Capt. Phillips' balloon Pee- tloa and eight blimjacketri, who enter• ed the eineny'ai lines and destroyed or removed their last remaining flash- light apparatus]. T111, party W.lre not decovered until they had nommen had their work. All returned inowetliel. The latest lel'ograrni from Laill3'• smith nre still clwerful, and the gar• lesion professes to be confident of hold - leg out, but It le Impossible to u void the simpleton that the position le very bad. Enteric fever and dysentery 1114' rife. Among them buffering with the fever le Dr. &uneven, the leader of the Tr/servant raid. MP military critic of the Morning Loader says he Immo from a very high authority that Gen. White's; form is almost at their bit gasp, velintever Jolly news may be hellogrophed." This, he saye, le not SO 11111011 Ow- ing to lack of provielone and ammu- nition, which are not exhausted, ns to the poleonone water of the KlIp River, and the evil effects of the motet heat on the terrain, In which the garrison has not the choke of re- eidence. He cites information eon- tained In uncensored lettere to the effect that all the few spate shelter- ed from bombardment were speedily polluted with filth, and even those who have escaped fever, dYeenWrY and dlarrhcen, have got Into a state of low vitality. They can KM man the trench's!, and can probably vele hold their own against a loot deeper. ate assault by the Boers, but they ran !IMMO/ nothing, and General Buller knows that, as unite, the reel. merit will be of no um to bine tor months to come. The water of the Wile River only le avallabie for drInklnig and 10 bon It is Impossible owing to the wareitY of feel. The water Iss Milt* with putrid . animal matter nuci the /*were a the liner eampe, --- CrueJe's Plight. Paardeberg, Feb. 2/I. -Yesterday was observed as a tacit armistice, The Boers freely ehowed thenutelvea to the British troops. Our horsee are now thoroughey rested and full rft. tinned. Thin correepondent lute conversed with many Baer prisoners, both Free Staters and Trammalere. All seem ed convinced now that the war meet end in a Brilleh victory. They had never before believed that the Belt - 1111 would be able to advnuce except by railway, and they had renweed that the efforte of relieving Kimber, ley were due to the neoeesity of ne. Miring the Kimberley..elafeking line, whenno an aelvonee into the heart of tee Transvaal would be env. General Creme., It. appears, had etemlily refused to believe It poodle° that the British would 'make a long march away from ut 1101WOY• 10111 therefore he totally iniaconcelvol the object of the etentegle movement of Lord Roberta, Imagining that It wna merely a change of direetion In order to attack Magerefonteln by way of Jneobadal. All ties prisoners seemed equally eon' vetoed that when the Beltiell get to Pretoria some foreign power will In tor vene. It heroines' more evident daily that the greatest neeemity In the eueresse conduct of the campaign nf Lord Roberts Is !ergo roeupplim iif Our Artillery at Kimberley, Quebec, Feb. 28.-1. cablegram him been received by Mre, J. F. WIleon, rIo el Lient..Col. WI10on, fro,n CePt• "Buff" Ogilvie. dated et Kimberley, repereeg hintetlf well. Evidently, on reaching CapoTown, " D" and " E" Batteries of the erre. one Canadian contingent were emitted theongit to Kimberley, nal are nt prevent 'tattooed there. Forge Pepplatt, " F" Company, Ilret Canadian cootiugent, who nee anion( the 29 wonatled, wae n weleknown nonemenialwricnied officer of the IL C. A„ attached to "0" Field Battery, and wait tient the first to voluetree - • elie...'1'et.e.e"e Dell MIMI, after lighting desperetely FollE mpior, for slx day,.POIIGIIT E. Joy itt leidyemith. ,London, March 2, -Lord Duudonald, with the Natal earbineere and a rein' peel% regiment, entered I•adyemIth In triumph se Omi. French had done at iLlinberley, and the heroic garebon war overjoyed when he appeared with the Whigs tient idx belgadee were country wag clear of the enemy. The List of Canadians Killed and owning up behind him, and that810, etogn of Ladysmith had begun on No- vember 2n(1, when communleatlene niter the &meter at Nlettelson'e Nek. Wounded at Paardeberg. with Coteau) were cat off, on the day it hoe been a long and wearhanne defen-le oempaign, memorable mea- ly for the emir* of gallant sorties eur- rled one by Oen. Hunter and fur the valorom mpulee of the enemy un Jan- uary ilth, when the fighting wag of a moot dreperate ellen-weer. The grirri- eon brut suffered .more heavily from defense than from the enemy'a Meet fire and bulleta, Iti strength wae ititI- nuiteui at over 0,000 men when the hinge opened, but tide force line been retinced h,v Amiens fighting, nnd by the ravage/ of typhoid fever. Ureteral Buller, when he entered the town yew terday, found that elenerni WhItiee eoldiere had been reduced to entions of bell it pound el meal dally, one had been living on their hareem and mules, CONTINUOUS HEAVY ',MUTING. They mem to have been :n despera etratte. Their reserves of ammunIllen were not deacribed, but were probably exhausted. They were not rewash 11 day too soon, and were unfit for opera- tion. in the field for the present. The &lege of badyneeet eame to an end unexpectedly to the garresen. All day on ednemley Deseret White was ex- pecting a Boer attack, and there was it /CND alarm with a heavy musketry firing not long before Lord Dundee - a id's ca val 7 rode up. Three shells bed been tired from Bulwana on tne pre- vious eae, and wain from the town was .blocked by Hoer r:flemen at every point. The reniinuous artillery and rfIe Cring to the mutt was the as- euranee ehat tignerni Buller's army wax fighting day after day, and dur- ing the last few daps of the siege the Ileer force./ were peen moteng to the northward et entail banele. • CANADA'S HONOR BOLL GIN, SIR RBDVERS BULLER, The Kammer of Britain in the TransvaY., glee but ackn ab:lity cf Robers, end a to the occupa- tion of Bloemfontein and the relief of. Ladysmith. But the papers ore unanitncus in dee Glaring that the Moue of the 11101.• pnien, has not yet been dereded. Same of the papers think that the present would be itt pod time for mediation., and tbe ela.Utois sh`edre dot Emperor William ought to ;begin ewe a move- metit. The Int rensigean.t bee upend n sub-, aeriptien for a more of honor io 110 presented to (Inc. Cronje. CronJe's Llat of Battles, Or ;cher 12, 1800 -Gem rat Crone-, laid stege to Blacking. October 14-L,oet 300 men by a aorlee from besieged town. October 17 -Left force at lifafek:ng In charge of his son uun.1 wish n part of hie army besieged Kimberley. The 'Gowan made d Inn attack cn the town an October 24 -Defeated Belleh region- naemence, 'ming heavily. lie second in command was killed. suNroreadr, vamtbaDem r Q-andeK: ,1 mberIey'e , November 11 -Begun he bembard- ment nt rather:el. November: 113-Repueeel L eel Me- thuen in the battle et Belmont. Mr/ember 211-Slif1ered n defee by Methuen at Oran PIK., niti ccncentrat- ed his force nt Mhdder River. November 28-Cnortanded by Pre- is:dent Kruger to er:ve tette.. Obey- ed, and Ic*ugh n ideedy drawn battle at Molder River. December 11.-Troppeti and defeat- ed ft Britlele form itt litererefereele. December 18 -Irl Methuen to coneentrn te 11 temps; nt Mohler River. January 1, 1900-111a left fume llama/mail by Col. Pileher end Boer lartger eapturcd It SunItSside. ennunry 5-eliele no onimeceesful attempt to rapture Couloobenerloileleohnedr end C01111 dinn 'eiders. gKai.1 ybharenrilrl ineu rrrn:;. cl ir1n1;119gti nt: II 1,1 nerr j IRiver,IuI tb mtt ti 13(17jefti: bruny 14-Cron,le quietly began the evacuation of the trenehed nt Magersfontein, earaped and marched 011 f ,r f t hPu, about bit tug. le-Oenerel French en. tered Kimberley with a cavalry ill. vlelon. Februnry 18-Cronje overtaken he Robert* not Kitchener nt Kooeooa rand Drift and forced to entrench. February 20-Kitehener Crania'. surrender. The Boer general MHO: "I will fight to the &nth." February Ef-Cromle had a spread tinted, and eurrendered, with Tbe re 11/30/1 tit fl? bow- de - he guns were baseily r drive ctory veto wana and Groblee's ftelowing dnY t wee n Coleus° a nA,Letly h waa clearand the rear guar* were disap- pearing towards Leing'i Nek. THE TROOPS THAT ARE FREED. Following am the troops' which have been enefined In Ladysmith metro the beginning of NoveriTher General ter George White, Mounted Itroope - Third Coveter Brigade, liaJorilenerel Breeklehoreti lith Lancers, 5th Dragoon Guard., iiquedron raptured), 'therein] Light limited Rehm, Border Mounted RI. Horse, Natal Carhineere, Natal 19th Iluemere, 18th Humeri; (km a flee. ArtIllery-18tdt, fiTtli, 69th, R. P, A. Batteries, Lleutefee. Plekwood ; 2Ist, 42nd, 63rd, R. F. A. Better - Ire, Lleut..Col, Corluad; NM 10 Mountain Battery, less four guns captured. Engineers-28rd and 29th (sampan. kw and Balloon Section, Infantry -Fourth Division, Neveln. ably under °orotund of Diajor•Gen Archlbaid Mutter ; 7th Retired/ MaJor*Ieneral Howard; let Dele. shire, 11t Oloaceeterehire, 1st 31 cheater, 2tel Gordon 'Highlander- 1'' ton ; let Royal Irish Fueeler ''" Relende, 1111.10e.General lou 11,, those captured; let taleepi. lot King. Royal Mee, end 1, Royal Rifles. 1st King's 1 2m1 Rifle Brimele, Lambton, FL M, Te,,J 'tbc'ut Naval Itekeade-rapt,aii, ' 11'n' gll ,R7OnOd 1101 eil;ittetrp. w121.t.lpi 1,It steamer. iie,,, wo ni , ,, :.neer on the same The )(angels of 1 1,,, .. ., , i arrive I at War Nei. Betio. (en the lite ,,,„... enke Ontario le to am Ms son, el, . , ,t. member of Inc fatentheonree 11..,, , I I. ' Enid of Cattle . ' ' Capt, Oar ie..' `I '.1`” 1311", In063. for Cartwe ,f, I Reverol mounted 1,1 Pin Btrathcona's pont:rice:0v wom are on their Hee„1,,, eitheriand will be acting m1,11,, ,. „ iiie .‘,Ifeittieuriouri dtiriontethe niece.. , . "r ' le . ,,..e.rnment has extended the '1 ";; 1' 1. i! i P;71141es:till rc3f. bltonefdearlicebi2noesttah. u Ai, e • V. Pellet, M. P., was nora- e. ,... 1 for tee Commons by the tilde- im , ..,,,i. id reectere el Prege Edward Q Rpeeslation la a Cuban railway It "NNW* 1,, ham Mimed up 1200,000 b r 11r. Meeting* and felon& are old J MEM ROM QUEEN AND PRINCES. Sir Wilfrid Laurier Breaks the News in the House of Commons. No Hamiltonian In the List ---Dr. Johnston, M. P., el Sarnia, Had a Son Among the Killed—Told the Sid Tidings In the House -L.,.11 Was. Glorious Death "----The Queen Proud of the Castaillans--The House of Commons flembers Cheered—Doubtass to the Identity of Some of the Killed aid Wounded Ottawa, Feb. 27. -In the House of l'onemous this; afternoun at 5 o'clock Kir 11-11friii interrupted the debate which ware proceeding, to read the fol lowing menage from Mr. Chamber kin to Lord MInto: "London, Feb. 27. -Her Majesty the QU(.411 (twerp', you to express to the people of the IWneetion her admire Mon of the gallant conduct of her cutiadlini troop.' In the lateengage wine) unt,0 naytelhrila7p/OrmerOnW. is; ernteidle) 1(7141110! berlifillInP." rPAl WPC411:1 nwmagn from Lord Robert.," maid Pie Willett', and mend nii (pprinsive silent* homed the deepatell from Lord Rolserte reporting the caNualtles. A Neiman 'Hence fell upon the /lone ng with tremuloue voice the Premier read the had lint, which toll the tale er the valor of Caundlan 'midterm. After ti brief paume, 4lr Wil - 110 eontinued; Perham, Mr. epeak• etre I play be Allowed to read from a ftpeteh also read to -day In the Hewn of Commons/ In England. It le pert of a despatch from Lor) Robert,/ to the Wee Office: "At 8 a. m. to -day a most dashing aReleigaimnoteentwnennirmoaduve3bi,:.ngtliinemern,on.,11,11:". ported by the let ilordon Highlanders anti Ind Shropeldree remitting In our gaining a point some tele yard. nearer tor the 1,111.111,1 and within about SO I•fix 4,1 his trenches, where our men 4.11trenclirill themselves and mrantnined their positions; until morning. A Lab taut deed, worthy of our colonial cone rattle!, and wheel, 1 um glad to my, wni attended by comparatively email lova Tide apparently clinched mat. aterene,lifobryntnedunco ylirglentietol•orinew'hiribititicitter, is stated that he surrendered untendl- ile Itilnondenra, lbog ohfrotagrueelit.,to, the outposts There wax further brief silence a iqr IVIlfrld Untied speaking, and then tune House broke into loud cheering. The debate was then proceeded with. FROM SIARCIIIGNEfili OF LORNE. t'. L. Simpson, 1211, Yeerk hangers, Tomtit°. There are of Macdonald', : l'te, MacDonald, 66th l'elnome Loeb* tei- ' einem, Halifax; 1). C. )(eel/on:yid, jet Regiment, Canadian ArtIllerY. Halifax; 11, C. DleeDoneld, 8,0 S'ic' torla Iliflem, Montreal; lisieDon. aid. 5th Royal Septa Montreal; (1, • McDonald, 60th l'rinewei Loulee Milere, Halifax, and F. )(cllonald, It. 12. R. I. Of Barri/one there are: Pte. R. Harrison, or Chariest Harrison, 2nd Regiment Canadian Artillery, Mout. real ; (1. Harriman. let Regiment Canadian Artillery. Halifax. Teen. are two teutheelande: Pte. J. slitheelancl, 25th Elgin, and A. NutJterlesel, Duke of York's' Humors, Montrose I. There ere four preemie minted Thema* lit the regimental 11.1: (bre. J. 3t. Tbonute, flovernor • (temente toot Guards', Ottawa ; Pte. A. le TliOnial, 11k of York 3l011trft/0 ; W, 7110011114, 501 Royal Scots, Montana!, or pte. c. T. tiovernor IlenernrN root • 1111 I 11S, OttIlliit. bier Royal Highness' the Prineese Lodge cabled Hie Excelleeney as fob otrItetilienot is ehnutftIrret „ 410 to gnY willeii ber for Weet Lamle • odaligehieetiy),,e, ''/I'.1.TNIDeEille)tier, Staff Tled:e1r1: rwe7iTcthlidiliedi .,Kiwn. company. It le Wit yet settle Sean In the offklal list of ,... e,,1101,- geennIt.3.0(N, thjegeohnsotwno, limo ‘/,1 1,,:i,,eane, .1. Company, Non of ei., h 'cif/till, IIIIIIII• p tie °in innAyP I 11:11/.*,' ) n'i n' tP ail li nntd: :;:t , , bit 11 (Hari). Sunday, Feb. 19th. They are .1 I: Scott, 08r1 Batt,alion, P erne e ' and C. R. Scott, 27th Battie ,. 11 of the three Is the eloott n, ' ,l‘'' Orman, 08rd tlattelion. Scott, A company, killed In notion Scott, R. C. 11. I., (1 company attack on Cronin's Wager this morn. W. A, Rice" 7,111tarlottetown Engl. nseeni ;IiijNaltitTC6iiiii'llinBCEILRI,ED. In the regiment In addition to W. the 1111 01 Canntrian earealtire In the. likg : ret CronJee eurrender, effected by gal- lant Canadian aid. Deep empathy for Crum:ellen Insere; nm proud to have lived ntriong them., 'owe: There are Mx Johnertonee ,...' '/'-'"" 0 Companyee-F. L. Wither", R. C. A.; Johnston!8cott. There are lehree mitt named //cot. Ottawa, Feb. 27. -The following le 1,., renommparanyny--t: 12. Page, R. ?C. :€1:4:0;. u.n "1 defile.° to express+ eengratulatIone The Killed and Wounded. THE KILLED. (Reined) "Loulee." on, ittli Com- , ,Iston, of 11 il. Johnetone, a report- .1rthur l'ilkee, 02n1 lit. Joie' 1'm/1 eslit'le"r"I'11,'' 4 'Hitt'''. oth et„, R. li ,,. -coen, 5TothroRn.toD. A. TS, 10th Royal Green 01V.... , ,, Holland, 77th Mlle. I) Co., Ottawa. , ; dand, Dith Prince Edward it I, eroft, 10th Prince Edward Batt, J. Living, 43ed Ottawa and Car- ; ai tenets, 01,- 1 10,1. I, T. McConnell, O. O. F. li., Ot- W, K. Brady, 4lied Ottawa and f'ar- letou Rifles. E Co., Montreal. le. 1Vardell, (ltd Victoria Rains. F Co., Quebec. A. Therinult, 9th Voltlgeur (le Que. bee. ,}1.„ Bpargo.04,x,056t5itthelolisuintttitoyal Itifiee W. Peffeatt, IL C. A. A. Roy, (MU; ct,Bamlip,an, 04. It% Sprague, Sat Ret. 1. .1. F. W. Coombe's, flilnd St. John FujI 1. H. K Durant, 7401 Batt. E. S'mpton 1211, Y. It 11. Frailehniu, R. C. It. W. W. Donahue, ilrd R. C. A. ' .1. [invert, 0801 Cumberland Bete Metheeon. 12t11 Field Battery. 11. benvitt, 71st Bntt. ALS) WOUNDED. Harr*. Harrison.' McDona 11. 8 meson.; Sutherland. There are four mate armed Boren In le regiment. Pte. Benjamin Kant., 12th Field tory ; Pte. J. .1, Barri" lednd Uerb County, N. le.; Pte. Levy Ear- ls, 8200. Queen LlonetY, N. ki.; and Marra, filth, T. L. F., Halifax, There are three Simpson,: Ptc. A, Inann, AM C. A., New Brunewlek ; Palerflal flim, 0. C. R, I., nridei, FURTIfiElt NBViee. Ilion. le, W. Borden lee" exiotag re. reeved the fbilewing cable: "Ptd. - berg, Feb. 117,-Weunde1, dna', wells save 8,106, Johneton. (Rented) Otter." Private Jblunen, is el 11h. Wallfax Clo., end it nn ex -member of the tird ihnieftx In tate prem-reomn ithe nab.* from herd Roberts ited oI the klltlag of yeung Sebneiten, of tine Londe* - pany cf the Royal Cenarlians „Thedireel 1,11.4d1114 wee the sere or 1)r. Jobeittni, Snreia, M.P. Dr Wi,, Lemblon, eke bret- in his wet In he rhinimber ell lin- know(ng of the dreadful news. 'I,. peibrul duty of acquetuttng, Dr. JO:H- eim with the neave devolved upon Me John Fraser, the member fur En,. Lamblen, %to quietly gave 11.e be- reaved Meese the pawn -fill t:d: nes. Dr. Job neon took the blow nianielly. 'Per ten minutsse he me iiiAtionless. Then'he tuned Ib Mr. Fr , -cr and sled slowly: "It was a g)or 1 eeate." In she corridor mon- er wembers, correspondent* and , pereonal Wends extended te, Aympathy to Dr. John/leen, wee %test to•olglit. Ineeructions hnv, rent cut 1,, effleera•cotumanr Linea ef Lee Rue, enamel" ,,, (germs, Roy Can- adian Artillery ecl tunadlen Regiment ntect," t1 reerti:1 up lo strength • ' Awe- wouNDED i‘ THE elINletY FIGHT The To., ) Evening Telegram lend the fell,. 'ng special ea btu from Lender: In 1.' iuOnliIumt Regiment the names of the, ...verely wounded in tho bat. tle einedelerg (et Sunday, Feb. ,e; etcwart, 1.111Ol'll'N Own Iliflee, 2211,1 oxford Wile., Woon)- 11. 5th Regiment, Cann. Neu Artillery, Victoria, M. C. I A. C, Weill, 5th Itegimeut, Cana. dian Artillery, Victoria, B. C. le bench -Smiles, 5th Regiment, Can - 011111 Artillery, Victoria, B. C. C H. Thompeon, Royal Canadian Re. giment. This report of .Weteilded NUM in a bulletin to the Wete011iee from Lord Itoberte. HALIFAX MEN, Halifax, Feb, 27.-(O. N. W4,- Dematch.)-One Halifax jean among the name, of the de Quinn, who Joined at F where he was attending tho school. He had formerly waved the Mounted Vollog. Hie !steer, Mar- tin Quinn, Iv watchman et the sugar refinery here. James hill. Scott was is miner at Spring - Gorman belongs to rletou eountyi but Joined from (Imhof/land county. Sievert, one of the wounded, be- longs here, 111," father hong a tohlie• coned of the game name. He was transferred from le Company to Que. bee Company. E. N. 1114011ES, Winnipeg, Feb. 27. -Edward Nor- man Hughee, reported wounded M the ' line I engagement with Cronje at Pear- deberg, Joined the 90th Rifles here riliortl,v before enlisting for South Af- rica. Ile 1e aged 24 and n native of Melee Him brother resettles' here. London Press Vietwe. London, Marcie 2, -The editoriel• in the morning newmpapere are net uale jubiiant, but are written in • OSS confidence In the future COS - tensile etrongly with the frieoellY fore- boding' of the previews • I, weskit Oen. Buller's mlefortunre nr, almost for- gotten, although it 1 ..Yerywhere re- cogotsed that the meet of Ladysmith to largely due to tlstrategy of Lord Roberts'. The Timm -ill ; "The change wrought bit N.,tal within 21 hours is indeed dram., tie. The siege of Lady - /meth wIll uu memorabln in military. Rennes up Ai many grounds. Seldom has the cimmlitte confidence of n gen- eral 1, luli mea been so strikingly ilia - wee, ire in the case of Sir Redvers Mike; and never has that ronlldene" been were completely el/stifled. There 4 00l reason to treat that we have nt Itait reached the turning PI/lilt II) tttt war, owing to lore Roberts' hell- Ibuit strategy." The UN. hap; "Almighty Ood, velure arm hirtrpngth, has blem- tlw effort, ef ,,.-1,,•ra I 1:41;;er army with complete lietory, and the (num of freetom line triumphed once more." Daniel 11.1(len, of 0' 111{11, 1foi mato- rated by smoke from a email fire In lee dwelling. Mr. William Tudberre, sea., founder ef the Tudbope Carriage Company, of - °retie, is dead. elm,. Potter -Palmer Ms masked a cablegram reporting the Primo ('ante:en° much )atter,