HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-08, Page 5Perfection Table Syrup... •Nee•N Bring your jars and pails, and get them filled at the cheapest place in town. Spe- cial prices in Flour. 2 Dene Maple Leaf Salmon 25c. ! Daae either Corn, Peas or Tomatoes ! 1 Selected Raisins 25o. 101ba Sulpher 25o. 10 lbs. Glauber Salts 25e. 214. Cheese tee, We have the choicest Lard on the market. SIyth's Cheapest story T. W. SCOTT Special Values ,Tbla Weep TO hake room for our new arrivals of Wall Paper and Window Shades we offer big mums to clear out odd lines. If you want to paper a room you can save money by buying Window Shades have advanced in pries, but we have a few left from lest sown which we offer for lea than pre- sent factory prices. Try us. FRANK METCALF Tee STANDARD hese olabbing rates with all the leading daily and week. ly Mart r James Iretene, of Durham, visited with bre family here for a few days this week. Re Is much ppfeawd with his business prospects in Iyarbam. Mr. Wm. Sutherland, brakeman on the L„H. & B„ was seriously injured about the thighs while none. ling esrs near Wingham on Monday. He hat since been taken to his how* in London Let every person attend the patri- otic concert in Industry hall on Friday evening and aid the widows and orphans, and other dependents, of the Canadian soldiers killed in the South African war. Mr. George Beadle, driver for Mr. Wm. King, ot East Wawanosh, de- livered a load of wheat to Mr. George Powell's warehouse on Saturday that contained 140 bushels, Can any of •our farmer friends beat this ? Miss Preeton, a missionary from Japan, who is home on tbrloegh, will give an address in Blyth Metho. dist church on Friday evening, March 18th. A collection . will be • taken sop fur the missionary cause. The seven year old daughter of Mr. Lowe was run over on Friday morning by a sleigh loaded with stone. Both of her lege were badly bruised and cut, hut we are pleased to say that the little patient is at present doing well, To run to catch a train or an omnibus is a practice that should never be indulged in after the age of 80. Even to one whose heart 1s sound it is calculated to be harmful to the delicate cords and valves of that organ, but if it is diseased the excitement is positively dangerune. In the croktnnle match at the residence of Dr. 'fait on Thursday evening last the snuth•end players $l;Ytb won by a score of 4 to 2. The - players were : South -end, Dr. Cooke, W. J. Scott, It, McDermott and John TOWN TOPICS. Barrett; North -end, Dr. Tait, James Sims, A. Rubinson and W. W. Anotion sales are booming. Patriotic concert—swell Blyth fund. Coen. Slain was in Toronto last week. M•rs. Wm, Ernigh is visiting with Hewn friends. Marek is said to bo the longest month of the year. Yrs Gracey, of Wingham, visited witli.Blyth friends this week. kiss Habkirk b attending the talilimery openhtgs at Torouw. i$1us Mamie Livingston has re- amed to her positLm at Crediton. Taman. Fanners rtate that the large fall 3f snow came at a very opportune time, and that if it stays on the ground fur a week or en it will be the means of avtng a large amount of the wheat crop from the frost. The wheat so far has wintered well, and If them Is no more very severe winter weather the residents of Wester n Ontario can look forward to a bountiful harvest. Mr. J. G. Musser, who has bean a Blyth business man for the past 26 tears, has decided to leave us and it M rammed that iNytih is te have, within a worth will remove to Ender Peet office. Busty town, this. Mr. John Campbell, of eieafor..t, *cant flu ulay at the Iowa of Chief &umem Miss Miletm Thompson, of Londe+• bore, h.vieltieg twrebaer, Mev. A. H. Tktrnay. MRS McIctosh, of Burnside, Mani- toba, M visiting In town, the guest of Rim Omaha, Wedding lefts will be ringing on the ftud 0011. of East Wawanush next Wednesday. Remember the auction ale of 66 well-bred cattle et the Commercial hotel an Saturday. Mr. John liftable, the hustling ins rants agent, of Wingitatn, was la Blyth on Saturday. Ise Stalker, of Yaneardine, was the seem of friends in Blyth sad ►ty during the week. In the Methodist church on Sunday evoking Rev. Wm. Penitaif preached itg eloquent and powerful i.atriotic ++minae Xf>yoa want to have a good laugh g0,sed hear the Blyth minstrels at *Koncert in industry hall on Friday Me. S. H, Gidley has received his Music of spring hats and is showing the fittest styles and eludes. Call widRise them. l{ollett hitt two of its oldest and Mit respected citizens by death this welt—Mm John Tamblyn and Mr. Witt. Herrington. Mr. George Powell has purchased the vacant lot south of the post office _.and, will add another store to the new union block. A load of Biyth'e young people attended an at home at Kinbarn on Friday evening and report a good HMO, including four upsets. Mr. Philip James had the mbfor. tune to have the little finer of bis right band cut ole at the second .jutnt by a cutting box on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mm Walter Fitzsimons, of ,'Tborndale, were the guests of tiebringville, where he has purchased ttte bashes* of the gentleman he teemed his trade with, We are sorry to see a good citizen and business wan Ike Mr. Moser leave our town but trust ho will meet with ebuuda',cu of success in his new home. 11i* interest in the new union block has been purchased by Mr. T. W. Scutt, who will go on with lir. Iluser's plana and b.,,,1 a hardware store for renting purposes. A grand patriotic concert, with minstrel second part, will be given in lndustry hail, Blyth, on Friday evening of this week. The proceeds will go to swell the patrtotiu fund lu aid of the widows and orphans, or other dependents of the fallen of our gallant Canadian contiogeata, and for the relief of the wounded, etc. The feud already raised being con- sidered by our citizens generally as inadequate to express their appre• station of the noble nacriSeas of our troops at the front In the Empire's cause it has been decided to make this effort to tncreaee It to a tuore suitable amount. An enjoyable pro- gram has been arranged and the support of all our citizens is cont!• dently expected. Sliver collection at the door, 10 cents and upwards. Everybody go. Thursday morning last the citizens of Blyth manifested their spprectation of the good news of the rellef of Ladysmith by hoisting flags end bunting in all parts of the town, ringing belle and blowing whistles. The school children were set free fur the rest of the day to *hare in the patriotic outbursts, which time will not efface from their young mind. The children formed g procession, with Mr. R. McCommins as marshal, and carrying flags paraded the print. pal streets. A halt was made at the norner of Queen and Dinsley streets where children, men and women sang patrtotie songs, cheered for our good and noble Queen, Roberta, Buller, White, Dundonald and other Mi. and Mrs. James Coulter, of British heroes iD South Africa. The Motile, for a few days daring the • day was one of great rejoicing ipsei week. Reeve Carter, who spent the put SIC weeks at different points in the 1'Seited States, returned home on Monday. He reports a suceeeaful ,bddneas trip. 'Tbe Grand Orange Lodge of oOpptt o Wess will meet at Bram S . negt week. Our popular and, asci *list Mr. John Wilford, Ire sae date Setegatee. throughout the British empire, and our own little town done its share. When the procession broke up Mr. Frank Metcalf treated the children to a pail of candles. HERBAGEUM DOES PAY 1 HAVE YOU TESTED IT The Omit Is only one out a day for a horse, cow hog or a beef, One-third of a cent lora calf, colt or sheep, ,o yang people of let Andrew's and lee for iambs and little piga. ,off bpd ail e & ,dn,tbe basement For Oahe+ it makes fresh whey or k. ,41.*.barEtt on Wednesday even. It .k milk equal fwd indtlgustion ; ling There was an interesting pro.clan. ooyyt worms and bot.; en- elM bU present 1154 a ,good nares s0t1, clan, healthy .kin; drives away Hoe and tieka • keeps Meth Comedy Co, appeal* the kidneys right, and he the bat baY an Prides *Wag out for scratches, 9 evening. For Cowi it It of great benefit before ,not greeted with esti large and 1learttert calving endes w�h fed ,,-....„e but those who mace there d betyr. ese 1641h ed thee show immensely. T110 /pr ,sarlteye and Layhts Nees. the WAS a ,Rood one, and con- ,cost is one cent a day for (b to 20, back and wing ,dancing, and one-third for their ohisk. It boxing, oto. Those who keeps them tree front diseases. Feed Pert to the program were as soon as tee are out of the shell. and 'Erb Smith, k'red Barri- Ask f.1' Pamir. t. at ' Mm Charles Barring, tri roes eAf. bier being modal director. A. TAYLOR - BLYTH Boera an tan gun' WATCH Boers in Full Retreat Followed by the British. London, March 7.—Lord Roberts telegraphs from Oefontein t "Ad- vaneed Maroh 7th. Enemy in full retreat, followed by oar troop. Casualties few." MOODY'S REMARKABLE LIFE. We have received a book of mash importance at the present time, from the Poole Publishing Co., of Toronto, the Life of D. L. Moody. The book is attractive, and is well printed on good white paper. Thirty-three pages of illustrations embellish its pages, covering the outstanding feat- ures in Mr. Moody's career, home life and religions experience. Its circulation will probably be very large, as Mr. M',ody had a powerful influence III Caned*, was known hero quite as well as scrota the line, and his was a potent name In thous. ands of Christian households. The book is published at 26 Dents in heavy paper cover, or 50 cents hound in cloth, is for sale at all bookstores, or will be sent postpaid by the pale fishers upon receipt of price. Every one will want to read the story of the life work of this remsrkable Does your Watch need clean- ing or repairing ? If so it will pay you to take it to a practical watchmaker in order to have it well re, aired. Ail work entrusted to me will be attended to la the most skilful manner. We also carry a complete and up•to• date lies of— Jewelry Watches Clocks Stationery School Supplies We will sell Seeds at the low. est passible prima. H. C. SMITH barn next summer. lie Intends more ing it to a more suitable place nearer the road. ...S. Rose purchased a fine young ball at Mr. Satkeld's sale.... Miss Mand Wilson, of Goderich, was man,- _ - the guest for a few days of her sister, BLYTH COUNCIL. Mire Wilson, teacher of St, Helens The regular meeting fur March of school.... A large number of young Blyth council was held to Industry hall on Tuesday evenlhg, Alt the members present, Reeve Carter in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Coun. Emigh moved, seconded by Coon. Metcalf, that the following accounts be paid :—George White, drawing engine and feeding tramp, talo ; James Barr, work on street, 88,44 ; E. Livingston, electric light for February, 134.65 ; J. W. Bali, collecting taxes and postage, 141.50; R. Somers, eatery and work, 18,83 ; Tat STANDARD, advertising and printing, -118; J. D. Ronald, fire engine supplies, 180.50.—Carried. Coun. Sloan moved, seconded by Conn. Metcalf, that the members and °faeces of Blyth fire brigade as pie• sented by the chief be accepted,— Carried. Council then adjourned. HAPPY EVENT.—A very pleasing event tack place on Wednesday evening or last week I.1 the family residence, 2nd con., West Wawanosh, when 6lartna, daughter of Thomas Nicholseti, was united In marriage to Temple Clark, of Dungannon. The ceremony was performed by Rov. C. L. Mille, of Blyth. The bride was given away by her father and Mies Mary Johnston, organist of St. Paul's church, Hensel!, played the wedding march. MIs. Emma Johns- ton, of Henan, acted as bridesmaid, while the groom was assisted by the brides brother, Sheppeid Nicholson. Little Mia Mutch acted as maid of honor. The bride and her assistanta were suitably attired in white. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the guests, nuntberhig about 60, sat down to a choice wedding dejeuner, after which they spent a very sociable evening. The preseuts were nutneroue and valuable. Westfield. NOTi s. —Mie. John Jordan has returned to her home at Roland, Manitoba, after spending a couple of months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Remick ....Frank avid Linton Rae, of Wroxeter, are the guests of their cousin, Thomas Ten- ney, et preset' t•...Thomu Kernick is slowly recovering, after being we R. 6eLLAu. confined to the house for a length of The first of March wont be forgot ttma.,,.Mimes Mary McClinton and Annie McDowell ars uttering from a severe attack tet measles.... The attendance at Westiteld isbali is very stnail at present, owing to so many of the pupils being sick with measles.... It is expected that Rev. Japer Wilson, of Goderieh, will preach a missionary sermon next • Sabbath. 1f the weather M favor- able there wi{I be a large eongre• The whistles blew and bells all rang, gation, sa the people of Westfield, And throngs of people crowded the subscribe liberally to the missionary eanse....Tiulee are dull in this vicinity on account of the severe storm, the roads being completely filled up in some place!, West Wawanoeh. Baxus.—Reeve Medd hu disposed of one of his pair of horses to a Mani- toba buyer...Hamilton Feagan pur- chased s fine young blood colt at Mr. Lawson'. ale.... Watson & Emigh, of Blyth, were through here last week looking for fat stock.... -George Howitt soid a two year old colt to Mr. Ieers for 5183....Martin Bgalren has made an exchange of horses, giving his driver for • heavy one. He thinks a light one is no use for the present roads...The farmers had to turn out and break the roads last Monday, the snow banks being as high as the fences. What do our councilmen think of having wire fences oa such roads. In former years a grant wu given, why not now. Some of the fanners have good fences that will last for some years yet to come, but with a little help from the council would replace them for wire.... The wind storm Sunday week took the big wheel off Reeve Medd', wind tent.... Thomas Bruce started for Manitoba last Thursday morning, We wish Tummy every snoeu.,..James Johnston is going to put a stone funndation under his people from St. Helens and vicinity spent a very pleasant evening at the home of W. E. Gordan on Friday Inst.—Miss Carrie Mills is visiting at present with her sister, Mrs, J. H. Medd, of Dungannon ....Mr. and Mrs, Wm. U eMutlen, of Lneknow, who have been visiting In this vicinity for two weeks, have re- turned home.... Wm. Habkirk, of Dungannon, was through here ad. vertbing the cream separator which he is agent for. , .. Wm. Finigan, of Saratoga, met wall a patnfal acci- dent two weeks ago by getting one of his legs jammed between two loge. He has been laid up aver eines but we hope soon to see him round again. Collett. COUNCIL Max'rcao.—Mallett coup• cit met in Hi11's hall, Londesburo, on Saturday last. Members all present. A numerously signed petition was handed in by James Cnrt•ight ask- ing for the crretion of a bridge eve& the Malt)and river at sideroad 20 and 21, con. 10. The request of the petition was not granted, but it was considered advisable to obtain meas- urements and aD estituste of the probable cost ut building either a wooden or an iron bridge at the locality mentioned. At lost meeting of council Wm. Hughett's tender fur 8000 feet of rock elm plank was aecepted and also the tender of Wm. Deer fur 2000 feet, all to be de- livered. The auditors' statement and abstract of the township and treasurer's accounts for 1899 were examined and passed. The usual bylaw for appointing pathmasters, fence•viewers and pound -keepers was read and passed. The fence - viewers for the present year ate Wm, Shepley, Angus MoDermid, Thomas Carbert, Richard Carter, John Fowler, George Watt, Henry Allen, John Gorier and John Fing• land. The pound -keepers appointed :his year are John Fowler, James Reynolds, John E. Taylor, George Collison, Joseph Goviq, Thomas Hill, John F, ippldit wand Alex Robinson. Connell adjourned until Saturday, April 7th, at 10 a.m.— JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk. Ladysmith Celebration at !Myth In the year of nineteen hundred, When Blyth drew out the happy lot, To publish what was thundered, Though Ladysmith was shut in grief, But now shed got her grand relief. This noted day was bright and cool, And roads were tough to march along, When all the children from the school, They all came out an army • trong, And marched our streets, and flags did wave, Because Our boys had been .o brave. street In all they looked a bappy gang Because that Ladysmith was heat, When poor old Crones had to yield. Or be mown dews right on the field. And when the meshing all was done, They formed a circle round the street In memory of the victory woe They all enjoyed a candy treat, And then sang of the joy there'd been, God save the Queen, God save the Halt Qeen. fit..s to Wm*. Good maesroat is of a teitowsk tot, does not break reedUy In ecokiagand swells to three or tone then its bre In estimating the amount et ebteken salad to be served to a company the pro - perdu ot eve lsrge chickens to 30 per sons would be a afrow, Clothes turned right side out, carefully folded and sprinkled are halt ironed. Washing trona chasdelirs removes the brume. Dust with a father brush sad a son cloth. Sandpaper will whites Ivory bandied knlvea which have become pilaw from age or nage. It le the custom to serve macaroni with tomato same as a separate course. A spoonful of vinegar added to the water In w61oh meats or towb ars boiled makes them tender. Time 11.aia. It was always aspiration rather than ambition by which l telt myself stirred. I did not can to outstrip others and be- come what b ailed "distinguished," were that a possibility, so much as I longed to answer the voice that Invited, ever re- oodles, up to invisible heights, however unattainable they might seem. 1 was oouctous of a desire that others should feel something coming to them oat of my Ute like the breath of dowers, the whis- per of the winds, the warmth of the ens - Woe and the depth of the sky. Tbat, 1 telt, did sot require gnat gifts or a line ednestlou. We might all be that to each other. And them was no opportunity to. vanityor pride is receiving a beautiful influence and giving It out again,—Lucy IAroott. Th. Oath Cas., Onions are a kind at all round good medicine. A whole onion eaten at bed- time will by the nest morning break the severest cold, Onions make a good plea ter to remove ineammatlon sad hares sea. It an onion Is masked ao as to so sure all the Jules In It It will make a most remarkable smelling atib.tance that wW quiet the most nervous person. The strength of It Inhaled for a few moments ' win dull the sense of smell and weaker the genes oath sleep is produced from sheer exhaustion. It all comes from one property possessed by the onion, and that le a form of opium. To Sae Leet Over tisk Scallops may be mad* from cold est. One egg, a gill of milk, a tablespoon or dour and bread crumbs, salt and pepper are required .for one pound of 6.h. Pick the fish from the bones and moisten with the milk, egg and apices. Put into scallop shells, cover with bread crumbs, put but- ter on top and brown in the uvea Eve she. aria serve Immedlat.tr. A Delleate batter. A wise mistress who wants to hate aad to keep good servants should herself do nal fault finding that may be required and never If possible to help It depute the task to any one, not even a daughter, es. geclalty it the latter Is young and has not bad much or any experience of house- keeplog, for servants, particularly elderly women, resent bring corrected by a dep- uty. ecru when they accept 11 with a peal grace from their mbtr... They would dislike and resent still more t0 hr,'e a tureens, of correction edit te them through a fellow eereaat. able' £.+Nide■. Many Idris wilt have noticed that As our tires advance our ambitious are apt to become more okapi,. We learn gradually to know that in smaller duties twtter fit. led to our hands Iles the greatest bappl. nee, sad the poesiblllty for fullest and richest development Almost eery girl, when she first begins to realise that she will probably never fulfill alt her girlish ambitions because they are many ot them beyond her possibllitlee. will have the le. cltuatioa to "gin up," as the chtldra a. y Phla is apt to be the beginning of real dlscouteot, and It ought to be battled with. Let s girl ogee try to fatly realise what it mesas to be the Inspiration of some one person's lite, the seashins in the darkened fives of some one or two people, and she will then underataod bow it may 611 ber lite almost to the brim with hap- einea. A unique way et serving olives st teas and receptions la to cut the meat from the stones of halt a down queen olives, chop flee, add a scant teaspoonful of dreeslug, mix and sorted on buttered breed. Urated cheese relied with dress Ing red made lido sandwiches le a favor Ire accompaniment for alsds. After luncheon cloths are the pr.ttlest things that can be Imagleed. They ars made of heavy pay Russian trash, with elaborate embrolderies of the various - traits is statural colon. The are ed for the tea table also atter the Detea has been servo. - stale bsgk%or. Thursday, March $th. Farm stock _ and implements. Lot 58 con. 8, East Wawanosh. John C. Nilson, pro- _ prietor C. Hamilton, auctioneer, Friday, March 9th. Farm stock. Lot 86, eon, 1, East Wawanosh. Wm. Kechne, proprietor. C. Hamilton, auc- tioneer, Saturday. March 10th. At the Com- mercial hotel. Blyth, 65 hoed of choice well -bud cattle la good dairy cows, 25 steer. and 25 heifer*. T. E. Walker, proprietor. C. Hamilton, auctioneer. Tuesday, March IStb. Farm stock, implements and household hunkers, estate of the late Elizabeth Webster, Lot 117, con. t2, Hallett. Wm. M. Scott and E. C. D. McCallum, executors, C. Hamilton, auctioneer. Thursday, March 15th. Farm stock and implement/. El tot 61, man, 5, East Wawanosh. John Black, pro.' pristor, C. Hamilton, auctioneer, I. F. CLAiR. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office in the Division Court Clerk's office, Blyth, every Monday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Permanent office at Brussels. WAitTiD,—Butter, 24o Trade; colo Cash. t'20,000 stock of Dry Goods, You r etc., to settee from, U. E. Kiat, Wing - ham. 9511 The Cradle. Stau'rot,—in Morris, on March 1st, the wife of Mr. Thomas Skelton, of a Con. The Altar. CLARK —NICHOLSON.—At the residence of the bride's parents, West Wawa- nosh, on February 28th, by Rev. C. L. Mille, Mr. Temple Clark, of Dun- gannon, to Martha, daughter of Mr. Thomas Nicholson. The Tomo. Taasuy ,•-In Hullett, on February 28th, Mrs. John Tamblyn, aged 70 years and 5 months. HaasINOTON,—In Hullett, on March 6th, Wm. Herrington, aged 74 years and 7 months. Letsa&Art.—In Eaet Wawanosh, on Match lith John J. Leishman, aced 18 years, 10 months and 28 days, Read every adv. in Time STAN. DARD. Ie spat an roar feel. Palms teas het Mew atn.k roe betas, bat Ws trN, v.,ath l.sa 01 earn. you NUT BR 0000 TO TOM MR.T, sad 56. bat way to do this is to w, u well -Attlee somlorbble abo s• -- — -- LL ---- — - _----- flick innot.,a Maly Ga. How We Do It . i� ouoeoo10. .,21,.a__Let us illustrate our business by yours No matter what your business or calling la, you know the power of cash In buylog, Yon know bow manufacturers halt for It, how prices go down before it. Yon know what an advantage cash gives In the matter of discounts. You know the tremendous advantage of the big buyer, the man who If he buys at all, buys largely. You know there is a great difference between the prices quoted to him and those quoted to the small buyer. Now apply these well-known busutew couditions to our business. WE BUY FOR CASH. WE SELL FOR CASH ALWAYe. WE BUY LARGE QUANTITIES, WE SELL LARGE QUANTI CIES, Anyone can see that by the orowde we bandies. Now isn't it perfectly plain that we can, and do, save money for those who buy their goods at this store. Dont be satisfied to stay away and doubt, come in and got the beneflte your neighbors are getting. —Ladies' Cloth Jackets, regular price 85 for 92.50, —Ladies' Fur Lind Capes, worth 12) for a15, —Men's Wallaby Fur Coats, worth 518.50 for 518.95. —Astrachan Jackets, worth 120 for 820. —Astrachan Capes, worth $(-i for 814.95. —Man's Fine Beaver Overcoats, velvet enlist, 5:0 for 58.50. —Shorey'+ Mb Tweed Suits, worth 88 for 56.95. The above goods will be cleared ont regardless of oat, see we will carry no goods over till another season. McKinnon Co. F31yth. WPM BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. JUST ARRIVED—A lot of new style Bedroom Sets, side- boards and Tables, which we offer at very low prices. People say that we show the fineat patters* in Tapeett•r Curren, and Table Cover. Our 82.98 and 89.97 Tapestry Curtains are besatles, Call .trod see them PICTiIRES FRAMED ON SNORT NOTICE. J. H. CHELLEW za...._BLYTH. zazzzzazznt Shabby � Shoes •Nee.ee.O NONtoeteetseooeeooi Never add to one's appearance. Soon you will be discarding your Rubbers. No! Shoes ., Will be required, and the right place to buy then is at Herrington's. Our spring styles are coming to hand now and will soon be ready for your inspection. They're beauties. No matter what you wish to pay, if it's $t.25, $1.5o, $1.75 or$2, we have the best vaiucr best quality, best fitting shoes, at above prices, made. COMM 11.1•71:0 >EME. 8. HERRINCTON _BLYTH zzzzzzza$zz GEORGE POWELL 'GRAIN, PROVISION AND FRUIT DEALER One Car of Feed Corn to Hand. GEORGE POWELL - - BLYTH Our Fall Stock 1. tan et thew caroo wsn•atns. ecme,rtable shoal. Pomo, almost hundreds of dlaueot Hun and J u as many different vetoes. Oum,. dr ,ed nee. W. J. DEMPSEY QUEEN STREET, BLYTH TIMBER MINED. 1T 1S HUMAN NATURE White Ash Sawlogs s and Kock Elnl Bolts. I will pay the highest price in sub on delivery for Round Rock Elm Bolt. 40 inches long. I will take bolts as small aa four in„ hes in diameter. Ash Logs will be taken any length and as *mall as six inches in diamrter. Aiiy person having (hill small timber can do well wit 6 it here. Call and see E. L v- ingston and get full particulars. 19 E. LIVINGSTON, Blyth The ales that see the ad. in Tull f;,• the good.. in the shop where the bargains are to be found, THOUSANDS OF EYES Srnn THE :STANDARD Ever; week. ie Tour Ad. Thaw t