HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-08, Page 3THE V 1OE CF SCOOTI foto'gen batteries of Retinae, To c ,ve fife nttar•16 curd lafife gn Ule N6'ar time uu:otcr more tulle the position and strength of tic army a consul' 'roses is bent forwnre. These are Jas, E, Payne on How iId-eructed to carefully consent totem• I, is' set es from the twiny, but accurat"• ly loot.. him 41n nater hose eight of Done, him. Atr, beret* uli ,i e.l front btu ear In mere rsant sM1M N tba HEY wEOQEO TWiNSt Mr. tret*wesgso d Ie an thus) �ar le 11/IL wIID PSE if THE FORESTS ttaa'uf saw res mss sit fi t down to date, ncludlag al Ike Os 1' t ' The Provincial Government's �p aT,cia,i i e. t les treated of facieltatee retinae.. Forest Reserve Policy '�� t M t m eh just tl r ds iP r g front of In the dosrway, or. Alf, 1ludderove's (out would touch the lower stop as the junloret tower I the upper, the And Now They Have to Face Junior hallooing triumphantly to the volume/Mei one tw, et -qts below: Many Difficulties, "Whin' got ih' pw-Irr now?' ALMOST MARRIED WRONG MAN. TIME DATTL., OeI.NB. •!_ IT IS STRONGLY PRO -YANKEE, "Wheu within 1,400 yards of the "WHICH?" enemy, the commander of the at. WHOSE WIFE IS WHICH? James E. Bayne, writing on lila use tnckhtg column deploys hie forces ie. to eer•.tione of sixteen to twenty-four 'Che story of a very romantically in - of scouts in war, says: mem titch, and mutes forward. At terestiug trouble courtship tcrmluat. "One who has pard no attention to about 1,200 yards the vetivne aro ed lest week in New Jersey In n grotty Military tactics would hardly be tleployed into User of e.Innde and double wedding, aware of the reaction that has taken advance shout 00 ynrde more I„ rho twin brides and ghee Ln the Inanftet et fightingeedor- 'when they are deployed as Wesel/M. grooms being lir. and Mrs. Edward pt DI, or in open order. In tills forma- te. ltudderow and Mr. and Mre, Roo g the haat twenty centuries. At tion the entire army front is cover- ace Derrick. onetime vibes GrecStian phale—Ibed, iI It he more practical to inane Rued/wow & Durick are prominent general—n a portion of the command In columns hardware merchants at ale Federal was the most efficient fighting ar- of fours the deployttteet In 1100 of street, Camden, N. J. Recently they ganlaatioa. In it men armed with squads Is made from that (oriental'. mare.e'.1lo.res octlaei Mimes Rose and Meg *pears stood nine Mea deep. Sur;- These hneien to align themselves Anna Afdere, the ytwin beauties of ending Ole came the Macedonian with the advance. Camden, who are as much alike as phataax, which increased the depth "In the meantime the commander rho proverbial •'two peas." The of Mies to sixteen. The Romana under wIll have ordered ep the artillery-, young men Mite begun bousekeoping Caesar Naught in legions, each num- This, going into battery at favor- with their twin brides In their new Mring 4,500 men, armed we jive:in., able points,- elevation coimmtmling twin Mutons is. Rosedale, which is n ptkae, bows and aworde. the enemv'e ixreltk)n, If such aro as euuhurb at Camden, "During the Napo:eenio wars the menhir) being chosen, begins throw- They are dainty homes, se aurao- eaav0o becalms u reveres weapon of Ing ellell Into the enemy's 11ne or en- tics as the pink and white beautlee deetruction. Indeed, Napoleon's chief gaging his nrtlllery. It may be that who are the pre•iding genluaa of dependence was !requently on hie much M this artillery work become the (tome. But there Is confusion In artillery, which, et/mpared with that neeesstry to cover or preclude an tate homes and the two pink and white el the present day, wan both crwee attack by the infantry, It be. geniuses are t'er;tablu Uremia in and clumsy. In all wars fought wail Ing desirable to cripple the foe petticoats. t fire•arme up to it very Late date, ex- us badly as possible before the as- Mrs. Rudderow and Mrs. Derrick cept with the Americana in our re- sault Is made. The firing lino now have always looked so much alike that e •s• • • • • • • • • • • • • Mrs, Carl Anders, their mother, lied A \�iN , \ \ l 1I I / ,< / / / to take them to tire window, where \ i 1 / . / tike light was etr'on est, and carry \\\\\\\\\111 i lit / \\\ \\\\ \. \ \ i 1 11 , J /// /// / on a spirited conversation before she was sure which wire Rose and which was Anna. Eometim a she would neglect this precaution. Then chaos wort reign 'termite. \4\ \\ 1' 1 1 I 11 ./ / // , f Many a time war Rose spanked be, it 1II///.'/y \\�1�L l» a w �/ /d Int' without parental permission. DEPLOYIRO A BATTALION IN LINE OF EQUAD3 TO GO ON FIRING LINK to cause Anna etch) jam from the pan- / try, and often was Anna locked n a � ���'�! i'// /,%f dark closet became hose -wont ekat nosy were a dual puzzle to their achene, and a twin disturber to their friends. Knowing 'the remota. ,etteetloaary .eeneict, it Ivan not the advances', Its soonts covering it. blame and rosining ite advantages eastern to take aiva. The fire:ock \\bon Mum moved forward about 200 and dleadvantsgus, the twine, who sae pointed le the direction of the ynrde the commander of the support- were mlerhlet incarnate, played asotgy and d eschar ed, genera}:y by Ing column pate It In motion and tricks upon their friends and upon volleys. Vassar need ekirmiehere, but closes up to within 150 yards of each other. Not even when they fell 11 �r�glag trona the number of surprises t1+e advance, NO manoeuvring ns to in love, were betrothal and married here occurred front time to time Is.! able to reinforce any pert of It did tate glrls cease the fun afforded since hit day the syetem el scouting The reeet•vc also moves forward, so by their coincidence of birth and Mint have been very inefdlc•ienl, dleposing Its forces no to be in a lay.eimGarity of features. thaeral Braddock marched au'afght orahlo position to take advntttageof They were married to the young (ate an Iodnn ambuscade and ]taut his an,y emergency, When the sector Winners partners Last night, but the army cut to pieces because he would have come within 800 yards of the mnrrtuge was scarcely an interrup- not ase scouts. Genera's Herkimer Iort enemy they await the coming of the tion to the pranks by whloh the a battle- to the British and Indians firing line, young women iniad deceptive nature. Mouse Of fatlure to employ some sere- INFANTRY RU.lD FORWARD. DUPLICATED THE MOLE. glare against surprise. • "The tearing :tae continues to ad- TBE DANGER IN SI1IIPiUSE8. 'canoe, reserving its Bre as ;ung as is The alike Insisted upon draining ex• deemed best, but exposed bodice o5 the actly alike. When Anon developed a "Tile reader of the history of our enemy may be riven a voeey or two ear, tiny mole below the lobe of the loft that civil owar wIlfew B1no the fact that thus if w•L.hin the sone of effective tiring. direct(noby afleet plied tof brown er lack paint. Wades worthy oprises f menton (luring pas The eomnnande.r of the ane designates t Ilertillon expert maid not have g the number of eel/eye. At about 800 petal of lir durntluu. Our wars tette yards the commander of the firing said which was Rose and which Anna. the Indians had Ica aroused upon our Mr. r tail, the senior member et t for d.nc orders volley tering and begins the firm, tail, blonde and 28, met ketettictendthe value atu I ..f it corpt tof goof l m a eu`ce+eton of advancing and haling, Mille Antra Anders at a party. Mies scobee stun) a rs many along Ica ortnnt Uy this time the support wilt hnv" Rose was at home /suffering equally oils In our suttee strafe v. Tit' come up with the Poing and tisanes a from tonellltle and disappointment be- changespart of ;I. To make room for ht the cause she might not go to the party introduction of the breeeeloadlug ' original line deploys to half dirtance Mr, Rudderow, of course, was smooth Canaan, with rte destructive !woke- and the support takes the same (Or- galling for that evening. lie felt symptoms of tltat acute cardiac ale Diction known as love at first eight But there was another young man present who was extremely attentive [n tact, several others—and. Llr. Rudderow thought modesty the let- ter part of determination. Ile bided has time. It rano one Sunday et, ening, when he drifted Into the Sec- ond Presbyterian Church for evening service. He saw a graceful figure in brown street dress and Jaunty hat at the end e n 1 of a w. Further n u along there P g eat a relpectable•!ookhtg grayhair• ed man and a sedate gray•hatred we. man, "It Is she with her father and mother,' he thought, and the neato symptoms in the car tutc region were resumed When the worshippers (lied out Mr. Rudderow took heart of grace, dot• fed bis het and bogged permission to walk horse with the young woman. A rosy Indignant face was turned toward him, and a trembling, Indite sant voice said: "How dare you, Sir?" Mr. Ruddorow'e cardiac region seem• ed turfing to stone, Speech deserted him. He turned toward the door \ l' t h' 1 without a lopk at the Lair Insulter, Then the voibe softened and Bald: "Good evening, Mr, Rudderow. Let mn Introduce yon to my sister, Rose" When the crest -fatten young man looked piteously over hie shoulder tae 0 g pr saw two figures In brown with jaunty hats. 'Do I see doable?" he moaned. The tunldene laughed and the young man had vidone of 'mantled, bewitch- ing brown Imps. ANNA WAS "WHICH." "W -Which ?" he stammered. "I'm which,' roaponded Atlee Anna, taking lila arm and firmly leading him to her home.. Mims Anna kindly refrained from e tppreesng her Identity, and Mies Roan obligingiy went away for a three menthe' visit, so the senior mem- ber of the firm was spared an attack of brain fever. Providence was meroi- 1al, that he had galla enough trouble with his cardiac symptorus. One evening /el a Anna and Mien Rao were the bailee nt an informal even- ing party. Both were dressed In black, Ica rare of au'dahen s:ekneee is le eel- Mise Rowe was wearing a watch and doe necessary tb send for a doctor if chain. Mew Anna's watch was at the 'a bottle¢ of 'Nervtl'sne Is to be had. For Jeweller's awaiting repalrs. more than thirty ears it has been Mr. Derrick Raked to be presented year* rt prized by Ntouwand• of gratejul mo- to filo twins, Ito devoted ed himrre►i to tiara as an invaluable remedy, spool- ?IL`ht Rose the remainder of the even - ally adapttdd for family use, and nue ng. need never (eel ansosta• so long' as 'Love is something like electricity," there le a bottle.ot It in the twos.. he said afterward, In explanation. Nerviliae tcuree tbotbache in on. "It is a feeling—I might say a voice— minute, oaraohe ands headache In two unmleflnkable. It said to me that minutes, rrampe' In five minutes. night : 'This le the wile you are look - Prompt rewrite will fallow the use Ing for. There ern be no other,' That in casae of Colin, Bore Thome, Croup, feeling was my guide. It was by that and Bronchitfe. lite marvelously pens- I knew the twin I loved and the twin totting powers makes it never falling I didn't," whin used for Rheumatism, Neural- In spite of this exalted sentiment It Sia, Sciatica, Lumbago and. pains in , wax observed that Mr. Derrick, when oho beck and side. 'For Sommer Com- he loot eight of Miss Inose that even - p aint, Diarrhoea, Stomach Dieordt'r, Ing, went about anxiously enquiring Vomiting, Nausea, eta, nothing ran for "the One with the watch." give more speedy re:Led• ub'an Nerve- A@ the neurtshlp progressed the part- ners guard,' 'flanker' and 'rear line sora had a eerlottm talk over the ser which may oomprlM one• Alth'ou. h ver ppowerful an& rapid in Mug situation. of the army, 11 41144. necessary, ". its action yet very is perfectly ARRANGE CALLING EVENINGS. ly Impossible for an enemy to 'leerealote ands can be administered to "It's a little embarrassing—when oh It unawares. thee Galant ea well as the adult, Un- ono of them comes to the door—and the army gots Into camp like many disagreeable b arra the light isn't good, and—well, you ao It again taker pre• g y P Is . understand," Bald Lir, Iksrrtnk, deeper - se attack. Ap every soh . Duple" eaat to take tn0eatdly and to rub ately. Mr. Rudderow gravely replied eely iaarded, every road over lk ie a fact that tett t cannot be aur- tint he did. a MOMtb body might advance Paled by any combination for the re- " What do you any to having even - by outposts. When rho lief 0f pain, The reason ie a good ono. Inge?" suggested the senior. announce the peeeenoe In force It' contains the best, most potent and '• Capital," shouted the Junior. enemy the advance regbnenta'•latest discovered remedies. "lie a 13,3 It was nrrnugal, the twine de. nd await the Doming up of the magic pain cure• -e'en tie's' stronger merely consenteer that Mr. Rudderow body. Aa soon as practicable t'ean any other -the meet prompt, re- ehonld call on BBtndny end Wednesday Lion of the enemy Js uncovered liable and economical household rein- evenings, end Mr. Derrick on Mpnday rsoonnoleanne of the ground in edy in the world, Said by all Druggists and Thur•eeay, Saudi" is, of course, t is made. It c'endltions prove' —large dsottbes tic, , tlo time-honored day for lovers and favorable for an attack the The Kaptanatlon. "trails opportunity far rourtsldp, but ender nt Inco dimple* his horses Mr. Derrick conceded fibs day to Mr. 'tie. fie dh•I.0 kir stray into Gliee—Statlettee show that fewer Rudderow becaum of hie priority In parte, designating which shall mon f111 drunkards' graves than In the eonrteh'p, anal levee.* the junior .e bks ftting One, which the art former year. n iwoye, ow ss rxunel.irinn of deference nil which the reserve. The first Milee—Whnt's the ranee — world to the senior miter of n firm. {teammate,' tettetetra uf tee gruwutg betted It wag ngrml that Moth might call Ss exacta to bring on the "No; I guns eremation has some. of S'ttbrtlay evening, with the pro. keno The cavalry b mafioso- tiding to do with It."' view that the pro who arrived first to as to prevent flank move- by ove might, w!th hit Inamorata, ooenpy the the a the enemy. Ftt brigade utdeehais women tireeand everywh everywhere learmen rting the +ttng-room withe th r hit prtepeet) eaving to rhride —I it three. c, A btigu al lot tttpee t'egimenty ut Swot" great benefit to be derived from the and lt.r Dimly. In oortsequrnee there Wei each. to regiment Wnieo use of WIler'e Compound Iron PUB. was a record made for promptness ipso bpbtnikals of four coca- cover before equalled. The young men uN hrlwvde llalaotry)cottt- Energy is power Judgment; Judi- were 50 prompt that they were al. nienst 7000 fighting men. It meat le the regulator that now 'ways at the Roytien street home be- ared by three et leer Mugu the puwse. took $s7 wets ellpecjed, g11515111M Weis, of the magazine gun with, a tra- *tory of two and a half miles, hate. likewise conspired to produce import. ant modltleattone of our tartlet of attic* and defence. Our systein now Wt surprise. a'perfect protection ngaln,t The expo,ure of ae few own as posible to the fire of the enemy : preehdar and celerity of mevemcnt full cooperation of supporting lino le attack or defence. Frequent rifle pear - toe, too, are soma or the things that make it perfect. Our manual is elm The showy 'right whorl' of Sitott an Hardee lies goon way to the H because it l r' byReed, Imc.a m e 'r t turn' Ins' I into 1 left b file n 1�t er. 'On f oleo Y agl eluted by twos, le now 'left front MO bee; executed by tours and dune W about half the time. "On the march ow army takes no chanes of a surprise or unevpeetnl atM01r• Protected in flank, front and seer by throe wary feelers called •AVO Q gro•.droye►'''"•••00 to ,r 4. telt AN t ,stitto suntan either to right or :eft, nrrord- `ng to its pain in ctivielan battle line. At 500 yards the advance by rushee is ordered. Rushee of tiLy or sixty yards ore, made ai:ernately by sec- tions. Those sertlons not le the rush maintain a heavy tire, from rover, un- til (be rushers have reached a goal, when ;bey in turn spring forward and, passing the athero twenty-five or thirty yards, go to cover, kneel or lie down. This me',hod is pursued until everything Is In readiness for the tina: he aur eons tile e¢nlime I charge. In n m g ie:el hospital out - node ' shad n f t u have a .ab.. P node the zone d the enemy's fire and nn emergency station as chis up to the firing D:ue as is practicable. When men begin to fall they are borne away on stretcher) by the hospital corps. The desperately wounded are taken to the emergency station, tee /slight- ly hurt to the f;,shd hospital. "Pp In the front the continuous rale firing, with rapid detonations of arti�.lery and huratlag ahel(a, denolee the rr;u'n of the battle. A fresh re- g anent from the reserve goes forward lin double tihne to re -enforce the ad- vance. As goon as the re -enforcing rolumn ham merged !into lire firing rue, now w e to close proximity to the enemy, the order, "'lo the cbargel' es Bounded and, danh:ug forward, ra!a- Mg the yet, the boys her blue go over the enemy's lane, drive him pe:lmeit from hist position and the battle is won. The enemyhas been gine no op- portunity lb spring a surprise or set an ambuscade. The keen -eyed snouts have made all that ' alible and the h m .tmpxa a e condJtlbns bus been snob that the best men and the beat taetee win, t ,Wi'tb long range Dannon and the brag range rifle in vogue I would say that our Amer:ran taotioa and strategy excel all others." •.4 s yf 1 ,PIR �p, ✓ tleMNttMr ,r00 1' att MAIMl40DY F SCOUTS ON THE MARCH. Family Medieine Ghost, The way to avoid big doctors' bills is to al- ways ems • bottle of Polson'' RervIIlae on heat, ready for ase. Wise mothers never go to bed at night without trot knowing fiat where 10 plaeethelr band an•'Morsillae"In case or ea emrgeney. When the double wedding tookpiace the offieiating minister, Dr. \Villain Boyd attempted to marry Miele Anna to Mr. Derrick, but was iuterrupted by protests from all four anxious -to - be -married young people. The brides both turned pale under the imminence of the cateetrophe. lbr once their spirit of mischief was relegated to she back -ground. The guests enthueiaotical'ly congra- eulated the brides. ''I've known your husband all hie Ole, dear Mrs, Rud- derow. Ile is a (splendid fellow,' said a etbut, frank, elderly woman to Kra. Derrick. "You've done better than your 'rater. Not but what Mr. Der, rick's all right." • "1 think so, indeed," said Mrs. Der- rick, turning her back upon the non- gratmistor. Now that the wedding, which took place in the Rudderow home, is over, and both couples are settled in their own homes, there are still blunders arising from mistaken identity, Mrs. Rudderow ran to the door to meet her busband one evening and heard him exclaim, "My angel 1" 10 her rester, who was crossing the yard, "How do you lake me in iiia dress," Mrs. Rudderow smLingly said, es her brother -In-law entered the Derrick parlor. Mrs. Derrick entered In time Ib hear her husband declare that he woe addressing ":Oke sweetest wo- man in the prettiest dress in the world,' and to ane Mrs. Rudderow narrowly escape an embrace. "You ought to keep the pallor bet- ter lighted," was Mr. Derrick's be- wildered apology. "Bow du we know our wives apart?" maid $Ir. Derrick, tlaougittlu:ly. T th.nk Roae Is a little bit stouter and livelier." And my Anna emilea oftener and has a gold filling in her upper front' tbath," says Mr. Rudderow-. M'iter's Compound Iron Pille will build you up. Tltat nervousness amt sleepleances will disappear, the color tYll return to those pale cheeks, and goon! spirits and energy will bo yours. THE NEW ENTERPRISES. Hamilton the Centre of Manu- facturing Activity. THE SMELTING AND REFINING. (Toronto Gloles.) 13.amlltoa bids fair to become the Sheffield of Canada. The Meet Fun nate company, whose works were started tour yeare ago, has been re- organtred to manufacture steel as well ns. pig iron, and rolling ntllle are also part of its sohomo. It Is expect ed that the new works will be soar pieted shortly, and when they are ready a Inrgo numbctr of men will find employment. But the shareholdere of the coca pany, who include twenty or more of the wealthiest men n Hamilton, have a more ambitious project under way. 1t la prolosod to organise a com- pany, which will have a capital of *10,000,000, to build and operate blest furnaces, steel works, rolling mil c n e r captivity Is and refill rte+' with a e t 1 5 to produce and treat S O 1 (10 1 duo r 0 to ,0 tons of pig iron per day. The charter for tide company has been applied for, the plans of the works are nearly ready, and It Is expected that the enterprise will be well advanced this year. The same men '%Ins Leve joined to- gether to esttubltelt Iron and eteel works are also Interested In two or threo other projects. The erection of a plant Inc refining zinc ham been undertaken, and is explanted to be In operation soon. The process to be employed Is the invention of Dr. Carl Ilnepfner, of Germany, and has been for the last two or three years m we at the works of Dr. LudWtg Mond, at Winningtoet, to England. Suppliee o1 ore will be obtained from Alliumetto Island, In the Ottawa Inver and prob- ably also from the new! Ono mines opened Inst year north of Lake Pu• perlor. An enterprlee ►f etill greater Im- portance, which' owes He Inception to the policy recently announced by Pea mler Ross, le aha seinbl, g of works to refine nickel tree. With. In the last meekeabtt eta have boon signed under which In a year hence more of these metals will bo relined in Hamilton from matte, of the Sud• bury ores than the whole of the pres- ent production of the mines of that region. Commencing with the Jet of September next, ten tone of matte carrying not lees than 40 per cent, of nickel and copper will be aupplied to tate refinery daily, and on tho drat of each succeeding mouth the daily supply will be Increased by ten tone until at the beginning of tho sixth month it will reach sixty tong per day, The pr0ceas to be adopted is also the Invention of Dr. Hoepfner, and Is claimed to be well adapted for treating Sudbury ores, It is in use at Pnpenburg, In Prussia, where the Inventor Malmo it Is producing one to one and a halt tons of fine nickel per day. For theca refining works, both of which will employ the electrolytic method, the city of Ilamllton Is well situated, owing to the large supply of electricity It commands. The same capitalleto who have developed electric energy from the water -power of the Weflland Canal are (deo Interested In the refining works, and, ae so often happens n the history of Industries, one enterprise serves to build up an - outer. The outlook at present Is for a very substant!al enlargement of the works for producing electricity, for witch purpoeo the water, of the Wel- land River will b tapped and brought down over the Niagara escarpment. $100 Reward, 14100. The reader@ of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Ie at least one dreaded disease that sci- ence luta been able to cure In all its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only pa eltive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a condi. tutlonnl disease, requires a onati• tntional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure le taken internally, toting di. reedy upon the blood and means surfaoas of the 'eyetom, thereby de- etroying the fonndntfon of the dia• ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the roma tution and neuleting nature In do - lug ite work, The proprietors have NW! i:t to varatase lusty• era ' that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any can that it fallen cure. Send for list pt testlmonialt, Address, F. J. CIIENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Poli by Druggleta, 75e. Hall's Family Pills are the best.. "He's a lbleving foal, I hear he skipped off with 100." 'eNo• it wns 1560 ,000." "You don't say 1 Pretty clev- er h'e'eler, eh 1" WAS SAVED r forth, bringing tba need .p,_ c* tames ury Investigations glade V u maug issgt. , embraoing all t'6e Had Suffered fop Nearly 12 Years With anaemia. Severe Headaeh e•, Heart Palpitation, Nervousness and Extreme Feeble- ness Made Her Life Miserable—tier Doctor Told Her She Could Not Recover. Doctbrs have Sven the Greek name anaemia, meaning "bloodleaeneas,'to a disease whlolt is much more pro - valent among young nvomen than it generally bellowed. In id, early sieges the dinette le not marked by any decided symptbms, and oSLen makes considerable advance betbre its presence Is noticed. A feeling ct fatigue after alight exercise, breath- leuaaneu and pallor oft the taco are the fink noticeable signs. Unless there is pror$pt and efferlive treatment the disease then makes rapid progress', and the victim presents every appear- ance of gang into a decline or eon- eumpttOn. Theontyeueoeesful method of treating anaemia is to build up the blood, and the beat medicine in t'ho world ter this purpose is Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Was Ade:ime Dumas Le one al lee thousands s.0 young ladies who can testify to the efftosey of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in oases oG anaemia, Mime Dumas resides wb til her parents on a Harm near Lintere, Betties Co., Que. To a reporter who called upon her Dar dile purpose of getting tote par- t'Lculars of her Wineae and cure, Mime Dumas sell: "Since I was abate /sixteen yeare of+ age t have been n5:- ing more or least bu3 for e. long time, excepttier periodical headaches', the trouble did not seem various. About t'wo yeare ago my nava began to na- tures an alarming ,nature. The head- aches rams watt greater frequency, '1 became very pale, and the sI:ghteet exertion watld leave me breathless. i' pried several medlkinee, but instead of finding benefit+ 1 was eteaddiy growing wbrae, nn'eet at haat 1 wee unable to do any household work, arid !had tb ea in n chair tamest the ens ?e day. I had now become ex- t'rentely nervou'e, and the least noise would sal ney heart wildly palpitat- ing. 1 had neither desire nor relish for food' and the doctor who attend- ed me p;neay mid the trouble was in- curable, and that he could do nothing more for me. I did no: despair, how- ever, bu't' treed, other meitietne,s•, but still without relief( and then I Egan to feel that death only would release me teem my ,suffering. A;' this time it friend brought' me. a newspaper in which was oho story 0! the cure of a girt whose syrup bene reseanbiedmi'ne, through the too a Dr, Williams, Pink Pills, and urged ^ta tb try teem. 1 sent for a box, init they did not seem tb 'help me, and L were afraid they would prove like otther medicines, not suited to my case. My parents in - Meted that P should continue their use and my fetter got two boxes more. Betere these were ell used 1 had no longer any doubt' tbat they were 'helping me, and t procured an- o:her half dean boxes. They eorgr leth vl restoredhealth, and I um P Y my able, to go about and do work with an ease L 'Nave not' enjs red for yeare before. I t'h(nk Dr. Weems,' Pink ]'ills are a great' blessing to the sick, rind I always urge my friends who ore not well to take them, and' 1 will he glad i4 this statement is the means of bringing new courage, end health to anme other sufferer," Familiar Experience. "Din's this delightful," said the Sweet Young Thing at the picnic, "It's a new senantitn for you to take your al fresco, I dare say!" ''Not at all, masa," /aid Mr, Fel- brireeelormerly Rusty Rutin— fa,ti- diouely bole/bine away an ant. "When one travels about a good deal, 515 'I once did, one gets—er—accustomed to alit sort of thing," Then he changed the subject. immediate Relief For Cold in the Heed. Miss Relapp k Brown, et Annan, writes "I bus aeon l'atereboapnt) nd he a tgatod 1t anti 0 _epltataatory. It eI l h Ie tlNldiat1 relict to oletylot In aha head apd f bave 1tYlad 1t a egmpl eurofor Cate ozone le a new method of t arantaad to ear Cate same sad Colds. II, 6iNatbe , medicated air; it does the shat. A �e ppieasaut and effective treatment, Hold by all druggists. Trial outfit Bent for ten in utamps by ?d, C. POLSON & CO., Kingston, Ont., croprtetera Tips for Advertisers. To do blueness right—treat people right. The right use of right Ideas—ex- plalne the whole secret of success( Make a constant study of man and methods to avoid frictions with your fellowmen. The time to change your ad. is not when 1t to paying you, but whet It le not. To be strong you must bave good appetite, good dlgesticn, and good as- similation. Miller's Compound Iron Pille bring all these. Jokes of the Day. No, sur I" exclaimed Caady. "It's no airy job t'.be a millionaire.' "Is 1t just crazy talk ye're making?" ''No, fur. I manna it. Shure, it ye're a millionaire an' don't give ail yer money away they call yea stbingy ould theta; an' 1f ye do they'll say y'' had t' do 1t t' square yereel' wid the I Lord. No, Sur; I'd not be a miniona'ro fur a thousand dollars!" Itt Newittery Hasmpshire, mornin=g." rode eM to Kthi'I Native—Whose boat did yc hate.'! "Boat? Nobody'@ boat. 1 ends—un horseback," Native—Silo! Why didn't y' say' 30 rid?' "Snagaby watt afraid 1, ons grow - Ing weary of the club, and ha took heroic troatmettt to ht'Istg bat'k Isis liking for It." "What dld he do"" "Got married." "1'm d eubecrlher to your palter," sari the man wise' head wns boweat down by rraxatt of a boll on the back of hie neck. ^1 came In to make a re- quest " "Writ." r' plied the editor, "what clot ,i„ a '1 want to know If you can't post your war tlsovrrithle troublea little ter of mine.down until I a' __ wire^I met an old acquaintance toes yon')rival for my lt r. bleeker. Ton remember he I(,teband—Yee; i hate that man. Wife—You shouldn't hate him Just because he used to love ane. Husband—Olt, .that Isn't the reason. I hate hint because he didn't marry yek e t wl interest by the inereaeing oleo ei people wbo stake an active omits kr THE WINDBREAKS ON FARMS. Phe 'abject of sorest preservation, epor it be read with pleb (and wibl, in addition, be valuable as The annual report of the Clerk '01 a work of reference in regard he dm - Forestry for Ontario .for 18119 has bee legislation end management. Jost been issued, and to of , epeolal value and interest In view of she ad• vaned p of cy of tike Provincial tlov erutuent In regard to forest preserva- tion. Treating of the progress of for - miry In Ontario, the report dafluee aclenttllc forestry as the growing of wood crops for profit, from whlolt etandpont the Cxp•n Ire and mail - military (orstry•tyntem of Germany s out of the question In tltlr country, where o:,ly at e mptratic.ly Milt Par* Lott of tits crop nes it market value. Itt Ohtar.0 the territory to be oper- atella largo and labor high, NO that the planting of tram on a large mole could not be undertaken with a vlew to satisfactory financial returns. But there ire no need to toltuw this plan, as, 11 fire is kept out, the Lorcet crop •re•seed itself. The first thing to be corm is to toe that areas of land suit- able for tree-gruw,ng are permanent. ly secure.l (or that purpose, confining actual planting operat.oua to well shattered blank spores as lawn failed to seed readily, and eo to man- age the cnttng of the stand - ng crop as to insure a continuance of the right sort of tree'. Mush land hag been fettled that would have beau better left in forest, and 1t hoe been found by exp.:rlehet tat (oualdet-awe areas can to more prot.tably devoted to growing trees than to any other crop. The Forest lte'eervee Act pro- vides for retaining such land In the panda of the Government, and le tho ttdtlaI step in preparing for a rational system of forestry under whish other- wise, unproductive land( shall produce for all time eueees,ite timber crops. 'the report goes on to point out that the original forest is by uo meats nearly exhausted, as there are still vast quantities of pine on licensed Janda to be cut, which will ,yield a stead revenue. Of the 20, - THE CHIEF MAN orlRARCII. President Loubet Still Image for e Farmer's Life. Mrs. Crawford eontributea to Good .Wards as interesting article on the Preelident of the French Republic. She Simko oho diatoms in M. Loub•t traits. of Donee as be appeared 10 hits Sabine farm: " The dispootti,sa of the President, like thane f the mat ftnlahed of the Latta poets, la seamy. 11e is moral without being eeasorioue; attentive to bueinees yet of en easy -Seip/ philosophy, which has keep insight into eaeentiels. Ho is a kladtr neigh• tor, was always a Mend, of liberty, ant, liking to live out ilia own Iib air cording to his natural bent, would gladly extend lila freedom he to other, What sufficed hie regal ancestors, would suffice hen, even now. lie was thrown out of their groove Ig' catinmal willreer fat they and hams 1� bottom of bile heart t re- verted to Lt. Luxury to ilia Loubat is a dull, heavy bond, AG Iaubet doom not complete of hie lot, but hu boa the seise of disap- poiatment which a armee& wrestles gives." He wanted to be a farmer, but bis (ether made bleu a lawyer. Yet we aro told: "The Preddent longe tor rural111e —not Ile as in a chateau, but in s yeoman's homestead. At an sgrieule tural show lost spring he fell la with some Dauphine formers, and wail the same old 'Monsieur Emile' whom they had known at Montelivar. 'I auto pose,' said one of them, 'you are now fixed for lite in Parlit' 'Not i I live more than seven years, should I re. , grain President no long. I do not In. toad to 'tend again. \Vbat I Egg for and mean to do is, when I _quit y Elyse', to go to ead my lite of Mar - 000 square mules of terrltbry now un- sanoe on the old farm.'" Marianne, der license to lumbermen a great which is oa rising ground beaked by part le unfit for cultivation, the pro- • forest, sad fifteen miles east from sent syetenn of fire -ranging renders Motttclienar, is where M. Loubet wee much of it comparatively sate from born, the formerly prevalent source of da- A11 M. Loubst's friend' and neigh• etruetton, and if' not settled or bore rejoiced at bis election to the squatted on there Is no reason why I'rcrca ieney. The only member of his It should not Veld a revenue so long ismer circle who did not was his mo. ae It is kept' in timber and properly ther, She felled to vee blow bis belis worked. President would conduce to his bap. Some details are given concerning pines, The President U still as da the (break reserve set apart in the. elle ae a child in obnylog his mother, Counties of Addington and Front -i for whom he hoe a great affection. enar, oonnpe.Ang about 83,000 acres One of hie first thoughts ea being which has been burned over and la Gamed President wan to seed her a now being largely re -clothed by a phptograph, enlarged' to lite rise, sad vigorous growth of your ,j pine in a handsome gilt frame, to be ung trees, standing as thickly in,; soma' up in her parlor. Wbea he was localities as 000 to the acre. Mr, sedent of the Senate she vel busy famehwort'h estimates that making baking the week's bread as he ups allowance for the increased value of pectedly dropped le from Paris. 880 pine is the future the value of this asked' him to watch' the oven while timber, if caretuly preserved, ecawe she was arkangling to add sometblag 60 years Prom now woa.3.i- 5250 an to tae Moldy dimer. M. Loubet Bled. acre, or twenty millions fee the whole Molly pet on her wide blue apron asd tract were it art equally well wood- sat pat.eattly attending to the loaves ed. This, however, is net Ole case, until relieved," , but he considere 510,000,000 a safe estimate, against which, of course, ANCIENT W108. must be set the cat of tire proteo- tion, etc. This area is now under and Mirk walnut are being sown in AetldclslWise Was Mach Used lathe (breetry management, Add bickory Classic World. the vacant apnoea. A portion o/ Nile'report te devoted to windbreaks and (tearer bolts on farms, the planting of which, is re- comnae,ud'd as a protection to tale sown crops, and the utility of which bee abundantly been proven fram ex- enience. There are alto some prac- tical directions Mr tie planting of shade trees on streets and highwaye. a practice which Is fortunately be- coming much mare general than fbr- merly, Dr. W. Brodae contributes an article on the destructive tent cat- erpU?ar,which has wrought eo much devastation among foreign trees, and points nut thea the pest is 'Reap- pearing before - tie peraeitee which prey upon it. The conn oils croon of the doe The Bret wig mentioned la history 1 anti goat's din was ads on of s m t 0 Saul, r f was worn by the daughter K1 of Israel. gays the Chicago Dalry N•wa. In the eon% of Italy the first ar• Odic' wigs were mud' for the Gap. Ininee, who lived to Apulia, and were knows for the luxuri a of thelr toilet, Theis people wore. they say. the first who painted their (apse; this they did will. the Juice of straw. berries. Xenophon rite that little Rr• rue, when he s Jetted Aetyags, hie grandfather, whose eyes were framed in blue paint, and who wore an en- ormous is ie, threw himeelf on his knees nal cried: "0h, mother, what a benutdul grandfather I Laval" ument La a his -o0 crown timber I'hre'rrirtnn women, who were proud, regulstiona fro he days of the of Ilex hair, havhsg been ordered by early Frenob regime of the pre- terit til,',r griefs to offer It up on the g alines dcdiented to Venue atter the set time, co ed witjt much care- !r,,th of Adonis, obeyed, but with Out research frblrt all nte!lable public on+rut»ring Soon they were consoled records, allowing the gradual Bevel-' i,Y ;t Areei merchant, who told them otmsnt of the preeont system of tent he would give them the meaty Crown Lands maiaagement. ?deny ,.f hiding tlselr brad paten under luso• intereabtng features of a Learn l tit tenni earls, In hilt chariot !b had character are brought out. It will hundreds of wigs d ail colors. no doubt surprise many to learn tit Wigs were att vogue to Rome toward the very outset that the Br'tish the and of the republic and w well ruler of Canada were extremely, '+o made that Ovid aaye : "Nobody weld licttoue ter the preservation of teem' int- tell 1f anyone she's hair was seal or bor. The earliest instructions given :taut:' to floe. Murray, 05 Quebec, is 1753,' ',anionic peasant. were the pro• laohude orders to reserve proper videre of blonde hair for rich R mem quantities of land in each township prinoeesee, *10 loved the eonse it of Paid out, to be kept permamently in Ike flaxen hue with thele bitch am. timber. Repeated lnatructions ware They even -had morning wiget email given to other Governors to maintain and tightly curled, of any o01or, I d threat reserves In the vcalitiee lsest' kept the beautiful fair ones te wear adapted'for tits purpose, but untortu•1 when reotiilti yhelr admirer to LIN natoly they were never carried into. evening. Messalltl-d bed 150 white to effect. Tjle growth of the system disguise herself. 05 ttcenaing lumbermen is traced atop by step showing, how the privi- Effect of a Sudden Cheek. lege at one time granted freely to navy contractors as gradually made "Speaking of large habits" re - 11 means of increasing the revenue, marked Mr. Meeker, animatedly, ne more and In. re outsinnlial considf the conversation became general, 1 Bratton being dem;rndc,l by the Gov- knew a couple of twine once, patted erament, and rrgu'tll. ns of increase, Iierklnal, that weighed—" Gil stringency a't'd'tt'ti• At that lastest he oaagbt tb The vi, isni odes .e' the lumber trade atony glare of Afro. L[eeket'a ,7S, and rho iwp..rt:,nl controverale.and turned in his direction. vexed ire,: tans affecting it which "—Four pounds l" wt elleet,reauve Dilllna to time, such as agitation, and the 20tth part of and he said faeoofnd. t pawing the DANGEROUS TO STOP A COJJ6II. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine toes Deeper and Cures the Oold—It is Prompt and - Thorough in Action. Cough mixtures are almost as numer• nus as drug stores, and many of them aro decidedly dangerous, lasing pre• pared by perr•oav not qualified to pro- scribe the proper treatment for rlie• case. True, they stop the cough. But atbpping the cough is merely remov- ing the wnrtsbag which nature gives of the trouble wathln. And, besides, a cough le etoppetl by opiates that deaden the nerves and ruin the. stomach. In contrast with the numerous b'x f ere.< •''rt iced to atop a cuugat, n at. no make it more difficult for the system to throw off the cold, Dr. Cbnee'e Syrnp of Linseed and Terpcntlne statute as a sienttfto preparation, the rcription of. AmerIt•n'e Greatest eidan.; It thoroughly enrol r0111and cough together by helping on expeMoTat'on; loosening the tight - nae In the cheat and freeing the holy of tike mate shatter r wilds must be dteeharged before cure ran be effected. By atoppteg this discharge and mak- ing 1t hint's difficult to cough, many remedles oris' the disease deeper and the effort rtpended in trying fesCough teare the ,t 1 cots linings of the Writ and brroIslnl tubes and meta up COW gegtion of the lunge. go I,mg an Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin - Bee I and Tnrpentno la used (reale ti'•re le no danger of a cold develop - .g Into twelves lung trouble. It hexa the irritated nlr passages, keels the II rough loose and radically cares taw l cold. IIII Dr. Chnee'" Syrup of Lin'ea'l and Turpentine is the safeguard against pneumonia and conttimptlon ht scores of thonsande of homes In the Vatted Stater and Canada. It to mother', tavorlte meetly for croup, hrollehitde, whooping cough, a@tlma, catghir colds nod throe writ.ti att. :?iii veuto a 10t• ON; Berney size, three times no much, 00 ante; nt all dealers, or Idols.* PM, Batas & t'o,, Toronto Cold in the bend andenterre nre protoptty and tltorourthly enrol by Dr. Chase's Catarrh Caro, 25 eente N i pelf ; blower free. , ; r