The Blyth Standard, 1900-03-08, Page 2+l.
War Office Gives Out the Good News
Officially e
and by noon Glowed; of persons
blocked the many epproaehew to that
grim Wilding. It wax a ,tense, black
mass, onmpouell cldefiv of Wellness
men, the majority of them cnreeing
tittle tenon Jacks, Never before wax
there melt a sale of flags Re to -day.
Through tide cheering thrn)g there
was only ole avemr open to traffic,
and then was utilize -1 et' the 'huseee
Wing from stet to west.
,ill ttnttie in other dlrectione war
stalled for hears. The only way to get
cost the/derision Howse was by mown
(ng the 'buses, which Moen began to
menthe/ chariots ie a trlemphni
pageant. Stock broken, hnnkers,
rerke and workingmen clambered on
top, and, as the 'buses lumheree past
the h'sVtrir building, they steed up,
waving (lege, hats, and handkorrhlefr,
and calling for cheers for Buller and
Roberta, A m'gltty shoat nuswere'l
them from the erowdx through wheel
they neer' peeling. The emcee/eon
brought a conttnuoux cheer, yet the
erowi never tired of Arming every
time the name of White, Builer or
Roberta wax mentioned, and uff went
hats and up went the flap. Grave old
fhtanclers waved ns elgorout/ly and
yelled as frantically as the whine
who bad clambered the Metnx:on steps,
[Jus expressing their joy that lid-
tabt's honor had been enved. The strain
Pon 118 DAYS
had kept the nation In anxiety wax
removed. Tito Lord Meyer 'showed
Memel! at a window nit of wlub'h
!lung a huge City Imperml Volunteer
flag, end the crowd etralcd for u
louder yell. Staid magnate's grubleet
flaring pester4 from nowebeye, and
brawn/Mee "Lndyemith Relined 1" to
the roaring throng.
All thought of bushiest/ wee foe
gotten. Nothing could be done en
the Mta'k leechango, except 10 sang
"God Wave the Queen," and torleeer.
Business elas0d at 1 o'clock. No
one wanted to trade on xueh n day
no this, The o(,res put their shut•
tars up and gave their employees e
holiday, (treat 'insigne flouted 1n
the sunlight from huedretix of hu4d-
lage, end Polon Jade. lit up the
murky city windows.
.end Flags Fly All Over Great helloes
Orders were given ro ring .he great
bell in S:, Paul's this evening. '11:,'
(301t end Ives es euth'tjs!nalic though
not quite so domonatrative as the
c`.:y. The stately 1breign Office sr
far demlayed large Union Jarks 10,01
:he eeadowe.
A Cob!net meeting Was held and as
the members met at the entrance 1u
.be Foreign Office they exchanged the
it amen (tonere tulale n.s.
Crowds b'oeked the War Oft'eo lob•
lives, struggling to see for ll(emrelvea
Lha announcement of the glad (''1-
engs and cheering for Orn. Dueler,
Lord Dundonald and seller heroes of
rhe hour,
Outsele Marlborcugb House, the
London res:dense of the Prince of
enemy. I all) Wales, a large and jab:dant crowd
From ohne mut of the Metropoa to
the other J,y reaped supreme, and
Masten; was everywhere flying in the
bright March moping. Scarcely en
omnibus panned through. lbs 'happy
attest, but what hod tied to the
driven' whip a Unlnn Jack or red,
whLb► tend blue streamers.
A11 over the Vatted Kingdom these
mimes were enacted.
At Glasgow, Liverpool, Bhrmhtg•
ham, Edlnfinl'gk tad hi all the rifles]
Official Despatch Came From Gen.
Lyttleton's Headquarters.
SOW* Work Was Iieraoshoi--Brillloot capture of Pleler's nql---Baas
Olivae Prow JWwwewm Wilke Loss of So Killed, to Wounded mrd
hoe tWrM(-Genniny Will Not Meddle -Rumor of Dlagraaafu
tiatAlMt of BMA Prisoners.
Iondon, March 1.
War Office, London, March 1.
War Office officially announces
that Ladysmith has been relieved
London, March i .-----The War Office has
tented the following despatch, dated L'ttic-
's Headquarters, March i : General
Dundonald, with the Natal Carhineers and a
composite regiment entered Ladysmith last
night. The country between me and Lady-
• smith is reported clear of the
. moving on Nelthorllt'.
'l4opdon, March 1. -With such utter.
otlamlm, says a special come•
jelegrsphtng from Peebles
ender date of Feb. 27th, one
"Oppose that the Boers would
elestroysd theft guns, small acme
and *m* onition before anrrendering.
Tbs ally thing Injured, however, wag
a Ylokaea'Maxlm piece. which Ita(t
hit by a British shell. A British
0*4 nine Belted' soldiers, who
-ppltr'iaanera, had been provided with
mit was by the ifoers, and kindly
. 'x_.
leers inquired anxiously whe-
ther illeenitenteln wan in possession of
the Brltbb.
the order came for the Boer
to prom the river to the
esmp they took all that they
earn' of melt thing" am pots,
'and blanket., throwing thee
In two heaps, that gradually
to huge proportions. M
Rod his been swollen by a heavy
the Boers toot off their trousers
'a "Waded aloe. The mew looked
11* play rather than war. The men
Illielkhrideind splashed each other from
water, out among them were
M grim faces, which looked with
fever 00 sash sportivenese.
term inaction are held by our temps."
Colesberg 1s Ours.
Beeshtlrg, Feb. 28. -Gen Clemente,
escorted by a sgtradron of Inn!akll-
lings, entered Coles/berg this mord-
ing avid rewired an entemeleatic re-
ceptbom. 'he Boers are ItO.ftt'1 retreat.
A somber of teatll:ng as hare been
arrested. Tile tababvnnt* are well and
not starving. They have suffered' many
iudignitiee as the handset the Boers,
but no viola re.
Abeam( Prisoners.
Tontine, March t. -Taw Pleter)nar.
!ensure eorrrspondett of the Daily
Telegraph, under date of Tuesday,
says: "MT. Outridgo, a, contractor,
who reside" at Dundee, after being
kept In imprlsanment fit Pretoria
for five weeks, wax put beyond the
Portuguese border. lie (exl•ribee the
treatment of the Deftest' prisoner',
as dlagraeeful. Fever had broken
out before he lett, and a Boer doctor
told him that the Governmett would
not at'ow adequate medical 4)013-
pltem: '
Wants Rhodes' Wumoads.
Loudon, March 1, 4.15 a. m. -Mr.
Gibson RowIoe, Conservative member
of Parliament for King'a Lynn, who
was mach struck by the etatoment
of Mr. Cecil Rhodes the other day.
The Load Mayor wired Lady Boller that the profits of the. De Ileacs
a* fellows: 'My sineereet oongratu. Company last year were 112,000,000,
lotion' on your gallant husband's and that their diamonds In KImber-
aehlerement." ley were now valued at 11167,000, in -
He also ordered a holiday for the tends to auggeet to Mr. Balfour, Fleet
elty eebgegg. Later he answered by lord of the Treasury, that the ren -
s apeseh'i1jhe demands 0f the crowd eu0( property be diet/Dieted among
thvbiineregeee se the day wore on. the troops, as *llnage, or at least
a new, makes our hearts Imp be applied to the relief of the wid-
tor Joy,' • slid he. "We are now loathe. owe and methanol of the fallen.
11s4 teat our merlffee of blood and ---
testature he not in vain" LONDON CELEBRATES.
Seers Admit heavy Lass.
reit, Cape Colony, Feb. 28.
admit that their loser
Brabant recaptured James.
A were 40 tined, 12:! wounded
400 mining.
times!. Makes Captures.
leaden, March 1. -The 11 fir officer
reeeired the following despatch
lies! Roberti: "Pastedeberg-
rtaine-:feneral (Temente re.
t oa hearing Colerb erg he
permuted he emits torp,, to ts:-
cdeaberg Jnnetlon, and rode Into
, where he reoeivei an en -
welcome. He secured a (ter.
amadmt of ammunition, aerated
Mal rebels, and then returned to
t ITe reported the railway
eheae and working to Lenewelew.
1wtM t1g. He will [report tomorrow
ea i0 few .culvert' which have
blaan blown op, (eieiberg and (tiler.
Everyone Went Nlld ()vet/ Lady-
adysmith's Heller.
Loudon, March 1. -When the news
of the relief of L'tdyemlth beteamo
generally known London literally went
mad with joy, and throughout Eng-
land the simnel witnessed hove no
parallel In the memorise of this gen-
eration. The pent-up jubilattsn at tie
relief of Kimberley and the defeat of
emnje could no longer he t'ontrolled,
end with t0-day'o crowning triumph
Ile not ":1:ti trait .t Hdf n• trst't a00
thrown to the wind.. The Lard Mayor
0f Iondon immediately
IT" to Generale Whit. anti Boller, and -
when the Queen reeelvnd the news at
Windsor the bells on the curfew tower
of the eaatle wore rung :n honor of
the event, This storm of Jubilation
centered armed the Manikin Houle,
flew, whletlos tooted, belie (hinted
and crowds puede.' the streets slug.
bg patriotic songs. I3usinnau was
given up for the (key, the sehtols
were closed, in the larbtn all the
vessels dowsed ship. and at the mill-
tary and naval depots amends 01 the
wildest enthuelasm prevailed.
At Idverpool, addressing a crowd M
20,000 people assembled around the
Town /all, the Lord Mayor seed: "1
for the glorious news. We here
awaited It patiently. Wo are matte•
fieri that under the humane la ave and
government of this country the Doers
In a very short time will be loyal
eltlwne of the British Empire.'
Are Boers Gathering?
Paardeberg, Feb. 21. -Evening. -••
Dare are reported in force to the
xbuthweet, The British are we',l snit
Germany Won't Meddle,
n Perlin, Marcie 1. -It reply to a times
i me -
tin, the Foreign Office till the eorre-
epnndmut of the Associated Press that
in spite of newspaper etetemente to
the eoatrary, Germany neither knew
0t any project for intervention h)
Routh Attlee, nor Intended such her-
The afternoon newspapers voice
the exultetinn of the tuition.
Ilow f (eler'e HIl1 Was Taken,
t'olenxo ('sego, Feb. 27, -The Brtt►sh
mtementt lly stormed to -,lay the 13r>ele
position on I'IPter's HIII. mince Fri'ley's
attack the whole face of the position
had been shelled at intervene but from
early this morning the trenches direct-
ly opposite the British front and the
neck separating meter's Hili from no -
other hill were *limply strewn with
lyddito shells and shrapnel. It appear/
marvellous that anything heron
mild live on the hill.
THE 80.11) OPEe.
At 1 o'clock this afternoon the
batteries fired salvor and oil the
heavy ordnance wag 1n eon,tant ne.
Don. Oen. harton led (1e
to the extreme right. Ooh. Klteh•
0ner. who had taken Wynn's eone
mend, stormed the centre. The bri-
gade under Col. Northcote nttackesi
ltailwn.y 1)111. The infantry on the
right advaned over the hill and
forced the Boers Into the eerie
while Col. Kitchener led hie men
over Ballway Hill, meeting with lit.
tle opposition. Tho Betas remained
in the Petuehes, from settee a tem•
bin crow fire wee rent during Fn.
day'e fight. A few of thenal esenped
1a the next trefoil' and hoisted c
white !lag. w•l(le!' they was ed vlg
urouely. lw1110 prisoner's WPro taken.
The infantry cheered End elulrged
end took l'loter'e Hill with fixed
bayenrtx, here they were met with
a heavy musketry fire.
The Brltiah now command !tall•
way 11111 Mill the direct rout to
Been Repulsed With n Loss of Forty
Loudon, March 1,-A spea'.il from
Cape Town altos that n telegram has
been received there from Mats/king
announcing tihat the Beers made a
were 041(1 protracted nasaui( ore Fel).
174, but were driven oft at all points.
The tram which is usually observed
Sundays was broker) I.n he 11:11 by
aaotlher fleece atteek, hut niter de-
terminedly fighting the Boers were
repulsed with a lose et 1001') killed
and wounded. The defenders who were
able to take advantage of the eitel-
ter of earl/Works lost only two kited
and 3 wounded.
Pnnr(leberg, Feb. 27, tin Molder
Inver, Feb. 20. -Too Canadian troops
had the honor of Welting the work
wh!rh compelled Oon. Cromer omen
Tim Boor rnmmaateer knew plater.
Any morning that there could be only
one possible resole to nay wettest by
Fix me). Then he became eonvineed
that the British cordon could not be
broken from within. After he loarneo
of the dlepereal of the Wlnburg cont•
elando from Kitchener', hi11 he knew
that the molten was not likely to be
broken from without.
This black outlook became worse
during the day, when the fifty Brltieh
guns kept firing nue the eugineore
began xapptng forward and building
two mass of trenelte, around the west•
ern boundary of the longer, wheel
point wax held by the Ninth Infantry
DO'lxlon ander Oen. Sir IT. E. Colville,
Gen. Smith•Derrieres' brigade was
the one nearest to the enemy in front,
'When (iarkneas fell they bivouacked In
Idleness. At 2,10 o'clock this morning
they were ordered to creep forward
silently toward the Boer trenches,
But the Canadians and (Iordots
Muffled forward for 200 verde under
tinge lilie*l with flour, bread aid oar•
tridges, Probably' not more than
three persona lived in each trench.
The Boer pri aner, have been
trekkhilt all morning under eraourt,
eroasiop► the river at Larger's drift.
'rruag18unie:a„ .................. 2„{11'3
staters- ...... ...... 1,:121
,1 tt Ira l tt .,..,.......J
.Arilllerin a,,. ... ,.. 111
Cotumnn,kutis :
.1. Martens,
!. Wegt.
P. t'erater.
Field Cornets:
.1. Slime n.
J. H. Van le,
J. 1L L. Bna,rnr.
W. 1.. Limner.
1'. Batlenioret.
I. A, Mara;'.
1. A. Botha,
War ('ommtoot 01'0
V. Arnaldo
Acting Field (:ornate:
1'. V. t)eVBtlerm.
J. Dupies jer.
Thera Boer otfleara, beside; General
('roija, are prbonera: Major .tibrocht,
commander of the Omar Free 4teto
Arttlerr, and Commandants M. J.
Wttivernna, W. L. Wooato, and J. J.
Rook, and Adjutant B. A, Ming.
Thn prlaonerk looked more like nn
Irregular horde than soldiers. There
are many' grey-henr:tee men and boyo
among them. They appear to be well
ied but tired. They carry a rough
roll like that used by farm aervante
In carrying their efforts when ttwy ave
changing situations.
(ton, t'mnjo and about a doter others
alone look like men of position.
Even the uniformed Orange Free
State artillerists were ragged. All the
prisoners accepted their poeltlou come
pinrrntly. Gen. Crooke sat silently
otlloking ander the trent near head-
quarters The others were arranged
In roux on the veldt acording to their
tom con miens.
About fatty women and children tra-
velled In their owu ('ape carts.
('anadlan Courage.
London, Murch 1. -According to de-
spnlMhea received from the front, Boer
prisoners declare ((hat the furious
courage of the Canadians was a revel•
ntdon to them.
Another report anye that the gal-
lantry of the Canadinni was simply
From Land's End Pa John O'Great'a
hhe Canadians have been praised,
The Total 4,102.
London, March 1, -The War Wee
Ladyemith's Herolo Defender.
Ivn•er of volleys from the Cornwall+
and Shropsh're, The Drang of tier
Cornwallis and Serop:h'ros enabled the
tenadlnne to entrench themselves
parallel to the Beer trent/bee
1lefore dawn there Wan a Mutative
of only 10 yew% between the Cent" -
(Pane and the /Mere, and the former
were In 510% a position that they mull
enfilade Lha trenches.
The Boers !Hale a brief but state
born resletadce (0 the semi -darkness.
The only effect title had wan on the
Britlslt extreme lett, where part of
the Canadians waren), had time to
erect corer. Daylight glowed the
Mere how utterly Indefensible their
pasltio, were
Neither the Brltloh nrtillery nor the
other infantry dlvissiote fired a shot,
for the rene0n that the cordon had
been xo (•olltrarte-I that there was
danger of hitting their own I00n.
When the lkx're Milkted the white
flog Colonel Ewart, of General Col-
tille's stuff, responied, and entered the
larger. He neekel the oeenpante to
pile their arms up, anti they quietly
oompl(el, Thin ('0(04(11 Ewert 'tent
General Cronjna message of surrender
(0 mord J(oherte.
The biggest commandoes that our -
rendered were the Potchefstroom of
700 men, and the Bloemfontein of
110(1 men.
K:ENb 1N ('itONJE'S C.A;1p.
.1 two hoarse lnmection of the Boers'
Ito ger Wen 1144 erten!. It Mas netttel-
laue hors 1111y60e con1J remain ten
days there among decomposed horses
ane the entrails/ of cattle and sheep,
which were (wing ronetel h,/- the 91111.
The correspondent tramp"d oat on
the vel It and 14(4(5 HOMO British nei-
dler), removing the doer nick on
etretchera. The corree)xmrlrnt did not
res n Angle wawa' intact
anywhere. Mot of them were
hall burned. )teal and tato'+ were
xentteral among old teethes, trenke,
and resdoev uta::.:'. T'',
tt0atmnnds of rounds of Manner and
Martini -Hear) cartridges, but there
W1111 „areal' any artillery (immunt-
tion, Only (our Krupp 12-pounderx,
awrenle 41f11ox1411 und• and one Vlekers-Maxim
The powon t'
protmtm4ltiwith resouthrnarkahl0fthee rltroncherwass'o
that looked like split dumb -belie.
They were i)n ed with randbagr
waist higk, ae t� wro
and me lit 'here were mons
p>,`:(1 10 dexpot11 from Roberta, dated
1'aardeberg, ,Wednesday, in w'h6rh he
reporm ,that tee count of Boer prawns
ors token with ('ronJp has been cora-
Ide,ed, and they number 4,1(2.
On n British Flagship.
London, March 1,-144 alio llou,e u1
Commune today Mr. Joseph Powell
1Vi.l'411e, Financial Secredary of the
War Office, announced chat General
tronjo and his lamt:y Would be taken
aboard she flageh:p of the BrIttsh
fleet' at Cape Towni
,s Dubs" Addressed Them,
Pnnrdeberg, Feb. 20.-1t appears
that an action wee about to begin
with the Boer reinforcements at the
monlant of General ('ronje's enrrender,
but Lord Roberts forbade It until all
the prlsonere nbonl'I be In safe keep-
Lord Roberts ndlroeed the Cana-
dians atterwerde expressing In the
stmngeet tering his pleasure and fie•
predation of their splendid work tend
courage. He attributed to them the
greatest Attire In the Boer earrrodrr.
The Reset or Ladysmith 014114 Com,'
a Day'I'oo moon,
Loudon, Merrill 2, -Tho Dally News,
eon/meeting on Gen. B1glrr'1 victory,
,sin that with the relief of Lady-
smith the Boer ilvasien of the British
eobonloo Ix rolle'l hack, and the first
tempter of the war le closed. It tide
that the intens,' feeling of relief ep.used
by the goer! Dewe tittle n proper vent
In grateful admiration of all who have
immediately been concernsIin the sin -
tory. R*'epentxing the truth of the
)largnts of Immelowne'e npbs.rtinn•
utent of praise, the Rally News laud,
Gen. Miller's (fogged perseverance,
and the Imperturbable equanimity
with which, after each failure, be ret
1.1nt.If to to 0(.u11 w,1:, utl,i,tatit-
(shrd cheerhnoee.
it Faye:
"ileading between the litres of Gen.
Bullere, despatch, everybody will en'
how t cry neer a thing It war at Lady.
smith, anti law narrow a margin was
left for resistance. It Wen only by a
very little that a terrible, almost nn•
paralleled, calamity to the Britlell
arae was averted. Some perception of
ail Mile enters into the remarkable,
almost deblrioun enthusiasm with
wldah the Whigs of the relief have
been recelved by the Empire. The we
J u
tinn,ing ( leI)0 natural,re,n0mandred legitimatethat, but
end ie not yet."
The parse approval of rho Bending
r1 farther 00(111orcenonta, 0x nn•
naut'el by tiro )tarqul%of Lnnedowne,
nnJ urge« tint equally' energetic
menr,ures be taken to supply horses
Lite army.
The Morning Stnn.lard says that all
credit le due Gen. Buller for tllo steady
determinntion with which ho hammer-
ed away nt the operated brenetwork
of the Atone) bilin behind which the
inventing force was entrenched. The
Aga of Ladysmith veal not be anepl.
rode In Britloh military annelid which
can be looked back upon with unalloy-
t,t satisfaction, bet In ono rexpeet
there wde no tenure. Tho British sea.
dlette and the colonial auelliarlew
prosect worst) of Lite host traditions
of rho army, The eters co a ixtenry
with which the garrlsnn 11011 out
against all the (Uproating Influencer
fit the siege was equalled by the st len.
did gallantry with Odell the reline Ing
column, foliel ngab and ngnhe «till
returned to tato assault.
The 8tnndned takes a sanguine view
of the future rnmp.•tlgn, n•hiel), It dd-
dares, looks altogether hopeful, tut It
aloes not think thee the Dino has come
to relax the efforts to amply reinforce
rho generals,
Tian 1)0(11' Teiograpli afoot "Never
elm* the delivery of Lueknow ins the
empire been so thrilled to Ike utmost
Isoui by splendid pride and strange
pathos by any advent as by the relief
of Ladysmith, Britain bad never
known a more bitter thought than
that the dlfflcultlew obtruding Its
relief might prove Insuperable, as that'
were unparalleled, and that after the
terrible sncrlfloes On tete part of the
gnrrlaon, all might be lost. But the
hour of change tram gloom to gladnoms
U as swift and fie radiant no the elo-
pers/al of the inlet by the magic of
morning. The enemy le foiled at every
point, and 1. broken right, left and
centre upon the first line of war. it
!a at pneh moments that an earnest
people lifts its soul to God."
The )aper hoartllY congratulate*
(len. Buller, who, It says, Imo not only
achieved the hardest task ever set for
any Engl'lh general since the Penin•
sular struggle, but has successfully
grappled w;th difficulties as Immerge
ns were ever eurmountetl in the history
elf war,
The Chren!elo bays that one salient
epoint /stands rest beyond anything
else, that is that the spot o tong dom-
inated by the Boers knows their dom-
ination no more. That will give the
Dritlsh cause to reject+ for the mom-
ent., ,but to -morrow they will betake
themselves) again to the business of
the campaign. There are bardships
to ,be borne and battles to he won,
probably as numerous as any that
have gone before. Still, an impression
hes certwlnly been made upon the
enemy's defence, and rho moral ell
fect•rt of Cren. Roberts' victory and' 111e
crowning merry ao badysmah are
aura to be at least fie Brent am their
phyx,cnl olfeet'.
The Daily (Iraphk declares that the
story of the siege and reed of Lady-
xmit:h ,will rank as a fine page In
British alistory. lien, White's firm
stand and Gen, Buller's tinquea-table
puck ,have shown the world' that the
llritesh seedier ban not fallen a whit
from ,(he glorious traditions whteb it
ix lee heftiness to maintain. It odds
that it is perhaps vain to hope that
the ,triumphs of the past week will
bring In their train speedy peace, but
one of their results to to give the
British a much freer band, and it,
eonslsteetly with the Interests of the
'Empire, that hand can told out an
olive branch to the misguided Boers,
the valor of the British soldiers will
have produced i1e noblest fruil.
thea. Duller's Despatch.
London, March 1, 7.02 'Phe hl- Is the Gert of (hen. linll„r'e
deematch :
Neltlorp e, March 1, 15.20 p.m. -I
have just returner from Ladyom1th.
Except a email guard north of taur- 11111, the whole of the same
lately hes/teeing the town hove retired
in lust haste, and to the south of the
town the country le quite clear of
t tu'm,
" The garreent were on half a pound
of meal per man n clay, and were
«implementing the melt ration by
home; 01111 111x(04),
" The men will 4(8 t 0 Ilttle aura•
ing before l;eing 1i1 for the ilei'!."
Ovation to Lady White.
London, March 1. -Lady 1Vhee, wife
of Gen. Sir George Stewart Whee, the
commander at Ladysmith, aecompant-
ed the Marquis and Marchioness of
Lansdowne Lo the Alhambra theatre
ie-niglst. They received an oration,
the audience standing and cheering
an aeon as their presence wean known,
The Thee Tribute.
London, March 2. -Tete Times pttye
a tribute to Oen. White for pewee.
« one of the greatest and rarest
Rites of a lea(ter, namely, knowing
hots W mainteln the *rite of peen
through n long, dreary period, not
tnerely of danger and enitering, but
of hope deferred It adds:
"To Oen. Buller and the relieving
twee entailer tribute men be paid.
Seldom has the absolute enrtldenre
of a general In hie mets
been more strikingly dinpbteed
never wan that reniklence more
completely Juetlfied. Gen: Joubert
and tete burghers/ ovule a grand de-
fence, and the Milli with which they
held to in check until the very lat•
set moment and then withdrew meet
excite the n(1m)ration of competent
aleseages From Monarchs.
London, M0r011 2,--A despatch to
the Dally Telegraph from Mensa
Hays that Emperor Feasuola Joseph
las eongratulatel Queen Victoria
0:1 the Brltb,elt victories in South
A despatch to the 1110)110 paper from
Rome states that King Humbert tele.
graphed to Queen Victoria exprereing
hU and Queen Margherita's "glad -
nese 01 e4 the good 11PW01 from Lady-
smith." t
The Rome corresp otulent of the Daily
News says that when the Pope war
Informed fit the relief of Ladysmith,
he exelnln)ed, "efey thio be the begin-
ning of the end!"
l'he Victory at Meters,
London, March 2. -The military
critic/ of the Morning Poet concurs
with other entice that euherquent
happeeings have proved that eienerol
Buller's, sebum on MaJuha day of tete
lloers' commanding positions at Ple-
ter'n was a decisive victors-, which In-
volved the retren.t of the !*%'adeno. He
enyt It le In no wise uncommon In war
for the vlctorr not to fully realise
either the fart or nature of their *ma-
ces until It lo made plain by the
ane see retreat. He sees no mason to
doubt that the chapter of British re-
er0,34 le r11,1ed nna gore ,.o far ae L,
ray that he world be a bold strategist
who could not offer the Boer leaders
a plan of campaign promising ultimata
Hoerr Admit Defeat.
Cepa Town, March 1. -The Bloom.
female Dally Express, In Its ism of
Feb. 21nef, printed an article on the
relief of Ktmherley, in which If admits
that the Boers were completely out.
manoeuvred by General Robert', It
mire that the Federal 'fere" 111,11,114expected another attoalt or M ear
i o' Itlon fit Mngerafoltrin. The mm
bllity of the Ilrltiot natonhahed the
Boers, particnlarly the Lalfoara, els)
ram through every opposition W
their daring advance. It hr believed
that traltore gni led the Dr!t4H to
Jacob /dal.
When Commandant ('rose e • broke
hie !ringer at etagerafontela many
women and children had to walk 0w
Ing to tln0 soatrvity 01 wagon,,
'J'he patf>r•r dcau'ritr.: the ilomhard,
meet 01 houtks>ernnd as awful, 44041
the burghers' eatferings were horri-
It. odds that the death of Command.
ant L'erreira, of tie Free State
army, In Natal, 00 Feb, 18th, de.
proem I hie mien. lie tray killed by the
44e1lek'otal hpreting of 1 le own rifle.
IIs tette very popular, end Is m'tch
lamented In the Free State.
The fleetness: ooneluded; •
"It is unfortunately true that the
Free State army is now scattered,
hot every burgher le confident that
n hen the commandoes am reorganixed
they will be able to hold their own
until victory crowns their 11.0111, an
It will teeny do."
Auother Battle Expected,
Louhon, Marsh L -Nothing has been
14140(40d from General Ruberte' head-
quarters later than the evening of
Feb, 28th, when ekIrmiehlug was re.
ported oast of Paardeborg Renting.
totem Scouts are stated to have come
In towel with the Deere, who are re.
Deleted to already number 7,000,
with artillery, and the concentration
to nnnng.
Thcoeretllaioleo a report that Boers
are to the ewtthweet of Oen. Roberta,
which apparently Indicates an at-
tempt to harass Ids communteat!ons.
A deepateb from Kimberley, dated
Feb. 211t1t. states that partlee M Been
are raldlfg In that neighborhood. It
lm Mated that they are looting Kill's'
than and Maser places. Itehttforeemente
have been gene to Darkly West. where
an attack is expected, The Were aro
said to number 400, with two field
guns and two Maxima.
Mho Dail/ Telegraph's oo1'respoptl)O ti
at /dodder River, in a despatch dated
Feb. 2SU1, describes the arrival there
of ('ommandant Crones. Ile stye that
the Kaffir* raised oheerr, but tato
troops made no demonstration. Com-
mandant Croup and his wife took
lunch at the hotel and left !n the at•
ternoon on a special train for Cape
Town, the British troops presenting
• arms and the bugles sounding a gen.
- eral'a ,elute as Crones boarded the
rtvtThohle. eoptivos looked profoundly cele.
Calcutta, March 1. -Them la general
rejoicing throughout India at the cap-
ture of (len, Crones and the relief of
Ladysmith. The statue of Lord Rob-
erts/ has been decorated with Clower*,
null tunny romeratulations were wheal
to him, including one from the Cawn•
pure Chamber of Commerce, which
Bald: " Your birthplace salutes you."
London, March 2. -Ther' le 440 new,/
frau the ('uleaberg and Stormberg S
dtstrlets except that rontelnei In Oen.
Roberto' despatch : nor le there any
confirmation of the report of Oen,
Kitrhoner'o, presence south of there,
but it le thought that he has probable
gone to bring together Oen. (lateen*
and Oen, Clemente' forces for a nom'
blued movement northward.
Stcrkeprutt, Cape Colony, Feb. 28._
The Iloere admit that their losses When
Brabant recaptured Jamestown worn
150 killed, 12:3 wounded and 100 mime
Iondon, March 1. -Wady BuIWr,
wife of (len. S:r Redeem Buller, ham
sent the following me'sago to the
press: "I have read with profound
thankfulness the neve of the reu:ef of
Iadysmith, and the heartiness of the
congratulat :nut that I have resolved
front all 1100(11 glee me the deepest
gee t:f lea tion."
Scene at Cronje'e Camp.
London, March 1. -In n daapateh
frau Paardoberg, dated Tuesday, Feb.
27th, n staff correspondent am:
"On my fleet visit to Oen. Cron,jaea
ramp I was admitted Ineldo, even be-
fore the,Brltlsh guard, At every ten
paaw I rime 111)001 the awo(tee ear -
can os of honeys or melee tainting the
air. It seems impawlble that the
thousands could have endured such a
frightful stench,
"Thn river banks were honeycombed
with trenr'hea, Bildt fie never had been
seen before In war. These were roally
underground dwellings. Unless a shell
wen to drop straight down into the
opening, It would not reach the Inter-
ior. Flat trajectory projectiles would
be hound to fall to towel them.
" The Boem wore lying or sitting
a1 the ground, their laces haggard
and wan. They said there wag not
a drop of eplrlts in the lae.ger.
Every eountenanco showed Joy at
the end of n dreadful siege. Poole
of them laughed, end said they hop-
ed they would soon get whiskey.
Nearly all the Free Staters' apnke
English, but them was not a word
about., fighting for liberty, the only
expressi once bring those of Joy Over
the propene deliverance.
Otte man, shaking ids flat in the
dirootion of (hen. Crones, exclaimed,
That man deserves to be *hot.'
Not n woman or child in eau* bed
been hurt, exoept one girl, Who
ahowed an Injured fingertip. There
were heartrending greeting's be.
tween several men and their wives.
Several yonthe of tem 16 to 18
yatr's were 144 camp.
"The Trensvaalera appeared to
have loot their former truculency,"
Boers Using illegal Bullets.
London, March 1,-WinstonChnrcil•
111, In a despatch front C lenao,dat•
sol Tuesday, says : " The condition
of the wounded who were nnattend•
141 on the hillside Renday was so
painful that Gen. Buller sent attag
of trued to the enemy, and It was
arranged that throughout Sunday
ndlitery movemonta should continuo
on both Rides, but there should he
no Titre
'Thle truer terminated at dunk.
Tho Iklera then rearmed a tnrbue
musketry fire on the Brit(* left.
The attack was repulsed. Fighting
continues vigorously. We shall leo
who can send 'bucketing' best, the
Briton or the Done."
Mr. Churchill goes on to say that
there Is abittlant proof of the Bars
using a large proportion of Illegal
Mullets, no fewer than five difternet
kinds of exploding or expanding hul•
lots having been found. lie also ate
meta that the Boars pre employing
armed Kaffir*, end adds: '4 have
nlw•etya tried to he fair toward the
Veers, but after meting every al-
lownnee It meet Ice nil ld final they
show', when in etresr, a very dark,
cruel end vengeful under rite of clear•
Both iluried�T-
heir Dead,
Odense, Feb. 20.-Yeatertlay an ar-
mistice wee agreed upon, and both
Khios removed their 'rounded and
bared their dead.
The Boers lost heavily In attaokie
and then they worked among fps
trees. Severe musketry ilea Wee ere
eumed last night. It was ,lat1M
the accidental discharge of a MI
It is reported that there are 1100
Ban near Ensemble.