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The Blyth Standard, 1900-03-08, Page 1
Ariminesp TRE BEST WAY OF ADVERTIBINO is IN A LIVE NEWSPAPER. SUCH A PAPIER 18 The S1llthir. VOL XiIt 0 tb hint BLYTIL ONTARIO, THURSDAY MARCH 8, ll)00. LADYSMITII NOW AT LAST FREE! Another Battle Expected Near Abraham Kraal. BOERS LOST THEIR LONG TOM Clafeking Still Cheerful and Able to Hold Out. CeonNa Artillery Oct en Ovation et Cape Town When Leaving for the Free --Thanks From CronIe—Prisoners Try to Ercaps—Oatacro Stll Pghing Forward ---Rebels Reinforced in the Fetish* District—den. White to be Promoted ---Joubert's Army Left Children Behlnd— Ladysmkh Osrrlson to be Sent to Moot River District. London, March 1. • War Office, London, March 1. t to relax the efforts to amply reinforce the general& The Daily Telegraph says: " Never since the delivery of Lucknow has the empire been so thrilled to its utmost soul by splendid pride and strange pathos by any advent as by the relief of Ladysmith. Britain had never known a more bitter tbought than that the difficulties obstructing 1te relief might prove insuperable, as they were unparalleled, and that atter the terrible sacrifices on the pert of the Norval', pont bridge. garrison, all might be lost. But the hour of change from gloom to gladneea French and the Enemy. l as swift and as radiant as the die- London, March 5.-1 despatch from peraal of the mist by the magic of Oefonteln, dated March 8rd, Neye that morning. The enemy Is foiled at every Gen. French made a reconnaissance In point, and l broken right, tett and force and encountered the enemy on oentre upon the fleet line of war. It Saturday. The Iteere occupied a table• laa r such o h m mne to that an earnestspaosoaped k je Shotssawere exchanged. 'tea ttl 1s tOrang and pr Gen. Buller, who, 1t says, has not only taken at Paardeberg as cheerful while achieved the hardest task ever set for en route to Cape Town. They waved any Englkh general etnoe the Penin- 'their handl to the Brttl.h troops ams fouler etrug le, but Ines emceesfnlly were anxious to get into thr, pi,'turr. fb. "The advance guard of the relief column, oonslating of a body of cavalry under Gen. Dundonald, entered Lady• smith at 8 o'clock title evening. Our hopes of succor were sunk to the low- est point yesterday when we were left wholly without news of the movements of Gen. Buller, and his guns could no longer be heard. Thee morning, how• ever, brought renewed confidence, ae we watched the enemy to full flight to the northward, driving before them long Knee of cattle and wagons. Still, we did not dare behove that relief was Immediately at hand. But of a sudden, while the Boers weer* straining every nerve to div mount their ' Lung Tom' on Bulwalla HI11, two squadron% of the Imperial Light Horse and Natal Carbtneer., were seen epproaching at fall gallop across the plain from the south. The news spread 1'ke wildfire. Everybody - officers, soldtere and civilian - poured out to get to the horsemen. Even the sick and wounded crawled out of their Uinta to join in the cheer- ing. The trooper* carte on with a loose reit, for the very horses seemed to know the welcome that was await, ing them. Almost before they reached the drift over the Kitp River they were met by the oomradee whom they bad tum* to relieve. Amid cheers and handehakings, they made their way into the camp, where cleated a scene N0 30. resolved to abandon the terrltary Landon, Alareh 0, 1 u. m.-Atnfeking around Renaberg, and dee retreat he in to he relieved ae x on ss the Brit - been efiec.isdr under the protection oe fah Ione already on the way from mounted bur hers. Kintfrri.y ('011 ruled the elege. Thl» President Kruger is honing a etlr- force le described va tel • ar •'strong." ring adAre%a juts; the burgalerr in lentil. Tea Kimberley Li Horse if en• who aro hailing back M ldigaarsberj {1t>ad,ti Ile n t, In rN the The Ptes[dent eel re ora to Pre- taut 11101 the tnberley} Llgl ores torts Sunday. Ir ands. the mutml ut the I)eBeerx laved by Qeeen's (lift. Piste rmarLtabttrg, Murch 4. -The lite ot Private Humphrey, cf the Sec- ond Lancaa'hires, we saved at Grob- ler's klool by a bullet imbedding h- eel' In a biz of chocolate he wee carrying to Lis hover The box was ens of t boas wheels ►ad bleb bent to South Africa by the Queen as * Chrltienns gItt to the soldiers. Want. independence, Cape Town, Meech 4.-* 'k'e of the Atrkander Uaec.t re a themaeivee freely. M. J. Pretorlua, 1 member of the LegislativeCouttall. wrote a leiter. to Itae 8petl t Attficag, hews, wb' alae oubliette& eeeteeda*, in whish he, said : "Now, when it its too late, tate 3d- 1tnh Cabinet is pleased, to express ea assurance of our loyalty. We do not want it. We want the Settee Perlis - merit and public, who are determined not to respect Rhe inde kerne e( the Republic, to know tjjpl'ere to bete of uncontrollable enthusiasm and ex• thing dear to w, that le locependuce. On that gladioli, if uo others we will eltement. be heard." "But.thelr work was not at an end, and they were sent In purautt of the Boers. Our men were too exbatest• Baye Klpling Lad a MoD. ed to loin them. With the Idea of capturing the Bowe" ' Lon Tom' our CapeTnwn,March 4. -The Voltmeter, naval guns leas been shelling Its no- 1 the offtslal orgau of the Transvaal eltion throughout the night to or - naval at Pretoria, tl0etse that der to prevent Ste removal, and even i the Boers uonrann, large.tsaatltW.; It. It had been got away the recent diluted vinegar In order to overcome heavy rains were certain to Impede the lassitude caused by the fumes trove the enemy's movements." the lyddtte shall. __ The boutit African News accuses Garrison at Halifax. ' Rudyard Kipling of leadinngg a mob of Ottawa, Ont., March 4. -Every pro- invader(' into the Parliament Homiest since is to furntalt its quota to the Capra Town. The paper pparently regiment which to to garrison Hall. base UM statement on the ground fax. One thousand men will be enlist- that Kipling's poetry le consistent ed, but only active militiamen who with such conduct. - have put In one season's drilling will A[,ifektng Nut. Relieved. be Accepted. The men will be enrolled for one London, March 4.-:1 epet'fni dee year, whit a poaetbillty of being *patch from Brussels :influences that called upon to serve six menthe longer. Dr. Leyds auth,rlsr y un absolute Mo- wn! axleected that the recrulting nisi of the report that he has recety will be completed et two wroke, al news Hatt SEofeking had been I -- Ile, ed. ___.- Skirmish Near heater's, praise for Otter. Coleneo, Starch 4. -The Natal police ' London, March 4. -Canada's soldiers came 1r( coutact with tine Boors at in South Africa are still receiving the ❑e+tr's yesterday. The British lasses prates; of the war correepondeute g were trltling. who were prudent at the action on grappled with difficulties ee immense that were being taken by the ubllulf. Tnsday mcs'aln as were ever surmounted in the history ous photographers, The British soldiers 1 Whites Stirring Words. The tmee pub ehea a de*pratch from of war. were ready and r, ining to rtorm Her- I Lopdou, March 4.-A despatch from its oorrespendent at Paardeberg, in Ladysmith states that when General width be says that Lieut. -Col. Otter, White reeled the Post•offlee after who commands the Canadian ReQI,- the arrival of Dundonald's cavalry, he anent, deserves the highest praise for waacalled upon tor aepeech. He maid: his coolness and ability, shown under "People of Ladysmith, 1 thank you ' the hottest fire. Oaptakte A. H. Mace all for the heroic, patient manner in donaid and Ii. 11. Stairs were also whlclt you trove aerated me during most ocnrp:cuoua. the stege. The Canadians alone lost ala mel "It hurt fee terribly to cut down killed and ten sounded within 60 the rations, but, thank God, we have yard» of the Boer trenohee. kept the flag flying." General White, who was very much Roberts to 6lboto, affected, then led thesingtng of the Oiletwe, March 8.-Ibrd Roberts British National Anthem. ' cables re Lord Melte to -day as fol - The correspondent says in the same lbws : Ostonfteln, Mhreh 3.-I senates - darkness the appearance of the grey. ly thank Your Ezceileney for your hatred general leading hundreds of telegram and for tee hearty eongra- the bareheaded men In singing "God ' tw atibns of Canada. (NEigned) Ito. Save tits Queen" made a picture that ' bares. ran never be forgotten. --- A Message From Huller. Promotion for White. Ottawa, March 4. -His Excelleno London, March 4. -Lloyd's Weekly the Gov. -General received to -nigh states that Lieut. -General White, the the following from Gen. Huller, in commander at Ladysmith, will be pro- ' answer to a ,eongrtetet':atory menage motod to be a general, and that the 1 sent by Lord Mtttei on behtif qt the appointment will be gasetted next people of ellnada : 'SL*4�1y11aith, March week. Lord Dundonald will obtain a 4. --Canadian copg4'atuiatitns much junior step on the grade to malar'- appreeated. (Slated) General Buller, th,The will Hereic° regulations prevent the TUN MUTCHERin BILL. -- Immediate promotionf lie B ll The Chronicle says that one salient vices for them, and grated them with paint elands out beyond anything smiles, Milch the Boon reciprocated. else, that Is that the apot so long dom- inated by the Boers knows their dom- est Abraham's Kraal, London, March 5. -Tie Time' car- British u o age for the horses l almost unobtain- thamselva agate to the business t b enation Do more. That will give the eat, cause to rejoice for the mom- roopondent at Ostontela says that for- e t to -morrow 111ey will betake ° ale on the journey into the Free the campaign. There are hardships State to be borne and battles to be won, Opposition to the British advance, probably as numerous as any ghat he adds, l expected at Abraham's have gone before. Still, an impreuion kraal, 80 miles east of Paardeberg. has certainly been made upon the --- feces defence, and tee moral efe Position Is Unchanged. facie of Gen. Roberta' victory and the crowning mercy ab Iadysme.th are London, March 4. -Lord Roberts t b t least rest as their cables the War Office from Oetonteie P The Dail Graphic declares that the "Gel. sure o e a ea ae g b aica1 sfteott on Sunday : moving on Nelthorpe. Baden-Powell reports that story of the stege and re:lf of Lady- all was well at Mnlektng on Feb. smith ,will rank as a fine page to 15th, and that the enemy's aativlty British history. Gen. White's firm was being met everywhere by ac• stand and Gen. Buller', unquenchable tivity on the part of the defenders, pluck ,have shown the world, that the " The position is unchanged at 0a. British soldier has not fallen a whit fonteln, except that frequent show - from elle glorious trad'ldiona which it era have materially Improved grin:. Is Me businessto maintain. It adds lug, to the benefit of the horses and teat it is perhaps vain to hops that transport animate." the triumphs of the peat week will --- bring In their trate speedy peace, but Huler'e Great Victory. time of their results to to give the Louddol'March 8, 4 a. m. -The en• British a much freer hand, and if, Ste brings long narrative, of the consistently with the interests of the final ranee in Ladysmith before the Empire, that hand can hold out an arrival of the relievers and their olive branch to the misguided Boers, entry into the town. Gen. Buller'e the valor of th0 Brutish aoldiers will victory on Itlajuba day' was the ill have produced Its nobleat fruit. rout cause of the relief Ips the town. London, March 5, 4 e.m.-Pis only All the cor h Ladysmith and with ler agree that news at aot{roe oppearettama comes from tie engagement on Feb. :.'0th was Nertharn Cape Colony. General Bra- a notable fight, tate Boars retesting bent, w,th the leohoaad mounted stubbornly. Boer prisoners say they troops, expelled Ulna Boors from La- never believed that the British Beschegnes nek, but was not surto would reattnck the entrenchments Buller, Joy la Ladysmith. les, Lieut: tel. Coxhead ; No. 10 i London, March 2: --Lord Dundonald, Mountain Battery, lea four guns torah the Natal oarbtneers and a cow captured, Engineers--28rd and 29th Compare Volts regiment, entered Ladysmith In be. and Balloon Section. .Itiamph as Gen. French had done at abIn antly s y F nder err Dandivis n, preemie ken, 7Limbsriey, and the heroic garrison Archibald Hunter ; 7th Brigade, waa overjoyed when he appeared with Major Oeneral Howard; tat Devon - the Minim that six brigades were shire, let Olouoeetershire, 1st Men. aiming up behind him, and that the cheater, 2nd Gordon Highlanders, 8th country war clear of the enemy. The Brigade, Malordleneral Ion Bamlt- tan let Royal blah Fue111ere, 1055 Battle- d*. of Ladysmbth had begun on No- those raptured ; let Leieeeterehlre, 'gather End, when communication 1st King's Royal Rifles. 2nd King'. 'loth Belem were ant off, on the day Royal Rifle, let King's Liverpool, atter the disaster at Nicholson's Net. '2nd Rifle Brigade. Eft has been a long and wearisome Naval B vase -Captain the Hon. Lamblia. IT M. & Teerible. Ahatt dstenstre campaign, memorable meta- 750 bluejackets, with 4.7 -inch guns ply for the series of gallant sortla oar- and naval Q. F. 12 -pounders. *led odt by Gen. Hunter and for the ♦alorouts repulse of the energy on Jae - Wry 8th, when the fighting was of a Mod desperate character. The surl- iest has suffered more heavily from album than from the enemy's shell tire and bullets. Its strength was esti- BULLER AND WRITE, ' cfently strong to puha ahead any fur- _ i ther. Be 000upied the Boer poattions, The Relief of LadysmithDida'tCome 1 and later repulaed an attempt of the a Day Too Bean. enemy to retake them. The British loss were two k:tied and edgtbt London, March 2. -The Daily News, wounded. commenting on Gen. Buller's victory, General Gatacre an Friday made a says that with the relief of Lady- 1 reeenne3asenoe in tome in taus direst - smith the Boer invasion of the British I then of Stormberga Ile reared: with no titled at over 9,000 men when the colonlfo tfo rolled back, and the first' c*sueetios after lamely the enemy's dap opened, but this force has been 1 that the anttee of etnsee war 1g of relief caused His It adds position, probare U yy waad ttwpregvent assured by serious Rd leve, and by + by the good news finds a proper vent the Boers at Storn0berg' interfering She ravages of typhoid fever. General lu grateful admiration of all who have with General Brabant's campaign. Duller, when he entered the town yes- immediately been concerned in the vIc- The podb1cel sltuatien in Cape Col- Nrdety, found that General White's tory.Recognising the truth of the tmy is at1.•:1 very Ouch pertunbed. At ,thin had been reduced to rations Marquis of Lanedowne'e apportion Graaf Reitet Saturday lh4 a few of half a pound of meal daily, and had meat of praise, the Daily News Lauda loyalists who were celobret the re- bel* 11ving on their horses and mules. Beal, Buller'* dogged perseverance, lief of Ladysmith• were ait'a ed by a CONTSNUOUS HEAVY FIGHTING. and the Imperturbable equanimity large number of Dutch', and &averse Thy smem to have been in desperate with which, after each failure, he set erects, including' a lady, were in- Stralts. heir reserves of ammunition himself to try again with undimin- Jared. rhe Ibyali t.& are asktug for Wren pot described, but were probably !shed cheeriness. m'eet.ary protection. ash*asted, They were not rescued a It rays: day toe aeon, and were unfit for opera- "Reading between the linea of Oen, An All Day Battle. time 1n the field for the present. The Buller's despatch, everybody will see Dordrecht, Cape Colony, Sunday, 'legs of Ladysmith came to an end how very near a thing It was at Lady March 4. -Genera; Brabant'' Sunday, el redly to the garrison. All day emlth, and 'tow narrow a margin was dtvfstoa- deer a pigmt'a march, began Se Wednesday General White WAS ex- left for resistance. It was only by a attacking the Boers in a strong po&i- IDeeting a Doer attack, and there was eery little tient a terrible, almost nn• ton at La Bu'30r5 es eek, on the s isles alarm with a heavy musketry paralleled, calamity to the Brltigh toed from Dbbu relent to JImeetowa. firing not long before Lord Dundee- arms wee averted. Home perception of The cngagemenr, w praeedlmg with flee cavalry rode up. Three &hells had all this enters Into the remarkable, ' gtTat a ter, end fisc lianas are gradu- a tired from Bulwana on the pre- *haat delirious enthusiasm with ail retigri• betbso the Briti ar shell m- oiety day, sad escape from the town which the tidings of the relief have y been revived by the Empire. The tiro from three po01tlona. wag 1110c ted by Hoer riflemen er every jo A heavy rifle fire to being eacbang- L• he onttnuous artillery sad (ticmart beg le nrememad bered legitimate, the ed where the British are engaging the Igitt &lag to the south was the as. end ]s not yet." Boers on the right flank. es that General Buller'. armySo far the Boers have had no big flag day after day, and dur- The paper approves of the sending dune to motion. phi last few days of the siegeeta of further reinforcements, aa an. Evening. -Gen. Brabant's advance e Mena were sem moving to nounced by the Marquis of Lanedo etlo to -day was most entielactory, Atter northward in email bands. and urea that equallyell energetlo marching and bivouacking over night 'Am .enemy retreated quickly, how- measures be taken to supply horses the torte reached the strong night ch• over, ,l soon as General Buller's de to the army. ed ltoeltlons which they occupied and .eleln vtottrry was inn at Pieter*. The The Morning Standard rays that all now 'told, the Boers being on the op - All were kaatity removed from Bal_ credit l due (len. Buller for tlesteady se and Orobler' lead, h determination with which he hammer. to 131161h 111 , t 11 oil t serrated bresetwork g a loot airs on the away a the he r w remain to -night n Wrist dmaypt`nd I Whole t fat waa a of the stoney hills behind which the t captured tptwoi giinalbho although nr and the rear guards were Crap- Investing force was entrenched. The and made determined effort. to rotake stege of Ladysmith wilt not be an epi. Meg towards Isai s's Nek. them. STU TROOPS THAT ARE FREED. soda In Hrltesh military annals which The Bete& Iowa are 9 killed and can be looked back upon with nnalloy 18 wounded. Hollowing are the troops which but1 pec( req bene owfined In j,adysmith edema the beginning of November : Oeaeral N1r George White. • tlfvsetted - Third Cavalry Manx' eneral Brocklehur,t; with which the gar. , laaoes, 5th Dragoon Guards, d the Orange121 Balsate. 18th Human Gas a captured), Imperial Light Natal Carbineers, Natal Isd Rifles, Border Mounted Rt. /tM fl y -18th, 67th, 89th, R. F. jh.tterles, Llat..0o1. Pieekwood ; OA fit el. $ 1% A. Batter - on the hilltops from which the Irish brigade, previous to their undaunt' ed aeaulte, had been repulsed. Accepting the versions of the cor- respondents it is evident that a very strop force was entrenched between Gen. Buller and Ladysmith, when the give the Impression that the relief of Ing account, In wl,,, i, he •nye final attack was delivered. Moreover, Ladysmith would still be obstinately Ing the afterte,++ Loa 2x91 from it was clearly expected that the Bcent resisted. The siege wars wholly strata- alry brigades tr" would resist much longer than they Meal, the paper status, and It had to Murdoch ton'"in Bubwhe dlrectoana iu snot did, for the reason that they had not de raised on account of the conditions der Dundon,+,' removed nearly all their heavy mat- wt the western border. Ladysmith. '1''•e Bien find on the erial prior to Feb, 27. Henceforth, •the aMland says, the adtaaobtg a"'Ota with artillerysta. The Daily News correspondent, in a Republican forces will act solely on the boned as i''pplwana 'SUI• red Gough's despatch., dated Ladyamrah, Wednes- enslve. "Alco",+;nobs was in advaau,fou d dadFeb. 28:1, says: --- ,glment 'General Butler's brilliant Majuba Knox In Pursuit. (bat ,i'+' 1 f• I . s eller dluk and day victory, following General Ro- London, March 5.-A deapatoh to "Moto Ladysmith were appar• berta', seams to have completely de- the Deily Graphic, sent from Lady- °MI'1 epic ii lie rePorted d tkkill moralised the Baer', who ars now in smith Thursday, says that: ,,,,, through the gap and reach the full retreat in alt directions. I have 'To -day, March tat, Gen. Knox with tea with two squadrons of the to Just Been conva6's of wagons macs a brigade will start in was of the „perlal Light Horse and Carbin• long trekking acraha the distant plain retreating enemy. There wen no cat- „ors. The rest of the Br t• brl• from the Spica kop pane and Onder- fusion apparent in their retreat. Thep a.ade was sent back to Gen. Bullar'' brook uncut to another range. A Bent off three trains and then clew w' line. When we 'tatted for convoy with guns is moving towards the bridge." picketrolth tiers was dally an hills Elands Laagte. The enemy show such of daylight left. haste that General Buller'* cavalry Ladysmith Garrison. Ladye"The troops galloped on evenly 1r( are probably slanging un their rear, Pietermaritzburg, frariteburg, March 4.- i 'en- spite of the rough ground, updad tlown end are oely impeded by difficult match from Ladysmith says it uta' hill, through emigres and scrub oak, .cede, where the Baer rear guards necessary to send telegraph i'ietru- g g , are enabled to make a stand feu a menta to that place, as the 14+^r, left till they could res the British guns time. The many Boer horsemen who enough to stock the wh+,i'' colonyy. flashing from Wagon Hill. Thep it are berryingaway, however, seem Residents of Ledy&mtth ;,'' already wan on taster t 11 maidenly there wan every sign of being beaten beyred' the arrl.ving at Pleternmrttrt' "'g it l a challenge: 'Who goes theme 'The power of rallying. believed that the troop' r �.o gnrriaon- Ladyrmlth relieving army; was the "The investing line round here is ed the town wilt be a ,',11x."- TATTERED, ape l In the reply probably so weak now that it nttght Moot River distrlet, wi't''r la one of the TATTERED, BUT HEROIC. easily be broken if it were possible to healthiest In the cob'u) • "The tattered and almost bootless Mater enauglt men and h'ar'es for a. A dapatelt trot„ ' ' n. Roberta has men of Ladysmith crowded around. big march to interee'pt the retreat- been received by + e i White, saying: cheerit very feebly. Even In the ing enemy. The gun on %i.wana bill "Thank God that toe prayers of the gkom one could see how thin and pale fired a single *hot at noon to -day. nation have been •'powered." they looked, but how' glad. The re Shortly aflerwartt the gunners Sieving force was conducted In triumph rigged a tripod with, the evident in- Fight With Rebels, into the town headquarter*, where tention ed dismantling the gun. Thep t�,n inn- March t5 -Tits Standard's they met White. hunter. Hamilton and the British naval guns opeeest ca them, tiring rapid!p and with great arcuraoy• The tr.pad we* away, and the atteanpt to mm a o n. u er, What itCoetthe BHtiah to Relieve but yl work will be r ,,'. .iced at no Metal* ea te, Ladysmith. New York, March 2, -Special cab',+ Leib Child—rep Behind. to the morning papers deal 0o1e'`t' Colerrtf lifrtro 4.- One of lice est erablyh with Wte toot of the +')"'i pathetic LuclJeut%'et:be Bd41lh; ur• of Ladysmith to the British.+rr''o• reed i t is that many ohildreu•,yere One says that a tabulation nr tae found the trenches, hitt, N sol by British lesser ooneequent en Lill 118 days o! the rtege, show,: nhlte'a gotten, by their pateutth.,f161,..,„;,17; w boas inn Wee killed end aenu4.4 In Joubert's Vtitthdraersl. battle,1,580; captured, t.''tt' Buller's lose -Killed eel wounded, Cape Town, March 4. -The Onaland, 8,ft08; o(eineeoe, 750. the Dutch newspaper, states that Den. Total las, White ani leiter, 8,912. Joubert began the withdrawal of the THE MART'++ 1N, Boer force opposing Gan. Buller on 01 the place, Feb. 25th. Of the actual rr'' Ho left a force nt Grobler's kloof to Winston Ohurchill eo.ud8 an interest. 'Dur' Company, Lord Roberts' visit to Khn1rley probably had to do with an arrangement with Mr. Cecil Rhodes 10 u50 this company for troops. Air. Rhode» anti Col. Kekewloh have hail difference of policy, 11 appeura, which ltd tart end with the relief of Kimberley. "What elan I do with 14 a f' Col, le swiglt Ie e I ave le'i to Lotti Roberts), r alt. humorously, replied, neva 0 a dory circulate,' at the clubs., "Put Kellen oitpM Ilses d s' .etre unroll* y c- av; 1Jw tri lx rther(ptern sac t the at* Ciba , *here tM�bbd re etbrrhtg up the Detail. Start al law lute o uottaly been dechlred. Mr. C )4i'baht'a requnat for 2,500 deddltl 1'° Agetrallnn lwahmen Is an- ra ib ht explained by the fact that the War Office requires title force for the pursuit of Irreconcilable Boerx, who, according to the Intel- Ilgeuce Department. hare hen quietly ccpyIiecthtg greet quantities of aipo u- ;nitioa and etgdPt In the a�ii1tdlu fnatueeeee of the Zoutponeherg die - trier, in tbo north of the Transvaal, where they are preparing to carry on gentle* wet, are. Itrltiah Marching North. Capra Town, Marche 5-1 strong force of British, Including the Kimber- ley Liht Lig la•ntarchtng kith. Wirt floe) IC ellen It le gt I that the .ototudik dt,stba Vaal ter will be disputed at Fourteen Streams, where the railway bridge has been wreeke I. Hurt lel I,dw l'reuluht'rd. ('ape Tow u, llarcit 5.-i'ir A1fr''.1 M11• m'r h:,, i,mur 1 the following prociiinra- tam: • rhos•,, the enemy'x force+ h[tye into but the db,trlet' of Prllska, Ken• nnrdn, Ifri,town and darkly West. an I where'+ many British subjects have taken up arms, and whereas It 1> necessary to relict luensim and suppress rebellion, now, therefore, martial Ian' is hereby proclaimed in them districts," British and Boer Positions. London, March B. -A despatch r to the Mansard from Osfontelu, d4'ted leuretuy, Search 4th, says: "Lord lob. TV, army now occupies a most ad• a':urtegoo le position. The sixth ll vision, under lien. KellyKetlay, Is paste I on the right, and huh* all the kopjas for a distance of (Ive utiles south of the Modder. The scienth dirteion, under Oen. Tucker, 1. 111 the centrad tnnmeJi ig wroth d the river,'nntl 11. Co le,,wltt tl,+• nwt0 'dihion, is on the north bunk. 'fie catnlry brigade, under lien. bench, is posted on the lett front ,nd the mounted Infantry, .under t'.d. Ridley • Martyr, on the right fr,,n1. '•Tlte country artatnd r^nside of wile, grossly plalne, In, do,' 010 try riIgee and lsolnted .1 body of the niy ha, taken up a potation an et the 1 r. a i nt-topped hill the tt ,of the river, live mi1'., ieyond (ienert1 French. who t+''+ took out horse artillery- and �', +'''p• "Another '' •� 4,000 drag, hold'+ net i• „trd group of kopjae mouth of a '4xhler. sad In front of the cru„ll moulted lulantre. Their I'"'"'"'' 1m eurrowlded on all seem 1„ "I plains, over which the Boers er cite riiveake r. their a consequence the,the, tuatlai appears pre( mous to n,. xtrente. • veldt ie now in beautiful con• Water le plentiful, suppers er obtainable not only from the �, 'r, but also from numerous clear -;�rutge. The health rind melee"' of tae troupe are excellent, The Brit• calf rnralry and mautted Infantry h•tve been reconnoitering the eat. uty's positloue, There Kae been little fighting." Stormberg Itvacuated. Sterketroom, March 5, - Storm' berg was found to have been avec• uatod by the Boom Ila; eight. 'lay (lets Every Straw. Washington, March b• -A table• grant 'received nt the State Depart• meet today from Adelhert Buy United States Consul at Pretoria, indicates that lie l having no trot - bee whatever in the Lgl�xerclee of Wm functions. and a laity'-ls le unhampered by the Boer ofticlab ' with whom he seems to be cat an excellent footing, securing any in. formation ,itmired as to the condi- tion of the British aoldlere who are prlaxmere tit Pretoria. nave the ''n" trot"•"""" •�".'� "a'� �" rein - London, "" Follow the report from Auetra• forces i': 800 Dutch la the I'rierks pu gun was thereby lrualaated• for a district eta that Jos. Chamloerlatn bml aeke,t time, but it will probably be renewed Thr•} hnva occupied Kenhardt, 100 how many man could ire epnrd%i t•rcm to-niplhL The cessations, however, miles neat of Prlwka, after a sharp that colony to gto to S)uth Alrict, 10 • ed satlefactfon, in res ___ show that the enemy have conflict with bastard I:offlt-e win rase the Inn,rinl tr+ +n' .r+'re +'.'.dad there was no failure, 'Pia Brltleh sol- Captured n hanger. nbnndonel all hone of 'milling Dud foo„g;,t until the magltrate ordered elsewhere, the Tuner hos athat +pacul diets and the entnninf nunll'ti'a Warta Rill, and with that gen out of Clem to desist. from Toronto, which says asked fns proved worthy of the bout tradition' Colesberg, Cape Colony, Mash l.-+ action tate greatest danger to Lady- four hundred refugees from Ken- Chomberlahi some tim.: ,tfi'' of the army. The stern consistency A retssnnalseanee with two troops of smith will have gone. Its removal may herds !rave reached Carnarvon. same gheatton of Canada, and a re y 1'on held out Australians and two gena found the be facltttated by a thutdrntorm that The rebeie,whir throe gene, are now was sent that situ c„lbasettcl t dace; against all the depressing influences wagon bridge over ver le prevailing, with heavy rain, welch =melee towards Uphngton, where sand, Ill ndditiou, L of the *lege was equalled by cheviots- Intact. L obater g tits hili now.” the Dastard Kaffir, are preparing to rt000 Beiifhx, E gnituault, Newfound - did gallantry with whlct(the relieving Fifty Boers on the other tide were A later Ladysmith despatch nye resit them. 'tact and the British West India. column, tolled again and again, stet taken by surprise, and the Drltleh that the country to the westward U -- Glory not in physical strength, yap returned to the assault, galloped to their Mager, some miles dotted with belting Boers, the groups Kruger'* Stirring Address. are not donkey strung y The Standard takes a sanguine slaw on the Free State side. sometlnaes numbering 600. A generalin mo• (t you poll -g It; of the future campaign, wbioh, 1t des Col. Pee'e command has moved flight l evident.Bloambn•teip, Grettge Free Stake, gery elates, looks altogether bonetn), but It seven miles north of Colaberg. d despatch to the Standard from Friday, March 2 (via Liorenzo Mat- It you 'e net, Rut teeth all your dom not think that 1M the has nape The Doers during their oeserttlam Ludyet 1h, dated Wednesday, says : num, March 8). -The Federal' have .efforts to obtain it: _ To Stop the Hoer Trekking. Omfonte'n, M•Iri+ 8. -flan. French yesterday eveutttg turtired a body id Boer., trekking nurtbwr,t, and shag a squadron last n'glit to keep in tout w.th them. Title *wiling the troupers were followe t by about 150 Boers; who ndvaneed aroma a hell, but whu tie. tae.1 precipitately when the Brltibh shelled them. The Boors then were t heavy fire with Maxims and sec began firing from n kop in the cows; of the poaltlou with n long rani:'• 15 pounder. Churchill Barka D+.afar• London, Msreh h, -\Ir Wlnatoit Church 11, r:etcrilang t„01 Lsdy- em-th to n despatch );1151411. y the Mort l g t out, ra! 'upwards of 5,0 11 effected nt a rood noad ,u nn army only 95if,01•ernX1 stlruing uu file gtwe nn Bnlpay e l Igh trtbnte Gr S r Rohm p)taeiaing the roufidenr ahs Itten had in him, "with• not w•h', I' tau+ enterprise could hardly baso rn..re:xled,” trf ,.en. Holler's attack on Feb. 170 11r. ('hnrch'l says : " (loue1reeed In t, If It neat 0 mneterptece, soundly tict'tr'ed. belly launch(d and skilfully executed." ltd adds that "much nen was due to the greeter Improved In- telt'g©nce Department." Mr. Moshe now point, out that the Boers tree tee t Y11 11 P1,,''11'' iSpw., t.ut that a mnjurlty of the Free Staters MIST nreompatie'd tb' Traus- tattlere northward. Pewter at ('roekodlie Peels. Ienden, March 0.-1 despate'h to 'he Times from Busuwaya, MOM Feb. 27 h, •cyte : "Col. Pitwter yeaterd'+y oreupivd alae pool ton nt (`rorodl:e Peale, whish the Rnere evacuated• on Feb. 1S:h. it is not known whether lila enemy hive token another pee:+ - tern or bean ordered to retreat, ow- ing to events in the south,