HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-01, Page 8'hi si i3 iris 4tAli g,l-44.4'S444•dAItteal AND LONG LIFE Sensible TMllt Prom Rev. Dr. Talmage Addressed to People Who Regard Christianity as a Quick I. Route to the Tomb. /�11IAG•44.144•OOd444+tet4+a St SaisiatPeat f isiora$.444t+54i44 with hint. You, the aged Christian mon, - 01 1(1 d along hy that unhappy "ne unto you came to the golden pillar of the ('hriatkin life, You went to the right; he wen( 10 the left. This Is all the difference between you. 0)i If tide religion la a protest ugatngt all forst of dleeleat0n, then it le an 11- hietrtoue (heed of longevity'." With long life will I satisfy him." Again, religion 1s a friend of longev- ity in the feet that it takes the worry out of temporalities, It Is not work then kills sten, It le worry. When tt man becomes a genuine Chrlwtlan, he stakes over to God not only 'hie If- feetlona, but his family, his business, his equitation, his body, his mind, his sell -everything. Induetrions he will he, but never worrying, because Ciel ie wangling his affairs. How van he worry n bout business when in answer to his prayers (hod toile hitt when to buy and when to sell, and If he gain that Ie beet and If he luso that 1s, beet? 8nppoee you had a supernatural neighbor who came In and said: "81r, I want you to cell on me in every exigency. 1 am your fast friend; I maid fall back on $20,000,1100; I tett ferrate a panic ten yearn; I hold the eonlrolling stock in 3e of the hest monetary lnatitutlons of this ronnt•y; whenever you are in any trouble call on Dm and I will help you you can have my money and you cut have mY Influence; het e'is my hand in pledge of ie." How much would you wetly shout business? Why, you would say, "I'll do the beat I can, and then 1'11 depend on my friend's generosity fee the reel." Now, more than that ie prur1110od to every Christian business man. God says to him: "I own New York and Loudon and St. Petersburg and Pek- ing and Auat•alla and California are imine: I ran foresee a pante a thous- and perm; I have WI the reeeurces of the untrue', and I :un your beet friend; when you get in heel II( trouble or any other trouble, !'all on me and 1 will help; here Is sly hand In 16dg1• of omnipotent deliver - How much should that ma.. worry? Not much, What nun will put t" !paw 017 that sine. o his Ie there not rest In This? Is there not an eternal vacation in (hie? "01," You say, "here is it ratan who asked God fur a blIOIIng In a rcatalo enterprise, and he lost $5,000 to Pfxplaln that," j will. Yonder is 0 factory, and one wheel le going north, and the other wheel 1s going mouth, and one wheel plate laterally, and the other plays vertically. 1 go to the not nu fa et urea end I Fay; "O munufu,,tmer, your machinery Is a e"utraetlet lon. Why do you not snake all the wheels go one way.?" "Well," he gay's "1 made tr1cm to go to op - le a,' diiecllong un purpose, and they produce the right result. You go downstall;s and examine the carpets Wo are turning nut in this establish- ment, and you will gee," 1 go duns en the other floe', and I see the car- pets, and I am obliged to contest that, though the wheels in (het rec- tory gu It opposite directions, they turn out a beautiful result, and while I au{ standing there looking at the exgUislte fa brie an old Scripture pa.d0age conies into my mind, "All flings work ttogelhcr fur good to them who love Goll." is there not rest in that? Is there met longevity In that? Suppose a man Is all the tante wor- ried about his teputatlun? One man eaye he lies, another Faye he to elu- phl, another says he is llahoneal, and half n dozen printing establishments attack hint, anti lie 18 in a groat elate of excitement and worry and fume end cannot 'leap. Brat religion ('0mee to him and eayi': "Man, God 10 on your aIle. Ile will take care of ' our ;eputatlon. If God be for you, wino curt b, against you?" lion much should thee mail won y about hie ' reputation? Nu't touch. If that Arctic - who ennte Years ago in Wall street, after he had lost money sat Moen and wrote a farewell letter to h(o wife before he bleu out his brainy -- 1f, Instead of taking out of ha pocket 't pistol, he ked Laken out a wen - reel New Teota.ment, there would have beep ane lees eulelde. 0 ner- vous and fee•ei Itch people of wthe world, this almighty sedative. Tun will II VC 115 veers longer under its Tooth - ins power. It is not chloral that you want or morphine t hat you wan.. It fs the simnel of Jesus Christ. "1(71!h long life w111 I satisfy 11 lin." I 1 avant to 111ke the strain off yuan' newts and the drpremien off yore 1 ruin, and I make two or three experi- 1 meets. lexperlmena the Met: When you go out ,vf this (('011(1 1t (lora not , mike any' difference wlwtlter you hot„ been good br bad, or whether you be- Ileved truth or error, you will go straight to glory. "Impossible," sad say. "My common sense an Ivell as myreligion teaches t I n that the hadawl n g C r 1 he good rennet t 1 is together for - eve:, You give me no comfort It that experiment." Expel -Inane the second: When yeti leave this world, you trill go Into an Intermediate 01101" where you ran get contorted and prepared for heaven. "Impossi- ble," )roll Fay; "As the tree faunal, w, It moot II'•, and I came postpone to an intermediate state that rofu1.11)a- 110t1 which ought to have been rife). 1 - ed In tins stat,'." Nxpe•Inent the rld,d; There is no Imbue wierl,l. When a man Mee that is the last of 111111. De not worry about what you are to do In another state of being; you will not do awaking. "Imtpossl- blr" you nay. "There is something that tells me thea Areal 1s, 1101 the appendix, but the preface; there 1= somrl'iting that fela.nlr that on till, side of the grave I only & t started and that 1 shun go on forever. My Pewee to think wars forever, toy af- feotinnS say forever, m3' capacity to enjoy or suffer says furore,. Well, you defeat me In my three ex- periments. I have only one mere to matte, and if you defeat nee In that I am exhausted. A mighty one 'on a knoll r 11 back 4f aria t t one d the J leen a sklee filled with forked lightnings and ill' earth tilled with volcanic dte- turhances, turned Hie pale and agun- (a.d (1100t l 1 ve rd ens and a s ileo heavens • v said: "i lake the mins and (40(00 w's of the ages g Into my own heart. I am hhe expiation. Witness earth and ;even and hen, 1 am the expiation." .,(1 Wggh1ngton, Feb. 25.-TIhl, SrrnBa of D1', Talmage neurone a go5pet for this Ilse es welt no the next told shows that religion dors for the prolongation Of earthly axlatenee: lent, realm xrl., i8t,"With long life will I satisfy him," Through the mistake of Its friends religion has been chiefly mssoaaated With sickbeds mad graveyards. The whole subject to many people is odor - 0(1* with chlorine and earboltc acid., There are people who cannot pro - 'Mona the word religion without hear- ing in 0 the slipping chisel of the tohlbatone cutter. ft is high time that this thing were changed and that. re- ligion instead of being represented as a hearse to carry out the dead, should be represented aa a chariot In which the living are to triumph, 'Religion, 140 tar from sublraclhtg fiOnt one's vitality, is a glorlous ad- dition, It Is 5 111(1011, curative, hy- think•, It is good for the eyes, good for the rare, good for the apiece, good for the digestion, good for ins nerves, good for the muscles. When David, Is another part of the Psalms prays ' that r 11(11011 may be dominant, he does tat epeuk of It us n mil4 sickness or an emaciation or en attack of morel and epl•Ituel (Temp. He speaks of It all "the saving health of all nations," while God In the text premises longer - Sty to the pieta. !eying, "With long 11(1 will t satisfy him." The feet le that men and women die too soon. It le high Ilme that re- ligion joined the hand 1,1 medical ecieane to attempting to improve hu- man longevity. Adam lived 0(80 years. Motheselah lived 9119 years. As late in hlstofy of the world an Veepaslan t ere were at one time In hie empire people 130 yearn old. Stu fur down s,8 ' the sixteenth century Peter Zarlan died at 3U fears of age. 'I de not say that religion w'(11 ever take the rare back to antediluvian longevity, but I do say that the length of human life will 1 e grettly improved. It la said len Isn1ah lxe. 20, 'Thr child 'hail die a hundred years old." • Now, if, aecoording to Scripture, the child le to be a hundred Feat* old, may not the men and women reach to Jas and 400 and 6001Thofact is that we are mem dwarfs and skeletons, ann. Pared 01011 501110 -ur the generations that are to come. Take the Aft•Icnn race. They have been under bondage for centuries. Give them a chance and they develop a Toueealnt I'Oueer- lure, And if the white race shall h: brought out front under the serfdom of stn what shalt be the body? Whut - veto be the 140111'7 11"Ilgl'o his only • just touched our world. Give It full Ixnwor for n sew centuries, told who can tell what will b• the strength 110' malt and the beauty of 1(001101 ofd the kplgevlty of a1l7 1i1�yy derlgn is to show that proah''A lloll is the friend of Io11g0vit3'; 1 a it, first, from She fact tient It !!!Alas the cale of our health a pusl- 11t'e C1111811au duty. Whether we shall keep early or late hours, whether we obeli take food digestible or indlges- Nb1e, whether there shall lie thorough 1 ea Incomplete matiticatlon, are quer• Gone very often referred to the 000 int of witimekaUty, but the Christlal man MIS this whole problem of health Into the accountable and the divine. He tofrp, "God has given me the body, and be has milled It the temple of the Holy 0lteet, and to deface Its alta•e or met' 04 waits or crumble 118 pillars Is a (loll de(3(01 sacrilege," He anye, "(lad hue glVen plea wonderful body fur noble pu e Chrletian man says, to Mewed, IC -j hW't my nerves, i1 I hurt me brain. if I hurt any of 1113 physical , ftteultlei, 1 Insult God and enll for dirt r'otr;butloa." Why did God tell the Lovites.not to offer to hhn' 'n 1a.n•llege animals imperfect and dlsoast:d'1 He meant to tell us in all the ages (hal wet are to offer to Dud ow very best pPityalcal condition, and a ratan who, through lrrs'gular or glutto toms 'eating ruins hie health, Is not offering to God such a teerince. Why did Paul write fee Ila cloak at Troas7 Why should each a great man as Paul be 0nxioue about a thing 5u lnelgnldcaud R0 an vvereuat? 11 wee because he knelt that - with pneumonia and rheumatlam he Would not be worth hail tut mail to tied' and the rhumb as with remora- lkeit easy and foot free. An Intelligent Christian moan would eonglder It at absurdity to kneel down n(' night and pray and ask Cod's pro- teetlon while at the tante time he kept the windows of hie bedroom tight shut against fresh air, He would 3051 as noon think of going to the top of his house and hailing off and then praying to (God to keep him from getting hut t. Just: as tune' as you refer this whole subject of physical health to the realm ' of whlmsieailty, or to the pastry cook, Or to the butcher, ur to. the clothier or 7e ( apothecary you are 11(11 acting Hie a lot y !r t like a Chrllltbnn. Take carr of all your phyelcal teres--ncrvoue, museulur, bone, brain, cellula' tissue --for all you 111(181 be brought to judgment. ' What right has e(1y man ,r wensu t4 deface the temple of the Holy Omit? What In the ear? Why, it is the wbispeOJag kitties of the human Mil. What is the eye? It 1s the oh- ae1'vatory God c0nst'ueted, Ile tem- 'bpe sweeping the heavens. 80 wun- 'ril are these bodies that Clod thous 11 n attributes after different ports His Oh) le Gud's ' ! - t . . ear. nlpo(5 lmals The otalety of t` Might h'arena - 11 ie the work of God's (('1(1018. FUR dire giving 14)1) (.1.-. 1. IS the breath of the Almighty. His demhdmn-"the gov'- et'nent shall he upon his shoulder'." A body su divinely honored and se di- vinely emian'neted-lel 115 he careful not. to abuse P.. When it beeeines n christlan duty to take tate of um, health, Is not the whale tendency toward longevity'( If I toss my watch abuut reckievely and l` pavement al %tad drop It on th s n 1d Int It u sol p p tone' time of day oi' night 1 happen t, aglnk of It and often I't It rub down vl lie ;you are careful tiltyear w•aeh nad'never abuse It and wind it tap just t the same hour every; night and put w ee l It w n tj'.tu place h I1 not puffer tlmu the violent chows of the atmos• Metre, which welch will last the long- er" Common wane answers. Now, the human body le God's watch. Yon Nee the hands of the watch. You see the a f of the i air , r face .h, but the healing of the heatt is the ;seking of the watch. Oh, he enteral and do not let It run duette! Again, 1 rrmurk that practical reil- gignis a friend of longevity lin the riot (had It Is a protest egaln51 dia- afi(atlons which injure and destroy uhle health. Bed men and women iIre a very Ftart life,. Their sins kill them I know hunetreds of goal old titan, but 1 do not know half a dean �b�dd old men, Why? Thcy do not get alis' Lord Byron died at Mlasolonghl at 34 years of aye, hbneeif of him ovum )taoepy'a. his unlarldled paRRions the l with him m Inca lh lot's that e desert. ledger A. Poe died nt llaltt- InM'e at 30 years of age. The Mack raven that alighted an the bust shove hit chamber door was delirium tonn- e*, only this and nothing more. There are aged 9. 0(110 who mould have been dead ..a yeas ago but tor the dat015115 and the equlpolee,of re- ligion. You Love no more natural reeletance that hundreds of people who Ile In the cemeteries today, slain 1y thole own vices. Thp doctors spade their case ae kind and pleasant as they could, and it wail called con- tention of the brain or something thee, but the /makes and the blue Mlles Diet seamed to craw' over the pillows in the eight of the delirious ' !latent ahoaed whet was the matter A11,1 the hammer struck Him and ;hen sprats punctured Him, and heaven thundered, "'rhe wages of *711 ix death!" "The soul that (lnneth it shall die!" "1 will by no manna clear the guilty!" Then there \Vali sil- ence for half an hour, and the llght- pinge were drawn hack Into the s(wh- 1Sard of the sky and the earth ceased to quiver and all the cohere of the sky began to shift them/wino two a rnlnhow woven out of the falling tears of Jesus and there 10119 red us of the htnodshedding and there 1104, green 08 (1f the heavenly lollagt- and there was orange u5 of the day dsw'n. Aon along the line of the blue i Raw 0)10 mantle, "i Waft btulaeJ for thar inhiuitlee." .And along the Ilse of 111. red I sow the words. "The Mewl of seem. Christ cleau8ath from alt min." And along the line of the green. I maty the words, "The leaves of the tre,• of life for the healing of the .\t,d 0inng he (Inc of the orange I maw the words, "The day - spring Iron on high hath visited um." .Ind then I caw the storm was over, and the rainbow rose higher and higher until It seemed retreating to another heaven and planting one cm. anon of its colors on one side the eternal hill and planting the other column of its colors on the other side the eternal hill It rose upwards and upwards, at behold, there avail a rainbow about the throne. Accept that *aorta** end quit wor- rying. Take Ilio tonic, the 1tsplra- Non, tho la1gevlty, of (hie truth, Religion is nunehine; that le healthy. neaten la fresh air and pure wetter; they are healthy. Belleau le warmth; that is healthy. Ask all the doctors, and they Will tell you that a quiet oonselence and pleasant nn• ticipatious are hygienic. I offer you perfect peace now end he•enfter. What du you want in the (Muse wined? Tell me, and you shall het,• it. Orchards? There are trees, with twelve manner of (rulta, yielding fruit every month. Hater svenery'1 'Ther, !s the river of life, from under the throne of God, clear ns, crystal, and the sea of alms wangled with tire. Da you want music? There are the oratorio of lee "Creation," led on by Adan,, tad the oratorio of the "lied Hen," led on by Moses, and the, Ora' aerie of the "Messiah," led on by St. Taut, while the archangel, with /twinging baton, controls the 114,000 who make up the orcheeh•a. Do you want reunion? There are your dead children waiting to Iles You, wanting le embrace you. volt• Ing to twist garlands lit your hair, You hive been (,eCnetnmr,l to open the door on this eide of the sepulcher; I open the door on the other Ride the sepulcher. You have been nrcustonl- ed to walk In the wet grass on the top of the gave, I Mune y'00 the un- dersid, of the grate. The bottom ham fallen out, 01041 the tong repos Wit 11 which the ((0llbearesre let down your !lead let them clear through brio heaven. Glory be to (led for this robust, healthy religion ! It will have n tendeney to make you live long In this toerit, and In the world to e,nbie you will have of"rn'l We, "With long life will I s1tlaf) him." Market Reports -OP- The Week. 1 Grain awl. Produce. Toronto, Feb. 21. -Flour--Onta rle potent, 111 ttnga, (1.15 to $3.65; straight rollorm, $3.25 to $3.45 ; ltun garlan patent*, 83.80; MHnitoha bakers', 03.55, ell on track at 'fu motto, Wheat -Ontario, red and white, (35o north and wed; gocum, 7011 north and weamt; No. 1 Jladwdgt, herd, 78e; Toronto, and No. 1 Northern at Tae. Oats -White tato quoted at 2711 wait. Barley -Quoted at elet for • \' u teat • fedi burley, 350 to a o . , Itye-Quoted nt 41)c north and watt, an') lett" east, Bran -City, mills eel! brae at '$14.50 and shorts at 7115.50, in cur , lobe, f. o. b., Toronto. Buckwheat -Firm ; 480 north and 50e eget. Corn -Canadian, Ile on track it7 Toronto ; American, 41%o on track. •* i.aaWIeue. amca.t. Toronto, Fell, 24.-itmeltto of farm produce were large, 2,000 buxhel4 of grain, 1.0 loi(4(4 00 buy, L of straw, to- gether with a large melt (TY od;ipples, potatoes, poultry, butter and egg•• with n few loam of dee..') huge. There were a largo number of falrnw're on the market, and the ('lode Itutel, 1 which Is a favorite, re ort for time of York county, 1r11.9 crow'dod, lair. Lemon being kept bray nil oats Wheat, meter ; 1,208 bu+hels eat all a i follows: White, 411 (0 71 e.; red, 70 to 701-2e.; goose, 500 Itshele nt 71e. Barley, firmer ; 1,171)0 buu#hels sold 111 44 to 47e. Oats, bt4oly ; 110th buMJlel0 moll at ' 81 1-2c. Peas -One load 00111 nt 00v, , One load of miring wheat (Fife) mulct at 701•2e. - Huy -Ten locus sold at 7110 to 811 par ton. Strew --Ono load mull at *7.10 Per Drea el Bugs-PrireIl, firm, at 1111.75 to 117 per cwt. Applea, steady, at. 112 to $3 per hie. Potatoes, easy ; nt 40 to 5011. per bag, the latter prime being for mingle bogs, null the former by ache load, horn! Produce Wholesale. Toronto, Feb. 24. -'fay, baled, ear lots, per ton 19 to $9.50; Moan, baled, CRY iota, per ton, 14 to 14.59; potatoes, I ear lot(, per bag, 37 1-2': 10 10c ; but- ter, choice, tubs, 20c to 2)c ; butter, toed:luat natal, 15.' ib )Oe ; butter, dairy, ;b. rolls, 21c to 22e; butler, creamery, ,b. rolls, 24e to 25c; butter, large folio, per lb., 21c to 2211 ; butter, eros- I mery, bazee, 23c to 24c ; eggs, herd, l 150; egg(, new hill, 18c; honey, per ib„ 90 to lib; turkeys, per l'b., Ile; peas, per lb„ 7a to 7 1,-2o ; ducks, per pair, 40a to 600 ; diadem to, per pair, 2(t to 59c. Neiman Martina Liverpool, • fabs 21, 112.30,-11 heat, No. 1 northern minim ON 0 1-2d; No. 1 ('aa, Si 54 to 6* 5 1-2(1 ; rod winter, no 5 ; corn, old 3H 8 1-2(1 • new, 311 8d . peas, 5s elL ::d ; pork, � pelma weaken Mess, 56s MI; lard, prime wenern, 80s 9d ; American refine:i, 83H; tallow, Australian, 29N; Amer- ican, goof to fine, 29s; bacon, long clear, light, 35a 6d; (heavy, 85s; /short clear, heavy„8-18 Od ; (Meese, colored, 82s ; white, 60e; wheat, dull, rwru, quiet. , Coo/len-(lase: 11,Irkiat, ea ratite/ waiting, 1; off corset, buyers and *ell - en apart ; on passage, ouster, but in axone recount ; corn, oat waist, nothing doing; on passage, quieter and hardly any demand. I.lverpool-Cl,ming : Meat, spot, No, 1 northern spring, dull, Os 01-20 ; No. 32 red western winter and No. 1 ('al., no 'Rocks; corn, spot quiet ; American, mixed, now, 311 8d; American, mixed, old, 8s 8 1-11; futures steady, Feb. nominal, March 8s 78-4d, May 3s 7 1-44. 1 Bradstreet's on Trade. General trade at Montreal continues in a omni and eatiolactory condition, and the outhuok for the s Oren and [ g summer is fully up to expectation in a21 departraen'ta of lushness. Pay- ments are good. Largo orders are coming forward. The char advance in ' r the rice of cheese ca �� p netDl t . U M 1N at-' edaetory feature. Hog products are firmer. The pricer for raw rot ton have material strengthened the Canadian SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERNATl0NALLESSON N0. IX, MARCH 4, 1900. Jenna Ilcnling(0l'aperuauw.- Stark 1:21 31, Supt. -What is the Golden '!'ext f School. -And he healed many that were sick. Mark 'hiot le the Central Truth 1 Christ ra1110 to destroy the works of (he devil. 'What ie the Thine 1 Christ healing die /teen What is the outline 1 I. Jess( in the synagogue, 2. Jesus in Petor'e house, 3. Jeeue on the street. When was the time 1 April, A, 0.28. \('bare was the pace t Capernaunt. '\\'ho were lne persons( Jesus and Hie disciples. A man possessed wt.h an unclean spirit. Simon's w'(fe'e nei- ther. Many that were sick. What ars the parallel accounts Luke iv. 31-41; Matt. vitt. 14-17. Commentary. - Connecting Links. After Jesus left Naaaretie He went to Caperasum and. again definitely called Andrew, Peter, James and John the second time. They now ;etl nil and followed [Um, Some aurhoritie't think that He attemle'd a feast a Jerusalem just bafern 11118 time, but there in little proof that much was the rase. 21. Into ('iopertutum--Chr'.st now mnkee Caper:mum ills tom!, 1011(1 the eelltre u( 1110 mtn14try for neve (11111 n year. It le mile 1 Illy owe elty motto h, 1), and hero am n ('loan Ile laid the half shekel, Matt. ova. 21 1)10 Mother and brethren rams her with Him. John 11. 12. The S'tbhntl day-llim (fret 8lnlnth Im Capernnuut The synagogue-ThIM w11M the gift o n rentlr40t. Luke vii. ;. 22. They were oetonbled-At th natter, manner, spirit end authority Of 1110 teaching. "1. At the nutlet o 11'8 Intellectual gifts. 'J. Thr fore,' o FUN tlht(trntkono, 3. Ilii negnmhlttu(0 with the human heart, 4. His dee) knowledge of the divine law."-Blirn Antlorlty-Ile spoke ail one commix rennet] by (hal, and He laid great stress upon Himself. Not as the srrlbee- 'rhe ser!l)es were without eph•Ilunl life their Manner wag cold, and with at unholy ambition they sought thele own and not 00) 0* g)or3'• 23. .1 man with on anthema Mp11•lt --Luke says ho 11ad "u sprit or nt nnrleau !held" and "cried out with a loud vo!le," Luke iv. 33. There ha len lnurb disen5don rtgnteling till "un(katt sp!rft," Mine boil that tho ( who were maid to have (troth weer simply (Weaned people, and that their stung laroxeemi were only "(Its." ('r'etl.ont-" An 'evil spirit le stirred to its depths when 0n )'outset with j''''.41' L4. Let ns Mate --'rhe deli! nlweee ,Ts'ree to ho let alone, null hal mP't do not went to he di'turbe.! with ntotldng gond. Whathttve WI` to do with 1110P --Nothing at all. There Ie tie 1'(111410101 lnt{i'epll 1'llriot 111(11 Bel int, To destroy uH-Tu drive tot from our abode back to 0111' native piner. I know thee-InutgIne 5)1(1{0 d1*eu'se, like the npopleey, thus nddrr:ying Christ ! No. (7t•ist is dealtug wltl devils new, and they know Hint well. The Holy 011e et clod -i hr 30(351(411, who (1110 come, to deetroy the king- dom of the dein. 1 Jolla iii, 8, 25. ,leans rebuked ittul-He does not deter° the testhuon3' 0f oat Ile to prove 7145 Messlahshlpi" Thruughunt HIM mit IMtr3' Christ never for at moment coal. tenaneea anything that might be eonstrne,l Into tt truce with Settle.' --Burn. hold thy Itoaee-Ll tern 113, "Ile thou mottled." (tome out of lint -Ile speaks with Initlnorit3'. He will snow who He is, h3' eroding out the devil. depart, or Impute to others the power to cast theta out. How one spirit can Inhabit another spirit le beyond human coalprehenelon, but we know many thine which we can. not explain. Unclean eplrlts are aware tlult they are filthy, and that Jesus Christ Is the "holy Ono of Gad," and they neknowledge the fact He In title ease; bot it makes no 0hnnge In their nature or character -they keels their devilish dlapogltion still. No doubt everything 1n tide me. terllt1 world, If nut In tide material (nevem, wee deirigned to be used for the realization of sldrltaal mentor. fplr)tunl ends are of )iwtly greater Importance than mere physical im- itate, though the, mage of mankind (a11 to aq)preheul the tact. It le this that Ieatbs to the utterance, "while we look not tat the a thll which err meet, but at the Dante w•h(ch are not seen; for the (hinge which are 851111 are tempura), but the things which are not Seen are eternal." "Sfany are the afflictions of the righteollel, but the Lord' deliverelh bite out of tient all." This was true in the came of its servant. Job -"a perfect and; an upright man, ono that feared God and escheweth evil," The esuno Yvan erne of the thorn in the flesh in the case of fehe apostle Paul, The thorn in the flesh was not in hie carnal mind (someeimee called the flesh), so it must have been in his body. He has chosen Hie people in a furnace of af- flictiun because Ile can make them richer ('hereby than He could on a bed of roles. It He thus secures to u5 richer Winship t'o all eternity than He could in any other way, we s'h'all be thankful and praiea IIsn1 for taking no on (bot line. 1 .1ff1 tt(oos, temptations, neresslthes, • penterutems, Metros/we and the like, 1) fire often 1114 w'.ndv bo waft 0111. barque ' toward the heavenly port. "00) tear pens the wind to the ehoru lamb." f .111101) Haid, "All thew things are against ate," when, In feet, tiro; were ' all for lira, Pros)merlty much more frequently works Minister to the 'soul I than ndlers'ty prove) I*Jurious.-(1. 1 W. C. r Glorious News • Cowes from I)r, 1), B. Cnrgilo, of • Washita, I.11, Ile writes; "Four bot- tlesof Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused • her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break tut on her head and fare, And the best doctors could give no help; but 1010 clue is 00001 -late and her Leallh is excellent." This ehon'e what thousands have proved --that Electric x Bife s i* the best bloodp purifier known, , mIt'* the supreme r0nety for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and 00ulii0(1 Bores, 1t stimulates liver, kidneys and howele, txpels poisons, helps digestion, betide up the strength. Only 51) casts, Sold by J. M. Hamilton, Dluggiat, Guaranteed. The Deadly Crossing, Buffalo, Feb. 25,-•1 Geneva epee lel to the Ilulfnlo Courier stye: Shortly lifter midnight Saturday the midnight cvp0028 on the Lehigh Vol- • ley Railroad struck a carriage twin telling woven prime at futtle's ('rusting, abnst 21 mann mat from I(uehesul•r, Instantly killing live of the 10011rallte, fatally injuring An- other rind badly bruising the other. A 11 we110 membore of a (aneiy. The dead nee: Mrs. Amy Smith, it' 3 111 r0 old; Bert Smiths, "3 ,years oI , Moo Miranda Smith, 21 yo'tre old; Aha'k Smith, 1-1 Sears old; Catharine Smith, (4 3e 05 old. The injured are: Porter smith, bus. halal of Mre. Smith and tether of the other victims; Gardner Smith, 21 years old. Dicovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in thia country. '' Disease fastened its clutch- es upon her and for seven years she withstood its Sovereet 'ea ' but her vital organa were m,darmimed and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incess'lntly,and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. Hing'! New Dieoovery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles has been absolu'el,y cured. Her name i* Mrs, Luther Luis." Thus writes W, 0. Hamilton & to., of Shit y, N.C. Trial bottles free at .1. M. Hamilton's Drug Bto:e, Regular site Dec and 61. Every bottle guaranteed, Fronk It. Munger. agent for Moth the American alit' Nit them 1 Eeprete Companlaw, Catskil), N. 1'„ commit- ted) suicide yesterday by rhootlug hlmeeli with a revolver. He Ind been m'tlng strangely of late. He leaves a widow and it child. i urn mm -1)r, eo*n'niset hint. Luke, e03'N the devil, threw the num and enure out of him. and hart him not. Never wan there 11 permit 150* se(5od b3• all unclean epir•It, who did not Nutter a cunv(islou, perhaps n total ruin by It. lift mune out of him --Even hhn deells obey Hle word of eommllnvh There is no evidence of the groat object of (lt*1 (N Midden-to de. etroy the works of the devil. It le nl'so n proof of Itis love for loet.1110(1. 1:7. What thing Is th(N--"GOWN dere are more Wonderful then the devll'N {vondere." -.bow/ taught by what He did am well as by what lie 00 Id." They do obey Him -Thee Jese5 eetabh(lted (1113 mlealon by the mlrnele5 Ho wrought. And they *5017);} not doubt It. :'B. Ince; spread abroad -Tide mlr- man was wmugllt in the public con- gregation, tout those who Naw 1t pub- Ilehed It wherever they {vent, and the people throughout all Galilee ween wool* disowning IBM nnLHle work. 20. The house of Hinton and A*(irew -Jeers, ,inmWS and John had entered later'n louse. 80. $Inn's wifr'; mother -Peter {ram n married Inas am)lived hlCa er num. I. I. n a pick of a fever -Luke Y calla It n great fever. Luke iv, 38. She waif prostrated with a )aiming fever They tell Him of her -Thio was really a. request for beating, They knew He could restore her. 31. Took her by the hand-l'ould nus Gang on tide side the unlimited power of Goa effect suet" a cure? Theme proof* should demote/trate Itis Mllln• itl' to the intelligence of every m1011.- ( inrke. The fever left her -Christ nee power over !intense. lie can, and fre- quently doom, heal to -day ; and yet we (inmost toot the eplrltuallty by the henith of the body. 31!, When the Nun did *et -The Selo bath ended with the Netting Nun and then they brought their Milk to Ilia It would not lure been It desecration of the tiny it they hail eomo before the tom weant down. Jams had just per 'formed n, cure of that day. 113. .all the city -Not necessarily every person, but a very large company. 84. Healed many -Matthew Flays. "hwere "EnkeHy uit. t nt sick," n.e He 110111 hands 011 them. JoeuS healed nil who eatne, and they were many. Disonere ... devils -A diethnctlon 1N node, here that we meet not fail to naive; disettioes were " h ea l rel r, II .•' Suffered 11 t aid devils "coat t rt -iter, on verge 25. Thio had been a grout day at ('etpernaunt, at day markets for cotton goods. Trade at London preeenl5 no new features of nn150rt once Obi week. There is a good trade baimg done by retailers, but little grain hen been coming out of the band* of the farm, ers, and the country trade has not been epec:oPly aotuve. Trade et Viltorie And Vancouver has been fair thie week. Payments en February account were abut up to n expectations. Choice butter tae been scarce, and some Auetral41n butter m had been offered and retailed at 8511, The Macke nativity is quite marked and promotes 10 dhow in- creased nativity in the spring. A fair movement in who;eeale trade tireless h( reporied at Hamilton. Pay - memo continue aatiefeetory, and re, tah8ero are taking in large stocks of Hied with stirring events. May Gal ghu 118 a{st tin y% In all our oi es i T a1 h Christ evil Teachings. -1. het g r may be wholly. cast out of human- ity. Ile (alma to destroy the work* M rho devil, and 10 holy heart in01r li heritnn,'e len this world. 2. 1Ve ehextld put ourselves ht prrsonutl contact with those who gaffe . We ennead help them by standee off nd simplyPxpreeming our pity, lout w n should go to then and, in a eine, take their burden* and grleto 1)501) on05(441 s. 3. Every Nick pet" 0010 reatoled to stealth 5hotld at 0r " ItL 1 this do vv did II tl a as the omen leSNum-n1lhb*ter unto 11(*41tm. 'there Is room for all to work, for Jegtl's 11115 d 1(1 nand 1019- 1'r' otsaihersthat weIn ado r05ihog sam0 111(1.0 Hhu. \Intl. rtes :11.10 Let tie thio (,N t em-et:rate ourselves uuew to HI1a. In the Interest )1t tt 1014t nnmaat3'. PRACTICAL SURVEY. Wherever Jig w*N HP engaged in is 30( (0p,14 buNine*5, uttering ine truth and correcting as far n* posellle the effects of inn. A power ec- ,mpnniel Hie ePreeching to whish the scrbbeis were strmlgere, Unclean *Melte cannot dwell to men with(wt their consent, nor even titan f Jour (Viet commands them to gond. for ' he Aprirg 't.,.1 , w L; 1, 8 expected to be partioul'arly good. Val- ues are generally alarm, The jobbing trade at Winnipeg has been very fair the pant week. Grain deliveries are light, and (hat has made !rode at country centroi a lit- H t1e slow. So far February business in moat ;:!nee is In excess ei last yen r. ,Valuta continue very form for all lines iv of manufactured good'. -8'r Frank Smith le vary seriousiy 111, I Every cough makes your throat more raw and irritable. Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. Cease tearing your throat and lungs in this way. Put the parts•at rest and give them a chance to heal. You will need some help to do this, and you will find it in rs Cfterrg Pectoral From the first dose the quiet and rest begin: the tickling In the throat ceases; the spasm weak- ens; the cough disap- pears. Do not watt for pneumonia and con- sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral eatoral Plaster sbouid be over the lungs of every per- son troubled Oh a cough. Write to the Doctor. Gnwnr' opporturdtisa and long as. rIrtneace00 m dloal ad,'lce. wrtlta treaty all theernauters in iterate'. Tell 53 what four a renee hu been with our Cherry Pectral. Yon wilt reeelye a promptaeply, without cwt Addrea, DR. J. C. AYER, Lowen, Leu'. BANK OF HAMILTON. Capital, all paid up, $t,soo,olao. Reserve, $1,000,000. Total Assets, $13,163,o57. BLYTH BRANCH. A general Banking bueinese transacted. Advances made on all outtailk I securities. farmers' notes discounted and money advanced to feed cattle, otos, and pending the hal venting of the crops. Debentures bought, Collections made on the most favorable teams. Drafts issued pueblo at all principal palate In Canada and the United States, lh•afts on (creat Britain and the cenlineut of Europe bought and sold. • SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of 81 and upo'atde received and interest allowed from date of deposit to date of withdrawal _Interest added to principal in May and Novem- ber each year. Special deposits also reeeivod at current rates. Deposits may be withdrawn without formality or delay. C. If, BBENNET'1', SUB•AOBS'I'. a N ws er Advertising pp Mnitvws.a a+nevrwti► 18 TN. NnrwV W. Life of a Business. .,.t5,rtatN�► The shrewd merchant knows it and acts accordingly. To bring trade your way these growing times use THE BLYTH STANDARD MrV..wm. 1 He Fooled the Surgeons. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O.. atter suffering 18 montha from Rectal Fistula, ho would die unless a costly operation was per- formed; but he cured himself with five boxes of Blackleu'a Arnica Salve. tate 8m'eat Pilo Cure on earth, and the best, Salve in the world. 25a n box. Sold by J. M. Hamilton, Druggist, ,1 1lottreal 'Theatre churned. Montreal, Feb, 20. --'rite theatre Penitents WW1 completely gutte.1 thio morning b3' fire, which (Geo burned out reveral stored 7n the vlcldty. .1moug• the sufferers 1s •' Tip" O'Neil, of beec- hen fame, who keelse a saloon next (icor to the theatre entrance. Prh'iitc loot Garde. Under n retentl3 (timed regulation b3 the l'aet-offb•,• Ie)atrtuunit, it is optional with the eendere of imitate post eerie, addreste3 to places In ('nn - Iola, whether they 811111 place the runts ''lith ate Uu'4t yard" uu the carts they post, or omit thews. The Appetite of a Goat Is envied , by all poor dy0pepties 11(101.0 Stomaoh and Liver are out of order, All such should k•nier that Dr. King's New Life 1?ilfe,'the ivonderful Stomach and Lied Remedy, lived a splendid appetite, wend digesTioi amt a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c at J. M. ' drug e Ha it on m t gstore. ore. .1 Illb It syndicate has Outlined en reporumt roneoetion in the goal natn- ie h e Ii u" re8n nf .1 n, ni•l. n BLYTH ROLLER MILLS •••••••• Having assumed control of the above named mills I out 9009(0ed to supply and deliver Flour tutu reed to any part of the town at reasonable prices. Ask your grocer for FINNEMORE'S FAMILY FLOUR itis the best 011 tite market, (MISTING and CHOPPING done on short notice, being 10 practical mil- ler ant Imre to please you. GiVE ME A TEIAL. i i hest nbarket trim paid I it i g 1 for all ciAA- SON of (Leet. •••••••• W. H 1 .FI FINNEMORE M E OR E BLYTH. I �1 r T. J.i UCK E Y f Barber 8116 Tobacco[tist Choke Stock of ToM000e, Cigars and Pipes on haat? semi T 1'01 Ties 'PARISIAN atA /fF.AY LAUNDRY 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENT$ TRADE MARas DtaI+N* COPYRIGHTS etc. Anyone sending a stet rh and dnenptkaa nut �11115.9ri17 Ywtaln qv pourable. o�0nlnn free -bather ae E:111), stricttloo ly probably oitale. Ha ddwkOil Paellas mi fres Oldest agony for terming patent+. Patents taken throne. Nunn a (•e recon• spats' sake, without chants Is the Scientific American. A handsomely alestrat.d 015,141.. Inset•-* ria wtia008 of 5n4.41enyap 3540.51. erne, ea s 108,,,sottas,eL ode br.1.,..ed&$*lu. iLu:ei me 4� r nm,wr r k 1 JII3111UHCIIIE & MINCE BANKERS TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. MYTH, ONTARIO. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Salo Notes a epeoialty, Advaacn made to farmers on their owe notes, No additional security re. gnired. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Cerreat btu, We offer every accommodation eon• efetent with safe mid conservative banking principles. 0 UNITED PRIVATE FUNDS '1'o loan on Beal Estate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our that for sale. Rents colleted. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended te. INSURANCE. Wo represent the leading fire and Life Ad surance companies, and r•. steottull solicit arraaqouat. OI''PICE HOURS: 10 A.Y. To 3 1.41. J. H. °HOLLOW IJIILRTIIBI & BMMIL!U. runt Mum AND Oeese. - 414.t is taeeomiteal No. 41 Queen etr..t South, Myth - -- - ---- ----------_ C. HAMILTON. Licensed at:tiormeer and Valuator. Land, Loaf and Insurance Agent, Office, on Queen street, Blyth. Orders left at Ten STANDARD office will receive prompt attention. O.A.O OOKE Leo. 0.0 Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Uni- versity of Toronto, and graduate of the Royal . College of Dental Surgeon,, Special a ttentlo » paid to t h e �revert t tion of the natural teeth. Nike over J. W. Bell's harness store, Queen et teat Blyth, Visits Auburn 1st and 8rd Mondays of each month, W. J. MILNE M.11.0.111. Physician, Surgeon and Aoeouches►. M. D.C.M., University of Trinity Col. lege; 11.11„ Queen'R University; Fel- low of Trinity Medical College, Ant member of College el Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Coroner for the County of Huron. Office, one d north of the Commercial hotel, Q s htreet, Blyth, I GRAND TRUNK RAILWAf, w'IN(it10M nen 403010:1 IIRANCII. e0U1N am rm II 53 305 111; :1 'S 7 114 .3 71'; 8 la 721 'I;,8 7 47 4 9 80 0 25 11'in';Lem Win_ha,n .f.' Bel l; ra to Blyth Londeaboro Clinton London 5(11 11 10 179; 1058 I) 11 10 83 10 15 8 15 7 7 It 051 4 4u f BLYTH POST OFFICE. moults: EIONr A.U. TO Qeier P.M. \IHi18 Arrive. -kilo -TAG a. we wed 3.30 pm.; South --10.15 a.m. aril 7.30 pin. halls ('lora.--9io ge North—!0,20 me, Rad V p m.; JouN'l s,.•1, and 8.113 11 m.