HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-01, Page 6' teal milk t and you've made it lecke* " I'm wee of it." Ned responded, THE BST l(IINt pretty as a picture." oonffdentlt ; " at any rata I know how ' lite mother laughed out musloally, I can find out," he oonol¢ded, with a . IN SPITE OF HIS BIRTH. - ami enjoyed he pleasure manhole bevot loot. hl e w dee ?" s, a Th I { fir turned ) ¢ r er u Ho I Hopewho T' Ned demanded, Ingto imitate the chi d'e .a r lit- Say About Dodd's Kidney l wltb a puttied expression, !Mellon on the adjective, "and the enough to undertake it the Isco "Wash your fano and lands, and dog watt Just tickled enough to Jump Pills. g P brush your hair nicely, When I will out of his skin to have her praise Might Nutt you, and you and the hoe tell you," she eatfl, with a myeterleue him, I'm Just going down to that e 1ro vets Grateful IL Hancock of th I t fie It 1, "Olen that be pcwetble 1" exclaimed Wallingford, " ion I have Mrs T a Lig been paying three dollars a mouth more Akan I need have paid." ":ttaatly ; but It .bail all be re- funded to you, and water shall be Mrried to every floor. Blew my keen l to think anybody bringing water up those three flighty 1 T Dever' dreamed of suoh a Wog. How tare you lived here?" " t was a year last May since we "Bumph. That'll make In the Migkborhood of fortyflve dollars asmiai to you, and 1 expect the ,otbsr tenants have been squeased la the same way. Well, warm, well rillour agent a tante of the same dad of treatment; but I didn't emu bare today to talk about treats," is remarked, more quietly, thea added abruptly ; " that's a tine boy y e bare at R. H. White's." les, NW L a nice boy, and very Cad its mother, too," Miriam Wal- Ip1eIa d answered, and flushing se iaes$y color at tale praise of her sou. 'Tea Dither her beautiful eyes to her Sfeetaes 4439.be i tle den : " 1 think you IMO She man alase money he found." "Oast son warm," " Yos Were very lead -we have both Wished we might have as opportunity You *hank you for your generally to NIA." she continued, gratefully. Tto agile gentleman looked ember• " I didn't Dome here for tint, eItker," IND bluntly remarked. "1 rain to NU you that It e a sin for a smart, britt, honest boy like that to be stint op a alae store, and running ids leggy oft from morning 8111 night for tWea$yftvs cents a day." CHAPTER Y. Um Wallingford flushed and looked wbaewbat dletressed by this rather harsh criticism regarding Ned'e em. Iplirmente 'The pay le very little, I know,' slim returned, "and Ned sires get very o y. o t It le birthday," she re. " 0 1 is e i railed blur 'My alae, A Galt Rotel Man Has a Word to t' ed; "the btrti d y of Hope' leY old Budge,' " saki the boy, try. pe 1 peal could go together." How Miriam Wallingford'i heart leaped at his words 1 She could hardly believe her eau. It seemed too good to be true -the opportunity to go to the sea shote with Ned, where she felt sure there was new lite and strength for her. To have her own and Ned's living provided for and two dollars a week haste. --she did not give a thought to any remuneration for her own nervtces-and not be obliged to worry over rent, that bug '• I ant wire 1 cannot, Marmee." row morning. Please, mother, roti( Magi men in the country, his house bear of all povertyetrleken people, Ned reepOedeti, "for I don't think Ing eau harm me and I do so want being the equal to comfort and ap• while elm would escape the worry we trove any acemaIntancee who to do this for that nice little girt pohtttnents of the average hotel of and Date of providing for their dailymake calls, unions it Is the agent, who was mo phvmant to roe." doable the rates. It will hntereet needs and the Incessant tolling for a for the rent, and it eu't time for Mrs. Wallinglorl could not with. traveling men to know that Mr. Han• mere pittance upon those tiresome trim yet." stand thW plea; so she reluctantly cock thoroughly endorsee Dotd's Kid. sacquea, "Ob, sir, I am sure you are "No; but my Palter was a gentle- consented, but changed him not to trey PiUN. very kind to make us such a tempting man and Me name is Benjamin Law• with people whom lie might meet. tkuue time ago geode of the fro - offer," she Begangratetu:ly. son." Ned promised that he would not, and qualm might have uotteed that Mr, Thea you'll go;' he interrupted as who le Ise?" Ned asked, with about 8 o'ekrck started forth an his Hancock seemed to be troubled with If a pay to escape her g e' lila mouth full of blackberries. errand. It was a waren night, and backache. Indeed that gentleman of - The pay of your services won't be Your queer old man who met1115 It seemed as if every house had been ten complained with great vigor meek more than the boy's -three do:• motley.' emptied of lea occupants, who had about the pain and hk'tnn'enieue9 it farce week; but maybe D['il do until „Great Peatl wluut did he loiter on tho Buret, and not to talk emoted hl1u. Well, all that is now you can find something better, and want!" crkvl the In unfeigned Congregated upon tho ate s and of the past. lir. ltancock is happy to then it'll bre worth something to get astonehment, atdewalk to t P out of this braing attic." get the benefit of what announce that Dodd's Kidney Pill" "I fee: very theatkul--" "Please, Ned, do not nee slang;' little avoidedretheas stirnl groups as " Tut, tut; that isn't the point at maid he mother, nprovtngiy. all," said the old man, hastily. "I told He same to bring hope to me," soon an possible, and made ihlt way as Me r:erk I'd 1111 the vacancies if I and then she explained the nature quickly as he could to tkat vacant could, and let hien know by telephone of Mr hawwxt's call; wbereupon lot which had tete hlglh !ward fence to -night ; so you see It's got to be the boy bubbled over with delight• built across the front of it. ea or not"Isn't he lust a 'Jim Dandy,: He found hardly any one just there, y "Of ono rigse ht wt :l away."e yes -1 could Marmee?" he creed. '' Three cheers for It was rather a dark locality', and not refuse so klwdLy en offer ; but for Mr. Lawman l Flip 1 hip! hurrah!" most people preferred to tato the you must let me say that I am very aced he waved Ile napkln wildly opposite and mon cheerful eldewalk. grateful for your kindness In think- above hie head, in a transport of Joy, Ho stopped at the corner where he had Mg of rot" Miriam Wallingford re- "It will be the nicest thing In the heard the conversation regarding the pried, with a certain Impreseive dip worlas wlhenlfor be had you, do nasomewhat opportunity whened, dog that 00 o eawasunneg er, nIty and determination that would ex- „you have grown so white and thin he put his lip. Mise to a crack In the press her (roanfutloa of his goodness of late, from that ugly pain In your fence, and called, In low tones: I Gan far from strong -I was untie elle, and I'm euro the sea air tvIII "Budget Budge!" ni o s r en q le. rk and ssa If I Neal hastened to slay, not only icer can't nutko films uht0wer mo when I --tlaredofllalnslTbauksrk efLong e cavae his cariosity was aroused, but say it" Standing -Says 'Fhauke are Due because Ilia appetite was whetted to 'But, Ned, you know I do not like to Dodds Kidney Pills. the keeneet edge by the tempting al' to have yon on the street after dark," (telt, Feb. 19, -Mr. H. Hancock, of ray of vlands before him. objected b1e mother, this lively town, Is known by the Wlwrr Lhoy worn ikutll9 seated at ' I won't be ono long, Maculae' he travelling fraternity all over thetive table, ides. Wttllingtotd rt! pleaded, "I will go straight there, country as the joint proprietor with marked: and Comte straight back, I only want Mr. Wm. Radler, of one of the tluayst "I have had a caller title after. to Just try 'the ammo; then, if 1t dullar-u•day hotel" In the Domtnkni of noon, dear; I wonder If yet can a Bodge, I can go to hmeter street ('nnada, aunt he Is known further us guess who It was?" and tell the gentleman early to -more ono of the most genal and go•nheud 11.1 a few weeks ago, and began to THbt ILEAL DEEF TEA. It Properly Made 1t Will Not "J.IIy" When Cold. "That'. what you call good beef tea; just sen how It has 'jelled' now it's cold," said an old lady reoentfy. no Alta oontempletet her manufacture with great satiefaction. But this le un ohl•tdme idea, and 1111 error. No gtw.l beef tea ears poaeibly "Jelly," for this reason : it most not, or, rather, should not. be made from the via. ( thous parts of tho beet. elle of beef Is imitable for making stock tor (leer coup, but that is another matter. if sista 1e 11001 at all It ought to be the top, where a thick phos of brei emu be out, but outer parts are batter - the rented. or the roll of the blade butte. Better still, tisk the butcher for a lean, tender Moak ; buy, it cls though it were to be cooked as steak, and exorcism the sant (are In these. !cation, and the patient will reap the benefit. Now, ae to the mode of making the tea. It le a mtctake t0 cut the beef In large pieces. or to let It boll for n tingle minute. serape the meat fine and put it In a Jar of cold water with a pliurlt of salt, to soak for an hour or more, if convenient. Then tie paper firmly over the mouth of the jar, and set it in n saucepan of cold water; brl'tt; tld.a to a bollard Mt it simmer two or throe hours (the water it the eancepan, not rho tett'. I Then strain off the tea until nothing 14 left, but the meat. have cured him. The brown, thick -looking particles It cannot be too often impreseod on that float about oontai't nutriment the minds of those suffering with and ahold be left In the tea. So bnekache that it is the kidneys that long as anything le cooked In it vest. are affected. The kidneys aro in. eel set in another one containing , ternat, and external treatment can water, tete entente of the Inner not do any good. Liniments and oils one cannot boll. This Iv the ease with can only soften the muscles, they do beef tea, as; it should be. The quail-, not reach the kidneys'. Dodd'. Kld• tity of the water misled to the beef ney Pills have cured more eases of tuu+,t be regulated by the strength backache than any other medictue to required. but a pint to a pound to the world, simply became they act about the average. Tho aoiktng In on the kidneys, cold water la most enseatial, as by Mr. Hancock, of the Demmer Ho. thin means the "gxtrtnete ' le ex. too (alt, writes: tracted. "1 have been troubled for ole year Beef tea ntnde by that methoi may with severe pahte across my hark. rot bok rxr cult as the jelly dike sub• WO (Mineable, nd of fear that my health was falling ; but can wi evou er alt tor Mondaand well y mora anyTherekind from unesotlmr sidwer or eof the INothing n til 1 wed dtwo would b xes of Dodd a but it le Wee "real hoot tea," which I beleve It I can get to tbn seashore Ing to some?" he concluded, with afece, mild Ned began to fear that the Kidney Pine. The paths have now peysk'lnnm deliowhiaht to find In the and lse free from the care and anxiety sigh of Willie) thou. keg had been returned from the lax ell lett me, and all thnnke are to the tick room when tills diet la pre• which have pressed so heavly upon me "We have gmnt deal to do be- In the corner to some other quarter'', credit of Dodd's Kidney Mlle. I have teethed, as it is the tot that Ie helot ' nn oto etfonN to ill!owin¢ tthI • t9. in belittle rep the system. aurmg 1110 neat year, t 011111 6054" tween now nm Sunda Mrs. Wal- "Bud 1 Budge!" h9 repeated. and •- at once to regain my strength; for, linefeed remarked. "I must finish my then there mune to hie eager ears a feno to many published w for five bene. with To Cure a Cold In One Da wtl*ry-I can see it, though he has surely, the duties you have mention- ba of many other. who suffer with 7 stover complained. But it was his own ed cannot 1)e no ver heavy."teeracthatha td look over my and tlow, plaintive hearte aline, backache.' Take Laxative Stroma quinine 1.,&C8 , All Hies -be wanted to try it, and I al- y tee It a In ceder ; and Ned, 1 The boy'. gave a sudden taunt i dins¢gf{. W.Orrefund the money 1(11 fell. to cure. "No, I reckon yet won't be over. reallythink "re can afford toget a of 26c. E. W. Orove'xxigneturolsoneachbox. Moms him to do so; to fact, it seem. worked, though you may find enough new ult for you -your jacket and "I've found him -I've him t" he mar- CATHOLICS IN TIRE TRANSVAAL, _ Id to be nesetrary just at that time, to kept you moderately busy." tars are too bads worn to be pre. -- A Perfect Flt. _ tee Ma to make an effort to earn "When shalt we have to ?" 7 p atoned. In a suppressed tone of exults- The Boers' Had No Use tor Bellevere acaeet ing, as my health seemed to g° rentable in a hotel and you mutt tion, r A young o al on the Booth Bide be giving outs and L could not earn "Right tit aweyy -as soon as possible.' have n pair of shoes, too. Thanks to But he resolved to make another to itellgfoue 1 reedont. aux a negro vale!, nn "Here, Jef shia Side for our support." "I euppae it would be hardly right Mr. Lawson, your hat le all right." test, and again meting hie Iles close Shue the war broke out in South Southern darkey. "here, Jf, 1 eunuched 'And my had been L>1f for Nod ter leave hie place before the "I)at't you need eomethtng new, to the crank, while he tried to 1mi. Atrfca there hew brew more or Irss rvanl those trousrr, clpobnt and 7W too, t agent rpoeed I oomndertn, asked tk is ha h6al)Wallingford re.too?" asked Nod, thoughtful for her tate the voice of the dog's mlatreso, diseneelon In the l:nglieh press re• pressed hose ri said, eane4ng in with a frown. No; U by 'appearance u well as Id. awn. he said: 'exalting the status of Catholics In a rather loud striped garment that yen can Monday It "I am sure you Were not to blame will be early enough, and that will Pa 1r of glover, perhaps Isbell jMy plea, clever cid Badge:" the Trnnevaal. On one baud, Dr. Jett had long had his •ryes on. "All for that,' was the gentle reply, "your ggi1ve you plenty of time to get read act be so exposed about my duties In se to this there came two Ierode has eel out to counteract tin right, salt" said .Tett, with neigh, maoent generosity has proven that." fear the change," 7 as you will be, so what clouting 1 share lone harks, then a *tweets. fos•ling In Europe Hutt Kruger le hoe. Next back, with Jett brought the lrous- '1Vt! tett How old to the boy '1" I 'Mrs. Walitagfoni glanced around have will answer dor the present:' MO of plalntire u•hhteg, neon aided t!Iv G, C to II to the point of era buck, with n big grease spot still the man broke in, hastily. ' the room, and wondered what she And thus they c atte sec laUy over by a wild commotion, as if the flog per".cutler. while on the other prominent on Dna knee. "Can't you "Twelve last Marchi" , would do with her furniture, their supper, reg thengliv the haP1'0' was makteg frantic efforts to get there has twee a great deal of tee- Rot that .pot out P" asked the owner "And you'rea widow?" "bat It remain where It 4a;' eallthe change1 • out of has playa of c'oniluentent• thuwny nddurtd hs ,aonfirmatlon of of the trousers. "No, en h." "Did you Miriam Wal)ingford's eyes drooped. I In the anticipation of having nonny try turpenttne 1" "Fah de Lawd I pareI silt a Hama of vivid scarlet dyed her 1 raa<Pl 1 tf' tt (Tb be tenuity tin clew whirls generally obtains. w,, •,oa ,," ,";a tureen - bled, aim she eimele bowed 'her tine." "Did you try coal oil I" "Ye*, Miriam Meeks, while her *west lips bah ; pored a quart ob ile on 'em." bead to his query. "Did you try a hot iron?" "Pu'ty . 'lyse man searched Iter face keenly h Finally t h g f lar a moment, then remarked: 1 y night burnt 'ern tri "Did you try There used to be a family of Wal• g keberosene, "lisle tried benzine and niggard's In New Haven -that's m kerosene, had all the other tinea, en, tw old Y intent 1 'lain't tech tat gr0nme .pout " W111, fifths plaoef y did you sty 'stn on r' queried the Ittrltm Wallingford turned upon p 11tl kid a wilt, fri toned look at this, y th hl master, with n twinkle it hitt ayes. as U some sudden tear had been R ; ' "aid' dey'e arsp uffd Jeff, with ase opo, atoned in her mind --erne dread lest f y puffed tit, te-c ee, mime secret of bey past might be stn an' all, snh."-Chicago Inter-Orrnn, dawpr of bekfg revealed. "end I thoggbt possibly that they aright be relatives of yours.'• her com- ppo hWenter ton`lwmithout appearing to "Poss1My," she breathed, with what ooDposltre she could assume ; "but -d was born ba Boeheeter, New York." " Well, about the boy," the man said. to turn the subject, ' As I Bald before, a dollar and a half a week is rather pose pay for tide kind of work, and ea I're taken quite a Ilklug to the Hapset tittle chap I thought maybe I oeleld give him a better chance, 1( The grrattuted mother tutted a pale of ' gleaeaing, grateful eyes to him; bpt , witIout giving her an opportunity to ' spat he went on to expldatn : Ive an interest In one of the betels down at Nantucket, and I heard tie Clerk making enquiries yesterday for a boy to act as office runner. The pay will be two dollars a week an/ board ; so, if you are willing to let him p0. I can g ive Edward the chance." Mrs. Wailingford'e heart throbbed e lith miagIed pleasure and pain atthbe ve offer. " It would be delightful for Ned to go to the seashore for the eamtm00' - and she repressed a long - lag sigh as she thought of Litt 000l brews, the Invigorating air ' tatd healthful bathing -white two Collars a week, besides his boned, segMd a small fortune to her. But how could are bear to part with her dear boy -the only real rom• .ort and ,ppTT tate had hh the world ? • Thew the inflames% of hotel IUs were not always of the best. and she feared to let b151.fa Into the midst of temp. patMlti alone. Still it seemed such a .•-" "4, shoat sing It. end she hedtated .s`';More than tbat." the okl gentle. jf,, e scnnmed, a he searched her anxl• atm ta`dreeteenobainl7 portrayed her Mars, "they also need someone to take charge of the linen room -to give eft the linen al It a needed, tree that everything 1a kept Ln order and mend- ed as le Domes from the laundry. It occurred to me that 1f you telt strong ) non, ter tang t a whole summer by the sea. They had Mn, W¢Ilkrgf smiled. "That would be more than I could afford to do," abe began. "Let It remain, I tell yet," he re - Iterated, authoritatively, "at least until you 'see how it sets yon wn at Nantasket. If the atr sbouldbe too bracing, yet owldn't stay. If oo find yah can, you can take a day, roost any time, to come up to the cit , and stow ese t ngs away and we won't say anything abouat the rent for a couple a weeks," You are very kind, sir; and Ned 'and I will 1e ready Mon. day morning," Miriam Wa lingford said, heartl.y, though tears were standing fn her eyes. Ala right; I'm going down on the fleet boat, and you can meet me at the wharf," the man responded, as he arose to go. "Surely, sir you ,will not go without taaimg me your name," Dirt's. Walling - lord, sold, emIJng, as she arose I sbould like to be able to tell Ned wbo our new friend fa." A klmdly gleam' shot Into the old gent•emem'a eyes at her appreciative words and engaging manner, "Beajhmtn Lawton, marm; beg pardon for forgetting to tell you be- fore," be saki, awkwardly. Thank you, Mr. Lawson. I am sure Ned wIl ba very happy when I teal bum of 1he pleasant change 141 mtore for hen, ivhlae I eaOnot express to you the sense of re'Jat you have elven me In removing as oppressive burden from my heart." "Glad to hear it., marm," maid Mr. Ioweon, but looking as It be felt very uncomtorteb'e !oslead, for be was etlel atrnggling with a feeling of em- barrassmeut; "but I must be. off. Good-dey-good-day," and he de- parted as abrupt;.y as he had come, wbie idirlem \Vallingford sank back In her chair and sobbed out her thank• tutness for the great. boon whleh had been so unexpectedly sent her. She had regained her accustomed composure %t hen Ned tame home from the atore, wId a her fare wore a happier look than he had Bron upon It for a long tine+. Out of the hOtnees of her heart the had prepared a very tempting sup. per for him, nikl he stopped short up. on entering t1W room, a look of tine- (Mencd surpree on his bright faee as he caught eight of the daintily spread table. H¢lloa, Marmeo! What's going to happen ? It isn't anybody's bit•t t - day, le It? No -yours comes In January. and mine In March. My! Braved it for years, and now It seem• ed almost like a fairy story to be emancipated from that hot attic, and ave t e r wishes ratUl . s Ley arose rom the table and Mre. Wallin ford boded herself about the dishes and some other dotter, while Ned sat down to look over the morning a r, w h one of tine clerks at thostore had glveo to him. He rears quietly for halt an hour or more, when, nil at awe, Ito gave utterance to a cry of astonishment. " 1 say, mother, here's a go 1" he remarked, Well, dear, what a it?" But yolt forget about using slang," Mn. Wallingford returned, reproachfully. " Yee, 1 do forget, lett I hear .a much of 1t, IL mmoe before I knave It," Nei sat, flushing. "But the queerest thing has (happened. I meant to te11 you about It when I first camp in, but your wonderful news put it entirely out of my head.,' "It amems to me that queer thhtg. happen to you often of late," his mother responded, smiling, " You have heard me ep oak of Bill Bunting," Ned said, " Yes -you mean that rude lay who lII•treated yoi so a few weeks ago •' Yee; he bullies all tete boys -all the small one. -within an ineli of tlielr Itves. Weil, this morning. when 1 was going to the store, Juet ne I was teaseing that empty lot that has n high board feneo In front of it, I heard voices avid a low growl behind to Then some one said : " Shtlt . up, you blasted sur t' and I heard o blow, followed by a yelp, as If a dag had beat hurt. I stopped and peeped througlh a crack between the bostds, and saw Bei Bunting and another boy. Bill held in hie htund a string that ons tied around the neck of the dearest little fulb.hb00ded pug In the world ; he looked ever so mtncth like the one that pretty girl had tluat hnnday-yen remember; her Lather gave me tlhe quarter." "You, I remember," Bald lir. Wal- lingford. 'Well, I heard Bill say to the other toy. 'You Just keep mum about this, and I'll go halves with you on the swag 'What is 'swag,' Ned?" questioned his mother." "Why, it's Siang for money. Then Ise went on to say, "l'w going to take him down to Nat's, to sell him in a few Tart 16'n a dandy shipper, though!- ad ertetng for h mil and heee'll givt e me blaekberrlee, chipped beef, rolls, and something handsome for Item. " "'Better not let the perllee see ------- ---- yer; said the other lay. "'Ain't yer green?' eaicl 13111; 'that', why I keep him teed up here and want yer t' watch hem when I'ni off,' Where d'ye keep lhlm night"?' the BLEEDING PILES. corny boy a5 got. " Lu that box down there In the corner-1've gg»vrt some astrnw in it, IU1d I bring ham water and stuff to ent ; int 1 have t' do it on tlhe eby for tear someone will catch on and blow tea 1110,' "Ola, Need 1 what language!" ex• claimed Mrs. Wallingford. "Well, mother, that's the way those boys talk, only I haven't repeated it halt as bad as it was. I couldn't strop to hear more, out I suspected tlhat Bill Bnnting had When asked for a remedy for dye• have recommended It to all w110 stolen somebody's pet dog. I'm eure ppia We klQage disease the drag• .miler ss I did." of It now, for here's an advertlsemeent t primes before several ire., Dr, C3hase's Ointment has never yet -j,)st listen to It." gin goad I been known to fall to eure pile.' And turnatg again to the paper Ned paeetbos, sot knawtng wlhleh to re• whether ltehing, bleeding or Pao. read aloud: eamlrettd M ytyn, trading. It has certain Ingredients •'• Lost or strayed on Monday morn Ifot se nrben asked dor a plle cure, which Imitators (have never been Ing, a full•blontled Pug, very hand- jjf* kaoals that Dr. Chase's Olnt• able to discover, and stande alone comely marked, bright and intelligent, $ le the fill remedy which ac• today ns the only positive and goer• attd anawering to the 110200 of Budge. a re, every form of piles. It anteed cure for piles. µ'horn last seen by Ilia owner he wore he* many imitations, but lie 1t also euros emirs& salt rheum around his neck a blue ribbon, to whish ,i 'tptlle at`sose of cars has never and all sorta of Itehing skin dim- was attached three sever be11e, tnark- Um ease, but we emphasise It an a ed with the dog's name and place of aft. team A. Bowles, painter and t'nre for plis because It Is the only residence. Anyone glrhug reliable hu• bea , a member of thet7ourt. actual cure for that torturing end telligenre regarding t i' dog will he ai le ileo, Ont„ states: "For i dreadfully prevalent disease. 00, liberally rewardedt. Apply ret No. - ro fifteen ye as a victim cents n box, at all dealers, or b,y Summer street." piiee, and ' maid from Edmanenn Ba' & t' , I That Is th y k g I told You SAVED THEIR CHILD. Ifr. 7. W, Doatater, Expresses a Father's Gratitude, Tho Tnhlet, the l'athoile organ of England, line taken a decldedataud on tie question, and quotes from the. etutues of the Fouth African Republic to show that Catholics ere excluded from (Iovernment post• tions. Law . of 2, of 1891) in ee• nto the civil service, enacts as lollowo "Article 1R--.tpphrutlona mast he written In the Inn ui , 01 the mum try, and nmat be written in toe 'leen. enatet own handwriting. They mint be aceomlmnfed by a certificate of burgherehlp from the tleld-cornet u( the dlstriet, whi,11 'mot 4.8181 clearly whether the appl'rtwt is entitled to rote no a full burgher or as natural - loaf, and proof mutt he eneloscd that applicant is a member of a Protestant church." PROTRUDING For 15 Years in Agony With the Terrible Itching and Bleeding -Two Boxes of Dr. Chase's Oint- ment Makes a Thorough Cure. His Little Girl Was Attacked With Heart Trouble and Doctors Bald she Could Not Recover - llr. Wllltams'Plnk Pills Hate Made Her Sound and !steely as a Cricket. (From the Smt, Belleville, Out.) In a comfortable farm home 1n Syd- ney, near Belleville, lives 3Lr. T. W. This would WIT to bre conelluslve Doxtater, a prosperous farmer and Proof of the strh'tly legal Ade of the most respected rttixen. In this plea's- matter. The law tut It etande not only excludes Uathol:ce from holding office, not home the hearts of a father and lint also prohibits a Catholic trout mother beat with gratitude to Dr. being a member of the \'ollowar,l. R'Ullame' fink Pills, because obey And this b strictly In keeping with the Kim - firmly believe they saved the Ilse of narrow eplrlt In which President Kru- their little daughter. A r ort•'r of ger has alwaysdruled the io goo g 1 Intaleranre and arrogance have goer, 815 sun having heard of the (neo bun,! In hind. No one can rend Mr. drove out to Mr. Doxtater's for the leitzgoral.t's leak, 'Tine Transvaal purpose of gettug at the tactit, mud front Within," without mnrvelling (Quad both father and nether u[ the that ouch an oligarchy could have been befit up In SJutlh Africa In the little girl very en1,1,0 4tic In their nineteenth century, Catholle* and praise of the me u, 11 that lois un- Jews have hid no rights within the queer,iig bly done w, "utell to relieve nllegwd republic, and flritaln'x atrug- Harermg In thla country, siLi eer. gle Is for the establishment of free- Dolt/Her "Yee, Ivo stave Wahl yea- dons In Beath Africa for all, rid in eon for praising Dr. Williams' '1'htk every other pc:t'ou of her own em- l'dle. I think they are worth ten hire.-ACedhdn Remoter. Halifax. times their weight in gold. When our little daughter tiara was about eight years old silo was etrickent with what the doctors meld was heart trouble. Up to that time elle had leen n stro.ig, healthy ch 1'. The first xymp tome clown were fatntbig eprls, au l theme would attack Iter without n moment's warning. We consulted a tloetor, under whose cure she. was for a time, but the tresttntent did her no god -in fact she was growing worse. Then we called In anothor doctor, and he frankly told its •IJtat he could hold out but little hope for her recovery. By Has time she was con- fined to bed, and for three months was as •!helpless as an infant, In some of the lahuting spells eta w.ts attacked with coevnlslon', Her appe- tite seemed entirely gone, and Nhe was reduced to a living skeleton. At this time I read the partleulara of a cure through the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, which gave me hope, and I determined thet our little girl should try tihmn. I first got one lox, and when they wero used she seemed brighter. Then I got [Ive more boxes, and by the time she had f(nehed them she was as 5onnd a child no you could find In the neighborhood, bright and lively ae a cricket, she ins been going to school for the past eighteen months, and 11114 shown absolutely no symptoms of the ofd trouble. I attribute her curs ent'rely to the use of Dr. William' Ptnk Pills, and if anyone doubts the truth of this statement you can refer them either to myself or my wife." Dr. Williams'' fink P1114 are suet 140 valuable in the case of children as with adults, and puny little ones would soon thrive and grow fat under this treatment, which his no equal for building up the 1.1001 and giving renewed strength to brain, holy and nerves. Rohl by all defilers, or sent poet paid at 50c. a box, or six Iowa! for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Wil- Ilnme' Dfedtelne Co.. Brockville, Ont. State of Oh'o, City of Toledo, Duette County, ett Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he u the senor partner of the firm of 1•'. J. Cheney & Co„ doing leetemas In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that meld flan will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for ench and every cane of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the rse of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and snbecrlbed In my pretence, this Oth day of Decem her, A. D., 1880. A. W. GLEASON, [Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh) Cure is taken inter• nalIy, and nets dlrectly on the blood and mucous eurfnces of the .yatem. Send for testimonials, tree. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. 'Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the hent. 'fittest Ilrele's iditle 8111. When MI ..largaret Ladle Writes gleeworth was barmaid at n South• port hotel a wealthy- confectioner of the town, rear Fletcher, waned trod won her, ORO the London Rally' M4111. ISSUE NO 9. 1900. Scrotula and Consumption People tainted with scrof- ula very often develop con- sumption. ' Anemia, running of the ear, scaly eruptions, imperfect digestion, and enlargement and breaking down of the glands of the neck, are some of the more prominent of scrofula symp- toms -are mp-toms-are forerunners of con- sumption. These conditions can be arrested, consumption prevented and health re- stored by the early use of Scott's Efflulsion Your doctor will tell you so. Anal amnia.; d roe. and 2,.ao. atOTT & IIOWNE, Cheaters, Tomato, Did the Trick. " The whole world lovas a lover," said lie. " Yrs, 50 I have heard," saki Nhe. " lint then, you know, I nm not the whole works." "You ore to ear," mill he. And then she gave in. New 1:fe for a quarter. Miler's Com- pound Iran Villa, Ib the 0,100048 Crematory Closet Qo., Hamilton, Ont. DEAR ems: -Abort a year ego I Iroughtfrog you one of your Odorless crematory Closets and have store used it. constantly in my p111010 rnaldenve with splendid wittefaetlou. Iain be well pleased with it that you can ship me an. other at mentor mg hotel. Yours very truly, .1. H. alarm, Markdvale.0ut. The following are the, names' of a few prominent eitieeus who are a Ing this cloat, and from whom we hate ery fluttering teatimothll+: 1)', D. L. Thompoon, Toronto, Ont, Dr, Meillaugbl:10, Bowmanville, Ont. Dr. at. L. Dixon, Frnnkville, Ont. Dr. 1'. F. Fergneo: , Kemptville, Ont. llr. Ulrle Gabourg, Plantagenet, Out. amigo A. C. (:had,i' ek, (hselpit, Ont. C, J. \tlekhr, B. 1., t'heeley, (nt, lint. John Downie, 'Ontford, Ont, I., Damper, Mgr. stunk of Commerce, Strathroy, Out. ''titer slope, merchant, Perth, Ont. ,lam. Moffatt, merchant, After t, N t For catalogue mid prleo list our to to The odorless Crematory Closet Co„ Hamilton, One TUE D. R. A. REPORT. That wee a year ngo. _ Yesterday at the Hereford SIe'rift's Statement of Finances and Compfl• Court, ails Wrlgglesworttt oucceeeful eats to lion. Mr. Borden. 1)' trronclted her claim for moral mild DIntelleetual damages sustained by tho "i'be annual report of the Dominion confectioner's' laiiure to marry her. of Canada Rifle Association has just Everything ons ready on the day of been lamed, The reeelpts for 1191) were the prvjwte,l wedding save th' bride $21,406; the ex(rend(tures mounted groom. Iter bill, whlrit a symlut- to ?L''1,717. The Bliley tram coat :fl,- thetle Jury readily ',Mooed, ons 050, as agninet 95,529 in 1898. The made up se follows: I report clown with thle remark: "Your Lasts of salary C17 11 0 Council cannot clove this report with- 1lroueeenu ,., ,, ... 20 0 1) Gut placing upon record Its appreula- Wedding breakfast ,... ., )0 0 0 Mon of the prao'Ical nIl and sympathy Licensee .....................2 10 0 extended to Ito work by the Bon. 1'. ,Tourneys 5 '0 0 , W. Borden, Minister of Militia and De- Oeneral Attained ....., .., ... 20(1 0 0 fence. Your Commit has been greatly encouraged to loyally db.eharge Ito Total .,... ............f'25S 27 (I obligations to the riflemen of Canada -- - by the support and confidence the Mln- Miller'. Worm Powders area wen - later has accorded it, while hie jealous derful medicine for ailments of cllil- care of all that appertains to the 4101• dren. tare of the militia of Canada will tong be h d o branch of the service." Clerk (to employer) -What shall I mark that new lot of bark milk 1 Employer -Mark the aea:ng price as e3 n yard. Clerk -But it cost only $1 a yard, Employer -I don't cars what !t. cost, I am selling off regardless 11 met. alienrd's Liniment cures Dandruff. remembered by eery r Regdrdless of Coot, Messrs. C. C. 111CHARDA & CO,, Yarmouth, N. 8.: Centlemcu,-In January last, Fran- ck Leclairo, one of the men employed by me working in the lumber woods, had a tree tall on him, crtuehing him fearfully. He was, when found, placed on n sled and taken hone., where grave fears were entertained for Mr recov- ery, his hips being badly brul.ed, and Ilia body turned black from Uls ribs to his feet. We used MINARIiN LINI- afENT on hint freely to deaden the pale, and with the use of three bot - Mee he war completely cured and able to return to hit work. SAU\'ER DUVAL. Elgin Road, ',Islet Co, lane., May 20111, 1893. Advance in Higher Education. The advanced stages of education) are becoming more thickly crowded. , Twenty-fjve years ago only .0( per Do not be persnadea to try some- cent. of the population was enrolled ; thing else "old to he "Just as good." In the publle high erltm)' ; now the I Kept Her Word. tterrentage is 0.01 -the number of such pnplls having inertmanl from 2e, - "Miss Tens'tot always declared that 1 000 in 1870 to 440,600 In 1896 The she wouldn't marry an angel from number In prhnte high schools has In - heaven," annotneed Mee. (laneam,''and rreasni In the nine time from 711,740 yet she a actually engaged to marry to 105,22225 -there having been a de - young lir. Skidmore." creme relative In the population. Tide "That's all right," commented air. indicates n large measure of advance .ea o. '• ever dog Oattam. "No one who knows Skidmore in the public, high 0(14x019 10 1rep•s1;1- v/se lit boa et tins flat I was Toronto. nlmtut, met!Iee" N"d , 1,"1,1"1.4, in will neensr 1.1"' "I. being an :114;41 from 1 tory m•houls for collegem over what lowed to give rep work. I eufferal great excitement ;' It belehgs Ltothnt 1l heaen." ons the case genre ago. Chlcugo untold *goal from tee terrible stole For "coif in the head," Catarrh, pretty girl who gave me the rave. D111 1 We l:..ow of n number 01 5.505 of , Chronicle. tag, egg MeV would protrude, 0001' dTOpplags In the throat, catarrhal Bunting hart Ioban It, and 0011(18 to • °000aoed ren:amp: ion that have been If the child is reah1eet at night, has has y e ,test nagery headache and deafness, Dr. Chase's sell it; but r 1 block his little game ;cured by Miller's Compound Iron coated tongue, euu::ow complexion, a O. --Ata iptie of all totems 1 need 1 Catarrh Cure e n thorough and to -morrow morning, you see If I don't." Pills. dose el af;llar'e Worm Footers is eppepp{d gN no teNpL At jut I was radical sun, 25 C0nt5 a box, blower --- what is required; it:eaeant, harmlene. ee/rygga to try D. Chase's O1nt•. free, CHAI'TEn VI. There docile n young roan la Ken get, 'jfie first applfoatlon gave For croup, bronchitis, roughs and " It certainly does mem as if Nott tacky, Hon. 011Iord Slftmh's intention to Wig, awl After the third ,pets the colds, Dr. Chase's Syrup of Llnseed are right to your susplckms, Ned -that Who iterate himself horrid unlucky. go to England to consult an nurlst Ineellaii Two boles cured and Turpentine Is mother', favorite the dog most belong, to the little girl Till the bullets were aped was' nnnonneed Fume time ago, but Owal1 . I would not be- remedy, 26 cents a bottle, family you menton;' Mrs. Wallingford re Hie wife tied him in bed, he Minister does not exlreet to leave SWAP"■e v. late ter a hos, 1 else, three times us much, 00 auto marked, thoughtfully. - And now people say he's not pluck 'or n month yet, A Sure Sign. " Is she a women of much strength of character?" "Strength of character? Well, rather ! Why, aIle hes money enough to diem In the very latest fashion, and alto doesn't do ft:' -Chicago Post. A VALUABLE REOIPE For Coughs, Colds and Lung Diseas(s Takes half teacup full Flaxseed Tea with e dose of aerie GERMAN BRUST BALSAM Four or Are times a day. 1t Dever falls to glee immediate relief. to and 80 cents at ell Dpupttlete, or from M, R, EBY, Chemist, Port Elgin, Oua Check fhaf Cough with BROWN'S Lag= MONOMIAL q7'I oo/Nq*. Lt"atnro of,, /lriaw. s• nor y M Sa-crit , relkble, mo aa4 II RI liaise YY +nab or to+. asci atmY I r Cu tone, LUNN T1a,la. GENTS WANTED FOR OUR TWO NEW books, "Thu Library of South Attica" (foto berme In one); and "Dwight L. Moody. The .Ilan and Ille31isslon"; the books are well written and rep to -delta and are not a rehash of old matter; the (lrkaw are law, end the terms extra liberal; agonte can make money it they take hold at once and sen our books. Prod. Porten free. It you menu Moines's other ar , mrgemonts forthocanvassera benoat. Wiilla4 Briggs, Methodist Book Itoom, Toronto, England's Fittest )razor, extra hollow ggem { very best reser steel,g yf,aooy veined, ..-eine handle t mar pries be our .pedal pdoe on{r (Ae. tl'hie razor w111 be..sheeny aadrer loorr4 !snads,allpostage paid, .Pon the receipt s0 Mat Fully warranted end money Weed 11 not wtbfeotory• Addtsse Stanley Iltils It Oa, Dox 201, Hamilton, Ontario, Nee tea Sausage Casings --a810. Mmush Sheep and Americas Hog Casfap - not able good& at right princePABA, alMgrsw lo. a 00., Toros* Virginia Homes. Yoe Darn ell &nose virgtnie Isada, .a< Neter, climate, rearureee, erodec"a,, tf7ljaaT teadingthee VIRGlir1A FAAIAnER. weudlOs tee One menthe subscription to FARMER CO.; Emporia, Ya Mrs, Wlnolew'e Seething syrup should s• ways be used for Children Teething, 1t moue the ohtld, settees the gone ewes wind sella sad ie the poet remedy for Dlarebtsa. Twenty eve mute a bottle. FITSPERMANENTLY CURED BY 1)R 1'a Itllnee Groat Nerve Restorer. Ne Me or nervousness atter Ant day's MM. Send to eat Arch street, sae s- phle, Motor trans.. and free t2 trial bottle r sale by J. A. Harte, 1780 Notre Dame street, entreat Qua EDDY'S MRT6HES HOVE it WELL•EfRNSD REPUTHTiON. DGK'T tXPBRIMbliT W1Tfl UNKNOWN 6RKNDS, IT LEADS to 6f1D MUMS,