HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-01, Page 5Perfection
. .
Mies Maud Ring hu returned from
a visit with friends in Seeforth and
It Is assorted that Mr. Alex.
t3yrup .
Smith, the organiser for the Reform
Bring your jars and pails,
and get them filled at the
Chttpest place in town. Spe-
clal pnres in Flour. doubt that the report is correct.
it saes Maple Leaf Salmon 25e. The Ontario government has in.•
either Conk Peas or Tomatoes eluded in the estimates a grant of
$ tbs. &luta Raisins 264. fi10,000 for the National Patriotic
10 Lbs. &dither 26e, fund, It has also included an item
10 lee. Glauber Sahli M.
igiumbe 26c. of $4,000 for the salaries of membent
We have the choicest Lard on the of the service who are also members
irarket. of the various Canadian contingents.
Myst Olympia Item
party in the Province of Ontario,
will soon give up hie position. The
moon given tor Mr. Smith's depart-
ure is ill health. There seems no
Special settlers' trains to Manitoba
T. W. SCOTT and the Canadian Northwest, with
free colonist cars attached, will be
HERBAGEUM DOES PAY 1 rttn by the grand Trunk railway,
HAVE YOU TESTED IT ? leaving Toronto at nine p.m., every
nit ppm is only ons cult a day for s Tuesday In March and April. For
norm, cow, hog or a beef. One-thIrd all information apply to any Grand
of a cent for s calf, colt or sheep, ,
a„,td legator lambs and hale pigs, . Arnim agent,
taw clam it makes fresh whey or
skim milk equal to new milk. A man named Alex. Wright was
It Ono scours and indigestion; found lying on one of the side roads
deans out worms and hots. en.
sures soft, clean, healthy ;kin; In MoKillop, six miles from Seaforth,
drives away lice and ticks; keeps on Sunday morning in a badly
the kidneys right, and to the best
thing out for scratches. frozen condition. Wright had been
FOPOrwo It is of crest benefit before In Senforth on Saturday, and started
and after calving, and when fed
1,401,4y ft increases ;flak, dm, home late in the evening with a
sad better. team and sleigh. It is supposed he
For Turksys and Laying Hene the
got off the road In the storm and
cost is one cent a day for 16 r
to 20, -
sad one-third for their chicks. It was upset, from the sleigh, and lay
keeps them free from diseanes. Feed
as soon as they are out of the shell. out on the road all night. All one
Rik Mb Pamphlet. side of his body is badly frozen, and
Pen BALI a! j feared he walnut live.
T- his is Lent.
Today is the first of March.
Mho Tema McElroy is visiting
friends In Toronto.
Mr. A. M. Todd, of the Goderich
Star, wu a Blyth visitor on Tues
Mr. T. J. Rackatop attended the
annual meeting or the A.O.U.W. at
Toronto last week.
Rev. W. Rigsby, of Kincardine,
wait in town on Monday shaking
bandirwitb old friends.
Prof. Taube, the !toted eye special -
ire, of Turcnito, is making a prefes-
Mona) visit here this week.
Mr. H. M. Watson, Inspector of the
Beek of Hamilton, paid an official
Melt to the illicit branch on Tues.
Mr. and Mrs. George King re
tamed on Tuesday evening crow
their extended visit with friends in
Mrs. Thomas Jennings, of Forest,
gnu birth to triplets on Monday—
two boys and one girl. All are
doing weft.
Eight of Blyth's crokinole fiends
will have an Interesting comet at
the, residence of Dr. Tait this (Thurs-
day) evening.
The most severe storm of the
• season prevailed on Sunday. There
f Is more snow now than at any other
time this winter.
Mr. C. Hamilton, the popular aur,
t•tioneer of Heron county, is a busy
Mu these days attending to sales in
diEsrent parte of the county.
Messrs. Watson & &nigh shipped
oaf IOC of hogs to Collingwood on
Monday and on Tuesday bir C. J.
' Wallis shipped a car load to Toronto.
Reports of the Auburn Union B.S.
association and West Huron Farmers'
inetkute were received too late for
tlds issue, but will appear in our
• mot.
Mr. G. G. McPherson, Q.C., of
. Stratford, has been appointed deputy
Judge of Perth county during the
absence from time to time uf His
Honor Judge 13arren.
• Mr. R. E. Waugh, a former Grand
Trunk agent at Biyth, now agent at
Q*sipb, bas been elected constable
: fir Thieriot preceptory, No. 10,
K.T.K.M., G.R.C., Guelph.
Dr. Borne, one of the oldest and
Out respected residents of St.
ThOMits, died Monday afternoon.
'8. Mae 64 years of age and resided
•Thou for 40 years.
Mb* Maggie Forbes, of Wingham,
.111 IN guest of Miss Eva Carter.
,The two 'young ladies spent Tues.
day, acoompanied by Mr. Robert
tlitreer, widiLondesbore friend&
WOW* performance will be
Out by several of Blytifs young
In Industry hall on Friday
*Ueda of nut week. The pro-
.`*" will go to swell the NatWest
,111t. Jobs Denholm left on Frklay
lie oar fowl of horses for the
&obit markets end on Tuesday
J, A Brown and Wm. John -
5% fur the saute Markets with
t tutted each.
iiitkukteei Whitehead, the fore
it Wines man of Walkerton, is
hid. He was a very active and
mis In the community,
tISS for many years prod*
Ma MOM of Trade.
Prot Newman gave a cemotneto-
graph exhibition in Industry hall on
Monday evening, under the auspices
of the Young People's society of
Trtnity church. The exhibition
upon a whole was a very good one,
but might have been better appre-
ciated if the Prof. had not shown the
picture of a Yankee regiment on
parade and tried to make the audience
believe it was the Canadian soldiers
going to war. The Prot should
have been presented with stale eggs
for his smartness.
Sir Henry Irving and Miss Ellen
Terry will appear in the Grand
Opera house, Toronto, an Mooday,
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings
of next week. The box plan for the
side of seats did not open till eine
o'clock on Tuesday inurubig last,
but as early as three o'cloek Monday
afteruoon a line was fortned In the
lobby of the theatre of boys, rumen.
gere, coachmen and others commis.
biomed to wait through the long
Wel'y hours till nine o'clock Tues.
day morning in order to secure
good choice of Beata.
Postmamer4eneral Mulookhu are
mood with the authorities of Greet
Britain and Cape Colony that letters
to or from the Canadian troops in
South Africa shall be forwarded and
delivered whether paid or not
The Qrnnd Trunk railway corn,
prises a total of 4,186 miles of track,
running through the most Interesting
and beautiful parts of Illinois, Midi-
gan, Ontario, Quebec, New Ramp.
shire and Maine; tapping all the
principal elfin and towns and with
Its branches and connections giving
a direct route to all parts of Eastern
and Western States and the Pacific
Now that an exchange hu given
the whole thing away there can be
no harm In publishing the fallowing
secret work of the Newspaper Press
association —The enter sign consists
of three kicks on the sanctum door,
which will be given with delibera-
tion. You will then remove your
bat and advance to the centre of the
room. Place your right hand inside
your pants pocket, thumb and Anger
tightly grasping a silver dollar; ex-
tend the arm and drop the dollar
into the outstretched palm of the
editor, and at the same time say,
"Send your paper to me." The
editor in response will marmot,
" Thank you," After which you will
be seated, and tell him all the news
uf your district. 1r it should happen
that you Were without a silver dol-
lar, try a paper one.
On Wednesday evening of last
week, a number of our citizens met
and arranged for a patriotic concert
to be given the following evening in
honor uf British saecesses in South
Africa. The concert wee held in
Industiy hall, whieli was packed to
the doors and beautifully and artist(
catty decorated. Acting,Reeve Sloan
wee chairman and addresses were
given by Rov. A. McLean, Rev. Wm.
Penhall, Rev. C. L. Mills, John Wil-
ford and Frauk Metcalf. The pro -
grain was a good, long and varied
ono aud consisted of choruses, quar-
tettes, duetta, solos and instru
useetals, and was so successfully
taken part in by many of Blyth's
young people that it would be diff
cult for us to make special mention
of any single performer. During a
lull in the program the het watt
passed and a collection of $40.47
realized which will be sent to the
NAilunal Patriotic fu.nd. The cow
curt was a great success, when it is
taken into censideration that it was
suggerited and arranged within '24
Almost every day now new goods are coming in and the
first of spring stocks are on view in nearly all departments.
This week we are showing
New Prints, New Skirtings, New Sootch
Ginghams, New Laces, New All-over Nets,
New Trimmings, New Golf Capes.
All bright, new, 1900 designs and colorings.
Blyth monthly fair next Tuesday.
Clinton beat Blyth at hockey last
night by a score of 5 to 8.
A company of artists styling them-
selves the Wilson Comedy Co. of
New York will give a performance
in Industry hall on Friday evening
of this week. This company has
been giving entertainments in this
neighborhood for the past two weeks
and, we believe, has met with good
success. The members of the tom-
pany are Mr, and Mrs. Charles Burl -
frig, Miss Mary Pratt, George and
'Erb Smith, and Fred Harrison.
They all belong to Blyth and why
they have dropped their own good
names for that of another and in-
sulted Blyth by substituting New
York is somewhat of a mystery.
However, the company is charitably
inclined as they advertise on the
bills that one-third of the proceeds
will be given to Mr. Alex. Butler
and family. This is a kind act and
we trust they will meet with a good
house. We do not know what kind
of a show they put up but would
advise everybody to go and see fur
Pillow Cotton Ends 140
Worth 20c and 25c
100 ends of Circular Pillow Cotton, line quality, free from dressing,
In lengths of one, one and one eighth and one and one quarter
yards, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches wide, no trouble to get two or
more the same guilty. The kind we sell in the regular way
at 20c and 25c per yard. These are part of the mill remnants
advertised last week, that's why you eau buy now at your
choice for. .14
Two Cotton Specials
Two special values in White Cottons that are big sellers. Still a
good supply of each qn band but no more when they are gone. It would
be well to buy now.
White Cotton at le.
116 -inch fine quality White Cotton,
soft finish, free from dressing,
an extra good one for the price,
for sale .07
Now Skirtings for lie.
New and stylish patterns In Cot-
ton Underskirting just in stock,
black ground, fancy stripes,
firm strong cloth, newest de-
signs, will make a stylish aud
servioeahle skirt . 15
White Cotton at 10o.
88 -inch fine White Cotton, round
even thread, easy to sew, soft
finish, regular 120 quality, for
The 14,0'... Geode.
The cheapest Dress Goods we
have sold for many a day is
the double fold_plaid we awe
selling at 14c, Heavy weight,
dark colors, medium stud
checks, it Is good value at 14e.
A Blanket Snap
111 pairs only Flannelette Blankets, 11/4 size, heavy in weight,
cream with colored borders, worth today It 25, on bale Set-
urday at per pair .98
• 4
•New Ghighams
Some very handsome patterns in
genuine Scotch Ilinghatna are among
tits weell'a arrivals. The qualities are
fine patterns the newest and colors
absolutely fast, For wallas or chil-
dren's wear there is nothing better. A
good assortment of patterns, but not a
wrest quantity of any one, 25c. 25c and
Jun the yard.
Hurrah !or Canada!
The Canadian Soldiers Compel
Cronje to Surrender.
London, Feb. 27.—The war office
his received the following despatch
from Lord Roberts :—
"At 8 a.m. today a most dashing
advance was made by tbe Canadian
regiment, and some Engineera, sup-
ported by the 1st Gordon Highland
ers and 2nd Shropshlres, resulting
in our gaining a point sane 600
yards nearer to the enemy and with-
in about 80 yards of his trenches,
where our men entrenched them-
selves and maintained their positions
until morning. A gallant deed,
worthy of our colonial contrades, and
which, I am glad to say, was
Attended hy comparatively small
loss. This apparently clinched mat-
ters, fur at daylight today a letter
signed by (len erode, in which he
stated that he surrendered uncap.
ditionally, was hronglit to the out
posts under it Hag of truce."
The Cenadiati casualties were
eight killed and 30 wounded.
New Golf Capes
Golf Capes are growing in popularity
every day and promise to be used more
than ever this spring. It is loud to
get a handier or more stylish wrap tor
lady. We opened some very stylish
ones this week—plaids and plain clothe
er11 I • 1
0.75, 07.25 and $tU.
1 el II le Me eleele We 1
The Timed Doll.
mon, b years old, was sent to bed
atom on the third door, Louise beimtsick
and kept down In her mother's room, It
was the drat time Heim had thus taken
an the grown Dorsett's burden, and she
was ao good about it that presently ber
eider sister crept's* into the room to see
how she was getting along and to tell her
a story. She found her with hands clinch.
ed around her doll and with her eyes sad
mouth screwed up tightly. Helen opened
ber eyes with $ start sod gasped, "Oh,
"Why, what's the matter, Helen?'
"Welt, yeas see, this doll Is afraid, and
1 have to hold her hand. She is afraid
of foxes and—tigers."
"Nonsense, deader the stater said.
"Oh, bat she's afraid of mom that
that—robbers and—burgularer
"Well, why didn't you tell her that
mamma sod sister were right down
"Well, 'at le 'e funny pert of IL 1 kept
suing lust as fast as 1 could: 'My mos.
sir Is right down 'tali.. My sister Is
right down %airs. My mossier can bear
inbeeif alfinald1.1,%Oat 'at doll kept right on
Rev. A. Grant, uf the St, Marys
Presbyterian church, has two sons
that aro winning fame in the nth
letic world. '1'he Detroit Free Press
makes tiro following reference to
them :—Two uf the most interesting
figures among the college athletes of
today are the bretheti Richard Grant,
of Harvard, and Alex. Grant, uf the
University of Pennsylvania. These
two men are among the beat amateur
dtstance runners in this country.
Their only competitors' are Cregan,
of Princeton, and Orton, of Columbia.
The Grants are natives of St. Maryt
They first attended college at the
University of Toronto, which le site
used 125 miles from their home.
The brothers were working their
way through .401, end on several
occasions when vacations found them
short of money they walked home,
and then Damped built to sehool
when the holidays were over.
While they lived in Canada, Richard,
who is the older of the two, was the
better ranner. He won in nearly
all of their races. Siece they have
been living in this country, and
Alex. has been in the hands of Mike
Murphy, be has proved to be the
better man of the two in the greater
number of their races here. At
their last meeting in Washington,
however, Richard defeated his broth -
or in the twomile special race.
Last summer they ran a dead heat
in a five -mile championship race.
Grant against (frank on the program
of inter.collegiate games, will al.
ways prove an attractive number,
_ .
Sala Register.
Wednesday, March 7th. Farm stock
and implements. Lot 41, con. IA. Base
line Mullett. John Govier, proprietor,
C. Hamilton. auctioneer,
Thursday, March 8th, Farm stock
and implements. Lot 86, con. 8, East
Wawanosh. Juhu 0. Wilson, pro-
prietor. C. Hamilton, auctioneer.
Saturday, March 10th. At the COM-
merchtl hotel, Blyth, 80 head of choice
well-bred cattle, 15 good dairy Mrs, 26
steers and 25 heifers. T. E. Walker,
proprietor. C. Hamilton, auctioneer.
Tuesday, March 18th. Farm etock,
implements and household furniture,
estate of the late Elizabeth Webster,
Lot 87, son. 12, Mullett. Wm, M. Scott
and E. C. D. McCallum, executors. C.
Hamilton, auctioneer.
Tho Tomb.
NrceAvottEY.—In Morrie, on February
2biri, Mary, beloved wife of Mr,
McCaugho',. aged 70 years.
ATT1111.1.,—Ffelon Fortentei Attr'1'
ut he late Henry Yar wood At -
trill oil Ridgewood park, aoderich,
on February 22nd, suddenly, of heart
O. f. NAIR.
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office in the
Division Court Clerk's office, Blyth,
every Monday from 10 Ran. to 4 pail.
Permanent oUiei at Brussel*.
Waltslas Klee.
Tao Japanese bare a queer hIll. *-
mettle Sh1111111—a black and white mouse
with leak eyes. The peculiarity of this
breed of mice Is that when other belly
mice ars just beginning en walk these arm
beginning to watts, and they keep up
their waltzing the greater part of their
waking hours all their life.
It several mice are put together, they
often waits la couples. Sometimes eves
more than two jolt: In the mad whirls.
which are so rapid that It Is impossible
to tell heeds from tails. if the Door of
their cage Is not emooth, they actually
wear oat their feet, leaving only stumps
to whirl on. These remarkable whirls
seem to be as necessary to the waltzing
MOM AS midair somersaults to the tunt.
blIng pigeon.
An upright peg forms a convenient
pivot tor these Japanese pets. "But MO
without this guide," says Neural 0c1.
owe, "they would not In several minutes
cover an area larger thnn a dinner plate,
and they easily spin under a tumbler."
▪ Boa. PAW Jockey.,
Cut out these two cards and paste them
en either tilde of n piece of pasteboard
the same size. Re sure to have the horse
right side up and the man upside down,
no that when the card la turned rapidly
the rider Is seated properly. Cut a small
hole at each end and intent a string.
Twist the string In opposite directions
with your flagere. and as It unwinds the
deer salious.—Dhicluusti Commercial
Christmas am of 014.
Jan. 0 Was At one time celebrated as
On -Wow day, and It was nut until the
fifth century, It Is said, that Dec. 25 was
generally observed as a (withal In honor
of the birth of Clarbit. More that time,
however, the Christian world he. joined
to exchanging tokens or gond will on the
day now set awl as Christmas. There
la an old remitd that in the fourth cen-
tury the Roman emperot, Diocletian.
while keeping court at Nlentuedia, Warn-
ed that 5 boat of Christians were gather-
eil In a place of worship on the 1.1t1 ut
January for the purportc of celebrethig
the birth ot Christ. The emperor ordered
the doom of the church idiot and then
had the building set on dre. It Is sold
that 000 pennies perished In the dames
This was the beginning of what Is called
the tenth persecution, which lasted ten
When Weis Go Is Sleep.
Trees, and plants have their regular
titre for going aa TAP* boys
and girls. They need the ranotelitinpe to
pet recta the work of growing ead 10 re-
pair and oil the machinery of life.
Some plants do all (heir Sleeping In the
winter while the ground ti frozen and the
limbs an bare of leaves. la tropical
countries, where the suow never fella and
It Is always growing weather, the trees
wspose during the rainy *meson or during
the periods of drought.
They always choose the roost unfavora-
ble working time for doing their sleep,
just as MU choose* the night, when Ise
cannot see to work.
The Lollipops Commis..
B en an the Lollipop ehiWns
Slidlng down &wear hill)
lan by the (Wilton near me, elm"
ono of thsts's 41, Mt a spill,
*salt, tnek, track, below thers1
Over the.bumpet she fowl
nevi had she sel. a his tumble
aught ea tar lollipop ousel
--Primary Eduestlos.
Maw Mesh?
Clara, aged 4, went Into a drug gore
the other day and, Stepping up to the
proprietor, said In a halt whisper, "Sop
Prom little girl hasn't noy toolief.
much ekewIng 'Uhl would you sire her
for a twat?"
• Tack sad His Mother.
The *reagent sentiment ot the Turk
11 his reverence for lila mother. Be .1
P175 elands In her presence mail Invited
to sit dogs, a compliment be pe75 t° "
see eiee,
Pitruess authoresses. Registrant''',
oeNnteatrodly aryl) lot b tewrealtnuerse wwligoanareto w
original rompoeftions of morn*, kind or an,
ottchr:c 100l
01 fiction 01.11i IS Silil tOily in her prime.
Mr' Widgeon Buroett tregno her iltersry
?Steer in carnpet al the early age of 15.
Rererses had come to her family by rea-
son of the cotton famine, and she was
anxious to help the family funds. Edna
Lyall began to write stories when she
was about 9 year* old. She wrote, se
she says, "tor tbs joy of writing" and
beanie she could not resist the craving
to describe the beloved berme and her
lam who Sled her romm imegination.
McKinnon Cc Co.
331sP t13
How We
Do It
teeienaiie) ""wero
j_ Let us illustrate our
business by yours_..1cl
No matter what your business or calling to, you
know the power of cash in buying. You know
how manufacturers hunt for It, how prices go
down before it. You know what an advantage
clash gives in the matter of di:mounts. You know
the tremendous advantage of the big buyer, the
man whu if he buys at all, buys largely. Yon
know there is a great difference between the
prices fleeted so him and Mose quoted to the small
buyer. Now apply these well.kuown bemuses
41a8ditions to our business.
Anyone can Mitt that by the crowds we handle.
Now Isn't it perfectly plain that we ean, and do,
save money for those who bus' their good', at this
store. Dont be satisfied to stay away and doubt,
ems in and get the benefits year neighbors are
—Ladirs' Cloth Jackets, regular price 05 for $$50.
—Ladies' Fur Lined Caper, worth ID for 515.
—Men's Wallaby F'ur Coats, wuril, $18.50 tor 018.95,
—Astrachan Jackets, worth $2 for $2.i.
—Astrachan Capes, worth $1.8 for 514.95.
—Men's Fine Beaver Overcoats, velvet nolleg. IMO for $9.60.
—Shorey's fine Tweed Suits, worth $8 for Mb.
The above goods will be cleared out regard's* of cost, as
we will marry no goods over till 'mother season.
JUST ARRIVED—A lot of new style Bedroom Sets, Side-
boards and Tables, which we offer at very low prices.
People sear that we show the finest patterns in Tapestry c1.taiim and Table
Covers, Our $2.98 and $8,97 Tapestry Curtains are kiwi— (.1111 and sea
Never add to oce'.; appearance. Soon you
will be disc.ir.ling your Rubbers.
Now Shoes..
Win I.c required, and the right place to buy
them is at Herrington's. Our spring ttrlea
U0 coming to hand now and will 10.4 be
ready for your inspection. They're beauties.
No matter what you wish to pay, if it's $1.2
$1.50, $i.75 or $2, va ue;
best quality, best fitting shoes, at above
prices, made.
One Car of Feed Corn
to Hand.
White Ash Sawlogs
1 will pay the Iiin,hest, price crinh
on deli ery for 11 ‚414 Rick EIII Bots
40 ineloos lou. I will tone bolts es
small as four mulien in diameter. Ash
Logs will be taken any tenth and as
small as six inches iu dotmeter. Aro-
person having thin small timber Cgn do
well with it her* Call and me E. ley-
ingstou had gm full particulars. 19
The eyes that see the ad. In Tun
S-raNrs1RIN40.': tl,P g0020
tlio shop whom tire i-droins
aro to 1,e funnil,
Senn T1110 liTANDA140
Every week.
Is Your Ad. Thar.?