The Blyth Standard, 1900-03-01, Page 31141
Sketch of the Greer of the Blood -Thinly Newlyn. M
aiew the big blacks of the Soudan 1;rOtktit::1 t1,1471,:li1(;tininitt,ItilliptP`r.oYegigs
Deenen Digo& capt sued 1 ham averted a rowt. HP reformed lee
Must have rolled I be.r white ever; In'
the Engle411 artillery that the forces
when that lattWel 11 1114), fhe tribesmen er (seems broke se eternity. liberal
of the eeheran 'sande and the feta- Ilethata itinde gaud iltli_n.,,I,,,,.!,r ,,T1
boa. al ow Egypt len fields he ve never ITrrurtrtleilrrnalvnli/irt'lli;le ':'1,1,tivitlitte''):ninui",
!We * word in Arai'e great enc41eq' Pena took th(led win is a few
,0I4/ nmen ..gunIn
have etteell
kitvariously AH , Abobekr, Emir, ePe
r. He was the larti thorn in Eng- end Arnie' 11181 fallen. (111 the
weed'. About four thinotand eteelon-
alid'a side where Egypt ia concerned. ::fthelawr Igilillytiralinin had loet 11 Of th
- rd Kitchener's work nt Onelur-
a remained inemnpliiie becaums Os- Thew events revealed clearly the
MolutromminiOn plan 01 ctimpalgel•
I !Mena bed been neither killed The lose of life wise of nn import
W eaptured, once to Osman Ingtin, Hie men
The men's real name aro tWorge were enter to be rterghtered, that
Nisbet. Hie fat her, occording to the they might cuter the portitle of
miery now femllier, ma omen wife paradise, if the Ellgliail WOO a vle.
ISO eon to Egypt is heti I 118 la t te r tory be let them have It, WO then
Wee yet a boy. The elder Niabel dWdharrowed them from the tlegert. emit
TIM widow merrier' it rich matt of WI ills t•ourise when beaten front
Abriandria-Osnin» Dignn, The step- Sunkist. The Engliell held the town,
father gave the toy hie none, hie but Omen Digne held the English.
.dUe&tlon and bin roiling. Thus the
BrIttelt pollee contemplated Ow
DOW Osman Wpm btIMIIIIA a Moheno billeting of a railway from gentle
a rave touter and a lIennilial
of the desert. to Berber. Before the dealgii could
be veered out Ute hostile hordos
Revery In Egypt le nominally 111101.
111111 to be swept from the Alesert,
it'd, In reality It flourieltee. Wheu
Osmuts Dignn eked In the way. All
the old Oman Digna died the new
°Wen Wins rattled In the Berbereen the power 0! 1111118 wag brotight
codatry, line lie •1411181a band of leo- to beer to date Tho effort diNiodge the Mulinntme-
less desert denisene, who eased; ela ort wax vale. Ile ,vram
drivel' from one stronghold ugly to
wed down the bank& of the Nile, cep -
oho estittillail a new MO. Army after
threw young men and wonieu,
army wept 'town Into the divert,
reptivre were hurried down the iffli 1
and ,old. Osman Wenn grew h. riebut the country voted not he
Kea aeloar•
By 1885 the theatre of war hal
Hie headquerters were itt Berber ed.
I been trensferred to Ketones. In
aid at Khartoum. The who:e ,suakiti
thin elm ellen Oilman had the alit
of two of his nephews-Alened and
'lect Mena.
Osamu riAli le iribrined prodigies ;or
the alidell after shutting the Eng -
11101 up In Nuelen. He had Rommel
the Erkowit, lebernb, Miehnb, Meta -
11011 and tilehlrielt trlbew. Thee°
horsed afforded him levy after levy
of reerulte. He now demanded the
surrender of both Sialcat and Rua,
isolon _yielded tribute to his teethe.
.. The English occuretien threatened
Alm with ruin. Tbe new authorities
hod issued an edict against alavery.
They dowel the porta of the south to
Ha peculiar Merrhandese of Oman
Diens. He was now a typic01 Mohave -
gulden of fifty, wirth n herein and
a beard. Ruin attired hen in the We.
He joined the Mandit
The Mabdi detected the greatness
of the new follower. He gore him let-
ters to the village sheiks and to the
efficient of his barbarian goer -rumen',
°NOM Digna, in 188e, was compar-
atively unknown bey,,nd the desert.
Witten hin limits a motley populn•
doe feared him. His brat work was
to organise a following of desert ban -
dile. Their bond of union was plunder.
Within is few years be had :meanie
the leader of the revolting pupubt Con
di the Eaasern 8011d10.
With tali horde of the desert he ap
peered berate Sink:it. T1l1I1 Was 1/1
Alrg011t, 8S13. lle ruehed upon the set
tlement at, the head of lee force, otter
to bo beaten book with a ion of 80
Men, lila following nine ION Influence
Melted away. The man'e entellItem had
imen taught to deem hill, 11 lnclblr.
lie wee tem a broken Wel. The Eng•
Ileli diemiesed him from their tnIntle.
HU fumy became One Or till'rent,V-11V0
In tele eetreniity be dealt the blow
Hint fleet gave the Oritiali their 1108-
4484 of the man. 111 a defile between
elunklit foul Shnkut he Ina' all one Octo.
ber night with Elm few who still
believed in him. He knew that a little
detachment native troops under it
Mitre commander intuit pens Hint
way. lie enjoined abeviiite phlpuure
Upon Mg force. They Lill behind
mod hilly and the bare rock neinees.
Oman Degna threatened with death
any num who moved before he gave
the word, When the enemy had in
volved thenseelvea in the defile the
mince deeleret signal came. Out rushed
the men from their concealment. The
enemy were almost nnnddlated, and
nil of Orman DIgna's lost prestige re.
turned to him,
Four morn ap101146.1 vleterlee over 1
the Derernment forcers followed in
Oalek euerseselon. The Bret& found
to their amasenient that this 0414140'-
a(1 Nave trader watt ri general, 111 47
Meath, lin had made himself a:meter
or the country round about, 1118
amity grow like a field of wheat. Ile
end disciplined lule limpet horde
'MI Hannibal hind drilled and dieelpilneti
the Carthaginian mob,
The dilemma 01 14144 English wneex•
Wean. They reteleved their elmost
fatal Midair° of having, underratml
141* foe by pending General Grahatner
M140' against him. Before the Eng -
1 en could take the field Tokne
(ellen. To understand the 411401-
114* geography of the region
be known. 'kilter le jut off tee
t distance away Ilea Teb, a vete
Pea In tlie Suakin oountry, A
dint OnInfr fattened by inexhautal.
bleeprings, The town of El Teb had
Nei Invested by Osman with fair
thoneend Arab.. He deprived the ire
allebitante of food and water. Their
tentesunitIon wise exhaturted. Osunin
kept up hot artillery and infantry
fire. I plan of campaign was per.
feet. Governor of the town had
Made up hie mind to hold mit tothe
HNC He expected the BrItieh. The
1111Mbitants were terrified. They
the character of the enemy and
feared Ide fury. At last the 1118•
.elfnpr had to yield. Ile iurrcndered hie
fed and hie troops surrendered their
keeneral Graham man dumbfounded.
HIS tint act ant t,o send messiengers
Osman Dlgrut demanding 11111411118-
pon Ties communication the Mullein.
Meant did not contiemend to notice.
He Dimply threw up breastworks in
tbe 0011. and waited for Graham to
up. The latter lost no thee.
Baker Paeha and Colonel Dor-
t° guide him, General (Wham
id at El Teb In four bourse He
about tone thousand men. Osman
es tone appronelted trix thous-
. alcaose wholly Foednome. He lee
battle by rustling the ethane -
Ong R111180 of British. No an.:
Wall MR& Until Ornbam had
d hle men quite armed the
works. Then lie opentei with
staggered under the shock.
tubed upon their en.
beetle Meted throe lionise. Oa -
fully one thousand men, the
barely 28 in killed and 140
. 'The Mohammedan fell
akin. end In two weeks
Iltinkslf near that elty
w ariny.
h reeved Moe Suakin. In
advanolog columns; were
ng, living ladder. Damen Leg-
tobed several instill forces to
onoonang annoy. The hnt.
el marina hod been enjoined
Solt flre. The Englielt ad.
AK however, IteruIsted Itt
Nifty volleys. Tii* desobeell-
a led to dlenpter. The line :,f 11(1 11')
hidden In the smoke of lie own
lime 11M Boudaneare crept up beneath
thee' eheiter Niue afforded. They
upon the English ranks and
em beet. The ospaelty of the
hand to hAnd conflict eery -
Diva's Dorm* well. The
gun fell Into the band. of
lateepldity of General era,
pet trate°. The 4148(1 contInund to be
captured and exported 141 largo limn -
berm. The greet Digna had become ti
buccaneer of the desert. ile wan 1111)'.
11 grime that IVA 111 the more to
elm the tenger It Itedett. Ile Many
the Belle:Ili power to acorn.
The mart id lei fled realised this ad-
o,' tem WWI IN Itelleller. Ile maw clear-
ly that lilt reentry was Pill yllifit Into
the Elinefa'n Mines so long aa 1411'
remittal of the attention In tienkim
Wilil permittee emigre. He ativoente
lei an entne aleindoentent of the lane
of ennipnigii. It seen* Incredible now,
but It la a fact Unit the Cabinet In
London refemeil entertnbi Kitch-
ener's project for 11 reorganized mili-
tary movement 1 was Informed by a
prominent member of the Turf Feet
It Celro Met year that Lord Cromer
threatened to resign 11 Kitchener
were not. given 111* wee.
The history of the next few noes
le but i repetitioit of whist we'd bie
fore. Osman leen u beel his own, width
mow ne he wanted to hole. He ran
down to Omilurrunit, Perfected 1114
phut% role his *laves and eurivited
Iteueelf. Kit, honer Het attest 11 greet
work of organization, Ho now red I 110
Ilart'ettinr attention to Oxman. That
worthy temnined eluslte 1411 11 11 PP1.
AIM/ t solti Polon(' . nit 1 no tri'd
capture him. t itched letthe regret
011 the whole, bowever, the Mullane
tee la 11 slue. 1048>4 diel n Erie.
hiIild Wall no longer pilling entree
The relerioue Influence of the 1111001 t
noventent 48411011. Long before the
greet env at Omdurman the lenln»''
fitt.41 had patrol out of Osman Devisee
bun 111111. Ile had euitIc to the level of
at Inrge within lei limit-.
When Kiteltener went to Khartoum
()ensile Non wag never out of lea
thoeglite. eoliths) orders were given
to take the slit. troler, (lend or al ve.
Bot, nIthough the greet Etig1eltinen
etarte I the gentry, In mull tot rim
it to earth. tteutait mime out of this
troy 'dive and free. III lied 'oat eotws
eredlt In the Piet few yenra even with
hle own following. The event' at
Atharn end at Pompeii rerenled the
vInve trndor 1 huhu trite More ne 11
" Whet neglect have yon and bow fare
the Inithful ?" inquired Abduilith tin
011e ocenseon, when Osman Oil 11111 to
Omdurman to overt.
Mester," repeed DIgna, "I led the
ballet! to partullee."
"Then why del you not go with
them?" retorted Ahrhillnii.
" tiol,'repPed the chive tender,
kin, end even made an nttitek. In
title ho was remelted. But he Innto
marred 150 roldlers lied two offieere
In a rocky part not twenty 1171144
imm Suakin,
The culinary operations' of the
following months' are not early 101 -
(owed, Tice accounts are too cow
trailietory. The neve emne, late
111 testi, tent Osamu Digna bad
been elate, nitit his whole army cup.
tool. it turned out that Osman
reelly won it victory. He 'trove
from the dried ou Julie 18th, 1IS0.
(Jii that day he appeared lefore Ta.
mai with mother of Ida innemernble
tomiee-The English now made lier.
ole effort-, to keep the leutikin
mato opee. They hoped to do title
by triving Conum before them. lee
fortuuntely, he &wary got behind
them, The proposed reliwny fruit
Kunkle to eerier 'Tweeted a rail.
any on paper.
All thin time the Hannibal of the
desert hod rentlflued her slave trnf•
lie. lila roving bands &emended
U3)011 tribe' !resell), to the Eng-
Ileh and bore off their men and wo.
Intl). The captive's were exported
betrabia, rind tnere teed. The 3180'
1(t netted Osamu Digna prodigious
etym. este. were the ileitis!' -able to
put etive to Ounntres operittIono.
'the deadlock dragged along until
18814. In that year Colonel Kitchener,
ar tw then WON, determined ill deal
omelet Wenn, 14 decleive blow. Kitch-
ener 44'II3 then Governor-Geueral uf the
Ree eten littoral, Ile fell epee ttle leave •
trader's eamye captured it and Bent
the eotelannie flying. Oilman reformed
I118 troops and retook his own camp
from the rear. In the fighting I:int-
ense got the eevere womel which has
never since wholly melee to trouble
bins. Osman tot n band of slaves' lu
Nils fight. ile fell back to Dereh with
about two thousrtnd inen, and Woll 14
victory over the Amhara trIbmmen
mut out to check him. Next he re-
torted 'mon Kitchener's' reglinentir est
einettooh. The Beggars Itoree charged
the Englialt forces and 'swept all befoee
them. Di the following April Amman
was Jolnell by Abu tergeh, at the heed
of three thommud men.
The BrItiell, to their profound chng-
ten, were compelled to 031011 negotia-
tions with the man whom they had no
Rattily undertnien to subdue. Osman
rearm receive:I the eminsineltes nt tile
14111.1 4! lea forme He ladened tei what
they lettl to ORS, but they could not
move 111 111 an Inch. He tleChtred that
he wouli nttnek every armed force
eerier tidier tee hire, e.
deemed his own territory. He waw,
lowever, dimposed to allow trailing
wItlitti certain limite.
pe,‘TINti 11114 OWN 1-1/tt111.
Tilia really meant that the Moham-
medan commander would do anything
enloulated to promote traffic In slav-
ery. Tlint enriched him. Tne Emer&
were far from entiefied. Their Yemen
petrolkel the rout night and ley.
But they could not break sip Osman's
• " I ! 1 it se"
The 111(1 came ittglorlottely lan week.
Ever Rem the fall of Khertount Os
limn Wipe Ms been n. Meted man. Ile
returned We old huts near Tattle
Senlem had long been garrisoned by
the ErigPelle The cm
omantler there,
Capt. Pewee organ:se:I expelltiou
and ran ()Man rligllit tO earth In the
lees. Thr Get ranee trader le now mars
loek end key in theeV " be Iran
Weged to often. -N. V. Kernel.
A primenent Wedge. error racier, Mi,
Hrydgea, mire "1 took Meleret
Compound Iron Pills for 'temente)
trouble, tram which I Nattered for
two year, end neon felt like new
linth t
net n net
Ft:Melee: AN ARIIV.
Tommy Aekets Eros Good Deal of
Centre,' Weekly mitkom an littered-
Iltg eomputation of the nmount of
foo.I required for the subeletence of a
single lirltielt army corm. leach sol-
dier le entitled to three-quarters of a
pound ol trete' meat and one potted
of bread daily; and when on 1(814(01>
berace, the meat is Increased to one
pound, niel a free ration of grueerlee
and regetablav is also lamed.
The average bullock, when elaugh-
tered and eat up by the army buta-
nes, will ylele 700 pounds of meat, and
1e44>1 bullocks newt die to provide
the troop' wIth one day's rations.
Sapp -wing Vint the operatIone lu the
fleet creepy art months', end the M-
illers get treat meat twlue a week,
then, In round numbers, 70,000 bul-
locks meet be butchered.
This (reset meet mast b' eked out
with no lase than 10,100,000 poen&
of malted or presmotel sietuale, and
we get It g11111(1 total Of 14,50007)
Many Army Officers Meet
Death f ar F rom Glory.
The remit rumors to the effeet
that Mean Logan with killed In the
Philimenee by it bullet In (heeler!
of one of hie own wen mottle OOMPH Of
thie kind whites really did happen. it
Boerne 9 851ey unlikely thing that In
the heat of it bureiouglit reflect elle
orlgln of rt. mutter (tenth can lap thame
mined -that its to rety, whether he
dled by the halide of one of Me cone
4411101 01' by those of Ida Keay ;1)11
sequently men with IL grievance
eguinet their °Monet have often
mude OSP of mak opportunitiee
wipe off old worm nail have gone me
A uotehle WO:thee of tide occurrol
joist before the brittle of Woerth, In
the Frentio-Prutetian wn.r. A certain
°filen of considerable repute land got
himself generally disliked by hie per.
Neveruoce in bullying therm under lieu.
A few cloys before this, the Ord
great battle of the war, when the
French were nearing the border 111
their hopeless endeavor to remit ller.
en, a rumor ran through the camp
late at night that the Presides's were
relsoneing mei would shortly he up.
Intannely pandemonium relgueti and
besetting wettest were gent nut bn
all threctione, One of them WOE8 111P
der the officer in 'mention, and
when Rome wny from camp 1111. \WON
fired upon, the bullet bringing ill
The Fr -nehmen, thinking they line
got Into en amputee retired, firirig et
1(11 11181411418 foe as they del so, but ne
no counterogiote were recelsed they
grew courageous again and, after ill'
lag reinforced, arty/mewl to the fetid
meet. The tinily of the offIcer wits
Mind, but nut that of Me Rosalie:Me
who Mel evidently eReaped roureathe
On returning to the caum It wee
found that nu trace of the enemy
had hon diseovered; In (id, at that
time the Premium were fur away
front the epot on the other tilde of
Woerth, Accordingly a postmortem
examination was 1111.1 ter the offleeret
body nal a French mervieta'aullet V>.
tracteti therefrom, but the murderer
wee never detected, although Ile Witri
doubtless In the 81111114 and had 'clipped
out unawares to commit the crime.
But (hie la only ems of the many
tragedies whicb took place duteng the
war, and it Is mail that at 2
per cent. oi the French rffleees kill'
fell by the hands of their own men,
rind a little over half that number uu
tho Pruett's artily. In the former in -
Mance the crimes were due for the
moet par to the netional fnieng
never fOrgel 1 111g li frier:104e a 114 111
the bitter to the rigidity of
Whirl Kalliqinlea iintiranr, 1,. Intl 1)-
Even Marelsal leta•One was nearly
murdered before he capitulated at
Mot,, lie stira by no means a leveler
men ane oil 1 111* account alwaym Need
in Lliseiiii of tee aesamin and LIR fears
were no14 lemened when 1 Mot 111
rliecovered en put pollees In ide food,
the 'chew beteg belch@ Ity his own
mon. The offenclere, or Rome of theta,
were promptly t re t 41 tel ehot before
meny hours were over,
raper age raw 11 retooled in
connection with lite cheesier
Adow.i or 11 few a elite 14411. During
the melee a man war. 'men lo elluot
in the dirertion of reptalis, who
at the eame time fell mortelly wound-
ed. When the battle Milt over the
40110 wee charged with the ("rime, and
lifter a meant ten!, oh>ol by hie com-
rades, despite hie present/1 of inno-
cence, one of the chief reneons for hie
eon:tonna I Ion being t ha t he. wire
known to hnve a grievance againet
I 14> officer. Nevertheless's, the effnIr
Watt FOOD forgotten till Rome nintt
months afterwerA, when a isolclier
came femur.' from the sense lee -
mane ,,ll-ehnrgel with the crime.
He relabel the facts in d:steil,
tea motive es petty tyranny un
the part of the officer some years
previously when be, the murderer, was
a recruit, awl stated thnt he would
never have given himself up had not
another man ogee In his Mead. Need-
less to my, this did not excuse him,
aswi be perished to the prisen yard
at Naplea. •
Not 01807 Months ego three Sonn•
soldiers' were executed at Mali'
eel for the nileged muraer 0! rut of-
ficer (luring the hoetilitim In (edge
although the evidenee neginet them
was very romtgre. led !trent wee It
that eubsequent to the battle of
SanJuan t,heofficer wee found tiered
mute Way from the battle -field with
n Mesmer bullet ill ilia brain roil the
three mon refeerel to were Ken in
the vicinity at about the time the
affnir must have taken pinee.
mum, they may have been histly
condemned, tut tragedies of this rue
tore were especially frequent In
the Spank& army threstgliout the
wee, bid at the 401150 $11110 the air
tlearltiee failed to bike into ats-
toted the,: there Were InanO
called " loyal " Cubans attached to
the Spaniels forces and also present
at San :fume who had been given
Mauser riflee 'snit ammunition by
their uppressore, but whose (11,11118
10 Spanish offirore was proverbial.
Although each CritI1410 Kre more
common In the continental armless
than et 0411 own, we word not Ming.
Ine that ruiner (wog have never
taken place in which Tommy At-
has participated, In the Zulu
war, lust prior to the battle of
Ulundi, a young lieutenant in oneof
the Doe regimente Was foend shot
some way from the camp, and ne.
ter the campaign a Keller on las
deathbed at Devonport eonfeesed 1,0
having been the murderer.
Slmllarly, too, during the hostel. -
tied In the Mousiest In 1885, an offi•
cer of mouse repute was found to
have been myeteriously killed by it
Brittell Millet, but the affair wee
Melted up and put down rot the work
1,01111114, or (1„-,00 tom of bullock. up800 110111111/1 (11 01 the Deviehes.-Philatielplau Times.
nrmy rate ,00
Mead dolly, find bread contelne Iron in lad blood 0 neeesastry. Mil-
linarter of Ite weight In (lour. 1ler'S Compound Iron Pith; remain
1,810,000 3101104(4 of floor, or Aro (el f,31,111.
,tiwumeit11,tiya-Tlx; week* it. will 801111180 bet elerneol• in the most nesimilable
ll'here tt 1114 llood,
the beef nNerngYM .11r4
prom: 11 1101111'i n11 around -rather loetor-I eee what the matter us.
Under tlinn ever the mark -we hate you tio not 'sleep enough. 'Dike this
rtn matey of fa25,000. .tild to Oita ereoolptloo to the tiroggiet's.
ellenOte fee the British army'm daily lIr.Illinkers-71tunk you. 1 pre -
Morel rat ono Keeling per etoue of
fourteen 3)0(181841, 1111(1 a further retie
snow that's whist'', tiler matter.
Aesop [next LI:kyr-All, good morn.
tO)f) for lege:tablets awl groceries, eel-
vehited at the rate of three lend one- !If:: You are looking much better to.
Fleet Met night, terliet you?
ooliarlpf 411,,itinnei• impel isisitia005, na011:0011
Oele eiv mierthei rpfeliefirtillitinrkeate,--, Slept like a tsp. I
buctor--lioss 11111.11.1, ti1/11110 Of that
libittrilei Liniment eerier Burnie etc. "-.3diurt'e,tIlti ero (40(1 tietik'ae.?epretee_.1 eeeee
Cup That Cheers Latest Fad
for Reading Future,
"Polly put the kettle on.
The kettle en, the kettle en:
Polly, put the kettle int,
We'll nil have ten."
A certain fair etutient of wekin:it
triklng groat Interest P.M IlOrr Ill
the Neely of the ohl-new art of for-
tune telling by means of tea -leaves,
And, am merry maidene aro prom' te
do, she 1, turithie Iter newly -acquired
AM into It menee 1 nnrueettient 11(1,
mestilleatern to her freer& by Invit-
ing them to "fortune-telling time,"
which are Invested with es murk riol-
emnity and myettelon ns 0 poselble
ro the roneeptIon of the hoeteme, elle
learned the rudiments of the art
from a globe trotter who 4t4111141i it
up among the gyestles of lower Alla.'
trin, where the divination of the nes
terms of "pant, present and enure"
by imam of &egg of tenotips le most
firmly believed in by are penietrory.
it bi praetieeti til 4 Pertele extent
Veen here In thleago by soma of Ow
140.e111101 clairvoyant's, lett their
rending are almost invarlobly Knew
work of the crudest demereitIon.
The young fortune-teller In moo
tem le not at all epee& with her
;:licr''''"PRAIN/NC tele 11,
knowledge, tine luta given 11 reporter
for the Chronicle the rules reel ferule -
ins which elle leursted for the prate
ti*f the selenee. A little Rtu(1y and
nemoritIng if these roles will euable
11,V 014888 gir) to extract no and of
fun for herself and her (Amen trout
the cheering cap, while one with
really clairvoyant wailenehe may
hong out wane thing's whites are Nur-
prising indeed The followleg
those hnId dime by the TrIteinee.
"led do not tory unsung the different
espottenta of Ono seemlier °eget art.
The fortune leiter In soros Kling the
eni of te t 1111141, 1111 etrnin•
see It, ;me If net-esostry, 11111 Mid
these.te a 0'1V }1.11,1 01111 the te
WI iseeker lifter
,4111,1111.1g1 100,4 drink ell 111111, 1114111)1, 11
fil of tee tert ; then, lireiliter
the rem go that It Its tilted away
roo her, ail In th• first 1111par/414.em,
Jelin It dra , turning It armee! In her
Weida until tt has Onen turned three
meantime mekleg a while On
1.10 resemiet meet she hold the ellip
flint pthe 0411 144*. Into it WWII, Ole
.tet of draining 1a lieleg aceompilalted,
nor newt elle tIt ney time look with8
et the vole Tier met be left wholle
to the fortutte teller, for there i4 11*
91111 to the "amens et WO leek at
signed hy till' gypsies to carious (M)'l
1111 endeavor to mop slurreptitionly
Otte the meetly of tate. When
tles selelt 140111' the vim nowt be
Itniteel to tii . trireme teller, svho
1111K1 bold It 111 11111>11 It maneer (hu:' 14
she ran gee tutu lto but must never
held it bottom up. She may turn It In
,et' hand front left to right In order
to nee 1411 1111.1811i alwaym keeping it
Otte' !slightly from her tie In tie:
hydration. Then the ehottlil carefully
;Awe, the Nguyen mei eoudileatione
11 fleures, Inc of (entree it 18 only he
ionselerleg the bearInge which en re
grumps NINO 1111011 emelt other that
she eilli ouceenefully interpret their
ehelett meaulues. Per exnuiple,
111)ell 1100.0 1111the 81./11111 elguify grove
11 fortune mny he reed air foretelling
nily Neese trifling vexation If It le
ticeompanied by n number of stood
ellow, or either by tele which lo
larger and more distinct.
tong, wavy linos signify vexutione
rine lo Nes,,t1wir impoetsuice d• pending
on the number of limo Btraight lines,
on 1,110 contrary, forte peace, trete
qulleteesatt loqg elk egeleettrrhieddry
tiny gnat misfortunt: —Fe
Human' Ileum' are usually
omens, announcing love affair's and
If circular figures simmer money
mny he expeeted. If the figurers are
tette any. 1 gave It to the baby.-
erbled. :New York Weekly.
SW Mrs. Brown to Mee. Pervenn
"Mace eon men Mrs Hytones win- efinnrilei Liniment relievers Neuralgia
ter wrnp? liter magnificent ; ne plea
ultra." A Hopeless tome.
Fetid elm Parvenu to Mrs. Stealth u 'V'hnt le a sausage?" Inqiilrest the
few bourn later: inv•ert anger.
"Rave you seen Mrs. Ilytones win- "A eausage," grinned the comedian
ter wrap? It's a new With Meter." boarder, "Is a ground hog.,"
.RE A lee
Tele Cup'
log. A tree by a !mune elliniflee the
poareselon of a house or outtalle. 'm-
oor/ling to Its else. 14 hones beside H.
elrele also prontleed poseeadon o1 a
house. 11)1 crows is near It wilt be
1i n town or eity, If It in rie-
compnilleil by a triangle it will lie ac-
quired by litheritonee VT 11 gift. If It
It eurrounilsol by 11 urole the owner
will414, in It.
Mountalos mean both Mends and
enemies, to be determined by the ne-
,ompritrying flgurea. If rite latter not
0884 (4.11
iVA Ivor r
Oran/TA; CiFICtg.
good omens" the mounta:as ere friends,
or if muumelne appear nearest top of
811)1 1 hey mean 11141148, 4114 viee versa.
.Sen, moon. and 81808 indicate 1111p-
p:twee end redeem.
Clouds. fweell hepp:ness If they are
light ; if dell, minfortune.
Pirtle ere Roe& One means a sudden
'stroke of luck. A flock inentes
Shower ef good fortune,
Quadrupern, evens a dog, Mean
trouble end difficulties, the deg being
a friend. Reptile, indicate treachery.
A 11 (1> •.hon* good news from Across
the water. Souse, however, interpret
the fish ne meaning an invention to
a good dinner, A serpent is eiwaye un
enemy. If in the cloudy part of the
cup It gives warning that great pru-
dence is needed to word uff misfor-
times, whoae chanieter may be rower-
trOmel by accompanying eymbes.
A man apeedy visitor, If the
arm le outstretched he will be the
bearer of a tete When very distinct
he will be of dirk complexion end
when indistinct fele
A heart roirrounded by dots moms
Jay in 1 he receipt of money.
A let ter motes news. If in clear
earl of cup it will be welcome. If
surrounded by dote it brings a re -
wearier If hemmed in by clouds had
tidings and loseee If >1 heart in near
it it 19 11 love letter.
An isolated line is n Journey, lta
extent proportionate to lengtfla of
the line. Aecompanying dote Of emoll
branch Enos signify °beetles' wbich
will be encountered therein.
The nativity circle foretells infal-
libly the birth of a child. The sym-
bol bears a profound Niffiliti,anco, be-
ing interpreted the NIIMP in all oc-
NO 1 km.
A dog with a Menne Metre Mot ref -
memo to a Irked. .1 man on a horse
neon, ri male persOn who will pow'
erfay elrouse your came,
An otwhor tit bottom of the cap
means success 1s1 buidneen. At the top
mei in liner part, love and fidelity ;
bit thick or closely part, Inconotauce.
A crown hear a crone large fortune
resettles from rt death.
A bouquet of tour or more flowere
Is the wont fortunate of all omen.,
and pretingen Jny, love, good health,
rlehee and oueeest bu atI undertaklierm.
Ocenelonally the development of
the tentrvoya lit feculty enable,' one
to Nee lovely 'endemism eatnnlete
grope 141 figuree, large flight,' uf
hires and n variety of ouggerstett
violonv, where to the Impractical all
appenrs Thew vIslone, 10111g
of lilgiter eltariteter than Owe he,
fore doserllw,l, ate proportionately dir.
rimilt IA, exploit', 1111,1 sometime
tronsecitil spetsiention. Ilut the pow
ata Lee
er of seeing theme mymbote 18 neualle
avereupaniel by the nbDity to in.
terpret them, and 40 pereons of poet.
Mei and ministate, temperament. (110)
aro aliggeatIVn and far 010rE1 highly
prime then common appearnncev,
which admit of faille Interpretation.
-Cittengo Chronicle,
oennecteil by Wana, unbroken Mies
there Ire be delay in receiving it, lett
eventually all will be eatiefactory.
leveret Indicate peace and 111111111-
1141815, Oblong !helves foretell family
demure Curved, twistea or tolgtilar
feroree mean oertaln vexistlows not
annoyances, their probable d re tem
to be determined by the Itemiser of
A number or 111104, loog (,,
preenge a happy old age.
A ennWn ;signifies honor. A i nem
11MM/I 110480 of a iteittli 1, ring fore-
tell.; marriage. If a letter appear,
near It 11 its the MOO ,,f the feturis
sponne. If the ring ill in trillteen part
at the cup a happy 1101on mate be ex -
pretest. If surround,. 1 le 00111.1.011 the
0001481117. the entrriage will be unfor-
tunate. II the ring la eider at, the lot -
tom of the cup the marriage 'lever
(alum place. - ;
Tile tradi alwnyer gool. It At,
note,. opeedy fortune if (it the
top of the 01111, Willett 140011 !Airtime be-
MIIII3A leo ortionetely remote 1114 It
neer' the bottom.
Flowers /Ire ',Immo of Joy, 1103)1*111(44*
end n seaweed life. row Itelleetea
111'11 WI, .1 01,1 It top ef cup, happy
marring's • itt the bottom, ringer.
Shrubs Indicate deety; a single tree
re/dor:aloe to health, tallest 11 lte It
we,plug stronger, mor-
row. A group of trete' in the clear part
of the tem mane miefortnnoe wheat
may be avoided by care awl tilscret:un.
Trees steeling nemet mean the accent-
plialiment of one'o weds. If they are
encompaesel by (taxless' orie`a fortune
le In Its blomotti, nod only immix enro
to be brought to maturity. 11 sue -
sounded by dote relies nre forthoono
Only One Way of Fighting a Hedger
1 11 It Iliirrel,
Diareveing War and Its lime
mete, Mx. Bentham, tem 1'. 8. itosit
who lute gime to keit Belisle fumes,
411711> Knowing the toiletry 11 14 I 410,
It went to me so foolish that people
at home hotIlI critlelo the erten) Of
generale who have fought In every
(sorrier of Ole world. in Nntel, ter
iniannee, the Redid' had very little
elloeo of ratites. It Iraq much the
M1111115 1111 the mare! of the R1180.11 1111
into Turkey -they line but 1)110 wity
to go. I en not wee how troosei to Nil ta I
total Mee been movol except as they
linve been. I know the' country thor-
oughly, and ponple whir do not tiloW
it are very net to draw wrong eon -
elegem.. Teem aro lots Natal
00140 who know every inch of the
groona, .1119t 49 won nothe Boer, Oen.
Buller h's Mos hare nay amount
of Information on title point, and It
la urely only rensonable to nesimie
that they knee profited by it. The
loenl 411111(4 (41 the colony are perfectly
competent te give n11 the Information
require!, but no man en 11 look through
nli nitrenehment and Nay how many
men ore behind eone day there cony
be 110, the next 1100, People meet re-
member that the Boer' are defending
theinselvere end, therefore, have the
lest of It. There 11 no way of fighting
a badger In a barrel except by get-
ting him out.
Devoured by Wolves on the
Bell River,
Early in August last ;tool erne
to Ottawa trout Dawson that three
Miners, Robert Moffatt, HolMes and
Belliveau, bad perished of starvation
Nome time in 18107 while teeingto
reach I ho gold reside by the Peace
and Mackenzie river routers. Supt.
Steele, in cearge at Dawson, not out
411 expedition in aeatrele or the men.
For nearly flee month,' Ike expedition,
wbich was under command ot Corporal
Skirving, esti In the wild*,
Shirving ear : On Sept. 23rd we
(utilise II 1 Crow 'River, where 1 hired
an Indian with dog teem, 08 14114 river
,bowed migns of freezing up before
we WWII reneh our destinetion. We
'wired at William) Brodogo Portage,
Sept. 18111. There me ralnped. On the
e9:11 I peeseetied up lIw river, accom-
panied by McPhee and the Indian,
404(1144 Constelee Week and his bro-
ther at our camp el the Himkgo Port-
age. We 1 ravel.ed ;to an Indian tamp
at the mouth of Bell River, where I
obtained Brom the Indians there all
the infeamaiion reganling the ma -
hitt party pootilee.. Indians at
this camp had buried the bodies of
two of the party. Theme bodies were
disfigured by the wolves beyond re-
cogn:t tote a n were lag alshed
only by 'bier denting and Ibis sise
et their lemon. McPhee identified the
clothing and bodies ns those of Mof-
fatt and Holmes. Mere wee Mare
where a ralup fire had been, but the
body of lielliventi was never found,
and I nm of the opinion that be, ou
leering Ms lent camp, ',litter drop-
ped demi on the ice in the river, big
body being 'sunk on OF breeking ap,
or that he actually fell through the
ice and war drowned. At thie emus)
I oleo met an Indian named Old Char-
lie, whom I we inatrueted to Inter-
view with regard to the Moffatt party
and from wbom I obis:nod a abot gun
which had onee belonged to Robert
A. F. Moffett.
Moffatt came from the vicinity of
Pembroke, nntl Rellivenu was u
Frenrh-Cneadian from Sorel. Near
where the Indinns found 1 he skeletons
was an iron in which %rag a
bundle of deerskin thonee These bed
1101101i1 Ipen bo!led Nit' food. The
01,0 have no ewsp:eion LAWS
11a., any :eel play.
lenard'e Liniment for male every-
Comer. the Reckonlug With the fe..•
loyal In the ('uloules.
The future peace a the colas( wet
steered, amylase other Heeled, 03)05 111*
remittent that disloyale will remise,
more especially throw who bare beer,
en y et he drop -Le -lion of lbe hones
of the loyal, and thooe who have nr-
ively anointed the enemy, or love
allowed 131411 (1011* to do so. What tem
111 contemplate of more renseatience
than the future peace of the colony
Yet that pettee ssell depend to n greal
csitent upon the action which the Min -
'NI ty rely take. It hi obvinaa that if
Natal 10 to maintain Owl high nem -
Wien for {evilly Nam Lon earned of
late, and le not to Cermet the twee -
cry rind selaseerifire of her "14070"
11 the front, then the itorty of her
Ministry must be as far beyond rev
proaoh 10 the loyelly of her "bort."
It is understood that one of the
matfere upon wbich the loyal will
artier attenuated, is that of Ole eon -
Iteration of the proper of Ow we
have referred to. TO 14101i:70 1 lint run-
flarodon LI may be nereanary 10 peen
a epee41 WI. We do noc wise 'to du
anyone 010 enfame*.re, and 114 008, W8
hOP, lewd to those meinhere of this
Government who would le chiefly re-
aponable for drafting that bill to do
;heir duly in nu heuent effort, neet
44014 a teel desice to look to the mat-
ter with both eyes from the loyal
paint of view.
"A Marl IleeeiVeS me onceo hat isebilt
fault ; 11 he deceivea file 0 world !WM,
that is my fault." The disloyal have
deceived 1111 once by accepling Prima-
l; y, orey to aim nt ascendency. Before
we bestow equality again, let um en-
ioire loyalty to thnt equelity.
cannot be done by setting a sweet -
:um upon (holey/illy and upon aucE
aims at naceadency, *rough: allow-
ing dieloyalty to wage from the full
puniehment It destaermeeaial News.
The Uuiyonet In War.
We had swept over the Level veldt
in the dim morning light up ta' the
fire-iined kopjes-firing line and sup -
porta, gnards and line, the artillery,
Hoer and Britieh, roaring, /Wells
ise reaming, muslcetry rabbling and
1101 a man flavored. We were at the
foot of one of the most precipitous.
The Scotts Guards were to take it and
I wax about passing PO 18 tbe Cold-
stream on Hie eqbt. I wasn't taking
Mane end I believed In giving the
Scots Guards a chance. A plucky eId
Boer, who had waited too long or 1111'
not active enougb to clamber tee
Motto height In the taco of the old -
den onelaught, was biding behinil 11
rock, rifle m itertri. A lei -dear. ), tine
Seotchenan 'sprang nt him like a Ater,
and 8>111 that terfible &seaward
bayonet tIbient, p:nned hey to thr
earth, Ho Was (lead iv all intents
aarl Purposes', awl the Guardsman was
On a Very Important Matter
Now Before the PublW,
Tem n o, Feb. 22. -"It 18
alte su read eb: rlainva put 2/arsenal,
many vendors or Ve1:111: meleed111116,1
web regerd to the a laced 'MOWN* veeesosersateee,
;heir preparatiovi in Kidney and
Leadder Dieeamee The eetemns of cuff
publiated Noise of these so-
caeed remedies, sthow the: writers' ig•
perinea of oho nose elementary pro-
cieles of medical *science. 11. is a firer
4-eat/Oa:abed feet that theist &s-
eams are due to the action of germ,
which literally eto away the eubetance
of the kidneys. In order to cure She
disease mew kile tete@ germs,
Now there ia wee one medicine on
earth tbat dues the germs of
diastole. That ia Or. Arnoll's Engligh
Tox'-n Pres which ere the one pollens
cure for kidney end Vedder tra
So said a prominent Teener:y-
e:eine yesterday. "I know ri 44411>,
named Jones -J. Juno', axito 1,ve,g a,
237 ElizaLvish," be continued'.
"Hie suffered borrIbly (rem kidney dis-
ease ;Ind tindder 1%1..04100e, Red bni
phyteciene skel wan of 110 avail 00
'helP 11101, Ile peed, all the '4o -called
kidery ruree, which proved tonally
esteem. Finally he began using 11r.
Arnold'a Engliet Texin wierh
speedily deatroyed ;the gorrits that
were eating away friO, kifleeye. There
is no 111 her that tette chino perm,
-therefore there i( no reizer that cart
to depended ups tars &seam,"
Dr. .1rnoldei Engle& Toxin Pills, to
b:gley recommended by ads doctor
vs well as by All wean Mee ivied them,
ere noel by ail relleble druggist's, a.
75• a base tompee box 25r, or run
11-31.111 142 TeePtpl. of price, hy the
Arnold Chemical Co., Leraited, Can-
ada Lilt Butating, 42 King Aires.
"We, Termite.
Highest Clock In the World.
HaTiluieweloculke 044(11111:1hIlltaltil,pipw111,1itrolitiet:
about to preaa on, bre in 14,4 I ea 1 hilit the largest diode. If the reale
throes its Boer threw Op 11:, arra. The were ont or she way end tracks'
soldier leokel o" lent ia ot 'Vended , I'I',' 1 11! 11,,p trai>, 1,11111 111,41,1
1144441 1004.9 aort 0( wily, Men ignIltinir _ Mot other rtouthig through the
him bayonet again 1),,ough his breast, - holes. The glom 111 the four 011.4.4
rent 'delid 'Ye;t f" Ile seemed to tblYek itt eiernefrint".teTnried glito111:,"I
11 l'avld ft ol.tr1 trife
, 0,
unretwonnble teal any selt-respect- ground. svould 111144 a Milk 11 fepinre
ing nein Omuta, like Oliver 'Twist, lung and ten feet wide. TIte miuute
want "more." For, it may be remark- 1111(111 f1111.1111'1 KM yener/ journey
ere that Tummy is notrIfier "when by completing a 1 I itoulle trip on
biel.'-(larles 1.. Abfor'e Letlier, Mile Whiner+ hand will trasel 1)0
Wm playin. with the bayonet or the New Veare day. It la expeeted Out
medicine, tulles annually ler many yenra 14(1 )fro. G. Howell, Dante One., toys: mewhe ts . Tclock Isitrong, and the
I find MIller'a Worm 3)044-444.4a genii inliiiite Iona Lo ithoepher broiler and
weights e50 penult