The Blyth Standard, 1900-03-01, Page 2co, •• •
ve the beginning, I lastlioe 110
l'Ire W. nwi Death ie my
P1 Peanut etnN me.
Am. evil betray -
They stall nue II me, en Moe Me, tie
aOer. I knit PI ocy flAW4
1. Metter. with tee:mein
DirillPlace of duty,
AIM iM4be of all beauty -
/41'0/y preen, and love In my
law I
— .
o ' I/Omen's Tribute.
Austbi Donson'a told tribute to
the Qua, NM published, will atrike
41 reignasive eked in the hearted
bet ,eliithial people everrWhers:
1V/M oss dwell with greatness?
, MONO ie too high'.
14.41 tia the meadow, suns
Miler ski,
Ali 1 there is greateese In thin
he sunlight. humble ne
Qui*, of time the fable! Lady, thine
ehe fate
loyal, and yet lowly; lowly, 14144
tiret la lir dominion. great in pomp
ot years,
Weed* still aa woman, greatest In
thy Mare.
Oer Ontsdhather's Hymns.
eiltits them and their good WIVoll
Mired in the New England meeting
, trolling forth ouch "spiritual
" ali the book preserves for um ;
"Theo 'Ice:sift Irian& a long fare.
s' beeves, but you to
hear us while wo pray,
An▪ d change you ere (Inc burning day."
darc-113 *bun dam Nernst
S44.„he It observed, " b sdtf
nite Ise weak*: day. Tide was none
01 your rape lararmiterho way eta.
Mon., but es Hey a pit of torment
ite the 11336/Inetloa OAR well conceive.
Here is g Immo of it :
"Iletis, the outerles of the
guilty wretches!
Lively bright horror and nine:dug an.
Sten *wash their eyelid*, Willa
the living worm ilea '
Gnawing within there."
The WM/A Dead.
Thei lilesp so peacefully and stately
Fmk In hie IIATTOW bed;
realise how lately
those British dead ;
'nag •Inarched 'and never baited,
Tgr clhatdrilwithout dleiney,
r et hold assaulted,
Now MIN in eath they thy.
The 'dark night and the day time,
'113 them now all are one,
e aloud and summer eunehine,
glorious work le done;
r: name Mall never peed),
eiggeoned they obeli rtand.
O NW honor roll they cherlelied
Brinell Mother land,
.afeelitne In your narrow teed -
the crafty acer—
W won end country nobly
our hearts are soie,
who knows what's for ne
loving arms
Reoelvsd the warriors, now they Jest
Altars' alums.
--James Mitchell.
"Sweet Dells Mahout"
Soon beyond the harbor bar
Ilan rittbark 14,milling far;
041 SU world_ pwander Ione.
tweet Belle Mahone.
O'er sor grave I weep geed -bye,
Mu ban MY lowd7 cry
Moat thee what am I,
Belle Mahone ?
fbroad. Hello Witham!
MAO -Rifle Mahone !
Viridelor me at bsoven'a gate,
Sweet Nile Matteis!
Lonely, Ida a withered tree.
fo all the World to me?
a Were all in, thee,
growing o'er
n e'er adore;
thee never more,
I Mahon.?
y slonaber on,
tali My own!)
I Wender lone,
reed .liseem everything,
Rat *ken comes eternal spring,
With 'thee Inc wandering,
nweet Ilene Mahone!
The Bell,
In my reverie I heard It,
As I beard It oft of yore.
When a boy I hastened onward,
Bre the °Wang of the door; they appear to strangely! Do our
Tho' Ito tow are now the sweeter rooms, our furniture, our pipes etrike
'Ilempered softer is the knell- our eyes 111 they would *trite the
la In•V 10007 -and the ailment eye V an outattier, looktag on them
Of for the fest ems! Can mother see
the her babe's ugliness, or a lover h!"
old mast -reale sbortcom4s, though they
school stare everybody else lo the tato! Can
bell, we sae ourselves as °then me um 1 No;
I OW hear ite rattling ding, habLt, prepcosesMon change' oil. rho
-../.41101...- • -.•11.•••••
te leoretly, Myeterionake, unfleeted; there is always a certain
Ibly, eittlinoserably. Ah, how 1 Proportion of beterogelleotte accolla
toted give the "took criminals pointe panimenta white' have tio intimate
-with their ereondthana metIves, telatioe whatever ,with the phenom.
their tonventloonl eofteeptkens,'ollteir even. Yet en untie la 11N yet the
Mil ',twiny° (1it,ilIp 1 14r lank 1 1r. comprehension or the 'Onto of rot-
feellug mid r01tre0111. Mame, that ettley feature of the
to late Arthur Coniesioe PROP te pbetionoient ender levet-44(ot hili 44
'44,0 nearly oppordte mi, 1 eultimited me,Im q'tnIIy lutportnnt, and Nought
noqintIntitnee--he W1141 i( lovable to he linked Wteh..the chain of evl.
young lellnw, Alt excellent subj.tet for donee. To attempt to evphen
experlment. I 410 not 01111 IV 1411411 m vcrvithing is eitveys the mock
lin mever takmo to R men more. From the tyro. 'rite fog mid 3Irs, jiridt•
the moment I find Net CYPH on lalut J dintip's overeleeping homed were
three Will 0 preullnr eympnthy Is, mere neelilents. There are always'
tween ut We were drawn to each these irrelevititt iierompauintente,
other. I felt InatInctIvely he would and the tele eelentlete nilowe for
be ti No inn. 1 I e ved tli henr 11110 title element of tau to epenio Owed
temak MANU41t/1101001y 441 the Bro- cnlly unrefuted 4144.14 1 I. 11,m41 I never
therhood of Mae -I, who knew the counted on the utifortunato series of
brotherhood of man 44'1144 ILO the Mei isechlental pliettommin which have
the stupid. and the tlfier-olel lie
el to elortlaktee
Impikatonitorlatt:itnn46"6rrtnitli"Iul"filineurtworkof urepie1°nOntheuiIlt monettilatwltrsfromhison•hAnd,ilinmtth tmy-
eroinI mit-appointed clueless. It le a
ell.1111:11 Xii. of tits literatileable treoloncy of the
ttrothmin weitetishered into the 1.011- 1 111I "0 1141,4(1. I" -
V nowt it It: with
an martinet ()honor?"
lentioun Minister's Atlidy '1110 "t'eene to the Indio, mane to th,3
tieuglity thief or the agitatiou wile pant," said the Home tivereturYO Put»
reaps, the one man who eould not tins mit his loind ne if It, Oohed to
dented ,ie lie entered, tee Item° toueli tiu4 bell OH the writin,e teldo
Peureeary'a free teemed up with "Such us," went on. ()recluse lin,
Irene,. At a sign from bis muter, the perturbable, "mob It -MIL Drab*
amanuensis who hail brought la the dumb. That worthy person el unable,
Iftlf; telegram teak 10 look with him by repeated violent knoeklies, to
Into the outer room where he worked. armee her lodger, who yet deem W
Needless teeny not a title of the Min- he amused; she tenures alarmed, she
ister's correspondence ever tome 1111- ruahea neaten 14 rt my neentenee;
der his own eyes. 1 beret open the door -what do ytai
"You hate a valid reason for 1.1'01.1.. think the geoid ledy expeet•ed to we?"
Ming Ma, 1 suppeue, Mr. 1:rolutan?" ' Mr, Colureent murtiered, I euprose,"
suld the Home Secretary, almost murmured the Home Secretary, won.
cheerfully. °Of merle It to nbout deriugly,
Mortlake .."' "Exactly, And so she maw 11. Awl
"It is; end I lin re (111' beet of All Whet Would you Wink wee the eon.
Mimi of Arthur Conduit when ths
"Take a twat. Procord." door yielded to my violent exertions
"Pray do not moulder me imperti- - and flew open?"
nent, but have you ever given any "'Why, was he not dud?" gaaped
attention to the science of evidence!' the Rome Secretary, hit heart flat -
'How do you Melte 7" talked the Wring viokotly.
Home Secretary, rather peened, add- "Dead? A young, healthy fellow
in, rout a melancholy coif?, et gave like that? When the door flew open
lind to, lately. Of course, l'i'e never Artlisir Constant was sleeping the
been a criminal lawyer, like some of sleep of the Just. It tens a deep, a
my preemessure Bet I should hardly - very deep deep, of moires, elm the
speak of 11 WI n science ; 1 look upon it blow. at hie door would long slam
as n question of enturoonetenae." Mee awakened lam But ell the while
"Pardon me, air. 11 le the molt Nub. ark Drabdump's fency Was *ter.
tie and diffIcult of all the 'sciences, LR( lir lodger cold 11 WI Mark the
What Is the whole of Inductive Logle, poor young fellow was lying In bed In
as lied down, lay, by Bacon and Mel, a eke warm sleep."
but nn attempt to appraise tho valve "1'ou mean to say you found Arthur
of evidence, the said evidence being Constant alive?"
the trail" left by tlie Creator, s0 "Ae you were last night."
speak? The Creator iia. -1 say it, Tho minister was silent, striving
in all reverence -drown a myriad of eonfoledly to take in the eltuation.
red herrings across the track, but Ontelde the trowil was cheering
the true eolentist refuse.' to be bate again. It was probably to paw the
fled by superficial appearances in de. then
Owens the secrete of Nature, The "Theo, when wee he murdered?"
vulgar herd catches at the gromotp- "Immediately afterwerde."
parent fact, but the man of imight "BY who 7"
know; that what Iles on the surface "Well, that to, if you will pardon
does Ile." me, not very Inteellgent question.
"l'ery IntereetIng, Mr. (nodule'', Sokoto and commonsense are in Ise.
but really —" core for once, Try the method of ex.
hauetton. It must have been either
"Hear with me, Or, The erlenee
of evidence being time No extremely by Mn. Drabdanip or by m,yeelf."
subtle, and demanding the moot acute "You mean to any that Met Preb-
end teaseled ebservation of tsetse the duell'---1"
mast oonsprehemtive understanding of 'Pew. dear Mrs. Dean -lump You
human poyehology, II naturally given don't deserve this of your Home Kee.
over to professore who have not the rotary! The idea of that good Indyl"
remotest Idea that 'tense are not "IS wail Y°1/ 11"
what they mein," and that eery "Cahn Yourself, my dear Home gee.
thing le other than It appears; to rotary. Them le nothing to le alarm.
profemeore, meet of whom by their IA nt, It wait a Denney experiment,
year-long (levant!m to the Nhopeoun. and I laterwl it to remain RC The
ter or the ele3k, have acquired an Ha none withont grow louder. "Three
timate acquitintunce with all the In. cheer's for_(iv-Amen: Hip, h)p, hip
finite *Modem nucl complexitlem of herire4v4" (ell faintly on. thedr ears,
thing.' and human nature. When Biit the ildnieter, null deeply
twelve of thew profeneere nee me, in moved, tourhell the ben. The
a box, it is rolled a Jury. When one Home Pecretn ry !wipe woe
of theme profaners! le put In a 1104 retell' appeared Ile looked nt the
by himself, lie le called it wItoese. Tio great men'e agitated lane with imp.
retailing of evidence -the obeervation Prensed eurpriee,
of the fttot.e-is given over to people "Thank you for reline 1,1 310441
who go through their lives without amanueriele" sakl Orodman, " I in•
eyes; the appreciation of evidence- tended to ask you to lend me his
the Judging of these facts -le 'wren. eervkest. I suppose Ito CR0 write
dared to people who may poesibly be 'shorthand."
adept's in weighing out pounde of The minister nodded, oteechleme.
auger. Apart from their sheer In. " That its well, I Intend thie state•
ability to fulfil either function- to meet to form the dale of an appen-
obeerve, or to Judge -their observe- dix to the twenty.fifth edition -a
tion anti their Augment alike are sort of diver wedding -of my book,
vitiated by all stele of irrelevant pre. Criminals I Have Caught.' Mr. Den.
indices," sil Cantercot, who, by the will 1
are attacking trial Ity Jury." haeo made toolay, to appaintel wy
"Not neceoutrily, 1 nm !Impanel to literary executor, will have the
neoept that scientific:ally, on the task of working it tip with literary
ground thnt, no there are, as a rule,_ num') dramatic touches after the
only two altelantivee the balance of model of the other chapters of my
probabllity Is slightly in fever of the book. 1 have every eoefldenee Imo
true &Melon being come 1,41 Thee, will ho nbie to do mu tin titurlt jure
in armee where experts like novaelf tip, from 0, literary point of vim,
have got np the evident*, the Jury as you, Nlr, no douht tell! from A
ton Inc made to FM threugh trained legal, tool eeeeele 140 will succeed
The Home Seeretary ta,onned impa. In catching the style of tie! other
tlently wIth lee foot. chapter' to perfection."
"I enn't listen to abetraet theorld. "Templeton," whIseered the Home
Secretary, "this man may be a tun-
ing," Ile laid. "Rave Yen any Neon tate The effort to solve the Bog
0Onerete evidence?" ' Bow Mystery may have addled Ile
"Pk everything depende. on our brain. "Still," he arlded aloud, "It
gettlagelown to the root of the netts will Inc am well for you to take (10010
ter, What percentage re average his Matement in shorthand."
evidence shuuld you think IN time "Thank you, air," saki Grodman,
ough, Plnin, Mimeo unvarniehed fact, heartily, ',Ready,
'11(43 truth, the whole truth, and noth. Mr. Templeton?
nig but the truth'?" Here goes. My earner till I left the
Scotland Yard Detective Department
"Fifty 1" nald Ibe Minister, humor-
ing little, is known to all the world. be that
too fast for yen, l(r. Templeton
"Nqt. eve. I say nothtag lapses A little? Well, VII go slower; but
of memory, of inborn detente oil obese- if I t le- • ty
vetioe power-theugh the 'subplot- pull "fre to "
on. When 1 retired, I dleeov-
ously poems recollect:ono, date", and that I Was n bnclielor. But it
events p(f-Rened by ordmary witness%
is barn wilt trials taking place years bony,
was too late to marry. Time hung
atter the ororrences involved, is we ra,y hande. The prepara-
tion of my book, ' Crimlnale I Have
of the moat emoting thInge In the cur -
Caught,' kept Inc occupied for some
iceltisa of oudern Jurieprudence, I
defy you, six, to tell Ins what ou menthe. When It was published, 1
had for dinner iibt Monday, er w a had nothing more to do but thluk,
exactly roe weir neylag end &lag 1 had plenty of money, rind tt was
•t five Oda* 1 14.4. Tuesdays after- safely into/tett; there was no efill
noon, Nobody Mee, ltia doe* not run for speculation. The future wee
In tneelleanni grooef, can do any- nwelatig:em to im ; regretteci I
thing el the sort; unless, of emerge, had not elected to die 111 Menus AN
the facts beet' been +Joey impreeeive. Idle old men must, I lived the
But thOt by the way, dhe great MSC 1 went over and rivet again
Meek, to eeraetoue observation la the my ancient exploit'. I reread my
demo.. ,c4 prepnamw•on in .11 book, And no I thought anti thought,
away from the excitement of tlie
Ion. •Hoe ever Mruck you, sir, that
we stover sae anyone more 4 h in one*, artnal hunt, and meinis the facts in
le that ! 'Pbe Erse time we meet a a truer perspective, eo It growdalle
man we mat, ponebly see blot as lis is; clearer to me that ens:Mule were
and mcdified by the memory of the
the emoted tone our vision is colored
11"Cdr°°tracenli tha, tomirwevuerel; cElevreerrYlyerimPer!
fine. Do our hien& appear to us it.
or penetrability a weak tallere-
petrateel, was from the point of view
Traces and trail" were left on all
sidee-eragged edges, rough-hewn
corner"; in short, the Job was boten,
ei, artiatie completeness unattain-
ed. To the vulgar, my Mate night
seem marvelloul-the overtire lean
Is inveigled to grasp how you de.
tect the letter "o" in a 'Omen crypt.
ogrnln-to myself they were LIS
commonplace aa the memos thee uuw
veiled, To me now, with my lifelong
study of the ecienee of eyld It
mewl ixedbie to commit not mere.
ly one. but a thousand crimes that
"holed be itheolutely undlecoverable
I hear Its boomin don - bad ha 1 of rer so -
belied extern° fact. The eye Weal
EX41101111154, what bt wham tome, more
°pea west tt expects to see. You fel-
loW me, dr 1"
The Moine Secretary nodded lee head
lees impatientl fie was beginning to
Andtillaga hair 16 sipt..
W g
otwee along! Come along!"
Are I imte the elatt'ring rattle
Of the (lamer as It wings,
Alld 1 sink into the mating
now Ilene h
tem of It bringe- be intermitted. e hubbub Nom eetle
bat the
a life 1440101 0
and. that totichied
earer, that clamber in the dell.
out broke king, upon bee ears.
"To give rou a definite example.
1144/4 ar° nem" rne, at the clanging open. the door of Mr. Constant's room
Mr. Wiltem ways that %tea I buret
the on the morning of December itla, Rad
saw tbat tbe Maple 01 the bolt had
• been wrestled by I be p:a from the
I spa' hear its 6eraht":11)'llnull' ding, Hetet, I dumped et once to the con-
,. Min hear Ile isno oona_
hear it slee-
t Come along t'
prielege grante I
tea eyte to see
tbat Tine 11011 01
1000 nes-
r°01 Destined./
the Waning
• Ilse
, mos
°Beim that I bad broken the bolt,
Now I admit that 11111 Wfii 00, elde
in things like thie you do not man
to conclurle, you Jump so fast that
7011 4130, or uens to. On the Viet hand,
when you see a standfilig zing of fire
Produced by whirling a bungee Mick,
Sou do not believe m its eontinuous
exOaence. It the fielB4 when wit -
"ono_ ex legerdemain performance.
Ifitite'llIttth91/;,:‘,"-eyerehlir b"ut bebelli6MTvilliffar' ledeolf:
I:174 b•eIthib hnt toin tehrecp.dythoult heal:
vpeiv.i4 4414 .sic..1
I Ails matter of the door
ebOinIM, confess tket leth'agourdlihrenvi;
--•• &Ugh door
seen (bet h b
melte to me, eteleztil -113'.13 wi"N;
co,t14 CM mor.:14:elthr
And yet criminals would go on sin-
ntnr, um) giving themselves away, in
the Name old groavee-no
00 (1,eeh„ no Indithluni ineight, no
fresh eoneeption: Ono would imagine
there wero en neatienty of edam with
torte thou/end Hrunnialre, And,
gradnelly, AP if 1 Pondered end brood.
el over the thought, there tome up.
an no the desire to commit a crime
that "should baffle detectioa. I could
Invent hundreds of sueh poi
000 4
please myeelf by imagining them
dam; but would they noes work
out hi practice? El idently tie. one,
performer of my experiment mugs Inc
• ni)gelf ; the eubbet-whom Of what?
Accident ehould determine. 1 'tithed
to commence with under -VI terkm
the etlffeet problems fleet, and
Mond to startle and baffle the %oriel
-especially the world of whirl, 1 had
ceared ta be. Outwardly 1 wan calm,
and spoke to the Pe0P10 glut 111P
• n• -n 7, 1(,.,1,1i 1 nal, 00 (1(1,. 44 .114
a. consuming scientific passion. 1
vorted with my pet theories, and
fitted them mentally on everyone 1
met, Every friend or acquaintanee1
sat nod goodined with I wee plotting
bow to Murder without learlog a elne.
Timm le not one of irl or ne-
qualntanoee I have not awe/
with In thought. There hi no pubis
men -have ao fear, my 4,411 Horne
Peereeary-1 Mee net Pialibed to 031
• '
Jane, who wine" gore &beet JO
pity funan14Y should have boon !ob. left n few minutee earlier un 111bed of en valuable a lite. but, It had eight of Inc. bre, pm that 04!
to be. At a quarter to ten on the
night of December Ird he mune tu didn't know of Comeante vielt,
a relevant necident. 1 Met 11.
me. Naturally I said nothing 1411011 the art of the nrtlet, or the mete
this vielt at the Inquest or the trial, oteolete inrgely In knowing whet It
Het objet was to consult too nue-
, , leave out, so does the nrt of the
teflon/sly about some girl. He neentific ticteetor of rrlme condo
he had privately lent her money- 114 11)100 1041 whet &talk to Ornore
Minh she was to repay nt her eon.
e the Mock upon 11,, mantel ntritr
the dreaded hour of nine,
44 And the wieds betwath the ulittitio
start to whimper end to whine
'Tie then the Dwarf.' and °grim nie
to their caves are drown,
For the Ff.cuiffInvin',1 on it forage-tha
1 to why the 0111141ren eaten!
fens. Ahout the next thiag a netted
n was paw Layln- violent Made ou a
Dealittful 11111t Wad there with Gm
, ongnInu who stuffed nt paw. 11 the
! girt would of helm a telegraff tele 1
k nix". pnw wool I of enjoyed ler Novi-
coy- men more, bet 1/110 happened to
be Handy, and a. man who wee Molt-
ing on whit me and Little filbert hot.
""Ihat'a rite. Don't etend on sere-
Paw didn't nod the girl oat Down
rite beside fem. After paw Explain-
ed that he didn't mean Reny berm
and wank! of ast tier perraieben 11.-
1 040 - Nibbles her, only be Hadn't
time, the guns man who made the
Remark' cams and helped ber up, and
booked ip‘raelttty hinoiadd t 01 a ptarwea, Son4wostilliel
he woe crewling back to a place wham
biumelf up I eluded along wills him
n d tboy boaldrt
'01 Wu," peM: sod. after he Got
telloitilberifeave the gay
on hie dkates again, "It's hardly nat.
chiral that a person Could glide rite
off after be was out of pracktua for
rutserlay, tsoanweitymyelarGestbuat soldiligto all.,
By tint (line he was admire be could
take amebae start, and 1 got out of
the way. They was a strong wind
blew againet his back, and he went
quite a wept kind of like N if
4n its elle, but he happened to A
soft place in the toe jut abed 01
and Tried to Mop. That was when
tbe real IMInutellnin of the Eagle
"George," be hollered, "George, come
beBruei" even If I would of been there
then 1 couldn't of reached him with-
out a ladder.
He Cum down younanimously, and
didn't seena to Care who found Out
about. It, I dual.° what YoUgnialottli-
ly le, But that was what a Man with
a kind heft that alma Out on the lee
to See if ennything amid he done
C4AlifIderite.11 ile paw Set up, and I un.
(Waned bin Steles. While I wee do.
Ina he maye;
"What t" I net.
"Pt I make a Will Some time, and
then Die and Ennybuddy trims to
Brake ic Lenox I ust to give /Magness
ot In Senility don't ever let On about
this, Wel you F. -Georgie In Mileage
venience. What thounney wee for be 111eliort, to expiate' everything is
did not know, except tied It was tobiexpialii too muclit And too mueh
abnegation In which he had vaguely to 3 expe Aly Itle0(411 ex.
tconehow connected with An net, of Isere(' tertnto0 I tttle. totem
coed aly tegdoet dreams. None had
eneoureged. her. 'rue girl hod mince
dieeppeared, and he Wee In deem, an Inkling of the trete The ineolu
about her. He would not tell me who bIllty of the Blg Bow Myatery teas-
e. wamoof coarse, now, Mr, you know tel the acutest mink! In Europe end
thn 41%'11111414 world. That man
as well as I It woe Yeerle Dymond -
could have been warderwl In a time
bet naked for advice as to horn to net
about finding her. He mentioned that ?ougillY inecemeible room savorci of
Mortlake was leaving for Devonport by tho (We' of magic. The redoubtable
the Hest train on the next day. Of old Wimp, who had been blazoned as my
1 elm:kohl have connected theme two mermen. fell beck on the theory of
facts and sought the thread; now, al nuleitle. Tho mystery would have
slept till my death, but -1 fear -for
ho epoke, nil my tboughta were dyed
red. He waa Buffering perceptibly from my own ingenalty. I tried to titan.)
toothaehe, and in snorer to my nym- outolite myeelf, 1n41 to look at the
pathetio inquirlea told me it had been crime with the pyre of another. or
allowing him very little 'deep Every- of my old Reif, I found the work
thing combined to Invite the trinl of of art so perfect as to leave only
one of my favorite theorim, I spoke
to him In a fatherly way, anti when (viery0tUebrIft141111010Y1' 1ni1110
I had tendered some vague advIce inconceivable tlint, had 1 1101 been
about the girl, and made Illin Promise the murderer, I eltould have suspect -
to secure a night's ret (before he ed mikelf, In oonainct)on of mune
ared the arduous trammen's meeting with Men. Drabeluum. The Wet per.
In the morning) by taking a 'sleeping sons to enter the room would have
drnught, I gave 11104 wino buttons! in a seemed to lue guilty. I wrote at
phlal. It la a new drug, which pro- once On it disguised 110,101 and over
deem protracted sleep without tile- tho signature of "One Who Louks
turbing digeetion, and which I me my- Through Illa Own Spectaciee ") to
self. Ile promised faithfully to take tho Pell Men Prom to auggeet
the draught ; and, 1 alio exhorted itim By associating myself thus with
earnestly to bolt and bar and kick Aire Drabdump I made It diffieult
himself In so no to stop up every chink for people to dlesociate the two
or aperaturo by which the cold air who entered the room together. To
of the winter', night might creep Into dash a haletruth In . the world's
the rooml I remonstrated with him on eyee la the Surest, way of blinding
the telethon manner lir treated be It ellogether. This letter of mine
body, and he laughed In hie good- I contradicted etyma On my own
humored, gentle way, nnd promised to name) the next (ley, and
obey me in all theism. And he 111(1. In the course of the long
That lire. Drabdurop, falling to rouse letter vviech I wee tempted to write
him, would cry 'Olinda!' I took for I allied fmt.i evidence agidnet the
certnin. She le built that way. AN even theory of ernicide. I was disgusted
PIr Charles firown-Harland remarked, with the open verdict, and wanted
she linbitunlly takes her proposaceslone men to lie up fuel doIng and teeing
for farts, her inferences for °Nerve- to feel ins oat. 1 enjoyed the hunt
theta She ferrets/4N the !attire In grey. more. Unfortunately, Wimp, set on
Must written of Mire laralxiumpa the chime again by own letter, be
would have 11PIIRV011 no elle 41141. she dint of persistent blundering, lean.
Itrippened to be a peetillarly favorable tiered Into a track which -by a 'ley-
peclmen for working on by 'lunges- Illsh tleme of coincidences I had neitii.
'Lion,' hue I would have( umlertiokeu to er foreseen nor dreamt of-gee:nail to
produoe the same effect on nlmoet tiny the world the true. Mortlake was nu
woman under Mueller conditione. The rested ned condemned. Wimp nnd
only uncertain link In the chain was, apparently crowned lila reputation.
Would 3fre. Drabduem reel" 'scree! o Thal 0414 to mach. I had taken all
get me to break open the door? this trouble merely to put n feather
Women alwaye rub for a man, 1 was In Whnp'e cap, witerets 1 had expeeted
,well-nigh the nearest, and certainly to Mae his reputation by it. it Wan
the ruorrt authoritative man 111 the bad enough that an Innocent man
street, and I took it for granted she should suffer; but that Wtmp should
would." achieve a reputntlon he did out de.
"But suppose she hadn't ?" the Home terve, and overehailow nil lil. prede.
Secretary could not help asking. monre by dint of a colossal mletake,
"Then the murder wouldn't have title seemed to me Intolerable. I Imre
happened, that's all. In due oomee Ar. moved heaven anti earth to get the
thur Constant would leve awoke, or verdict Net amide and to Neve the
somebody elee breaking own the door prlaaner ; 1 hate CAIIONINI the weak.
would breve found him @leaping; no nem of the evidence; I have had the
harm done, nohoely any the I world learelest for the mhodnic girl
could hardly sleep znyvelf that night. I have petltluned and toritateri. bit
The thought of tho extraordinary vain. 1 lin vi failed Now I play uty
crime I Wits about to eommit-a boom- laat rani. AN the oterweenIng Wimp
11114 eurlosity to know whether Wimp could not be allowed to go down to
would detect the roodue operandi -the posterity aa the liolver of tide terrl.
prospect of sharing the feeling5 of blo mystery, I decided that the con.
murderers with whom I had been In denmeti man might Jut as well profit
contact all my life without being in by hie expoeure. 'Fat le the melon
touch with the terrible awe of I make the eel -ovum to -night, before
:their • inner life - t!to fear Ola It to too Into to Nave Mortlake."
I xhould bo too fast asleep "Po (hist Is the reason?" said the
to henr 3fre. Orabdtimpe knock Home earretary with n simplelon of
-theme things agitated me and die- mockery In 11/N1 tone,
turbed my rest. I ley tomtit( on my "Yam tole reason."
bed, planning every detan of poor Even as lie tipoke a deeper roar
Constant's end. The hours dragged than ever penetrated the study. The
slowly and wretchedly on towards, the Crowd had again 'started cheering. Ine
misty dawn. I was reeked with au,. patent no the watchere were, they
pow, Wan I to ha diaeppdeted after felt that no news wrist good news. The
all 1 At last the welcome 'mune came longer the Interview accorded by the
-the rat -tat -t _at of murder. The Home P.ecretary to the Chairman of
eehoea of (bet knock are ret in my the Defence Committee, the greater
ear. 'Come over fuel kill Mae l' I put tin hope hie obduracy was melting.
my night -capped head out of the win. The Idol of the people would be soved,
dow and told her to welt for me. I and "Orodman" and "Tom Mortlake"
deemed hurriedly, took my razor nnd *ere mingled In the exultant phut.
went across to 11, Glover street, As dlte.
I broke open tbe door of the bedroom "Templeton," Bald tlte Minleter,
In which Arthur Constant lay sleep. "have you gut down every word of
leg, hie head reeling on hie bands, I Mr. Orodmann confusion?"
cried, 3(y God!" as LI 1 aaw some "Every word, slr."
awful vision,. A mist as of blood swam "Then bring in the cable you re -
before Mrs. Draberump'e eyee. She ovived jest tes 31r. Grothnan entered
cowered back, for an, instant (I d). the house."
vined rather than /saw the Rodeo) Templeton went back into theonter
she shut off the dreadful sight with room and brought back the cablegrem
her hada. In they instant I had that had been lying oat the Minister's
made my cut-prsciesly, scientifically writing -table when Orodumti came
-made flO deep a out and drew out ifl. The Home Peeretary silently
the weapon so aharply that there was handed It to hl* visitor. 1(vag from
ecarce a drop of blood on it ; then the Chief of Pollee of Melbourne, an-
ther° came from the throat a Jat of flouncing that Josele Dymond had
blood which Mrs, Drabdunip, consolons Net arrived In that city In u sailing
only of the horrid gash, raw but Nap wage', Ignorant of all that hati oto
uely. I covered up the face quickly ourred, and had been Immediately dee
with a handkerchief to tilde any non. Plinked brick to Englend, having made
venire diatortfon. But 41 the me& a statement entirely corroborating
cal evidence (in this detail eeeuratse tbe theory of the defence,
testified, death was lastantaneous. "Pending further inquirlev int,othie,"
I pocketed the rumor tine the empty said the florae Fecretary, not with.
sulfonal phial. With a woman like out appreciation of the grim hymen
Mrs. Drabdump to watch- me, I could -of the eituntion as he glanced at
do anything 1 pleased. I got her to tirodman'a ashen cheeke, "1 have re.
draw my nttention to the foot that pries -ad the wheeler. Mr. Templeton
both the windows were fastened. Same was about to dome% the 'emelt-
fool, by the by, thought there waa a ger to the Governor of Newgete ne
discrepancy in the evidence because you entered this room. Sir. Wimp's
the pollee toured only one wladow tale eardeastie would have tumbled to
tened, forgetting that, la my Inn°. Inecee without your ameistanee. Your
cenee, I took care not to refasten undiscoverable crime would have
the window 1 had opened to call for shaken hie reputation us you intend.
aid, Naturally I did not call for aid ed."
befere a conselemble time had elapaed. A audden exploelon 3110011 the room
There was Mrs. Drahlump to quiet, and blent with the cheere of the popu-
end the excitee of making notes -qui lace. Orodman luel shot himself -
an old hand. My objcch was to gain very scientifienliy-In the heart. Ile
lime. I wanted the body to be fair- fell at the Home eecretary Os feet,
ly cold and stiff before being dle- etone 'dead. 4
covered, tbough there was not much Potion of the working men who had
danger hero; for, no 3100 41110 by the been etandIng swatting by the elinfte
metrel evidence, tbere i1 00 telling of the Mem, 14,ri hicielvien.,,il. to hear the
the time of Math to an hour or two. etretcher.
The frank way in which I said the
death was very recent disarmed all
suspicion, and even Dr. Robinson was Honey /4 ',rehired Food,
unconsciously worked upon, in adJudg-
Scientific inert my that honey Is n t
[rig lee time of death, by the know -
much mom hulthfal
ledge (query here, Mr. Templeton),
: 71
tbat it had preceded my advent on the gar, ' 431thaii me. a? v
sm. it IR 111111111{1., AIM when moll f
410.0.' 041...
leaving Mee. Drsbdump freeltent fceol for children. It If lexative. t
y with bread make.' an excel,
there is bat 040 point 1 Phalli like _„ei 1011,4 be two adcantawously iii A
(0 107 a word about. You have listen- ;141.ce of medicine by persone of ero
so y
eil patiently, Air, to my lectures emtory live, 13,,b,:t. 0,,,,, th,, ,1,0,,), 1,
on Iloro grienre of eierie,.• lh,, r
• "1 tda, an 1 111041 delirious or mweetm - an
(II not refuse to hear tbe inst. A
extract of blomorne-it le lordly NI.
titood dent of Imgortance ham been at -
t. „, Aldo to eat It to an leen-ion extent, d
pens Haat thie (Ike tbe innocent fog
1.0"Whhilre4toeflif bre; huaraltbdaunintolurn.virgIrst inapr-. It !emits no digestion, no Remus 410F.N, di
whieh haaalio been matte responsible WV: VVell nets AR It clkafetIV4. al,l, la
Dim eves that Nparklea mobility 07
threugh the long, bright day,
grown eyoe (lint flashed with eager
0M 101' Joy anti fun and play,
Now blink anti roil mei turn about
and strive AO more to heu,
nut the 110 11111 II'd on a (Mtge, ant
lie !tinge 111d sand In glee!
Ur, Yawn Is oleo Nay with the roily
mouth,/ of yoeth,
We ne dark, gaping enveren -and a
gllatcts of a tooth,
And heads begin to droop and nod,
and top] fall from the hand,
For the Pandman's on a forage, fuel
he's casting round hie wand:
Hare picture boon' lie on the floor, nal
drum now ellen& ars,
Anil voiced &VA to drooping heath 03
dreamy, deacon, bar;
The clock booms out half after nine,
the breath more slowly drawn;
The anvil now are n1 1 asleep, the
eandwatee come end ganef
-Herold lictiruth In Pyrneme Her-
In many sections oft tbe forest land'
V the South during tbe dry aeaeon
a man may leak ibr miles without
finding a stream of water or a "pH
by which to quench, his thirst. 14
however, he In an experienced hun-
ter and woodsman, be will not have
to drink water Aron the stagnant
pools in order to keep ift
Queer as it may seem, an experienc-
ed man can hunt fbr days through
such dry tracts and yet experience
no inconvenience on account of luck
of waler, Nature has provided 11040300
which is only known to the initiated.
Every told huntsman carried with him,
when going on a long hunt, a email
auger, toy which he can eneure a re-
freshing drink and water to cook
NVIII1 ai. any moment. A cottonwood
Iran or it willow is the well wbich
the wily huntsman tape. He examinee
each tree until he finds one thnt bag
what a. woodman utile a "rein." It
le eimply an attenuated protober.
ance. Hy boring info this "vein" a
etream of clear writer will flow out.
1') Is not sap, hut clear, pare water.
The hunienen (bit the water le
better thin the avenge to be had
front (ordinary W01 Id. Thera in nro
oo.vreti,oli tante nhout 11, but it liete
Rtrong flavor of 'telpher, end le
slighi ly carbonated
the reason of t hot elienenacnon can.
net be lordly explaineit but that a
suppl of water ran Inc contain I '
not no eupriNing. The fact of
its flowing Is (ha wonderful feature,
hbowing that It must he under pres-
sure, or in other words, that there
is more at the 'source of the supply.
When it Id considered [bet the trees
furnish the venter le ilie dry lesson,
end ebut the ground is literally baked,
It is the more warnerhable, eapecially
when the roots of the lose do not
extend to any great depth into the
ground. -,Memphis Selmeter.
" What's he watching the clue*
for 7" a visitor 01 the itquarium naked
of an attendant, reforeng to the
ennllett of the three harbor Peals
there, the one with the blackest coat,
It was up on the platform at the end
of the pool, with eyet apparently
fixed on the cluck that Is secured to
the front of the railing around the
gallery. The hour woe about two min -
ides to 4 o'clock.
Ile Is ratting for the whietlo to
blow," was the reply, and it certainly
did seem tie though tho little blink
seal was watching for something.
The DM All know well the sound
of the 4 o'clock whistle, for that means
their resettling time has eome. The
whietle is the signal of the closing
ahottrorfelinithemedalaqutaorylunt, and tho settle
As the people let their face" to.
ward the door the reale droll and lash
end prance ntent In then pool, and
Jump half or thmiequarterri of their
ength out of the water and look over
the railing, watching and welting for
the mon with the foo,I. Po 119 WRIIIN
along the pool toward the platform
tit the entl the seats rush on the plat-
fo1rtm nitnoymbefe,ttlhtalmt:,
the 1:ttlo black fol. _
low just happened to be up there at
that hour, nurf that It war looking
at the clove Juet by chance, and that
It couldn't tell the time by It at all,
but the seen ell know sure enough
the 4 o'clork willatie.-New York San.
lat 00E8 SKATING.
raw took me and the pulm and Lit-
tle filbert out Nkaten in the park the
other Day. When he crone home In the
afternoon awl Told us what be- had
011 hia mind now mid:
"It seems to me kind ft Foothill that.
a man of your nen wants! to go Out
ono get Cellied thru and mobbe brunt
a tale or towelling or retch the New
money eh when they are nothing to
be gained by It and you have a fent-
bly to /support."
"Maw," paw mays, "It IP (Inn of the
greltrat draw backs of my life that
you always keep teinking I era too
old to take a. :interest In thing's where
the elope of fresh Yung maniekri le
needed 1 no there are some 0)1)1118.'.
4141(410 nelnet tue. 1 Couldn't no You
ne Long as, I bave and 14111 Inc a loy,
but It saprIses 100 Every time I think
how well I hare up under It. 1 apois
there wine't ennybuddy In the hole
emelt). where I was ranee that MAIM
Wet me skating, when I was In prate 1
Ilk It always 'seemed to come mach-
ral ter me to glide over the Massy 3
urfaoe Ite graceful as et neegle In ite
llte" 11
Mew made mo promos to keep Lit -
le albert front harm and we etarted, t
leer we got to the place a sporty t
.nolithrt hyllered, when paw ‘,:o.
11“111' 011 okate5.
"My, oh my, look nit the Olt) Folks," t
"I'll Give that Gay Creatoher liars 14
Wean. when I get etarted." pew says; n
'11 alto him a Few thinks he never It
w perforrord on skatee before."
Then he got up and took a Few
tees and Beane (ilve tee bleat
motet team a Fly trying to Get ae
fin a piece of sticky paper that 1
.sit sit/seised, and the pupp went out
the lee to help along the evtlte- en
nt and got mitred up with mite's w
Do you know why the titletle la the
national flower of Scotland? The
etory Le a pretty ono, sod very char-
acterletir of the Scotch. It Is said
that centuries ago the Danes were
reeking an Inroad into Scotland. TIw.y
were advancing cautteuely tit night.
But, unfortunately, they Were here.
, footed, They had got close to the
I tkotch camp, when me of the mett
et the head of their column stepped
on a thietle. 1-1141 yen ever put down
Your foot squnrely upon a real
Seto' moon? If you have, you Will
not be eurprised to hear that the man
gave a eeream ot 141111. 111 4 fiCreltIll
awakened the &Melo They sprang uP,
and, perceiving then enemies, len
upon them and defeatock them. and
the bravo little tlintle wee made Hui
fkoteh flower.-Plttaburg Despatch.
Ione le years old, and har Small
brother Clycle IN LI. Occasionally Ione
become.; rather rough lit play, and the
oilivr day 1srr ninwin,11 MIN obliged to
rorreet her.
"10100," she eald, "you mud not Le
so rough with little brother. You mut
play gently with him. That le what
we tougllt him for."
" e'ell, mother," replied Ione In ft
MI/gusted torte. "when 7011 WY"
ing him why 'didn't you get a little
bigger one?"
Lillian had a quarrel with her little
playmate, Robbie, end Robbie tram so
rude ne to Map her. This nearly broke
Lillian'', heart, That night as her
mother wne putting her to bed elm
told Lillian to say a little swayer to
her guardian angel to watch her
through the night.
Mamma," said Lillian, "what Is
my guardian angel?"
" Why, dear, your guardian 'legit le
nppolnted by (404 to watch over yen
anfl to /shield you from all harm."
" Well, them," replied the little maid.
"Id like to know what my guardian
angel wee doing this moniker when
11.1(4 slapped me."
A. few (lase since lone's mother hap-
pened to see that little maid shaking
her younger brother eke a rat. gbe
went out to her and mid: " I should
think yon would be ashemed, loan to
treat little brother eo. What will
People think of you? If Clyde dew
what le not right you tell me end I
will puniah him if he needs It."
" But you don't do It," responded the
little mem. :" Papa wild you didn't."
TOM'S father reocntly Purchased
tome chickens and when he brought
them home he W14,111.11 small son that
he got, than to keep blin uompany.
They were placed in au enolowure 01,
tne yard, nnd Tom .pent the greater
part of tee day oarrylng gram, and
bread crumbs to feed his now play-
matee. Ile woe ninaply delighted with
Before daylight' the next morning
Tom wom awakened by the crowing
and eacklIbg In the back yard. Ho mat
up In bed and listened a moment and
then shouted ecstatically, "011, preo,
lon't tow chickens Jot sing heautlfel?"
rlesele'e mamma wan preparing to go
downtown one morning and Mies Bea-
le mind that she might go alao. As
ter mamma wits In a linrry, she
'No, you can't go with me this morni-
ng." Dmiele waxeJ and teasel, but
ter mother nem not to be persuaded.
'Well, then," palil the little one,
'043 don't take me with you Limit
do the meanest thing rim think '
-Idle you art gone."
"All right," replied her mot'
kinking that she could not do
bins very terrible.
When Ore returned from lie.
Ing tour little Bele was eltt.
he front porch with her chin 11.
ands and her little face all serevenk
n looking tort woebegone. "I 'loud
she ehouted, as goon as her mothet
nine into view "I dime it." •
"Why, what did you do, mY deer
1,11/1?" naked her mother, atiakaldr,
visions of all sorts of disesteem ran
!trough her brain.
'I done just 114. 10040.11 Olin
uld think of. 1 eta two
ono; and ow smooth No." ,
101 Mehl la purely seeklentio and The Germnit Government 044 tle- • 10
on Inductive
luck vant ctreametanea. in an work, fen te,1 in the Reichstag by the adop,
logio it la tboroughly ran by a large maiorlty of a motion of
recogelsed that only poem 01 ob. to repeal the eo-called." dictatorial el
cireuulutrusees or a pbaleamiaaa are ragreph" now In fordo in Aimee. ark
Of itl Melo' Ind easially Morcott. raln°' me