HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-03-01, Page 1Of ADVERTISINO ift IN A KIWSPAPER. nen A PAPER 18.--esseas VOL xm BLYTH, ONTARIO, Til THURSDAY MA Hull 1, 1u00, GEN. CRONJE IS NOW PRISON SURRENDERS UNCONDITIONALLY SAYS A WAR OFFICE DESPATCH • from tiny part ot the theatre of war. _ . • Commandant ('role, aceording to the large Boer Army Concentrating of which, however, le of more recent, latest despatchee received here, none date than enntlay, Iw atilt holding his Near Bloemfontein. ROBERTS HOLDS A TIGHT GRIP, And is fleeting All Comers Who Hasten to Cronje's Aid. Details of the Battle in Which the Canadians and Highlanders Suffered So Severely -Om Buller's Slow Progress --The Gallant Dublin FP. Iffne-Snyman Complains That Baden-Powell Break" the Sabbath -ManIenald's Wouud Slight ---More Guns for Roberts. LonOon, 'Feb. 27. -The War Oilier were .aftain falling bat* bat piffled to tla'hat. received the following iNivamiligr-Waital11 01 Tutre, trent Lord Roberti: Paarcleberg, Feb. 27-'ti'n. (eon) has surrendered tineotelitionelly• ; Crinkle now a primmer In our camp. TAMikat, 24.-e.ew more bril- liant starker have hem written than the .threemolumit account In the Standard from Latlyoultb of the ter. elfin tumult upon that camp by the Boers, Jan. Otit. Malty of the details told by the Standard correspondent ars Intensely interatthig. First of an, he ghee a lucid explanation of the nelaWrIous way In which the Boers Reneged to get so clog, before they were diecovered. DOERS MOVED IT "At 7 o'clock un Friday night," he writer, "500 picked Homo rode from the eager belied iill1W0/14. Mid, ford- ing the river, came to u kopje south of Cat0140.1 camp. They then hivotelek• ed antli 1 o'clock In the morning, when they crept cautiously along the seems and screw FOUrhON remelt. Molding our picket/4 and 'intro''. onr eeetlett Moral up tte! ra.the to the emetera shoulder and climbed *ileutl1 OP the elope in the fold of the 11111. //Another rotupany movtal along the buulderettrewtt eremite tewert Is the plateau on the mouth. Three or four thousand were In referee atnoug the kopjea nee broken groom'. They were reolf to armlet the Keene itig parties ant to occupy the hills bit loylip II, IOW ON their comrade+ se- vered it footing. -MPTAeK ON CA E li'S C NIP. "bit the attack upon Caesar's camp one party of fifty Boone seeking to Make ri their retreat, were over- teken y the Border Atounteci fllfIeN and escaped for the moment by de• Marie, that they were the town peed. Thin trick has however, be - Wipe too stale, and every man wan idiot down as he mate into the open. Ilia BOON. OS I have repeatedly wild, Klinate weapon of offence, and to think that the white flag le a 307 used as a cloak fur any treachery. MORE BOER TRE.tellERV.. "A Boer offieer with a dogma arm. ad followers advanced up the hill with a white flag and ehouted that they were coining to surrender. When Called epee to drop their Wallowa they made it clear and their intention wax not surrender, but treachery. STORM Lett*: TO Atli, " When, after many hours of fierce fighting, the Deere were Wilmot re- pelled from Caesar's Camp, a storm mune to aid In dire extremity. The volleying musketry of hall and the roar ol thunder added a dreadful note to the cannonade, and sheet'. Of MOOR rain turned tie sprulte into raging torrents and the petite( into Moe Team 50 yards through this blinding shower was impossible. SeIIIug the moment, the Boers push. al forward another force from be. bind Bulwana. Bet they did not get Jayne the kettle (met of Catetere Vamp, where Our naval gnu threw n few Mello into their midrit. IIANY BOERS WERE DROWNED. " Thu storming party made a Medi down the hillside, hoping to find protection in the storm. Many were eliot flight, while other. Mug themselves Into the river anti were swept out of Hight. Thin rush brought the fight at Caesar's Camp to a close, ainld a fusillade that al. most drowned the thunder." AT WAGON HILL. But It was at Wagon Hill where the most dramatic feature' of the imeault occurred. Oi the the Stand. art'', correspondent expo " Col. E. wards was leading hie 111440 Into pe- ril/ion on the east of Wagon 11111. Whitt a bullet struck him in the shasider. -Though robbed of their leader at a meat, the Light Boras 1. Creeping forward to seemed least exposed to ads g fire teem the front of n' jeer fought manfully., often and men 10 yards of their L ON EVERY 1 LiND. , went on for hours %oh niantteat tottentage to tither . It nem were failing ott every Bowen called for 'Men - tele a tke 00th Milos. Only half 'Teen PIPPelorerard, and with this add of below the pliant officer shed at a Oren position bele by Ate alitellie, Not a man lived to tell the Star, sir veer. Lieut. Tot with rCh another gallant Chant ‘...4 S wavered through the d liellicein boon of the morniug, 1100t1 the Deanna tame to the The Clordoei, having no officer, hen il of ti desperate charge. The enemy left the emplacement and, rushing up the western °micelle took cover among the roulta. Their presettee there was not lees( dangerotia, and another effort tt am nth& to dislodge them A HERO WArt KILLED. A tubtiltern was in charge ()I it working party of eappere, Lieut. legby-Jones, a 3 oath of 22, who had ;already won fame by the deatruction of tilt howitzer 011 Serprise Hill. When tits enemy first appeared on the creat of Wagon Hill, Lieut. Digby -Jones en- gaged the storming party front a ante gar on the woe. front " Driven front that , poeition lie hod been conspicuous Omagh the engagement for twte of limekiln that attracted the notice of Col. Hamilton, who had decided to recommend hini for the Vietorin Crony. "Collecting a mixed company of sap- pers. riflw nwl Highlanders, he led them 'monist the tiew po.dtlon liel.1 by the enemy. At, they dashed up the narrow petit, the Boers, never imagining that men could display such reckless courage, milled upon them to tltrow up their Mime Bul- let awl bayonet eotelnecil them of their error and the position was ours. A BULLET THROUGH lite, BREAST. "But fate wan holding the Winos oxer the thread of a heroic Me. An Ittur or two afterwarie when we had at great sacrifice reconquer& the western limit of the hill, Lieut. Eigby home was in the gun etnplaeenient with Abueor Miller-Wallttutt este one or two men. The enemy had been drii • en back, yet maintaining a searching fire, and having rtuelved strong reinforCements was separating for ainather advance. /Suddenly three or four dark eittelowe were east over the perapet, In which there were no 10,4..hotes, Von Wyk, leader of Barri. smith comumndo, Field Cornet Devil. hers and another brave Boer leader were making their lust deeperato +barge. Major MillerNallnutt shot kb man and fell himself from u bullet aimed nt the back of hie bend. A corporal it the mappers slew &Millers, Iwhose banloller was almost filled with explosive bullet*. !Amt. -Digby- Johne, running out of the emplace- ment, Wert Commandant Voil Wyk, be- fore he Murrell ended a short bero's Armored (Tureen ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 Fleet -chum protect& enterer ... ... 1 &rend -eines protected cruiser,' .., 2 Third -elan. proteetel emitter 1 Teglitelranglit gunboats 2 'Pureed° 'I'orpeio-boat eeetroyer: Th) n! yacht ..„.„...,. I career with a Maumee bullet through the breast. Ills young and brave comrade, Lieut. Itennie, R. E., fell ta minute afterward while going to the aid of the wounded, FI0IIT WAS NEARLY OVER. Tue hard fought battle woe nearly over. Our men were again on the miamiult of the hell, awl the llotehltle gun ef the Natal Naval Volunteerts was no longer In ..e‘opttrsiy. But there re- mained a Rinall and gallant baud of Boers, who ether would not or could not reere. They were hidden iiinoug some rucks about thirty yards from the ItroW td kb. Their fire was deadly in Its Fearching nccuracy. One mars alone ht credited with !riving shot no fewer then flee officer:. ,t CHARGE ORDERED. " Benetton naked Col. Cork whether anytheig rout,' i.e done to remove them. " • .1. charge," buggeeted the emu - mender of the Ilevone. The onier was given, Dna the throe comp:inlea went forward with a elwer sterols the mon ehotewept ground. Veut. Field ('it his company first, (Mei came Capt. Luton end upon him heel( Lieut. Ales - tenon. The enemy dei bot wait to rece've the colt *tee!, but threw them. salve+ over the len In headlong flight, truatem to speed ant the Healing .hot of rain. " Unit, lifueter,on, having to return w:th a meesuge, tumbled into a winger with ten wounds upon hi; body. Capt. Lefoite feel Vent, Field fell victims to a tem/erre while the Boers were 10 flight. RAfiED FOR SIXTEEN BOERS. The ,hattle wet. over. For sixteen 'mare It had raged, teal the very 4' 4'' h el 1t.,11 ty,th11 roar et cannon and the rattle of mutiketry. Ladysmith had not Sallee. The enemy had been reputed ()never) mIcie. and the total of dead, oast, west, south and north was heavy beyond anytleug that they had suffered in Natal. tight drew n satle cloak over the Main. aOl we waited anximelY until dawn to emelt the dead and to esteem the wounded," London, Feb. 27, 4 a. m. -There has been no deceive change reported po.dtioli, and apparently has not lost lame of holding it until relief an rive+. It is reported from Lorenzo Mar. tote that five Hommel burghers. have left Ladysmith for the Orange Free ritate, and reInforeetnents are mewing through Bloemfontein hourly, conceutrating 110 nnlea from the Free etato entetal. It is not doubted here that n desperate effort is In4. pending or nIready begun to hell) out Commandant Leona!, the hope. ' 'castles(' of whose position, it may be ' recalled, has wily been asserted by uewspaper correspondents. General Roberte has certainly never quitted that the Boer leader's ewers/ delly• (mince woe Impossible. The correspondents, in their latest memages, any that prisoners, who con. Untie to arrive at the British ono*, awert that Commandant Cronies ' force monhera 4,000 men exclusive of the losses that have be:en sustained. Beer* Concentrating. London, Feb. e7, 4 a. to. --The Tinted publishes a despatch trout Paardeberg, (Inte) Feb. 210d, which confines the report of the temeentration of burgh- ers. 11 says that the investment of Commandant ('rouje IN rapidly %Woo. lug the Been; together Iron] etery quarter. Set eral thoueund are now hovel:big in the neighborhood of Pear - &mere. • Cutuntandeer Every Male. London, Feb. 27.-A despatch to the Daily News from Lorenzo Marlowe states that President Steyn tele- graphed to Prodeent Kruger saying that General Hobert. 14 St It.1011 t fete hours' march of Mocinfontelts, and urg- ing that every mule, Irrespective of nationality, bc commandeered. The di/spent then adds that President Steyrfavors peace. 'rise sono correspondent states that the Boer general who commanded at Coleuso sent a message to Premident Kruger alrlOOUJICIOg that he had been defeated, and recommending that overtures he Made for peace. Cronje's Biw- a Answer. 141(4 'Cowls, Feb. 211.-Reingeet !rum Kimberley report that WWII Lord Kit- chener gave (ten. think his option of Airrencirrtng or fighting, the Boer leader having asked for an armistice, Crone, replied: "lee got 00111e gone, some nen, and 01110 anununItioi, and I um 1111(0, Why ,hould I surrender.1" , Boer tinho- rn ut Work. Pattrdeberg, Feb. 1Z. --The Britisli ettialry di% Wien went twelve tittles to the elect on Wedneetay ttnd mattered and destroyed 'several parties of Boers ho were trying to escape. There In intermittent then from big British guile throughout the night, while engineer. are building trenches toward the Boer position around the Mager. The Boer trenches are conetrueted 111 a peculiar manner. They are nar- row at the ti; and wide at the bot• tone and afford men sltelter from un artillery fire on either side of the There was some sniping tlie river batik flee naming. TIt Boer reinforcements have failed to break through the British !ince of Investment around the Boer tenger. The 'situation has been ownpara- tIvely quiet. British casualties have resulted from the fire of Boer eitipera along the river aide. Thereu teeperl near the drift and Moog the bands orthe river have not yet been dislodged, --- Crowle Has Clung, L01111011. Feb. 27.-.1 despatch to the Daily Clhroulele froni Partedo. berg, dated Friday, Feb. 28rd, @aye : "Gen. Cronle's attempt to mount ,guous WON frostrated by our natl.( hwy." lioberi Ili Merciful. London, Feb. 27. -The Daily Mull has • the following despatch from Paardeberg : "Oen. Cronje's wife Is not with him, although there are women anti children In the comp The Boer mended now it nehmen. elusively confined to the river bed. The enemy are entirely at otsr mercy. but Lord Roberti; is treat- ; Ing them with great conelderation from motives of humanity." Itoblueon's Batik at Johannesburg has been reopened and cash and se. entitle*. which had been wised by the Transvaal authorities have been restored. There is a great nisei of foreign. ert4 towards the Tratemenal. Prince Praises the Canallana. London, Feb. 27, -Tho Prinee of Wades, who yesterday (Monday) pad a via!), to the wounded ssto had ar- rived et Southampton on the 414 Princes, of Wales, singled out the Canadians and told them how proud the. Empire was of them and of their brave rompateots Whe.) had came for-, ward SO ;opal), and• spontaneously to make commm cause %lib the mother 'o Lord Reher,s hoe appointed to ICA staff Major De 011, of the Royal Ca n dian Regiment. This I01 the tire Intim*ti.n Ib 1,n1 tut tatted:an contmgent have been invaieded heme, and It is difficult to understand the despatch. Possibly it refer)4 le men member101:1 Nvere.- incapecazed with, lever. To Oppose Roberts. tendon, Feb. 27, 4.20 men. -The Boers are amsembeng an army near. Ilicent- fenteln, with wheat to depute the in- vas:ce of Lord Roberts. Tim Settee cones from Pretoria by any of Lorton Marques. The commandoes aro denribed ea "hasten:es from all (mergers it the to Republes," Nit onions te io made uf their number, but the es itlidrawal of the Boers from 'nest of the p:ares where they have been in conflict wills the British, ex- cept the dialect neer Ladyamith, may raise tho relating force to NAN 1Thlftrer461;4t ,tb 1=1 have etveei801700ee men in the The gathering of MIN anus' memos the petit of Lord Roberts gives nifleance to Oeib Crinkle( sterelfaet defenee. Ile hall engagethe corps of Lord Roberts for ten days now, and whether he la rellevel or tot, he lute given time for the dIsperseal Boer too- thily. 1) get together and to prepare posItiows to receive the British al. noon when Cronj) le overcome and fete] Ruberte niove4 forwent. It la difficult to conceive that tit/ Boera are strong though to take the offenolve, and to rewire Oen. Crone! trm) lee precarious eituation. The movement on the veldt away from the railway is beetanIng inerette- 1114ClY difficult for large bodiem of troupe, 4* the gram le burned sm. (leo. Ensuehoe to wagon forage for his horesst, cunt area the Infantry finds the long marches birder than before, as forage fur the transport anima); must he carried. Thbo requires Ow form ',- Con of garriemleil depot,. The ordlWlry campaigning *season lu ver, and the /dotty .eatiosi for loth men anti atilmale has Het in. Techni- cal military writers take these things Into eonsideration In forecasting events. The Daily Chronicle says It learna from private letters that BrItI•11 rifles and anuttualtion have been bolded on the Southern coast of Cape Colony, prestunably for the Dutch colonisti. Lord Roberti has recently reached 72 additloaal pieces uf artillery. Whether all have been sent, to Commie - berg Is not known. Probably the e'ghtli LOAM ni will lenve England next Monday. A tavesatelt iron Paordeberg dan ti Vrillay, to the Tines, says th oral thou/land Boer' tr.‘ now hovering In that neighborhood. Fighting Mac's Wound. London, Feb. !4L.-.& private telegram to Mr. W. NI...done hi, ti brother of Hector AD-Icarian14, states that the general's wound le not /*Noun, and that It.. w noon bui flt for entice agAlit. A Maumee bullet Struck him lit the leg below the. kneecap mid trav- elled upward, emerging Just below the --- Precaution, Not Pattie. London, Feb. 20, -In a Jetta' to a correepondent, dated Feb; 25th, Lard itsmebery snys: "The Government seem+ to confound preenution with p tnie. Thus consider that there kg danger lu overprepara- Von. 1 hold that the danger Ilei In underpreparat'on, but 1 her th y era night!' With lien, Buller. London, Feb. 27. - Mr. Wilytion C11%01101, in a item/etch to the Morn- ing Poet from Free., Camp, dated Bo. duy, says: '' The idea that the Hoene tire rattling the t Lige ot Ladysmith 14 premature. The mitt ant* in being per- etted In the fare of tate most etueborn opposition and of lieu, y losses. Pres! dent Kruger'd graniton 1. among the Doers Red," air. Chun/it'll then pro- ceeds to describe heavy fighting lust Friday, in which the inniskillingi ate meed w.thin 50J yenta of the sum nilt of n lucky Boer pueltiou, tied then gallantly charged in tho (Ace or o hall of bullets. Ile soya: "After repeated ettettlete, however, and lftvliig DIA heavily, they r (that they were unabl.: 1.0 pr 'evertheletts, they receded to retreat, but laid down on the slope belied a shelter of wall. The Connaught./ Mud the Dublin Fut' Mere were sent to their support, but the l'glit faded tool the night closed In before the male attack had devel- oped," Wilkinson jrItielzes London, Feb. 27. -Mr. Spenser tk kinson'e article in the Morning Post to -day IR almost wholly devoted tu en Menu of Gen. Buller's teethe in Pending email forces to take poeltions, and then reinforce thee by detalle, es revealed in the despatches from Mr. Wheiton Churchill, Mr. Wilkinson 111- 11110', hOWeVer, that Mr. Churchill's (M- elees are too inuomplete to enable 11 MrrL'ettbiereal: oirl°riicutenti17111:.',1ent.ili! tlesixtelibttkfttitt log the battle anfiniehed. The Cetera Fenner.. P1844' (a till' eletermarltsburg, Feb. 21 tent, Adams, of the Telegraph Brigade, swam the Tugela with a wire in (144 mouth on Wednesday. The littbliti Fe- athers. have again distinguished them- selves by voimiteering to take lirob- lerR Klod, which they die Tidi gal- lant battalion, which began the cam- paign 850 Armee to -day mustered on imemrianbederons. ly 10(1 to 2(10 of its tweeted --- Herne Foresees (hoaxes. ner,In, Fen. 2(3. -bit German 1(4) C!t0.01 it 10 believed that the lettuce raught by the Boer war w,1 make a large inereahe neosmary in the Ger- man cavalry, and witI MAO lead Co a ibereugh change of cove:ry tactics, eiiminating massed °barges, ti which Emperor Willem showed himself so fond at the recent Army manoeuvre+. TIM CANAILIANS' Fli,117. The Noble Part They 'look in the Battle With Crinle. Faurdeberg, Feb. 21 -The converg- ence of the Britieb forces nt thee point, which resulted in tee (surround- ing of Mineral I let Croole's army, was tos follows: Tito sixth divisiott under tlettertil Kelly-Kemty hastened to the north- east, and occupied a hill to the east ttt (tetanal Creole's longer. 4ienern1 hoer prmoucre *.t,t, mated reinforcements under Com- mandant Anders/1i at this point. Ile 'mistook tlte men of the sixth itiVit4011 for Andries' commando, and allowed them to occupy the blotto of a ridge without opposition. But It was the ninth ditleige, ee. modally the Canadians aril Highland Dromtie, that had the horded fight- ing. Thy arrived at midnight 011Feb- ruary th, after a forced march from outside 3ficobstial, In time to see Boer rockets signalling the whereabouts of Gen. Croaks's army to the expected re- inforcements. The Britioli saw Inter. ening rockets and knew an enemy was neer, but couhl not decide whe- ther It Was Boer reInforeetuentor that were giving the nnswering Hignals. Therefore, the ninth division metel for a few, hone( weet of the Boer posi- tion. At delve the men of the ninth di• visien advanced and their Mounted Infantry, even encountered Boer sni14. ers, who were sheltered in the trees that (veered the banks of the river. The shooting kept on Increasing mail 8 o'clock. when the men of the Math saw that a great battle was raging. Early lit the foremon the Boers brought a flotchkise gull over the veldt, from Kluge kop, to the moutli. ern bank of the river, and used it with deadly effect over this ground, the ninth had to cram. Gen. Hector Macdonnhl dismount- ed 11(411 led the advance. In tbe early part of the forenoon he was he, by a In the (oat while deleting the ilighlenti Brigade, which lind atruggled through a Aorta itf bul lets toward the busiliee. Iti this cheese the Meoforth Highlanders hist, heavily. Near the top of the 1110114 on the right, oppeolte the Boer leave the reetfortim and the Duke Cornwall's Light Infantry, be. longing to another brigade of the ninth division, drove the Boers from toter around the drift and heyonet• el Petetti) of them who hall been ohooting from tneess. Then they waded waist deep through the river and held the northwest itide with the tiortIona while the Canadiana were held 1,1 reserve, It was at this point, while ell, tigtitg fearlesde, that tin Cornwolk 51ffere(1 wverely. They het titer colonel and 11111 IMO ninety eke casttlit Vex. The -Mounted Infantry muttered verely wit attaeking tit Boer Mager front (lie north, where It was supposed to Le leant protect:el. The sixth clivi 1,M, bolting the poti• to on the oust, gut into nn engago. ment before noun with a etrung force of Boers white' WON trylitg tO to OA) 440(1114 bank of the river. Tio, West Riding Regiment Hite bele. (tf Wellingtotemi repelled thb. attempt Iit‘11at.oponwliuttvi.c,),1t.itylie bayonet, hut nut -100' 1 c 11ennwl; le 11. I trithit artillery kept OH 141101 lig the Boer Mager, which Wag • on fro itt tiee. French's cavalry dashed hi rapidly from a northern kop, In th afterewn and began HendIng in deadly iolleye. Crew.i. of Been( %veva driven front the river banks, and when dark - 11833 COMO Oil (kit et011,t,i WWI 11110. rounded. Beer preemers declare that he loot 900 MOO III tbi tittles fIghtlits. seventh division, under tiers. Tucker, 1101 is navab belittle arrived on Monday, and nhelleig of th' Boer tenger wee resumed. There were a few I infantry eumigentents, nni the Douro were driven into the [lunge* and bathes mound their laager. S Mn 1tdootltebh Boer sniper. on the river banks fought , to the a ery last. The endurance !his B.derte cone+ erleg fee %reek'," ha t) Ing of t heir , rear guard, and teem ramarkakee fa4wed by the Cerce attack en ad ellee on Sundue, its regarded! • s'ilmiy marvel/Jon. Ifundirois 1j nein cling to the river leink n leelh elite cf the leaser. What the Correspondents Say. Lemke, Fels 26.-Tdve epee:tar tor- exking the general praible the cibettIS.m. at he. front mete toeley ranadiau. at Paardettorg by 4 heir Flpiend:(1 ben ring under he hot I est f :Ire. The Daly Nene' corresponde.tc say* tihey It ere hes v:fy engaged in -1111-: day's when ;hey gitilunt ly at - tr.mpted to take tee KM:ivy's 1l' (:14) lkV assalut, The Da. Chroneeieet epeeist 04 )41 • Ilieli.and litigate ens exposed tar an eateue fire The, Canadiatte mot- ols, Duke of Cerneollo orosediazi :3 48t4Jat ft;ft lin 1116 OttO, }au tana4k14Wittett'oeittlir' peingi ridges a t right alig:ee; to' to VOOr,! and nvinibe 10 ties settecking fern. One v' .1 then INientto work (1141 tbralmet, t entany'a titre 'dark- ened, ant tfee Cornethmen and Canal- lms 011'11)1 clargedt the which ;they took its gallent ttyle. 'else "Critic's" Word. London, Feb. 26. --The mietary cri- tic of the Morning Leader says: "The Meitia are new arriving at lite Cape, and they w::.1 ba able to release the men on lines of communication, who can be pushed to Roberts', Comentet and Gataers'e 'Iiteeer burrow's forward, but, tais enemy around Iaidyeatith is not yet' In a hurry to be gone. "It is rumored that Buller and Ro- berta are wetting to strike the fine': bow simultaneously on Makes." Some l'ertleulars of terldny'e Opera- tions at Paardeberg. Paerdeberg, Feb. 24,.-Tberu 0119 a moat interesting aeries of fights a:eng tile British front yesterday. One uhousend Boer. commanded by Gen. Dewitt, who were nown to be orating in the immediate trent a t ear:o dawn yesterday, determined to attempt to break through the Ile - teak Once end aid Gen. Crete), A body of fivetundred Boer* moved wird Br10.ah :eft and cantered in the direction of a kop,0 with the object of captarieg it. Vortunete4, bowever, tI. kopje was he'..‘i by a company of &Jotted] liorderers, who opened a beery fire. The Boers gie.- ;ed43180181an,mrbace.t.itarhemimpoloorLeidt toangs,,tnithi newxafirettis. anodise A THIRD ATTACK. They then made a third attempt to capture another position, but the Borderers were again reAdy to re- ouelegvhelytildeim. The third repulse thor- bed the tlte Booro, g alloped away in a panto. Later per- eeiving another kopje the Boers moved quickly toward It. Thin holi.:11 wee unocrupiod, bet the Border, era net to tr beaten, r....ted for the portion and won, oncupying the kope 1111(1 driving off the DOOM A portion of the latter ultimately occupied 1' WO flanked partially by the border - e re and facing another kepi. iteldiy the Yorkshires. A fueled, envn, the British firing trul,y and enure e- ly and eilencing the Boer fire. SILENCED THE ENEMY. Meanwbile the naffs were ordered to renews the Yorkshires in ease the Boer" should be reinforced. The Brither attack worked around to the right of the koph held by the York. "hirer, where the Seventh Batter, was stationed, the Sixtylecond Bat. tory being placed at a farm near the centre of the Borderers' pointers. A throroue shailIng, aceetupanled by a British fuelled°, completely rlieneed the Deere. A company of Yorkahlres were ant to clear out the BIMMI, but the attempt failed, the Bowes ft heavy fire and the British having no neer. The British then again opened e heavy rifle fire, white ngaln silenced the Were. The Bari 0444(1. 51511-81 attempt' to run, but the Maxim" opened upon them elhatio tually and °beaked them, The Buffs now worked slenderly and eauthaiely around and got within 180 yards of the Boers. CATPURED BOERO. Eighty Doerr mirrendered, but many, It artisan, soaped, going alugly Hist of the prisoners had inn ate rived from Ladymnitb. They tour plaheatl of the bad general/alp of their loader. Nearly every emu minted ex. plosive Wilma and many rueu were wounded with them misers. I have see the bullet. One Boer curried 80. VOLY WORK. There is no longer the elightest doubt that the Boers are gradually diroarding all rules of civilised war. fare. The other day they poured the (mutants of a Vielteralfaxim gun into at ambulance, which happened, how- ever. to Isa empty, Nene 300 yards away from the nearest troops. The war balloon la doing excellent service. Early this morning it arose to a great height and tilsoovered In the bed of the river tour wagons which contained ammunition. THESE WERE EXPLODED by the British "hello an hour after wane. The balloon observer also die. covered a number of horse' toticealed 1 nearby and these also received et Witten from the BrItieh shrapnel The Ger:lona are now incorporated In the Hereford Brigade, nuking four telt& regiments. The nigh:and 1,45111. Infantry, who are not lintel! and are 0 11110 iiody a men. are going to PIN 0ener01 Hollth Porrteue reglinett. Rhodes on the War. Kimberley, Feb. 24. - (non Rhodes, presiding at a meeting of the' Beene Company to -day, delivered a speech le whloh, @peaking of the war, he said he considered it a puzzle why it had erten. The Transvaal and the Free State were not republics, hs de. elated, but oligarohies, and had been long coosmiring to wee British flouth Aldose. iaoh Government was Amply a small political gang who humbugged the poor Dutchmen, appealing to their patriotlem and dividing the spoil' among their coteries. The Afrikandler had been working many yeah for in- dependeut AtrLoa. He said that former President Reitz, of the Orange Free State, made years and years ago a vow that his only ambition in 111e was to drive Britain out of Africa. Croele Urged to surrender. London, Feb. 24, 6 a. In. -Lord Rob - era (antitrust silent, and, go far as is known, the Striation at Veardeberg Drift Female@ unelstinged. 11 treeing airiest emulsible for Cronje to be able to extricate himself from ble terrible position, but apparently he is still holding grimly mr. According to a London News, dessiateh, he is se rompeented by hie wife, and she hal been nearing him to rave the lives of hie men by surrendering to the Brit- ish. The official Boer report of the fighting, putilehlet the' morntag, singular docemena, It le very otrefue Ing, but, altirongb it iv easy to read betweea the Urns text the burgher@ are 111 a tlght,corner, there la no eug- gelation that they expect a °reeking andthe Sabbath. Loneen, Feb. 27.-A despatob to Morning Post from Mafeking date of Feb. letb imitates teat is phones in the position (lee), unless tile statement that tie, hoe become very ye:disuse, feet 0,111- teat are falling everywhere 1' lert- geo teat the Situation in. Siegel town 1. becoming 4440,, , tone of tee despatch ',tittle- It ends I fraying thee , Tell. kTnhg! IS1111146a d'eacArtrertle". od Feb. itth, ,/t at Male - represent'. Comment 1 810111111 4(44 beam much shocke 4h. the manner in etallyolittaltihli nve trbIstis lin 0;1 •darlay tribeabb„,:et, akh that tee settege vet free for epode, critket, cone. r, snit &area Com- wacc6rIttrdlestnaglettoter,theis obsowliqhmehe heriurmw311470ataln:coonttilito zorsue es eitherte, ,nri that he 0111, fire when tie gar,- te (adage Let "suck unlYoly Praceoxatllc Attitek Boers. fromNinCtragtbei"' ronrene,b.ds.2tBed.-ThA du!. Feb. 22nd, nays: 'Chief Linchwe her reported that ix, made reprisals from the leen near Kequarti, killing a few men and esp. Ourlog reveral Wagons awl oxen. There were some casualties on both lades. "The Boers at Cr000llie.poo's nett - Mkt Col. Penner thet, fearing the native. would attack the wounded, they had placed their hospital within the Mager. (vol. Plumer replied that the ambulance would, of eours,, be respected, 1,11 tile Boor., he said, could territory of the natives." not expect good behavior from the entives while they terse Invading the t'aniten 11 Seaudal. London, Feb. 24. -Prom Buller% forward lines Bennet Burleigh writes to the Daily Telegraph: "Am for cannon. It le little short of a nouidal, after the lead the Birder gave the Woolwich people with lyd, (lite red machine guna-although the latter did not get to the front In the Pendell -that the army artillery with Buller only comprises the 1th pounder., and one 5.1neh howiteer bat- tery.' Majuba Anniversars. Bait, Ont., Feb. 27. -It le nineteen Years to -day sluoe a horde of Beers massacred, or nearly 00, a handful of intrepid Brltbb. The incident 101t10i.-11 polterity ea the Malebo. Hill butchery, and no one re- ality it with more cleaners than John Bord, of tied, t, for twenty-one year'? with the Gorden Highlander* este Mr. Boyd to your correspondent: "Are distinctly am if the mute had taken peed yesterday I remember ail that occurred on that awful night, when 121 (Jordon Highlanders brave& thousand' of enemies to &mama I am not exaggerating. Hundred" of Been were concealed on the hill, while two tiernerand lay bidden soros the nek, and pitted against yule over. whelming oddswere a hundred/Oslo NO 29. tandem and barely three hundred (Mee traps. Of the 121 ()order) Slip - burden aixty were killed or wooed. ed and twenty -wenn were taken pis - 000111. There 0)00 .10041 their ground until the last, and of the feivierho eat raped the Duero and their bailees all were on the hill whoa the morning broke, I was one, with a wountiel comrade by my Mde." War Notes. Mr. John Barry, of Montreal, who voleuiteered for active sari lee 01 0051.11 Africa In place of es leather, who SWIM killed, ham been accepted, and will be attached to the Stratheona Hone. A memorial mentos for the late Pte. J. H. Findlay wa held In the Preasy- terlan Church at Barrie yesterday. Rev. D. D. McLeod highly eulogised the young man who had given up hie Ida for him eountry. A Cape Town deepatelt say* that a w ound attempt to vet fire to the Ana - trillion traneport Maori King was made while the yeeseLwas oft Hada - pacer. A lamp trimmdr was so • stetecion of knowing eom,1.hIng about the fire. Fifty Britlah officers sad men Ian Nen meat to Wallach Bey, where it reported munitions of war are Meg Inn ded fro the Beers. TROUBLE BEING AT CHEF FOO, Chinese lay Resist german Troops Landing, LTTIORI'8 bi8PATORI8, They Will be field u Private for amcIaIL IV SHUSS FUR A lifill1t11 Eight Mouses In the Clutionefurr 1(44 Was Ilead-Grepoo, Who Died le Philadelphia, of Hiccough., fled a large Correopendrece-Recons- mended for Victoria Cross in '96. NCW York, Feb, 26.-Anionte l'er. raro was eleutrocuted at SIM{ ettill/ Lpirami bit lsoit ,ucldoi to -day tlimk mn7i,mAp lererLirtii 4811, 1111)8. The electric curre,1 ,.* aimed 011 at,11.20 11. le„ :opt 11 tO #1120,k, Ltenil :carirdteoahrollida:1141:tfaannY8:611!:1:1!,',1:111:11.4'11..(oro'Hremo Prolifetiellildpatierett: 0 Ite re eul Muhulo y. (11d:1;171[":11uritti'M',. Atiig:11 1;1:280181.--er-1111;(1 1 at tame no, Province of ▪ rung, China, report's, accord. 4„, o." a despatch from Pekin to the raid, flat four thoueand armed .1440.0 twee gathered on the line of nurvey of the new German raft ,tety to await the arrival of tierman (m)pe. The natives. are determined to realat the construction of the road. el,oeutt'S DIIMPATCHESI, ewneoititingitnorlIti colcmpoeb. if:de-Ten the oiallye,rail.41's War Department has received Inti, portant reports concerning the up. oratione of the British are** Ill South .1friva from Captaiu B. L. H. Sloctutn, eighth cavalry, military attache welt the British force. Oritielingg which Captain Slocum makes hen mewl the department to determine that It would be improper to make them publie and they 10440 been 1110.1 away In the ea:Asti infornie• tion division for nee 't *gore itr th- wehuiirts a justudiet the several tailitarY MED OF HICCOUGHS. Philadelphia, Feb, 211.-1. man 00.. 5144101011 01 the Pennsylvania HON/Alai as Idatui'dlon 31. Grepiott, died in chat ilstitution yenterday from hi-- rettgihs. By letters; hand among 11'44 elmatelekilhee :CsasrUteepOtter antidte:(14,t,tite.h.suduxcerrei: once in various pare of the wor:si. Lettere to him from Ceti. Rhodes, Co:ottel Baden-Powell, Goners!. Meer, General Wheeler, the late General Lawton and /Whit ant Vaetmaster- General Allen were found. The Baden-Powee. letter W11.14 &Atli the (ie,J, Minubare, Afrbat, Jai/ le, 1808." ff,rbe Ihtherl.rout treersaohenivi vaaekne;,01t asHenry. commended him fur the Victoria creel for good work done as a hove set, 5"A^,nt.les ImartlIng hootse 43 :1(11> was kneel) of him. Gre3son con:11 speak libe languages Le engaged in nening an Beast:, for ..n English (01, Porte ort, and aided in Wieling a r0' roti 1, he top of 11e .i fldeet Moan( :on* in the same conte 1,, be having been � civil and !nee vnical engineer. SAM Ktr,r,i,,D IN A MINE. Scranton, 1 , Feb. 20.--F011r ewe wen, killel 1.11 morning in the Mount lleanant none by the breaking of a mine c,arriage. The tilled are eilliam Gilbert, Thointo Willittwo, John Regan and Frank Wooewitel. The men were descending tet the nein earrlage to the teeth vele. Wheit twtoilteirielloiefirTtti.fige reached the fifth tele, the earriage, which was going at a rapid rate, struck no adjustable 14beir which 11)014 tO t1h11:30r°eijeli, tr 77g ;iebearirbeli kdli ri 141°.! .1Ptlie beb°:nt. e.nd Regan were killee itetantly, while tir ! 0, 1, ,r1 l!"..1 on!: short Copenhagen. Feb. 2e.-Atitseet- lnig al rertrt Pretlig- 'Money oT J. O. Oiadrig. President of tle. tourt of Juetice, a resolittiou was punned yesterdny requesting the liersdag to tieworghly nevem the Hubjevi, beton taking any step in ceitrl tiint,onesthsaamoslt notor the eavestrantsti koo 0111p000(t the sale of the islaaele, though will* merchants favored the Iden, , ,