HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-02-08, Page 8iVONARS AND USES
Talmage Apostrophises It As the
Chief Executive Officer of the
Soul -What Can It Not Do?
Waadiptien, ]lob. 4, -The dla-
ael►PN of Ter, Talmage is a lesson of
fratitade ter that which none of us
telly appreciate, and shows the di-
ning 1n our physical strue-
I. C Ntlana 11-21: "The
WOWS IP UA, the hand, I have
Air #Ist6 of ,thee,"
'$hese words suggest that some time
'+'tM0 ♦eey Important part. of the hu-
ge( Into controversy, and
e7 Insolent and full of
to, and said: "I am an Inde-
part et the human system.
tat I can see, taking In spring
tag and midnight auroral Com -
,W1111 myself, what an
thing Is the human hand! I look
Upon It. There It heap, awing -
at the olds, a clump of muscle,
aid men'.., and It cannot see an inch
t way. It has no lustre compared
that which I beam forth." "What
talc," responds the hand,
oe, the eye, would have been pa
long ago but for me, Without the
I have earned you would have
see elgbtleas and starved to death
aro. You cannot do without me
better than I can do without you."
this part of the disputation Paul
my text breaks In and end. the
troveny by declaring: "The eyt
;cannot say unto the hand, I have no
need of thee."
Fourteen hundred and thirty-three
of ooncordance, does the Bible yntes, a* nearly as I can countbepeak
01 tbe human band. We are all [s-
adist with the hand, but the man le
ataayy1ettd o be bornwondrou. who can
fully under -
no we are all going on opening and
abetting thle dlvinely-constructed in-
'strmameat-the hand -Ignorant of much
`�'ut Na predation 1t was Intended to
et the wisdom and goodness of
Tom can see by their structure
shoulder and elbow and forearm
refit ready for the culmination
fns naafi. There la your wrbt with
111 eight bones and their ligaments In
TWO TOWS. That wrist with its bands
of ahem and Its hinged Joint, and
turning on two axes -on the larger
axis moving backward and forward,
and on the smaller axle turning
Wady round. And there 1. the palm
Dat your hand, with Its flue bones, each
Milling a shaft and two terminations.
There are the fingers of that hand,
with fourteen bones, each finger with
its emriously-wrought tendons, dye of
the bones with ending roughened tor
the lodgment of the halls, There la
IP thumb, coming from opposite di -
to meet the fingers, so that In
action they may clasp and hold
ker.that Which you desire to take.
are the tong nerves running
the armpit to the forty -ex mus -
to that all are under mastery. It
lest seems a misfit, a mistake, a
uteilon that the fingers should
s dtterent length. Would It not
symmetrical to have them
te alike, Instead of having
Maps ascending from the Tittle
to tbe tongeet, and then de-
bt the Index finger? And the
asked his father, the eclentlst,
fingers were of such different
The 'father told his child to
kia angora , when
re eaeno be on even, opalr to hold
Orange,Touseen e theCreator also
athletes. The whole anatomy of
IMP as complex, as Intricate,
gtnmetrieal, as useful as God could
it. What can it not 4o? Bean
, it (;aa lift, it can push, It can
!t eon menace, It the clutch, tt
OW, It can affirm, It vial extend,
baD weave, It call bathe, it can
It can humble, At tan exalt. It
be, It elan t , It. can dety,
Wave, It c ttI prerate, it can
board,'illeetetoof the han
or unrolled Inddiagraem, or
In medical museum, Is mightily
ratios ot the divine tenderly end
•. •,*tld/sMs, hat how musk more ptu$ing
P150 is living action all its nerves and
and bones and tendons said
Yes and phalangeal display what
Invented when He Invented the
n head, Two specimens of it we
y et our side 'from the time when
!titmice we open them to take a toy,
1111, In the last hour of a long lite we
extend them In bitter farewell,
With the divine help I thee speak
et eai'tof thes ulhad as the whetherief executive lifted for &-
or extended for help, or busted
-t* the arts, or oSered In salutation or
wrgpg In despair or spread abroad in
ben anon. God evlaently Intended
all the lower orders of living beings
, should 'hive weapons of defense, and
Mende the elephant's tusk, and the
home's hoots. inn the cow'' horn, and
the lion's tooth, and the Insect's sting
haslet given weapons of defense to
the lower orders of living beings, of
0*1111e he would not leave ,mass, the
le _Witten order of living beings on earth
detensatess and at the mercy of brutal
Jr radian attack. The right, yea! the
duff, of sell -defense is 00 evident it
OW no argumentation. The hand Is
the divinely fashioned weapon ql de.
fenae, W0 may seldom have to use 11
the web purposes, but the tact that we
see so equipped Insures safety, The
bead is a weapon sooner loaded than
soy gun. sooner drawn than any !word
Its fingers bent Into the palm, It be-
geehe! a bolt of demolition, Solomon'
of. the hands as the "keepera
e the house," or the defegders. Sure-
ly, Mucha cajtie as the human body
Mich protection an the hand
sMN can offer.
Inuit a decease it Is against &rel -
awl There have been times 1n all
ear experiences when we have with
the hand warded off something that
Weld have e*ttegubhed our eyesight
or broken the skull, or crippled us foe
a lWetme. While the eye hoe dlscov
eyed the approaching peril, the hand
1.. beateg It back, or struck It down
!e diJar'mgd it. Every day thenk God
for your tight hand, and 1f you want
revolution ofRs omy link
nery has had it
await* or at Chepultepec, or South
mountslx or San Juan bill or Sedan
lett IL
in passing let me say that he
has the weapon of the hand un.
and In full use needs no other
cowards who walk with mord.
or carry a pistol la your hip
lead better lay aside your dead.
Moo, . At the frontier, or In bar-
ds, or as an o1DGr at the taw
Make arrest, such emelt may
fifty, but eo citizen moiring tt
Writhed regions needs such rein you aro afraid to go
Mare streets or along these
dItl*tdy Leads without dagger or fire-
afm s ter oak your grandmother tc
1116111 you armed with *desert and
medic What cowards, If not
Weeded murderers, uselessly to
tarry weapons of death! In our two
GMnaf1Y gave us alt the weapons we
the hand Is the chief execu-
INCer of tis gout for affording help.
t see how that hand 'e rnnt:ru,:r.i
1ee Mellyise
yen New fly it lweeen
Invalid's. pulse, or gently
the tear of orphanage, or
aims, or smooth the excited
ar beoken into safety. 0, the
f lands! Then are hundreds of
of thew, and the world
at least sixteen hundred million.
Ph*. Inada to bleat others; bates
to mete inky», hands to gave others.
What are all these schools and churches
and aeytums of mercy? Outstretched
hand.. What are all those hands dts-
trlbutln0 tracts, and carrying medi-
cines', and trying to cure blind eyes.
and deaf ears, and broken bones, and
disordered Intellects and wayward sons?
Helping hands. Let each one of us add
two to that number, It we have two,
of 11 through casualty only one, add
that one. it these hands which we
have no long kept thrust into pockets,
through Indolence, or folded In Indif-
ference, or employed In writing wrong
things or doing mean things, or heav-
ing up obstacles In the way of righte-
ous progrese, might from this hour be
consecrated to helping others out and
up and on, they would be hands worth
being rattled on the reeurreotion morn,
and worth clapping In eternal gladness
over a world redeemed.
How often has the nand decided a
destiny! Mary Queen of Soots was es-
caping from Imprisonment at Lochle-
ver 1n the dress of a laundress, and
had her face thickly veiled. When a
boatman attempted to remove the veil
she put up her hand to defend it, and
so revealed the white and fair hand of
a queen, and stn the boatman took her
back to captivity, Again and again It
has been demonstrated that the hand
hath a language as certainly as the
mouth. Paltptstry, or the science by
which character and destiny are read
In the lines of the hand, Is yet crude
and "uncertain and unsatisfactory; but
as astrology was the mother at astron-
omy, and alchemy was the mother of
themtstry, it may be that palmistry
will result In a science yet to be born.
Again, as the chief executive officer
of the soul, behold the hand busy In
he arts! What a comparatively dull
place this world would be without pic-
tures, without statuary, without music,
without architecture. Have you ever
readsed what 110 seeming mir-
acles there are in the five
minutes' fingering of piano or
harp or flute? Who but the eternal
God could make, a hand capable of that
swift sweep of the keys, or that quick
reeling of the pulses of a flute, or the
twirl of the fingers amid the strings 01
the harp? All the composers of musk
who dreamed out the oratorios and the
cantatas of the *Swig would have had
heir work dropped fiat a.,d useless but
tor the translations or the hand. Under
the deft fingers of the performer, what
cavalries saliop, and what batteries
boom, and what birds carol, and what
tempests march, and what oceans bil-
low! The great architects of the earth
might have thought out the Alhampras
and the Parthenon' and the et. So-
phia' and the Taj Mahals, but all those
visions would have vanished, had It
not been for the hand on hammer, on
plummet, on trowel, on wall, on arch,
on pillar, on stairs, on dome.
In two discourses, one concerning the
ear and the other concerning the eye,
I spoke from the potent text in the
Pauline, "He that planted the ear,
shall He not hear," and "He that form-
ed the eye, .hal He not see," but what
use In the eye and what use In the ear
it the hand had not beet; strung with
all Its nerves, and moved with all Its
muscles, and reticulated with all Its
Joints, and strengthened with all Its
bones, and contrived with all its In
genultles. The hand hath forwarded
all the arts, and tunneled the moun-
tains through which the railway train
thunders, and launched all the ship-
ping, and fought all the battles, and
built all the temples, and swung all
the cables under the sea, ae welt as
fitted to mid -ale the wire tracks on
whidl whole Mine of thought rush
across the continent', and built all the
clues and holeted the Pyramids.
Do not eulogise the eye and ear at
the expense of the hand, for the eye
may be blotted out, as In the case of
Milton, and yet his hand writes a Para-
dise Lost ora Samson Agonietea• as
in the case of William H. Prescott, and
yet his hand may write the enchant-
ing Conquest of Peru. Or the ear may
be silenced forever, tie in the case of
Beethoven, and yet his hand may put
into Immortal cadences the Ninth Sym-
phony. Oh, the hand! The 00d -
fashioned hand! The triumphant
hand! It In an open Bible of divine
revelation, and the five fingers are the
Iealah, and the Ezekiel, and the David,
and the Micah, and the Paul at that
almighty inspiration.
A pastor In his sermon told how a
little child appreciated the value of his
band When he was told that on the
morrow, 1t must be amputated In order
to save his Zile. Hearing that, he went
to a quiet place ane prayed that OM
would spare Ma hand. The surgegn,
coming the next day to do his work,
found the and so much better that
amputation was postponed, and the
hand got well, The pastor, telling ot
this in p sermon, .agalUded by holding
up his hand an4 iodine; "7'hgt le the
very hand that Wap 'pared In sneer
to prayer, and 1 hold It up, a monu-
ment of divine mercy.'
Again, the hand is the chief execu-
tive officer of the soul when wrung In
agony. Tears of relief are sometimes
dented to trouble. The eyelids at such
time are as hot and parched and burn-
ing as the brow. At such time even
the voice Is suppressed, and there le no
sob or outcry. Then the wringing of
the hand tele the !tory. At the close
of a life wasted in sin sometimes
comes Ihet expreeslon of the twisted
fingers; the memory of years that will
never return of opportunities the
0f which wilI never again occur, an;
coneclence to Its wrath pouncing upon
the foul, and all the past a horror,
only to be surpassed by the approach -
Ing horror. 8o a man wrings his hands
over the casket of a deed wife whom
he has cruelly treated. So a man
wring his hands at the fate of tone
and daughters whose prospects have
been ruined by hie Inebriety and neglect
and depravity. So the sinner wrings
his hands when, after a life full ,of
offers of pardon and peace and
heaven, he dies without hope. When
there are sorrows too poignant for
lamentation on the up, and too ,tot for
the tear -glands to write• in lettere of
crystal on the oheek, the hand recites
the tragedy with more. emphasis than
anything in Macbeth rind King Lear,
Worse than the wringing of the
hands wits the punishment that Cron -
mer gave his right hand when be put
It in the fire of the stake and with-
out flinching, said:
"Forasmuch as my hand offended le
writing contrary to my heart, my hand
shalt therefore be the first punished. It
shall be the first burned. This was the
hand that wrote IL"
Again, the hand Is the chief executive
officer of the soul In salutation. A form-
er president of the United States said:
"I think handshaking is a great sule-
ance and It should be abolished. It not
only makes the right arm sore, but
shocks the whole system, and unfits a
man t„r wetting or attending to other
duties. it demoralises the entire
nervous end muscular system." But
while thell exercise may be fatiguing, it
is oleo an oeportuntty. He who knows
how hearing 10 shake hands has one
of the mlghtieet arts for conveying
Nominees end , •,d sheetand lite
eternal. Atter you have shaken hands
with one, a pine ot eummunIcatlon I.
opened that was not open before. Two
hands clasped in greeting are a bridge
on which all sympathies and kind-
nesses and encouragements and men -
Inge cross over. To shake hands with
some persona does us more good than
a sermon- ey! Tt le a sermon. To shake
Undo with a doctor when we are
alek Is an an yam, a teals, a febrlfege
before he feels the pulse or writs* the
Prescription. Te shake hands with a
eheertul man wbeh We are dieeouragxL
1111s us with fault to try again Vara
have failed In doing, To shake hands
with some consecrated man, clerical
or lay, after we have wandered away
Into sin, le to Teel the grasp of a ,rather
-God welcoming home the prodigal.
Shake hands, oh ye stolid and exclusive
and coldblooded and precise and con-
ventional Chrletlane! Jehu cried out
to Jehonadab. lis tbine heart right? If
It be, give me thine hand,"
There le In an honest and Christian
handshake a thrill ot gospel electrialty.
You take part of his trouble and he
takes part ot your jubilance. In that
way yuu divide up anxieties and con-
gratulations. The mann trunk line of
that handshake has brunches of blew -
ed telegraphy right down In both
hearts and up to both heads end you
both get the message the same in-
stant. Take off the glove when you
shake hands, for that glove puts the
hide of a kid between the [film of your
hand and the palm of hie hand, and
that animal's hide is a lion -conductor
of this gospel electricity, Do not grip
the bone of the forefinger and the bone
of the little anger with a crushing
power that put one Into a severe but-
tering which many of tie have ex-
perienced from those who are more
brutes than men. Take the hand gent-
ly, reasonably, heartily and know that
God ordered that form of 'salutation.
That is one Important thing that the
hand was made for. You can see the
Indications In Its shape and equipment
-the four fingers to take your neigh-
bor's hand on the one side, and the
thumb to take It on the other, and the
forearm eo swung that you can easily
draw It toward you.
Of course, there 1s a wicked shaking
of hands, and Solomon refers to tt
when he says: "Though hand juin In
hand, the wicked shall not be un-
punished. Shake hands In conspiracy
to damage Individual or community or
nation; shake hands to defraud; shake
bands to stand by each other in wrong-
doing -you help me stuff this ballot -
box, and 1 will see that when 1 am In
power you shall have promotion; yuu
help me In Infamy and I will help you
In your infamy. Oh, that Is profana-
tion of a holy rite; that is sacrilege
against a divine arrangement; that 1s
gripping your own destruction! Pilate
and Herod, though antagonists before,
Mock hands over t'hrlst's projected as
Again, the hand la the chief executive
of the soul when employed In benedic-
tion, No gesture at the human hand
means more than outstretched gesture.
In many of our religious denominations
we are not permitted to pronounce an
apostolic benediction until we have
been regularly ordained as ministers
of the gospel; but there are kinds 01
benediction that you may all pronounce
without especial permission from
presbytery or conference or convention.
You have a right to spread broad
both right hand and left hand in be.,
'towing a blessing of klndne..e and
good -will upon all you meet. With
both hands bless the children. Take
them In your arms and kiss their fair
cheek. Take with them a round of
merriment In the room before you leave
it; and by prayer put them In the arms
of that Christ, to go to whom In olden
tirnei ey ggo guot
urms thnr theirstrumathereledt, (}stetdnblt,•s,f the
cradles and high -chairs and nureerles
all 'round the world.
Opaln's Greatest Need.
Kr. R. r. 0.1,1a, of Berm lona Spam, spend.
his Mater. at Anima, LC. Wasik serves bio
Weed 5.,., Ius is the bask of Id. heed. On
a.lna nleetr(a 91ttete, Ammfa'a goatee, Blood
end ave healed), ell pato wain 1,15 him,
meek. ya Altedinettes 000vi that it aurae hie,
Window, t,oubla, punnet the blood, tape, np
the eiou,e.h, ntanglbeas the nerves, pets vim
Vitae Una new Ihe into every moult, nerve and
Organ of W+ body, It stet, tired or Wing you
need it. Seery b dila seareuirai, 0017 f0 en*
Bold bpi m►mtltw, Drnsgu6
THE 8113D.tlt SETI'LF.D 11'.
Insubordination ut Omdurinan
Quickly Quelled
London, Feb, 11,-,1 deepat:'li to the
Deily 11111 from Cairo soya that Oen.
Wingate, Wader of the Egyptian arnry,
who recently lhtrrIcely pruetraded to
(butterwort on account of the insubor-
dination among the S-mdnneea troop:
there, reports that affairs there were
wrens, but are now Improved, It Is
reported in Celia that several urtttve
otf;cere were ttrreste.l for instigating
the tnsutordInatlon,
An Enterprising Firm,
There era how m,n tome wide awake end
yeti rotated than J. M. Menti ton ehn inertia m,
I•r!w to .enure the beet of stAtt,Ililtig in hie
it f 0 ifs many cuatoinoto, He now sae lh.
45..07 for l•r, X rg's Nix, Diav,very, witch
.0- el, cone ' 01011 11 WI. 11 COI PI $W Coat.
rh a It the wan'. l tl tamely teat 1e taow pro
,u 1 g'omuobexoltem•utellotertheeoentey,
4y I -.s atarttlna tare-. It absolutely oars'
tetltmt. BruuebllIs, 145015, and ail 1,1feo;Ione
'. int '15,00 0t Cia 431 Lunge. You can test
it maims natant. by ole et .the above Drag
-tuts miss' a 0.101 1 Flee, or teap_l.r sloe
t w Ann ss' 151,0), *raga to emre,w poles
In order to. void any inlet hen-
s' to aring of ti nese-
meats the- orth 'Waterloo and
West Huron Provinkeil election aP-
peals, It le announced that tin par-
t es, after having been notified thnt
the Court of Appeal was prepared to
Mar arguments dur:ng the present
sittings, Informed the Registrar that,
owing to the caese3 not being fully pre-
pared, they were utterly unable to
prooeed, rind, therefore, the appeals
were allowel to etand over mite the
next sitting, of the coure.
That Throbbing Headache
Weald quickly leave an, if Jou used Dr,
ther Lee Fit s. Theesends of Owen
have proved their minable molt for litilek and
Nemo* geed.oble. They mate pm, We td
end eaten belles or 4 build Ito h Itle
114.7 to s. Try dem only 35 emus. Honey
back if nos etmd. beld by J. Hamilton
to r ti i
ecat. l,l�tnd twenty wasp were
61owa dawn, including the customs
Oat* and the residence of the cue
tome Offlcers, 011 the families took
refuge lb their cellars. A French
tribute, factory, one of the largest on
the coast, a with all Its contents,
boat and itching gear, wap demo,•
fahed, being blown to plene.. Three
schooners were driven ashore and
Newfoundland Tornado.
eines, Nfld., Feb. 4. -Another
swept the coast last Mon-
t. Lark Harbor was demi.
Death of a Noted Doctor. .
London, Feb. 8. -bar Thomas Grain-
ger Stewart, K.•D„ the noted Scotch
physician, died in Edinburgh this
morning, aged 63 years. Sir Thomas
was born in the City of Edinburgh,
and had occupied the position of Pro-
fessor of the Practice of Medicine in
the university since 1870. He was pre-
sident of the British Medical Ase, -
dation and of many medical societies.
Hs had pub:lobed many standard hied.
ieal works.
Fell on the Saw.
Riverdale, N. 8„ Feb. S.-Patrlek
White, agree 52, te native of Any 11ob-
erda, \(Id., wiele walking around a big
saw -In Wlnn's portable mill, fell on
Ito saw. One arm was cut off and
hie neck nearly cut through. lir diel
Mr, (locale P. Everett, who woe
electe l Reeve of Brantford Town-
ship by a large majority at the
January election., though n reel•
dent of the county of Brant for 40
years, was born la the United State*
and omitted to take out naturalise.
Mon papers. He was unseated, and
ant because* Reeve of the,
.Market Reports
The Week.
J �rrW
Leading N heat Markets.
Cush. May.
Chicago. 3-- 30688.8
New York ...... .. - 0 74 8.4
Milwaukee 008 -
et. Loots ,,, .,, ,., 070 0108.4
Toledo,,.... „ ... ,.. 0 711.2 0 781.2
Detroit, red.,. ,,, .., 072 0788.4
Detroit, whits ;.. 0721.4 --
Duluth, No. 1 ,,, 0867.8 0877.8
Duluth, No. 1 'rte.,. 0 67 8.8 ---
Mlnneapoll., Na 1
Nor-, ............. 085 1-2 0 05 1.2
Minneapolis, Nn, 1
hard .., ... ,.. 066 7.8 --
Orem and Produce.
Toronto, Feb. B.-Bgonr-Ontario po$
eats, In bags, 418.40 to 38.80 ; etralght
rollers, 3Hungarian
8,20 to 38.•1
patents, 38.80 ; Manitoba bakers',
38.56, all on track at Toronto.
Wheat -Ontario red a
to 84 1.2o north and evert ; goose, 09e
to 70e north and we
tuba hard, 7Se Toronto, and No. 1
Northern at 74c.
Oak -White oats qu
Barley -Quoted at 890 for No. 2
went; feed barley, 85o to 80c.
Rye -Quoted at 490 north apt, west,
and 50a Beat.
Corn-Canadlan, alio
can, 40u on track hero
It Lampe*Toronto, Feb, 3. -Receipts of farm
produce were larger t
days -1000 bushels of grain, bade
of bay, a few dressed bog,, and a
fair delivery of butter, eggs and prul-
Wheat firmer; 060 babels .old es,
follows: White and re'
at 70 1-20 to 71 1.20 400 bushel.,
goose, 71 1-2e,
Barley steady; 1,000 betels ;told *1
48e to 45e.
Oats easter ; 200 bushels ,old at 80c.
Rye Muter ; one los
per bush.
Hay steady; 26 loads
to 6122 per ton.
Straw steady; one los
per ton.
Dressed Hoge -Prises
to 60 per cwt.
Butter; deliveries tai
per lb., the latter pr'
for choice dairy to spa
Eggs -Prices easier
per dozen, the latter price for strict-
ly pew -laid.
Farm Produce
Toronto, Feb. 3. -Hoy, bated, 1111
lots, per ton, $9.25 to $9.76; straw,
baled, car loco, per ton, $1 to $1,50
potatoes, rar tote, per
40c ; butter, choice tuba, 19e to 20n;
butter, medium tub.3, 1
ler, dairy, 1b. rolls, 20'
creamery, lb. roils, 24e
ter, lirge rolls ,re
per Ib., 19n to :0e ; but-
ler, creamery bor, 28
head, 17c to 18c; eggs,
to 211c; honey, pee lb., 90 10111x.; ter
keys, per lb., 10e to llc
7o to 7 1-2c ; docks, per pair, 40e 1.
OOc; chickens, per pear
brltlan tear
nd white, 134e
won No. 1 Matte
at 20c
west; Amert-
hen for some
d 250 bushels
.ofd at 54u
sold at 310,50
d .old at 37.50
firm at $6,71
rat 20c tL 251
ce being pain
cial cu,tamer..
et 22c to 25'
bag, $37 1.2 to
i -to 16c ; but -
to21c; butter.
to 25c; hue
c to 240; cgge
new 22i
• geese, P -r
Jho to 50c.
Liverpool, Fe' " 32.80.-Whert, No
1 Northern eat rate, as 14 ; No. I Cal.
6o 1d to 4s 41.2d; reit whiter, 51
11 1-2,1; torn, old, He 8d ; new, ;lv 7
5.8d ; Pena, 5s 0 1-24 ; Pork, Prime
western ness, 500 8d ; lard, prhu
western, 803 9d ; baton, long, clear
Tight, 85s; heavy, 81e O4; short. heavy, 38. ed; cheese, colored, 50st cl
white, 56a 64 ; wheat, steady ; corn
Liverpool-t'1:•eo, el of wheat et -arty;
. No. 2 reed winter, 5s 11 1-24 ; No. I
Northern sprint;, 6s 1d ; No, 1 Con
Os 4d ; futures steady ; March le 10
1-11.3; May tie 9 7.84 ; July, 5s 10 1 -id
spot melte firm ; mixed American, 1
7 5-8d ; new cls 84. old ; futures quiet
Feb. 8s 78.84. Marek 8s' 7d, May 81
61.24, July 15, 8 5.8d, Flour, I8s.
London -Clove -Wheat off coast
nothing doing • on peerage quiet, bu
steady. Cargoes La Plata, steam, load
ing, 27e 8d, grain being fine an
heavy ; La Plata, side Jan., Feb., 27
11.2d. Madre off the coast, nothing
doing; cm passage, quiet but ,needy
Cargoes mixed American. sail, ,team
Feb. 17e bol ; spot, Hal., Fox, Dews.
nominal ; mixed American, 17. I)d
Flour, eat, 230.
In Chicago today timothy closed
steady at 32,6.0 }omluatly for Jane
al for Febru
al for March
at 38,40 nom
January and 38.50 noising!
for Mdpah. all per 100 Ile. In - To
lido olid Imbue clover closed 50 high.
er for March, at 35,85 asked pet
In Chicago today timothy close"
etetuly at 32.60 nominal for Jahn
ary and $2.55 nominal for February
and $2.110 nominal for Morel), Clove,
close;, 15c higher at 38,40 nomlmn
for January, and 10o higher at
$8.50 nominal for March, all pot
100 )l,. In Toledo old prime clover
doted steady at 3(.9) bid, January
2%e higher at 35.80 and March at
55.85, all per bushel.
Including. Ile five, weenies, Victoria
-'oath and West Australia, New Sowell
Wales riot Queensland, Australia',
wheat crop is eetlme..ied at 49,000,
000 bushels. But 1)4. Is looked upoa,
:tit exaggeration. Conservative !levee
place the crop at 48,000.000 bush
els, against 89,000,000 butane's th.
previous crop, with a poedb)e export
:surplus of 18,000,000 to 20,0(30,03C
bushels, against 11,000,000 bushel -
preview; year. Tie mnaller wheat ex
port alilpnuartte from Rotla seem 1e
t1soredit the official estimates. But
price Is the great Me0mtive for a
treat movement in Rustic. and of-
ferings undoubtedly have been re.
stricter' by the relatively low prices
prevailing. The official estimated
;wheat crap of luted& lad year On.
eluding /Dilate Russia) was 440,000,-
000 Note's. tampered with 457,-
000,000 bushels the year before,
As comparod with a week ago, the
visible supply of wheat In Canada and
the United States h is decreared
1,889,000 bushels; that of corn has
'nereaeed 426000 buehel', and that of
oats has Increased 24,000 hushed..
Cbloa o, Feb. 1. -Opening -Wheat,
Kay, 68 to 68 1-80 ; July, 63 3-4e to
68 78-c,
Frklay-CeAd weather; light local
snow falls.
Buffalo, Feb. 1, -Spring wheat, No.
1 hard 78, No. 1 northern 75 1.4, Win-
ter wheat, No. 2 red 72, No. 1 white
711-2 on track, Corn. No. 2 yellow
37, No, 8 yellow 88 8-4, No. 2 corn
36. I
- Liverpool wheat market woe report-
ed lido today, with no change' In
flour quotations were higher.
'rIto! aI an, or tutuies. I'atis wheat and
Chicago wheat advanced a quarter
of a cent to -day on talk of crop data -
age in France and Russia.
(.aria and este were heavier.
English tarn. .,' deliveries of wheat
this week were 08,500 quarters, and
the average price 26.,
Exprorts of wheat and flour from
America this week equalled 8,081,0:.8
bushel., oohed 4,248,924 boehele last
week and 5,198,871 Wawa the 00r -
responding week of 1800. Corn ex-
ports for the week aggregate 8,199-
812 bnhelf, against 8,1114,578 bushels
last week, and 2,928,191 bushels in
tide week a year ago.
The world's' ellpments of wheat this
week are estimated at 6,600,00) bush'
lleeelpts of wheat at Minneapolis
and Duluth to -clay 1170 cars, a' against
054 care last Saturday and 478 ears
a year ago.
Preparatbek. being Indo at various
palate to the country, widely diverse
centres of trade and InMlatry, names•
tskably point to aotive operations le
dlfterent ttelde of )eioa .durtag the
present year.
the went year good evenLmo�re
Tprofitable than thaat 41199.
Purchaser of spring coasts for the
retail trade so far3e
jnaie teen on a
liberal scale, and the prbtnjtptltut la,
(ince wholestlere are boy to
tIl the leading country ee0tees, that
there 18 a gotuortal Imppressio of a
otea(1y, healthy exptanslom of buelneee
in store for tr.Id,J teas year.
Tile demand for spring goods eon•
buttes along the line of the more ex.
Pensive goods, It le more difficult
;tow than for many years to (Ind e
market at home for shoddy, Ivry
trade, cheap Maes. ;
Tho mild weather bay lftewferod
somewhat with .the ptovemeut In
(rowed hogs and bog product ; 111e
rer'ees at the close are a trifle weaker.
There le a scarcity of chores, ew et
fairy butter, held goads forming the
;uik of tate current receipts; as a
,'eeult creamery hits been rolling more
'reedy. Recent British Co'um,.1a reports
tel of a demand la the coast [markets -
•or Ontario butter.
Failures for the week have been 242
n the United States, a atnet 249 last
,ear, and 40 in Canada, against 82
net year.
The U. 8. markets for bread.tufts are
lot active, nor have changes In prtcea
,f elevator wheat been of any mot
equonn3, hut the active M'ty option
+' owe a ; b irp dee ne. At! tette reports
ontimre far below that of last your -in
terse wekv 60 )8,825 be; it, a ,in t
18,224,082 last year -.and Vacate
;sports in the same weeks weer
231,775, agttnit 18)3,991 last year
'fester' receipts were In three week
sely 8.632,132, agt!net- 18,095,18_
'act year. Corn receipts are smaller
han Met year by 5,090000 buehel
or the three weeks, while exports
lave teen 10,885,185 bushels, agreed
+•510,499 last year, and thin active
movement caused spot quotations tf
1 dvanee,
$red.treet's 011 7ref..
Montreal reports show et fair mole
111111 In wholesale trade circles fol
lilt season. The Indications are 1114+
he Northwest and Coact buelaees tblt
ear will be larger than ever before
,tools are quieter, but the mills art
nifty and will doubtlo.s ba In the mar
'tet again for supplies shortly. Ther
to a pod demand for money and rates
ire flan.
There Inas been a fair enquiry tot
1ap1e goodie at Hamilton this week
nut the prospects for buatnews sou
inn' goo:l. Wool le firmly held, ani
'ergo lots are now pretty well cleaner'
, but buyers aro not as keen to pea
'hnee ne they were a few weoke ago
Ind ire not bidding quite as much
"ice provpocto for the epring trade are
Reports of trade at the Couat cities
- are eneournging There hale been res
lately 1Tespring trade with rge compatilee n
1 e
the nen
t nig dletrlcte in connection wltt tilt
'peening up of propoeittont nod 'teed(
with the northern gold fiel,is is ex.
meted to be large.
Diatoes. at 1 op don hon been fnir for
trite season. Tho Fetal) trade hes been
Tool, end travellers out with sample.
or the spring trade are meeting wit,
rood enema's. The deliveries of grain
'lave not been large lately. C'olleottone
ire en tie factory.
Roth wholeenle end retail merchant,
tt Winnipeg report a fide vultnne of
mentees being done.. Touchers are
+ling en cantor time of It gettinr
.rders for eprtng goods this year. The
leilveriev of graln have been only lair
,mi eollectlon, aro slow, but are ex
acted to pick np latae in the oeasoe
Torcnte merehants report a fob
amber of orders coming to hand Thr
east week, Values continuo very firm
1 nd the bnrtiteet In teeny lines' shows r
'are,, Increase over the Fame time tail
01r. The tnteettled weather the pas
week Imo tended to disturb trade roti
'Won to come extent. The demand for
'ironer is quite, active and retest ere
nchanged. '
It woe annournce.l at c'reme's slip•
varda. Philtuhelphla, this afternoon
that the etrlke, whtoh has been in
trogr+ess since lust August, was of ft.
'daily seed/teed off to -day by the
representative, of the strikers.
Your heart beats over one hun-
dred thousand times each day.
One hundred thousand supplies of
good or bad blood' to your brain.
Which Is 1t?
1! bad, impure blood, then your
brain aches. You ere troubled
With drowsiness yet cannot sleep.
You are as tired in the morning
N st night. You have no nerve
power. Your food does you but
Shit good.
Stimulants, tonics, headache
powders, cannot cure you; but
will. It makes the liver, kidneys,
skin and bowels perform their
proper work. It removes all im-
levities from the blood. And It
makes the blood rich la Its life-
glving properties.
lb Hasten
You 'l!!!! be more rapid!) cured
It you will take a laxative dose of
Ayer's pills each night. They
arouse the sluggish liver and thus
cure biliousness.
1gt41ts .ms deafer..
mlwe! have the exclusive .Mr1eMW of
the UnitedlStele* Write fruit, ill the
yarttsalare 10 your ease.
Address, Mt. J. C. Aygp,
Iwwe11, gau,
Capital, all paid up, $1,500,000. Reserve, $1,000,000.
Total Assets, $13,163,057'
A Federal Banking business transacted, Advances made on all suitebl*
aeourltles. Farmers' nota discounted and money advanced to teed cattle, eta.,
and pending the harvesting of the crops. Debentures bought. Colleotioni
made on the most favorable tern's. Drafts issued payable at all principal pelnte
In Canada and the United States. Drafts on Great Aritain and the Continent of
Europe bought and sold,
Deposita of 31 and upwards received and interest allowed from date of
deposit to date of withdrawal. Interest added to principal In May and Nevem•
bar each year, Special deposit's also received at current rates. Deposits may
be withdrawn without formality or delay,
e tetra te.AM
O. l3,BENNETT, SDB_Aoui'.
Newspaper Advertising
of a
The shrewd merchant knows
it and acts accordingly.
To bring trade your way these
growing times use
ionic Good Nuloteript%o11e to the
Patriotic Fund,
Ottawa, Feb. 5. -(Speciale -The
pie of `t. John, N. 13., are anxious
that the Strathcona Horse should
embark at that port, seeing that
Quebec and Halifax got the otter
umttngeute. There Is a general
reeling here that this should be done,
but the 'nettle officiate think that ON
the machinery 11aa all been arranges
,1t Halifax It would be more con-
ten;ent for doing the work there.
It any rate Lord Strathoona bas
been eomntnnicnted with, and hie
wiehee will prevail.
Sir Richard Cartwright iit, con-
tributed 3100 to Canaelan Patriot's,
Fund, and Hun. Sydney Fisher lute
gisen 350; Lake of the Woods Hill -
Ino C'o•, 31,000 ; Justice Olrouard, 850.
and Miss Emily Goold, Montreal, $500.
A Frightful Blunder
Will offal eaui. *bombs Bum, Braid, Olt en
BMWs Dwaine. Arida geese, we w,,, he 11.
gorld, will 5111 the pale and promptly heal lt,
0m$ Od Ewa ever Sores, diene, Nous,
tele.., Corns, f
aps, al( Sk-a Emotions. 110.5 Pile
eateen are glum
aaee.d, mfMad b7 d. x>tammen, MS nate hod 0Dmfs ,1,
11Is4eok 1t for Whiskey.
I'embr'oke, Ont„ Feb, 5,-Anron War,
-e German farmer of Kt/Afford, about
--.'X miler from here, wee In town on
8iterday Inlet on bus nese. On his re-
turn holo in the es ening he telt chUled
to+l took a drink of carbolic acid in
nllstake for wld-key, In leas than an
hour he ane dead, The deceased wee
ebmt fifty yenta of age, highly re-
lpeete.l and wealthy,
m inunc IE & RINGE
Sale Notes a apeolalty, Adman
made to fanners on their owe
notes. No additional temerity re-
We offer every accommodation con-
tinent with safe and conservative
wanking principles.
To loan on Real Estate at lowest
rates of interest.
Persons wishing to tall will do well
to place their property on our list
for eale. Bents colleted.
Of all kinds promptly attended tc.
We represent the leading Fire and:
Life Assurance coapanies, and M•
1psctfully solicit your account,
___ OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. TO 8 Le:.
Raving assumed control of the above
flamed mills I am prepared to supply
end deliver Flour and Feed to any part
of the town at reasonable prices. Ask
your grocer for FINNEMORE'S
FAMILY FLOUR itis the best on the
Market, -
short notice, being a practical mil-
ler am sure to please you.
Highest market price paid for all cies.
gee of wheat,
Barber and Tobacconist
Choice Stock of
wawa, Cigars and Pipes on hand.
sang? FOR TRII
CoevatotsTS 6C.
Aeyoeeeendteg a sketch and de.rriptInn mer
ekeg 5.0Ntel1 oar 0pin0e, free wbMhtr an
egad. pp probably ppnlenlnblo. Comm., Ira.
aIllOonedeaU &. tlandtmetee Fal rats
0elledeeeetl y.mm0y ter .m•nnng patents
Patenta este. through Mann A Ce. receive
'NW 'lo01.a without charge. In tine
Scientific ,American.
A as5aeomely Illeeuered weekly'. lr+'ree01 rt.
non 01 sal eat neo funnel. =4'4
Q���how mcontha eL ells bya11 n.
it t i bi«ods 17ti yehrprt8w ar
Man MUMS AM) deeee,
(Net U the o emblse.)
Ns. 7 Queen Street Bonah, N1yth
Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator.
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent.
Moe, on Queen street, Blyth. Orders
left at Tae STANDARD office will receive
prompt attention.
0. A. 000KE, LD.L, 0.0.1.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the 'Uni-
versity of Toronto, and graduate of the
Royal College of Dental Surgeon
Special attention paid to the preserve -
tion of the natural teeth. OWN over
J. W. Bell's harness store, Queen street
Blyth. Vieita Auburn 1st and 8r({
Mondays of each month,
W. J. MILNE, M.D.0.1.
Physician, Surgeon and Aoaonohsg►,
M.D.C.M„ Untvoreity of TpinteP Col.
lege; 1,1,1)., Queen'' Univentty; Fel-
low of Trinity Medical Colb,pee 'and
member of College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Ontario. Coroner for the
County of Huron. Office, one door
north of the Commercial hotel, Qr --
street, Blyth,
001x00011 AND 00050N B9.
am pm
8 68 8 15
(3 66 8 18
1 7 n1 it 31
7 18 8 45
7 24 8 55
747 425
9 50 (3 23
Wing Itam Jc
13 1
11 O7 ? 6
1056, 7
10 41 7
10 88 Ti
10 15 6 68
8 16 4 41
ROM: 01OUT ►.Y, 10 Mire P. If.
Mails Arrive. -From I4t,rth-7,20 a.
and 8.50 p m.; South -10,45 a,m.
7.30 p.m.
Mails Clone. --Going North -10,20
and C p.m.; +aotth-1 am, an
p ®.