HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-02-08, Page 7r , , ..a. „y. amt= r 1� . l �n syw Amy owe were da(uled, Thely atter all" its seek him hat and the "Oh, ac Hs wu with hie wife, you "What f' ikGiil tµrb as wblte $$ W16 a s deer. a trots n"+ , "YirWhiiiti wrlIitioww hh+YN MYAN��1 f N e, sot rat � "! fes, !��; f ,.,, ire er� tvoro the oily rya I could never maks royareel{��n. kaow, L1ha'a my woman of Blit work, a Cbrletplar glint s Id rfaN i aiGeh ) awe Iso was u dreamy." He waved him hand as it Outside the door lie met a rather Jane, Ohs happened to mention Ute "It was in the pa sp , : +� . gentle*• makin a P�eaa with 1t• "It was xlw rets servant Just brio to in w�e bola with her," "all about her and tUe�lliebo11 am sten he was a ", � who had the Intinence over mo," too to tier maciter. Hie nearly upgst Jana had date noth'ng of th'e kind, "Ob, you mean O.race hording" sold man. lura. llrabiwnp liked t, se+A SAT WAS 1iIS 1VI8 IY ? "You knew her, then?" tier troy tit eight of her. She reamed Atter the Callogwy he had overboard, Dges.l, visibly reileved•'! m$aet Miss -401 Hoe lteep their plum, "Oh, yes. I luuyw Torµ from the old more amused at the roncontro than Grodman had omit himaelt to I nd out DYMOnrL" dad oat 41 atnrivat thr-ir es. ,1 by i New fork Harald days, anti when I he the relation betvfnon his two em- 'You deadest be at, ptetilmlO p Et t;vli#t 11 `eninowrlglit xIntxo tilt, 'I- • •�$^^ 1 *""�" first met him solidi Jassle hanging on "Good atternwn, dear," oho gat(1, en• ployeea. Bq camlutily referring to Den- hsr, omkd Tem, suri'ly. hie neat he was qutte proud to Intro• quettimlly. '•You might let me have aid as "pout husbawl," he so mtar.led appreciate ht. Ah, the shower ix over. now year,•' she unnnsiln' • @mud %" + dura heft as a t \Vhen ht ton that eoverel u I do wont a new the rwr wonnn that she did not tit- I moat be go.ng." they say a bei bsaglnnln' makes n (A STORY OF MYSTERY.) ( p10e ' g° 3 g '(, p the bond, Onl once mile stays lithe longer, Tum;' worst" endbP." Mr#.• Drubdump wne he tried to @links me oft.' Sunda balanet. temppt to do" yy " You @imeld have rt. aid film Aeliat Denzil ave iter the sovereign, and did he use the two words, but be was ppleaded Peter, "I see A let &'bout yet (me of tboge perilous who give you `' r,aXll rte, you borrowed." N clammed the hall -door violousiy when satisfied. As to the alibi, he had trot i.n the pip3ra, but very little of your the barometers, just m geed ►sw NtttVt)i " It -'t -was only m trlflc;' state, he got to tfie bottom of the stale@, yet troubled her; but to take Its axis- dear old phis waw• I ova t Heave the Bet what are you dohtfc ht this I CILtPTEI] 1'I. DArwin or a Far day. Au Intel• mored Denzil. Ha sefetped to Iso walking arm ta•arm dense for granted would np.set and titae to go otwi hear yew' but I teMl/ a`; , leaf, whirls Wright have mervei .. Yeas, but tilewaarl(ltgrnoontrdtles," with the long arm of ooinolda,oq. discomfort Wimpp, For the moment must give m elf a treat. N'hea's your mimerable spot. so far from home?" Z, ,t Mrs• Crowl surve •ed Ili ("anter- to unveil the secret working$ of na- gild tits w•so Wim , Wim did not hear the duolo ue. He that was trLampn enauga for W:en 'a next skew Y yurrltst zise Holl ay y g p g p ,. "'laid "ft's Dsatk Ho)tduy" sire. Drots tt0t stoallq ntt,i cut hkt tnwt tis aubvertad to the paoteclion "'I'lsP ttrmld !a its<'lt a trifle," gold oaa already butte on hl@ evening'$ re guest. I, I em slweyw gli4t1 akdwst. torr+ was Iangts� too(y malt ho solid gtncn when tM of g capitalist telt tat he• the pemdre poet• "Tito Beautiful serf to Uaatkgnarters, The next day "Par;' Stili Wiifrad Wimp, "what's Tom, smilttlg a little, 'But m9 aoaGt dump ramie I a him n tones o acute 1f1111Mn was over, fetor ted Ile meta s Dy the aanlBltnn'rq of s friondiq .lone t deserving at Our regard,' nslf had a iwdygunrd wherever he it elleybt t A marbfaf" ' big prerteamanoe is ou the twsfur* Carpriae, "! ak Ho make a hoz• Wt deal ?fent#$ ext tomntoag, Hu w.s Qol,neman whom the poet rungdetiaad "And wirers the Beautiful war not want. It rod ht huvegrntlflel hb van- "No, my lad," amid Grodman, "it first of January, when the pplctutr ourebn un Bank ftollday." lONrapt eaoagh Lu allow itis family Into the hallet that bin hm$tness wa# goAn ping with her landlady, dill she Ity had bs noivn it. Dut to -night he meaams heipg somewhere else when of poor Mr. Constant is to be ua• l.'BAPTF:R YII, to follow his fadX; lout nn snvorY a matter at Ute and death, Denul =010p with you no you IUWWI the oaa yet unattended, no no oaa noted you're wppa.ed to ba somewhere:' vexed nil the Aaw Dreak o' pay Club, Tito Naw Year brought Mrs. Drub• .wits ever tomptert him to bo talon to obtained the great detective's it l- floor 7" that ho went to 4e, clover.treat after "Ah, playing truant;' saki Wilfred They have writ len to Olndetoae and dum s a flew lotger. He was an old leu Gla loves. Aaskbet meat rote address, IL wne Haar King'. Cross. " Als o, nn! Sine tett ht bier room the early Crawi mapper. He could not telt-aotfteioualy ; his mehoolmaeter Uad atter big pots to come doom I do ent�eman with n long grey Uenni. .,' ke ve reaalude.l hhn tat tuucU u, yy s pltraclb Wimp was at hafts in the reading, find east a shadutiv-" help going. Iie wanted to get another often proved sn al -b! against him. hope the old ro n .00eptei A son- a ropt� the rlwata of else Into Mr. k{t work. There ly uothhlg like rftoriwan. Ha was wrlt:pg whoa Den- "On your Itte4'• r6vareign. Hila nitro ILetterl to taunt "Then Danaid wall be hanged." pol'.t:t ggathering ilk@ this to the ziant, sell Lived til very retired , but Bow beeteteake occRsfan• all was umherad up three pairs of " No; on trine bl"nd." Grollman• Not succeeding In the fur Ryas ik a propheey t Wimp accepnted only cceaerlon we could both all at, iiia. Hau'rlw 4ficame-or awns that � oosue very Here it stairs Into hie prrutanoe, trot ha got "Always Otte shadow T' mer object, he telt the road open for tt ea such as an oracle from the got alit I have never been on the "'us ought to be haunted If the glloBte Atter (:inner Deaall usually Indulged ap gulf flashed the bull'. -eye ref lei. "'1o, emir. Once or twice, two." the second, bidding him mistrust Grollman. Out of platform with Ghdototua." of those murderer] leu them had tiny iii ptxltlo,reven,, But ts•day !to vis g a WA upon the vim(tor. "tit, ,yea had Leen drinking:' '•Ike you still/]nope to discover the the mouths o[ little children iesueth Ha forgot his deprea#!oa apd III- mall-respect_are supposes! to retell o c "On my life, not. I tilt" sworn off flow murderor , he asked tilt, old wisdom ; somellmea even when they .temper In the �roapect, it sp+ske lower rent in the market. The whop+ moi take hs trap• He went out at "Mr. 11somai.l Conferee!, 1 ba t>Itgp to ".oboe tka Kin+i" Bnt 'then lieve; said Wimp, the treacherous wine sup." Ultwdaound• urP not sap�ng their lesoona. wi(h more anfmat vn. Irish problem might be solved If the i. a". dead tutics everywhere. In vain DanaU St;trted. IDs Lad not sent u'p "Tltat'e right. Beer !s bell for poets, "1 cull lily my hand on Iden tow," " When T was !n my oradla, a imn- "No, I sttonYl Uopa tall, 'fun," said irlt# of "Mr. Baifour's vletimm `" tar an advance wt the alit" his mime, merely describing himself It makes their feet stinky• Whose vv as Grodman announced, curtly. tory ago," Blatt Wimp's grandmother- Peter. "What nith hs tadm nixrut the Would nilly depreclatP the calami of t` :ihe int land Mirror, to vvhlch :at, as it gentb3msn. time eSeoDad shadow?" Denzil hitched hill chair back hnol- in-law, 'men were hanged for cleat• B.gWe b,iir ,,rank, and roonarohy be,- rt to a point courleten6 with eep'4ttlmt dsnails{,tg dor, totte3 most "Phot is my 11nmP," Ue murttred. "A (Hen's." nntnrtiy. IIn found ronversatiml with tag horses." hill the right thing, be Is n must PrO►>p Y "Naturally. Mortlake'., aerhallo." doteetivtw as lively ami playing nt skit- rbey silenced her with Hina Iragon dao erous man to load the Had:calm, the, suppxsrt of s. Dralbult la's papa• vestrymen, In vain he trudged toth3 "You were one o[ the witnesses at Ian ble. fie wne std�l Rtrlklu ilea with LombeLCllsr The ton hl. He never Iays his axe to the root of lotion. Dnt Mrs, Drub:lump'# new' mitt and offeral to write the limn the inquest on the body of the late [ g Y g0 parformantu,v, lexiger pRld so much for UI# rcrms s ; Egg$ fissatte an assay on the Arthur Costont. I have your evi- eirllt &mrm." nervo4 terribly, these nndemon#trat- wimp, we,. boxy thinking how to anithing-except ark trees' Wet he laid himself open to a stla` � moderd ailet110d# tit bacmrralrfng. Dein delra share," lie panted to a tile, Tar found out whose? Toll didn't Ive gentimryen with no Ransil of the get at grodman'# factotum, Mr, Cantyrot I' It wits Me#. „ndal of special Interest ill gllostx. tit knewa great deal client thel;reua• "Why, have you come to givx fresh fen`., it n ehttdaw Oil rMubtf" penutatul. Grodman wits bully thinking how to Crowle voce that broke iso upon the rli he sons a wember of tie 1a� and tlanglttering of pfgR, smoke` Pvilenre?" "No; I waited till the Hlttistance "Dart why don't you give Lint up to get at Wimp's domositte, tirade. "There's n gentleman to see a,u+ 1p� eaane Int." jnytlre?" he, murrontwl. Neither received anY of the usual vru]' Tho a@toaishment Mrs. Crowd Psyehtonl NorlPty, Tho nelghlwrha101 KK end drying prowHmm, having fur 'Again Penzil otarled, flushing in ,•it wfim Arthur Cunatltptt." Ah -it has to b5 proved yet. Dut It mein ee froth the Chrlatmar 13ellg, pint baste the "gaatleman" was tie- Imaghn$xi Item another mad phlsau• years dictated the p)!tcy of the addition this time. I want monay;' „Vont ora n hwsi(Ptna. You -yon ter- 1#eflytn matter of lima." • g • • . . I,ghiful. It wa. n►moat n. good as & thrnpbt, feat fie he did not appear New Pork Herald hl throe mo• h(+ said, almat Itvoludtarlly. rift' life• Yas, It was lie." '•oil!" gold Demll. "And &hail I week's rent to tier to give vent to to br, dohgr env g0o1 to nuytody, t monsout matters. Denzil plan knew a ",4t,t down." Deasl'I sit. Wimostood. , The next day iviam sloppy And un- bee feeling.&. 'fhe. oantrovera!a1 couple it relnitef and coneetiat ills sanity „Only once or twice, you say Y' write the story for yoi ," ',_ great deal nhdmt ninny other usuterL+ \\'imp gas young aa.i Pres color- „f drdn't haus watetl Orel them:' certain. A thin tells drizzled daft- Sfurt!nkr, who neerleloually gtumbinti. matters, htrhuding weaving nuachmesn, ed. 11A had n Roman noes, and sous ( "No. Too will not lice long enough." Ind moved nwnq from the window t tarn Dt cnbbn a Ihine, smartly dressed. tit had w, an Grad• "No, no, of course not. Tort only Denzil turned white. "Nonstime! 1 guldly. One rot stand that sort of when Tout entero?, and had not tto- nr ldil hilt II rho pthink , dill the stunac g xa#aed annall I undurstaud you am yearn oun er than you,•' Ile thing ou n summer flunk Holldav; tired the imroedhtn ndveat of an. tt till, hhAvvelf to think atfuu0 * and snuff, and the Inner ecmwmy of man by dieroverang the wife Heaven thu h(v." y gnaHod, y g 0113 exports it. Dat to have a bad other visitor who had spent Iia time W illi, d wife few full Ot other tij dralnplpeg• Iie limit written for the meant for him. A had a bouncing Yen," maid Grodman, "but you drink protitably in i!ateoing to Mrs. Crawl wog trade paper& alnoe Isoyh(xsd. Dut boy, who sio!e jam nut of eke pan• 1)@11 Jd trot f+x,l enntortablO nt Deroemtree Rnnk Holiday Is too much bleR anal care±$• TUougln he ko{d the amerthm. to m lch " Or a bad thing, some steps mhouid before asking to ase the preaumabla harder than ever, the spirit seethed there s A great Competition on theme try wilhout anyone bring the wiser, .,ghat did lie go there fur?•' Whsp CHAPTER \'IL morels- be taken to conduits the Obj(•ct of his visit, to lutvo gone out of him• p�para. No many men of Ilterfiry gilts \Vhmp did what work he could du nl watt ext. weather elerk'e chronology. Once let • Ask hhn it it's a friend ear yours, Momethnom he forgot hitmself know all about the intrheRtetcehut• hauls' in It secluded stumpy at the top „I don't know. Pd stake my Haul \chert \Mote Inched Grodman t, ant Idm know• that Rank Holiday Is Com C+tiitc-reot," Roti 9eter. It was Wimp, in a Fina rnpiure of o;o caNstee of manufacturing find markets, of the Louse. Outside Me chamber of ex, ,i(,".a honor." ea Chrletmae plum padding at hfng'n Ing, and he svrites to the company' Deorlt was rather dubkms as to the quence-lashing hlmalt up Into a dl - and are eager to Ret tint, trade right, horrors he ryas the ordiarlry huoband yOu might double your #flake with• Cro3e, Grodman wag only a Cttle lint- fur more water. T0•dnA Ide stunk friend ill), but he preferred to take vlae reasentment of lnju#tice or zit (Irodman perhaps hardly allowed xnt- of commerce. He Rdored his wife, who out rtsk. primed. The two were always ever• seeroel low rend ins oaa drlbbllug It R'Inp rllluted. "Mtatlakes upmtnlra," parolee of eympatsy with the puffer- ticiontly for the stet. baekwardathmt thought potrrly oP his intellect, but „yet. I might! ( would, Yea, see whelm.nglg cordial A% they Inet, ht Out; nt time.@ the wintr,v sm would he mitfAt, "Will yet crm(, up and see IngB of Ns brethren -bot mostly ha: t3)MIII mac, when he devoted hill Wirh1s ori bio heart. Da domestic tilt- order to dlogulne their mutual detebta- whlne hn n feeble, dilated ivay, rind odded on In dull, mechanical fashion. lser with my eyeaa." hhn?" � whole time for mouths to ' Criminals oculi M Wimp was helpless. go could ••For tine moment they ore the ton. When profile really I!k:, each though the hoiidas-matcero wuull have Wimp lord intended a duolo tie. but He still made brief provincial tourm, I Have Caught." It won an dnlwng' not even tell whether the wrvant'a only ones available. When wag the other, /bay make nu cuuteahuent of preferred to take their gunshiae neat, lie ntad a 110 abjection, so Vt, tea, starring a day here unit a day there, ill► as A debauch• For widen Your "ch�.,racter'' wan fcarged or geaulne,. last tree yon saw the tw-O togCther7" tier matunl contempt, lit ht4 letter LheY SAvnrmrd fnrLh bt their myriadH ,,tumbled thru,u-1�Qg•tl Lhe Ilille Terata to Rnit everywhere his admirers remark- rivsM are pushing forwards, to Rtand PrObab'v he could tot level himself to ";ilwut the nlldsllo of Navemis,r•" t0 Orodman, Whelp list l Ito th+mght whenever tUcrP 1{•,Im fl. Pel)' Of )IOpe. alrH, ('rOWt'B a)od-ra01p. fl. w'ftg U Iplleet cd how Jaded and overworkca ha la,k still s to go back. 'tech perry proWouls. lie was Uke the "Mortlake knew notdilntri of their It waluld it nt:rr fur hill, t" keep But it wns only dodging the rule- quartette. \fine hail hardly expxet Rol. There wan talk 0t Rtarting n In despair Denzil shambled toil- tensor wrangler who has forgotten meetingo?" Ciu i@trema In rompatay than lu solitary drop@; up went the umbrelbw again, ori to find anybody at the house un subecription to give him ,t holidayon sOmely to Bethnal GT en, He planned how to do quadrathis, and has to solve I (kan't know. PenLapa he did, Mr. $tete• There seems t<i In• a general and the. mtreetm became meadows Of Boxhb;t they, bat he did not care to the Matine"t R. luxur,i nhadr,nRbY un laefore the window of n little toboc• equal ions of the second degree by the Coamtaut had proaably enlisted tier prelallee hs fano. of Chriotma. num` ambnluting munhroom.4• waste n (illy. \\'ns not Grodlmnt, too, obtainable "n the fey Pounds ah eonlat'# shop, wherein wng dlRPI11Yed calruhsl. ha hi@ social mienion work. 1 know tiers, mud Gro.tntnu ylolded to It. Ber Dauzll Cantercot sat hl h1i furover• on the truck. stow hunky- it Aret lowed 111111 Imo• week. Tile now lod[er a piaesid announcing "Ilow much' money do you' want) ,she was also of the attendant at Hide, Ito thought that a peep at time cont at the open window, looking tit that DPiszil hall seaehe the lir=t unn• wouLP duubtlemr luno been pie to "'Plots For FC11eP he asked• the Mg childrill tea In the Orent n•!Inp domentL. hlttvior wouli Ile till the huuim+npa in watercolors. the three• Xo that he mold np;,roar+•h hie, ivameribe, fur be seemed quite to like I do not make IArgaina;' Denall imembly Hall early In November, He pton:l as n psntma'nae. Ito qulte en- mmoked an sitter-dlrmer Mgarette, Avlthott exeithig moxpicbm. occup3ing Mortlake'n chamber the The aamouncemeut went up tobttte replied, his calm coats back by thin treatoa he; quits ItkP a Indy. Nhr toyed rho (tin that wits com'nts, fur he, and spoke of the Beautiful. Crawl wax Afortluke xroNvIM Whoa he waw• the night@ lie tuns absent, though lldwait that a large stook of plate wits to fie time, "I came hero to leader you a wne the only nttemiunt who worked know that Wtnlp limit not invited ham with, hits. They were In the first deteetice. ala obl,vtod W the (ohce thoughtful enough not to dstnrbthe obtained ou the prembiest---embraelhg anggeatitxa It struck me that you with her hand)." alit of mere " pencil Rml grmdwat:' floor front, Crowl'm b,,in,,;m, which, _;,,, tirt,a'ipic. lint crow•1 had no Idea hardworked lnddlady In tate adjoining sensational plate, tatnorous plate, m'ght o3sir m3 a fiver far my trouble. "The otherm Carried the calm Oi± There was only one other guest at trout its %,w• tit the, stile I•:nd Itund• „•Ire tate visitor sono, @you wh8at told room by aqui t ly nolee, Wimp oaa love plot#, religious' pluta, turd poetic chou'ld you do no, I shall not ratuae their feet, I mRalos: " tine festive toard. This wax Wlmp'" wits llielier titan the parlor with hl+ mono lie wait rather pleased to always u qulot Inas. ttrbte; also complete tuunu.cripto. or- it'll "No; how Could that beT a(s moan• w'fe'g mother's mother, a (Ally of it, outlook on the hacksard. 'Alan• meat one of Deeatll's high-class frie nd@. Meantime the Plot of the maath f#Inal novels, Iwema, and tales. apply "("c`)" I will Come to the pont at int; SB that fill the other attendants ne'w't uoventy. Only a m'no•-ity o' Crowd Ac,iR till aati'tuba, r„ulnt ns sad wmilaxrtod him warmly. PtxsbetbiY approoeled, and rho Rnat end was within. on(y. My suggestion conce•ao-Tom were rent 1ndL+s, +Ind Jewle wua roil, mank'nd can oLt�tht n grantiniether- rviiank ebe hent h,!-1„rna; but Peter he way muni furuou. editor, which hn excitement. Mr. Giadrtone `had Is oaa a very dhrty•looking hhcpt, Mortlake.” an Montrur, nn to mpeak. There was In•law by marrylug, but Whop soon did u,;t hili” to put the poet or hs would account fur Ida nnano stirring )etaented to ire present Rt the core wills U1�egMmed btheko and blackened 1?ertdl threw apft eke name ns it Iso 110 Itv fur Iter Se, l,qud,in!; kldH not unduly roncwltrl. The old loll,. rig%motto out. ile telt there wasHOmo- vmrrue tenolloctiats. He snmtn(oned the moray of unveiling the portrait of woodwork. The window contained it were a torpedo. Wimp did not cup, ori ten. I dare say she had ho'Iped Hollered from delilm'o,l,t, one of siting ht common betweon smoke and elde4t brat mail omit hhu far b-rr trthur Conet•ant, presented by se, going musty old books, an assortment move• tier landbob- uftan eaoc;le, tat that- them wits tlrtt fill, Av„H a center- puetry, over and above their being (people world bnce their fade), and unknown donor to the Bow Break a' of tripes and tobacco, unit a large "Tom Morilake," went on Denall, there's quite a bushel of brntH below ar!nn. S'w dr+o-ii for the part. It both Fade, Besides, Mrs, Crawl war not without treptdaVult called (IOw•n Day Club, and It was to be a great namtaas of the yllest daubs ttnllttng, looking •disappointed, ''h'ad n Hweet; sp,;lirm. It's nimust an bad it" nt friend :,; extrtordhmry what palnm ladles sulking In the kiteinCn. She had h)cen to "aJother" for gloss s. "D(utlter" ob• tupetlon, Tie wlwle affair oaa ant• gselallod td oil on academy bonrdil, and he•art." Ila psnlsed impressively Crowd'@. Jungle wag a tent brick. lint ,cl±l take to control their agge. An• arranging for an excursion with relived nt night (h1 the game alert• Atir the lines of (arty polltor,1110"t ", aafremed. Thesu wore lnteude.l for &\'imp aai:i, " Tes t" 5erha X Tom didn't hinny 11er ,+,no' other of wimp'd grandmother•in- ,Peter and the ebildren to Victoria pleat) that the bo -r moue m ht , tO follow their iads; bot nu sncury' `` S ill van ConiaervitLlvee sad NOolsUgteipsp, "Where is that sweetheart nowt' Perhaps I didn't lits(, (on4tant to knav'm delmstnn4 w•ram tdutt Wimp had Park. Fho had dreamed of the Cryo• have paid the w•enk'H scha)I trod fm ,idered thcroselca Jtzotifsi In {tsrem� tlilee. The most expender w•as +'\t'here, indeed Y' coil ou hat•, nat'1 it le.t ter a + carrel, nvirrlel to get her Into tie fam il,y. till Palace, lint w:ntu ('Inas Ind pot halt the 1un11s tering the comndttee tot tirket$t=''#tf "Chipgtord Ctutrch," and It wa. you know &lout her dlsuppear• Anyhow-, wlw's ars,ppeArai, li�o the Nut to frustiato hid dd dgn, she al• no gilts in the cobblor's whores. Now "Wa wart, )lest thll(Lug of poor Mr m)' notldnngg of ladles. Ami the sow marked fM bd, The otaoro ran [runt ones,?„ I1",fiat "a the ricer. Th'3re's ,tilt n ways gave hhn her tougaany on hlgh• mile Could not risk S !ling thetenther ['aistunt'. )wrtrni„ air. Wlmyu," stuld mittet+ de#Ired to Ise present than. ed• to tq lid, unit were mostly repro "Von have just h forined mr of It." trace:. The lundlndy, sono wan swell es daysand holldays. Wilfrid wimp -the in her bomset. Thin uhte bratH ex- thu nacvsatcluua ('row]; "they're gn• eNemt, utne•tenths of fife npplleatlanm aNtptatlons of fioutch moinlery-a lilt „ Vt.,, *lie 1t, front• -without a tee- fod(vnt of hers thitt Jesale used W little boy who mtolo the jam -was In pressed their digappofntment by scup- hof to unveil It, Mortlake tells ane• em for admixelon ha() to be refused, so Is ?.lilt gonntnlas tm tyle Unekgrouud, t+hn went abaft a for tight before unit up .her bine? into drflgar@ fur great format the Christman dinner, ping Ono another on the fitnirennen. tie 91st ori next month ut the Bow ununlonphe.eoccseions.Tlwuommltte& with #olid refleetlonm In Lha water air. ftentent'# murder." uothhu. tell:+ lite that she's droud• The, only drawback to hfx enjoyment peter felt that Mrs. Crows connected Ireak o' Day Club." agreed among thenWIvei to exclude i aid a tree ht the foreground. Houle- ,•atur'er? How du )roil know It fully neoyed at not laaeih•t tsenu,teft wits that Ito sweet. hooded no xtenf• Ulan to tomo way with the rnhdnll, "Ah," mold Wimp Matx1 nt heals rte iolr sex altogether ux the Only times the tree would be In thebaek- e,ow nonler?" the mlightest claeoto tier late ten- le,;. 1114 mother presided over tine and wax unhappy• WiaH it Dot enough npare,l the troubieof mun(rcwvriRg tic way of dloposing of their womankind A round. Then tho loon would Ire In ,• mfr• Goodman saym au," maid Ban• aat'm whereaboatv." platters, and thou;ht how much that he Ind been deln•icol of tho plea• roaA'ersntlon; "Myoterloun affair, that who were maklag mpeecbe am hanger g .,I'on bnce !neon uxakiry; a ulrfei (ru cleverer Gmdrpan sons than lar Ins. prergtftlDu# Mr. Crowd." the foreground, Mky and water wore zit, startle:? I galls• f sure of pointing out to a Hu Stn Glaolstoae's. Each uommltLesaMu 1ptensei8 blue In all. Tho Dame of the "H'm! lm't that rt proof that It your osvn account, apparently.' Iiarl. Whom the pretty earvant who maltraN tltP mutual contrfidlutonsot "No; LL'B the right thing," nnld told lite #lmtN, female Countis, and • Sol eutlon roam'Origm,tt ell paintings wast muhkie7 Well, gO ore." ' Only of Um lartllady, Jew.Le Armor waited al them wn.H aome11tarlty hr,clthals ani? the Yang of Nolomon? Peter, "There aught to b3 sone mei t aunts, that the other rommltseeg�n dope by hand•" Dunt lay thick ufon Myatt m fortnight before, the even gave her till wesk'd nottCx• out of the room, Wildman load re• it wits nut often that Crowl could DrW of Lilo man In Wle dint. c Ind Snotated or. divesting the function overythlagt all it Carefully shovelled suicitk•, Jennie Dyinuitil disappeared. but pall her in Iso of It, marked that mile Nammed very (jppu Count tit much tin andieu-le. where ha worksd albue wherren heave , of ail grace; and Avlint could a roan ,pent and the pro(xWtor looked ax If Nor they tell me In Stepney Oreeu, Rod left Infulediatei3-. Tine landlady qui-Itive. Thl:i e;lueldea with Mlrs, )r ells Tho Iwb I r r d ell Y he dept to his ohup•wlndoa• at night told tea I cuDW hole kuorkud leer down "A e,!1 yon still roll Nature lreauti- ear. p„ whed,h►e oaa in n mtnorit,v of one? where she 1+odgei and worke;l,^ Whnp'a own eouldc•tiolar, thon3lt Air. fu1 `."' tilt mild to Denzli, pointing to Crowd, who was not u member W without taking his clothew off. He , What was ohe?" with a feather, Unfortunately, I 1Vbrp rcruld Amv-ar hs brought to tree the ragged silty amt the dripping " e it it's only ]gilt;' ewait i Mort• jte Break O'Day ('11115, was )rartleu• . utas a galmt ma.n ,with a red nose, ,• illi. wax it dreg omaker. Mlle hull a watin't there to mks it, Or I lel tuld milyt ling Ilegatlstmotor,y or matwelous @aces. "t gly old scarecrow !" duke n whdt eagerly. ''Hs roam a n+able �at1y anxious to hear the great oor�a• long but ocanty block )wits Covered by AvoiWerful toleut. quite f+tsi luwable certalul,s' have knocked tier down for about the girl, not even though there "I gi% elle seems to•day," ad• telfow, n tram phllnot4tro(drt. The � whom iso dexpds d ; fortuawsahv a smoking cap, and m Luxuriant black Indha4 it t0 know of ht. Ona Of Iier not kesip!ng her @Yen Open hetter.Plul were faults In h 11 in the "char• only that xhly uawehtrh worker I'vc Mt' - mpntMsohe. He smoked] u long clay drP eengwite preeetnted at Court. 1 su3'm it ehu boll only hn4 the, lanes Anter" with tvhla n li r IaIXt mletrerm miffed Denzil. But what ha t Yoxletya shear Ish is the oobblar_(1 ever mat:' h pipe, and had the air of n broken-down think the duly forgot to pay for it; suspicion beforehand that the minx had applied Iier. t callL3+ but n higher form Of "Ile wtam that;' #alit Peter: "and anxiety a hew. )dmeaf, and op ratio viltufu, Baum) :' Tau hose to leek deeper Into the of Lhe an the ,i' rent him alibww. O1!e au Jcm@ie's )ivadlady raid." (die dared to call Josomte tt Minx) wall It Avon true that the loss had prick• h tD vee It ; Huah etnlon ill the, prhelass it'd a .aro (wttern s tt$I$dNMlYteaa Growl %von in the ilret flush of (Iiawr- l= ,.Ail, good afternoon, Mr. Canter• " Did she live alone?" goiog, she'd lave known where, or ed np her encs solo ni Dimill Canter• its tit the, few. 'fu ate thio' soon dost, Poor fellow, pa0ur fellow. He pt'edahei olon when Denali Cantercot returned, oai; he said, rubbing les Mande, ]tall her name, would lave been somebody cat's name wail mentrmed. Gradients li rho Uer(nl, moa. l've Haver post ; from cold, Inti troro Hsu e; "Mutt "Mile had iso parents, )tit the hoeeo hatton tit sl hln endo le lovely ns Ilse after n anddea tend Him cl t es ere 6 else's. And yet mile admits that Jenne++ How it null watched Iier, stud fooled g g Itko. All I wh+bn utero was 4 ltegl'eu amen of three day#. HI# clothes were he" Yat brought me?" sous nopectnble." v, re, -washed ruluH of cltieu" for hi to go to!" is blew ltle,3 noxi muddy Ansi tattered, title cooked hat oaa looking III and a•orred, fueled Wimp to the torp of hire beat. It wan, F "` ' Oaxi pl,vt's I aupiwre P" ' tit nut )aa wouldn't Ilk@ to m out Nothing, raid Denall, "but Ii fU° ,, ,1R n. rot's dream,.• old Ing!" of oxmrne, W1mp who i,ntroducedi eke into lt," mold Peter Crawl• AH he elwko Alrlent • Y with fi t'et1 poolsei'h,arub Arne deformed, Ile cavniler ]ward yens i?.; will land me n moveroign I'll d0 3.0d a "A woman of character," murmur- set's name, ani )fa dill It iso cannel i erohbef. matted, anti hs a es were bloodshot. rianaetl' ",is yours, for instuOce?" `` the driztlo maddeul)' thickened tow u •,\Veli, hre., there, It there I#," said Y et" 1 fire a t ; I deism." ed the detective, ly that Grodman percelved mt ales torrent- The cobbler nearly dropped the sieket (19ta Operatic ylllaln Hixwk bis lock#, Poe "Didn't I tell you s)?" tried Den• that hu vviihed to pump him. The Tole,• at the eight of him. llulto Canter. lit. e ski Mil of pawky eumdng, "Jf Tan drerrn you oro 0 poet. \l'o'll u'e do oat nlwn3d kiss tLo woman 1 le he Is;' &,kis] Wimp fervent- ,,, ' pp wolf ! ?She . sono attgagfld to Afore• sll eagerly. "Another girl would lutea ]don,that the rival b)oatLoun l mhoatd tit , he gtwpedi. "Why, where have you did it after that, it would be a we,lov' .'1 Iv ; 'put 1 tbouldtn't bike to go there e lake?„ let ouL tLnt elm son# going, But no. come to !dm fav crmtirwatlai o[ ens• •'N(,eak for ,'nurxell, J>dnsil. l'm Duly yon iSPen n11 tharo .lays?' stammer. not a word. ]fo plumpedd down the plelomg against hili own licit Jackal thu waw er Iiid.' "Terrtb bnRyt" said Denall. ".Here, "Oh, yes, The madm no secret of A i'On were trine IuPE .mere to me „, I%" tie opnd w clbou did with It. The in tragemetlt was an 01d mea. money and walked out. Tito landlady wag tto funny. It sons Almost a. funny Nature Isn't 4, lad. Halk), thereegoes � the a a glass 0r water. I'm dry as tthetla pbis turd wUo bought them, Whell he iveus earn) St3#. n week ran up'+tnirs. None or 4811161 things to (im.hnan that evidence of smile govt )lortla::c! Po�c a minute of this will him, 7bm, wlatwt yw ?" wadd Urnzil the wlara:' �tiol never knew nor care(1 to Asa cion ]tor, they w$te tutvhlg warn there.' 13110 must lnavequletly should be obv)niaty lyll to Intel In sok IIn t0 tiro akin l: "Oa, nn;' nnswerad LysSn quires)', (trawl ton Inside and got the water, Brains aro O]fanp u,•:iny, mild f sold them off, or transferred themta the, bmrom of Wimp's atud•muiden; 'You rrvnember Ina wrilt out lifter trying hard to antorm Maw Crawl or �su oaa glad h to shad a up to buy n hoiss. He tvorke(l nil Tho labor leader Wan walking along me; at least, so Mra• Drablultp Halo ;¢ : �rnag Railton t HookedS who print the the new place, I never In my life met or) Obviously that Wimp could not lice with bowed head. He did not seem to their lodger's return. "Mother" had r' New fork 8ersld. f tread to Oake a girl who He thoroughly know hot lt. OrodmAn enjoyed his Chrhstmng al. the htquewt" z ewed herself freely on the rub• ltarle, you've known nw long own mind or hind a mind so worth taruter, secure that Is had not found mind the, AUower. It was sotns ssecoade "That hoot cvnlicrwuti,,:, he had my 'etilly' into the ewm(ar room.and beforehe(3V.HltQwdCrowh'tnlnvitati4mi with you, Toto", Bnbl Cruzib. "He loot of the toot Borinngg Jw ld has, et.. to td at ate;' be acip. uno (la,y tine Father of the Chs I knowing. Else &)way# remldded ate n! • maacerstar nits. all• Wimp for his to take sf>glter. Wimp ho did, hear It and not in forme wUlojt would have 'rTrprt s dead;' said thaopmraLb W the Maid of Lara seat,' part ooltemptuamly wondered nt didn't may anythig toyi,a taut wools commended themselves to tlm vBlahl, patfkpg away, to{d mm all about 'Mortlake and tie n° g he. ghtwk hie Uetid. b I t'# fnatkillwe literory .ansa lu- "Iddeerl I And w ap dill mho leayO?' the, rosy Geatman'a that ht hovers( lead you to mot one l aJla In sting Anna;' Dried the Ir• young Iranian., Yo tout How times "I n rte 19111 of November." abort henxll without rosin the "i know I a tun't offer you A drawing• N of Lie r, 't ` Interposed � Tl0111n) post• y nro'Paurfgod I Two years M t( g d deed, oho dell neat hedlate 6O call hie,, His e es took a dan � ort- "Mortlake, of course,' know•o where truth, A runs, eouttantly aloin 111111, note with ductnneeea stuck mtwut It," Afortdake, Impatettl` nap tnger and R low .Windier who hunted look. Money lie mart hake Ilii to struggle %clth anY ca14 site is?" ; . tore onld Peter, vexed. * int BUt the uparutio v111u1m was grnphy-now lie IR In with all the q can't say. Leat tins I sous t Toni turned the handle or the shop "!b you manic think hu sons mor lad run away t0 avoid paying the 4 "Denzil ix a man of e11ne." stili dered,'1'on>" sni,l i, will' I r. Her toot of a husband might uelin, and goat to the at homer g door and went In. There wits nothing "Mr, WIni p,+ ,H,aanon (m that point i" 3 I s ible. No pirn, no "upper. tit Lhe nrkrtocracy.,, the house to Inquire -It we# at ,the Gtxadmnn. "And us such comas matter I' quite #ora ?,e would never Bes poor DeraU wont out flaming. Iie end of November -he hadn't been Re+m the heading of Rusplcbne L'hnracterx• la the world which now galled him In mora vohlebl, than mine," replied eying, on the scoundrel again• How• r moi where to turn• Temperer "]bdfcal At. P's.," murmured \i'Imp, EUere for rix weeks• lie wrote H0 ham written art E !a Pans null nee than the eugplclon Liras he roes Tom, tr t11)'. ' is nods hnvo been eul- -. gndlltg. Wfsllo r and still barred rend It tr me• It la morbid from the, Gide, hien ultra tics sick of liter q+pe' ever, Mr#. Crowe was went NPT@ hm inroad ort IIs ural ,gain and tO hen of renege, r,Ometdmoa-thm land• p tY.nck-up and wished to cut old .fiends. wax Dental back again. And�yet Mr• &red deapalringly at the mkap• from the dazzling drawlag.sent., Indy knew hill writing." start to the finish. There Ie 'death' lu foo picked hoe way through the nine chiliv I( til (;+ are bored," lie addtod, where beauty and intellect fore• # the third ]las. I daresly you know meatslflgl+, Cresol frit no nenge'o[ victmte He y, vrhuiow. Algufn nae read file ;cgaad' satUar..A uaere Rrtlsnn I A tennual Wimp hooked ITPnzil neral ht !n tie w t ow, clung ang themfin ly hh, eye., and field,. "You mean, of cour$b, root kntree, die sing them finally b had an dPto tt crow over hls Mart' PLOTS FOP. SALE.' g Ill pw!tvhed up fmy took." Orodmun'x Y Ak, n,t on were the last Milan . laborer Y' De nzil's eyes Mottled au' e0 accuse Mortlake Of tie murder artlesmnee@ tuns a jet of coppers to scramble for. Petkr Wer and to attar that •' Nee 1 i11ter lie $datVd so Jortg of thlH that It perfect. knoll 1; t., I:r with hhtt" maid DeekB' [toil you soP" whlMn le n.grefiser K(lly• fIo Hasa with excitement. of Mr. Con#tant?" "No. Y(m mu iso me;' Wim r re- met hhn on the stairm find shook him t'ri"l fanghed. "Hit ,you tLerq Ims6 its megai . When tae wmnst They Ray iso alwa s wall A Jabber I gly Anti admiringl and the m moi tinrui f liife. of moat of tug Y "F•nmo, not tit nil,,, ntaromersl Dep• plied, "1'nt rove ho c+wldn't have band InvtO y, Too.' , `oil fife wtatdr suddenly ?hairs upon er In the composing -room, and lin sit, "only' You know what Mr. flood• dao: much Un ft. Look nil ,your IPL- sok him into Mrs. Crewai's bedroom, p.o they did nut hmvn Tont theroa ly, mis ct the. of !tie. row[ ad to hlfp ngwo, 'they txxt a view mignifl- Uaa J tbtrared hw)eelt r ght out Dt it man wrote u the PMI Metl. Tine ter ha rte Plie It, ok t you more " i on t mind els ad a yt nom. I m ...w it lenges, for ho departed, .looking wo to /yet the venter d an Ind to pnatw• fie went to meekly, unit bar- mad Unto a pretty gout Fhlug. He more we know about Mr. Constant'# polls, mild refintim3']t than that ally a pinto ma , u e os o sue WIII .teA.eD vvaric .tynparcvi than wino le g0 to Lhe kitchen; and els hr- wax $W#41 ] frmrpence of the O(Ier•atte vfl- didn't have Hauch to nay about the lite the more Ave shall know about the mho ved?" any what comesu pp rm tt I But t ell lite. R'Imp went coon after, tend una$y etmd n tanrithe mi mnu,th)" hill. There lie took tine 'bun (or Crimes• o! capital when he wan set g "Ahs I didn't know ,ion did am the T Crowl and Denzil were left to their dtsdra for drink he the ntion f the Hoothind Yard, There wa" m trot ill- up to wCO1 l the tenet of ' Railton ek Wanner 0t bl@ fid be I thou ht mY tilt! tram t i so L ore, 1 ain't el dRy lattraoted the attention of the +t hntormntion would lx, epluabla tO you, Unnnr of readlm_c that." the, eoui," Wald Peter, punning feel ej; hdermfnsble augmenLntlon concerning Indy In piosaeeslon. Crowd Ind ru cx' h akhtg mervaint girl to the ids i TeN Hock(em' nt the brain feast." aml I brought It " "Sin, yes ; wt, both rend It," put l0 and letting a mirthlesm smile plait' the limefu) and the Beautiful. �hqthm of the veh,le sttal to T stat and butter, toamt and but• ".end ohs• didn't yon take It to Mr. Arm. Wimp. "I told air. Whop it Ivas Ill, sallow features. "Yowkn.+" M`n pimp went wont. He had several ,'.alit the situatko. Mrs. Ciloisi rani Into rhymes, lu Ilbl brain. tie forgot tcr, sok] Wimp, genially. I Grodman?" vary clever attd Co,;ent, Atter that Cantercot,lsuppose?Thepuet' 1-ilrings (or cords) to hie bow, unit he Into the shop to Improie It. Mr'. 411 about his $ituatksn and file tib. shouldn't blame a man for serving „Boonu#3 I thought It wouldn't be quotation trona the letter to the ''oh, Yoe; low do you do, T( Neel' njtimatety found himself tit Khtlai Crowd followed ill r Ili y I W1111 - n jurat, He had never really written ami the two together, Mr. Catitercul Valuable to me." poor fellow's flans,, there could he the, New !'(ark Herald Intel)•'. at bud, elreen Cemlatery. Being there, hi went troll of spilt water Ii hIH isrep eplc1-except "Pars(1ts, ic'st' -but Densh forced a lough. "Yea: but ',You wrote 'Cr)minali I Have n3 more doubt but that !t wtam nine. throe old thotw, ellV ( down thPJ aveumA of the dead t0 a e scu cro , where 11:11 dl.reputn hs ttlrm{tasgd lyrics aUotit wine and cOasi#teney's my motto. I like to CaWfltt?' " dor. Mr. Wim r woo enlvhmed by ht, ^Nva, said Tom ; "I wish wait back raver to note down the exact date' of b, scarecrow. where Isco"-- S wren axil often wept•to think how nee time royal goal Immaculate, ua• ow -how do you know that?" to), weren't yob Edward?" int lem'sa ills death. It wan A day on Which the "jiuleh, usrther, Ir him drink. Mr. mGarabte he was. But it Y over changing, Immt)'ab;e by fortune. Wimp was startling him to -day with 7idward coughed unea fly. It was '•Notamen#a, danger " .aid Putts., In dead seemed enviable. The dntl, soddon Cantercot to thirsts." hosight as thing of him, except tit- Anyhow, when better time# coffin for a vengeance. n trite statement, and therefore. ia- much Concern. "Look the good you mky, the dripping, leafloom treem, the "Dotes he rare if lily children are ihslit Cin curing or attacks Mortlake.. the engragameut stilt drug' „Your style, m3' dear Mr. Cauteroot. dlacreet, Grollman would plume hitu- are dol ng to the won ingm+ul. Look lent, siwngy roil, the reeking grass- hungry ?" fila tart Iie w a strange. gal tat. die did nut visit her rt, much, q y. p p g y everything.comblued to make Otte long llenail Uthru Lhe water gpxeodhy (gf T9te ani tie noble style.' telt tarrSbl At this moment \Vim how you are @wee in awn 'fire ?silo, dew a Its Lllrnat le w tit u gulp, a. wilt eftnoture, mad the wench felt Phis last autumn iie #aw vary Int- .•yqu, I was afraid It would betray felt that Grodman had been right :n Ah, it's a grand thing to le 911 to be in a warm, comfortable gravel gqape pretty ander Ila ardopt ggze. t'.O Ot Iter." me; sold Ikdail. "And sines you know, coma wing n bacbahor. Grodman per- Tote,. Tlso Idea Of your clmckht' your• away Irom tjfe leaden ennule of life. tie it it +vera broody. Is, elaaoN h��r5paetl$el her, though, Ilow tie you know P' I may tell you that Grodman. u mean ceived the burl,or o[ the siiuniiaR, relf away on it congwxln' roam I 1Auiddenly the detimillce's kOatt eye "Mo v:Ir" Ile ca re emae uk hIR Bps, esti ahs looked down at her new ^ 1-I wail of" in Stepney (freed. curmudgeon• What dorsa he want and wore a cur:ooa, sub -mocking Manual labor 1# all very well for platil caught might of a figure that made hie "I do rare. i corn h rievely. o rel *(!gash kW boo& to escape It. My bolstered took Ina past tie house of with all that money and those housing rmae, men like ane, wi„n nu gut but Just heart throb with madden excitement. do,pl,+ t n )tea grieve arc moxa At'Ileaiktad Yard Dees11 asked for an evenirg, Sometimes there wits tie -n man with 5t, &ease at Lhe Dcsnti• "on the day I was born," said enough brains to oee Into the reatitlee it wos tbat cot n woman lu u gray derphs tlnsn to Ilegr that n Mdid, n ward Wia$p• Edward Wimp was light LI Isar romn. That meupt sbe cul? He'd have taken my intormatiun, \Vine's gratulmolher :n -law•, "over n of thinglr--tot understand that we've dawt anti a brown benumb standing 'a1r ItttU• c!i ld--tbo IleaRntltul In a ,pp view. Sake klvgs anwi editors was dov4netafrs pto,rlpUag with tlx and v g go s', tore c. ralled•1n grave. Mine lint] no mitshelT -had mitered hoarser. YOu p )Yai are ike Mit of aP touch Iran a given roe snore kicks than hundred eats a o tbera was ft baba t no soul and no ImnmSrtollt and �, wrow ate." iili %-0100 won tremuloum p S ha' oe for it, so to speak," murdered.' W(mp iornd h[mmit wish- all that -and too selfish to look after umbrella. Tile rain plashed mournfully with il,e meson of Injury. Teare stood fIr•► a 1. soft aro a criminal, when ,, 8 w m!ght hnvo tssan out with es, be h+ it shrewd man after till. lag It bad be>a she. He sons anxious anyl5ud 'R t0ndort but nu own and da we anything of theme Tom f" 3 Y upon her, but lett e,0 trace' 0e, her ky hlI ,Ing $H knew M Tdwani WIM to, Rx; I knew Tom rear Ott tete t don's RPP oinythMo vti ke." In Your to get back to Cantercot, "Don't let mother's and the kldti. But anon that ,;.inking , but s e l Wimp crept o lle- „51•r r,it ,(e,5? I've e,l A,11 1(t wrong p. e%i(,udA against Mortinkm" u tack chop oft Christmas Dnv," be you and Cantercot-It ahi't right that hind her, but nhe ?aid tw h(r,l to bind. ... n;,f ! Mew. t'rowl. "1 alwcld ilkP a 1Y bmoauma of Grodman's platform somewhere or other. H3 won "No!" said Denall, to n disappoint. ea Gd, smiling at Grodman. "Besides, Ann ghoul l Le po,ggin' away nt Inv Her eyes sorra lowered to tilt, grille, Y" fat' hs successor. Wimp working up to all hou ix orptatsfng Lite oil tone, and retirin he was oin to murder iso t a vet a propriate mob- mntertal things. Not that d think Cao- : it'tn't tall• 4 g g v P wh3cls eeenned to bo, dr&Wing thew to• �plon't talk of woln ogfy things"eald •t a 'ill i of tease find culture. e:ght hours working movement." b(a robbed. "Nat when Mortlake wad je(.t:' ttyralL'x QoXprl any calve to tlxn wnrdn it by some gtrnnge, morbid tui- pleat ill, tcaucldtag Its threat narvowmc. `t M's forests Were entirely '• A very d rrn.on tot relaxiD gOo g ahrends' Jenluuo of Arr. Constant, wlaO "No, i8 otn't " sai;1 Grodman. "How mesnrs. 1'hn flmm11tlful IH all very well clnntfmn. lila eylN tollnwod herR. Tfi" well, what have you Iraetl Itol$►g No1 the ,problems of lite owewthearting." wan a Port of rival organizer, un- did wt, grit (tat to it t Oh, yyea-Den nil for folks' who'ce got nothing else to simple hevidatme tore tile']nine: " ir- 1111 titin Laze?" evident*. Books about " It war. fie never went to 8:epney .paid ! A kind of blacklog, doing the Cantercot. Iia 1 ha I he, i 'IbaVe cur:- think or, but give me the Trim. Yoa're that Constant•." "Why, what should I Tae doing?" 11" ht$ $Die reading; for Gr'eert at a week a!ght." work cheaper -nay, for nothing." one, for since Drnsil wrote'Criminals, the ntnn for my money, Mortlake. No 'wSmp topped her mnddenty nn tine flow should I know what became he cared not a straw. " lint you always did." "Did Mortl lke tell Fon Iie wan Jeal- I boyo Caught; Isis mintil,�e running on referenr+B, to till• funds, Tom, to which shoulder. ori you t I thrnagfht it was another wish kkf flexible Intellect, had "No -not every night" SUN?" Said \\'imp, a altade of Romantic tiothiin but murders. A poet's brain I 'cuntributo little enough, Hkavcot ,•How de you do, Mrs. Arabdnng5?" murdar•" f ooaltgorst for Orodman Lind " You didn't gu to?" Contempt plemdng through his tones. is easily turued:' knows ; thougtn how n phare call know Airs. Drn.lxfump went dead) c white, •,What e' Densly* wham deshe(1 to lalsotion$y IrondaryoOun, al- "Never. Was . wouldn t hermit my "Oh, yes I He maid to me, 'That man IWimp'a eye glittered with excite- unyzldng, Ilenven alone know#. Yon Shot turnel round, staring ,at Wimp fr,tJmeut,+ un Clue fl . r. ''What ,!n rftiMWs110 INWIodr• Worse, he %!sits. S'ne was a girl at strong char• will work nif-chlof. I don't like year meat and contempt for Grodman'& give us the umeral, Tom i that's what will,,nt :,ns ,,,•i,gnhtatr, Sou meaHn?" tlmt&%WW to copiper the actor. Sv^ always roma'.adei uti of kid glove philnnthropiNte mtMdfing in hf nd0ew . In Gr(diu,n'„ rr `j,rr: th, wurid si,wtg uture thu's the Idetut- "You remember toe, murclY;' )Ie gold, (To be Coutinood.) tradltton of (Irodmnn by Flora afnr,!anti H." matter, they don't understand,"' danced an amused heard of Wimp ; I n ilial " "I'vo been down once or twice to your vsWtder[ully ittgautuus bit. u( " Another lady of runt acquaint• "Those werre file very word. ?" the outahler his amusement appeared "SOCratem, maid that the useful ill place about that pour gentlemnn'a pa- Glengarry LiWrate offered the ovia- Wt u" nil h f once?" "Hs 'ipalsgimn ve!tba."' nil the expeasa of eke poet: the Beautiful" sold Datail. pera." Hs eye indicated the grave, (nation for the conmwu to Mr. Mp taall#O pg ctrcutsnetaa "A ,lady I know better than the "Very wells I have your address in Ql'avtag wrougght his rival up to the 'Thal may' }re," emlll Pater, "but the Lar! I resmmber you euro," sand Jaeab Cohell, IOanutaaturet, of Alex• 1 la putt]t1� two and gfadowm who su . wnil me who s my filem. Here U a sovereign for t,1 ." h:ghert pitch, Groimaa slyly npd sod- Eenutiful aiNt the UBletul." Tdfi, Irrabdueap: apdrla. D[r. &Jae11 sill sire hie ana> so sputa five. He would snore foal to mo tbau eke women who "Only Ono eoverelgn I It's w the donde unstrung him. " NonnPaee C said D'na:l. ' \t'hat "Won't yon roroe under my um• were within a month. `n.! ta�tl4er a number of dark tsesteu me for Ills erica tat aparsintuate. learnt use tO (rte.' '$ow lucky for Deny l 1" he #aid, about Jest!@ -I mean M:g. Dymond f broils ° Yat must be dreAchad to rho Ap uakaewa teen was kiiimid a *i4mignm$tBld ditto and flub Jex!o Dynand, to0, was st tthe race "Tory well. It's of great use to me, stilt to the ■ams naive facetious TLere'n a combination for you. title Wctp a explosion Ot dynamite In 0 the etretrlc light tat of herO!ttes. hire oyer were oleos. blue, I hnvo u wife to keep. Cliristmsay tows, that b+i call prove always reminds me of Grace Darling, „It don't matter, air. f can't take usurp eke QatarLo eA9 Itai hag bypothers in a way two wells with Troth at the bottom "I lieven't,' Sold Denzil, with a sickly an al:b! la thM Constant affair.' How ks ahs, TOM�If pt, kt�t. I'vye haA EMB tI1g11mRtIe. tkl. Railway, satins of Seven". rt0lNui )*'to done credit to n of each: When I looked into those Tmile, "so perhaps I can manage on It "Aa el'b! P' #$aped Wimp. "Hoollyt" "?ihe'a dsetl l' slsappmd Term, t 7tptfr!' . `'- � < •.4_, ' r v t' r ,,,t x g. i x , rrt t i' r ^ ,v, .a t..u3 , 1 . mo i.,: t ;•s - C SEr .^,'., 't 5 ,. - , ;t, 't'.`r,: :_, �i`k 2e �. (f-. 4, ' - w,a,. Ra+.. u_ r i �. t, t ' `�. 3a.,. KY?t tax n! v '