HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-02-08, Page 6IN SPITE of IIIS stern. itsfeeriefeasseteaisalereeseeteeetiluseeasee CHAI'TErt I. title time, ail, after checking up thole " heats, the email boy agate dotted hie OIE out, there, blast yer : I tell yer hat to the Marty to the earrlage and to get out-d'ye heart" stood modestly awaltlag the cuetom- "1 won't get out. I have Just as ury nickel for his services. atoll right here as you hate, Bill The gentleman. beckoned for him to come forward, and the boy sprang Dont11; and you need nut think that elm(ly to the side of the carriage, 1 ant afraid of a bully like you," uestowleg a ally but admiring glance "Bully, eh ? Si I nese a bully, am 1?" upon the little girl and her full - "Yee, you are." flooded pug aa he did so. n What Is your name, my lad "Ye little fool! I can smash every the ;eentlemnn naked, In a kindly tone, as bane in yer Ixdy, an' 1'11 do Jt, too, 't he manned the tine, frank face of the Pe delet look out. D'ye know who yer , htld, talkies' to? Take It back! take it bac Ned, sir.1 ye don't pony over that (lower gafok I or 1'11---" " Ned, W l Ned whet ?" double qu!ek. Hands oft, there," he "1 wall% take It back." "Ned lYallbtgford." eoea'nued, throwing out knit arms to „The mag started and clanged co'er ye dare tie say it aggrea ward off the other Wye, who would sightly at the eoutxl of the latter "Yet 1 del too; you are a Break eItMhe cowardly bully, and everybody nine, while he searched the boylave kept him from Nod, and, grand- 's ng In mortal fear of him, they scat. Peeved' it. You are boned that you'1, tamtetanee more earnest's than 1 e ;el like eo many sheep before a in hiek every herAe that comes W fore, a troubled look Loi lite eye. Atter sunset're wlf. tib fountain„ and get all the nickels. a moment of besltatlon Ile drew a pie'e All save Ned, who, with heightened you isn't glee anyeexty etas a chance, 1 sliver from his pocket and qulot-Y rotor and a dangeroue gleam in Isle mud h's downright mean. But I'm not dropped It into the toy's Iteral, eye, bravely etood hs ground, deter. afraid of you, If the others are, and Ned looked at the teensy, Iluelted, mined to tight for his rights If I'm yeas to malte for the next horse Tleancecl ostially from It to Nle geu trivets to It, to the biter end. gen- tleman's face, then stammered: "Gan' ter give me the >ot 1" de - that coulee g i y Tis ghees spirited conversation had "It's -its only a nickel, sir, for monied Bill, epee:oohing nearer, with been carried oa by two boy elle at. 'heckLtg the horses, and -and 1 haven't t menneing air. overgrown. slouching, untidy-lookhtg aa'Y change," "No," fellow of perhaps fourteen years, with That Is all right ; I don'tkwish any "Then I':1 make yer-blast ser I poaresa brutal aid eett+ual features ; berme," was the kindly revenge. 0w -ow -ow--" the outer a brlghtblank.eyed, ,r(sey- " But -but -a quarter's too much He hid reached out one long arm ' elteekcd lad of twelve. clad is elem. sir," (altered the boy, tow crimson tt' to melee Ned by the co:aer, when the aid whole, though much patched. gar- 'rte brow. 'agee little fellow, watching his op- sMlnty, with a strangely refined face Not for a plucky youngster Wlte portuntty, sprang torwarl and plant - ler a street gamin. a. ad a keen, alert takes hard knocks at bravely ae you ed one clinched flat, with all the baaritligg which prepossessed one great. lid a While ago," eml'Ingly returned strength of which he was master, Air- ly tit Its favor. 'els patron. " Keep the money, my boy, sally under the bu'tly's chit, taking They were etendtrg, with four or Ind weloome," hien so by surprise and with such five other boys of like character, by"Thank you, sir," said Ned, heart- force no to nearly knock les teeth the great drinking fountain In the lis, anal with gleaming eyes, widle he out of his bead, and mike lbo coward square where two attests formlaig at,*rented two rows of nice white teeth howl with pain no above. Outs angle, lead lute the busy city lit an attractive smile, as he again But he rt'corere l h ms if s^mawhat of Beaton, doffed hs hat atter a moment, when be began to It was Sunday afternoon, a cool, Then as Budge walked across he bluster and swear, and doubtless idoudles. dellolous day lit June. and Itt:e mistresi' lap, laid lila paws of would have returned to the fray, bad tbesi boys were lounging around the the side of the carriage nearest Ned nota policeman made hie appenranee *tales) walthg for chances to uuulieet wagged as gracious an approval an haround a corner, wta+tt be Rawly re. Prima as they were drtvon rap to it ,(gilt y curled tuff weeel permit ofrested from the spot, rubbing his Waft arefrealtingdraught bolero go- \ed ventured to pat his silky head bruised chin, but vowing fu.ure vett- ing on into the delightful suburbs. or and salil, softly: ;wince upon Ned for his unexpected into the city, as the case might " You're a Hire doggy" %smelt. Do you like pugs?" Mtge list grave Ned watched him out of sight, then, he bully had thus far claimed osiers Y tnqulred. 'ee tag that he had had bee share here. end the smaller boys, etuuAteg She had been a deeply ttereete i wit ,f loudness at the fountain for that menewhst la fear of film, had meekly . tat of her fatIter'e irttercievv with hes lay, he quleey wended his way to bon* lite oyerbearbg selfiebueem ra- young hem, and had not once taket hs own limbic home In another titer than run the risk of a pounding, her earnest eyes from lis face. tuertor of the city. mall, in cheer desperation, tote lad " Don't I Y' Ned responded enthus Mentioned had faced him, denouncing betically, " real thoroughbrede, an, CHAPTER Ill hie meanness, Just as a handsome bar- tide Is a fell -blood. f ant aura:' Ned \I'e1' ngford hid n long ds- " Of course he s," the little lady •encu to wank before he roarhei ills; commanded, In an overbearing tone you stole my trade from me, and now you've got to give me the KM d'ye hear?" Let hem alone, 13111," cried a chorea of vocel; "the girt gave It to him, and you, ain't going to have It." "We'll me," retorted the bully, tlereety, as ito rolled up his wleevee atul mautned a threatening attitude. 'The little cues abet going to have everything his own way, let neo tell yer.' Ned saw there was going to be trouble, but he had no Idea of giving up hie rose, go he deftly thrust It Inside 1119 Jacket and buttoned the gar- ment up to 111.0 chin. Then ne folded his arms over it and stood waiting with an air of quiet determination for what was to follow. "That's yer game, !a !t ?" cried Bill, angrily, as he realised that his an- tagoniet had no intention ot yleldlne to lea demand. "But it's no go -1'11 thrash yer within an incl( of yer lite ouches. drawn by a lino pair of grey horsem came rolling up Beacon street toward the fountain. The youe.gg'r boy had made a dive for the carriage, aid tide had called forth thedbpleasure of Dill Bunter, who angrily ordered him to "tet out." The driver stol.p'tt hie horses a few Peps tract the iashl to allow them to tort a moment aid get breath be- fore drinking. thus giving the mee- ts of the carriage an cpportuulty overhear the cesltatoversv meet re - The bully wine all bleeder, roiled up ,. ;big Ou11s-Il' the ragged erys of bit Oe, `e1IMbibV steevee cooed tie termed much .**Ind approached his opponent with a fIl'aclous antd belligerent air, vowing that Im would "thrash him if lie did nee Clear out," 1 ' "Indeed. I will not," stoutly nf- firated the little fellow, av he reed. lately toward the carriage. Bill IOW that he was off his guard, told allrtl ng forward. dealt him a pgQly tent nearly threw him fp ;hC wowed. Take that, you little saucy cur," healed, then, bonndlee to the tide of the barouohea he 441'4 1119 cap to the driver. and asked, is a reepltntful tone : "Ban yer 'mites unclteeked, nits - 1?" ile its-The matt would have allowed him to jkr'form the reduce, but the gentle Mae within the carriage. leatlng ob - Weld the boy's cow rdy attack st f >o ape >roargerIna sand smtere athanneblmeelf, 1 ller to: "NO. you young ravel, make your- self snares, or I 11 hand you over to the police for *emelt and battery." Quailing beneath the man's severe word+ entd 1i tllgnent glance, the boy Bina away, but mutterleg angrily on he went, while the other, now teeing the pro exit of makteg n ulekel, t darted forward. bru'liieg the duet from We clothes, and cried out, eag- erly: i "Please, sir, may I unclteck tie horees? I hialvosn't lad a chance to ds7" Yee my lad, go ahead," returned the gentlemen with a kind etnile, for the bnp'v bright eyes and intelligent face Itnd touched a tender mot In hie heart. for lees than it year ago, he had lald Ills only son -his flret-born. pend a block -eyed. rosy-eheeked boy, too -to rest lei tt stately tomb In For- est H111 Cemetery. poor Ned imd never known a Lather"I knew "Ho 111 a fine, plucky little fellow; 'I wonder if elm's got any brothers! ware sadly, it, deer," I hwnimtted ert- lse remarked to the lady by lite nide, Wl it I was her brother -t Net-hunk- Methelad sprang to the homes' heads rins- er atter a pretty girl like that, to especln.by emember that thisriwas and quickly a hooked the checks, -to love•" the Lord's day, because YOU came In softly patting -tile glotwy rack of the But Nod, having reached this point contact sorry, s thmetanyurude slotted boys. ave one nearest It m as he plunged his non- .n bIt meditations, blashel os red ne y y' true deep Into the bdusla and drank the re,* In hie (sand for kiting al- found me working to -day," she went greedily of the cool, refreshing water,lowed lnfan.elf to get sl "soft:while on, regrettu.ly, as she fondly slipped Seined opposite hhn was another too, he teeamo eus•cious that Ills iter arm about him, " far I know that lady and a beautiful little girl of per- eoinpantons were approaching him t mother's examp.e is everything to lea tetta and, between th m the with the evident intention of quls- her eon, and I wou:d not have you t o pugs, wearing on a e nee eam him til ding ane] event inter. am more sorry than I nreerted, with some dla d%y ; ^ bu hew do you know?" she concludes, with some curiosity, " I maw ham gage a minute ago, ntu' 'he roof of les mouth line black as me shoe. He's got an extra toe, troo, ane tate shortest nose I ever saw," Nei •eturned, confident of has own Judg meat. Budge's mlatreee smiled benignly ar tae boy mentioned these marked char tctersttea In her pet. " Hs name le Budget, and we cal him Budge for short,' elto vouchinfed, ' My nice, clever, old BuctyJ " sit added, affectlortately, as .11F"'patte the dog's st'ky head, whereupon th Intelligent pug gave iter two en three affectionate kiess. Then, at Iter father signalled the delver te en on, she detached a beautiful hut' from the bunch of rotes she cnrriec' in oxue hand, and hold at out to Ned. "Do you like flowers, too 7" she asked, with charming naivete, "You bet!" Ile creed, flueltingg to hie brow, as ho eagerly clutched it 'Thank youl-it's a beauty." The occupants of the carriage were sure they saw tears in his eyes, nn again touching hie hat, lie darted away, tee if aellamei to have then( ee flow deeply moved he was by thi pretty little act on the part o1 titin petted child of fortune, The vehicle moved on, taking the road which leads out to the beautl• tel imburbaa town of Brookl ne, and Ned never expected to see It or its occupants agree. He stood in the shadow of the foun- tain and watched It as long ae It wa 'at sight, a waetfui expretelon In hit young eyes, strange thoughts ane 'mot,onm stirring hie boyish heart while, clutch)] tightly In one brown Mand, wee the bright silver quarte; rule in the other the fragment mite on tiu<t which the beautiful child had glvetl ham, "It's kited of queer," he murmured regardla!r the mebnd tenderly, tome folke ea.n rifle In a carriage teeit!atd a pair of high -steppers, weal tine clothes and dl'mondh'-Ned line not been unob'orvent of the costly Jewel.: which the hullos wore -shave flowers and pug dogs, and no end of (tee Hengi, wizen poor fellows like me can't get all We want to eat, and have to wear raggel olt>ov and patched trou.ers. bite's got a father, too I" "A gentiematt gave It to pie for un- Cheok:ng kis horses at the . dtlnking fountain, out near Londwood avenue." "Olive you a quartan I I thought the most you ever received for Mali a tervlce wee a nickel, or a dime 1" and Mrs, Wallingford Nearched tlee grave little face with a keen, apprehensive glance. "1 don't, usually ; but this was a spin, and the gentleman was very n:r'e and khtd," Nei returned ; then he relate:) all that had occurred la con- nection with iii adventure of the af- ternoon. lie did not forget to apentk of the beautiful little girl and her full-blooded pug, and proudly dltplayotl his rosebud in proof of hs story. Nest, dear, t am afraid that eel- titer of us has kept the Sabbath ate cording to the strict letter of the law,' bee mother remarked, ti mad smile flitting over Iter pale lips; "but I trust, under the circumetanees, we ;hall be forgiven. 1 (nope that I shall never need to break oho command agate, or have ocua.toat to rented >uch an act foam you. But I hate to take your quarter, dear, tp help pay the rent," she concluded, a Nus - piteous tremnlousneta in her gentle tomes, (To be Continued.) .tome, then up three t:ights of narrow swlrg, in a misea•ab:o teuemettt-hawse m Itarrtson avenue, he sto:e with ewilt yet nalae.ees steps. "Mamma may be a:eop,ng," he rnur- mure•e to itltnse..f. "I wile not wake aer If I can help it, for alt:• gat u1 .1.1 midnight last ntghi, winking on .hese tires,,me sicquese' But there was a g:ttd smile on bis .)pe, and a tender light in bis eyes, ns he tol.ed upward, one hattd clasping .ho precious piece of sl.ver In the .epths at bs packet, the other guard - tug the fragQrant bud, which etlel lay redden Inside bis jacket. Ile reached the :est landing, tend, with gentle touch, turned the hand.e o the door of wh.tt answered as both kitchen and living reum, expecting .o Lind at empty and bis mother •y - .ng down In the ama.l bedroom be- yond. But instead, he saw a slight, dark- robei tlgure sitting by a window, and bending over something In her sap. "She is reading," be thought the tender light In his eyes deepening as be sto.e on tiptoe to ber side. But sudden.y he stopped and gave a start, the rel baud aushtrg In u ;rimiest wave to hes brow, a :oark of shacked surprise end grtcf sweeping over hna oxpresttive face. "Mo,ber I" ho exc.almed, In a valve of reproach, not unmixed with hor- rov. ' It 1s Sunday -did you forgo.i" The women now gave a vto:ent start and turned toward bim a pare, panned fate, wh oh was strangely beautlfu: and reflued, Ln spite of its excessive paler, while tears rushed into ber .ove.y dark blue eyes at hie words. In ber hands was att infant's daln\y woo: sacque and an ivory crochet - hook. She had been so absorbed In her work that she bid not heard kyr boy come Into the room ; but bo.h work and hands bad dropped Into her :rap at Ned's sudden ,exe.amation of dis- may, and now i 1Met tinge of red crept into ber ob {eetfs, as she met hs repraachG%'°glNince. " No, 1 'lid not forget,' site said gent.y . sadly. "And you made me recite the com- mandments this morning, and told me not to forget the fourth," Ned continued, whl.e his troubled eyeare- urnei to the soft f:eery tb:ng in her lap with a look rat condemnation. peetar , n ,l h t ik zing him re rding lilt re^ant nee on atom of respect for me. I can express a right blue rt inyn, tosilver whichIle was "I Fn yr with, hon. touch did the Inane that I waw obagel to do any work attanhed three tine sliver bels that y' y but, Ned,dear, It tinkled with his every motion. On the bag( silo yer," shouted cote rugged i.n this host' day; centre one the name "Budge" was ens urnlot, cnrtously, , ee,as abso:utely necessary that the graven; on the otlitrN the street and "Wiest oto 700 suppose?" tnditfer et of saoques should be finished - number of hs residence. entlY re.ponded our hero, ss he thrust the, they be delivered at the store Re appeared to be very fond of his little fa ss 9 t t hie t'ompanaott suspectei that he had asked "flow man inure have you Wn he would rise up on Ills hind legs )' Inst prociou.v quarter into the depths by algia o'clock to -morrow morning." Wren, for seer new u d of hitt pocket, well knowing that, If " I anew,' Ned said, gravely, then ale reeelvetl sect( a magnificent donation, to do t" . put Its paws on her ehoaaere, Emil they would give him no rest until he "Tbhl le the last one," replied his try to kiss her rosy face, aharel It with them, and he had re- boyyWhat a to treat ()roe te 1t little one that the to to buy Inns mother a quarter amll (have heent finished enied mbyt tlastaeveti-- bay o ea her great bine ayesof posted of nice tea with his money, ling, and they would have been, but child ed, remarked, wit,a Sher greetfc stance, for she had been obliged to go with- for that attack of pleurisy which I the movements of the Ind, while the out her tavorito beverage for more had Friday," Indignant color flushed her round than a week In order to sty bread "1 know," Ned said again, with a elfBelts for hervelf and hint, The gentleman laughed out with "A tt.'mkel-a dame! Did he glue you bit mother's nanPferetig,aaddfng aten- Oome amusement rat ties oboervatlon, es molal( as a drly. Ned?" the bo •der:y ,es be passed hese arm around her luoet:oned, eagerly. "My pet always esptnteei the "nude Ned nidal, (tankful that the neck, Pincer mamma e 01 the 'under ire rer dog Inthe fight,' law- query had been couched in tits torn], Wealthgford w'entromleel t011, " ndethe fIIrm B and he could thus evade naming the gave me oho work only upon tilt eon - Per ptgohed the little pink ear nearest exact amount. L CLERGYMAN'S ADVICE. The Almost Miraonlou8 Cur. of John McDonald, Cape North, M8, For Years He was Afflicted With Sptuul Trouble and Paralysis of the Legs -Was Treated by the Hest Specialiste fru V ictoria l Ieterul Hos- pital, at Halifax, Without Benefit --Dr. Williams' Pink fills Have 'teetered Ilim. Afr, John McI)onnel, u well-known merchant of Cape North, N. it., was tot ninny ytt.ars n flutterer from spina( tr ett]e, ivldrh eventually vaulted in part!,iI para; al . Treatment of nanny g:lids wits re ortei to, but without n•n'I, mall finally 1)'. Williams' I Ilk :IIs were noel, with the result that Mr. Met/meld le again enjoying al flied perfect health. Str. eleDott It's story le given a s follotvn In lib awn wors: "Atnmet thirteen yens ago I ca apt n tau cold, w'b.eU lodged 1n lie, tack, pio..urmg u teal la p LI .1 ,aeute were at fast m.orted to, but .uey law no effect, and the trout,!. .,eeume to alai that I could lurch,, wale, and could not go out of uuur. biro. The urcltGts were a dtthon• I also promised that I would I k apparently math- not tali to have the rent mons ready fled with his Rawer, although they when the agent caa to -morrow. He aloe buoy 111ke tltatt nes dog.g.o What it he should hear yob(,' returned the rust envious glance+ at the rode titio fuwief be lure by ten, and f can only little lady, to a low tone of grave but Itis Meld but Nat was I taverns test in my a greemort with him by emphttlo rebuke. why (Moro, always being willing that •ht:I n my ptb for the aacauea. I "Your pardon, dear, and hs ton;' 'lig rhicld tate the fountain. rat earn• thea not t, site to quite make upn tiff a nickel tt the tountatn, she amount, et It Is,"b the [dor woman the enete o respectsmilinglyt responded; iter, hitt at this moment, Bill Bunt- said, with a eagle, "but I do not be- " I Meant no disrespect to our ytwtle- etie again put In an appearanee from :leve be will turn us out for eo slight (Gieshero; drone blyytnt think In a nfm agnes-lce. lehitel an ad;aceit building, around a deficiency." which Ito had stunk when the gentle. "How much will you need to make it Mia ' What he pewee/led e/ledoit i man in tho carriage had threatened up?" Ned asked, thoughtfully. roguishly. lain wiui the police 001 twott five cents. I should "Well, Ile has such beautiful great mere was a vicious look In hie eye hove had enough and tome to spam, Weak ayes•-snd I always liked black and a Wimatattbig swagger in Ills tally If I take out more work the firm OM /on know; then his face Mclean gait, ae he npproachei the circle, of will keep back seventy-five cents to end lite hair was nicely brushed before which Ned se,„ oho renter, which nett' for the w"r-tea," vers 11'.;1;':,; that naughty boy pushed him down. pintnly tatoke,.,., hit 1. funs exptahteet. • He took off its flat eo Melted to yuu.Ht. there t" lo cried, In a taunting Ned drew Itis small brown hand from too, and -and then he grew rod and i tans, "to the little fairy pr`.ncest hit pocket and quietly laid his piece mulled at mel' gave him a roubuil, dict she? I any, of titver upon is mether'9 knee. A ripple of aroused but well-bred youatgtter, give a teller rt sniff at "Thea will make It all right, Inane l& ghter grorted this last reason for s,' and he stretched forth hie hand ma," he aald, "and 700 will not need $he lilt's lady'' clmmptonstate at to snatch the precious token teem to oak any favoestrom the landlord,' Wlikel lir. Budge gave a sharp hark Ned'e grate. But the boy sprang he concludes, proudly. of dlatpprovaf, for hie pugsltln watt nimbly to one side and avoided him "Why'Ned 1 where did you get 1t ?'e III sly sensitive of rldlaute, whether nil act ssrvei to increase the buily'0 Mrs. Wlllingford inquired, in a tone it teats pointed at himself or his young makes and ill -will, however, and he of eurprse, And With an anxious net. edatnes flew into a towering passion. triter of the Imes about her sweet, The borsht had f(((leshed drinking by nee,. le you young cub," 4e 'rooftree :Meth. TOOTH LORI(. Some Interesting Facts About the Doutat Function. In Jibe great Mahtgawa temple at Manny is a tooth uttrattatg pligrims from far and near. A. mewed ueaalmi waif emit from Sam to try to pur- enu0e th a, E eupeo ed tooth of BUdaha. An amount equivalent to t;2.it,000 VMS oefered for it. It is not strange that tt port.ou of the human I.o.iy etio•tld be thug worelt ppe.i..'i'tt a00 are many stlr:nea where teeth are hal em omeets of Wovelt.p, incluee.l while gala' caskets, and rarely exposed to Om gaze of the nultei'.eeter. Toe average Mittel lull values n tooth I.ghtly, even am an o Wect of tit 1- ty, In Its natural setting, anal Its Mem le eon I lere.l it tea tai matter un - leas It Mappens to be a front toads. Not until neatly all the teeth have era destroyed My decay or removed .ty the tercets does one realise wlt'tt MN happened. When one tooth las been extracted, :ma have vanity loot two. Taetit rut and grind. Tito grinding teeth may he kerne 1 to mil stonca-ono acting upmt the other. Remove a tooth, rind tate opposing organ is without a function. It brie Both ng to grind against. It will lengthen angitis, am though in earth of n mete, and In the ease of the gnawing nnlmale the big of an nelsor (anally result: in the death of `.he animal. The oploming tooth, elon- gating, prevents the nee of the re- maining teeth, or, an tramenth• hap- tens to rabbits, the tootle, !timing no work to do, curves upwnr] ante It •tenetratee the knit. Luckily, our teeth are limited fig to their growth. The lass of a tootlt adds a wrinkle to the faro. This is not so apparent onrhnps In youth ns In middle age, •tlthough even In the youthful the low of n cnepid, or eye tooth, le plainly ndlt'nted by a line extending from the wing of the nose to the angle of the meutlt. This lo crewed by the shrinking away of the prominence which outlined the root of the tootle. it im a curious fart that nowt peo- ple In chewing use ono Mile of the month, more then the other. Thin inn be traced usually to moms defect en the unused side; but the hnbltuenl ase of ono elite of the month la deme mental to the opposite /:lilt, and to the health generally, "The strength of an organ depends tpnn Its nee" nppllet to the teeth as It dosa to any other part of the body. rhe mastication of comae food may wear the grinding surfaces, but tits bee not interfere with their fume (iota, ae le shown by the teeth of the 'Aqubnnnx-ground down In many 'noes to the gum, yet showing no aigno of decay. The same eunditimt :nay be seen In the teeth of the Cali- fornian Indian. Nature has provided 'or the wear of the tooth by building from the Inside, when the pulp whieb ocupiea the centre of the tooth Is ppro(tc bed. .t tooth standing alone in a dls- •taed, tuthealth,v condition may teem leis health by ate presence, but 10 - '1111841 ane emu Its feltowe i, Melly attacked he torics it Ie folly to hate at examined In title nge timid ore chi attic method: at your ewumurl 'or its preaervntfon. Nu matter how broken down tun] ueeleas a tooth may 1pp^nr, It may be built ftp and rester - el In the Mande of a sklllul dentist with far lees dbcomtort than was atperiencei two ;etre ago, mo rapidly le dentistry advancing. eater dark, tit I Would to alma', _eaistet to LtL 1f I itt,ettiptee to avail. .4'' itt1 treatment 111.1 1110 au ha,:o. t tre..a mix t.Lirt.i t( utotor.4 ma t o .wale 1100 11 Way (1111 sums 1 011k 11, ,riU for un etcatr.- bit, tett it w.,, , mply money ,('ante_:, ia.ara w•, u. 0414 tali 1 wag t'oatetunliy gruwi"a worse, uut.l lin tin, spring 1.)1 18 . my .ower barite w1.1.11 t gearely support die. Lt Julie of taut year 1 wt.ut 1e tuo l:cto.ia Ceueeti Healed, teat tvaure 1 ant:enrol for tw1, months under leo treatment of th -est the I.th t tut wean I rcturee .uilp11 watt actutIy woes thea wit 1 eeterea the ho,p,tut. Teta (Itoaonghl, amen -age,' Inc, and i gitt'e up til. ,tope al ever getting letter. I con camel to grow wuree until (about the a.rot of ,letunery, 18 ,e, wean I had be .owe No bad tint 1 could not tam .(lone, fie my legs were Lke eti:k ander me. My only tuetuts of locuuio toes was erutcltcd, nal nay leg maggot lifter m, i lee 1Niles i 1)11et1' u .mt.fr, I roust not ruts° them on nett from the flour. .(tont the firs, of the folleeeng April tier. Mr, Thr Loot strongly urged me to try Dr. w'.Ilfnms' 1 ink Pills. I had tried to many things without benefit that 1 lid not think the pills could help me ant nevertie Lei (loaded to glee than a trial. After usetg sly love + I co .1 aeo that tleero wee a slight 'merely anent, and I continued using the pills until I had taken thirty Voxes, and by Vint time new life awl tiger hese returnee to my lege, and I have N(ti ern nate to attend to my burette: ' eh'nil the counter w•ithont thy al I o' crutches or even a stick. Linder Gaii- ilest'ng Dr. William; 1 ilk Pills hnvt restore] me to a new measure of !eolith and energy I never expecte to again enjoy he this world. "My re0torat'on hoe eon ed it great wo'tdertttent in this eeetion, and as n insult t have soil many gross of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills In my sto"o, aa many of theme who have bought them from me tell m l they have cured deem of tleeir tronblce:" Dr. Weltantte Peek Pille net directly on the blood and (nerves. They do not !mime, and therefore do not Weake ke other m enet:lee. They giro strength from the first pill to the last neei. There are nlauv dealer, whc o'fer pink colored substitutes''., became the enitetitute ghat them a greater nrot't, tut these Omni I nlw)yt Ix. re 'nee 1, ne subnt'tntee fire either date genera or absolutely worthleee. Freedom( of the Praia. In eo tar as the press extends free dont into unwarranted Dau e,where 1. uttucks prltatc character, except ae a name made eaeentlal to the public good, where It wire to sacrifice the. Mita dual to vent personal animosity or promote selfish Interests of any na- ture, where it will servo ati atiotat- ism at the expense of justice and right, It Is without Justification and elould lin mnmaarlly reetrietcd. But within the field to which by inr the major portion confine: Itself ire eetabifghed rights thould be held Inviolate ns tt bulwark of the people against any and all !novelle -tam tender; to the usur- pation, abase, or impairment of their wlprenee authority. - Detroit Free free , state of Ohio, ('Ity of 'Toledo, Lucas County, ee Frank J. Cheney nsakea oath that be is the settlor partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing Maims in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the euro of ONE HUNDRED' DOLLARS for each and every came of Catarrh that cannot be oared by the nee of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENF.Y, Sworn to before me and subscribed In my prenent'e, this 8th day of Decem- ber, A. D. 1888. A. W. GLEASON, [Seat) Notary :Public. HON Catarrhs rnro its taken inter- nally, and acts directly on the blood and mmcatm senesces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CMENEY & t'(1., Toledo, 0. elfin; bt• ir''icrlct', 7 ;t• Hales Family i'llle are the beet. Used as a Church 1,500 Years. AGONIZING SUSPENSE. QUEBEC ONCE MORE. A Young Lndy of St. Justine Writes of Her lixperlenoe With Dodd's Kidney Pills, ;Mss Anna Choiette Was a Sufferer from Childhood -Doctors (levo Her Up as *Chronic Invalid -To -day In Superabundant Health From Use of Dudd's Kidney Pills. kat. Justine, Que., Jan, 29.-31Ise Anna Cholette, of this place, has been an Invalid, owing to Kidney Disease, alt her lite mall quite recently, when the began to Improve. Iter matey friends were delighted at the change and elle met with congrntnlatluu and encouragement on all sides. It woe not generally known, howeter, tent the cause of Miss Clmlette's improv. Uig condition was due to Dodd'e Kid. net'; 11110, and it was not until the other day that the fact was given out. But Melt is the clue, field Mies Cholette aekttawle"lgei the ben 111tite luta derived from Dodd'a Kidney Pills In the following letter, glting full details of her crate for the benefit n1 other sufferers. " ince the nge d' eight years. I have suffered with Inflammation of the kidneys. I ata to -tiny ttventytour years old. I Murton to write you, therotore, to give you the full details of my cure. 1 volumcnecl to be sick wheat gong to Naluol. I wits not able to bear the Btt:gue of study. One day mother fell pick awl the doctor profited by the occasion to attend Mr, also. He came often Co gee fix! for nix months when he told me it WAN not neces+tary to come any more; no trouble would right itself as 1 grew alden lie made nothing of the ne lithe t had been unwell already. "The tn,abie rontlsnrrd constantly after that. I suffered greatly ,end wa-s belrldden 'Unmet continuously. At this time I (was under the consnitn• tee% of two doctors. They gale I Mad been suffering this Tong time et in- flammation of the kidneys. Tiley gave nit' maty umdicinat, and I was under their treatment for two years. They gave me no relief. bus parents were greatly Dallied at eyeing me muttering sit, and its for mei If 1 felt thee l scald never fined lslen•ture again In thie world. "My father one day read In a news paper el the good ettectm of l;odd's Kidney Pills. He bought three boxes t of deem to try awl they gave nee ..oar. relief. He bought tue at dozen more boxes and nowt 1 ism perfectly well teat overflowing with life and spirits." The Terrible 'Situation of a St, Vincent Lady. Nt. Vincent, Ont., Feb. 1.-Noio'her nen In C1111/11;1 hag gone through a etto.l of Snell extreme ttuxlety, al- ea/antler b"rantler with delver, ray ;tar. Jos. McCullough, a Itighty•releadea, r:` - ire t farmer of thd.a place, experienced Melee the pant nunumer. Letts ,tprtn has (anally physician aro. tounnie t Mrs. McCullough to be ufferkee frdnn an incurable case of Neuritetiet!et, or Nerve Exhaustion. di; s wee extremely nervous, hyeter. teal and a)et>tnuteut. She had severe 'lett'tuttir paint, palpitation, hal 'Etre nntnrt in her left tele, and over he kidneys; her feet were perpette illy cold, her Ince ghastly pale, urine eetlt-tofored, scalding, find leaving n brick dust deposit ; taut stom,eM,splft- ea*, he:Wardle,, and pain after (mi- l•ns; oaarenoed h?r. She had no aplfe- 'Ite, could not sleep, and lost flesh 1r.trtltmily. It teemed to her friende Itat 0111) Wets "s0111eg into decline." The phytteian full Iter only hope of elder lay lin the WeIr•Mltntteil treat. :rent. Thtt beim; so cuetly, waw out •>f the queetlun, tine her husband be. tiered there wets mo hops. He read a 'ewmpaper arttcls Wieldy recommend. bee Dr. Arnold's la:ttgbte1t Toxin Pile ,boat tete thane, natel deckled to try them, Soul n clitenin for the b'teer %nate, mei tiny by day the patient lntprovetl. till eeow the is ne welt, troy f nn+l vigorotus us see ever wet. Her recovery is ties entirely to Dr. lrnotd'e Aitatlleh Toxin PL:le-the only 'entedy that euros ti eNote by kill nee 'Ate ,extetke that cense it. Every other ineetelne robe ton i felled. Dr. Arnold's En el th Tovin fills are old by nil deet ;+gt tis at Tee a box ; %im'ple ease, 2'k'., or meat to't-paid on t•oaebpt of price, by the Arnold Chem- ictt Co., Lhailtea, Canada Life Balli• tree, 42 King street watt, Toronto. Well Baih,iieed. 'A (reading a modern perlodicall-Trht me what tltie poem wane. I don't undermtnd it. 11 -That's why there Is an Illustra- tion lrmlde It. A -But I can't nnderetnnd the Illus. trnt'on. B -That's why there li the text beside. it,-Fllegende Bbetter. To Cure a Cold to One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund lite money U It fails to Dire, 250. E. W. (Iro'te'a ttgnatore le on eaob box. A Daley From Bos'ou. Mrs. flreene-Tibet' may one should never watts a letter nal never destroy MR. Mrs. Oray-Yes, I tempo e that le a good plan, but there is mealier quite an good -give your lettere to your hum - Mend to mill. They never will einem any any mischtet. Mlnard's Liniment Cures (target to Cows. The Sana (lire. Chickens rot mini. hogs roll their meat over in the dirt with thele pars while devouring it, Ergo? -Mon end women should do tho game If they would avoid dyspepsia. Flu gay's a new prophet. le hat to Ent asked an end - Wilt, doctor about this. "The Lural only know.: !" Paid lee. '"fllere are more things in heaven and earth than have beset dreamt of either In philosophy or i rience. Jlnylx' the human family is +ulfering for the leek of Nand. If it is gee it to them." And tor the present there le where we leave St, except to any that one five -grain capsule he a doge, rand Nle doses it day the required nnmher. The ,fury's Verdict. "Gentlemen of the Jury," asked the clerk of the court, "hate you agreed upon n verdict 1" '•{Ye have," replied the foreman. "The verdict of the Jury is that the lawyers have mixed this ensu 1111 so that wee don't knew :ui}ttii,g :it about It." , }Hoard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. i The elated building in the world Taking No Hiske, that haft been uninterrupte.11y need for church purposes Is St. Ifartln'd "It's no sue,' said Mr. Blykine ; "I Cathedral at Canterbury, En The weal t speak to bim any more. He's too building wee originally erected for a controveritlal." church incl has been regularly need "Yolk might simply wish hlm o ria ti place for religious gatheringtt happy New Year en, sag no more:' for more than 1,300 yearn. "Wien lets hien a happy New Year! And start another argument as to when Mleard'e Lialmeat Curse Dtetemper. tbo next century begiasr" Mxtremee or Temperature Is n never•f:tiling cameo of ,titaness. At Ole season of the year neuralgia, toothache and a boat of similar dim eases ore rampant. The greet gum time then, la to find the quickest, eut•est, nal most economical remedy. Polton's Nervlline exaetly fills these requiremente. It s prompt efficient awl economical, and exceeds In power every known remedy and Is as cheap tut interior articlee. Nerviliue he no upstart remedy, but Inas ate Juyei an Immense sale for the last thirty years, and has brought hap- pinese tend comfort to the countlems numbers who have mei it. All drug• gluts sell It, and doctors meow - mend It. Heard Him Patiently. An Auchmlthie fleherman, lain cnteehleod by tho minister ono day, exlt bltrl nit Ignorance of spiritual kuowle ige which gr:'atly altock i the good man. Titin a late(( ietcro rop- y mond and tiecuaatlortN of .nrele s• near, nN the at taster was con tiered that the man's Ignorance dal not /rite from want of rtpnc'ty. The totter- mtan hctrd him patiently, onS n'lr11 he had feasitel sail, "Nob Ir, yeee speer'd moray question: rat ate, w''.tl ye let me ewer aria at ,von 7' " 011, ter thinly, :lobe," was the reply. " Weel, how molly betake will it take to halt n tutees score ltttddook line?" " Benne, ,Jelin, I cannot answer yap,, said the minl'ter; ' It la (mite out of env way." " Weel, s:r," said John, "yes shoaling be ane hard on pier folk - you to your trade, me to nett"•" idlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Cheese Pudding. Put the crumbs of a French roll into a baso and cover them with half a pint of boiling mlik, add a emelt piece of butter and beat the bread until it is reduced to a light paste ; season it WI !t 'elery salt, cnyenn, black pappr and a little grated nut- meg awl attr in three ounces of grated cheese, and when this le well (nixed, the yolks, of two eggs. Whisk the whites of the eggs to a very stiff froth, and when the cheese mixture :s COM stir them lightly Otto It :end bake at once in a buttered lee dish In a molerately hot oven for about half an (tour. The pudding should be even- ly browned when taken front the oven. Dear •3bt't,-I wag for seven yenre a sufferer from Bronchl•tl trouble, and would be 0o hoort'e at times that 1 could ec'trcely speak above it wktrpore 1 got no relief from tuty• thing till 1 tried your MINAItD'd HONEY BAL'.tM. Two bottles gave relief and six bottles made a cont. plate euro. I would heartily retain, mend It to any one entterlrng from throat dr lung trouble. J. 1''. l'ANBI'SKIRKt Fredcrleton, G:neral Correa, formerly epnnlslt Minister of Wit r, Is dead. ISSUE NO 6. 1900. Odorless 1-t Closet. This new and um,t useful invention has not only proved to Yu a great teller, but a boon to hundred.. Many medical ruin are using this closet, and nil pronounce It absolute), odor- lessand sanitary In every reepcat, After Mang in the market for over two years ,its closet hoe become no ttopular that the manutaeturele have had to double their output In order to meet the demand. For Catalogue and Mee List write to THE ODOItLESt CREatATOlY CLOSET c0, HAMILTON, ONT, (lorry of Oysters. Put one tenipoonhd of butter in the heated diet. When It Is melted stir in one tableepootttml of grated onion, the Name amount of flour, and tt teaglouI- ful of curry powder. Gfaduully stir In ono cup of oyster liquor and stir until it thieknm ; add two dozen oysters and season with malt. Cover the dial end sok about two minutes and same. WANTED. The Undersigned well pay ten oents oath for eopies of the following newepapete for the year 1599: Atwood, Ont., Bee, Aug a, Oot 13. Baddlck, N. 8., Telephone, Feb. S, March I, a Dutton, Ont., Advance, Jan.12. Florence, Once, Quill, Oct. e, Hampton. N.B., News, Feb, 9, )latch 18. Hepworth, Ont„ Journal, June IL. Regina, N.W.T Standard, Oct 16 Sandridge, O't, Echo, Feb.2 Sturgeon Falls, Ont, Colonixstion, Feb. 2, Address mune to The CANADA READY PITWT CO„ Hamilton, Ont. Neglect of a Cough er Sore Throat often results is as Incurable Lung Disease or Consumption. For relief's Throat troubiesuseBaowN'e BRnN'HtAL TROCHES, a Sime ple yet effective t emddy. Sold oniyin boxes, GRN RtiEUMftTISM BE. GURED? You can't toll without trying • • EBY'S DAISY 0112 The Now ('hcmioal Contpoutd, wonderfully affective In coring Itheumnl Ism, Neuralgia, (sciatica, Pain in the Bea and Sidee,Lumbago, ':ore Throat, Di h'herla, }'rust Bites Tootle eche, Brulsee, Kidney std Bladder Menses. Sold by all druggists at 111 mils, 01 from M. F. EIIY, Chemist, Port Elgin, Oct 1'•O RENT -FARM ON TRE FIRST CON - 1 ceaelen of Toseeroeto"ttmcoe. Eighty acres cleared and fenced Louie, large baro and good water and wood fur burning. Apply t0 F. W. Brennan, Hamilton, Ont. OENTA \1'A NTEU-ONLY AtiTHOHIZ- IA ed bite ut 11. h. Moody, by his son W. It. Moody, with whom Is associated Ira D. Sankey; over one hundred original Illustratlone, moistly exclusive, reserved Inc this work; tide in the hook the. public will want; mend te-entyare coins for prospectus and outfits; this is a great chance to make stoney. Fleming H. Revolt Cominuty, 15t Noose street, Toronto. AGENTH \S'I'TED FOR 0CR TWO NEW books, ' the Libraryd South Africa(" !four books In one); and "Dwight 1,. Moody The :Ilan and His MMsion' • the books me well written and up-to-date, and are not a rehash of old matter; the prices are low, and the terms ultra liberal; agents can make money it they take hold at Once and eell, our books. Pros - 'meths free. It you meanominees other ar- rangementsforttecanvaaiern'beueat. r IUlam Briggs, Methodist Book boom, Toronto, FREE To Introdues our Teatc Ttibulea ip FK '. E your, locality we will site ftreree with 11 L. each box of Tabules a gold of gold finished enamel Mouse pininggold plated ruff links. These Tabulenare t he greatest tonic and blood purifier known- cure norvnu"IMrder•, female weak Item, pale and sallow collude, Ion, kidney and liter complaints rheumatism, dyspepsia, headache, and ell diseases ocelot - toned by impure blond or weakened constltu• Con. They are the great family safeguard. Will keep the doctor out of the house. I'riee 25c. Tu anyone selling Duce box"e for us rat 2.i:. each, and teudltig es I Ile looney, we will give free a ben"( itul crystalline diamond pin o: enamel ereei, pin, Send al once. hoods e'rat wnur divas looney received. - Modern R ,mayfly t'u_, Horden street, Toronto, Canada.. England's Fittest Rarer, extra hollow ground very beat rater steel, fancy veined, celluloid handle, regular price $3, our special price only 3{1.W. This razor will be sent to any addreet in Canada, till postage paid, upon the receipt of NAa. Fully warranted end money retnuded d not sahmetury Address n[an]ny Mille k Co„ Box 207, Hamilton, Ontario. WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARY 2nd, 1000 CM Central etRATFORD, ONT When coot of tuition, board, eta, eapertorite of training, rapid process in atudlee, and lake Ilhood of getting a situation atter grad are considered, our college litibe beet elaftortS Canada for You, Our 1ataloaoe gives patient ora Write for one. W. J. ILLIOTT, PrinolMl, Sausage Casin s--Gttlons'm5. English Sheep and .Ams can Hog Ul ingn sellable goods at right. 111114•014. YARN.. RI.ACKWELL a CO., Terooto WANTED --000I) GENERAL AND LOCAL agents Continental ltrtlnleawCntycholedsotsadibrl tracts to good men. Apply 11 King Ile ea west, Toronto. Ont. Virginia Homes. Yon learn all about Virginia lands. soil, water, climate, reef erees, products, Icahn berries, howls of cultivation, alma wee, by reading the VIRGINIA FARetiffe bend Ho for three mouihe subscription to FARMER CO., Emporia, Va hire, WIilelow'e Soothing Syrup should al- ways be used for Children Teething, It mottles the child, softens the gums, cures semi nolle and la the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty. Eve cents a bottle. t' 1I i QG mNO a oa e.rvitete Seine .131 No nee. Send to 931 Arob street deiebla, Pa. for treatise end tree $2 tee For isle by 1. Huh itin Notre Dea EDDY'S MfiTGflES HAVE f WELL-EARNED REPUTATION. DON'T EXPERIMENT WITH UNKNOWN BRANDS. IT LENDS TO BftD RESULTS.