HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-02-08, Page 21'1
the emulate Oral* The latest silk
steekings Actually Mlle In a vari.
oty of colors.
There are black silk Mocking' of
the fitteat weave, with a deeti, °Paw
work, lacy leurtep, showing the de,
sign outlined with tiny sliver span•
glee. Then there aro white silk
stockings, appliqued with delicate
Mee bowknotr, embroidered with
flue gold tbrettdo and the relit of the
etockInge flecked with gold open.
minuted elk trtocklugs are teloo the
vogue at preeent, and are extreme.
ly pretty. The stockings are seen
111 a great variety. They vary from
the (banging cu:or contrast of black
anti Roulet to stockInge wide!' allow
the artistic blending of four or five
efferent theta of one color. -New
York Journal,
Her Little Buy. toga attd eve t ywhere around H ; Ha-
te " Always a InAle boy to her," p tom p I. u shooting tuR i V iltei A nd horse
No matter
'aces are decided, and joy is uutton•
bow Ma lieS grown,
ller eyes etre bend to the stratelo filed. After 1 he eeremalle, and af-
of grey
ter all the guests have kissed die
he'deal to lemanly bride and brdegroom, the wedding
teo tone.
fooM ilt eaten, and then the guests
His taloa le the Hate art the lay ' emend the night in dancing and play -
lie naked. tIVS g Imes. It 13011131 be a breach of
" What makes the old cat parr?" ---r
and ever he's at the name
- ettquette for any of the gots to
Ever j
depart before the dawn, and indeed,
A little boy to her. the fiddler's mule mid (lie
" Alwals a little boy to her," remind made by the dancing feet are
be heeds not the linm of care often beard until noon of the fol.
'flat terrine his face -to her It is levies day. The wedding tour con -
elate of a yurney to the cottage and Taffetas 111011013 lit any eolor, With
All It Was In his boyhood, fair. feria °Ile 1be beet" 13134 effort; d atitelei Went*, large collar told
fat hopes and his Joys are as dear flout his father awl whith adie ts lapels, unattended with application
to Mr the old homeetead." Ince, as le else the bow that fasten
As they were ht hie einadeboy day*. --- the benitre In front.
ife aster (+awes ; to her he* ittil( Table Decoratione. "My little boy," oho sops. The newest way of deorattior the A Novelty In Neckwear.
r " Alsvayie a little boy to her," Chiller table Is to place in front of Hilt crattits, long enough to go
And to.111m ehe's the mother fair, - - . -
each attest a little basket mach) 4)1around the neck, cross behind and tie
ee '
With the laughing eyes! anti the cheer -
(liver, cragtal or chime fillet wit 1
1 113
front with lung entire are ilea and
ing smile floweret. The middle of the table is lei- Pretty where the ende are slashed
emeriti by it mirror with delicate rah into strips about five ineheo lung,
Of the 1107110031 daYa back 'inn"' ver trInunitetote 1801311 and platee of toeach strip Whig hetton-leiled nil
of gears.-
flack there, somewhere in the inlet bons. encircle:I by garlando of flow- around with Mack silk, or of milk of
Brickthere with the chielieli joy, ere are arranged en the mirror. Fruit a darker retinae of the Name color as
nu I flowerare 111011 frequently min• the cravat. Some of them cravats.
And to her he IN never the man nai gile I In table detorattona In eeleeting saps the New York Commercial ACI -
fitment for the table. rare shonid be wetter, are Mashed into five ..trips,
Ahltilterays " her Male lety."
"' a Dye* a little boy to her," Atone. moot. like the narcieses, tithe width of the silk ribbon itemi for the
taken t41 Hetet l all 11110' hiving a Rutin art maw pig tell, according to the
s ,
The eareitse march of the years i'4144'. Jasmine attli lianclittli, ao mato Ino lee. Seeti funelfill tie, of course,
die per.ous are made ill by thosa odors are more mailable worn with opett•
Ouse tainally by. and its drumbe t
Et* ever they reaeh hoe pure " remittals flower, like the camelia, work embroidery 03 moulage ne cot -
tulip, memos or aniqull, are preferable, litre than with the mannish linen
The senile that she pees is the ;mI'' il n It laugh mew an 1 violets (40I114)ul bawl,
Pillow, IIIIII0Vatte44. The elllell 01 VII
TIII/ wrinkess are 4111011109 'of Joy.
01 7011111,
coliiirxdaft.thenum le equally (mite In. To Renovate Furs.
e.r. Ornan ,•r- I r I .,,,, Many II bright young W0111101 (alt
1414 bah.' w" 44 graY, IN " HUil 113' eorathe',filistvli it is s° nst'ren"Y". oleo' her own furs, and oleo entity
SAI Ray,
'Ziii," • Ityett RIO cselored, may Lae) 11.0 eli est) '
' ali-l• .01.11V, seemed I f time work, by placing the
Ile is, alwityla “ her Pvt.
...le miy." „1„ with exeellent effeet. ' eollarette, muff or other article to be
"te : --- __ cleatteti, 1,11 a hard goatee, etch no
it wulanito, TO HicitiKST HIDDED,
- -- Done Wtth Irorever, marble, and by titivating intuit white
cornmeal, and after a good rubbitig
Itawysister of an Indio' c Hier 10 he ' All.' he 1110a11.131, "t1114 Is nut the shake tile meal out and rub well let the
----------------------, hold fur like se i . 1‘111.1 of broad timelier %testi to make.' open tile If the furs ere white or even
n t .
'Perat,' hts fitir yooe:r (1311, light it will be necemetre 31 0 repeat the
Dale, preilltrillir to abolitift tow Itist eleamile before the work wilt be sous -
client In the Indian territory' are lookfrom their fatally forever, "It, is lett faetnra•
hog forward to the marriage of Mary the kind tete used to maks, lett It In
e. ) ---
: .,,..et. tkiradropper, the only chiugater 44 PC•
- tit i lane elle stakes now. aim brought Um ul (furling riutd.
t ler Freek Vorndropper, with great 03,1. „ ke4 eia. weerexem, „.0.„1, TI i 1 I I i I
...le g.r. W.IONO .141.14 t.OPIe Set Peel
re. Aecortileg to n. cutout In ow knew :t yea would b.. so Ile tll MI I y, 013 30 If II river's BURS r. le
%VW unions the ()ogee from titne gmot to get another tante of 11 7' oftem tamely tried by the feet that
iliffiennorial, elm will be gold to the Thee there crept into Ian eau the dump weather removes all Watt` or
Met Wader, the twmpensatIon wild, hunted look that people reed crimp from her well -kept lecke. She
made in ponies. Chief Corndrop• ithet, can, if she wiolies, lessen her trote
t.,.: owing to his former °Maul 040.- ....-..- him by wearies to curling fluid
fi.! -, is one oI the best•known lie with which ehe may dampen bar
braves in the territory. Of The Wry the Baby Slept.
.•.: hair before putting It up over night
(merge he and ille wife are fulIblootia Alt 3 Ude lo the way the babyt.I
elvt; on curlers or crimping plue
add Meetly fuldbluthis can Intermarry A 13314 of tresses lewkwaro to make the curling fluid, mix te.
In-itibi tribe, only that VI/the Of 00agen thrown nether n half -ounce each of gum
WW 'be allowed to MA for the girl, fly quavertair Ante( where inform amnia and granulated tenger; pour
' he an exceptionally good -look- circlet, over them a cup and a heti of ocald•
Wilma ; she la 23 years old, but With 7ea1'i1133r4 "'he 1111,1 Dern' lug water, anti let them stand until
flee Mach odueatIon. eite lute WOW II ; thoroughly dissolve'. When mild,
. Melee before sold In marriage The ilttle hands were clonely kept add OSP fluid mime of tileoliul, In
beaten of Iter beauty brought About a Illy newly blown- which have beat dissolved three
"Settle Of Pelee both times Her ATLI (10.1 wee with her. And we grains of FRI 1.„1„0301„„ and three
BOA hothead was Tall Chief, who wept- grains of blehloride of mercury. Stir
paid 400 ponies, John Logan, a proud- aat I this lo the way the baby slept: well together, and add to the pre.
fent ' Meinber of the temp Counce --Janet Whitcomb Riley.
was the secood holland, mid he paid — partition enough water to make half
a pint of fluid.
SOO ponies. Both marriages proved The Fittiosel shirt Waist. —_
pr and separatlen followed. Am tht on Kcitig goe.,, n W011tell le Vitae of the Time.
6)011°4 allir. i 4 t°' be 11'4 sislri shattgeal;le413013,'r." A flannel ttli'rt• "How careful that Mr. 1 limley is
ancOrdanee to an Ironclad rule wriest for beet a couple Of 10110/115
about hilangageHe .,"
tide tribe the parents of the was an uttheadof OH 1111k WIll,tS 10 II/0,011R Always ror 1Ler 1o tamb'v
ngyouogmen will hae to do WPTMI every m . N w look rin Ild not use the right word or give 1110 iei
tding, and tMbride, who will an't Svil w 11 Nebow "nivel" the and rt the proper sotind
arranged inatrIttdwith •lattel waists are and how mares the
'Tea Ito in (013.1 funtidloug in that
and beads of the gatalleet 04 elk ortem for any and all woowas.lens, ,..lie even pronounces it 'clittipil-
ttes, will announce the result by rid .'"'In evei14111 drewIoW) --
into the arms or the stmettedui It woman IR eitangettele, lowever,
hitdt.r. Tice marriage ceremony is the la Ingenlowe toe Hate yott When a giel reaches thirty and
Man completed by the parents of the
other, 1 lune cleverly Nil 3 11104 !wide, doesn't look ft she shouldn't object to
M•idst taking her into the house, 'off Ilnks for the sleeves of these being called a well-preserved peacit„
ti*, which wilt then be torn hi two :lei Mona buttons ou the front that
M311-1 admit that she le a poor
-- ,
mule flume elert-walits, to math
Where -she Is stripped of nli her cloth -
earl dildded equally between the par- "Ap 1 underetand It," maid Mra. du -
Mite of the bride and groom, who 1./(I'dett11‘17) 1)1117 1(13(1
k(i.'°iVil!'it:nZtlisitel tibts lirttit,liercIt'ell,r,it' tit is bPciluNt' "14)
*0) retain them as long as the POW /II SPIV ag two of the buttons to- neite-Taa, didikvit:Tntowetut sist.
Ide.live happily together. gethe, w th leop-I k.. tut !Mere+ stitches .'"'
' doesn't ktfow Tonto e.' .
tiffs haat win be had, In which many and then—
huttoteholug these threads ISM, "by the wireless telegraph eye-
1.111Ves•will be connumed (til) the fes• :do one strand on the prtm•Iple of the tem the met ' go right through
DOOM will be concluded with a danee, alk hops so often- used with ludo the air we breathe."
lug three days. About 300 gueete nsterel of eye', '11113 forms ths Ilnk ,...,„,,i,
. be Invited to attend elle wed• 1)01 the bottom, may be taken out nue Gam'in.
1 that Ix correct," nmented 31r,
diag and the dance. Nisi Mary, like lit in at will. tif course a button -
the reit of her tribe, le quite rich, lide to warted {neither Adele, the eel( "Then a 13e411011 WII0 10114 Milt filed
a /11FINege in the telegraph of nee way
ad 1,200 acres 01 1131311 will go to Iter 0 aecommoilitte thee' novel button
ittiehano as soon no they are wedded. lades. ovallow Ilk OWII W0144144 011 We WHY
Tice touple w111 live MO the bride's French flannel Wert -waist( are n11
traregItte. mach, without a lining, as it IN told---
"10, dear 7" called Mrs. Jtickison from
--- thea' set better me Crit-inIt I I their the head of the rotates.
To Wash Woolens. tiering propensity mikes them eon- "No," absent-mindesily replied Mr.
To waish woolens, use two tubs of form to every movement of the figure Jackeon, who had been compelled to
enil Wye a very close fit:
vifY Met soapsuds, each supplied with
T, ate Frnoh 111000 eh it•wal t ; In couple of stacke of blues."
stay late at the office; "1 was out a
a washboard, Sad it third tub ' with
„mow soapy, hot w„t„,, „„) a !Ott similes of blue, pink, lavender.
wrInSer. Pot each Mere through whole title and II light mei red will still "Young man," mild the old gentle-
proems before taking up next Watt olitale for the early Rohe SPIVIII. Will, "my daughter is to young to
white flannels find, thenmarryA girl a her agecannot be
gray and red. ---
Wash in Bret two muds, rime In third, A Beauty Programme. sure of her own mind :n a nether
Dere IR a luxurious heauty pee of (melt importance."
put theough wringer and imnieillately
pun on Iola, banning heaviest pant gramme: Iteee at 0 o'cloek mid tritik "I fully realise that," replied the
t giants of hot mitre Int) which the young man, who bad jute eecured the
(*award. When dry (tauten evenly
aOd thoroughly, NB tightly Anil Iron .ace of MI orange or lemon has been fair onees torment. "That'e why 1
WWI Very warm hone On the eon- ailwetel. ExtereSe for half an hour, don't want to wait."
teary, some pervone Midst that it is take a tin'tit, Cold eponge or bath and
far ter t to wash woolens.
a Wendel rutelowa. Meek it glut of SHIliella-Re's a beauty, a perfect
V --
She WI 1 I Not. relit, with a raw egg beaten last It; 'worth water.
take 1 one or two tale walk and eat CYlnelln-I'll bet glie doesn't know
The w n of discernment will not breakfast, which Would consist of how to beet aft egg, ,
frill whole wheat bread and a soft -
wear a faiddetleble color If she knows ' ' N I --
,, , a to onb3oaartit wk..] egg or a elem. Spend five tube t ew- wonder if 11
fellow retches her under the
. einem& a girl
' • ' ' She will cot 'w OM: dour if utes over your teeth, five inittuten with when e
she is 1.ertain, alier4ioric3,4 pomp-iiee:: .,,,nii, vour mile end half an bur in brush. ' '
down steel, With It. ' "- ret emir hair. Your 1 enety Maim are Ted -It meet. elhe atears seem' to liable, and happier, healthier child.
She wi . titer over nal night, when Yea 110 rotated to the /mot, ' -4 Pell than those of the Gemmel linper•
friend 'oaks I.k, „ -oi,,ts, in one. retire nt 10.
marrytug without yuur eoneent I lei family It wined not be may to
it certain
II not bur herself 11 hat of ' "
ahould take a quick warm loth anti ---
tree because her hest Daughter-Witel.1 5011 uhject to ' find,
Memel! le order 1 . -
like a nonen'ty of The dolly life of the prinues, big
tibe will net t13Hl ---
Rich Father (signifIcantly)-Not tit
e follow the lend e„ Good Complexions.
all. I'd move money by it. anti little. is on the following lines:
*111 "range Ile 4hee-se 'tenet', nee 111 thorough ablirtions and keefe —
Seigleton--Do you bel:eve that mar- They rise at 6 punctually, summer
-weber et fa h'on ffairs 1.110 Keret or a good coutpleXion
t eaerenience of ti r - — I h itl body by 11.11li wnter. At 7.30 they have a
rear her children InI If the face is pale, bathe It
" eeeele who live lig a ea lY Y e
the beet nne se' wane of px•
- doge is a failure? Bret breakfast with the Lemma
o it her opinions if aho s n 01, ment in which the wit,. Is the pre, prinees having' leetanot together and
Wederly-No; tnerely 4111 assign. ter. At s lemon( begin, the younger
consleting of tett tote bread and but -
die known or can end out (no well every morning In tepid water. '
ad why abe should, .1 n - --- eh lt br
ne softened by a little oatmeal. and .
ferred creditor.
et/Wending alwaya, . tie prey r Italy with a note towel.
--- w their elder brothers alone. This he
rs*IiORR Onth's WEI) . hi whiter and very warm water In „e.t.a? t Ile I ttpterY 171 vriorti,,,Healbli4Igie
born that by charring the Aeons of ' . -,, , I. ' eaueby n a ' ' •
......41, WaNhitig the Noe with mild water 'rein T f ce.to•fatee In. end a lila *calf, Ode bo Ile"' '
Wife -What kept eo,u NO Lite, II toted to Ding a few thousan,
— augbati'd (hushily)-Jual bed dosen 6
among other titin -go thoroughly
ehrysanthemenei WO may keep them e. .. . •
mate John the Baptist had so de-
- to certain death at the ether, 1
,. • 01} 0, summer Is also good for the skin. "'"'"
l'reelt air is most eonducive to oystere on ne way uptown. tironantirirvi prnifiTIgnmiest:g1t11)ngeonsnielpari;
lit good condition for a month in. siv ''"- •
deflate I 0( 133, anti His Mechem bie n Mahler 111e th3n his ageosie
A Arietures ue Air x
Sports and Gayety.
4 --..Htt e'Vreelle0 by 11Palt11, but H is very trying to deli-
mits stinburn
"ate complexions, bringing on not uses
Wife -At that saloon that alter. seeond Iweakftust, then lessoite again,
"a fried oyster with every with 41011 end military e3erelsett, un- , weekv, _ lievett and twelves -I Hint 11.4 ettleh, but
Nteoleinus was not, ready 10 go ei% owns no steam yaeht or pries
far. He ale acknowledged that tat allot comestently dereines all ti
Mle Seer wedding la alwaym an event, Vallee of Peanut Butter.
of absent pageant importance an 1 is a ho mt,bi 4'. 1*
1111d freckle& but leatil• drink 1
--- tit 1,1 5 -lunch time. After dlutter '
they 111111180 theneselven for a ems, xtitiortitu to tt prominent Milder pen- debt to teach was Ismail on admit- peerage honors. Ile shuns eteri it,,
prefers knoAing ,bout on the ve,
i.. en wrieler TherPfOre 00 women
a writer in the
JOIttaiii. "The friends and relaEves boiled 1 '
La Iles' Mine oteq,,t7;nailvir take leak wiling Mik' bout Roberts yet ." lim thne until 6. when temper Is portent commode' motley 1 . It in rent 'ii 1, mini In Ms a.httl,',...
trawl tu
Nubstitute oatmeal
,, row; "That's the Woeet thing I've heart then wiener. and Miele INBORN (111 up nut butter is rapidly becoming an ink lel greet work/ done be' Hint. ilits
41r "Who 1 'a I hat 1" aervel. diver (les tenet, it flied Moir 3,3a,h Iii grinning pistuitts ter) flue Chiba, teaching Nleodemits. With ,it n Khalc,' suit to ai tenting a coe•
',pc., 11, ! - ,ii 1.• . ill:Ilion
reeli# a most picturesque eereawny,!: pia, golf t,10Yelea am- who
, MOO orrlive a day or two ahead of el i,, ,,,l,k V 140111). l'UtIttOPA.1 MAI. pro
I I, e 'IS 041. 11:, 1.,b:i , eettlbeute u( reereStion hPfOre bliti. the yOtIllg. opil reducing the Mani' ton paste, bout the greatat relem:Aty Jeans turns til g,r'lei, '1,1'1 IL'a,liiidnI perk, Yet ,
lire to proviile Caw Towel a 10010
flaw. are(0. ling to 11.; fi(t110, lAt Leg sod 'rwSt,,,'idateileat Oar *Mull' photograph button of h':a three elves." er children retiring at 7.30, their which a large part of the oll is re- abruptly frorn thews temporal to lives 114)1301 Lo'r tae moat part in .
be travel:el, and the Bon homestead should be an ii,:a the ekitt. They -- elder brothers at la The Crown moved. A little salt Is then added. DAV,' HPIritoels III'l first 'wanton ' 1.1111101,p1VavlettiltneLtIlnitartiaebstlarnade.d Throne
bleallial 4 most animated ReelIe, Scores ont (eon ad) t lie with„neeessimigensur 'lie -Hasn't MIAs Hautm a Roman prince mid lag next brother play Many phasiciano recognize the nutrl- was to, deep fur Nicolemues amities 13
la team* are /mattered about the wards with 1 r ''” w'e'" tt.‘it'' tow?
a Muth dipped I s., IA the violin itIVI PII010. A. nergeetilts tiOnft 'value of this bettor. It liar all boeu too deep for none -tenths of the i his villa at Groat Schur. On each
rebuilt it at great-
pregiatanusty stk./mower more guests Nteeltinga. 'n -P- 6he-1 think retrousse is a better major
elighteat provocation.
term for it--ahe turas It up 00 the clay is devoted to riding. Front their out beIng 10 Indigestible. Peanut but- time. Joan at 03103 tells OS rich er expense, though he hi aeldom ther
earliest venni the children are put ter le excellent for the poor, too, fur ruler that If he ever enters
drills them and an hour Beer/ the wholerome qualities of nuts with- professed Chadian world Mince that ticeolioll bas Its
the kings to enjoy ide luxuries. It is a VP
tatIonteddag plan; negro servants water.
4t# bustling around; gnus are fired ---
• Anita; dewing, feasting and coffee- Even the elk eft t 1,.. 011 Ponies anti learn at once 10 010(1131 it contains quite as mueltinotirahment dont of Doi it, must be by the dcrar way to distribute money to
eit The Em•Poror suPerlateade thew eorpenMee.
as ordinary butter and IR much lesta of a thorough regentance-nueh tta workiegmsn, ke enys."-Aim
drisiklig ere carried oa in the cot- dancing allover hitvebtkaul-ir "nd the The "Red Mid" and elevator at Sea- n hormt barebacked.
n'‘'etl to 1 forth were burned.I John preached -and a isplritual Wilt Moped».
lt's strange how sumo fulko net
1 did, at lenot, 0110 day at school,
One tenior feller willed out "Poe-
t got a sticknane-e Here's a plug,
het take a bite
Fer µwhom eakee,
It* out o' sight,
Eitel' kid here takes
1 nip with Joy" -
1 thought he knew -
This clever boy,
I took chew.
Fer fifteen niltattee palittwaa
AVe played ade 1 was (cella' gay,
When PUI1411•111,V 1 thought I 'kilt
A painful feeling near lay belt ;
The fatal tete,
lind made me 111,
Far 1031144 white
Around each gill,
1 heaved a sigh -
And something, toe,
1 thought I'd dle,
took a chew.
Tim bell woe rug anti in 1 went,
lint 110t. 011 any pleasure bent; '
311,1 head won Mat, 1 dein't care
To pull Jim Johnton's Randy hair,
1 only gave
.1 /settee grin
When "Baby" Dave
Received a pin;
1 puncture ain't
113, witeelmen IfteW,
I thought 111 faint,
took a chew.
Ma teacher felt my pulse and Mid:
-Why, Relined, eou Wield be 113 bed:
Voier fen. tome awful iiieltneme tells." that anthracite le, is 11? Bituminous grace hers one of glory Men ir,
1 aciiiiiiee, - l'in 141111.1ept to shit opl'Ild.'t
well 15 what we commonly refer to (ti, 5. Of wa tier and of 1110 Spri 1
SIP saki, "1 MIr 111,1,, t" net coal. Now, Willie, let us sec If you "Water, a.; i".ni, and cleansing, are
Anti kissed 10;t cheek, can exemplify the winner antiottelte figurative expressions used In Scrip-
t hail a elekla turn to denote a op: ri 1 (It I opera. ion
dad bltlItIlltIllee."
Th011gil lotartImee wise, minute and then Haiti:
Willie thought the matter over for 0 on man's heart." ''It is no. necessary
that we +Mold 1 understand two differ -
Looking beak 1
She Hoer knew 'Here's one. Tili$ MON illg befing, pe ent Ibings, Se tiliel le probably only an
1 took a chew. strayed don II town Milinnla '0411(44 1 se elliptical form of opectili. tor the Holy
for grocerles and Dangle and she Spirit undez the similitude of water.'
ThONO 5111111101 pyre; 1 --
-Take poor Pick home an' tell them tried to get it by saying bituminous ti. Of the reel, is flesh -Like pro -
words, but pa gale her an antlirti- duces like with regard to both flesh
1111 Wiser nce3ls the striettst eare," elle look, and when he disappeared anti spirit. We aro thoroughly fallen,
SIAN mild to Peter Dunn, an' WO aldrentunntdinotthiselye.rner she was weeping an 1 a clean thing cannet some from an
1 quiekly sew, BEAR AND PANTHER.
this, there are many things you do
7. Marvel not -Do not wonler at
Not homeward went, but to a tree.
That if iny paw It luta been Bahl or eartuisni that
not understand, Thou canal not even
understand the blowing of the wind.
Without a eteilit,
That tlay, 1 let, in India the thorn have 'kilted off' the So .'
lions, and In Africa the lions have '4 "0" one -As with the wind the
Should lInd It out,
Fit (stymy rue; killed off the tigers. The Jettiomy Id e.pirites operations ora invisible, be-
lie don't know ale native wild betinte when well metaled yond our discovery, and known only
by Its effects
1 <38k a thew. 'night end that Wily In Americo, lint '
both to hold their own. 9, How can 1 hese I hi ngs be -He
our western beam and panthers orient
"A Fort Smith cattleman, who had cool I not. comprehen 3 opir it ua 1 things.
31011A I. St'..1.810N.
old (tent teethe -Do 3 let mean to buy etwapei a prairie tire, Itt the Oldalithea
all.1 NMI, etwountere'l a huge hear and thought ao much, and accepted . iilinilema.c:„.1 301 ii,cf, Ji
nrpi iiii ,,,,,,,,,,,:.,11,11, it sa.ht,ear, ifiniletaugt:
that ;our totteiterm never Omen you? country. with the loss of his horse
emulsion lit our whose.
little Boy -Never 1 Wo have moral
01,1 eentlentan-Whater that 1' mei became &tit militating witness to
Mille teething 41 /sheltering ledge, the prei.tion of teacher, ought to have
known theme things.-Pelotibel. 1,),.3,,,,k,,feithiyeiteewettiltxnehneer,aillitoutry.toicen'muja-..
Little ley -oh, we get kelt' III, and one of the brute trimmitee of the all probability St. John was mesent
11. We-Eidersholm thinks that In
etre w is, of course, a very blue -blood-
• stood up in mimes, and locked out, desert. Swinging himself up out of during this entire Interview. Do el nob!, in he own day, and roue!
and leaked 111, and tnado to write one the hear'e way, he heard a screene know -lie spoke with the greatest 10,00.,.„ i,„ ,,,,,‘,..„ ., ......_,_,.
prismatic. utterance, Not %moo hear- ,,, ,,,,, w::h to r",c'.'1`8" 1;n1 Ole 007,1 word 11 thousand Diem, and mottled anti saw ti panther emerge
114" w say but from personal kttowledge. Ye i r;,.,,, •0.1* Eenr,/r of, if, pa). it,
at, and Jawed at, and that's ult.-Col- teethe in the rock's below him. The
receive not our wItnew-They !Welt'. • - .
Illtre Weekly. Olobtellemocrat telly the 'dory :
e41 WS miracle no genuine, yet MNIS- I ile DP allot veered the name of Foy.
"The panther began fleeing about,
tiou of Ds meritorious sintres, ;he
ed to accept the spiritual truths he wnra front the Empiror itt recogni-
THE 110,1,7)T0 I:.1111E. tilwaye with 'Wet low droop of the
taught. "To ' is alwaye plural and this
The way of the boy to hard, tied hie body, with his Mu extended and him
is spoken aith reference to the clams dat„ th,ir ar.gia from il 1..„ ,,...„. _ ,
Peewees nee generally content to
hopem of diectInctien wittier Iii the Perm lying flat nailed ills nesk.
th.:rteen bun ired years of alltiqUity.
o tun., DIM
to which Nicodemos belonged, the calculation gives them very nearly
1 2. How shell ye believe -If you do
du' "he P3(nce lumen! and the Prin. ..i.,)
11.0terliOr Roosevelt detiounecd him am 'silent, etteltliy. The bear kept Min.
elute le but a short tnonth &Mee Around and around he went -swift,
not believe the first principles -
cow' Sala ars cousine, the late Nee
"not worth leo salt,' if he woulthet elf aloe hill Iliad feet, awl turned
tglit 1 feta ROW Air, Joint Walla- slowly
did not tallow half the anxiety to
as the panther Me but he beerinninge of gospel truth -how shall
ye believe If I continue the mule:mit peers Dowager nem haring been the
maker remote along and tette tem an- futiter and tell you of the deeper
tholetatIvely tit et II he Ilan Wok ist the fight that was 'shown by leo antag.
Mange, the Itentenly things, such an, '4.,:(tientic. 1C:t,1 y Phr!,neelonblymiconidAlpilekiel'd The
Cftestith year. 'lb great personal at ,,
El damn day he w 11 never become 011131.
"The circling figure had gone ermine " my 1110 131113 (v. la); the atonement
:pact ems ho a MN the advantage) ef
h's multipilentloe t ible Its earned ke dimly it went through the air like the great love of God (v, 16) ?"
18. Anil no man, ete.-There ware a t t he lo eh' I ty Girl School, la Tokle, }
famous. bit only remains for Admiral
Dewey to gay that unless Ito learn) about four Meuse I think, when NW- (V. 13); /salvation by faltit (v. 1.5);
41 Whet, physique. tehe wan educated
a itallor, WM fur Mr. Ituekefeller to a Mee realm' among the JelVii that until her Nig igment was announce.l. ....,„...",-
a cunnomball. Indeed of alighting
nntioume that he wee not me) rs to wail ite teeth at the boar's throat,
Mow* lutd metaled up to heaven to Now she hi titudykng under a private
Demerit, as it expected, it recelved it
the prentileney If helmet ever been rude get the law. Jesus in effect male teacher at heir home. She OILS SIISial
to We Malt. lolow that threw it against the op•
legate Wall, No one, not even Moms, hath emceed. Ragl:sh, German an t French very
"11 One a ohttek that wan almost 041 IIII to heaven to *search out heaven. welt.
The saleatem of the toy le* lit tley
, like the cry of 11 human beiing aft ly things; but the Son Of HMS has
fart tent he Militantly el...wetter,* the The prentrations of the Pienceee
easy Meter Meta retntetnents are it fell, but la an instant It war up dwelt "from all eternity In the bosom sada for ler approaching imptio ,
remarks of growieuip people, Their
again, circling round anti round, wile of the Father," anti hag come direct with the Prince Imperil( are wilt le
tlisor4 not believe that nu nttendatitie the blued running (leen 'es sides from heaven. In heaven -11e le oninh he pr,,,,,,,, Heft eplc,„. Trmonean buy.
harmiese berate* unheeded. The toy
Preeent, 11111111I Ilen"n am) "nth km es trete an immense nn oparatIon
at Sunday' .school ptiVen the way to from the long gashes tern by the
with Ws presence, and even now is in Japan tie 'et nny part of Europe
fame. 'RrpeTte,111rtin in tho old read. bear's claws. It del not wai.e. tio long
Eitipregol of Japan or a Princeton
ter took tells • Billy Freeman that this time, before springing, but Its 111 beavea-
Imperial meet now he pravitied not
turkey gobbles% weer ren after elit'li lesp met with the ("awe Midi.. te. The serpent -Nene xxl, 1,9. 'The
only with an nbumlanee of the beau-
dren who obey their pctrents ; het we 'The bear wag reaey for 11, and hbstory of the brazen sterpent is a
liful garments an -I artintic furniture
are left In uneertainty u to tile min it &pinning away to the other atte parable of the gospel." Fon of Matt
npprovel by her country's cute one but
spirit in which Billy accepts this fable. of the 0010P. Thell begat the battle he lifted up -d.. In 111* crucifixion. 2.
in Ills exaltation, 8. In the publish- must possess RR amply filled ward'
1 toueeing tradition of our on-n(4111d- royal. I turnee dim and slek„ and ing and preaclting a Hie everlasting rolk‘ supply of that Orchiental Aunt -
hood wets embodied in ths velem: had to holi the rock with both hands
illation, jewelry. The Princess 11)5 1,-
1 1 I eat all my cruets 1 ke a good ilttiv to keep i rem falling off. nospel.-Henry.
15. W110.50eVer-Oentlien as well 44•4 el10,000 yen to emend upon her trout -
"The pantber threw tactics to the
Jetts. Not perlelt-Not I* bantehed ,,,e,ie.
It wit mute my 'lose straight tine
, Med and fought Well &Operate en- from the pretence of ()W. Rave 11 is 53 (41 the wedding ceremony will
make my hair curl. ergy. He wasn't nearly so large eta teemed life -Here le a double bettent take place next February, after
But there were eark moments when the bear, het he was more active, att.& offered. "1. Those who believe In which the royal bridal ample will
etc): the truetful heart of female he went leaping, dieigiag, tearing Christ are exempted from eternal travel arouni tbe world.
adatiey wag heavy with eoaht. Per. and getting torn, now up, new duwn, perdition. 2. They are brought to
haps a (Hetet nppeal to vanity vets in every place at Mien, no nose eternal glory." A UNIQUE MILLI/M.1111E.
not the best method of promot'ag stool they made WAS almost. deafening. 16. 83 10VP41-Sue1l a love multi dot
behtivem. It may be that a moral law "Aft long as the panther tried Jump- lei M aerated, Jestit 4o at not attempt
The Differetwe Between Rhodes and
should have 00111a two:leer encourage- tovIng41101111111:711i1",,%.1,4,1Prin,Ytiltulti,e; 1,11':Ittr (3(07!) 111 It. There is an eternity of waiting
In that little word "tut "
ment than a hope of fante.-Agnee eaten to a reguler roitglkatiti-temble 17. To __ '
condemn the world -To ile- "In the genus ruille%naire Cecil
tot ighlid,f.stplirey ii:imnitelteirn gut ii.ittiiia., II c keottilise.at
stroy the Gent:lea which tit' Jews
Repplier in Life.
--- ' 'tholes is unique. On the face of the
Pummel would take place when tit)
ea le It 1 redo y I here ie . probably 110
1101e11, CHILDREN OP fiehideNg, meetly they were both Weesilug
Of the IIPVPII teilliireit of the der. pretty freely, WWII the bear at irset )1°P."11 eun'e'
1 S. Detereth Olt Dint -Till.; linplii.ti other Ii3.11 MS %elm would use les
gave /mother of those weeping blihnevrie
man Emperor, three by this time n etiparntioit from the wort.] tete a private fortune to build. a railroad
1w41:11dItilILI:T'eall(31 IlIrv's'(t Till'144nit-ill'i) (leave and (Atli. 13 11 V th 10'. 1 I 0011- pelmets ot it War, not knowng whe-
are feet leaving behind them their thorough repentanee, am well a 4 ,A%t- in n SaVage country or defray the ex-
ehlkiltili wept. The Crown Prince.
Primo Eitel Froletack. and Prime twat wet Men it. greatest Mill Vtli pall the!. there ahall b• ii reimbaniement 4"7.Tr,
delalbert hate already' their pod -
restore eseekbones beneath Ids
"The crunching
of the ,g.nisitKutehnitter's tcloeniiiint nTginit"Inet Got is to reIo't Hit li le 31 sacrIfics of ties animal such,
Sol. ,The morel at, nis well a i tit 4 14131' ill an age when money :s king, that
tI011 at court their epecial
teeth told wheel! foe lied tioniqua .
I' 1 grate, in condemned already if he cowman:1s the adtutration of mtatem-
end their private aparttuente. Of
cell mome.nto
their right training, many particle The bear 0010 1 far eel. Mall and mechanic alike; While eapi-
ttet1.1117 lilt woutele. Alter a little he Mints Owlet, tare have front thee to Dino been TeachIngs.-We tiny have riches, talasts from very womiermeut are
witted unenelly about the envie Hee-
honor foul education, but If we tire constrained to give all.
voueitsafee anti very few English
ha 110111 agein we are not 0001(1. We "TVs explains shy, through dis
eral times mei then lay ilowle 1 knew-
ehliiiren would care to go through
so severe a childhod. ,That thin duo met be oufferher
.ffiteeter seemed to overintlatice 1113
can hide behind a Woe moire hm, bat length and breadth of South Afreci,
treliting, theugh, lum been Justified guttering, however, for prosently he - triton tlto testing time tionica It will yen cannot find a man that envies
foil ue. We moy rei_t as need Vint She Rhodes his fortune, since be neither
be Ito results omens more than pro. dragged the body of the panther down
sayInga of Chrl,t are faithful Keying* *penes money on hinmelf nor bee
the cnve."-Youtlee Companion.
Wocannoteomprehend spiritual things he hoard it for posterity. 'If I had
unless we hare sp'ritual Ilfe. a butt Ite would gel no legacy from
Keeping t'ut Flowere In eundittoto.
mr,' says titbit worH-unique million.
fere. 'I Lke to. glee a young man begin
a y w to iii.i 5110 g
POW. It WIII brew out the best that
The converts/Won hero. recorded hy
thee in Japan says that she has often
t. John It probably only a brief oui. ; , ,,,,
kept cot flowers for an abnormally -'''.
une of what really passed bstwren '1,g '"1/2,'„, ,_ ,, ,
long period by burning their (stem
with a piece of wood -not with a them The subJet is n one and
(iti;17it a .sRucrhilettelliiefitrAeureusiitledt; °tits oV41:1'
eltutlii command our earnest attn.
millione must 90031 like Insanity...45re
match, 1* It oteserved, or The sulphur ,,,,,t
would be hijuternts to the flower. The ""'"` Is a malt that husbands hlo retitle,
Niro' demon c ing to Jams. Niro.
with one hen! and lavishes it with
Japaneu 0(11 that the charring pee
denies with oti' had been indite
teens entities the water to lent -Outs). the 1 he oit her, teach as Nap -Ariel kept
euseltett Mier the ma' tter oral he at
rrtern, and to sesta In the Hower. What- least (let/mined to Nails& littiMolf II"' .IncruiCna eergeant 1)11" " "'
PITT the reason, it In satisfactory to eolop
Jesus theists that am INP. an old
111 \ IN'TERNATIONAL LESSON NO. yi, je"1311 church luti4 b°11"11. "ale'
FIOR, 11, 1000.
-----. tuna, and one of the It
in the
opvt.,..aliittefreforts,dlnottou eft:From/el tolitistenramtuire and
TM/ itt the central idea of the IRN'
WA- ItIld It !SIMIAN the total depreV•
try of man, Mid MN inability, by hle
But 3041103 took Nitiodemus still far-
tiler mid disclosed to him the great
Jous aud NIcodemus. John 3: Het
phut of imitation, by 01113111 Ood hail
-P --6 Commentary. - tonneeting Linke made it possible to thus mare meet
had given hie only Hon, and that
"After Jelf110 left bethabara Ho your- Tho great, loving heart of OW
Son meet bo ” lifted Op" tout "Wota
n\ , Pun, near Nazareth. Here Ile waif
(Miller, nntl over the mutative to
neyed north up the Jordan valley to
eel on a tree" (Acts 13. 803 to make
tot etotientent for lost man ; and
present ne a wedding, and wrought fattli in this e maned Redman.
,,„ tits find miracle, turning the wnter wee's' be the meet,i of tenth* back
Wvius, 111 Perileat efi'llit iota "0" ""' Into wine. Thence with His mother ‘'..1-, "ea: 1,,,e'r '
Each prince haat a misty of hie 01111 ;0 Veil and Ms brethren fie it 1100311 to :ileienr'"i"tivull):"kr";Aratr,tiihalitldfrealaHv•oluralludfuo:itallierlaeweloitisekt:
led rider anti very demoted to Worm
him oll commetitatof bia rtninar moons. Caperntioni, about twenty tutlei to kilo
hate caused 11101 to perish eternally.
and they are tatteht fil stable their nuorte rheaeatmainetoni atillowe seadao;04:taillee, where
Niorelemue ignorant of oplritual
mounts themselyea-unareddle them and
rub them 110W1t. Thr three elder boas L Of the "'hareem -A very otriet
underetand epirltual things." Moo -
truths. " We need spiritual light to
art/ already °freers in the arty, vvitit and religious wet of the Jews Thee
torrespoteling rank in the in/trims, were orthodox and believed In the 11(1- ehillItte wets a wise man, yet very lg.
mei the (*own Prime Le reputeel t .3 einoLtalitya„.0.1...ttimi.isou..1...arlmo ialiire norant. " How can thcee things bel"
be "a horn roldlor." Prince Adalitert, """"'"'" `"na dt`" g“."." '''""""" "Is'" ;rate it:lout:len; Mnstieuxid.of „tittle darkened
who wee placet oa the roll of the ma- the!r tradttleate, esteeming them etas
old. tini who le eXpeoted to beanie
rines am sublieutenant at Mx yeers 1113111Y aa they dld the Serlpturee.
2. Came to Josue by istglit -The act
more light, but right." Matt. XIII»
. teaching that he needed. but the
ability to underatand teaching. Not
some day an Admiral in the I 1PrtlIall
„v.., I, liwtructo all ,,,e0 11,1„A. 1,,,.. Chiba Into prominence. The plain I -
of cleansing tho tempts had broughtn
..1 1‘. ilAnni I . wennndiey1 ella Tit anantal Inert ethernfloineinti
tainting to naval mattery during the trireme le, also, that 'lobed perforated
Inintra devoted to military „with, nerneles that are not mentioned by rti'verctlgettor. It wits lie anti Jostle,'
the Bible writere. Ho came eirivately, et Arlinathest who took the body
'Attie Prince* legit*, vAso, with 1114,
from the tweet and pieced it in the
1111) youngeat boxiwytintiett Oscar 11 liti by night, "los an act Of prudenee and
tomb. John xlv. 89. It will be well
Joachim, accompainaN4se father allti discretion." The interestieg point abs
mother to England, Iv britaght op III not why he PItIlIP by night, hut that
with let If we do am well re Niro.
Atelier pritetical tanner, though with lin 'gone at all, flabbi-Till"W" "110"" denim did.
leas regent to hor playing ally pert In
imbiie, for the first essential in it Ing groat reepect to one who luul tad
bean educate:I Iti the rabbinical relit 01e.
ihsrmalt woman, be on, ipwaint or A teacher come from God -This MIN a
PrillICPRIN• hi title she &Atli lee a eat' complete endoreentent of Jerms foul
Princess sada, ti the Emperor
tern haul frau. It ht even min that Ills work, 11 101 110384 having 01110 elt-
Expects to Wed Next 3Ionth.
one Cindetnuts one of her preeents domed Hint, he was tinder greater oh -
was 11 seseggete• opperatie, l'o,r wash. llgatlono to accept the truths that in connection atilt the celebration
41091IN wax about to proclaim.
lug nod Ironing. Little Peewees Lou-
ise, the only girl among rile boys, le 3. Verily, verfle-"ExPresers 1 110 of the tette-lay of the Emperor of
, reported to b.,. h.pr minute' favorite, truth and unchanging rail illy if what Japan. I lett year, neveral 'foie. jour-
-was about to bl. spoken." "This was nate pueleihel emir. its of the lade
1 ITI for tide reassm WI114 brought over
; be ohown to 1 t 1
1 mother, the these%
unthrecite mean ?"
tiall hard coal. So antlinteite must
bituminous mentos 't"
mean hard. Now (MO W.I WI IIIP What new nature, new principles, new a 1 -
"What," naked the teacher, 'does
"That's a 1(11(11 of coal," Held little
"Tee Antltraeite eine is what we above." Converted •,, regenerated, eia
""flint's coal, too," a Me) replied. mfecatdir a'‘'nenwewere"ilimt (*tie
Iter grea -grant. considered of equal import with the it, 'whom '„ho icomea imp..1.:fil 16 011-..
most solemn oath." 1 say unto tbee-
another 'except.' Nicodetues says 'doe
.hIzitist othegreo6pe,nitetrretieth.in1;txucetphte...„ jef,esruy. Etdaaliuegli;tent.s1ndielia,r,:r1PcieinKeers.).Sitamda,ialiti,!:.
ineets the 'except' of Nicelenem with
JPAUS 011Y8 %P.' 'We must be before
we can do." Born again " Frot..nit
begin life ellen% .A- new life, with a
litn In 1.4013, 1)313034 10 11 8,,8,91:07 11:11„11,,,,,r B,'00 (Ent (1
ot.'it -1- ''''
ial Eghneed watt born on Aerial 31,
myeaatrusriat gyo,f oerigpli rteLit,....beiinngj, iith,,,inn ge oonf
1870, and haw therefure completed hie
twentieth yea' r. Ile carao of ago two
Auguet 81, 1887, heal then' * V. ii,
years old, Ills Prince Wiftil ['Mar ) I ..1g tit
to 1 he 1 11 tone it 34 o'n Novett;h( e$ 3,
'But It isn't the Faille klial of pout Kng.lulll of God -The kingdoin of .3,,Ielii: r;111(y1,13,,1-0111.1. re!heioi:Atitiliehe iiritlip::::
chine has fallan Is of the celebrated
1.34wa 31 family, which hag had the
Minor of giving many entpreeses to
.1 a pa 11. lit renown? 1 ancestor, Kum -
la ri, who, ai 111,' ()vont h century, Was
(list r 1: Men l a I in overt hrawing the iioga
flint ly, and thus put Cog ;tit end to
the .i.vsitete of patriarchal government
It 11,r11 threatelte.1 lit that eposh. to
involve even the Miettene:on to the
throne, i0 POW worshipped at the
erletriikneH,,iify,,IAiltly:toyamit, on the Tanta
The ri preiratative of tWs Li Illity,
Neveliteeti generation's later, was
Tadamitsu, who comb:tied in his own
person the two highest Vticex of
state, that ,,,f Retreat nal that of
PrMe 1341 ulster. Ths ninth son, Tod-
aMteu, was 1 he breeder of the Kujo
1001 13 -Kite) Kimesanc, %rho, In hlu
lure ltel 1 the pool uf Regent -awl
, ,, the. present Prince Meltittika repre•
10. A master Of Israel -One eike '''''' i ete s 1 11 . t went yatint It genire I ion
et" udied the Old Telt tsatent ;IA Ile, had, • f „jot
4 3437