The Blyth Standard, 1900-02-01, Page 8EDDLERS IN THE AFFAIRS OF OTHERS Dr. Talmage Scores the Busy -Body and Scandal -Monger ---All Have a Mis- sion of Kindness and Help. WsahingtOn, Jan. 28, -In this dile ' came to the wharf. An enemy of the course Dr. Talmage shows how we steamboat company asked one day, "I should Interest ourselves in 'the at- faha of others for their benefit, but never tor their damage; text, 1. Peter, •iv„ 16: "A busybody In other men's matters," Human nature 1e the same In all ages. In the second century of the wood's existence people had the, lame eharacterlettcs al people In the atneteenth century, the only differ- ence being that they had the chaMc- tarletiea for a longer time. 1t was! 1100 years of goodness or 500 yeara of meanness Instead of goodnees or meanness for 40 or 60 yearn. Well, Simon Peter, who sue a keen obser- ver of what was going on around him, one day caught sight of a man whose characteristics were severe In- spection and blatant criticism of the i affairs belonging to people tor whom he tad no responsibility and with the hand once browned and hardened by flashing tackle drew this portrait for all subsequent ages: "Je. busy- body in other men's matters, That kind of person has been a trouble maker In every country mince the world stood. Appointing himself the work of exploration and detec- he goes forth mlechlet making. generally begins by reporting the felicity dls('overed. He is the ad- vertlatng agent of infirmities and do- mestic Inhannony and occurrences that but for him would never have name to the public eye or ear. He feels that the secret ought to be haul- ed out into light and heralded. If he can get' one line of It into the news- papers, that he feels to be a noble achievement to start with. But ht must not let It stop. He whispers it to his neighbors, and they, in turn, Whisper It to their netghbora until the whole town le a -buss and agog• Tou- can no more catch 1t or put It dawn than you can a malaria. it f8 IFtheser and on the wing and afloat. Aiby !Melt tt "temp of little to- Mp�' 4000. but atter a hundred peopl: ae handled 11 and each has given It an additions' twlst It becomes( a entry In else and ,hope marvelous. First, notice that such a mission 11 most undesirable, because we all re- quire all the time we can Jet to tak, rare of our own aftalra, To carry ouselvee through the treacherous straits of this life demands that we all the the wheetoftour own craft, handime keep ur on While,as I shall show you before I get through, ive all have a mission of ktndneee to others eve have no time to waste to doing that which Is damaging to utherl. There is our worldly galling which.. punt be looked after or It will be - conte a failure. Who succeeds In any- tktng without concentrating all his SS uponthat one thing? All Who Itry , eitheroas t tthdo eirheal things, gor tortm,e. They go on until they cent' on the dollar, or pay body Into the grave. We tain manage c'on- others and keep eur eowe owehe affalis prosperous. While we are Inaulrtg how precarl- ous chantt the businand finding anotherof out homer- many notes he has unpaid and how soon he Will probably be wound up or make an asligament or hear the sheriffs hammer smite 'the coenter our own; affairs are getting mind up and en- ourgneighborWhile hieeere pc cropslsloge are neglecting the fertilisation of our awn fields or allowing the weeds to choke our own earn. White we are trying to extract the mote from our neighbor's eye we fall tinter the weight of the beam In our own eye. If God had given us whole nothing wks and months and days, with to do but gauge and measure and re Umtata the affairs excuse for suof chheat ployment, but I do not know enema who hu such a'surplus of time one energy • mucand h of ltlhetltime totstt can u a coroner upon the dead BillUree of otalero. I can Imagine thee an as- trondmleal crank ',Quid get so ab- sorbed in examining the spots on the n neglect clearing very he D ots ahie owncharacter,sue. ei*fin man was asked how he had accumulated such a vast fortune. He aceumuleted about .M.halt of myte ppproperty by a tends e strictly to my tautness and the other ktylt by lettleg other peop,e'e alone." iTurthermore, we are incapacitated ter the supervisal of others because we cannot see all aides of the affair reprehended. People are generally eat se much to blame ea we sup - It is never right to do wrong, here may be alleviations. There �pKK have arleen a conjunction of si}eUmataneee whl0h would have Mos any one of us. The world gives only one side of the transaction tend that 1s alweys the worst nide. defaulter at the bank who loan- • spone he ought not to have did 1t for the advantage ot *0 0r, not for his own. That '11 man who purloined from hie einplo er did so Immune Ida mother WAS dying for the lack of medicine, gnat young woman who went wrong dad not get enough wages toep from 'starving to death, who make moral Id do right in some exlgenclyr but have not the courage to say so. Mr die than do the least wrong, moderate your thethemamaa ga against ttt.In f en ji84 m yet develop. Ile two.. inlet) of your curses when all the d@*rttlntlty la houndtng sotto man or weaan, Watt, consider, pause and '1t a witch im charged f"a base h atlnn. iJo not be like a fury it render a vegdtdt, against the t without allotting him to pre- side of the cast, ur ermore, we make ourselves a - !Alleviating epecta(•le when we be - ,s. come bueybodiee. What a diabolical enterrlee those undertake who are ease looking for the moral lapse or thio downfall of others! As the hu- man race Is a meet Impeller. rare, an such hunters find plenty of game. "There keve been mewing eoeletlea In Shoreham which tore to pieces more rrenatatlone than they made garments ter the poor. With their Fare•asme wad sly hints end depreciation of owe* they punctured more good holies thea they had needles. Wit'i glair echoers they cut ehereetery Ma, and backstitched every ev11 re- �t they got hold of.h Meetings eof at directors have sometimes rut good business men by Mehra. Wimp against them. The bad work 0111 not hsve been done eo much by words, for they would be libelous, but by the twinkle of the eye or a Wing of the shoulder or a earcaetb_ a.otatiatton of a word, "Yes, he 1s all rept when he to sober.' have you Inquired Into that man's Mame" "Do you know what bu- siness he was in before he enterer thief' "1Ruove that the app:leatIon ti�ieC laid 00 the tabic uuui guuie Inver Rgations now going on are comme- nded," It is easy enough to start a intuition a despicable man man ie the onl never e wbut hktwho etarted it! Then is not an honest man in Washington or New York or any other city who cannot be damage1 by such fa(*rnattam. Ia a vlllsge where I Ones lived a steamboat every .lay wonder It that steamboat le sate?" The man who heard the question soon Cali to his neighbor, "There le same sus- picion about the eatety of that steam- boat". And the next one who got !told of It eaW, "There Is an Impression abroad that there will soon be an ae- rldenl on that steamer," Noon all that community began to ma,, "'Chat steamer Is very Unsafe," and ad n consequence we all look the stage rather than risk our Ilvex en the tits. While I believe enough In human de- nravity to be orthodox, I tell you that the most of people slyhom I know are doing the best they can. Faults? Ole Yes. All people except you and I have faults. But they are sorry about It, rrnentanl on account of It and are try- ing to do better. About all the mar- ried people I know of are married to the one person beet suited. Nearly all the parents with whom I am acquaint - 1 ed are doing the beat they can for their • children. All the clerks In stares, so tar 08 I know, are honest, and all per - sena In official positions, city, State a' nation, are fulfilling thelr mission as ' well de they can. The most of those W110 have failed In business, no far as I know, have tailed honestly. All people make mletakee-say things that afterwards they are sorry for, and ntiaa opportunity of urians the right word and doing the right thing. But when th;y say thelr prayers at night these defects are euro to be mentioned somewhere between the name et the Lord for whore' mercy they plead and the amen that eloore the seoppllcatlon "That has not been my observation," says aline one. Weil, I am sorry for you, my brother, my sister. What an awful (lama you must hate gotten Ir. to! Or, es le more probable, you are one of the characters that my text aketrhes. You have not been hunting for partrldgee and quail, but for vol lures. You have been mlcrosropiling the world'', faults. You have been down In the marshes when you ought to have been on the uplands. 1 hay, ,aught you at last. You are "a busY- budy 1n other menti matters." 110 l0 It that you eralways flu, lu'0 0w1,201815 about any anne and lhe� two el intens exactly appo;lte? 1 will tell you the reason, etf, ls because they, are two sides to every character-th, beat aide and the worst aide. A wen disposed man chiefly seeks the beat side, the badly disposed seeks chiefly the worst side. Be ours the desire to see the beat aide, for it is healthier f n' UR 10 do and etlrs admiration, which le an elevated state, while the desire to Mel the emit side keeps one In a spirit a dlsquletude and disgust and mean eueplclon, and that is a pulling down of our own nature, a disfigurement of our own character. 1 tem afraid tit Imperfections of others will kill us yet If one be cynical about the character of others and chiefly observant of de- tects and glad to find something wrong In character, the fact I, apt to be dem- onstrated In his Tooke. However regu- lar his features and though construct- ed according to the laws of Kasper Lavater, hie visage 1s moue, He may smile, but it is a Sour smile. There L a sneer In the inflation of the notate! There is a mean curvature to the lip There is a bad look In the eye. Thr devil of sarcasm and malevolence and auaplcion has taken possession of him and you see it as plainly as though from the hair line of the forehead to the lowest point In the round of 1, e chin It were written: "Mine! Mine! I the demon of the p11, have soured hlr vi -age with my curse. Look at Ulm' He chose a diet of carrion. He gloated ever the mtedeede of others. It took all my Infernal enginery to make him what he ie -'a busybody di other men'e matters' " The "tenderer almost always at- tempts to escape the scandal he le re- anonetble for. When In 1741 John Wes- ley was preaching at Bristol and show• ant what reasgqnn he had to trust in the Captain SI His Salvation, a hearer erled out: "Who wax your captain when you hanged yourself? I know the man who saw you when you were cut down." John Wesley asked the audience to make room and let the slanderer come to the front, but when the way was open the slanderer, Instead of coming forward, fled the room. The author or distributer of slanders never wants - to tate his work, On the day or Pentecost there were people endowed with whet wax call- ed the "gift of tongues," and they many languages. v MC -from you, for they take retetnera only from the more prosperoue clients, but cheer those young attorneys who have not had a brief at all lucrative. Those old merchants have their business so well established that they feel inde- pendent of banks, of all changes to tariffs, of all panics, but cheer those young merchants who are making their first mistakes to bargain and sale. That old farmer who has 208 acres in best tillage, and hie barns full ot harvested crops, and the grain merchant, having bought hie wheat at high prices before It was reaped, needs no sympathy from you, but cheer up that young farmer whose acres are covered with a big mortgage and the drought strikes them the first year. Go forth to be a busybody in other men's matters, so far as you ran helping them out, and help them on. the world le full of Instances of those who spend their 1110 In Ouch alleviations, but there Is ono In- stance that overtop' and eclipses all others. He had lived In a palace. Radiant ones waited upon him. He was charloted along streets yellow with gold, and stopped at gates glis- tening with pearls, and hosannaed by Immortals eoneted and to snowy white. Centuries gave him not a pain. The sun that rose on him never set. Hit dominions could not be enlarged, for they had no bound- aries, and uncontested wag his reign. Upon all that luster and renown and environment of splendors ne turned his back and put down Ma crown at the foot of His throne, and on a bleak December night trod His way down to a stone house In Bethlehem of our world. Wrapped in what plain shawl, and pursued with what enemies on mitt camels, sed howled at with what brigands, and thrust with what sharp lances, and hidden to what sepulchral crypt, until the sub- sequent centuries have tried In vaht to tell the story by acutptured prose, and painted canvas, and resounding doxologies, and domed cathedral, and redeemed nations. Ile could not eee a• woman doubled up with rheumatism but Ile touched her, and inflamed mueclee relaxed, and she stood straight up. Ile could not meet a funeral of a young mall but He broke up the procession and gave him back to his widowed mo- ther. With spittle on the tip of hie finger he turned the mWnlght of total blindness into the mldnoon el perfect sight. He scolded only Wire that I re- member, once at the hypocrites wait el"ngated Osage and the other tine when a sinful crowd had arraigned an unfortunate woman, and the Lord, with the most superb sarcasm that was ever uttered, gave permieolon to anyone who felt himeeff entirety commendable to hurl the first mist silo. All for others. Ilia birth fee others. Hill ministry for others. His death for others. Hle ascension for others. His enthronement for others, And now my words are to the in- visible multitudes I reach week by week, but yet will never see In this wield, but 1\ Men I expect t0 meet at the bar of Dad and hope to see in the briefest heaven. The last WON] that Dwight L, Moody, the great evangellet, said to me at Plainfield, N.J., and he repeated the message Pot me to others, was, "Never be tempt- ed under any etrrumetanees to give up your weekly publicatloe, of sar- mone throughout the world." That solemn charge I will heed as long •,e I have strength to give them and tic• newspaper types desire to take them. Story of a Slat's To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst term of eleven'. Gelr!1e D. Williams, of Manchester Mich. tells how such a stave was made flee, He says: "My wife tits been So helpless; for ileo y'eere that Phe could not turn over in bed alone, After using two bottles of Elm n'ie Hit- ters, she le nude: fully improved and able I o do her own wet k. This supremo .emody for female diseases quickly enl'ee nervousness, 2'lerpleselledm, melan- choly, headache, to ch,:che, fainting and (lazy spells, Tide miracle work• ing medicine is n 1'»•Ieeud to weak. yi kle*, run down 10111'. Every bo:tlo guarnnteed. Sold le .1. M. Hamilton. IAuggist. Only 50 re nes, 0NCANADIAN E N DIRN Kill EDr He Fell in the Fight at Sunnyside. CONTINGENT STILL AT BELMONT It is now known hem for the first time that a ntemher of the ('nnadiau contingent was k.l!tee in action in the light at ko1Ulyslee, o:t January when a Colonial force, under Lieut.- ('ol. Pitcher defeat xi pe,Ilogr cone luri}11'1 their e'The nam 'Waage. of , he wbt 1, Arte Iaann0 ae OUllny'Eh(10, !anger and torte pall, of the volunto . victoria, R. er at in A Company, of the cont n - gent -the swampy made ter from Manitoba and RAMA Leekuuh a, A report of his dieath ' came recently from Vitrtorin, a o l was published, but was nutted as a probable error at tho this, as the Canadians, hail not Leen in anyurther battle, while the Inst of easunitlos nt euaitysl•le was Lot thought to Include aria' Callaid. Ian. But there are people In our time who seem to have the gltt of evil tnguee, and there le no end to their iniquitous Wide. revery city, village and neighborhood of the earth has had driven through It these scavenger carts. When anything ie Bald to you defamatory of the character of others imitate Joseph John Gurney, of Eng. land, who, when a bad report was brought to him coneerning anybody, naked: "Dopt thou know pay good thing to tell up coneerning her? Since there Is no good to relate, would it not be kinder to be silent on the evil?? Charity rejotceth not in iniquity." But there is a worthy and Christ- ian way of looking abroad upon others, not for the purpose of bring- ing them to dlsgdvantsge or adver- tising their weakitemee or putting In "great primer" or "paragon" type their frelltles, but to offer help, sym- pathy and rescue, That Is Chrhtltke, and he who does so wins the ap- pisuae of the high heavens. Just look abroad for the people who have made great mlptekee and put a big plaster of condolence on their lacere- teens. Ouch people are never sYm- Pathlsed with, although they need anInanity of solace. Domestic mis- takes. Social mistakes. EccJeelastl- cal mistake,, Patittcal mistakes, The wo'i'id hie for such only jocosity end gesture of deploretton. There is an unoccupied field for you, lay brother. No one has been there. Take your ceso of medicines, and go there and oak them where they are hurt, and ap- ply divine medicament; Hear it: The more you go nutty - Ing yourselves In other men's mat- ters the better 10 you have design of offering relief. Search out the quar- rels, that you many settle them; the fallen that you may lift them; the pangs, that yqu may assuage them. Arm yourself with two bottles of di- vine medicine, the one a tonic and the other an anaesthetic, the latter et Boothe and quiet, the former to stimulate, to Inspire to eubllme ac- tiun. That man's matters need look- ing peter in this respect. There are 10,000 men and women, who need your htyn d need It right away. They do n,(:.11 alt down and cry. They make no upneal for help, but within ten yards of where you alt In church and within ten minutes' walk of your home there 00. people !n enough troabte to melte them ebrtek out with mom, If they had„„, rvsolvr.l up,„t 1 impel, meet If you are rightly Il eoreeted in other( men's matters, go to thus„ who are just starting in their ocCUpatl,„5 or profes- sion” and give them a bo,,l. Those old physicians do not Want pour help, for they are surrounded wlu, Patients than they can attend ,a more but: cheer those young doctors Wb,i are counting out their first drops teepee., elms who cannot afford to pay. Thee, old *110rnere at the taw want no kelp The mtOtaka 13 cantly- explabted The ilS? of kiCe-1 at Funnrelle ata cabled the War Office w•ae am follower "Pri- vate. MrLertr-j and A. host, Quueus- 1 nt Mq n el Infantry; P 101te,10110' VI..torte.' It 20210 at 0itce concludo.i that ' Prlvatto Jq'lra: VtctorliJ' r' - Mere f to ancither mzmber of the Airs• tralhtn force,, angel tlutt all the Cnn- 1d1niio were safe, It now turns out that Private Jgaexs was of Victoria, R, C., lout ons, as above state), one of the Canadian foeee engaged in the attnek, tinder Captain Barker, of Toronto, His depth marks the first sacrifice made by the Canadian voluntena Qat the field 0! Remar battlke, able Redeye, Mrs 'Michael Curtain, Plainfield, II1., makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for ai mon1)' her family hysician, but grew lana s0. He told par aha was a hopelesths 21011101 of coa- snmption end that ne melicine could 1i cure her. Her druggist eugge-ted Dr $hig'e brew Discovery for eemea2n, I tion; she bought a bottle and to her delight do o. lou80elcontinuedn t� so e¢d after taking sir bottles, found eers0li sound and well' now does her con housework, and 1s as well as she cr31 was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery, at J. M. Hamilton's Di ug Store. Only 50o and 11,00; every battle guaranteed. Car Repairer Killed. Brockv1L, Ont., Jen. 28, -Andrew Arbuckle, n car repairer, employed at the 0rani Trunk shop, was accidental- ly killed while at work. He WOO re- pairing a drawbar of a freight car, when a *hunter backed a number et care clown the track where be was working. Ile did not hear the r,r, np- p:,,,,L.ng, ani h., head was crumbed between two drawbars. He Was 30 years of age, anti marred. Bismarck's Iron Nelda Was the recast of Las epleadld heart*, In. dem ubI will 004 trema5Jou erg se out ftl ul whet, rtomach, Lisur, w.teYs and b.weL s,e e t tt irdeh 1f in W.wt Owe l,rIaalluu s abs .unser dray b aa, ass 01. Imes Nee Lite fella file develop every duo itwaa* daily, 01ty to seats as Market Reports -OP- The Week. bending Y. Lent 1l+ubet n, Fotlowiag are the closing prices at Important wheat (repines tu-uay: ('ala1L May. Chicago... ... $0 68 8.8 Milwaukee... 0 67 1-2 -- New York.., ,,. ,,. .., — 0 74 3-4 14t, Louie.,.......... 0 71 0 71 Toledo... .,. 0 71,s1.2 0 78 1-2 Detroit, red.,..,..,. On 1-4 0 701.2 Detrot, white ... (1711.4 - Duluth, No, 1 N'rn. 0 65 5-8 0675.8 Duluth, 1o. 1hard 0 07 1-8 -- Minneapolis, No. 1 Northern... ,., ,,, ,,. 0 65 3 8 4) 85 5.8 Minneapolis, No. 1 hard... ... 0 06 7.8 -.- Oman and Produce. -, Tormto, Jan. 27.-Flour--Ontarlo peatelta, in hags, $3.40 to 33.60 ; strrtight rollers, $3.20 to .33.40 ; Hun- garian patent”, 13.80; Manatee! talkers', $3,55, all on track at To rano. Wheat -Ontario red and white, 63c north and welt; geode, 600 north and west ; No. 1 Manitoba hard, 70e ; Tu - rout, and No. 1 Northern at 74c. onto -White cote quoted at 25 1-2c w'es't. Barley -Quoted at 38c for No. 2 were.; feed burley, 35e to 880. Rye --Quoted at 49c north and weal, and 50,i each, Raul-Ctty mills sell bran at 315,and shorts at 4(16 In car lute, f.o.b., To- ronto, Buckwheat -Farm ; 411c north and 50c east. Corn-t'auadinn, 32 to Ole went ; American, 40c on track hero, Oatmeal -Quoted at 13,25 by the bag and 88.35 by the barrel, on truck at Toronto, In car lots. Iran -At 57 to 571,-2c north and wait, for Immediate shipment. 11 Lowren:e taureet. Toronto, Jen. 27.-ltecclpts of farm produce, were not large! Wheat -Ono hundred and flay bnAh- ele of real wheat sold nt 8111 -lic per bushel; 50 bnehrie of goose at 09 to 70e. Barley steady nt 42 to 44o for 500 bushels. (Jets eteady 800 bushels mold at 301.2 to 1111-2c, Poultry - 1'ellverles light, with prism firm as follows: Turkeys 11.: to 13c per Ib.; geese S to On per lit; ducks 75e to el per pair ;chlckens 60 to OOc per pair. Rueter -Denverite; light, with prices ranging from 20 to 25c per Ib., tate latter price being for oholoe dairy to hpec(lll chat anwes. Eggs -frier for strictly new lald eggs have been realer thie week, owing to larger deliveries, nt 23 to :10e per dozen. The latter price Wag pale In n few Instances only, the bulk going at 23 to 27r. Toronto Farmers' Market. Sen. 20.-11ealt 000 108)1020 of grain were delivered on the street market hero to -My. Priem; were sternly to 11101, 15'l,ent-One hundred bushel, of rel and white fall wheat mull firm nt 0%r, and 200 bushels of goose steady to lc firmer at 00 to 70e. Oat, -Two hundred bushels sold etendy to firnler nt 811 to 314r. 1l, rIv)'-l°u 1' hundred bushels mold firmer at 12 to 45c. Bay nn' Straw -Twenty loads of hay sold weaker at 310.30 to 311,50 aril 3l) to 3)0 for 1010011 hay land eIovm'. Two loads of straw so)l un- chsngcl at $7 to $e, thence Hogs -Unchanged nt 33.30 to $3.60 per cwt. Rutter -Small deliveries ami Mod- erate demand at 21 to 22c for choice pound rolls. Egger -Fair demand and supply nt 25v fur etriutly new•latd egg's. Seedy. in Chicago on Saturday timothy clime,l steady nt $2,50 nominal for January, and 32.55 nominal for Feb- ruary, and $2 nominal for March. Closer closed unchanged at $01,25 nominal for January and at 38.40 nominal for March, all per 100 Ib3, In Toledo old prime clover closed eteady at let asked, January nt $5,77)7 and Marrh at $3.82%, all per babel. British Markets Luvorpoa.l-Jan. 17, -)2.36. -Whys t, No, 1 northern spring, 51. 11 1-24.; No. 1 Cal„ 6s, 34. to 63. 3 1-2d. ; red win- ter, 5s.-6 1.071.; earn, old, 3s.. 6 1-24.; new, lie. Od. ; peas, es. 6d. ; pork, prince western mesa, 56e, 3d.; lard, prime western, 300, 64.; American ref:n'd, 395, 3d; ; tefion., Australian, 27a. 0d.: American, good to fine, 27a. Od. ; baron, long clear, F ht, 34., ; heavy, 338. 111.; oleo, ole, heavy, 32a. Id.; cheese, colored, Us.; white, 571.; wheat firm ; (torn, f.rm, Liverpool -Close -Spot wheat, firm; 5o. 2 red W rater, 5s, 10d„• No, 1 nor- thern epr:ng, 00.; No, 1 Cal., 03. 33.; futures quiet ; Marc,h 5s, 10 1-19.. May &n, 0 3.41., July 53, 11)4. Spot, maize, firm; mixed American, 30. 01 nett, 3s, 1i led, old; futures steady ; Jan. 3s, 61., Feb. 30, 6 1-8d., Mu'rh 3s. 6- 3-81„ M,y 30. 6 1-4)„ July 33. 6 1-3d. Flour, 17s. 01. Lonlon-Clove-Wheat, off coast, noth'ng doing; on paeangr, rather firmer ; cargoes about No. 1 Cal., iron, Nov„ 380.; Iron, Dae„ 385. 1-21..; La Pinta, steam, Feb, and March, 28e. 81., grain b"ing fine nal heavy, Melee, 011 roast, nalh:ng doing; on passage, firm but not active; mixed Arne: lean, sail, steam, loading, lat. 10 1-''d. ; epee melee, Gal. Fox„ Resp„ 20s. (id.; mixed American, 17s. 61. Flour, spot Minn„ a IIIDER, SKINS AND TALLOW, III)es-The reoellts Isere are larger, rho market Is easier in sympathy with the weakness t4spleyeci by the n c markets, and Brandi and Amort an m rket the dentate' le not eo keen. Toronto d01(101t are telldhe; for greets cows 100 to 10 1.4c here 01)21 fqr eteers 11c, but in the country they enemy- lag repaylang 0 1.21 for 1011') 0111 100 for steers. Cured hales aro quoted at 10c to 11) 1.4o for cows, add 11 1 -lc for ateere. Sheelteklam-The demand le fair nal the market 10 steady at 31 to 31.20, nocording to quality and the atoouttt of wool taken. Celteldne-The market le steady at ale for Na 1 and 100 for No. 2. TaI'ow is steady. Loon' 'enters are Paying Ce to 5 1.4c and asking 5 1.2e. CHEESE Cheese -The demand le stow nod the market is dull at 12e to 12 1.2e for job lota, Tho public Liverpool Pahl '- gram to -day was unchange -I at Wes 1"r colored and 57e 6d for white. LIVERPOOL APPLE MARKET, it'oodall & Co., Liverpool, under list« of Jan, 6th, ,say: „.`-'el hurt was dated the 22nd uh cmlosol he first part of the Beason ( ores e. the 31st ultimo, the total llrloR 4Ar(t° Liverpool to that date 0e1 bill.'" la h :zrLs, „g,,,tut iiil,- n the norrespondtng per- iod l+at year, showing a decrease on what was a very short supply, thus making the th,nd consecutive com- parative failure et the crops both of the United States and Canada, ship - ler the greatest decrease. With the merits from Boston epi Ma knowledge of tbie shortage it WAS naturally anticipated that a high range of prices would rule. A retros- paot, however, telt” a awry glory wad from various dances the season to date has been one of the moat unsat- lateotory known. "The poor condition throughout was the uppermost cauda of the trouble, and experience proves that a small' crop 1s rarely of goof quality, ne the sho okage la generally unused by at- mokkpheric conditions, unfavorable to the fruit keeping, added to which, scarcity lnduoee operators t pack inferior and unsuitable fruit” Wt'OL. There is ea easier feeling In the market la ivmpathy with the British markets and (local dealers are not bidding as men for fleece. The de- mand for pulled wools to fair and the market is firm. Fleece -The offering{ are not large, the demand 1* leas itAlfve and the market is eneter, Local dealers are only offering 10o now. Pulled Wool -There les good de- mand from the )tome trills and the market is firm. Supers are quoted et 1110 to 20c anal extras at 22o to 23o. TIIE YEAR'S I1ESCLTS, Dradstraeet's eummary of f0tluree chows it total of 1,300 for tho year, 3s. against 1,470, 1,925 and 2,204 ht 18.'8, 1897 end 18!26 eespectively• Tho !'abilities wore 311,03%411, ugalnet 310,062,140, $13,249,070 and 4(16, 400,456, In 1808, 1897 and 1806 re- epoctively. Tho ""sets lust year were $4,536,058. The eonimout of the cone oder la : Lark of cajetnl still remains the eli1of stumbling-hloek to emcees in trade, ,fudging from the fact that 74 per rent. 01 the fa'luree and 58 per tent. of the liabilities' were charge- able to this cause. While the propor- t'on o1 failures due to lark of capital tendo to increase of late years, the lova molting therefrom, however, 1105 decreased. Unwise credits, which eatrso,f We than 1 per rent, of all the Canadian failures', were respontlhle for over 20 per rent. of the 1'ahilltlee. Here, as In the United Staten, the fa•lures doe to tneomp"tenco end the damage resulting from the same bear a close reltt:on, the proportion's being reepectively 0.4 per oent. end 10.4 per cent„ an Moreau In the proportions over outer tors being ntoo noted. Stee'fie rondittone were less hurtful hl 1819 than In nny previous ,year, both as reds mum' er n 1 i'nh'ptle•, Fewer fn! ore, and smaller Ilahllltleo due to lnexpertenoe are to be noted, and fewer failures lino to outside speculntbn, neglect and fnlluree of others nro II ISO reported, while 1'rnud- elett d'sno',ltien morsel morn (el'nrent but smaller liabilities than In 18)8. Bradetreet•s on Teals. Humblest at Montreal Is developing nieng the )ince of spring trade In 0 entisfantory manner. Trntiere In the country appear to be well supplied with cash. The country retail trade has kept up well since the Itolidaye. Payments 0n accounts aro 'st!ef'tc tory. Ilueineee at Hamilton continues of fair volume and videos are firm for mod staple goods. Travellers repirt taking n fair number of orders for the spring trade which promises to he a good one tide year. Prices for nrnrly all lines In a wholesale way arc firm. .1t Winnipeg there los been a fair mount of 1(0011ees done 11115 week. pr,na•rto Irll to ne'rhett ity dusring thepolnt nr2to couplerrntopic of month's, The utovemrnt of grain anti outer Produce lately hos been light, but prices have hear little nlfentedby Min small deliveries. Collections are not ata good as negalt be willed. Dueiaeae at London has been he creasing It anything lately and the outlook for trade Iw general4, '1,011• ,sldere 1 by traders to be quite up to the prospects that pre%atiod a year ago, \'clues continue firm and col- Ieetone are fair. Trade at .the court ratios line been rather Wet since the holiday's. Tbm progcaots for the spring end summer are good for a profitable year's bnsl. orae. The hast Iota of the Batmen catch are being shipped, and when all has gone forward there will have laden twenty-eight cars tient out. The Umber trade prospects are good and contrart8 have been placed for sev- eral million feet each for China and Jllpnn. Trade at Toronto thle week has been a fair volume, Values In all linea are firmly malntaltled. P,tlip- mesas of dry goo,le have leen larger title week, and orders for additlonal tote have been coming forward freely. The total dry goo le Import's et thin port last year amounted to 87,200,• 000, against $6,600 003 for 181)8. There le a good demand for hardware and metale with prices firm for nearly all linea. Other departments of whole- sale trade are fairly active for this season. Colleottone are fair, We are sure you dgaot. Nobody wants It. But it tiJLea to many thousands every yelp. It comes to those who have had coughs and colds until the throat Is raw, and tate lining membranes of the lunge 510 Inflamed. Stop your cough when it first appears and you remove the great danger of future trouble. gers bernj ecioiii stops coughs of ell kinds. It does so because it Is a Booth - Ing and healing remedy of great power. Thls makes it the great- est preventive to consumption. Put one of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plasters over your lungs A whale Melba! Library Fres. ler tour em,t. (a stamps to pay ppeeso�. age we will send you slztoen medial bonier. Msdleal Addeo Fnsh wo have the exclusive services of soma ul the most eminent physicians in the hatted Staten. U0,(S00 oppnr. Waiting and long exper(en'e Ruh [lastly at them for giving you medical Advice. Write freely all the pert(0 11ere In your 03e0. tan will receive a prompt reply, 811000t cost Address, DR, J. C. AYti$llfer. BANK OF HAMILTON. Capital, all paid up, $I,Soo,000. Reserve, $1,000,000. Total Assets, $13,163,057, BLYTH BRANCH. A general Banking business transacted, Advanree made on all suitable securities. Farmers' notes discounted and money advanced to feed cattle. etc., and pending the harvesting of the ca'ops. Debentures bought. Colloctiona made on the most favorable terata. Drafts issued pevablo at all principal pointe 113 Canada and the United States. Drafts on Great Britain and t..: Continent of Europe bought and sold. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. - Deposits of 1t and upwards received and interest allowed from ,late of deposit to date of withdrawal, interest. added to principal in May and Novell)' ber each year. Special deposits also r-eceived at current rates, Deposita may be withdrawn without formality or delay. C. Il. BENNET•r, st)B•AmeNT. nne.nnnr.ti ewweewe ^WS RAYS" N aAnnrwa '1,0110,4010•010101. a News er Newspaper Advertising Its TH. Life of a Business. The shrewd merchant knows r^nn.,.murra /WV1erMA It and acts accordingly. To bring trade your way these ------ growing times use «,,.., ► THE MYTH STANDARD n nnnnrvn PORT UO1'Nllt 1IO1'h:L ill'RNED. Questa in the Mend Howse Escape W Their Night Rube", : Port Dover, Out., .inn. 28. - The greats nt the Men(' House were at 3 o'clock this morning rudely Wilk' mai from their elunlbers by the Marin of tire. Such hold had the flames ,got on alta building before they were discovered that the In- Ilhatee 11011 only time to escape In Abell! night clothes. Port Dover has no fire apparatus, and the locket brigade were helpless' to save the ineleiig, whieh inelmlel a hardware and ac drug store, The flre•flghters, however, did wonders In confining the flames to the hotel bulOting, John Be+wpre, of Mimeos, own0 the building. The amount of Inmurnnee has not yet bolsi ascertained, Volcanic Eruptions At'e eraud, but Okla Eruptions rcb Itis ofay. Beekl•o's Arnie., eats ems them; sae Dia, ltneuing sad fiver bores, mean Bulls, yet a.. corps, Wa,te, Cuts, tlrut'se, berm, aside.Ohappid prude, ('bnb1, ins, b. et 1'120 Core a, ear b Drives rat f4,1,+ end Aches. Oaly ID oeuts 8 box. (,,,o guaranteed, had by l bL Hamilton, D,ua4ut, Nabbed in Toronto. Montrea), Jan. 20. -Arthur J. Snow Itua been arrest"' here by Detective Kellert, Ore chnngw aga1not him be - tag endeseslement preferred by U. e. 'ecreteltey 0f State flay. Snow be. longs'to New York, where he was employed by the Wells, Fargo Ex. press Company, which he la alleged to Wive robbel. Tho pprrf oner extremes' Me Intention of fighting extradition proceedings to the bitter end, BLYTH ROLLER MILLS 00000000 Having assumed outset of the above named mine I am prepared to supply and deliver Flour and Feed to any part of the town at reasonable prices. Ask your grocer for FINNEMORE'S FAMILY FLOUR itis the best on the market. GRIIITING and CHOPPING done on short notice, being a practical mil- ler aur sure to please you. GiVE N1~ A TRIAL Highest market price paid for ell olns• eos of wheat, 00000000 W. H FI - NN EM R 0 E BLYTH. T. J. IIUCKSTEP, Barber and Tai>accogist Choke Stock of Tobaccos, Cigars and Pipes on band. Aoalr Aron TIM ZAMBIAN STEAM LAUNDRY 60 YEARS' EXPI RIENC0 PATENTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS) &ODE RIDH'e &C. Anyone goading s .kelrh and dews-ut(nu may tapWdalll asusrtala est opinion free wleth,r an rpv. tlon0r(o la probably &1 patentable. Patents 001311 free. proda'sotM'n rat free, Oldest e a� hfor securing palate, *eeW eons Wren charge. In the Co. rectify' Scientific igmerican. 1landeomdy nlenrated weekly. 1,.rgeot 0e ealanon of 007 sotaptba 1purmi. Terme, ea e t tone mtatba. eL odd br nal nrwe,tralerR Ni:r�:" . f \ M3I11URCKIE & RANOB BANKERS TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, BLYTII, ONTARIO. • NOTES DISCOUNTED. Sale Notes a specialty, Advances made to farmers on their owe notes. No additional security re- quired. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates. i We offer every accommodation coa- 1 � sistent with safe and conservative baakiug princ,ples, 0 LI111TED PRIVATE FUNDS To. loan on Real Estate at lower rates of interest. RE1L ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sa11 will do well 1 to place their property on our lilt for Fale. Rents colla -ted. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended te, INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and file Assurance co,upaniee, and ren epoctfully solicit your account. OFFICE HOIJltS: 10 A.Y, TO 3 J. H. OHELLEW UNDERTAKER & MOM ru.1 haloes AND Goow. (Net In theeombleeJ 0..7 Queen Street South, Myth C. HAMILTON. Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator. Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Office, on Qnoen street, Blyth. Orders left at TiN S'ramose° office will receive prompt attention. I C. A. COOKE, LA.U., D.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Uni- versity of Toronto, and graduate of the. 2 Royal College of Dental Surgeons., Special attention paid to the preserva- tion of the natural teeth. °Moe over' J. W. Bell's harness store, Queen street;. Blyth. Visits Auburn let and 8rd Mondays of each month, W. J. MILNE, M.D.O.M. Physieinn, Surgeon and kceoueheat X.D.C.M., University of Trinity Cot. lege; M. Queen's IIniversity; Fel- low of Trinity College, and mombor of College of PhyMicis1ts and Burgeons of Ontario. Coroner fur the County of Baron, Office, 0110 door north of the Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. GRAND TItUNK RAILWAY. w1001(10 AND LONDON BRANDI! 00UTrt Nottr. AM pm am prang 0 58 8 15 Wingham 11 10 8 019 (f 511 8 18 Winghnm Jo It 07 7 511 7 01 3 :i 1 Behr; aro 10 en 7 2' 7 21 8 el Lon lesans 10 83 111 1O 41 7 la 7 47 4 25 Clinton 10 15 0 Sia 0 50 0 '23 J,,ondon 8 16 4 4t. BLYTH POST OFFICE. IroUNO: 010RT A.M. TO 113111110.0. Mails Arrive. -Frim K.rth-7,20 amt. and 3.50 p.m.; South -10.45 ant. anti 7.11) pm. M the Close.-Go'ne North -10,20 a.tn and '; p.m.; Joatk'-g a.m. an O.Si 1m