The Blyth Standard, 1900-02-01, Page 7r /sr ' a - WHAT WAS HIS MOTIVE? (A STOEV OF MVSTERV.) 4:<4441 ,(17174-4."--r PAWN The coroner protmerie,1 to Hum up the evident*. " We have te deal, enttlettlen," he ottki, "with it most lie eoMpreliessible and mysterioue Mee, tile detalle of whittle are vet notion - !fittingly shuttle. On the warning of Thatentity, the 4th litet., Mrs. Drub. thIlltp, a worthy hurdworkinir widow, Wit° lets iodgings at No. 11 aelover etreet, Bow, was ult. alike to armee) the deceased who uccupled the entire upper floor of the howie. Becoming alarmed, KIM went Berms to feteh Mr. George tiroimen, a gentleman known to ue all by reputation, and to Willem clear and ecientille evidence wa RTO 1111101 Indebted, and got him to batter le tbe door. They found the devoured lying bark in tied with a deep wound In kis throat. Life had only rerently become extinct. There watt no tense of any luntrument by which the nut teuld have been Sleeted ; there Wail les trace of any perown who mould Imre effecteti the ent. No person could ap- parently hare got lit or out. Tlifi medical evitlettee goor to mhow that the eleeeased could not have hiflicted the wound Itimeelf. Anti yet, gentle. Men, there are, lit the ne ture of tillage, twee -and only two—alternative ex-- Nanette/11s of las denth. Either the wound WAR inflicted by hie own lintel, Or it Wits infiletel by nnother'N. I shall take each of these poolbilithe temtrately, First, did the iktoettsed tumult suicide? The tuedlcal folthueo mays deceaned was lying with illf handl( Maimed behind hie head. Now the wound Wan matte from right to left, and terminated by a cut on the left thumb. If the decease I had nide it he would have had to du it with hid right hand, reale him left hate] re- mained under Ids head—a most peen - liar and unnatural position to (lemur. Moreover, in making n vet with the right hand, one would malmsey more the hand from left to right. It Ill unlikely that the demased would move Ids right hand no awkwardly and me naturally, unlese, of (smote, la 4 oldoot Wee to baffle simpleton. Another point is that on OM Itypotheale the de- eeased wonld have had to repittee Ids right hand beneath 1114 head. But Pr. Roblneon believes that death wet( instantaneono. Ir NO, deeettootl emild have had no tints to pose so neatly . It IR hilt pOellble the cut Ivit3 ina,le with thseleit baud, lout then tit,. de - reamed Walt rhea -handed. The alsemee of any _elgtis of a pusellee Won poll undoubtedly goer to eorrol orate the medical evidence. The pollee lotto Made an eelutuetive search in till place' where the razor or otlwr weapon or insteement might by tiny poesibility have been cementite la- eiud1 the bed nettles, the not f i em,e, t the low and the etreet lute n (deli it In t have been dropped. lett all Miter es involving the wilful conceal - Ment of the fatal inetrument here to reckon with the fart or probability that death Was Instantaneous, al.() with the feet that. there wits no 1d00,1 about the floor, Manny, the inetrie went wed wee In all likelittoe 1 a razor, nod the deceased did not elm Ye, and wee never known to be In preewodon of any such Inetrument. If thee we Were to.conflne morsel t tl Ves .iii _IP MP+ len1 and pollee evidence, there would, I think be little hesitntion in Mendes - Ing the Idea of einleitle. Nevertheitee, It le welt to forget the physiml aNeect ‘A the VOW for 8 moment, nnd to apply our mintle to tin ittipreltelleei Inquiry into the mental aspect.' of 1t. Was there any Newell why the I'M. teased ethould wish to take hid own life? He was youtez. wealtity' and pop- ular. lovbtg awl loved ; life 'stretched fair before him Ile haft ne ricer. Plain living, ligh thinking anti noble dahig were the titrce guiding otters elf lifs life. If he luel had evinbition, an ';.illgOrtrions peblie eareer was within Thiel reach. He ware inn orator of no . ' Mean power, a brilltent nee lining- *** man. Ille outlook was tOwaym tete future—lie wax aiwues sketeti. ewhozoever BOUM show fair claim oUt ways in wplelt lie ((cull be ture- Ka /do fellow -men. Ilk purse and einte wero ever at the eetioutend U theta If elleh a man %VETO likely Me own life, the science of Mt. an neture would be et tin mi. iloMe Of the shadows of thef plc. have been Presented to us. The , ' lutd his moment* of dermondency . which of us line out ? But they IMO to have Men few and pasting. Atlyhow. he was eheerfel enough on teale tine before Ms death. Ile wee ellflueeritAte, too, from tootlinclie. ligt it not seem to have been violent, teesedid he tempi/tin. Poverty, of Merge the pale became %tory adlite 111 the night. Nor mud we forget that he may have overworked himself and Ais norm into et morbid tante. • welted very hard, never riving IOW than halferamt Nevem and doing More then the profeesiottel lit - leader; ne tnuellit Bin! tut Well am spoke and orgentized. rot the other hand all witneeem that he was looking forwitril e4gerlY to the mrettug of tram -mute 04 the morning of the 4th MM. Hie Whole heart was in the movement. 10 it likely that tit* ware the night he would choose for quitting the Room of -hie noefultteen? Is it likely that It he held ehoeen It, Ile wreulti not heve lett lettere and it settlement beleml, or Made a Mat will or tenement ? Mr, Wimp haa Mud no movible elite tO Mich conduct In Ills papers Or is Hi likely he Would have melee:Oct the hilettettnent ? The only Presitive sign of intontleet la the belting of las dote in atkiltion to the usual locking of it, hut elst ealmot lay much stress on that. Regardtng the mental asposto elone, the bahotos it largely against roulcide; looking at the physical its - suicide Is well-nigh Impossible. iltietting the two together, the wake • against mutate la all but mathemati- cally complete. The answer, then, to our flott questlen, Did the deceased comMtt *Weide? le that he (Mt not." Tbe termer polkaed, and everybody (bow a long Nouth. The lucid ex- .. Petition had been foll000d with (Id - 'nitration. 71 the comer had Mopped nowothe jury would lutto unheeititt- ittely returtted a verdict of "mur- der,' But the (meaner ewallowal a. mgthful of water and went (on: "We nOw come to tho emend alter- Ive—erats the dee:meet the victim hoinlokle? In order to rer that question in the attir- e& It IS ementlat that we should blot to form some conception of s InfildUa operand'. It iv a It very well ror Dr. Robinson to say the cut was made by enother hand; but in the ab- ate* of any theory Re to how the eat Gould poseibly have been made kr that other hand, we ehould be driven back to the theory of tee!f-'11- !heave, however Improbable It may IMMO to medical imatltmen, Now, Whitt are the facts* When Mrs. Dridehunp and Mr. Grodman found the twdy it was yet warm, and Mr. ti, a witness fortunately qual- epeeist experience, states that h had been quite recent. This doesly saough witla• the view 1. Niteoll, vrho, elaredning tbe *kelt Rll belie later, put the ,eeee lime of death at two or three houre before, toy /levee o'elock, hIrs. Drab - dump bad attempted to wake the de- ceased tit a quarter to seven, which would put back the eat to a little code r. Ari I uaderstand, from Dr, Rolenson, that it is imposalble to fix the tans very precisely, death, may have very welt taken place itevetal hairs before Km Draplump's first attempt to wake demoted. Of course, it may have takett plane between the fink and wend cells, as he may merely [have be, ett sound Weep at first ; :t may alad not impossIbly have token plaoe conallerably earlier that) the first cell, for all the physical data APIA tO prove. Nevertheless, on the whole, I think we alkali be lease likely to err if we aeseme the time of death to be helt-paat Nix. Geatlemen, let tie pie:tare to ourselves No, 1 1, Glover etroet, et half-paet six. We have tom the heuse • we know ex- actly how It ontist'ructel. On the ground floor a front room tenanted by Mr. Mortlake, with two windows, giving on the etreet, both aecturele WINO ; it back room oceurvied by the ; and a kilehen, litre. Drab - dump did slot leave her bedroom till belfepast six, so that we may be sure all the various doors and windows have not yot been unfastened ; while the ewe of the yea els a guarantee that nothing had been left open, The. front door [trough which Mr. Mort, lugs' has gone out before hate -past four, ie guerded by the Ilateh-key lock and the ring look. On the upper floor aro two r.toms—a front room used by deeetsel for a bedroom, and a back roam wiSch he used ne a sitting room. The b irk room ham been left open, with the key inside, but the window in fostened. The door or the front tone not only locked, but bolted. We 'VIVO Well the efet,ntered mort tho 6;30.3 a the upper bolt vio- lently fOrtiP1 from the woodwork and resting on the p:n. The windows are bolted. The fasteners ber:ng treaty fixed in the ca ttdiee. The chimney Is too narrow to admit of the paimaga even n chilli. This room, In fact, Is MN firmly berm,' in as it besieged, It has no communication with any other port of the house. It is an abso- lutely self.centred and krolated ao If It' sere a fort In the Rea or a log - hut le the foroet. Even lf nny Meow person le In the house, nity, in the. acre' sitting -room of the do. %weed, he ettnuot get into the hod - row& for the house Is one bulit for the mete witli 00 cotumunIce, then bhtween the different rooms. sts that ereparate fantillea if need be, may inhabit each. Now, however, Mt us grata that genie person has lotto el the miraele of getting Into the front room, first floor, 1H feet from the ground. At lutlf-past slx. or thereabouts, he cute the throat of the eleepIng occupant. flow Is lie then to get out without attracting the uttention of the now teemed landlady ? But let les cmice,10 hint that miracle, too. Bow Is lie to ge away and yet lotto: tlie doors nett windows ntekee and bolted from wattle ? Title is a degree of miracle et which my credulity muot draw the line. No, the room had boat eioseti all night—there Is ocurvely n trace of kg in it. No one (multi get 111 or out. Finally, murders do adt take Owe witleteut motive. Robbery eel revenge aro tho only committee bM inettato. The deceasetl hall not tut etienty In the world ; biu money tree valeabito were left tatow•bed. Everetleig was tit order. There were Ili, signs el a otruggle. The teweer then to our second inquiry —watt the deceased killed by another portent ?—ls that be wee not. " (teittlenten, I am aware that tido Ill1p0S111b10 and e011traillei tory. Bitt It le the Mete that con• trieliet themselves. It seems clear that tilt &motel (ild not commit euielde. It Hoene equally clear that the (Meowed wao not murdered. There Is *Alen for It, therefore, gentlemen, bat to return a verdict tantamount to an ackuotvlecIgnient of our incompetence to come to anY olequately grounded conviction whatever as to the means or the manner by which the decetteed met hie death. It is the moot itiexPlIca• ble myetery In all my experience." (Hemet lend The Foreman (after a colloquy with Mr. Rawly eandereotO—We aro not ageetyl, Mr. One of the jurors MAAR on a verdict of "Death from vieritateet by the act of God." CHAPTER IV. But Handy elanderson's burning sO. Mete& te fix the %rime flickered out In the face of uppoietion, and In the end lie bowed his head to the Inevita- ble "open vercilet." Then the flood- gates of Inkland were opened, and the deluge pattered for nine (lays on the deaf coffin where the poor Ideal - let mouldered. The tonguee of the Prose tvere loosened, and the leader writer/4 revelled In recapitulating the circumettomes of "The Big Bow Mys- tery," though they could contrIbilte nothing but adjectiree to the soles Lion. The topers teemed with lettere —it Wall a kind of Indian mummer of the silly Reason. But the editors could not keep them out, nor cared to. The myetery wee the one tool° of conversation everywhere—lt teite i111 the carpet tind the Imre boards alike, In the kiteiten nut! the drawing -room. It was illocussed vrith 'Mance or tau- pidity, with aspirates or without. It came up for breakfast with the vele, eine was :wept oft the supper•tablo with the last crumbs. No. 1 1 Mover Ntreet, Bow, remain- ed for dnys a shrine of pilgrimage. Tito once enemy little street buzzed from morning till night. From all (mutt of the town people came to stare ep nt the bedroom window and wonder with a foolish fate( of bor. ror. The pavement was often block- ed for Metro together, and itinerant ventlere of refreshment made it it new market centre, while youallisto lutet• ened thither to ding the delectable ditty of the deed without haying any ,volee In the matter. It wits a pitty the Goverment did not erect a toll- gete at either end of the etreet. Bid Chancellors( of the Exehequer rarely avid! themeelves of the more obvious eXpeilleiltfl for pitying off the Nu- t betel debt. Filially, familiarity bred eontempt, ant the wits grew facetious at the expetew of the Mystery, Jokes on the "object appeared even in the 00inte papers. To the proverb, "Yen Must not erty Bo to a goose," one added; "or else sbe will explain you the Myatery." The name uf the gentleman who iteked whether t lete r,) ati not etrrowing Stall net be disuigeti. There wa.e more point in "Dagonete" remark that, if lw, had been one of the un- happy Jurymen, he ehouid have been driven to "suicide." A profeedonal paradox -Monger pointed trinmphantly to the lemewhat 'similar situation In "the murder in the Rae hibrgue," and said that Nature lutd been plagiaris- ing again—like the ntcnkee Oho wee —and he reootnmended POe's publish - era to aPply for ati Injunction. More seriouoly, Potes solution was reeug. Meted he "Conetant 'Madre." nu au original Idea. Ho thought that a email osermegrinderet monkey might have got down the ehininey with ite maeteret rnzor, and sifter attetniot- leo to Onto the ocentimet of the bed, have returned the way It mune, This bien. oreaMd oetteltierable sometime but a everespondeat with a long tratu of lettere draggling after him nen*, pointed out that it monkey wean einoUgh to get down eto nar- row. n flue would not bo Monte en. ough to Infliot (ieep a wound. This vote dieputed by a third writer and the meted raged tee keenly about the power of monkeys' muselen that It was utmost taken' for greeted that ausakey Wall the guilty party. The bubble was pricked by the pen of "Common Pewee" who laconically re- marked that no traces of ettot or blood had been diveovered mt the floor, or ott the neghteltirt or the counter - mete. The letneet's leader on the Msetery was awaited with Interest. It sail: "We coonot 111 the praises that have been showered upon the cortmere entninana up. It 'showy mode the CV118 retrulthig from hewing coroners \rho ttre not metileal wen. HP fieentfi to have apprecieted but le. adequately tin signIfteneme of the wiliest! evidence. He should certain- ly have direeted the Jury to return verdict of murder on that. What WAS It to do with him that he VO11111 too no woy by white% the wooed could have been hif Retest by an outhie agency ? It was for the ikoltee to flail 11011- Unit woe done. Enough that It wart tutpoorible for the the unlinppy youtee titan to have in. Melee suell It wound and then have etrength end trill power enough to lade the inetrament nod to remove perfectly every trace of hie tutting left the bel for the purpose." It le lut- poseible to enumerate all the theories propourided by the anuttour (letee- flew, while Metalloid Yard t•eliglotte- ly hell Ito tongtle. Ultimately the in. terest oa the subject becione tent. fined to a few papeee which had received the beet letttes. Thele paper( that couldn't get littereatIng lettere stopped the etorreepondettoe and sneer. N1 at the "sensationalism" of those that multi. Among the 1118014 of fan. tarty there love not a few notable Foliations, width failed brilliantly, like neekete mewing OH fixed eters. One W1114 that in the obeettrity of the foe the murderer had /ovoidal to the window of the isedroont by meant; of a Metter from the pavement. Ile had then with a diamond mit 011P or the penes awtev anti effeetel nu entry thronell the nperture. Oit leaving he newt in the peute of glees :igen! for another which lin bad brought with Mtn) anti thus the room remained with Bei Nolte mitt leeks untie:Neel. Oa ite being pointed out thet the pante were too stuall, a third vorreoennient thowed that that didn't »mtter, it was ouly neettesery to inst. rt the hand PIO undo the Inetening, when the entire window could be °Peeled% the proems beinee re• vowed by the murderer on leaving. This pretty eilfice of glees Willi smashed by a glatier, who wrote to say that a pane cellist hardly be fixel In front only one side of a win- dow frame, that it would fall out when touchol, and thet in any caso the wet putty (need leo twee osenpel deteetkei. .1 door panel eat wad replayed, Wulf als() put forward, an t mato' trap -doors an ferret passages Wein ILlieribett to No, 1 1 Glover street, tie 11 it were it Mediaeval castle- Another of these clever theories wao that the nturderer was in the roont the whole tithe the police were there—M(1(Mo the wardrobe. Or Ike had got lie - Weil the door when (Holman booke It upon, fa) that he watt ttot Itt*W-d In the exeltonieut of the, discovery, 11111 esenped with weapon et the moment What, letrodmott and Mre. Drabduutp Wore exandellig the window fastenhige. &esoteric eaplaliatiotil /Ufa were til 1111.11(1 tOliNfililill how the aseamsln leek- ett anti bolted the door betted lam. Powerful magnet++ outeitte the door leeen ined tu turn talc key and push the butt within. Murderers; armed with mugnets loomed ott tite popular Imagination like it new mt. totem. There wee only one defect itt this ingatilou3 theor,v—the thing could not bo dome A phydeloelet re. celled the eonjurore tondlove sweetie—lee au a tut Wildcat pecutiarltY Of the throat—and reel that the de- m:used tntelit have swallowed the welt pon lifter cattle; 111,1 own throat. Thie was too much for the public to owallew. As for the idea that the feticide lind been effeeted IvIth a pen- knife or go blade, or a bit of steel, wheat loul then got buried In the wottud, not even the quotation of Shelley's line: "Makes mesh a weevil, the kilife lo beet its" °out] hours it a tuoment'e accept- s:toe. The Atilna reception was ac. corded to the Visa that the cut had been made with a candle etick for other !terminate omeetrary bedroore article) conetructee like it sword. st4ek, Theorem of Ole Hort caused a Intmoriet to explaitt that the deoented had hidden the razor In his hollow tooth : Rene keel friend of elesore Mmatelyne rind Cook suggented that they were the only persone wito could lutve done, the deed, ae 110 011P else could get mit of a lockett cabbiet. 'But perhopm the most brilliant of thefifi finahes of false flee wan the facetious, Yet probrtbly half eterhetely 1111Palltii letter that appeorest in the Pell Melt Press under the 110111111nf • "The Mg Bow MysteerY Solved." "Str,—You will remember that when the Whitechapel wainiers were agitating the universe, I iniggested that the dletrict coveter was the as. 'gamin. suggeetton lets been die regerded. Tito coroner le edill at large so le the Wititeeledeel murderer. Parte-tie this toggeo- tive eolneldento 17111 belittle the authorities to pay more atten• tem to me this time. The problem seems to be Wm. The deceased eouid not have eta hin own throttt. The decease:I mould not lutve had lils throat cut for him, An ono of the two meet have happeued, thio Is ob- viows nonsense. Am title t% obeisant: nonsense, I ton Juirtified dlebe. Hoeing It. Am this (obvious nousense wite primarily put la circulation by Mts. Drablump and lir. (krodnitim rint justified In disbelieving them. In short, sir, whet guarantee haVe that the whole tale woo not a cock - Ansi -bull story, Inventee by the two permute who [Met found the body What proof ift theee that the deed waS lint done be thee° persons themeelves, who then went to work to smaeli the door turf break the lecke and the bolts, and fasten up all the win- <kowe before they callel the pollee In 7—I en,01040 lity eard, and aut, yourrt truly, "One Who Lawlor Through Ille Own Speetacled." le Our correepotelent's theory is not *to nudacionely original he he seems to Imagine, Han he not leokel thrown the ereetache ei the porpie who pereletently suggested thet the Whitechapet murderer was Invarinley the pOiceman who fume the body ? Somebody must find the body. If it Le to be found at ail.— Est le M. Pe.] The editor hail maroon to be Pleat el that he ineerted this letter, for It tirew the following Intereeting counnualeation front the great de- tective lameelf; The Big Bow Myetery Soleed. "Sire -I do not agree with YOU that your eorrespoudent'e theerY Melte originality. lett the contrary, I Hank it is delightfinly original, In fact, it haft elven me tot Mete What that idea is I do not yet Prolate* to my, but If 1 Ono Who Looke Through Ills then Swett/. ekes' wilt favor ine with hie name mei fteldrees, I shall he haPpy to In- form him a little before the rest of tho world whether hie germ hall borne any fruit. I feel he is a kin- dred spirit, and take thief oPpor• tunity of owlet; publicly that 1 wao extremely dleaPPoInted at the um satheactora verdict. The thing le a palpable essatisinatioti; an open vete diet Imo a tendency to relax the exertitms of Scotland Yard. I hope I shall not he accused of Immedesty or of wake* personal reflections, when I any that the department has had several notorious failures of late. It Ls met vvitat It need to he. Crime ts becoming impertinent. It no longer knows its place, so to *peek. It throwe down the gaunt - Mt where %ewe it usel to cower in ite (teatime:. I repeat, I make these remarks weely In the Intereet of law and order. I do not for tone nee meet believe that Arthur Lem Mont killed Itimitelf, anti If ecutiand Yard testi/Oleo itself wait that explanation, and turtle mi Ito other side and goes to Weep again, then, oir, ono of the foul- eet and most horrible crimes of tee century will for ever go unpunished. My neennIntanue with the unhappy victim weir bet recent ; st111, I tow unit knew etiongli of the matt to be eertitin (toil I hope I have seen and knowe enough of other men to judge) that he was a man constitutionally incapable of counnitting an act of vio- lence, whether against himself or any. body elm. lie would not hurt a fly, ae the %eying goo. And a man of gentle etamp alwaym lacks the active energy to lay 111111iti 011 himself. He was a man to le esteemed in no cone nuat degree, 11111 I feel prone to be able to se y thet he ettesidere 1 me at friend. I am hardly at the time of life at wlitelt a 11111 11 mires td put 011 hin harmer; :Again; but, Mr, it 11111111)(m' ifible tlutt I 'Mould ever know a &ye roe till the perpetrator of this foul deed IN diecovered. I have already put myeelf in commitnivation with the family of the Nietiin, who, I am pleneee to my, linve every confidence In In-, nud look to me to elver the 1111111ti Or their unhappe relative front the emitilitiputatInn of euteitle I Illiall be ideasett if anyone who share; my distrust of the authentic*. and who line any oleo whatever to' this ter- rible mystery or any platteible sug- geetIon to offer, ir, iii brief, elle '0110 who looks through Me own speettelts' win eummunteate with ale. If 1 were tusked to indicate the tltreetIon in which new cheat, might he most wee fully weight, I should toy, in the flret Meta nee, a nytlang IN valuable that hello us to piece together a tom. piety picture of the multifold itetieities uf the 1111111111 the mat eud. He entered one way or another into the eves of it, good many people ; le It trite that be nowhere ninth ettentlee ? With the hot Intel -Woe 4 1 man two a iiiiit,l or Will ; his interference may he re. eented ; lip 111.1V (Veil excite jealousy. 1 young man like the late Mr. Constant settle not have had as inueli practi- cal engacity no lie luel goodness. Whoee corn 4 (11(1 he treatl on ? The more wo know of tlie Met few menthe of hie life the more we shell know of the manner of hie death. Thank. Ing yon toy alithipation for the la veetil») of 1 lee letter in your value - hie falinuna, 1 ain, idr, yours trelY. "40, %O'er street',UlltrWg7"Ur°dIllaz "P. S.—Since writing the above limo, I leave, by the kindnese of Mite Brent, been pineal in poseesidon of a most 'saleable letter, probably the last letter written by the unhappy gentleman. It id dated Monday, ard Derember, the very eve of the murder, and Was tutdreesed to her at Floe. wile*, 11 rat has now, after Pomo eelay, followed her back .to London, where the still news unexpectedly brought her. It le a letter couuhed, on the vvirole, In the most hopeful eptrit, and speako in detail of hie fehemes• Of mute thero are theme itt it not meant for the eare of the pubte, but there Van be fli0 harm in tranate4bling on impertant passage: "You. seem to have imehed the idol that tbe Estet end '.1 t a kind a Golgotha, and thia despite. that the beaks out of whieb you probab4 got it are cerefully labelled "Motion," Lamb sams temevitere that we think of the "Dark Ages" as eterelly wahs out sunlight, and no I fanny peopl 3 hke you, dear, think of the "Beat- ead" as a mixture of in'.ire, misery. awl murder, ficev'a that for alliter- ation? Why, within five Minutes' Walk of me, there' are tho lovelieet houses, loath gardens beck ane front, lehaleted by very floe people and eurniture. Many of my unsversIty f refute' mouths woulei water If they knew the !Moine of soma of the Shopkeepers in the High Road. " "The rieh people about here may not be so fashionable as those in Ken- eington nal Bayswater, but they ara every hit as Milted aad materialletle. I don't deny, Luce, I do have my black 1110Meillites Ilnd I do some - timers paw to get away from all this ito the lamb of sun and lotus-eatIng. But, on the whole, I nm toofterty even to dream of dreaming. My real blaqk momeitte are when I doubt if I am really doing eny good. But yet on the whole my oottectence or my self-con- ceit tele tne thet I am. one min - nal not do much with the there M at Meet the consolation of lug good to the indtvidual. And, after all, Is it not enough to have been an in - Demme for soot over one or two hum - on souls ? There ate( quite flne char - a eters hereabout —espenially io the wornett—natures amble not only of celloacrifice, but of ilelicivey of sen- timent. To have learnt to know of such, to have been a movie% to One or two of suct—ie opt this) /innate re- turn? I could not get to St. jaws' Hell to heae peter friene's symphony at the Henschel ooncert. I have been reading Mato Illaeatsky's latent beak, attil getting quite interested in occult philosophy. Uefortunately I have to do all my reading in bed, an] I don't find the book as soothing a soporific as most tww books. For keeping one awake I flea Theosophy se bad es toothed% . ; . .' " " BIG BOW MYSTERY SOLVED. "Sir,—I wonder it anyone lessides myeelf bas been streak by the tetrad- ilyie bad tante of Grodmates let- ter in emir last low. That he, a for- mer eervant of the department, Mould yearly insult and run it down can only be charitably explained by tee supposition that his judgment Is failing hen in hts oil age. en view of this letter, are the relatives of the deceased juetified in entrusting him with tine' private decumente It ie, no doubt, very good of Yen to Un- dertake to avenge one whom he reem.s snobblably anxious to claim Us a Mead ; but, all thieve eel,* is( fiot his letter have been headed 'The Big flow Myotery Shelve»? I *swipe! my owl, and am, sir, your obeallit serveut, " Beotland Yard." George Orodnian read this letoo CHAPTER 1'. p the with nuebyttnce, and, crumpling Paper. murmured Hoar/Hu:1Y, "Ee'vd" Minor " Yes, »ut what toad leo" thn Beautiful?" old Dense Cantereot. " Ilang the beautiful !" odd Peter ris if he Were on the commit. teo of the academy. " Hire me the TrDeuen.ibil del nothing of the ewe lie didn't happen to have It about Wt. Deere Cantercot Mood entoking a cigarette In hie landlord'e shop, end Imparting 0 11 ale of uletinction anti art agrre(able aroma to the elm) leathery atmoephere. Coolie eublded talking to ids tenant velthout raltdug Ids eyee. He was a small, lig- headed, eallow, sad -eyed man, With a gretuty apron. Dente wam weering a heavy overcoat with a fur cellar. lie wait never seen without it 111 public during tite winter. In private he re- moved It and sat in hie ehirt sleeves. Crowl was a thinker, or though the was—which seetun to involve original tilleklug anyWity. 1 1 13 hair wail thin. Wog rapidly at the top, as 1f lily brain Wail ortruggling to get no near its poe- Chic to the realities of things Ho prided himself ou havhig no fads. FeW meet are without (tome foible or hobby ; Preen felt almust lonely at Hates In his supolority. Ile Wiki a, Vegetarian, a Seeularist, Biwa Ribbonite, a Republican, and an Anti - tobacconist. Meat was a fad. Drink watt a fad. Religion wits a fad. Mon- archy MOW a intl. Tobacco was a fad. "A Muhl Ranh iiho 1118," Crow' 'teed to ear, "can live without fade." "A plain man" WAS Provers catchword. Vt. lien of a Skinday morning Ito stood on Mlle - end 1Vatitee-which was opposite les eltop—and held forth to the crowd on the evils of Mtge, priesto, mid mutton chops, the "plain man" turned up at intervals like the "theme" of a fiy1IP plionle movement. "I nm only a plain man met I want to know." It watt a phrase that eabred the spider -webs of logletti refinement, and held them up eventfully on the point. When ProWl went Or a little reereation in Vic- toria Park ott Huntley af fermatas, it 11118 IVIth this phrase Vint he invari- ably routed the cupernaturaliste. Prowl knew hie Bible better than most ministers mid attempt curled ft nen- titely-printed copy In hie poeket, dome eared tot mark contradietions In the text. The second %blotter of Jeremiah one thing ; the firet chapter of Corinthians say. another. Two con- tradictory etatemente may both be true, but "I 0111 only a plain nuke, and I Want to know," Crowl Spent a Inrge part of file time In mettleig 'the word agninet the word." Cock -fighting /Words Ite votaries no aeuter pletteure then Prowl derived front setting twO tee to by the ears Prowl had a meta- phe eked genius which seat Sun- day morning cilselplee frantic with ad- miration, ntid Artist the enemy dumb 1001 1118111Sy. Ire hail elocovered, for Milliner; that the Deity could pot more, owing to already filling nil space. Ile was also the lint to intent, for the coalition of tho Hence', the cousin, ease of a selnt dying at the Antipodes contemporamonely wItli an- tAlter in London. Both went ekyward to heaven, yet the two trovellei 111 directly opposite direetimie. In ell eternity they would nes er meet Whin, then, get to bee tee Or woe thee- no Rut 11 ii11:00'."•1 only a el% in mon, mut 1 want to know." Pre- serve ()sour open spaces; they exist to tvotlfy to the incurable Menet ot hu- manity In the Unknown and the Mite tintlerstood. Even 'Arry is capable of five nilnutee :Mention to speculative theology, If 'Arriet Ione in it 'my. I'eter Crowl was not oorry to have a lodger like Denzil Canderrot, wbo, thougli a mint of prole, and thus worth powder anti mita, wa$ on hope - holey wren on all eubjects under the man. In ouly one point did Peter Prowl agree with Denzil Caneereotolie ad- nilrea Denzil Cendereot secretly. 1Vhen he asked him for the Telle—telifell was about twice a tiny on the ammeter - he didn't really ttxpect to get It from Mtn. He knew that Denzil was a poet. "The Beautiful," he went on Y14 ihing that only eepeets to men »ke you. The Trio ie for all men. The ma- jority have the five cleira. '1111 tben you poet* must Mewl aside. The true kind Ihe nosful—that'e what we want. The good of moiety ie the Only tete tleugs. Everything startle or fails by the good of society." Tho good of society 1" echoed Den- zil, otornfully. "Whate% the good of cociely 1 Tho individual its before all, Tho masa must ba sacritoect to the great man. 011erwive the great man will be etcritleed to the mare. With- obulittnkgrrat liken there \omit le( a "Alt, but we cherub(' fill it upswith bread and butter," aaid Peter Crowe "Yea, it a bread and butter that kills the beauaful," eate Doped Can - (moot ititterly. "Many of us Mart by fellowing the butterfly through the verdent meadonvs, hut we turn aw:de " To get tee grub," chuckled Peter, cobbling awa,y„ 'Peter, if eon maket a jest of everxthing, I'lt not Watett my time oh Densa's wild eyes flashed angrily. He never wrote comic twee intention- ally. There are three reasone why men of geaus have long hair. Ono is, that they forget it Ia growing. The second le, that they 111e3 it. The third is that it comes cheaper ; they wear O long for the eome retusott that they wear beir hate long. Owing to des eeculiartty of pains, you may get quite a reputatton for lack of twopence. The economic. rea- roe tl:d not apply to Dett41, who could ideate% get credit Well' the profession oat the strength of his appearance. Therefere, when sereet Arbs vocally commanded him to get hie hair nut, 1 hey were doing no service to barbers, Why does all the world watch over barbers mei conerf:re to promote their intereets 1 Dens:1 would have told you it Was not to Serve the barbers, 1),1 to gratify 'the crowd's :extinctive r' /eminent of or:gala:Hy. In his pe days Denzil had been an edits», el he no more thought of turnele eels/era agnenst himself 1 1. of eva I tool lig MI paste. The ,f 'icy of hair hue change -I tap( of Samson, otherwiee Dose weael bays been a Matelot instet 1 of a long, thin, nervous man, tooktig t oo brit- tle and deEcate to be (test even for a pipe -cleaner. The names- oval of hie tam slotestd to a pointed, untrim- med beard. Hie linen was rep,roach- able, hie dingy boots %vets down at lboeve' f t hal s 13ce with duat. Such are the effects of a 7ttilirteldulhat was drab Peter Crow! was impreseed with Densil'a condemnation of flippancy, and he hardened to turn off the joke, "I'm quite serious," he sail. "But- terflies are no good to nothing or nobody ; calerpOlars tit keel SO.Ve tbe bode from ettirviag." "Just like your view of thInge, Peter," told lima "(tool luoriting, madam." This to Mrs Crowe to whom he removed hie hat with elaborate connote'. Mre. Prowl grunted and looked at her littebenti with a note of interrogation In melt eye. For some emends Prowl ethyl% to hie Ind, endea- voring not to Imo the question. Ho ritlfted unremily Oil 111s Stool. His wife coughed gritnly. Ile looked np, W her toe itriug leer Mut, und retook 1118 head in a horizontal (Wee - tion. It was wonderful how afro. Crowl towered over ele Crete), even when ho stood up In his shoes. She measured hell an inch lave. It was quite an op- tical illusion. "Mr. Crowl," paid Mrs. Crowe "then tell him." "N:o, no, my dear, not yet," POtesed Peter, helplessly, 'leave it to me." "I've left it to you long enough. You'll never do uothing. It It was a qttestion of provin' to a lot of chuckles heat* that dollygee and Otaneolo, or steno other &and and gone Scripture folk that don't codharn no Mortal iota, awed to contradlot each other, your tongue `titi run thirteen to the dozen. Prot when it's a neater of titian' the bread out 0' the 111011t101 0' your own ehildren, you ain't got nu more to say tor yourself tlinn a, lamppoet. !force et, nem stasite with you for weeks/ mei weeke—rothe end drinkIn' the (Molt off your bones-64,10mA min' a far lindle Mother, It's all right," said poor Crowl, red as fire. tenni looked at her dreamily. slit it Possible son are alluding to me, Mrs Crowl '?" ho maid "'Who then ehould I bo alludin' to, Mr. Centereot ? }lore's eerie) woke crane end gone, and uot a bloomed Sty - penny have I--" "My deer Mrs. Crowl," maid Denzil, removing cigarette from leo tuouth oath a pained stir, "wily reprotteli for your neglect ?" "Aly neglecel I like that I" "I don't," /mkt Denzil, more sharply. ''If you hold sent tue in the bill you Would hos had the money long ago. Ilow do you expect we to think of these details?" "We /diet ot grand dawn here. Peo- pM pays tlif•Ir ivity—thoy denet get no bills," meld Mrs. Crowl, neeentuatIng the word with Sunnite scorn. Peter bionmered away at a null, as thougli to drown spoutee's vole°. "Het three pounds fourteen end eightpence, If you're SO RI1X101111 know'," Mrs. Prowl twinned. ',And there ain't a woman in the Mile End Road As 'in.1 todone It ehenper, with broad at fourpence threotarrion ft quartern and landlorde elionorin' for rent every Itiontlay morning almost afore the oun's up, and Mike draggle' mut elidderite on tIll their elewit lei only fit to throw after bride/ and Client - mks Natalie and eevenpenee a week for ochoolin' 1" - Peter winced under the last item. fie had felt et roming—like Meet - inns. Him wife earl he parted com- pany on the question of free educe - Mon. Illit better hag arguei that, haviag se many children, they ought M reneon to be exempted. Only people who had few ehildren conld (mare the penny. But the one pent ott which the eobblereeeptie of the Mlle Feel Road got hie way wits tills of the fees. It wee a ques- tion of conticienee, and Mee. Crowl lute never mote application for their remission, teough she often Mapped her children bt vexation Inatome They were esp.! to Mapping, and when nohody ese stepped them they elellOol one nnialier, They were bright, illminunereti breto, who 'teetered thete integer: :1)1,1 w:rrle:i their 11 Wer11 hit Spy all the t•owd %Vas 1011g. " the robot, fees!" Peter etilliivi,attreerno,t,m not eltruld hope uot, indeed, Ur. nowt," Aire. Prowl said sternly. " ashamed of you." And with that elle bafrioueigk:etpe,,a1, out of the Stop Intent:mail Terter itftee her Noothingly. " The money'll be all rght, mother." In lower eireles it ellfit01111111 cell your wife your mother In Bente, what superler circles it le the ((tole ion to speak to her en the wife," am you speak of " The Stock Ex- change," or " The Thames,' without claiming any pectehtr property. lit- etInetively men are ashamed of be- ing moral end dotnortiottel. Denzil puffed las egarette, Ullerni barratneet Peter bent atteutively over hls work, making nervous stabs with hie awl. There was it Meg sil- ence. An organgrItMer played a waltz outside, unnefgarded Mal, fall- ing to annoy anybody, moved on. Iknali lit another egetette, The (cliiiritnyle-filteisolil (Pock ott the *hop wall " What do yott Oita," said Crowl, of liepublies " They am lone" Denali replied. " Without a monerch there is no Incarnation ol authority." tr.orllilliarlstlibled°?""s °all Queen VI°. "Peter, do you want to drive me nen the how*? Leave frivolousness to women, whose Wade are only largo enough for denigrate diffioul- tee Repubilee are low. Pluto mer elfully kept the poeta mit of he. Republice are not cemented redi for poetry." " What notteettse! If England dime pod Re fall of monarchy and bosons itto remtitsubtatetatt(7):a—to—rrow, do 3011 111011 "I mean to ratty that there trould be 110 Poet Laureate to begin with" " WIto'e (Heeling noW, yea ec CallterVOI Bilt iii:011'1, CATO holt n liOok ailoat poets, promo ettettellY alwaye eteoptel. otto elein man, atat Wttat to whrri',4 thr initle0 of any tine posen ant ity over everybody eho's " Ale that's; what seetlake need to say. Welt ti :.1,,Cre ewer, Peter, with trill*, 1P,iivi 1»0;iiiy gyOhhe tlY14104ftifilYlki?i4,1;T4iv!ii'-rRi(11'1111ttQtarcliiialltgriY" trol, and Working:II:Ai bursting to rtmeettie lens head and tote ere already," old Crowl, wit!, .t toe hie Nati grey eYes. "eel I PrOV0 titat talk nny difi,r.tit. And I think you're quite wise,: (alma 11114 twin opolled. Tones it t:1101.1-11 every ineh of lens set that's a goot many. 1 IN1'11118Ze:61kt011637111 71,1 and detiouneed that poor oeistant. 'Prowl,' gall he, "that 11 do ruirseldot. I don't like theee -elove p' Ittntitrii es lug them sloe up in practical inter ttlepute- tete. (1081 uteheste nd,' " wittettlei involuntarily. It was a piece of news. '' Oita/ray,' continue! Crowe "he's a hit ,ealcate of tetyl oly's tnterferenee with Ids influence Bilt in this tame the tealouny did wear off, yen see, for tlw poor fellow ami he got milt° pale, as everybody knows. Tom's not tile MAU to hug a preloilee. However, till that eon't prove bething ngainst publico. Look et (he Clear end the delve I'm may a plain mum lont I wouldn't live itt Resells not for—not for all tee lentlter in it,. An Englifie man, taxed AR I1,3 is to keep up hie lad of monarchy, Is at tenet king in liW own cootie, whoever Wesel It at Wind- ow. EXCUSe 00 a minute, the teltees le callite." " Exeunt, me it minute. a0,1 1 tvint to say before I go—I frid It only right you feeble know at onve—tlint after whet Imo passe I to (lay I Van 11eVer he 00 the eine. foot( log here ati thii—S11,111 I sliy pleito ant ?—•layo of yore." tion't say tha t !" pie nded the little Con,nuteolot:,, lytell'itInsit:iyeastitnentt;, it'01teht1:107:* " No. ro, Ca utereot, Don't inimntier. Maud me. Mother etas been very mime put to It lately t7) rub along. You grown—daily, Ihtt never mind her. meeneneelye.,,,lete •,1-1, a go tying t•imily. It You pay whenever you've got the Detail ehook hie head. " It menet te. Tott knots, wilco I (mew here first I rented Jour tnp room awl loarded myirelf. nen I learnt to know you. We talked toerther. Of the Beautiful. And the reefed. I found you had no soul. lInt you were honed, and I liked you. I went RO far us to take mealo with your family. I made t»yeelf nt home In your beck parlor. But the taw has °been ItItilekautiaguadtlep(Iteeed°),naotntlrefiltisliter t0hthith! trent of the Mien may tiling to it still, it min be pieced together—never- More." Ile 'Wok hie hair madly and Mt/indeed out of the *hop. Crowl would have gone after him, but Mrs. Crow! wart still calling, and ladles mot have the precedence lin all polite societies. Cantereot went etralght —or as lihr loose gait permitted—to 46, Clo- ver street, and knocked at the door. tirodinan's factotum opened it. She was a pockinarked person, with a (biurkeiktdieturr macongirdexion end a co. viTitehioutairey. we are ageln 1" she Pahl "Don't talk like a clown," Cantercot (Mapped. "Is Mr. Grodman In ?" "No, you've put him out," growled the gentleman himself, suddenly ap- pearing in his slippers. 'Come In, What the devil have you been doing with yourself since the Inquest ? Drink- ing again ?" dro"Ip'venintrzoln, off. Haven't touched a "The murder ?" "Eh ?" Nald Denzil Canteroot, star. tled. "What do you mean ?" "What I ease fence December 4tit, I reckon everything from, that mut- der, now, as they reckon longitude from elreenwielt." "Ole" told Denzil Cauteroot. "Let nie Nee. Nearly a fortnight. What a long time to keep away front dr'l'Inkti—onn'itdknThoew," which is worse," maid Denzil, irritated. "You hoth steel aw,lany;iiornei-rhrmainhei ."etrodinan, with an unitised smile. "lVell, It's only petty pilfering, after nil. What's put salt cm your wotinde?" "The twenty-fourth olitIon of my book." "Whose book ?" "Well, your book. You thud be leg pilfer of money out of 'Criminal 1 '11'leiritnii!natutlgoi31.' ;tato Caught,' " cor- rected teretiman. "My dear Denali, hew often awl I to point out that I went through tbe experiences that make the backbone of my book, not you? In each ease 1 • cooked the criminate' goose. Any Journalist could have sup. plied the (Mewing." "The contrary. Tbe journeymen of journallent would have left the truth naked. You yourself could have done that—for there is 110 111811 to bent you nt told Mehl relenting sdate- ment. But f ideolized Ow bare fate. end lifted them into the realm of poetry :eel eterettire, The twente t iu•svitSiciouon7 Ono Up SO sharply, Mr. Orodmen," said Denali, changing his tone. 'No—I've retired," laughed (trod. man. Denzil did not reprove the ex-detew flippeney. He even laughed a "Weil, give me another fiver, and VII cry 'quits.' I'm In debt." "Not a penny. 1thy haven't yott bete to SOP nie fence the murdor ? had to write that letter to the l'ell M011 Press meeelf. You night have earned a "To." had writer's eiraMP, ermidn't do your loot Job. wall Ind to tell 3 ou too on the morel til!'—.Mt;;;Ier. So you maid at the Ito queid." "We true." "of eouree. Weran't you on your malt ? It was very mimeo of you to got up eo early to tell tne. lit which hand (110 you hare thie cramp?" "Why, In the right, of mum." "And you couldn't write with your hir"t17'don' `t think weld even hold a len." "Or any other Instrument, nutylittp. What heti you been doing to bring it on?" "Writing too melt. That le the only possible calm." "Olt ! I didn't know, Writing what?" Detail hesitated. "An epic poem." "No wonder you're In debt. Will A sovereign get pill Olit of It 7" "No, It wouldn't be the loot uss inr';ferio it Is, thee." lone took the coin and hid Ital. "Aren't you going to earn le you beggar? Sit down and write roma- omatepe." n and paper, and took Iti;!NIP'll'i'aT do you want me to write?" "Tlili Ville poem." , Denzil started anti nulled. But he set to work. Grotiman leaned back In arnacitair and laughed, otudyIng the poetg grave faoe. Penni wrote three lines and plowed. "Can't remember any More . Weil, read me the start." "One( unlitainr'seaftilr:st disobedience and the Of tliftatuiftorbelden tree whose mortal Stott:milt° death Into the world--" "Hold on I" cried Grodman. "What morbid nuldecte y011 010010), to be "i'MP,o"rbid Wily, Milton cliooe tho Mime subject 1" "Blow Milton. Take yourself off—eou anDed liTilurtyPeit:Ite4'..T"he pook-marked per - Fen opened the street door for him. 'When am I to have that new drew, deer ?" she whispered, coquette tishlY. "I have 110 money, Jane," lie said ehortly. "Yon have it sovereign." Densil gave her the sovereign, and slammed tho eon. vielouely. Orodnutto overloard their whapere, nee mageej silentl V. Hie itenring wail acute. Jane had first hitroineed Denzil to Ms tie. tmaintanee about two seers ego, When he intOlt0 of getting all SPUMY - mills, anti the poet had been doing odd 'obe for him ever %epee. Orodman argued thrit Jaw had her reasone. Weliont knowing them ,he got a hold over lett). Thore wad no one,. lie fdlt, lie multi not get n hold Oyer% All men— and womee—tatvo something to me - i -eel, niel poit 111170 only to pretend to know wlitit it Is. Them Orodman was n0111(1.(111(:,1g1 11Cann°tereott lielintifothe'ambled home thomehtfulle. and abstractedly took iiiitee at the Crowl dinner table. (To be Continued.) . Sonnet. A geatlenees that grows of steady I faith ; A joy that sheds Lt. intitshleativery, , where ; A humble streonth and readinese bea r 'I'llase burdens whieli strict duty ley'th Upten (Mr unto sorrow "Here ie no /tout for thee to strike thy rolets, Here ante. Von' tho‘e swept sod Which ripen for the reed that well , °beet b A patience whirh the world can eels 'eter tatIr.atavy-P ; a courage et and high, That dares in simple unefulnees to lise. Atrd with not one sad look bel3:nd to die Whea lbe day ronws;" These tell me that our love Ito building for Itself It home above.