The Blyth Standard, 1900-02-01, Page 6«. _. kilYANt atyklunl ,
'The relent dant( in Mexico of Jose-
phine De Pena y Merengue, widow of
the late Marehni Bazaflr, of Prance,
recalls to public memory the triumph
and the fall of that momentous gen-
eral of the Army el the emend empire,
Whose name le Indlswlubly connected
with the bitter diagram of the sur-
render of Mete and the ultimate re-
version of the Ribie provinoes to
Germany. The death of Madame BB"
/aloe reales ne well the life In that
essturles old City of Mexico under the
rule of Me ofYt1 the doomsdremperor ate tnithe
Merle story of hnppybearted Car•
ketla, etas living out In the misery of 0
/ battered Intelligence the pitiful ex-
itance that began go sunnily in Ole
pprorovineee of Auotrla, only to 'hare
(t111 doom of general devnetat'on whlch
wed tate royal chariot wheels of
apoleon the L tie and his thought•
✓ t1aconsort, Eugenie.
name Mantled I Aaaaln
s is I It
Written In large letters on many a
world battlefield, Mb title finds Its
Way Into the wintery History of a
bee of widely diverse reentries..
began his soldierly apprenticeship
failure nt the Etole l'olyteoie
with a service of seven years
the tropical sun of Africa, re- •
Ing again to Ito southern climate
a few months of change In
ce to fight with dletinrtlot in the
ea. From Africa 11e folluwel tike:
unes of war In the orient, revlw
lag again the old posiesslone of the
recto until the time arrived for
*1 moment of Napoleun'o eucceasful
triumph In the campaign of Rely, that
triumph which lnfiatol the volatile
4114 of France with the corrosive
Other of lie absolute Invincibility. i
• from the hurrah! of Seller:no and
cheer' of all Italy, Beattie() tray
Er°across the broad western 01.01111
1 r dignity of the
lfsz aw to sore the n t
t 9
ble monarchy of Ma iruala h and
II• year' to uphold with Ute'
the tottering fortunes of Napo -i
s llldated protege'. Three months I
the ehootlug of Waxlwlll tit the
rt remnant of the mg'lueItte of
> ranee, headed by Marshal Bnaaalage,
embarked nt Vera Cruz for Toulon.
Targe Ventre Inter chronnlagy marks
for Pori the fatal date of 1870, the
tete or the partial PI•ifpoe of iter '
ndane, the dawn of the Yrueolntt ,
- of the great Napoleon and a
mph, tin rbai eevering or the ,'luso
ns61 with bleedln Alnii std
to g
nes In 1H7O that Mnrrbnl Be. 1
wee placed In commend of flint
nt Wenn n'
f France ens lit Aden d
o r as
yarmy of the Rhine," it t'M In
O that he opened the gates of
city el Mets opened Nem for
, 1
R to the poeeeeolon of l'ruselnn '
wee, to the conquering soldiers of
pliant Germany, the men who
No well the Rhine of their ,
that not only were the
the beautiful stream left 111 poes.•eelun of (termites', but ,
provineen of the cider Prussiet
aaway from the bleeding
of France, the tritolur of their
enaiched from flirts 'ebbing
e and the engbe of 0 new Ito•
lar away planed In triumph on their
en ehouhderl, Tlto downfall 01 Siete
n the do
the knell for t vdnl n
I f
A am Alsace and dorm fn t'
nee, 1 t. is r i Pin n
reason to rearrmber elle Anne'
Marshal Bnealae.
raneole.Aohllle Destine, the (sear
tad marshal of Inter days and Inter
IatMon, wee born on the 18ttt of
1117, 1811, at Versailles, dr•
w ttlteon oftDome 8lnlglie and 01 Mar r
' Y neoemary examination!. Subtle.
My, however, In 1881 he entered
of I
v tit regiment I ue
yI t Ne eu
a olaterdeport.
d two e r
as w
1a ntry YI
for Africa, In which World c►Imnte
passed most of the time until the
r 111110, hearing bile Metre In a ser•
v'N4 which had advanced him for cape•
performance of duty from the
rlttlk of second lieutenant to the
et a and dignity of colonel.
♦iter the long and active years
on the dontlnent of Africa,
Ise returned W Franco and en-
Jc,.d orae months of rat. But !w
Was first and foremost a Poldler had
ie 1961 be returned to Africa for a
empplementary service of nn edit -
Meal three yenta. From Africa its
W44 ordered eastward to the orient,
where be was named general of brl•
Ode and was appolided military cone
'Meader of the fortress of 8ebaetopol.
Ibaialne Nerved hie country with die•
tillot1o4 through all the hereon of
thia Crimea. After a brief return to
At4loa the general of the army of the
01011 again added honor to !de mill•
tary suoceesee by participation In the
Italian campaign, taking part in the
batt a of 8olfertno.
a Italy bad bowed to. Vlitor
Jgkeanuel, Basaine retuttlei' to
' ranee, and for two pyre repleted
Rothe eery:a is time field with the
dative of matter, supervision. lb wee
appdtated Inspector general of Infan-
try, a Nation of great responsibility,
which a retained until the order of
tate Emperor reached him which sent
b:m scram the sea to bring the mill -
tarty Wrengtk el the army of Im-
itenal Fraaee to the Mlppert of the
iOtter;eg eeprsmaoy rya ltfaximilian
lad Poor Corlett/,
It wall in 191! that General Bas-
atw lett teepee at the bead of the
pray and aced the Atl.a-
to to tit': Itr-,liatnnt territory of
tongued7tltee nesw commander In chief
egttoal time. tns twit office at a very
wore tormitg in Iti,p buarl.t faotbotla
ratttttry, btndl(a Inlerlor Of the
wa and a i ir; I41? -441:
1 d the ,rotd-
DpiNitvbra In Ihe eepit.I
a tit( clerical party bind nrnuepd the
gen ButManilla waa
othe tenant% f
the Any po-
eplalr'geaoy: By n cantpo00041 to Ihe
ed as a eampadga entirelyni,t`F r:b-
Fr+sneh general wan nide p pull.
e agitation In the Interior of '
e wttbwt Strikingn
eolpuer the lantinN1en•,gln hl"w
= Neek
an- '
tae did much for M,axhtnllynn:
year 1164 marks the 0410 ;,,
yin's este., when the Gila of
Ell wersu[ppee_rseded by the higher
at marshal. Raaeglle was eti11
.eo when the disilnrtlon was
him, a destioettoo he felt
,wa& fully deserved for his arduous
services in the cause of Maximilian
Tho ].Ilan Emperor himself, ho
ever, eeeme't to have b' 't p'irsn n
as underhanded icy, secretly work
(•f for the recall of Baellse and e
mate aloe writing the new mat
kis mast eetthup astle eongretu
¥lag that "one thing glen
joke the ay which• the.• happ
stoat earam. se—it I. In cape It ghoul
Melt Ali 'year leaving oar country.,
J trot that Sower It.poleo4 wi
not deprive Medco of services which
are ao mossier: ,to her well-being."
Thus were evade quickly alteumu- I
letting which led to the Dmll with-
drawltl of the Frenoli troops from
the roll of Mexico end W the treglu
ehaoting of Ma emperor. Napoleon re.
(testi J'urtleef ald to Maztmtllen, who
telt then that abdlcatlun war the only'
seep left him. But the hand that,
would have signed that wire meaeuro1
wee restrained by the Empresa Car-
lotta, who oliered instead to travel to
Enrolls to beg aid amen from the:
sovereigns of 1 arid and (tome. Maxi -
;mitten let her hove her way, and from
the etormy and futile Interview of tho
frenzied empre]r with Napoleon may
be dated the final overthrow of any
remnant of her renal m. What was now
belt to Maximilian'( Bazalh11 war ob-
liged to obey inetruetloni from 1'arle,
whlell urged withdrawn' of the
F'reneit troupe. Maximilian, left un-
protected offs unded byIII-ad-
ted androI
'tied minister!, preolpltated the events
of the rad final yearn oI hie 010, Ha-
ulm) left Mexico In 18e7,threo months
before the ante of the tragic death
M Ilnxlmllian. Ile war received nt
Toulon with every expression of pop-
ular hatred and exeeratlon, an opinlon
which lila life In ilexlco dos not Jure
Cry, and in which the French em-
peror did not concur.
It was during title eoJourn of lave
years In elexleo that Marshal Basalt's)
married Joeephn de Penn y Iktrrazal.
The French warrior had been previous-
ly weeded In 1852 to Marla de la Pole -
dad Indole Gregorla Terme, but rhe
died In 1898, and two yearo later he
became the husband of the woman
who died the other day. Maxlmlllan
woe emplmticaly Instrumental In ar-
ranging the marrInge, At that time
Marshal Bazaino war 111411 111 the Im-
pale' favor, and IlaxlmIllan settled n
✓ ich dowry on the general's wife, who
belonged to n (nmlly of Spanish origin
that had furnished ifexloo with a
number of dlsthngulehtd general+, ad-
vocates and nfficinls lfaxhnllitta ac-
companied Ills dowry to the bride with
the following fetter:
"My Dear Mandell Minim: Deeir•
Mg toIvn a proof of my leretael
frimuMbljs net well no of my gratitude
for the mortices ynu have rendered to
our country, we tale ndvantnge of
the comminl of your mnrrInge and
Rotifer out the Mereenale Dnznhm the
enlace of Buena -Vine, Including the
franker,' Anil furniture with the eon -
(titian that when ,von return to Eu-
✓ ope, or if from nary creme yea tl)
not wimp to retnlat the ROW 011100P,
the nation abnil ngntn resettle the
pr,lert,v, and bt title lase the (lours•
meet Made Itself to pay W the Mare -
Dilate Bazatne ns dowry the Ram of
100,000 pinetree. Yotir moat affee.
Monate Maximilian,
"Castillo Almonte."
At the tluto of the evacnntlon of
the French troops and the return of
Rnaalne to France Maximilian offered
to recompense the wife for the for-
feltatrreeor her property by n elft or
500,00(1 frame, Marmite' nazulne,
however, promptly refused the gift
from no Emperor oro openly hre'tlle to
himself, refined It its he did than rlghta
to it rtoh pmnerty situated In the
foreman for Massif and the title of
Duke of A x n.The w o n enn-
fc lr leer r n 1
\'feta hog90 ninnyh
n been r nw 1 •en s Inthe
y y r
power of the Republican aatborlt
of Mexloo and the widow of Itnrehnl
Basekt, .reellvryl tlttl! benefit front
her marriage dowry,
Tho fatal year ut 1870 brought W
Mnreble Beauyne the high honor of
ouniti11eeltMI from to Emperor us
mmmmtunler of the array of the !thine,
nu Idotmr which prdved us empty tl
bauble ata the bombaatto title be.
stowed upon the new legluu/ of
F'r,nnee. 'fila outcome was Inevitable
from tele opmtaenoem(git of Medillttes.
1' ranee was unprepared, while Oer•
many never nom more ready for a
oonlhet. ilannel Ilaselne had borne
his share nn the brunt of hatllltiee itt
Gravelott•, bet It was at Metz, the
capital or the dbapgted Province; of
Aura Ce au.1 Loraine, that the French
tiettentl sus t, earn the linty ng emir
city of his countrymen.
Teet,mo:es euulllcl over the notions
of Basadle In the eurren,ler of Metz.
There le Ilte. t;,abt that muctt of the
evidence proancial at the eulteeyteut
eourt•Inartml weir fehrlrnted for the
1'egradat-oe nod hiontiatlun of B.t•
tame an an example to the army. In
the explpnat one which 11? wrote after
hie escape from the fortress to Mid -
rid the commander of the garrison at
Metz doe' not deny the overture to
Pr:nee Bismarck by wltrli Ratable
agreed to yield the citadel, provided
the provlheee Would he left to Prnnre
and Napoleon relnetet_rb on the therms
In the Tnalerl•(e. Bazalna i:onbti !tri t u
heves he acted for the best. Ile Itad
delayed too long in the rlt'dul, and
capture was inevitable Ile level
Nnpoloon, from whom he had recelvel
his final orders, and did nut recognize
the provielonnl Republican Govern-
ment at Paris.
B:eniarek'e refusal of the plan ilnnlly
ltd to the surrender of the town and
fortress without the comfort of stria -
lug a final blow at the Prluslan
enemy for the honor of fallen France,
Marshal Bnzalne'e name was uttered
witl1 the most degrading execratlone,
though Archfietld Forbes le nuthorlty
for the statement that at hart some
provision was attempted to sops with
the enemy, and tart Matohel Detainee,
crime ro:Ieiotei not x0 much In total
neglect of Ile opportunity for with-
drnw:ng lite troops h1 enfoty from
Mete, but In failing to do the Cat he
could. But the lose of Metz only
linetens' the end of the bloody eon.
filet. Its outcome wag inevitable.
The court -martini of Became, hell
In 1871, sentenced him to death, n
verdict which was commntel to Im•
prironment for twenty years through
the efforts of the Due d'Aumale. Ba-
saltic was traneporte:l to to fortress
on the Telnnd of Stint Margnerlt
from which he sebsegfently revered
through the efforts of hie wife. lie
managed to creme the frunt!er Mtn
Stain, and he pawed the remnant of
hie rnlrgrtbl existence M Madrid, a
prey to poverty and suffering, de -
gelled by hie friends and even by Ili
tv fn who had hien lhetrameittal in
aiding lilt ['/cape.
Mlnard'e Liniment Corea Diphtheria.
A Setelrleue American Tourist
eft; AmPricah is so firmly
r11 It t) a'h;it he 1. beta cheated On
. "Il haul] dlnring his 1Curopeen tra-
vel! that 10 tr,Qtehoa.11y oversteps the
• Lowlttla nl pr
P.ce of lhia )°e. "What ie the
w n n pnr'S ,,'r +sk,d n yanng man
oDe. • Tweet of 'Pi wt Bite workman, ell
- I much," mid the p t a '114 the; too-
ut'eeem to .marlatn
t I the clerk 1'myap1 moadeur •aid
- for n wtig n
y yoube 6 [raneeat for t11" Gen' I'll give
en Greer it would
d Water," laid the Frenehn"aa n 10ur'
deprecatory *rug, 'end "ith a
! know N yoamg aarkootilelle to not
Western Ohl slowly Returning From
The Fer 16e Canada Hai Rendered
rally Appreciated,
A Prominent Brockville Business
Man payee Tribute to the flood work
ofd Canadian loitltutlon to Englaed
(Frons the Brockville 'Recorder./
One of the most ntcoees(ul business
men In Brockville 1e Mr. Thomas
Nappy, the well known Perth street
Entree. Mr. Nappy le en Engllrbman
by' birth and the e000ew he has
achieved In bushlike! here bins en•
idled him for some years past to
make en annual holiday trip to the
Mutlherland. In a carpal couversa-
tlen with Home (dead, In the Bank
of Montreal, recently, Dr. Williams'
1'Ink 11111e happened to be mentioned
and Mr. Nappy Bald' that If the pills
effected many Carse us marvellous us
one that had come ander hie notice,
! Ile was not surprised that they were
ado frequently the theme of cunveren-
tion, Asked later by n retorter of
1 the Recorder to give theaters., Mr.
Nappy readily consented to du te,,
and we give in irruotically In bile own
worts. "Don't be disappointed
when i tell you that the cure did not
occur In title country," sold Mr.
Nuppy, As a matter of fact It uc•
carred In England and come under
my observation on the oconslon of
two ('belle made to Shut eotultry.
During the 'summer of DOH I ovoid a
vett to my old Lome In England
and while there vleltel SVlllltun Leib
ger, n relation of mine thing at 45
F'Itswllllum street, Doncaster. In
Ledger's fnmlly Was It little girl,
Lilly, ullqut six yearn of age, who
was absolutely helpless with what
the doctors maid was et. Vitus'
fiance, but really' seemed to me inure
like paralysis. The oldlrl wits one of
the mod palfnl elg!Ito I ever on ;
steer llelplen than a now 110011 bubo.
She co,dd got mode a single II b,
add If the )lead were turned to ole
r, o•
['u u the other i
L cr t remained dined hi that
ru+ltlun until someone changed It.
The poor child had to be (ed and
10401141 after Ilk❑ un infant, coal ata
the tkctoro Imd nut been idle to do
anything W relieve her, recovery' \vas
not thought possible, Indeed, I sats,
to the yield's grambnuthor that I
though Its early death[ lewd,' be u
relief not only to the chill, but la
i10 parents. '1LLu wad t1, condition
of 1he 11119 when 1 lett far Canada,
'Again in the summer of 1869 I made
in 'boli.lay the to England and to my
amp zemet t w 'slued f d
i Uen I visaed m r n
Ledger r 1 found Lilly' ag bright .old
1 active o child as can would find any-
where, 11 (It n btnlutely n0 Intra of
Ihe lloubde (hal biul title her n
hr11le11 burden 1lir yen I, ,for.., 1
full her Parente 1 had never ex-
pr11e1 lo see her alive again and
asked N'hnt bud effected her cure,
"Dr. Williams' Pittk fills," gall the
father. He further acid that 11!
turning frau' wtsrk ono night, he
[mai 10 the house n 1:111[' book des-
er.b:atg the pills, lett during the day',
sad after reading it decided, to wet
them in Liib 'a case. After supper
be bought some of the, pills and gave
the first to the child that night. in
a few days they 1 hey were help-
ing bee, ani in les:{ than two months
there was not a dhi.11 in the neigh-
borhood, brighter, healthier or more
active, a heard a groat del
tt I havee
cohneru:ng what Dr, Williams' 1'lnk
Pals lave "lane In this country, but
this ease corp' -ng un;ler my own 0b•
bervution La as near n miracle as
we con leak for in these (aye, and
howl why Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
are so mach talked about every-
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills net Jmet as
valuable in the case of children as
with adults, and puny Gala ones
would soon thrive and grow fat un-
der thin treatment, which 1118 no
equal for building up the blood and
gQiving renewed strength to brain,
holy and nerves. Sold by ell deal:re
or sent poet paid' at'iiOo n box or
eiz boxes for Ir1.60, by a dreor ne
the e)r, Williams' Medicine Co.,
8rorkvillr, Ont• I)o not Ir.•. persuaded
to try something else oaL,I' to Ire
"Just no good."
11 1 1 1„11 ,1111111, 111111.11 1 J111114i lino 11
Little ('lassie'.
The next dreadful illi1 to a bat-
; tle host is a battle xW n,—Welling•
spend neve elf 1s. Bo
grwtt en adv wheli It IB
naris tie reply to calumny 1(011 de
fnmattion, provided that .we give no
suet °cotton for them.—Addieen.
Tense are the ever enduring proof
of hementty.—Schiller.
Good Renee and gooll nature aro
never separated, though the Ignor-
ant world ham thought otherwise.
(loud nater!, by which I mean bene-
ficence and candor, Is the product
of right reason,—Drydelt.
He to n fool who cannot be angry;
bat Ile 4 a else man who -will not.
Those wtth whom we can appar•
eptly become well acquainted ,In a
1 few 0)00111214 are generally the moot
dlfib'ult to rightly know and un•
lie who (lcrstatad;_Hn one,
tands the
reaau«ubleltees 0.1ld un excet
llence of
charity will know that It can never
be excusable to waste any of our
money ht pride and folly.—William
It is the cause, not the death,
that makes the martyr.—Napoleon.
Between levity and cheerfulneio
there Le at wile elielnctlon; and the
mind whish le mon open to levity
la frequently 0 etrnytger to cheerful-
Nothhlg 0(111 be more unphlioropld•:;
cacall on Rthanay to enbJbe ect.poettive_Hor dogmatl•
There are no perfect weruen In the
world; only hypocrites exhibit no:
defector.—Uulon de Lenelen.
After a long experience in the:
world, 1 ntfi¢m, )0(010 Goti, 1
never knew n roguev:10 (4 not
General sufferklg is tit„ (ruff of
general mlebehnvlor, genteelly dbl.
It le eertnln that there iv uo
other ,paaebn which dole prrnlllce
such contrary effeote in rte great
degree. But this may be said ha
love, tied If you strike It on: „t
the ental, life would tae Inxipid, nail
our being but lutlf ntbmttel.—.Add!
Slip of the 'tongue.
An h.rnscible old judge, bring an-
noyed by a young lawyer speaking to
him about a legal point in the street,
threatened to fine hint for contempt
0f pour'.
"Why, judge," 'said the young at-
torney, "you are not in eeeaion,"
"I'd have y'oa know," angrily re-
sponded the judge, "that this court
4 always a subject for contempt"—
Ohio State Journal.
The Provincial Legislature will
meet about the middle of February,
but the enact date hes not yet bevy
deolded •It
Valley of Dark shadow,
Mier EIldn Wilbur, of Ban Frnnol,te,
le ['Jowls coming back to life. For
nenrly two years elle hag meted In
the valley of the shadow, with the
tltal 'perk eo faint that It seemed
at 1lnlee olio Ilud pawed away. Do•
prised of all the senate that make
life worth the Ili Mg, Maes Wilbur has
been held back frutu the grove by the
unremitting earn of the loved ones
that have been ever itt her bedside
during the tweutyiwu afeatlul of her
strange Athens',
It wog In February'CeJdurch, 1898,
that Misr Wilbur wq/,tiuund ancon•
'odour In her menu aark uu0 morning
by her mother, Mrs, 4bgan.n. The
young lady Any twee 4 rota. Wilde
her on the,fluor wee u BOVe'
It had dipped Iron Its head when
du fell into her Yong sleep. The gas
wax burning low, but the wied0w
wits 'open a few Melted and the tran-
som was open. The fumes of gun filled
the round, however, find It wart sup-
posed that Mlle 'Wilbur bad been
overcome by carbon monoxide. Hov-
oyeras physicians were called to attend
her. They resorted to all tllo unual
remodles, but efle0tel no good re-
sult/I. Then a phynlclan was engaged
e,imerlally for the case and two train•
ed mines were etre employed. Month
followed no particular
month and 1
1 tinnp
Omega was uotbe able.
Wilbur remained untohsclolle;
she had lost all sense of pain, and,
although her eyes were open, she
sturo,l Into vacancy. 4110 mooned
like one under the spell of evil genu.
Toward the end of the flirt six
menthe oct'n,lounl1y ohs would part
her Alps 1141 If W signify that elle woe
Olney. But elle could not even
owallow the light ,netenanoe offer
ed. All the remedies Miele!' to mel•
1,11 science wero need In the endure
vor to resusultato her. She wits
0add to lie poufDriug from hysteria,
n nervous dlsense 111tli many strange
phone. 'rhe greatest 'Duette of elec•
tricbty made n0 apparent effect upon
her arid for 11 Imlg 111110 ler mother,
her fnmlly nn<I her fiance feared the
Maine nix months ago new aletlr
(AN were trle,l by it my pIlyslebui
In the case, which by this time had
beveme n reuse co10100. For week,'
upon weeks there tuns no change.
Then gradually the putlott Rupruv-
el. The grasp of the Iron hand
that had held her motlotdese—;tl-
moot lifeless—fur over eighteen
mouths wee gradually loosened. LIt•
tle by Alae she g,tvo elgnx which
(plot the hearts of the faithful
wRtehere with Joy. Reueat return•
el to her; elle wax able to nit up
In bed ; oho showed he knew her
marmite -lingo and It became eclat
tilt medit'al silence was gradually
obtainingthe mastery.
stet rt.
"Mee Wilbur tae leoprovetl great-
ly," said Mrs, Logan, her, mother,
Inst n' Sit. " Although Ith h
she Is
1t. ti yet
for from ree(vnhy, the ntivitnee
amide In the last six months hax Pest
eu great that w11 now have ,;nod
remit to hope for her ultimate
return to herself. she does not
converge, lint she hail r.galmetl eine
ee:01001tYa Iu n eunoillenible d, gree,
She will sou again, 1 hupil, be her
tarn sweet self, It le 0010 n mutter
of building up the body tad the
ntlull.• \\'e think that inn be effect -
n1 with emeriti nttettthe!. Or tint
o ho will not lack, for througlinut
Iter Allures elio hen been givon 1.110
best nnrehng lily patient ever hnd,I'
How She Overcame it, and
Baffled Her Tormentor,
Toronto, Der. 26,—I11ee Ida Hob•
kirk, of 184 Illarbord street, title
city, 1r n young huly who lo es•
eeellingly popular with a very ex•
tenrive chola of friends, till of whom
are rejoicing over her remit emcape
from a terrible danger. The 'tory
of her experience is steeply Interest.
Ing, told In her owe otrnightfur•
ward way,
Here ti her narrative : "in 18116 1
took at position In a downtown
store. My work was not unusually
hard but n
1 t I Imo inial I could not
Retaad it, and my health failed, I
grew very than, had splitting heel -
ache.' continually, dizzy spell', and
extreme weakness. My touguo wn.
thickly furred, harsh anti dry, every
morning, and I mope tired and ach-
ing. , I. weenun ' and loweittrlte:l all
the time.
Ify Wrier hail used Dr. Arnold''
TOM PIIIe with rootnrka•
hie .benefit, end I alio began to
ttkn them. 1 cdindkily' state that
improvement began alnmo-ot lrumedl•
uta'ly, Dully I mended, 111 to -clay I
not In better stealth, turd much
'Krueger than I have leen for yearn.
To Dr, Arnold'' English Tuxla Yllle,
nal to them alone the credit is
ry girl and woman who sur-
fere as Mho •lfopklrk did. olould nee
Dr, Aruutd's Emgltali Toxin P111s.
They will give 310W Ilfo awl health.
Dr. Arnold'] Etlgllelt Toxin PII[e.
the only rentaly that cure' (Demme
by killing the germ' that cars* It
are sold by all drugging at 790 a
box ; maniple Uu.x 25e; or trent port -
Pail on receipt of price by The Ar-
nu!d fllemlcal Co., Limited, Canada
Life Building, 42 King 'trent west,
Interesting Mucte.
John Bull e naval pension list eon.
tams 1,u2f names.
When a cltamcleoa lizard le blind•
folded It )o.eo all power of changing
bite color,
Denmark claims (hut (hare V nob
a eagle person lu Icor domain who
cannot read met write.
.191diell census report of family
names give for England tint Waits
258,606 Smalls and 242,100 Junesee,
The Spanish are among the luost
charitable people on earth. Without
a pour tax, Spanish communitlm of
fifty thousan,t eclf•supporteru feel n
Pauper popuint:ou of iIo thuuenud or
Afore than 90 per rent. of the people
of Great Brltnle could not write their
names when Careen Vittoria ust'endld
the throne. Now only 7 per cent. of
the populat!nn are In that condition.
In 1815 the decadence of Ireland
began In earnest, an I It hex kept up
ever 11111cc. In that year the papilla•
t'on wee 8,201,061, the high w^It'r
mark. On the 'tOtb or Inst Irmo it
was 4,511,051, the lownet ever k,,Own.
Tln0R!nn roldlrra nm supplied with
haldkerrhlefn at the exp71100 of the
Was cured of 1111011 MAIlem,
Ret. ff..1, Allem, of b,etds, ways: "POI-
0on'0 Nervllbnc was the only remedy
, 1'! r• 1,, le,.i penctrttttits LIIUIIgll to tit III
ms rhrutnntl0m. In the nxeh acute.
1,1(11'+ 1 have found It a perfect cure,
end ran recommend It roan hit al utile
)mm44411014l remedy. It 10 thl''frreatest
pale remedy of the lige, and there Io
Joy In every drop of It. It bring0 com-
fort to the weary sl;fferer when fail-
ure bin, attended the nen of ov0ry
known remedy. Nervlllne le an nese-
lute euro for all kinds of pain, Internal,
external, or local."
Sensation In the Ottawa Valley
District Caused by Dodd's
Kidney Pills.
Cured Reuben Draper, of Clarendon,
of (travel—Principle Upon WIIich
Dude's Kidney Pills Act—Why
Gravel 1s Curable by Uood's
Kidney Pills.
Clarendon, P. Q., Jan, 22.—Quite n
eetsatkm war emitted In title Moen
mud throughout the Ottawa Valley,
by 1 11 Imbih•ntlell of IteUbetl Drug•
or'e raee Its the new/were last
week, Mr. Draper it • wi l known
about Isere 111111 In Benito) mud 1110
Joel ninny enquiries as to his euro.
There ew'mis to ben utltvareel sur•
Iprise that Dodd's KUge'y 1'Ills ehuuld
le able to tetra it trouble IlkeOrnvel
whlell la ]healed lu the rlindder.
Therefore, the (Wowing explun,t-
tlun Is to order,
Gravel le directly the result of
kidney dleoreer, It Is caused by tete
on the part of the klduer1
to elo their duty. They fall Wills•
solve the gritty particles that cew0
to deal from the blood. Thule
gritty particles pees W to bind -
der and cling to the wills of that
dutvlty, accumulating, iinnily, In lit -
tie bells or "Amen." Do lire Kidney
1'111], by restoring the kidneys to
proper health, eat off the supply of
tiale eedhuent,, and the bladder and
urinary organs, recovering strongth
on the removal of the cults of Irrl•
triton throw off the gravel already
Mr. Draper had only been using
the pills it week when he was rid
of a atone which, he says, Is ea
large at n bean. In u few days ho
passel another smaller nue. Ho ha]
rot/deer bot, and many people of
the neighborhood have Been them,
Thein le, therefore, no room to
doubt that DotM'e Klduey Pile du
at'tually euro Grovel ng well as the
other kidney dimities for which
they are famous. The case line
arouse,' wide intermit and friend,
for Do.kl'o Kidney Pills aro discover.
o;1 of all older.
1 '
L t \E
Soothsayers of the.Olden Thnee At-
tached a 8uereducos hr 1t.
Among the nineteen" and s0z,thsuy•
ors of unfelt gases both the ftgures
eine and threw had a ttert+ttn amount
of mystery awl sa0rodaese attached
to thein nod volumes hove been writ•
tea to ext IIIM Wolk of their meaning
Ln couleetIon tt ILII the history of men
and the world. Apro,e1 of thta, it cm•
riots cOliteld we Is tiote.l In the filet
that nearly nil tin great mining die.
twverkss of recent times hove been
ht years ending with than magic figure
[due. This tutu fa ttu,n-i gold find In
('a11Tonna fell In the ,year 1841). Ten
rue, later, 11 18.59, rennr'knbia dis-
Is,crrb'd of the 1:11147 metal were
utn'e ttuulltnnoously Art Australia and
lirltloh Columbia, amain; n greet
re It of fortune hunters to thus.
in 1880 the (,,tenon ('omsttr•k lade
fin rl became known to the world ; In
1870 the guld40mring rogdoa around
1.e Mollie and Tomb/toile, .orb„ lit gam
to 1lttralt'.. nttentiod, nal In 1011) tic'
itrgingi tit Clover ('reek nal In lower
lenllformin became the objective points
of great multitude,' of excited nal
n11xteuo seeker! nit°r saddest wealth,
.ii,1 new mruhl, at the and of nu -
other diecade, Idttury r?Io'ttte iti'b1
1.111' ar.Trrm rknl ,, gold Midill
ItIv made at Ca ,.e None,
Jrlrhkl7lr la riCIltnesn null extent sty-
Iht', ,vet d(ar,vere;l Int Lilo Yukon ilia•
trtrt, hill fair to make the year 1890'
am notable as any in the annuls of
gold mLuing.—Ledle'e Weakly.
A Michigan Lady Tells 11mt• Her 1,1111'
Daughter Wan ('prod of Mon rh1l Is.
('rlurrltoroue tYs, flip Mentis of Restoring
Her Lost Heuilh.
Mrs. D. E. Selman, of hickey-, Mich -
'Aim, ['1y0 : Our I1(111' Caugliter 01 eight
ear0 was n grout su[forer front Won -
dell uchangeuo
01Utli, mud 0)01',\ Ili t uthe
weather brought on Very a 1'rero nt-
o our doctor was consulted,and
tank . 'r 1 ten a,
pre•erlled many different botte of
nnnflclnr, Amt none of them ',seined to
give more than temporary relleif• 'Wo
then tried a Itodt of the so-called euros
for Bi cheldtle Chet one seen so largely
advertised, and they MI turned out to
be perfectly worthleis..\fter 80 much
doctoring rued melees expendit'ire in
fraudulent prepnta(Ione, we were at
our into' end to knew 'tvtint to do.
Providentially, 11 neighbor who. had
trim cured by 1'atarrhotnno cont to
her Inhaler, am' It was sr pleasant to
one fuel gave Snell Inoue -Unto relief
that a complete ontflt way at once
ordered. .alter tieing It but n short
time the bronchial trouble dlsnlr
pen red. The Chil'l's throat has been re -
mitred to n normo! and lienitJ,, roma-
tion, and she now sane about wbthunt
danger In dninp, snows weather —
romething on -thought of brfure noting
entnrrhnzone, 1\'0 recommend ('nt•
nrrbozonr as n prerlei0 '0,1 11y- fur
Bronchitis and cold In the head.
Te a ganranteml raise for
Catnrrhozune outfit, r,nsisting of n
beautifully polished hard rubber In -
'Miler, sufficient liquid for els weeks'
use, dropper, and full directions, price
11.00; extra IK,tlif* of inhalant, Arlen
50e. Trial outfit for 1(84 In stamps from
N, C. I'el:on & l'o., 14'.Ingetun, 11111,
Color Photos.
Artist. itt France are greatly in-
terested La IL Gabelle's recently an-
nounced method of producing plhoto-
graphto pr:ata In which the final
image conetats of metallic gold In the
reit, purple or violet form. 1t op -
pare (bat a gold -toned silver print,
if treated with mercuric chloride, be-
comes bleached as far as the sliver
Image Is concerned, ens the remain-
ing gold image may be red, purple or
violet. Thos purple, violet 044 red
images in which the gold 4 in it state
of division, whlah probably corres-
ponds to the condition of the metal
oa the purple preeleitnle of eatable,
are not obtained in nit rias. If the
prints are toned in the usual weparnte
baths, it not infrequently happens
that a remise blaekiolt-brown precipi-
tate of goll replaces the /elver of the
image, nal It 4e by the use of the
eombi,ned bath that the gold image
be obtained, In tints ranging through
rose, deep purple, violet and bright
Minas Liniment Cures Garget to
Gee dlurr Ellett,
The Doctor—Bear up. I meet tell
1011 the worst—you can't i'00itliely re
Thr Client.That'd it pity, for if I'd
lived a Mt laog•r 1 should have mine
Into a' Corina" ; aO It Is, I haven't a
penny to pay yell With, doctor,
The Doctor—Well, now, don't give up
hope. WVII tr to mend' you. We'll
try,—Illnstr*tr alto.
Stetletles show Decrease of Crime
After Marriage Cerernouy.
The Intent etatletioal study of roe
otology proclaims that crime Le lees
frequent among married men than
among those enjoying bachelor biose•
ednew. According to this study,
property rights are more generally
resected by the married than the
Angle. The married man doer not
commit the graver offence/ ,gnlnit
property, such as robbery and fraud,
so much au the lees dangerous erhnex,
such Ate receiving stolen good❑, brenk•
Ing the Taws of trade and public
health and bankruptcy. Nice who tire
married at an early ago (from 1H to
it uffeud against rruperty inure
often than the unmarred of the mime
n end married men who are older,
Tin de Is probably explained by the
pressure or family expenses. Offence]
egulnet morality, except, of course,
bigamy, end, for some reason, incest, ,
aro far more common among unmar-
ied men fact that was to be
expected. (Menem, against human
life are more frequent among the me
harried, though the disproportion le
out ea great ua In the matter of the
rights of property,
it W letereotbng to note that the
criminality of whiowere decreases
with advancing year], although thls
11 probably true of all men. \Vldo,'ore,
however, contribute a greater share
of crime between the ago' of 80 and .
50 than either of the other clat.s.'o
Tide may be an argument either for
or againldt marriage, according tp the
point of view. Wluowere are e0pecball,v
prone to murder, infest, felts arcuate
tlola owl false witness. They nettle
Reit in all cinerea of crime nil their
offences agairut property aro urate•
worthy. In extenuation of wltWrvers
11 may be claimed that the loot of the
wife lends to 'lemmatisation both In
mind and In domosttu affairs and re.
stoves an Influenou that It evkk'ntly
rtlutary tit the majority of men. A1.
cording to them etntleta the lower
n maul le married the more lots -able.
hag he became,. This may bo accounted
for not only by the benign influent!,
of nuttrLumruy, but also by the feet
that the burden of married life Mel
dont to the, larger birth rate at that
(into and the fbnuu•111 striate of the
parettto Is greater in.tha early years
then it Ie later. Title le Indleate,1 101
the feet that the rate of Wieners,
neatest prtticrty falls off rapidly with
advancbrr years 11111,141g the married.
—Chicago ('Itrollele,
The undersigned will pay len cents each for
copies of the following newspepeae for the
year 1890:
Atwood, Ont., Bee, Aug I, Oct. !S,
Baodlck, N. 8„ Telephone, Feb, 8, March 1,1.
button, On,'Adysnee, Jan, 12,
Florence, Ont.,Quill
itemW on. N,H. Nem, Feb. 0 March 16.
Hepworth, Ont„ Joirnai, Juno H.
Regina, NAV '1' aIndandOr
Sundrldgo, Ont., Veto, Feb. 2
sturgeon Tolle, OHL, ColuulmtIoa,1Reb, 2.
Address some to
Hamilton, Ont.
A Remarkable 'funnel.
Ter' tlelt- tunnel un ler rnn9l rurl le en
in connection with the new
II led railnstd, is 111 have ,tulle n
novel feature, in becng ligb1e l up
with elect r'o lights during the pas
nige o1 (rnhte :n the day time, wlien
1l0're 11 1:0 oro lights in the vacs, On
each rile of the tirnmd, 1111 :t Iovrl i
with the windows, 441 the cars, :,n• n
row of electric rights., ❑nal the mein
on entering the tunnel term,
on the current,
fillingthe tunnel
vldgk n flood of light, nti on leaving
t tunitel, by a x!mllar untomntbe
ewi'toh, the train, turns off the light,.
To Cure a Cold 1n One Day.
Take Laxative Elroles) Quinine Tab -
tete, All drugglete refund the money
U It fallis to mire. 85c, E. W. 000,011
signature le on each box.
draught Them to Time.
A hold, wicked man who was being
tries for murder wished very curl, to
get the verdict as for manslaughter,
nt least, and found means W belle
0110 of the Juror', nt uneet'upulouely
tamed man.
"I1e same," en41 the prlsoner'e roan.
'd, who did the dieboll'al wurk of the
ufIuIr, "to stick forr your point T
renm'udcr of tit, jury will
avant to c ': t murder; but yon can
bring It eowa to mnaelaughter, If you
only hull out."
Tee corrupte.l but 'lupe, man pro-
m'ePd to hold out, and did ee; tin
require 1 verdict was brought In, rafter
t1. Miry bad blvouacel for a night
1 enrrleal nay point," the leieet.
taker remarked, no he secretly re-
ceived the finlvldng shin of hlr hire,
"The rest of the Jury were for ne-
gnittnl ; but I 'ought 'em nil aver."
111s Own Free \'111
Ilenr 10 re, -1 cannot epeak tn•i
strongly of the excellence of MiN•
Ai1B'H LINIMENT. it ie Till.: rem-
❑ ly lit my 1-ouseird I for bit,rns, r Gell l 10,
etc., end we emelt not be w.thout It.
It 10 truly n wonderful meld,lnr.
John 1. IlanedouaI.1,
Publisher Arnprlor Chronicle.
l'o'aldn't Fool 1111*, Again.
\Toler to lunatic asylum whIelh Ix
undergoing structural Improvements
(W harmless lunatic who to extremely
buoy wheeling barrow upalde dowel—
Yon ought to turn that barrow the
other way up I
Hnrmlese lunatic (knowingly)—T did
ywrterday, but they put brick] in It I
—1'I111 May's Winter Annual.
Mlnard'e Liniment Cures Coldm, etc,
A Selfish Father.
"Well, Mae Emily, what did your
pops eny when you told h!m that I
milt to marry your"
"Ile mays that when he Imo to pay
debts he wattles to crento them hent -
Witter la the hnrtleet of all eub-
etanees to (teat, with tine Wangle ex
septics of hydrogen gttm. The eadi-
ttet two tiro mercury tail lead, whirl
stunt In thbi respect on nearly the,
mune footing.
All film prnethro nod affectatloni
are more allose than sty- want (It'
defeet of Imowloitze can be'.—Sprat.
Slate of Ohfn,,Clty of Toledo,
Minus ('onnty, ]Y
Feting .1, Cheney mikes oath that he
h, the eenlor partner of The [Meet of
F..1, ('henry dr, CO.. Poing bobtails In
the City of Toledo, county and (}tate
alorau0d, and that said firm will ppaay
the sum of ONE 11C\Ildllill DOLLARS '
for much and every en; tt of Catarrh
that cannot. lel uur,el b,v the um oh •
hall's Catarrh Cure.
Pworn to before hue and oubeerlled
In my pawen0e, tido Ulh ibiy 4.1 Dicent.
her, A. 1). 1886.
A, OV. I ;LI:AMoN,
[Reda Notary ;Cuddle,
IMII') Cntnrrli Care Ix taken Inter-,
nnlly, and acts directly on the blued
11101 Illtteann rnrtnorw or ilia avxlem.
Pend for trtstlntoalale, fres.
1'', J. ('filiNb?Y & 1'(1., Tultdk, n,
8u1d by druggists, 75e.
Ilnll'o Family 1114 aro the lest.
If the World Were Illydlese.
A French naturalist asserts that
It the world should beoome b:rdlese
man would not Inhabit It after nine
years, in spite of all the sprays and
poisons that could be manufactur-
ed for the iketrantlou of insects, The
Meats and plugs would amply eat up
our orchards and crops,
billnard's Liniment Puree Dletomper.
iSSITE N) 5. 1900.
Th 111 t W and moat useful Invention has not
only prayed to be a great seller, but a boon to
Inu,dred', Many mrdlrsl urn are ming Mk
rioted, and n11 pronounce 11 nbsolotery odor -
Iwo and sauilary In every respect- After being
In Zhu motion for over Awn years this closet.
has become 00 popular that the manufacturers
have had to double their output ht Peder to
meet the dopNomned.
For Catalogue and Prim LIMl write to
11 ,,'odea of Tnsenlnntu,Sintcoe, Eighty acro(
cleared and fenced houau, largo earn nod
0,1 11 IT 1111 ,ro„d for harping. Apply in
R. \V. Brcnmau, ILunlhou, Ont,
and on easy Lurlus;well Improved
with good water and the kileoll 111111 -
climat. on earth,
Curtis, Neb.
h1 1
"1 think better of that which 1 began
thinking well of."
t rasp .ealmlle I S r
hoz, ❑notary
ryryunw of /H/A,
A fend farm to Niagara Township, cenlulua
over 1,4e mrnch t, dos and over hied other trees.
. tame,.,
bers r
s mut quinces. 7
or I• and usel fru uW
e gimp) ,d 11,0 p.0e11,,,,serous well
situated I'urontu art Lt1111lU ympetty.
piy tar Tlunuau Smith, 1111 Cnthurinu street
north, Hamilton.
Rn1rland's Finest Razor, atm hollow ground
very hest razor steel, fanny vetoed, oahulold
timidly regular price Its our natal relay only
loo, '111 razor will a tent to any address bt
('nmtdit, all postage paid, upon the receptor
MMAE Fully scummed and mousy refunded
ft not eall.fantory. Addrost Stanley Mills &
Ca, Hox 201, Hamilton, Ontario,
Mra Wlnalaw'e Heothlne Syrup should al-
ways be used for Children Teething, it soother
l he
11d softens the sunlit, cures wind
and Is the Duet remedy for Uerrhaa.
Twenty -
tire cent, a botllo.
For Coughs, Colds and Lung Diseases
Take n loaf teacup full Flax -sued Tea with
a dose of EBY'S
Four or Eve Umn., a day. 1L never falls to give
Immediate relief.
2S and Ile cents at. all Druggists, or from
M, F. EBY, Chemist., Port Elgin, On,
Sausage Casings -4 =V*
Essaish Soheeyp and Annierret,an Hog Casings •
re14 PIAltIt, 1 at right
Is Co., Terence
When oat of Lyndon, board, eta, superiority
of training, rapid prosPt'ot* in studies, and like
Ilhood ofgetting a initiation after gradtutl a
are considered, ear college is the best place In
Canada for Yon, Our Catalogue ,loved toil
plarticul ars, W'rIW J,• ELLiOTT, PenolpnL
158 tOA ,AO to
Mi cane end ter? m
areae Canted and bound to one .
penE ,0011 ,tlom of ublo 10llet me,nt, tlo non W, lath•
Wand bountiful
ma x,10'0p ,e•,•
0 and 8iMlia .tmgi, '0004 10 est., 0t 141
epawlaa.UFAkLANR 7t. Vonea Ht, T,"„eU ,, L'mu.
egoate for Ido Conllnuntol file insurauae
Company: 11,0110 districts and ittmral con
harts to good men, Apply 21 King1,1 ea
west, Toronto, Ont,
Virginia Homes.
You were all about Virginia land., toll,
water, climate, rewurcee, products, bran,
barrio, mod, of cultivation, prices eIy, br,
reeding the VIROIN1A FARMER. Stijl 10u
for Wren months'rtbicriptIon 10
FARMER CO., Emporia, V4'
r Rea, flood to 091 Arch street,
r['Irina, Pa, for ((eattae and free tit trial 1018
amie by J. A.1101. lttp Notre Dame or
cetera, Qu,,