The Blyth Standard, 1900-02-01, Page 5M. Xmas The "Red Mill " (Boar) and els- The editor of THE STANDARD de - valor at Seaforth was burned early sires to thank the Huron Old Boys' Holiday Wednesday morning. Loss heavy; association, Toronto, for a compli- f 1 1 F7 y Inauranae, $8,600, mentary ticket to their first anneal Trade Dr. Turnbull, formerly of Clinton, banquet, whkh will be held on who has just returned from a year's Friday evening, February 18th. course of studies in the hospitals of The clubbing rate of Tex STAN. • s Over London, Berlin and Vienna, is to Dear, end London Daily Free Press 'we loo tta been n oilseed with 1M swat Me OM bare asses w• do aN vbNe1 to easy sen, To boo b000aeww flad roosts kr Mods, oleos m aniovule it bow oboe Gerin Call and See the Bargains we offer Oil l s. • msoot wets quantity a aleetrla light plant atpresent owned 68488.96. , eompoeed u follows t -M. Lockhart att a kw a•esuh at wood P See our Men a OVERCOATS, worth N ' mews". Now Tor to.n by Private parties, and also to erect The Canadian railroads here de. for 87. reeve; A. B. Carr, J. T, Currie, J. t a town hall and fire hall. tided to refuse to allow club or See our Men's SUITS worth i10 for b MoCalfnm and J. E. Ellis, councillors. locate in Goderioh. has been reduced from 64 to 68, bac was skidded along on the rails Mr. John Kraehting and bride, of Anyone wanting a good daily paper ON H IGH PRICES and snow until the train he raid, Waterloo, are enjoying their honey early in the day, bone ahead of the He escaped with a br in was leg and a moon at the residence of Mr. George Toronto dailies, cannot do better IN CLOTHING ..Its . laoersted thigh. Denstedt. Mr. Kraehling and Mrs. than take advantage of ear clubbing e+e e'atre.. Eur Wawanah aoaneif this year Denatedt are cousins, rate. differs in some respect* from the j TNM STANDARD has received some The report of the inspector of Our man-of-war has bom- administrative body in other town. very handsome samples of wedding registry offices just to hand aim horded the citidal of high ships, War ! Mr, Mailer Bailey, of 8t. Marys, was very seriously wounded by the explosion of a oharge which he was endeavoring to remove from a Win. cheater rifle, Carroll Parnell, a Grand Trunk War!yardmen at Niagara F•Ils, fell iween the cars ot a moving train, War! t stationery, bail programs, etc. Call the grecs earnings of the Huron has call 1 sad inspect them when requirin countprices in Clothing and it has g y registry stiles as 65841.!6, every member of the council L a 1 as thing in thaw lines. Ont of this the deputy gets $809 and capitulated, member of a church ; they are all y D.e.et■.at to eau; The Hensel! Observer urges the there are other expenses amounting strictly temperate and not one of is roc[pow wati.ub v vi!{ags council to purchase the to 694.'.29, Learing a not Income of Ready -to -ear them trees tobacco. The council is A ratepeyer in the township ed attention to the foot that FRANK METCAIF Sly'th. FIRE FIRES FIRE! Come with the crowds as we have 61000 worth of Fiat Boots and Shoes to sell at bargain prices. They are mov- ies out quickly. Our orders for new Bees of up-to-date Footwear have been placed end In due time will be 1n stock. We have now a complete stock of FRESH GROCERIES The Moat in town. Mirth's Cheapest 0tN'. T. W. SCOTT TOWN TOPICS. Read TNM STANDARD clubbing 114 Aid. McDonald, of Hamilton, is its the Tillage on business. Mall_you renewed your subscrip- tion to Tux STANDARD yet? Mr, Oeorge Burns is the new col. !actor of 00.1011 at Loudon. Dr. Otto; of Clinton, paid Blytb a protbuloual visit on Tuesday. !Myth ooa»cil w in meet in Industry bull oa Tuesday evening next. - Mr. Jam* Rhin, of Newbridge, spent Sunday with Blyth friends. Mn. Brad win and Master Milton are t isittug with Goderich (ritual. The next wr.uthly fair will be held at Blyth on Tuesday, February 131.11. Air. Howard Alexander, of Bervk, Meas In town fur a few days this !reek. 'Nig STANDARD has clubbing rates with all the leading daily and week- rik 1F WIcu we went to press, the storm that started last Saturday war ►till ragtag. Mr. Win. Moser, of Mitchell, Is visiting at the parental hove here fur a euaple ut weeks. • The most severe snow storm this mister set in en Saturday and has been raging all week. The Dominion parliament will opo today and the Outer(' Legisle. tare on "ebruary 14th. Hon. Hugh John Macdonald and Dr. McFadden were re elected on Tuesday by aoelamatlou. • Mrs. Rion and Mies Lana Brothers, of Newbridge, are visitlug at the mildews of Mr. A McNally. TIM STANDARD and Faintly Her- ald and Weekly Star one year and the two beautiful pictures for 61.75. The wife of President Stoyn, ot the Orange Free State, South Africa, is a cattle ut Mrs. Alec. Wilson, of Seeforib. The burned out merchants held a meeting on Tuesday evening to mske arrangements for the building of a union block. raring the past year there were registered with Mr. T. W. Scott, village clerk, 16 births, 10 mar. sieges and 10 deaths. The Lanrentien, with Canadian troops for South Africa, pawed Cape Verde Lalonde Wednesday morning, and reported all well. The London conference Epworth Lague convention will be held in the Central Methodist church, Strat- ford, en February 13111 and 14th. Rev. 1'. B. Conpland, of Lends - bore, was the recipient of a load of ORO and potatoes from the emigre - gallon of Klnburn Methodist cliurch. Mr. James Connolly, of Goderieh .wa►p.bip, has been appointed second wloe•president the Cheese and Batter association of Western On. six tush .A farmer Bring north of Tess - water lost Ma reckoning and drove Into that town on Sunday morning a load of logs for Thompson's mill. Wroxeter Star ,is the latest addition to Huron county news- papers. Mr. B, H. Townsend, for - Merly of the Durham Review, is the publisher. The twenty Orange lodge of North Huron velli .We% Jit Witagbam on gteaday, i'ebreary 6th. Our ea. teemed oldie;, ttr. John Wilford, is county muter. Josiah Tyerman, of Seaforth, bee a copy of a Bible 300 years old. It weighs 16 pounds, has 1,330 pages sal contains 14 books not in the revised edition. A bpi -election for .the Ontario Legislature took place in Fast Mid - gates yesterday. Capt. Robson (Oe.) bas 64 majority with sae plan to boor ttora Mise Mary Black, who conducted sooieties to run excursions over their out our Mena UNDERWEAR, worth The Wingbam Times nye a boy ca dressmaking business in Blyth for lines on public holidays, snob as 111,50 for $1. living about two miles from Wing- . the put two years, was married yes. May 24th The railways find they M perms young farmer of Morris. 0 ham was given 25 ants the other terday to Mr. James Laidlaw, *pros- get as mach walk as they can ade-to- rder day and sent to town to buy three handle at their own rates, without OVERCOATS, worth 11t4 for 1112. plugs of McDonald's chewing to. Arnold B. Caswell, who has congesting certain section. for special MPS, from 1112 to p9. bacco, lie arrived in town early in held the pakten of city reporter for excursions the morning and returned home at the Brantford Courier for the put The war la South Africa is costly R. M CCo M M I N S dark bat without any of the soothing fire years has resigned to accept the to the newspaper. The special de• weed. When asked why he did management of the Seaforth San. spatehes sent to the British Metro- TAILOR ANO CLOTMIER not get the tobacco he replied that Mr. Joseph Stothers has re• politan press cost, for cabling alone,. Blyth he had searched all day but could commenced business In the building something like 6952 a column......not fled Mr. Meiktaald'r store, formerly occupied by Mr. A. S. Sometimes, when a war eorrespon• The indebtedness of the Goderteh Dickson as a law office. He hu a dart has a "scoop," he sends it at The Tient of Hamilton is prepared fall fair society is increasing each nice stock of fresh groceries and "urgency" rates -12 shilllings (or to receive contributions to the Cana. year and last year increased from fruits. 68 a word). dlan Patriotic Fund association. 6450 to 6600. The directors have Arrangements are under way for It is becoming more and more This association is established for decided to bold a two days' show in establishing another furniture fac. difficult for the story that bay and the relief of the widows, orphans or future Instead of a three days' show, tory in Whigham. It is also rumor- bell on credit to compete with cash dependants of those who may be and by that means endeavor to ed that the Grundy stove works will stores. Many of those In the country killed or wounded while serving in reduce the indebtedness. With the bo removed from Kincardine to who have accounts with credit stores the war in South Africa. Subecrip• exception of Blyth fair, every fair in Wingham. purchase from stores that do hustnees tion lists are now open do 'the Myth this neighborhood seems to be going Mr. Wm. McPherson, who Is the only fur ash, and In this way some branch of the Bank of Hamilton and behind. We would suggest that the retiring reeve of Turnberry, after of the credit stores are toeing the all mors paid will rbe forwarded to other fain close up shop, concentrate • 18 years service, has been presented cream of their patronage. Ottawa free of oharge. Queen Vie. their forces and held one big county with a parse of gold and an address The Port Elgin Time. says that torts is patron and Lord Minto fair each year, and that fair at by the council, officials and citizens two school Faye stood In front of the president of the association. Blytb. Blyth fair has always been of that township. Times office the other day discuss• The adjourned annual meeting of a sncaese, and always will be s Mr. W. I. Shannon, who has been lug the century question. Said the the members of Blyth public library success, and no mistake could be' secrctery.treasnrer of the MoKlllop 20th century boy : "If I bed a piece was held on Friday evening. The made in holding the county show Mutual Fire Insurance Co. for the of paper I could show yon in a min- treaearer's statement was presented here. past 20 years, has resigned owing to me that this L the 2001 century." showing a balance on hand of 652, A union meeting of the young ill bealth. His successor has not yet Says the 19th century bey; "If yon The following directors were elect. people's socletla of the English, been appointed. Methodist and Presbyterian churches - Mr. A. W. Campbell, provincial was held in the Temperance hall on road instructor, is arranging for aTuesday evening. There was a series of meetings to be held In J S H very large tittendauce, although the Huron county during February. night was a stormy one. Rev. C. L. The dates and places of meeting Mills presided as chairman, Inter. will bo announced later. eating papers on missions were read Other places are bolding patriotic by Mrs. James, Miss Tena McElroy concerts and doing somethiug ban. and Mn. D. D. Crittenden. A good vocal program, emulating elf solos, duetts, trios and quartettes, was furnished by representatives from each church. Refreshments were also served and a rote of thanks tendered the young people of Trinity clinrch for their kindness in extend .0 ing the invitation for a atoneneet• Ing, Tne STANDARD le becoming noted for the excellence of its continued stories. Many of our readers have told us that the last one, " For Love and Birthright, or Plot ve. Principle," is without doubt the very beat news• paper story ever written. At eon. slderable expense we have secured another good cuntlnaed story, emit. led : " to Spite of His Birth." This is one of the beet newspaper stories that money could procure, and one which, we hope, will please all our readers. In the meantime we are publishing the short story, " What Was His Motive?" It will only last two or three weeks and at Its conclusion we will comments our new continued story, "In Spits of Ills Birth." The discussion as to whether we are in the 19th or 20th century is becoming monotonous, but as a it would serve as a warning to otherreaderIs anxious to know which of lied brains I should show yon with- out paper." At the coming session the Ontario government will have to consider the question of asylum accomoda- tion. All the asylums are full to overflowing, and the number of Insane sent to the jails is increasing. The number of patients in residence In Ontario asylums at the beginning of the year was 4868, and of these only 770 were pay patients. There are els institutions In the province. Subscriptions to the century fund in Knox church, Teeswater, hate reaebed 81800. Of this amount, ,6400 will be applied to the wiping out of the debt still un the church and the remaining 81400 will be Bout away to further the various schemes to which the century fund is to be devoted. Besides this, $802 was raided during the past year for the various funds of the church, outs:de of what was required for the needs of the church at hone. ed: -Rev. A. McLean, Rev. W. Pen - hall, Alex. Elder, A. W. Sloan, A. E. Brad win, S. Creighton, James Smith abkirk and Dr. Cooke. At the close of the annual meeting the dlrectore met and appointed the following oat ears ;-President, James Smith; secretary, Dr. Tait; treas- urer, D B. McKinnon; librarian, R. R. Douglas. The registrar general is preparing his report of births, marriages and deaths. The birth rate has been found to be about the same es that of past years, which is very low. This is accented for by the Irregu• !miry of reports of births. In a comparison of the registry of births and depths, it war lotted taut et mall. born children registered a large majority were not registered as birthe. The officers hen no special inducements to register births, while there an be no burial without a lieeuse. This accounts to a large extent for the low birth rate. Those who smoke cigarettes should read and ponder the follow - hip -David Hurley, a Perls, Out. arlo, boy, 19 years old, died from the effects of cigarette smoking. His father said the boy smoked 66 worth of cigarettes a week. Ile had sheiveliod up until he looked like an old man. His lungs were le a bad shape and his blood very thin. The physician opened the boy's arm and found that the main artery did nut cantaln a drop of blood. It had all dried up. The boy's father requested that the care be made public, so that . Melly for those dependant on Cana• dian soldiers now in South Africa. Cannot Blyth do something too? Who "ill be the first patriot? A masquerade carnival will be held in the Blyth skating rink on Friday evening of this week. P. izee will be awarded se follows: -Best lady's customs, beat gent's costume and Mat comic gent's costume. Mr. Dave McGill conducted the singing in the Hensall 1'tesbyterlan church last Sunday and so pleased were the congregation with his vocal powers that tbey have since made him an offer of 1200 per aunnm to become their precentor. anuar. U1 1 We are looking for a big January turn -over. With the three coldest months of winter yet to come there is bound to be a big demand for heavy goods. Stocks all over the store are ready for all demands that may be made upon them, and there will be many a bargain for careful shoppers in winter stuffs that we want moved out before the stocktaking. You'll get your money's worth and more buying anyof these: boys. the two is correct, we quote the The fallowing matrlmonlal adver- , following i -When any °Poch of time tisement hays from Ilakota t -Lor• - began it had )o cuntioue 865 days to ens, Take MAW.: On and after thiai,•Make one year. All these days the date, I will present an elegant `pcoPte were tiring in the year one. uhromo, a parlor lamp or a glaze - They must live 100 of these yeara water set, to all bridal couples to make the first century. The first married by me. All marrying done century did not close with the year la the most artistic way, either in 98, but the year 100. As the flat private or publlo. Runaway couples Dentary did not end until the year married at any hoar of the day or with two 00 had continued until the night and pursuers thrown off the last day, so all other centuries mat scant. Reduced rata to those I likewise wait until the two 00 year XXXXXZXZXIIZ McKinnon So Co. Blyth. inthn p Our Year, We have just finished stock -taking and have balanced up for the year and the result shows sub- stantial progress. Our cash sales for the past year are the largest in the history of this store and we do not intend to let the present year lag behind, as we are in better shape than ever to serve our customers. Having taken time by the forelock, we placed large orders for new goods months ago, before the advance in prices. They are now coming forward and will be sold at old prices, notwithstanding they have ad- vanced from to to 25 per cent over last year's prices. We have just opened our new Prints, Ginghams, Shirtings, Cottonades, Flannelettes, Etc. and this is the way we are going to sell them : -New Prints, 84 inches wide, soft finish, fast colors, good value at 10e, our special price 5c. ltlew•Ginghams, fast colors, worth 7o for 5c. -New Oxford Shirt'ngs, fast colors, worth nee for IOc. -New Shirtings, in stripes anti checks, indigo blue, now worth I6c lot 12je. ---Cottonades, in "tripes and checks, worth lec for 12jo, -Heavy Cottonades, now worth too for 25c. -Flannelettes, in dark and light colors, now worth 70 for 5o. -Heavy Flannelettes, soft finch, now worth 12 for 10e. -Grey Cotten, yard wide, heavy weight, worth 7c for 5o, -.Bleached Cotton, yard wide, soft finish, worth 8o for bo. McKinnon do Co. Blyth. z011;xaczXzXX0111 How About That Overcoat Haven't you been promising yourself or your 'boy an Overcoat this winter. Isn't it a neces- sity the purchase of which you cant put off much 'longer? Why not buy it now and wear it This Cold Snap Where shall you get it? There are only two or three things really to be considered. Is price an object to ?.ou ? Would you like an Overcoat that has lit and style to recommend it, and that will look and wear like one made for you by a tailor? If so, there is a place whour wants will be met and you can get 25 per cent off regular prices, that place is S. NERRINCTON'S._, BLYTH Mantles for January have married before. A red lantern is 885 days old We are in the 19th ► h t We have sold more Mantles this season than ever before. It will pay street at night. No dug kept, begin next January. bangs in front of my door on Prairie century. The 20th century will 1.4-11."59"M us hotter to sell what we have in stook n tw even at a las than to arry Night bell directly under the lantern. Fora considerable time put it them Into next season. That's why we are quoting prices like the follow- _mem Dodd,J P has been the custom of certain young 1000 HOUSEKEEPERS WANTED ing for January.men and boys to Merohante all pay beau taxa } gather in Blyth Mantles at 12.50, that were $4 and $5..but the peddler peye comparatively lit office in the evenings and con To call and ineprct our large and nig rbeads, serviceable materials, smsWves, 28 and24 inches on lines that sold at $5 and AT, for Jan- uary selling , Mantles at $5. Extra floe qualities, nearly all beav- ers, eau ere, some silk lined, not one of the lot hut sold at 97.60 or over some as high Ladies' fine Mantles, in black friezes as $11, for January selling $5. The balance of our Ladies' Mantles all t h 1 g, Dothlrig; is practically a non•resi- duct themselves In a disgraceful stock of well se! ted that were $4 25 to 95, stylish, up -to - dent; spends next to nothing In any manner. On Thursday evening last fl their bad behavior received a quiet' that the home merchant is deprived ns at thandsof two of our citizens ot. A movement shcnld also be and ever since peace supreme has made to put a tax on "t)epartmental reigned in the post officio. in future, store rates." The home merohent it would bea good .Wen, if the dis• has a strong opposition in the de- partmental store orders by mail; one to take the names of the offenders and while they do not visit eaoh and hand them to the postmaster home personally, their represents- with'Inetrectiuns to have them for. dee (book of prices) arrives almost . warded to the P O. inspector. If wardedthis is an a term everwith and orgenerally er by tl be next .' behind prison n ne was stfur ll the offenders. mall. Why not alio protest our. The poet oflec tgovernment cr int prop. merchants from this modern paid_: y, and the government ler? be trifled with. Cerasin Blyth young Wo have received from the Poole women night also take a hint and try and conduct themselves properly Publishing Cu., Toronto, a copy of ' while In fire post office. " The Crucifixion of Phillip Strong," I by Charles M. Sheldon, the well : Bad R.pglet.r. known author of "In His Steps,"Tuesday. February eth. Lot 86 The book contains over 200 pages, Don, t2, East R'awanoab. Unreserveel and G a tragic tale showing how a euct;ou sale of 72 head 0f dairy cows, noble roan, who enieavored to heifers and steers. T. E. Weiker, pro- exempllfy the spirit of Christ, wan; prietor. J. Currie, auctioneer, i 'urnitur®. date designs, in beaver and rough $tl 6o We offer special hargalns ;n Extension Tables, Sideboards and Bedroom Seta, cloth, some with fancy lining, pearl community, and is reaping bens ts We carry a large stock of Window shades, Tapestry, Curtains and Table Covets, and ivory buttons, your choice of the We show the newest- styles In Picture Frames. lot at 9850. Mantles at 36.50, instead of $6 and $7. Dress Goods for January Press Goods bayers will save some money here In January, There is many a line et seasonable and attractive dress stuffs that we would like to Nee the last of them before the mouth is out. Here are some of them :- Drees Goods at 10c. ° Some Lines for January at 96e. New Fancy Plaid Dress Goode, 85 -inch heavy Tweed Suiting., small bright checks, small patterns, suitable checks, dark color., splendid material for child/a'a waatr, rte makm wide, to wear, regular Ole, for January sell- /vim/far 15c to 16o, January price 10c. in,Q 95a. Drew Goods at 15c. M rtle and brown, fine quality, all Heavy Tweed Settings, 86 inches wool soils!, bright finish, regular 50c, soda, warm heavy,wrvienable mate. for January selling 96e. Ws, regular 25e, January price 15c. 10 only floe Dress Costumes, no two Tweed Skirts at 118.95. • alike, very fine goods, all dark color- Tbree only.Tweed Skirt ends, metre lag.' reg ,Lao 6Jaand 60o, 6 and 7 yards date goods, to an end, ust the thing for winter for anuary selling 260, wear. regular $5, January $8.25. Tweed Costumes at $8.75. Drees Goods at 50o. A Very Special Bargain, upposed and persecuted. The .tory W T u Cholas Roll Butter2z e, only, e, will make nobby and It will secure a wide reader •tri it ha`P a few Vutlt.es to cls.., toe .,,les will ewe execellent'Roar, regular 91M vireahle eoe, . o, rr, :;;a; g, .1,1.$ ;.J, g•' 92.50. +r.1$1, tot Juuuaty swung 6uc. each, for January selling $8,75. should make a deep Impresalon upon urgLin d Capes for 05 ones O. E. KIND, Wing - every reader. The Poole Puhllmb. barn. 2641 54•incb Tweed Dress Goods, suitable Extra rood quality Tweed Suit Ends, le oto of intense vigor and pathos. Also }taw Furs, Choice Fox 94.70We or wire or "kine, a few ends no two all's n l ser .. HODGENS BROS ' ing Co. have eight of Sheldon's books at 15 cents each, in attreened S. F. LAlll. paper coves, or 80 ants In cloth • cover's, postpaid, They are the most BaTrtwaryster, Solicitor, Eco, Office In the widely read books of this gaaerattap, Divieion Court Olerk's esus, Myth, DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTON. list We et aii bceluooae P tam ° Brus st to a p• 1 We all IM New Williams dewing NaaA7ae, lwllf to fast a lifetime. J. H. CHELLEW, BLYTH. Are You in Business For Business ? It you had an opportunity el add,eeetng 1,000 people is a bell with the privilege et delivering WI address on your business and the wares you sell, you would be apt to make that address a$ temente lag as possible, so that your hearers would listen and you profit by ht. It is just the same with an advertisement in Tan STANDARD, You have tie privilege of talking every torah to hundreds of people and if you are selling honest goods and 411 the people about them In a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping a benefit. We stand ready and willing at *11 times to eaglet our patrons in preparing their advertisements -yes, give them aseiatance that would cost from 95 to 920 d a city advertising Pxpelt were, nnsult- sd-and de it tree of charge. But bear In mind that no man can get out as good en advertisement for your buginese as you oat. You know all the little details, the goods sou bought at a baresist, and all that. Jut drop in and have a talk about It. The Standard, Blyth, Ont.