HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-02-01, Page 4glee 7r'ih Otfudearbe should ire mnde to the touching
pathos e nth which he referred to the
A. E. BRADWIN, Publisher,waant, Indian misstons fields of British
C"lumbla. 'The contributions were
THE BLYTH STANDARD, published every lit OXCres of farmer years. A bride
Thuredey morning, Is a live !aced news- hent (nitre is predicted for him and
paper, and has a large etrcetetion in he Is looked upon as one of the eom.
Blyth and surrounding rountry, making 1,IR stars u` Lilo methodist church,
It a valuable adasrtiahn, medium. Bub WEDDING, -At St. James' church,
script ion price to any part of Canada or
the United States only One Dollar per Seaforth, on January 16th, Miss
snnum in advance; 61.60 will be charged Maggie McQuaid, daughter of the
u not so paid. Advertising ratan oa hits Michael McQuaid, of Tucker -
application. Job Printing neatly and smith was united in merriest. to P,
Amply executed. Correspondence of a , ae
*away nature respectfully solicited. J. Kelly, a prosperous young farmer
Morrie, The ceremony was per.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY t, 1900. (Tined by Rev. Father McCabe, and
-------- the bride was assisted by Mia Mary
•ederfoh. Lemh, while Mr. Kelly, brother of
Dr, J. B. Shannon died on Thursday
night, January 18th, of typhoid
fever, at the ago or 34 years. His
• death mist a gloom over the entire
community, as he was prominent,
well•known and respected. Ile was
a member of the Independent Order
of Foresters, an Oddfetluw 8Id
Iieutenant•surgeon of the 33rd bat.
fallen, a member of the Collegiate
Institute board, and closely allied
to all the local industries, having
done much to assist in the promotion
of all the leading Institutions of the
town. ,For two years Dr. Shannon
occupied the chair as mayor. He
was also popular and successful us a
physbcan, and enjoyed a large
preetia. The eunersl took place
Under the supervision of the milt
tory. He lava a widow and two
children. Ile was a sortie -law of
}ion. 4. M. Ross, of Toronto, and ex•
M.P.P. for %Vest Huron.
Nome. -Mrs. J. H. McClinton i1
rea►vering from her severe illness.
tier many friends hope to see her
around again .... Thomas Tunney,
Jr., is 1.4d up with an attack of
ceeasles and bronchitis, and is under
the ears of Dr. Tutt... -Thomas
• Emit* tedangoronsfy Hi with pleat.
Iay....It la rumored that a singing
class 1s about to commence 10 the
basement of the Methodist uhnrch,
under the euperintendiney of Mr.
CUue, d Wingbam.... Mr. Ander.
eon, of Donnybrook, occupied the
pulpit ,of the Metholist church en
Sabbeeh last. Mr. Arderso1 Was a
resideet of Johannesburg, South
Africa, until last summer, when he
removed W Donnybrook Mies
Carrie Humphrey, of St. Helens, is
visiting her sister at presontMr.
Campbell has gone to reside et Staffa
til bb daughter, 11m (Dr.) Hutchi-
son.,.Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ram-
say have decided to make their
erre home in Michigan, where
Meet of their family reside. While
We are sorry to lose such good
neighbors we wish tihin ovary pros-
perity to their new home, ...Sleigh-
ing 1a good in' this locality et
Present, and farmers are taking ad•.
vantage by banding wood and loge
to Blyth.
OlD MINERs MEET, --From the
Clinton News-Record we take the
&Wowing; -•An Tuesday there met
upon the streets of Clinton two old
f tends who had not met for a long
Was and did not at first recognize
each other. Tboy were Mr. George
Pierce, a wealthy farmer of Morris,
And oar popular ex -reeve„ Mr. D. B.
Kennedy. Their acquantance dated
back to 1862, in April of which year
.bey,, .la company with 1400 others,
Mt ail from New York for the then
fuscous gold fields of the Cariboo In
British Columbia, They went via
Panama and San Francisco, at the
latter place spending a fortnight.
. The Frisco of those days was even
m,"wilder and wooller" than at pre -
sent. From there they ailed to
'•Victoria, B.C., thence across to the
o mainland and up to the Caribou
mines, From Victoria to Cariboo
Noes a .month's journey and only
• those who have experienced it have
any idea of the hardships that were
snoouutered. Each gold seeker car.
*d hie food And blankets uprn hie
'leek sad camped Dint In the open at
Attie!.. - be wages were from $10
Wlitt per day, but the cost of living
was correepundingly high and the
season only lasted from June to
8eptettyber. The priees, for food
were .as great as Oise brio paid in
the Klondike. The cheapest article
If ,food that Gould be bosght was
Mr at 8250 per 100 pounds, bacon
per pound, beans 88 clad tea 85.
• A shovel cost 812 ands plea the
same. As It was the freight rates
whicb .made the price a pound of
nails sold for as much as the same
weight of tee, while a pair of ribber
boots sold at 816. In September the
majority of the miners returned to
Victoria where they remained until
the following spring. Mr. Kennedy
came back to Ontario in 1865 and
Mr. Pierce fullueed in 1866 and In
their talk over old times they could
only locate throe nut of the 1400
who ailed out of Now York harbor
with them over 37 years ago, dist is
themselves and Mr. Joseph 1101'row,
formerly a merchant of Varna.
A Colima; PREACHER. -The Belle-
ville Weekly Sun of January 18th,
. mot -Rev. A. R. Maunders, of Ai.
Itemcollege, occupied the pulpits of
the Methodist church on the Rawdon
circuit at Sunday last. Notwith.
Mondial the somewhat inelement
weather Immense gatherings were
at each appointment and all were
well plesaed with tete abiltty and
serneetnees of the speaker. Ills
cul jac, '• Missions." was ably hand-
led- esidum equalled by older fellow.
laborer's -end abundant evidence
was iltnstrnted of the careful study,
- 1Wmareh and zeal in an noble ,n
appeal, A wkluspread welcome
*waits him to oak un mlr.Ums sod
kitatriid gal jcets. kit clel lt.fni't:Loe
the groom, acted as groomsman.
After the ceremony the young
couple drove to the bride's home,
where a large number of guests had
assembled. The remainder of the
day and evening was pleasantly
spent in a social way,
CHURCH REPORT-Beetgrave Pra•
byterian church has tamed its annual
report for 1899. The session con.
stets of Rev. W. T. Hall, pastor;
Dunald Metklejohn, James Ferguson,
John McCallum, James Cunningham
and Wm, Wightman, treasurer. P.
W. Stott is secretary of the congre•
auntie and George Taylor, treasurer.
The present number of families is
61; number of members, 185. Mis.
sionary oontrlbnuens amounted to
$172.56. The financial report shows
receipts of 8820.88, with expendi-
ture of 8769.45, leaving a balance
of 851.48 on hand. During the year
a new church was erected, for
which the total receipts were
88646,22. The W.F.M. society
raised $75,32, and the Sabbath
school 858.81, The Ladles' Aid was
not idle as evidenced by receipts of
832144, most of which was ex-
pended in furnishing the new
church. The work appears to be
prospering under the care of Rev.
%V. T. Hall.
Mullett. a
Weave -Jame, Cold well, Jr., third
son of James Caldwell, died at his
father's residenee, lot 19, con. 11,
Hallett, on Monday last, is the 25th
year of his age. Three weeks ago
deceased returned home from Mani-
toba, where he went last summer on
one of the harvest excursions. Up
to two years ago the deceased was a
young man of fine physique but at
that time he aught a severe Bold,
from which I e never fully reeoyered,
and which developed Into colisump.
tion sad finally death. Much sym-
pathy is extended to the relatives
and friends in their bereavement
.R. McMillan, son of John Me.
Millan, M.P., intended starting last
week for Cape Town, South Africa,
In charge of a ship lad of horses,
but owing to being indisposed, be
was not able to take the trip, bat
we presume will go later, when
sufficiently well .... The ?tweeters
of Milburn Intend having their
annual entertainment on Friday
evening, February 2nd, They have
moored good ducal talent for the
occasion, and as the Foresters never
do thing* by halves, a good time is
anticipated; should the evening
prove (evocable, a full house may
be expected.
West Wawasoob.
WRIMING Balt -The residence
of Mr. Peter Watson, Springfield
farm, was the scene of a brilliant
event on Wednesday evening, Jan.
nary 10th, the occasion being the
marriage of his second daughter,
Mary Chrlstena, to Mr. Nell Camp
bell, of Wawsnosh. The bride en.
tared the room, leaning on the arm
of her father, and was prettily
attired In cream cashmere trimmed
with satin trimmings, while the
groom was ably supported by his
brother, Mr. Dougall Campbell. The
ceremony was performed by the
Rev. A. McKay, pastor of the Pres
byterian church, Lucknow, in the
presence of about 80 invited guests.
After the congratulations and best
wishes of all had been extended to
the happy young couple, the party
sat down to a sumptuous wedding
dinner. The beautiful and numerous
gifts testified In a measure to the
esteem in which the young couple
is held. The happy gathering broke
up at a late hour wishing Mr. and
Mrs, Campbell many lung and
happy years together,
Six new Canadian senators have
been appointed. Mr. G. T. Fulford,
of pink pits fame, is amoug the
A region fully ten miles square
on both aides of the Detroit liver
was shaken by an explosion of 500
pounds of dynamite at the stone
works of the Sibley gantry Cumpany
on the American side. One man
was killed.
One Car of Feed Corn
to Hand.
Cheap Reading for
the Growing Time
Many subscribers of THE BLYTH STANDARD also read
other papers, which we are in a position to secure for them
more cheaply than they can otherwise secure them. Read
the following list carefully, select your papers and let us have
your order:
The Biyth Standard, the brightest and best newspaper la Huron county,
one year for $1.00.
The Blyth Standard and Northern Messenger (now published weekly) one
year for 81,20,
The Blyth Standard and Toronto Ladies' Journal one year for 81.25.
The Blyth Standard and Toronto Weakly Sun one year for 8180.
The Blyth Standard and London Weekly Advertiser one year for 81.85.
The Blyth Standard and Toronto Weekly Globe (16 penes) one year for 81.50.
The Blyth Standard and Montreal Weekly Witness one year for 81.80.
The Blyth Standard end Toronto Weekly Mall and Empire (24 pages) 005
year for 61.70.
The Blyth Standard and New York Thrice -a -Week World one year for 81.75.
The Blyth Standard and London Weekly Fres Prov one year for 81.75.
The Blyth Standard and Toronto Weekly Mobs (16 perm) one year and
four volumes of Marion Harland'. works, "Bits of Common Seng," for 81.75.
The Blyth Standard and Toronto Saturday Mali and Empire one year for
The Blyth Standard .and Montreal Family Herald and Weakly Star (24
lases) one year for $1.75, Tail price also includes the two premium pictures
"Settle at Alma and Pussy Willows, offered by tk. Family Herald salt
Weekly Star.
The Blyth Standard and London Daily Advertiser nae yea,. for 8,00
The Blyth Standard and Toronto Saturday illustrated Globe one year for
The Blyth Standard and London Evening Fn. Press one year for 8276.
The Blyth Standard and Toronto Evening Globs eae year for Moo,
The Blyth Standard and 'Toronto Evening Mail and Empire one year for
The Blyth Standard and Montreal Daily Wase.a one year for 88.00•
The lib th Standard and London Daily Fres Prate one year for 88.00.
The Blyth Standard and Tcronto Daily Globe one year for 13.00,
Th. Bfyth Standard and Toronto Daily Mail and Papilla one you for sem
It discs are any ps r. whets are a•t M oath: above Leat
that our .ubsorlben wwtd Ilk• to haw ws si•swn tits
sans toe thuun,
The al.,,', e rates are for old and new subscribers. All
subscriptions must be Paid strictly in advance.
Hurry in Your orders. Write address plainly, Papers
may but sent 50 separate addresses if desired,
Always address
The Standard, Blyth, Ont.
Does your Watch need clean-
ing or repairing?
It se 15 will pay you to take it to a
practical watchmaker in order to have
it well re aired. MI work entrusted
to me will be attended to in the most
skilful manner.
We also Barry a complete and up•to•
date line of -
' Watches
School Supplies
Barley 88 40
Pass.,.,.. 64 66
Per Lias Oats8184 16
Butter 18 19
Potatoes per bush 90 26
Hays per 1b 7 8
per ton 800 700
Lard per th ... 8 12
Pork 600 6 oo
Flour 185 200
Wood per cord 160 1 75
Wool 18 18
The Cradle
WATsoN,-In Hullett, on January
31st, the wife of Mr. Wm, Watson,
of a son.
The Tomb
CALDwaLL„-In Hullett, on January
29th, James Caldwell, jr., aged 23
Read every ady. In Tait STAN-
We win an gowns at the low•' D novoY .f Io.l I vie. vielniWadei 0wiLQum sad
est possible Woos. nwardsd by lesv,ug the same al Tao eTatl.
noaD oM00. 5151
East Huron Teaohers.
Fallowing are the names of teach.
ere In the inspectorate of Foot Huron
with their poet olHoos 1--
Wm. J. Scott
Mamie Campbell
Janet Anderson
Edna Lee Carder
J. H. Cameron
Maud Brook
Mary Downey
Jean Ritchie
A. H. Musgrove .,..,., Wingham
Mary ltobertsou
Mary Corny') .......
Bernice H, Reynolds..
Cassie Farquharson ,.., ..., • "
Hattie Reid . .. „
Margaret Vaustone
Edith A. Matheson
Wm. R. Lough
Maggie O'Neil
Janet Wilson
Minnie McKay
Annie C Taylor
Evelyn Turner. .... .. ..
Janette Combo
L. L. 1faFaul
Ane Watson .......
Kate Cowan
Kate Killoran
Belle Watson
Mrs. J. Campbell. .
Mrs, M. Coulter
George Spoon._ ...... W router
Elsie Aaetu
8188. 8. GREY.
l 8.mNo. R. Crerar Brasil,,
2 Mande VenomWriton
8 Edward L. McIntosh Brussels
4 Arthur H. Hogers. Jamestown
5 Allan A. Lamont ... .........Ethel
6 Besets McTavish .... ... Brussels
7 W. H. Rohinaon .......Cranbrnok
Maud Coghlin Crenbrook
8 Isabella Simpson Cranbrook
9 Nina J. lebieter Monorieff
10 Erten Grwrory..,. Cranbrook
1.1 George Dobson Ethel
Maggie Calder Ethel
U. 4 Charles E Leppard.. ,Molesworth
U. 19 Ella Lamont Walton
1 James McEwen Belmore
2 Matilda Watson Lakelet
8 Wm. Young Clifford
4 Charles W. Mitchell... Gerrie
5 Thomas CO Shearer Fordwiob
6 David Greer Clifford
7 George E McKee Gerrie
Lydia Harding o
8 George H. Ruston.. ForOdwiobrrie
9 Lena G.Gril Porde/id
John J. Knoll Gerrie
11 Annie Howard Fordwich
12 Mary M. McDonafd.,...Newbridg.
18 John Hartley .. .. &11:70or.
15 Maggie B. Mamie , ..Hanoi id
18 Bela Parson Molesworth
17 Wm. Watters Fordwich
MaryMcIntyre Fordwich
16 Ane Murray
1 Fred Fowler Seaforth
Thomas Murch . Clinton
8 DaConstance
4 Henryvid Lmnox Londesb oro
6 John HWeir Iiolsrary Loodesboro
6 Wm. amilton Hatlook
7 AiJred E. Wet heal ..,. Blyth
1 Arthur McAllister Londesboro
Jennie Kirk 1pndeeboro
9 Georg W, Shore Auburn
6 John Cook ..,.Auburn
Delia O'Neil Auburn
1 Venetia Kidd
2 Ads Bea8aforth
8 Margaret Ds►ttie
ereux...8t. Columbia
4 Arch. W. Forbes .,., Worth
Batas 3,. ilarary ........ Beechwood
6 George Buchanan Winthrop
7 Christopher White Leadburyy
8 Thome McQuaid , Msec woo+t
9 Apnis McLeod ... Waiton
10 Liasis M, Dorrana Winthrop
12 Lisaie Kinney Wiatlfropp
18 Robert M, Aitohison
1 Donee° Allison
8 Malcolm Black
4 Lizzie M. McLauchlin Brussels
5- Christy Halliday .... Belgrave
6 Edgar 8. McPherson Brussels
7 Wm. A.birheet Wingham
8 Belie Murddie Bluevale
9 Janet Kirkby Walton
10 Wm. E. Bryaas Jamestown
U. 11 Annie Simpson Welton
1 Jeanie Kerrie Heal!
9 Thomas Fo syth ., iyypea
1 Andrew Saw8atorth
4envie Grant Clinton
s obert J. Beattie,.„ ......Seaforth
6 and 14. Harty
Mary E. Ma Clinton
7 Matilda Fowler .,,,..Egmoudvilia
8 Walter H. Baker,.,.,,)!:getondvU4
rtlr .,.,Eg vills
10 9
Junes A. Horton`aw....Hu ondelee
1 Joho /I. llennett • Wroxeter
8 p.Ggia Roadhouse.•Wroxeter
H. Fraser... ...... Glenannan
4 Ala McEwen Bluevale
Jean 1144k. Bluevale
5 Maud 111o8att.. Wingham
6 Lusie Wilson Wingbam
7 Minnie Higgins
8 Mary 1t. kiadlatsr Wiugham
9 Douglas Procell„ GMs Farrow
11 Henry Abeky.__•. Wingham
Subscribe fur Tas BTA*DALg.
Farm to Let.
allOble farm to let reasonably; three relies
from Hlytb; MO Mies; two bongos; two barns,
eta. Any needed Impproromente writ be mads or
allowed for. Apply to 7'. T. Oor,t.ae, 817th P.O.,
or to 0. Raatr.roe, Blyth P.O. lett
Valuable Farm For Sale
Por sale that valuable it este firm. being the
Worth quarter of Lot 4g, hi the `fid Oonn'.einu
of the Township e1 Last Waweuab, ownedbr
lire. Colles, The all la goof, nearly ill steered
and in s fat. .IBM of eultivatioa, There le a
seed frame barn with stow stabling,
Moms, end an orsbard well, he. The home,
atthonah oid, and w/ of much value, le habil.
"PM rm,enlena of 1h* oblation, within a
mile of en .z -silent market, sod a runway rte.
Non, st the tbriring villain of atyth, on • Ned
tog Ravel road, and the high quality of the
laud, maks this a mat .N6rab's propert
wb'eo, with advancing markets, should dud
ready ala.
Tanta, -5200 down, the balance to silt abs
farahaar, a1 are per Beat interest -ane per.
Apply to the Vendor on the rreml.ee, or to
Oaaaow a Oeaww,
eRoll ,Mn..
Dated at 0ederleh 46.5215Vofn Jannoror'.
Lumber for Sale.
A quantity of second-hand
3331m. Plank
perfectly sound and free from nails;
also other kinds of aecoud•band lumber
and timber; a few common and fire
brick, all for bale cheap at oho Salt
Works, Blyth.
Farmers and others who .re building
or repairing would do well to bee what
we have. Apply to
121it9 EILYTH
White Ash Sawlo s
and Rock Elm Bolts.
I will pay' the highest price in cash,
on delivery for Round Rock Elm Bolts
44 inches long. I will take belts as
small as four inches it, diameter. Ash
Logs will be taken any length and as
small as six inches in diameter. Any
person having tltie small timber can do
well with it here. Call and see E. L:v.
iugstou and get full particulars. 19
The New Year
Has Come
And in entering it R. R. Douglas
Lege to thank his many custom-
er. for their liberal stare of pat-
ronage in the past year an so-
licits a rontiouauce of the same.
Having had one year's experience
in the Bakery, Grocery and Res-
taurant business. and having oa
hand a greater variety of stock
and ildways adding new lines, he
le now more able to Dater to their
regniremeuts on a strictly cash
Come along and you will find
you can get se good value for
your money 10 can be got else-
Cask paid for gaiter and Ens. Wishing
yea all a happy and prosperous
New rear.
R. R. DODULRS, Bluth
P.11 -11M barley disponi of mr Bleak-
emithIng boelana 1 intend with the aid of ean .
p►toot Mind help to mutinies the business as
Life -
At this store, will gather in more
goods now than you have any idea.
At this season of the year we
close out a great many lines at a
sacrifice and run all lines at very
close prices.
2 Tins Good Red Salmon for 26e.
1 package Gloss Starch for Ido.
1 package Corn Starch for 6a
1 pail Breakfast Coffee for 95e.
6 bars Union Jack Soap for 260.
1 tin Red Salmon for 100.
1 large first-class Broom for 960.
1 poand Japan Ta -best value in town -for 260.
Blank Ta, none to eaeel, for 260, 80c, 400, 60o and 80e,
1 Dinner Bet Dishes, a bargain for 86.
Fancy Tea Bet, 44 pieces, forle2.50.
Women's Fine Kid Button Shoes, regular 82.60 for 82
Women's Fine Kid Laced Shoes, regular 19 for 81.60.
Men's Stub Proof 1 buckle Rubber, warranted, for 82.
Special line of Boys' Caps to clear, regular price 26o for 10e.
Men's Suits, regular $t3 for e4.
Boys' Tweed Suite, two•piece, regular 82.75 for 81,75,
Boys' Tweed Suits, three-piece. regular 84.26 for 88.
Wool Blankets, worth 16 for 68.90.
Fast colors and the kind that will give you
111101140.41••••••••••••• 100.4 ..............u...
Anderson & Elder
] 31yth.
Taking Sale
We are stock -taking this month
and are offering reduced prices
on all lines of goods.
Tweed Suits, made to order, worth 815 for 810,
Beaver Overcoats, made to order, worth 818 for $14.
Reedy to war Suits worth 87 ter 85.
Ready to wear Double Breasted Coats, worth $5 for 88.
Ready to wear Pants, worth 82 for Il.
Ready to war Overcoets, worth 18 for e4 80,
' Great iteaucrtionis in.
Persian Lamb Claps, Beaver papa,
Gloves, Mitts, Miners, Neokwelar
and Underwear.
Ie sent on your toot. !Whops We
toot own shook you before, built',
true, oerersslow. Or won* you
and W, bat way to do this is to
mar wellNKing, emutortabts'Moe0.
Is 1sg of teen .aa. wsll.atting,
comfortable Mom. Desats, .icon
hundreds 4 dlttersay unit., sad pot
e 00107 Menet erten Ooms in
sad w,
Advertise in
The Standard
If you want big bargains call hero,
S. H. GIDLi x
Popular Caothin.g Z3ouo
De You Oar* to gave Molloy 9 Most people do, and ere glad to
trade here, where the savings are great and the values are best, You ars tae
vited to Inspect and compare. We keep full Imes in Glassware, Crockery eali
all kind, of Groceries including Canned Goods of all varieties. Also Treat awl
Herring, Salt, Flour and Feed.
Butter and Eggs taken as cash for goods,