The Blyth Standard, 1900-02-01, Page 2VA
A Woman's B.trgxin.
Pa will love me, ah I know,
AO men love -no better, door,
? Yea, a month or a0,
Meow? Perham tt year.
Mier that the quiet Renee
fluffy little Ince-elg,'1, accordion.
pleated reffie. To may mors lx uselett,
slier every woman knows all th'
rubtie nttrnrtonx of therm elabora-
tons In ocean'',m•pleoti1 china°,
Another form, very much admired,
Evan In the enemy's gtaro. And then V icToRi QUEENfiHerlair
uud Ruk
PyPil Never° and fuse of norm'
nth of witty (idle mid modern In-
\sol than Hlto roads her paper. Th:
sixth age leech
into the grey nnd"itlh•"i•el dt((ILel,
With lorgnete In hand, and bag at
Iter youthful gown, well covered, it
world too small
Por her derornthette, and matey badges,
Wieling In all their gorgeoue array,
Allegiance to her elute+. Leet wow of
Tint ends title etrntige, eventful hL-
is daily attendance at each soulety ;-
Stn alma, sans love, stat" home, inns
Engagement. Rings.
'there are three grades of engage -
Of pirretraIoa oarelereea re, let the spiral baa. It 114but an holes -
Anti the erten indifference eribably full ruffle (plaited or not)
That all married 'mere wear. of *nine gnarly notelet sewed round
and round a cord that in the central
Blaine you, dearest? ',Net at all, part the entire lengtlt. Many of theme
As Fate made you, eo you stand; hole are larger along the middle to
As Fate wade you, 00 yen 1111 make n fuller
round the
Far below love's heg'1 demand. neck and over the shoulders, Perham)
Yet how etrstvge to love's deeig late, the prettiest of this Sort twee so far
I can look you le v anti I through, 1°' of white gauze, with the filmiest
y u sor( of black lace appliques along the
Tr'twtng plainly Nature's flaw edge.
Ito the heart she gave to you. -_
Knowing all my heart must stake, BLL)
All the danger, alt the fear,
And yet glad, even so to make
Tltls. my losing lxprguln, dear!
-attest Feminine Cuprlee to Sut•eeed
Monogram Fans.
meat risme. First, there Is the new
engagement ring, in which the dia-
mond is from three-quarters of n
karat to Due karat.
ht the handsome engagement ring
the diamond rune from a karat uud
a halt to two karate in weight.
The elegant engagement ring hue
on dtanond neighing from two and a
halt karats to three karat». Few of
than' latter oro soil, and no matter
how rivh a man may hi It is nut eon-
ei.,dered in good taste to bitty' a larger
diamond than one we:ghtng three kar-
ate for an engagement ring.
'these points were brought out re-
cently by a bride of eix weeks npply- for a decree and offering het en-
g:'gnuenl slang for sale. Several jew-
elers testified that there were more
neat engagement rings sola than any
other le'.at.
N'tt nett Humor.
"Women and tette," said the youth-
ful boarder, 'lire alike."
-Wrong, , yotutg mow," maid the
Cheerful Idiot ; 'at Woutual can't run
up tt telegraph lose, and a cat can't
rout up a millinery' bill."
1•d lx' willing. to work fifteen hours
a dny for you, darling!" he ardent!)
"`cab!" site lt!twed, no She cwt -pt
+>ut of the room ; for her papa svtw
n walking. delegate.
Stern Parent -Ike yet think you
This Will be a Great Year for Royal
Grand Children.
But Will Not Likely be Allowed to Go—Kipling Hoing to Africa—" Kenji'
Talks About indla's Loyalty—Manchester's Stables—Dull Year In
Society Owing to finny Deaths ---Wireless Telegraphy---Roentengen
Kays in Hospital Work a (Treat Advantage.
Late Gossip
room with a carpet different In
color and dee!gn, ,
Dr., Playfair, the London physician
--of the- who was condemned to pay $50,000
Round World • .' damages for libel a few years ago,
Wile hurt in a queer- automobile ac-
cident recently. Ile wits going up a
in .Antwerp, Belgium, there 10 A nm- hill when aomelh:ng grove w•ny+ and
nlcip;tl raw soca lee. .\ ,warty somata- the carriage began to roll backward
tattoo ticket costing 8220 elle 11104 any down 1be elope, Tho driver «pplletl
rltizru to call a cab at n+sy hour of
the power brake to the rear wheels,
the tiny or night for mr'rvice and an forgetting that ho waa going bnrk-
many tines a day he clmuxes for word, with the rssult that lha esr-
SO,i days. riage stood up rots end and tipped
backward, ] Dr. Playfair as
In the German Empire S01 cities it fell upon him,
and towns have municipal eating
banks with 4,000,000 depositors and Notwithstanding the dleulnl that
$1500,000,000 of deposits, There are in wax pubRmlaed about otos eller of Lord
addition 878 banks owned and over.
Strnthcuna to pay' otos expenses of u
aced by the provincial authtoritlev, troop of 400 mounted Cauadlattt in
itoute Africa, it Is reditlrmod from
All tlto llohenwllern prince* born Ottawa that awl' au offer has been
ranee 1722 have slept In a curium made, 'J'bere will be no difficulty lot
old cradle of carved oak. On the four, getting the mets, but thus Brltisii 00' -
Lnnbn cubic: While (;rent 1Srh Met that her countrymen erre out til --"like le carved the text: "He lath eminent will have to decide noun the
tutted to fight In ctoutlt Africa, beonid' giren el -
11 angels charge over thee, to lie of lion n subject to per
Ruorla Domes blundering ut the keep thee in all His ways." The i'm• forst the Quecm's duty iu the matter
door of India the world w111 sir what error regards this old heirloom Nome- of paying the chat.
Bellow cavalry can do." what in the light of a "mntcut" of ---
TO $l't'1'LANT 1.1.
talo Ir being depleted by death and
war err -deco of reprexettt°tete" of
her beet families cootie the tuntuuuee-
' eat that the year 10tH) will give. the
Quern xeveral new grandchildren.
xwuthcr dlxtingnhlual Itrl°nW+l bee the Hobenwllern race, nod all hie Dunt too readily accept those yenta
N.htce the forst of the year two hate beret stirring tip Brltlxh patriotism. In children loose one after the other sent nut by Milted latntos newspaper
already' nude their rtp)tenrrutce, the tilt ease it ie none other than the leen cradled in It, egrets In Landon telling of jealousler
Crown Princess of Roumania tutting Chinese Ailnieter, who, when booting ----- not diengreentento among British
glen birth to n daughter and the 11 l t Stock Exchange The b II' 11 hall Intorigin, It 1e
Princess Henry of Prussia having
u' enc trx el- n x l t to r t e e t'e til, generals. (eve the fighters the lime•
leen delivered of n eon. In the s orlttg tinned for cheers for the Queen. The . cold, in the Anglo -taxon custom of i1t of oho doubt.
I ilnyor nctlflyd Her Majesty of the uc-'
the Puke of York expecte to ng+la enrrrtice, and elle replied that elle had perforating the ceremony under it, -_-
lx'ctnne n father, while several otter heard or it with mach gratiflwttion. , squnre piece of cloth, held at each - When real Ike DOWN itegtua to
It le mold, t
grandchildren, sac , nee enter-
Incidrntttlly It le rumored that the corner by tall men over the bride. _ conte front Butler, we ellen' get nu
twining thnlinr expectations. The { ai 1 t ill Its Ilei not on this
Wser W recalled,
Czar lx also Dose more hoping for tut ,,orount •but to succeed LI Hung Chanq • gre+mf and bride to conceal tlnoldloat• more manufactured mendacity about
belt, while the (Town Princess of an Mlnixter of Commerce, to change ter s blushes, if the, bride was a w w t Afethuen'e retell to England and
Greece and Prinrest Fealora of Reuss that weal I let warmly greet"d in Eng- the tell was dispensed with, Strntheuult's offer to pay for the
will sole° probably add to Queen Vic- land, though ChM ('hen 1.o Feng Lull's --- expenses of 400 Canadian soldlerie
taria's long lint of descendants• dr'pnrtare would be regretted.
Tench people to think clearly, free- The fellow at the other euti of the
t ly, tint dlapnxxtunately, and yon Sutvo cable seeing to think It tis duty to
The Duke of York, by the way, line Tlus gtent(r pxtrt +tf tlhr b+tr 1 aka
onto himself at the dlsposiliort of tot Attutchrtter's rru'bt.T nttd brtrtltog an rosy rend to retire all InJutticet ewt.1 something, whether the xul•
the admiralty, and too probably re-' etude wilt to sold at auction March rt•ithont this, whatever advance yo,; tiler" in t+onth Africa aro making
retie a ecnumartI. But though he in- 14,11. Orme stud Bend Or will not be may make is uncertain, whatever )tui- hlmtory or not.
1imaled that he wag desirous of duty .old, but Flytrt,r Fox will only be -_-
with the Cape Squadron, he will not e'tvved from the dtanrnrr by n atilt rv'• Iteral nmehhu'ry yon unty celll bit() ex-
ott all his desire Mr ills saran rmnuvhs recce prier, tttenre w 11 a ', b; used nyhlnet the 7 he loesrs of the Brltlxh It oho
• obirh ptevented the Duke of Con- The 'tenth of Lady All:e Montagu, bottle by au/wrier sunning of °there, deferrer of Lndyonitlt hl the into nt-
naught from go:ng to the front. No rb'ier of the Duke of \inuohrxter, re- -t•, (,ullett. Rauh nye heavy enough; they are
enc is more enx:ons than the Duke milted Int ninety more families going
-_-• einem] tit 150 killed and taco than ;T00
of ('sutbridge, Realizing, "weever, into utonrn.itiT and the (doting of oma
Could support my daughter? 1 doubt tlrul t6'ns was utterly `m xxibit he f ills utast imlortnut imlltirN The celebration of the eenteunr,v of
f Im' U
tiuitor (ahetttted•miededly)-Sit' 14 eons -elm Memel( by making life ads- salons, the Durhelt of Devonshire's. Heine, whlrlt wan announced as en
pretty henry, Unit I've done It often.rrable for the Walt War Office of- The bxtWof Lady Nnlislntry and Lady Inpmsing literary crremony,was fuel -
___Brink. 11! is r xiunun11) appetu'tng Ridley and t,i,' nitwit Or Lady NUM:,uhcholy (lmg'h. .1 dozen or so Juur-
n;d h near It -•e- suggentito, an 1 is gen- tlttwtte beds fee, to make th,' forth
"Charley Hard his fhuufse IUB right t'rally Ieiutg turned over to Gen. :r (smear eteelea of Pnrlhuue)tt one of enlists, chiefly' l;erman and Tngttslt,
ucwsv the a ittt front mob other.' Evelyn 'tV ui, adjutant general to the the ,htOrst In Iistury from a social
"Well, I've always heard that It met In the Afontmnrteo uenwtory" 1n
n'As untnrnl to marry your opposite." force*, who in very deaf. 5o firmly point of view. bitterly sold weather.'i'he poet's tooth
ha the ,Duke of Cautbr.dgc convinced The war offlee is coming in for tow oval epurmely derurnted Wi6h flowers.
o e.
u retuning n
I seas t
- t''• ill- xmf r tg
e ou tr 'n Xi , r b rr t
n to the c n e + to
'a ease tl l 1
I i advice t Il
••ti to
, r. 't • Nltt In the !stela'x v honed
]t certainly Halite t ere
I; cc t: ly existence, that he will not take his rcpt offers of private Leasee for the A few tlsitlag curd D
•y,,a •• usual I. rip to tl+e. cattinent, reeeptlon of the w•oandttd from eolith the wrrnth0, and after n little ouU-
'(Na, yrs, Inlerd! She lx xnubbed by KII'LiN<, GOING TO A1'ltll'.1, Afrtcn• dural eonverluttkm tem*cotnpnnv HPp -_
n ,setter ct:wtx ut t o du rush "uccead• 1 Kipling 011 the, other hand the army tete,
t Thr news that Alr. Itud urd 6' ,Ila uralc,i.
3year." awl b'x family ore going to Smtlt gr^us' elineoymnrnt of the ltoeute'get -
Cf•'en sear nil a NurprI t', owl Is rays in fluid surgery has proved
Miss' 1`exuilnie-1 won.lar if my t'uc• tne'ouXly ntlrllnrtt• I to the fart tictt most eaccesteful, and hex mot with I,utrly the youngest eon of the luta
'OUR MADEMOISELLE. Suc•h a daiady IhMg for n yyµng llr, fhumtrrlkebutW(st well ink°? dd-If it (kerma take by thnthhaest h1,bThtwt commendation. Orders
they boss brrn dr;vrn out of Kugtunl een received for +t fresh a ul1 , l'hat•Int Dickens Ilan been appointed in-
e rrHilPa+ l,ntgl In nnrL• ;urd 1 u -s
girl to have to throw round her neck on such apt ern" 1 sloop have little r" rr 'tnt'ome of 61, "Ab sot \Ill ' I It rut, au t awnedled upetmttorx, nal he- 'ttx,r of the tnbblt}rcof Pewee me
otter a dance or in the lobby at the pact for tacrine." gar.1 rnprr tautly, of th is u
The monogrambrnce!et it the ltteet
fad of the hour. Atoncgrum fans ae a
fad have cane and goal, They were
truperseded by ntnuttgraut picture
frames, which, Itt their turn, have
drifted into °Melon. eometlthig ons
needled to take their place, for Nome
novel Idea upou which time and very
little money con be smelt has 'mine
to be acknowleigaft as a need of the
up•to-data American girl. As "ntwee-
elty is the mother of Intention," some
oto euggeated that a monogram
bracelet, upon width the Initiate of
one's friends could be engraved,(Irould
supply that want. And it hoe.
Ttierf le a great demand for heavy
silver or eoiuethtnet gold bricclete,
These are invariably purchased by
girls, who atter wearing them ter a
, sort time, request their friends to
honor then' by having their Initiate
migrave.i upon the face of the brace.
From one friend to another the
sliver band le ptened until Its outer
surface it felled with the nanograms
of the young woumtt'e aequabtte,ncet.
le then returned to the owner and
placed among Iter Jewels as a me-
n' g fore February. tt In likely that ey • der the New })truth Wales Government.
opera between the acts is a boa with
rime;l Peens learns Uutt the real rot- '".'- '''d°"m cut !lir, (runt a•41 hes fur• 1'dtvnrd Buln•rr Lytton Itlrkettc la the
a little frill font long enough to The 1Ct?on.-Why' was Minerva call- tom mail! has prompted Mr. hiplhlg n;loather i had e1Prtrlt tI nnvyte lthtit ge"le°° of the first Lard hyttou. He
rover the bare +edtoulders. It a all of ed the goddxtt of wktdant'f io go nwro td in hie de ire to 0' "au tr-ircleae telegraphyh+4e Ic•rn tldrty' ytwtrso In the colony,
blush rose chiffon, the edges be:ng Tlta Bachelor -Probably 1)teattt'F'he at the death." 14. Is c'sixcicclly de- Ix rapaily oaths
touched up with Beset black chenille. meter married. Wrote; of meeting ytr .(1` 11 Meeks, leg ground. Alarcon' outfits two. Ise and ant In the Sydney Parliament for
I i II 1 three teatime 1e snsruted hl
The ends of this effective little ar- Tle Widow -Then wlty wits bolo- with it tarot he la on termts of rho ^ th 0sou ei oil nee v "» dew moor vrnrtt icoag finally
't tl k 1 1 third for active tt(rvicd' f t Intcandidate.a
called the +eltrst faun 7 .-('licngo ref of Kimberley. Mnreucer, ylr. ilp-,i The sun x•.11 coast owns are ext-
Newe, rentl,v fleet
1i, the shit of the Any
ling will utilise Id» trip In gathrrhtg' renew fleet. Durh'g the recent tlslt The whys of uuctluncrr» in different
rangenlent reach qua e to to noes. mail, who had several hundred w owe, tr'rndshlp Immediately' attar tit re ill tl t t •
noel- ° n ml-
Dimples and W'rinkle's.
The deepest of dimples to w•rtnkltw 10 N Il f B biteet I gond Ilternry material. But he will to Wet mouth, of the C. to ntvnl tit- port" of the world vary greatly, in
rs. ow ora- r Hoye tum not unnereeenrily ri'k bet exist}, r" rutile, Llrut. Commander Colwell, to England end America the teller bears
have run newt tiny ht the ewvntry. Utter we he Intends to xttty at Cepa Towu until g
Since Mary was twenty and I twenty• to ilia tdty err site Det Mare. How tort the wirelesx stcering d11 httm the the expense of tee male, but in )'rnncc
Ku g oho conditions at the (runt nxsume n Mayor of that place called on lam stn '
01101 tLra tvt gtiirtg to get over tlutt dlffl• more slits expect, the purch+user I,enre oho test, ", nrr
But, dimpled or wrinkled, my sweet• catty 1 Pu { hiurned the Amerlenn officer the }
heart's the same, Mr. Nowltwed-Well, we nowt go IRAN,l1 T.11,K4. about t:2I)D sulss+erild by the tuwo scut. Ixing added to hes purchuoe. Ln
I''rom the sunburst of life to its bridge It, or Bridget motet go. Prince ltttnjitttlneli, the well known lay et the bank awaiting the Anter"- holland It le still worse, tit° buyer b-
last little flame, -. indent' cricketer, exemitlifitvl Hr. Eip- roti'" itrill al, ruin that lit', the Mayor, ing rtquired to pay 10 per (rut. nd-
Tho cheeks that were roses are ".1 tronuun," sold the, observant Rog'" proteinr rotary, 'Tho Jfan k ti ti had personally eewes'rfbed another __
shrunken and tie, man, "n!wayt trait to comma bur 1Cnx" when at a dinner ode week tit C350, with flu, visa of entertaining dittonnl for the expenno of the loll-.'
But their velvety purity never will age until she g'ts to be sixty. Then Cambridge. Expressing regret at the the Haiti ng offieer" and men.
ale begins to untk a tin for nota, "Turkey hos been engaged in ear
it r ce a gin es piny last; (sty' fie at example of longevity. - --___ .-. - ----- 28 years of the present century, con-
1nd lips that west Hotted with SIZE COUNTS 1N THESE U.tY; HER 2.0(11) NAJIN,
t l re then one-third of the
t th'
wounded. Bet that in better than
first reported. The Boers' Parsee were
probably very notch heavier. The
effect nn Wldte's cooped -up force
ntnat, however, be tery weakening,
rind it is to be hoped tlutt Buller or
Warren Will he 11110 txmn to bring
hltn succor. --
791e lentil of Lord Ava, eldest son
of the Fart of Durrell'', from the
wound be re('tsltel at Lady'tmlthlast
tattrdny', will grieve ('antdlane, as
it he were enc of our own ix,yte. flu
ens born In 18(13, Mout war In ('nnndn
from Ihd73 to 1$7++, wtale ills father
was Ilttverliul•-ilew•ral. Ile mode
:rime's In this country, whom he has
sieve visited at ttntertals. His gallant
tit t{ towhee( conduct on the field WAIN
recently reported.
A pnrage' plt is going the rotund" of
the press telling how the Illinois Sant'
ew<utnoleglot la going to extermlantf
the Nall .Torr Neale by cyanide of
manta' (mors, and tit's trettntent ;s
meeker' of tie 11 4t watt 11 new• and
very Important dieruvery. It is not.
ElltotuologlHta have long know, of it
and um+sl It. Whet' properly meat It is
very effective, Ont the exeellee and
danger connee'ted with Ito use have
led many to resort to the more radical
and dectruetlee fire remedy. In wring
the cyutitk' n tent most be ere+'tmtl
to rod blood ut youth ` _ etiderab y mu over orb tree treated, and Duly by
]h•id (t 7" -
tt What does that neon, g
Are warm with a love not Undying exclaimed the lads of Or hooey, re. Sucrros in Arhletrd Sometime)) by , 11i"tnkc of of Woman Tend helped a
um truth.
blue of her eyes u ng u
The multitudinous nuns c uwga s lir- pie in etakc +t fatly' recently motile
gray, " etre, ma'am, the girl over the way t•enching Unportunru will - 11 nrr nuts'
Ani the gold of free fouls is chives tit• cant over and said her ndexut neat'' weltering In the induotrbtl awl mew , cause.' her husband to pay $150
day. ; like to use It for a little while, and w(rchd world dcuwustrnte that we I anon thee he had es}uxted, lint re
But the avail 1s tltu same that waa f sent it over to her, Mkt I had a tirrl• 4T8 entering on an ern of "beg things." rultal in a large htcreace lit oho
orbed In the blue, ble lob gettln' it nuetrewtai from the Whether we look at the merchant,
And ellv'ern Il- golden when love wall, nut'am•" the manufacturer or the IIINcvverer of Lund behtg raised to pay off a debt
on the local church. The body Is the
wife of one of the beet known coal
turning from shopping, "tete tele. Ponderous Inventions. Church Out of Difficulty.
The t ceding t phone's been taken out!" TI ltit ti 1 of f
lights the view, --- new processes and new Invention', wa
mento, And, dimpled or wrinkled, it blush will M Idrerl (from Phllndrlphbil- Lou•perceive that autres" comer to the
Fcmuomy at trent khfp are aided The bnppinemn born of a lover's caress, I'enektpr (fro,
by this recent custom. A ebltor brace- t
1st, much an these regtllred for the For the heart of n woman ho tender aa lack o pro
engraving wets from 50 cents to ' trio 1 the said N'"
$2, If gold Is desired the price paid, , •Awl the Paetion it cherl0hoe ever tramp up IiNfltn•ImNitt@mm.
of course mutat me much higher. The t is new. Ma red -R 1 k 1 Itire Inst week of October, for
makes don't seen. to like Evelyn. man o1 large ideas. Indeed, some of
too)-1Ste xhowe the most remarkable nchlevetuente of
e. Tide morning
remit times have leen dee entirely
lug to take a to'gablarfped methods of trnnxactng
Penelope Ito tem net ter e site example, there were recorded the
cold of engraving should be defrayed With Mary at twenty and tie m'ght choose for her escort one whom largest orders for steel rills, 'motto'
by tIiOoo who tire arkad to place twenty•one, • eoetal statins is more in keeping with
their monograms upon It• The or- Than dimples caught sweeter ons un-
cold ante cies known in a m1m11ur
dinary price for engraving rrUdtnle , her own? -yew York Preen. 01 oteu. Uno nilllkm and a halt tuns
Ie 10 l'efltN rL {sties, thus makingthe the nun ; ---of ate+•'rutin, 80,000 rare and 500 loco -
le 'Mary at sixty and ml-, Defy No mat with any senor tit all motives were actually ordered within
total cost td a trtl(ttetred monogram este would approve of your mct'olto," Xnicl Nix days. At the Name week there wits
' 80 cents, An ordinary bracelet will \\'hy-, dimples were made so that the angry hnxtend. published tt deot'r{ptioa of the. 'mint
accommodate about twenty-five wrinkles might run. " But, my dear," calmly inquired lila
?lames, Girls w•hu have a large - better half, "how do you know whet ipovlt'rfy! he BroN•e ewer (tt ive work)
a'equaltttance have a merles of The I3aby'e ('r1 hallo by the Iprtx+ks el itit,thc work);
blaeemet., the initials of their beet s, a man with any sense would do?" for the Illinois Control Railroad Cone
atel appear upon the first •U'0 Dr, A. L. Benedict, vt'riUng In _ patty. The total weight of Ole
the 1\'urunn's llomo Companion: A " I couldn't stand her father; be engine, without the tender, Is 2'8;..',,200
bracelet, those who are less favor• moderately intimate uegitaint°neo was everlaetingly talking shop." pounds, anti the wrlglit of the (melt.
ad upon the second, and so on Its 11 with Infants enables one to distinguish
"Telling yon shout hes woe )erlty In
retrograde order.
ng 1 l and tender, loaded, ix 801,000 1)01111:1a
One $unites.
In comparatively old tinges, when
invitations to a reception Fere sent
. out In the names of more than one
hostels, or when the card of Rome one
Welting wan inclosed with the Invite- 1 unser or mother ehatlil Ua nbls W p , tut "
Stot7 It Wei considered necessary to l Otatingtibnh the fretting of actual Half or t$tratded\'rssrl. Northern RnDany has also til
tQ ve a card for each person mention- phyrdcnl dlecomfort from that el Prub,tbhv tin must reuuu•knl,l,, rode cautrurtrd 1n Etu Inti h for two
ed. Or, 11 the invited guest was tin I restle"etttev mad the darts cry of achfetemrat in the the of u'rerklug "test Xteautslidpr which vc'dl IV' X1s-
ttbts to attend the reception, It woe, palm from the lease acute annotiwe' tool rrLallding to he found In marl. tern 1-Itt hinter tlutn tilt new tOcennlr
ttio ght q pOInt of etiquette to en• intent of thtr'et, hunger, etc„ while en• time hitt,ry 1s rt'preoeuted by the of iii' 1\'httt Star Line. It 1, ittrther-
eto0e a vlatting card for each of the I ger Imparts it r.ltnrneterlatic. duality , reconstrnrted Xteamer Alllwnwkee, store retorted that three to -o ore
Ladles, The same rule obtained in ' to the cry. If the batty it comfortably whlclt woo turned out in the summer but the forerunners of a Irtt'go fleet
wilBng, and pending Up different cards dressiest and palest} fedhe will be • of 1800 lit the yard of C. B, Swnn & cd egnn0y glgnutit ettrl xteallxhip7
for WI the ladles of the house who, less Weedy to Ili fretful mad crying. • Hunter at•Tyne, Eng• for the tra14-1 nettle trudu Irtelco
Were (d att'aggee to be "out" In so- --- lend. Seattle. and raisin.
elety• Thhe lavish cumin' worked - How it Separates Lover,.• The Alllwn,kue, n vowel of 489 felt
When tits Itnldwlp Locomotive
"Skewjrw, what is the trouble be- length std tlttvstx toot beam went w•oerk, Install,"i two giant electric
veep you end Mrs. Pye 1"
almost from birth three, crist-the bit aleflOt" Thr locomotive in designed to hard
healthy yell by which the child (Oa "No, talking to me Mout the bust• trains rnrrying ,DOD torn,
er1't:ee hie lunge, the fretting of mod- nest he thought I ought to get Into." ` EAAISHIPS INCREASE IN SITE.
ernto dtac mtfort and the acute cr3
of pain, the Intter two Including at SAVED i'ART OF WRF,('Hgo,otip 1 fin the
ago the largest stewe-
Integer, thirst and dlreatimfnc• ship In the world nrrlved in New York
e, nati
tion. By the end of Otte months the Euµllsh Shl t utl t s re t'i111x1n,g tt ti's Wray Anted reamful maim
tf thvoe agUrent
Fortunately pack
change has come tv
over the Ince of social cisterns. There "The trouble is ti`s: We decide"
Ie a trend in the direction of Nim• two or three year* ago to be married
pllelty In card etiquette. You may, et the begittaing of the twentieth cen-
t! you cines°, an ve a dozen squarer' tur. She taken the abaurd ground that
of pasteboard with the colored waiter it begins January 1st, 1900. I want
to marry, of course, an much as she
dors, but I simply won't yield to any
*ugh ridiculous contention "-Chi-
cago Tribune.
r ,
Shakespeare Remodeled.
All the world's s club,
And all the girls and women merely
Joiners ;
They have. titer fancies and their
kree'aebntantee help a young tette I"'l one woman in Iter time poli" many
to Make ber bow to society, It would Plebe,
bat Obviously absurd to leave a packet Thronkttout her seven sttvgrr. At first,
at: $1 visiting cards at the dour u1 sou•'» timid;
the bo'spltieble mansion, 0110'0 Lard Dr,itct i°cnk and n,'otiet ht hr's shit t
owe would not hold them. lioltre'
__ .1nd then, tine Charming young girl,
Latest in Neck ('hiffbns, with b,.r notebook.
dllrt the daintiest bit of neekwtmtr And x ,,, b nm ng fore, walking, lilts
M a andr arra
otiarrowtectimed block f t l wit iy. I A il,watinglP to ,l ""' And thea, the
neck is nomoreh to norleesthanttulong Talking like 1iitil with a Joyful
Sart Inti euchre of chlfon edged with Made for h h
yon go int° n reception, but one
willeuffiee. it is no longer conetd.
efed punctilious to Heed up a pack of
earttg, You amply tttk tar 'the la•
dies"•and leave 000 of your cards.
Ike acme euey rule preocrlbt'H that
too only 'shall be sent encloawl In an
v'loplt U you are amble to „ttetid
tAtip 000‘11 function in queetinu. It
to so dieeourtery to the Make vibe
nwMe In receiving the gudats. Their
may be legkm. When may thirty
«shore near Arocken ht Fel ember tr,vrlhng rranr•t, tutvhig unlit' thtg eta;
18118, a huge rock Penetrating the purity of ]OO tone each, theta' er-
hula for a length tit thirty feet +wet ecttno shops a few y.a.rt ago these
to of height of eight feet above 'the labor•snttng tip, Monose were the
tank top. When the salvage opera• causal of ntueh w't9otderin;t comment
torn maw that It viould to fmlxpexfbte among t'ttgl°lrrs. and others, but
G) MVP the entire tt'.et tt tvtt decld• »ton' recently the ('nrnetie Steel
ed to blow Iter in two with dynamite, Company caused to be built (for am
This WAN done sueee0ehdiy And 18(l Homestead plant) on elretrte tray•
feet of the fore end was left on the, etbtg er:utt' huv'Ing n liftlng calxarity
rocks, while the after end elle towed of 110 tout:, wad k ie xnid that no
to a dry dock. more dlpflculty is experienced in the
The eased portion of the vessel de- opernton of this 11untmtroun nteahwn-
Irnde:I for flotation until itm•e,t In len time If the wise of tlta' mealier
dry dock upon a trantverxe enter. cranes. The hallway World (Nov. 41
tight bulkhead tit the forward awl of mentions casually in its notes of the
the bolter apace. It was towed to the week tin:' following:
Tyne turd moored In the river moue "That Wail n remnrknbin (10111on-
a new low was hent, launclyd 11 101 titration of what a mogul Inc de
mode reedy for connection With It. ea which exsvrre t on the New York ten.
well was this deme that a )erten lg. trctl the other day, when engine Nu.
men in this vicinity ltd at the time
elle made the mleteke elle and her
havbatel were at n meeting of the
church, of which they are members,
In tt nearby town.
Tto meeting had been railed to
rinse funds to pay off a predating
debt tinniest the church. The minis•
ter made art appeal to the emigre,
gotten for stoney and nppolntcd n
eatuulttee to take around a palter
for subscriptions. t" the member
of the committee canoe ,tear the cool
roan la: turd in a whimper to his
wife .
Put your name down for fifty."
The wife wrote her name and plac•
wl the llgerew opposite, and when
the paper melted the minister be
looked over the. emigregatton anti,
with a smile, Haid : ' 1 nm delight-
ed to 1100 that Sitter Smith has no
nobly responded to the call I mule
and to the needs of the ehnrch. She
hex put her name down for 8300,
and It le the largest eitboeription on
the paper. I know many of you
aro worth more thtul the lady who
Ilan sir nobly shown her love for the
cttur1h, and I hope you will ietrlvo
to emulate her noble conduct. To
give you n chance. I will again pass
around the subeerlptioit paper and I
hope noun of you w•111 fail behind Der
generous Oster,"
While the paper ono being ttgnin
peened around, the husband of the
Indy became eery anxious and, turn.
Ing W Itis wife, Ite said: " How much
dht you put down?"
"Well,' said the wife, "1 intends
ed to put down $50, hut I guess I
put one cipher too mtieh, but for
goodness' make, don't let them know
that 1 don't know how to write
He Old not and paid thin $500, and
when the ombecription paper was
returned the moron,' time the sub-
seripttone bud been largely in.
erertted. - Pittsburg ('hrottinle-Tele•
long confinement of the gem about Ung
Imre, Spain comes aux , nn yearn
tree can the en 1 stmgbt b" reilehed.
of teat•; Franco has 27
swam.,ARae_When only n few terra ore 6u he
tat, 1I; I-Jit1 :3; Britain, 31 ; Anslrho, treated the systema In prnrtlrnwle, int
17; Holland 14, and Germany, 13. when thouN°uds aro affected teeny'
lVi'lh the 4fitudoas of lit day, the dilticuttles stand in the way of Its
ruby 10 esteemed am a Ultimate which Kleeexe,
is never shown willingly to friends,
Mr. Hny, 1'. S^Secretary of !+tett',
ani in considered ominous of the worst
has e, Ilitytically, told Montagu White,
pastille fortune If it Should happen former representntlte of the Trane -
to contain block epees. The ancients sail (government In of talo, that
it with the looser of re- „,«ler no comsat aures would the
straining passion, ant regard It as a 1'n:ted 01,11 Leff n, t nN mediator bee
safeguard against lightning, meso the contend:ng parol i In Smith
The machinery Int the nulls and fee, .1lt•:en, That Is the Itositlon the United
toilet; of (treat BI'Ittlie clods 1s emelt States Government scat exp,'cteI to
to doing the work of 700,0()1),000 take. The caw he mot the same its If
then, more than (111 the adult impulse tippet Br't°in were coutendlug tvtilt
Von of the world, Tirt tangle little it rotere gn pow:'r. Under touch cir-
Statee of Massarhutcttx hots nutotthfery cumrtnnxw the offer of mediation'
enough to elo the work of 50,000,000 might with propriety be oracle by a
nen. Wandler' show that 500,000 1r:wtdly nation. In tilt ettto, how,'ver,
sten, with ten aid of nmcliinery, now Britain 1s dealing with it de reletlt
lo the work which require 10.000,- and rebell Oen people, and while elle
000 men a fess yeare ago. .hurl tilt splits rode it is good taste for neigh•
power In rapidly lacr'nt'ttg, tors to keep their fingers out at the
crack. Tuere le no notion whole g• -o 1
The beautiful hotel for working olLtpx would hr, more gratefully ay.
glrlo 1n the fie de Pare Royal, Perla ''rete,, however, whet' nu'rl'ntlmn I"
nccepteble at nlI.
ix now In goad wm•klug order. it out -_
Afnte. Lrbnndy, mother of unfortunate Tia Ikmr nx n nrnrr:or Ix thus t1'
Gtt1" Max Lehanly, "le petit encrl'r," scram 1 by tt C'mondlat tlo.'tor now tit
who furnished) the money for this the frent:
prainewortlty btstltittlom, tit' most The Bon' Is nn absolute' I rut.`, it lug
comfortable piece of the kiwi in the wh.te flog when hard premed, and
Entnlx'. Site gate 1,030,000 francs flethen tering, fin wouudel herr oleo
(8200,000) for the bnylu and fitting them, l otflrer" who trete heliling
g g them, mo n matter of 'kers who
1114 of a fine but wenthwr-heated+ were known to be gunners ware found
hates In old Paris, which had existed wearing red crone... They are good
rtt least 200 yextrs, The new club las stets, but have not tlue pluck taatand
when our men got near ,hent watt the
thirty rooms for Nbopgirls, fwd endo Inyo:,rt. They use all wrtc of owlet-,
•one line n (int rettponslhlllty Itt the and, all thiugt "°twittered, arm brutes
i whole, SItu pays n I.ttle sunt toward of the first or.ler.
keeping up the lerteres anti c•InxHPs i° The Empress Freierlrkut lirrntai)'
the evening and toward the common pattest•es n rnruuH little toss service.
ititet•etts of the whole, nttoclatlo:'' The troy Is made of at old reedit,'
The towns of Onefuuign, Nen• zee. lin [(pettily. The tea)ot was onee a
German farthing, and ail the tiny conn
land, was ruled for n year by of are made from coa1H of different +err•'
nownu Mayor, Mrs. Yates, the first of mon princirotnpn ns.
her set to nchleve that distinction
within the British Empire. She
(rotchmen had nlnnunct as tar buck
reigned, however, with more rnrrgy sot. the tixteeoth century. „
than dIe'retlun, and nuvlo !wool 00 "luognuevtirnHons" vv'era first
unpopular that she waw tieclshe(y re- of Aberdeen in 1077, en l the
Jecsted by her ton»tituents when ole „ge c;rcalalion was 51,0110 n
sought re-clet•tlon. Now, after five 1083 the E•linburght '1rn' A
years of private life, she has ones, was begun. It contain^d but at,
more h,'ew teturnsl ns tt member of m,6las the n. It cart °f the months, ht., ,.
the Ourhuuga Aiunirlpnl Connell. of fairs awl wen Il: a• pr.`dlettons, b
_-- 'a gild e 10 d ., iia,, ul tlet.:pct
.t Luc effect ,b ubt.unel by laying tial members rf I'arl1ani tt. It is no
n carpet of a ait la color or one.ktlown as Oliver Nc Bopd.'m New Edea•
quiet in design over the entire floor. burgh Alm elle col contains 1,000
The most restful client is obtained Pages• Thom,um' Irish Almanac Ifni the
by coveringthe whole of each story O° one of eta kindt an-
Lxn 1. 1°c.1°ce Lasa guveanment aa.
!with the same carpet, the dam -6111s ileal nitnilar In purpose to th'e &
being removed so that the carpet me) lin•'1 Alm:mmc of Great Br!tadn, a
I ke 11, rontnine many valuabh
he extended from one room to an- ig:iu,l memoranda. It le Gaited
other. This will bt fowl nosh 1-•xt Cott'no:0mnrO des Tempe, was beg,
fatiguing to the eye than the usual 117d and ie conducted under t)
method of covering the floor of each ectiou of the bureau des) lunge.(
A Costly Testament.
I'erlutpt the most sumptuous coPy of
the New T,satant:"ttt tot existence, says
Leone's Weekly, is that tgIetidid edl•
Don de luxe, presewt'd to the dow'-
tiger Pst°prestt o1 ('imam un thP oc(°-
Floe of her sixtieth bsrthdtty, the
nornnt of the (nets would never know '•la0, ung ut the it t, m, -;'els, h:ndrd prrrrut+tttun Ise+vltg Iwo' toads in
Hutt he was looking at the originl "tot trait No. 11, the southwestern due torn by tet" Brttid' and Antrrl
bow, while even those persons who (11'nitel, anode tip of two mall VII rt, clue Minister. The Ixo't i» n roy11
knew the elreumstancet of the cline fl"• Passenger roaches nro1 nine ewe rto vohtme, 2x10x14 incite; It
were unable itji to point out the point Rt'^""6 „(nv, 111 In sill the trttttt wad The
881,000 PresbyterssutsPrexsstattdrt'anion ell
n d;rte the Jnu.'t;„n of the gin ,tfw tenial,, or 010 tont', and the length verentlths, It bas silver rovers, em
old aslne.ns was made. -Engineering of the train, IneludIn't the ettghte, bomei with hnmboo nal bird designs
Aingashne. wan 1,212 feet, or nearly a quarter nttd Ix printed on the finest paper
The United Ir:mh League meeting of n mile. This engine, It is maid, made with the largest type, and with a
swnimonerd et 6ligo to denounce the the running time of the train be- border of gold encirc)Dut each page.
lee than half Inch wide chantilly. n epeltker, airman's glory, Tlten Government practice of *tang exclu- tvv'ae11 New York attd Albnuy, 143 It was encased lir it eel
ler cam•
this are attached the ends; these Full of etraage words, nn,l elvely Protestant jurlex in try- milts, in three hours and fifteen men- kat, ornamented with symbolical tie•
1110 stab over a Unit yard long. There'N the club, flurried like img Nat:onaltM oftendern, ons pea etre."-Pbllndrlphtn Iteeconi. slant, the whole weighing ten and
y a full width of double -width zealous in Utethtet, rapt," claimed by the Governlnent. But In halt poem*, and upon the rover o
accordion pleated into each of method, P "tat sere 1n de re of the proclamation the meat- AIr. \• 1' • hemp env re-elected the casket there le n gold plate wlltc
via and all round each lea Ming the bubble Keg ova hell in the Town Hall tit b Ptesl&`tot o[ 1110 Ttinonto board of relater that the book Int he gift o
1 e reputation
Trade by ace aina n, the Chrtttlan wowed In China
o'clock Suaduy morning./