The Blyth Standard, 1900-01-24, Page 8t, t* teebed3/14 tat Pet 44etadele‘
Talmage's Sermon on the imperial Organ -The Most Won-
derful Thing We See Not Su Wonderful as the
• Instrument Through Which We See It.
1,444440.41•••••044.444•00.4443.444414-144.44414 t944$ft
Waithinigini Jan. 21.-1n this tile• fire with revenge, or twinkle with
course, Dr, Talmage, In lag own way, mirth, or besot with level ft' is
calls attention to that part ot the tragedy and comedy and pastoral and
hums body never perhaps dIscoareeel Iyrlc In turn, Have non not men its
mph h the pulpit and challenlete 1311 Uthtted brow of surmise, or Its frown
aH to the study of omnieolebee; text, ee „Tete, or Its contraction of paint
Pseint lv., 0: "Hs that formed the H the eye say one thing and the Hee
eye; shall He not see?"
The mperial omen of the human say another thing, you believe the eye
IVItIlfl ts the ere. All up and down whet than the hpit
ute Bible Pod homes lt, extols it, Hut those bet appreciate the value
IlltlatMtee it, or arrallple it. Five of the eye who have Int le The Ent•
peror of Milan, lay accident, put out
4 111 t° the rye of his mervant. "What ellen I
pay ou in money or In lande-anything
you colt me? I cm ee sorry I put your
eye cut, ' But the se"vant refused to
put any financial estimate un the vulue
ct the eye, and when the emperor urili•
.•d again the !natter he said, "Oh,
einem, 1 want nothing but me loot
eye." Alas for those for whom a thick
and impenetrable well 6 drawn arrow
the face of the heavens and the face
of one'm own kindred. That Wail a pa.
thetie "gene when a blind man light-
ed a torch ut night and was found
Peering along the highway and some
one fold, "Why do you carry that
torch when you can't see?" "Ah," said
he. "1 can't gee, but 1 carry thio torch
that others may see ism and pity my
helplessness and not run me down,"
How It adds to John Milton's sub-
limity of character when we find him
at the call of duty sacrificing his eye -
eight. Through istudyIng at late
Ileum and trying all kind" of medlca-
nwni to preserve his eight, he had for
twelve years been coming toward
blindness, and after awhile one eye was
entirely gone. His physician warned
hint that If he continued he would
lose the other eye, But he kept on
with his work and geld atter sitting
In total darknese: "The choke lay
before nfe between dereliction of a
'Supreme duty and loss of eyesight. In
such a rage I could not Rotten to the
phyelcian, not If Aesculaplus Monsen
had epoken from his winettiery., 1
could not but obey that leveed wink.
tor, I know not what spoke time from
heaven." Who of us would have grace
enough to "Bernice 'fur eyes at the
call of duty?
But, thank God, some have been en-
abled to see witir very good eyee,
Gen. Havelock, t son of the more
remote' Oen. Havelock, told Inc lits
concerning his father: In India, while
his tether rnd htmeelf, with the ,rml',
eery encamped one evening time alter
Meath:4W In the Bibi.. Omnipresence
-414e eyes of the Lord are In every
Mine care -"as the apple ei
'eye The clourb-"the eyelids of
morning." Irreverence -"the eye
t Mocketh at Its father." Pride -
how lofty are their eyes." teat.
tion -"the forget eye In the ende of
earth." Divine Inspeetion-"wheele
d eyes." Suddennem-"In the
Wing of an eye at the last trdmp."
Ole aermen-"the light of the body
la the eye." This morning's text -"He
formed the eye, shall He not see?"
he surgeons, the doctors, the an-
atomists and the physiologist' under-
stand much of the glories of the
tee groat light" of the human race.
bat the vast multitude go on from
cradle to grave without any appre-
ciation of the two great master-
pieces of the Lord God Almighty, If
God had lacked anything of Infinite
vilatoin, He would have falled In cre-
ating the human eye, We wander
Monti the earth trying te see won•
dello' sights, but the meet wonderful
e ight we ever see la not eo wonderful
M the Instruments through which we
Ws It.
It ham been a strange thing to me
for 10 years that some scientist with
enough eloquence and magnetism did
not go through the country with Il-
lustrated lecture on canoes 30 feet
' quire to startle and thrill and over-
whelm Christendom with the marvels
it the human eye. We want the eye
WON from all its technigalities and
e mmone who shalt lay aside all talk
about the pterygomaxillary Drams,
the eelerotic and the chiasma of the
itzn.m. and to plena, common par -
which you and I and everybody
seders, mind pretreat the subject.
have learned men who have been
416 what °right IN and what we
Oh, If eonwone should come forth
the dissecting table and tier the
m Of the university and take
the Morn; and. asking the help ot a long march, Own. }Lovelock culled op
.0 what d.Jihi,,ottln.thwe twhrplheIrre. aoldiers mut addressed them, ear.
Ing words as near I can recollect:
alomogical Mete mungeetetl by the form- Soidirte, there ere or three hund-
red %%omen, children and men at
Cownpur at the mercy of Nana Sahib
and his buteherie Thoea poor people
may any hour be sacrificed. How many
of you will go -with me for the rescue
the printer call, an Qatari u
the eters of the night bovine de
asterisks railing your &Written to
God Our every nerve a divine hand-
writing. Our every muscle a pulley
divinely ming. elesouieas bone
sculptured with
Our every de a 0111410000 the di.
vine eye. Clod above es lend Pod be-
neath us and Gott before tl, God be-
hind us and God within tte. Whet a
!stupendous thing to !Mel What a stu-
pendous thing to diel No much thing
al hidden transgressicrn.
He le not a head giant stumbling
through the heaven'. Be is not a
blind monarch feeling for the step of
AM chariot. Are you wronged? 1*trees It. Are you poor? He lees it.
Have you domestic perturbetion of
which the world knows nothing? He
sees It. "Oh," sou may, "my affairs
are so insignificant I can't realm that
Ood sees me and sees my affair'!" Can
vou see the point of a pie Can you
see the eye of a needle? Can you see
a mote in the ituneeam? And has God
given you that power of minute el>
wevation and Aries he not Pelee" it
himself? "He Nutt formed the eye,
shall He not see?"
A legend of Pt. Frntobert le that his
mother was blind and he was so sorely
MUNI for the misfortune that one dee
in sympathy he kissed her eyes and
by miracle .he saw everythlng. But
It le not a legend when I tell you that
all the blind eyes of the Christian
dead under the kiss of the resurrection
morn shall gloriously open. Oh, what
4 day that will be for those who went
groping through Me world under per.
Actual (Maceration or were dependent
on the hand of a friend or with an un-
certeln waft telt the way, and for the
aged of dim sight, about whom It might
be maid that "they which look out of
the windows be darkened," when eter•
nal daybreak comes In!
What rt beautiful epitaph that Was
for a tombstone In a European mine.
tery: "Here eremites In GA Katrina,
a saint, years of age and blind. The
light was restored to her Hey in, istu."
er part of my text, It Is only to bring
out In plainer way the theological les-
sons of tho latter part of my text, "He
that formed the eye, shall He not seer'
I impose my text referred to the
human eye, .lance It excels all other
of those women and children? 1 know
la structure 1114 adaptation. The
you am all worn out and no am I, hut
eyes of fish and reptiles and melee °
all theme who will aria , with me to
heniose and bats are very simple thinga
they have not mac to do. save thump women an Aildren hold
Thpre h
re insects with a hundred eyes, up your hand." Then Havelock said:
telt tlte hundred eyes have lent faculty "It le almost dark, and my eyesight la-
thaa the two human eyes. The black - very poor, and I cannot see your rale -
beetle swimming the summer pond has, ed bundle but I know they are all up.
tars eyes under the water and two eyes - Forward to Cawnpur!" That hero's
Ore the water, but the four lasectlie eyes, though almost extinguished in
a not equel to the Iwo human. Man, ' the service of Clod and hie country.
at the head of all living erea. could see across India and across the
tun have supreme equipment, eelltellea
blind nosh In the Mammoth A surgeon, riding up one evening,
entiwity have only an Ini• save his horses into the ...fee of t he
organ of sight, an apology blind groom. Late at night the [rat
eye, which If through some elle, surgeon went to the stables and
the mountain they 001)14 go found the groom s1111 at work upon the
fleallIght might be developed homes, and the grateful and eemea-
eyesight. thetle surgeon resolved In the morning
t chapter of Genesi" we to reward the blind groom with money.
, without any roman- But in the night the surgeon bethought
I mat the light, created the hlmaelf that perhaps he could give the
treni, created the ash, emated the groom something better than money.
freefe but whim he was alt to make In the morning he mid to t he blind
Medi he calIttl'a. cenv'ention ef Mein- groom, "Step out into the ounshinei
Ity, es though to Imply the, all the You are 40 years of age. I could sure -
wars of Oudheed were to 1.. ..enet. ly have cured your hlindnees If I had
rd in the itchlevement, "Let la make won you sooner, but come to Par,
matt." Put a wholeetem of emptiest. and, k will give you sight if you do not
on that word "us," -"Let us melte die under the operation." Paying the
man." And. If Pod called a colleen- peateman's way to Paris, the opera -
then of divinity to create man, 1, think ken wee euccessful. For the' first Ulan
the two emit questions In that cote the man maw his wife and children,
and having taken a geed look at them
nee were how to create a Elul and
melte ab appropriate %Ude% he turned and said, "Let me look on
emperor td look out of. ley friend the surgeon, who has open-
; show how 0O4nbeI100BB the eye, -1 :ill this beautiful world to the aid
Mob at the two beip ' bun inti
ilt for 4he eeewmy Mired ones." Was not
evidence of the liyrwrought uge-
. Seven bones thol glorious? Only theme who have
*Meg the walls A** toes, the bete veetga ored from utter blindneran
Seven bunes curious
appie....ate the omnipotent bagging of
. t
taste Kingly palace of Ivies is con -
To -day I have only hinted at the.
MOM rich, but the hails 'for the
splendora, the glades, the wondein, the
resilience Of the human eyes are rich-
velations, the ,iteocaleloses, of
of sr 00 much as human bone is divine re
ebp human eye, and I stagger back
more sacred than elephantine tusk.
from the awful portals of the phyalte
Sse how Pod honored the eye when
logical miracle witch must have taxed
gmade a root for them, so that e sweet of toll should not smart the Ingenuity ,,1 a God to cry out In
Your ears' the \verde of my text, "He
diem add the rain (lathing agalnit
that formed the eye, shall he not see?"
_ - Ike forehead might not drip into
Shall Herechel net know it" much ar
them: the eyebrow' not bending over
his telescope? Kan Fraunhofer not
Mee ere, but reaching to the right and
as much lie his epecteseepe?
10 the left so them. the rain end the
enau Swammerriam not, ItROW 114 11140)
Wale ahould be compelled to drop
1,• ,.. ...upon the cheek instead of falling into as hie microscope? entail Dr. Hooke
aot know as much as bin micrometer? e _this divinely protected human ere. Shall the thing formed know Owe
1p t .
than Its maker? "He that formed the
MI }tow God honored the eye in the
I.ei:e.1 t Presented by anatomlets and phy- ae, shall Be not see?"
e - 'IlologIste that there are 800 contriv-The recoil of tate question te tremen-
ea every eye. For window _.ome. We stand al. the center of a
alelletere, the eyelids opening and elm-
vait circumference of oheervatton. Ne
I MO times a day. The eyeilds
erleacy. On us eyes of cherubim, eyes
e... ,-,. ily
so eolietrueted that they have their of eeraphim, eyes of Archangel, 'y,3
?,,','I eekletibn 11 to what shall be admlited, of God. We may not he able to see
moss 'to the thult, "Stay out," and the Inhabitants of the other waddle but
'''.i. irX to the light, "Come in," For we have not the optical instrument!!rhaPil they may be able to see ue
curtain, the Iris or pupil 61 the
krona. enough to descry them. Per-
i: eye, eccordIng al the light is greater
Mos they have optical Instruments
or led, contraotIng or dilating. The
eye of the owl Is blind In the dee-
is na.
ot enough to timer). us, The mole
lima the ayes of some crc
eatures ate ot see the eagle midair, but the
eagle midsky can we the mole mid -
at night, but the human eye, grass, We are able to see mountains
Marvellously constructed, It can .
.... ,. end caverns of another world, but per -
by day and by night. the other creatures' of ai haps the inhabitants uf other worlds
ny of - R ,
wee the eye only from eh% to - rah NOG the tower" of our cities, the
flash of our itrall, t he marching of our
Met the human eye, so mare processions, the white robes of our
sly constructed, has one muscle
o01theye and another muscle weddings, the black scarf" of our ob-
i.1. e -
lo hew the eye end another muscle 6eguttite.'human Inspection and angelic
te net it 10 the right and soother Inspection and 'teller Inspection and roll It to Ow left, and an -
,,,h,,,, Inuseie paw itkroeeh 1 poi. lunar Inspection and solar inspention
ley to wit it to, itii4 li'mtd, tin are lame an compared with the
thought (4 divine inepection. "You
:14mete gearing Mx modes as
ra eet converted me 20 years age," tall a
eal,,, 1" ond e 'Maim ucolored Mall to my father. "How
••e_ee le tom the Mina gathering so?" said my father. "Twenty years
ae rees (a light ' add prosy the
wane: aim() eti.,,ealit okiii - LIR" saki the other, "In the ole
mu optic
b b the ihIckpers of the lamp schoolhouse prayer meeting at Bound
ee. emetee hp _ Eireek you maid In your prayer, 'Thou
e. Oh to the *.,,,,,,,,,,imvil'tlittfei 0111111;70"re God seem me,' and I had no peace
e mid. What e
exquisite semen, ,;r;te lens, what an i under the eye 04 God until I became
What wonderful ea.'', "ft eilitli°"•. the Lord are In every place." "Hie
Inictry of the 1171' Christian.' Hear It: "The eyee or
man [ye: The ev , ., eyelids try the children of men,"
stream of moleteire "".hge?ye.: iel'e7; "His eyes were as a Sante 07 flee.
or wake, rolling 1
the pebble of the eye oriel emptying Oh, the eye of God, ire full'et plty,
" will guide thee with mioe eye,"
.111Peteelitibly over
halo aiebowneonderttuirth'itnr irtl'ea4r,",',Tetv.IL. 1,1%1°111.'1001i t0ardigni)°wattionr, ,"eoffuulilleort leormlve'eas""
"II .14°.°'°69 eir relies %wee ,,,1 In sloe, eo tun or mercy! How It peer.
aerilevtle at: :in:IL cmun.trreteaun
50101 Of • Pio Teleseope ,the ,,,,,.,,lr• through the darkens"! How it out.
if 1‘.earanr"e- Aimee the day! How It glares upon
t of the tear the offender; How It beams on the
Ili" he whith Penitent soul! 'Talk about the hu-
e li washed and through e matt eye as being Indescribably WOn•
tifIN which brIngn rem 41141 -how much more wonderful
p 1° telt. when 'elite be- the meat, marching, overwhelming
dandet or great lose strikes es. "Ye 07 'lot! ' 'All eternity past aml
,4 eee-e, Tlet leer net an augmentation of sor- ail eternity to come on that retina.
'.troW, hat the breaking up of the aretie Theh ep,te.4face y
.,,,t,,vittlwhtioch. ee olookest
01 ItnItn
rid In the warm suit etream Incapacity tu weep It and. r4.
it ice on your face
Ion. is w1.nn in "
desth. Thankand twee .10
God tor the eeeeelly elle 1' b.:eh ;ImadbeenIveiss through cti.
0and that the crystal gates literwed. "He that formed the eye,
nn°11inthemetef Millie, te (1,,4 (;A: 11 Beta our tier
Phan tie nee e,...-
40 ille:etornaThey Itiligruuemenist ttahneingl'earhee% ,rnereerroul'imru"‘b‘iatileantb:goet0tatlendY eit;8Yae 1 ngna e!..
mortared with it. pathise with them, lf w
Rot seen the eye flash with back, the eye of an motagoniet, If
, eght Him
or kindle with emthusl- we ask Ills grace, the e
• 4 with devotion, or lasting Mend,
hear with villainy, or droop
sympathy. or stare with You often find In a book ot imam-
, or pale with 0001, or footnote or explanition.
'script a etar calling atteation to ik
That star
A SAD (Att)e.
bono 311ad Wrecked, by 310ilier's
Appeals on
Turon*,o, Jan. 19.-Isane 'apple, a
young ilerninit Jew, whore mother
13 well le do, null time In tiornutity,
Imo for roma time been working art a
manufartaring jeweler In Toronto.
The mother recently /thjure.1 her
faith and beennea a Christian, and
Mut been writing letters of pneelon•
lite oppetil to her eon to do likewlee.
The am elung to the faith of Iihn
father, but the letter" finally af-
fected ble mind, tend he WW1
lently Insane. He Waif brought eup to
the Pollee Court t,oelay, and while Inc
the cells. stripped himself nakol. He
appeared In the dock with nothing on
but a long teeter nod 11. halide strap.
pee to like shim. An endeavor will be
nide to get wor.l to Nepieel mother
of her eon's (^emitter''.
Propueed 10 too o Coloily let Mom herb
New York, Jan. 21.-.1. Poi Fran -
(ewe. despatch te the Tribune sees:
" Agent's fif the Rue.4141,11 QUO ..ect,
the Doukhohors, aro Inepecting huger
beet Iambi In Southern Califorela, mut,
if proper nrrangcments ran lee miele
for leisurely payment, 1 meetly of II 1,-
000 Relations will 001 1,0 Loe Angeles
comity next lin et -h. The ellOTMOUO &Ie.
velmmente of the sugar beet Industry
In Ism Angeles county would give
employment to the whole etilony."
Robbed the Grave,
A Marinas headset, of which Me, Jobs Olive:.
of Philadames, wee the Nubian, is merited by
film es follows: I we, to a most dreadful
eendstion. My eight wee swim yellow, aye'
enema, tongue coated, Fain continually in Una
an/ Moe, no eppeate-gradoelly Growing Weston
an by day. }Lew phyweians bed tower me up,
renewal striate advised 'Electric ii terra.'
and to lay peat lay lad surprise, 11.. tint bottle
made a amidst improvement. 1 continued
noir use Inc three weeks, and ant noire well
easa. renew they mem my Mame robbed
Ms grave of another violin." No one should
fail to try thane Only so mate, inerantw3, as
J. D. Ramoilmons Drug More.
_ .
!Stricken With Henri Failure III Ann
Arbor, 31Ich.
Ann Arbor, Miele, Jnit. 22, -Dr. N.
Hurwaele Chancellor id l'Irtorla
vereity, Toronto, novelle won sarielt.
eat with heart trouble hurt night in
the added of hie tecture at the Fleet
ef. E. Church. 1111(1 wile tillable to pre
coed. A large i.ult.are sue present,
111111 retowed the greateat tie menthe
for the venerable epettker, Ille illneini
le not coneidered dengerone.
SAW THE51 113011Altle.
Thirty Thousand People Ste the Cone
Harlot OIL
lIn Ilex, N. 8„ Jan. 20.-ThIrty thou,
enol people saw the troops pitritile the
streets to-dny nod embark ou 'the
trensport LaneentOtti. The„ troupe
were addressi:a 5bo ltemorY (kn.
Hutton, Ike nti 1411„ v.
Do I y
It le hardly the thine,
liOrt WIll "all before our.
That Throbbing Headache
Weald iteekly leave tote ifyou used Do
INV' Nall Lee Theestade of gut/drew
have meld their mateldres malt for glee and
Nonce( Headache& They me pare hien
and Gam Gong, eon land gp intim bemIth.
11111.)10 Ulla Try el cm Ouly eats. Henry
back If not rand wee by J. IL Hatelliee
Half-Brothere Lynched.
Fort Scott. 21.-(1eUT
ellisee and Edward Hoag, half.brot t-
em. who were conies:Mai of murder
here early Inet, week, were lyinlled
by n moi 141 the County Jodi yard
Ihl4tittritt. At a late hoer their NA -
lei were Mingling from two teasel (11
the )uri, the liathorttlez having been
FO counglitele surprised that no ef
fort heti hetet nimbi to remove the
gbaidly evlienee of the mob'e work,
Penitentlery Will hell Twine.
KIngeton, Ont., Jan. 20. -The war-
den trf the penitentiary Ivor Noted
terculars to wholeelle and retail deni-
ere In all parte of teutrela, ennounclitg
that twine, In Jorge
w. 0m311 quanti-
ties, will be sold from the penitentiary.
The output feet ye tr W1111 7,00 tome.
Died on Hie Wily to 31,A,.
MAKI!, Out., dam Father
Dixon, of Kingabririge. Out, died etia.
doily tau moargrec lad 1from
his house to the church to „me.
Dr. Cnieddy, who attendee eine
the Immediate coulee wag be„rt
A Frightful Blunder
Will often u, e bort-Mei Bun, &mild, Out sr
Inane, tmeme's Arnica saw, me 06. M le,
VI) not 0 • protnetle Mel It
WM Old law, evro Novak 1100.05,all skin Irmakma hest Eat
WinnOnly IN atone boB Care gear.
nosed. , by J. M. Ramapo, Draisten
Fatally Kicked.
Cimthern, Ont., Jen. 22.-A thirteen
ar oh son Samuel Moffatt, tif
Telbury, whele stenting near it horse,
wee kicked in the aide by the animel.
The led's injury is mo gerious that
he will die, Several ribs wen, broke
eft, ;fret Le tteies aloe) diternall) ,njared.
Mbe Gets Haim
Toronto, Jan, 22, -At the Awilee
Court thn morning. Mies 'Fitch -
bourne, formerly of Norwich, sued
Wm. Edwards, a priater, of Nor.
for breach of promire, 0i/tim-
ing 11.000. The Jury, after a brief
hearing. Awarded bet 111830.
.Market Reports
The Week.
Following are the clueing prices at
Important wheat centres today:
Cash. ,f an,
Chicago „ $-- aO e2 1.2
New York -- _-
Milwaukee ... 0 01,1-2 --
Bt. Louis 0 66 7.8 --
Detroit, red „, ... 0 67 1.2 --
Detroit, White ..... 067 1.2 --
Duhrth, No. 1 N.... 000 --
thillat.h, No. 1 ft, 0 61 1.13 --
Minn., No. 1 N. .., 062 1-2 --
Minn., No, 1 0. ... O61 --
Oblong° toelsy tl10athJ 110.04
5o higher at 52,55 nominal ,14b -
rotary and nominal et 5.1.60 a for
March, Clover closed =changed Pi
58.25 nominal at January and 58.50
nougat!' for March; all per 100 lbs.
In Toledo old prime clover closed Ito
higher et 51.90, January lo higher at
55.75 and March lo higher at 55.80,
all per bushel.
Wheat -150 button of goose sold at
Barley easy, at 410 to 450 for 500
ata firmer, at 290 to 81 1.3/1 for
800 boshele.
Hay-Fivo Wade Pohl at 510.00 to
1111.50 per ton.
Straw -One load sold at 57.50 per
Red Clover Seed -Prices firmer, at
14.75 to 55.50 per bushel.
Jan. lb.-Recelpts of grain on the
onset market here to -day were Mout
11,700 busbehe Prieee Were dandy.
Whent-Two hundred bushels of red
and white fall wheat gold 114 OS to
610 1-2e., and 800 bwiliell of goose at
Oats -fix hundred bushels Fold at 29
to 30e.
Eteirley-Two thousand five hundred
buratele sold at 41 to 45r,
Peae-One load told at 60 1-2e.
Rye -One load wet' at 51,
sold nt $11 to 412 an 11.3/0.511
Day and Mitraw-TA9 ideas of hay
for mixed haj and cltiv Tied:Made
of straw sold at 57 to gee '
eternened Hogs -Steady, at 14626 to
50 per cwt.
r -Small reeciets and moierete
deallandetple; prine dandy at 20 to
21e, for teed dolip.
Egss--Ikeady: Fath modernto de-
mand at petrol quotoi In table,
l'oultry-Moderate offering!! met n
somewhat slow denseli at unchange 1
pricey rts quoted.
The value of No, 1 hard at the sail
of the week is 03 1-2c in store Fort
William &pot, 08 compared with 04e
at the end of the week. In connection
with the current prices for Manitoba
wheal at Fort IVilliant it may bo
elated that although Manitoba
1 herd and Duluth No 1 hard are
quoted' et the game value afloat in
New York the omit price of Duluth
No, 1 bard at Duluth to 3o per Mahe'
higher than the cash price of Mani -
[obi No, 1 hard ai Fort William. This
(*probably the effect of the stringent
money situation on Ms side. No 2
bard and No. 1 northern are 2 1-2c
per bushel under No. 1 herd and No.
8 hard On under No, 1 bard. Na 1
frosted le quoted at 530 and No. 2
frosted 48o, all in dont Fort Wil-
helm. Rejected led herd, 60c: re-
jected 2-1 hard, Me; rejeoted 1.2 hard,
67c ; rejected 2-2 bard, 55e; ell gross
outturn in store Port Arthur. No. 1
hard closed on Saturdey at 63 1-2e
in store Fort William. Tradingibmay
Toronto, Jan. 10.-11:aimed hop are
being freely offered from all outside
points. The market is fairly !steady
Fork producte move steadily at un-
changed prleee. Select weight,, dragged
bogs, car lots, on track, delivered, sell
at 55.15 ; and at 44.00 to 55 for heavy
and [nixed loin. Bowe are 00o to $1
off these prices. On the tared In far-
row"' loads choice bring from 55.30 to
#5.40, according to quality.
Firm. Salo are being made in the
ordinary way at 12- to 12ga,
"5,200 bbis, selling. The market
Is easy and difficult of Rale. Reds
128 to 20' Etd, clearly 141 10 17..'
HeadstrimeVe ma Trade.
Spring trade at Montreal le fairly
well muter way now. Orders are coin-
liug forward la tale numeNre and, for
large panels at goods. itis demand
from the Northweed bas been large
NO tar. Country remittances are bet.
don wbolabale bunneas this
week Me bee a little more active
Lola Nam are befog mid*. There
appears to ha plenty of moue among
the working classes. Value" to all
staple hem are very firm.
liumnese at the Coast has been quiet
adore tbe turn of the year, but ham
begun to improve this week. Retail
trade et both Vlictoele and Vancouver
is picking up nieely. Large purchase'
are being made by Seelig/ Columbia
housal La the east for the coming
Gagnon. PayMantd are fair. Prices
coatame very filen.
There hoe been a fait eulume of
trade priming at Itamiltoo, mad trier-
chenta are encouraged to think that
(hie Biondi trade will be large.
Stocks aro being got in for the spring
en many En.., and purchases are be-
ing made with the bailee that stales
the next three menthe will be large
BO that liberal quantities are eon-
sidered necessary in moat depart-
ments, Rentietancee are very natio-
Tbo wholesale irade at Toronto re-
ports a Oaer number of orders, com-
ing forward. The prospects for the
spring are very bright. Value, con-
tinue very Erm. Retailers seem to
be well supplied tv:eh cash. Remit-
tancee are faerly goal:
Trade at ,Winnipeg has revived sorue
anon the holidays, Travellers out
with samples for the spring are meet-
ing with n gond demand. Tile ab-
aenee of snow early in the winter
interferol with stiles of vehicles which
have been disappointing. Foments
are fairly good.
snow coming after it long spell with
bare groblut always hese tondeecy to
improve bailees! conditiune, and the
snowfall thle week lito created a more
cheerful feeling among both wholeuale
and retail business mon.
The condltlone of trade are all mound
nnd healthy. There havo been but few
(whirs' In the past six weeks!, and
Pigments are being well met, the
large holiday trade contributing In 110
email degree to that end.
(What few lima ot next reason't
w°311en good* have been opened are
at advance* ranging Iran 25 to 35
per Ce0t,end much interest attache/
to the reception (het will ho wirer
don "'"""ince 111 the upward move.
inent of prion was noticeduring De-
cember, notably en metals+ and min -
C611'1111°1/6 products but the general
level of we& eat further ad.
eimeee, and the year closed with
Breddreet'sapproximate index num-
ber at 89.971, a !rotenone' gain for
the mouth, n 11,611 ad 17 per sent,
for the year, of 22 per cant, fin owo.
I I 4411.0.044
ge:g.dertralelniflatafel'. Ildc'eth841higlr' BANK OF HAMILTON.
*et index *umber reported gum July
tat, 1191, eight nod one half yeare
ago During December 44 art:idea ad-
vanced In prloe and 89 remained un-
changed, while i26, for than Ottefoorl cleaned 10 prioe.-Bradetreets.
(deluding flour, shipments
for the week aggregate 4,248,9ie buAb.
elk agelnet 2,509,681 bushela last week,
5,647,071 la the correapooding week
of 1899, 5,299,517 boatels Co 1898, 5,-
943,154 bullets la Ion and a,102.114
lo 1890. Corn exports for the week
ageregate 8,814,676 buithele, agalast
4,019,030 bushels kat week, 8,497,078
bushels is this week a year ago, 4,-
641,750 bushel', la 11398. 3,757,281 bush-
els la 1897 and 3,330,017 bushels is
Fleet of Steamers to Run to
North Bay.
22.-(apecial).-lien. J.
1, Tarte, Yiniatee of Public Works, woe
seen by your correspondent this
morning, and naked ef he would give
eel iniormation in regent to the pre-
position to make the French River
navigeble, so as to bring the great
lakes' steamers carrying the products
mof tite grain fields of the Northwest
from Fort William to North Bay on
the It, P. 11,
ny colleagues to allow me i_ow••••••••"". Li.fe
"I have been giving my attention,'
field Mr. Tarte, "to lhes matter for
tweeted tuontba, go much au that I
wiIl imic
C.apital, all paid up, $1,5oopoo. Reserve, $t000,000.
Total Assets, $13,163,057.
Ageneral Banking business transacted, Advances on
. Ferreira' notes discounted and money advan fed
and pending the harvesting of the crops. 1)ebenturli boqght.
Made on the most favorable terms. 1/rafts WNW pajabll asaB rio
in Canada and the United States. Drafts on Groat Britain and 0b Centime
Swope bought and .old,
Depollts of 51 and upwards received and Interest, allowed from date of
deposit to date of withdrawal, Interest ndded to principal in Mac ltd Novem-
ber each year. Special deposits also received at current rate., Deposite may
be withdrawn without formality or delay.
O 11, BENNETT, Bun•Aostrr,
Newspaper Advertising
to place la the estimates 0 pretty
large amomet of money to improve
the French River fa -on is mouth on
the lleorgien Bey to hale Niplesine,
the deeteare to about fifty nillen. It
in already navigable river, and we _
will only have to improve parte of weiewasoisees
ie. to make it it Wet -elms waterway
for chips drawing lel feet. We will re -
mare to build dame and three looks,
one the remainder of tite tient will
be dredging.
"Jura Iola at the fact,'" mid the Min.
later of Public Worker, "Up to Ole
Any the Carnelian Peelle: Railway has
ranee., our Canadian wheat to Furl
William, where et lute been left to 18
fate, or, la other words, lin* been
taken by Ainerlean bawl to Bur
fglo. Out of ten barbel/I ;if Canadhot
grain, I do 114tblifik 1 eel exagger.
tem MainyIng that nine have gone
to Altretlenn porta. All Gott will be
1.1104u,se 1 by Use project wo 1111VP ROW
11011.11. The diatom* from Fort
William to North tiny le KO mitre;
from North Soy to Montreal It Is
:Intl Wee. The Letnnillan Pitelfie
will undertake ,to carry with it flf et
el their own our Canadian graln
froet Fort "rheum to North Bay,
where tt will be tallithim -n(1 to Can.
mean Patella 'are en route to Meet
reel. In other WOriti the
lefelne will tti what the Colman .11
e. lin I votg 1, 110W dollig from -
Perry e'0911.1. 10 (ltd enterprise Maar-
reel ,et, Ile) 1 Wive uo doubt It will
lee It will bring twenty-five mil.
item of thirty millions bushels of Cam -
polo to 1.1111 St. Lawrence
route owl the tort of Moittrette Of
eouree the port 0 liontriaal hag to
be medalled , not that (0 1,10
fooeort why 1 have been tirgiter so ,
!stook/1y oft the Harbor Comet...nine
ON to go tamed.
"1 Iuoa Hie Government any ham.
toe of going 00 with the wore,' at
ehiatrmil ?
" efoet deridefily tv, Willi. I am
IWW in communicatien with the her-
e/O. commitielonore. ,Tberetaile 11010
$:100,00o lit the entlitintew orerif
partment for, carrying ont wor 4 111
the eitet.rif pdgjeuit ef the harbor(
where then,(eadadedn.Putifie gillloente
theme; teettAre hnit more.
" Yrs, Fell iltitleretane Mutt there
Quiet reneldernide improvement* at
the port of elontrefil, but et inuet 111e0
b31 erne in mind Grit Itt, 1 re.,mu Mont-
real quett"on, but lutereute nearly
everyloly in the Dominion, fartnere,
merchants, mannfaeturere and 111 e
word nll who nee trnnsportation."
Indian, Whisky, Death.
leingeton, Jan. 2e. -Mary Curran,
aged 70. an Indian, got hold of whis-
key, drank until intoxicated, and lay
down in the rain at Barriefield. The
weather changed and the ley nIr goon
froze the old woman, Ittel Sunday
morning her dead body Wile found by
The reatilext and intreat wit y to get
rid of censure le to correct oureelvee.
Age S
What does it do?
- It causes the oil glands
in the din to become more
active, making the hair soft
and glossy, precisely as
nature intended.
It cleanses the scalp from
dandruff and thus removes
one of the great causes of
It makes a better circu-
lation In the scalp and stops
the hair from coming out.
11 Prevents and 11
awes Baldness
Ayer's Hair Vigor will
surely make hair grow on
bald heads, provided only
there is any life remain -
Ing In the hair bulbs.
It restores color to gray
or white hair. It docs not
do this in a moment, as
will a hair dye; but in a
short time the gray color
of age gradually disap-
pears and the darker color
of youth takes its place.
Would you like a copy
of our book on the Hair
and Scalp? It Is free.
r. 1 mci Odle 511 ihe %fore!,
rg.:1171z,v=z7r v. -
Addison, DR. J,
The shrewd merchant knows,
it and acts accordingly.
To bring trade your way these
growing times use OadaaWado/ada
War Office Cables Sad News
.to His Father.
Halifax, N. Se„ Jan, 22. -Cha.. Hen.
Arty (Ma moieties( received a mete
from the War Gioia etatIng tlint lite
Fon, Capt. A. lieneley, Dublin Fuse
aerie who was wounded on Jan. 20th,
hail died.
Capt. Hensley wax born at Char.
lottetown, was educated at letterer
('ollmage, Windsor, nal graduated from
tho-lioyal Military College, Klogeton.
He married Maw Wylde Brown, (1
. Pietermaritzburg, two years two. flo
was Mend 83 years of age
A Thousand Tongues
Could not repress the rapture of Annie IL
lhatteeer, of Bee, Howerd Fn., phladnohta, pa"
CMG obo found that nr. Klin's New lagenvery
tor Clentemption had amplotilly owed her of
tbe bloalui cough iket lar many years 11a4
made life 4 burden. All ostler roundlet Ind
looters oould give her no help, bus one aloof
WO !Myst Oure--" It wen amoral the pen le
rijiliatie111eelrereV ;gra: itii, dio°01.1,:erri
14.1 31.. goo og ItoMINN throughout' the
Mose." ti inn Meveryone wee tries Pr.
Disoovety for sry trouble of the
est or Longs. Prise 00, cud $1.00.
Trial Ms free et J. Y. Hamdtoses Drug
Owe; Raiff bottle itarantawd,
Mr. Frank 1etttey, euperletentilent of
immigration, eetimetee that nearly
1,000 settlers (non the Unites! States
have bee'ome teeldente 01 Canada Mir -
log the petit meairon.
Having assumed control of the above
named mills I am vowed to supply
end deliver Flour and Feed to any part
0) 1110 town at ronsonable prices. Ank
your grocer for FINNEMORR'S
FAMILY FLOUR it. is the best on the
short notice, being a practical mil-
ler am euro to please you.
Highest mnrket price paid for all elate
see of whist.
Ode Odd**
Barber and Tobacconist
Choice Stock of
Tobaccos, Cigars and Pipes on hand.
MOM roa
Anyone loodIng 5.160,5060 ile4CON011 r011f
lotto odnortaln ow opinion free whether an
intim is probably patentable. coomontro.
Wetly ounadootiol, Ilandbeek uo l'atcote
f004 Oldoot new far aproonopatania.
rosette Wee Utroaah Wow & to. metre
Ni/Mie, without thew. to the
Scientific Rintricall.
Itantreted mealy. twreet 0
iteletie of wet.aLSD?olI.004
evelmwJ.L.1 w/
Sale Notes a specialty. A.dvaaami
made to farmers on their *wit
notes. Ni additional mourIty re-
IRMO! ON DEPOSITS at Curet kis
We offer every accommodation oon-
eisteot with safe and conservative
banking principles,
To loan on Real Estate at low*
1088 01 interest.
Persons wishing to 1211 will do well
to place their property on our Het
for E ale. Rents colleeted.
Of all kinds proinptly attended le.
We represent the leading Fire and
Life Assurance commie', and rev
lopoisfully policit your account.
Fora Mama Aso Gouii.
Peels emeMaa)
Ks.? eases Steed South, Rink
Licensed Auctiotieer and Valuator.
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent.
Office, on Queen street, Blyth. Orden
left MVOS STANDARD office iiIl 110411•4
prompt attention.
0. A. 000KE, LIS, CAL
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Uni-
versity of Toronto, and graduate of the
Royal College of Dental &spode.
Special attention paid to the prawn -
tion of the newel teeth. °Moe over
J. W. Bell's harness store, Queen street,
Blyth. Visite Auburn let 14 Ird
Moodays of each month.
Physician, Surgeon and Areouctheur.
X.D.O.M., University of Trinity Col.
lege; M.D., Queen's University;
low of Trinity Medical College, and
member of College of Phymiemitl
Burgeons of Ontario. Coroner for the
County of Huron. Office, one doer
north of the Commercial hotel, Quese
eireet, Blyth,
am pm am
0 68 8 15 NVinghain IL 10
tie 1118 Winitham Jo 11 07 7
7 04 801 Relgrnve 10 511 757
7 16 1143 Blyth 10 41 7 SS
97 5021 61 2-,e5 Loirxened.ohne n 1 80 8915
07 41:
7 47 4 2,) Clinton 10 15 6 44
io 0 us MORT A.W. 101101117.30.
Mails Arrive. -From a.rn,
and 8.50 gem.; SoJth-10,4A alt, and
7.80 pm.
Close.-Go'sg North -1 0 a.m.
and 1 p.m.; Seat% a. SI