The Blyth Standard, 1900-01-24, Page 6The Kure In all Nods -
Oran and Gay.
The Tables Turned.
(A Twentieth CenturyDrained
The WOlutitil W lint in her duet) (nab
tier papers all written's! about.
WWI" ihj tollesomely moiteht with
PIPe sed pm,
10 etniketen her Panne out.
W en a sadden, cry
Of agony
From Iter humband emote her ear -
"Help! Help! Be 41iikk !
Oh. It mane me reek I
faliall die If you tion't Conte here!"
• Tlik Woman elle etruile aerate the
tanickeut frown onIwr brow,
tem tenderly said, na Idle opened
the or,
'What trouble. my Poppet now?"
Ens' probed on it 'emir
math up in the ale
het !rondo man the found,
And ho gave a iihriek,
At every squeak
Of the mew that played itruntel.
"JIM look," he robbed, with Ile coat
eieId high,
An he pobeed on the tip of lila tor ;
"MIA" 0. "Vali" Jerk of Itho tall! Olt,
It will ran no my clothes. I know
How Its eyebath+ glare!
And its mouth -see. there!
Oh. it's going to )(map! Be quirk I
Thus the men welled on
Till the =Own wan gone,
:. Seared off by the woman% Wick.
The-worn/tit she minted at lee pretty
a taut, superior way,
WII he strove to check the bursting
As' he breittblemly watched the
Then the roan to the floor
elle helped once more,
And lone ly kluged end parented,
drong nem she welled
111. free form azoneAL
Ad he wept out hie fright ou her
-Harlem I.Ife.
The Old Oaken Iliteket.
dear to Mile heart are the
„aeons of my eleldhotel,
'ten fond recollection JreWeI(tH
thein to view;
• The .orchard, the meadow, the deep
tangled wildwoed,
And eviry loved *pot which my he
tunny knew.
The widempreading stream, the mill
tbat etood near it,
The briege and the reek where the
cutaract fell;
TM rot ol my father, the dairy
tIOUB14 Ity
And e'en the rude burket that bung
the well.
mossicovenel bucket 1 hall as a
often at noon when returned
„Item the fleld.
It the sour** of itit exquiMta
red and eweeteet that no:
fen ylekt,
I Meted it with hands
were glowing,
An4 quick to the white pebbled
bottom it fell;
Then soon with the einbletn of
health overflowing.
Aed drep. ping with (seinen' it rose
ta the well.
HOW soon from the green mosey elm
to reoelve it,
hfireillefeed on the eurb It reclined
Noto full Howled goblet 'multi tempt
me to leave it,
Though filled with the nectar that
Jupiter elm.
And now, far removed from the Kurd
• .aleuation,
linelear of regret will Intrusted!
Ai y reverie to my father,
Ai4nighfor the bucket that hung
in the weil.
_ old oaten bucket, the Iron.
bowtd ket,
TMs moweiovered bucket that hung
In the well.
lead) could without breath, When'
they came to the to
on the mastiff% baok and kept
from getting out of tile wates
the Newfoundland was able le take
him under agate.
'fbeee alternate doing+, of the New-
fouadland and the cur were kept up
till the motif/ woo dead.
LITTLE LA lit lime
Fetid eire. Oncethout, who hail Como
to speed the iltty, to little Edith;
"Are yoti glad to we one lignite
Edith 7"
-Yes, men, fon' inamonnis glad, too,"
replied the (Med.
"ls she ?"
"Yee m'm. elm raid she hoped you'd
come toiday ami ham It over with."
Oldo Stale Jounce/.
Settle wan 71 and Alice was 7. At
lunch smile maid : "1 What
tort of nit nielmal it chop W. 11 lj
kg?" "Of meet, not." retlitalsel
Miulle"It's the Jaw Ione. Haven't you
leer heard or aultuals Heide% their
01101 4 i
.4. MOTHER'S WORRIES. first net, but in their time Nevem' W1111e-iali yr have a good Clirlat•
f I treniendoue hits What nine?
What makee you walk co famt 7 intereded uto rethan the 'Pommy -It was not as good iteIao
"Wait a bite tittle i
'Ths " e elty'not overcast.yolitine
-a list of trinsia with their defile.
afro. Young:bolt-Oh. Bob, what ellen
y ou t the day mom, yOu_ ploys (wed in long poem In one thet•
was a list of obsolete worde Year. (4.!wus seek for three days
IL r
"len going to the doctor, sir,"
She "Ile doll le ill ;
ehee Li a raging fever, eir ;
I think *heal gen « chill."
"Put bandages around her head,
And mustard to her feet,
And give her linseed tea to drink,
AIM not a thing to oat."
one, al 1 ? Bub is crying booattee I won't
fact tied a great mane of the let hl'n will nil the for off my muff,
words that were obsolete lit 1760 ,
al all right,
and hail to be defined to Thom• oillyil,t.1141'iountithielic-mWell, that
eon's revilers are in remotion use to-
day, Appal, deftly, lam elee,earol, „
sear owl unkempt are 0011'lieW 011, mo, some up here, quick."
"What's the matter, Tommy 7"
that I recall. There Wan only one „
1101401 play in' circus, nit' lte's
word, however, In the lion that le try he to make tho baby dive off
OM obsolete and oaglit tO rts.
vived. It la the word ' and
Penalties of Mo4ern Method*
of Living.
Picton, Doe, IN, -We read a great
deal concerning the hardships and
suffering,' endured by the Caeadian
pioneers in the early days of our Do-
minion. But the truth In that many
of their dereendantx, in our own
Dines, endure equally art much as did
their forefathere.
The cue of Mins MIMI Young, of
this towu, ie au internam. Min
Young is a grand -daughter of Col,
Henry Young, tho Hutted Empire
Loyalist, in whose honor Fort Henry
at KlItgettni, Wall named. Site lays:
"I had suffered with rheumatism for
twenty yearn, poor body wax all
twisted out of shape, so you can im.
'gine the agony I eudured. My pity-
eioiane could not help me; all the
medicines I used were utterly useless.
"I read of Dr. Antold's English
Toxin Pine, one day, and thought I'd
give them a trial. in thankful for
having that inspiration, for I ant now
free from very terrible pains awl
aches, thanks to Dr, Arnold% Euglish
Toxin Pille-and to them alone. I
mullet, of couree, be made youug
again, for I will be 79 years old 1(4
December, yet I feel I tan end my
days in peace, thanks to Dr. Arnold'.
The Prowl Boastoran Old Quarter.
"To *be Knight of the Thistle n
Mg honor, of course," remarked 1114 old
quarternmeter itergennt, 11 lialhlt (4 4119'
mission aitmog Noma wintery men at
Chat Im Ha y Pen re Ini to Weekly
e but 1 can claim a distinction Iota
In front of that, oriel 41.41 ((g !tondo'
with the Queen, an they Way of the
enetom °Nerved by Cabinet Ministere
when taklug over the mile of office."
"You're chuckling It, mon," «lieetteil
a stalwart otergeant trite the for
"Well," the veteran non-com. went
on to explain, "the gooil fortune ela(e)
betel um was to be kissed hy the
Queen," an intImutIon eittiosi
yet closter.
the little party to wafter retied
"Vetere Wiring us, JOl'k," eleo.rved
a credulous eerie/rat "and If yeti want
the hatchet say no, for the we've%
holder 18 fair outelemed,"
"No," the dectingaitheil 1101.110ri 118
he olairned to be, contended, "It le
401* that% out of It, am yell will ore,
You may have heard of 111,v being the
youngest bugler that to* 'mist in
tile Crimea, and such feet tweeted for
me .1 among tlie lairvivors
Were Inspeeted hy the Queen niter
pence wits pruclaimed."
"Whorl the wounded went 11,v, Mane
111 elialre"--
"Quite me Well, 1 mu+ then a little
flaxen hatred, red elteeked youngster,
very ;mina for my age, met 1 supper,
contrasted a good deal with the worn
veterans. When my turn MI Ille to
[WM Her Majesty alike' how old I wee
and on replying a little over thirteen,
"1 tried that hullo ago, mite Knee at the MOW tittle git with. the
"The (O'er won't abate. It means to Inhor. I think it a beet eninte possible, the Queen said:
Kee (who leis feat been molted to
Ago I 1 lay 011 the troub/e, dr. beautiful word, lOtisn't it conWay
vey romethine on 114141 plititio-1 091- Dr. Artooldo' Euglielt Toxin Pil I, '1(4(11 little fellow,' and then etre me
To the PRIkUn% 44444 ale." the impression of earning 04(08Ilv. ty (*.nal, play anything. the only medicine on earth that mire* came lOreiVO it gracious distluction
a Ida on the 'Meek, 410 you we hew 1
If the donor ken Lit Ing in the I've" of 011" lir"w( Tommy -But. 1 ray, See, why don't (114111444* 1(1' killing the germs that wheel teem generale downward no
Or elm neve nit he often do et,
to nutke the word peeler again. Suo-What Mere ? iMluse it, are sold by all 11rUggt1148 at 04°01,114;i;
though It's n word the language
Or dompret care to oonte,y011 IlhlY that 1000 3 011 411/01/0 141 me
male, and I menu to do till 1 Min about7'
It sonntiri like it word Invented hy Toolloy_er 75e, o box; sample size afw., or win i
A newt outrageouto sum 7"
"If ha's 110t LIU "1 "11-1t1" °he Lad. Lewle Cerro°, lout It buil. It's a to leek y i ti .1V1I 1 ityj I netd 1cM:'i.0.thilio(inite-
prylepl:tiad cOlbot,rnetitteettipiterott., iiirAiieutiete4by eTtuhle.
"What LI Ids charge le 1410 well -ensconce:xi, well -omeneettell word, pony, 'mu" you knew It 1,,ttor.ii
ads Life Building, 412 King Street
Do you thin/trot because of that 414,41It ought to be revived. 11.11Y of the °there I forget the mine.
........_ 111 11 Of Men 111113f 7"-W:1,1111m:ton l'ost• , _
JI11.1117 AND IllS SHAltE. --- tell.VIr HEIL ASPlitAll'IONM WERE
A certabi Lanarkehire lawyer re -
I'd let my ille die?" 'Swink!' Could anything be more Then Tommy Watt neat to bed. West, Toronto,
ewittl. eaglet un °Dile boy, u bright, "Do you Melt. 11 to tell me oho let
a footled! entituelliet. Every: Satur• with egg mid cranberry wave smear.
dee' aftereomi dere the 104411(1l men- Mi 011 Its Nee 110111.4 moo wunian UP" the""'"r" Ind ."" 11") de"1"1"
1 Into iionsioniollion.
anll come la the yoningotter Moe asked loonier -stricken tones.
permeation to itheent himself, end, "14(34," replied the other, " llut It 111,111101111 euro effected hy Catarrld cone,
the new osonsled sir Vestment, In "MO
not wishing to be tto liatel on the lad, wasn't Mdifference. Sim said who
1110(41 the heart to wash the baby's of Mr, Frank Orlon Markle, 0( 41,1.
1(14 employer has otewentist
The other Saturday, however, uiere ft -I4 looked so arthitle!"-Wwole strelilli.
were wine ducumente to ba envied, higtott thate
mid on. beteg ',LAMM for the usual Issr- Mr. Alnekle 911.1 • "Abl/Ut yearS
mission. the lawyer (who ham a habit ---
of I4"° 41 In the first 'wren' Moral/ FAMOUS ANISIALS. UV 1 contracted a very heavy cold,
l'il'41161:1Ordte think you Nut toality,
Jimmy, we Imre all those pit pore to
he het Reid nothing, but net to
work with renewed vigor. Towards
leech thee he erode aboortetchel
employer with copies of exactly half
the documents referred to.
"I think that Is about my mhere,"
mild the toy.
"Your allure %VILA (10 ,voll mean?"
qneried las employer.
"You +mid we bad all these papers
to ceps, so I have fluielled ins half."
Jimmy was allowed to go.
e ---
A well-wishing employee, in his anxi-
ety to Puree out hie empioyerei 0141108,
may, by hie carelentnese or atopidity,
opoll all kW chances of Recce= lti wax
much a one that ruined Tom Longman%
plot, and caused him to spend hie last
ktitYll as a beggar and an matinee
Tom and JaMeli Longman were the
two eons of Slr William Longman, of
Penlioneet. , The two hmthers were a
direct contrast In their nature. Jaime
wa* light-hearted and Joyoun yoling
fellow, while ide brother wart gloomy
and surly. They were not friende
either, rue 144r Intended to
leave the bulk of his property to
James; while Tom, though he would
Inherit the title and n. hantlione pro.
pertee weld'''. not be half as wealthy
as len more fortunate brother. ito Tom
set hie wite to work to ooncoutt wane
scheme by which he could disgrace ids Nee;
brother. At last he lilt 111400 01101 that The !quaint little fasition-plate
he thought wreld do. It wan u simple
plot, but one -eat would, If executed
I know she'd he frightened to sIbic
cleverly, effeeturdly degrade hie bro-
down the hey,
thee lie would hire an old wonuire to
Or to frolic and romp am we do,
enter the library when hie brother
nod father were there, tie they ewe., Supposing we welt 4111 meow sunshiny
ally were at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, (4445.
And then ask her out on the hillside
The Ma woman would igty that 3amem
e Happy New Year. owed leer Imehand a large Rum of
1 thinki +Me. be willing, don't you ?
Soing time when all life's lemsons have money, which he had lost to him at
'The poor little faeldon-plete
been /earned eh -and -Hoch ti gambling den. If t,he
get, tale, his suceese wee assured, for -II DoIP4t irl St. Nleholite. efascheeter, N. 11., le I Lay lag n gen.
feed guns and stare forevermore have Lomenwould swear to the truth of
oriel debate upon the rtglit of a Ms-
intelligent let who is teenethIng of the child nit there irt the table Dr."), 11.„ 11,,
' Kansas tHrl'e Practical View ut
I.:ductal tonal Advantages.
There woe little of the idealistl;
about the essay of a Ham= gill at
her recent graduation, Her teacher
had Oven her fur aTheme the phrase,
"Beyouel the Alps lies Only." he i4H-
! (mashed her preceptive% and wheel -
mates by these emphat le word,:
"1 do net eilre 11 cent whether Hely
lies hopes' the Alps or even in Mis-
souri, I do me expert set Ow
without nttention, Soon I realised that! river on. fire with my future career. 1
A returning trui oiler [rout Italy tills ,
Ticticr"r ill 44-biii i likc 001"' 01•111c1 of Catarrh, and became so affected educe 10(4, but 1 0(1) not go:ng to $1 miil•
glad 1 have a good, very good Tests of the pew tegnicittrol Kim at
Hook n re to he made shortly
this story of et American fellew 11 wen a 4 letIni to tin deadly ravugem , 'ffl
Friends mivitted me. 4 '' ,n0sua,e, it. by wrii lug peatee or own, under the direction of exteirts of tlio
t %Lettere' tidier it la to be token, no
t, 04,11 (Trial!' grains of a 1100. that 1 hall to eh e ti 1 (metier • work. '
111100 , 11 1 11140 411 Is V1111011.4' ' '
dole the future woman. It will ea_ Ordnanee Deportment of the Witt
in, r.t 11 II, W1111 had man.; ti , I i,., r t1 1 • 1141 Ind
1101 l that ane, and 1 1'111111 OX11011110,1
11 fly lover I any have, ehoull he speak colic
Office. Tide wen 111111 1/1 11111110 Up 04 11
of tempere.1 ht -el Negotiants,
able me to correct the grammar of
The 0(1011'i A , ' -
itroulid which 19 ('0)101 aloe Perility::
five milea of repel wiry, with n thin
steel Jnek-it outside, Upon Lille Hole ,
Will be lurelsheil a 1 0 -Inch glut, with
which the heal loot armor now nue,
plie 1 to war -ships may he jeerer''. Tito
completion of this piece of heaty ord.
Mena. reii-ws the 1011goitallillng 001e
trim,rmy between Impregnable armor
n lid IrresistiO. 111"11114 of attack. If
the Brown segoisntal gun shied Iwo\
cup 1 1110 of piercing tit • thli kept armor.
'flute ennoble of 'Mtn Coo It would I
be necessary to reform all oxi•ting I
theories of neve ettack nut eidelici., 1
-Plillndelphla Riiiioril.
Tho undereimied will pay ten cents each for
copier. of the following newspaoso for the
year Mt
Atwood, Ont., Bw, Aug 1, Oot. 13.
Bootlick, N. S., Telephone, 41e13. 0, March Le
Dutton, Ont„ Advance, Jell, 12.
Florence, Ont., Quill, OM. is
Hampteil.14,1a, Nowa Feb .% Morel' la.
Hepworth, Out, Joornal, June 11.
Begin, N.W.T. Standard, Oct. 21
dundeldge, Ont., Echo, Feb. 2
Kidwell Falls, Ont., Colonisation, Feb.2.
Addrees 44511(11 10
Handllon, Ont.
A New (inn.
Niemen over the 410414(1 paluee. Ilea/Wed time Catarrh 418(1 (WI Pt PNI (1) ('"' of ',tome In my presence, or et), he
went nontewhere. It will also come
from the plena of the west, vlaluel
the %introit, mid was tiourtoutiulY rate rrli. The result. wits flint 10Min-
powders Una ore rceoniniNnied for
11111 115 11U0Oti6011 111111 desired to i(('4reimption. At lame I beitellof CaItarri.1- handy when I want to figure out
et many pounces of mole a woman
(404(0,a.nneiwelliseelitenwtelisipntorocamtliimeand•te,141e,,,,:: et) 11 get for t late don't eggs. :It the
After 011 the customary eghts lied grovrry. tin I 'lo rent kgrudge the
lieu asked: yuintirInfligliti:
lama 0110011, the priest who attended derful curative power. I procured an 1:timil'' 11115 ili'Mvbeit i7v9011ti.1 o
dek anybody of his weight In the
outfit, and a few applirationa bene -
I just wa nil to marry a man 0)10 pall
"1* there meeting elm., Signor flted Inc more than sericite of trent-
American, that yea would like to ment from nay other preparation,
hernial:4, who ran run an eighty -
see r a 111i a more extended woe of entente
" There% 0110 thing," answered the otone eonipletely cured um, and 1 lint% acre farimand who has no female rii-
than anything else, awl I lin Mit Leon 'aliens to come a rowed HMI try to
boss the ranch. And 1 will agree to
Americen, 'that I want to nee more Imil no Catarrhal meenptount since,
" What is thet, algae.? ' CATARRHOZONE rend hern to nn early grave and lavish
cook good dinners for him that won't
on the edge of It yet."
"The pattle pens." upon him a whole lot of wholesome
nothing of the wort, signor." 19 II guitranteed ('((144 for lilted On and 0.'49 that his Imam
" The cattle win ! Why, we ha (4'
'You i
!nlet ? Their where ith
ti e . haslet been used Jo cut. breom-ill
eArAititit, AST 11 M A, li BoNCHITIN When. be wattle, Jo shave. In view
that we're always li strite alont 7' Sold every:where. Complete outfit, 151 1 le ruety,maethe ruk of three etiol
a 1 I tkia I dectiNareeif I' do get it
world do you keep them papal bulls
THE FASHION -PLATE GIRL. price 11.00; extra hemiant, 10c tier lateired ottfer ft nga ne Il' yea re go
bottle. llone,r refunded if It falls to he." ' 1'1 ,
'benefit. Trial outfit for 10 vents In
w -
Thin -plate lawk, N. C. l'olson & Co., Kingston, Ont., Beware ofOlntments for Catarrh
here% a dear little ninid In the (ash. Humps to any hites=
That Centel n Mercury.
ll'in glad We not Beagle nor me 0 Proprietors. as mercury will sorely destroy the
She nliveye 11144 NUM' a dres8ed•up-
1 fled look, mum of smell awl completely derange
With her dainty hands bent in a tire- the wiole eye.= when entering It
tome crook, . through the memo surfaces. Sticb
How cite infinite it we never can articles should never be used except
on preeeriptione from reputable phy•
Melanie as the damage they will do
le ten folcl to the good you Den po10.
aibly derive from thous. Haire Ca.
tarrh Cure, manufactored by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., metaled no
mercury, and ta taken internally, act.
Ing directly upon the blued and mu,
cow; eurfacee of the syotem. In buy'
Ung Hall'. Catarrh Cure be sure you
get the peulne. It is taken Internal.
ly sod merle in Toledo, 0., by F. J.
Cawley & Co. Testimonial', free,
Bold by drugglorte, price 750 per hot
Hall's Paenity rais are the beet
What Ile Feured.
"What on earth *010 30(1 bringing all
those tuubreline In here for ? 1(111101
Mre. Vim Fashlon, net Nr. Van Omit
Ion puffed into their bedroom with en
enure' of rain Inteteeptore.
"Why, I thought that reception
was due twilight."
"Yee nod you are nfrodil the guests
will (nerd them, are yon 7"
'"Not nt all. I am nfraid they will
recognise them."
Minard'e Liniment Cnrre Diphtheria.
Miming the Bride.
The %hinge which um weak Mag. Ids father lwel often sell that 44:u Ben
i i dleinherit him. Tilfi next thing " Ma may I go out to May 7" , tlee of the pewee to Wee the brides
mantle here have epurned, Of het were ever found 'gambling, lie
No; you meet sit etilleWhere you _ whom he numb,. The eurtioee to a
Tile things. o'er which we grieved vfnu-1- '
with ituthee wet wax to find n woman. There wile no - tria.cHlambi: nethreztlist, faronitineebttavntoi niiiiinlet
Will flash before 1111 amid ilfe's dark diffiefelty In th1e, aa EMI la a Dile are."
little sum. So an old ling wax found l'nuee. they have ell the clierretion In the
forlimately for %titer Tom, the el'
before, the dale toilet."
No, I went you to Mt perfectly tirely remoted l'y the mai 1/1 Aliller's
Tliomi imeglitly pimples min lo (M -
AE Mare shine most el deeper tints rind duly Instructed In her duty, mid ii ela, my I go down into the
a day was appointed for the Job: 1 n- kitchen 7"
of blue ;
AP we Anil moo how all Colin pines
woolen fell III the day
And w• hat most seemed reproof Ives fixed, and, not liking to lose the nee, L.tritzei(el Iron PIlls. :if) dose.; In
love num true, money, slie sent lier grandelaughter to . i
" Ma, omelet I sit 00 the floor and
the home of Sir William Longman In
erne We shah Doe how, while we frown her stead. It wined rts if everything e
Pine marbles'?"
I have toll you twice that 1 want Tellers le the hooker.
GOd's plane go on as best for you and etend of calling hie brother, eir Wile quiet, and I mean exactly what I Nay ,, .)T. hoe II the Oilman Emperor etn.
and Mile WM1 going teeniest Tom that day. In- you to elt Jest where you are mid le:
II 11 1 1 I I t tl Ilbr r • end 1 I Ye glierlin titiler, he believes 0
' lying provinclala employment also. le
Me4- • RUSK
Helle when we ealledelie heedea not namely were they seated whim Mit, may I tow ?"-00iiiVed WP Ic• every important town there le a court
E toper, 731110 oreloslonally ham the honor
Ten much 01 wove, to craving baby. "Rarely you ere mistaken, , , cr°,01i1:1:11:card's Liniment ('11149(4 (target In
Me ; In a loud volee, when Mr. Longman OBEYED ORDERS.
ead e'en too prudent permits die was going to send her liumbaed the _
allow money that he owed lilm. ,, naid iteSryteerbeatromr:nitoeve:angoffotriitehisSciontpeteewa reice-
' hood, Tom, "what le the name of theme, entertained nt, a farewell supper by
now, Now the old woman, in the feverish top'," Raid the Hillman, after an A ColorAndoWle'rejrnin‘ereVcieeleir'gley.nuin ate
Mn end, perhaps, ho 14449 4)4044 fromus, 11011 who le In debt to your hueband?" Muer fellow workere in Dundee, "New,
P lig
ward, had gat the mimeo of the the fend ended 0119 of the remervists w,noonlini,eiesIvreaeli, throughon tb,eilepripereamtiliatwilhoe's eweetest things became It excitement ocoasloned by her illneee nppropr:nte speech, "treat whet is on
N emeth good. and by the dread of toeing lier re- the table ae you would tin Boere." Am
Aillt. j lengthened breaeh " Thomas Longman," anSWered the whiskey In hie po..ket. .. Min Vs that .tIll'elell 1-13'''Y sTahyeiren vc,". , a, nid weilitrnined wheigleoineti;
you WWI shortly know that brothers rn I red. wax observed ',towing away a bottle of
can mend , of that word waled 'Tom Longman's WO 111111111 k111 WO title primollere." exltd'elwiler7: C,Wripaill"'o'wilere Cure.
woman. "Do you think 1 don't know ye're Melee, t ' 011001141 that It ilr- •
fa ,not the sweetest gift nod eende
i Me friend, yam ? All if I hadn't seen you clown at Tani,
govn(I-1 itoniniiii3,,reioillyr.yll'i3Oolire:terrempilleel
Ant that sometimes the feeble loll
of death "Carey's WW1 one of the worst gam• telt us to treat the supper an 00
If ire eould push aJar the Elam of Wedding tinge are supposed lo be
The New Wedding Ring.
• • Collowaie the fairest boon Ale love Wing hello In London, and the mention would the Boers, atte. ye ken, whet
Otte ory, young woman was shown up. Ignoring 13,.
0 temp ng t Emperor with a mil-
eneame Hie wisdom to the end tould eir William altogether, she demanded,
1110, . : rho .
How much doe e he owe you?" asked ---
steered the woman. always the mune, be still the fashion
Arita, , ter William took out 1114 chequebook, Item they could truly pour our len.
be; of ebre altered lately among the
st brides are
Sir Vililant In a stern volee. IE DOLLS WERE REAL.
And Mane within, and all God's
end wrote a (einem for that amount. Emart peopli. The newe
"Two hundred and fifty pounds," am If dolls were real what fun 'twould
After handing It to the woman he A" Plat theLr plates at every meal,
If dolls were real. : tewasiiyirlitg plain gall ctrvlea which are
'working see,
flat not toelay. 'Then be oontent, mor
of euppremerl wrath, "You nre no ,t i
If doll.slvivekreneereal whet running i hie
They'd do. They'd dance and 1,,,,w glioltied anyn c.,enven onal wedding ring.
two-thircla narrower filar( those fo,rim;
worn- When worn it is ere I
We could Intexpret all thie doubt and
And for each mystery Iltel there n
hoore end neve An -.I k es and love, and spook and feffel Thew f i ( s' to concio:itys otfogtetvthoearepaamrat,e,
here the title, but never a penny of --.' h d each made in a apirril.
If:Er:ea:it yp,,r ,e
turned to lee eon, and enti, In a oloe
ten of mine. Leave this house in three , '
Toni knew it would be =dew to at f t ring wItheat visible
heart I
Ibis -will reveal the calyxes of tat of the jining of 4.014 into IO"ritle-,
. ' God's plena, like illies pure and , r relent. You may in-
*pert- ' j ! t This marriage ring le sym
my money tibial! you hate." Alt -wi eel!' ' be 'leiter, a grheat dealt, i
n pu on ose end a ts an. r ngie o n .
r white, unfold ;
'We Meet illot tear the clotte-shut leaves If dolls ware real.
Aed I:through' patient toll, we
lie I 1 • I i reinuire pliyEl ., 1.0:11
Id ;
empt eetelplIsh Iola innocence, noel ---
ADOG'S REVENGE. note go IIVe nu341111
so said nothing. Within two Ignore he
(149r11 Wry pie:leant
hail left the house never to return. Mr. Chart.% Rogers, of Ra yews of, 1,
Tien Inter he died a beggar. N. 1., owne 1 two doge -..a NewfoundGood -
h' 11 it
IberetIrel feet, with woodaho OBSOLETE WORDS IN t'fiE. land and a cur. Next door there was
Mae nett a mastiff. The roaetiff tore the New- The other da m
ay an with 1(11
ainili clearly know end tire ii Ae i e.„, 1,, foundland terribly, en terribly I hat Iriall brogue entrust n 1100/11 ligentli
nit , , 'wing u !world -hand he wa., 1,1; I ,,,, for sion ' iveelis, , i s .1 sleiP, " ,iirii O. 1,,,,tcr no ,.\11111itof
1""k"11"1' "'"' '',.' 4,.0007: 541,4 the writer in the New York Wort]. bur- with the words: "Situation In the
Anew the beet."
birtk elm' we Shall 511,1 , ' 1 iUll onkiiiin vw0iiikoinw.bnyoefuNTAiii.,,,,..on' 1 ,gag wpitahymen_ ing thin lime the cur acted Ile h111 Trnatnaali" Entering the Atop, the
friend on watch, giving ninny evi- man It"I` " ehure I've come about
you know the man woe, wrote "The deer= of tbe eelie.le of benevolenee %het situation per', advertislie "
u.s Worm Poe-
ts, take. Rescued Spaniards
Barcelona, Jan, 1 6. -The Spanieth
For Ilim. transatientle oteamer Ideon X111.1015
Llteroiry Snap Shots.
Caieulateene ,if the enormous for-
tune awaiting the 'ovular author of
the future atagger belief, but they
deem mound iialculatiorta, 01113 the Iii.s.
Tolley, for eveniple, pewee/. -toy
for a 1104el means a so le of :100,000
copies. When V. popubition haw
doubled, ouch n "hit," will ((1011(1 feet
000 copleo. But the growth of the,
rook•rending medic 4,1 Infinitely mare
rapid thnii the growth of ;tupelo thin.
hence by litre) 14 110001 Or thi' (MY
(4144114 enall?.• meet with a run of re, -
000 oVeri The roveltlea ef on either
troolil thee mount up to Indailins sans.
Jf your everyelay duties ard hur•
den, it im bernuni. you lire led '.0,144.
M.110eff CO171110111111 1'0 /11 I 111111 14111 cur-
reet Gee condition,
Commu in he Wrong Place.
A mieplaced remota lins got a
Greeley' county, barons, paper inton
Peek of teenier!. The Journal In mins.
(Ion recently published nit item In
W111011. the renewing Evidence oc•
eurred: "Two yeeng men from bent'
went with their girls to 'Cribune to
attend the teachers' inatitute MI
110011 110 they left, the girls got ihme,i,
The eommn belonged after the "girls"
kind the latter are Malting It hot for
the ellitur.
To Cure s Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
lets. All drugglete refund the money
lf it falls to aura 25c. E. W. Grove'.
signature Is on eaob box.
Cheaper Cure.
Dr. Squills-'hlow 14. roe eurr that
man of fits ?"
Dr. hail mithiter to do with
the eure He meted Into it flat, and
leer he Imsn't grit teem to have a fit.
\o worm inelletur 110141 NO 1(1:941')
11 Hera; Worm Pow term: no physi •
Winger Exerciser. peewee --IyIng with a elle et lee in lila soul which do not belong there. " What altuatkei do ynti Mean ?" lii•
'few elvers min be eirengtbened for cent becks, They were Needled in ,when the Newfoundland wee wee queried tile newn ngent. " This ie the
17,10, and the play% were
ployiss mualeal hiskrumente by a Col.
POP mu% exerciser, whIch has a etre It'offington, and Mr. earrick, end the cur friend rush &in the meter, " )n pinyed by again. MT. Rogers one day 11W him one," Raid the (nun, pointing to the
tie Trn.neviutl, Fin at-
' serhs ot spring -controlled cord* set and Mr. Sheridan, and 31r. eel Mn.
avenue. He followed. They attacked ter." "1'0011 I" replied the ngent.
al on the date of effete',"
Clbber. Of course. they are such Chis mestift, drigigng him to the East ' 'that
• trials, with at the lower
wpm el cankriaree 0+4,pee Milted, imeatural, bomhbastle, Inter. river, wbere the Newfoundland pull- " Begorra I" elixocRelatemmedtat:Ilman, I
mbiably talky play. t at a modern
rap tb•Appre•
uri aditusted in pod
andienee wouldn't et through the te,oes ikg Ions as he (the Newfound- sorra I'l) take it!"
ed him under the water and kept. Is:m don't rare iv 011;
et up at tette et the finger.
nrrived hero (row the 1 hulippina
to le 4011-1 11 f ureter Spanish prim -mere
r ce,
,*re un a lamentable plight. 'The town
nut hiorit(es awl Red Crone ngeni met
I hem and gnvr ilsei 301 n nee to Ihe suf-
Lininwut Cures liistemper.
A 1,Oaverred near Frenkfort or
lk Pewit -ire onto], minolociere and
nob'elees poWder. The Inlentor ((11(100
4)1 les powder poseessed ten tines' the
explosive and propelling fortm. of er-
dlnery amokelese powder. The teat
0034 not sattelactory.
ISSUE NO 4. 1900,.
Advice to
There are three great reme•
dies that every person with
weak lunes,or with Consume).
thin itself, should understand.
These remedies will cure
about every case in its fiist
stages ; and many of those
more advanced, It is only
the most advanced that ate
hopeless. Even these are
wonderfully relieved and life
itself greatly prolonged,
What are these remedies ?
Fresh air, proper food and
son woo
of Cod -Liver Oil with Ilypo-
phosphite:. Ile afraid of
draughts but not of fresh air.
Eat nutritious food and drink
plenty of milk. Do no' forget
that Scott's Emulsion is the
oldest, the must thoroughly
tested and the highest en-
dorsed of all remedies for
weak throats, weak lungs and
consumption in all its stages.
scorr `r;
(-A.,. 4,00o 1101,000 in London are ten-
antless bee:tune they 11 11'0 1/01111114rlY
1.111j11/1NOO1 to he haunted.
A fanner wanted who ba9 a large, Industrious
family, to work and moroge a large now,
stock fem. Thoroughbred Mock (011 11(1
furnished Ir 11 /1110101 Of (410 OrofItt toe party
who Is IilgI1 y recommended US 10 ability,
honesty, sobriety, etc, t'or particulars, stating
recommendations, eSperieniii, minalset end
&goof family, apply to E. Yeomans, Dryden,
A Dna farm 10 Niagara l'ownship, contain.
over Lae peach bees endorse 1,1103 other treas.
peer., Offing, cherries and quinees, 7 afire,
of wanes awl :I *AT,. of emelt Boils. Will
take $3,010 of the purview. money In welt
eiteeiee Teton'', or Hamill° 4 property. Aie
pi)? to T1101004 1911111.11, 4*') 1A1111'1110 Mired
mirth, liandl(cn.
England's Floes( 11 aror, est ea bellow ground.
very best rsaa :reel, fancy veined, cekulold
handl,. re44o1.10 once 443, our spechil price only
11.01. Tills razor will be sent to any (411,14.,.Commie. all postage pold, noon the receipt of
RIM. Fully weirented sod money refeedet
lf not salirtuetory. Address Stanley 310's &
Co, Resta. Hamilton, Ontario,
Neuralgia's Persistent Agony.
wait, if suffering winbut go
to the neareet drug store end
buy A battle of Poison's Nerviline. It
0411 elle you. Pain cannot stay where
it IR 'twit 114 Is ;11 till. tiling to hove
In the houso to meet a sudden attnek
of Nerviline eery.' neuralgia 13
five minutes; toothache Instantly :
any nerte pain hoot as quickly. Why
dew it do thls ? Bemuse It yenta itis
the most powerfal palti subduing 1.111 11
!Amoco known to tuedieni scienee. Try
it and be eeininced.
At the Work Basket.
"iffni alibi he sharp," maid the thread
to the 11111. 'bit 1 notice you are
ill way s getting it in the eye."
"oh, 1 don't know," anewered the
110.01110. "1 110tiee 411114 witenevie• yen
get 10 a hole 1 Imie to pull 0011
"II Uldi up, sal 11120," mild the thim-
ble, It wornet for my pusid neither
of you'd ever get Meng."
And the echoers chuckled, "Sew it
That terei fe ding will
your appetite will ineirove; your
iligeetion will la. iterfeet, If you will
Enke Miler% Competed Iron Fills.
Reform In England.
Meilen Wollhl lia ve been pleased
with the tlt It, of the "Church of
England Burial. Funeral lone Rearm,
11110 ii1401011 A10100111 1.1011•.' W11 1011. 114
AP 11 Mond meeting. has Immo, I
the follow.ingainitifeeto: "No dark.
ened 719 eutabie ne
/veiled neatening attire, no hrlekist
grave, 1111 unneceeeary oluitv,
avoidable expenee and no unusual
eating or drinking."
cure Iiiplitheria.
French Village.
cure Croup.
Cape Island.
1 know MINARD'.e LINIMENT lo the
beet remedy on earth.
Joseph A. Snow.
Norwity, Me.
Compressed Air Cars Withdrawn.
Compressed alr•cars have been with-
drawn from rervIce on the Leith eel
lied 29th etreet crosstown linos of th
eletripolitan Street Railway, owlwe to
their unpopularity- by moon of their
exonsolve vibration, nolee and the
greasy drippingo left on the =net,
Minitere Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
'lied stuffy Feeling.
Elrod Iloarderr:Don't you eliveys
have a stuffy feeling in VON 1101140'
Snead Boarder -Not when 11 O
to Of, dining, room.
When thildren lir., pi et init mid
reittleet at night till river:, '101
or two of Millerai Worm 1011'1101H.
Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup horrid al.
ways be used for Children Teel nIng, 41soothes
the child. softens the gums mires whirl cede
and 19 1110 hest remedy fur 1:1 'anima, Twenty -
eve cent, a bottle
For $1,00 icharteePaidi
Life Sized Crayon Portrait.
10001. '1'104 14 halt regi1104 once and Is mid.
tr:aPndet 1.$1 0511it0p
to tokenise not ROOtid. Address J. 11:.
SCHELL, UillOi1 Loan 1 Wilding, T1001110
street, Toronto.
and on way tenni; well improved,
with good enter and the bust soil cut
ollmate on earth,
Curtis, Neb,
Tito most wonderful effects produced by
In outing Sick Headaelle. I tilionsuess, Coaled
Tongue, NOrV011111111/111. 1 lisp0O01.11. Heartburn.
Liver and Kidney 'fruit ble, leo ninon Mein at
the hereto( all
75 Pins 1 e 1,0‘ centsat all Druggists, or
Milled by II, F. NH Purt. H100.0111.
WANTED- 04)1) 0111411111.1. ANI) LOOM,
ageols fur the Continental bife Insurance
Company: cholee ellatrict9 and liberal 000'
10,141, ohost men. Apply 21 King street
west, Toronto, (Int.
Relieve Coughs and Colds.
"Contain no opium, or anythlu NAM-
ous."--11e. A. A. BLVD, Chemist, Boston.
In bases only -Avoid imitate.=
Virginia Homes.
You warn all some Virginia lands. soil,
water, climate. tweeter*, products. fruits'
berriee, OW* of e attAmit. mettritter:88.9001,edlohl
reeding the VI ILO I i
for three inutile' eutecriptton to
--FARMER CO., Emporia, Vi
Sausage Casings
11n *41 Shoop and American Bog CalINEL-
nwlrd'rtt4111il,AiAt1 *100., Toronto
When cost of tuition, board, ele, suRe1122211/
of training, rapid progilure In studies, and like
Ilhood of get:Ing eituellon .iter griduMOOn
are considered, our college le the hest pima Is
C'enada for }on. Our Catalogue rives full
particulars. Write for one.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
, meaty 'MOW *o,( boun4 oto ‘000010. o
I paw sensation or /4,010011101ni, own110100101. 4016.
001111c, a v.0100110 trotioiry of 110,
11/01 .01 401004,4 0.0 10.o.o, to ...IA,
1010011'0N kllel' AKLANE. a woo . toonao, Ono.
yr, raz...j.CNTaleNCUvInsiBlorD.
1/3 No AO or nenionseess after first
nee. Send to 931 Aroh st
delphia. Pa., for treatise and roe 112 bottle
yer *ale by J, A. Herta 17110Notre Neat PP
Montreal, Qua,