HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-01-24, Page 5Xmas Holiday Trade i„Over A man In Beaton was fined $10'Gore, Sarnia, North Grimsby, Bin. and 110.80 cot the other day for I brook and Barton, The followlnR harboring and selling an estray cow townships have already committed without advertising her. Take themselves) --Monk, Clinton, Stem - warning and advertise estray stock I ford, Eupbemla, East Zurra, Reach, In Tint STANDARD, Gordon, Young and Ancestor. Mr J. S. McCannel), of Milton, was The old legal drm of Hon. J. T. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carrow and Mr. Wm. Proudfoot Ws tan hese well meed with Is Hamilton from Saturday tilt Monday. has been dissolved. Mr. ()arrow has tesew mows 114'7. s Mr. MoCannell is manager of the taken his son, Charles, into partner- ei ird.wp how h%r tdd Mondeoo Milton Pressed Brick Co. and was ship, and Mr. Prondfoot has formed uy oit irk w.usr towns here In the interests of his company, a partnership with Mr. R. C. Hays, a Rey. Father Dixon, of Kings- of Goderfeb, bridge, Ashfield township, died and. Oar old friend and townsman, Mr. denly Sunday morning' on his way Harry Jesup, of Melita, Manitoba, Call and See from his house to the church to say sends us the following i—Enclosed Bar•eine • mass' Dr. Caaridy, who attended find one dollar for Tnx STANDARD. theg him, says the immediate cause was 1 notice It still keeps well to the we offer heart trouble. front as a live progresMre weekly. Oar rte..irlas D.p,ttmert u sou During the past few days men We are having a beautiful winter 'twain. Lean yosr wort with so • and horses have been at work clear- so far, no blizzards or snow storms awe ad ywnMa wila largo l gwnt y of wood ing away the ruins of Blyth'a late yet. It Is 50 above zero today. Old tprtadirowNewY..rtoau, fire. Considerable excavating hes settlers say that this has been the also been done and everything islmildest *inter since 1878. Wishing befog got Into shape to rebuild early you the oomplimenis of the season. FRANK METCALF in the spring. Ata recent mewing the civic Mr. Peter Reid has resigned the board of control of Toronto refused 813' th. office of clerk of Kinloss, a position to endorse the proposed extension of which he has ably and honorably' the C.P.R. from Guelph to Goderieh filled for 43 years. Mr. Reid Is In on the grounds that the project was his 80th year, and perhaps the oldest In direct oppoeitfon to the Georgian township clerk in the Dominion. Bay, Tnronto Air Line to which the Throughout the 43 years he held city is committed, and farther that FIRE! FIRE! office he never mined a single meet- the C.P.R will n gaire a subsidy for ing of the council board. the work. Mayor Macdonald said Come with the crowds as we have Easter comes this year April 15th, he would support no project inVol- 11000 worth of Fine Boots and Shoes to and Lent commences February 28th. ving a subsidy, The Georgian Bay WI at bargain prices. They are mot, The date for Easter is unusually late line, it is held, should be a govern. lag out quickly, Our orders for new this year, and In fact is within one went work. Bees of up-to-date Footwear have been week of the latest possible date for The importance of thoroughly placed and in due time will be in stock. the feast. The setting of the date edvertiafng the goods they have to We law sow a complete stock of is by means of the Paschal moon, well is being recognised by mer• and on this account it is impossible chants and business mon more every FRESH GROCERIES for it to cone earlier than March 21st year. A few years ago, it was only or later than April 25th. necessary to use the newspapers on The nicest in town. The first annual banquet of the great occasions, but to do business iluron Old Boys' association will be now, to keep in the swim, to make Myth's Cheapest held in iierry Webb's dining hall, money, requires steady, persistent, MOMSTuckd°, on Friday evening, Febru. catchy advertisements, An insertion ary 13th. The warden of Huron once a month will no longer do. A county, the newspaper men of the man must keep his name and haat- comity, and the members of both nese before the people or be wilt be heuses of parliament for the county forgotten. will be invited. An active commit. Itev, T. E. Roy, missionary agent TOWN TOPICS. tee is at work, nod no doubt the of the Diocese of Hurum, occupied affair will be a grand sateen. the pulpit in Tri ilty church on Mrs, $hang 1. 71,,iting in Bei. The Egmondville Presbyterian Sunday morning last and made a crave: congregation Is enabled to start the strong appeal for help to liquidate Mies Mabel Jameson 1s visiting year 1900 with a clean sheet, so fur the debt now resting upon the dio• with friends at Exeter. as debt is concerned. The pastor cese. He is at present engaged Mr. Alex. McKellar was in Sarnia did not take Ws usual summer holt- canvassing the county of Huron for for a couple of days lust week. days, but directed that the amount snbecripttons towards this debt and The recent mild weather has necessary to provide pulpit supply has so far met with gratifying made the sleighing very poor. for the holidays be devoted, along success. The amount so fir sub - Mia Lorena Bradwin is visiting with other subscriptions, to wipe off set died to wipe off this debt by the her grand -parents at Goderieh. the debt. This was done, and the members of the church in the diocese Mr. Wm. Sims is confined to his debt cleared off, stands at over $22,000. home with an attack of lumbago. Mr. A. W. Campbell, the Ontario The first carnival of the season In Mr. and Mrs. S. Gracey, of Wing- (loud Roads' Instructor, has con. Blyth rink was held oa Wednesday hem, were Blyth visitors on Sunday. eluded, from returns received, that night of Inst week, There was a Mr. Robert McKim, ex M.P.p the people of Ontnrio are pretty very largo crowd in attendance, stolid' of Wellington c may, le generally tired of the statute labor litany coating froiu Clinton, Goderich dead. at stets. Condemnations of the sys and Wingltanl. The prize winners The Meth.alist century fund tent have come in from 140 different were :—Best lady skater in costume, amounts to $590,000, and is still returns. Many towes and townships Miss Katie Kelly best gent skater growing are treii re to vote upon the question, in costume, lir. Rubort Carter; best Misr Maud Fleuty, of Wingham, including the following:—Ori) cote*akuter, Mr. Wm. Gibbs, jr.; was a Hlyth tinitur for u few days Nelson, Dawn, Rerun, Brant, '$'r beat lady and .gent ekatera, Miss ebb week. mann!, Albermarle, [Capone, Turn- GordisShane and Mr. Robert Csrter. Miss Miller, of Wroxeter, was a berry, F:dwardabnrg and South Nor- Manager Bond is greatly pleased guest at the residence of Mr. John wick, The following have abolished with the success that attended hie Moffat this week. the statute lebor system entirely : — that carnival and purposes giving Reeve Carter left yeeterday on a North Monaghan, Saltfleet, Toronto another one soon. month's trip to fwd::ess centres in the United States. It is reported that Mr. James Lcgau bas purchased Tsetse's brick. yard near Goderieh, Mr. James Gilcluugh has sold 43 acres in Grey township, near Wal- ton, to Mr. Wm. Barrett. Wroxeter is lightest with electric lights -16 street lamps and huodreda Mt the stores and dwellings. Dr. Rollins, of Exeter, was elected wattles of Huron county at Tuesday's swift of the county council. Mies Allie Emigh and Mise Lena Walton, of Goderieh, were Blyth vWters during the past week. Mn. E. J. Manner and baby, of Winghsm, were visiting Mrs. Me• Mlroy br a few days this week. Meaty. A, Robinson and W. W. Taman made a badness trip to the aunty town one lay last week. Mr. Joseph &others has his new OM completed and will be ready for badness in his new stand on Friday. Mn. Bawdon, of Strathroy, and Mn, Smith and two children, of Broadview, Manitoba, are visiting Mrs. Herrington. Mies Baker, head milliner with Meson. McKinnon A Co., on Friday went to her home in Walkerton, Whorish* will spend the vacation. Messrs. Heffron Bros. purchased the betchering husinese of Mr. James Coming on Saturday and on Mouthy moved to the stand occupied by Ur. tgtmleg. Miss Sadie Wright, who was the guest of friends In Blyth and vicin- ity for the put month, returned to her home in London on Tuesday afternoon. lir. A. Tipling, DD.G.M., of'Dress Goods for January *WOW, was In town on Wednes• day and eaeceeded in organizing a Dress Goods buyers will save some money here in January. There lodge of the Independent Order of is many a line of seasonable and attractive dress etnffs that we would like Odd Fellows. ' to see the lass of them before the month is out. Here are some of them :— The London Free Press of Wed. Drees Goode at 10c. Some Lines for January et 25e, aestay had Aba following:—Mr. New Fancy Plaid Drees Goods, aft -inch hea' yTweed Suitinge, small %arise E. Tanner, formerly of the bright checks, small patterns, suitable checks, dark colors, splendid materiel MMlyth banking firm, was in the city for children's wear, 86 inches wide, to wear, regular 85c, for Januar sell• yesterday on business. regular 15e to 16e, January price toe. in 25c, y Drees Goode at 15c.Myrtle Mr, W. J. 1'relaven hal been wool ile), brown, fine quality, all of iukttsd treaauraj of Ashfield in Heavy Tweed Suiting', 86 inclsw bright finish, regular 50c, place of Mr. Robert Harrison, who wide, warm Leavy, herviceebis mater• for January selling 25c, tela, regular 25c, January price 15c. 10 only fine Dress Coe!umea no two resigned the office owing , 0 is Tweed Skirts at $8.25. alike, very fine gouda, all dark color- -absenee from the township' Three onlyTweed Skirt ends, up -to- ings, regular 50c and Elk, 6 and 7 yards The adjourned mad meeting of date goods,Suet the thing for winter In an end, for January selling 2tic, the members of Blyth public library wear, reguar $6, January $8.25, Tweed Costumes at $8.75. will be held at the library on Friday Drew Goods at 50o. A Very Special Bargain. evening of this week. Alt members 54 -Inch Tweed Dose Goode, Suitable Extra rood quslty'l'weed Suit Ends, are earnestly requested to attend. for suits or skirts, a few fade uniy, no two aline, will make nobby and ser - Yr. T. W. Scott hu purehared curd $R, for aece rytselling 500regular 9.k viceach for January regular 86 18.7and $8,50 from Mr. Alex. Elder the lot o4 Qum street on which stood Mr. ry store that was de- E3)1)(3ENBROS. AM* by Are two weeks ago. The pries paid was $660, Mr. Seott will area a brick store in the spring that trill In every way be up-to-date. FIRE! Te W. SCOTT January.. Bu flOSB 1 We are looking for a big January turn -over. With the three coldest months of winter yet to come there is bound to be a big demand for heavy goods. Stocks all over the store are ready for all demands that may be made upon them, and there will be many a bargain for careful shoppers in winter stuffs that we wait/ moved out before the stocktaking. You'll get your money's worth and more buying any of these : Mantles for January We have sold more Mantlell this season than ever before, It will pay es better to sell what we have in stock n ow even at a loss than to carry them Into next season. That's why we are quoting prices like the follow. ing for January. Mantles at 42.50, that were 14 and 15. and nigggerheadn, serviceable materials, The balance of our Ladies' Mantles small sleeves, 28 and 24 inches long, that were $125 to $6, stylish, up -to- linea that sold at 18 and $7, for Jan - date designs, in beaver and rough nary selling 18.50. cloth, some with- fancy lining, pearl Mantles at $5. and ivory buttons, your choice of the lot at $2.60. Extra fine qualities, nearly all beau Mantles at $8.60, instead o/ $6 and $7. ere some silk lined, not one of the lot but sold at $7.60 or over some as high Ladies' fine Mantles, in black friezes aa $11, for January selling 15. DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTON. War! War! War! ON HIGH PRICES IN CLOTHING,Ka,- Gibe'ie•iv'••re Our man-of-war has bom- barded the citidal of high prices in Clothing and it has capitulated. Ready -to -Wear ate our M$7.en's OVERCOATS, worth $9 See our Men's SUITS, worth $10 for $8 See our Men's UNDERWEAR, worth $1,50 for $1. Made -to -Order OVERCOATS, worth 814 for $t2. SUIPS, from e12 to $22. R. McCOMMINS TAILOR AND CLOTHIER Bly-th From the Goderich Star we take the following :—The refugee Link - Teter, whose defiance of the law was so noticeable a feature of the West Huron election ease, has ventured to return. He was in Goderich last week, say those who know him, and as a Carlow correspondent reports in another column, he Is visiting friends out.. there. Mr. Linklater can afford to laugh at the law—it will leave him severely alone, not• withstanding the promisee of Ross that electoral purity would be main. rained. The new Toronto directory shows that the city daring the pant year has increased in poputntton by 16,500, and titers are now 261,087 people in the city. There aro this year 149 lees vacant stores and offices and 432 houses than last. In 1899 the number of un -occupied stores and offices was 461, and the number of houses 1,687. Consider- ing that an unusually large number of houses and buildings were built during 1899, and very few io the preceding year, this is further proof that the city ie going ahead rapidly. Vice-president Carter of the Morrie Branch Agricultural society has set a good example for his brother directors of the 'moiety to follow, At the beginning of the present year he commenced canvassing for new members, the result beteg that, up to the present, he hat added 102 nante0. This ie an unee'Icut show• ing,. and one well worthy of repiti• Bon by every director. Wont 8 targe membership roll the II.B.A.S, would have if each director would get to work and secure 102 names Came, gentlemen, can 0 nut be done? Within the year tho beautiful love story of Mr. and Mrs. Browning has become public property and en- deared these two poets to all who believe in the uplifting power of hutnan affection, America, too, has ' had in the literary world a similarly beautiful story, of which but little is known and practically nothing has been published. The lite of Nadi - lintel Hawthorne and his wife was most pure and devoted In all Its relations. This hitherto unpublished romance is delicately treated in the February number of the Delineator, under the title "A Romancer's Love Story." WOMEN AND MISSIONS. The annual meeting of she Huron Presbyterial Women's Missionary society was held at Bengali on Tiles day of last week. There was a good attendance of representatives from the various auxiliaries under the juriadietiou of this society. Mrs, Hamilton, of Goderich, the president, presided, and delis). ered an excellent and interest Ing opening addrese, in which she reviewed the work of the society fur the past year, The secretary, Mrs. R. Irwin, of Clinton, and the treas- urer, Mn. A. Scott, of Seaforth, also 'gave very full and interesting re- ports. These reports showed that a god work had bten done along all lines during the year. The 16 aunheries, embraced within the asseciatlen, had raised $1,830.12 ; 11 mission bands, $320.44, and which, with $50 from the expense fund, made the total collection fur the year $1,708.06. The following are the 'amounts collected by the several auxiliaries : Blake, $24.08 ; Blyth, $81,68 ; Brucefleid, $118.25 ; Clin- ton, $159; Egmondville, $189.50; Guderich, 161.50; Goderlch town- ship, 120.60 ; Henson, $152 ; Kirk - ton, $53.44 ; Leeburn, $23 ; Londe. - bore and Burn.' church, $83.16 ; Manchester, $17.70 ; Seaford), $264.- 30; Smith's Hill, $27.80; Thames Road, $96.50 ; Varna, $4.90. Eg- mondville auxiliary has the honor of giving the largest amount per mem- ber in the Presbytery. The fellow. Ing amounts were contributed by the several mission bands : Bayfield, $6 ; Bracefleld, $23.63 ; Clinton, $88 ; Exeter, $42 ; Goderich, $76.87 ; Hen. sail, $30.04 ; Ktppen, $60 ; Seaforth, $2410.); Thames Road, $28.10 ; Varna, $8.90. During the meeting Mrs. Gould delivered a very Inter- esting address descriptive of their wcrk and the condition of the cause in Formosa, Japan. Mrs. S. Dickson, of Seaforth, and Miss Graham, of Egmondville, read excellent papers on missionary work. A public meeting, under the aus• piece of the society, was held In the ebureb in the evening, The attend- ance was large and the program excellent. Addresses were delivered by Rev, Mr. Bawer', of Bracefleld, and Rev, Mr. Grant, of Si, Marys, and musical selections by Mrs. George Baldwin, of Seaforth, and the Hensall male quartette club. All the meeting, were held in Car- mel church, and the delegates were meet hospitably and kindly enter. tabled by the ladles of that congre- cation. The meeting throughout was one of the best and most pleasant held by tate society. The meeting next year will be held in Seaforth. A NEW NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY FOR 1900. We have received from the pub - Rebel's, the Central Press Agency, of Toronto, a copy of their directory of Canadian newspapers for 1900. This 1. the first issste of such a three - wry by the company referred to, and it is very creditable to their diligence and enterprise. The ob. taining of information for such a work means a lot of energy and patience, and the book, carefully compiled as it appear. to be, cannot fail to be a most useful work of reference to ad vertisere and all who wish to obtain information respect. ing the publications of Canada and Newfoundland. In addition to de- tailed descriptions of all petiodicais and the places where issued, there are lists by counties, classified lists under all heads, eta, besides sam- rnery of the postage law, customs rates on printers' material and other useful information. The book is well arranged and printed and does credit to the publishers. PRESBYTERY OF HURON. This Presbytery met in Hensed on the 16th Inst. Mr. Corriere was appointed moderator for the ensuing •eix months. Sesalon records were examined and attested. A commit- tee consisting of Messrs. Musgrave, Sawers and Shaw was appointed to visit the following congregations with the view of rearranging the field In order to lessen the amount received by the Presbytery from the augmentation fund, viz: Leoburn, Goderich township, Union church, Bethany, Bayfield, Varna, Blake, Hills Green, Ktppen and Chiselhurst. The annual report of the Women's Presbyterial society of Foreign Mis- sions was submitted, showing that the society is In a flourishing con- dition, Tho amount raised during the past year was $1,658. Rev. A. Grant, M.A., of St. Marys, is appoint- ed by the Assembly's Century Fund committee, to visit this Presbytery itt the tuterests of said fund, and the following scheme was adopted for h s visitation of congregations : Jan- uary 28, Ktppen a.m., Hills Green p.m., Mansell evening; January 29- 30, for cummlttee and canvass work; February 1, Grand Bend and Cor• lent; February 4, Thames Road a.m., Kirktott p,m„ Exeter evening; February 5.7, committee and can- vass work, Including Chieeihurst; February 8, Varna availing ; Febru- ary 9, Blake evening; February 11, Hulled a.m., Londesboro p.m„ Blyth evening; February 12.13, commit- tee and canvass work; February 14, Bayfield evening; February 15, Bethany pm., Union church even- ing ; February 18, Brimfield a.m., Clinton evening; February 19.20, committee and canvass work; Feb- ruary 21, Manchester evening ; Feb. rnary 22, Smith's Hill p.m , Leeburn evening; February 25, Soafofth a.m., Winthrop p.m., Egmondville evening; February 26-28, committee and canvass work, including Mc- - Kliiop. MARRIAGES IN ONTARIO. - In 1898 fie Mal number of mar - riages solemnized in Ontario Was 15,293, an increase of 381 over 1897. In Toronto there were 1696 mar• rlages, an increase of 195 over.1897. Mere Methodists married than any other denomination. There were 10,382 Meths -dolt marriages, 6400' Presbyterian, 4902 Anglican, 4657 Roman Catholic, and 1908 Baptists. WANTlD.—Choice Roll Butter 22e. ; Mao Raw Furs No.1 Prime Fox $4.50. Aad just a few words as to the pedlars l ve. your general merchant. Your mer- chant handles for you Butter, F:gge, Dried Apples, Dried Pork, Beans, Tal- low, Feathers, eta, the year round. In the spring out sallies the egg pedlar and tea puller. He knows you nott the rest of the year. Re would not dirty his hands with your Butter, Fallow, Pork, etc. Now I appeal to you far - snare al a fair and impartial jury. Doha Mr. Pedlar merit any considera- tion? Did you, ever see a tea pedlar who ever t,ffered to sell you sugar enough to last out the tea, Much leas take YOUR TRADE for Me TRADta. G. E. KIND, Wiughum. tale Ri gieter. Monday, January 29'h. Lot 2, con. 11, I%ullett. Farm stock and imple- manta. Joseph H. Wheatley, propri- etor. C. Hamilton and T. Brown, auotioueers. O. F. BLAIR. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. (office in the McKinnon & Co. $lyth. BILL of FARE 4 -THIS WEEK -.o Extract Lenton and Vanilla, per bottle 5c, 10c, 15c, 25o and 35e, Gold Medal Baking Powder, 10e etze for he. Forest City Baking Powder, 11 pound sealers, specie' 20e. Good Rea elitism, 2 tins for 25e. 10 ban Soup, 5e size, for 25c. Good Toilet Soap, per,eake 1c. Laundry Starch, in )sound packages, worth 10e for 7c. Good Corn Starch, hn packages, 5c. Choice Mixed Pickles, In bottles, 121c. Eddy's Matches, per box 10e. Good Japan Tea, 20e per pound or 3 pounds for 50e. Choice Japan Tea, our own importation, worth SOe fur 25e, Blue Ribbon Tea, black and mixed, 25e, 40e, 60c and GOe. Si,ladu Ceylon Ten, black and mixed, 26c, 40e and 50e. Recleaned Carmine, in 3 -pound boxes, very special 25c. Choke Selected Valencia Ridable, 3 pounds tor 25c. Crosse & Blackwell's best Lemurs Peel, per pound 20c, Women's Wearing Shoes, now worth 11.25, for 11. Men's Heavy Shoes, extension soles, special $1.50. Men's Heavy Rubbers, 2 bucklea, tdgh cut, close fitting $1.50. Men's Heavy Socks, at 40c, 60c, 7bc and $1.25. Men's Leggtnga, at 11.25, $1.50 and $1.85. Ladies' Fine Dongola Shore, at $1.25, $1.50 and 11.75. lien's Fine Dongola Shoes, at $1.50, $2 and $2.50. New Pnints, fast colon, worth 10e for ne. Men's Heavy Ribbed and Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, 25e, 40c and 50e. Men's Top Shirts, made of windproof moleskin, very special 50e. Men's Heavy Wool Backe, ribbed tops, worth 18c, 2 pair for 25e. Men's Fine Dogskhn Coats, worth $20 for $16.95. Ladies' Astrachan Jeckete, worth $25 for $21. Ladles' Astrachan Jackets, worth $35 for 129.95. CASH AND ONE PRICE McKinnon & Co. 3313 th. MICXXXXXXXXXA GEORGE POWELL GRAIN, PROVISION AND FRUIT DEALER One Car of Feed Corn to Hand. GEORGE POWELL BLYTH A Jai Pi LOCI- TJ SANDY, THE NATTER; DONALD, TME SHOEMAEEN. Sandy goes to buy a pair of boots from Donald—enters shop : —" Mornin', Donald, hoo much wad ye be wanting the noo for a guid pair o' boots?" "Four dollars," says Donald. "Roots, man! that is far too mnckle. 1 has been read in' some n' the politi- cal speeches lately in which they lay it doon as a first principle that the great end o' al. things is to hue low prices for the con- sumer, ye ken ; and as 1 am the consumer itt this case I think three dollars wad be a fair price." " Weel, then, °andy," says Donald, "suppose ye are the consumer in this case—still I must live and hoe a fair price for a gu:d article. I was thinkiit' o' bu'yiat' me a new hat. It is a tang time sinee I had the fast free you, and I paid you four dollars for't. I will allow it was a guid hat --but as I am the consumer in this case, well you make one the same as last for three dollars?" "Awes), Donald, that is no the same." "No, Sandy, maybe n , ; but you see whiles a man is a consumer and whiles he is a pioducer—so hoo does your theory work if it will na go both ways?" "Aweel, Donald, I did not think et in that way before." " Nae," says Donald, " an that's where they glib tongue chaps inak Tulle o' themselves. Every man is a consumer—and every man that works ip a producer; so it's only they idle fellows that do naething who are consumers only—and the world would nu be the worse if they were starved oot." "Aweel, Donald, ye are richt, I'll cul your boots at four dollars and ye'li talc a bat free me at the sante price—and we will batch live and let live, and ba content. I'm right glad, Sandy, that you hen taken that view—we're a' dependent ane o' tis' ither, and live by ane another's wants. Guid employment, guid wages and guid prices mean guid times for us all," ME DOST SAI MUCH, BUT THIS IS A LOUD TALKER. S. HERRINGTON, BLYTH 1000 HOUSEKEEPERS WANTED To call and insp;vect our large ri cul l iilre. cosk of well wlected........ We offer epoeial hargains ;n Tables, Sideboards and Bedroom Sete. We carry a large stock of w ;„‘;,,w shades,'l'apettry, Curtains and 'fable Come, We chow the,ewe.t styles in Picture Fraes. W. aN/ ih. Maw William. Jawing Megkeinms, kilt to last a lifetime. Division Court Clerk's office, Blyth, J. H. CHELLEW, - BLYTH. every Monday from t0 a.m, to 4 p.m. Permanent °face at Brussels. _ -- — — IT 15 HUMAN NATURE Lumber for Sale. TIMBER WHIM The eyes that see the ad. in TRF STANIARP will look for the goods in the shop where the bargains are to be found. THOUSANDS OF EYES Scan Tut STANDARD Every week. le Your Ad. There ? A quantity of second-hand >trya 1=61a, nit, perfectly sound and free from nail.; also other kinds of second-hand lumber .and timber; It few common and bre brick, all for sale cheap at tho Salt Works, Blyth. Farmers and others who ere building or repairing would do well to see what we Lava. Apply to N. H. YOUNG lfihie BLYTH White Ash Saw= e and hock Elm 1 will pity the highest price in eash on delivery 1,.r Hot Rack Ehh Boli. 441 Moira long. I will take bolts as small as four niche* itt diameter. Ash Lege will be token any length cud as small as oix ineI os in diameter. Auv person /IS i r thio small tlullercan da web wi h it here. Call and sea E. Liv- ingston and get full particulars. le K. LIVINGSTON, Myth