HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-01-24, Page 4the fluth Otanbavls. a oun ti of Dr, Rowe Ar frees amounting to 162,60 (Intl otter kow A. E. BRADWIN, puBLIsHER• lost alerting), for ettendalree on child of John W. Rodgers was again vriiia BLYTtI STANDARD, published every brought up and discussed, Moved Does your Watch need clean- !'htweday'Morning. is a live Deal news- by Mr. Corr, reconded by Mr. Me. ing or repairing? slid has a large oirculation is Gillum, that $20 be paid on this ly mpl1dsurrounding country, making neeount, and this amount to bo eon. If so it will pay you to take it to a tea ai4eMe advertising medium. Sub eeriptionrice to any part of Canada or I entered as Nnul, eo far as this Connell practical watchmaker in order to have tate United States only One Dollar per la concerned, -Carried. Petition of it well re aired. All work entrusted ennui's in advance; e1,60 will be charged Wna, Weber end 22 other reteparere to me will be attended to in the moat 11 not so paid, Advertising raw on .f Ee ti and et il'awanosh and Hullett wee skilful eternise.eternise.age• •J n naay ob Printi a ti n. left o tt received stating that they were Steeply executed. Correspondence of a n oway nature respectfully solicited, desirous of having a now echool eee• tion formed from lots 1n Emit We• THURSDAY, JANUARY ee, talo, Wantah and Rniiett between Blyth end Auburn on wathern gravel Westfield. road. On motion of Mr. Carr, sec - A nest Ws DEAD1I,-Thor° pass; ended by Air. McCallum, W'm. Clegg, Aid peacefully away on the l0th of Wiughanl, was appointed nrhi• loaf,, tet the resideue° of her eon in• orator on behalf of the township of law, L [I. Gi«+ver, an old and re. E'er 4Vewenesh in this matter,- spatted member of tile community carried. Debentures were issued in the person of ER11110he I\ 1C11001, f„r payment off the following ao• wife tlf Hiram Cutupbeil. The de counts: -P, Porterfield, clerk, 180; reused was burn in Tonawanda, do,, postage and stationery, $4.85; New York, February loth, 18.23,1 do,, expenses of last munielpel elec. and dupe to Canada when about two tion, 831 ; U. 11, Nora, lt.D„ Auburn, veArs ot age, and with them settled i account for attendance nn John, W. in the township of Whitby. In 1844 gars' child, 820; J. Boas Robert - she was united in marriage to her sou, Toronto, aid to hospital for sick now sorrowing hushnad, and lived children, $5; P. Anderson, treasurer, In the aforesaid township until 1870, making out financial statement for when they with their family re- 1899, $5, The council then ad• moved to the 12th can. of liuilett, journal till Thursday, February 8th where they lived for six years, next, afterwards coming to the township MONIII0p. of sats Wawauosh, where the de.' Ceurtele MaETINa, - The first Ceased agent the remaining years of meeting of the newly elected court- .* life. Converted at 20 years of ell of McKillop was hold at Jones' axe she joined the Methodist church, hall, Leadhury, on Monday of last of which she remamod a consistent week. All the members were pre. member until tie come of life, $ho sent and subscribed the necessary leaves to mourn her departure a nor- oaths of qualllcetion. All the old rowing husband, three eons and five officers were re -appointed at their daughters, besides numerous grand- farmer salaries, and a bylaw con• children and great grand children. firming their appointment pawed. The eons are Wru. ttnd Newton on Accounts for vnriens purples, and a the homestead, and James, a doctor grant to the Sick Children's hospital, Ai&bawing, Michigan. The daugh-' Toronto, were passed, amounting in tees areMre. Dr. Hateltam, of all to $864.28. The clerk was blax►i Mrs. John Hiles, ot• Khtcer•'authorized to advertise for elm and Mimi Airs. D. Rogerson, of James. sown, N.T.; Mrs. Henry Hoover, ,+ak plank for bridge covering, and of also f!'r tenders fur abutments for $ass' \Yewanoeh, and Mrs. W. H, two bridges on the north road, to be Carr, of Kirkton. The funeral Was either of stone or concrete. The largely attended. A memorial sere Cannell meets again on Monday, vice was hold in Westfield church February 124h, at two o'clock at on Sunday afternoon, 14th inst. Leathery. As en evidence of the Mullett. township ttnencfal standing of the township we may mention that the A Naw Busueraa.-Mr. Joseph H. finance minister has $2,000 to loan Wheatley haehig leased his farm on on mortgages at five per cent. the 18th Conceseton to his neighbor, Mr. George Paterson, intends occur True Segment of Shakespeare. We also carry a complete and up-to- date line ot- Jewelry Watches Clocks Stationery School Supplies We will sell goods at the low• est possible prices. H. C. SMITH Blyth ,ticking out their tongues, while Will had trouble even In getting the newspapers to take hie pieces at half price. He wrote s good deal before he could get a publisher, as everybody wee busy talking about the man with the hoe and " David Karam." Trilby had had its run and was forgotten, like all literature that folks go crazy over for two weeks, and then begin to look around for something also, He had a great command of Ian. gunge, William had, and a goat many of his witty sayings are quoted to this day by people who do not know whether Shakespeare wrote Hamlet or the touching story of " Blnebeard." Many affect familiar. It•y with his work who really do not know but what he 1s the man who struck Billy Patterson, Some people objected to some of hes pieces that he wrote for the paper,, and the W.C.T.U. of Phyla. delphia, stopped the papers that ran his gat It is a remarkable thing how the circulation of those paper's immediately Increased. more sense of the propriety of steal. Ing things than ware of his net'ghbtlh seemed to have. Probably one of the most noted marriage guides ever written was got out by Shakespeare and publish- ed by "Heart and Hand." It Wa8 called "The Taming of the Shrew " or " How One Word Led to Another." It h..i"a large sale and probably would still he largely read If it bad not been for the appearance of " David Harum " and hie dog that was full of fleas. Sarah Bernhardt got him to write a play for her, entitled " Hamlet With Hamlet Left Out," and it had a great run. It might have done better still if some dispute bad, not risen as to whether Hamlet was fat or lean, but when it was discovered that the controversy arose between the authors of a new kind of baby feed, folks lost interest, and the obesity or attenuation of the "Mel- anehol•y Dane " didn't "cat no ice," as Shakespeare himself would say when he was feeling first-rate. When he wrote "The Merry Wives of Windsor "or "How to Live on Six Bite a Week," It created quite a sensation, almost as greet and poignant as the seven days' excite- ment produced by Trilby; but In the words of Artemns Ward, how many wives did Mr. Windsor have? The piece defeated Shakespeare for congress because the people were oppoeed to Mormonism, They said, nation and made a rousing 1 alf leoar we are already paying $5000 a year -speech. He was followed by Mr. for work that we could have done a good deal cheaper, Congressmen say they can scarcely snake bot:: ends meet, so what will they do if' The con tension 11118 one of the we elect all of Mr. Windsor's wives largest and most enthusiastic ever to go to congress and hold over the held In Etta 'Huron, lied Mr. Dickin- reet due? ,eon, who was d,4ented by Dr. Mae - The beet piece Shakes ever wrote donald in 1896 by a majority of 160, tor the papers was "The Merehent intends putting up a rousing fight of Venice," It was ran in the form • when the next election to held, of a gavial story and caused a great, sensation at the time it came out. i What BLYTH MARKETS. Ot 68 Barley 88 40 Pees 68 66 Oats 24 26 Eggs per doe 16 Butter . f7 Potatoes per bush 90 Hides per ib 7 Hay per ton 600 Lard per lb 8 Pork 600 Flour 1 86 Wood Wool 18 per Cord 1 600 16 18 28 8 700 11 600 200 1 76 18 Dlokinson the Candidate. ANNUAL MAIRTINo or auhusoe eoa- eaavATIeas-Naw OMiloaRA, A Conservative co,rentfon to se- lect a candidate to contest East Huron was held at Brussels last Friday afternoon. Two hundred end flfty delegates were present, representing every part of the rid- ing. Officers of the auociatlon were elected as follows :-James Irwin, preeldent; James J. Bowman, vice. president; W. Y Vanstene, secre- tary; Wm. Smith, treasurer, Steps were taken to thoroughly organize 'the riding tor the next election. Nominations were then celled for 'a candidate to Contest the next election for the House ot Commons, and Mr. E. L. Dickinson, barrister, of Wingiham, wee the unanimous choice of the convention, signified by a standing vute. Mr, Dickinson accepted the nomi- John George, of Port Elgin, with one 'of the best campaign speeches ever listened to in East Huron, The Credits. It proved so popular that several VANNORMAN.-Tn Blyth, on December immediately elsimed the authorship. = stet, the wife of Mr, Frank Van - They caused as much speculation Rei Norman, of a daughter, to the authorship as did the question, , -. _. who wrote "Beautiful Snow" and the letters of "Junius?" The man MSSS Ian NOM who held nut the longest in thisiTEIACMER OF MUSIC absurd claim, however, was a fellow , Ili P.epa>d t" take s Il ufted ngmber of paa1la by the name of Bacon, lie not milt ; n l,aen or ora.", Apla, sr W. Emiag', claimed authorship, ort he hired a Hll u,,o„ Wedue.dey or lhunde oe boa ,n, P 01 ton P.0. 1 arms van• per.na man by the name of Ignatius Dun Pupas also taten in $looutloa ton Physical nelly to write pieces for the papers,c,rlwrs. w in au attest to prove that he was the ' Lost. pying his property at Rurloek 1 d man who shot cock robin, I- t BY TAB BOYAR. Ho WAS a sarcastic cuss end he Up to the hour of gout to re9s, ; Rest) ver Inst inOsrlr!ntty et q•,esn sad corners, where he has erected a nes. if P n. u.lev atresia tel the Flutter wdl en .netahh More and blacksmith shop. He What this country needs above usually expressed his opinions rather however, there hove been no menu- n®oe.r Reshot the same at Tau Sue 91St 'wads opening out a general store all, besides a new policy with the freely. One day, after he had moots erected to the alleged nut Imre, an ruing the blacksmith shop, Sultan of Sulu, and more statesmen listened to a long-winded lawyer ured the eerslees of a like "Hanky Dink" and "Bath making an argument before a jury, t ,btmksmith. Ho expecte House John," te a new and accurate he remarked to the editor of one of W ,tutted 1„ his new business history of the late lamented Wm• the county papers that "lh•evity is qtly next month. This is the Shakespeare. the soul of wit." It came out in the centre of one of the hest sections In He le reported to have been one paper the next week, end folks felt Osnads, and Mr. •Wheatley'sbusiness of the greatest writers of ole day, 1real proud of the editor of their will be a great convenience to the and yet John D. Rockefeller or Wm, ; favorite family paper. The oppo people of the district, dud he should H. Vanderbilt could write things a action paper got onto the facts in the do well In his new enterprise, good deal more valuable. Either of ease, and remarked quietly the CHURCH MEETING. -The annual them Could write a cheek before following week that lie, also, could meeting of Burns' church, Hallett, breakfast for a million, without !say smart things if he didn't have amlua 1 and among them Sue was bold on the afternoon of Wed- _-_.• who couldn't tell whether •Messrs. Salkeld Bron. will hold a pub- thousandsneday, the 10th Inst with the while 0.016811de visit the tomb of tee+ Farm to Let. immortal Shakespeare every year.. !elev. to m to 1st res.nnnb'v; tl,r-n wiles What n melenelloly but true pleasure - ft',;.", „Mee *Lire two bons.-.; tw ,bsrua, roomette? te, Anp}, lie.QMt im m.• moot. ally be made or it would be 10 visit the inlays of 1 etIowel for. Aisle In T, 1 C"LLa., birth PAL, some of the present day writers. ; or to c Rau Lr.a, n ytb r O. tsar Shakespeare 1s mimed wrong mire i than any other writer who evr•1•i AUCTION SALE lived. And he is binned fur saying, ( SALE Inure things that he never auto , V.• --'--01 the heard Bib n than any other book CYoept 186ort-9 re Otil11,: Shropshire Donna ad Many tourists visit his tomb Leicester 3bw and herluhtre Pig 'I• , — ' he wrote "A Coined of Errors" or, tic sale of pure bred Cattle, Sheep and pastor In the chair, and Mr. Alex. y ,Pigs at their farm one mile south of Recd secretary. The statistical re• 'How to Get Rich on Two Dollars.Oolerich, on THURSDAY, FEBRU- port fur the past year showed an addition of nine to the membership. The total number an the roil is now aap Roathng for the Growing Time and a Half a Week, or the Way to AIIY let, 1900, commencing at one Boat the Butcher," o'clock p.m., at which will be sold without reserve: f Port Bred Shorthorn Sens, from r to 18 Arrow Shots. months old -all pod lodlvidaels. 11$. Payments for all purp:lees a Pare Bnd north nes Cows eat Rufen. 1I I shot an arrow Into use 9Pore Bred Shropshire flown*. daring the year were 61,023. Of, ntslttoth.esrah;lka . true», 15Pure Bred !Montan. &bis amount $265 were given for ernes meaarrr.mr.eows,awdemestheae —LoxonLoow. 9 Pan Bred Bars, 8 months oil, missions And other church schemes, mid kl fbr benevolent and el r igious A number of good Grade Oattle sad 4 pod A man always ties a string in a hard Draught Oohs. knot. out the electric] ghee Catalo ues furnished and all use - OM lits. The Sabbath school raised' It takes a very small moon to some theme cheerfully answered if you write ' for missions, and 110 for the to Conary fund. The auxiliary of the (, Anderson Ss Elder , B1yth. eeeeeeeooee,ee/eee., ee4Meeeeeee eeeeeeee.,, We are Cleaning out many lines at this season of the year at a great sacrifice, the profit all goes to the purchaser. BARGAINS in Ladies' and Misses' Jackets Is the word we have to tell you. Ladies' Beaver Jackets, worth $11.25 for $6.50. Ladies' Light Fancy Jackets, worth 110 for $8. Ladies' Brown and Black Knap Jackets, worth 17,25 for 14.76. Ladies' Blue and Brown Beaver Jackets, worth 16,60 for$8.26. Factory Cotton, worth $7 for $5. Factory Cotton, worth $10 for14• Flannel Sheeting, worth 85o for 80c. Feather Ticking, worth $0e for 21c, Good Carpet, worth 46e for Me. Special Line Corsets, extra Paine for 50e. Men's Overcoats, regular price 89 fin se. Boys' Overcome, cut prices from 6''•75 to $st. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Boots and Shoes OF THE BEST MAKES. STUB PROOF RUBBE FOR MEN. Warranted the best wearing Rubber on the market. •ee•e•e•••••e•••e••e •eee••e•••e•ra•••ee e•eeee Anderson & Elder ock Taking Sale fllytli. Shooting at a mark seems a good SALMI' DMC$., Goderioh We are stook -tag e month dos] like lovely time. Wolusn's ,Foreign Minton society, A Clock that rer' in- Connection with this charge, has g I G C L V g B 1 N G Li$ the' moss successful year in its he ' sure tb have to sneeze. I man wants to do t must sometimes make inlets lie. t run wears out a T. GUNDRY, Auctioneer. 22e I Tgood deal the quickest. and are offering reduced prices I yIf a fellow wants to keep real quiet Newry, The lettfes have glveu a hinge right he O'er $70 and sent $35 worth of k kin thi ettithing to the Indians of tho North- Even an unmarried preacher acts wait -1• A mean neighbor in a Haig rhood MONEY SAVED BY GROUPING silly when talking to ayounggirt. Cast Wawanosh. YOUR NEWSPAPER ORDER will be remem red longer t tan a good qne, 60110 1L MEETING, ---Tho filet meet- A man may marry a rich girl with - int ot the council for the current out thinking about it, but we always year was held in the council room, doubt 11. January 8th. The members thereat We wonder why when we make a Many subscribers of TIIE BLYTH STANDARD also read boefire the smoke alwaye gees the be a Mttthew Lock here reeve, and wrong way, • other papers, which we are in aposition to secure for them type older a man is the farther along D Cady, e E. Erie, John p p he tleces what he calls a "middle *Cell= and John T. Currie, ie, court• more cheaply than they can otherwise secure them. Read aged" man. Wore. Having each severally sub- the following list carefully, select your papers and let us have Any one who is no afraid of being s8rlbed to the declaration of qualiit- your order :— wrongfully accused of being a liar, q$ipne and of office, the reeve in tuna+ a usually is a liar, alit, 'rho minutes of hast moetinp. ons TheeSlyr h Standard, tee brightest and beat newspaper in Huron county, as those w01 think anyo fully body with arq Wage read and confirmed. P. port•' S ahold was reappointed clerk, and o l111*t official showing the Council that the duties pretatuing to the office find a tendency to Increase rather than to diminish every year, it was agreed to that hie salary for this year be $85. Moved by Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that Yhtlsy Anderson bo reappointed Wearer at a salary of $80, this sum 50 toyer an the duties sed extras connected with the office, except that of postage and stationery -Carried. Moved by Mr, Ellis, seconded by Mr. Clad, that Wm. Rubinson be re appointed yesessor for this year at a eatery of 155. -,Carried. For the motion, Cones. ('ells, Carr and Cur rUi against, Conn, McCallum, The appointment of it celltetnt was de. forted till some future meeting. Janata W. Bone and Peter W. Scott INN appointed auditors of last y yy lr$r's accounts. Board of health for The Blyth Standard and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire one year for 14.00. 1900, same as last year, James moue ,re•elacted Jur .three .roam, said Dr. J. McAsh, Belgrave, medical If there are any papers which are not In the above List health officer. Another appeal erten that our suburban would Mks to have we oan sours the JAWS Robertson, eollci hug all 011 lame for them. bsMsW*t the hospital for sick clhil• lies at Tornnto wee received, when The ahoy,. rates are fur old and new subscribers. All 11 was ananiluously rosolvetj that 15 subsuiptiona must be paid strictly in advance. iN 'frianted tor tfhtt purpose. Ay eiglm4flicatlun was received from Hurry in your orders. Write address plainly. Papers MW eterk of I,eghiutive assembly, • may be sent to separate addresses if desired. Toronto, re propelled change in • Iftunelpsl Act. The compel! xp. Always addree,s-_ Cgrovel of the proposed change In 4iepsi Ace In shown in draft hitt, t The Blyth Standard Sg1d $grthern Messenger (now published weekly) one everything we do, year for 11,20. The Blyth Standard and Toronto Ladies' Journal ens year for $1.25. The Blyth Standard and Toronto Weekly Sun one year for 61 80, The Blyth Standard and London Weekly Advertiser One year for 11.86. The Blyth Standard and Toronto Weekly Globe (16 pages) one year for $1.60. The Blyth Standard and Montreal Weekly Witness one year for 11.60. The Blyth Standard and;Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire (94 pages) one year for 11.70, The Blyth Standard and New jfork Thrice -a -Week World one year for 11.76, The Bt•th Standard and London Weekly Free Press one year for 11.76, The Blyth Standard and Toronto Weekly /slobs (1e pages) ono year and four volumes of Marion Harland's works, "Bits of Common Sense," for $1,75. The Blyth Standard and Toronto Saturdpy Mall and Empire one year for $1.75. The Blyth Standard and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star (24 pages) one year for 11.75. This price also includes the two premium pictures "Battle of Alma" and "Pussy Willows," offered by the Family Herald anti Weekly Star, The Blyth Standard and London Daily Advertiser proper for $2.00• The Blyth Standard and Toronto Saturday 44lestrated Globe one year for $'2.25. The Blyth Standard and London Evening Free Press one year for 12.76. The Blyth Standard and Toronto Evening Globe one year for 58.00. The Blyth Standard and Toronto Evening Mail and Empire one year for 18,00, :he Blyth Standard an Montreal Daily Witness one year for 18.00. The Blyth Standard and Tcronto Daily Globe one year for 400, The 131 th Standard and London Dail Free Prase one ear for 14.10. The Standard, Blyth, Ont. You can tell a married man when he opens a screen door. He 'Away' chases the flies first. Anybody who does not pay his debts is not respected no matter how smart or renowned he may be. We have never seen anybody who does a little of everytlt'ng who could do anything excellently wall. The way for patent medicine to appear absolutely honest is to admit that it will not cure everything, A Blyth woman we know, is worry- ing for fear she will have nervous prostration because she worries. Phe funny thing about a baby is that it is always trying to get into places «here it is impossible to get into, It is not always the man who gets the most mail who is happiest, because frequently the letters he gets are "dune.' It must try a preacher's temper to eee eo many people who never come to church any other time come when there is a strange preacher. The perfection of Christian fortitude to reabhed even a moa is able, compla- cently, to leave the heart of 8 watr• melon for someone 0181, The beet time to get a man to stay at home end take care of the baby, with out protest ie when the other alter - People having a party always say they must draw the line somewhere as it ie impossible '0 invite everybody. We wouldn't mind if they didn't so often draw it on the wrong side of us, The Smiths are great spenders. There is Sir Donald Smith, who propose, to stand the expense of a third contingent, and there is BIlI Smith, ex.M.P., who aPpears to have stood tho expenses down in South Ontario, The New Year Has Come And in entering it R, R. Denies begs to thank his many custom- ers for their liberel share of pat- ronage in the past year an . so- licits a continuance of the same. Ilaving had one year•sexperience in the Bakery, Gro:ery and Res- taurant business. and having on hand a greater variety of stock and always wiling new linea, he is now more able to cater to their requirements on a strictly cash principle, THE DAY OF CREDIT 18 PAST Come along and you will tied you can get as good value for your stoney as can be got else- where. Cud paid for Buffer end Eggs. Wishing row all a happy and prosperous Now roar. R. B. DOUGLRS, Blpth P i -Rot harlot dlepoesd of my Biaok- am(tlttnQ buttons I Wend with the std of eon• peoat blre.i help to emulous the briefness As heretofore, 8 8. DOUGLAS. Half Your Life 6 Ie spent oo your feet. Perhaps thle feet near streak you before, bat We true, oe.ertheleu. or nouns yos MUST BE GOOD TO YOna 11'll1T, and the beat war to de ibis b W inn w.n•pttlog, soatoruble ghoul. Our Fall Stock • Ili tau et Wee grin welt•attleg, eomtoelable shoos. Douai almoet hundreds of dllenea lines, sad Int as many dlfaaana pslesa Oen" In sedsae, W. J. DEMPSEY QI3EEN STREET, BLYTH A. TAYLOR, on all lines of goods. 1111 141 -- HERE ARE SOME SNAPS: Tweed Suite, made to order, worth $15 for 110. Beaver Overcoats, tuade to order, worth 618 for $14. Ready to wear Suits, worth $7 kr $5. Ready to wear Double Breasted Coate, worth $5 for 88. Ready to wear Pants, worth $2 for 1l, Beady to wear Overcoats, worth 58 for 84 60, 18101 neeeeetrie Great Reduction's in Persian Lamb Caps, Beaver Caps, Gloves, Mitts, Mufflers, Neckwear and Underwear. R8MiJAiVTB PRICE If you want big bargains call here, S. H. GIDLi "Popular Cflothin•,g Houlse BLYTH WORTH LOOKING AT D• Yoe Oars to Save Money T Most people do, and are glad to trade here, where the savings are great and the values are bent. You are In- vited to inspect and compare. We keep full linea in Glassware, Crockery aad all kinds of Groceries including Canned Goods of all varieties, Also Trost sad Herring, Salt, Flour and Feed, Butter and Eggs taken as eash for goods. DINSLEY STREET, Blyth