HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-01-24, Page 2Asset Martha's Consolation.lhel o nowt Well, l0 r done: Ain't no [ 1 Old tarm'r got to go I 1. Z tweet ball ler Henry Howe -matter o' form, you know- H1m: and me'd (sten Mende -let's aril -thirty ;mere er more - Never donde a tricky thing In lila life Moore, Marthy told me not to sign ; mad it wouldn't pay. "Yea, but he's a friend of mine," I says -"any way Tbeteet no dnrtger, not a bit ; lien would sign ler me" - "Don't yon do It I It you do, you'll re groat," says she. Well, I,thought I'd tell him no, but there are some men That can talk you blind, you know, and I signed ter lien - rot my name down on hit bond -Mar• bty'd warned me fair, Bet 1 knew hlm through and through, MI didn't care. 7g gone! Wi1ltt I was dead! bas all come true-, that Marthy saki -etre gutter, too! stand it if she'd jiet` jaw and tleold and bluw- It abed only holler out that she( told me a. But elle comes and holds my hand, and ahs says, says she: "Don't give up, John, they can't take a1 from you and me; We've the children left, you know, and we're able ettll- Let's ask God to help us through, and I know He will!" it she'd say she told me so, it'd ease my( grief - I could Jaw her back, you know, (and ten git relief ; Bat ahs comer and smooths my brow, morntu', noon and night, And abe tette me that, sotttehow, thinge'll stilt come right. Ter, he's gone, the man I thought ant aa fair as day, And 1 dined ter him, and they'll take the farm awayiet Load, I Might that I could diel 'fore It haps to go, Or that Marthy'd np and say : "Well, I told you so!" -S. 11, Kiser. their length ; aa, for example, tt shstu um vartleal lines between the trio' brows they should bs rubbed from side to Md.; it there are ,straight lines norms the forehead thay( should be rubbed down from the hair to the root of the nose and Pace even. Wit of the Week. ''Ah, Harold," said the leading lady, " if yon (weld snake, love in youd own proper person half as volt as you do when you are playing Romeo you would be quite Irresistible." •'Pxrhteet I mould," sulkily replied the young man, It yotj were half as attractive in your own proper person as you are when you are made) up for Juliet." A. -Your smoking room is beauti- fully arranged. Mr. Henpeck -Yee : if only i were allowed to smoke In It. Flret Proud Parent -1'm a daddy ; and We a peach. Second Proud Parent -len o. daddy, Gov; but Wm a pair. "My dear," saidettt lemband, "we'll have to nitwtge nue wm,hea'woman, Every Saturday night now my thinge come hotno in a frightful condition.' "If that wee it rowan," tepn0d the xweet-tongued wife, "l'd have to change my husband." 1 • --_t Young Mrs, Torklns was in the nt((te'nnt looking at a group ('epre- w>nthtg some Padite Minndst-a " Interratng, aren't they f" 1*" com- mented. " Yee," Rio answered; "hut dont you thick they carry title rainy day skirt idea a little too tar, Charlie, deer 7' ,Turk -ion know when Malei re- jertat mP last week I tell you my troubles and you promitel to help ate, \Vrll, the areepted me, last n'ght. Ant I to thank you for interceding for me? ('Darin Relle-Not exactly, dear boy, I'simply Intimated to Mabel that I way after you myself. fehel-I would not marry any man on earth. ( Het -flat If yon would marry me I wouldn't be on earth. 1 would he lit the seventh heaven of hnppinnes, Atter the foregoing there was *10" valet and supposed he Itad dleoheyetl thing for the Indy to du but fall In - tie Inetructlone. ('ailing hen before petuoualy Into hie waiting amts, and yam, he Raid severely: 'Tout, I thought tell lieu he was Viotti with pia Jolly, I told you not to tell anyiody tent good and strong. 1 we were newly ntarr:el?" -_: " Share, Torr, nn' I toted them all "Anes Sparks ham eyes that seem to you wussent married!" throw out llnah°e of lightning. Ever __ notlee It 2" a ii Value of Pearly Teeth. "Notice, it I I should any I did. Why, An authority on dentistry says that 1 three's keep my rubber o00rsh(v'e pearly tenth do not wear well, MO on wheel(I go.to call on her." tltet the girl with equare Jaws and HF -This ie haat nnythh(g like teeth that make up in strength what P they lack In beauty wlttsteed a hatter grandmother need to make. chance in the long ran of preserving She -1 guess you mean like your her good ! >oke Mtn a beauty of themother used to maker accepts! typo. No, I reset ; I've often heard father habit, but it will tit time Impair the used to ,Hake." lilting the lips iR not only a bad say mother`s pie wasn't like his mother .patio of the mouth, and give the Ilpe 1' The fire -otter and him wife don't a parched, .racket look. Neem to get along together very A Studied Proposal. well," young was attilutg temporar• No, they are too much alike. flee A yow Ily as Weston, crui her time was much a Ila inter ami IMO' a epit•ilre" occupied. One of her admirers, a nor. „ Horseshoes bring good luck, It is rote and absent-minded lover per. said," Icalved that this would be the ranee, „ Did yon ewe have your wife take and to facilitate matters, he deter• a fancy to a gold one set with d1a mined to bring affairs to a point. He monde f" didn't get a chance. ___ "Afterwards." ansa the object of „ Is title the eracksd wheat, Jane 7" hie Ill-starred devotion, "I found this I inn' knee', mum; 1 ain't looked memorandum on the floor, where be at It o tubed lt, an' if it's cracked had dropped it In hl, agitation. It it wuz cracked afore I come here." reads thus: ----- _ Mention rlee In alnry, Mention Nell -Charlie aroma to be strongly loneilnest, Mention pleasure in her The Bacon Hog . . . In Bad Repute. ra SOME EXCEIIENT REMARKS OY THE BEE KEEPING INDUSTRY. ITr�A "Practimtl Lerioate In Bee Keeling won the title of an exoelfent paler lreMgnted at the efift t utmuul mea- ier of tete Kansas pgo.rd of •lgrloui turn, by E. Willtoum , of Crime!, Neb., and published by tieoretnry F. 1). Ooburat in ltie recent report. lie said in port se folk>we : The probletu of wlaterht; is one of (tial importance. 7o leave 41 (Dint}' on the summer etamb, expomed to the audden (Amapa Muni bleak .(.creme of winter, to not dsluaur•lve to ow. one, In the beg:amiug. The %%re(ui, Uduk of winteringhie cosy in tide rommmnty accepted the advice (many of them), produced il+e "la oft -shark," rxl ��. en0t'essltd .tae-koeper would as Nunn of those who were giving the termer' so much tree advice dad not knew what they were talking about, aa'd 1 think ih tt time has proved the' truth of sty aa+erUoa, Met. the tarter was told (batt be must yes a Gavle°° g• ho The raeor-back was hpaueout as the mole!. Secondly, t at,'h a hog caul 1 ba raiced by ruan:ng up end down the lent* and rotate with ae- cass to o clover (heli, area (haat a would be worth about '2 ceryls mere per Ib. thee the buteher'e hog that had been previously raise(. The farming mentor ne him beat, w'Itle11 utl11P pro• per mare would ;teed under the In. refitment equally as meek profit. There are two means of auc- eeieful winterlalg. First, pecked, on flea winter stand ; mea>ml, ht a well. lentiluted cellar. Tits (Lret io by far the halt luburtuata act it line tome uclventtges. Cellar wintering is Use tenet expensive; It le only neeea 111X3 to keep theta in Ail t ptla tt (Meknes' foul as quietnx p0Mexlble, carrying them out (Mit two of three bright doe for a fly, during the entire winter. The temperature require 1 le about that which will keep tmtntx's mue- comefulla'. They roadie In a xetul (torment date nasi °ottsuute but lit tie. Moet everynete hem life or her favor- ite location for the apiary. Some HOW TO ('1'RL STRAIGHT HAIR. ,,. 1am provprcte tram TJneLe attached to you. Jim. Never loved before, Propane: "- Belle -Oh, no, so very Etrcn'lly. I've Collier's Weekly. merely got him on a string. I t ale Church t Disciplest Boston who Women Who Shouldn't. The woman who proudly declares that she cannot even hem a pocket handkerchief, never made up a batt in her life, and wide with a simper that ohne " been In satiety ever Fence she was 15,' should not marry. And there are others. Tho woman who would rather nurse a pug dog than a baby. The woman who wants to refer- nledl Iter house every spring. Tho women who buys for the mere pleasure of buylog The women who thinks men are envie and dem1gene. The *man who would rather die titan wear a bonnet two season old The woman who thlaks that the took and the nurse can keep ltoucP. The women who buys brie-a•brac for the parlor, and borrows kitchen �eoper Method for 'Graining My utensils from her neighbors. can nnderatanit how liner lilted gallon fruit Jae, remove the scall Its hlllLipetrified t 800, The area of Pldltutelptain i+ 1.9 i•a Lady's Unruly Locke.because , erwomen" have them. mule and atrug at top lois» se+(negl pr+nrnuce and (Doli only hare been 1 le est 'squirts antic( London N Uro n to find that it wale tam wit (and in ell cases where grtiot had no. Lwin (e>1 t:herwlly>, toe poor tor the trade. They were theft advised to add more grant and lees clover, wiIJt the reault (haat the hog became too heavy naafi Iba price had to be cut down. Time and spat* forbid that l ehonhl attempt to review all the ((4101(0 that (hart peso given. Nuffka It to tory that mux( of It Inas been contra- dfetory /I till rlll'ulooe to those who did not fall 111 with the Aid, but watteltel its progress, That neve 1s the rase 1e evident from the facts before us to•+1ay, when neither fer- nier nor drover knows whitt le want - el ; what they 410 know Le that they have a lot of unealeable pigs and that they .have host a lot of money thou.* the moot mended point poelble. trying to ratite them. A few years ,atter experimenting for mevernl ago every farmer kept a few Mee, years we have (keterutee l that, in my smooth p'gy for which he obtelned locality at least, the moat expieee(1 about an average of 43 or $5.25 plea+ poaelble im proefle. of the heat per ewt. They were easy to keep results. In the country between the and always found ready sale. Now Miseollrl river end the mountains tee the country L1 overrun with mongrel ut.11ttI are weedy cool, and we find pigs that could not be rained at a that the merenry falls two tar three profit of 7 cents per sound alive, degreee lower lit the xhade than 0n aticl °cher branehee of farm stock the (pen granite; that 14 re hate been seriously neglected In too quires much longer ,time nuuly Caere, However, the farmers have bad n Ic+14011 they tet11 not soon forget, hut I claim that It will be some yenre before the Injurious ef- fect of this fact will have cermet to be felt. Now, will you allow nae, tvltft over tt warm up the hire In the shade in the morning than those net shaded; and, besides this, the xut1 come+ out ao warm in the morning that often Defoe° the cufunlee in the &Jade aro warmed up the mm harm evailea tar. 11 Ix wth at *110lnIs ti nm with the the early thirty years' experlencu, to otter le ory members, of whom 3,34.1 were in city amounting to nae In thirty, and word of a 11ly 1 it will be [reo Ilio an arvrnge' of our in fifty, Hutt he farm hand; the (Mimi' who gets out the taut, only I have fro intermit In India(, early In the morning Is the ane who gnlug It, l'eata0 ke>l>kng a swarm -- cites made a mpwyinl &rriaa of olsaer('a- tumidl,y necompllshee the greatest 01 hogs about you. Keep a few nice, The prsu'ht Sultan hits xomeththt '' tlonv to entiettvor leo tihtonter flu' day's work. In experimenting with enamth 0nem of whatever breed you of al note for money, noel has gate• cause of tux high percentage.'" 1 "' tits matter of location we find that prefer. You will always have a mar - the colony located the nearest the Iter at between 5 and (1.silts and Q1 °'i it veritable (octane, it to said, says that some ioumeti are veritable .pude gather the teat( stoma, while lento the raining u[ the razorback front tlto wrecks o(, the battle of pest !toles of cancer germs, and that thane located nn the must expos tt to thew who (taste that it can be Sniyrnn. Sint* 1770 n number of hit twenty-five years of reameroh ground gather most. One ruse In per- (ea1(0 fur two and two and a half Ruashrn end Turkimh mkt ve. Jaw traced the primary ammo of email Mum nlmt 10113the stree ( shadedby t101. (Tat, per pewee If the bacon trade mates at the bottom of the ace. (heat( germy to the roots of the cab - barely g cannot be kept up without the (they (gatherolony ed sufih'bI.at to swlnt�r arm losing uwnry at the rate they Thane are now being investlgated, bags, on which they breed. itself. We morwi flax colony out into h+tve ossa doing lately, then weave amt the fillip of the Russets admiral - tie sunlight and it wont Lurk to Ian ((titer nithont thein. 1410)0 stns yfeldad over 83:i0,000 ht It Is announced time the Russian old retard In honey-mnkdtg• 1 4511 11 he glad to hear frau ally arta, toRldes stivenvnre and Jewels, Aetronumfynl Society has finally given We set our hives faring the .tet, f°t'a'0'r who hum had experteu°e b up Int atteug>t to revtee the Julian that the res may ebbae on the en- til retateg of the bacon hog and -' trance lir soon as it peeps up In the tabu ,hoe., not 'gree with ate, Lnhduu has to deal with a grave calandnr, and dD the Muscovites xtfil morning, and Curtu•r, that it (nay R. L. Huldeventh, fort Nola, ha pl'trb'enl fn Malley. as It .sista in stand with Greece In (eleglag to the shine on the tont lata in the evening I arming. the board (petite.) wheels.' The re- long u[ the lies( Caesar and In order to fneblitate evaporation a¢ terata of the daily average attend• netent hall Europe, defying the ret EiCPO T POULTRY TRADE. bah as > possible. Wo use a temporary neve slow that 142,000 children are titivation of fops , defying the The mluule made• with a few old rtyveet There have been at few ndvermM, re' reason axml mai ter its failure Is louq mid which p o.ette titto)} o! aid turkeysto England. It le f Late Gossip --ot the— . Round World. cul now flower -the ,a4elWeisse- _which grow. In vete tnaeceaelWe planes, Steno of thole who love then lives trying to secure 1t are feet tees tourists ; others are i*wise ttoY&, who wish to get It that they may sell it to truveliere. lege o11 f1 210:e0la %203iMMT* The Kaolin lr Itnliwny Is to be coa- ti/Ls and electric lights can be nu- striated over 186 tulles to the math t>uuttieidly extinguhllted at a pre• monutntnons part of indto. 1t will kit determine({ time by a new English de- operated by electricity, water lmwat vine heaving a dim revolved by Mock- Isdng used, This permits of a luueh work with adjustable hands on the lighter motor fur drawing the 14nin9 (ace of the alar, which are xet to load, and also permits of settles whish come In contact with the key at the a steam engine mild not Ahab tvlth- desired time to cut `off the gas or out revouree to the reek sextette 0{ectrirfty' It be reportee that a meteor which Two years ago n Brown couaty far, foil redently In Ilrbtl,h Central ,\(rh n, ,e01' gave hla daugbter two addicts on the east 01>1e of Mount Mumisu, xpioded with n nate that wile heard four Senn, provtdad aha would take tar nt tenet yavPnty miles to the north core of them. IIB says she has t01 et ami »nth. The trngmetta were Neut- the bank sae bee lite chickens that t0red over an area of nine ntilex by he will have to feed 112)4 winter. Ha three, and some of them weighed fiver also mays that at the ant of tour live pouuls. --- years she will own the farm nal will The London intlr>rtbbus iotas (Melee 1 be charging him rent for living on upon the novel munh•ipa1 step of d1vot- ii, hag (10,000 to the Prertlun of a bulli• Te be prepared for emergencioe, Ing to shelter famllie+ whom+ Mertes many of the F.uropens monarch* have are in programa of dlclnfeetim after Mega amounts of money on depomt.t outhrenke of Infertl+ros dtxr:a Ps. to the !lank of England. Nn(Nolron 4t the ltmllrtny (("hxou It China the I1L, when he tow thee hiss star was Amerlrnn rullfig card Nyntnan is n - en the wane, contrived to send n revised. Instead of the caller leaving Oast sum to I:ogland's greet hank, ills or her car.., ax is too costae In 'ih:e depos:'t has enabled 1'lmpress tide reentry, the last presents lits Eugene to live in dignify and luxury. yard to the Muller. It mined. of n long 11'he admilsteon fee to the Paris ax• stilt of paper with tin owner's tome position will be, before 10 n,s►, 9 palette(' on one MAP to Meek irk, french, or about 40 cents, to the •4*, An interceding anulvereary 14 to be lire exhlbitton; between the hourefot celebrated soon In London, the Juhllee IA arta., anie0 p.1ni 1 !rano wflli be the of the Coal Exchange. It remelt the charge, awl niter 6 pan. on week days fart that la tate fonrteenth century 2 trances, while ort Sanctays the fee the burning of coal was proldhlted, int not to be raise.. for the evening and in the early days of Lord Mtyor hours h ++ Whittington a man was actually Last year there were 35,083 abstain- ers hanged for Indulging to a cool fire. in tin British attar. Of these the The law bite never been repealed. force in. Italia contributed 22,280, or A doctor of Lueke, In Germany, me practically every thdati ntan, and the, emcee the discovery that cancer hems aecllon 13,703, a lintel smaller Kerins are propagated on the roots of proportion. Beefiest these, the army the cnbbnge, ('aacee le NO common temperance association had 5,018 hon. 111 Lemke, In certain parte of the alit promised to feed the increase for a tacked on n two by two, two feet Parts of late regarding dldptnante of absent each time the schools are g t > J Canadian opened, and (hie in spite of at roue gi(rn out by Nle Astronomical 80 - tides of the bite, allowing n tree eircie the general opinion, however, that If of 850 lrlelpectore specially employed t'trty 'x the "hupoesIbIbIty ot os• (Won of Mr, and the sun to aline on tit'd be the caw., that the ehlpment+ to whip up the dUfemnt neighbor• tntilehinq sue Agreement between either end as It le reached, must ha'e heed w very had Ritmo and ..cure regular attendance. trite loam of the religions ttsativals apo Watering b050 is of coneidernblo when tit y arrive.., nit the general re. (tearing In both cnlendare." benefit, ttnd the would es soon think port'.11,10kva that a Kesel Demand ex• n magistrates are blame -- of allowing our other 8Gsrk to roam feted for (hotels' stock,At pretty high ,el for Mach of this evil, o account The 1100. Clmrles O. Amos, o[ the syn r, art to laces, eN lie L'hr stma (tion to n he the °wintry 1n quest of to the peAyliki f ti 1 of teak' h b (1 x barkp L RIDING A MUCKING MI beer F beer in the apiary buring evrater tin ran mcc n D , o " boatel's Wsl>ectore by Indicting !lues moisture that condenses in the hive Referring to they. adverse reticent, lane been rt minlrtter fifty yours, sage: A"Puncher's" Adventure Describe furnishes the colony water, but during the Trade Bulletin says: upon parents summoned for not ••I have been cheered at every stage by 11 Mtory-Tetter. the early spring these condensations "Of course, Canadian turkeys will cuuautg their children to attend. by very' precious eompnnlalshipe. It The Century MagaHne'y prize for cease. They begin brood rearing early, not taring AA much as lddugllee Urals, --- ie a great thing to lutve touched the and In order to prepare (ood for the but it the latter are worth 1ld, per Syracuse, N. T„ has esttbll,hed a the beet short story subuetted by a young larva must have water. The 1b., good Cannd!au do ,k slwuld beta bunds of Qarridon, Phillipe, Qreeley college graduate in 1809 was award- g municipal lo:dging•house, at which nn most vigorous bees go forth In quos( di. to 9d. per lb. nt Iciest. The pour and Lincoln; of Bryant, Emerson, ed to John M. Oekison, of LPlund titan- of water tied It at Nome brook or adv'ces, therefore, must Bele referee] applicant Is furnished with a supper, I v kn,n Ilttier and Holmes ; tom e Indian Territory, and whorl. blood is Noyes, and are chilled, and do not. get ball condition, we know of a lot of tion that he works nt street .leaning fledge, eInrkr, 1 urn ford University, whose house is In the tank where it le Ice mold, till them- to stock arriving on the other side ht bath, lodging and btertkfttst, on (';anal- R I o t est Lucretia Mott partly laden. " Only the Molter Sltitl1 back to the hive. The necessities for dead turkey Intended for export trade halt n Baty t meal is (u'nkihed for +and 1'ruucea Willard, with many t ralse fs Ito title; it el one 0t t+ water 'steadily lnceenalng, other bt'em that was eleripe'1 from the welt to Dili otherx. scenes lea de(crtptlon of a ride oil u go out, to share n Ilio tate, uatll flue 'ay' with feathers on, and put pito one hvur'11 work. Tits system hal put �- bucking mole. colony h emaciated and the brood Ntoro hexa. Those turkeyN were k!1'e.p amt pad to the tramp unixnnce' The elty of London proper corerx knot of excited men es • and than we may to our neigh- In nnfaorahie weath.tr, nal after a. restless mule. nee went straight etraighth a tb waiting, Mof bor bro-keener "I ant Bothered with thMr had Oren 'n »tsar ter xum^ tune Trr Omnht tl'or{i-H (*dui 11 rtm'rks a txmt{ultttUtela email area, tontah mock ale LttK satyr 0T1 nam r. t,reut'r Laindon, bravado, he 'Amick the excite' mule d incituflin the ell ma the a ,t tont un• 0.. - rofexsurs re Every ,•unnm bee -keeper •• tunancimh co anuli abroad, ane mum, .sive more than 85,070 a year, nu neraxoti the flank with his ,omlirem, that one tee in marl), eprhng Is of mare fluently were Fol.{ in (him market the der fife Jurlmdlyttut( of ttae London after roughly seizing the reins. No value to him than halt n hundred later .fisc t one of welch f111he'1 4( per 11'> in order to alt themselves for their one who has not learned by raper( on. In order to prevent miring extend the hnlnnee le:ng unanleable. Stine poslttnne they must undergo a bong tonne (mast'!(+, 'avers an area et encs. how to mount a plunging hurtle ling we take one of tile Motu❑ halt- of thane tUrkoys were in 1101-7' 18101' ser -444 of years In leaping, The aver. 7(1,442 nrrem, or 117.8 tgilnra miles, ata (hinge loft hIn If bi t gn on t Condition, on, e% uK tt me iga minlaterbti salary to a ton • In the curling of the hair there le a pertain knack t0 be acquired be- fore 'attaining that much•deslred re• attic, so dear to every owner of ' �. BYenaght w ak pretty n(ftoe Ulty ls curly lm. geowad by the addition of curls, and 1 a Fla one is softened and made more a� rola by turning the harsh out. UN tato a way mane, for the faces Ore few that can Mend the Meeks e Verity of a Grecian coiffure. ''ZZ�bt, question, therefore, 1e how to Menage Doe's unruly lecke, how to y, to the best of one's ability, 4 acture has dented -the pretty leg teases which will elicit from i gptpe •natured acquaintance the • IO/lark that she always "thought i peer hair was naturdily curly," ¥*vat, there are the numberbess etl�!' 4 . glia for turning one's head iitea' iatjlpg porcupine by night. Wlt¢ata aatpM1 purveys herself in Iter mirror be- Tere retiring agnd catches a glimpse 1I of a even e audition of blue bows willlnot ren- der becoming, elle eight' reflectively, considers the discolnfort of sleeping on knobs of hair and takes to the inevitable -tie curling Irony. To oh- taln most satlefaetorY leaufts n tight curling 114 not advisable. That desetroys any possible loaf nature'. baediwork-and surely straight look, an praternble tp "frlrssle te very Important tactor Is that of Carling the hair artistically, for there eau be no illusion about a beautifully curled pompadour white the back balr is uncompromisingly straight. If a low style of coiffure Is worn Ie Is 1 only necessary to curl the front an Ndes, but where the hair 1e deemed Iilgh It Is most important not to neglect the back et the head.; Thos will at Orme be awkward work, ' bat will grow Ise Milken withpow- (foe, and nothing las prettier than a aft outfit.. at the nape of the neck. Ib a Sad Predicament. Some time ago a young bridal maple ytogysyct at the Geesy House In New Y on their wedding trip, and 1113- confetti/ft confetaylag them was an Irish valet who had been for years in the employ of the bridegroom. The latter had Instructed his valet not to tell any of the ser+•ants at the hate) that they were (newly married and on their honeymoon, as the young t bride Way very can to encourage the votive and stares which would W Mare to be torthooming. t4ea~p ng nonpb found tires that dtieul they sa '2Mad to be the centre a f attractind on, •ad the waiters, porters until she felt ys og1Md iMd�-�yamng The positively rtdeinroont therefore blamed the el Ott t 01 the, rear ug Wails toned four duuWt Hato Metal square, and with a small ago ' and the-tnlMlrter who keeps abreast i b ply the gulp fit far the dump. (,wing to the pati t nnnnfnrturtn city In the -Washington Tinter. the toddle ..for to turn the °menet. • ax taking Bare not t• cut gaite to the market in Eitel wu orru,.,., l It is guffe teacher receives moot ty e0 n abate, to mm extreme CO It to the A Morning Prayer. Let me today do something that shall take A little seduces trema the world's raart store, • And may I be so favored as to make Of Joy's too scanty sum a little mora. Let me not hurt, by any pettish deed Or thoughtless word the heart of foe or friend, Nor would I pass, unseeing, worthy need, Or sin by silence where I should de. tend. However meagre be my worldly wealUh, Let me give something that obeli alit my kind, A wont of courage or a thought of health, Drop;el fie I pass for troubled Let me to -night lank back acres the SPan 'Twldawn and dark and to my conecteme may. Because of soma good aot to beast or man, "Tho World 13 better that I lived to -day." -Ella Wheeler Wilcox, In Youth' Comnaaloe to thetnen or knife rut a groove nearly (roma wenthersb tel (I ( considerable xpr of the times must dm n grant t al of la reed t g other, t'ot of the k11hag�. tor the Christmas hard work. T1s' ncrrtge school world When tier .mule totted 4tseef free to act there was aurpoteentliry pause. . Then begun the a tart, teeny Jumps ' etrnlght Into the air, with the me- .mol'x back bowed, Its legs stiff, and 'Ire ]read lowered. 1t w104 the (beet powerfel effort of the angered htmxt, inmate with doribINh oonfhlenme. 11an- inor was ecnrteby shaken by thewo(fret etrtdght Mines, but thin began the itwleting series, wheel is the second expedient of a bucking animal. A jump lege Into tate aur with as mein: singly impossible twist to the tilde, :landed the mule with Its head turned alntodt half round. Before the rider 'caught Ids breath another jump iend another half -turn were rondo. These are the motions that make a bronco-budter'r life shorter. Hnn- 1 tier was Melding at the uoaa In half a minute. The twisting jumps were eonthmed until the strength of the mule was almost exhausted, and as yet only the lett of the puncher had ' been dislodged. A short pause fol- lowed, doring whiclh the mule changed its tactics, end Hunner thwacked Its sweaty neck with ids open hand. The next motion was a sudden rear. lag by the mule, As it rose on lte hind lege the rider yanked fiercely on the mine, and, slipping to the ground s 011 one side, allowed the brute to fall on ate lrnek. T1he smdclla-horn hurled --- WASHING 'THE FACE. itself 1n the earth, end the mule', hoofs beat the air a moment before Avery Simple Which Can tt Banner wed to oe feet. p Hasner was cooler then the motel tomer. We 1111 the jar wall water, possible that Rome of the poultry may hrncet Ratter, an ('14 . - lee lupeltt;v piece the board over the mouth, Invertmud the piton! teacher who keel 1 have arrive In London cad Liverpool i raker of rotfeyville. Kan., having t4 ill (•IPIttIP mo that hoes °alt fly It will retort said to Leve teen cerulea By a etielyIng the. ((gnrax of the revolt 1puntcte ace( we.dd preserve chicken' oleo warm the water through tit western elepper. Ootid .tock will n0 •irCries-S:hnrkey fight, One will lie no meat nlmolt indefinitely, mourned that glass, and ova ern Owe Ye nbl,' to ghe ,lwnbt do waif;' the thrmlimi Mould be mixed with the warm Gaye take nn 1 In II 1 TO DIHSNCT FOH'1, S141LL1'1'hLY• to eat. He trip, the experiment, with It t S In to math0mat,ca, gramme IV'. OSP during the Italght of proal- P g g died w)thin "' /mars. He sued the rearing. In order to draw them from Cold Meets. Mille/Niftily. Jeffries and Sharkey each all gnlykly, Una Pince In cont'aulzut in n deteriorated Nlulpe, as thin only nbrellst 01 111.9 fellows must work hart be lion. Right or Wrong. now, and swung himself back into the The r',ght sad wrong way' et wash- saddle with the first long tale of the ing :s now being Intelligently studied, desperate animal. Tide was the easy The method of performing this daily part of the trial for the rider, awl the face washing a of great importance, spectacular part for the work. The as even if ams only washes it twice mule ran straight away for aha op- s day the operation has to be gone poetto fence of the fail' grounds welt through over 700 times in the course long, lunging pumps, riming and b ttch- ett a year, and this would naturally Ing forward with the .prod of a rue - affect it far good or evil. tttg yacht. Manner brought lits craft '11)ghly scarttad or highly eolored about before It Balled into the fence, ewes should be ayoided, and one which and beat It fore and aft with a gives a soft lather aai does not cause Liouriehtng hand. Be was will with any feel.ng 01 Irritation is the beat. triumph now, lam hair blowing in the The soap Rhonld be well rubbed tato wind. Ile Maned forward as in a race, the tee', with a clean piece of flannel, urging the thoroughly tired and eon: and bathed of! in a basinful of abso• gneretl mule etrnlght for the (reird. hatelg clean w;,ter sa [kat every par- A particularly vicious dig with the lisle of awe may be removed. riper, made the beast plunge into the • After a thorough bathing the taoe scattering knot of spertatorsand rhe about(' be dried with a Turkish towel, to a four -burred gnte. At the open- dhen with a modert>,,,I,, rauth towel; it. r i 1' lit the track h0 fence burred 41e? tt,• t„e s leas eensitivo, and lam way, and tt ran, frightened and finally well rubbad over with a piece quivering, nnler'the awning of a tem- of chamois leather. Dead. vendor's stand, seattering (Gentle friction ot the face with soft glaesex and contectionl to the ovinia leather, or, better still, with the fin- and wrecking the stand. Benner slow get tips., when Olean, tendo to remove ly dlmmounted, stroked the sweaty wises and prevent the formation of tient of the .nodosa mala, then, turn wrinkles. Ii.ing anti pkektng up en unbroken bottle it lions have formed the akin should al soda, proposed a toast ” to one be rubbed to a direction oatrary to aentb oii tautIybugiy hoar' read h+ an agricultural JourutI1 that places in apiary. When aha elan shhtee could nccomtt for the unxntlefaytory Aftee studying these ikgures and then s wteti (avant they most i ant, purr Imoger eurprlmei to note that more feed of the fowls and give to them atm wntar, and no mu until tlt(•v 1 t k interred In liming lex- aF given this a trial will fully rent: ' tone than they do In 1+msons pertnttr e how much water n xLigie ro;one the result teat 7412 of 111x 800 ahlckeniN Pew Pi'Me hod of Tureen 1111-114 wed t tttr std 1 It I editor of the paper, but the court the oU watering place any Ib.nett. n turkey ekillfUIby the oar- apse( about sixty days to active pea held that away man of ordinary Intenti' l tl wxt n the t ic( 1 to Ire moms !obit Idea h 1 ft I nate lh0 twathigb fought two hoary, Jeffries remit Mg to try to precrrtxi the flesh of living necessary to s gt y t. 0 ° ver shtntld placa aha lir rat y xt iteration for the fight. Then they gene° Filmed have known Uett¢r than water for a day or two. the breast, the seek-ertul toeang Yield I w ell 1 toutd g t, e e t ten eep.t of the wondert1l evaporating propen- 4otltts from the fluty. Next remove 898,428 for i>1a efforts, and Shnrk•'7 (owls by means of e.hemtcnls. .idea of a colony of beep, I►nre You the wings at the ahout.lar Joint, then 811,141 for Itis efforts. notleal early now warm evening slice tits bre:tal down t0 tin° long I( the number of people dally es• when nectar in coming raplify several we dge shape Dees were standing well up on their 011114 iia p'oce-Wtheagati"8,mperdorome c'e Ja°p It detteLondonon, a e;ockmnker, of tering London were to be desluttched muscye," lege In front of their idle, and their CDalpatyone Next the bone &zooid be Rlchti910, [. a , w•,ugs were flying nt n rnp1' rate, removal whole ettd then remove the a wcn+lerhtl olock, which(, In midi- 977 teethe, .stat conveying 007 per- thnt the hum of busy work nppe810.1 r, stern floor tic° b.tck, alalia the lege ton to stalking the hours. Iialtee sons. (('Quid be ratiered for the lwr- to roma from peentiret T and thighs, a n e aero u ra andshowln the phase Pow. >rrovbe n t h beta lust °ompleted from tea' given station by train,y,- t tl hive? 1111 is and beg' the fag antiq arts g el If all these trains the evuporat!ng process, Other bees liemove the till:bg with n spoon• erre arranged with a dtrnlght One take up the air, and put It through A goose, Wtleae young and tender, of tho noon, tells Just what 61810 they nrrad (sorer tell naiad n! rale the !e've, will" still others suck up is a cnrvntg pilotilem, em1 even whoa It is k1 every Mitt In the world. This tvnv. the freshly gntherel fleeter, and blow in prime cant! ton Jo a deceiving meat le done by menta of a globe which ' It back into the cell. Place your hand dish La the platter of geantaty. The carefully over the eltrnm'e; on one same may be said lid darks, wad uud revolves tinkle a transparent global The Mormon Church Pomoto t lase is marked erecta Largo temple In Louisvillele,, Ky. tide tear warm. This proc°e9 1s kept up during the entire night, if the weather 1, warns. Is it pr°ditable to keep cows on the farm ani produce butter! le it pro- fitable to produce poultry on the farm f Of course one would not think of producing apples in Alaska or ban- anae in Dakota; brat wherever the conditions are favorable bee -keep- ing is as profitable as any other branch of agriculture. It should re - naive more eneouragement in the fu• >cre, with a full understanding that +whether we are engaged in ngrinul- "+' , horticulture, or market -garden- ing, bees are our beat friends, and "F nn,h ehlould be encouraged to lend ]tete toward Swelling the balance sheet, fully realising that in the Hee- 1 a r of the flow.»' there is not only health, but wealth,.• ie otter It is TUE BACON TIO(} IN DISREPIJTE. 4'1111° m d: ",,, ago I sent you an eratide on the mueheliycahsed subject ttf tin 11341011 bog, I soon after re- ceived some eorreepon,•Lentie taking ole to teak for whet I had said, and pro- , milting to Show up the erroneous ideas - I had advanced, through your paper. No &owe* up has yet taken place, • and therefore I conclude that there was at least some tome int my argue Meets. seed on that occasion Platt mate b There is nlnt M1t uo meat on far glass, On 411111 g ., ma. the backs o1 these birds; the wings n ikon which represents 12 o'clock 'It will he need not only av a place of and lege are far from chore, having main. As the globe revolve; this wordily, but also as the mutest point little meat, anti that seat often ten- from which mLvelanarlee will ba tient der; eo (.here remains only the breast line 1a always over that part of to various calm mei towns In Ken• for eatisfactor0• eervatgs. ('ut the the world in which It is noon at tacky and coattguoae States. breast meat straight down: parallel that time, Other iines repr+'eent the --- with the bane. A roust (rom the round other hours, and In this way it 1a The British bettledhlp Magnificent meat bo thinly slice) actual its face. Carve a rib roast to Aileen parallel easy to get the exact time In any his four 12 -incl(, or 50 -ton, guns, with the rebs, never parallel with the given place. twelve 0 -inch rapid firing guns, Id 12. backbone, and melts the al:ces as thin --- pounders, and numerous machine guns as pteeib!e. A fillet ran only ba mit An effort Ie being made by 'holes of the Hotchkiss, Maxim, and Norden- throrgh in unttorm .liras, somewhat to have Cho fns remain. transfer- (slit types, together with torpedo thicker than from it rib roast. A sir- p' loin 'Inlet have the temlerio:n removed red from Paris to Cracow, where (tubes, fair of which are Nubmerged. and aced separately. Roast or bolted they are to be placed ht the royal Her gime'weigh 4,000 tonin. The tutt- legs of mutton, venison or veal are t'nult an the Wawel hill, where for- -tlesleps Illnxtrioue, Jupiter, eln4estl carved by cutting at rght angles and Mare are eery little behind the down to the bone, the thick Bade first, mer kings of Poland and other Magnificent in point of number and hien turning to get at the thin tide. great men Ile burlel. Frederick eigectua ht ofwell-armedtheicannon; While ilr In veal, mutton ani lamb the lowest Chopn his given ,IIOQ florins to ntidnble, arable, lrra teeth ', 1 -on - bit of ma:tt le the lag, the bode, weal e- exl>mises, and the rest in ,1„y Tele ,re ea.1 1, i„ i,,'I„ v+lit 313)0(1 a the chains pfeor beteg vary (ander e h ' , t.e bu reused among' Pelee, the plan be c'onl(loted. n(^1 i'i'"c nal �.;+;u'.l B� clic tq ---- slanting arms, as thin as waters. Ham being to make the occasion n great In a recent terser» delivered at Liv - 1 kew%aee, %eosin be shaved rather than poileh teethe'. Chophea bpdy Is now ol Dr, William Carter point. sliced toward the bone. When one flet- !n a b In the Pere la ('haeme deratands the exact location of joist. ed out that the deaths directly, attrl- and the grains of meats the rest of cemetery, between the graves of bolo1 to fntomperance in 1896 were carving ,a easily acquired. Citernbini and Belittle 91 per 1,000,000 among males and 52 Heavy anowtalls and slides have A late kerne of the London Times her I,000,000 among females; that .e the rate is twnutently Inereasingant blockaded the lime of the Witte Pam stated that at leant a score of Per• that the death. are inereae[ng among $loYnkoe and other and northern • districts "le Perliao to the each year in Switser women far more rapidly end to a is attepCYded indefinitely. 1 land W tly'Ien to eecure the wonder• tar grater ratio than among mar 1