The Blyth Standard, 1900-01-24, Page 1AE OM WAY 0► ADVERTISING 18 iN A iJVENEWSPAP1R, 81111 A PAPER IS ' T116 tdlldrd. - VOL XiII ANOTIIER DAY'S FI6IITIN6 FOR LADYS1IITII. w Progress Being Made for Gen. White's Relief, BOERS PUTTING UP A STIFF DEFENCE E But the British Gradually Forcing Their Way. The Struggle May Last Some Days Yet ---•-But Not Much News Conning--- Dlapoettton of the Forces ---Report Thal Dundonald Has Reached Lady- smith --Dublin& Fighting Gallantly --British Leases on Sunday— Emperor William on the War ----Kruger Uneasy ---Gen. Rundle to CoInmmnd the Eighth Division. Spearman% Camp, Jan. 20, 7.10 p.m. A party of picked shote from lethune'a Mounted Infantry took a position close to the river before dawn, and when It became light Bred on Lite Boors, kill- ing one and hitting three horses. At the same time our front was nd- teneing, using the balloon to disvuver the Boer, and with ek(rtatahers in front. The naval guns and howitzers mean- while t shelling the Boer positions. At 4 Oea1. Wn.rren was still h eh* running nt right :lel* l litnd Spe'erkup with shrepeel, :Melt wag bursting right above the Beer twitches. A grain Bre ons burning between the "'tithe, and Boer iwsltions. During Lord lhndanald's engage - Meat et Acton Humes It is retorted that the Boers ridged a white flag. Edison stood up and was hu- tety fired on. Thereupon he MID a Boer prisoner to the burghers to say that unless their arms were laid down and their hands thrown op ne notice would be taken of white , The Boers fired on the prleoncy returning. Doer prisoner* declare the the Orange Free State and Trenevani %Wghere are good friends, and have IW tdaa of giving up the fight even when defeated. The Boer fired Maueer t ,IIiys and need a Nordenfeldt gun tb la even- ilan. Warren fought for twelve hour today. He gained two itosIUons. The British lose Is believed to Imre been small. Details of the Night. tpearman's Camp, Jan. 20. -The op- erations today cummeuee.i at dawn. General Warren attacked Lite }Jeers, who occupied a strong petition un rigtrt, British artDtery dellveref a heavy shell fire, but the Doers did not Until 2 o'efook. the British concentrated the, of their big guns on the enemy's bey, while the Infantry advnneed vetting a heavy rifle fire. Boer, courageously and teem held their position, but they Wally forced lack and tits Brit. trw'armed over the ridge, 6, Thi Biters retiree in good order and l p a second posltku. which war, ed to it heavy bombardment t}'ddite shells. forced a second retreat, the beteg closely prey n1 by Oen. 'e mea. Merl', and Gen. Warren's rom• then bh'ouacked on the ground after heavily banhar.ling for tams the enemy's main po Mete foregoing was Generals Warren Clery s work toward tate north - Mole Slendtaneoaelty Gen. Lyttfeton, with view to relieving the pressare on Warren, attacked] the enemy's t, west of Potg:cter's drift. He forward les Infantry, covered yb tea+ bowttesrs and navel guns, Loth otl the north bank of the river and ?iliTke Allen, 'dLa tufantry's further advance forted the Boers to open Cee with their Nordenfeldteleven-pounder, which was atteueet by lyddlte ehelli In a quarter of an hoer. Holds the Paters. London, Jan, 21.-:1 despatch to the Central News, tinted Spearnan'c Camp, Sunday night, *aye that the Satire sten held the summit of the ridge at Upton kop. Iaerd Bentioaald completely holds the appreaoh to the Tintwa, lk'ztedden. hurt and Olivier Hoek peeves thi' t the Drnkens1argeat. Used Brittab Mttrepnel, London, Jan. 22. -The Time; prints tate following dem/Itch this morning from Ite correspondent : "8pearmann Camp, Sunday evening, Jam 21, -All yesterday anti to -day thmeral Warren has been attacking the Boor, 'Their po*itkm le a long ridge, 4 nates northwest of Trlcitard'd drift, nenebikez front the rites. At down yesterday (Saturday) our VOW occupied a a Imola tet met ut dd wT Tenemy's ckteame were Meetly sensate extending forward and the spur, making the to- chealar. pc1uek Generai Harter bra 'kneedi on the left, along a s Oneeen Blur, into the earl-cir• ', Nike heavy fire, from three di• advantage of all tamale trecgta advanced to a point yew at the enteny'* rlyhtt bat ,bey did not advance be the *ga of the coven'. There U#' tem*bred Dani dart and b1 eounORad. "In addition 10 M vineNo,den hold tgF the mew tired ehtapaei rap tt Osten o, 'their ft..re was in t, aril wee always tempera by our massed, batteries t the 'susses', right wing Its poldtion' Key to Boer Position. Jan. ki.-The Deity Tele L' $$5 the following dnpetob troth i enet Ru,rieigb, dated iietur- dny, leant 'pearman's Camp: " Gen. r11'arren'' form* have fought a ,lellb:r.ttely planned and suece slut battle 'I'h:s important engagement to- rutr.'1 to the west of Specht kop, and pt:ttt tally testified in our securing the. rough tableland which oonetStut- util the keyOt the hoer plethora "After a fierce cannonade hnd boon directed agnivat the eneany's lines fur sante time, the British troops assem- bled near an eminence known as Three tree hall, which forms the centre of m -circle of crests, crowned with (lie eitefitv's eco: ks, vl ll'1' some sax to'il's, long. '4teul.ly and with great dash the British infantry 'Went forward in the face otet heavy twilled*, from Maurer "Our troops were cuspated eta fol- low*: Mayr -Geon Wooig+ate'e brie made or, the right, Major -Bien. Hart's brigade in the ventre, and Major -Gem. He: vee s brigade on the left. . "Soon after mid-day the battle on the hill became fierce, and from three 1n the afternoon until six tho fire from loth ennnon and rifles was extremely heavy. I'oint after point of the enem,f'8 po@Ition was raised by the British troops, and e,entually the Boer right broke and ward forced Intek toward Spon kap. "our force Is bivouacking upon the ground it captured soegttl antly. Dur- ing t he action to -day the enemy brought Into play new gam., one of which wan a quick -firer. To -morrow ought to settle the natter. e., "In toelny'e4ighting oar losss•WN'e - trtfltug, heat the l'oers suffered heavily. '• While (lettere{ Warren war fleeting Id( engagement an effectual ddemon- etration was proceeding at I'otgleter's drift, the enemy's poeltloua near there being tigoroaely shelled by the British batteries." --- Gen. Buller's feportti. London, ,tan. 21. -The War Office elortty after midnight posted the fol- lowing despatch from Gen. Buller, dated Speerman's ('amp, Jnu. 20111, evening : "Gen. fiery, with to part of Gen. tVarren's force, hate been In action from 0 u. un. till 7 p. m. to -day. lay' a Judlolotta non of his artillery Ile has fought 11s way up, capturing ridge af- ter ridge, for about three mem. "The troops are now bivouacking ott the ground be has gained, but the main position le still. in front of them. "The eaeualtlee were not heavy. About 11(1 t*ounded bad been brought In by 8.80 p. m. The number of kilted has not yet been as:ertsined." A second despatch from tieileral But• ler to the War Office is ts fellows; " Sietirman's Camp, San, lit, 0.55 a. m. -1n order to relieve the prefigure on Oen, Warren, and to amorists tie strength of tiro enemy In the position to front of Potgleter'c drift, Oen. Lyt• tleton inade a reconnoleaanee in force yesterday. "This kept the enemy in thou trenches in full strength, all day. 'Our tnasueltiew--Third Battalims K(ng'g Royal P11tee-Two killed,, twelve wounded, and two miming." The following despatch (rom General • Buller states that the wounded in flat• urday's battle number 12 officers and 279 rank and file: "epearwan's Camp, Jan. 21, 10 a.m.-The following were wounded in action near Venter eprult yesterday: "Officer: "Staff -Col. B. Hamilton and Ma. Joe C. McGregor. "Peooad Lancashire Fuelllers-Capt. 11. 8. Blunt and Second-Lleute, M. G. Crofton and E. .1. M. Barrett. "First Border Bifida, -Capt. C. D. Vaughan and /second -Lieut. Muriel*. "Fleet York and Lancaeldres-iieo- itfld-Ldeut. A. H. Keirrey. "Second Lublin Fueillere-'-Capt. C. 1. Hensley (since dead), and Major' 1'. Engl)ch 'tfecusd Gordon.' -Second -Lieut 1'. D, tttewart. "Non-rommieehuned officers and matt, 279." Late this evening the War Offloe is ele.t the following later leap itch frond Gen. Buller: Spearman's Camp, Jett. 21, 9 pen, -Gen. 11'arren has been engaged all ditty, rh'efly on his left, which he ,las swung forward nbout a couple of miler. "The ground hs very dfflieult, 'tad R11 the fighting its all the While up hili, it 1s difficult to any exactly low much we have gaited, fat 1 think wo ere mnk'ng enlsetantlal progress." Position of the Forces. anbant. MYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JANUARY 24, 1900. If the troops ott ICs right tweeter - fully eeeter- fully advese°, and the right is fuelled to the snmmtt, the Boers wilt really he turn 1 and forced towanie Ladysmith, when Gen. \Ville, commending the trot)e there, 1 t'o)n Irl ' able t r wh i t be o to co-opernte, tarn'ug then learthward where they will here the rnllway and n. series of flue poattous. Sang Dutch Hyats, London, Jan. 21, - Tit's despatch conte., from the Boer heatk unrters on the Upper Tugeln, under date of Tues- day : It berme known to -day tient three hundred English had crossed at Pont drift over the Great Tugela, and were on the federal aide. A display iu force lural been made toward Colons°, and another northward toward Oliver', Hoek bridge, which wan blown up by us n few days ago. " Towards 5 o'clock the alarm was given that the English were comhtg. Tho lookouts observed long successive Vines of Infantry moving down to the new Br'tlslt potltton, it tett h•covered chitin of hills known as Zwart'e kop. Their Mere were tometlmei lost in tho trees studding the river batik. ",it 0 o'clock they emerged In open order and admired In two lines to the bw kopjes on tate river ]tank. At halt- • poet six thev took up n lw:ltton, amid complete silent* on the Boer side ; their horses were tethered where there was the leant danger from elm nee shells, anti the men prepared to make London, Jan. 22. -There In aomo doubt as to the exert distribute et of the Britlatt forces, but it is prebnbly at follows : 1 Gen. (9ery in the centre. Gen. Lyttfeton on the right centre. Gen. Warren on the left centre. Lord Dundonald on the left. There l'otgieter's drift t s Na' [Ighthag - r:gi.t ha A, and .loot llumus the left, - 1t Is for this .8115011 that Gen. Moroi - men rel two (larking koplev that are r- fairly behind and to the east of the . Boers' position nt '.:reenter., but as (len. Buller says, Otto fighting It etill up h'.tl, It is clear that Oen. Warren Lute not ,rot reached the eumm)t of the Lndyemith road, which falls for - four m'let to Clydesdale after five 'Mike up hill from Venter oprnit, LIEUT; COL. '.L. PETERS. Recently itppointe.l D, O. 1'. of No. 2 Military District, Toronto, in eucceselon to Limit. -Col. Otter. a night of It nt their meat Night heti pow fallen. With the gloom ennw, fitful Melte.' of lightning naom, the thunder roods, which hat been threatening oil (lay. The clouds etentually separated, showang the noon. S.multaoconsiy with the teme- nte sky well-known Dutch hymns were repeated from kopja to kopje, wail a strattg.'ly we'rd e1Lx't, highly luept dt- )ng loth to the grey'lcords anti the Penniless youths. "The battlefield itt full of hh'etorte sign+(leans. 814011E0e tilt(, whence 1 am now writing, doe $1% t hour which the Boer trekkers, atter redone; the Drakeueberg moentnins, spied out the then barbarle Natal and found it fair lit their *yes." (Here tine despatch otitis abruptly.) Joubert's Birthday. Cape Town, Jan. 20, 10 p. un.-To- dny Is the sixty-eighth annirereary of the birth of nen. I'iet Joubert, com- mander of the Boer forces In the Tranevnal. Flghtlog at Hodder itiver. Mohler River, Jan. 20, 1(1,5.; it. 10,- Tle BrItPh eueee efully blew up and rased, two butldinge, Including the home formerly menet by Command- ant Muller, outa►de their lines, this morning. Boer snipers had used these honer at night, firing form them at the mart dtvtetnt Britleh pickets up the. river. Between diaylight and nine o'clock this morning the enemy fired it dozen Aiello from two gone, ono of which wee behind the crest of a kopje. Their tire did no damage. Morse Opposed to (lataere. London, Jan. 2.1.-A de.patch from 3terkstroom, dated Jan. 20, explains Col. Brabant's email estimate of the number of Boers (1,5001 at etormberg, It says that a medienl-Ileuteaant, who remained with the wounded after the disaster ,to the British, Inas returned to the camp. He estimates the Boers at 5,000, but they have establtehed a new camp ny l'a., TnfA„;gip 4ii/1 1 r ROBERTSON, Who went to Kingston yesterday to Joh, the contingent. are confident of ultimate sueaes. They declare that the Brtti.h art0• fiery has done little harm. , , , Demoustrntton Toward Hebron. London, Jan, 2L -The War Office itas received the 1oliowtttg from Lord Roberts, dated Capa Town, January 214: "General Frettcit reports a demon• etratton with cavalry roti two gutty toward Hebron on Friday, but oth- erwise his eltuattmn is unchanged," Stores and Munitions. London, Jau. 21.-A rpeelttt despatch from Rome says: "Mr. Macrum, for merly United States t'otteul at Pre- toria, who arriverd here yesterday (saturday), denies that he left ids poet owing to a disagreement with l'reel- dent Kruger rand State Secretary Betts He say. lie has a letter from President Kruger to I'resident Mc- Kinley and abet a nnessage to Presi- dent Loubet, but no Motion beyond delivering then,. "Regarding the war, Mr. Maerum sold that while he believed the British would ultimately be euoceafai, it would take it long time to tontine* the Republics that they must submit. Ile said they heel ample stores and mord- thine, and that there was the greatest enthusiasm In Pretoria for the war, and plane had been laid for it Tong utruggie." The Dublin.' Reply. London, Jan. 21,-I'rior to the battle of Cologne the Irish Brigade, serving with tab Boers seat a letter to the DUWitI troops saying Ug tbat ticey wereto have►ey nn oppowere rtinlad• Ity to wipe them trout tee face of the earth, The Dublin. tuuatvered, "We walk through your brigade ne dell walked through Athlon.," Leyds 'polka Again. Brussels, Jun. ....At -Dr. IA.3 d1., the re. premetttative an Europa' of the Trans - vent Government, has Issued a state- ment through the prase saying that he W In receipt of ao many offers from men who wished to volunteer for terv9"e with the Boers that he le cow, Pelted to tonouncn that he is nowise authorized to enroll anybody In Eur- ope, that everyone Melting to terve In the war mast go to South Africa itt their own risk and expense. Mafeking ,111 Night. London, ,Tun. 22.-Pespntelme Row itlnteking state that as Ion. inn the Boers were drupelets ehelir from their 6-poundere into the market square. 'rite town tuts three months' food, The Boors were making an emplace- ment for it big gun 700 yurdet lack of their present po&Itlon. They were eo occupied trying to .pence the !ORM guns on Jan. 10th that their foro weal diverted from the town, aleevy rains have made the trenches in front of the town scarcely habit - able. The health ext the town ion fairly gex). 'Che latest maw's received in Meifelcarg wits reports et tite battle of &fodder river. Whiskey I. running short. The betting in it to 7 that the t".tege will be raised by Jen 81st. On Sunday, Jaw. 7th, there was an ex- cellent programme of .pals, in wteoh some of the garrison look part. A deapateh front G.tbzrotu'r, dated Jan. 14th, trays that Col. Plume/ made a reWamalwanee Saturday morning, sad discovered Beets a few miles south of Crocodile pools station A Beira despatch, dated Jan lath, says tbat Col. Phrases advanced et night towards Crocodile pools, bat the flooded Met/levee pan checked his pro- gress. The bridge three miles south of Geberones wan discovered on Jan. 14111 to be bautiy damaged. It bee been re- paired and the reLLtway le now pa- trolled by en armored train. Laudon, Jan. 28.-A despatch to the Daily Chronicle from, filpearnt's Camp, dated Jan, 22ud, 4.15 p. m., says: "Oen. Warren continues pushing the enemy, though necessarily he la making very slow progress, the Boers being numerous and strongly en• trenched on the kop ea they hold. " They have several good gone mounted, but the granteat effect Is produced by their S4xtme and rete,; - 'Our infantry le wbrkingover par: aliel ridges, with Lord bundonnld'e cavalry ly'i'ng well out on the lett flank awaiting develo¢ments, "Oen. Warren's artillery reopened fire this morning. The Boers did tot reedy, and our fire became less hot. The nasal guns Mere have been (inlet• " A Boer prisoner here lute hearted that 1t wgtid take ne three months to reach Ladysmith." May Last Some Days. • seven milts beyond Sterkett'oom, where at strong detachment wan left. They had received) tea tionol guns, which were served by German gutn- ner0. (Janata( Ih•inray, with reinforce- ments, wart expected to arrive In a 'Meet time from the wart. Old men anti boys were meeting ns n te'nn guitri at Darglierntiurp,witere 'supplies were scanty. Some of the boy's were only 14 year, old. The Borten have the railway from Pretoria to i5tormberg In working order. The Free State Doers were ver, kind to the prisoners, but the doloni i rehebe were extremely hard. Lnndrost Steyn, brother of the Pr.eident of the Free State, weeniest oosaldsrato to the British captives The lieutenant mkt* that the Doers will the artillery and the Devotieh'ra Regi. mens, At the Bayonet's Point. etpeermaa's Camp, Jan. 21, 8.55 pan. r sit a h --Today there M nutu stubborn e fight from dawn to dark, the British slowly gaining ground. There has been constant musketry firing to the nor t host* Tim British gained a position the Boos were holding oe the rocky grained bayond The battle welch le progressing la most difficult to describe, There 1s fighting . In front, ani on both flanks, covering a very wide range of territory,' Al,10 o'clock this morning the Dub- lin Regiment earvie9 a vary strong peret:on at the point of the bayonet. The cortreeporotent viui,ted the field httlspeal on the battlefield on Coven- try's farm. The budding, were full of wounded, about 200 'nen. None of them le mruuniy woutuled. An 'officer named Ilaniciton, attach- ed to General Ciery'e nteft, Capt. Vaughan, and Capt. Mutual are among the thigh ly evouafied: lien. Warren es con dent and care- ful. He prefers taking five days to netompi:4,h it`s obj�tet t ban to risk 'lle- feat by attempting to make a too feel advance, I'he l)t ti sit rasuttlties to yesterday's Gghttng were 279. Boer Attack Repulsed. London, Jan. 21, -The Daily Mull hats the following, date -t Sunday night, from Spearman', Camp; "There has ,0011 hot fighting all day. .1t dawn our attack wits retaumod along the entire line, the brigades takatg part. We cow saw that the Boers still oecttltle.l the range of hills In force, their lasitione being very etroug. The range is intersected by steep ravines, and many approaches are very difflrult of acmes. To -day, the Boer, who were dr:ren from their trench's yesterday tet,k cover iv dougae and behind tits rusks whit tvhlrlt the Mile nee strewn. Tit. - form therefore commence 1 tio task of driving then, out, and set et work wait good heart 111 the early morning. " Much firing took Move, and oar progress was chow, but gradually Bet - pluck turd ire tale, end the et uty fell lack to mother k,goj•. tc, ewarnte.l on, and ee:milled it. anti then the nttnck see mu,•nr - I w tit tit utntodt gallantry. "The country simply abounds in hills 11 tiwable to guerilin warfare, end our tnek Is 1111 arduous one. N'verthelme, t 1s being gradually accomplished. Whenever any of tit, enemy were ob- verted taking np it fresh podtion, our yell batteries poured hi showers of shrapnel, and the rapid movement of the guns, lollawel by accurate 'shoot - bag, mtrt have gre.ttly dtstre-sed ,[tem, "Tho enemy were on the defensive nlmott the entire day, save onee, when they attempted, to outflank our left, and were signally checkmated. They relied altered entirely on dile rlre..1 few shells were fired] from tt heave piece of ordnhnce, but Meer fell harm - leas. "We now oec'tpy the lower crest on the left, and nee eonterging slowly Mit surely to the Boer centre. 'The Boer boss Is unknown, but meet linvc been heavy. Their killed] and wounded are carried away to the rear reel fly. Strout; rumors are to circuta- tidt that the Boers are retiring. "Tic battle will be resumed tomor- row." A Frontal Attack. London, Jan. 28. -The Thetas pub- lishes the following from From Camp, dated yesterday (Mondry) afternoon: 'qui Friday Gen. Witmer' began a long circuitous nati'ch from Trichttrd's drift westward, TIM; was abtndoued, owing to the fact that the long ridge whish rune west from Sidon kop wits occupied by thte enemy, who command- ed the route, rendering the mainten- ance of communications for transports Impossible, "He therefore returned and camped for tit* night about two milers from Trtchnrd's drift. Ott Saturday a frontal attack on the Meet teas or• dared." The correspondent then describes Sntnrluy's fleeting, already cabled, and tud.ietee - " The inert believed epletldtdhy un• der neo incesetuit heavy ernes fire in it hurting cut fur seven hours. Our casualties were for the most part eight. the proportion of killed to wouudedl being extremely small.' ]iritish Losses Sunday. Loudon, Jan. 28. -Nothing has been allowed to trunepire officially con- cerning the operations of Gen. Buller's forces ye4terday. The only deepittch front Gen. Bu11er Mute S.iuulay night 111 a preliminary Ilse of the catualtnee. One or two eorreslondentt hare been allowed by the censor to mention that the artillery reopened fire Monday morning, but all other reports treats. netted 011 ,Monday refer W the situa- tion on the previous day, and these nonfirm the reports that the pro- gress of the British Is very slow nand difficult. 1 I The telegrams, however, still leave too mucic %msat.t to enable n realize. tine of the precise disposition of the Brittah forces. Whit is known hull. cotes the probability that the Inc. sent opernttons, If HU eeee Itti. will Ittat several days yet, and the lnfer- eetteat of roue Of th' critics that Gen. Duller', ti'enoe protides an mummer?, tweet of its success need not dnguge ' attenttan. Meantime, the ter,, no'fernte total of the British casualties, au') the small prorortdon of deaths, show a tort' cilferent h'undRttg of tib. troops comp.tred with many of the previous eugngemcnts, It nitre furnlnhes proof of the correspondents' etatettu nts r acernluig the growing skill of the Bill'eh Pointer's la ttvalttnq them. selves of cover like tate Boers. Atwcordtttg to the Dally mot -Beales. correspoadent, the Beeps have two civ -Latch (Yues:ot gotta, about four 15. 1.oumders and two mat4tine guns, wltIeh is a moderate artillery Ferre for the defame of n to 1Lima n•h:ch 14 'saki to extend several miles. NIlotivm it to il'•st at tint the L., rn neve as yet been unable to mount more guns, or whether, as soma guess, the pres-nt raatvtance Is were]) that of the rear guar.] covering tit, wlth- d',rnwai of the heavy guns as the re- salt of the deliberate abandonment of 1 the ,lege of Lady-dtmitie It le lmpoe- tible to say. An Incident of Sundkty'tt fighting was an attempt of Nle Boers to turn the extreme British left. This man• epottient of the Deily Mali sends this despatch, dated Match's*, Wedgies. daty, Jaa let: "rho enemy have shelled au very little since nor artillery attack on Jam drd, when, accenting to the ns - live reports, we killeal the Boers' chef gamer and five ,;hers, and in- jured finer guts: "The Boars telt s.veral bie confer, owes Len week. Ties Fres plate lead. en. Eremite!, to report's.] to havesince lett, taklaug its man with him. There are fewer Boars tltibia now titan at any Keaton arae eine° the thee be gate Om estimate makee their forces 2,000;• A ]lig (fun shade In Kimberley. London, Ttteolay, Jan. 28.-.1 de• ttateh to the Daily 'telegraph front hlmberley, dated) Jan. 190t, nays ihutt a 2R tti der gun has been mum ufneturee bt the de Berra workeiop. It was tented oa Friday and tired accurately for 8.00 yar let. It lav Nei chtkien "d "Long t'ro't:' Heavy hoer Bombardment. Kimberley (by hollogrataie Ween ,- day, Ja'o. 17th, via Madder Weer, Jan, 21, -Native r:ports say that a pro - London, Jan. 22 -Just before ma night the War Office Issued the fol• lowing despatch from Oct. Buller 1 Spearnan's Camp, Jan. 22, 9 p,m, -The following ceutualtte' are re• ported in Gel. Mart's Brigade as the result of yeeterhty's fighting: Killed) : Captain Ryal, Yorkvillre Rig'. neat. Rook and file, 5. Wounded ' Capt. McLachlan, Innisklllings. Second Lieut. Andrews, Border Re giment. Lieut. Bartow, Yorkdalre ltegt. meat. Rank tali file, 75. e Eight men are miming, Other casualties will be furwurdied when recei veil. A Doubtful Durban Runtor. Durban, Natal, Jan. 22. -The er:ate• meet comes troth en excellent source ion Pietermaritzburg tbat Lord Dun- donald boa entered Ltadyens:ib with 1,800 meta Thi'm in nut ooatirmed item any other quaver, but it la known that Lord Duelonald'e flying column hale baeac aotent welt 10 the lett of the eine of adeenee, Burial of Steevon. London, Jan, 22. -'chis despatch from les npeclat corresponient is pub- 1:shei by the Daily Mail, dated Lady- smith, via Bwart's Kop, Jan. 20th "At m'afidgbt on Monday we buried - Sleevents in Ladysmith cemetery. The night was very dark, butt the Boer sarchlight on t)'mbutwann played) on lbs mounters who followed Steeven' body to the grave, adding a deep sob etnnl,ty to the scene, " There were many people present, 114,1)Lag o humph o .d , (Fiore,." To Transfer Native Regiments. Ctalcutte, Jan. 2?, -'(he Gorerntnent hue eel toll to transfer two native re. gtmente now at Undoes to Colombo ani eingepare. Tilde wool t enable the Brttisln regiments at those two points to be withdrawn for South Africa if n.eewary. Killed the Cktef (inner. Landon, Jae, 21.--'Tbe epecisl corse• oeutre wee defeated,, however, by the e, /pie .1.10011 (1'ItIELLY, Ot va•taster, who pined the 1.011• thtgont at Kingston yesterday. clamatb1 has been 1 sued at Bark. ly Wee; by Commandant Betthe, or. Coring MI Briti'b subjects to quit be- fore Jan. 'dual. Laces' are Ming sub jectel to great intuits. The Boars are watt very active, tombarAng horn all poetio nit from dawn till 8 a. me the fire being di. roote.l cltt-fly against: the redoebtt. Swarms of teocusts. reterkstroom, San. 22,-Affulre Imre continue yui t Trmrneoui swat mi of tomtit aro passing over the British camp in a northerly direction, and are Destroying the grit., on the veldt. commandant "Maier threatens to de tale ns prisoners of war any newspa- per eorrm:pendent captured by Ids toroth., TIi.,. Standr. TN L4IGDT lilnWiPAP>flt tit KUDOS COUNTY. NO 23. that* I saw during the previous forty years of my life. Why should we punish Kruger? That man bar oolwxl a problem which every utateeman had found uneoiveble, .1 would bntlld a monument to President Kroger or the Om of R. Paul's Cathedral, patting him under it, and I would write aerates it, ' To tate memory of the man who federated the British Empire_'" Doers Were *termed. London, Jan. 28. -Thu Daily Tele- graph publisltts the following despatch delayed by the eases from Romberg, dated Sunday afternoon : "Last evening about U o'clock the= Mere began firing furlously- ail along their main position. Three tient of rl'la fire were t lylble, The n:lag lasted three-quarters of an hour. The renew for the alarm Is not known stere." Emperor on the War. Berlin, Jau, 22. -It is tinted titat rat a recent rt relation of the Preaitlents of the erliegen lluunteresur il- llam discussed the Soouthh stere: or in the most Impartial manner He praised the enceeeefui Witte.* of the Deere, who, without 'words br tay- onate and reit leg solely 011 their rifles had done so well. At the sante time Hie Melody ex - 'reseed the deepest regret thttt so many of the beet Engllwa families were mourning the heroic tleatlts of bite bands, father, and a,/:ts. The Emperor deplired the attitude, of the German press, which rendered It most difficult bit' Mtn to avoid trio - Mon with England, Ile recalled Prince Blemarek's rent irk: "We must pay for the windows 'token by our press." Prefers GM('olentitle. London, Ian. 28. -The War Office has decided not to tend the 17th Lancers 8th Itussarr, and 7t11 Dra- goon h Guard*, tot, &oath Africa, nl- titdsq(, It Is mndtrstttod that Lord Robert's door not sec it way t0 get Mader for the Fngl Isle chargee. More than that, the English cavalry' are taw heavy for work on the veldt, LORD 'RADON 11.x' Who In t,t.conumutd nt ,nu"'f '''1pe11/e1 11utler'a columnh.,w i„ g tot' the,rellef of i, I with. . and Lord Rolerty etp,•rIt to tuecol- ouLal conk.% iu tc, l Kruger U's,rtea Timothy. London, .tan. :::t. -Mr. Alfred M. Austin, tit' it l laureate, nttd Dr. ('o- nnn Both. 11,. tloVellat, were the guests of tee ,uthinrg' Club Inst night. In response to a toast to Ins health, Dr, 1k,yle s.tld that he wawa nlwnt t0 go to th' front, not with a rifle, bit with a t.tctbostopv', which many wool regard ug a more dangerous weapon 'Thin war,' he continued, "mark a turning „ nt In the life of (Arent Britain. '`+„e eight months apt took the chair at a peace meeting, bar 1 whit now to mead teat error. have low more primitive Virtue in fid country during the last few months THE EIGHTH DIVISION. The eighth div tion will be com• nutielal by Malordlen. Rundle. Prin- cely Louise opened the Artiste' War Fund Exhibition at the Clued Hall Yesterday, In the preserve of tt dia•1lt tingued compannyy. McJor-(fett. Sir Henry Mat'teod Lae lie K, C. tit, C. M. (1., D. 8. 0., R. A', has been Adjutant -General of the lestyptlau army since 1808. He was horn at Newton Abbot. De- voe, Fog., and It 44 years of age. lie enteed the Royal Artillery bit 18T0. and served Zulu the Zul war of 1870, retelling the medal and clasp. Hbr other war ',cords are as foRowe : Transvaal, 1881, wounded in the defence of Potshot - Aroma menttottedl In tiesedtol/±tg1 Egypt, 1882, medal and clasp, Maga star awl promotion to talo; Nee expeeltimi, 1684 tenets and promotion to Maps; Una• on d. 1885 to 1891, clasp, third -clam *Mae, promotion to Colosiel &menta expedition. 1806, as chief Malt, att, mentioned in despateltes, promotion to Ma)on•Getteral, and clasp; Nile expedition. 1697, mea• tinned ht despatcher and clasp; Khartoum expedition, 1898, cote - mending line of communications. mentioned in despatches, clasp and decoration IC. P. Bt He received the decoration of D. 8. 0. In 1887, and C. 51. (1( In 1806. - In Northern ('ape colony. ill jar -Gen,. French hoe been rdin- force 1 ew.1 if; ung Lyddittt shells free- ly, '1'h:'re urn u*aoftiria4 11:111111:1111111111:11111111010411dict General Roberta' Dart work bac the clearance of the northern front truer by ale sfxth &vist ed, wheels a ne- inforcing Major -Gen. Froth end Major -Gem Gataetrte. Gen. Methuen's army remelt*ldk. Pretoria is Much Perturbed. Lesion, Jan, 10. -The Neel priors the following despatch this morning from (1* aolredpoeflent : "Lorene Marques, Jen. 22.-\etss front the Republics la exeeedisngly mea- gre, but it is reported. that Pretoria in ntutdt perturbed. Thin hi co'rtirmed Ryan diateJrettt netrcew, eat ib -deny it is evert h,'utted that the Berns xreabout 10 ante C it peace. Thinla improbable lWee have played timer tfUmp card im the shone oft an sppea�,lor In- ieryenllu I1 ifs an undettbted fart that they are b)tterly Moped:teed at the no. parent apathy of the eontanentni temente Join Burgher's. Lott:oe. Jan. lee -The hurban tor. respondeat of the Standard say's: "It it repoMod fiat ten volunteer etratelt. er•1xewrere, o:t Nn .r arrival at the float, walker) deliberately sorties in- to the Boer Rupe. The tame thing temente! at the battle of Colima It 1', prt,umed they were apses wholtad smeared h1 enrolling. t.hamselvet mlain the atlance corps. "ft tt asserted that lite Boers deemtrate:i the cuovent cherish at New- el/Ole In an dndetertbable manner.” London Subwrlptlon for Boers. Loudon, Jan. 2:1 -At the anneal banquet of theAl+aoe-Lerralae Eo• ttety last Maid a subscription was raked for the benefit of the fleeter.Haled of the Jibe* Watch. Loudon, Jan. 22, -The War Office le tulv(ned from Pretoria that 86 men of the "BlackWatett" Itegtnteat,who had been heretofore reported nit,.iMt. were buried by the Boer gera at Ma- foutele. Some of Buller', Troubles. ' e Louden, Jan. 22.-A despatch to the Dally News from I'otgleter'a drift, dated, Friday, Jan. 19111, toys: "The spieler o[ the troops are great- ly raise(' by the conviction that even. Buller now has n thorough grasp of the eituution. "Aa the force has left the railway, transport duffioultles are beteg experi- enced. The rivers are often floosies', and what were a sltort time ago tri'k- ling streams are now deep torrt'nts. '"Tice tomes nt the (Witte cannot be easily forgotten. One sees a perfect pandemonium of ox -wagons. Some- times tb'.rty ox.i ere yokel to a din- gle wagon, and the drivers make a veritable babel of noise, ehouthtg ht Dutch, English, and Zulu, They 'WW1- dlkh their long whips, and oaxaslon- lltly an upset stops a whole trate. "At another point, or time, halt regiment will drag tt cart and its mules np the river bank by Halt 0."., The traction engines looked Itroatlsing at filet, but @trade ('h(eccle> I have s'e'en nothing of them." JOHNRt'8KIN PL•:.1D. The (treat Author-.trtist Joins the Silent Majority'. London, Jan. 2i). -John Rtt*4I fad this lattermost of influents, aged 81 yeere. John Ru"tin was bora In London lit February, 1,119, and eduoated pri- vately Heid at Chalet Church, Oxford. He detotel lthnneif to painting under l'oph'y raiding and J. D. Harding. Hie first literary effort was a pamphlet lid ekr.vno of Tun.et' and the English "nidal of landreape are. It being itf- terward enlarged into the well-known ' „ort "Modern PaMttetw.' Ills works halo had a wide celebrity and are to be found all over the English speak- ing world. For some rears he haul been in declining health, and lute rarely appeared on the lecture plat- ; forms. He was a man of an many eoo- tricitfes and ,narked gothic. The s lady who was hie wife subsequently married Sir John MRlale, Ruskin fa. cllitittitrg the dlasolutica of Ids mar- riage bonds, having found that the had fallen bit love with the yoeng painter. Pulled the Gun Toward Him. Kingston. Jan. 19. -Early on Tues• day roomiest Merman Melton, of d Petewn towueliip, County of Rem . brew, Ont., went to the bolt lemma /4 pnn,v with another man to follow up Hume deer tracks whish Meirott bad I ,sell the day previous. Whale pailbtg t his gnu mit of a thicket where he 1 had it cemented, it went off s shot haat in the Mead, killing blur scantly.