HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-01-18, Page 8all
111 ,® people have , ,. • yIn141ite II copy �� �n art ���
_ #� have behevad #9Rt+1 qt ° .
ti, f1 portuntty op•n r ey s M$rrket Reports BANK OF HAMI
t ..1 .> LL -BE ESTFUL °USA[ to eatet qy t
Pit to ss�y n a _Op,
cultivate, When a mtat a i Capital, all aid u t, oo,noa. Reserve
-----` - ad to be useful a d setae er Comet•Llkc Career Ended P r P Pt s +
iii @pada hlpt rrwa thI M."�t l The �iV�'ek. Total Assets, r ,16 0
r —Insomnia No Sin of Divine deceiver dudes°' balm t° w' r°r and Sadl , $ 3 3t 5?`
I - a, g InRemark the sigh h of
the victims J LEAllINO WHE.tT r1J ,ETB. T m - t n t ¢•-
edisnr --Overwork in Any Direction of lasomnia ought to be oonaole4 w'Ith Following lye bi a otiift prices at R�vmQ
the teat that they sow have a good HER LAST PATHETIC TETTER lm,atJutt what tt•ntttw today:
Will Produce Wakefulness, : .' ` long steep after awhile, sacred and tM1,q >
Profane literature again and again Yu.rW cable; 1NIe origin 0t Vela y A general Banking buatneee tranaaa r r o8 all WARA S
s ak of that Tart sleep. God knew Ct gp •' • ••• ••. •"$0 4tl 97 7 6 eeonrit es. Farmers' notes discounted and m to /eld cattle •ke.
t�*W-„"r^+.i” e"***"4,04"**,P" • 4*"4 �i6 g Aatglaa, tam tamaua It@auty, once of New York,., ......... 000 0 78 7.6 r
t at the human race would be die- row YOtk, who died halt's at Christ- cad pen log the harvesting of rho cro ben hb Coile•uoAi
posed to make a great add about ex. Milwaukee............ U 461.2 0 O0 de on the most thar esti terms. e c a �1�f+t alta orinoi l AEg
Jan. 14. -In W11s oils• I lour hours of the' night abed, and Jus• It from this world, and so He ins Ireq mastitic, abandoned by bet grand duke 66. Cottle,,, ,,, ,,, ,,. 0 68 8.4 OTO Da
4M Lr. 'Talmage treats of a style tinian, atter one hour of sleep, would Job and David and Dsofel and John and all tier rich aAWrors save one, Tin. .................. 0 88 8.4 U 721.8 da and the United States, Drafts on ttMrt HrlteiA and tl a ContlAeat of
dlaortler not mach discoursed upon rise from his couch. But you are And Paul to call that condition "sleep " halt been traced. Detre t, red , ... 0 891.4 0793-4 bought and sold.
al Matolds what must be a consala- neither a,Hatlntan nor a Lord Broug- When at Bethany the brother Wirt Bm' real name was Vera ria Detroit, white , ... 0091.4 000 -
is to many peoplei text, Psalms ham. IA not the abrura apotheorls was the support of his sitters after Douglas. Phe Its married apaven+ Mluth, No. 1 N.... 0848.8.0447.0 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.
a. 4: Thou boldest mine eyes of early rising induct you to the ab• t .olr tether and mother were gone had tnrer, who oa11dA Idmaelt a akoff, pulath, No, 1 hard 0 46 7.4 U.��Qj
breviatlita M, sleet). Lack of -steep in. htmsalf expired, Christ criod out In and who •IsDOW 14 jell 11 Alglerm Her Minneapolis,,,......... 08876 O*1.6 Deposits of 41 and upwards received and lntorest allowed from date of
is the vacation of the soul. It Mas�laggt6g�s -social Life. A reformation regard to him, "He Is not dead, but parentis fondly beliovpd hor n Folawta are the clod ,
mind gone Into th playground ua needed, And It the cust0ma of the Pleepeth." Cheering thou ht to ell root oougtpty, sad a pursoa of g tag prices at deposit to data of withdrawal, Interest Added to prinelpal In May and Novem-
s imlrifportuut wheat centres today : bar each year. $peotal depos(t1 also rtaeived at current rats. Deposita may
relaxation of world could be changed In this matter poor aleeperC ter that will h a psoas- real co In London and i tt O h
aid helsolace of the nerves; and the curtains of social Ute ecoid be ant Mita(,, Induced by no narcotic, oils• Their letters freta directed to " , Cash. May, be wltkdtgwA Lrh Out formality or delay,
11hush of activities; it Is the rung down ata asonable hour of the turned by no frightful dream, Inter- Chicago ............... __ $008 .
Sat tbtatawa MAtakolt" Q`iT. Bis.---___ B06•AaIED(T.
Cartej1 bit of the eyes; it m a night to per cent would be added to than
y sleep
harsh sound. Better The World oars licipdeat ascertained Now York ............ o 6 0783.4 •�••
eightIhours; it !tag much topp tivorld's longevity. than any sleep you ever took, O child that liar father was 8teplow Douglas,
Milwaukee ......... ,., $0 861.:: __ '+v --_ . - �. __ __ _ __�"'.�+
' it b a breathing much Rtintark the third: All those ought of clod, will be the tart sleep, St. Lads .,.....,.. , 0681.2 0 49 7.8
tar da tri it is a to be comforted trio by overwork a termer at Mitchell, Ont., and WIG ,
est Most people are tired, The nights do Toledo ......... ... ... U 861.2 U T:.
a 'livion of all csrkins In rl ht directions have come td In- p cable was seat to find him." d not repair the day, Aha[ Scientists, by ad- I)ett'0!t, sed ,,. ,., ,.. U 72 1-4
•� the declot recugnlgwl by soinnta. In all occupations and pro- note calculation, uty,•that every night Mttdanso Malakoff diad here today. jyetlea� white ,,, ...... 009
of medicine; it Is a divine tagalong there are times when a comes a little short of restoring the Can you identify her? Else all pro- Duluth. No, 1'north, 0648-8 -
It to a complete anaeothetle; special draft Is made upon the ner• body to where It was the day before, Party will be raised by state." Duluth, No. 1 ,,. 0477.8 -- g,.."'
anger of the night; It Is a vous energy. There are thousands of and No every seventh day was put In On Dao, 28th came the onawlor: Minn p°II. \ --------- I-
at God for the human me and women who cannot sleep be- for entire rest, to make up In repara- "Madame Malakoff 1s my daughter, °& , '
northern .,SmIt
48 8.4 -- I _
k of It puts patients on Lha cause they were injured by overwork than for what the nlghtr could Cottle. Marla Douglas. Am writing." yd ap pelt,;� • -
torture or In the madhouse in some time of domestic or political But so restful will be the last sleep There was evidenoo that these simple h r ., t) 4g 8.4 - • •
dlN grave. Uh, bleaaed sleep! or religious exigency. Mothers who, that ypu will rise from It without one people, not knowing that the [laugh• i ).
p e the Bible makes much of. atter taking a whole family of chil- sorq Nerve, without one tired limb- t TGRONT� N MARKET. New p Advert�s�n
• fp eta triumphs were of the undue
I Selh stee so sound that n dren through the disorders that are rested, forever tested, as only God world, were about to leave their items Jan. 0, Yuji a)tx farm produce g
iebA o the side of Adam sure to strike the nursery, have been can rest you. O ye tired Mlka all up for Parts, expecting to see the *%poli• were 1 ' It, Y�CtuO IhtebeU of .grain, '3b
flakes' him came the best lett physical wrecks, and one entire and down the world, tired with work, tion under the,most brilliant aus loads hay"Ault .three of straw.
I bleaeitlg ever afforded to night of slumber is to them a rarity, or tired tvlth persecutions, or tired plD°s' IS THE
Italy eoMpaalonehi Wille In It not an Impossibility. The attorney with bereavements, or tired In the A PATHETIC LETTER, tVhea (IOohs, }6U bushels sold at
p 710 to 71 •$p, l•
omno a I son, of ruck Jacob saw a at law who through a long trial. in struggie against temptatinn,, chap your here Is n lotner Vera wrote to Wxt ;.•_
set Ahpp with angels coming poorly ventilated courtrooms hall hall I with eternal glee in expectation (Inittd I*ko VladitWr when Ito pl u Bariey load Pitt at 460 "per e f a
NO and eltmbing. 8o "he giveth stood for weeks battling for the of that sleep from which you will wake tiers first wpeks igot tt tmshe! -��yy
I beloved steep,' °oilloquised the rights of widows and orphans or for up ■o rested that you will never need year Oattc ' pr, 1Q0 bushels geld at �'
p "IG was at this season last 801 r,. t ,,,,,,,�,,,,,� r
rst. /plomon listens at the the life of a client in whose Inno- another Slee or even another night, that we loved each other so math $ `'.
sr pt t{• -orad workman gaud coin• canes he la confident, though all the "Thera shall be no night there," be- tie you remember the crowds that Ilnt StW- Z Wits pfd at•410F >,,�,
ot iib p w by Paying, "The sleep circumstances are unfavorable. In his cause there will be no need of Its r " L up when we came out Of Lha to 412.,,0 fetyylmptl ' and 1plx at r +
S' htbtltdltg meq is Mire t," Yetar room he tries the ease all night long, quieting 1n6uenees. intern ?,Do yen rrigeml nr Monte ('urlo, $9 to $1U Ver tom. } O l I� , i',•, I
g ealntly �tltaping between the two and every night, when he would like SO, my hearer, my reader, "Good 8trnw'F tLtee toads bold 60 (,�,..,,
isis.blas ski+ night before his ex- to be slumbering. The physician, in night;" May God give you such sleep the Iiliitim, tato sweet nawulit nights $8 to 0 tort
stt aommination, Christ was time of epidemics, worn out in lav- to -night as Is hest for you, and It 0a oto' (fear Yattllt only one year ago? $ 1 '
" WIC04tod" see Whether o Jan. 11.-Orfln recelpts qlt the t, 0 in a boat on Galilee when ins the lives of whole families and you wake too Scott, may He, fill your y u (•an ro- +'' 0
gtreot market ham today were mod•
wet In the iuroelydon, the on- falling 1 n his attempts to sleep at soul u Ith reminta(sen twalld expecte• cognise fns I am ea);coastantly ill hate orate; pct •stead , ^�+��
Apiation was made to Joseph In night between the janglings of his tions that will be better thka alem• that'totitgytiws-a# tp ht-f.,p ex-_�
ftp And death fe deacrintd as only door bell. The merchant soh° has ner. Gaatl Ight! I atng rya preyur1 areple-I ill dl q Wheat -4 and fifty bush. e`'
Hoop and the resurrection as a experienced panics, when the banks I(neeill tits ,, be Coo�mI tet " But f skau d thou I'll ala of red aA it wluntt cold • �" " v ' s
tttlteul wakening out of sleep. Went down and Wall street eeatgba Ynurettlf.... '1111 yOttrlt-4o th! heapIng ... lonak to my on �w a,d. at00a,
nt 7Ue. arillr(tut uJ ,. a-+I.w
)h the other hand, Insomnia, or pandemonium, and there wall s" 1- of the ittrMass•God, fess•. nothing, uwh.lacome an)(0 E y6ttr(oor • . I
( q�eness, fe an ole disorder spoken bllity that the next day iM would be The P abet walkesli In dark -s•• Outs-T.wu kR Lushele sold gat•
and again to the 1DI6le. pennilaawthat night with mr more neat ,hto 'Yrtiaa your doorsill, and ^ 8tle, The �4 rewd merchant know
�r4t• suffered from it, end we possibility of gaining sleep than It YOU a got be afraid of evil ticl• HE DL8 RTED I Barley-EIghij eased bushels sold nnnnnnnn
that night could'nnt til- such a beaming had never toueho(Inur Ings. flood alght!'May Yost have, no Illti'tllphttealsttitcotaca q' at 44o to 461.20, lt'l Cl$ `lt:cordin 1
tiles Joseph Hall "aid of that' planet, Ministers 'lit the gospel, ht ,41h 11 experlmnitC Ya Job had when he waiman'N lav c O•
p kelt pu.- 8ho Huy and htraw-TlUrty loads o1 , }
"iIIPe that could command A tfine of great revival, all their pow- Oald, "Thou iMarest me with dements not kpdw,4#16 waa Ying,, la buy Bald gt $1060 to $1L' nad $U to d, IJ
and seven and twenty Prov- en of endurance drawn upon day by and terrlfleat nts through vielotts." it c pt
lel net commend alae day and weak by neck and month by You dream at all, may It be a vidonof did. 4 ' 11, • 810 for mlted hny and clover. Six 1* , l
dstaNior had Insomnia, and month• -sermonic reunions and co Ions and, Iertt DOnglAa' E111101tr to llfdliauntod ttooads of straw sold weaker at $7 ,to. a ^U I.Tj, �7`.tl'�L1{�'} (�ilr ova}i these ''"
preparation, neigh- ) -
°HM s 9p braise frost borhapd,vfaltstion, heartbreaking ob- waking, may you find some of them her niter cloath. Ittt her Iwtti4,,.yfhs not 1� u
g Ihls trouble sequies, sympathetic help for the true. Oood night( And when ynu g'l'en sanctuary' in The Ataert:aly t(�Dt'—W l'Achaagol gt 64,26 ' p 'times use q
sr' day 'ner night unxlocg. the despairing and the (lying. enure to the best sleep, the bllagf 11 Church. Meml crm t,< Dr,4MOtgatt'o app. OAQ, •owt, ,,
aft, ;baitI'll ea" Asaph It to unndtrful that mlplelsre of the sleep, the last sleep, may you he groglatat protested Uguihet It. 1. Jr Art*ry 11 ht and +• '
I' vl q 11 stoat ta11 In gnst,et have anY nerves"•tett dud hat, able to turn and maY to all the curse It was Imposslnl° to d r what d > - kers are ua° ranged a4+`y't� '
11 '
text that hli e1Cre open at the ant("I f sleep dorm not' quit their and fatignes and 'bereavements nod had bo omi of Vera's o ourcesr tit to lU•, gctsno II i- a �{ '�t T
[night, some myaterlo� ,pnwet prcaence f u,v(•r, pause of a lifetime, 'Good night"' Thero is everything to s I ' that Flee dock# fi0o to 7Lc, chicks THS 6J��611 1 A�aA�D
Ting the upper and lower heli irate t c I Alar gaud now pronounce high• was well-to-do. H.•r ewela were fain Dutt,n and 1�;gge=Very t �0.
ring. "Thou hold mt mina eyes Wal:- est cunsolatiun for all those ,who In . .. Dim, Melt of e0ebr!t haat uauwenaf oelpa@ 8pd sl�gqw I pian 1im
11"""'x^^ r ._ _ __ -
tiny depart Went have saeridc'ed their 01tovemlld by a Woman. her with gifts. S o_k broker® Lad tD3II1LE supe
0--m,lia, which has troubled al! health to duty.- Your sleple°antuta is dieaetpr hal Dish Bfxaulatrd fm tier and won. It trod The I:ur'Arl vtsfnfe �`''�tions and all aged, hue Ile tvidrst ae lnurh a treoud n1 au carni An y S}j+ n tblg known that frmu ttmo to thee, in her wh0nt Is 01v210,00D btw
14S In our land, because of .a, un e.n}' i:attl(flAd and !e an honara
e4, (' t/ 91utClt` caraiess Iva t
III and speed of oil styles of ne nuund. tv, elf look wit k rrveren d y u dI l y, sho lild it(fpght railway The vi In supply of ry 1,„ •+ 'v
as n no other land. Where and admhutton upon one trim yyggas lost f• vette Al4tphtl and mining Iteeur1t13s, Ctdted h)atoa gaud tcpndn. t "
n 1a one man gar woman v;tt'a an eye or an urrn In the rertdcE of bale withsta 1'q AtiE llpt: 93tMlr jewalt and 0tlter btfecte ne with tunoimt atlo0 io Euro m rP�,
of nerves there are. te dozen country, and we. ought G, look softhgd. v1Ea1 argues warp ut,i gig c0ald ba found Are under the# gats 7L4,5 2,000 t ha - w,.
h rwrought and tangled gang- mlratlon upon those who, throufk•)Mx• death auomad imminogat, of 11 este penditlk lite nrrh-at of ,
I. l t same time In life almost Creme 4dellty to their life work, have months she con had incessantly+, in >Mh ,* „ori asp @ i
ryonr q hM had a touch of It, 1t lost capacity for slumber. [" p s "A, a �-•
been called "Amnrlcanitte." Lnel Remark the fourth; Insomnia to no could sleep, he ana11,Y alaaavarba _
a fray h reoovor , by purcha&itlgvf at► Ag d pd �f,,, , the I \\
at there were, as there will be tip sign of divine dlspleaaure. Martin y r ,
Nd. millions of people to !)hem the Luther had dletressing Insomnia and a bottle of Dr. I{Ing s New Dkpoverl A Mitchell despt,Ch to thd' Ptaw y'• MLT IT,-;. e l t
'da of the. text art appropriate u1 wrote, "Vi'heIs I wake up In the for Uoaenmption, and was art much York WorCher, i eaya t ;hlteary Douglas, 9 he :noel "" � g
Iota, '"Pnnu holden/t mane eyes night, the devil immediately comes relieved on taking first dose, that she Ler father, told tl s'story-ot her life t'ervtls trod@ 1 =qua g Gant,�tt `
Itpg;+' and disputes with me and gives me. slept all night; and vi ith two bottles e(tUng to the unprftsnttints story al t I ,-,� 'A L1t:A . ,•Tko atrin)Ke 6y I ` " v
condertal is that law wh!ch Ralph strange thoughts until at last I has been abmo!wely cured. Her name a half frame hta �ta wtsich shallers ttnn meacy ant pl)� '10 Lits +prlmri m ts81a0it: t mj��j
*1 XM*Mon called the ."law of grow enraged beyond endurance and is Mrs, Luther Lois," Thns writes 11, him, bits wife and two of lhAr eight euugo of thin, alto Denko re fm sing hor� ,d - j%zltJl H � I AA cs
Gen." and It has been so give him Ill words," That cense- Q, H tniltoh A lo•, o1Hl,e1y, N.C. children who remain tit bolas, traclore to keep ,,,,,,fly within q.etr 'jirr fTte eels
that, while the hard -work- orated champion of. everything good, r Vera Mare, the Oe set daughter, linos of aredit, att•1 will on ,to acrr7,,11 "
Trial bottles Eros at J. M. HµutNron s g . i Dunt t t r StTitttpaee ha v ;ct . �7
intlons of the earth, are de- Dr. 8ttphpn H. Tyng, Or., In his g was born here to t alt 0 yearn put out more stoney to carry wheat. i g ; lr ����
Drug Sto:e Regular size Eco and til, Tt1' L s w�•k. Th ire s n of t dr atimY}or
of, the toxone ,they Iaxve encouragement
bay, says that the only Every bottle guaranteed. ego, nmi was Mated in the vi sage, le little trade that hay boom tics, ,u. rwy oml rates urs steady. ane luxury %'batch litany of encouragefisnt he bed to think he 1D tier father wits a farmer, has rnngad from 641-1A eS t, "l of '-
of the earth ore dsnl,d would sleep at night was the fact --- ' t Tf Bwainess a1 Hamilton l,aa lw,n fair TRAi p7 q GENERAL SANKINfl"'
She was the amar est, quickest one last weak for oput No 1 a In stove
++��shlch some of them tvoui, that he had not slept the night be- i ly nclirn for this arnsan. 1'ho holiday
ons of d*N#A in cash down fO1e• One of the greatest English THE W�SNIN6TON FAKIfl the fainly," sa4d Stephan Douglas, fort William to (hxi' n the tubidle 07' trade was good and remAtnnces no' BUSINESS.
capacity la a!e,•p. The clergymen had a gas jet un either She could work gat the kitahea with till# week, Leek again to 0# I�" y'tla• q result are improving. TLe city trade j
elle of his bed, so that he either her mother or Mite could entertain terday forenoon, ut In the attarAotm r i r t
tit tDa�e u'ho tali with hand is in fair,mbaps nail the condition of BLY ill ONTARIO. RIO '
t Qa not bete td send out in- read nights when he could not sleep. ----- company and be a lady In the parlor. there were 00' bu)%rm at over 040, at- f •
When 16 ears of a Vera learned thong I bolder* would not Bell at even nttptnese jlenernlly was never more t4
M sleep. They retuh, un Horace Greeley told me he had not y be,tices '1 he outlook t e the woufh'e
or vattNan ,Be suipht,m,l er had a mound Mleep in fifteen years, m,anegraphy, teheti it left ; Otne and 61 1 - IN". - hard and NU. 1 north- - -'�
inns to put them to nightly ,in. Lays Oilt a Programme to want to Chdsut t rade la ver,, satisfactory.
aharler Dickens understood London go. ern are 29.40 under No. 1 hard, No. ll'inni;leg h+>siaeas circles are n lit- 11DT68 DIBCGUNI6D,
oil, IR1ee, Zn Ave tghnu:eP aft : by night better than any other writer, Bulldoze Canada "Bight from the start eh.s earned 0 (lard 0o antler No. 1 hard; No. I Ile line active tine week. 'rho jebb+rs'
r trledr touch Ike p7tia7
r they because not beteg able to sleep he t 420 to 425 a week. Vera wrote home fravted 64o, No, frogtod 49c, all In Sate Notes a specialty. Advancer
as tar.ow from.,[1ta walt.,thPy,' Rr, spent that time In exploring the city, regulzrly, and came back a few time@ store Fort William. Wheat Is roc• and rotaitera ere preparing for the [nada to trmerg on their own
dhng. or the d�trh they were it% Wakefulnen may be an opportunity to vier her country hone. Sha remain. y notilnul, trading Lein r'er °pring trade. Stock taktn bass
f(a, y ticnll g g y nh g , notes, No additional security re•
t, or the anvi they, were pound- prayer, opportunity for profitable ed In Chicago leen than a year, then slow. D[nrket etosea weak to -day at Own much good•results that mer- I quirod
or the wheels they war eo»trei• resection, opportunity for kindling AND IT I$ VERY FUNNY, chant& are welt eased. Money is in
tt otat trent to New York, 04e for No. 1 [mrd to store Fort WIl- , 1111611681 ON DEPOSITS at Carrell WIL
ata heaven Is from earth, About *right •exp[ tons of the world "When little more than 16 eats of slant. Winnipeg Commercial, g sad ra01e era tura.
where there la no night and where Detorit, llficb„ Jan. 16.-A Washing, r I 'f man r
clack In the mavttng„f"h body a mbet wilt heave no ossa. Clod tar epactal to tie petro,it 'tribune fi geaeralestuplegoods
e e era went to Condon. I received �Ve ober every accommodation con-
, temperature and 'Its fur• to a letter from BRITISH CHEESE M:IRKET, at don b kept op wonderfully
w nearly out, what a `contplete fust ae much o[ you when mays: Negotiations which Senator Die- ou` London to September, Further seise over the cable are re w'• 'Whir t1�} first of, the year. The ofrtent with safe and conservative
Rede for the enthe physical A u t but three or four hours of Milian w,ll Mite week open with Secre- 1893• which was from Sir William values ;it all de nankin rtnei IPI,
tLaatl stivrture! Allnight longi a as when at bight you 'get tat'y Hay anti Ftacretary ',age, in be. Manners, of o alt gton Square. fie lt0tterl at 12c. partmeats of trade g P p
such, sleep is busy with Its en• elf nine hours, One of the great- belt of Col Bliee, of Saginaw, and wanted
tpY Oonaeat ^and that of gEEUB• ore being vremaintained and the QtU D PRIM11 FUNiS.
g' wife to h s m in Toltalo today cid art pr to fco•ttli are coaaidered un•
#tA anointing Of every corpyscle est t meetings *ter held waa In SelwytL lfrddp; of Bay City, may lead aetCiaga wdth our dapgh meed clo#ai steady at $4.8U Junu us
° hrl t'tr 8o loan on heal Estate at IoweM
be arteries and every matsfulte at. s !t u¢ at twelve o'clock at to a Metier of reprisals by this gov tar: 13e not y§y-had aooeptod hem, lits hpli6ay trade at Victoria &ad o Interest.
entire h doral organism, egad „ tL' a Paa1 and 81fae could not "I did noE �o 1v, stn thin atwut °ry, 21.2c. ttrmer, at 86.06, and
P y ornsaout and Canada that will be fatal h y g , va r Is reported to Lave i»•a
tLLsaolhg .flnde the subjects of such $ _ TL record says they prayed to tkg present great voluUte of °om- il1Ut+ wltother hB N'a# a nobleman or March steady, at $5.70 bid, all per halt,
ie Brawn thea the bast t61L 68TAT6 AGENTS,
�pI,r rebuilt, reconstructed and' g Zees to God. They had me tlsteroousae between the a rUfftan. Ili *lighter was tstggrt, bushel. v(o(ua ta. �tws tLs holidrf s tm�al•! Personewiahin
Ibttd'of God Into new life, 0 ,A Idle girl of her trouble, and #we 00 The tmtuediate effect thotgrh, mad i know. le would know. --- S to Hall will do wall'
ourst there is an unrtghtenus t t they xre Imprisoned. They ,, What `tY) do. r tall pw,.
been n little on the slow ( to place their property on out HN
when J^r.ah, trying to ea• •ipbbed o, heir liberty, but not of tit,
w t0 Diose our markets ��gg m veld In Lia "� eaalt'r on Trails
1. ostt' duty, slept In the aides of bf• Moir pralmo Have d0 ail proluota'of Comedian &awmale, letter that hi' waa H. and that toy stet tar loads of CWdelmae for cal°, Rants nolle^ted.
you ever daughter would irradN'-Dtahtreal has Ahown nreceive- at the Coast from CONVEYANCING
*1%11# the Mediterranean was thought that sir. leesneon may be only .tihtatio mall@, but of all ever woof for any' involve[ the loan of much
!l bseausa of that prophetic turned into a rap •e, w communion other 1'rovigow of Comadii. Thin, it is thing. He eNd h0 had poor health
as when Columbus in file with God, a prepay on env heaven'[ untici fisted, wQtild ttatairah cause attrI w'as travelling tett ttttpeove it. r the rhock having thawed out Of all kinds promptly attended te-
P kdtq Y the tr'p and trot -n again. Pre-
Itstte; ash from bele up Remark the dtth: tall lneomnistM tl:o Can p turtbtr retullate b "Well, I bad a lot from my y$
B y daughter afterwat t70ne Ore being made for the INSURANCE,
gigetto, gave the ship in charge know far their conao tion that some ralntng tarithrl� W11Mtivo point d' l a had n8 ,northern trade wA'ch ie ex•Fl
-a adman and the crew, who, profile deep more rapt than others, on Ali America mets apd would married balm, 8h0 did trot AvetVe represent the leading F, a sa(I
t�ed , Sure
ted to be target
tibe•halnagemenf oI thM vxpc; as much In one hour a there do 1n result In a commercial war that would Paid of bats sora to to no et also �._--__ 1 Life Assurance covpanlas, sad.t'a'
went asleep and a lowed the two, and hence do not r re a° long practically stop all buying and selling said that she wattled to trtMlle t0 Can. It Is announced in manufacturing I spoetfully solicit your account,
ltrike on the banks of Et. a time in unconsciousness• a book across the border• rlogtumbermon ada on n weddl trip, as title thought rimttles bore that the German needle
oss;• when the aentlnei goes to on the subject of health) ago 1 however, believe that the Cantuilan air would do her line-
o at0ltn Bull will bead syn baa been revived, •
at -;e p et, endangering the caw [Ala fact stated by a bra4ed not caro to see hia.ttle}i+it jt.relatlaln gaud. They had some diamond 0uj _ OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. TO 9 P.IL
, its when the sinxgard, medical seleptlet: Some p le do with this country go g'l Intaering o nilnoa In Eouth Afrloa, though, and s-.. (—,-------------------
lshen nothing the day be, everything quick, they eat quit they t f I ttat6j want there on Uwlr waddingtour t BLYT� I
IllIn to sleep and will aceom,
➢tathttsg tate day atter he wakes
walk quick, they thunk quick, at
Count they deep quick. Ane can
"coup o a try o1,CJladimn
eau„ 1 aridaconsa �T
cgs' qu that the
Brl Government
look after their Interests.
r► Gorrmgtc'ra 1c.
Anrone.00l tea uketrh ens de.r+ipun,; rout
In eq, I e free w ether /n
loll a,ti
rs(NOnsoI W it tle a balm as
tt riot, . ti little sleep anttra
freta can go all tarn as minute as
away train to 80 minutes. People., f
will g despatcrioh
ftp with a round turn. The deepatuh
,6110 wailed from So wWtampton for
Africa. turd !t was lottlg
When Wien
i>aiambor and a little folding of
But 61010
temperaments ought not to e
Pact a whole
gelds that there io not the #fights;t
a atm@ bat
I heard from her. Them I
the children get their
feet lake
is the blood puri der known,
it's the nupremu remedy, Tor
CWato step,” At
thpto and amid the tfei!
night to do the work u
recuperation which slow temperament#
prospect of another meeting of the
Jdnt High Commission. This, it says,
dot a let,
ter osying that die had been ship.
wet and cold give them
A ht foot bath a bowl of hot
vw@W owners on the rgat taker,
dead alt heart troublein lllwankee.
Experien0e show@ that reo0@M !r deo
to ability than to seal. The wince
molal lams -can you Imagine any-
I+, move blesaedY it sleep, accord•
regn Instead of making It a mot-
ter Irrutation and alarm be o
canoes straight and from a #nfficlent
wrecked on a barren Sound. Everyone
was tort but herself and her
tlrink, a dose of Ayer's Cherry
Having assumed control of the above
r� aaoted and protanm Uterature,
of death, the morning
Lk n philosopher and set down
'tags 'ahbrevatlon of somnolence
tree a1Bo adds filet the modes
eendl on the Alaskan boundary will
her httlband and hb ■savant• Her
h0ebamd Med there
and put them to bed.
The chances aro they will be
named mills I sin prepared to supply
and deliver Flour and Feed to any
gtreshcd slumberers is a resat
ae are
_*totter of temperament. An hntmlope
tale to force for n number of years.
and slot returned
to England.
all right in the morning. Con-
ono^ the Che Pe tont few
y part
of the town at reasonable prices, Ask
- e t-noE to complain because It wag The Appetite of a Goat " - - --- ---------- ---- ------
es the first: nor an p pp For the last two years we have days, until all rccough has dia• your grocer for FINHILMOR6'A C. --!MILTON
. Insomnia spoken ofaln m y goo taaniterxthe a barnyardefo l ause It can Is ivied b all poor dyspeptics heard little from her, I tWiak maybe appeared. FAn11LY FLOUR it ie the best on the '
fI nit God, Here and there one Remark the The aged Insom- ,the ldalako[f stopped her letter&. It Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator.
whose tomes and Liver are cut of waa hard to write to her, too, for it Om coughs gra also cured; market. Land, Loan and Insurance A
V4 11Aep, and It comes the nista s stand that It their order. Il such should know that Dr, we mean the coughs of bran- Rent•
e It, ant departs at eyes are:h 9 they do not're• King's v Life Pillm, the wonderful W0 got a letter from her at one place chitty weak throats and Irritable GRISTING and CHOPPING done oil Office, on Queen street, Blyth. Urdrre
a *"fit$ it to go, as No- soba a ea nt "e once they did. Stomach ,d Liver Remedy,, ivas a and diel not answer qu:ak $ha'd be lunge, Even the herd coughs short notice, being a practical mil- left at Tn>t STAsosan office wlll r•I»tq
6 l g efts. She had a hones in New York,
Its wrote: "Diff ae• olmnon, Wirt" knowledge was splendid ap its, sound digestiai and a I of consumption aro always ler am sure to pleaeeyou, prompt attention,
aaR to tlty mad as io thousands of years ahead of him time, uaderetand, and was somaiims° at
I "A td Aatelrrapt In his wondrous description at aid age regular bodtl tabic that insures perfect Lon¢ BrenoA, made easy and frequently cured
pp,� health and t energy, only 25c at ' Wra bad a letter from a doctor by the continued use of GIYR 16 A TRiAL. 1 0. A. OOOKI, L.D.IL, D.D.D.
t a#ht,'J tty�4Rd recognises this fact. lie not only speaks J. M. Hemi t0 drug et Highest market u
rtes #b 4111 a It of the difficult of mastication on the g ore. some time ago, who salt he was treat- g price paid for all clan• Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Unit-
,, salt all A t part of the aged when he says, "The Ing my dao htor for an injury In the seg of wheat, varsity of Toronto, and graduate of tb
Iter ar ltrttoa%em A ItHI i. DF.I D• had received in a trip aHalaaa Royal College of Dental Surgootrro,
IgM grinders cease because they are few,,' head that
over has n kept awake and of the octogenarian's caution In - to Cairo. Afterward we heard from Auer
s ,A/ J fipecial attention paid to the reserva•
11 on hr tt of getting up a ladder or standing on a Broker Mobbed id '' Abused oa him again saying that &be Was list- yY, r 7. F i N N E MO R E tion of the natural teeth. 01�os over
+>� a I or tlposdt,`I shut scaffolding, saying, "They shall be London 8toelt xchunge• (•r. Than wa heard that ehl was worse, J. W. Bell's harness store, QU•ehalasst
1 the drawers, and T am asleep. 1 afraid of that which Is high," and London, Jan• 16.-.1 t graceful scene and last that she waa dead. I Blyth. Visits Auburn lot and aft
greys [dept a+sten I wanted rent speaks of the whiteness of the hair by occurred on the Stock i;xchan to. "I tibial; there's sauethin might
Most at wilt." But T think It comparing it to a tree that has white ge g 1 BLYTH. Mondays of such month,
day. Igllou Mr. Mq°hrgte ll0wfrlder, of queer about that girl's death. Where-----------------
lapas n'e evil that deep fit not binseonta, saying, "the almond tree Kaym girl's
Why didn't they Chetry T. J/ IIUCki�'rltEY, W. J. MILNEe g1.D.O.INit
!t t of a resolution, but a direct shall flourish;' and speaks of the the b. stock arok Sarni gat are t4lons Malakotts
You cannot purchase spinal cord, which is of the color of • Ilorzfelder, ew'ng conbltlerable Nott lake charge of her I I thkk maybe ry }}iI��tff► j Phytlic;nn, Surgeon and AoearoheuP.
ch gttan ler cr9ed nut: Olivet• and which relaxes in old age, York blminess, appesrel on the @ she bad some money and that s what's Earner atilt TUYl1YUo�ISI iI• D.O,M., surgonof wtbsre Its, -steep 1a nm giving the tremor to the head, saying, change, lie war mobbec, knocked do the matter. I am gang to look this University TrmI
"The sliver cord 'be loosed.•' But, he and kicked L•ecausa, as alleged, bast,. thing tip and get it all straight," lege; ALD'. Queens University; 1'il
kat';ake thin 4tvise sift ae 'n says of the aged, "He shall rise up refused to keep open the pince „f n Mr. Douglas will write to the Br1. Oral Choice Stork of low of trinity McVeal College, and
•f lssul'M • Year Mven,,or eight at tae voice of the bird" -that is, clerk employed by film who band vol• liah ambassador 'a Parts to forced. Tobaccos, Cigars and Pipes on hsutL member of College of Physicians Arad
bsisetjrtut �acaAscloAsaett0 is "beat half -Part four In the summer unteertxi for service in South Africa. late the cans. Hs will ask him to Aolaxr vox Tea Ruroeons of Ontario. Coroner for�.,tta
llf et conttnuvua,and Dane, an appropriate hour for the bird Mr. Honfelder was as severely ill -need find out if the girl lett. any money Every doctor knows that wild iTIBIBtAN NT FOR taA0ltD1f counts of Huron. Offio•, one dews
op ' Praise tate Lard to lige, for he floes to his nest or that he tainted, and when he recov- or valuables, and w71 try to secure cherry bark is the best remedy ____ north of the Commercial hotel, Quess
11 react one in a year! Arti• bough nt balf-past seven in the even. Bred he was agattt maltreated. Even- what he can. of him, daughter's belong• known to medical science for 60 YEARS' street, Blyth.
past be turas ig by he been But the human mac�ism has taally he wag revelled from his nen U• tags• soothingand healing inflamed I
batt n1% lie
Nsep is M, been so arranged that after It -Inas been ante, throats nd lunge, EXPCRIENCE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY.
�, para, 4 Catttel►gtiri'}hat `fie running a while a change takes place Glorious News , GRAND AND K RA BBA Y.
man mis. and Instead of the almost perpetual He Fooled the Surgeons, oboes from Dr, D, H. Cgrgilo, of c� oils �WINGRAN
It • sleondt Consider among ` C SOUTH xOnTf►
sleep of the lube and th0 nine hours
the robbers of our• AH doctors told Renick Hamilton, of �Vaabite, 1'1'. Ile writes; 1 kPour bot•
foil the
e mind4 e, noun will do Ayer's 1 6 59 ton
1Vingham its 1) piek, 11
at ehta mercy. rte slum• ter the aged, and "he shill rise up at Want Jefferson, 0., after suffering i8 Iles of Yaentria Bitters ban cored Airs. Dr•
wdaone doctrine has been the voice of the bird,' months from Rectal Fistula, he would Brewvr of scrofula, which had caused (i 6,i 8 18 1VinI hum Jc i ( 07 }
ap this subv'06 h Thomas Remark the sevehth Insomnia is dill unless a costly operation was r her rent Suffering for years. Terrible Moral °
goof` a4vlce wbeq he raid liv g Q Cherry Tttaox Matins 7 01 8 8) Rrlgravo 10 as
�tiiy to INtgtAea o r d f •probably a warning that you had formed; but be cured himself with flue am•eA would break t gar on her h d 1
heave tiara tke nig�tiLe setter
*gT that. thoiYrh thr}, ,+f,i those
;it at ni bb t opernicps gated to
II t mill
moderate your wo,k, stoat of boxer
tngaged in emploYmentA that aurcet
dl nerve and btaill are tempted sieve
omit 'tart,
of $naklen'e Arnica Salve, the
Pile Core al ear[h, and file itmet
is tie world. aha a box, Sold
ea not
tact, ant, the best rloctoM c0u11 civ" n°
hrip; Etc, lar( curs Ir couitdete and her
a ,
henith is exrellogt. !Lig shows
r► Gorrmgtc'ra 1c.
Anrone.00l tea uketrh ens de.r+ipun,; rout
In eq, I e free w ether /n
loll a,ti
' t8 p +, V, ,I 16 41 7
i . i 8 :•, I,ondasIII, a T
t •,e.� .,
7 47 4 2:i Cd fro 11 p,
tib and Grilleo ib
ehti e4 ears, Tea, but lesoness
necessary end aieep
calls a halt' Sven their by
J. X Hamilton, Druggist.
thousands have proved -that Electric
Bitters best
n".ona"n 1. vn,h.hh r,tentnl l ( , Im-
,,i e't ,til , k t ntont.
b CtU 0 25 hon n 6 t iv i :•
was they Were all star bLtn• Joshua
hires to a° Sir
t aide, tho t
ytt latinter,
B' F. yka garald, ant OI the larg-
is the blood puri der known,
it's the nupremu remedy, Tor
tills low novisomit
,it tree Uldeet esaten to .e,m, u,u u+tc .l e.
P/lents au,en tbraanh Mnu„ a (o. tecelr•
g fe
BLYT8 td�r'O it10
*4 Oft that for hosting taking
robabty they d
ff,:' 1 n t waa made tat must
�woil lntp a ■titdgnt M
s walk with a ad; mot a est
pastoAt bey and geld, t la
as hOW ant
, 4eepe8 the tipteratg
MY IAhat 11multes.' no sun• low
vw@W owners on the rgat taker,
dead alt heart troublein lllwankee.
Experien0e show@ that reo0@M !r deo
to ability than to seal. The wince
tetter, telt rheum, ulcers, boils an
n unin sores, It, etirriniates liver,
g Q
kidneyB and L0a'elA, r xllcle pola0ne
!t ' d I '
sew have some of mat amt•
at ➢h9va4ne to the jVltnanee etatse.
IIns/naterponvntne/ Pao lune.ir.tl.
ata. amineotir et them ter Nlrinf )rte
`e sol not as wunnntasarre, mth°
Q .
��� ��"�I���
a hana.om-II IllastateA wxtl/. Iter e.L SIP
Non of any denttga Vnrnnl. , n,M,"a
noUttgt ddu01l! A,IG iO ritlT p,y
Mails Artlwgi^+Froes Avrth tlegQ a, n► a
and 9.00 fife; fliegth�••1U,43 a _- 7
7 � iMtf
g tt lamp. owned . • 1 igestioti, I'itl tis n tote Oi n th. I adrla0. write tree r . I's • p $t role bell n.w.aed nD.
ed ` I w y ted ry vg4tmrt r its ►rbc glvse ldlsu•It Mf baba wtlrk tiald h k, RamiBton 'sruanviraa irai or°°.'t c. Ar� ar: h.or meet .. ,
r �61alrwd mote t to w gtat►t NJ t it "SIM body sed ge ll.•-ekatlest )>las ' }iy i0 conte. y p, l , , y Q�� gngt.dea.1�1p p t)tailm ole, •{io.ag Kt►rEh-•10.
a Ottl J t ty�ol,iiuNST4.w&eatitiiit�dK" t g1•
r t: Druggist, (insraUEced, Loweu,Mae/. a11d : !f,
Y, l9etatj,"fl.,
tti - _ r •.
{: +. �, ,
�3 N 4 �t „� `8f`t`' Lt a Mr. '� 5 n *�k ° n „ I
r,f,. t,. `w -<i �„�. .meq i3„..x.�`{ 3•11� - TN .f . `s t
; „ ' ”- ti_. tit. _ " t om ,. I .. � .
" .� • n. a-
- , .
.v r
( Y%ems